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(NOTE: All thoughts in this page are mine, those God blessed me with. But, there are some in here (very, very few) which are changed thoughts and truths from other authors which touched me deeply. I have changed these (very few) to best tell what was going on in my own heart. In the end, what will count is the truth and not the person who wrote it. Truth will remain while all authors will soon be gone from the earth. Till then, "we speak wisdom among those who are perfect; yet, not the wisdom of this world, nor of the rulers of this world, that come to nothing...", 1Cor.2:6.


  1. "Two men went up to the temple to pray; one a Pharisee, the other a publican. The publican (…) standing afar off, did not even want to raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his chest, saying: O God, Have mercy on me, a sinner!" Luke 8:10,13. There is a lot of talk about the Pharisee who trusted so much in his religious habits which made him arrogant even before God. But, currently, there are many arrogant people who act like publicans, who have created habits of beating their chests due to teaching in order to excuse their sins and the reason for their staggering living. If the Pharisees lived by appearances and became self-confident because of them, today it is no less true that many gather with the appearance of tax collectors and publicans. They claim that they must keep beating their chest, that they can't stop sinning as if to stop killing, stealing or smoking were things impossible to be achieved. They pray, congregate, read the Bible, preach the Bible, take Holy Communion, get baptized and do everything as required, maintaining the appearance of publicans while still having a heart of stone and an increasingly hardened conscience. They are happy because they don't miss a service, because they spend hours reading the Bible or praying, their lives revolve around church or not, they work hard in the temple or not, doing everything that appears to be evangelical or Christian. "Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? And in your name cast out demons? And in your name did we not do many wonders? And then I will say to them openly: I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice iniquity", Matt.7:23. There are certain signs and characteristics that we must consider in what we do or believe. For example, holiness cannot be apparent and mistaken by friendliness and good behavior. True holiness can only be judged by the fruit it produces and not by appearance. It is by the fruit that we will be known before God and not by the hustle and bustle around the church; prayer cannot be judged by beautiful or ugly words, by the time spent in prayer, or the place where one prays or by fasting, but by the answers one obtains; communion with God must be measured by the intervention that God manages to obtain in us and in our daily tasks outside and within the Church and not by what we do, believe or give; all types of tithes and offerings have no value if they are not guaranteed by and for the glory of God; Reading the Bible cannot be measured by the amount of reading and knowledge, but by the transformation and confidence in the heart that it can produce. I could mention many more examples, but here is the idea as a cornerstone so that our minds and hearts can be redirected to certain truths and to certain lies that have transformed God's truth into lies. I hope there is still time to open our spiritual intelligence to the reality that we will all still be judged, and that the Judgment will always begin at the house of God, on our own person and not in those outside (1Ped.4:17). God's judgment begins with the leaders of the church and not with the thief who robbed the church; it begins with who prays and not who is prayed for; It begins with the one who preaches the Word and ends with the one who hears it. It's time to wake up from our sleep and ask why things are no longer as they were in the time of the apostles.

  2. The church should be a meeting point with truth and the reality of Christ. No one can separate truth from spiritual reality. If it is not real, the truth loses to become hypocrisy and ceases to be truth even if it is the written truth and even if it is the purest doctrine. We know and recognize the truth by the fruit it produces and reproduces in the form of reality and not so much by what is written. But we all must know that that the truth of God only produces a good effect/fruit by finding a truthful person or someone who desires to be truthful from the heart in all transparency under intense light. This is what it means to walk in the light. If the truth does not find such a heart, it will produce an enemy of the true Gospel, who will be a friend of a false and more "convenient" gospel. That is what it means to become an antichrist. There is another problem, however: a certain type of environment conducive to the survival of the flesh is produced within the Temples of God, a certain way of speaking appropriate for people who wish to congregate and believe without being transformed, and who wish to be believers without ever getting truly new hearts. And this is how gospel actors are created and recreated for ecclesiastical or evangelical roles, which never produce eternal fruit because they try to produce fruit for themselves, wanting God to agree and be cooperative with them in that sense. Who wouldn't want to have an Almighty God at the service of his carnal desires? Unfortunately, this type of Gospel is also distributed to those with true hearts who seek shelter and truth in these temples of lies, subduing them in darkness due to the lack of reality in what they hear and forcefully try to digest. Truth can never gain deep roots in a heart that has not been truly transformed, just as lies and unreality will never gain deep roots in a heart that seeks truth or seeks to be truthful. Unfortunately, in both cases, it has the capacity to produce appearance; and appearance does not save from itself but tries to save itself. If the aim of preaching is not the conquest or reconquest of man's deepest being to God, if it is not the transformation of man's true essence into the full truth of spiritual reality to save him from himself and his sins, whether many or few, truth creates and recreates appearance and, consequently, reality is not produced by true, abundant life. It is very important to address and point all the arrows of true preaching to the heart and essence of each man and not to his appearance. Legalistic preaching does that, just as smooth preaching achieves it too. Appearance does not change people, but the transformation of a person's true essence changes even his appearance. And many seek the change of appearance and not the change of the whole, starting from deep within and not from the outside. We must be aware that, to embrace the true Gospel, is to embrace our death itself. We need to die with Christ to the point of being able to affirm, like Paul, that "I no longer live" and that to be true and not mere rhetoric. May there be churches and preachings where all those who enter know that they will find their own death and not the survival of their sinful species.

  3. "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord! Lord! shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven", Matt.7:21. In this piece of Scripture, there is hidden wisdom over which one can easily stumble. There is more hidden content in it than, at first glance, it may appear. We cannot assume that anyone can do God's will. By assuming it so, we would not be sided up with truth. Only those who are enabled can execute God's will and only through them does it bear fruit because "it is God who works both to will and to do for His good pleasure", Phil.2:13. In the prayer that Jesus taught, we read something that needs to be well understood. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven", Matt.6:10. This is one of those verses that may not have a direct translation into our language. In fact, it means something like this: "Your will be done here on earth in the same way – in the same manner – that it is done in heaven". The issue here is not that it be done, but the way in which it is to be done. That is, by the same means, for the same reasons and making full use of the same power, which has yet to be achieved or received. And this power can only be attained by fulfilling certain conditions and, afterwards, by seeking it wholeheartedly and finding it. However, that search must begin with the extermination of any carnal means upon which any residual hope is still secretly kept. Even if someone tries to execute God's will through carnal means or power, it will never bear fruit because the house is not built by God. It is for this reason that we will be known by the fruit we bear and not by the execution of anything. We cannot believe that the flesh can/should survive, perform or bear fruit within the Temple of God. Only the very deluded can believe such a thing.

  4. "When you pray, do not babble vain words (vain repetitions), as the nations. For they think that in their much speaking they shall be heard", Matt.6:7. The issue here is not even about the number of words or repetitions used in prayer, as there are people who use few words and are not heard in prayer too. The secret of prayer is to be heard and is not the form or formula of praying nor the amount of time spent in prayer. To be heard, there are certain conditions that need to be met. However, we cannot say with certainty that those conditions are the same for a new convert as for an adult in Christ. But, there is something common in both cases: having the whole heart involved in the search for something that glorifies God. John Bunyan said the following on his deathbed: "When thou prayest, it is better that thy heart should be without words, than that thy words should be without heart". Any prayer that is not attended by God is a vain prayer and the prayers that are not heard are the main source for vain repetitions. And, to be heard, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions that change and deepen according to our approach to God and the consequent spiritual growth which come with the practice of truth with fruit by remaining in His presence in a constant way when that presence is for real. And all those who have ever found themselves involved in vain and repetitive prayers need, necessarily, to exterminate, with contempt, all the habits they accumulated with this futile and useless involvement with God, habits such as continuing to ask when God has already answered; or giving up, neglect, become discouraged or stagnate halfway due to previous experiences of unanswered answers. Everything needs to become new, including our mentality and our way of approaching God. We might think it strange when a normal person doesn't react to our speaking. But few take it as something abnormal when God doesn't react to any of our prayers. All our habits accumulated throughout our useless life without Christ here on earth need to be extinguished. And it is about this accumulation of habits that Jesus is intervening here when speaking to those who have become or will become new creatures. There are more habits that are created/accumulated in times without real answers to prayer. All these habits need to be analyzed when found, to be uprooted and exterminated once and for all. Everything must become new indeed. "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind", Rom.12:2.

  5. "Joseph, her husband to be, being just, not willing to make her a public example, purposed to put her away secretly", Matt.1:19. It appeared that Mary had committed adultery. Joseph did not want to be the person to publicize this alleged adultery because he "was righteous" and did not want to discredit her in public. According to the law of Moses, being just could mean taking Mary to be stoned to death. It seems that Joseph already lived the New Testament. But, even in the New Testament era, some other questions and problems arise around this issue. Let's imagine that a righteous preacher has a wife who wants nothing to do with God because she stumbled somewhere and, consequently, lost her own communion with God along her spiritual path. If the husband 'protects' her by hiding her sins, he becomes conniving and complicit in those sins. This is not and will never be a good testimony to his listeners and followers. Paul refused to take Mark in his journey to visit the churches because of a bad testimony concerning perseverance. For someone to be a blessed preacher, he needs two things among many: he needs to know how to take care of his own household because, according to Paul, "if someone does not know how to manage their own home, will he take care of the church of God?" 1Tim.3:5. Hiding or disguising the sins of a household is not and will never be walking in the light, much less is it governing that home well because sin is destructive and only by putting all in the light is it possible to exterminate sin. The strength of sin resides in being hidden or desguised. Not being guilty of his own wife's sins or deviations, the truth must still prevail, be clear and transparent because of the testimony and the visibility of the blessing of God. There are men of God who take their own wives to the pulpit to explain that they have nothing to do with her sins, in the hope that she will be reconciled with God driven by the shame of such public exposure. If that causes the wife to harden herself even more, being rebellious, the preacher in question is forever cleared of her sins. His good testimony shall prevail along the run and will remain intact. But is this bad? Is it unrighteous to go to such extremes? If what motivates this preacher is, first and foremost, the testimony of the truth and its visibility, and if his secondary motive is to try to save his wife from her sins and from her conduct (something which happens quite often), if his heart is not being driven by any sort of desire for revenge, anger or resentment, if what moves him is love, I believe that this is not a bad gesture. The truth must prevail in someone with a true heart and a Christian home should be an open book for all to read over and over. Adam stood next to his wife, and we can see what the consequences are even today. We will never know what would have happened had Adam sided with God instead of colluding with his wife. We can only speculate about that, but certainly many things would have been quite different to this day. In the case of Mary and Joseph, placing himself on the side of God meant not discrediting Mary because she had not sinned. Even without knowing it, he did what was right to do - he did what God wanted done. But let's understand that his righteousness did not consist in the fact that he did not expose Mary, but that he could do the right thing because he was righteous. Instead of being legalistic he could discern between the will of God and the Law and act accordingly due to righteousness and closeness to God. He did the will of God even without realizing it. That is what righteousness is all about. "My judgment (…) (because) I have the Spirit of God", 1Cor.7:40. However, to protect Mary was the will of God, but leaving her was not. Joseph was corrected concerning leaving Mary – something that might happen to all and any righteous person.

  6. "Christ in you, hope of glory", Col.1:27. We have two problematic issues here with people's beliefs and hopes. The first is someone believing, affirming or even assuming that he has Christ within when that is not true. Christ may not be in the person and yet that person may believe that He is. But, we also have the other side of the issue: Christ is found in the person and he thinks that He is not the one working or even flowing within him.

  7. "He has delivered us out of the power of darkness...", Col.1:13. We must learn to pay greater attention to the words in the Bible, especially those that do not have a direct translation into our own language. However, we don't need to learn Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew to be able to understand well what certain words or truths mean in their most practical form. We just need to have a real, true, unforced communion and complicity with God in the promised fullness to obtain the necessary revelations about all and any truth, believing in it unconditionally by assuming it in our daily lives to make ready for the next step, making it practical. It is this form of fellowship with God that prevents us from stumbling over the Word. Those who do not have it will certainly stumble on the Word, which will only make sense when made personal through a manifestation of the truth by God to oneself, whether in a service, in a Bible study or in a room of intimacy with God. This word "power" (of darkness) here has no direct translation in our language, but it has a meaning that can surprise us considerably. The power that can be exerted over someone can manifest itself in many ways. There are those forms of power that are exercised over unwilling slaves who obey only out of fear of the consequences; but, there is also that form of power that conquers the person's voluntariness to the point of one feeling fulfilled and happy under this power that disguises itself as pleasure or accomplishments. And this is the meaning of the word "power" in this verse of the Bible. This last form of power makes it impossible for anyone to feel enslaved doing, feeling, carrying out and living under the deceit of what they most desire. Such people feel like they are masters of their destiny without realizing that, in reality, they are drifting and lost being their own slaves due to the subtlety that makes part of the devil's will and way to make them believe lies. This is the worst type of enslaving power that exists, where the person himself desires what dominates and enslaves him. This is precisely what this word "power" means in here. This power or potency remains active only when hidden and disguised or, should I say, kept in darkness, because, if under the light (if that light is deeply desired), all types of deception will become visible and clear, as well as their motives. It is necessary to be in darkness to be able to deceive, that is, to continue to be deception. It is for this reason that we must walk in the light, striving to be transparent and visible under it. By being convicted, being revealed to by God, it is up to each one to decide whether to continue practicing what the flesh desires most or whether decline it to learn to prefer the beauty of true freedom (from ourselves) that exists only within the will of God, exterminating the flesh by crucifying it with Christ eternally. Sin only has strength if it manages to remain as a blinding deception that dominates and convinces. In fact, it even deceives by claiming and convincing that it is an indestructible power. And this is what many preachers propagate in today's pulpits when they talk about the old nature, the flesh or sin. They form a partnership with evil without realizing it by assuring sin and the flesh are indestructible and we need to live with it till we die. There is no power outside of God. It is through Him that we will be freed from deceitfulness, which is what the power of the forces of evil is made of, having God lead us through the truth in a practical way; and a large part of this evil is our own - it is what we desire or, better said, what we learn to desire, excuse, justify and accept being deceived and by deceiving ourselves as well. This power from which Jesus frees us has the capacity to make us deceive ourselves. It has only the strength we give to it. The power of the devil and the flesh are perishable under the light because light makes us see the naked truth about its boasting deceit and it is for this reason that it is through the truth that we are freed. This means that even the power which any sin can exert is a convincing lie - it is a most accepted and desired illusion. This power becomes insignificant and weakened to death under the light of truth, and it can become completely dead if the person manages to abide or be in Christ, in full light, believing solemnly what light reveals step by step, assuming it in daily lives and, also, if someone can truly consider himself truly dead when or if really dead by having abundant life flowing in the promised abundance. "So, consider yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord", Rom.6:11. It is enough to assume a truth that has become reality - if it has become reality through a life of fullness, and as long as it is achieved in the promised abundance. "Abide in Me, and I in you", John 15:4. Christ is dead to sin and if He really lives in us as we live no more, we are indeed to sin because He is dead to it and lives in us. We shall be as dead to whatever can be enjoyed in this world as a decomposing corpse can be. This is the truth. Believe it. This is what the gospel is all about, this is the good news.

  8. "Only be strong and very courageous so that you may be careful to do...", Jos.1:7. There are those who make efforts without obtaining results compatible with the expended effort. This happens because there is a secret that we must master to avoid stumbling over the word. Any effort to fulfil which does not bear fruit is what means to stumble on the Word. The promise to which we pay full attention is a stumbling block when it does not end in fulfilment. It is by the fruit of the word that we know the tree and not by how hard someone tries to fulfil. And what is the main reason for someone to stumble on the Word? The reason is to try to fulfil without having a real, true, simple, dedicated, exclusive, permanent and constant communion with Jesus in the Holy Spirit, thus seizing the power grace that is necessary to perform here on earth the way everything is performed in heaven, that is, here on earth as in heaven. God denies the effort of those who do not know Him experimentally. "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain", Ps.127:1. Trying to comply or fulfil without having this unfeigned and very real fellowship is like wanting to move a car without fuel. The heavy car will only move when pushed, which will result in the car not fulfilling the mission for which it was designed. And there are believers who, instead of being transported, try to transport what should take them through the narrow gate and the narrow path. "If you love me, you will keep my commandments", John 14:15. That is, if the love for (of) God cannot be poured into our hearts for some reason, if there is something that prevents this type of communion with God, that is, that prevents abundant and eternal life from flowing throughout our whole being, we will never we will be able to keep or fulfil the commandments given to us by Jesus as a hereditary duty. But, having (obtaining) this power of grace by taking possession of this eternal and abundant life (1 Tim.6:12), which empowers us to be able to do all things, any effort to fulfil shall surely obtain its respective results. Only then does this commandment make sense: "Try hard (be strong) and be of good courage to be careful to do". It is for this reason that Paul, speaking from a personal experience, stated that he could do all things, being unconditionally in Him. Having obtained this communion with Life, we can and must strive with the certainty that we will not be frustrated and much less disappointed. That is, having this life in the promised abundance, it is up to us to strive wholeheartedly with total confidence to end up in good results. The effort will then bear its respective fruits sooner or later. These fruits rarely take long to be seen. But, even if they linger, they will certainly come. This happens only by being in full communion with God, walking in His real presence - truly real presence - so that He won't deny us. But, if we strive without having true, real and manifest Life through a continued communion with God, that is, if this "communion" is unilateral on our part through an effort outside the context of a real experience with eternal life, if it is pretended, fictional or forced, we will turn ourselves into what the Bible states to be the antichrist. To be the antichrist is to be a Christian in appearance - it is to be a Christian without having Christ. The Gospel and doctrine without Christ are the worst enemies of the truth that we want to be real. Effort without abundant and real life will make of us the hypocrites at the wedding, those who jump over the wall to enter without a wedding garment. Surely, we will be thrown out with the hypocrites. It is important to remember that it is the person who turns himself into an antichrist. "Also, now many have become antichrists", 1 John 2:18. They strive fulfil, yet avoiding the humiliating conditions for the flesh that open the way for real Life to be found. Antichrists are found inside the church. "They went out from us, but they were not of us", 1 John 2:19. Being like Christ, having the appearance of Christianity is what it means to be the antichrist, professing that we know him, but denying him with our everyday works and fruits. The absence of fruit is God denying us. This type of life of those who claim to believers is the biggest impediment for the true Gospel to be real and to result into glory for God. To be antichrist is to become a resemblance of the holiness that exists on earth, that is, to appear as we imagine ourselves to be instead of being ourselves walking in the light fully transparent.

  9. "Beloved, trying to write to you (...) about common salvation, I had the necessity (...) to exhort you to contend for the faith that was once given to the saints. Because some have come in (...) wicked men, who turn the grace of God into dissolution and deny God", Jud.1:1,2. Jude, when talking here about "contending for the faith", is not referring to battling against the persecutions of the wicked, the prisons and the resistance of the wicked from the outside. He is talking about believers, those who come in and transform the practical life into a dissolute living in church. He is talking about those on the inside and not those on the outside. Evil is within the church. Evil from the outside does not affect a true believer's communion with the Holy Spirit and his power. The water outside the boat or ship helps it to navigate and float, but having the water inside causes it to sink. And when Jude talks about denying God, he is not talking about professions of faith, but about practical life. The wicked on the inside rarely deny God verbally, unless they are atheists. They deny God with their practical living outside or even inside the church. It is through our practical life that we either deny or glorify God and not through the words we profess. "They confess that they know God, but they deny him with their works", Tit.1:16. There is no profession of faith capable of saving anyone.

  10. "A bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts the words of the righteous", Dt.16:19. There are many forms of bribery. We can also say that there are those who seek and accept bribes. And, among these, there are those who allow themselves to be deceived (bribed) with many other things besides money. They allow themselves to be bribed even with words and compliments. When a pastor or leader of a church considers the members of his church as his possession or domain, he will certainly also allow himself to be perverted and deceived by the number of people who are capable of joining his 'domain' and will not take into account their sanctity and exclusive dedication to God. This subtle form of bribery leads such leaders to accept even those who have never been truly converted as part of what they believe to be the Kingdom of God. I've seen a lot of this in my short gospel living. The numbers and attendance filling their church benches are counted and, in addition to deceiving themselves, these so-called pastors (or mercenaries) deceive those who join the churches, convincing them with illusions, lies and with flattering conclusions calling them brothers and sisters. Who will think about the need to be converted being a "Christian", or who believes to be outside the Kingdom believing yo be already saved by believing in an own, convenient way? These pastors not only congratulate themselves with the number of members in church, but they deceive those who could still be converted by making them believe that they are already saved when, in fact, they have are being made children of hell twice as worse. "Woe to you, hypocrites! For you go through sea and land to make a proselyte; and after you have done so, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves", Matt.23:15. All of this occurs through a form of subtle bribery, feigning love and being hypocritical to continue holding onto members who have never tasted abundant life (that is, eternal life) through a true and real conversion.

  11. "He did not doubt (...) through unbelief", Rom.4:20. I want to lift a certain burden from the shoulders of some people who are led to doubt certain things, and who are also led to feel guilty by thinking that they doubt God. It is good to pay close attention to these words of Paul: "Doubt through unbelief." I believe it is possible to doubt through faith. Sin does not reside in doubt itself, but in doubting God, especially, when he speaks - if He speaks. It is true that doubt is not being sure of anything yet, but it can lead to certainty if it is worked by faith. I'll try to explain. There are many doctrinal errors, many false preachers and profiteers, many churches that are the door to hell and not heaven. Many of those who live with these wrong practices doubt many of the things they hear and see in these wrong circles, being afraid of losing out due to their "lack of faith". They are inclined to attribute error rather to themselves than to falsehood. They end up accepting the circumstances instead of "examining everything to be enable to hold what is good" (1Thess.5:21). There are also people who accept error out of sentimental affinities, personal interests, family affinities and feelings of guilt, which might amount to pleasing people. I have no doubt about that. But, it is one thing to doubt through unbelief and another to doubt through faith. I know that doubting error is not perfect faith yet, as it is not yet the complete certainty of things. However, we cannot deny that doubting any error is the work of faith.

  12. If there is, in fact, a false, feigned or forced faith, there is certainly a carnal way of acting associated with the exercise of that type of faith that dislodges true faith from the heart. "You will not do according to all that we do here today, each one of you whatever seems good in his own eyes, because until now you have not entered into the rest and inheritance that the Lord is giving you", Dt.12:8,9. Practical life, the way of experiencing and exercising true faith is opposite to the way many believe it should be exercised. Therefore, in addition to denying and exterminating false faith, we must also exterminate the way we used to exercise any so-called "faith" that we inherited from a previous carnal life.

  13. "You will not do according to all that we do here today, each one of you whatever seems good in his own eyes, because until now you have not entered into the rest and inheritance that the Lord is giving you", Dt.12:8,9. Jesus spoke of the rest He gives and, also, that His yoke is easy if we enter that rest. Paul also said that "it remains for some (believers) to enter into this rest" (Heb:4). This means that many people stay at the narrow door and get so excited about it that keeps them from entering. We find this rest in the fullness of life beyond the narrow door, that is, by taking hold of eternal life (abundant life) that begins here and now. Only those who are clean of heart, clean in motives and exercise spotlessness in their daily lives will enter this rest. If someone manages to obtain this constant and eternal fullness of life here and now without having been properly cleansed in the blood of the Lamb, he shall certainly enter into permanent conflict with the Holy Spirit until he is properly cleansed. "The Spirit is enmity against the flesh, and the flesh against the Spirit", Rom.8:7. Living within this enmity there will be no rest. But, we need to add two things here: "You shall not do according to everything we do here today, each one whatever seems good in his own eyes, because...". It is not possible to be guided by God outside the abundant life. But only the most honest believers can recognize this, because I see many people speaking in the name of God without having been mandated or sent by Him to do so. When one deceives himself, he can easily claim that it was God who spoke to him. Mistakes also occur whenever a suggestive strange voice is heard. Both suggestion and autosuggestion are pernicious deceptions. But, having entered and been consolidated in the rest that eternal and abundant life gives, we can no longer live the way we used lived before, doing what seemed good or better in our own eyes.

  14. What is normal (or should be normal) in the unfolding of our Christian life and its growth, should be a natural adaptation to each stage or phase in the promised abundance - if we even have it to that extent. There is the learning phase that should end in a natural, spontaneous and personal practice where we can no longer depend on learning, but on what we have already become. "I wrote to you because (...) the word of God is in you and you have overcome", 1 John 2:14. We don't learn to know - we learn to become. The problem with today's churches is that they make people believe that they must always remain in the learning phase, thus avoiding the practical part of the Gospel which will unquestionably lead to a natural, spontaneous and effortless maturity in the communion, fellowship and understanding of God right through life, and that with greater, unfeigned humility. Therefore, we must know what are our foundations of the beginnings are so that we might move on to perfection (Heb.6:1-3) This practical part of true Living will make it possible for us to progress/grow beyond what we already are to become even more, better and closer to the Lord. We have many believers who block the narrow gate so that those who want to enter through it cannot enter. But, we also have those so-called teachers and leaders who like to hold people in a learning phase so that they might remain under their control. If they outgrow them, they leave the range of such teachers' domain. Those who do not progress are always under the jurisdiction and power of those who teach. "Shepherd the flock of God that is among you (...) willingly, (...) hand as rulers over those entrusted to you", 1Pet.5:2,3. This would be like a school teacher who wants to maintain his control over his students, preventing them from prospering in order to keep them under his yoke. He doesn't let them move on so as not to lose his hold on them. "Blessed are you who sow by all waters and give freedom to the ox and the ass", Is.32:20.

  15. There is an enormous difficulty in understanding the heart of man, as man deceives even himself. "The heart is deceitful above all things - who can understand it?", Jer.17:9. However, we know that everything begins in the heart, both what is good and what is bad. It is precisely there where everything begins to shine and it is there where "a great light" begins to dawn on all those who find themselves in the shadow of death and self-deception. So, everything starts in the heart. We cannot deny that as a fact. It is there where all good work start off. Therefore, we must pay greater attention to the responsibility of having to transform our own hearts through sincerity so that, having been transformed, the practical part may correspond to what we really are, preventing to become theatrical in the practical part of the true Gospel. There are those who, being bad, hide behind good practices; and those who have already been transformed may find themselves entangled in previous guilt or mere guilty feelings and habits. In both cases, they are not what they practice - they are not themselves. Sincerity, combined with the reality of the facts and the correct perception of the truth already installed in the heart, is the greatest asset in obtaining this heart and sanctification. "Behold, thou lovest the truth within," Ps.51:6. This must be done and achieved by the good use and enjoyment of the fullness of the active power of grace applied in a sincere heart, gathering with God so as not to be found scattering. "Create in yourselves a new heart and a new spirit", Ez.18:31. Having said that, we should never underestimate the fact that we are no longer virgins to evil, having already assimilated, in previous times, much of the culture of evil and its way of thinking, especially regarding our own concepts of evil and goodness. "Woe to me! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among a people of unclean lips", Is.6:5. We can still (and after having already obtained a transformed heart) classify good as evil and bad as good. We must be renewed outside too. Not only did we give ourselves body and soul to our worldly concepts, pleasures, cultures, but we created a mentality capable of reasoning within this sphere using its formula/way of thinking, facing new things through a mind that is still worldly and conditioned by the past, which still compares what is in the world with what is worldliness, believing that is doing a good, useful and correct thing to do when, in fact, it is evil trying to manage goodness. Stopping doing evil or stopping being evil does not mean that our mind or mentality has been transformed. Therefore, it becomes necessary to start practicing, in detail, everything that begins in a truly transformed heart, with all sincerity in a new reality never lived and never experienced before. Everything is really new now. By beginning to practice, the path is opened to understanding the truth and even to understanding one's own heart so that one no longer says, "who can understand it?" It is for that reason that Jesus says that "whoever wants to do the will of God" will know/understand. Many good preachers tend to put forth the sequence of these things in reverse by instructing a heart that has not yet undergone transformation or that does not apply itself to the practical part of the Gospel. Jesus did not command to teach all things, but, "teach them to keep all things", Matt.28:20. And it is by practicing that the process of true understanding begins. Therefore, the mind needs to begin to be renewed in a new way of thinking, practicing and, in parallel, obtaining an exciting, vibrant, courageous new culture and perspective before it can become unstoppable and simple. This is what God says to be "strong and of good courage". "Be strong and of good courage", Jos.1:6. One could almost say, "Be strong and obtain good courage." The "effort" of practical strength comes first. It is by practicing and gathering with God that our minds start being renewed, understanding clearly what we do and why we do it. "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind", Rom.12:1,2.

  16. "But to those outside, all these things are given in parables so that they may see clearly but not perceive, and they may hear clearly but not understand, otherwise they might turn around and be forgiven", Mk.4:11,12. There are many profiteering doctrines that use certain misinterpreted parts of Scripture to substantiate themselves. These statements by Jesus here are one of those cases. He says: "...lest their sins be forgiven". At first glance, it seems strange, but if we look closely, we will see a certain play of words here that I don't know if it is due to the translations or not. If this verse states that God does not want certain people to be converted and saved, then, Scriptures contradict themselves, as we clearly read that it is God's will for everyone to be saved. But, we can believe that this passage says that God does not want certain people to be forgiven because they might not be truly converted from the heart (and that unto the Lord and not some other sort of conversion); or because they do not want to be that converted. I believe this is very close to the correct interpretation. It might have been for this same reason that God placed "a fiery sword that went around, to guard the way to the tree of life (so that they would not live forever, sinning)", Gen.3.24,22. It is genuine conversion that leads to forgiveness. That sort of conversion is not a mere change of conduct, but, a deep change from within which spreads out to the whole. Therefore, believing that God prevents some from being saved is clearly an error of interpretation and can't serve as substance to the doctrines which state that, and which, also, has nothing to do with the true doctrine of predestination, but only in the way that many believe it to be. Even the doctrine of predestination contains the intrinsic truth within it that God wants everyone to be saved and it is for that solemn purpose that God starts off with predestination or the salvation of many would never be possible. When the interpretation of this doctrine rules out the truth that everything boils around His will that everyone should or could be saved without exception, it is a misinterpretation by people who think they know a lot, but, in fact, know nothing. Everything written has as its sole aim and objective the salvation of all. But, returning to the verse above, I believe that the correct interpretation is different from what, at first glance, we may be led to believe. If we see what Paul says in 2Cor.3:16, we can believe that understanding comes with genuine conversion. Paul says, "when they turn to the Lord, then the veil will be taken away". And that cannot be something which concerns only the Jews, but a fact for everyone. We can also and categorically state that the forgiveness of sins is granted by the person's conversion and that a thorough confession of each sin leads or induces to that sort of thorough conversion; and that it causes this conversion to be genuine and, also, unto the Lord. We are not forgiven because we confess, but because we are converted. Confessing without being converted unto the Lord amounts to nothing. The detailed confession of each sin must lead to that sort of conversion. So, let's look again at the verse above: "lest their sins be forgiven". This statement can be seen as the fact that people do not want to be truly converted (unto the Lord) so that their sins may be forgiven safely, assuring or reassuring God's reigning Kingdom in them. If there were forgiveness without conversion, they would certainly want to be forgiven. They just don't want to be converted. Even the devil would want to be forgiven without being converted. Let's imagine a murderer being forgiven without having become a distributor or giver of life (as happened with Paul)! Such a murderer might stop killing only, and yet, never start to distribute true life all around. That is not conversion. Or a thief being forgiven without starting to work to give to those in need, doing the opposite of what he had done before! Or a liar who does not speak the truth by being truthful and by experiencing the truth he speaks about! Many can speak the truth without having become truthful. If these people began to understand the Word without being converted (unto the Lord) and without being filled with God, they would be able to create an appearance of Christianity, of holiness, of truth and of purity that would not correspond to what they really are in their hearts, deceiving even themselves. And we all know that people learn from others what they are and not merely what they do. Therefore, saying that this piece of Scripture means that some should not be genuinely saved and converted is going too far with some bad misinterpretations. In fact, they do not genuinely want to be converted so that they may be truly forgiven.

  17. Do not quench (extinguish) the Spirit", 1Tes.5:19. When God manifested himself in our lives, the way he manifested himself - as long as this revelation was real and not just self-assumed belief - may serve as the reference to compare what God began to do with what he currently does or is unable to do. That's a good way to know whether we have grieved the Holy Spirit or not. It is good to compare the state of today's churches with their beginnings in the time of the apostles to get an idea of how much the Spirit of God has been grieved. We can also check whether, instead of being grieved and sad, how much he is happy about us if we have been growing in grace steadfastly. To have joy about us it is necessary for Him to see a clear progress in the quality of the fruit that His presence is capable of producing in us. "Let us know and continue to know the Lord", Hos.6:3. If knowing the Lord in a real way is like the dawn of beautiful day that increases in quality and light, we can assume that, instead of saddening the Spirit of God, we can make Him happy instead.

  18. Be strong and of good courage", Jos.1:6. Many times and during prolonged trials, a person stops doing the normal things of all daily duties, losing spirit little by little and anyone notices that the spirit is no longer what it used to be. Even though the power of grace is only at a distance of a sincere prayer, it is no longer possible to execute it if it depends on the spirit that begins to fade as time goes on. We see that Abraham and Isaac also became "full of days" although it was for other reasons (and not the reasons I will mention here) but due to their old age (Gen.25:8; 35:29). The tiredness of waiting for a long time, of having to wait spiritually for those who are behind or neglectful, the promise that takes a long time to be fulfilled and the normal toil of each day or its monotony are capable of giving rise to a certain way of thinking and evaluating which leads to the extinction of "good courage". This encouragement is only good because it comes from God and is due to his unfailing presence. It only exists as a fruit due to the communion of his presence. That's why it's "good". But, we need to see another factor in this regard. A person does not stop performing due to a lack of good spirit, but it is precisely the opposite: it saddens the "good spirit" because he stops doing faithfully. That's why we read "be strong and of good courage" - in that order. In chronological order (which is the spiritual order) effort comes before encouragement. We cannot want to change this order, because the order of the flesh is to have courage before being able to perform. The flesh is always contrary and inverse to the Spirit. The flesh seeks courage to strive and the spirit strives and obtains good courage as the fruit of the Spirit. By becoming negligent, a person loses the spirit that is good because he separates himself from God through the sin of carelessness, therefore, it saddens the Spirit that is even capable of reviving a dead person or picking up a stone and making it a son of Abraham. "Good courage/good cheer" is the fruit of a real, sincere and true relationship with God. But, being negligent in any spiritual duty, a person will lose this good spirit due to the separation from God caused by the sin of negligence. The fruit of "good courage" will cease to exist through the breaking of this real communion with God. Therefore, it is not good cheer that will make us strive, but it is by striving that we will obtain this "good cheer". "Awake, awake, put on your strength", Is.52:1 . This enthusiasm is not and will never be just any type of enthusiasm: it is the fruit achieved through a sincere, unfeigned, unforced and real relationship with God. This is only possible to experience by those who are truly and undeniably filled with the Holy Spirit. No one else can experience that any other way. It is not a carnal motivation, operated by man in man, whether that man is himself or someone else who tries to encourage instead of encouraging to strive where he has been negligent. When Paul stated that "we are always of good cheer" it was because he never stopped being faithful in carrying out every detail of God's will. It is for this reason that he was always in "good spirits". For this to become possible, he would have to seek the power of grace thoroughly and faithfully for every task in every moment of every day. "Give us this day our daily bread." Any negligent person will go from bad to worse and even those around him will get worse day after day. And the danger of not making an effort while you can - while it's daylight - is that you'll reach the point where you can no longer make an effort. "Walk while you have light, lest darkness overtake you", John 12:35 . The only thing that can cause a heart to fail is sin. Only sin can be responsible for the failure of a once revived heart. Even if people can excuse themselves with many things, only sin can cause a heart to drift apart and to be caught up in discouragement, which, in turn, tries to blackmail God into pitying those who are refusing to bring sin to the light. "My sins have taken hold on me (...) and my heart fails me", Ps.40:12 .

  19. "...The Holy Spirit that God gave to those who obey Him", At.5:32. Little is said about obedience and its importance as a precondition for the experience of Eternal Life, that is, of abundant life; and the little that is said explains almost nothing about what true obedience is and what it consists of. If we take into account that God strives for an active, voluntary heart, we cannot look at obedience as humans see it, that is, as if the obedience that God speaks of is a subjugation of someone who is forced to obey under penalty of loss or punishment. The disobedient is outside the Kingdom of God, but not just because he disobeys and rather because he has a nature contrary to the Kingdom. If a person "obeys" through force, it does not mean that his nature has been transformed, but that he has been subjugated due to a lack of options. His nature remains the same as always if subjugated or forced. Therefore, he is also outside the Kingdom even if he obeys, since it is not possible to reign him if he has a contrary nature. When I obey reluctantly, disappointedly or in a costly way, I cannot consider myself a person with an obedient nature, just as Balaam's donkey could not consider itself a person for having spoken once. And it is this type of "obedience" that is considered normal among the vast majority of believers and with which humans are content. This means that they live a deception which they consider to be a virtue instead of seeing it as a falsification of obedience. "Their deceit is falsehood", Ps.119:118. "But to Israel He says, 'All day long I have stretched forth My hands to a disobeying and gainsaying people'", Rom.10:21. All obedience to God must be one of nature, of connivance of a heart that follows the commandment by nature, eagerly and by love. In the new creature, obedience is not and will never be a contradiction, but it is the light that was eagerly sought, it is the purest and most sincere desire and delight of an entire being to the point of being fully involved in executing God's will with all intelligence and with all diligence as soon as he finds the means to do so. (No one can execute God's will without finding these means of grace so that they can do it here on earth in the same way as it is done in heaven). "I will lift up my hands to Your Commandments which I have loved"; "Your Precepts have been my songs"; "I have bowed down my heart to do Your Precepts, always to the end.", Ps.119:48;54;112. When someone inclines his heart to be able to keep the statutes, it means doing much more and much more deeply than just inclining their daily steps. This means that all the heart, all the delight and joy act as an integral part of obedience. But a question soon arises: why, then, do the Scriptures tell us to deny ourselves if we want to become His disciples? We must know how to distinguish when the new nature is thwarted, tempted or even prevented by the devil, tiredness, delay in implementing certain promises that affect us, among many other things. It is under these circumstances that we must deny ourselves. It's very different when it's the old nature trying to comply reluctantly to try to be a believer in appearance with its natural difficulties and impossibilities. These are the ones who create doctrines that excuse sinners and state that it is impossible to be holy.

  20. "Give to the Lord (...) strength/power", Ps.96:7; 68:34. There are words in Scripture that are sometimes difficult to understand or even to put into a proper perspective. How can anyone give strength to God? How can someone give Him power? It's actually simple to understand. We give strength to God by submitting ourselves to Him so that God builds the house; by cleaning our life; by abiding in Him and He in us. All of this combined gives visible strength to God, that is, his strength becomes visible, practical and demonstrative. The next time you say that God is your strength, make sure it is true in practice, because you may be talking about an emotional strength that you can create yourself, which allows you to persist or even pursue your usual little, insignificant life. And this may be happening when God may be operating the opposite, giving you reasons to deny your own life, your form of power and strength. There are numerous parts in the Scriptures where it is stated that God resists someone while that person, in his ignorance and stubbornness, seeks strength where there is none. What if it is God who is resisting you and you think it is the devil? If you are not really submitted to God with your whole life fully cleansed and spotless, I very much doubt that God will be your strength. Perhaps it is the idea of God that gives you some sort of emotional encouragement. However, allow me to tell you that whoever drinks that sort of water will necessarily have to drink from it again and again.

  21. "Who gave you this authority?" Matt.21:23. Much is said about authority in general terms, emphasizing just one of the sides: the person who exercises authority as if everything depended on him. Regarding those who exercise godly authority, it is a gift mixed with an example of life. No one can separate example from the authority he can exercise. Whoever gives, can ask; whoever does can ask to be done. Even Jesus would exercise little spiritual authority if he were not a keeper of all the Law and if he were not holy. But, there is another side of the issue of authority that we never talk about: those upon whom that authority is exercised. What is the role? The Pharisees put the question to Jesus well and it is not at all innocent. "Who gave you this authority?" Authority is given, allowed and accepted. But the question soon arises: is it given by whom? Authority is given, granted, permitted and obeyed by those over whom it is exercised. The one who gives authority to someone is that one over whom that authority is exercised by submitting himself to it. I am the one who submits to God's authority, worldly authorities or any other type of authority. I give authority over my life (or parts of it) by submitting myself to it. However, it is good, in the eyes of God, for a person to be submissive by nature with the exercise of intelligence. We could be submissive to God by fearing His immense power, by receiving His immense goodness, or for any other reason once having caught a glimpse of any aspect of God's infinite greatness. But the question would soon arise: what would such a person be like without thinking that greatness? Would he still be submissive, humble and simple at heart? What God desires and works in us is a new and voluntary nature from the depths of our hearts. Being submissive or humble and simple under some power (and not by nature) is, most likely, being so only in appearance out of fear or necessity.

