George Müller (1805 – 1898)
Biography of
The Man of Faith
A biography of one of the greatest prayer-warriors
of the past century
GEORGE MULLER is literally the "man God made." In his youth there was
no religious background. He lived without thought of God or righteousness
until suddenly awakened to his need of God's transforming fellowship. He
tasted sin's bitter dregs in youth, only to know in manhood that God was
"able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all" he thought or asked.
The miracle of his life comes not from a heritage rich in religious values. The key is to be found in the fact that George in his youth opened all
avenues of his being to the divine infilling. Henceforth he was a man who
lived with eternity in view.
He looked, after the shadow of God's glory rested upon him, beyond time
and saw God. Henceforth he was never again to ask man for body or soul
needs. He realized that God alone was able, and in that realization the
puny supplies of man dwarfed beside the reservoirs of God's grace which
he tapped by faith.
He learned the secret of getting things from God, the simple expedient of
boldly coming to the throne to receive. He practiced this daily for
seventy-three years, and in coming he never found the throne vacant nor
the supplies exhausted. He learned not to bind God by the limits of his
own faith. He asked, knowing that God, Who heard, was able.
He has been called the apostle of faith. The narrative of God's dealings
with him has been termed the life of trust. But I think of him as the man
God made. He portrays to the highest degree God in life making. Viewed
in light of his sinful youth this becomes God in remaking life.
Let us trace the hand of God through this long career of ninety-three years,
eight months and five days, seventy-three years and almost two months of
which were walked hand in hand with God.
George was a native of Prussia, born at Kroppenstaedt, on September 27,
1805. Little is known of his first five years, but in 1810 the family moved
four miles away where his father became collector of the excise, a form of
tax placed upon business houses and individuals for certain privileges. For
the next eleven years the Mullers lived at Heimersleben.
"My father," writes George Muller, "who educated his children on
worldly principles, gave us much money, considering our age. The result
was that it led my brother and me into many sins. Before I was ten years
old I repeatedly took of the government money which was entrusted to
my father...till one day...he detected my theft, by depositing a counted
sum in the room where I was, and leaving me to myself for awhile. I took
some of the money and hid it under my foot in my shoe."
But his father was not to be outdone, for he soon detected the loss, and on
searching George found the money. But punishment did not change
George's tactics, for repeatedly he stole the government money.
"Though I was punished on this and other occasions, yet I did not
remember that made any other impression upon me than to
make me think how I might do the thing the next time more cleverly."
When George was between ten and eleven he was sent to Halberstadt to
prepare for the university. His father desired that he should train for the
Lutheran ministry. "Not that thus I might serve God, but that I might have
a comfortable living," says Mr. Muller writing many years later. Instead of
studying as he should, he spent his time reading low class novels and
indulging in sinful practices.
When fourteen years of age a tragedy marked his life in the form of his
mother's death. The night she was dying, George, being unaware of her
illness, was playing cards, and the next day, which was Sunday, went to a
tavern with some of his sinful companions. On the following day he
received his first religious instruction previous to being confirmed. Thus
you see his was an early life devoid of any religious training. Even this
first religious instruction was received in a careless manner. He was a
light-hearted sinful youth who drank of worldly pleasures to satiation.
His mother's death made no lasting impression upon him. Three or four
days before his confirmation, which admitted him to partake of the Lord's
Supper, he committed a gross immorality. So deceitful had he become that
he could not play square with the minister who confirmed him. "I handed
over to him only the twelfth part of the fee which my father had given me
for him," he remarks, delineating the downward course of his sins.
"In this state of heart, without prayer, without repentance, without faith,
without knowledge of the plan of salvation, I was confirmed, and took the
Lord's Supper, on the Sunday after Easter, 1820...Yet I was not without
some feeling...I made resolutions to turn from those vices in which I was
living and to study more. But as I had no regard for God, and attempted
the thing in my own strength, all soon came to nothing, and I still grew
The following year when his father was transferred to Schoenebeck,
George asked to attend the cathedral school at Magdeburg, which was
close by. Before attending school in November, he stayed at the home
place, superintending some alterations in it and reading the classics with a
clergyman named Dr. Nagel. While left thus alone, he collected the money
owed his father and spent it upon his sinful pleasures.
In November of 1821, he took a trip to Magdeburg, where for six days he
spent his time in "much sin." Taking all the money he could obtain by
various ruses he traveled to Brunswick, and lived for a week at an
expensive hotel. Money gone, he tried the same trick at a nearby village
hotel, where the owner suspecting that he had no money asked him to
leave his best clothes as security.
This time he walked about six miles to Wolfenbuttel and at an inn began to
live as though he had much money. But this proved to be the
sixteen-year-old boy's undoing, for when he sought to escape from a high
window he was caught. Confessing the truth, he expected mercy, but there
was none.
Immediately he was arrested and taken to a police officer, and later to jail
as a vagabond or thief. "I now found myself, at the age of sixteen, an
inmate of the same dwelling with thieves and murderers, and treated
accordingly.... On the second day I asked the keeper for a Bible, not to
consider its blessed contents, but to pass away the time," George relates.
For twenty-four days — from December 18 to January 12 — he was
confined to the prison. His father obtained his release by paying the inn
debt and his maintenance at the jail, also furnishing enough money for the
lad to return home.
In October, 1822, he entered a school at Nordhausen, where he remained
for two and a half years studying with diligence the Latin classics, French
history, German literature, as well as a little Hebrew, Greek and
mathematics. "I used to rise regularly at four, winter and summer, and
generally studied all the day, with little exception, till ten at night." His
serious life caused him to be held up as an example to the class.
"I did not," he writes, "care in the least about God, but lived secretly in
much sin, in consequence of which I was taken ill, and for thirteen weeks
confined to my room. During my illness I had no real sorrow of heart...I
cared nothing about the Word of God. I had about three hundred books of
my own, but no Bible."
His was a student life which found pleasure in the classics, but one devoid
of love for the higher things of religion. "I practically," he affirms
plumbing the depths of his youthful irreligion, "set a far higher value upon
the writings of Horace and Cicero, Voltaire and Moliere, than upon the
volume of inspiration."
Now and then tinges of conscience would prick his soul and he would
determine to be better, "particularly when I went to the Lord's
Supper...The day previous to attending that ordinance I used to refrain
from certain things; and on the day itself I was serious...But after one or
two days were over, all was forgotten, and I was as bad as ever."
George was a dissipated youth who spent the money his father furnished,
as the other prodigals did, in riotous living. Once when his funds were
exhausted, he pretended his money had been stolen, and forcing the lock
on his trunk and guitar case, he went to the director's room half dressed,
telling the story of the supposed theft. This trick aroused sympathy for
him, for as an actor his tale seemed to ring true.
When twenty he became a member of the University of Halle with
excellent testimonials, and was granted the privilege of preaching in the
Lutheran Establishment. Here he began to realize that unless he reformed,
no church would have him as its clergyman and his rating in this
profession would be handicapped. He looked upon the clergy as a means
of gaining a livelihood, and not as a service.
"I thought," he says, "no parish would choose me as their pastor...and
without a considerable knowledge of divinity I should never get a good
living. But the moment I entered Halle...all my resolutions came to
nothing...I renewed my profligate life afresh, though now a student of
divinity...I had no sorrow of heart on account of offending God."
One day in his evil career he met a fellow student by the name of Beta,
who formerly had tried to live a Christian life, but whose efforts caused
Muller to despise him. "It now appeared well to me to choose him as my
friend, thinking that, if I could but have better companions, I should by
that means improve my own conduct."
George guessed wrong this time — for Beta was a backslider! And Beta
sought out George's friendship believing that he would thus be introduced
to the pleasures which his wilder companion seemed to enjoy.
God was at work, for it was through Beta that George's redemption was
to take place. It was a friendship that the studious, though profligate,
youth needed, but it was the transforming friendship of God, and not of a
young man who walked far behind his religious privileges.
"My foolish heart was again deceived," declares Mr. Muller. "And yet
God in His abundant mercy made him...the instrument of doing me good,
not merely for time, but for eternity."
Debauchery demanded its pay and George took seriously ill. His "conduct
was outwardly rather better." But this betterment, he avows, came about
not because of religious but financial reasons. His money was too limited
to meet the toll demanded by an evil life. In August of 1825, he and Beta,
along with two other students, borrowed enough money on their
belongings to travel through Prussia for a few days, which resulted in a
desire to see nature's grander moods in Switzerland.
The lads were confronted by a lack of money and no passports. But the
ingenious George soon eliminated these obstacles by borrowing on their
books and other possessions, and through false and forged letters from
their parents he obtained the passports.
Wickedness was so ingrained in George's system that even on this trip he
was a common thief. "I was on this journey like Judas," George confesses,
"for having the common purse, I was a thief. I managed so that the journey
cost me but two-thirds of what it cost my friends..."
On returning to Prussia the youth visited home, where his old
determination to alter his mode of living sprang up again. But when
vacation days were over, and new students came to the university, and
with money in his pockets once more, he drifted back into his foreboding
But those sin-darkened days were near an end. God in His inscrutable
manner had planned a meeting where the divine hand should begin
remaking the life that sin had marred. The same friend Beta with whom he
had sinned was to be God's instrument in bringing George into the glorious
light of the Gospel. Sin's night was almost over and the daydawn of grace
was about to burst with transforming beauty over the youth's soul.
"The divine Hand in this history is doubly plain," writes A. T. Pierson in
his biography of George Muller, "when we see that this was also the
period of preparation for his lifework...During the next ten years we shall
watch the divine Potter, to Whom George Muller was a chosen vessel for
service, molding and fitting the vessel for His use. Every step is one of
"The time was now come when God would have mercy upon me," says
Mr. Muller reviewing his soul-blighting course of iniquity. "At a time
when I was as careless about Him as ever, He sent His Spirit into my
heart. I had no Bible and had not read one for years. I went to church but
seldom; but, from custom, I took the Lord's Supper twice a year. I had
never heard the gospel preached. I had never met with a person who told
me that he meant, by the help of God, to live according to the Holy
Scriptures. In short, I had not the least idea that there were any persons
really different from myself."
Mr. Muller had come to the parting of the ways No more was the prodigal
to wander after life's dried and sinful husks, but was to walk the backward
trail to Father's home, where as a son most blessed he was henceforth to
live for God's glory.
This is our last look at the sinful youth, for sin and he no longer had a
common set of values.
"I HAD never either seen anyone on his knees, nor had I ever myself
prayed on my knees," confesses Mr. Muller. Up till this time his life had
been one with little prayer in it. He had not learned the glory that comes
from asking God for life's blessings. When he saw a man on his knees, the
entire course of his career was changed. He found at last the things for
which sinful youth, when driven by religious impulses, had quested.
