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Charles G. Finney

(29/08/1792 - 16/8/1875)



1. Often trying occasions.

2. Beware of encouraging the wicked to procrastinate.

3. Make an honest use of the occasion. (Whittlesey).

4. Be kind, but faithful, to surviving friends.

5. Avail yourself of anything peculiar in the case.

6. Visit mourners, and comfort or admonish as necessary.

7. Be sure to remark upon the wickedness as well as danger of delay. Such dispensations searching.

8. Also upon the difficulty, danger, and uncertainty of a death-bed repentance.

9. Urge the guilt and danger of misimproved afflictions.

10. Secure a belief in a universal providence.

11. If they have much preaching, don't encourage funeral sermons. Everyone will want it.

12. If they have not much, encourage them, i.e., sermons.

13. Also, in neighborhoods where they don't attend meetings.

14. Send the word home to skeptics, errorists, and non-attendants at other times.

15. Call often on the bereaved, and secure a sanctified result.

16. Lead mourners to inquire after the lesson.

17. Assure them that God has a lesson for them.

18. Secure their cordial acceptance of His will.

19. Lead them to consider those texts that relate to afflictions.

(1) Afflictions promised: II Sam. 7:14; Ps. 89:30; 119:75; Prov. 3:12.

(2) Advice to the afflicted: Deut. 8:5; Job 5:17; 34:31-32; Prov. 3:11; Heb. 12:5-8.

(3) Complaints under: Job 10:17; Ps. 46:10-12; 88:9; Lam 1:12-14; 3:1-3.

(4) Disappointments: Job 17:11; 3:26; Isa. 21:4; Jer. 8:15; Amos 8:10; Hag. 1:16.

(5) Support: II Sam. 22:19; Ps. 129:1-2; 140:12; 145:14.

(6) Fainting: Job 4:5-6; Prov. 24:10; Job 15:11; II Chron. 28:22.

(7) Unimproved: II Chron. 28:22; Isa. 9:13-14; Jer. 2:30; Zeph. 3:2.

(8) Deliverance: Job 5:11; ll:16; Ps. 30:5; 91:15; Nahum 1:9,12; Ps 30:11; 34:19-20; 146:8; Isa. 25:3,4,16.

(9) Advantages of: Job 36:8-10, 21; II Chron. 33:12-13; Ps. 55:19; 78:34-35; 34:12, 13; 119:67, 71; Isa. 26:8-9; 48:10; Lam. 3:19-21, 27-29; Hos. 5:15; Heb. 12:11.

20. In afflictions of every kind, be sympathetic and manifest a Christian sympathy.

21. Avail yourself of all providential aids to secure their repentance.

22. Always insist upon a universal providence.

23. Also, that all events have a design.

24. That they are wisely and benevolently ordered.

25. That they are needed as a means of our instruction.


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