  22. "Do not be anxious about how or what you will answer, nor what you will say. For at the same time the Holy Spirit will teach you what you should say", Luc.12:11,12. Not being anxious or worried avoids many sins or mistakes in moments when one cannot afford to make a mistake. Submitting to enslaving pressure has never been good in tight moments. It can cause precipitation, haste, lack of confidence and little interest or desire to expect something from God, that is, to wait on God. When Jesus talks about responding, however, it does not mean that it is always a spoken response. Sometimes it is, but not always. Jesus kept silent before Pilate and wrote on the ground when they wanted to stone the adulterous woman. Still, these attitudes worked as responses similar to the others he gave whenever he spoke.

  23. It is undeniably true that the Word of God (Scripture) is "profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness", 2Tim.3:16. (But let's keep in mind that we can be reading the Scriptures without having God teaching us). At first glance and by carnal intuition, we might argue that this warning or recommendation targets those who teach and not those who are able to learn from God. As a rule, people learn to teach others and it is believed that the Scriptures speak a lot in this tone for those who teach, that is, for teachers, educators and pastors. However, we must understand that, in truth, the Word is addressed to those who read it and to those who have discovered the secret of teaching themselves. The Scriptures speak to people so that they learn and never so that they learn to teach. Even though teaching is a gift that comes from God, we must understand that we can only try to explain the path of what, for us, is already a normalized daily life. Teaching others is not the same as being taught. Knowing how to transmit what has already become our own practical life, what we have already learned in its most practical form and has already taken roots in us, speaking from our own experience, is the only thing that is required of a preacher or evangelist. "I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified", 1Cor.9:27. "That which ye have received, and heard, and seen in me, do that," Phil.4:9. This is exactly what Paul wanted to convey to Timothy, "so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work", 2Tim.3:17. In this case, he (Timothy) was that man of God. "The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops", 2Tim.2:6. Therefore, the Word is addressed to those who read it attentively (and circumspectively under the light of God) so that they can be corrected, rebutted, rebuked, challenged, comforted and instructed in the ways of the righteous, that is, in the ways of justice/righteousness. It is a huge mistake for a pastor, preacher or evangelist to believe that he has to prepare a sermon for others when, in fact, he has to be able to extract, reiterate and explain what he has already learned through the practice of truth and share how to get there, explaining the path to Life that begins necessarily and unquestionably only with that practice of truth. "He who practices the truth...". However, you should be able to talk about what, in your practical life, has already become usual and natural to avoid talking about new/recent experiences, giving the impression that it is something temporary instead of demonstrating that Life and Its practical outcome are here to stay, eternally. "The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops" when the crops can be harvested and not before that. "Abide..." We must speak only of what already abides in us when it is not a mere revelation anymore, that is, of what is already capable of remaining true in our daily living. If this is not the case, we will be condemned along with liars. We will be of the of the lying kind and we will be judged with and like them.

  24. We can and must be sincere to the point of leaving nothing unclarified between brothers and sisters. Some choose to remain silent because they do not want to give up on their positions or even question them. They might also think of pleasing someone who doesn't agree with them. They might remain silent so as not to have to review their positions too. This is not agreeing. It is not and never will be to be in agreement. Therefore, they cannot walk together, be of one voice, pray together without being frigid, feigned and forced, Amos 3:3. But, there are people who are nobler, more honest and more sincere in relation to the truth and concerning the Scriptures. These listen to each other, analyze the Scriptures attentively and, denying themselves, let the Scriptures have the last word. "...More noble (...) examining the Scriptures daily whether these things were so", Act.17:11. He who does not deny himself in order to give the last word to the Scriptures still does not know what the Gospel is all about and, if so, he will not know what it is to live or experience the Gospel.

  25. The forgiveness that God graciously bestows on any sinner who has been fully and undeniably converted cannot be placed on the same footing or with the same meaning that humans attach to the word "forgiveness". Let's try to understand it step by step. If we carefully read and correctly understand the chapters of Romans (Chap.6 to 8), we may understand better how, when and why God's forgiveness is granted. By what we read, the sinner dies. Guilt and the ability to transgress die with the guilty transgressor. Forgiveness is granted not only on the ground of Christ having died for us, but because His death enables the sinner to die too, crucified with Him. If forgiveness were granted on the basis of Christ's death alone, everyone would be forgiven. Forgiveness is granted because the kind of death of Christ achieves that the sinner can also die crucified with Him, that is, experiencing an alike death to the world and the world to him. According to what Paul transmits to us, we understand that through the (true) Baptism with the Holy Spirit, the kind of death that Jesus experiences for the world, will be the inheritance of all those who experience His life in the promised fullness, that is, in His resurrection power within. "If we were planted together with him in the likeness of his death, we shall be so also in the likeness of his resurrection", Rom.6:5. In fact, Jesus did not die in the true sense of the word, because if that were the case, he would not have said "today you will be with Me in paradise". No dead person could be in paradise, much less be alive there. As far as Jesus' death is concerned, He died to sin and to the world and the world to Him. "As to the fact that He died, He died to sin once", Rom.6:10. That is a specific kind of death. His death was just a certain kind of death. And it will be in the likeness of this death that we are partakers and of which we can enjoy for as long as we remain in the fullness of Christ. That kind of death is a specific kind of death - it is a death to sin, to the world, and to all that is offered here. And it is into this kind of death that we, too, are planted if we experience the fullness of His life. Hence the importance of what Paul says to believers: "Be filled with the Spirit", Eph.5:18. For this reason, Paul uses the words "the likeness of his death", that is, the kind of death Christ experienced when he was crucified. Christ did not die in the true sense of the word. He died to sin. If the fullness of Christ can abound in anyone, the kind of death and the kind of life that Christ currently experiences will be planted, implanted, and consolidated in that person as well. "It is not I who live, but Christ lives in me", Gal.2:20. If that happens for real, you will experience the same kind of death that Christ experiences, and the same kind of resurrected life to which is alive to God. That is, the sinner will be as dead to sin and the world as a corpse is to everything around him on this present earth - or, shall I say, he may be as dead as Christ is if he can keep himself by the power of grace and never by any other means or other kind of power. If that happens beyond any doubt, the person who is born again is and will always be someone else and will never again be the person who died if he remains in Christ and Christ in him. If the sinner died, there will be no one to blame for the dead one's transgressions. When we talk about true conversion - when it's real - that's what we're talking about. Peter was converted at Pentecost. "(Peter), when thou are converted…" Lk.22:32. If the person is not transformed to that point, he needs to insist on prayer and not give rest to his knees and eyes until he is filled with God in the promised fullness, seeing if there is not something that needs being fixed, some attitude to transform or sin to confess, some residual attempt to keep the flesh working on salvation, which may be preventing the flow or approach of this Eternal Life within. Though it takes eight days to reach Pentecost, you must seek it insistently, Lk.11:13. The new person is born innocent because he is a new person and all things have passed away, that is, everything has truly and undeniably become new. The old man died literally. It is up to you to reach the promise of this (eternal) Life within that begins here and now, still here on earth. "… The Life that I now live…" Gal.2:20; "… The present Life…" 1Tim.4:8.

  26. "A new commandment to you (...) He who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in darkness until now", 1 John 2:8,9. This word "hate" used here is not an occasional annoyance on a bad day, an occasional thing for whatever reason, a momentary uneasiness between people, an annoyance or argument without roots in the heart. It is an ongoing aversion, an impure grudge against someone, a grudge or annoyance against someone for the person that someone is or is imagined to be. I wanted to try to explain: there are misunderstandings because of disagreements of arguments, different ideas, cultures and even different doctrines. These disagreements easily pass away to the point where no one even remembers them the next day. These are punctual things that can happen and the honest in heart end up understanding each other by listening to each other and seeking the full truth in the Scriptures, giving the Scriptures the primacy of the last word in total transparency and honesty. This is not to "hate" the brother and it is, rather, a search for understanding between equals. But, it is very different when someone does not like another and contradicts only because of the person that he is, that is, being on the defensive or on the attack, contradicting as soon as he is faced with the person who is the object of his distrust, resentment, disagreement or due to its appearance or something that is associated with a certain person, either because of something that is only imagined without verifying the truth about him, or something true that has never been spoken out between them. When a wife and husband disagree over a toothbrush, we can be sure that the problem is not the toothbrush, but is substantiated by something more serious. I know a husband who says his wife is always in opposition. If he says right, she has to say left; if he says left, she says right. I believe the word "hate" in this verse falls into that category of meaning.

  27. "Yet, if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father-Jesus Christ", 1 John 2:1. There is not and never will be forgiveness without conversion. "He who confesses and forsakes his transgressions will obtain mercy", Prov.28:13. For that reason and knowing that the Scripture cannot contradict itself, this verse leads us to question what is believed in supposedly evangelical circles in this regard. In this context, the meaning of the word "advocate" here extends far beyond what it might appear at a first understanding. This advocate with the Father gives the guarantee not to allow (even if only in the slightest residual form) that any intention, capacity or idea of re-committing the same sins remains. He has and maintains the ability to convert those who still sin and who only sin because they are sinners by nature. (I don't know how to qualify those who sin having already been truly transformed from the depths of their hearts. Could it be that these are the ones who sin unto death? 1 John 5:16,17. I'm not sure of that). It is in this sense of having the ability to lead to conversion and to convert those who were able to reach Him that Jesus becomes a true Advocate before the Father. He has the ability to forgive sins because he transforms a murderer into a giver of life; a thief into a neighbor's helper; a liar into the truest person; for we know that with Him nothing is impossible. "He will save His people from their sins (from their ability to sin)," Matt.1:21. He makes them truly free of their sins. But, for Jesus to become that advocate who exterminates the capacity or will to sin, it is necessary to know him intimately. No one can trust an advocate he doesn't know and if it is from the heart that the sins of man arise, one must know Jesus very intimately and in a real way and not just know Him. "He who says, I know him, and does not keep his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him", 1John 2:4. If "the truth is not in him", it means that his faith is feigned, doubtful, shipwrecked, or strained. Therefore, in order for Him to become that advocate, we must be living in total harmony with Him from deep within, truly and unmistakably experiencing Him from the depths of our being, because that is where evil begins - that is where it has its origin, its grounded roots and it is from there that evil/sinfulness need to be exterminated. It is from there that Jesus must operate. We cannot heal the wound of God's people superficially, pruning only the appearance.

  28. "Jesus told his disciples a parable about their need to pray all the time and never give up", Lk.18:1. Here we have a hidden secret: Without apprehending this secret, many end up stumbling and having a big fall. It really is a huge fall into the error of interpretation and darkness of the doctrines, which drive you to pray, but not to reach concrete answers from God. It is commonly taught and assumed that it is enough to pray, enough to seek. The secret here is not and never was to go to pray, but to pursue a concrete answer. Those who are in a phase where their communion with God still leaves much to be desired, might get a concrete no - which is a good sign, because if God says no, he has answered. If God didn't answer, if He doesn't say anything, it would be much worse. And it is in this "worst" state that most believers find themselves - even if they don't wish to realize it. What we pursue relentlessly is the answer to each of our prayers. But, for lack of answers, Christianity began to settle down and be content with praying and praying, fasting and fasting without getting any sign of a concrete answer. Those with a true heart insistently pursue this answer, no matter how long it lasts and at what cost - whether that cost is personal, moral, sentimental or any other. What is the secret and how should we act in the face of this discovery? God's promise is to elevate us to a level of holiness that will bring us into such closeness to Him that He can even answer prayers while we are still speaking and, in some cases, even before we utter a word whether the prayer is already formulated in the heart or not. "And it shall come to pass, before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear them", Is.65:24. But, while we do not reach that status of purity of heart that makes us be and remain very close to God in a continuous and uninterrupted way, we have the option of praying until we get a concrete answer. What is the reason or reasons that can lead us to a situation where we can even reach exhaustion until we reach the answer? We must remember that the target is the answer. Without having reached a sure answer, we cannot give up. Being the answer the objective of any prayer and knowing that the normal thing would be to obtain an immediate answer, we must know that there is something that is preventing any prayer from being answered. Through this insistence of a genuine heart, God will be able to reveal what is hindering the prayer to be answered, giving man the opportunity to fix it. In fact, it doesn't take much for prayers to be hindered. "Husbands, live together with your wives with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as the weaker vessel (...) lest your prayers be hindered", 1 Pet.3:7. The same could be said of women who do not accept submission to their husbands as becoming and as something that is part of their own upbringing; or who do not submit to God by diligently inquiring about the education of their children, as pillars of the very home they are. A woman who is not submissive to her husband cannot be submissive to God - even if she tries to be by appearance. Everything starts at the bases. If she is not submissive to the husband she sees daily, how can she be submissive to God whom she does not see?

  29. "How can you believe, receiving honour from one another and not seeking the honour that comes from God alone?" John 5:44. When Jesus speaks here of seeking honour from one another, it has a very wide meaning, that is, it encompasses many things. Seeking honour or approval means, on many occasions, pleasing people in order to be pleased; keeping up appearances seeking praise or avoiding criticism; being nice, not because you are nice by nature, but to avoid being frowned upon, discriminated against or something along those lines. There are as many obvious ways to seek honour as there are many camouflaged and disguised ones. To these people with such natural crimes, Jesus asks how is that they can think they are able to believe. This question goes far beyond what it might seem at first glance. In fact, what He means is this: "Why do you think you will be able to believe by seeking honour from one another?" I will try to explain what is meant spiritually by God's revelation to the heart. The faith that saves (believing that saves) is the fruit of a real communion with God, filled with reality. It is a child of the relationship between God and the heart. If there is any kind of belief when this communion between God and the person is unreal, compromised or non-existent, we shall be talking about a shipwrecked faith or baseless belief. Such a belief is like a house built on the sand of the sea where the waves crash regularly. There is no true faith that is not the fruit of a profound, genuine relationship between God and man. Therefore, anyone who seeks honour in the eyes of man, admiration and consideration from people, is effectively separated from God. You can't believe if so, you can't believe because you don't have a real relationship with God. There are those who can truly believe because they have removed the wall of separation that existed between them and God, confessing and forsaking every sin by name and restoring what does not belong to them, making restitution, even if it is the honour that they have wrongfully appropriated from someone. Indeed, there are those who can believe and those who cannot. "And Jesus said, If you can believe..." Mark 9:23. We have to remove, confess and destroy everything that separates us from God so we don't have to live with a shipwrecked faith. "...Holding a good conscience, rejecting which some have made shipwreck of the faith", 1Tim.1:19. These shipwrecked people continue preaching, evangelizing, attending services and prayer meetings assiduously as if everything is still normal. And so, new mentalities, untruths and unrealities are created about the things of God and the truth so that people may continue to attend churches without fear of what may happen unexpectedly, as happens when a thief arrives during the dark of night. For example, people begin to believe that it is important to pray and not that it is important to be heard by God and get answers to prayer. As long as they pray and fast, all is well; they begin to believe that what matters is going to church and being a faithful attendee of services instead of obtaining grace to be able to fulfil, confirm and keep the word. Indeed, it would be like a fisherman who is content with his fishing rod when he doesn't even go fishing; or like someone who buys an extension cord, plugs his electrical appliances into it, but the other end remains unplugged; or a home with perfect electrical wiring but not connected to the electrical grid. And this is how religious people are created instead of living beings, who know a lot about what they don't have and believe they have, who remain disconnected because something still separates them from God.

  30. "Beware, of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy", Lk.12:1. Here, Jesus does not say that the danger are the Pharisees, but hypocrisy. But today, everything is very modern and nobody considers himself hypocritical, forced or faked because there are no Pharisees anymore. There is a difference between being hard-working and being self-enforced, that is, between being hard-working with what you already have within; and forcing yourself with what you don't have and never got from God, thus creating appearance by carnal effort. I see many people (and with some frequency) pulling from emotions creating religious habits without realizing that what is not from our person as in our daily life is hypocrisy; I see that pleasing people is considered love and not hypocrisy; they do not live the Gospel in the street, having no real life, but try hard to squeeze it out in church services through beautiful hymns, liturgy and biblical readings; I see those who want to show off by speaking to others in services, as if it were some real testimony, believing that one enters through the narrow door knowing how to teach others, "desiring to be doctors of the law and not understanding what they say or what they say", 1Tim.1:7. Many more things could be mentioned here about "those who are always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth", 2Tim.3:7, who are full of commandments, doctrines, beliefs, delusions and not of real eternal life within. But, I'll stop here. The leaven of the Pharisees is modernized and became the leaven of Evangelicals. It has become doctrine and study instead of real life that can be explained, confirmed, rooted in the mind and improved by studying the Scriptures. It is one thing to explain to myself what I have achieved in God by confirming it through the Scriptures by diligently studying and fulfilling (keeping) them; it is another thing to study the Scriptures (often without understanding them the way it should be understood) and strive to match what I understand. That's the difference between having life and being hypocritical. "The end of the commandment is . . . unfeigned faith", 1 Tim.1:5. However, hypocrisy does not exist only in those who do not experience eternal life within themselves in a real way and who try to imitate or practice it through the effort of what they think they understand. Hypocrisy also exists in another way and in the opposite direction in those who have truly found a full life: they may have the important part already in their hearts, but still live according to previous appearances in their daily lives. That is, they live according to previous habits having already achieved true life; they live in conformity with circumstances or conformed to the rules of the world, thinking that pleasing people and being pleased is love. Let's imagine a prophet who has everything in his heart to express God's words at the right time and the right way, but concludes something like this: "Woe is me! I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell among a people of unclean lips", Is.6:5. This prophet had already expressed the Words of God correctly before (we have proof of that this in previous chapters), he had everything in his heart, however, he still lived and spoke according to the people around him. And it's not just cultural habits that make us hypocrites. The shame of talking about God having Him alive in the heart; the covering up of the true heart for wrong motives; having the Gospel alive in the heart being ashamed of it in front of people or being afraid of the consequences. All this can turn us into hypocrites. Those who have attained life can be just as hypocritical as those who have not attained this life because they do not live it out in all sincerity. Knowledge in those who have not attained life is a burden. Those who strive for what they don't have will strive for what they imagine and that is another form of idolatry. But for all those who have achieved true life by believing, that same knowledge coming from God must be or can become a real relief from emotional burdens, especially if those emotional burdens are religious ones.

  31. There are many things that keep people busy, many of which appear to be noble, but leave much to be desired by not being finished. Even Jesus came to a point where He said, "It is finished"! Some go to church and don't listen - they don't end their task; others hear and do not keep the word. "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it", Lk.11:28. Some read, but do not hear; others can hear and do not keep whatever they are taught and told. There are those who can't hear through their hearts and try to fulfil what they didn't find in the form of real life; there are those who study, but are not faithful doers. They are so busy with knowledge, get so engaged with studying the Bible that they don't find time to think of practicing what exists in their hearts - if it exists at all - and can be confirmed by the word they learn. And all this is due to the human and rooted way of wanting to fulfil all in a fleshly way, putting the flesh to serve in the temple of God. Today there are entire libraries of Biblical wisdom like never before in the history of the world. However, I believe that there has never been a time in history where there were so many pagans within the churches. There is a lot of study and little living practice that can be identified as true life coming from the heart and from the very essence of the person where we can say that the person has become the word itself. From it being so, practices began to appear through the unlimited knowledge to which we have access today, which became religious practices and are not a practical demonstration of the person's changed being but of forced knowledge, that is, they do not originate in the inner man because nowadays Christians are not filled with true life, but with some knowledge only. These religious practices are privileged above the living experience of eternal life itself within those who have it - if they have it at all. These days I have seen people whom I knew personally being baptized who were never converted, who did not abandon the addiction to cigarettes and drink and, in order to fulfil the doctrine of baptizing only adults, they have been baptized, making them jump over the wall into the sheepfold. If it's a criminal action not to keep the word when you have the ability to hear it, let's imagine how huge a crime it is to have wide and diversified study of the Scriptures without even being able to hear with the inner heart. And it is these people who are baptized today and are added to the church as brothers, who, because of baptism, may sit at the table of Holy Communion with crimes that have never been dealt with, confessed and/or abandoned. "Because of this, many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep", 1Cor.11:30.

  32. "Peace (...) not as the world gives", John 14:27. The issue here is whether Jesus is talking about some kind of peace that the world can give or if he is talking about the way the world tries to give or achieve it (in vain). If we choose to understand this verse by the way the world tries to obtain peace, that is, by the way the world gives, it is, "as the world", we can believe that in the world there is no peace, and only that the world tries to give or achieve it in a certain way. Jesus speaks here of "as the world gives" and does not say that the world can give it. And I believe that this is the truth that Jesus wants convey to us because "in the world you will have tribulation". And what manner or formula of the world is this? The world tries to obtain its peace by meeting each one's lusts according to what the flesh most desires. Indulging his desires, the carnal man delights in his pleasure (temporarily) and deceives himself into assuming it to be 'peace'. Indulgence is what the peace of the world is all about. These delights are always temporary and the heart (or the flesh) is never able to feel fully satisfied or fulfilled, especially in the next day. The next day of worldliness is a day of hangover and not of satisfaction. If someone feels fulfilled or happy killing, he will need to kill again because the delight he had does not live on to the next day. This makes man go from bad to worse. The same can be said about drinking, overeating, lusting, greed or anything else the world gives - if God allows it to happen, of course. Anyone who drinks from those waters will definitely be thirsty again. Those who seek peace the way the world dictates, will certainly return again and again to seek that empty peace, which runs out quickly because it is not eternal, it is not constant, cannot endure and cannot last.

  33. "In the world world you shall have tribulation", John 16:33. Let's figure out what sort of afflictions can occur to us. There are external and internal afflictions. All those who live piously manifesting Jesus in a real way will suffer persecution. The world will never be indifferent to anyone who manifests Jesus in his life in a real way. However, they will laugh at those hypocrites who pretend to be Christians because the world distinguishes them from afar even if most Christians don't. We can believe that these afflictions/tribulations are external to us and do not reach our inner being if Jesus truly reigns over us in full. However, the Scriptures also speak clearly of the "delights, which war in your members", James.4:1. "You desire, and do not have. You murder, and are jealous, and cannot obtain. You fight and war (...) You ask and do not receive", James 4:2,3. Asking and not receiving brings conflict in those who refuse to be hypocritical about God and His realities. What does it mean? It means that every believer who is able to believe (mistakenly) that God is willing to satisfy the delights instead of saving people from those delights will have conflicts and wars in his own heart which are carried over into the outer everyday life, creating, also, hypocrites who live a double life, that is, a real conflicted life alongside with an apparently convenient hypocrisy that serves only to cover up these conflicts, sins and desires. And we know that he who covers his transgressions, desires or sins will never prosper spiritually (Prov.28:13). Therefore, if there are still residues/leftovers of the world in the hearts, if I cannot say truthfully that "I am dead to the world and the world to me", there will be afflictions/troubles in the heart and constant war between God and the flesh where the heart is the arena of these conflicts until the day that God says something similar to what He had said in the days of Noah: "My Spirit will not always strive with man, because he also is flesh", Gen.6:3. It behooves us, then, not to be also flesh whenever we have the Spirit of God or the Gospel trying to take possession of our whole being. If the world is still in us - even if only residually - we will have woes and troubles in our hearts. Wherever the world still exists, there will be afflictions and if it exists in the heart, it will be there where all kinds of afflictions shall be found. Where there is world, there are afflictions and conflicts too, surely.

  34. There are many reasons why prayers cannot be answered. But let's say the person doesn't have any unconfessed sin; he has nothing to give back to anyone; does not treat the husband or wife disrespectfully due to getting used to living as a couple; does not neglect his duties; does not neglect his children, educating them strictly in the ways of God; etc. Even so, having nothing separating this person from God (Is.59:1,2) it becomes clear that certain prayers within the will of God (prayers that should reach answers) are never answered as promised. I see mothers praying for their children in their tribulations without being heard, and yet being satisfied with the fact that they have prayed; parents in dire straits and afflictions praying without getting concrete answers and others praying for them being satisfied just by having someone comforting them by letting them know they are being prayed for; "Brother, we are praying" vulgarizes this important issue by the satisfaction of having someone praying for them especially when no one is able to be assured that he was heard by God. Then, we may ask: "Do mothers pray because they are worried about their children or because they believe that God will grant an outcome? Is it the concern that moves them or faith?

  35. "Martha! Martha! You worry and fuss about a lot of things. But one thing is needful, and Mary has chosen that good part", Lk.10:41,42. There are many ways to abstain from what is truly important and which, according to Jesus, "little is needed" (in other translations). It means that what really matters is little, easy, simple, but extremely important. There are people who abstain or distract themselves by serving food, material goods or other things and are never busy with what truly matters. However, it is necessary to bear in mind that there are many other ways of being busybodies that are not mentioned here, thus neglecting the part that really matters. The person can be or keep himself busy with anger that consumes the heart; with fears and apprehensions; with problems that hold of the mind that needs to be unoccupied for God's sake; with religious doctrines and discussions that are not centered on fixing one's own heart putting everything and anything in the light and transparency.

  36. "Other (seeds) fell among thorn bushes, and the thorn bushes grew with them and choked them...", Lk.8:7. It is extremely difficult to sow good seed without some falling on good soil where thorns and other weeds also grow spontaneously. The secret lies in not letting the thorns grow with the good plant that comes from the good seed, feeding those thorns as much as the good sprouts. Today, thorns are fed a lot, putting ahead what God might add to those who seek or find righteousness, things such as: God heals, God gives, God blesses everything except the spiritual life. It is good to remember often the prayer of Jabez: "Preserve me from evil". The person, even growing spiritually, cannot allow the thorns to be fed and nourished, because, if thorns and thistles grow in bad soil, imagine how they shall grow in good soil!

  37. "The Gospel is preached to the poor", Lk.7:22. Today there is no insistence on preaching the Gospel to the poor. Material prosperity is preached to them instead if they give from the little they have.

  38. "Whoever comes to Me and hears My Words...", Lk.6:47. The ability to hear such words is much more than hearing audibly. It's a deep listening, it's listening to words that speak according to the heart, it's hearing what one yearns for - hearing in the deepest part of our being. If you don't hear like that, you haven't heard anything yet. You haven't changed your heart at all. "Take heed therefore how ye hear", Lk.8:18. It is from this way of hearing that faith arises - not as it is proclaimed out there.

  39. "But, I say to you who hear: Love your enemies (...) bless those who curse you (...) And to him who strikes you on the one cheek, also offer the other (...) Give to everyone who asks of you...", Lk.6:27-35. It is good to correctly contextualize every word that comes from Jesus. Jesus was specifically addressing those who hear: "To you who hear...". I would have a lot to say about this, but I don't know if I have the words to do so. Firstly, I am sure that this kind of commandments cannot be addressed to those who do not hear with a practicing heart. Words addressed at the right time to a practicing heart which is already surrendered to the Lord is what it means to hear. Explaining, directing, or confronting those who don't hear with their hearts is creating problems and stumbling blocks for the true Gospel and for the addressed one in many ways. Hypocrites are created in churches, opponents are created who never understand and will always disagree aggressively - although it is not always possible to prevent the good seed from falling out of the good soil. When a seed falls on good soil and bears fruit, it serves as testimony and admiration to those who oppose it, things that awaken and sharpen their curiosity. Only this kind of practical living and evident/visible testimony capable of hearing has the ability to awaken any opposer in any part of the world.

  40. "Whoever comes to Me and hears My Words, and does them (...) is like a man who built a house and dug deep and laid the foundation on a rock (...) and could not be shaken...", Lk.6:47. Nowadays there is enormous emphasis on studying the word and even memorizing it as if that would create practitioners, dealing with people as if they were parrots. In the first place, reading the word without hearing with the deepest heart, that is, without that word being addressed to the deepest and most relevant yearnings of the soul, is reading in vain. It's a pure waste of time. The type of hearers whose being is fully involved in hearing carefully are those who can and must observe (fulfil, keep) the word addressed to them. If this statement is true, we must and can understand that a thirsty hearer is not yet a doer of the word. If you hear in this way, you have the way open to the grace that will fully enable you to be a doer, coming (growing) to a point where you live as if you have never lived any other way before. But, we must bear in mind that there is a long way to go between hearing with the heart and keeping the word in such a way that the person ends up becoming the word itself in a visibly, spontaneous, practical way. A hearer is not a doer yet.

  41. "But, he person who hears but doesn't do...", Lk.6:49. Many believe and assume that practicing (the Gospel) is praying, reading the word, not missing meetings, going to church and becoming religious. Nothing is further from the truth. "You ought to do these, and not to leave the other undone", Lk.11:42. Practicing what we are capable of hearing with a thirsty heart is transforming our experience at work, at home, in traffic, at school, cleaning the house, tidying up the room, dealing with other people of any age. But, we can never forget that we have the non-negotiable duty to transform our own hearts first hand so that our practices are a visible, transparent manifestation of our heart in its entirety and without any hint of effort (pretense). "Create in yourselves a new heart and a new spirit", Ez.18:31. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" will have to be a spontaneous, natural, instinctive way of life. If not, it is a feigned and forced way of dealing with an appearance of life and that is not life.

  42. "(The seed) on the good soil are the people who also hear the word but hold on to it with good and honest hearts and produce a crop through endurance (perseverance, patience)", Lk.8:15. A piece of Scripture filled with much. 1. Hearing the word: hearing is something that goes far beyond the audible, because it is grasping something of interest to the heart and that moves or revolves it; 2. To hold on to an honest and good heart: a) it is not to keep only in memory and mind; b) we cannot sow seeds in any other type of heart (not even in ours), because the good seed has the capacity to transform and when the heart is not "honest and good" about the word, when the word does not find a heart of equal status, when the truth does not find a truthful person, when one is not extremely sincere even with oneself, this word has a limited capacity to transform the countenance and appearance of people, who become believers in appearance, hypocrites without bridal garments. They become "spots in your feasts of (love to God), while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves", Jud.1:12. Preserving the good word to be able to make it bear fruit afterwards is to think much about it, meditating on it to the point of transforming our mind and our being. 3. But this can never be considered as bearing fruit yet, because bearing fruit is something else and goes far beyond having the ability and discipline to keep that word with will and dedication. Bearing fruit will be possible with continued perseverance, making less and less mistakes and being more and more right until it is not possible to make mistakes anymore due to the new culture and the stature of the new man into which we have be turned. But, if still missing the marks and making mistakes, we must yet keep the good word in a good heart that is not discouraged by anything in this world, persevering in trust, in faith, knowing that we will achieve everything by depending on God exclusively and if we do not make use of alternative means called to the service by impatience, means that can lead us to want to build the house without having God building it with us. 4. This means that no one should give up at the first mishap, at the insistence of temptation and at difficulties, because everything can soon become easy and natural if we don't neglect God's help in saving us from every sin. If making mistakes still, we must maintain the ability to still keep the word in the heart knowing that soon everything changes by being/remaining in God. What are the main enemies of perseverance? Distractions of many kinds; lack of attention, which is negligence; absence of "good courage" (Jos.1:6); previous failures that, by the face of them, seem to be repeating themselves; the temptation to want to achieve by one's own means what was promised; discouragement and lack of motivation. "Simon answered and said to him, Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; but as you command, I will let down the net", Lk.5:5. Here, Peter did not only respond to Jesus, but to his own mood and contradictory thoughts. And what is fruit? Many believe that to be fruitful is to change the world, convert the lost thousands and save souls. But the real fruit that needs to be achieved has to do with the new person we've become, the attitudes of the heart and everything that is personal and inherent in the inner man. This is where we must bear fruit by persevering. The rest comes by addition. "Create in yourselves a new heart and a new spirit", Ez.18:31. It is in this creation of a new heart through light and transparency that we must maintain continued and burning perseverance. Anyone can change in appearance. But, changing the heart and the consequent practical attitudes is achieved only by persevering in being rigorously transparent under the light of God which leaves nothing invisible or hidden.

  43. Many sincere and dedicated people try to teach many things to later come to the conclusion that nothing of what they taught bore fruit. This I have confirmed in many places and in many people in church, in homes, in schools and in every place where teaching is practised. The word comes back empty. It wasn't so with Jesus. "Ask those who heard me what I have said to them. Behold, they know what I said", John 18:21. Time and again, those who are taught end up doing the opposite of what they were taught. On other occasions, hypocrites are created who learn a life hypocritically and in a cultural way where the heart is absent from what they do and teach or, then, it is subjugated/subdued to a religious emphasis, while the true Christian life is a practical and spontaneous virtuosity. In fact, when we teach a life, no fruit is achieved through theory, doctrine or pragmatic religiosity. Life is learned through the practice of what fills the heart. Doctrine is for the use of those who teach, not those who need to learn. It is by practicing that you teach. It is the spontaneous life of the one who teaches that creates and recreates those who learn. But if anyone practices what does not come from the heart, he will create fictitious environments of practical deception and never heavenly fruit. People from the outside learn what has heart, what comes out spontaneously and has deep roots in the inner man, whether for better or for worse.

  44. "Be filled with the Spirit", Eph.5:18. Despite what is believed in more traditional evangelical circles today, we cannot ignore that being filled with the Spirit is a command, it is a condition for the real and practical Christian life, it is an essential and undeniable need that no one can do without if one wants to belong to God and appear before Him spotless. Those who want to patch their old garment with a new cloth, avoiding the reality of the promise of a new and complete garment to wear in all occasions - which they must put on completely - should pay better attention to the Scriptures. On the other hand, there is the euphoria of error in Pentecostal circles that has nothing to do with true baptism with the Holy Spirit. In many of these circles, it might even be another spirit and not the Holy One. I am fully aware and certain that these Pentecostal practices are a form of enmity against the true Spirit of God, being nothing more than a cheap imitation of what exists in heaven and on earth. These two poles I mentioned mutually reject each other because they are both far from the truth and reality of a truly God-filled life. However, we cannot ignore or even reject what is right just because there are many wrong, deficient and harmful practices in the many supposedly evangelical movements. No one rejects money just because many use it to wage war; no one rejects bread because there are so many obese people. There is a need to pay more attention to the true Gospel that is promoted, enabled and confirmed only in/by a Spirit-filled life - provided that this experience is real and not just believed or assumed through pretence, lying, feigned, theatrical, deceitful fiction because someone never experienced the reality of the undeniable promise of God. It should be noted, however, that this command to be filled with the Spirit is not as straightforward as it seems to be. No one commands the Spirit of God to get something that needs to be asked for and desired with the whole heart. No one fills his soul by decision and command. It is not by commanding, forcing or even dictating that we can be filled with the Spirit of God. In order to be filled with Him, we must pay the greatest attention to the conditions and (pre)requisites that allow us to enter deeply into the Holy of Holies, that is, into the Sanctuary of God. Only by diligently fulfilling the conditions, working our hearts and consolidating everything we are and do with truth and reality (including the new way of praying) can we understand what it is to be truly filled with the Spirit all the time and right through practical life. "Ask and you shall receive". Never dare to have truth and reality apart. They belong together.

  45. "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? (...) bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves..." Lk.3:7,8 . I believe tha what John meant was something like this: "Who taught you this way? Whoever it was, taught you wrong making you believe that you could escape being baptized but not truly converted". There are many other ways to try to escape or evade the reality of the wrath to come though, all of them in vain. In the case of the Pharisees, one of the ways of "evading" (temporarily) the accusations of wrath within would be to convince themselves through certain stubborn assertions that could not be substantiated by practical truth, but only by their own twisted minds and the conveniences of others and their stained or even seared consciences. They convinced themselves that they were children of Abraham, that they were circumcised, that they were chosen, that they were descendants of David or anything else that would serve to prevent genuine repentance by evading the reality of wrath from within temporarily or for as long as they could. Today, the same thing happens when people say: I am a believer because I go to church; I am baptized; I am chosen; they have never been truly saved, and yet they claim that they will not lose their salvation. I could mention more things, statements and suchlike doctrines. But it would be, probably, an endless list of ways and formulas to try to escape the coming wrath - in vain. Nor will I speak of those who claim they performed miracles, cast out demons and prophesied in the name of God and other kind of chaff that will be burned as soon as God clears the threshing floor (Mat.7:21-23). All these forms and doctrines will be straw for the fire that will never burn out. However, it is good to know that it will not be this chaff that will feed the fire that was initially created for the devil and his angels and that, now, will also swallow men and women. It is creation that will feed it forever. All formulas and doctrines that try to excuse, appease or lessen the guilt of any sin are chaff that will be burned. If the faith of many is to try to circumvent or fool the truth and the reality of facts, they are feeding their hearts with straw. Those who practice lawlessness need to be saved from themselves, from their sin, eliminating the stubbornness of their sins by the power of grace. They should, rather, avoid sin at all costs instead of evading or nullifying conviction of sin and wrath to come.

  46. "All things that are reproved are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes (is) manifest is light",Eph.5:13. This verse speaks only of the tip of the iceberg of truth that is concealed beneath it. It speaks only of the visible part, of the outcome and result of certain conditions which have been met faithfully. Let's look at it it by parts. We know what light is. The light of God reveals, manifests things as they are and not as we would like them to be. But, for the moment, it reveals oneself about/to oneself. Paul speaks here of those things which are done in secret and which are reprehensible. If they were not reproved by conscience and by the light of God, they would not be practiced in secret. There are people who approve of what they themselves do in secret and, almost always, their approval is also hidden. They hide what they do and hide their approval. And they end up hiding their disapproval when they change so as not to appear that they have not been practicing what they have come to disapprove. When we come to the light, we must know how to do the opposite: reveal (manifest) what we do or have done and openly reproach it with all sincerity and honesty. This is not the same as openly reproving the works of others to hide the fact that we ourselves practice what we see in others. However, only by walking in the light of God with peace of mind and being totally transparent can we claim to be walking with God. To be transparent is an offense to the world and if you are still worldly you will never be truly transparent. This means that one does not walk in the light because he is not capable of doing so due to what he practices and/or approves. As soon as he succeeds in reproving what is hidden by the nature of the flesh, he obtains that light of God in the form of eternal and constant life, which manifests everything so that what still remains to be seen may be revealed in proper times ahead. A step taken leads to the next step. All other things ahead shall be revealed if someone can heartily and sincerely reprove openly what he has kept hidden and out of sight. You will never get more light for all the other things that follow if you cannot heartily and publicly reprove what is/was reprehensible in you. In order for the light to fall on that which still needs to be straightened or converted by the power of grace, it is necessary that you have the most honest and sincere ability to reprove those things that are reproved and condemned by the light of God. Only in this way can things be manifested clearly in the following days of true fellowship with God. Here is the catch or pitfall: no one can expect things to be reproached only in a concealed way. If someone has always walked in darkness, he will be tempted to do so by the power of the shame of having committed acts kept in secret. When someone begins to disapprove of what he does or has done, he shows both what he is or was and what he practiced or practices. Therefore, reproving in occult, however sincere someone may be, has the intention of hiding what he has practiced or practices. And that is not and will never be walking in the light.

  47. "Whatever is manifested is light", Eph.5:13. As a rule, people remain ashamed and sometimes keep feeling guilty instead of being thankful after they have manifested and revealed all their sins to stimulate true conversion, which is the main conditions to be forgiven by God. Putting all in the light and walking in the light fully from then on works conversion; and conversion brings forgiveness. The truth categorically states that what is already manifest is light and no one should resent being in the light, being light and living in/of the light. This type of resentment, whatever form or format it takes, will always be an invitation to go back to walk in darkness again by abandoning full transparency.

  48. "...Proving what is well-pleasing (acceptable) to the Lord", Eph.5:10. In other translations the word "proving" is translated as "approving", which suits truth very well because it might mean both. It means being able to taste it first in order to decide in favour of it, in this case, to approve. No one should approve what he hasn't proved/tasted/experienced firsthand. You cannot approve through the testimony of others, but by personally experiencing it. To approve is necessary to experience it in a real way - it is necessary to prove/taste it. Having tried it, you have to like/love it without any hint of hypocrisy. If you don't try and if you don't love it after having tried, you can't approve. If you approve without trying and, also, without liking it, you will be a hypocrite and no hypocrite will ever enter the kingdom of God, neither in his kingdom here on earth nor after death. It is not possible, much less acceptable, to approve by intuition, label or decision without having both tasted it and loved it. This has a lot to say when since we are talking about people who lived in enmity against God and were opposed to the truth ever since. It is these people who must experience in the first person and love what they could never love and now experience personally. "NOW we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world", John 4:42. "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life...",1John 1:1.