One Saturday afternoon about the middle of November, 1825, when
George was twenty, he and Beta took a walk in the open fields. On
returning Beta asked George to attend a cottage meeting with him, which
he had been in the habit of attending each Saturday evening at the home of
a Christian.
"And what do they do at this meeting?" asked George.
'They read the Bible, sing a few hymns, pray and someone reads a printed
"No sooner had I heard this than it was to me as if I had found something
after which I had been seeking all my life long," says our hero. "We went
together in the evening. As I did not know the manners of believers, and
the joy they had in seeing poor sinners...caring about the things of God, I
made an apology for coming."
"Come as often as you please; house and heart are open to you," returned
Mr. Wagner, a Christian tradesman, in whose house the meeting was held.
The group sat down and sang a hymn, which was followed by a prayer
offered by one of the brothers present, named Kayser — later becoming a
missionary to Africa under the London Missionary Society — who called
upon God for His blessings to fall on the meeting.
That kneeling in prayer made a lasting impression upon Muller. Off their knees, Kayser read to the company a chapter from the Bible, and
then a printed sermon, since it was not lawful for a layman to expound the
Scriptures in Prussia. When the benidictory hymn had been sung, the
believers again went to their knees, to be led this time in prayer by
"I could not pray as well," thought George, as he listened to the
tradesman's eloquent pleas, "though I am much more learned than this
illiterate man."
He was truly happy for the first time in his life. "If I had been asked why
I was happy, I could not have clearly explained it," Muller notes long after
he had learned the joy of praying.
Homeward bound George said to his friend Beta, "All we have seen on our
journey to Switzerland, and all our former pleasures, are as nothing in
comparison with this evening."
At home again the young man fell upon his knees. When it came time to
sleep, George says, "I lay peaceful and happy in my bed."
He had little doubt that God began a work of grace in his heart, a deep
sense of joy springing up with scarcely any sorrow or with but little
knowledge. The work of divine grace had been done and henceforth the
young man is to walk the path of the just which shines with
ever-increasing brightness until it ends in the perfect day.
His was a changed life. He read the Scriptures and not the classics as
formerly, praying often, and attended church as prompted by divine love
within. At the university he stood on the side of Christ, and gladly paid
the price of being laughed at by his fellow students for his religious fervor.
In January of 1826 he was moved by spiritual ardor to become a
missionary, through reading missionary papers, and by meeting Hermann
Ball, a learned and wealthy young man, who worked in Poland among the
Jews as a missionary.
"I truly began to enjoy," says Mr. Muller, "the peace of God which
passeth all understanding." And off went a letter to Father and Mother
Muller entreating them to seek the Lord, for they too could be as happy as
he. But an angry letter was their answer, for his father desired that he
should stop all his nonsense and get to work making out of himself an
accepted minister...a clergyman with a good living, who would be able to
support his parents in their old age.
At the same time the famous Dr. Tholuck took the chair of divinity at the
University, and this godly man drew pious students to him. From the
professor George received a strengthening influence. At once he
determined to be free from his parents, to receive no more money from
them, and to trust solely in the Lord for his needs.
God was not long in supplying the temporal needs of this trusting student,
for Tholuck shortly recommended him to a group of American professors
who did not understand German, to teach them the language. "Thus did
the Lord richly make up to me the little which I had relinquished for His
sake," says Mr. Muller.
Though a divinity student, he had not yet preached. His first sermon was
a severe trial, for he attempted to carry it through on his own strength. A
schoolmaster arranged for him to speak in the parish of an aged clergyman,
and on August 27, 1826, he went out and spoke at the morning service,
having written and memorized his message. The delivery brought no
unusual blessing from the Lord. In the afternoon there was another service
at which he could speak more freely than in the morning.
"It came to my mind to read the fifth chapter of Matthew, and to make
such remarks as I was able...Immediately upon beginning to expound
'Blessed are the poor in spirit,' I felt myself greatly assisted; and whereas
in the morning my sermon had not been simple enough for the people to
understand it, I now was listened to with the greatest attention...My own
peace and joy were great." This endeavor launched him on a preaching
career, which henceforth was to be a simple exposition of the Scriptures.
From this course he never deviated throughout his many years as a public
servant of the Master.
As a divinity student he fell into the common error of reading books about
the Bible but not reading the Bible itself. "I practically preferred for the
first four years of my divine life the works of uninspired men," he
confesses. "The consequence was that I remained a babe, both in
knowledge and grace."
Since the ministers were themselves unenlightened spiritually there was
little in the sermons to feed his soul. Though he regularly went to church,
when not preaching, yet he scarcely ever heard the truth, he affirms, "for
there was no enlightened clergyman in the town." He often walked ten or
fifteen miles to hear a godly minister expound the Word.
The one bright spot in the week was the meeting in Johann Wagner's
home, where he had been spiritually awakened. George also attended a
Sunday meeting of religious students, which increased from six to twenty
during the time he was at Halle.
He soon took another significant step, which brought him into contact
with an orphanage work, later to be the model of his own orphanages. For
two months he lived in the free lodgings furnished for divinity students in
the famous Orphan Houses built by A. H. Franke. More than a hundred
years earlier Franke had been led to establish an orphanage in entire
dependence upon God. Though Franke had died in 1727, the work
continued through faith. This became an inspiration to Muller and often he
records how much he was indebted to the example of trust and prayer
which Franke exhibited.
In August of the same year (1827) when George was twenty-two, he
heard that the Continental Society in England planned to send a
missionary to Bucharest, to assist an aged missionary in his work. After
much prayer Mr. Muller offered himself to Dr. Tholuck, who had been
requested to find a suited minister for his service.
"Most unexpectedly," writes this fervent soul, "my father gave his
consent...I prayed with a degree of earnestness concerning my future
work." But God intervened, for this was not the divine will for Muller. The war between the Turks and the Russians caused the society to
abandon the idea.
With the outreaching of his soul, the young minister was seeking the field
for his life's investment. While there was a ringing challenge to be a
missionary, he was never permitted to serve in this capacity, since God
had other plans for his life. He had become interested in the Hebrew
language to which he was devoting much study.
On November 17, he called upon Dr. Tholuck, who learning of this
interest in the youth's life, asked, "Would you like to serve as a
missionary to the Jews?" The professor went on to say that he was
connected with the London Missionary Society for Promoting
Christianity among the Jews.
"I was struck with the question," declares Mr. Muller, "and told him what
had passed in my mind.
A divine miracle with far-reaching results was about to occur in Muller's
experience from which directly sprang his life's work. Oftentimes God
indirectly leads one to the fields of his service, which was to be the case
with George. God wanted this youth in England where his sphere of
influence was to be centered.
When Tholuck learned that his young student was interested in the Jews,
he at once wrote to the London Society suggesting Muller's name as a
candidate. In March, 1828, the Society answered asking the candidate a
number of questions, and on June 13 a letter came saying that they would
take George as a missionary student for six months on probation.
There was one proviso, meaningful and life determining. He must come to
London...for God wanted George Muller's fame to spread throughout the
world from this English-speaking nation. Germany had her Franke and
England must also have her Muller, apostle of faith.
There was a formidable obstacle. Every Prussian man must serve three
years in the army; and classical students who had passed the university
examinations were forced to serve only one year. Muller had not yet
received his army training, and without an exemption he could not obtain a
passport to leave the country. His application for exemption was denied,
and Muller felt much depressed because of the denial. But God had plans
for this exemption.
While in Leipsic with an American professor for whom he was serving as
tutor in German, between acts at the opera George took some iced
refreshments which caused him to become sick. This resulted in a broken
blood vessel in his stomach. Being advised by friends to go to Berlin, he
found an open door for preaching to wards in the poorhouse and in the
On February 3, 1829, he was re-examined for the army, and because of his
stomach trouble was declared physically unfit for service, and hence
exempted. Immediately he received his passport and set sail for London
where he arrived on March 19.
While waiting for his missionary appointment in London, he heard friends
speak of a dentist, a Mr. Groves, who gave up a salary of $7,500 a year to
be a missionary to Persia, simply trusting in God for temporal supplies.
"This made an impression on me," Muller affirms, "that I not only marked
it down in my journal, but also wrote about it to my German friends."
Again God was gently leading Muller into a life of trust. His old trouble
struck again and for weeks he despaired of his life. "I longed exceedingly to
depart and be with Christ," he says.
1"O Lord," he prayed while on his sick bed, "do with me as seemeth best"
— a prayer which was slowly answered. For God permitted his servant to
linger in sickness that his soul might learn a new lesson in trust.
A few days later he went to Tiegnmouth to recuperate. Here the Ebenezer
chapel was reopened and Mr. Muller had the privilege of living for ten
days with the preacher. It was during this brief stay that God taught him
the true meaning of the Bible. "God began to show me," he writes, "that
His Word alone is our standard of judgment; that it can be explained only
by the Holy Spirit; and that in our day, as well as in former times, He is
the teacher of the people."
These few days seemed unmeaningful in building Muller's life career until
this lesson appears. For the Bible became, from then on, the true source of
his inspiration, and the one book to which he was solely devoted, which
proved to be a pivot in the upward climb of George's soul.
He delineates how he tested the Bible truth by experience. "The Lord
enabled me to put it to the test of experience, by laying aside
commentaries, and almost every other book, and simply reading the word
of God and studying it. The result of this was that the first evening I shut
myself into my room to give myself to prayer and meditation over the
Scriptures, I learned more in a few hours than I had done during a period of
several months previously." He goes on to add, "But the particular
difference was that I received real strength for my soul in doing so."
This brief stay in the country worked the design of God into his spiritual
pilgrimage, for henceforth through meditation upon the Bible and prayer
he was to commit his ways unto the Lord. Near the end of his life he
affirmed that he had read the Bible through approximately two hundred
times, one hundred of which were on his knees. This is the keynote of that
marvelous life of trust. He found God's promises in the Bible and
experienced the truth of them in his everyday life. He learned to believe
what he read and to act accordingly. He mined religious truth, not from
books of human fabrication, but from God through divine inspiration, and
what he read he lived.
God is now ready to thrust Muller forth into his vineyard a full-fledged
apostle of trust. Yet there is another lesson he is to experience before God
can use him to the fullest extent. He must learn to tell not man but God his
needs and to believe God will supply them. Around the bend in his career
this lesson is next in God's book of life for Muller to master.