  49. "Whosoever shall do (observe) and teach..." Mat.5:19. These words are written sequentially. First comes observing and keeping. Only then can you teach. This is not what we see in our pulpits today. I hear very often - more often than you can imagine - people teaching and closing their arguments by saying something like this: "But, we are imperfect and we all make mistakes, we all sin"; and they don't know how much harm they bring to the church! If they believe what they say, why do they teach? They claim they don't comply to God's requirements and, yet, they teach; or, perhaps, they use those words to show off a "false humility" which is equally condemnable, Col.2:23. Paul said: "I beseech you, be imitators of me", 1Cor.4:16; 11:1; Eph.51; Phil.3:17. "Do those things which you have also learned and received and heard and seen in me", Phil.4:9.

  50. "...Firm in one spirit..." Phil.1:27. This firmness has a few points that we can never ignore or despise. It's not the fact that people understand each other or that they get along that makes them firm. It is people who are firm (in God) who are able to understand each other and become of one mind. That firmness must begin and end in the spirit and never have its origin, power and motivation in the flesh. It's not by pleasing people that you build that kind of firmness of one mindedness. On the contrary: it is by failing/ceasing to please one another, even when it is a case between husband and wife. Only by ceasing to please each other can we verify whether we are of the same spirit/mind or not. It is firmness in God among all that enables people to become united in one spirit. If they are of the same spirit, of the same essence, they do not need to please one another to become a firm union. In fact, it becomes necessary to stop pleasing each other to become so. It is not necessary to water the land where it has already rained. If they have reached one spirit in God, pleasing one another will bring disunity and never true unity. Things in God operate in a different way, through another power where one strives for truth and by choosing to be truthful from the heart. "Speak each man the truth to his neighbour", Zac.8:16. If the spirit is not the same in people there will never be a firm unity. After being truly firm in God - being of the same essence and being on the same level of truthfulness among all - they will only have to remain in the same spirit so that firmness can be maintained. This is different from a false unity where the world and Christianity come together to understand each other. Where the sea and the river come together, the salt becomes tasteless and that will favour the world and not the salt. True peace between people (a kind of peace without any symptoms or signs of hypocrisy) depends on how similar people are in essence or on what they have become at heart. People are united through their essence and not through their effort. Liars understand each other and get along among them; thieves easily get together and form gangs; the miser talk eagerly with one another; and saints who seek exclusively all the glory of God easily sit around the same table with true joy for being together. Being and obtaining the same essence, the small effort required after that to become a true union comes from the fact that they had built obstinate and different minds in the previous life in a fluctuating world, without axis and without any kind of real firmness because they were far from God like stray sheep that have gone each their own way. Different minds were built over the years in different people who, now, having obtained the same heart and the same essence must let it go. That makes them agree with one another if they stop making use of the old ways/methods and carnal formulas in case they believe to be old still. Each one had gone astray on his own path and it is these autonomous minds that must be reintegrated into a new essence that has already become common to all those who are truly holy and have achieved the same goal/purpose: their Lord and the exclusive pursuit of all His glory from the heart. Speaking to people with their essences transformed in God, we only need to say: "be transformed by the renewing of your mind", Rom12:2. Let the old mind go. It is enough for such only to wash their feet and not the whole body. "He who is bathed has no need except to wash his feet, but he is clean every whit", John 13:10. They only need to find each other and each other's heart to find out that they agree. There is no true peace or true agreement/conciliation between people with different essences. There will only be an apparent peace and concord between them according to what is required by selfishness and the personal needs of each one if each one's needs do not surpass the other one's. But, peace between people of the same essence is easy even between different people, different races and different ages. Whenever people don't get along, we should never choose to heal that wound superficially, although many don't even think of it as a wound to fight one another. We must, rather, leave the wound open so that it heals naturally after treating the essence of those who seek true peace and true harmony. We must not choose to establish a false peace between/among people, because there is a gap that cannot be bridged between who are unequally yoked. "Do you suppose that I have come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division", Lk.12:51. A new essence is capable of bringing division, dissension, and incurable discord between family members who have once been very close. The only cure is the transformation of each person starting with his essence. Let us not choose to heal this type of conflict (enmity) in a superficial and hypocritical way. "There is a great gulf/abyss between you and us; so that they desiring to pass from here to there cannot, nor can they pass over to here from there", Lk.16:26. Only those who have become "from here" in their essence will be able to get along with those from here. Any kind of effort or attempt to try to unite those over there with these over here will always be a useless and vain effort. It's not even worth trying. Let us choose, rather, to bring the true Gospel in its purest and most original essence and only this will bring true peace and union between people, between enemies and even between nations. "Blessed are the peacemakers! For they shall be called the sons of God", Mat.5:9. I do not believe that those who try to be another sort of peacemakers bringing another kind of peace can be called children of God. Those who have peace with God will have peace and harmony among themselves because they are of one spirit. They should simply live as such, assuming the new reality.

  51. "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life",John 8:12. A verse filled with much - with a lot of truth. Much can be said or deduced from this statement of Jesus. It is frequent to hear someone say that they don't know what to do and, as a rule, they surrender easily to what they believe to be the most obvious, most pleasant or most desirable option. Eve destroyed the world by opting for the nice and desirable. We still suffer the consequences of that act today. To follow Jesus it is necessary to be with him, to see Him for real, to have found him without a shadow of a doubt and to remain in his real presence for real too. If this presence is not real, if it is a mere belief that one assumes because of the so-called "faith" that they preach around, then one is not following the true Jesus, but another Jesus that suits the flesh. Therefore, it is indispensable to find the true in a real One. Finding Him must always be in the form of Life abundant, eternal, constant and without ups and downs, permanent. And it is this life that will serve us as light. "Life is the light of men", John 1:4. It is for this reason that Jesus says that he "will have the light of Life", that is, this life will serve as light. This is different from having an idea, enlightenment, dream or revelation. Those things serve as signs to those who do not experience this true, real and constant, that is, eternal life. "If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream. Not so with My servant Moses; He is faithful in all My house. I speak with him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings; And he sees the form of the Lord",Num.12:6-8. "Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God",Mat.5:8.

  52. What are the worst consequences for a person who leads being wrong, not just wrong at heart but wrong in general conduct? Imagine a home where a child must, by God's law, be obedient to his father and mother; and let us imagine that this father or mother is wrong at heart or sponsors a wrong conduct. This child is put at a crossroad, torn between being obedient to God or his parents. If he obeys his parents, he disobeys God; if he obeys God, he disobeys his parents. In one way or another he breaks one of the commandments, although we know from the Scriptures that we are asked "whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God", Acts 4:19. All parents who are not capable of being fully faithful in God's house will destroy their homes with many kinds of crossroads.

  53. There are certain virtues or even general traits with which we are born from day one. Just as a baby is born knowing how to breastfeed, he is also born with certain important concepts for any human being. For example, everyone is born with the concept of eternity implanted in the hearts and ideas. No one thinks he will be the next to die, not even knowing that he will die someday. "God has put eternity in the heart of man", Eccl.3:11. In the same way, he put in man the sense of obedience, justice and every kind of aptitude proper for everything that is heavenly. However, these skills do not function in their original form apart from a real and true fellowship with God. When separated from God, all beings with these innate aptitudes become different (but never indifferent) and, many times, they are turned into an opposing trait, that is, they make use of the inverted form of the aptitudes with which or for which they were created. The sense of eternity leads to suicide, whether spiritual or physical suicide; obedience is inverted into contrariness and that is why the Bible, speaking of disobedience as sorcery or idolatry, describes it as rebellion, contrariness, obstinacy, always having a contrary attitude/word/aptitude ready. And why being contrary or having a parallel idea, conduct or word like Saul had (1Sam.15:22) is a camouflaged form of idolatry or sorcery? Because it uses another type of power, it serves someone other than God (whether serving oneself or pleasing people out of fear or 'sympathy'). He who pleases people deceives himself. These two things are inseparable: everyone who pleases people - for whatever purpose - serves some kind of self-deception. We can also speak of the innate sense of pleasing God that is transformed into pleasing people or oneself because the ability to please exists by creation. There would be many more things to mention here, but it is only necessary to know that no one remains indifferent or inactive about the creation that he is. If he does not have and cannot remain in full and continuous communion with God, he will never be inactive and will always be a contrary or inversed version due to the aptitudes with which he was created or for which he was made. One never stays inactive or passive, Is.57:20. It would be the same as saying that a baby who was born with the ability to suck and swallow uses that same ability to suck and spit in the mother's face. Those who do not live and commune with God will always be against nature, using what they are as creatures to spit in God's face. For those who manage to live and commune with God and affirm truthfully, like Elijah, "God in whose presence I am" (and that this is real and not mere wishful believing), wisdom and knowledge will always be a complement and not a capacity. Those who do not live with God experimentally will always use knowledge and wisdom as the (only) source of empowerment because they try to undertake through own means. It is for these reasons that the failure of today's churches is so obvious.

  54. "Why do you seek to kill Me" John 7:19. It's hard to realize that most believers seek to kill the real Jesus within them. But when their attention are called upon that, they respond in the same way as the Jews: "Who is trying to kill you?" Ignorance about real facts is indescribable! Whenever we choose to fall into a transgression, giving in to any kind of temptation, we can be certain that this is killing Jesus within us, that is, if He is really within us and it is not mere fiction. When His "presence" is fictitious or just believed, any transgressor will never feel the difference and it is for this reason that many create doctrines which state that nothing happens to us and that we shall lose nothing if we sin.

  55. "If these things are in you and abound, they make you to be neither idle nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ",2Ped.1:8. Idleness is a serious problem. It is as dangerous as being a busybody. Peter speaks here of "these things" which do not allow one to become idle. But whenever people are already spiritually idle, they find reasons to amuse themselves with what does not edify and, worse still, makes them even more sterile, that is, incapable of reproducing the holy species. For this reason, we see churches that do not grow, and when they do grow in numbers, it is not with the holy kind that fill their congregations. What happens when people find themselves idle and what are the reasons for becoming idle? The reason is that heavenly things do not increase, they are not properly worked on in the right way and through the right power and this creates idleness. And we know what happens to idle people: they seek itching to scratch. They look for anything to entertain themselves and even justify such behaviours because of being idle. Thinking about this during the night, I remembered Solomon's thousand wives. With so many wives it would be difficult for Solomon to be with each one of them at least once a year. To be with each wife once a year he should be with three of them a day. I don't know if that is humanly possible. I don't think so. However, not being able to be with Solomon, the "idleness" of these wives did not allow them to be with other lovers. They would be guilty of adultery if they did. We must remember this whenever we are awaiting something from God, keeping ourselves immaculate so that nothing else can prevent everything from being fulfilled in its time. "Though it lingers, wait for it", Hab.2:3. Idleness is a breeding ground for adulteries of many kinds, which can lead us to think we have a right to spend our time on what does not edify. "You adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship of the world is enmity against God? Therefore, whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God", James 4:4. It is the little foxes that destroy the little plants of holiness. We always avoid the Goliaths of this life, but what destroys the harvest are those insignificant little foxes. When your church doesn't grow spiritually, when your life doesn't bear fruit in the proportion of the promise, look inward and do not blame circumstances outside. It is, surely, within each one where the main problem is to be found and identified.

  56. "Jesus walked in Galilee, for He did not desire to walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill Him",John 7:1. Jesus did this not because he feared the Jews, but in order not to increase their sins before their time. He still needed to finish his task before they were hardened beyond it was needed.

  57. "He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him",John 7:18. There are many who are sent and many others who send themselves. But, Jesus says, speaking of those who were truly sent, that a specific characteristic stands out distinguishing the sincere and true of heart: they seek the glory of God at any cost within the limits of holiness. "If anyone also wars, he is not crowned if he does not war legitimately", 2Tim.2:5. But, we can also see this truth expressed in reverse: those who truly seek the glory of God having been sent are true at heart. The others are not. And there is, also, something revealing in these words: whoever seeks His glory ceases to have any kind of unrighteousness within him. This is something revealing for all fans of the doctrines that justify sinners and those who claim that it is impossible to be holy here on earth! He who seeks His glory with all his heart will obtain all means to avoid unrighteousness clinging on him. This is a revealing truth about the power of the proper motives and what they are able to provide or achieve.

  58. There are people who teach evil ways and there are those who put people in evil ways in a practical way. Let's think of the parents who put their children in the movies of the world, take them where they shouldn't go and do many other things. They don't even need to teach them evil - they put them right away in evil ways, and these beings begin draw their own conclusions and pleasures without any theoretical teaching for or against it. What will be the end of these evil creatures and what judgment will fall on such parents?

  59. Whoever talks too much is also someone who always talks too fast and, also, often says what he shouldn't and expresses himself about things he doesn't know. It's the habit of always talking instead of talking only when you should about what you should.

  60. We all have all found ourselves in situations where we're made to feel rightly or wrongly guilty about something. And other times we blame ourselves rightly or wrongly too. There is always an accuser within each one of us that needs to be crucified with Christ. How many times people faithful to God blame themselves for the things that are happening and wonder what wrong have they done to have certain things happen to them. Then, they pray and the situation does not change. And they do not change either from deep within. They search the heart hoping to clarify where they went wrong knowing that they can be scolded, corrected and transformed for being children and not bastards. Job went through this, even more so by being induced to it by so-called friends who categorically stated that God would never punish without reason. And these statements helped Job not only to detect his innocence and purity of heart, but also to find the key to stop feeling guilty which did not release or ease up the pain and discomfort. We are not always innocent in the eyes of God, but we can also reach the point of being able to claim that we are innocent or even made innocent. And whenever we are innocent (or made innocent) we do anything, we pray and beg for circumstances to change instead of seeing that we can also use adverse circumstances in our favor to improve our heart, to learn a new behavior, to reach a new form of speech if we have been living for too long among people of unclean lips. Either way, there is always a way to use any circumstance for the good of those who truly love God. Like Jesus, we must say, despite the circumstances, "I sanctify myself", John 17:19. If a husband doesn't change, if a son continues to be a rebel, if miracles take too long to happen, we should know that there will always be something important that we can take advantage of or do while situations seem adverse and wanting to engulf us and to enslave our attention. No night lasts forever. Therefore, we can take the opportunity to achieve something useful and practical while going through adversities, whether extreme or not, external or internal. I am quite sure that any man who is unable to make good use of grace and abilities under the pressure of adverse circumstances will always be someone who will cool down his love for God whenever everything seems to go well for him. These people, when they pray and reach the grace of God to be able to live with Him fully whatever the circumstances, are also often perplexed that their earthly problems are not resolved even after having been purified and sanctified. There is a time after this sanctification and/or purification so that what has been achieved can take roots, solidity and can remain as a nature, as long as it is maintained by the power of grace. In the same way that an adult needed bread to reach adulthood, he will need this bread (grace) to feed and maintain himself as an adult.

  61. There are things that bother the day-to-day life and the lives of those who actively live faithful lives because they have become faithful from the heart. We all need to learn to be intelligently faithful; also, that this faithfulness/fidelity becomes our very nature, our way of being, the only and unique way of living. When God's purpose is to create or recreate a heavenly being, the faithful go through situations where they learn to be even more faithful to all the values imputed by God and which are being written in their heart in the furnace of His fire, always being faithful in practice and, obviously, at the level of nature and the heart itself. The pure become even purer at all levels, the wise even wiser, and the faithful even more faithful of nature itself. It is common to hear prayers and wishes from those people who go through uncomfortable situations regarding circumstances that can and should be used for the purpose of becoming even more faithful and purer in nature, less feigned and less forced in their holiness to the point that, in the eyes of God, this purity and faithfulness is incontestable. "Have you seen my servant Job? A blameless and upright man, one who fears God and turns from evil", Job 1:8. It is God who bears this witness about Job and not Job himself. God cannot deny His own nature, and every faithful and pure being must become one who also becomes incapable of denying his own nature. And when we find ourselves under the pressure of circumstances we can utter, with some frequency, prayers like: "My Father, if possible, let this cup pass from me!", Mat.26:42. There are cases, for example, where a husband or wife extremely faithful to God and the Gospel suffer constant attacks and unreasonable things from their own marriage partner, from their own children and where this faithful person fears that the appearance of things could give a bad testimony both about the marriage that God gave, job or family environment and about God. "Is this what it is to marry in God's will? Is this the kind of job God gives?" These are comments that can stun many. They forget that God's will is that they become pure and faithful and not, as soap operas and fairy tales say, "that they live happily ever after". Asking for the cup to pass, for the environment to change, for the wrong person to be transformed for the sake of self or move away are all desirable things. But what must change is the heart of the one who is faithful under all circumstances to the point of assuring, rooting and cementing his own faithfulness even more solidly. "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you", 1Pet.4:12.14. Instead of pleading that the cup passes, we must know how to ask from the heart that the will of God be done, that is, that the pure heart be purified even more; that believing and trusting become less forced and more nature like, better expressive and that from the heart; that the work/task at hand does not suffer delays and is neither relegated to a second degree of importance and that duty is replaced by problems in that degree of importance, etc. Like Jesus, we must seize the moment to be able to say, "I sanctify myself", John 17:19. It's a matter of deciding to choose the best part. It's a decision - an excellent decision - to be made even when circumstances change for the better.

  62. "The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever",Is.32:17. There are people who make an effort (and others not so much) to maintain a composure of peace when the peace that God gives should and can be natural through a real communion/fellowship with Him - as long as that communion is real. This is what it means when we read in Scripture of "peace in Thy presence". This lack of peace can happen for a few reasons, but I mention just two. One is that a person is in sin or still has some sin that has never been confessed or made up for, and, in the presence of God, he will have no peace as long as he rejects the conviction of that sin and does not do what he has to do about it. It will even be difficult to regain the peace that the world gives when in the presence of God. One will not have peace with God until he confesses or makes restitution, and will not be able to keep the peace that the world gives because of the presence of God. The peace that the world gives is that kind of peace where there is no conviction of sin in the absence of God and it is possible to maintain a composure through hypocrisy, pretence, and effort with some higher motivations in mind. Another reason for the lack of peace is more complex: we were created to live from God, by God, for God and not just from His breath of air, but from the very wind of His Spirit that blows giving and sustaining life within. Any person will feel the consequences of living far from God because his inner being was created to live only from God. That sort of absence of peace is the sense that something is lacking within, which nothing can make up for. It is for this reason that Scriptures speak of one being empty when not full of God. That emptiness will never be filled with anything but God, and that emptiness grows a thousandfold in the empty eternity of hell. I really believe that the greatest discomfort in hell will be the immeasurable accentuation of this emptiness, because the person will always be dying without ever being able to die. That's why it's called "eternal death" - you will be in a measureless void inside, always dying but never dead.

  63. "...In the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard",Heb.5:7. It was God's will not only to deliver from death but also to conquer it forever and once for all. But, we should not be talking about death, but about the will of God. Whatever is God's will — whether for us personally or for some universal good — must get the same seriousness of any pure heart as to cry out with tears, prayers, and supplications just because it is God's will. How many tears have you shed for the sake of God's will?

  64. "Everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who practices the truth comes to the light", John 3:20,21.. In here, Jesus has a way with words that we need to grasp. On the one hand, He speaks of those who do evil and, consequently, hide themselves together with their deeds. They are not exposed to light. He also speaks about truthful ones. But, speaking of the truthful, Jesus does not say that it is those who do good who place themselves in the light and in visibility but, rather, those who practice the truth regardless of what they have done, bad or good. John also uses these words of "practicing the truth" in 1John 1:6. Walking in the light is not and never will be showing our best face, putting on our face makeup, wear our best garment and disguising our appearance somehow. That is precisely the oppsite of walking in the light. To walk in the light - and we need initiative to put ourselves in the light - is to start being transparent, sincere about ourselves and honest, practicing the truth that way no matter who is around. If we did wrong, we reveal and expose. It is this truth that we must begin to practice.

  65. "Everyone who practises evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, lest his deeds should be exposed", John 3:20. I find it strange that a man would do anything, endure any hardship never to be held accountable for his evil deeds. To be in the light is to be as transparent as can be, practicing the truth - not just believing the truth, but practicing it starting with what you truly are. If I've done wrong, I must come to the light and unmask myself and never act as if nothing has happened. And if it is true that man will do anything to hide himself by instinct and culture, he will do anything not to be discovered. So, we can assume that deceiving even oneself (and others about him) is what it means to walk in darkness; to walk in darkness is to lie, and, also, to run to avoid the light. Anyone who does not practice the truth is a liar. Walking in darkness and lying are inseparable sins. Anyone who does not walk in the light is an excellent liar. He is a liar. The most practical way to cover up sin is to act good, create an image of a believer and show - or even trust in - the good things you do or think about yourself. Nicodemus came to Jesus talking about the miracles that no one could do without God. But, Jesus answered without hesitation that miracles were worthless if the person did not become a new creature. This means that miracles could serve as a cover up for an evil creature and, for some, to never consider themselves evil. Let the miracle workers hear that! Going to church, jumping over the wall into the sheepfold, singing in the church choir, reading and studying the Bible, being the best in a Bible School, among many other things, can be reasons to condemn oneself because these can easily become ways of covering up sins rather than of dedication to God. We know that no one will obtain mercy by covering his sins - even if it is only one single sin. "He who covers his sins will not prosper",Prov.28:13.

  66. Much is said about temptations these days. Some speak of them as something unbeatable, others as if they were problem. Some excuse their sins by attributing them to the temptations and the strength of the flesh; others feel guilty when they are only tempted without having fallen into transgression; still, others dismiss the guilt of transgressions as if they will never be held accountable for them - or even condemned. Each head with its mindset, ignoring the affirmative truths of Scripture. I'm not going to talk about temptation itself, because it shall always exist. Rather, let's talk about its strength and what gives it its power. There are many reasons for temptations or for the lack of them. There are also reasons - or conditions - why temptations become strong when they exist. However, the cause of its force or power is not always the same even though all causes have in common a certain detachment from the abundance of eternal life, it is, "the life that now is" (1Tim.4:8). It is true that the tempter is aware of anything that could cause a transgression, for any transgression is a shame and dishonour to the Creator of the one who transgresses. We must remember that it was our sins and transgressions that crucified Jesus. But, to attribute the strength of temptation to the flesh alone is to say too very little about it. What gives greater strength to temptation is a kind of departure from God, or any sort of detachment from Him, or a sudden indifference towards Him both in young new creatures or even in people more experienced on the Path and who enjoy the abundance of eternal life, which starts here and now. In people who hate God, temptations are already a way of life and can no longer be taken as temptations. Temptations do indeed exist only for those who truly seek God. But there are many causes for transgression, that is, for falling into temptation. Let's remember that the way to pray that Jesus commanded/taught is: "Lead us not into temptation". It is not a prayer to exterminate temptation, but to prevent from falling under its sphere. Knowing that "the flesh and its passions can (and must) be crucified with Christ" (Gal.5:24), temptations can pass us by with all their insistence and power from hell that, who is literally and truly dead to sin, does not react to them at all. Have you ever seen a dead person look at the opposite sex or at money with lust? Therefore, the first cause for the strength of temptation is not being truly crucified with Christ. Such who are truly in Him will find themselves as dead to sin as a corpse. However, there are few other causes for having temptations nearby or harassing one's attention. If Christ said that we should be (remain) in Him and He in us, then, by leaving this stronghold, we will be exposed to the tides of the enemy. And, being exposed to the enemy, we will, again, be exposed to temptations and/or transgressions. Another cause is our not walking when we have light. We can be standing still while having some light, doing nothing about needs to be done. "...if you do not do well, behold, sin is crouching at the door; its desire is against/for you, and you must master it", Gen.4:7. Jesus said: "If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble",John 11:9. One may have light and not walk. If one does not act promptly, doing whatever needs to be done and according to what light reveals, he shall be exposed to temptations and shall, sooner or later, fall into a transgression of some kind. "Walk while you have light", John 12:35. Those who do not act promptly and according to what light reveals, doing well what they should do, will be exposed to temptations and it will only be a matter of time before they fall into them.  (Let's remember that Jesus tells to the faithful well done and not merely done). Under such a situation, the person in question will have to try to master the temptation instead and cannot, should not consider himself dead to it. Not anymore. The way out, then, is to try master it, cut the hand off or pull out the eye and that is not Good News. The Good News is to be dead to sin (and alive to God).

  67. "If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble",John 11:9. Much is said and discussed, nowadays, about the possibility or impossibility of keeping ourselves pure and spotless. This theological discussion proliferated among all nations where the flesh preaches the Gospel that suits itself or best fits into its ideas. The fact that Jesus said "DOES NOT STUMBLE" does not fit into their theologies. And His word cannot be changed. However, certain conditions must be fulfilled by walking in the light (and not being stagnant under it) so that "not stumbling" becomes possible. If the light reveals some sin or transgression and the person does not respond (or correspond) in the way he should by exposing his sin in full detail or making restitution, he is not walking - he is stagnant; if Peter passes by the lame man at the door of the Temple where he had already passed countless times and looked at him each time he passed there without God revealing anything and, suddenly on a certain day, the order comes to tell the lame man to get up and walk, and Peter questions that order, he is not walking while he has light; and if the man hears Peter's order but hesitates in unbelief and Peter does not reach out his hand to lift him because he fears that nothing might happen, he is not walking in daylight. Soon, those who don't walk will certainly be caught by the darkness and will stumble anytime ahead.

  68. "Faith is the substance of things (...) the evidence (proof) of things not seen", Heb.11:1. It is not good for us to downplay or pass over the sense or meaning of the original words whenever we read the Scriptures. When talking about "PROOF", there must be something substantial, concrete, clear and real that clearly reveals and affirms to oneself what is affirmed in/by God. Proof/evidence confirms what is affirmed in God and seen from God. And it has to be proof for oneself in the first instance. The faith of many people, today and always, is based upon beliefs, hopes or even illusions in which they believe or just want to believe. None of this is proof. A proof is something very, very concrete and substantial - it is something that exists and is impossible to deny. That is revival. "We speak what We know and testify what We have seen", John 3:11. "Life (eternal) was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you THAT eternal life", 1John 1:2. "THAT eternal life" means the one that is clearly visible, can be touched (experienced) here and now and is impossible to be denied or hidden. That' the one. Ask yourself why would the Pharisees charge against it with stones and with great red faced rage. It was because they couldn't deny the clear evidence pu before them and the way out was to kill such clear evidence of THAT eternal Life.

  69. "If you can believe (...) I believe , Lord! Help my unbelief",Mar.9:23,24. "Give us more faith", Luc.17:5. Few find the true and only key to open the doors to faith, that is, the solution for the lack of faith. It all starts with the sincerity of the heart (acknowledging and confessing, in whatever way). But, it doesn't end there. We must not forget that Scriptures teach that Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith (Heb.12:2). Knowing this and acting accordingly (approaching Him) goes a little further than having found the key to the solution. Faith is and will always be fruit of communion with Him and depends exclusively on the purity of that fellowship. And, it is under that fellowship that it bears more fruit - it becomes more and ore fruitful. It is very easy to believe having God as a friend. And the closer as a friend He is, the easier since faith sprouts from love. Adding more faith is a mere consequence of a greater, better and more sincere approach to Jesus taking into account all that He represents in terms of purity, targets, objectives, type of power and so many other things that exist in heaven.

  70. It is commonly believed by the doctrines of today that a word or blessing spoken by one to another obtains its force from the person who utters it. But, things are not and never will be that linear. If the word really comes from the mouth of God, it will have its effects. It certainly won't come back empty because it came from God. But this is very different from when someone utters a word to compel God to perform accordingly. That is, wanting to get God into own affairs, decisions, determinations or desires. First, the word must come from God and not from the heart and desires of man. Secondly, the conditions must be met for the word coming from God to be fulfilled with eternal effect. As a rule, the conditions that need to be fulfilled depend mostly on the person receiving the word and rarely on the person who utters it. Today, a lot of value is given to those who pronounce words as if God were the disciple who needs to fulfil what someone said. But, who determines whether the word really coming from God can be fulfilled is who hears it and not who utters it.

  71. I don't become more of a believer by reading the Scriptures a lot or spending a lot of hours in prayer. I believe better, I trust more and with greater simplicity in proportion to the real intimacy I have/share with God. I can read the Scriptures without being taught by God as much as I can be taught by God while in my job or other errands. "It is written, And they shall all be taught of God", John 6:45a. And when I speak of being taught, I speak of a practical teaching that begins its work in the heart, starting with being transformed and not just with being instructed. Being transformed and instructed at the same time is what it means to be taught by God. "Therefore, everyone who has heard from the Father and learned comes to me", John 6:45b. It is not just listening, but learning from drawing near to God. And it is this approach that makes my trust in God more spontaneous, more sincere, less feigned and less forced. Forced faith is feigned faith.

  72. "Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased",Dan.12:4. It is not without reason that Paul stated that the last times will be very difficult for all mankind. The main reason is that knowledge, study and science will spread while hearts remain the same without being truly transformed. Therefore, by not being transformed, they will adapt to truth and to knowledge. That is, the language of evil will be adapted, systems will change their looks, but not their hearts. It is for this reason, for example, that communism is the system that most uses words like democracy, freedom and prosperity; and sin uses words like faith, love, freedom, among others. The corrupt will appear to be generous, they will gain fame as benefactors by their words and their false speeches. This will happen until the day that God decides to put an end to hypocrisy. "The fool shall no more be called noble, nor the miser said to be bountiful For the foolish person will speak foolishness, And his heart will work iniquity: To practice ungodliness, To utter error against the Lord, to keep the hungry unsatisfied",Is.32:5-6.

  73. Today it is very easy to sing hymns and say that you are praising God. Even when the heart is far from God, people sing because of the beauty of the hymn or melody. "Whoever names the name of Christ, depart from iniquity", 2Tim.2:19. I've seen people from the world of immoral filth sing certain hymns that have become famous in the history of music. They are strangers to the truth and, yet, they sing without understanding what it is all about. If it is not right for a sincere heart to sing a song of Zion while still seeking its peace with God (Ps.137), let us imagine how grievous is the sin of singing hymns while being of the world. "Who asked you to come and trample my courts?" Is.1:12. We know what the word "trample" means in its true essence. It means more than humiliating. When they trample on a flag of a certain country, it means great contempt for that country. That same meaning God gives to those who do not depart from iniquity and sing His praises or enter His Temple for that purpose. May men repent and know God truly and personally. Then, will they sing sincere praises, not because of the melody or the beauty of the words, but because they see God in His beauty and greatness of love and because the hymn corresponds to the truth of the heart.

  74. "Share in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God",2Tim.1:8. It's all too easy to read over what we think we understand just because we know the meaning of the words and don't realize the real depth of the experience these words are trying to explain. We must know that it is extremely difficult to explain in words a true experience of eternal life, that is, of the life that now begins and does not have ups and downs, but is constant and permanent. We must surrender ourselves completely to this life without reservations and without any fear of making mistakes. Many fear making mistakes because certain things happen as they did not foresee; or because they have made mistakes before; or because other things take a while to happen. In any case, it is very easy for the carnal man to bear what happens to him carnally. It is another thing to do or execute it "according to the power of God", that is, through the power of grace. Giving up the power of the flesh is more difficult for man than suicide, because nobody likes to give up his own abilities to execute and deny himself and his strength. The carnal man would rather lose his life than become physically or carnally incapable. But, "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit," John 12:24. We cannot be naive participants in the afflictions of the Gospel, people who have not yet become familiar with the power of God to the point of being able to depend entirely on grace, that is, being sober enough to be able to hope (waiting hope and expectation) "entirely in the grace given to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ",1 Pet.1:13. This is the hardest learning of the Christian life - yet it is the simplest to be achieved. We must learn to do God's will the way it is done in heaven, for to try to do it in any other way or through another power is the basics of idolatry. It is essential that we are so familiar with eternal life and its executing power (power and manner of executing) that we vehemently refuse that God's will should be attempted in any other way or to live as if it were possible to carry it out in any other way. I do not believe that it is possible to carry out God's will in any other way, but there are those who live on believing that they can and should. It is for this reason that we get into situations which we cannot solve or understand, because only through God will do we learn to reconcile ourselves with the form and power of God. Things don't work out? Learn to depend on God and become familiar with Him instead of depending on rush or alternatives. This is what it means to be reconciled to God. And it is for this reason that Paul orders believers to be reconciled with God, that is, to become familiar with Him to the point of being able to understand how one should and can become a participant in the afflictions of Christ and the Gospel (Rom.12:1,2). It must be understood that Jesus could deliver himself from death in many ways, but, he preferred, "in the days of his flesh, to offer, with strong crying and tears, prayers and supplications to him who was able to deliver him from death and was heard as to what feared", Heb.5:7. We really need to get rid of death. The question here is how, and not to get rid of it anyhow. If God does not build the house, we build it in vain. If God does not deliver us from death, we are 'freed' from it in vain. Giving up or resigning yourself to death - whatever kind of death it may be - (or resigning yourself to anything else) is not doing God's will. We must, rather, meet the conditions where God can fulfil all our requests about his will. Joseph could escape slavery when he tended Potiphar's fields. He could fetch his family members when he became the most powerful man in Egypt. But, he didn't. Abraham could take over the land that God had promised him when he defeated the kings who took everything that belonged to him. But he remembered that God had said that it would be He who would give him the land and not his sword or ability to conquer. Being in normal and pure conditions, we will know and understand what it means to be heard and this opens up to us the option of being helped by God in due time or when necessary. But we cannot look for this oil or ointment at the moment we need it - we have to find it in advance or beforehand. "Therefore let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need",Heb.4:16.

  75. As a rule, political parties have a main guideline by which they are ruled. That is, if there is any good or bad idea, it will have first to go through the approval of the doctrine. Communism, for example, doesn't allow anything that doesn't interest it, socialism the same thing - even though both have the same spirit in practice. It is not the people and their needs that are taken into account, but the doctrine and everything it commands and approves. That's what the Pharisees and Sadducees did: if it didn't match their doctrines not even the truth would have a chance to succeed. We know that, today, there are endless doctrines, fixed ideas by which churches are governed, some reasonable and others less good, some harmless, but which still govern minds and are capable of controlling, tying, influencing or even automating many actions. And it is a pity that the law of love for God and neighbour is not the only rule of doctrine. It cannot be the doctrine to be consulted, but the love of God - his kind of love, which has only the final goal as its guide or motivation. Not even good doctrines can even be mandatory. It is the doctrine that must pass the scrutiny of love and not the other way around. "All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything", 1Cor.6:12.

  76. A Bishop must be blameless, vigilant, sober", 1Tim.3:2. Words either mislead or teach properly. It all depends on the meaning we give it, the tone of voice we use and the expressionsof those who speak and the impressions of those who listen. Many allow themselves to be convinced by what impresses them and thisopens the door for those who manage forms of expression very well,which convince the impressionable. That's why Jesus warns: "Takeheed how you hear!" Luke 8:18. And when it comes to a translation, there are still more factors to take into account. The translationof this verse is one such case. For example, the word "vigilant (watchful)" here meansto be circumspect in the sense of keeping watch over one's own heartsince only the heart can withhold God from acting and from working. Now, that being so, it alters our whole outlook in favour of saving truth. In the world,to be vigilant is to watch over other people, other dangers, and to watch against external threats. But, according to the truth, watching has only todo with watching over our own being and heart so that nothing comes to separate us from God, from His strength andfrom His power, from Hissaving, constant and permanent companionship, that is, eternal life (no ups and downs). Many watch in the Christian life as the world wouldwatch against dangers, forgetting that the only danger to us is that which comes from within. "For from within the hearts of men comeevil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders...",Mat.7:21. Therefore, "If anyonedesires the episcopate" (v.1) he must also know how to desire tofulfil the conditions that allow him to achieve such a privileged and praiseworthy duty. A boat or ship only sinkswith the water inside it and not with the water outside it. The water outside helpsit to navigate even better. "Take heed to thyself",1Tim.4:16.

  77. "John calling two of his disciples to him, sent them to Jesus, saying, "Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?"Luc.7:19. There is something here that is not easy to understand. There is somethinghere that we might miss. What became of the certainty of that assured man who said with absolutecertainty: "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!Behold the Lamb of God!", John 1:29,36. He said that whenhe didn't even know Him. John never saw Him before, yet recognized Himwith great certainty! Where and when didhis certainty begin to fade? Where did thedoubt start and why? John did well to ask when he doubted, that is, to ask to be sure. There are those who remain in doubt for fear of beingcriticized or even reprimanded for doubting. John faced and confronted doubt boldly. He acted very well and got rid of the temptation by askingwithout fear of being confronted, without fear of what the Pharisees and other people might think after all the certainties and statementshe hadmade at the River Jordan. But, the question here is: how do youleave such certainty and get to this doubt and for what reason orreasons? First of all, this means that the assurance is not of John,but of the holy Spirit in Him. Faith is fruit and is never worked byself. If the Spirit fades from a heart, doubts start in people whodepended solely and entirely on grace (1Pet.1:13).Such people can't even believe a lie anymore. But, why did Johnenter such doubts or, should I say, why did he lose on theassurances of God? I believe that John expected something more from this lifeafter having fulfilled his double mission, it is, after having presented the Messiah to the worldand of having prepared the people for Him. I think he expected to live the rest of hislife in peace, but, he was arrested instead. Or, maybe, he wanted to make sure he had already accomplished his missionand could die in peace. I also believe that hiscommunion with the Holy Spirit was put in the background after having fulfilled his mission. We must understand that our fellowship with God must, firstand foremost, be maintained for our own sake (for the sake of Godconcerning us) and for our own consumption so that wemay never attempt to gather without Him. By being right with God, we will fulfilour mission with complete perfection. After the mission, we should still maintainour communion with Him in spotlessness. After we have fulfilled our mission,our own communion with God must be maintained in the first flame andin the first love so that the main purpose for this communion isfulfilled until the end. The main reason is our own living in/with God. The main reason for a life of fullness is to save our life for the glory of God. Neglecting our communion with God, if our motives do not remainpure in approaching to God, if we renege or neglect our communion with God just because we have already fulfilled our mission,have already married, have alreadypreached or have already achieved some purpose of God's will, we can easily enter darkplaces of doubt unnecessarily. It is very easy to ease up on GodHimself after anachievement, or after the completion of a very demanding mission or task. We need to know that the main purpose isour fellowship with God and not the mission.We need to become fully aware, too, that the main reason we have obtained abundant life is to remain in God and God in us eternally. Our work or mission isnot and never will be the main reason for having, for obtaining or maintaining a healthy communion with God. Thefulfilment of our work, mission or task is andwill always be a consequence of the communion we maintain with God and will never be the reason. If it is the reason, we must repent and change because it cannotbe so, under the real danger of losing ourselves or becoming futile without any need. What's the point of wanting to win the world losing your own soul? When thishappens, it means that we have lost our first love. "I have this against you, that you have left your first love",Rev.2:4. For years I always misunderstood thisverse. It is actually a misinterpretation because of the possible translations of the word "first"(in fist love). The word "first" can be interpreted in many ways and only oneis correct. It can be interpreted as the first before the second. But, the real meaning of that word in this verse is not that. The meaning is very different fromthat. In this verse it means that this love is primary, main, unique, the highest degree of importance or even the onlyone. The first of a kingdom is the kingand it is in this sense that this word is used here. Losing the first love means that we begin to love something else above/besides the love of God or in conjunction withthat love. The love of God, obedience and everything that encompasses our experience or coexistence with God cannot obtain a degree of secondary importance or evenof equal importance to another. The love of God should not even compete with another love that can be placedin a second or even a third place. In my opinion, the love of God mustbe the only love and, when that is the case, there cannot even beother love in secondary degrees of importance. This love is unique and exclusive. There is only the love of/for God with allyour heart and the love for our neighbour and no other. There cannot be any other love in our livesin any degree. I don't know if these are the things that happened toJohn the Baptist, but I believe that my perception might not be thatfar from the truth. If faith/certainty of things is operated by loveand its inflow (Gal.5:6), what happened to John theBaptist when he started to doubt could be explained. The greatest danger for people who are ultra-faithful to God is when we complete a mission with God's full blessing.God must remain above all and He shall not remain so unless He hadalready been above all else. Or should I say God exclusively? It is the mission that is for God and not God for the mission. It is my child for God andnot God for the salvation of my child, father, mother, house or country.

  78. "He who does the will of God abides forever", 1John 2:17. The person who does the will of God does not remain/abideforever because he does the will of God, but because he has a realfellowship and complicity with God whichenables him to do/execute it the way it is done inheaven. Being able to execute this will is a sign that you have thissort of communion and unifying conciliationwith God intact. In order to carry out His will, it is necessary to be able tofulfil certain conditionsand certain requirements regarding our communion with God. First, we need to have REAL fellowship with God - a make-believeonewill not work. This communion needs to be real and not one-sided. Secondly, it is imperative that one obtainsgrace to perform; to find this grace (which is the power and blessing of God) it is necessary to seek it and find it;when seeking it, itwill only be found by having our whole heart involved in that will and in the desiresof God to be able to execute itperfectly, loving God and his will ardently and above all. Fulfilling all these requirements, it becomes possibleto carry out God's will because one is able to gather with Him andunable to alone. What this means is that the person abidesforever because he has that uninterrupted fellowship with God which allows him all access to the providences of God, to the power ofHis grace, to His leadership, to His providences and fellowship and to everything that is necessary forHis will tobe carried out here on earth the same way and through the same power it is carried out in heaven, that is, "here on earth as in heaven". Tobe able to do his will the way it is done in heaven is a sure sign that there isareal communion with eternal life within the wholebeing. Therefore, he who does the will of God remains forever because he is truly rooted in God and God inhim to that privileged point where he can reach out and beallowed/enabled to doHis will. Such a person remains forever because he has hisfellowship with God up to date and in such normality that he canremain in it because it is his only life and the only way he knowsfor a living. The fact that he succeeds incarrying it out shows that he remains forever rooted in God. He abides forever because he is truly in God and God in him and not becausehe does his will. In fact, he can do his will because he is in God and God in himand that is why he abides forever. The fact that he can do God's will reveals that he has abundant life (eternal life) within him, flowing abundantly. And it is this life that makes itpossible to do God's will and, also, to last/abide forever. Thosewho can do his will show that they have this life in the promisedabundance. That is why they remain forever. We cannotmisinterpret the Scriptures for the convenience of the fleshconsulting His will but not consulting Him. His will is not theentrance to the fellowship. Fellowshipping with Him is the entranceto His will. "Walk in my presence and be perfect", Gen.17:1. There is an order inthese words. It doesn't say "be perfect and walk in My presence",but the other way round.

  79. "Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh", Gal.5:16. We know what "walking" means. It's being active, moving forward.Many believe that to be in the Spirit is to be inert and ecstatic orstatic. To walk in the Spirit is to walk through ourdaily lives in a natural way, but by the power of God. We live withit as if we have never lived any other way before. We walk and live in real presence with God as if we haveno knowledge of any other way of life. Another thing about this verse: if transgression only exists when the lust is fulfilled, that is, yieldingto temptation and not by being tempted, it is also true that obedience existsonly when it is fulfilled - when one walks. To stop walkingin evil is not yet walking in the Spirit - or in the light. To stop walking in evil is to stand still and to walkin the Spirit is to be active in God, for God and with Him. "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit", Gal.5:25.

  80. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God", Rom.10:17. This is one of the most misunderstood Bible verses in today's evangelical circles.In fact, most believers use and abuse on interpretations that sound good to thecarnal ear. There is a widespread ideathat the more I read my Bible, the more I listen to preaching, the more my faith grows. And this is not true,that is, it can rarely be true. We cannot confuse knowledge with faith and vice versa. Reading is good and increasesknowledge and may even increase wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom are notthe same thing. It is true that "A man's wisdom makes his face shine, And the sternness ofhis face is changed", Eccl.8:1. Indeed, knowledge and wisdom are excellent things. But, we cannot confuse that glow onthe face with the faith that makes the heart shine in the whole essence of manfrom his deepest roots. Reading theScriptures increases the reader's knowledge and not necessarily his faith. Allow me to explain further. First of all,we need to understand very well what the word "hearing" means in this verse and in Scripture in general.Hearing meanssomething different. Hearing is when God speaks to the heart andsays/reveals/manifests something that makes a lot of sense to theheart that is (or has become) according to God because only thencould it make all that sense. It is necessary for these two thingsto happen, that is, for God to speak and for the heart toreceive it fully grasping that word with great, inexplicable joy for receivingsomething that it needed so much to hear and understand. That is, the heartthat yearns that way needs to be in full agreement with God to receive with joy,exulting in what made a lot of sense to it - and if it was God who really spoke. That'swhat hearing is all about. This adds to faith, revivesthe spirit thirsting for fluid truth overflowing with reality, drives out doubt, and consolidates the wholeof any person in God. This may also be called goodencouragement and means the growth of that faith which can only be wrought by love. "Faith working through love",Gal.5:6. In this case,this means that there is such a communion and intimacy between God and the heart that his love is poured out abundantly so that,through that love, one can love. When there is such reality inintimacy with God - or on the way towards it - He can speak to a heart that is in full conformity with Him, whichhas such a thirst for God that can desire nothing else but Him with that same extreme intensity. Since that heart is after God, ifthat heart delights in Him and by Him only, any word or revelation coming from the mouth of God speaks according to that heart because itis conformed to God. Soon, this hearing increases faith and trust in God by taking the necessary steps of obedience. Therefore, we cannotconfuse the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom with the faith that comes from hearing because they are not the same thing. This is whatit means to hear when a word comes from God.

  81. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend/overtake it", John 1:5. Yesterday, I was ruminating on the fact that evil is spreadingwildly very quickly, even seeing many countries and governments substantiate, support and promote what is very badand wrong. But at the same time I was listening to the audio Bible and this verse made so much sense to me that Imarvelled: "But darkness did not prevail...". No matter how much darkness increases,how many dark ideas take charge, it will never prevail anymore than it did in the darkest moment in human history when they crucified Jesus. To this day, there has never beena darker moment than when they crucified the very Creator of mankind for coming for his people andto what was his. "Hecame to his own, and his own did not receive him",John 1:11. If they didn't prevail then, they won't prevail noweither. In fact, they will never prevail. But, there is something more to the understanding of this verse that mayescape us. The word "prevail" could also be translated as apprehending, comprehending, or even understanding in orderto prevail against the light. This interpretation gives a very broad sense as to the cunningworldly wisdom and its natural application to have darkness prevail against lightat all costs. They are capable of enormous sacrifices and feigning only to try to prevail against the light. They are very ingenious and persistent against what is right, even going so far as to resemble light in order to deceive. Is the devil not an angel of light? The Antichrist closely resembles that which comes from Christ. Hence the word "antichrist" in the Epistles of John means "like Christ" to better work against Him, for an internal enemy(in church, at home, at Bible school, in the prayer meeting) does greater damage to the truth than an external one. It works like the the associationbetween water and a boat: the water outside the boat helps it tofloat, but in the inside causes it to sink.

  82. "If we let Him alone like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and nation", John 11:48. Jesus said that whoever loses his life for the sake of Him will save it and whoeverwants to save it will lose it. Isn't that what happened here? They wanted to save their nation by denying Jesus andlost it a few years later to the Romans. This happened because they wanted to save the nation by denying Jesus. They lost what they wanted to save.

  83. "You did not believe because you are not of My sheep", John 10:26. There are many reasons why people don't believe (inthe truth).This does not mean, however, that they do not believe a lie, that is, claiming to know Jesus when it isnot true.One thing is certain: those who cannot believe in Jesus easily believe in the lies, illusions and deceptions ofthis life. There are sheep of deceit that are not part of the flock of Jesus. It is for this reason that Jesus says"you are not of my sheep" even though they were following him, meaning that there are other types of sheep from othermasters with a heart full of desires for sin who easily listen to what is morally wrong because it is dearand familiar to them. A sheep is someone who has an enormous complicity with his shepherd, with his desires and,above all, with his way of operating. Some are sheep of evil and some of Jesus. The evil sheep can "believe" in Jesusthrough a shipwrecked, pretentious or even counterfeit faith both morally and emotionally. We see that Paul speaks of peoplewith a shipwrecked faith who kept preaching as if nothing was wrong. This ishow far self-deception can lead. "...Holding faithand a good conscience, which some have put away and made shipwreck as to faith",1Tim.1:19. However, the shipwreckedonescontinued to preach Jesus appearing to be faithful while drowning inorder to deceive the faithful.

  84. "I am the Good Shepherd, and I know those that are Mine, and I am known by those who are Mine", John 10:14. When Jesus says that "I am known of mine", it means that hemakes himself known. Therefore, if he does not make himself known, he will not be known-much less recognized.Who has the power to make him appear if he hides? This has a lot of meaning, because the vast majority of believersI know say they know Jesus because they pray and read their Bibles and not because He makes himself known tothem.A relationship cannot exist when that relationship is one-sided, when it is affirmed and confirmed only by oneof the sides.Jesus has to make himself known (experimentally) and these sheep are known to him in the same wayor degree that they know him. If that which separates God from people and people from God is not taken away, if thepaths are not properly and orderly prepared, how can anyone claim to know Jesus just by praying and reading? "Know the Lord",say the Scriptures. However, this is not just a command for someone to approach Him, but it is for us to properly cleanseourselves of our sins by confessing them each by name when approaching Him, abandoning theconfessed sins to fulfil the minimum conditions for God to approachand make Himself known without any shadow of a doubt. "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the wholeearth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him", 2Cron.16:9.

  85. "The hireling flees, because he is a hireling and does not care for the sheep", John 10:13. Jesus speaks here of someone who fleesbecause of some danger andabandons the sheep. But, what about those who give up, those who get discouraged, or those who neglect, ignoreor are not aware of the primary needs of the sheep? Or, what about those who are not able to take them to thebest pastures, or do not have the spiritual conditions to listen to theHigh Shepherd to be guided by Him inthis regard? The mercenary is not just the one who flees because of some danger.

  86. "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly", John 10:10. Jesus came so that we may have eternal, constant, abundant life,which is withoutups or downs and permanent. Eternal life, for us, begins here and now. Many people talk about changing their lives, but they misinterpretthis. When talking about changing their lives, any human thinks of a betteredversion of one they have (or that they believe they have), and notof another sort life from the vey roots of our being. They try improving the one they alreadyhave, using their appetites in a disguised way or something along that line of thought. But, if that were the true meaning of"changing one's life," it would not be necessary to be born againinto another and to die with Christ. Allow me to explain. When the Bible speaks of changing one'slife, it means abandoning what we consider to be life in exchange for anotherkind of life. It means to be dead for real to this worldliness andalive to heaven. We literally experience an exchange of lives by being born into a newone. We cease to exist in a certain form of life which Scriptures saycategorically is death, to be born into another life where everything ismade new, including the form of power through which it runs, operatescontinually and exists thereafter in us, although it exists sinceever. Changing your life is not and never will be changingyour beliefs by keeping what you are; it is not and never will be to modify our habits and customs to appear better in our own eyes; It's not improving the current lifeby becoming "believers" -it's literally changing the type of life along with everything thatcomposes it or makes it possible. Every form of life has its own powerby which it runs; it has its motivations; ithas its ideals; it has the power by which it moves on or is workedby; and all this needs to be killed so that everything can be made newindeed. It must be everything and not only most of the things.

  87. "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture", John 10:9. Nowadays, people are invited to attend a church and when they doso,they are considered believers and, from then on, it is not difficult foranyone to consider himself a believer byimposition, not of hands, but of circumstances. Few pastors and preachers today introduce Jesus to people. And when Ispeak of presenting Him, I speak of a reality, that is, where Jesus is really presented in person without words and withoutthe force of doctrine. Those who do not know Jesus present doctrine, church, teaching, baptisms, professions of faith and many other thingsthat cannot be considered as Jesus in person. I really believe it isjust another form of idolatry than true life. Every preacherwho is not able to present Jesus in a real way does not do his work well and is a fraudulent worker,whether he believes the right stuff or not.

  88. "Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God", 1John 5:1. These days, this verse or others like it are easilymisrepresented. Let's go back in time and see what these statements mean. For Jews and for thosepeople who saw Jesus live, it was very difficult to believe that a man could be God - even more sobecause it was true. That is, in addition to being difficult for them to believe that thata man could be God, anyone who has a deceitful heart would more easily believe in something that was deceitfulor a lie, because this is the basis for any type of idolatry. Forthis reason, it became more difficult for someone to believe that a man was the Christ because, in addition to being a man,it was also true. Were it a lie, it wouldn't be so difficult for them to believe him. Believing in a falsechrist is much easier for a heart dedicated and applied to deceit. That being the case and under thosecircumstances, the only way anyone could believe in Jesus as God (or as the Christthat they did not desire as resented to them), would be to be born again,experiencing His own nature in the first person. Therefore, everyone whocould believeHim only would do so only by having been born of God. "If you canbelieve...", Mar.9:23.

  89. "And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true", 1John 5:20. Jesus is Eternal Life ("Jesus Christ is . . . eternal life," 1John 5:21).Jesus is the salvation. Salvation is not the teaching we prefer or take for granted; Jesus is not doctrine; He is a person - Hehimself is the abundant life. We know him here and now in a real way.Eternal life is experienced right now. Teaching comes with the purpose of being able to distinguishand recognize the Truth, because many speak in the name of Christ. How can we be guided by Him if, at the very least, we cannotdistinguish Him from other christs? Those who do not present Jesusin person do not present anything, not even when they put forth themost correct teachings.

  90. "It is he Spirit who bears witness", 1John 5:6.Many bear witness for/of themselves, bear their own witness in front of people and sometimes infront of crowds. Nothing wrong with that as long as that testimony is true, for Jesus himselfspoke countless times about himself. But, Jesus also stated that "I am One who bears witness ofMyself, and the Father who sent Me bears witness of Me. It is also written in your law that thetestimony of two men is true",John 8:18,17. The Spirit's testimony alone and isolated from ourswould be true by itself because He is the truth. "And it is the Spirit who bears witness, becausethe Spirit is truth", 1John 5:6. But, our testimony when it is not corroborated, substantiated andauthenticated by God has no value, even if it already had had some valuebefore. If it once had value and now itdoesn't, our testimony sparks against us and will be a reason for condemnation because we have experienced what we no longer experience. Let's see if God testifies about us nowto us and to others, both throughwhat we do and what God blesses. "The Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand",Gen.39:3. Also,through what God himself says about us. "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased", Mat.3:17.And through what he tells us and reveals personally. "He who believes in the Son of God has the witnessin himself",1John 5:10. If God does not bear this witness, if He is not the witnessin whomsoever and inwhatever way, there will be no valid witness in the eyes of heaven. There are people who, by force ofdoctrine, try to convince themselves that they are believers or children of God. But,the true witness existsonly when "he Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God",Rom.8:16. On the other hand, there arealso people who, out of fear, ignorance or even for not yet knowing the new wine to the point of loving itproperly and exclusively, do not value this testimony that God gives when he gives it. They don't know thatthis is to classify God as a liar. When you don't believe someone, you fear him as a liar. That's why Johnadds stating that, "he who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimonythat God has given", 1John 5:10. And, also, not having this testimony to appeal to him, the person will haveGod as non-existent - even if he claims that He exists by virtue of any doctrine or belief. We do not need toassert that God does not exist to be guilty of this crime - it is enough that we do not have this testimony inus due to some separation that exists between Him and us, living as if He did not exist; and, also, not beingguided by Him. "Those who are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God",Rom.8:16. We cannot say thesame about those who are not guided by Him, even if they hold to the normal providences of Godas proof of witness, since God givesrain to all - good and bad - without exception. 

  91. The size of the multitude or the amount of people cannot be seen as a signfor a real revival. But the amount and the quality of the holiness of the crowd says a lot about a true revival."And made you alive, when you were dead in trespasses and sins",Eph.2:1. That is, a multitudewith sin - even if it is only one common sin - are dead and not alive.

  92. "...Without God in the world", Eph.2:12. It is a terrifying thing tolive in this world, walk in it, die in it, and all that without God.Everyone decides for himself how to live here and now,many build their own towers of Babel and live for themselves even when they use the name of God(in vain). Is there anything worse than that in this vast universe? This is the life of sin: "without God in the world".

  93. "...Faithful in Christ Jesus", Eph.1:1. It is very easy tomisread the Scriptures. Seeing the placement of the words is very important for usso as not to be understanding what we wish to understand and, rather, whatit really says. It would be even better if one reads to find adetailed explanation of what is already happening in the inside. Thatsaid, we might ask why Paul says here "faithful in Christ" and not "faithful to Christ". It seems easyto explain, but it says a lot more than it seems. To be in Christ, we need to go in through the door - we need to start withJohn the Baptist, go all the way in between to end up in Pentecost. After we have cleansed our entire lives of past sins thathave never beenconfessed by name, and after having abandoned present sins in the presence of Christ, we enter into a quest to enter into a life ofPentecost that is continual life and which has no ups and downs. You have to findit and be able to remain in it. One remains in it by becoming or bybeing made as constant and as stable as eternal life itself. We donot get into it by decision making. Having arrived there, we are in Christ andChrist in us beyond all doubt. But, nothing ends there because that is precisely where it allsets off. Let me explain. Weneed to learn to like, to use, to become useful and to appreciate the new wineby understanding it to the full, it is, by becoming new wineskins. We must henceforth learn to be faithfulonly by using and enjoying the power of grace, using its means, and vehemently denying all our own resources and capabilitiesthat are not fully sanctified. When a person comes to God, it becomes more difficult to deny one's abilities and powerof the flesh than to deny oneself in a sacrificial/commercial way as in exchange. "And though I bestow all my goods tofeed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits menothing",1Cor.13:3. And it's good forus to understand that NOTHING, but nothing will get any benefit or benefitfrom it when the house is not built by God. Everything willhave been in vain.

  94. "In the integrity of my heart and innocence of my hands I have done this. And God said to him in a dream, "Yes, I know that you did this in the integrity of your heart. For I also withheld you from sinning against Me", Gen.20:5,6. Humanly speaking, when someone does not know that something is wrong andpractices it, he is kind of exonerated from his transgression. However, for God it is still a transgression like any other. The only difference is that Godmight prevent the person from transgressing against Him, unlike whatcould happen to the obstinate ones. If God acquitted a transgressorjust because he didn't know he was transgressing, he would be covering uptransgression and would be an accomplice to sinbecause God knows it is sin. If someone falls off a cliff, wouldn't he die because he was blind when he fell? Or doeshe not die because he didn't know there was a precipice there, or because he couldn't avoid the fall? "Now therefore, restore(...) if you do not restore her, know that you shall surely die", Gen.20:7.

  95. "Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity", 2Tim.2:19. We have no idea of how important and serious this statementof truth is.Today I saw a famous man who lives a promiscuous and disrespectful life towards God listening to gospel music in plainsight, claiming that he was a believer and proclaiming that he was fleshlytoo. Many people in the world portray themselves in such examples. It is an example of worldliness rather thanof Christianity. Let's imagine how big his condemnation will be!The name Jesus has a special meaning: "You shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins",Mat.1:21.These people reveal through their promiscuous and empty lives that Jesus means they canremain in their sins. They completely nullifythe message of the Gospel and preach the surest way to hell.

  96. "The merciful man does good for his own soul, But he who is cruel troubles his own flesh", Prov.11:17. Let us remember that the flesh is the strength of the cruel man.Therefore, if he harms his own flesh, it means that he even harms the power that moves him in his day-to-day life.

  97. It is commonly believed (and rithly so) that justification precedes sanctification and that both are by faith in Jesus. Andit is true that both are achieved by real and unfeigned faith inJesus. Now, if it is through a real experience of a personal Pentecost that we are justified (and I do notdoubt it), if it is through this experience of abundant life that we become truly and undeniably righteous/just(justified), sanctification comes to change our visible and external life, customs, habits, ideas, ideals, thoughts,aims, objectives and everything else that must compose our daily living from then on so that itis made compatiblewith the transformation that took place within us through the justification,and which must be maintained through a continual and real (not feigned) presence of God."Abide in Me and Me in you".However, we must understand that this is not always the chronological order of what happens to us. We may askwhether the apostles were sanctified before or after Pentecost; and we see clearly that it was before and notafter. In the same way, there are believers, pastors, workers (and sometimes tireless workers) who live aimmaculate,disciplined and outwardly appealing and respected life, but who never went through a real experience of Pentecost.These should not reject true revival just because there are so many fake revivalsin the field. On the otherhand, they should neither feel alone or estranged to the point of denying everything they've become if they realizethey've lived a poor life up to then. That would be a huge mistaketoo. Such only need to learn, like, love and become acquainted and use newwine, unlike those who only need to have their feet cleansed (John13:10). The apostles went through the same situation.They experienced Pentecost after and not before denying all. In whatevercircumstances anyone may find himself, he will have to go through both justification and sanctification,either one before or after the other. Without them, no one will ever see God.

  98. "Many believed in Him there", John 10:42. It is a mistake to assume thatthis kind of belief in Jesus is or was considered to be faith. True faith would come after this believing -if it came at all. We have to read between the lines of the circumstances of these events. It was not and hasnever been easy for the Jews (or anyone else) to believe that a man could be God. This had to be believed - or evenseen to be believed. Even for an already idolatrous people it would be difficult. But, it was even harderbelieve because itwas true. Allow me to explain. If it were a lie, it would be easier for them to believeit. "And the people kept shouting, "The voice of a god and not of a man!"Act.12:22. Adeceitful or even lying heart finds comfort only in some lie.Idolatry is a lie and a lie is idolatry. But, it was true that Jesusis God. If a deceitful heart believes the truth, however, it does soin opposition to itself. "If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself",Luke 9:23. That said, it isnecessary to emphasize the fact that true faith emerges from real and true communion with God in His Spirit. Thiscommunion/fellowship becomes possible only in a life cleansed of its past and presentsins, with every known transgression confessed by name and,after that, finding the abundance of true eternal and constant life that was promised to us. This lifeiswhat, in turn,generates true faith as the fruit of that sort of genuine fellowshipwith God. We are, also, inclined tobelieve in whom we love unconditionally. This why Paul mentions the"faith which works by love", Gal.5:6. And it is for this reason thattrue faith is fruit and not theorigin of (eternal) life. "He who believes  has eternal life", John 5:24.He who has faith has life already. It is this lifethat makes him believe without being able to deny that sort ofconvincing evidence. But, we must bear in mind that there is anotherkind ofbelieving that is not faith, but may lead to it, and does not save (from sin); and it is for this reason that Jesus alsostates in another place the inverted form of thesefacts: "So that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but, have (may have) eternal life(first)", John 3:16. It is anotherkind of believing that Jesus is talking about here. We cannot confuse thesetwo so as not to make mistakes in our approachto the Gospel. Some who believed (but had no faith) tried to stoneHim in a few occasions after they had "believed".

  99. "Sheep follow him, for they know his voice", John 10:4.These days, the myth of a correct doctrine as the basis fora sound faith is widely spread. What makes a faith soundis a real, simple, true, continual communion with the Lord Himself.It is He who speaks to the heart and it is there that we must hearfrom Him about Him. Anyone can preach the right doctrine - eventhose who do not present Jesus to people. To hear theword means to hear with the heart and not with the ears. When the heart listens, it is difficult to put intoprecisewords what is happening inside and how it happens. "Come and see". The ear hears words that explain, but in the heart youhear what transforms from inside. And the heart can only betransformed when it is God who speaks to it and, also, when it isaccording to Him, when it is in agreement with Him (or is in the process of becomingso). Therefore, anyone can have or even obtain the correct teaching because helearned it from/in a Bible school or through continuous contact with the children of God in an environment where true holinesspredominates. What counts, however, is this unavoidable truth: it is life that brings/produces teaching and not teaching thatproduces true life. And it is at this point that we can understand a little better this relationship between the sheep andthe voice of the shepherd. If a different voice says or affirms the sameas the Shepherd to the sheep, we distinguishthe error by the voice or even by its lifeless voice. "Acertain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination (...) followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, "These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation", Act.16:16,17. Anyone of us has the ability to recognize who speaks only by his voice, regardless of what hesays or claims. We cannot recognize the shepherd only by his teaching, but much more by his voice and intimacy. AndHis voice is recognizedonly by being familiar to it, it is, by having a continual andfamiliar intimacy and boundless complicity with theshepherd. The heart listens to that voice which is alike theheart. A bad heart will spontaneously and gladly listen to a wrong voicebecause it speaks according to it. That's why we need to be sheep to understand and recognize the shepherd. Sheep hear and distinguishHis voice. Thecrucial part is to become sheep and not try to distinguish/discern between voices because sheep hear and distinguish by nature. It is importantthat the word be heard by the heart. And when something coming from God speaks to the heart, it rarely comes in the form of lettersor sentences, but in the form of transforming life, internaloperations and doings and in the form of an expectant hope emergingfrom real life within. Then, itis us who try toput all that into words that make sense and it is these words that become teaching."We have heard which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life —the life was manifested, and we have (innerly) seen, and bear witness, and declare to you", 1John 1:1-2. However, it is very important never to reverse the order/sequence ofthese things. We have clear examples where people "believe", but not by the word addressed to the heart. "These are not the words of ademon-possessed man; can a demon perhaps open the eyes of the blind?"John 10:21. What happened here, was people trying to believethe words because they saw miracles and not because the word had reached theirinner heart intimately. Miracles made us doubt, question,and be tormented rather than make us believe. "Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?"This is a question and not a statement. These people who "believed" were in doubtand were kept in doubt because of miracles. They did not findcertainty by seeing miracles and by the words substantiated bymiracles and not by God in the heart. They wanted certainty and not lifebecause that sort of certainty is worked by the flesh. That sort ofcertainty is what keeps the flesh alive. That kind of certainty isdoubt. And certainty that comes from God as fruit from arelationship with Him annihilates the flesh. Certaintythat is not accomplished by the works and power of grace is of thewavering sort and shall remain so to keep the flesh ongoing. It is life that brings and produces true faith. "He who believes in Me haseternal life (constant, permanent life without ups and downs)". He believes because he has this life within himalready, whether inan embryonic form or in an abundant way already.

  100. "Do you believe in the Son of God? He answered and said, 'Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?'And Jesus said to him, 'You have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you'", John 9:35-37. Were this question put to a theologian or teacher of theScriptures, it would get a different kind of answer. He would certainly answer thatthe Son of God was a descendant of David orsome extended explanation along such lines. But, Jesus simply presented himself as the man this man was lookingfor. He didn't use doctrine, he didn't beat around the bush, he didn't use wisdom, and he got right to the point:"It's me". "I am what I am". We can ask, also, what made this man believe withsuch a presentation. Jesus, instead of answering thequestion, simply introduced himself. The true word is to presentJesus in person and real life. That is what the word is all about.Jesus is the word. Faced with such an "answer", the man would eitherbelieve or disbelieve. It's goodto be put in such to-the-point situations where we don't have a third option.Third options, often, create doubts and not assurances.

  101. "We know that God spoke to Moses; as for this fellow, we do not know where He is from", John 9:29. People who do not believe in the truth or do not accept reality whenconfronted with God in a real and clear way are not very honest with themselves and are not sincere. And whoever is nothonest with himself will not be honest with anyone else. Jesus wasright there, in front of them, doing what no one could deny.However, those who opposed Him claimed that they knew Moses whom they never saw; and they said that they did not know whoJesus was being right there in front of them. Those who claimed such things had never seen Moses - an interestingthing to note about people who believed by seeing. They never saw Moses and, yet, they claimed to know himand that it was God who spoke through him. These arethe contradictions of men of little or of no faith. And it is these contradictions that Jesus came to awaken from somnambulism or hibernation."This Child is destined (...) for a sign which will be spoken against(contradicted)(...) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed", Lk.2:34,35.

  102. "I know Him and I keep His Word", John 8:55.There is no keeping of His Word without knowing Him in an intimateway. "Walk before me and be perDD Here, God does not say, "beperfect and walk before me". Likewise, he does not say that "I keep his Word and (therefore)I know him". There isalways an order in God's words, a natural sequence that we cannot omit or ignorewithout being guilty of changing hisword and, thus, entering into condemnation. How do we get condemned? By changing the truth, we will not know itin a real and intimate way and that is the condemnation, because it is the truth that sets us free. The condemnationis that we cannot enter the way practically because it is closed to the use of any other power and openonly to the gooduse of the power of grace.

  103. "...Does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him", John 8:44. It is an illusion to believe or trust that peopleare able to stand onGod by hearing and understating the truth. The truth needs to reach someone who has truth in him to be able tobe lodgedin his heart, that is, it seeks a person who is or begins to be true,truthful, sincere with himself and transparentin every moment of his life. Truth can only be lodged in a true/truthful oneand feel at home there; reality in a realisticone; the light in anentirely transparent person; wisdom in someone who is capable of correcting himself and, also, of correctingand transforming himself by the power of grace and never in any otherpower or way.

  104. "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free", John 8:32. I believe with all my heart that these words arepurposely placed sequentially. Staying in the Word makes someone a disciple and thenbrings himto know the truth in an experiential, personal, fluid and real way. Whoever knows the truth thisway has, as a consequence in a next step, everything to be freed from any kind of sinand temptation. But, to achieve this is hard work and bears fruit only by the good use of the power of grace - as long as weknow how to use this power with imbedded motive to be freed from ourselvesand that only. And it is possible only to those whotruly desire to be freed from their sins and pleasures. To be freed from everything that gives pleasureis indeed an unusual and undesirable for anyone who would prefer to associate the pleasures of theflesh and of this present world with the countless and endless benefits of a constant and eternal spiritual life. This would bevirtually the same as letting sin eat from the Tree of Life. But, we ourselves must put "a flaming sword thatgoes around our soul to guard the way of the tree of life" in us, thus protecting our Eden, which is, in fact,our real and true communion with Jesus. Therefore, there are no disciples if they do not abide in theWord; there are no people who experience the flow of truth within them without first becoming truedisciples; and there is no person capable of freeing himself without first having known the truth inthis real, fluid and constant way. To know the truth in this way, we must first hear it in the firstperson through the ears of the heart. But hearing/listening to it is still far from knowingit in a real andintimate way. Knowing the truth means experiencing it in a real way, operating in us with our totalconnivance, without it being possible to deny it.

  105. "He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life", John 8:12. I see a lot of people not knowing what the next stepshould be, or where they should go or do. And these are the same ones who claim to follow Jesus. It isa contradiction, because Jesus says that whoever follows him will neverwalk in darkness. At most, he shallstagnate under some form or indication of darkness to start walking as soon ashe finds light again. And let's always be reminded that light is thelife we experience within, as it is said, "the light of life". "Lifeis the light of men", John 1:4. Therefore, abundant life means abundant light; flashing or spasmodicabiding in life means flashingand spasmodic light.

  106. "Depart from here and go into Judea, that Your disciples also may see the works that You are doing(...) For even His brothers did not believe in Him", John 7:3-5. Jesus' brothers knew about Jesus' miracles,they knew that He performed them and, who knows, they even had theopportunity to see some. But, it is stated that they didnot believe in Him. Miracles may attract attentions, discussions andcontroversies, but they do not transform the heart. To saythat a true revival is when miracles occur is to be far from the truth. Miracles canoccur and in most cases do happen in real revivals. However, truerevival has to do exclusively with the Life that lodges in a heartafter its purification. The true fruit of real revival is thegenuine transformation that takes place within every being obedientto God to enable them to live in His full presence. "The Holy Spirit(revival) whom God has given to those who obey Him..."Act.5:32.

  107. The miracle of Namaan is wonderful. But those who read it are often overshadowed by the emphasis they place on themiracle. The miracle is a mere consequence of obedience to God. We cannot emphasize the consequence and,consequently, overshadow God, otherwise Jesus will say, also to us, something like this: "You do not seekme, but you seek me for the bread you ate, for the miracle I performed or for the blessing I gave". Byfocusing on the miracle that it is up to God to perform, we forget the obedience and reverenceto Godthat it is up to us to manifest joyfully. In this miracle, we also see that the girl in exile (in the houseof Namaan, Syria) served God there and, thus, we can interpret that any place serves to be faithful to God.Joseph was faithful to God in captivity and it was there that hecommuned with God in a real way. Many say that wecan be with God in any corner of this world, for God is everywhere. But when they find themselves in somekind of captivity or difficulty, they forget this truth, because they associate God with physical prosperity.And any association we can make of/with God is idolatry, because God is not measured by what He does, but bywhat He really is. It is needed that God is given the space andopportunity to manifest himself as the person he is so that he can say once more, "I amwhat I am".

  108. "He who carefully seeks good gets favour (of God)", Prov.11:27. There are those who truly seek. But among those who seek, there is a majoritywho do not know what it means to find and are content with seeking. Thisis the basis of a hollow and lifelessreligiosity, which is precisely to remain with the seeking and to find contentment in itwithout finding. We see that a crowd waslooking for Jesus, but to find bread and not the water of life (John6:24-26). Blessed are those whoseek Jesus for the water of life. Then we also have those who search, find andand keep seeking for what is alreadyat hand without imagining that this type of search is a parallel and camouflaged form of opposition to thetruth. Religiosity in the mind does that too. Those who seek thisway may be wanting to find something different from what can be found by seeking (and finding)Jesus. God said "You will seek Me and find Me",Jer.29:13. We will find Him by seeking Him. We cannotseekHim in order to find something else besides Him.

  109. "You have the Words of eternal life", John 6:68.Words are not eternal life. However, eternal life has words. Jesus is Eternal Life. He himselfsaid He was the truth and the Life. However, we must never forget that once God's words becomethe expression of our (true) life, if these words describe our life, if they point to our way of living,if they accurately describe what we experience in the first person througha real, trueand unmistakable fellowship with God, it is also certain that we ourselves have the words of eternal life.

  110. "Peter said to Jesus: Lord, and what of this one? Jesus said to him, (...)what is that to you? You follow Me", John 21:21,22.I see so manypeople worried about what will become of others. Some because theycare about their families, others because they want to makethemselves useful, and still others because they have some interestin someone's salvation. I knew a girl who wanted to convert someoneso that she could marry him and thus avoid being unequally yoked.Deep down, these concerns or anxieties are nothing but ways todeviate from the main purpose, which is: "Give attention to yourselfand to the doctrine; continue in them, for doing this, you will bothdeliver yourself and those hearing you",1Tim.4:16. People are capable ofdoing anything to get away from the main focus and avoid touchingtheir own inner life through God. There are always sentimentalinterests, desires of all kinds, mistakes and distractions that endup working like thorns in good soil. Only by completing the work andgiving it exclusive continuity within ourselves can we ever aspireto be useful in the full salvation of others. "Then if anyonepurifies himself from these, he will be a vessel to honor, havingbeen sanctified and made useful to the Master, having been preparedto every good work", 2Tim.2:21.No one will be a vessel of honor without purifying himself. "Martha,Martha, thou art anxious and burdened with many things, but only oneis needed", Lk.10:41,42. Our work is to haveand maintain a real and true closeness to Jesus, always being infull communion with Him. Everything that prevents this, whether sinor a simple distraction from others, must be exterminated without asecond thought about it. Eternal life is knowing Him this way, thatis, experiencing Him in a real way. "And this is everlasting life,that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whomYou have sent", John 17:3. If wetake cares concerning ourselves in relation to God, our neighbor andthe law of God, we will also not be concerned about what others doto us or even about what they think and assume about us. But,something more important will happen to us: we will personally hearfrom God about his work in us. And so will the New Testament befulfilled in us: "It has been written in the Prophets, They "shall"all "be taught of God." So then everyone who hears and learns fromthe Father comes to Me; (Is.54:13)", John 17:3. "...if indeed youheard Him and were taught in Him...", Eph.4:21. We'll see what we'llanswer when Jesus asks us something like this: "Do you say this fromyourself, or did others tell you about Me?"John 18:34. This is what the NewTestament is all about. "...this is the covenant that I will make(...) I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts(...) No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man hisbrother, saying, 'Know the Lord', for they all shall know Me, fromthe least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord", Jer.31:33-34. When the relationship with God is true,real, unfeigned or unsimulated or self-assured, we are guaranteed tobe personally taught by Him. "But the anointing which you havereceived from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyoneteach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning allthings, and is true, and is not a lie...", 1John 2:27. There are alsodisappointed people (rightly so) in their leaders, institutions orchurches. I remember Jonathan Edwards saying something like this:"Even if no one else follows you, I will". Not even that shoulddeprive us from being sheep that hear their Shepherd. No one canmeasure the importance of achieving this kind of relationship withGod, fulfilling the conditions, where everything is taught and givento us personally by Him. However, few achieve what has been promisedto everyone - to anyone.

  111. "I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me", Ps.131:2.There are many things to consider in this text. There are those peoplewho assure themselves against the testimonies of God within; there are those who are assured of/by God and convinced by Him,and make their souls rest without effort; and there are those who are convinced and assured by God, but need to get theirsoul to rest in the truth, needing extra personal effort to beat rest which remains there for the people of God (Heb.4:9)If we do not enter that heavenly rest, we have the door todisobedience wide open. "Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience", Heb.4:11. Those who assure themselves of their own accord(by own means) - sometimes even againstthe testimonies of God within them - do not want to turn from their sins, much less admit that they must correct their ways;those who are assured of God and are convinced by Him, and make their souls rest without effort,are in a perfect communion with God in thepromisedproportion; those who are convinced and assured by God, but need to get their souls to rest in the truth, have not yetfully associated their hearts with revealed truth to be in full conformitywith God and with the rivers of living water in the desired proportionandare still unaware of the full hold of the promise. However, there may be other reasons, such as having traumasfor having failed in times of spiritualpoverty and carry these debts with their memory after they have reached that practical reality of truth. It is not good for an ex-slave tolook at the marks of his former slavery left on his skin when the reality of a true and practical liberationtells him otherwise.

  112. "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, Who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep His testimonies", Ps.119:1,2. The question that arises is very pertinent: are people blessed because they walkthese paths of God, or do they walk the paths because they are blessed? Or both? The question is in the air. However, it should benoted that here the same Psalmist speaks of those who "seek him with all their heart". Certainly, when they findHim, they will fulfil throughthe empowerment of grace, through the power of grace that comes to usby living in full communion with God in the paths of the providenceof God which we can follow. "May my ways be so directed that I may keep your statutes",Ps.119:5. Those who findHim become blessed - they are the blessed ones. But all those who know and meditate on the commandments and do not have a true relationship with God (if theyhave not found Him for some reason), even if they are sincere in heart and objective in their thoughts and conclusions aboutthe commandments store in conscience and heart, they will be confusedand tormented by various thoughts when attempting to fulfill them. "Then I would not be confounded, when I observe all your commandments",Ps.119:5,6. Only by trulyknowing him will they be safe, assured, complete and secure. These are the blessed ones, for theyare taught how to observe and by what means, that is, through God. "...Teachingthem to observe (how to observe)...", Matt.28:20. We must learn togather with Him even in this aspect of practical life so that we are not found scattering.

  113. "The Lord is on my side among them that help me (...) It is better to trust in the Lordthan to put confidence in man", Ps.118:7,8. When someone helps,supports or upholds us, we always have that tendency to lean on those people, trusting them for what theyare and do for us, and for what they mean to us. But, according to this Psalmist, it is the Lord who is among these people working in them forour sakeand for His sake. Therefore, it is better to trust in the Lord who is among those who help us since it is God workingin them for this purpose. As we begin to trust in the arm of the men who help us, we put aside the trust in God whoworks in them and take from his glory to distribute it among strangers.

  114. "Then, they shall fast in those days", Lk.5:35.Praying is a duty (Lk.18:1). Praying the right way is the greatest and only duty that gets answers. The answeris the target of any prayer, not the praying. However, there is a greater good in praying without giving up, that is, withoutceasing. This greater good is the true, real, and unfeignedfellowship with God that we achievefrom the background by communing with Jesus in a real way. We cometo know Him that way too. We are nottalking here about a one-sided communion where only prayer is made. We speak of a type of bilateral prayer-meetingwhere God also intervenes within us in addition to being able tohelp in prayer and to respond categorically. It is in this sensethat Jesus speaks of the "new wine" in prayer. And this kind of prayer requires a "new wineskin", otherwiseall the wine and effort will be spilled and wasted. But, being with Jesus in a process of transformation andinner creation - or even recreation of the new wineskin - we may neglect prayer because we feel comforted and assuredby His unmistakable presence. His presence is the great opportunity to haveour clear requests made. That's how we "know that He hears us". But a new wineskinfull of the new promised wine has the ability to open the gates of heaven and bring down showers of blessingto fill all dryness around. Onthose days, we must and can pray and fast guided and assisted by the Holy Spirit in our weaknesses. Theseweaknesses may be a lack of sincere and unfeigned faith which is ingreat need of assistance; they can be memories of past failures; they may bedisappointments when we were still living from the old wine and didn't like the newone; it could be feelingsof guilt for having previously rejected the new wine because we didn't likeit then. In all these weaknesses God will assistus by praying in and for his will. Many do not pray because they say, "As it is God's will, it is not necessaryto pray". And they don't pray. But it is precisely under those circumstances that you must pray,by knowing that the clear knowledge ofGod's will and presence generate greater and assured confidence, a kind of assurance and certainty thatcannot be of the false kind.