THE REST at Devonshire acted as a tonic to Muller's worn body, but the
greatest blessing came to his soul. His prayer had been that God would
bless the journey to the benefit of body and soul. "In the beginning of
September (1829) I returned to London, much better in body, and as to
my soul, the change was so great that it was like a second conversion."
At once he must find something to do for the Master. He decided to start a
prayer meeting for the seminary students, by calling them together for
devotions from six until eight each morning. His soul became so enrapt
with the joy of prayer after these services that throughout the day he
lingered long before God's throne. Often in the evening at family devotions
he would continue until midnight praying, in the morning to awake and call
the students to the six o'clock meeting again.
Becoming impatient at his missionary inactivity, he asked the Society to
allot him work to do among the Jews, but when the letter brought no
response he started his labors, whether officially appointed or not. He
distributed tracts, taught a Sunday school class of Jewish boys with about
fifty in attendance, and read the Bible to them.
While waiting to be sent out into God's work by man, Mr. Muller was led
by the Spirit to feel that this waiting for appointment was wrong; that
instead he should receive orders only from the Holy Spirit as Paul and
Barnabas were sent forth. He wrote the Society while spending the
Christmas vacation with some friends at Devon, and frankly stated his
He offered to labor without salary, with the proviso that they permit him
to work wherever the Lord might direct.
His faith began to look beyond man to God for spiritual direction as well
as for physical needs. This was a forward step in his soul pilgrimage. It
was a lesson in trust that the young disciple must experience before God
was ready to use him. He had previously been convinced though a stranger
in England he need have no anxiety for his temporal needs — "as long as I
really sought to serve the long as I sought the kingdom of God
and his righteousness, these my temporal wants would be added unto me."
Through reading the Bible promises had been emblazoned on his memory,
and these promises he believed to be sources of divine supply. In making
this life altering decision he found the following verses of special import:
"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall
be opened unto you." (Matthew 7:7)
"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, they will I do, that the Father may
be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it." (John 14:13, 14).
"Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or
what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life
more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for
they sow not...yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better
than they?" (Matthew 6: 25 – 26).
Strengthened by these gracious words his faith leaped forth — he need
trust no longer in man when God had bid him come and receive.
The answer from the Society arrived late in January of 1830, stating that
his connection with them was at an end. While this door of being a
missionary to the Jews was closed, God was opening another into which
he was to step. In his twenty-fifth year he looked out upon the world as a
field of service and was willing to be led — as well as fed — by the Spirit.
He remained in the South of Devon preaching wherever an opportunity
came. The Ebenezer Chapel was among the places he visited. On New
Year's day, 1831, he attended services at the chapel where he spoke on the
difference between a Christian and a happy Christian, "and showed them
whence it generally comes that we rejoice so little in the Lord."
He was requested to bring an afternoon message, and at its close it was
suggested that he begin a series of ten o'clock morning messages on the
book of Romans. During these morning meetings the Ebenezer
congregation asked that he become their pastor. The group on this point
was not unanimous. "Some of them left and never returned; some left, but
returned after a while; others came to the chapel who had not been in the
habit of attending previous to my coming," Mr. Muller affirms.
There was no little stir in the congregation because of the services "of this
foreigner," as some of them expressed it. Some delighted in the food for
their souls, caring little about the form, but others bitterly opposed the
work of Christ. "There was," Muller writes, "in addition to this, a great
stir, a spirit of inquiry, and a searching of the Scriptures...And what is
more than all, God set his seal upon the work in converting sinners.
Twelve weeks I stood in this position, whilst the Lord graciously supplied
my temporal wants, through two brethren, unasked for."
After this the whole little church, eighteen in number, extended a call for
him to become their permanent pastor. The brethren were generous in their
financial offer, stating the salary to be £55, or $275 a year. 1
[(1)An English pound in this connection represents approximately $5.00,
and in this book is used on such a basis]
While waiting on the Lord to give His answer to the call, for he had desired
to travel from place to place preaching the gospel, Muller received a new
light on baptism. He was preaching at Sidmouth in April, when three
ladies asked his opinion on the subject.
"I do not think that I need to be baptized again," he replied.
"But have you been baptized?" one asked.
"Yes, when I was a child."
"Have you ever read the Scriptures and prayed with reference to the
Mr. Muller had to admit that he had not.
"Then," one of them said, "I entreat you never to speak any more about it
till you have done so."
This searcher after light took these remarks to heart and when he had
diligently read such passages as Acts 8:36 – 38 and Romans 6:3–6, he said,
"I saw that believers only are the proper subjects for baptism, and that
immersion is the only true Scriptural mode in which it ought to be
attended to." Accordingly he was immersed.
It was during the same summer that on reading the Bible it seemed
Scriptural "and according to the example of the Apostles (Acts 20:7) to
break bread every Lord's day, though there is no commandment given to
do so either by the Lord, or by the Holy Ghost through the apostles."
From reading Ephesians 4 and Romans 12 he also reached the conclusion
that there should be given a place in their meetings for brethren to speak
freely, either to testify, exhort, or teach, as the Holy Spirit led them.
God was gradually leading Mr. Muller to trust the Scriptures for guidance
in matters of conscience. By yielding in minor things, he found it not
difficult to yield and obey in the realm of trusting God for all his
supplies...a decision which was soon to be made.
He was about to take an important step in his life, the selection of a
companion. The guidance of God in this action was sought diligently
through prayer and Bible reading. Friends had told him when he first
landed in England of Mr. Groves, the Exeter dentist, who had given up an
excellent salary to be a missionary. In the course of his preaching he met
Mary Groves, the missionary's sister, and after a short courtship, much
prayer and meditation upon the matter, they were married on October 7 in
a simple ceremony at the home of a friend. And for more than forty years
God blessed this union.
"She was a rare woman and her price was above rubies," writes A. T.
Pierson. "The heart of her husband trusted in her and the great family of
orphans who were to her as children rise up even to this day to call her
Shortly before his marriage the thought of a stated salary worriedMr. Muller, for he felt that his should be a life of trust in God and not in the
promise of the brethren. He found three reasons why he should give up a
fixed remuneration.
1. A salary implies a fixed sum, generally made up of pew rents. But
according to James 2:1 – 6, "pew rents are against the mind of the
2. A fixed pew rent may at times become a burden to the follower of
Christ and Mr. Muller did not wish to lay the smallest straw in the
way of the church's spiritual progress.
3. The whole system of pew rents and salary are liable to become a snare
to the minister, in that he works for hire rather than for spiritual
At the end of October, within a month after his marriage, he announced to
the Teignmouth congregation that henceforth he would receive no regular
salary, and would trust wholly in the Lord for his needs. He asked that a
box be placed in the chapel where whoever desired to help him might leave
his offering. Henceforth he was to ask no one, "not even my beloved
brethren and sisters, to help me...For unconsciously I had been led to trust
in an arm of flesh, going to man instead of going to the Lord at once."
Shortly afterward he and his wife were impressed with the text, "Sell that
ye have and give alms," and literally were led to obey the command. "Our
staff and support in this matter," he affirms when the great test came,
"were Matthew 6:19 – 34 and John 14:13,14. We leaned on the arm of the
Lord Jesus."
From that time on never once did Mr. Muller and his wife regret taking
this step. Tests of faith were soon to come, as they came throughout
Muller's long Christian career-trek; but he leaned heavily on the Master's
strong arm, knowing full Ëwell that if God clothed the sparrows, fed and
housed them, He would not forsake him. This was to be a walk of faith
and not of sight, and the servant was to learn the lesson of trust through
the school of experience.
During the first year the Lord dealt gently with his followers. Mr. Muller
exults in saying, "He did not try our faith much at the commencement, but
gave us first encouragement, and allowed us to see His willingness to help
us before He was pleased to try it more fully." When the year closed the
young minister was able to affirm that the Lord had "richly supplied all
our temporal wants, though at the commencement we had no certain
human prospect of a single shilling, so that..,we have not been in the
smallest degree a loser in acting according to the dictates of conscience. The Lord dealt bountifully with me, and has condescended to use me as an
instrument in doing His work."
The year 1831 was to be one of testing Muller's faith, for many times
there was not a single shilling left in the house, though at the proper
moment faith's reward came in the form of money and supplies.
One morning when their money had been reduced to eight shillings (about
$2.00, a shilling equaling approximately 25c), Muller asked the Lord for
money. For four hours the preacher waited but still no reply. Then a lady
came to the house.
"Do you want any money?" she asked.
Faith was tested, yet remained triumphant, and the minister replied, "I
told the brethren, dear sister, when I gave up my salary, that I would for
the future tell the Lord only about my wants."
"But," she replied, reaching for her purse, "He has told me to give you
some money," laying in his hand two guineas.
For three days in the first of January, on the 6th, 7th and 8th, real testings
came when their money was exhausted. Muller prayed faithfully, and one
day the devil assaulted him severely, causing the minister almost to decide
that he had gone too far in this way of trust. Then came faith's victory and
the devil fled. As he returned to his room he found that a sister in the Lord
had brought in about eleven dollars. "So the Lord triumphed and our faith
was strengthened."
Once the minister's faith was anxious when he saw a brother open the
chapel box, for he was in dire need of money. He would not ask the
brother for what came in, since he often stated in the pulpit, "I desire to
look neither to man nor the box, but to the living God." Muller resorted to
prayer, asking the Lord to incline the man's heart to bring the money.
Shortly the box money was given him, amounting to one pound, eight
shillings and sixpence.
God was gradually leading the young minister to test His promises and see
whether they were true. On February 14 there was very little money in
the parsonage purse, when Muller resorted to prayer, asking God to
supply. "The instant," Muller testifies, "I got up from my knees a brother
gave me one pound..."
Late in the year rent day came and there was no money to pay it. After
prayer the money was sent in to cover the obligation. Concerning this
incident Muller lays down a principle to which he always remained
constant. "I would just observe that we never contract debts, which we
believe to be unscriptural (according to Romans 13:8), and therefore we
have no bills...but all we buy we pay for in ready money. Thus we always
know how much we have and how much we have a right to give away."