  115. "When, you pray, do not use vain repetitions", Mat.6:7.The repetitions talked about here can be while we pray or they can be thoseevery day of always praying aboutthe same things, that is, we don't repeat while we prayer, but we pray about the same subject every day,every week or every month even if it's just once a week or once a day. Repetitions in itself may not be bad, becauseJesus himself said that we must pray without giving up. Praying without ceasing, that is, prayingwithout giving up, is not repeating but rather insisting because wehave not been answered about something that is clearly God's will. The person who insiststhat way has a real sense ofthe reality of not having reached a clear answer when he didn't. Such a person shall, also, have the same kind of knowledge withinwhen he has been answered, unlike those who repeat because they believe that they should prayas a ritual and not to be answered, or to reach God, or even for Godto reach them. All who have a sense of not having been answered will, also, knowwhen God has answered. This is precisely what John tries to convey to us when he says that, "weknow that wehave the petitions that we desired of Him", 1 John 5:15. What Jesus wants to tell us is that wemustnot presumptuously indulge in some vain repetitions as heathens whohave no access to heaven. Vain repetitions are never far from presumptuousnessor even presumptuous sacrifices, whatever those sacrifices maybe. The daily bread of any presumptuous believer is vain repetitions. We must understand that the emphasisin this verse of Scripture lies on the word "vain" and not so much on "repetitions". There are "repetitions" that are not in vain.There are repetitions that are not repetitions. The kind ofinsistence may wall up against something or anything that might behindering a clear answer. on the other hand, there are prayers that are onlyprayedonce, but in vain. We need to find out what makes any prayer to be vain. God is not deaf that he cannot hear andanswer at once, Isa.59:1,2; 65;24. When there are no valid answer(s), we must consider the possibility thatthere might be something preventing a prayer, or that there is something wrong with the prayer or with theperson who is praying. God answers the righteous and not the prayerso to say. "Him will I hear", said the Lord about Job. It is not normal that God does not answer or does not listentothe righteous because Jesus categorically statedthat "whatever you ask, it will be done unto you". If it doesn'thappen that way, something is wrong - very wrong - and it's notwrongon God's side.

  116. "Do not be anxious", Mat.6:31.Another word which can easily be misunderstood in the Bible, very misinterpreted and misapplied in practical lifeis the word "anxiety". Restlesswalking is not just being more worried than usual or anxious in anticipation.To be worried or expectant is to be anxious under different circumstances. Being restless meansthinking more than you should about something, brooding over what is not heavenly, moving ourconsciousness and inner presence away from the real communion oftoday with God - as long as this communionis real and not just one-sided. Restlessness means thinking too much about one thing orrelating many things and thoughts to that thing, especially if itdone so in vain. We know, too, thatwhen one overthinks something that worries him, thatwill not cause him to do more about it than thinking of it. He thinks a lot and does little. Restlessness disables inmany ways and when it does not disable or stagnate, it makes the restless person rush along some sidewalk or escaperoute. He often tries to fulfil for God, it is, instead of God, and still praises God for it. And, in so doing, in additionto disabling, it prevents, postpones or cancels God's own intervention. Restlessness is a pool ofshifting mud that calls either for precipitation or stagnation. Everyone who rushes leaves God even ifhe believes he is doing something in the name of God, praying and crying out to be guided alongparallel paths and away from the true Way that is Christ in person."He who believes shall not make haste", Is.28:16. Let us remember that the Wayis a person and not an occasional light to illuminate parallel or deviant paths. God does not guide backslidersor deviant wanderers. Backsliders are not just those who backslide into sin. They are, also, those whoeven believing,take paths or bypaths that only seem right but are not.

  117. "...For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you", Mat.6:14. The word "offense" is applied here in a verywide sense. In the original, it means things like a deviation, an unintentional error, a transgression,a sin. Most people distinguish between intentional errors/transgressions and those that areunintentional. But biblically speaking, there is no difference in consequence between intentional and unintentionalsin. The difference lies only in what causes them. Let me explain.An intentional error brought about by stubbornness, or by unreasonabledesire, has its origin in a deliberate or conscious departure from Godto set out to love/serve sin. But, whoever errswithout intending to err, that is, wanting to do one thing, but doesanother, also has or maintains his distance from God - even if he isunder the law - without getting the means and transformationsthat call for the power and actions of grace. It is God who works to will and to do. In thefirst case, the person in question is lodged in sin and has no intentionto get rid ofit, even though he tries to avoid the consequences of this turning away from God. In the second case, the person also resides away from God in a world of the flesh,perhaps even against his own will, but also not wanting to do what has to be done to fully restore hisrelationship of true life with God. It is life that saves, it is newlife that keeps us living. Therefore, he sins "unintentionally" because he wants to liveapart from God serving a god of his own mind or desires. He doesn't want one or the other, that is, hedoesn't want to sin, but he also has no way to use God's means to get away from sin becausehe lives by his own means. Imagine a fish out of water. Outside of its environment, it cannotswim, cannot eat or run after food. It becomes parched and dry likedry skeletons. It doesn't want to be dry, but it is dry. So it is with believers out of realand true communion with the living God, being found in a presence of God that is real and which is not presumptuousonly. Those people sin "unintentionally" by being away from God. But, the mainreason for being parched is the fact that one is outside his environment that is provided for usright from the act of creation.You cannot wish to be normal out of the water of life. So it is with all creatures who do not want to bewithered and do not want to starve as a result of any transgression.The idea that, "if I know, I can do" is quite misleading because thetruth is,  "if I have (or have found), I can do or fulfil".

  118. "Give us our daily bread", Mat.6:11.This is a verse with many truths contained in it - with many important things tobe taken toheart and to consider with enormous care and attentive regard andcarefulness. 1."Thebread": bread is a heavenly bread which is not made of wheat, but ofpractical truthrevealed and manifested in a life and in daily living. "And his master saw that the Lord was with him andthat the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand", Gen.39:3. That is just howrevealed/manifest it becomes! And to be practical about it, it needs to becomesomething that is practiced spontaneously, naturally and as if, from a certain point on,we had never lived in any other way before or as if we had never experienced something differentfrom what we have become. This is what the prophets meant by sayingwe should unlearn evil. "In malice be babes, but in understanding be mature", 1Cor.14:20. However, there is a lot to be said about the practice of truth, it is,about the practicability of it. "If we (...) have fellowship with Him(...) wedo practice the truth", 1John 1:6. It needs to become something of our own, to belived, experienced and practiced spontaneously or, should I say,without a second thought about it. This implies several things. We need tohave a heart alike the commandment, that is, a heart which finds its fulfilmentand joy in livingand experiencing the commandment. "I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure", Ps.119:162. We need to become the commandment itself (Jer.31:30-34).But, we also need to learn to live with, use and obtain the power of grace daily becauseit is that power that enables and sustains it. Whensomething becomes spontaneous, what feeds it becomes imperceptibleto our needs and to our awareness - we hardly realizewhat we are or what we are in need of as spontaneous, natural living beings. And if so, we caneasily neglect thefact that we have to ask for our daily bread and be forgetful. 2. "Our bread": we must understand clearly that this bread is forus and not to be distributed without having become something personal and oursfirst. "The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops", 2Tim.2:6. We distributelife and not knowledge. We teach to find real life and not so much to understandit. We teach, firsthand, how to fulfil and by which means and not somuch to encourage to know what the commandments are. Explanations come after we have become the commandment inorder to be better assured in our ways by knowing about them. We explain how to achieve andnot so much what to achievebecause we have already have walked the way to it and it has already become our dailyliving. Daily bread is for daily living. Itis only needed to say "come and see". This is the reasonwhy the gospel is a way and not a commandment or an end. We are thefinal result, the end. We become the bread that willbe broken and multiplied and not our words. It is our life that must be broken into pieces anddistributed. 3."Daily bread": for today, we need today's bread. We cannot gather mannafortomorrow's use - or usefulness - by living the fears of that day inanticipation, which also means that we are grossly neglecting our todays. When tomorrow comes, the breadgathered yesterday will no longerserve us. It will be completely rotten when we be in need of it. Have you understood why people's lives never work out,walking disconnected from reality's responsive awareness, being decontextualized fromthe overall reality andits practical truth?It is because they wish to collect bread to use it tomorrow, afraid of what that day may bringor, perhaps, unwilling to apply it now to the heart, which is one ofthe reasons why people usually postpone stuff. Tomorrowwill be today in its due time, but, not now. I may have God-given plans, heavenly goals, but,I am in in great need of experiencing only today and today'sgraceful means and attributes. "This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it", Ps.118:24. If today is a holein my carrier because I'm paying more attention to the days thataren't yet, if now is a failure because of any sort of anticipation, all tomorrows will also be compromised because nothingprevents me from having, tomorrow, the same habit of anticipatingstuff, just as I am accustomed to do today -which is worrying (or rejoicing) ahead for nothing. Let us wait forall endless tomorrowsfaithfully, in real hope, by living this day to the full in allfaithfulness.

  119. "Then, you shall again discern Between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God And one who does not serve Him", Mal.3:18. This means that there are people with many activitieswithin the temple of God who do not serve the Lord, but themselves, the flesh orsomebody else; it also means thatthere are people who actually serve - or try to serve - the Lord inthere. But it also means that there arepeople who serve the Lord outside the temple in everyday affairs who seem to be serving themselvesand are not doing so; there are, also, those who make an effort to donate and dowell having themselves in mind.

  120. "You say, 'The table of the Lord is contemptible' ", Mal.1:7.I don't know why the Israelis said that. But I believe that someday I will understand. Today,believers are no longer heard saying that the Lord's table is contemptible. On the contrary, allthose who consider themselves believers - or good believers - have entered a wave of limitlesspraise, to the point of despising and neglecting the very preaching of the Word in their services. It is becausethey feed on doctrines and foods that should not be served inservices, but, only in cults. Oh, I know, I understand it now. When thefood is good, today's believers silently dismiss it as despicable because it doesn't meet theirinterests and expectations. But if the food is really despicable on a table that we don't knowif it isstill the Lord's, everyone keeps claiming that the food is good.

  121. "...doubting nothing. For he who doubts (...) is a double-minded man, not dependable in all his ways", James 1:6,8. The kind of faith that truly saves is fruitemerging from a real communionwith God. It depends entirely on the presence and person of Godwithin who assures us. God is constant, powerful,faithful and it is enough to know Him as He is, experiencing Him deeply from within to be safe andto be assured or even reassured. But when a person does not have this communion; or when that communion isintermittent with ups anddowns (something that creates and sustains doubt even more); or when he is separated from God because of sometransgression that has not been fully confessed or restitution hasnot been made to the rightful person; when something like thishappens, any person will depend more on what he sees, he will look at the circumstanceseven more and he will have a heartdivided between God and the world and will, consequently, be doubledor permanently divided between two ways. Heshall be a double-minded person. He will begin to trust through fleshly power(which is idolatry) and will become intermittent in all his ways. Being inconstant is mainly due to the fact that weare not right with God and it doesn't occur because of difficulties, circumstances or the appeals of the fleshtowards dangers. Such persons separated from a real communion with God(which is synonymous of not knowing God)will always be fickle and intermittent, whether in hardship or even in abundance.In abundance they will not be faithful to God; and in difficulties they will look to what surrounds them,either to fear or to trust.

  122. "I am jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury", Zac.8:2. This word "jealous"means having great zeal and is synonymous of love and dedication. It is strange that God should combineindignation with love, that is, to have great zeal with indignation; but this is strange only tothose who have a wrong view of what true love is, especially truelove for the glory of God.

  123. We might find ourselves without light because we do not intend tobelieve or to accept what it shall show.

  124. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these aresons of God", (Rom.8:14).Being guided by God is the only true certainty that we are ingood terms with God. And God guides in many ways, both together or separateways.One of the ways is that a person who is already sheep can, finally, hear his voice.Only sheep are able to hear clearly. The man on the Cross next to Jesus heard hisvoice after he became a sheep. This voice is not only audible by the ears, but by theheart that corresponds to what is being said. Many do not hear this voice because they arenot sheep, even though they claim to be. Again, God can guide in many and variedways. But hearing his voice is one of them for all those who are alreadyable to make full useof the power and the abilities bestowed by grace in an exclusive way. He who does not listenbecause - for some reason - he has ceased to have a bilateral and real communion with thetrue God, will follow his path of a believer unilaterally deluded by paths that seem rightat first sight. Such will seek advice and counsellors revealing anappearance of humility while the evident condemnation of his broken and lightless heartpersists in him. "If our heartscondemn us, God is greater than our hearts, who knows all things",1 John 3:20. When someonecomes to us to ask for advice because he cannot hear from God, the best thing to do is toshow, encourage and create the circumstances which make that person a sheepwho can hearfrom God as promised, instead of answering him about what he wishesto know. Sheep hear fromGod. And God hears who has become a sheep. "Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee", Is.30:21.

  125. "Have ye not heard the words which the Lord preached through the ministration of the preceding prophets, when Jerusalem was inhabited and at rest?"Zac.7:7. When all goes well, whenever everything is going smoothly and at ease, peopleare so involved in their day-to-day life and pleasures and in the normalfulfilment of their desires that they hardly hear the voice ofGod or pay intelligent, diligent and faithful attention to what is said or revealed to them about something that may turn out to bedifferent from their expectations or that breaks away from their day-to-dayliving. This can also happen whenever we are overly and selfishlyinvolved in any kind of life, be it quiet or not, be it easy or difficult, for there are manytypes of thorns in a life which choke any word -even the word from a friend. That doesn't mean that the only kind of thorns arethose which trouble as cares for this world. There arecares in the world that are pleasurable and are not considered as problems, even if they are a problem for eternity,which no one is reallyaware of. "I got married and I can't come; I bought a yoke of oxen (a car) and I'm going to try it",Lk.14:20. Getting married is somethinggreatly expected and desired by many, but, according to Jesus, it can be a thorn that suffocates the seed of the word.Quietness in the worldor pleasure in it also hinders attentive listening and suffocates a good word. And when something happens that Godwas warning about earlier (and no attention was paid to it), people are caught off guard and begin to doubt or even blame Godfor sudden and un expected changes. And when theydoubt, they change their course of life, they change their plans, strategies, butdo not change in order to get along with God or to be aligned withHim; and some still attribute thesechanges to God who never changes. It is not always good to meddle in the details of the lives of people who change plans constantly becausethey desperately want to follow their course of life at any cost to avoid doubting,even wanting to include God in these plans to guarantee theirstubborn assurances; and any warning will sound as negativity to them. "Meddle not with them that seek changes",Prov.24:21. These are some of thesymptoms of those who want to include God in their own plans. Therefore, they do not know if something comes from God or if it happensaccording to what God said or tried to portray to them. In fact, people involved in continuous changes of plan end up losing their direction and start tobelieve that something abnormal is happening to them, even coming to doubt God in a deviant path instead of doubting the path they arefollowing determinedly. Instead of doubting the paths, they doubtGod. God helps the backsliders to find the wayback, but He doesn't lead them in the likeness of a path. For this reason,he remains silent. When God does not collaborate in the paths that seem right, thepeople involved in them persist in moving forward for lack of alternativesto their own way which might still be their own way, alternatives which they seek to fit into their way of acting and thinking. The fault of all this is the lack ofintelligent and believing attention to everything God says when people think they have something better to believeand to do, than to belistening carefully and believing something that contradicts them. It can also happen that,had they paid any attention, they would saythat they hear something negative that doesn't fit their perspectives. There are many and varied reasons for not paying intelligent, conscious, and diligent attention of which I will not talk about here. But when that happens, they will not know that the words formerly addressed to them were from the Lord opening the way for serious doubts during the straying path caused by some form of previous disobedience. "Ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you; and this (knowing that God hath sent) shall come to pass, if ye will attentively hearken unto the voice of the LORD your God,"Zec.6:15. "If anyone will do His will, by the same doctrineshall he know whether it is of God," John 7:37. If you don't listen carefully, you won't know that it wasfrom God. Listening attentively also means believing that a contrary word is a good word - a very positive word, for we are corrected and not left to our own ways likeit happens to bastards who are not real children of God (Heb 12:8). God guides and answers, but is silent when asked to guide along parallel, similar, deviant paths or with serious similarities to God's paths. "Is it not, because I keep silent; and that for a long time; and do you not fear me?"Is.57:11. And whenever God is silent, we must keep in mind that it can be a serious warning sign for us to return to where wehave fallen. Only those who are guided by God can consider themselvesas being His sons (Rom.8:14). And when God does not speak, there is no point in asking a man of God for his opinion, tempting him to sin by advising against God; and if this man of God speaks as he ought,it will always be with a "negative" word which, in its essence, is extremely positive and necessary.

  126. "Let us be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith; be sober",1Thes.5:8; 1Pet.4:7; 5:8. Beingsober is to keep and to maintain the ability to think and reason perfectly and logically. There are many ways tocease to be sober, and we're not just talking about it concerningdrunkenness. When we trust God through things thatdo or do not happen to us, we can become temporarily or even permanently petrified inthe faith, trapped insadness, disappointments, distractions, thoughts, and temptations to give up or evento blackmail God or men.This is also ceasing to be sober, clear and confident in the person that Jesus is because we are distractedfrom God and the trust in His character by the desires that this life provides and creates through itsdisappointments and joys.

  127. Trust in God can be propelled and inflamed by the strength of the flesh andbycarnal motives or motivation; or it may be that kind of trust that savesindeed and which is assured by the person that God is when presentand real, which can't be moved by what sight or circumstances show, demand, or propose. "Greater isHe who is inside us". Typically,the dreams of the flesh, the desires of this life and theinclinations towards its values, create a kind of hope and trust thatwants to include God in its own plans and desires, whether those desires are hidden or obvious. In fact,people wish to deceive God because they deceive themselves. They treat God the way you would treat people,pleasing God the way anyone would please people. "Will you accept His person? Will you contend for God? He willsurely rebuke you, if you make distinctions in secret", Job 13:8,10. When God refuses or hinders the plansof carnal trust, any such believer begins to waver, to doubt and to misunderstand the ways of God. When wetrust in God, in His true character, we are not shaken by anything that can happen in a directionapparently contrary to our daily life. "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate . . . his own life,he cannot be My disciple", Lk.14:26.

  128. Any kind of resemblance/likeness forces you to live by appearance, by feigning,through hypocrisy and pretense. It is possible to create a likenessfor anything that exists in heaven or on earth. There are similarities(resemblances) for love, for patience, of God,of the devil, of trust, of prosperity, of poverty and of so many other things that it is not possibleto enumerate them all here. But the difference is that whoever practices any kind of likeness never has hisheart deeply and sincerely involved in what he does or practices. Therefore, your whole practicallife is an effort of pretense and its force or power is the emotion of the moment. There is no likeness that can makesomeone live from reality and truth, because a likeness has no life in itself, it doesn't get thatlife, it doesn't get God's blessing, it has no foundation and is impractical in its essence. Thatis why the Gospel is the truth or the truth is the Gospel. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truthshall make you free", John 8:32.

  129. "I gave her time to repent...", Ap.2:21.Sometimes the only means that God gives you to repent is time. Many expect a special or strong emotion tofeel that they are called to repentance. They ignore that, often,the only means given to them is time andthe opportunityto repent and nothing more than that. When the Scriptures say that God gives repentance (2Tim.2:25), the time Hegives is part of that gift and is the main thing that God gives to make repentance possible/available. The more sober,more decisive and the less emotional any kind of repentance is, the more effective and the more lasting it will be.

  130. "Do not quench (sadden) the Spirit", 1Tes.5:19. Quenching or grieving the Spirit of God is the same thing.Theresults will be identical. However, we need to note that what people believe is different fromhow it occurs and what its consequences are. There are many things that quench the Spirit ofGod from our lives. But people don't always realize this when it happens. Samson felt nothingdifferent when the power of God had left him. He acted as if everything was still the same.Unless we are very aware of God's presence or absence, we onlyrealize that we have grieved or quenched the Spirit by the fruits of everything we do, say orthink. Anyone could see that God blessed everything that Joseph did and,had he grieved the Spirit,everyone would also see it by the fruits he had ceased to produce,show or have. Whenever we grieve the Spiritof God, nothing will be blessed any longer, even if we pray incessantly, fast, and beg without ceasing.We need to go back to where we failed and parted from God, the spot where we fell."Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do thefirst works", Rev.2:5. But man's heart is deceitful and will alwaysfind some way to deceive even self. And when the Spirit is grieved and we don't return to where wefell to regularize (or re-establish) our relationship with God orwith people, we will begin to livethrough appearances andinsist on a falsified living. Then, we might make alike disciples andbuild churches for them which grieve God greatly because they livethrough appearances and resemblances of how it is done in heaven. Have you everasked yourself why there are so many churches and no revival? It isbecause God is grieved by the many resemblances of Christianity allover the world.

  131. "That they may come totheir senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will", 2Tim.2:26.I don't really know how to explain this, but I'll try. The devil has a will. His willis to sin and to satisfy any form of selfishness. Selfishness is the opposite of love, the reverseof God's love. When it is said that people are trapped in the will of the devil, it means thatthey are trapped in the same kind of will to sin and not exactly that they areunder his power, or are in sin becausethe devil forces it upon them and that he has the power to keep people under his control. In fact, whatthis verse means is that people are trapped in a devil-like kind of will, which is selfish andsinful. They are trapped in the will to sin like the devil is. This versemeans, in practical terms, that people are trapped in a devil-like will with pretensionstosin and to transgress for the sake of own gain and by satisfying selfishnessto the full.

  132. The true story ofSamson and Delilah, in the eyes of the world, looks more like a fictional storyas those which childrenusually watch for entertainment. But, this is a true story  and full of meaning. It faithfully portrays whathappens when God is no longer with us. To gather without God is to scatter, said Jesus. The meansof grace, its power, are the heart of the matter for all those who undertaketo execute the will of God, for it mustbe done as it is done in heaven (for the same reasons and motives, the sameway and through the same power) and never otherwise.

  133. "...Not double-tongued...", 1Tim.3:8. This means that we need to have only one word,although there are many conditional issues around this matter. Iwill not speak about it now. However, this means that we must haveonly one word, it is, "yes" must be yes, and "no" must remain a no. God hasonly one word whenever he speaks. If he pointed out, guided, showed, revealed, taught and appliedon us, weneed not only keep that word, but we need to keep ourselves within itby keeping our hearts and motives clean and spotless. May our word change? It can and shouldchangewhenever we have been misled, whenever we have been deceived and whenever our heart has deceived us.Being able to correct ourselves is a saving and praiseworthy virtue.Many feel ashamed by acknowledging they were wrong. If so, they areashamed of a great virtue.

  134. "Moses, returned to the Lord and said, "Lord, why have You brought trouble on this people? Why is it You have sent me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done evil to this people; neither have You delivered Your people at all", Ex.5:22,23. As a rule, when God says something, wewant it to happen immediately. In fact, we are always left with the feeling that it is going tohappen right away. If it doesn't, we start doubting everything. Joseph's dreams did not happen rightaway; David did not become king the day after Samuel anointed him; the Messiah did not come onthe day the prophets prophesied about him. And here we find Moses complaining because Goddid notdeliver the people in the first days of his arrival in Egypt. We must never forget that athousand years with God is like a day. However, there are occasions where what is said orrevealed happens right away as long as faith is ready and up to the event (orup to the commandment).So it was with the lame man to whom Peter stretched out his hand to lift him up. So, a day canalso belike a thousand years for God. "Beloved, do not forget this one thing, thatwith the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day", 2Pet.3:8. I believe that everyperson who cannot hold on having to wait on the Lord is the same person who does not havethe ability to perform the work of the moment God acts within us to performit. They are one and the same person, it is the same unbeliever whois capable of doubting in both situations.

  135. "So the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel and thatHe had looked on their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshiped", Ex.4:31. It's so easy to worship God when He delivers usfrom the afflictions we're in. But it is another thing to adore Him forwhat He is, for the person of God Himself, for the person that He is,whether in riches or poverty, in sadness or in joy. Let's not forget that Paultells us to rejoice inthe Lord and not because of the Lord. We see that the people who "know" God onlyunder blessingsand worship him for that reason, that is, those who are amazed byGod's doings, are the ones who complain andstagnate during the mishaps of the way. These are the first to complain and to turn against God.

  136. "When you come to appear before Me, who has required this at your hand, to trample My courts?", Is.1:12. The truth is that the false, the pretentiousand feigning ones who cometo God, but not to change their inner life, enter in vain into the courts of God, that is, into Hispresence. But those who cleanse themselves and want to be cleansed, transformedand converted in heart andwant "the days of heaven upon the earth" need to enter the courts of God. These are required to do so. Itis not good for them to think that they can live outside his courts just because they havebeen cleansedand have become righteous from the heart, that is, only because they have been justified. Itwould be the same as thinking that a plant, after it has grown, can be taken from theground, or that achild can survive without eating just because it has already grown. The pretentiousones and hypocrites are required not to approach the courts of God,and the saints not to leave His courts for a moment. These courtsare not the church, but the true, real and undeniable presence ofGod, wherever it may be. "Abide in Me, and I in you.As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me", John 15:4.

  137. "Jesus spoke this parable to them, but they did not understand what it was which He spoke to them",John 10:6. Jesus was talking here about the relationship betweensheep and shepherd - something very easy to understand and assimilate,especially by the Hebrews who were cattle people. However, it is very strange that,in many situations where Jesus expressed himself through normal, everyday things, people did not understandhim. This means that people immediately noticed that He was talking about something they had never experiencedbefore and not about the everyday life that was familiar to everyone. They soon realized that his words had anotherdimension, gad another instruction and another intention than what they could understand through examples and parables.

  138. "The words that I speak to you are spirit and are life", John 6:63. It can all be summedup to Life and it withoutups and downs, that is, eternal and constant life. There are two problems with what manycall communion/fellowship with God. People have always had tendencies to be religious. Now, if Idedicate myself to the study of the Bible and the Word does not become life, if it is notlife, I will be another religious scam without God. It is necessary to know that the Word - every Word -is or becomes life. It is not study, it cannot be knowledge, but life eternal (without ups and downs), constant and permanent.

  139. Everything thatSatan does is driven, started, and finished through the hatred andthe annoyance he has towards God.His attitudes are conscious, obsessive, meticulous and inspired by hatred,which is extreme selfishness. The opposite of love isselfishness.This hatred makes his worst fears being blinded and ignored. In fact, these fears of destruction and doomdrive him even further to cause his hatred to multiply and amplifyitself in even more macabre minutenessand detail. He is consciously opposed to God (his aim isto oppose God and never to accomplish something) and wants, at the very least, that people don't becomelove. He's a wrong type of being, but not mistaken. We too can become misguided beings. If the devildoes not make people so disappointed in God that they hate their Creator, it is enough forhim that they at least,become indifferent to Him.

  140. "All that is not of faith is sin", Rom.14:23.If we keep in mind that the word "grace" is an "active power" or a "divine influence on the heartthat is reflected in practical life (literally translated)", this verse is an unavoidable truth. If we don'tgather with Him,we are scattering - even if there is autonomous gathering on our part. Since it is by the power of graceand through the affluence of God that any good fruit is produced, we must be very close to God to takeall our steps with Him, through Him and for Him. And if all this is true, we must consider the otherside of the question. It is well known that any man who walks only when he is autonomous will not knowhow to walk, perform and walk through the power of grace. Therefore, when God intervenes and we becomestagnant instead of taking a step of true faith, we are in sin andin debt towards God.

  141. "The roads of Zion mourn", Lam.1:4. We can express this same grief today. Thechurches are falsified, the gospels are false, lies and scandals abound and the sheep are lostin the mountains and entangled in thorns of many kinds with no one tothem or look for them. Is there a greater grief than this?

  142. A liar or deceiver preaching the plain truth becomes an even better liar. The devil's strongestweapon is to have a liar preaching the truth or a true-hearted one believing or preaching a lie. Thesincere in heart preaching the lie, or believing it, does not make him more sincere; buta liar,preaching the truth, becomes even a better liar and more deceiving.

  143. There is a general consensus on what the grace of God is all about orstands for in the Christian world thatdoes not reflect its true meaning. All state categorically that grace means "unmerited favor." It is true that the grace of God does not come to us by merit. Nobody deserves it.However, I can say that I don't deserve the day-to-day sunlight (and it's true) and the meaningof the word "sun" doesn't become "undeserved" just because I don't deserve it. The word "sun"means heat, life, light and yet it does not describe its true meaning being astar, the central star of the universe. I don't think you should change the meaning of the word"sun" to "undeserved" just because we don't deserve what we receivefrom it. The same can be said of theword "grace": it is an unmerited favor alright, but the word grace in its original sense means "divineinfluence/power on the heart that is reflected in practical life". Grace is an active power. We do notdeserve this active power, but the fact that we do not deserve the power of Pentecost for life-transformingpurposes does not allow us to transform the true meaning of the word into "undeserving". Grace is theactive power of God in its most practical manifestation; it is not reached by merit, but it is stillnecessary that it be reached and found, even if by other means.

  144. "...He died for us,so that whether we watch or sleep we should live together with Him", 1Thes.5:10.It is interesting to see the words Pauluses here. He has a way with words. He uses the word "watch" as a synonymousof living - with still being alive.This is the same as saying, "whether we live or die let us live (forever) with Him". Heuses the word "to watch" instead of "to live". Our whole experience here on earth must beone of a livelyliving watchfulness because the bridegroom shall surprise all at anymoment. However, many people misunderstand the word"watch". Most of the time, they use this word and this practice in connection with the attacksof the devil or temptation. Nothing is further from the truth. Watching is being attentive tothe thoughts and movements of our heart andconduct under temptation or trial, waiting for the Bridegroom with enough oil toendure all night if needed,to be found in Him and with nothing separating us from true and real communion with Him. Overcomingis not overcoming a tribulation by nullifying it, but is being found in full communionwith at the end of trials and temptations. Ifthe trial or temptation ends and I am not in full communion with Himanymore in the strength of the firstlove, I have come out of the trial defeated. Let's remember one thing: the devil has no power tosuffocate the seed in the heart, persecutions cannot separate us from the experience and enjoy all the love ofGod to be love in accordance with reality and the real image we see of the living God. Only the caresof this world, the love for its things, the fear of the world or of death can separate us from a living,real and effective experience of Christ who is, also, the veryliving Word of God. Watching our heart is what is watching all about: "I have hidden Your Word in my heart, so that I might not sin against You", Ps.119:11.

  145. "If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin", 1John 1:7. Walking in the light means being transparentin our most sincere state. Putting all in the light means exposing everything thatis or was hidden, camouflaged, disguised, ignored or excused.Having put everything in the light, having nothing more to hide, to camouflage,to excuse or to disguise, we willalso have nothing more to be ashamed of. Then, we can be completely comfortable being fully transparent.Being transparent like God who has nothing to hide or to be ashamedof, we will have communion with each other (and with Christ)and we are made pure by living with God experiencing Him in a real way.It must be real. This reminded me of how much is preached about theobligation of brothers to walk in communion with one another and to love one another. And thislaw of obligationmakes people make use of effort to accept each other or to try toget along, instead ofmaking clear to them that it is by fulfilling the conditions that lead to thistype of communion and fellowship. They jump over the conditions and jump over the wall to enter the fold of communion with Godand with men. Acting as if we have never sinned and hiding our true essence to make room for appearance is promotingacounterfeit fellowship and feigned communion when genuine fellowship is achieved only by walking and puttingall in the light.

  146. There are some ways to face temptations or trials and only one iseffective: 1) Seeing temptation as somethingthat belongs to us and we want it or don't want to exclude it from our life; 2) Facingtemptation as something that belongs to us by the nature that we have and, forthat reason, we assume that it is useless to try to overcome andthat we cannot resist or overcome it; 3) Facing temptation like losers who reallywant to overcome but, thinking we can't avoid falling ortransgressing; 4) Facing temptation with a fierce fight, butwithout fighting to submit ourselves to God instead; 5) Fighting for submission to God to face any trial inpeace and tranquillity as if temptation never had the strength thatit says it has by bluffing in our ears. "O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the Law.But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ", 1Cor.15:55-57.

  147. "They profess that they know God, but in their works they deny Him, being abominable and disobedient and reprobate to every good work", Tito 1:16.The good works of which Paulspeaks here, are those which begin in God, and are performed by the powerof grace in all their perfection and end in/by Him. This is what we can call a revival. But,as we read here, we can conclude that there are people who profess God, but cannotperform these good works in a blessed way. For this reason we see flaccid churches,gatherings with little or no growth, with carnal believers and to which God refuses that blessingof transforming the world. And those who profess God and doctrine - however correct thedoctrine may be - do not attain what has been attained by the disciples at Pentecost because they arereproved by God, though accepted by men and by church councils. Today, everything is resolved with aprofession of faith, with a baptism or with involvement in a church as a faithful member. All are taughtto profess God that way. What counts for such is the profession of faith where people say theypicture themselves in Godand that they believe according to the Scriptures. No one asks for the witness which God bears concerning the many who profess to know him.And it is God who has to give a practical witness in them, alsothrough the works that are done, that is, whether they bear fruitand multiply or not. "...The Spirit Himselfbears witness with our spirit..."Rom.8:16; "... even as thetestimony of Christ was confirmed in you", 1Cor.1:6; "...well reportedof for good works", 1Tim.5:10; "...Godtestifying of his gifts", Heb.11:4; "...he had thistestimony, that he pleased God", Heb.11:5.

  148. "As the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters, As the eyes of a maid to the handof her mistress, So our eyes look to the LORD our God, Until He has mercy on us",Sal.123:2.The more I read the Bible and the more experienceI gain from living with God, by experiencing Him in a real way and living with Him, the more I believe that our relationship(with God) must be real and ongoing in a real way. How can we look to the Lord the way a servant looks to hismaster's hands and a maidservant to her mistress's hands if we don't see God? How are we going to look to the Lord to learn if we don't see him? "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Soncan do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner",John 5:19. "Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God",Mat.5:8.

  149. "But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart.Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away", 2Cor.3:16. We have two thingshere that seem to be a bit of a contradiction, but they're not. If nowadays'Moses represents religion in general, then we can assume that as long as someoneis religious (and not transformed by the new birth), he has a veil that does notallow him to see the truth. But the interesting part here - which seems to be acontradiction - is that people don't start to see when they stop reading Moses,but only when they are truly converted. That is, changing religion, leaving idols to beevangelical, ceasing to be a Muslim to become a Christian or coming from any otherreligion to be evangelical does not remove the veil from anyone's eyes. What allows usto see is the conversion of the heart so that it becomes in tune with God andwith the newlife in its most practical essence. When a person is converted, he stops reading Moses; it is notby ceasing to read Moses that makes him a convert. That's why people whobelieve to be missionaries travel worlds and cover miles of ground to makedisciplesmore condemnable than themselves, that is, who convince them to "stop reading Moses"instead of truly converting them from sin to God.

  150. We shouldn't give wings to our children before we have provided themwith roots. These roots are life roots, it is, they get them by the waywe live from the heart and by what is real in us. And whenever ourchildren have gained roots, whether we talk about spiritual orcarnal children (or both) we should never trim their wings. Theyneed the best and most efficient wings to go to and fro. "Happy are you who sow beside all waters, who let the feet of the ox and the donkey range free", Is.32:20.

  151. Whoever feels guilty or has guilt will always suspicious and won't trustothers easily. But, whoever cleanses his heart and is cleansed fromall guilt trusts easily - even when he is to trust God.

  152. I hear many people talk incessantly about salvation by works andsalvation by faith. In addition to having become a predominant subject inevangelical circles, it has become a distraction from what is the main issue,which is to know Christ as He really is. I believe this discussionwill cease in all those who truly knowexperientially the true and only Lord in the promised abundance. However, I do not want to failby not saying that, in addition to beingsaved by faith, or by works, there is something else that is ignored: that wemight try to besaved by the power of the flesh, whether it is our own or any other man's. David speaks of being saved by hisown arm. In the prophets we read of those who make use of the arm ofthe flesh. I even believe that the vast majority of those who argue whether it isby faith or works that we are saved have this problem in common: theyuse carnal faith, carnal power, carnal hope that does not come from aboveas a fruit, among many other things. It is true that the flesh cansave from many things: you can quit smoking; you can stop drinkingand taking drugs; you can stop prostituting yourself; you can stop stealingand many more things. But it will never go beyond that. It will not transform theheart even if it manages to shape up the external conduct. Even a snake canchange its skin, but not its heart. Whenever the mansaves himself, he will make an outward reform, but never atrue transformation from within. That will make him ahypocrite and not a saved one.

  153. "You are my hiding place", Ps.32:7.When we hide it is because we are attacked or tempted to betrayour Lord through some sinful act, thereby leading to deny him. Instead ofdenying Him, we hide in Him.

  154. "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit", Ps.32:2.This kind of deceit is notonly that kind of deception where the person says something to deceive orto cover up what he does. It is clearly anything that is not inaccordance with the Word of God and deceives self. Still, whatever is done in thesincerity of man, but is not according to the Word and the Law ofGod, is deceit.

  155. When Scripture says that God does not deal with us according to our (old) sins,it means that the person who transgressed has ceased to exist. That is, the offender wasturned into a holy doer having been crucified and resurrected in newness of life. That's why conversion is extremely important.

  156. "No one comes to the Father except through Me", John 14:6.Today, it is very common to use or apply certain parts of Scripturedeficiently or even, at times, in despicable in ways. This verse isone of those situations. It is usual for people to raise their hand inchurch to "accept Jesus", believing that they have come to Jesus and that, as soon as they do so, they have reached the Father.And the worst thing is that nobody shows them that, in order to reach the Father, there isstilla way to go. We arrive at the Father by walking a certain path and not by blockingthe entrance. Those who stand at the entrance of doorsare the beggars. Those preachers who raise such believers will beworthy of double condemnation. They travel worlds to bring aflabby and unreliable message to make people even morecondemnable than they already were. They went out looking for cold people tomake them lukewarm or false hearted ones. We know that most peopleapproach God, initially, so as not to be condemned. Thismeans that they love themselves and do not want to suffer harm.However, the path leads to a point where another heart is gained just as Jesus says: "Ifanyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, andWe will come to him and make Our home with him", John 14:23.And we know that anyone who truly loves Jesus ceases tolove life itself, even to the point of hating it completely. Whoeverstands at the door prevents many from entering by blocking the entrance. And whoever enters needs to knowthat there is a way to go to reach the Father and to beloved by him.

  157. If God guides our steps and leads us to a good port, any sort ofcoincidence can and must be regarded as the providence of God.A certain man said that coincidence was God being discreet inHis providence.

  158. "Why o you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy?"Is.55:2. We can also say"why do you spend time on what does not count for eternity?Why do you listen to what can't save? Why do you see what doesn'tbuild you up?"

  159. "The people who sat in darkness saw a great Light; and Light has sprung up to those who sat in the region and shadow of death", Mat.4:16. We can say manythings about this verse, but I will only say one that, usually, escapes us when we read and interpret it. Have you ever seen someone calmwhile seatedin the shadow of death and in darkness? As a rule, people panic in the face of death, cry and despair at their inability toavoid the coming tragedy. However, we see thatpeople are settled and calm in the face of the greatest tragedy that can happento any being, human or not. They are calm in their jobs, intheir day-to-day dealings, in their illusions to the point of rejecting anytragedy warnings, preferring never to believe they are living under eternal danger. And it is upon these that a great light shines.

  160. "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, double-minded ones", James 4:8. "Draw near to God". Thiskind of coming to God has much to do with the nearness of character and holiness rather thanof religiosity. Our character and holiness must approach what God is at all levelsto be changed in fidelity,in purity and in all the virtues which are the whole of God. That's why weread here about "purifyinghands," among many other things that need to be purified. For that to happen, we not only need the will to achieve it, but we need reach the means and, also, to go through a certain path of cleaningboth our past and our present. Our past also separates us from God and needs to berepaired where possible. I will repeat: our past also separates us from God. There is no one who canbe approved by God in the present moment having his past hidden in darkness. It is necessary to confess andto make restitutionwhere possible. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness from people and from God for every sin that isrevealed or remembered, mentioning each transgressionby name. Whoever does not cleanse his past of sinning when away from God, willnever have a constant present because he will always be a person of doublemood, with fickle and wavering attitudes, inconsistent, and unstable in all his Christian conduct. He sometimes sins, sometimes he does notsin; sometimes he is excited and sometimes he is discouraged; he will always bewavering in all his ways. Such will never be constant in the ways of God, although he can be constant in the ways of the world.

  161. "Make you a new heart and a new spirit", Ez.18:31. What happens when we fulfil what Jesus tells us without havingbeen transformed in our hearts? We can fulfil for fear of being punished; for the shame we will havein front of people; to be an example to our children or to people around us; to be praised and walk under the spotlights.This means that we "fulfil" without having transformed our heart. It alsomeans that if there was no punishment; were there noshame; if we didn't want to or couldn't shine;we would not fulfil because the commandments are not ournature. And what the Gospel does, is to make of us what we door do what we have become. If we are not whatwe do, we are hypocrites - even if, in the eyes of the world andbelievers, we are considered to be great examples. We weren't made to beplaced in exposition windows, but to be like God. We can'tforget that we must be here in his name, that is, in his placebeing his faithful representatives.