This was one principle upon which he was to conduct his orphanage
work, and never once did he break over from the rule of not going into
God led this disciple of faith along paths of trust. Many times there was
not even bread in the parsonage for the next meal, but in sufficient time
bread arrived. He tells of one such incident thus, "Our bread was hardly
enough for the day...After dinner, when I returned thanks, I asked him to
give us our daily bread, meaning literally that he would send us bread for
the evening. Whilst I was praying there was a knock at the door of the
room. After I had concluded a poor sister came in and brought us some of
her dinner, and from another poor sister five shillings. In the afternoon she
also brought us a large loaf. Thus the Lord not only gave us bread but also
Mr. Muller held that to lay up stores or hoard money was inconsistent
with a life of faith. In such cases he thought God would send them to their
hoardings before answering their prayers. Experience confirmed them in
the conviction that a life of trust forbids laying up treasures against
unforeseen needs, since with God "no emergency is unforeseen and no
want unprovided for." Hence his trust was in God and not in his
A third rule was greatly blessed throughout Muller's career of trust. When
money was given him for a specific need, or purpose, he regarded it as
sacred to that trust, and would not use or borrow it even temporarily for
any other purpose. Though reduced to dire needs, he would not use any
money set aside for other purposes except for that specific thing.
Thousands of times in later life occasions came where such diversion of
funds would have provided a way out of an emergency or tided them
through a strait.
And how, you ask, did God supply his needs for that first year of trust?
Let the twenty-six-year-old minister answer, "Now the truth is
whilse...we have not had even as much as a single penny left, or so as to
have the last bread on the table, and not as much money as was needed to
buy another loaf, yet never have we had to sit down to a meal without our
good Lord having provided nourishing food for us. I am bound to state
this, and I do it with pleasure...If I had to choose this day again as to the
way of living, the Lord giving me grace, I would not choose differently."
At the end of 1831 when George summed up what he had received in
answer to prayer it amounted to more than one hundred and thirty-one
pounds, three fourths of which came from friends not connected with his
church. The congregation had promised their minister $275, and through a
life of trust he had received approximately $660 for the year.
"In this my freedom, I am," Mr. Muller states, "at least able to say to
myself...My Lord is not limited, He can supply...And thus this way of
living, so far from leading to anxiety, as regards possible future want, is
rather the means of keeping from it...This way of living has often been the
means of reviving the work of grace in my heart...and a fresh answer to
prayer obtained in this way has been the means of quickening my soul and
filling me with much joy."
MULLER was ready at length for his life's work. God had brought him
from Prussia to England and had taught him lessons in trust. Every leaning
post had been removed. This apostle of faith had laid down those
principles of trust by which his future was to be marked. He looked
entirely to God for spiritual direction as well as for physical supplies. For
what telling he had to do, henceforth he was to seek only the ear of God.
One thing was lacking, which God in a devious manner was about to
furnish, and that was a location for his faith idea to germinate into a living
reality. Muller was at Teignmouth where for two and a half years God
gently taught him lessons in trust. Now God was ready for him to begin
work in Bristol.
Muller tells the turning events in a few sentences in his "Life of Trust."
"April 13. Found a letter from Brother Craik, from Bristol...He invites me
to come and help him...It seems to me as if I should shortly go, if the Lord
These were short sentences, brief words, yet mean meaningful in the light
of God's plan for Muller's future. On the following day he wrote, "Wrote
to Brother Craik, in which I said I should come, if I clearly saw it to be the
Lord's will.
"This was the bend in his life's road, and the proviso was written into the
letter as well as designed into Muller's experience...if the Lord will.
Always the minister made his plans only when God plainly indicated that
human plans and the divine will coincided.
In 1829 Mr. Muller had met a kindred spirit in Henry Craik, both being
university-trained men, who had been spiritually awakened at their
respective universities, Craik in Scotland and Muller in Halle. Shortly
before Muller had begun preaching on the second coming of Christ as being
in accordance with the Scriptures, and Craik held to similar views. This
drew the two men together as kindred souls.
Due to the death of Craik's wife, he had met a friend from Bristol who had
invited him to accept work in the city, serving as pastor of the Gideon
A month after he had located in Bristol he wrote to his old friend George
Muller to come and help him. For some time the young minister had felt
that his work was done at Teignmouth, though God had signally
prospered him in his parish with an increase in membership from eighteen
to fifty-one. When Craik's letter arrived he told his congregation of the
"I reminded them," he says, "of what I had told them when they requested
me to take the oversight of them, that I could make no certain engagement,
but stay only so long with them as I should see it to be the Lord's will to
do so."
After a visit to Bristol on April 21, 1832, where he preached at the Gideon
Chapel and later at the Pithay Chapel, Mr. Muller decided it was God's
will to leave his Teignmouth congregation. Accordingly he and Mr. Craik
laid down conditions for the new congregation to accept before they would
become pastors of the work.
On May 15 two letters arrived from Bristol in which the Gideon folk
accepted the terms, which were, "to consider us only as ministering among
them, but not in any fixed pastoral relationship, so that we may preach as
we consider it to be according to the mind of God, without reference to
any rules among them; that the pew rents should be done away with, and
that we should go on, respecting the supply of our temporal wants, as in
In less than ten days Muller and his wife moved to Bristol. At last he was
in the setting for God's plan to be carried out through the simple expedient
of Muller's faith. Within a month after arriving in the city God opened
another station to these two preachers, Craik and Muller. The Bethesda
Chapel was engaged for them, thus giving each a pulpit.
The two spiritual leaders of the congregations diligently entered upon their
duties, preaching faithfully the word of redemption. When the cholera
broke out that summer they visited the sick and risked their lives to care
for the dying. "Who may be next, God alone knows," wrote Mr. Muller,
displaying the dreadful tension which existed as the scourge raged. "I have
never realized so much the nearness of death...Just now, ten in the evening,
the funeral bell is ringing, and has been ringing the greater part of the
evening. It rings almost all the day. Into thine hands, O Lord, I commend
Through that dreadful summer the blessings of God were signally upon the
two chapel groups. On January 4, 1833, the congregations were slightly
disturbed at the thought of losing their pastors. For on that day Muller
and Craik received a letter from Bagdad inviting them to go there as
missionaries. Enclosed in the letter of invitation was a draft for $1,000 to
cover their traveling expenses. But the glory of the Lord had been so
blessed upon their chapel services that the pastors decided to remain at
their Bristol posts of duty.
"The meetings for inquirers were so largely attended that, though they
sometimes lasted for more than four hours, it was frequently the case that
many...had to be sent away for lack of time and strength on the part of the
two workers," declares Mr. Muller.
For eight years the Gideon Chapel, jointly with the Bethesda Chapel, was
the scene of their spiritual ministrations.
At the close of 1833 Muller took stock of God's dealings with him since
he had begun to live by faith alone in the promises of God. He found that
his income for this time was approximately $3,700, whereas his stated
salary for the same length of time would have been only about $900.
"During the last three years," he affirms in reviewing his income through
faith, "I never have asked anyone for anything; but, by the help of the
Lord, I have been enabled at all times to bring my wants to Him, and He
graciously supplied them all."
The previous year Mr. Muller had been given a copy of August H. Franke's life, and as time permitted he read it through. The inspiration of
Franke proved a great boon to Muller's faith, for it showed him that God
for thirty years during Franke's life had been able to supply all the needs
for nearly 2,000 orphans, and that for a hundred years the noble work had
been continued through faith.
Muller was touched by the condition of the orphans and street gamins
round about him, and he decided as inspired by Franke's work to gather
them around him for instruction. At eight o'clock in the morning he
gathered the children from the street to his home, fed them a little
breakfast, and then for an hour and a half taught them out of the
Scriptures. The work increased on his hands until it included older folk as
He found himself feeding from thirty to forty such persons, and as the
number increased the Lord's provisions also increased. One kept pace
with the other.
"God had planted a seed in the soil of Mr. Muller's heart, presently to
spring up in the orphan work," writes A. T. Pierson. While the plan was
not then carried to fruition, still the central thought was not lost sight of.
"This thought ultimately," declares the apostle of faith, "issued in the
formation of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution and in the establishment
of the Orphan Houses."
Doubtless February 21, 1834, was the crowning day up to that time of
God's dealings with George Muller. "I was led this morning to form a plan
for the establishing, upon Scriptural principles, of an institution for the
spread of the gospel at home and abroad. I trust this matter is of God..."
Several reasons prompted this action. Other societies, he held, were
formed on the assumption that the world would gradually become better
and better, "and at last the whole world will be converted." This belief he
held to be contrary to the Bible and hence could not endorse it.
The worldly connection of other societies was contrary to God's Word.
"The connection with the world is too marked in these religious societies,
for every one who pays a considered a member...and has a right
to vote."
Other societies asked the unconverted for money, which was contrary to
Mr. Muller's principles. The leaders in such societies were oftentimes
wealthy, but unregenerate, individuals without a true knowledge of God. A
final reason for not believing in existing organizations was that they
contracted debts, which long ago God had taught him to be unworthy of a
trustful life.
"It appeared to us to be his will," Muller explains, "that we should be
entirely separate from these societies..."
Accordingly on the evening of March 5, 1834, a public meeting was held
where "The Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad" was
formed. The founding of the Institution was accompanied by a statement
of principles and objects, which in substance are as follows:
The principles were stated thus:
1. "We consider every believer help the cause of Christ."
2. "We never intend to ask unconverted persons of rank or wealth to
countenance this institution...In the name of God we set up our
3. We do not mean to ask unbelievers for money."
4. "We reject altogether the help of unbelievers in managing...the affairs
of the Institution."
5. "We intend never to enlarge the field of labor by contracting debts...but
in secret prayer...we shall carry the wants of the Institution to the
Lord and act according to the means that God shall give us."
6. "We do not reckon the success of the Institution by the amount of
money given...but by the Lord's blessing upon the work."
7. "We desire to go simply according to the Scripture, without
compromising the truth."
The objects of the Institution were:
1. To assist day schools, Sunday schools. "We consider it unscriptural
that any person who does not profess to know the Lord themselves
should be allowed to give religious instruction." "The Institution does
not assist any adult school...except the teachers are believers."
2 To circulate the Holy Scriptures.
3. To aid missionary efforts. "We desire to assist those missionaries
whose proceedings appear to be most according to the Scriptures."
This indeed is a large order for an institution whose founder wrote two
days later, "Today we have only one shilling left" — only one shilling
between two preachers and their families. There were no patrons, no
committees, and no membership. There was to be no asking for funds, and
the responsibility rested solely upon the frail efforts of two ministers,
both of whom were decidedly poor!
The worldly outlook was small indeed. But Muller had mastered the
lesson on outlooks — for he lived by the heavenly uplook, and not the
earthly outlook!
Whatever might have been thought of the Institution in its beginning, and
its principles of organization, it has continued operation upon the same
plan for more than a hundred years with God as its sole patron and prayer
as its only appeal. Its worldwide work has been signally blessed and
God had found a man he could trust and used him as His instrument in
giving birth to this work. Muller was missionary spirited, for during his
earlier years he had tried to become officially connected with some
missionary endeavor. He had learned to take counsel and direction entirely
from God. He had discovered the power for spiritual endowment which
lies in Bible reading, and had filled his soul with God's Word so that he
might test his daily walk by these principles which God had inspired.