  162. "You are witnesses, and God also, how devoutly and justly and blamelessly we behaved ourselves among you who believe", 1Thes.2:10. This behaviour of Paul was beyond reproachto those who believed. But how was it seen by those who did not believe? It is good to notethat Paul pointed out that his behaviour was well accepted by those who believed. Those who didnot believe would never accept Paul, not even if they saw a miraclehappening. There needs to be aconverging of hearts so that this kind of witness can be faithfully given. If the persondoesn't like or doesn't accept the behaviour of those who live thetrue Gospel, he can only bear bad witness against it. Unless, in his sincerity, he recognizes that the wrong is notin whom lives the Gospel, but in himself, the witness shall not be good. If you don't like it, youmay realize that it's your heart that is wrong.

  163. "My food is: to do the will of Him who sent Me; and to finish His work", John 4:34.Today much is preached about the extreme need/importance to read and hear the Word of God. Andthat is good. However, they preach in such a way that theimpression is given to the hearers that food for a soul that hungers afterGod is only to read the Word of God. And nothing is further from the truth. The reading of the word caneither provide knowledge or it can transform the person. It is food only when it has transformed andcan keep transformedanyone dedicated to His Words, not only to its understanding, but,mainly, to its practical doings. It is by practicing that we truly learn or learn further. "If anyone wills to do His will... he willknow...", John 7:17. "Thereforeeveryone who hears these words of mine and does them, I will likenhim to a prudent man (intelligent, wise - full of wisdom)", Matt.7:24. In spiritual terms, no one can separate the practiceof the word from true learning, that is, you learn by practicing or because of it. Therefore, food for a thirsting soul is, above all, to reach the point of being able to carry out His will. And that is not for anyone. The will of Godis attained only by the power of grace, doing/performing it here on earth as it is done in heaven; i.e. "here on earth as in heaven", using the same means; doing for the same reasons; having the same motives; gathering with God and never alone by the power of the flesh. This is food for those who walk with God in a real way, unlike those who read the wordonly so they won't feel guilty. Yet, we can neither forget that finishing or consummating God's will is also food forthe soul filled with God. "My food is (...) to finish His Work". Work of God that is not finished/accomplished is,for a thirsty soul, like dying of famine while holding promises of abundance. Having the promises and,even so, starving to death would just increase the hunger pangs in that person and his death wouldnot bring him relief because that sort of hunger travels with uswherever we go,even into eternity. Many people become irresponsible to thepoint of holding on to the promises as a means to feel comforted andnot as duty to be achieved according to what has been promised,needing to inherit the promises right here and now by fulfilling theconditions of faith.

  164. "...Contrary to all men", 1Tes.2:15.Every man's actions or even reactions depends largely on the kind of heart he has. It is saidthat men's actions or reactions are, to a large extent, caused by the kind of temptations they suffer.But, how many times is it the person himself who seeks temptation and the occasionwhich provides the sort of food for theheart he has? If the person has a quarrelsome heart, he seeks theoccasion to quarrel - with anyone; if he iscontrary to the true Gospel - all flesh is - he seeks a believing adversary to mistreat or evento annoy.So is every person in this vast humanity. Religious people who are dissatisfiedin their hearts because of their doctrines which separate them fromthe real God alwaysbecome adversaries to ALL men. They exist to destroy humanity, either through persecution or throughtheir destructive doctrines, whether they do so intentionally or areunaware of it.

  165. "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected", Phil.3:12. Here Paul relates/associatesperfection with having received Christ in His fullness. And this receiving of Christ is not,never was and never will be what people understand receiving or accepting Christto be. Receiving Christ in all his fullness is something else, entirely. It is noteasy to enter through that narrow door and walk this narrow path ofhaving Christ as He really is. But, you have to get there.

  166. "I, indeed, countall things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ", Phil.3:8. The cause of Paul's determinedattitude was his having known Christ as He is. Many deny things for other reasons.There are even those who abandon many things in order to better oppose Christ. Paul,by knowing Christ as He truly is, saw the mortal incompatibility that existed betweenChrist and all that he regarded as rubbish. He says he forsook everything "to gain Christ." This verse corrects the idea of works and actions that many preach throughout this world. Paul did not forsake everything to gain salvation, but to gain Christ. By gaining Christ you can be saved from anything and any sin. You can't stop drinking and keep visiting the pub; one cannot be saved from promiscuity and lasciviousness by watching pornography; one cannot think that stopping stealing is enough when we have something to return or someone to ask forgiveness for our past thefts.

  167. "I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life", 1John 5:13."So that you may knowthat you have eternal life" means that many may believe they are dealingwith things of lesser importance. Eternal life begins here and now. Whoever doesn'thave/experience it now, won't have it after they die. But if we have it, if we truly receive abundant lifein the promised measure in this present life, we must know that we are dealing with something of extremeimportance and responsibility and we cannot deal with that life as one would deal with earthly life.It's good to know what we're dealing with if we have reached this abundant life here and now.

  168. When any person finds himself separated from God, he tries very hard toachieve what God has promised about being truly freed from all sin,but, with no success. Such people are those whom Paul says havefallen from grace (Gal.5:4), that is, they have lostthe power of God and are like hairless Samson when faced with anykind of sin or temptation.But, being in good relations with God and without anything separating them fromHim, they strive and succeed. To say that no one should strive having obtained grace(or even grace upon grace) is to be lying or misleading. The difference is that this spiritual effortunder atotal surrender to God, depending exclusively and entirely on His power and obedienceto Him, obtains the promised results, whereas, effort without God (or separated from Himby some sin that was not yet exterminated by confession) will never get the expected results.If there were no effort - even if the effort under/through grace is a differentsort of effort - we would not be exhorted to befaithful to the end and to remain in Him. This means effort - holyeffort.

  169. "The law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ", John 1:17. We need to better understand thistruth, that is, this verse. And to understand it better, we mustlook at it in the contextthat John puts it. He associates this truth to two things: receiving of his fullness ("we have received of his fullness, and grace for grace"); and,secondly, by seeing God ("No one hasseen God at any time; the only begotten God, who is in the bosom of the Father, hasrevealed him"). Looking at it this way, we can define the words "grace" and "truth"even better. Grace is received, sought for and found; and we can increase or decrease in it. Graceis an active power. It's the power of Pentecost. To say that grace is only an unmerited favour is to say very little about it. It's much more than that. It is the very power ofGod working and manifesting itself. That's why John associates the fullness of God withthis grace that we receive (grace by grace). If Jesus came that we might have His life inabundance and His power in the promised measure (John 10:10), it means that anyone who doesnot reach this fullness of life has not achieved God's purpose. Anyone who doesn'texperience Pentecost hasn't experienced anything yet. Secondly, we have the word "truth," whichJohn associates with seeing God. This word in truly Biblical vocabulary means reality, veracity- something true, but real also. It must be the real thing. It's not just true, but truly real. If it's not real, it's still nottrue. Truth is not just something that is according to written truthand facts, but something truthful that becomes real.Anyone who has not experienced the reality of the living God has not yet experienced the truth - has not yet seen it.

  170. "Those who were chosen obtained it. However, the rest were hardened", Rom.11:7. Paul says something that contradicts manytheologians: "I endure everythingfor the sake of those who have been chosen so that they, too,may receive the salvation that is in Christ Jesus", 2Tim.2:10. If we look at the contextof these words, we see that it does not speak only of the Israelites, butof the chosen in general. It is these elect who (yet) need to reach thepromises. If they do so, they soften their hearts and become humble. If they don't, theywill be hardened like those who were left out. When the Gospel comes to us, we areeither softened or hardened, depending on our response to what germinatesthe seed that has been in us since the creation of the world. No one is thesame after hearing the true Gospel: either one gets harder or he softens. Thesame can no longer be said when one hears a false gospel.

  171. "With the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation", Rom.10:10. Today (and whenever religiosityprevails in evangelical circles) it is said that it is the mouth that believes,affirming itself positively. But the so-called professions of faiththat claim to believe, do sowhile the heart is in doubt. When it is the heart that believes and experiences the truthin an unmistakably real way, the mouth speaks for itself. And when the mouth speaks for/byitself, it is distinguished from those mouths in which words are planted. When words areput into the mouth, whether it is another's words or even our own, it can never be considered true faith.True faith is spontaneous, natural from a pure and simple heart - but it is a faith of the heartand coming from the essence of the person himself. Only of these can it be said that "Everyone who believes in himwill not be ashamed", Rom.10:11. Faith needs to become one's very nature andto cease to be an effort,whether it be emotional, intellectual, or any other kind of effort. Anyone who breathes with effort or difficulty isa sick person who needs some kind of treatment. The same is true of those who strive to believe.

  172. Nowadays, it takeslonger to make a true men of God and for him to be true and to obtain the realityand truth of the Gospel because they all started with a dysfunctional, precarious,accommodating and misleading Gospel. Before, the people who were being saveddid reject the law and the Jewish way and knew thatthey would have to leave the world to the point of hating it as the enemyof the Gospel. Today, they need to do that too, but in order to do that they needfirst to hateand deny the Gospel that accepts or excuses sinning and to which they became accustomed in the early yearsas a believerand which they are afraid to deny for many and varied reasons. And the vast majority ofthese Gospels accept sin as something impossible to overcome. In fact, they even acceptits "inevitability" in order to continue enjoying and loving it. It is very painful andtime consuming to convert those who are first converted by false gospels.

  173. "TheGospel (...) which has come to you, as it has also in all the world, and is bringing forthfruit, as it is also among you since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth", Col.1:5,6.This is a very strange and difficult verse to understand.But, it makes perfect sense. It reminds me of what Paul wrote about those who never heard the Gospel:"...who show the work of the law written in their hearts", Rom.2:15. It is a fact that Paul affirms thatthe Gospel has reached everyone, that is, it is in the hearts ofevery man and woman - even if it is unfruitfulthere. It shall become fruitful only by 1.hearing it; 2.experiencing grace in a real way and, necessarily, sincerity when it isreal. This is what we read in this verse of Scripture: " have heard and have known the grace of God 3. in truth". Faith isa fruit, that is, somethingthat is born out of an union or relationship. A seed can exist for a long time in the earth until the rain comes to make it bear fruit.This happens a lot in deserts. The seed of the Gospel exists in the desert of this world. But hearing, havingsincerity when hearing, and truly experiencing the power of God's grace, bears fruit unto salvation. There needsto be something that compels people to be sincere whenever their thoughts, hearts and transgressions are manifested.

  174. "We have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor adulterating the Word ofGod, but by the revelation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God", 2Cor.4:2. Everything that shames and everythingthat asks or demands to be covered, ignored, disguised or lied for belong to darkness.Whenthe person is ashamed of Christ, then he is darkness and notChrist. Christ does not belong to darkness, but, whoever is in thehabit of being ashamed and of hiding, will fall into the temptation to be ashamed of Christ whenHe meets him. The biggest mistake here is not being ashamed of Christ, but of maintaining thehabit of being ashamed. Sin teaches you to walk with cunning cares, hiding this and that. Through theyears that we walked and lived in sin, we have learned this hideous custom of walking in darkness,that is, hiding, concealing, disguising or excusing. If we have already practiced what makes us ashamed, we must bring itto light and confess it openly. This is how we exterminate sin and annihilate the old habit of hiding everything and nothing,even when there is no reason to do so. And there's more: anyone who still hides what heis ashamed of, will speak withpride and vanity of the things that he practices and do not shame, with the clear intention ofhiding himself and his evil works behind the barrier of good works or of good things. Whoever hides,also boasts. It's a law of nature and every heart has these two sides. But whoever manifests and walksin the light practices the truth and will assume all that is good as something normal and not somethingthat needs to be boasted, bragged or gloried about. Whoever walks in the light will have or will always obtain the tendency tono longer need to talk about himself because he is himself. "For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord",2Cor.4:5.Walking in the light is humility. The best definition of humility is to be ourselves before God and men. Ifwe don't have anything to be ashamed of, so much the better. But, if we still have something that shames us,it is not and will never be enough reason for us to hide in darknessand for not manifesting everything in light and by the workings ofthe true light.

  175. "For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you thateternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us", 1 John 1:2. Through doctrine, weunderstand that eternal life begins after we pass away being inChrist. But, by the Word of God we understand that eternal lifemanifests itself from now on and begins right here and now. Paul speaksof "the life that is now". He also speaks of "life in this presentcentury". In John we read that "this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent",John 17:3. Mosesspeaks of "the days of heaven upon the earth", Dt.11:21. There is much evidence in Scripturethat eternal life begins here and now. The word "eternal" means "constant, permanent, withoutups and downs, without end and without beginning". Whoever seeks it,shall find it.

  176. Temptation in the life of a believer who has been truly made free works like propagandaand advertisements for those who have money. Ifwe give heed to the advertisement and if we want/desire what it says, we will spendwhat we have randomly andunnecessarily. That's how temptation works - it's just propaganda. It is like the propagandaof a corrupt political party: if we believe its lies, we will be seriously harmed.However, it doesn't work that way with those who live in lies: it ismore than propaganda to them.

  177. "Behold My Servant whom I have chosen; My Beloved, in whom My soul is well pleased. I will put My Spirit on Him, and He shall declare judgment to the nations(...) until He sends out judgment to victory", Mat.12:18-20. I have always believed that a true revivalis like Judgment Day with the difference that on the day of judgment there is noway for us to be saved from our sins anymore, whereas in the revival all our sins will bemanifested to bring us to repentance. Judgment triumphs by exterminating sin. Eitherthe transgressor dies with Christ, literally dying to this world and to sin; or he willbe exterminated along with sin. One way or another, the transgressor ceases to exist andthe judgment will always triumph, one way or another.

  178. "So, faith without works is dead", James 2:17. If it is true thatfaith without works is dead, it is also true that works withoutfaith are just as dead. "Whatever is not of faith is sin",Rom.14:23.

  179. "For whoever shall keep the whole Law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all", James 2:10. Sin is the opposite of God's law.And the oppositeof God's law is not hatred, but selfishness. Hatred is just another form of selfishness. We willbe held accountable by the law of God when selfishness is still active and alive in any of us. Evenif it was possible not to transgress being selfish in a very obscure and camouflaged way, we wouldalways be considered transgressors because the Gospel judges the interior of man as the law judgedonly the exterior. The law judges what man does, while the Gospel judges what man is. That's why webecome guilty of all points when we transgress in just one point, because today we are judged by the Gospel.The Gospel judges selfishness and not a mere transgression. If itwere possible to lie driven by true heavenly love, lying would notbe sin; and if it were possible to tell the truth having a badheart, telling the truth in that situation would be sin. "Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things?"Mat.12:34.

  180. "Do not give heed to fables and endless genealogies (which provide doubts rather than the nurture of God in faith)", 1Tim.1:4. Many were occupied with issues that bypassed thetrue Gospel or the only essence of the Cross of Christ. They madethemselves busy with genealogies and otherthings important to carnal Jews. Today, nothing is different. The onlythings that have changed is the themes of the discussions and of doctrines that are not the true essence of the Gospel,which is the power to save men from any sin. There is a lot of talk about baptisms, predestination, prosperityand so many other things that it is not worth mentioning them here.But, we also see people discussing politics; using unnecessary time- beyond what is advisable - with social networks and their videos; and we could mentionmany other things that are used to fill up the time that should be spent on essential and necessary things.Aren't these fables and vain things too?

  181. "Be swift to hear", James 1:19. Nobody can do two things at thesame time: one either listens or speaks. But being "ready to listen" is much more than being quiet andpaying close attention. As we hear with the ear and, also, hear with the heart through revelation,being ready to hear is much more than being focused on what we hear. We need to be in the rightinner disposition, rightly disposed before God (a willing and prepared people, Lk.1:17), longing forwhat is or will be revealed to us and ardently desiring to understand andto receive what moves us and we still don't fully understand. "As newborn children, thirst for the pure milk of the word", 1Ped.2:2.There are those who want milk as long as it is not of the genuinekind, but of the one they wish to hear. Therefore, there has to be a commitment and a willingness of heart in the form of a burning desire to hear, receiveand practice what is genuinely coming from God. This is being ready/willing/swift to listen.

  182. There are many ways to keep or bind people to churches, but, distant fromChrist. There is a general refusal to enter the narrow door, which,in its turn blocks the entrance to those who would like to get intothe Kingdom of God. 

  183. Each thing that excuses us in front of people or the world condemns usbefore God.

  184. It is interesting to see that God showed Joseph that the sun, the moon andhis own brothers would, one day, bow before him and, yet, God saidno word concerning the facts that his own brothers would want himdead and would be sold as a slave. That which God shows us is where we needto get and demands our focussing. Whatever happens along the way is but the way and the means.

  185. "We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God",Act.14:22. If this is true, that is, if to enter the Kingdom of God it is necessary to go through many tribulations - and not just one tribulation - why isit preached today that it is enough to raise your hand in the church and say that you accept Jesusto be prepared for eternity? And if we take into account that entering is not even staying/remainingif we have already entered, imagine how narrow the door is and how narrow the path!

  186. To all those who believe it is easy to discover what God's will is at certain timesof our existence, I say that if we are not facing it with a kind heartthat doesn't love an own life itself, our mind will not be renewed withthe clear purpose of discovering this will and also discovering the secret of how to achieve it. It is something that few people understand: it is not easy for us to enter into God's will. Many things need to happen in us to make it possible for us to get to the point where we can execute it. And to carry it out we need to know what the will is and in what way or by which means we will be able to carry it out withfull perfection and simplicity.

  187. Once we cease to confuse or mix God's will with our own and begin to love His will by desiring it ardently because we love God with all our hearts — and for no other reason — surely, figuring out how to carry it out will be easier.

  188. Being careful concerning the path we walk has two sides. On the one hand, it keeps us from being deceived. But looking the other way, we can only be careful if we are supported bya full knowledge of things. If our knowledge is limited, stunted, biased or partial, we will have serious problems with all ourdedication. These precautions will no longer be good ones, but shallbecome tendentious deviations, sectarian stubbornness or convenientpartiality. In this case, all the cares we have are what distract us from the truth and the path we should follow. This will happen because any kind of care will always depend on the knowledgeof practical truth and spiritual reality we have or the conception of what we understand to be true or not.

  189. "Count it all joy when you fall into different kinds of temptations", James 1:2. This joy is also a joy that depends, in a way, on our understanding of the things andon our ability to discern circumstances we go through because of the Gospel. And that understandingand discernment needs to be correct and accurate. Let's look at itstep by step. The Apostles were arrested for the first time (Acts 4) and explained before the Sanhedrin about the benefit done to a man who had been paralyzed for 40 years. However, thesecond time they were arrested we read that "then indeed they departed from the presence of the sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be shamed for his name", Act.5:41. Thisrejoicing did not happen the first time they were arrested. But, in thesecond time, they began to understand better the reasons why they had been arrested and mistreated. And with thatbetter understanding came the joy. That's why James speaks of askingfor wisdom whenever we lack some understanding of the adverse circumstances around us. It is important not only to know the reasons that lead us to go through certain tribulations and temptations, but it is also extremely important to realize what God intends to achieve, be it one or several things both outside and within us. And when we realize what God's will is, westrive on and on toward that will with great joy without anythingbeing able to hold us back.

  190. "...Filled with the Holy Spirit...", Act.4:31; 6:3.Much has been said about the Holy Spirit and what it means to be filled withHis full life. In fact, thefullness of life directly affects the person himself, that is, the individual, to be fit and toremain steadfast, faithful and pure during the worst and the best moments of his existence.

  191. Determination (perseverance)can be a strong ally for anyone on God's path. But, there are many determined people wholive without wisdom, walk through places of death and this determination, thus becomingan ally of death and error, is the worst enemy of the soul itself and of all common sense.Determination and perseverance must not become our predominant characteristics. They must becomecharacteristics of servanthood to wisdom, they must be servants and not leaders, they must followand not lead, they must be able to be guided by wisdom coming from God whenever illuminated bythe Spirit at specific and appropriate times. Determination and every kind of perseverance should notbe guiding, but guided and used by higher faculties like the wisdom of God that is meek.Perseverance/determination that wants to guide becomes brutality, monocratic stubbornness, blindand irreconcilable. These are some of the characteristics of ruthless dictators."Who is wise and knowing among you? Let him show his works by his good conduct with meekness of wisdomBut the wisdom that is from above is first truly pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace", James 3:13,17,18.

  192. "No one can come to Me unless the Father who has sent Me draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day", John 6:44. The last day can be a lot of things. This last dayspoke here is whenJesus comes to finish all the work he started, raising the saints back to His world and raising the wickedto eternal fire. But, there is also the last day of the earth. However, the last day is also the one wherethe saint is perfected and all the work in the inner man ends and we will say, "God saw that it is good".That's why we must strive to get there immaculate, that is, get to the point where God claims we areimmaculate regardless of what people might claim. "...that I may know Him and the power ofHis resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death; if by any means I might attain to the resurrection of the dead", Phil.3:10,11.

  193. "Samuel, did not yet know the Lord, nor was the word of the Lord yet revealed to him", 1Sam.3:7. Samuel was a believer practically frombirth. He knew the Scriptures and all the Temple rituals. He served the Lord faithfullyfrom an early age. However, the Scriptures state that he did not know the Lord. What doesthis mean? Furthermore, the word of God had not yet beenrevealed to him. This doesn't mean that he did not know the Scriptures andthe laws to a goodextent. Certainly, he was a diligent student as well as obedient and faithful. It just meansthat the Word has no true saving meaning unless it is revealed in the inner man and to self.Studying the Word does not save anyone, but the revelation of the Wordis able to save and has a lot of power. Even though the word exists in the mind through study,it needs to come alive through personal and individual revelation. That is, the Word must alreadybe active within the person when it is heard to be received. And only then hasit the ability to save."Receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to saveyour souls", James 1:21. Only a word whichhas been implanted within can be received and acknowledgedwith saving power from whatever sort of sin or sinfulness. "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest yourhope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ", 1Pet.1:13. Jesus Christ is also the Word itself. Even though we have a lot of study,only by it being revealed can the soul be saved. Every Word must become a revelation. Otherwise, it will never have eternaleffects within us. All our study will never have the ability to transform us, because our brain is not theSpirit. What we study without revelation only creates appearance; andany sort of appearance avoids full transparency. On the other hand, anyonehe who is truly transformed from the inside through a word already graftedwithin is not afraid to be transparent. He rather seeks to become entirely transparent.That is what it means to walk in the light: to be fully transparent.

  194. "Receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save yoursouls", James 1:21. Any word of God must be orbecome a revelation within us, that is, it must be engrafted within us when weare paying attentionto it - that is when we truly hear it. And it doesn't matter if it's before or after we've studied it.The study without revelation and without an inner graft(implantation) creates appearance, changing theexterior and leaving the heart intact. This causes the person to deceive himself, because theappearance deceives even self. "...deceiving your own selves",James 1:22. The word revealedwithin or grafted in, when heard, reveals what the person really is "for he beholds himself",James 1:24.Study highlights what the person thinks he is, and when that is highlighted, it has the ability tocover up what the person truly is. What a person thinks he is, what he thinks of himself, is neverreally what he really is. The forgetful listener who "soon forgot whathe is like" and does notpractice or act immediately upon the word that became revelation tohim for him, returns to what he thinks he is andthis only shows how much he is dominated and convinced by what he believes to be. This is synonymousof self-deception, that is, lying to yourself, "deceiving yourself with false speeches." The othertruth is that only those in whom the word is also true revelation can become true practitioners of thatword. Others become hardworking hypocrites and these hypocrites act in accordance with what they thinkthey are - they do not act as they are and will never be fully transparent in doing so.

  195. "Receive with meekness the implanted word", James 1:21. Why should the word that is revelation bereceived with meekness? Any person does not like to see himself as he is, preferring to betold what he believes himself to be through praise, lies or being pleased by others in manyways. However, the revealed word shows things exactly as they are. Humanly speaking, this is thesituation where people react by feeling offended. "You are offending me!" No one receivesa truth about himself with meekness and thanksgiving. Rather, he receives this word with conflictingaggression, feeling the need to defend himself and to protect himself. He prefers to cover up andwhoever covers up his sin never prospers spiritually. "Do you suppose I have come to give peace onearth? I tell you, no, but rather division",Lk.12:51. The Holy Spirit brings conflict in the soulthat does not want to be cleansed by preferring to be told only what it believes to be.

  196. "And you, who were once alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled(...) to present you holy and without blemish, and without charge in His sight", Col.1:21,22. Why is it by evil works that we become "God's enemiesin the understanding (mind)"? Paul means here that this enmity is an antagonism, a natural resistance to Godand any of his operations in the inner man. There is a state of enmity within any sinnereven when it is dormant and hibernating in the absence of true light. This state ofenmity can be dormant, camouflaged, disguised as a believer, or anything else. But, it does exist. Evilworks, that is, transgressions, separate us from God. In separating us from God, it also separates us fromthe power of grace, from the operations of that power, and from all that can make us heavenly beings.Therefore, if bad works separate us from God, it is certain that, having been transformed and reconciledto God, every good work brings us closer to Him. If it is bad works that make us enemiesby nature, if itis those that create enmity against God, distancing and making us strangers from God and making God a strangerto us, the good works done in Christ and by the power of grace achieve the opposite, that is, theycan bring us closer to God and more alike to Him within, being renewed at every moment.

  197. "Never be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord", 2Tim.1:8. We need to pay better attention to what we read in the Scriptures. Weread that it is God who bears witness within us and about us: "TheSpirit testifies (...) that we are sons of God", Rom.8:16."All bear witness to Demetrius, even the Truth", 3John 1:12. It's easy to find people who give their owntestimony, but it's harder to find someone whose testimony is given by God and the Truth (Jesus is the Truth).That said, no one should not be ashamed when God gives this testimony. "Do not be ashamed of the testimony of ourLord." One must not be ashamed of God or of the testimony that is given by God. Let's imagine Joseph in Egypt.A slave, dirty, imprisoned, and still a Hebrew in Egypt (the Egyptians despised the Hebrews); however, God'stestimony of him prevailed over all that was visible and invisible. We never see Joseph be ashamed of thisGod-given testimony of him even being poor, despised, and innocently bound by God's will. "Hetrusted God and look howhe lives!" We don't see Joseph say that he was sorry to be arrestedbeing decent and immaculate. His purity andspiritual beauty only brought him problems. However, he was never ashamed of his God, of the testimonyHe boreabout him, nor of His name and his origin.

  198. "Zachariah, do not fear, for your prayer has been heard", Lk.1:13. The ideal prayer is the one where we get an immediate answer, even if itis materialised later, having or getting such a communion with God that makes that prayer possible or accessible. The answer can be given long beforethe realization as it can be given at the moment things happen accordingly; we can know we were answered as soon as we prayed. "It shall come to passthat before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear", Is.65:24. And because of the closeness we have with God, we can know what answer he gave us or gives us. "...we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him",1John 5:15. However, that doesn't meanthat there aren't people who don't experience it that way - something thatis a promise to everyone. Many are not there yet, either due to problems, religious impedimentsor beliefs; or because they still assume answers that God has not given; or because they believe that God answered whenHe hasn't even said anything about it. In the case of Zechariah we can assume two things: he did not know that his prayer had already been answered; and,perceiving from the dialogue he had with the angel Gabriel, he hadalready lost any hope of having a child. Still, he was attended toand used by God after being rebuked. "If anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will bea vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every goodwork", 2Tim.2:21.

  199. "Do you believe that I am able to do this? They said to Him, "Yes, Lord", Mat.9:28. Right away, Jesus healed these people. If we know that Jesus knows all the heartsand even the secret thoughts of every man, why did He ask these men if they believedHe could heal them? Why would it be so important for them to claim that they believe? It isimportant for a person to express in words what goes on in his inner man for his own good andfor his own awareness of what goes on in his own heart. It is not because of those who hear,but because of himself, because no man knows his own heart unless it is revealed to him by God.Sometimes we need to reformulate our ideas when Jesus works within us because we don't alwaysknow what is going on inside us when Jesus is working within; we usually have a false idea about it,or still hold on to a previous idea of before we were changed, and all of that is outof date after a real change has taken place. Rephrasing: we need to know we've changedand assume it daily until our change becomes our natural behaviour. In fact, if wegrow daily, we must know that we need to be updated daily as well in order toassumethis transformation in practical life. And when this transformation truly takes place, our mind doesnot always assume what really happened, even though we are fully aware that something has happenedwithin us. However, what happens inside of us needs to be real. And it is under these circumstancesthat these words apply, "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in yourheart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation", Rom.10:9,10.There are people who like to contradict with words what is going on inside or just withholdit from being practical. And that is not a virtuous way to go aboutthings - it is, rather,a destructive one.

  200. The only true sign or proof that we know the truth, and also that we know this truth intimately, is that we arecompletely freed from all our sins. Everything else proves nothing - not even a heartfelt confession that webelieve the truth.

  201. How do we truly know that God does or will do something? Many will say that if He's done it once, he'll doit again, that is, if he's already shown what he can do, why can't he do it again? But, that's notthe correct answer. If God has done something before, he may not do it because the person may be ledastray from God's ways. The only correct answer to this question is: Godhas to be presentfor real, that is,we with Him and He with us. That's the only guarantee that God will do what he saidHe would do.

  202. "Lest yougive your honor to others, And your years to the cruel one", Prov.5:9. This means that the wicked will have a bettername than the righteous man who goes astray. His honor will pass to the badones and the badness of character will be ascribed to him.

  203. "Blessed are the pure in heart! For they shall see God", Mat.5:8. How wonderful it can beto see God, to know Him as He truly is and not as we imagine Him. "Ihave heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye has seenYou", Job 42:5. We all know what it'slike to be clean-hearted - or we think we do. The conscience has tobe clean and needs to be calm if it is under the light and scrutinyof God, that is, in His presence in a real way (to be calm when Godis not present is to have the peace that the world gives and not theone that comes from God); we must be sincere and honest withourselves, with God (if He is present) and with anyone, whoever heor shemay be. But, there is something that we don't always take intoconsideration: being clean of heart also means being without anydisturbance, worries or problems that overshadows our well-beingwith God. Our mind must be untroubled, transparent, redeemed andfree from things that cause worries and prevent our being from beingtotally and sovereignly active in what God wants. This is also beingclean of heart. "Let not your heart be troubled", John 14:1.And this must be able to happen under any circumstances, under anydeprivation or trial. The troubled heart prevents anyone from seeingGod as he is. Our peace needs to happen when we are truly in unionwith God, enjoying His real presence, and not when we are negligent,estranged or separated from God for whatever reason, that is,having God as our opponent. We know that God resists the proud andsome other sort of sinners. But grace is given to the humble, and it is those whoreceive true grace that must be found in peace in the presence ofGod - when He is real. If God's presence is not real, one should not beat peace, even if one has the peace that the world gives.

  204. "The sweetness of the lips increases learning; pleasant words are like a honeycomb,sweet to the soul, and health to the bones", Prov.16:21,24.Any pleasant word can be either true or hypocritical. It is not just wordsthat can or should be pleasant. The heart must be true, meek, quiet and wise wheneverwords are pleasant. The sweetness in the words only increases the knowledge of those wholisten with their hearts if their hearts are wise (or seek wisdom when they are not wiseyet) and can freelytrace/review themselves in the truthfulness of those words from the inside. We know how Daniel's wise and sweetwords soothed the king's wrath when he commanded that all the wise men of Babylonbe killed. However,it is the duty of every heavenly being here on earth to ensure that the heart isexpressing itself along with the sweetness of speech. Every expression on the lips must be the true expression ofthe heart and that expression can and should be given in thesweetness of lips if the heart is sweet and truthful. We need toadopt words that correspond to the sweetness of a changed heart evenif we "dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips", Is.6:5. Ifour hearts are not sweet, it is better for the heart to express itself the way it is than to camouflage itself through vain words, eventhough those words sound sweet. What good is it tohave words that are sweet if the heart is being hidden through themmaking one hypocritical? We will give an account ofevery empty or vain word that we say. A vain word is and will always be one that does not correspondto the truth. That said, there are two things that we should never forget: 1. It is necessarythat the heart of the hearer is aligned or is on the verge of being alignedwith the words hehears. God is meek in his speech, but, by speaking the truth, he reveals realities and facts thatare contradictory to the thoughts and hearts of men. Therefore, God is not seen as meek inHis speech when the heart is hard. But for a heart and a mind that earnestly desire to beremade and be rebuilt by the truth while being true, all of God's words willsound sweet eventhough they seem to be the hardest words that anyone can hear. "How sweetare Your Words to my taste! More than honey to my mouth!"Ps.119:103. "Do notMy words do good to him who walks uprightly?"Mic.2:7. 2. Secondly, if the heart does not readily assimilate the true wordsof truth that come out oflips full of sweetness, the words will sound soft, but the heart will remain hypocritical.Therefore, the sweetness of the lips does not always resolve eternal issues and it may happenthat, sooner or later, the words will sound harsh for this type of listener even though they may come out ofthe sweetness of a sound heart. An alarm clock never sounds pleasant to those who love to sleep andare lazy, even whenthe sound is soft, melodious or pleasant. But, however violent or aggressive the sound of an alarmclock may be, it will always be something pleasing to the ears of those who like to wake up for theblessings of the day that awaits them and are excited to do what they love from the heart.

  205. Allow meto say something that we might not believe: one day in the future, the nowadaysMuslim world will send missionaries and Christian workers to the west - to the dead and deceived churches of the west. "It is written,'By other tongues and other lips I will speak to this people, and even so they will not hear Me, says the Lord'", 1Cor.14:21. True Christianityshall emerge from such places because they know they know they willbe killed by becoming Christians.

  206. "All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted", 2Tim.3:12. If we live with Christ (inreal and evident godliness), we will bepersecuted; and also, even if we (still) do not live piously and we are looking for the rightpath, we will, also, be persecuted in order to be discouraged. The devil will chase us until he can no longer. But everything willhappen under God's permission and supervision. And if we do not live godly in Christ Jesus, thedevil will not persecute us. However, by living ungodly and against Christ, we must not forget thatit is God whowill persecute us, and He will not need to ask the devil'spermission to do so.Therefore, it is up to us to decide by whom we wish to be persecuted and opposed."God resists the proud", James 4:6;1Pet.5:5.

  207. "For if I yet pleased men, I would not be a servant of Christ", Gal.1:10. I don't know how is it possible forsomeone (a pastor, evangelist or any other believer) to be able to considerhimselfa servant of Christ by pleasing people yet. Pleasing people is a form of idolatry. It isidolatry because it gives confidence by being pleased back and everything that gives confidence,hope and encouragement outside of Christ is false - it is idolatrous. True trust comes to usby being worked onfrom theinside by Christ - that is, if He is really at work in us.

  208. "When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him,"I am the Almighty God; walk before Me and be perfect/blameless",Gen.17:1. To walk is not to be inactive.Many people neglect daily and practical life with God because they believe to bewith God means to spend time in prayer and bible reading. But, in what sense is itgood to spend precious time with God during prayer and Bible reading if it does notaffect our daily life? The most important part of a Christian life is to be able andenabled to walk with God moment by moment right through our whole new born living. Tobe in His presence continually. We need to live with God and notonly spend a religious timein our closet as the ultimate thing. It is important to spend profitable time with God inour closet, but it is meant to affect our daily walk with Him and through Him. Those whohave a religious time and believe that's it, they wish to live their own wayoutside their closetsand have God approve and bless them.

  209. "I do not seek My own will, but the will of the Father who has sent Me", John 5:30. When Jesus said that he did not seek his own will,He meant more than what it appears at a first glance. In the original this word (do not seek) means "to plot", to undoit, to undermine, to disappoint/betray his own will. How would you do that? By seeking the will of the Father. And here is another hidden secret,another treasure of truth: to seek means to do everything to find, to strive to find.However, it is not only seeking. Knowing what thewill is, is not and never will be to be empowered and clothed with the capacities to undertake and todo it in full detail. It is easy to say that we want God's will, but the secret is that this will can only be donethrough the power that abounds in heaven. Whoever does not seekwith his whole heart for the meansto do the will of God, will never be able to do it. To seek the will without seeking andfinding themeans to be able to do it would be to execute it without the power of grace and that would be impossible,because only by doing things the way they are done in heaven will weare able to do God's will."Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven", that is, in the way it is done in heaven.And it has to be sought and found.

  210. The voice of God can be an audible voice. But what counts is its repercussionswithin us. The Israelites heard the voice of God on Mount Sinai and it wasof no avail to them in eternal terms. But, whenever the voice of God has orfinds a seat within us, it makes all the difference. Man's heart must be movedby the power of grace so that he can achieve what God intends in the way that Heintends it. If there is no repercussion within us, if the testimony is not confirmedin the inner man (that is, being the testimony of God and not of one's own), theflesh will keep deciding what to do. Either the flesh forgets thewords of God and goes on with its usuallife, or it tries to achieve things through strange fire, that is, by the power of theflesh coming to a point of 'even demanding' the approval of God inthe works of the flesh because it seems right. We all know thatthere is a way that seems right which ends in eternal death.

  211. One of the many differences between today's preachers and those of old is that todaythey invite people to accept any gospel by saying, "It doesn't matter who you are." Paulused this expression to reveal the wrath of God: "O man, whoever you are (no matter whoyou are), because you condemn yourself ...",Rom.2:1. Today they speak of the love ofGod that accepts anyone that comes to Him - something that everyone already knows. Paulsaid "that God will judge his secrets, through Jesus Christ, according to my gospel", Rom.2:16. He said that this was his Gospel. And today nobody wants to talk about the judgment of God from the pulpits.

  212. "...Upholding all things by the word of His power", Heb.1:3. We know that there are many things changed in today'sevangelical language. Everyone says that the word has power, but, we read herethat it is power that has or can have a word. Not every word has power. The power of Godsends the word out and it is not the word that sends power, reaches or unlocks the power ofGod. It is the power of God that unlocks and sends the word. If we change this sequence,we will have serious problems and such serious deviations that are difficult tostraighten.

  213. "Pray for me, brother. I also pray for you". There is nothing wrong with people praying for one another. However,there is a great desire to use prayer as a means keep friendships, andas a way to create bonds between people when true prayer seeks the will of Godand seeks a clear answer to it. And there are people who tell what they havespoken to God as a way to captivate their listeners. "Today, before preaching,before singing in the church, I prayed that God would be with us and bless whatI am going to do". If we pray to God and God has heard us, we expect the fruitof that prayer produces by having God present. It will not be necessary to communicatethis to anyone. They will know it. This evangelical language must end if we are to see God truly atwork. If you need provision from God and have talked to Him about it, why orfor what reasons should you let others know that you are in need of this or that? If Goddoes not answer my prayers, I must correct myself by searching for the reasonwhy God did not provide instead of trying to resolve things in a human or humane way.Jumping the wall into the sheep fold has never been and will never be asolution for our lives.

  214. "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions", Rom.1:26. This is very serious. You cannot imagine the seriousness of asituation of this kind where the person approves and likes to be submitted to infamous passions,going so far as to fight for them as rights that the whole of society must accept andrespect. This is a curse. To be abandoned by God and to be given towhat we want is the highest curse ever. Remember this whenever you notice that there is "all unrighteousness,sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; envy,murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; whisperers;backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents;undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful", Rom.1:30-31. How terrible it is to be abandoned byGod and how much worse it will be to be abandoned and left to our own passionsto do what is not convenient.

  215. There are things that are healed through time. Time is its medicine. God,sometimes, needs to take time to accomplish something out of us who,often, are impatient and worried about something or even about sometomorrows.

  216. "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hasput in His own authority", Act.1:7. It is good to give due importance to these words of Jesus.I see a lot of people discussing what they don't know as if it'ssomething important to know. Shouldn't we knowwhat is about to happen? I believe with all my heart that it is more important to know that it will happenthan what will happen. Whenever Jesus mentioned the end times, it was in order to prepare usfor it and it was nothis intention for us to know what was going to happen in fulldetails. He emphasized the fact that it was going to happen and placedless emphasis on the details of what is going to happen. Sometimes, he ended his speeches with thewords "be prepared, prepare" or something with the same meaning. I am very suspicious of those speeches andthe preaching that try to uncover what will happen, while the goal of all our preachingand speeches should be to "present to Himself a glorious church, withoutspot or wrinkle or any such things, but that it should be holy and without blemish; in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and without blemish, and without charge in His sight; present yourself approved to God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.", 2Cor.11:2; Eph.5:27; Col.1:222; 2Tm.2:15.

  217. Jesus spoke of those people who jump over the wall into the sheep fold,those who enter, but not throughthe door. There are many who do not cleanse themselves, do not confess asingle sin and try to finddoctrines to jump over the wall, such as "accept Jesus as Saviour", among many others. But, justas there are people who jump over that wall, there are others who jump over the wall of the sheepfold to the outside - people who get discouraged, get fed up by missing the world. What can we think of them? They exchangereal life for fantasy, exchange truth for lies and hardly return to the fold by the door again.

  218. "But, whoever shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in Heaven", Mat.10:33. Whenever we read this verse,it comes to our mind that this has to do with a verbal denial ofJesus. But the truth is that there are many, many people who deny Jesus in theirdaily or practical lives, living as people of the world who do not know God. We can deny God with our way ofliving, dressing, speaking and being. Furthermore, there are people who verbally never deny God,but their practical lives never show anything about Him. Most hypocrites refuse to deny God verbally.However, they are doubly dead.

  219. Whenever we read or interpret the Scriptures, we must take into account many thingsthat are sometimes hidden from the most indoctrinated, and from most eyesthat are obstinate in a type of teaching. I believe that there has never been an era where works ofholiness and purity found so much opposition and resistance. And this opposition in evangelical circlesexists only due to doctrinal stubbornness. Basically, it is a sortof stubbornness that, in the light of the Bible, is as serious a crime (transgression) asare all forms of witchcraft and idolatry (1Sam.15:23). But we must know that grace - the power of grace - when it istruly alive and active, leads to limitless holiness, in which there is no shadowof doubt. On the other hand, we do not see God entrusting certain important thingsor the knowledge of certain events to anyone. God entrusted theSaviour to a virgin who was pure and, therefore, found the grace to conceive and toraise Him. Zechariah and his wife were entrusted with John the Baptist because they "were both righteous before God, living blamelessly in all the commandmentsand precepts of the Lord", Lk.1:6. And all who have been called while still living in theirsins, had to go through a process of purification and sanctification before they couldbe made useful in the hands of God. "If anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be avessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work",2Tim.2:21. It happened to Paul who spent seven years in the deserts ofArabia before being made a useful vessel in the hands of God; it happened to all the apostleswho had to go through everything Jesus went through. And so it will behappening to everyone who wants to be useful in the hands of God.So, be more careful whenever you preach against works as if they are in direct opposition tothe faith in Christ.

  220. It is true that the Bible teaches us not to sit at the same table with those who claimto be believers and live loosely. But, it only works for the repentance of those peopleif our testimony is alive, real and true, that is, when God is theone to bear witness about us. Unless that be the case, no one ofthose who went astray will feel separated from God but only from uswho judge them.We must never forget that it only works for the good purpose when it is an act of mercy because, if it isnot an act of mercy, it becomes an act of judgment. And we are not tojudge anyone. "You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one", John 8:15. The sameBible that says never to sit at the same table with such people as a last attempt to convertthem by provoking the  realization that they are separated from God, being merciful that way by denying ourselves and our feelingsabout them, also speaks against those who separatethemselves accusing others. These are the ones who say,"Keep to yourself, do not come near me; for I am holier than you. These are a smoke in My nose, a fire that burns all the day", Is.65:5. "He that separates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound wisdom", Prov.18:1. We also have another solution (another weapon)coming from Paul asministers of the true Gospel: "Beware of him", 2Tim.4:15. If we arein the presence of someone who claims to be a believer and lives loosely, he will certainlyrealize that we do not trust him - even when we are sitting at the same table. This lack of communionand lack interaction is equally felt the same way it will be felt when we refuse to sit at the same table.There are many ways to mercifully help those who go astray from the truth into another way.If your separation from those who go astray is not and act of mercy,be assured that they will need to forgive you for your judgmentalattitudes. You owe them, at least, a formal request for forgivenesswhile they are still around. Even if they are on their way to hell,you need to ask them to forgive you before they go away for good. "Agree with your adversary quickly, while you arein the way with him; that the opponent not deliver you to the judge,and the judge deliver you to the officer, and you be thrown into prison", Mat.5:25.

  221. People who go astray from the truth do not go astray because of doctrine, butto doctrine.They deviate because of sin; transgression is the main cause for a separation from God whois the truth and the power to keep holy and to keep living in anytrue doctrine. Jesus said that whoever manages to do God's will - not everyone can, not evenby wanting to, because they can only use the means that are used in heavento do God's will (the power of grace) -whoever can do God's will, will know if the doctrine that he follows or is followed comes from God or not.Therefore, it is up to us to create that intimacy between sinner and God, an intimacy thatsaves truly and makes truly free, so that everything else is composed as timepasses by. Composing or correcting doctrineis not our work. Our main work is to reconcile hearts with God, so that they may be one, whether thatheart is ours or someone else's. Everything else is and will be corrected during the normal course ofacontinued intimacy with God. While this intimacy continues, everythingwill be corrected and composed.

  222. "The Israelites took the cattle and the spoil of that city for a prize for themselves, according to the Word of Jehovah which He commanded Joshua", Jos.8:27. This happened after the battle of Jerichowhere Achan was stoned to death for taking from the anathema. God decided to give allto the Israelitesto counteract what happened in Jericho, showing that it was not the goods thatmattered,but obedience to God. We can say the same seeing that God sent thewhole Israeli army against only12,000 men in Ai. Previously and when they were defeated, the leadershad advised to goonly afew Israeli soldiers against that city. It's all about obedience and nothing more. We must learnobedience and not look to numbers, possessions or anything else.Care to have nothing for or against any of these things, and put alleffort in obeying Him unconditionally.

  223. "Because you have seen Me you have believed. Blessed are they who have not seen and have believed", John 20:29. For what reason or reasons are peopleso blessed by being able to believe when they have not seen? This isnot talking about a reward, but about an existing fact. This means that your life and fellowshipwith Christ is so natural, so real, your spiritual reality is so simple and true that you liveout and express what youreally are. People are humble because they are as they really are, that is, they do not force themselvesto be what they aren't anddo not force themselves to believe, to do and to make as if they understandwhatever they have not perceived. Their Life is real, simple, true andthey have nothing to hide or show by living without feigning, without methods because they have thislife ruling in the promised abundance. You don't have to see to believewhen you have this life in you in the promised abundance.It is that eternal, constant life within that makes you believe. And if you come to see anything,you are not caught by surprise, and that doesn't influence your way of lifein any way and neither your existence -much less your daily duties. Your life goes on as usual and, like Moseswho continued to livethe moment that followed after he had passed the Red Sea as if nothing unusualhadhappened, you shall also be able to carry on without breakups.Blessed are those who are able to believe this way, for it is eternal Lifewithin that sustains them and which feeds their faith. It isthat Life that makes them believe and that is why it is said that whoever believes has Eternal Life within himalready.

  224. "Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life", Prov.4:23. There are people who are able toguard their tongue and to be on their guard about what they say, that is, they try to use the guard they have on theirlips. They try to control or tame the way they speak, although they can't always do itbecause they didn't start by keeping their heart through the powerof grace. If keeping the tongue - which isindomitable without grace - is so important, keeping our heart is a thousand times more importantbecause from there comes what we are able to say or express.Words come out of the mouth to hurt or heal. However, from the heart "proceedthe issues of life".Therefore, be continually feeding the heart with the Word of God, approaching Godwith an increasingly sincerity, withless feigning and less religiosity. Being true and truthful with all simplicity and sincerity is probablythe most important thing we can ever do in all our existence. Let'sremember that the tongue speaks of what comes from the heart.

  225. The Jews chose or preferred to have a criminal released instead of Jesus, the InnocentOne.They preferred to acquit a criminal who, in God's eyes, had neverbeen forgivennor saved. If this were symbolic, it would have much to say to us today. Eventoday, religious leaders, pastors and many others who are in the position ofauthority, pronounce themselves about the forgiveness of sins, andeven exonerate thosewhom God has not yet forgiven. It happened to me at the beginning of my walk.They told me I was forgiven when I had never confessed or forsakenany of my sins,simply because I had "accepted" Jesus as my Saviour! I believe that the sin of those who wantedto exonerate me of what God had not yet forgiven nor made me free of isgreater than or equal to the sin of those who exonerated and released Barabbas without any moralorgodlyauthority to do so.

  226. Elisha asked for salt and a new dish. At that time, the objects that were used had no meaningand were changed according to the words of the prophets. The idea that was conveyed was that it had nothing to do with the utensils used, but rather with the powerof God. It was a matter of obedience without any symbolism in the things that were used.Today, emphasis is placed on utensils and oils that are used as if something depends onthose things to materialize any miracle.

  227. "And heshall be like a tree planted by the rivulets of water that brings forth its fruit in its seasons", Ps.1:3. One would expect that a tree plantedclose towater streams, whose roots are always properly watered, would bear fruit all year round. But,we see that it only bears fruit during its season. That is, any goodtree needs to be irrigated when it is not in its time to bear fruit so that, as soon as itsseason comes, it is ready to bear fruit. Many seek God only when they need something important.And that is not seeking God and can never be taken or considered as seeking God. That is to seek what they need. Thefoolish virginsstayed out because they went to get oil at the time they were supposed tobe using it. Let us becareful about our intentions and seek our hearts when we seek God."Therefore, let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we mayobtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need", Heb.4:16. "And all which he does shall be blessed".This means that God is pleased with that person whose heart is according to Him.Whenever the person and the heart are well ordered, whenever the fellowship with God is up to date,all kinds of skills given by God are blessed with fruit. And if weare not found near the rivers of water, all skills and gifts thatcame from God will be made useless, fruitless and frustrating.

  228. We are saved by the Word. But this word must be alive to be ableto save from oursin. Jesus is also - or can be for us - the word itself. However, He needs to be realto us and be so free to work and move within us as to effectively be able to work in us withouthindrances of any kind. If not, he cannot be ourSaviour. Weneed to be in full communion with Him, having our communion up to date,being clean,well ordered to have the word of each day alive and fluent if we want that word (or Him) toact during our times of temptations. Whether the temptations are insistent or not, more orless blatant, they become useless and powerless and will seem too weak to bother us if we haveour experience and fellowship with God and our life clean and well ordered. Ourfellowship with God can be measured by the force any temptation is able toexercise upon us;the stronger the temptation seems, the more distant from God we are found. If it's raining, I can be in a shelteror in the rain. Being in the shelter I only get wet if I want to; and ifI am in therain, I will become dry only if I want to. That shelter is that communion with God that is realand not one that is forced, fictitious or feigned.

  229. "Truly, truly, I say to you, You seek Me not because you saw the miracles, but because you ate the loaves and were filled", John 6:26. Jesus rebuked some people for believingonly when they saw miracles. But, these people no longer bothered to see miraclesbecause selfishness demanded food to eat. They were no longer amazed by miracles. That iswhat prosperity theories and doctrines are capable of doing to a selfish heart. We can seebeyond the miracle: either we see God and learn to know Him; or we see what selfishness asks foror demands to have.

  230. If our hearts condemn us, we can be sure that God condemns us too. When the condemnation of theheart is real, it is a first-hand proof that God condemns us too. However, in the sameway that someone without that light of God is able to approve an own actionor own person, in the same way someone may be condemning himself without light andwithout God. It is important to know that the condemnation orapproval that counts, in this case,is the one in whose heart the light shines brightly, reveals, exposes andshows clearly.

  231. Trust in Jesus during, before and after prayer, depends a lot on whether our heartcondemns us or approves us, that is, whether our conscience defends us or accusesus. However, knowing (experiencing) that God hears us is not the same asexperiencing Him answering us. We must know (perceive, experience, listen) when weare attended and not just when we are being heard. The answer to prayer is the heart of the matterand never prayer alone. Unanswered prayer is not, never was and will never bethat true prayer as Jesus and the Bible teach.

  232. Reconciliation with God is, for humans, something poorly understood and very poorly explained. As a rule,they look at God as if He were human or they deal with Him as they woulddeal with any ordinary human being. With humans, we talk and clarifythe things that separate us and, when everything is sorted out, each one goes hisway. Basically, what man has is the desire to be able to please God in the same way that any manwould be pleased, it is, to have God appeased and each one go hisown way. "Will you show partiality for Him? Will youcontend for God?", Job 13:8. As Godbrings us back to that intimate and profound communion with Him - deeper than man's own thoughts -reconciliation with Him has a lot to do with it. When we arereconciled with God, we don't go each one his way. We follow Him. For people to get alongwith God, they don't just need to understandHim, but they need to be equal or compatible to Him. "Can two walktogether, unless they are agreed? ", Amos 3:3. True reconciliation is one of obtaining an equal heart, equal values,be able to use the same power of graceand be able to live by it only, beingin everything and under any circumstance fully compatible with God in all His inner movements. This is truereconciliation with God: being one with Him in everything and under all circumstances.

  233. "You, whojudged your sisters, bear your own shame also, because the sins which you committed were moreabominable than theirs; they are more righteous than you. Yes, be disgraced also, andbear your own shame, because you justified your sisters", Ez.16:52. The sisters God was talking about here were Sodom,Gomorrah and Samaria. It is sad to know that even Sodom became justified when compared to God'speople in their sins. It still happens today. The Church's sins 'justify' the wicked, makingthem more righteous than the church itself. I've seen it happen with my own eyes.

  234. "Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, givinghonour to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirstogether of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered", 1Pet.3:7. This word "hindered" has a broader meaning thanwe can imagine. In the original, it would mean more or less this: "So that your prayersmay not be frustrating/frustrated". We all know what frustration is. Frustration canarise in many ways. Preventing prayers from being heard is but oneof them. If any person insists on prayer by refusing to straighten hisways, he can reach a point where God gives the opposite of what oneasks for or even grant it just to take it away again before one can use orenjoy it. It happened to Jonah when "God prepared a worm that struck the plant", Jonah 4:7. This brings even greater frustration. Many prefer toinsist on the same prayer and the same murmuring melody than to readthe signs in their lives to understand that they need to ask forforgiveness for something or change their ways, attitudes or way ofspeaking. If God is not deaf, the reasons for not being attended maybe a few and may have other causes. We must also know that thisprinciple of frustration is not just for husbands, but it isunderstood that it applies to anyone. It can happen to a wife, amother, a father, a son, a teacher, a brother, an employee or even aboss. 

  235. David tried to use Saul's armour to face the giant Goliath. He soon realized that he couldn't wearsomeone else's armour. Isn't that what happens to many believers today?When faced with a problem,they stop being themselves before God and try to pass for someone else, with the 'faith' ofanother, with the methods of another or even try to pass for someone else. "Some (...) took it upon themselves to call the name of theLord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, 'We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches'", Act.19:13. Imitation never workedout and never solved anything. Imitation is andwill always be a lie that has short legs. In practical life, it will always be denied by God. Whoever is not himself before God is noone before Him.

  236. "Caiaphas being high priest that year, said to them, You know nothing at all,nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man shoulddie for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish", John 11:49,50. It is interesting to see thatGod did not avoid speaking through Caiaphas, just as he did notavoid speaking to Anathrough Eli's mouth. They were both priests instituted by God, but deprived of Hisglory. God exercised his right/duty to speak because they were legitimate leaders instituted by God.

  237. "I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness of Me", John 10:25. I don't remember any occasion whereJesus said to be the Messiah except when he spoke to the Samaritan woman. However, Hestated that He had already said who He was (and did not refer to that occasion of the Samaritan woman);and went on to explain that His works in the name of the Father attested andtold people who He was. Wemay not believe or may not want to believe, but the fact is that the works achieved in the name ofthe Father speak and answer many of our doubts. Just don't expect them to answer your questions,as they just answer what you might not be able to ask. And if they answer, stop asking for words for what you already know. On the other hand, there are many questions that are not answered today and also manydoubts that emerge because we do not see the works of God happening as promised.And it is those works that speak of God and bear witness of Him.

  238. I have read something like this these days: It is said that God talked to the earth when He made atree; And that He talked to the sea when He made the fish and thewhales. But, when He made man,He talked to Himself: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness",Gen.1:26.So, no tree will live or survive apart from the earth (ground) and no fish will live outside the water. And, needless to say, no man will live unless he is deeply, intimately and personally related to the Lord.

  239. There are a few reasons why many people search their hearts or, should I say, many thingsthat cause or drive them to search their hearts. Some of thesethings are not motivated byholiness, but by some sense of loss. For example, if my child suffers, or my relationshipwith someone dear to me is stung by a hurting arrow, or anything dear or close to mesuffers, my human mind is always led to believe it might be my fault, or it is because of me,or because of some sin I committed.This is how a human mind works. Even the disciples had this idea (before Pentecost) and askedJesus: "Master, who sinned, this man or his parents, thathe was born blind?" That is why many victims become more and more subjected to those who victimizethem. People have this idea that every sort of suffering or hurt is a punishment for somethingthey did or something that they are. Andbecause people want something so bad, they will search their hearts immediatelyor even spontaneously when suffering a loss. It is not wrong tosearch your heart, especially if it is done under the light of God. The wrong part is toend up in wrongconclusions about it and to bring a final verdict which is not according to the truth. Many willrather assume it is their fault – even when they know it is not. They willdo so to avoid hurting a relationship, or to avoid strife, to please people or even to avoid losingsomething dear to them. The mind is set or determined not to hurt further or to destroy something dearto them or even dear to God. One will avoid blaming something else to avoid a bad atmosphere or to avoiddestroying a relationship or something else dear to him. It is not wrong to desire or even to have a healthyrelationship, a sound atmosphere or even being healthy and well. The wrong part is to try to build it but notby the truth. Only truth can make free, build, maintain and keephealthy whatever is dear to us, to God or to someone else.Even when truth hurts now, it is a solid foundation for the near andfar future. It shall bear good fruit sooner or later. Besides, onedoesn't need to hurt someone else, blame or even accuse when it is not our fault.We simply need to know the truth and live accordingly.

  240. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go", Jos.1:9. The fact that Joshua saw so manymiracles and great deeds from God and witnessed them first hand, did not changeor assurehis heart and wasn't enough to assure him. There is no miracle that has the ability to change someonefrom the inside. It changed hisview of God, but it did not change who he was. He was or would still be a person who wasamazed by a great work, who feared what should not be feared in the presence of God. Soon,his transformation would be brought about by his effort in the presence of God,it is, his effort to quicken "good courage" in his heart. Whoeverattains the power of grace must and can strive in changing himself, for he will not miss the way nor the outcome. It is ourresponsibility to create that new heart in us. "Create inyourselves a newheart and a new spirit", Ez.18:31. This heart must reach the point of living with a great God as if it had never livedany other way before - if you indeed experience the presence of Godand live in Him and He in you.

  241. Do not forget that our daily bread needs to be a daily and continualone. Do not neglect God's word or words or you shall be weakenedagainst temptation, or under pressure; your light shall be dim whenyou need to have a full view; your reacting times or even actingattitudes will be slumbering and not simple and victorious. And under the lack of thea living word, doubts will emerge and "good courage" will become despair or something alike."If you faint in the day of trial, your strength is small", Prov.24:10. When we are not fedproperly, our strength shall fail us. Our bread is something God says or reveals to uspersonally from the words ofScripture. You need to have/find that too, personally, and not only what God has shown others, however important or successful theyare ormay have been.

  242. When a man of faith achieves any promise from God, everyone likes toplace emphasis on the man who believed and not on God'sfaithfulness. The example of man is more popular than thefaithfulness of God. And that is not and will never be a good thing.There is an enormous pressure to become examples - or exemplars - tothe point of becoming hostages to the opinions of men about us.These are bondages and have nothing to do with the freedom thatChrist gives us. No one may wish to shine at God's expense. Theattitude of those who are sovereignly used by God has an enormousinfluence on the direction of the eyes of all who witness anyaccomplishment. When Jesus did a work, people's praise to God wasimmediate and spontaneous. "And immediately he received his sight, and followed Him,glorifying God. And all the people, when they saw it,gave praise to God", Lk.18:43. It all depends on theattitude and sincerity of who God uses in this regard. "He willsurely rebuke you If you secretly show partiality", Job 13:10.

  243. There is no obedience unless we know what the loving intentions and goalsof God are concerning us. Talking about obedience when you don't know what the purposeand scope of God'swords are is an utopia. For example: Jesus healed the ten lepers by telling them to showthemselves to the priests. As soon as they turned to go to the priests, they were healed.That was the purpose and not that they should go to the priests at thatpoint.One of them returned and did not go to the priests. Did he disobey Jesus by returning toglorify God? This 'disobedient' foreigner was the only one who was praised by Jesus. Theywere not healed when they showed themselves to the priests, but when they turned to gothere.They could show themselves later, since the purpose of Jesus' words for themwas that theytake that step of faith which led them to healing. Nobody would goto the priests unless he was completely healed and, before theyturned to go, they were not healed yet.

  244. When there is a doctrinal dispute between believers or any other dispute where two sides are created insteadof a union, choosing one of the sides is to enter that dispute.

  245. People are born with a natural ability to imitate and to assimilate. That's how children learnthings. However, children can transform what they see into a heartthing, while grownups who already have a formed personality need to separatethemselves from their respective capsules, as if it were a shuttle."I did away with the things of an infant", 1Cor.13:11. For what reason? Because, the child's innerbeing manages to transform what he learns into a heart thing through assimilation. An adult,however, withhis already formed personality becomes a hypocrite if he tries that.So, the things of God need to be worked from the inner side of each man, making him a new natureby which he must stick and be guided. God guides a new creature and never any creature.He teaches a new creature. Now,this new nature is only generated by the Creator's intimate approach to the creature by HisSpirit. And that nature can only be maintained, guided and used inthe fullness of the Holy Spiritto the extent that He can permanently dwell in that creature. If not, the "believing" creature willbecome an obstacle to the true Gospel because the world can spot a hypocritical believerfrom a distance- something that other like-minded believers do not see because they arealike. Equals don't distinguish between themselves - they stick together. In the same way that an imitator or hypocrite is easily detected byothers, a pretended believer easily sees the sins of others and judges them. Thisbeliever judges because he has those sins he sees in others, in whateverdegree or form theymay have them. So,here is something we can say: the person of the world will always be the first to see a hypocriticalbeliever; and the believer, whose nature is an imitation of the newone, will see and judge any person in theworld because he has the same sins, of which he becomes aware because he is a worldly believer. "But the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and faith unfeigned",1Tim.1:5.

  246. I learned throughout my life that we should have life instead of learning a lifestyle; that we shouldfollow the Lord instead of following a cultural way of living. It is very easy to learnwhat others do or to takethe steps that others take, to assimilate manners and behaviours. However, it is very differentto have a real life and to live in conformity with that life. To walk according to life, according tothe light (the light is the eternal and constant interior life in us),to walk accordingto what we are or what we have become through true and real workings of God (not fictitious,worked by atruly consolidated, branded work within us) is very different fromgaining cultural manners andaptitudes learned over the years of living with the holy ones. Today, I am very surprisedwhen people claim that they are taught by the Spirit when they have not reached the full lifethat God promised. "These are those setting themselves apart, animal-like ones, not having the Spirit", Jud.1:19.

  247. "For we write no other things to you than what you read or recognize(acknowledge)", 2Cor.1:13.We can acknowledge only what we already know. This means that the Word of God, the truth,is confirmed in the hearts of the sincere ones when they hear it.There is an inner working of the word beforehand, it is, before itcan be heard. For that reason, there is an acknowledgment,an agreement within the sincere ones about any word that, for somereason, is asleep, forgotten, started or devoid of due attention within usfor lack of experience in listening to the voice of God and tobelieve it.If we can recognize a word from God, it is because that word, beforeit has been heard, was already very close to us - in our hearts.Therefore, it is necessary to have a hardness in the heart, ahellish and deliberate resistance for someone to be able to deny aword that is recognized from within. It is sad when "wisdomcries outside; she utters her voice in the streets", Prov.1:20. This saving wisdommust be crying out from the inside. If it is crying out in theoutside only, something is very wrong with us.

  248. "To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding", Prov.1:2. There are translations that, dueto the lack of similar words in the language into which it is translated, cannotexplain the full meaning of certain expressions and, therefore, weneed to use manywords and sentences to explain better in our own language what isput in one word in the original. This verse should be understoodmore or less as follows: "To know wisdom = (gain skill, know how to perform, know howto practice, make practical and simple) and instruction = (punishment, rebuke, warning,correction); understand the words of prudence = (of knowledge, of understanding,the explanation of practice)". First of all, it is necessary to learn, or even relearn, thepractical life of holiness, knowing how to walk in a perverse world as if we were living andwalking in heaven, that is, here on earth as in heaven. And one should not try to walk inthis life without God. The walk must be with Him, as we always get used to walking alone,doing it alone, deciding it for ourselves and doing it for ourselves. But now, in addition toholiness, everything needs to be done with God, through Him, for Him. God will never walkwith someone who does not walk with Him - nor he who can't walk with Him - and whose life with God does not becomepractical. Knowing how to walk in the light is the first step towards understanding things,that is, the perception of truth. By living with God, we must walk with Him and not be stoppedat crossroads of thoughts and knowledge. Walking is what is asked tobe able understand things. Itis not the other way around, that is, many want to know before they walk. And nothingin the holy mountain of God works that way. If knowing things was enough for us to walk, it means that we wouldnot need God to walk since we would be able to do everything ourselves, just by knowinghow things work. And the flesh is not able to walk in the Spirit, since the flesh and theSpirit are and will always be incompatible, having an eternal enmity between them. God will never allowthe flesh to operate in His Temple. That temple is you. Secondly, when we are rebuked, warned,corrected (when we receive instruction), it becomes necessary to understand and know the patternof God with us individually and personally. It becomes necessary to understand and apprehend whyor for which reasons we are reprimanded, warned or instructed and in what way. In this way, we can try to cooperatewith God in the same direction, becoming co-workers with Christ, thus avoiding being His opponents withoutrealizing it. Knowing this, we can cooperate with God by accepting cheerfully and heartily any and allkinds of corrections. However, let us take into account that God corrects a life and not a knowledge.Knowledge will come through a life that is made practical. "If anyone wills to do His will(in a practical way), he shall know..." John 7:17.Once we can turn our living with God practical, we will be able to understand things. And walkingwith God in a practical and real way is only possible by walking in compatibility and unison with God and HisSpirit in an equally real way (something that will prevent the flesh from operating in any way). "Can two walktogether, unless they are agreed?" Amos 3:3. And, finally, "to understand the words of prudence/toperceive the words of understanding (of knowledge,of knowledge, of understanding)". The knowledge of God has its own language, it has a way of speaking andexpressing itself that needs to be learned, grasped and understood. But, all this becomes possible only when our lifeWITH GOD becomes practical. Knowledge is only possible in a post-practiceof eternal life within. Understanding comes after or withpractice. When the flesh operates, the knowledge comes first and theflesh is able to transform whatit learns into its own experience, perspective and hypocriticalconvenience. But, God's things work the other way around. Firstcomes practical living or, at the very least, the uncontrollablewill to turn practical that eternal and constant life that God gives usfrom within- if He has given it to us indeed.

  249. "And as many as were ordained to eternal life, believed", Act.13:48. It is not good to accept certain concepts, doctrinesor teachings that are current in the churches, even if they are true and infallible. Questioningand allowing the truth to speak for itself is so necessary that the value ofit cannot befully evaluated. When we confront a truth, that same truth starts to confront us. If we confront a liein our heart, the truthwill shine out brightly. This verse above has a very different meaning fromwhat appears at first sight, whichdoes not become clear and evident unless we "confront" it in a sober and objective manner. In fact, ithas nothing to do with the doctrine of predestination, as many would wish. In the original, the word"ordained" means prepared, put in order, ready to be conceived or in the correct position(to be born). Babies must be in the correct positionto be born when their time has come to see the light. In this case,saying that they were ordained to eternal life, we could say that they were "in order"(properly ordained) to be born into that life, that is, in aposition to go out and see the light. Eternal life is found here andnow - not after death. That they were destined to be born, everyone already knew from thefirst moments that the pregnancy became evident. But, they could only be bornonly when found in the correct position.This is what is said in this verse. In this case, saying that theywere ordained to eternal life, we could say that they were "in order"(properly ordained) to be born into that life, that is, in aposition to go out and see the light. Eternal life is found here andnow - not after death. "And to him who orders his conduct arightI will show the salvation of God", Ps.50:23.

  250. If sex was that big a need (biologically speaking), then, everyone would have thoseproblems perverts have. However, sex is just what it is, no more than that. It doesn't grantwhat sin says it does. It also makes you believe and act as if a womanor a man is an object andnot a person, an object made for your pleasure. Any woman or man is your neighbour and should beseen as a person made carefully and tenderly by the hands of God. You cannot treat heror him as a thing. Andthat is what promiscuous sex makes you do, think and act like. That sort of sex is an illusion anddoesn'tgive you more than the portion it was created for. Besides, urges and temptations about 'sex' (lying sex)use circumstances to grip you. It uses disappointments, sadness, feelingsof being bored, tiredness,sleeplessness, loneliness, dissatisfaction about anything, guilt, annoyances and many things which takeshold of your mind with some power and insistence to lead you into transgression. It uses any sort ofmorbid strain to pop up into your mind using arguments against which you won't argue due to the vulnebirilityof the moment you are going through. It makes you its own object as well. An object is a slave. Ithandles you as it wishes and manipulates or uses you to face its appetitesat chosen moments - if not continually - by taking full hold of yourmind and thoughts. It also creates a mindset, a way of thinking andof believing, a culture, a buildingfrom which you cannot escape by believing there is no other way to live or that there is nothingoutside or beyond that mindset. Habits take hold and manipulate you and yourmind as they wish inside that sort of culture and, consequently, your actionsas well.It can be drugs, sex, homosexuality or whatever is at hand andupsets you. Homosexuality is what it is because one gives in to itand starts believing that is the way he or she is. Homosexuality orany other sort of perversion is nothing but a lack of acceptance ofwhat normal sex is. And it is a lie you can escape from. And thatsort of slavery has ways to make you believe that you are chronicallydoomed. And it isn't true - it can't be with God around and livingtruth close by.

  251. "Ifanyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there also My servant shall be", John 12:26. As a rule, every average Christian wantsthe reverse of this and thus prays without realizing that he is deviating from the essence ofthe Gospel. He asks God to be where he is, when Christ says that the servant must be where Jesusis. It is man who must follow Christ and never the other way around.

  252. "Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believes on Me has everlasting life", John 6:47. Believing in Jesus is very different fromwhat is believed to be believing in Him. Believing in Him is violent to the flesh - veryviolent, deadly violent. True faith exterminates the flesh. In fact, believing in Him is synonymous withliving with Him, loving Him, following Him and everything else that this can bring toour daily and continuous experience. It is not possible to believe in Him as we shouldbyliving the life of the flesh. It is necessary to have eternal lifewithin and live only from itin order to be able to believe in Him in such a way that a life of faithcould be lived and experienced to the full. Therefore,only those who already have this Eternal Life active in them can believe in Jesus.This is why it is said that "whoever believes on Me has everlastinglife" already at work within. Believingthis way is not the same as believing the way the devil believes in God.

  253. "For we have no power against the truth, but for (by) the truth", 2Cor.13:8. Some translations say,"we have no power against the truth, unless by the truth". Often, the truth (thereality of things) is about our sins - whether we keep them secret,hidden or camouflaged or not. Therefore, the truth of salvation (the onethat truly saves) will be against that truth (reality) of existingsins, saving every sinner from any of his sins, as well as from thestrength of those sins by exposing them in the light. Being in the light andhaving each sin thoroughly confessed, that is, sins togetherwith their strength, has the power to exterminate whatever isrelated to those sins. The strength of any sin is, usually, its association withit beinghidden - that is what makes temptation strong. Sin obtains its power by remaining in darkness, hiddenand disguised in darkness. In darkness nothing is fully visible andin the light everything is exposed to die away. In darkness, all things areinvisible or only partially visible. The strength of temptationdepends a lot on how much we want to keep any sin or temptationsecret, hidden, camouflaged or disguised by deceiving ourselves andothers. Sin that is placed in the light (in visibility) becomesinert and loses all its strength. This is the main fruit/outcome ofasincere and totally transparent confession of every sin, whateverthat sin may be. It is for this reason that John claims that whoever walks in thelight is purified. To walk in the light is to be fully transparent."But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light (...) theblood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin", 1John 1:7. This purification is to render all sin inert and eventually killed through exposure. Purification issynonymous with the death of sin. And sin only dies away by putting it in the light to be exterminated forgood Ephfectively, no matter how big, ugly or strongthat sin may seem to be. And also, only by exposure and full visibility doesthe old man die (crucified with Christ). And only those who are deadthat way are considered justified."For he who died has been justified from sin", Rom.6:7. It is against this truth (of the facts) that the truth operates.Only that sort of truth (transparency, reality, reality of Christ, sincerity in the light and being exposed byChrist in a real and true way), is effective against the reality of sin. And we can do nothing against thestrength and power of these facts and that kind of truth that torments us - if it torments us truly - except for/by theTruth. We can try to take the strength out of any sin or dilute it in any other way, but experience willtell that both temptationand sin itself gain more and more strength if they are not exposed.When sins are not fully exposed they will even make believe that they areindestructible. And this is true whenever any part of it or its roots is kept in darkness.But, that lie - the lie that sin is indestructible - is exposed when sin is pushed into the light and confronted bythe Truth and the blood of Christ, because in the light, any type of sin is destroyed and disintegrated. "Unlessbythe truth". If it is not "by the truth" that we confront our essence andany of our sins, everything is done in vain. Unlessthe truth of the facts is able to expose all sinning to the most blessed truth of the blood of Jesus - which means forgiveness and, consequently,total purification (making us pure) - we can do nothing. Even if we believe we will succeed, it will be in vain. No onewill be able to approach or embrace the Father in any other way. Only by way of truth."Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comesto the Father but by Me", John 14:6.

  254. "If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with oneanother", 1John 1:7. There is and willnever be true communion between beings except through real, total, true transparencyas the only form of life. Being in the light, fully exposed, is the only way to obtain/havetrue communion with brothers.

  255. "Now, there is a pool at the Sheep Gate at Jerusalem (...)In these lay a great multitude of those who were sick (...) an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and troubled the water. Then whoever first stepped in after the troubling of the water was made whole of whatever disease he had", John 5:2-4. God never leftIsrael without the knowledge of God. We can ask why only one man washealed. If we take into consideration that this tank was real and existed,we will hardly fail to ask that question. This was because there wasa greater good, which was necessary to emphasize: the existence ofGod and His care in attracting attention to the salvation of thesoul. Therefore, it was necessary that no one forgot that God wasreal, existed and was powerful to heal. This tank only servedas a reminder of His existence and nothing more. As much as itdisappointsus, we must take into account that God has higher thoughts than oursand that physical needs seem futile and very dim if we compare themwith the greater good that he has in mind. And it was for that very reason that only oneof the many sick was healed by Jesus: to attract attention andemphasis on Jesus.

  256. "Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You shall see greater things than these", John 1:50. There seems to be acertain rebuke in these words of Jesus. Believers sometimes prevent,with their admiration and quick conclusions, a deeperconviction by being content with the first revelation that comes upto them. And even more when the person is someone in whom there isno deception, as was the case with Nathanael. We must and canrejoice in the first fruits of Jesus' revelations to our souls.However, we must refuse the idea that there is nothing greater,better or further than that, or that we do not have to grow fromgrace to grace and from faith to faith. One thing will lead to another, one step to thenext. Let us leave the conclusions for the finish line.

  257. Joseph, as Potiphar's slave, had everything under his power, walked free, took careof everything that belonged to Potiphar. The question that rises,then, is: why did Joseph not use the opportunities he had to flee and return tohis native land and to his father, since he was free to walk around and had this power in hishand? Then, we see Joseph as the owner of Egypt. Couldn't he have sent someone tofetch his father and the rest of his family? What stopped him fromdoing that? It is necessary towalk with God in exclusive intimacy to have things done this way and tohave a true notion of when it is time todo something or when it is not. We cannot hear our heart, but God. We must beones "who have understandingof the times, to know what we ought to do", 1Chron.12:32. This propheticgift allows us to never go ahead or stay behind about anything if weare obedient. Now, if Joseph had everythingin his hands to get out of the "times of God" and he didn't, instead he reassured himself, imaginehow much easier it is to be calm whenever nothing can be changed and nothing can doneabout our circumstances - if we live,really, in His presence. That is why it becomes much more difficult whenever we lack nothing.

  258. "Take heed how you hear", Lk.8:18. It is necessary tounderstand thatthere are ways of hearing that are not saving, that is, there is a way of hearingthat can prevent us from being saved from some sin. Listeningand understanding to preach to others is one of the ways of listening badly. Ifwe are understanding what we hear, the word is being addressed us and not toothers. To listen to take advantage of the word of God for materialbenefits is to havean ear from hell and not from heaven. Listening this way is not doinghere on earth theway things are done in heaven. Everything must be done the way allthings are done in heaven.

  259. "The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man", Gen.39:2. In what sense was Joseph prosperous? He was a slave; received no salary; he had onlywhat to eat and where to sleep; had no established working hours -he had to work whenever called; he had no home ofhis own; I doubtthat the bed where you slept was his; he did not own his life; hecouldn't have whathe wanted; he lived far from his family; he was despised among the Egyptiansby beingHebrew, as well as being a slave. So, in what did this prosperity consist? What stoodout so much about him? He was not only prosperous in his sort ofprosperity, but this prosperity was visible anddesirable to all who lived around him. Even within the dungeon heprospered visibly. How could heprosper in prison? God was with him. Everything he touched was blessed, although nothingof what he touched was his own, much less for his own benefit. It is necessary thateveryone who is rich or poor, healthy or sick, sheep or shepherd, be fullyaware of what true prosperity consists of. Do you want to be seen or do you want tobe visibly under this prosperity of God? Do you want a new car or do you want God tobecome your visible and sure companion while driving that car orwhile walking barefoot on the street orsurviving from a honest work? Do you want to show your home to friends or do you want God to give His testimony about your walking, talking and thinking? Who sits in the throne of your life? Who is seen in your life?

  260. We know how important any testimony of life is, especially for descendants andtheir surroundings. But, normally, all the emphasis is placed on what man is,can be, reveals in the form of virtuosity or direct appearance. Irecognize that this is very important as an example. But, we must know howto distinguish between example and testimony. What our children will rememberand try to achieve is the evident testimony of how unequivocally God has beenwith us. And that sort of testimony is given only by God Himself. If God really acted, became evident, manifestedHimself, blessed, becamevisible and real in our life or because of it, if He heard our prayers publicly,we can consider that as testimony and evidence. The children will say: If Godhelped my father (mother) in that way, surely He can do the same for me". "Wehave seen, for certain, that the Lord is with you", Gen.26:28. This is and will alwaysbe a true testimony and not the one that puts the emphasis on someone's conduct or message.Conduct bears witness to the person and is important, but only as an example.And, any example may be forced, manipulated or even instigated formany pressuring reasons. It may also push people away if thatexample does not match with the reality coming from within. A good example is one brought by a trueheart conduct, where the heart and the conduct are one. The examplemay lead someone away from the gospel, but we need to give evidenceof a true testimony ofGod, being Himself to give it. "... Also God testifying with them",Heb.2:4. Thistestimony will attract even those whose face is opposed to the exampleof a man.And the testimony occurs only with the proximity of God. If He denies us, we will nothave that testimony at work. "Demetrius has a good testimony from all, and from theTruth itself (JesusHimself is the Truth)", 3 John 1:12. One thing is that which exalts andpraises man. Another thing is that which creates reverence towards God.And when it is not God testifying personally, it shall never createtrue revrence.

  261. "In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided", Gen.22:14.Many cry out for the providences of God and many others complainbecause those providences do not reach them or do not reach them intime. This mountain of the Lord is high up and sublime and it isnecessary to go up to it because it will be there that God willprovide. "Who will go up to the mountain of the Lord or who will bein his holy place? He who is clean of hands and pure in heart, whodoes not give his soul to vanity", Ps.24:3,4. If we are to take thewhole word of God to be truth, we can believe that onlythose who climb that mountain can hope (can have a living hope) thatGod will provide by trusting Him. The others will be denied by Him,certainly, even if they try hard to believe that they shall not bedenied. When they are denied, they must understand that they wereunable to climb the mountain of holiness and, for this reason, theyare denied and will always be denied every time they 'trust' God.

  262. "In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided", Gen.22:14.Another thing that God will provide in His holy mountain (when weget there) is the protection of the pupil of His eye. "The Lord will create above everydwelling place of Mount Zion, and above her assemblies, a cloud and smokeby day and the shining of a flaming fire by night. For over all the glory there will beprotection", Is.4:5. We must take intoaccount that Jesus said: "Are there not twelve hours in the day? Ifanyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world", John 11:9. It is good to know how to walk whenever we havelight and to know to stand still when we do not have it. If wehave promises that are validated because we fulfil the conditionsthat activate those promises; if we are walking at the pace of God,without delays, without fears that stop us, and withouthaste that make us get out of His pace, that is, withoutdelays, without setbacks and without getting ahead of Him; it is obviousthat we can walk safely without doubting that God is true, genuineand that timely provisions will occur. "The Lord will provide". We willbe sure of that in His holy mountain - and only there, because,outside of it, we will always be doubting and those who doubt do notreceive anything whatsoever from the Lord.