Another source of his spiritual strength was found in cutting loose from
worldly attachments. He would not even as much as give money to a
school or a Sunday school where the teachers were not believers, nor
would he ask for money from anyone, let alone the fact that he would not
list wealthy patrons as promoters of his work. He had renounced self, the
world and its attachments, that he might give himself to secret prayer. Out
of such endeavors flowed the stream of his power with God.
With God as its Patron, prayer as its appeal, believing workers at its head,
the Institution could but flourish.
During the first seven months money began to flow in so that active work
was undertaken. Almost a hundred and sixty-eight pounds were
contributed by various persons, which was carefully expended to promote
the objects of the work. During this time in the Sunday school 120
children received instruction; 40 in the Adult school; 209 children were
taught in the four Day schools, two for boys and two for girls, 54 of this
number being free pupils and the others paying part of their expenses.
The work of Bible distribution, always a large object for promotion, began
at once. During the initial seven months 482 Bibles and 520 New
Testaments were circulated while $285 was given to aid missionary
On January 21, 1835, Mr. Muller entered in his Journal these words,
"Received in answer to prayer from an unexpected quarter, five pounds
for the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. The Lord pours in, whilst we
seek to pour out." This was always his plan of operation. He sought God
to pour in the supplies, and he diligently furnished sources through which
they might be distributed. As long as Muller saw to the careful
distribution of money and supplies, God never failed in pouring in the
needed materials.
He had struck a partnership with God, and had promised to dispense
whatever the Almighty provided. The partnership remained constant to
the end.
Working so diligently in promoting the Institution whose object was to
reach the unconverted abroad as well as at home, Mr. Muller often in
those early years felt a pull on his heart toward foreign missionary service.
On January 28, he entered in his Journal, "I have...prayed much to
ascertain whether the Lord will have me to go as a missionary to the East
Indies, and I am most willing to go..." The following day he wrote, "I have
been greatly stirred up to pray about going to Calcutta as a missionary.
May the Lord guide me in this matter."
Forty-two years later he said about those early missionary longings,
"After all my repeated and earnest prayer in the commencement of 1835,
and willingness on my part to go, if it were the Lord's will, still He did not
send me."
During those forty-two years and the subsequent twenty-one years until
his death, Mr. Muller accomplished more for missions by remaining in
England and by praying in funds than had he gone to one of the many
mission fields to which his heart was drawn. God knew he would do more
by praying than going, so He kept him in Bristol, from which emanated
streams of influence and spiritual power felt around the world.
From the birth of this idea — the founding of the Institution — during
Muller's lifetime more than seven and a half million dollars were to be
poured into the coffers of the work, through this man's prayer.
And never from the beginning until the present day, now more than
forty-two years after Mr. Muller's death, has a single person been asked
to contribute. God still remains the Institution's sole Patron, as He was
during the years of the apostle of faith's earthly ministry.
There were greater things ahead in this thirty-year-old minister's life,
which should branch from the work already started. Muller was to be
God's friend of the homeless waifs, and God was but seasoning him for
his enlarged battle of faith. The idea was already at work in George's soul;
he was but waiting the full knowledge that now is God's time.
For when God's moment arrived, Muller was never a moment late.
GRADUALLY GOD'S providence led Mr. Muller to the sphere of his life's
work. Now at Bristol, after the young minister's soul had been
strengthened by eighteen months of trust for the success of the Institution,
God was ready to thrust him forth into his real mission. Other activities
were but preparatory to the orphanage work. God had at length through
the devious paths of providence faith-energized a man to whom He could
trust this important activity.
For months Mr. Muller had been thinking about founding an orphanage.
He had prayed about it often, and his classes for destitute children and
older folks gradually led him to the decision that God's time had finally
On November 20, 1835, he found at a sister's house a life of Franke which
touched the wellsprings of his ambition. He wrote, "I have frequently, for
a long time, thought of laboring in a similar way." The following day he
entered in his Journal, "Today I have had it very much impressed on my
heart no longer merely to think about the establishment of an orphan
house, but actually to set about it. I have been very much in prayer
regarding ascertain the Lord's mind."
These were the soul-beginnings of the ambitious plan. On December 2 he
was to take the first outward and formal step toward bringing into reality
this prayer dream. He says, "Therefore, I have this day taken the first
actual step in the matter, in having ordered bills to be printed, announcing
a public meeting on December 9, at which I intend to lay before the
brethren my thoughts concerning the orphan house..."
Mr. Muller was not to wait for the brethren's opinion, advice or
first-fruits of meager gifts. For on December 5 while reading the Bible at
his evening prayer season, the Scriptures blazed forth in a text which
inspired his faith to immediate action.
"This evening," he affirms, "I was struck in reading the Scriptures with
these words, 'Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.' I was led to apply
this scripture to the orphan house, and ask the Lord for premises, one
thousand pounds and suitable individuals to take care of the children." His
faith flamed forth when God spoke.
From that moment this text formed one of his life mottoes, and the
promise became a power in molding his future work. The text was his
check on heaven's bank, and cashable for any needed amount, so Muller's
faith attested.
God's seal on the work was not long in coming, for his faith obtained the
substance in the form of a gift, the first of many thousands. Muller's diary
entry is short, but meaningful, "Today I received the first shilling for the
orphan house." This was only two days after his memorable outreach of
faith for the orphanage.
On the afternoon of the meeting, December 9, came the first gift of
furniture in form of a large wardrobe. Concerning that night meeting, more
or less a form since God had put his sanction upon the work and gifts had
already been coming in through Muller's faith, the faith-venturing preacher
says, "As soon as I began to speak at the meeting I received peculiar
assistance from God. After the meeting ten shillings were given me. There
was purposely no collection.... After the meeting a sister offered herself
for the work. I went home, happy in the Lord and full of confidence that
the matter would come to pass."
The following morning a statement of the meeting was given to the press.
Immediate response burst forth following the news article, and gifts began
to come in, as well as offers of life services of the givers themselves.
On December 10 Muller received a letter, one of the many scores which
were to follow during his long orphanage career, "We propose ourselves
for the service of the intended orphan house, if you think us qualified for
it, also to give up all the furniture, etc., which the Lord has given us, for its
use; and to do this without receiving any salary whatever; believing that if
it be the will of the Lord to employ us, He will supply all our needs."
Since that day there has never been a lack of competent, cheerful and
devoted helpers, though the work rapidly extended beyond Muller's
strongest dreams.
In the evening of the same day, as tokens from the Lord, individuals sent
in "three dishes, twenty-eight plates, three basins, one jug, four mugs,
three saltstands, one grater, four knives and five forks." On December 12
came more dishes and fifty pounds for the work. On the thirteenth came
twenty-nine yards of print, "also a sister offered herself for the work."
Mr. Muller reported one gift with the same calm and equipoise as the
On the next day came eight shillings and "a brother and sister offered
themselves." Still there were no surprise remarks from the apostle of trust,
for he had believed that God would fill his open mouth, and in this filling
all came as from God. Similar gifts continued daily.
Came basins and mugs and dessert spoons, a skimmer, a toasting fork and
a dredge, also pillow cases and table cloths, as well as "fifty-five yards of
sheeting, and twelve yards of calico."
The orphanage was on its way...for the bounteous hand of God was
overflowing with gifts.
On December 17 Mr. Muller turned down the gift of $500 from a poor
woman, thinking that she was unable to give so much. She was weak in
body and her weekly earnings were less than a dollar.
"But," she replied in triumphant faith, "the Lord Jesus has given His last
drop for me, and should I not give Him this hundred pounds?"
The gift Mr. Muller discovered had come through the death of the girl's
grandmother, and he accepted it with gratitude to God for using "this
poor, sickly sister as an instrument in so considerable gift, for helping at
its very commencement the work."
At last Mr. Muller was able to set a definite date for opening an orphans'
house for girls. As funds came in he secured a large house, No. 6 North
Wilson Street, where he had been living for some time, by renting it for one
year. April 1, 1836, was set as the formal opening day. He informed the
public that he would receive applications for entrance, and shortly after he
intimated that a second house would be opened to receive small children,
both boys and girls.
During the weeks that Mr. Muller had prayed in the materials for the
house, the funds for the rent and its equipment, the laborers to carry on
the work, he had forgotten to pray for orphans. And on the opening day
not one applicant was received!
He had taken it for granted that the children would come. He spent two
hours at the house waiting for applicants, and then dejectedly walked
home. On his way this thought rushed to his mind, "I have prayed about
everything connected with this work — for money, for a house, for
helpers, about the various articles of furniture, etc., but I have never asked
the Lord to send me orphans.''
That night he laid low in prayer, prevailing with God to send children for
the home. Faith once more gained a divine audience, for the very next day
he received the first application for entrance. Within a month forty-two
children were seeking admission, with twenty-six already in the home and
more arriving daily.
Throughout the year there were to be testings of personal faith, but God
never failed him. As a sample of such trials on November 30 he writes,
"Being in great need, I was led, yesterday morning, earnestly to ask the
Lord; and in answer to this petition a brother gave me, last evening, ten
pounds." Morning prayer was answered by the evening gift.
Mr. Muller testifies that in his lifetime fifty thousand such specific
prayers were answered. Years before he died, about the middle of his
career, he affirmed that up to that time five thousand of his definite
prayers had been answered on the day of asking.
He made it a habit to keep a notebook with two page entries. On one page
he gave the petition and the date, and on the opposite page he entered the
date of the answer. In this manner he was able to keep record of definite
petitions, and their specific answers. He recommended this form to
believers who desired specific results to their prayers. Thus there is no
guesswork as to when God answers prayers.
At the beginning of 1836 Mr. Muller had asked for a thousand pounds and
an orphanage house along with its equipment. In reviewing that year's
work, he found that God had given him his first orphanage house on
Wilson Street, and seven months after the opening of the first house he
obtained another one located at No. 1 Wilson Street. This received its first
children on November 18. A review of his financial returns showed gifts
for the orphanages of seven hundred and seventy pounds, and he himself
had received for his personal needs two hundred and thirty-two pounds.
During that year, God furnished more than the $5,000 asked as the initial
starter of the work. Closing the first orphanage year, he relates, "On
December 31, we had this evening a prayer meeting to praise the Lord for
His goodness during the past year, and to ask Him for a continuance of
His favors."
The blessings of God were so numerous that by April 8, 1837, there were
thirty orphans in each house, No. 6 Wilson Street caring for older girls and
No. 1 giving a home to young boys and girls.
The founder of this work, asking at first for a hundred pounds, affirms
that in his own mind the thing was as good as done, and he often thanked
God for the sum as though already in hand. When about to print his
"Narrative of the Lord's Dealings," he took it in mind to ask God for the
total sum, not counting what had come in for his own needs, before the
book issued from the press.
"He therefore gave himself anew to prayer; and on June 15th the whole
sum was complete..." writes Mr. Pierson. No appeal was made to the
public, God alone receiving his petitions daily for eighteen months and ten
It was in the year 1837 that Mr. Muller, then thirty-two, felt a deep
conviction that his own growth in grace and power for service were
indispensable for the promotion of the work. He sought two things; first
more retirement for secret prayer and communion with God and provision
for the spiritual oversight of the church, the total number of communicants
being at this time nearly four hundred. He found himself too busy to pray
as he ought.
After learning the lesson of being busy in the work of the Lord, too busy
in fact to pray, he told his brethren that four hours of work after an hour
of prayer would accomplish more than five hours without prayer. This
rule henceforth he faithfully kept.
Considering the fact that there were now two distinct churches to be
looked after, and also two orphanage houses, there was a meeting in
October of that year where the two congregations decided to unite into
one, to lessen the separate meetings conducted each week.
On October 21 another house was secured in Wilson Street which was
opened to receive orphan boys. Mr. Muller now had under his care
ninety-six orphans. His prayer for premises, suitable helpers and the
thousand pounds were abundantly answered.
He remarks, "When I was asking the petition I was fully aware what I was
doing, i.e. asking for something that I had no natural prospect of getting
from the brethren I knew, but which was not too much for the Lord to
In reviewing the year 1837, Muller states, "Ninety, therefore, daily sit
down to table. Lord, look on the necessities of thy servant" — a prayer
which God abundantly answered. Not once during the year was a single
meal unsupplied. Throughout all his experience in conducting the
orphanages this servant of God testifies that no meal, even when he was
feeding two thousand orphans daily by faith, was more than thirty
minutes late.
At the opening of the boys' house Mr. Muller received his first legacy,
which was from a little boy who saved some funds during his fatal illness.
Knowing that he was soon to die, the lad asked that his savings, amounting
to a little more than $1.50, be sent to Mr. Muller. The minister took it as
his first legacy, and though small in amount, he believed that God was
peculiarly placing his approval upon the new venture of the boys' house.
Many asked Mr. Muller how he sought to know the will of God, in that
nothing was undertaken, not even the smallest expenditure, without feeling
certain he was in God's will. In the following words he gave his answer:
1. I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no
will of its own in regard to a given matter. Nine-tenths of the
difficulties are overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord's
will, whatever it may be. When one is truly in this state, it is usually
but a little way to the knowledge of what His will is.
2. Having done this, I do not leave the result to feeling or simple
impressions. If so, I make myself liable to great delusions.
3. I seek the will of the Spirit of God through or in connection with the
Word of God. The Spirit and the Word must be combined. If I look to
the Spirit alone without the Word, I lay myself open to great
delusions also.
4. Next I take into account providential circumstances. These plainly
indicate God's will in connection with His Word and Spirit.
5. 1 ask God in prayer to reveal His will to me aright.
6. Thus through prayer to God, the study of the Word and reflection, I
come to a deliberate judgment according to the best of my ability and
knowledge, and if my mind is thus at peace, and continues so after
two or three more petitions, I proceed accordingly. In trivial matters
and in transactions involving most important issues, I have found this
method always effective."
And did this plan work? one asks. Let Mr. Muller's testimony answer.
"I never remember," he wrote three years before his death, "in all my
Christian course, a period now (in March, 1895) of sixty-nine years and
four months, that I ever SINCERELY AND PATIENTLY sought to know
the will of God by the teaching of the Holy Ghost, through the
instrumentality of the Word of God, but I have been ALWAYS directed
rightly. But if honesty of heart and uprightness before God were lacking, or
if I did not patiently wait upon God for instruction, or if I preferred the
counsel of my fellow men to the declarations of the Word of the living God,
I made great mistakes." (Italics his.)
When asked why he undertook the work of the Institution, Mr. Muller
replied, "The first and primary object of the Institution was, and still is,
that God might be magnified by the fact that the Orphans under my care
were, and are, provided with all they need only by prayer and faith,
without anyone being asked by me or my fellow-laborers, whereby it
might be seen that God is FAITHFUL STILL AND HEARS PRAYER
DURING THE next seven years Mr. Muller's problem was one of trusting
for daily supplies. There were three houses to be maintained, and about a
hundred orphans to be clothed and fed. The daily expenditure was heavy,
the rent considerable, and the personal needs of his helpers were great. In
addition to this, the work of the Institution, assisting schools, paying
teachers, running Sunday schools and helping missionaries demanded a
constant stream of money flowing in.
Early in 1838 sickness fell heavily upon the leader, and as his custom he
went to his knees in the midst of his affliction. While reading the Bible his
eyes fell upon the 68th Psalm and in the course of his meditation, the
words "A father of the fatherless" stood out in mighty letters as a divine
promise in this stressful hour.
"This word, 'A father of the fatherless'," he affirms, "contains enough
encouragement to cast thousands of orphans, with all their needs, upon the
loving heart of God."
From then on the burdens were not his but the Lord's. He cast them from
his shoulders through loving trust upon the broad arms of the Master.
During June God tested his faith by suddenly shutting off the gifts which
had so abundantly flowed in. Muller took the matter to the Lord.
He enters in his Journal under date of July 22 (1838), "This evening I was
walking in our little garden... meditating on Hebrews 13:8, 'Jesus Christ
the same yesterday, and today, and forever.'...All at once the present need
of the Orphan-House was brought to my mind. Immediately I was led to
say to myself, Jesus in His love and power has hitherto supplied me with
what I have needed for the Orphans, and in the same unchangeable love
and power He will provide with what I may need for the future. A flow of
joy came into my soul..."
This soul joy was the fore announcer of a coming blessing. "About one
minute later a letter was brought to me, enclosing a bill for twenty
pounds," he writes.
In this case God's timing was perfect, for when the need existed, and
Muller had prayed, the next moment the supply was forthcoming.
Throughout that turbulent year Mr. Muller's faith was sorely tried, for
often there was not a single penny in the houses; but God was leading him
forth, proving and testing him in the smaller things, so that later he might
be able to feed as many as two thousand children daily through the
instrument of prayer.
On September 18 the funds were exhausted, and Mr. Muller thought of
selling the things that could be done without in the homes. "This
morning," he writes, "I had asked the Lord, if it might be, to prevent the
necessity of our doing so."
That afternoon a lady from London, who had been staying in Bristol,
brought a package with money in it from her daughter who had sent it
several days before. "That the money had been so near," declaresMr. Muller, "for several days without being given, is a plain proof that it was
in the heart of God to help us; but because He delights in the prayers of
His children, He had allowed us to pray so try our faith and to
make the answer so much the sweeter."
During this time Mr. Muller's health was not good and his friends asked
him to go away for a rest, but he refused, saying, "I must remain to pass
with my dear Orphans through the trial, though these dear ones know
nothing about it, because their tables are as well supplied as when there
was eight hundred pounds in the bank; and they have lack of nothing."
Many times he was forced to say, "The funds are exhausted." But not
once did these words hold true overnight. Funds might have been depleted
during the day, at times all day, again for hours, but when nightfall came
there was something on hand for the next day. With this faith apostle, this
meant daily trusting for today's needs.
It was during these direful days that Muller declared, "Long before the
trials came, I had more than once stated publicly that answers to prayer in
the time of need — the manifestation of the hand of God stretched out for
our help — were just the very ends for which the Institution was
Sometimes in plenty, but oftener in poverty, his faith carried the
orphanages on. Many times in dire straits the money would arrive at the
very moment of prayer, or as he was reading the list of needs for the day.
His trust in "the father of the fatherless" was so confident that not once
did he turn a child away.
Under date of August 8, 1839, he affirms, "Though there is no money in
hand, yet are we so little discouraged that we have received today one
orphan boy, and have given notice for the admission of six other children,
which will bring the number up to 98 altogether."
Often gifts came in at the very instant of prayer. On March 5, 1839, he
writes, "Whilst I was in prayer, Q. Q. sent a check for seven pounds..."
Closing the report for the year 1839, he sums up the bounteous blessing of
God, saying, "For the Orphan Houses, without anyone having been asked
by us, the sum of £3,067 8s. 9 1/4d. has been given entirely as the result of
prayer to God, from the commencement of the work to December 9,
The following year was started without enough money to carry through
the first day. A peculiar incident occurred that day which showedMr. Muller's character. After the usual Watch night service, about an hour past
midnight, a friend, whom Mr. Muller knew to be in debt, handed him a
sealed envelope with money in it. "I resolved, therefore, without opening
the paper to return it....This was done when I knew there was not enough
in hand to meet the expenses of the day."
Seven hours later, "about eight this morning," a brother brought five
pounds for the orphans. "Observe, the brother is led to bring it at once."
God honored Mr. Muller's faith in giving back the money he knew the
lady needed to pay her debts more than the orphans needed it.
On January 12, 1841, after he had been forced to delay printing his yearly
report because of a lack of funds, he notes that the Lord supplies this need
and in addition $5,000 was received for missionary work in the East
Indies. Here is his prayer testimony concerning this the largest gift he had
thus far received, "In all my experience I have found...that if I could only
settle a certain thing to be done was according to the will of God, that
means were soon obtained to carry it into effect."
God never failed His servant. Often he was led through the valley of great
want, but always to the shining peak of supply. God's dealings were
generous. One day in 1841 when Mr. Muller had taken only a shilling
from the house box, a lady came with twopence, saying, "It is but a trifle,
but I must give it." It so happened that one of the pennies was needed to
make up the amount of money necessary to buy bread!
A week later a single penny was needed to fill out the dinner menu...but no
penny was in hand. When the Girls' box was opened out rolled one
penny. "Even the gift of a penny," states Muller, "was thus evidently
under the ordering of our kind Father."
At the close of the year, he affirmed, "We are now brought to the close of
the sixth year of (December 9), having in hand only the money
which has been put by for the rent; but during the whole of this year we
have been supplied with all that was needed."
During the next three years Mr. Muller literally fed the orphans out of
God's hand. The supply was almost like that of the manna in that it was
to be gathered each day afresh. There was scarcely anything left over from
one day to another. Often money had to be prayed in before breakfast
could be eaten or the evening meal finished.
But Mr. Muller's faith was so dominant that however much they need, he
rested calmly in the divine assurance that God's hand would contain a
bounteous supply when the moment arrived. He and worry parted
forever. Though he was deeply concerned, he never fretted at delay in
receiving answers to his requests.
On February 15, 1842, his attitude is typical. "I sat peacefully down to
give myself to meditation over the Word, considering that was now my
service, though I knew not whether there was a morsel of bread for tea in
any one of the houses, but being assured that the Lord would provide. For
through grace my mind is so fully assured of the faithfulness of the Lord,
that in the midst of the greatest need, I am enabled in peace to go about my
other work. Indeed, did not the Lord give me this, which is the result of
trusting in Him, I should be scarcely able to work at all."
His mind was fixed in God and would not be moved, for he knew at the
proper time the money or the food would arrive.
March 19 began in poverty and dire need, only seven shillings having come
in during three days. 'There was not one ray of light as far as natural
prospects." So Mr. Muller proposed to his workers that the day be set for
prayer. When they met at ten-thirty, immediately by three separate
people twenty-one shillings were brought in. They called a similar session
of prayer for the evening, for there were yet three shillings lacking. Before
the evening service was over the three shillings had arrived, plus an
additional three.
Week by week God led Muller into deeper lessons of trust, always closing
the day's trust sessions with a speedy answer. On April 12, he affirms,
"We were never in greater need than today, perhaps never in so much,
when I received this morning one hundred pounds from the East Indies.
My prayer had been again this morning particularly that our Father would
pity us, and now at last send larger sums. I was not in the least surprised
or excited when this donation came, for I took it as that which came in
answer to prayer and had been long looked for."
During these testing days Mr. Muller was often asked how he managed to
build such a strong faith in God. He replied that he endeavored to keep his
faith in God strong not only for daily supplies of food for the orphans and
money for the missionary work but also for the spiritual concern of the
"Let not Satan deceive you," writes Mr. Muller during those
faith-wrenching days, "in making you think you could not have the same
faith, but that it is only for persons situated as I am. When I lose such a
thing as a key, I ask the Lord to direct me to it, and I look for an answer to
my prayer; when a person with whom I have an appointment does not
come...I ask the Lord to be pleased to hasten him to me, and I look for an
answer...Thus in all my temporal and spiritual concerns I pray to the Lord
and expect an answer to my requests; and may not you do the same, dear
believing reader?"
In giving advice gained through daily trials of his faith, this father of the
orphans laid down rules for Christians to follow by which they might also
strengthen their faith. These rules are:
1. Read the Bible and meditate upon it. God has become known to us
through prayer and meditation upon His own Word.
2 Seek to maintain an upright heart and a good conscience.
3. If we desire our faith to be strengthened, we should not shrink from
opportunities where our faith may be tried, and therefore, through
trial, be strengthened.
"The last important point for the strengthening of our faith is that we let
God work for us, when the hour of trial of our faith comes, and do not
work a deliverance of our own."
"Would the believer therefore have his faith strengthened, he must give
God time to work," he declares.
The year 1843, as the previous, was one of trials and triumphs of faith. In
June there was no money, but before each day was over prayer supplied
the lack. In December came mighty loads upon Mr. Muller's heart. He
exercised faith and proclaimed that the work undertaken was not
particularly to feed the orphans, as great as this was, nor for their spiritual
welfare as glorious and blessed as this is.
"The primary object of the work is," he observed, "to show before the
whole world...that even in these last evil days the living God is ready to
prove Himself as the living God, by being ever willing to help...and answer
the prayers of those who trust in Him."
Attesting the glorious supply which he daily obtained from God's hand,
he says, "The narrative of the events of these days is imperfect. The way
in which the Lord stretched out His hand day to day, and from meal to
meal, cannot be accurately described."
Even his own personal needs were supplied by the Lord on this "each day
for itself" basis.
For one hundred and thirty-four days he daily asked the Lord to send a
gift a lady had promised in 1842. The answer came on March 8, 1843. He
affirms, "Day after day now has passed away and the money did not
come...whilst day by day I brought my petition before the Lord that He
would bless this sister...At last, on the one hundred and thirty-fourth day
since I daily besought the Lord about this matter...I received a letter from
the sister, informing me that the five hundred pounds had been paid into
the hands of my bankers."
This day by day experience of eating from God's outstretched hand was
slowly leading up to a turning point in Mr. Muller's career. God had far
grander accomplishments in store for him than merely feeding a hundred
orphans. At first God wanted to know whether his servant would be
faithful to his prayer trust in these smaller matters before leading him forth
to the greater work.
This new turn in affairs began on March 31, 1843, when Muller called at
the Houses to make arrangements for the day, and a worker told him that a
Miss G, who occupied house No. 4 on Wilson Street, had informed her
that they wished to give up their house, and if possible wantedMr. Muller to take it for another orphan House.
"When I came home," Mr. Muller informs us, "this matter greatly
occupied my mind. I could not but ask the Lord again and again whether
He would have me to open another Orphan House, and whether the time
was now come that I should serve Him still more extensively in this
He reviewed the situation carefully, finding that there were more
applications for admission than he had room to care for, and that fifteen of
the children in the Infant House were old enough to be promoted to the
Girls' House. Until this time there had been no other house on Wilson
Street, near the present places occupied, for rent. There were also two
sisters who would take care of the new house if and when opened.
In the bank was three hundred pounds of the recent large gift which could
be used to furnish the new house.
Surveying these conditions, he turned to the Spirit for leadings. "I
therefore gave myself to prayer. I prayed day after day, without saying
anything to any human being. I prayed two and twenty days without
mentioning it to my dear wife. On that day on which I had come to the establish another Orphan House, I received fifty pounds
from A.B. What a striking confirmation that the Lord would help though
the necessities should increase more and more."
He realized what this added burden would mean. For five years he had
trusted each day for its supplies, and the new house would only increase
this load on his faith life. In spite of this his belief in God commanded a
forward march, for Muller never tired of "this precious way of depending
upon the Lord from day to day."
While he was praying about the new house, a lady from Germany,
recently blessed by his work, asked him to visit that country. She felt his
influence would be a benediction to his native land. But it seemed unwise
for Mr. Muller to leave at the time, and besides, it would require many
hundreds of pounds to leave with the overseers for the orphans, as well as
to finance his trip. Moreover, he desired to publish a German edition of
his life story, "A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with Mr. George Muller."
The publication alone would take between a hundred and two hundred
pounds. Yet he realized however great the obstacles, if it be the Lord's
will, he would go. "I could not but pray about it," he informs us. "I could
not but feel drawn to go to Germany in love of the Lord and in pity
towards the poor Church of Christ in that country." He remembered the
few truly converted ministers to be found there and in Prussia when he
was a young man. His faith began to prevail.
"I had a secret satisfaction," he writes, "in the greatness of the
difficulties...So far from being cast down on account of them, they
delighted my soul...I did nothing but pray. Prayer and faith...helped me
over the difficulties."
From the human standpoint there was little prospect of receiving the
necessary funds, but leaving the matter to the Lord, he was overwhelmed
with a peaceful calm. " soul is at peace. The Lord's time is not yet
come; but when it is come He will blow away all these obstacles."
Less than fifteen minutes after he had prayed on July 12, God sent in
seven hundred and two pounds three shillings and seven pence. Early in
August, after fifty days of waiting on the Lord, he and his wife were on
their way to Germany.
While in Stuttgart, Mr. Muller labored to reform the Strict Baptist Church
in the city, but met with severe opposition. While the visit seemed a
failure, however, it was checkered with a blessing. For he was enabled
while there to translate the "Narrative" into German and 4,000 copies
came from the press before he sailed for Bristol in February, 1844.
After a second German trip, where he reestablished the work of faith
begun in Stuttgart, he returned to England to begin anew his prayer quest
for funds to open the fourth orphan house. When he was to take the house
offered him on Wilson Street, a difficulty arose which caused him to
examine carefully God's will in the matter.
Before going on his first German trip he felt certain that God was opening
the way for the house to be operated. For nearly ten years he had rented
houses for his orphans, and "had never had any desire to build an Orphan
House. On the contrary, I decidedly preferred spending the means which
might come in for present necessities, and desired rather to enlarge the
work according to the means the Lord might be pleased to give. Thus it
was till the end of October, 1845, when I was led to consider this matter in
a light in which I had never done before."
God was preparing to thrust him forth in another faith adventure which
would surpass even his most extended dreams. God had been carefully
schooling him in trust lessons, and now that he had learned how to believe
for daily supplies, and for months had literally been fed meal by meal from
God's hand, the Father of the fatherless was to open a new and untried
door for him.
Mr. Muller was willing to step into any door the Master would set ajar.
The matter climaxed in a decidedly unusual manner on October 31, 1845.
When he was about to rent the vacated house near his other properties, a
man wrote stating that the orphan houses were a detriment to the
neighboring house owners. He was courteous and kindly in his remarks,
but firm nevertheless. The man felt that in various ways the neighbors
were inconvenienced by the Orphan Houses on Wilson Street. He left the
matter to Mr. Muller's wise judgment.
This was a new item which Muller's faith had not previously faced. He
did, however, want to live peacefully with his neighbors, so he took the
request to prayer. Carefully he weighed the pro and con arguments for
moving from Wilson Street. To move, he knew, meant to build, and up
until this time he had not thought it God's will to take this step of faith.
But God's time was about to arrive and Mr. Muller had learned to step
when God's hour struck, however massive the problem or vexing the
GOD'S HOUR had finally arrived when Mr. Muller should step out on the
divine promises and build. After weighing the complaint in the letter
against the orphanage, on November 3, 1845, he laid the matter before the
This was a memorable occasion and concerning it he writes, "After I had
spent a few hours in prayer...I began to see that the Lord would lead me to
build, and that His intentions were not only to benefit the orphans...but
also the bearing of further testimony that He could and would provide
large sums...and that He would enlarge the work, so that if I once did build
a house, it might be large enough to accommodate three hundred orphans."
The following day he and his wife proposed to meet morning by morning
and pray about the building. "We continued meeting for prayer," he says,
"morning by morning for fifteen days, but not a single donation came; yet
my heart was not discouraged. The more I prayed, the more I was assured
that the Lord would give the means."
On December 9, thirty-five days had passed, "whilst I was day by day
waiting upon God for means for this work, and not a single penny had
been given to me. Nevertheless this did not in the least discourage me, but
my assurance...increased more and more."
This was the day that God gave him the text, "Let patience have her
perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."
After having this text hung on the walls of his memory, he asked God to
increase his faith and to sustain his patience. The following day came
God's answer in the form of the largest donation he had received up to
that time. It was a thousand pounds from a friend.
"When I received it I was as calm, as quiet as if I had only received one
shilling," Mr. Muller tells us.
With this seal of God upon the work, his faith took a new grip upon the
promises, and henceforth it was but a matter of waiting upon the Lord to
send the funds. December 13 brought another gift more important than the
first in the form of the free services of a Christian architect, who offered to
draw the plans and superintend the building without payment. This was
another proof that the Lord was directing Mr. Muller's prayers and
intentions toward building.
Slowly the funds began to come in, though Mr. Muller had made no public
announcement of his plan to build. He did not overlook the fact that if it
required faith to care for a hundred and thirty children, which were then in
the home, it would take greater faith to feed and clothe 300.
After the sixty-fifth day of prayer God sent a gift of fifty pounds, which
was soon followed by another thousand-pound donation.
On January 31, 1846, Muller went to see a piece of land that seemed
available for the building. This was the eighty-ninth day since he had
begun to call upon God for a building, and he thought God would soon
furnish suited grounds. He wanted about seven acres close to Bristol. God
had the land which in due time, after a testing of faith, would be provided.
"Feb. 3. Saw the land..." he entered in his diary. The following day he
began negotiations for the property. He went to visit the owner, but found
that he was not at home. On the next day when he made an appointment
with him, the owner said that about three o'clock he was awakened and
could not sleep for two hours.
"While he was thus lying awake," Mr. Muller states, "his mind was all the
time occupied about the piece of land...and he determined that if I should
apply for it, he would not only let me have it, but for a hundred and
twenty pounds an acre instead of two hundred, the price he had
previously asked for it. How good is the Lord."
Thus Mr. Muller secured the land for $2,800 less than he would have the
night before.
After the land was bought, he continued his daily season of intercourse
with God for funds. Step by step he waited upon the Lord to supply all
that was needed in the construction of so large a building.
Gifts varying in size from a farthing to five and six hundred pounds made
Mr. Muller's heart glad. On January 25, 1847, he entered in his diary,
"Therefore with increased earnestness I have given myself unto prayer,
importuning the Lord that He would...speedily send the remainder of the
amount...and I have increasingly of late felt that the time is drawing near."
This was fourteen months and three weeks after he first began asking God
for a new building, and it was to be a grand day in the work of God. Let
his words tell the story.
"I arose from my knees this morning full of confidence...About an hour,
after I had prayed thus, there was given me the sum of two thousand
pounds for the Building Fund. Thus I have received altogether £9,285 3s. 91/2d. Four hundred and forty-seven days I have had day by day to wait
upon God before the sum reached the above amount."
When this princely gift came he was neither excited nor surprised, he
"could only sit before God, and admire Him, like David in II Samuel,
chapter 7." Finally he threw himself flat on his face and burst forth in
thanksgiving to God and "in surrendering my heart afresh to Him for His
blessed service."
Then came other gifts, among them two thousand pounds, followed by
another of one thousand, and on July 5, 1847, when eleven thousand and
sixty-two pounds had been donated, the building was finally begun.
This was after the help of the Lord had been daily sought for six hundred
and seven days. As the building progressed funds increased until fifteen
thousand, seven hundred and eighty-four pounds were received. The last
donation was for two thousand pounds from a man who brought the
money in notes so that his bankers might not know of his liberality.
After the building was finished, all expenses met, trustees organized, there
was a balance of £776, which afforded "a manifest proof that the Lord
cannot only supply us with all we need in His service simply in answer to
prayer, but that He can also give us even more than we need."
All of these gifts, it must be remembered, were wrestled from the hand of
God through Mr. Muller's prayers. He prayed definitely and diligently.
God answered just as specifically. In addition to praying in the building
funds, Mr. Muller also bore the burden of caring for the houses on Wilson
Street and their one hundred and thirty children. Never once did he despair
of the Lord's willingness and ability to give. He knew he was centered in
God's will, and asking and receiving were natural complements.
On July 21 he records asking God for four specific things: his own
personal needs, for the building fund, for the orphanage on Wilson Street
and for the Institution. A gentleman from Devonshire called upon him and
made a donation of twenty pounds, specifying that it was for the four
identical things about which he had been talking to God. "Thus I received,
at the very moment that I had been asking God, four answers to my
On June 18, 1849, more than twelve years after beginning the work, the
orphans were transferred from the rented houses on Wilson Street to the
new house on Ashley Down. Throughout the year other children arrived
until by May 26 of the following year there were 275 children in the
house, the whole number of those connected with the institution being
308, who daily depended upon the prayers of Mr. Muller for their
On Saturday, June 23, after moving to Ashley Down, God marvelously
began supplying the needs. A man while walking through the home with
Mr. Muller exclaimed, "These children must consume a great deal of
provisions," and while speaking he drew from his pocketbook notes to the
amount of a hundred. On the same day came six casks of treacle and six
loaves of sugar. Information arrived that a friend had just then purchased a
thousand pounds of rice for the children.
"So bountifully has the Lord been pleased to help of late, that I have not
only been able to meet all the extraordinary heavy expenses connected
with moving...filling the stores...but I have more than five hundred pounds
in hand to begin housekeeping in the new Orphan House...After all the
many and long-continued seasons of great trial of faith for thirteen years
and two months, during which the orphans were in Wilson Street, the Lord
dismisses us from thence in comparative abundance. His name be praised."
So gracious had the Lord dealt with Mr. Muller that no sooner had he
housed his children in their new home and filled it to capacity than his
faith began reaching forth for larger quarters, so that he might care for a
thousand children. This was in spite of the fact that each day had to be
supplied through constant and long seasons of prayers. No great
abundance of money was coming in to meet these daily needs.
On December 5, 1850, he wrote, "It is now sixteen years and nine months
this evening since I began the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home
and Abroad...It is so large that I have not only disbursed since its
commencement about fifty thousand pounds sterling, but that also the
current expenses...amount to above six thousand pounds a year. I did
'open my mouth wide' this evening fifteen years ago, and the Lord has
filled it. The new Orphan House is filled by three hundred orphans...My
labor is abundant."
Mr. Muller's heart was literally consumed with passion for God and
orphans. Just before Christmas of 1850, he declared, "I have served Satan
much in my younger years, and I desire now with all my might to serve
God during the remaining days of my earthly pilgrimage. I am forty-five
years and three months old. Every day decreases the number of days that I
have to stay on earth. I therefore desire with all my might to work. There
are vast multitudes of orphans to be provided for."
God burned upon his soul the idea of another and larger house each day,
and he affirmed, "By the help of God I shall continue day by day to wait
upon Him in prayer concerning this thing till He shall bid me act."
On January 14, 1851, he went over the old grounds once again for and
against a new house to care for seven hundred more children, and as
previously, faith prevailed, and he declared that God would enable him to
carry it through.
A couple weeks later he affirmed that he did not doubt that God would be
honored by his asking largely for this purpose; since it was his duty to
enlarge his quarters. Accordingly he set the sum of £35,000 as the goal to
be sought before beginning the work. In May of that year he let his
intentions be known. Realizing that the amount was large, his heart leaped
with secret joy, "for the greater the difficulty to be overcome, the more it
would be seen to the glory of God how much can be done by prayer and
At once gifts began to come in, the first being the sum of sixpence, the
donation of an orphan. While reading Hebrews 6:15, "And so after he had
patiently endured, he obtained the promise," his heart was immediately
uplifted. He had become somewhat discouraged with the slowness and the
smallness of the gifts as they arrived.
The year 1851 was a test of his faith, but the following came as a triumph
of his trust. In March of that year he was encouraged by a gift of £999,
and when the accounts for the twelve months were closed the fund stood
at £3,530, which included the seven hundred and seventy-six pounds left
from the first building fund.
At this time 360 orphans were awaiting admission, and as applications
arrived Mr. Muller's faith increased. For where there was a need he felt
God would surely supply. At the beginning of 1853 several Christians
together promised approximately $40,500 to be distributed among the
various funds, $30,000 of which was to go into the Building Fund.
Mr. Muller thus realized that there was no limit upon God's willingness
and ability to provide large donations.
As the money increased, Mr. Muller began looking for a suitable building
site, but when none was found close by the first house, he decided to
construct two buildings instead of one. The first was to house 400 girls,
and the other 300 boys. He had sufficient funds at hand to construct the
first building, so he decided to proceed with the first house. There were at
this time 715 orphans seeking admission to the home.
Donations came from practically every civilized nation on earth. Muller's
"Narrative" had been translated into several languages and the story of his
work had spread from country to country.
In spite of the large gifts that continued to flow in, he was a faithful
servant in the smaller things. On October 12, 1852, he made this Journal
entry: "By sale of rags and bones twelve shillings sixpence. I copy literally
from the receipt book. We seek to make the best of everything. As a
steward of public money, I feel it right that even these articles should be
turned into money; nor could we expect answers to our prayers if
knowingly there were any waste allowed in connection with the work."
In these times of larger vision and work, God led him day by day to trust
for supplies. Speaking of two weeks during the Christmas holidays of
1852-53, he said, "We had nothing in advance of our wants. Means came
in only as they were required for pressing needs. We ask no human being
for help...We depend alone upon God."
While the work of building the new house was in progress, Mr. Muller
continued to keep his requests before the Lord. Large gifts were sent in,
one for $15,000 and another for $20,000. An offer was also received to fill
the 300 large windows in the house with glass.
Of this incident Mr. Muller avows, "It is worthy of note that the glass
was not contracted for this time, as in the case of the House already built. This, no doubt, was under the ordering of our Heavenly Father."
About a year before the building's completion approximately $150,000
was on hand for the expense. At one time he was examining the 150 gas
burners when he felt constrained to return home suddenly. On arriving he
found a check for £1,000 from a person who "concluded it would be good
and profitable to invest a little in the Orphan Houses."
Finally on November 12, 1857, just seven years after the idea had burned
in Mr. Muller's soul, the New Orphan House, No. 2, was opened. He
wrote on this day, "The long-looked-for and long-prayed-for day has now
arrived when the desire of my heart was granted to me, to be able to open
the house for four hundred additional orphans...How precious this was to
me...having day by day prayed for a blessing for seven years."
When the house was opened there were left over in the fund for the third
house a balance of approximately twenty-three hundred pounds. This sum
was believed to be the earnest of the entire amount needed for the third
building's construction. Accordingly his faith took hold of God for another
building which would house three hundred children.
He had planned to build this by the first house, but when the time arrived
to begin construction this seemed unwise. So the old search for a suited
site began once more. After much searching and no little vexation a plot of
eleven and a half acres across the road from the present buildings was