  263. "For he is a prophet, and he shall pray for you", Gen.20:7.A prophet is and will always be someone who expresses and speaks theword of God for God, although, in the case of Abraham here, he is someone whopleads with God and receives an answer. Therefore, he is someone veryclose to God. We know that every word from God is a proven andpurified word as if it were gold that has passed through the test of fire athigh temperature to obtain its purity. We can say that the word"prophet" or "prophecy" has something that reminds us of "proof". I believe that both the prophet and the prophecy arepurified as if by fire and that prophecy is a word that comes out ofthe purification of that furnace and is given while it is still in the form of a flamingfire. Every true word of God is purified in motives, both of theprophet and of the prophecy (word) itself; this word isexempt from pleasing or displeasing people, and that ideadoes not even come up in the mind of a true prophet; and it bears fruit andwill have its confirmationin all those who are truly pure and hear that word.

  264. "After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, "Do not be afraid,Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward", Gen.15:1. Abram had rejectedeverything that the kings had given him as a reward for his deed.He had the chance to take hold of the promised land and he didn'tbecause God had said it would be He giving it to him. Because of God's honour he refused to take anything from them. However, he spoke for himand did not speak for the people that attended him, because he saidthat they should be given what was rightful. And it was under thesecircumstances that God approached his crushed soul and said that Abram had reachedthe point where only God would be his true reward and should notfear of having done the wrong thing. His reward was nolonger wealth, offspring or anything other than God Himself as anever-present person. "... That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection ...", Phil.3:10.We must get to the point of our existence where Jesus is truly andexclusively our true and only reward and where nothing else can be consideredas a reward or compensation. "My soul said to the Lord, You are my Lord;I have no goodness apart from You". "Whom have I in Heaven? Andbesides You I desire no one on earth", Ps.16:2;73:25.

  265. There arethings that are inseparable. We cannot segregate them or have themapart. I have always believed that any feeling of inferiority is acamouflaged and disguised feeling of superiority. Any feeling ofinferiority is not separate from feelings of superiority. Thesmallness of any man or woman does not consist in whathe feels or thinks about himself. The smallness of any man is hisway of life before God and men and not the way he feels beforepeople or God. Whenever someone thinks he is small - or says he issmall - he is not dead (he is not crucified with Christ). And we must and can befully dead in Christ -literally dead. I have not yet seen a dead man think he is small orgreat. Any dead man does not think anything of himself, does not thinkorreason about such things. A dead man is dead. A dead person doesn't eventhink that he is dead or not dead - unless he is not really dead tothis world and to sin. I also have another certainty: everyone whothinks he is small is not always truthful to himself, much lessabout himself. True humility is to be ourselves within the greatness ofGod. Being truthful, practicing the truth - even about ourselves -within the context of God is what humility is all about. Many peopleare able to believe many things and most of them are not true.Therefore, when a person thinks he is small and tries to showsmallness, he will always tend to rise as soon as he is exaltedbecause he is only small in appearance. It is a danger to exalt,praise or promote such people. They have a tendency and aptitudesto become proud and to fall into the devil's temptation.

  266. Anger, rage, bitterness or any other malevolent feeling always becomesprevalent in all of our actions and opinions, even when we aretrying to be nice. When we think of others, we judge them accordingto what we are and not according to the truth. One way or another,whenever we are bitter, we will always find some argument to hurt, and tounload the rubbish of that bitterness on someone who does not agreewith us. When this is the case, people rather give expression towhat they are and feel and never practice the truth.

  267. All those who live for God with God know how important it is to dedicate time to study, understand and search the word of God and that this word be alive, fluent and really coming from Godat proper timings. No one can do without it. But, there is something as important or more important than that,which should never be neglected, not even for a minute: walking in that word every moment of our existence.Those who are practical about His word shall receive more of it togrow on. It is necessary to remember with or without effort, to be attentive, focused and give the exclusivity of all our time and dedication as a priority to become doers of every wordof God. And this must be done exclusively. "Be doers of the word andnot just listeners, deceiving yourself with false speeches", James 1:22. A "false speech" is not something that does not say what is true, but it is a truth spoken and understood that does not correspond to the practicing reality of the speaker or the listener. Therefore, it becomes a "false speech". "If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them", John 13:17. And when we start to be doers, we always need to start where it is most difficult, in the most complicated place,while still in the ordeal, in the environment that surrounds us and with the most difficult people we encounteras well.

  268. "When he Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth", John 16:13. We have here a key word inthis statement/promise of Jesus: the word "truth". Many desire to be guidedby God, and some even demand to be guided by Him. But, Jesus did not promise toguide people, but rather to guide them in the whole truth. In the first place,we will be guided in the path of truth and not only in what suits us. Nor isone partlyguided or guided in partial truth. Whoever wants only part of the truth will never be guided by the HolySpirit. Therefore, we must take special care not to expect or demandfrom God to guide us within ourdoctrine or within what we believe is doctrinally correct. Secondly, only atruthful person will want to beguided by/in the truth. It is necessary to become truthful (not pretendingin any way), sincere beingsabout everything that surrounds us, about things that happen or don't happen and we say happen.A true being does not fear the truth. The truth lodges in those who are really true aboutthemselves and about all truths. A real person never runs away from truth, does not hide, doesnot mask anything - and does not disguise himself. He wants the truth - he wants itabove all. Your faithmust not be feigned - either you believe or you don't; your reality is not altered, camouflaged orignored; you don't fool yourself; you don't build castles of unreality. Thirdly, no one can separatetruth from practical reality. "Whoever practices the truth ...". If it doesn'tbecome reality, it's not truth yet. Ultimately, truth is inseparablefrom transparency. Walking in the light, fully transparent is anon-negotiable part of truth. Being true, transparent with nothing hidden is whatdefines the truth on personal level. And that is the root of humility and no other. Thistruth is practiced and is relevant as a natural and normal way of life. "He who practices truth comes to the Light sothat his works may be revealed, that they exist, having been worked in God", John 3:21.

  269. "The woman said to Him, Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet", John 4:19. When we reveal what we are,there is no need to say what we are, because it is clear to all thatsee.This transparency is what it means to walk in the light. I am sure that someonewho claims to be something tries to cover up with words what he really is,trying to impress peoplewith what he wants people to think he is. And it doesn't matter whether the person believes what he saysabout himself or not. For that reason, he is certainly not what he claims to be. No oneknows himself well enough to do that, except through Jesus. Even this truth (about ourselves) is necessary toknow in order to be truly free and fully freed from what we think we are.

  270. "You drew near in the day that I called on You; You said, Fear not", Lam.3:57. Many people assumevery easily and, I would say, very lightly that God hears or hearsthem in prayer. They are capable of assuming an answer that neverleft the mouth of God. It is very easy to speak for God when He saysnothing; it's very easy to assume in vain that He answered us. Weneed to have God as real, Someone who speaks to us, responds in aclear way and who comes in a tangible, real and true way. Wedon't need to invent or imagine Him. "You approached me the day Icalled on you". Falsehood causes many to exchange the reality of areal God for what they think of Him. God needs to speak for Himself,answer for Himself and be real. Truth that does not become reality isnot made true yet. It is not truth yet and can't be regarded assuch. If God is not real in person and does not act like the personthat He truly is, we need to search all paths and hearts fully to seewhere lies the problem, rather than assuming lightly that God hears oranswers us as a way of encouraging us to move on in our old own ways, sothat we may carry on as usual. When God does not answer, any sincereperson who has or had God as real and true, will say: "You havewrapped Yourself with a cloud from any prayer passing through", Lam.3:44.And that is faith. Faith is believing in the truth, assumingrealities and if God does not answer us, we must believe in thistruth and assume that as our reality. This is faith: believing inthe truth instead of assuming answers that God did not grant - or,perhaps, hasnot granted yet due to our falsehood that seeks unreality orthat refuses reality. Never forget that God is real. No one needs toimagine God speaking. He speaks for real. In fact, as long as peopleare able to fake God's voice and are able to imitate it or hearvoices that are not His, speaking for Him, God will not speak. Thisis a problem that unbelieving believers need to solve or sort out in theirhearts if they want to hear God's voice more clearly in a real andtrue manner. God said that whoever is sheep hears His voice. So, let'sfocus on becoming sheep and not on trying to distinguish between voices we wish to hear. Sheep listen,sheep hear clearly.Whoever is not a sheep will not hear God and, consequently, shall hearken to thevoice of strangers - even if that stranger is self.

  271. There is such a thing as "the order of things". For example, Jesus said, "If you love me,you will keep my commandments", John 14:15. He did not say, "If you keep my commandments,you will love me". "Whoever does not love me does not keep my words", John 14:24. Then, hespeaks of what follows in its normal sequence: "And I will pray to the Father and He will give you anotherComforter, that he may be with you forever", John 14:16. That is, "The Holy Spirit,which God has given to those who (already) obey him (who keep all His commandments)",Act.5:32. Everything in its order and proper sequence. One thing leads to another. For someone toget to Pentecost and experience eternal, constant, flowing life, he needs to follow this natural sequence and,at the end, plead for that life of fullnesshaving fulfilled all previous steps and conditions. And everyone who asksmust be fully aware of the sequence in which he needs to be fullyengaged and, also, the proper time of each step. This life of fullness is the true presence of God in a real way - somethingthat no one is able to ignore; or be indifferent to; or go without realizing it. And it is in thispresence that everything becomes possible, because God said to Abraham: "Walk in My presence andbe perfect", Gen.17:1. He did not say, "Be perfect and walk in My presence". Here is the sequenceof things calling for our attention again. And these things need to be found and not just definedand understood. Everything must become real in its natural, real and normal sequence. Truth that doesnot become real cannot be regarded as truth yet. Therefore, the sequence is:by loving Jesus, we will fulfil; in doing so,we will receive the Comforter in His fullness, that is, "the HolySpirit, which God has given to those who obey him (who keep all Hiscommandments)", Act.5:32.

  272. "Whoever drinks of this water shall thirst again", John 4:13. This is said of everyone. It is also for those who drink ordrank that eternal water and, from time to time, drink of the water of theworld as well. It cannot be said that they will never be thirsty again, for drinking theworld's water will make them thirst again - even if they are believers. This affects everyoneand not just a few. The promise of never being thirsty again is for all those who drinkonly thewater that Jesus gives, those who drink it only. That is, this promise is forthose who drink only from that everlasting well. This water not only quenches thirst forever, but itbecomes a source of living water that flows to feed the life of fullness in those who haveit and in those who seek it. It will not quench another type of thirstor water any other kind of living. "The water that I shall givehim will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life", John 4:14.

  273. "And He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed", Mat.26:37. Jesus did nothing before or after itsproper time. Everythinghas its timing when we walk with God for real. Until that moment, he had preached, healed, spoken, exhorted, anddone everything He had to do. He dedicated himself to that moment of sadness andanguish only when the time for it had come. One of the characteristics of eternity is thattomorrow does not exist and yesterday has passed. There is only onemoment, the moment we are living right now. Everything has its timeand place and we should never anticipate anything. We cannotconcern ourselves with what is not related to the day we areliving right now. All pre-occupation (worries) is sin and makes us unstable and negligent people,who neglect and despise the moment they live, that is, the presentmoment. Tomorrow's load cannotbe carried today because it will always be an overload for the day which we cannot solve now. It is not only anguishor fear that betrays us to the point of overloading our todays. Dissatisfaction, the desires ofthe flesh, carnal yearnings, vanities, dreams among many other things tempt us totry to anticipate certain things or, at the very least, to occupy ourselves with them. The biggest problem withthese temptations when they become anticipations is that they create habits in the personto always flee from the moment he lives and, by doing so, causes greater dissatisfaction. Andwhen the day comes that you have been concerned about, you shall be overcome by the habit of thinkingabout the days to come, which have not yet been born. It is very difficult for a person to change hisown habits and that is why we must avoid all bad habits, including the habit of thinking abouttomorrow with concern. "Do not be deceived: Evil company corruptsgood habits", 1Cor.15:33. We cannot talk to or worry about tomorrow. There are good and bad habits and anticipating tomorrow can easily become a bad one. Living only the moment we are livingright now can and should also become a habit. Let us not forget that Paul saidthat, "By reason of use (by creating habits and experience) havetheir senses exercised to discern both good and evil...", Heb.5:14. We must obtain the custom of living only the present moment in today's long day.

  274. "Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels", Mat.25:41. It is very sad torealize that peoplewho do not know or deny Jesus will end up in a place that was originally prepared for the devil and his angelsand not for them.

  275. There are certain truths about our way of acting that we must understand.For example: we speak loudly or shout because we have little to say;the loudest preachers are the most empty, just as an empty cart makesmore noise than a loaded one on a road with holes and lumps.

  276. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away", Mat.24:35. We can take in two thingsfrom these words. First of all, we see how serious God is about every wordHeutters, to the point of never letting a single one to pass. Secondly, we see thatGod (or Jesus) never utters a vain word, that is, he never speaksfor the sake of mere speaking.He never uttered a single idle word. We can take each of His wordsto the letter. See how perfect God is! "If anyone does notstumble in word, he is a perfect man", James 3:2. So should we be, too. "I say to you that for every idle word men mayspeak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment", Mat.12:36.

  277. "Take heedthat no man deceive you", Mat.24:4.Jesus also said that, "If it were possible, they would deceive even the elect", Mat.24:24.This means that even if God makes it impossible for his own to be deceived, itis still necessary for us to be careful enough that no one deceives us. There are twotypes of caution that we need to exercise, make perfect and make usual. First of all,there are the deceivers who can be very similar to the truth and to real ones. Themost dangerous antichrist is precisely the one who most resembles Christ. Thesedeceivers can be very subtle, intelligent and dedicated. However, they do not allowthemselves to be disciplined by the truth in practical day-to-day life. At the sametime, we must be extremely careful not to deceive ourselves as well."Be not deceived", 1Cor.6:9.We can deceive ourselves in many ways. We can be our owndeceiver or our own antichrist. One of the ways to deceive ourselves is to go to theother extreme whenever a deceiver tries to lead us astray. Rememberthat a deceiver is similar to the truth and is not contrary to it inappearance. Going to the other extreme isnot going to Jesus to be guided and led. To go to the other extreme is to seekan own path, that is to say, going to an opposite extreme, and that is something that also makes usto be deceivers.We must make a point of never rejecting the whole of what deceiverssay. "Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but donot do according to their works; for they say, and do not do", Mat.23:3.Deception is often like the truth and does not appear to be the opposite of truth.The deceiver is one who goes his own way. "We have turned every oneto his own way", Is.53:6. Asmuch as we must beware of the leaven of others, we must realize that there is the capacity inourselves to create our own deception because of deceivers. And, also, for a deceiver to be able to deceive us, itis necessary that the deceiver be able to reach and convince the deceiver that we are or canbe. If the deceiver does not reach our heart, he cannot deceive us. And pleasingor displeasing people is away of surrendering to deceivers.

  278. "But, seeing the boldness of Peter and John, and perceiving that they wereunlearned and uneducated men, they marvelled. And they recognizedthem, that they had been with Jesus", Act.4:13. We must never stop being true, bothbefore God as well as before people. If we are not true, we must stop preaching the truth,because the truth only has its perfect effect in the mouth of the one who is truthfulabout it and about himself. The tone of sincerity and the sound of a real heart is audible from miles away. Thedisciples spoke of Jesus because they have been with Him. They could not deny Himeven if they wanted because they knew Him closely and very intimately. By being truthful, theycould not deny it - they could not lie. "And if I say, 'I do not know Him,'I shall be a liar like you", John 8:55. They could not say that they did not know Him because theyhave been with Him personally. Many have never seen and never experienced Jesus and speak of Him.That is the difference from those times to the ones we have today. It is good that you have been withJesus in a real and true way before you speak of Him, so that you can be true whenever you talk about Him.Can those who hear you say you have been with Jesus?

  279. "You err not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God", Mat.22:29. There are many ways to miss our wayor to err on it. One is by not knowing the Scriptures fully or bynot taking them into account. Those who are sloppy in this regardwill certainly miss their way when they wish to enter the sheep fold. But, there issomething that occurs in our times that we cannot ignore: not knowing the power of God.The emphasis on knowledge of the Scriptures is so prevalent in theological circles thatthe truth is ignored that we must just as well know the power of God in our lives, experiencing it continually.Without the knowledge (experiencing) of this power (which is the active power of grace or, in other words,the power of Pentecost) even the knowledge of the Scriptures will be misrepresented, malicious,immature, conditioned by variable doctrines and desires, labelledwith some church seal, unable to save, improper, killing and creating hypocriteswho cannot live and experience what they preach. It is a gross mistake not to wait in our Jerusalem until thepower from above fills us in such a way that it can also remainwith us. "Upon whom you shall see the Spirit descending, and remaining upon Him...",John 1:33.

  280. "As she continued praying (...) Hannah spoke in her heart, only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard", 1Sam.1:12,13. There are two things in thisprayer that we cannot ignore. One is that Hannah was not shouting andscreaminglike modern believers who speak as if God is deaf or far away. Deep down, they want to beheard by people and not by God. Hannah was heard in heaven moving only her lips.Her voice was not even heard on earth.The other thing was Hannah's determination in that silent prayer. Shewasdetermined to do what she purposed if God gave her the child she asked for. The determination ofthe heart is not seen in the strength of loud words, but in the strength anddetermination of the heart. Talking too much or even talking too loudly was neversynonymous of determination. In fact, I believe it is the lack ofdetermination that move people to shout, talk loudly and noisily. Most people who cry out in churches today do not evenremember what they said a week after they have made such a noisyfuss. Hannahnever forgot her prayer and neither did God. Even though her voicecouldn't be heard, her prayer had a voice. "Hear the voice of my prayers, when I cry to You",Ps.28:2,6. Many prayers do nothave a voice. And praying out loud doesn't give them a voice. Hanna's prayer is a good lesson for today's believers who think itis because of their many words and the loud way they pray that theyshall be heard. "Listen to the voice of my cry, my King and my God; for to You I will pray(and not to people)",  Ps.5:2.

  281. "Hear and understand", Mat.15:10.I also recall Jesus saying: "Take heed how you hear", Lk.8:18. Although many do not listen with ears to hear, weknow that listening is an easy task for anyone who wants to listen. However, it is still a task.Listening requires attention, availability and effort. For that reason, it is still a task -something that any busy person cannot accomplish because no one canaccomplish two opposing or warring things simultaneously. You can beso busy that you cannot do,hear or concentrate yourself with anything else. However, we must know that theend-goal is not just listening.We must also understand. And once you have understood, you have to become practical because of thefear or love that this kind of understanding is capable of producing in a heart. This fear is the beginningof true wisdom. Therefore, there is something in these words that we cannot neglect: understanding isalso a task. In fact, it is a separate task. It is another task. And this understanding that becomespractical can be an effort as much as it can be an intense desire that becomes an effort. We know thatsinners are all under a curse of blindness. They never got used tounderstanding. They do not know that sort of effort. It is this curse that prevents this understanding (2Cor.3:16).We can assume and know that it is the people who do not want to listenwho do not understand anddo not wish to be saved from those thingsthey love, and neither wish to be separated from those things permanently. We know that he who understands at the level of the heart can be healed, forgiven andrestored to God - since it is from the heart that man does everything thathe is capable of doing. It is from there that doing comes out. We need to be aware of how great the tasks of listening and understanding canbe, even if they are separate and autonomous tasks. We need topractice them when we can hear. Listening and understanding do not always happensimultaneously. I may understand later when I dedicate myself to thetask of understanding what I have saved to ponder upon later by listening well. On theother hand, the persons who listen well are those who assumethat the word is aiming at them and not others. Nobody understands for others orinstead of others.If we understand and hear well it is and will always be for oursakes. If it is not for us, we are not listening the way we should. If we understand, that understanding is meant for us and not for others.It is good that you are aware of this before you divert any arrow from Godwhich is meant to reach your heartto anyone else. It is very easy to want to teach otherswith what has been addressed to us personally. It isobvious that if the person understands well what he hears and immediately understands who this understandingis for, he can be healed and saved. We must also take into account that nobody is saved without applying andwithout thinking much about what is capable of saving him. Whoever does not think is not saved. True salvationdoes not work like fast food. Salvation is hard work that involves the whole being of man who seeks and desires to besaved from all his many sins.

  282. I found in the course of my life that true wisdom is the common sense in someone whois able to listen to God. That is, it seems to be something that the person already knowswithout knowing it, unlike those who hear and are unable to understand. Ibelieve that this wisdom exists in everyone, but it is asleep and hidden from (own) spiritual eyes. Therefore, when it is mentioned, it finds repercussion and immediate agreement in the heart. Sin is the person rejecting what he knows for some other convenient reason. That is why the Bible calls such an act as "resisting the truth". "These show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them", Rom.2:15.

  283. "Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks"Mat.12:34. Even Jesus was amazedat this: how is it possible to someone to say things that are notfound in the heart? The answer is clear: the world hardly does it,at least not continuously; and the true children of God don't do iteither. But, religious people are able to say and do things contraryto their own heart, especially when evil abounds in their heart. And whatabounds in the heart, it usually comes out from the mouth. If it didn'tabound, it might not be able to come out. Even goodness, when itdoes not abound and does not take possession of our whole being, itdoesn't come out of the mouth. That is why we need to have andobtain abundant life and refuse to remain in the foreplays of eternallife within. However, being able to counteract what abounds in the heart isan accomplishment that only religious people can achieve. "But I sayto you that for every idle word men may speak, they will giveaccount of it in the day of judgment", Mat.12:36. "Idle or frivolousword" means an empty word, without content and without thecorresponding existence of the reality of it inside the heart.Religious people do not believe that they can be truly transformedfrom the inside. They change outwardly only. I don't think they wantto believe they can change from deep within. It upsets them becausethey want to appear before people as changed or in no need of a change.Therefore, they need to create a public conduct in order not to berejected and, mainly, so that they can be accepted to be able todeceive and make more proselytes for hell. They do not wish to losethe benefits of any good conduct. If they believed that theycould change from the inside, they would not fake their actions andwords; and they would not adapt their words to the circumstances andtothe people around them. Sincerity has never hurt anyone, becausethose with a changed heart are a good tree that manifests itself asit is; and those with a bad heart will have the opportunity to seethemselves as they really are, and, if they do not try to lookdifferent, perhaps, they can genuinely repent through theencouragement of shame. That is why it is important to make the treeeither good or bad. "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or elsemake the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by itsfruit", Mat.12:33. And this is onlyachieved by promoting and creating sincerity of heart. This is whatit means not to deceive ourselves. "Do not be deceived (byself)",1Cor.6:9; 15:33; Gal.6:7; James 1:16; Jer.37:9.

  284. In all fights, disputes, dissensions, confrontations,that is, where there are two opponents, enemies or antagonists involvedin any dispute, some thing always happens: one involved alwaysseeks some weakness in his opponent to insist upon, trying to beat him withsome cunning precision. It is inevitable that this happens this way. It happensin sport, in fights and in the rings of violent sport. And that's what happens,too, between couples who don't get along. The accusations, threatsand focus always fall on what someone considers to be a weak point of the other.If irritation or impatience is the weak point of one, it is on this keypoint that theother one will insist trying to beat him in some way to stay on topof any situation.Therefore, we either recognize our weaknesses by watching or we will surrender oursoul to our opponents. Our opponent is not the devil only, because Jesus himselfsaid that "From now on, five will be divided into one house: three against two andtwo against three",Lk.12:52. You should not give orexpose your weaknesses to your opponent.Find out what those weaknesses are beforehand, put them in the lightand surrender them to Christ. Make a point of surrenderingyourself and your conscious weaknesses to Jesus (those you are awareof)in those moments. Recognize before God your weaknesses and cliffs inwhich you may fall and always standbefore God's strengthening will with all your heart and willingness to listen to him, andonly to Him, continuously and exclusively. Then, do as you see God doing and not what the opponentwants you to do. When they put a banana peel in front of you, try not to step on itto slip. Thereare wives who threaten to leave home knowing that it can affect a father who loves hischildren; they try or only threaten with adultery to provoke them; they neglect important thingsat home on purpose; they seek what can irritate and anger their partner with the sole aim of achieving what theybelieve to be a weakness; they seek suicide as a way to hurt and blackmail; etc. In fact,they seek to win arguments and be on top of situations using hatefulmeans, hitting and aiming at the target through a low blow. And we know that is theprecise opposite of an act of mercy. The saddest thingis that this happens very often among believers, especially when one tries to straighten outto have his full living in full accordance with God's ways and the other does not. If it is true that unity isthe main key to strength, disunity seeks andbrings weakness, failure and defeat. And it is in this weakness that we must be fully and exclusively availableto be strengthened and overcome by God. Strengthen yourself in God and do not enter into thedeception of self-defence to stand up against whoever opposes you. Seek God and take refuge in Him with complete confidence and withtotal availability to depend solely and exclusively on Him. "Hopeentirely in grace", 1Pet.1:13.No adversary of God can be victorious against Him. Cheer up in Him.

  285. Strange fire exists in more situations and occurs more often than we can imagine.When God begins to truly work, it is very easy for anyone to try to imitateGod in what He does and operates, thinking that this is the way to go. Forexample, if God convinces someone of sin and that person publicly confessesthe sins he is convicted of because he cannot live a second longer under that conviction, those who attend mayinsist that all sins be confessed. Yet, it cannot be done without the conviction that a very seriouscrime has been committed by sinning against God or against people. It is veryeasy to try to impersonate God in the lives of others and even in our own lives.It is very sad and very dangerous when we are not aware of this form of idolatrousway to go about things. It'sdifficult to be aware of it. Replacing God has never brought anything good. It is onething to act in His name, to join and gather with Him in total obedience; another is to replaceHis operations and presence with imitations of something that could exist in heaven oron earth. A representative of God will never be a substitute of Him.To be there in God's name, is to be there with God and it is not the same as to be there instead of God. Always rememberthat the devil fell down wanting to be God or like God. And he fellbeing a very dear angel and with a high status in the heavens. To substitute His operationsis to work without God and to work without God is to work againstHim. "The one who is not with Me is against Me, and the one who does not gather with Me scatters", Mat.12:30.

  286. "I have told you before it happens, so that when it happens you might believe", John 14:29. Our concept or our idea of ​​what faithreally is has changed a lot since the day we started having our own ideasabout the subject. Here, Jesus gives us another view or another facet of faith: to believe when it happens.Many say that one must believe so it may happen and Jesus says that we must be in such a spiritualstate of improved communion with Him that when something happenswhich He has told us, we can believe and not doubt. Faith has a lot to do with the reality of things that are not seen -or that are not seen yet. However, we must believe in the truth and the truth, in God, also means thereality of things and the working out of them. If it doesn't become real, it is false. If it does not become real and itis not false, the believer is not the believer that he thinks he is and, probably,he is not fulfilling the conditions required so that what God said would happen. Hiswords must be fulfilled. We must make sure that all conditions arefully met so that Scripture can be fulfilled. People like to congratulatethemselves, they like to cheer themselves up or even convince themselvesabout anything they desire. That gives them a good mood to carry on as always. But, this mood is false. Paul said he was convinced by God to the point that hecould not deny anything that was happening to him. God needs to confirm His works, He needs toconfirm the believer, He needs to confirm and bless the whole of the workof His hands. If we are unbelieving, doubts shall arise when thathappens. And this must be said about anything that happens, eithergood or bad. Samuel mourned and kept his sadness about Saul'sfalling down and God reprimanded him for that. He acted as somethingstrange was happening. "And the Lord said unto Samuel, How long wiltthou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel?"1Sam.16:1. Didn't Samuel knowthat His words would be fulfilled? "If you do not obey the voice of the Lord, then the hand of the Lord will be against you",1Sam.12:15. When things happenas God said they would, we should never act or feel as if somethingstrange is happening, and neither should we marvel about anything.

  287. God does not stop to explain words and phrases that are difficult to understandbecause He reveals or will reveal their meaning spiritually. It mustcome by revelation and not by explanation. But, wheneverhumans receive this wisdom or revelation, they marvel as if something extraordinaryis happening to them because their mind is not updated. It is not God's fault that people marvel atthe little God does, for whoever marvels and who disbelieves are oneand the same. One is never apart from the other."Men, Israelites (believers), why do you marvel at this?"Act.3:12. That is a questionthat should be answered in all truth. Search for the reason why youmarvel at God's works. Jonathan Edwards said something like this: "I resolved that every time I practice avisibly bad action, I will analyze it until I reach its original cause and then Iwill make every effort not to repeat it, as well as to fight and pray, with all mystrength, against what caused it".

  288. "If one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him", John 11:10. This means that a person stumbles only if he has no light within himor if he walks when he has no light.If you have light, you won't trip and stumble. The point is notfound in the effort not to stumble,but to gain light and to walk in it continually as long as it isthere. When there is no light, one should not walk.

  289. "They will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him", John 10:5. I just find it strange that manytoday hear the stranger's voice and do not run away. Are they really sheep?They hear the voice of the world, novels, movies, temptations, anddo not run away. "But you, O man of God, flee thesethings and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness", 1Tim.6:11.

  290. "Jesus said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life", John 8:12. It is in our utmostinterest to note something in these words: Jesus did not say thatwhoever comes to Him will not walk in darkness, but whoever followsHim. "If you continue in My Word, you are My disciples indeed.And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free", John 8:31,32.Of course, no one can follow Him without first coming to Him. Buteach and everything comes in its time and place. All in their own sequence. And in order forsomeone to follow Jesus, he needs to see him act, such must be the closenessand communion with Him. "I can do nothing of My own self. As I hear,I judge (...) I do nothing of Myself, but as My Father has taughtMe, I speak these things (...) speak to the world those things whatI heard of Him (...) Whatever I speak, even as the Father said toMe, so I speak", John 8:26,28; 5:30; 12:50. In Jesus' time on earth, people saw him and did not want to follow him; Today, people saythey want to follow him, but they don't want to see him or acceptHim as really as He can be. How can we followHim without truly seeing Him and without observing Him doing?

  291. "I judge no one", John 8:15. There is a very wrongconcept among believers about judging and what it is all about. Jesus said (affirmed) thatHejudges no one. However, He convinces everyone of sin. He told the Pharisees that theywere hypocrites and, according to His word, He was not judging them;He told Peter that He was Satan or that the devil spoke forhim; he called thieves and robbers to those who negotiated in the temple, among manyother things he said and did. However - if Jesus spoke the truth saying thatHe judges no one - how can we understand this that He did and said? It is obviousthat telling the truth about existing sins anywhere in order to convince all those whobelieve to be righteous to save them from sin can never be considered as judging and rather asa saving attitude — or even as keeping the Gospel intact and out ofthe hands of the unclean. A doctor who gives a correct diagnosis isnot judging anyone, but is trying to cure by being accurate in hisdiagnosis. "And yet if I do judge, My judgment is true; for I am notalone, but I and the Father who sent Me", John 8:16.

  292. Appearance is the main rival of transparency. To walk in the lightis to be transparent and the root of humility is to be what we trulyare before God and people. People create an appearance through which they livedaily and they still perfectthat appearance day in and day out. The more they do that, thefurtherthey are from transparency and humility. This appearance is not justa physical appearance, but it can be asmile, a good work, or even the opposite of it. Let us be bold enough totransform our whole hearts by the power of grace and be what we truly arewithout any other appearance which cause people to look away fromwhat we really are. The main pointis that people believe more in their appearance than in the workwhich God can performwithin them. They are true to their appearance and not to God, since they desireto believe in their own abilities rather than to believe in Christor to trustHim for His inner work, "being confident of this very thing, that He who began agood work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ", Phil.1:6.

  293. "My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me", John 7:16. How wonderful wouldit be if many could still say thesame thing. Today, preachers put their doctrines to the front,proclaim and insist on them from the pulpit and forgetwhat God would say under their circumstances. What counts today is thedoctrine of each and not the word of truth about the Gospel and the people andtheir hearts. "If anyone desires to do His will, he shall know ofthe doctrine, whether it is of God", John 7:17. And this is what happens to all those who can getto the point of performing all God's will through the power of grace: they will knowwhere their doctrine comes from, whether it comes from God, fromtheir wishes and convenience or from hell. Here, what counts is Godand not the doctrine. "He who speaks of himself(or of his own doctrine) seeks his own glory", John 7:18. This is afact against which no one can argue in the face of God - even if itresembles seeking the honour of the Lord. And, according to Jesus,the only true people are those who seek the glory of God with theirwhole heart.They are true in heart and pure in motive. "He who seeks the glory of Him who sent Him istrue, and no unrighteousness is in Him", John 7:18.

  294. "Lord, give us this bread all the time", John 6:34.Like the Samaritan woman who asked for "that water" so she would never haveto go back to Jacob's well, these men asked for earthly bread never togo hungry again.It is truly strange that people do not know what they are asking for when they ask.Even today, people try to console themselves with bread that does not feed and waterthat does not quench thirst. They ask for earthly bread and carnal water to last foreveror once and for all. They ask God as if what they understand and want is what God wantsor means. It is very bad to live with a deceptive heart, which can alter God's words andturn spiritual messages into carnal messages. Whenever a heart does not changethrough a living message, it triesto change or adapt the message to his aspirations and best wishes. Even today, the words of God are given a different meaning andmany addedto His word as if nothing serious is going on. It is added and removed from the word ofGod without changing the written letter - without changing a comma of it. That canhappen with anyone who seeks a fleshly Jesus. We may even stand beforeJesus, be confronted by Him and, even so, not understand. We may be seeingHim as He is withoutever wanting Him that way. "I told you that you have seen me, yetyou do not believe", John 6:36.May God preserve us from such a mindset! A mindset that comes to God to marry,to eat, to drink, to prosper, and never to be saved from sin withthe sole purpose of being able to live and commune withHim night and day for the person that He really is and that for alleternity and not just for a moment.

  295. "Truly, truly, I say to you, He who hears My Word andbelieves on Him who sent Me has everlasting life and shall not come intocondemnation, but has passed from death to life", John 5:24. There is no doctrine more misunderstoodon this subject, which all churches assume today. But, I will not dwellon doctrinal errors. I will try to explain this truth. Eternal life begins hereand now. It is a constant, permanent life, without ups and downs andit is endless. Theword "eternal" means just that: constant, permanent, and abiding. It starts here,on earth. Those whohave it will know what it means to have abundant life - something that only a tinyminority of believers have. The descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was the descent of EternalLife. That life is true, real, and takes possession of every being who truly hasHim. Now, if anyone has this life, he can believe in Jesus because He is that life.The believer already has this life in order to believe. To believeis his duty from then on. He does not come into condemnation because thislife has nothing reprehensible. The believer has his life totally changedand came out of death (which he considered life) and enteredgenuine life. It is through this life that he is able to believe inJesus. His Spirit, His essence is eternal life and brings forthfruit. Faith is fruit."And this is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and theone whom you sent-Jesus Christ", John 17:3. Having this is to experience and to enjoy the very essenceof God in a real manner. It is obvious that if one entered this life, what one considered life (butis in essencethe beginning of eternal death) ceases to exist. One goes out of animitation of life (a death form, asit were) into true life. And it is this life that enables us to believe in Jesus the way weshould. There are those who 'believe' in Jesus in a carnal way, something that is idolatrous.It is not faith that brings life, but true life that brings faith. It is not the egg that givesthe chicken, but the chicken that gives the egg. True faith is the fruit of the Spirit and it isnot the Spirit that is the fruit of faith. When people find themselves separated from God by somesin, the faith that exists is a shipwrecking faith. It is wrecked, (1Tim.1:19).And it is with this sunken faith that most believers live and singin today's churches. However, thisfaith is not the faith that comes to us from eternal life, since sin separates that person fromthat life. Wrecked faith is the fruit of eternal death within those who do not live and experienceGod in a real and true way or ceased to do so. Whoever has eternal life left his previous life, that is, he came out ofthe death that he considered life. If you have left the world and sin because you have entered intoa true life of holiness through a real living with God in the Spirit, who has taken fullpossession of your whole being, you can no longer live the old 'life'. If you live it, you leavetrue life to live in death. Who can understand these things? Only those who truly experienceor have experienced the true essence of Eternal Life in a genuineway. Whoever has never tried it will never understandit this way. And those who have never experienced genuine life create suitable doctrines to supply the fleshwith suitable and desirable explanations, to keep its carnal and mortallonging for survival and feel comfortable in a dead state. This is why today's churches are hardened, some of which areas hard as steel.

  296. "Many believed in His name. But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all", John 2:23,24. Many (the greatmajority of people) are content tobelieve in Jesus. But we must and can get to the point where Jesus can trust usand commits Himself to any of us. It is not easy to grant your ownlife in someone else's hands. And that is what Jesus does when Hegives us His Spirit in the promised abundance. Are you trustworthy?Can God entrust His own essence and name to you?He will not entrust His own life (the Holy Spirit) in the hands/hearts of people He doesnot trust because His Spirit is His very essence. We read that "God placed in Edenthe man He had formed". Now, man was created and formed - not justcreated. Even today it works the sameway: if God does not form the preacher - even if he is born again - if God does notcreate and then form the believer, he will never be placed in any spiritual Eden. Ifsuch a person obtains some place of leadership, stewardship, or evenbe a simple witnessnot having been formed by God, such will be considered as one who has jumped the wall into the sheep fold.

  297. "Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile!", John 1:47. There are certain attitudesor even characteristics that humans resent, but which Jesus appreciates. Oneis to have no guile, to speak straight forward without half words. Jesuslikes to get straight to the point. It is good that we become aware of thisif we, indeed, wish to be pleasant to God.

  298. "Born again". This term has become kind of a slang in the mouth of all believersand the vast majority of people do not know what it means. Beingborn again means being born in another life where the old one has tohave an immediateend. "All things have become new", 2Cor.5:17. If something of the old life persists orsurvives, whether it be by some sinning or the way it operates and doesthings (the means of the flesh),the person is not in another life. If you are found in sin and havebeen born again, you may have died atbirth or somewhat after that. The term "new" also contains us to understandsomething else: it is divine, pureand innocent. And this happens with repentance and confession of every sin,which leads toconversion. I do not worry about being born again, but rather about repenting andabandoning the old life, its way of operating, its carnal force seizing the newweapons of light and the Spirit. I cannot make myself be born, but Ican repent and decide to live by the grace of God. Grace is the very power of God.

  299. "Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God", John 3:3. Entering the Kingdom of God may notyetmean being reigned by God. Everything is new in this reign, including the way welive and are reigned by the power of grace instead of being ruled by the power ofthe flesh and of ideas and thoughts.Now, to be born again is only to be born to see this kingdom. It isnothing more than being born into it. To see this earthlyworld we must be born into it. But that does not mean that we will be useful in it.To see it we must be born in it. For - in the future - to live in it, we must be bornin it at first. In this way to be born again works the same way. We must beborn again if we wish to see the kingdom of God. Being born again is nothing more than being borninto it. After seeing in it, we must put all effort to be reigned inthat reign.

  300. Every man has a heart, a way of being, personality and essence hidden within him.Christ's message comes to transform the heart. But if the message enter intoman, and the heart is not changed; and if the man in question likes the messagewhich did not transform him; surely he will transform the message inthe long run. Either themessage transforms the heart, or the heart transforms the message. Nothing willbe the same once we hear the true message: either the heart changes or a false believer,a false preacher, a heretic, that is, an antichrist is born. Youcannot avoid one or the other to happen. Those are the two mainconsequences of the proclamation of the true gospel.

  301. "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men", John 1:4. We must know that light illuminates, reveals,shows everything as it truly is. Nothing is hidden in our hearts if truelight truly shines and if we allow it to happen that way. The life of fullness isthat light and it shines within to do as "the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual", 1Cor.2:13. Whoever does not have this lifein the promised fullness will not have light, will live blind in darkness. Inaddition to being blind, you will live in an environment of total darkness -even if you believe that you see. One lives in a pitch black environment and is blindas well,having a double darkness. In our small measure, we also become light if the fullnessof life is really able to remain within us. A lamp not only lightswithin, butlights around it. And there is light that dazzles and another whose aim is toilluminate. If our light dazzles, we are not illuminating the way we should. Andthose who feel dazzled should look around to see better and not look directly intothe light. No one looks straight at the sun to feel enlightened.

  302. "You are the ones who justify yourselves", Lk.16:15. It is very difficult to find someone who doesnot justify himself. In this world, every person likes to believeevery good thing will happen to him. However, few realize that there aretwo worlds: the one of the mind and the world of practical reality. Theworldly mindset exists in every person. It is very easy to cover our eyes toeternal death by believing we will have eternal life; or to believe that God and theworld go together when we love the world; etc. But, we must know that wemust be justified by God and never through our own opinionabout us or with our own efforts to convince our hearts aboutsomething that is not testified by God. When man strives to become goodand neglects the power of grace, he can change his appearance only. And it is this appearance that caninfluence our opinion about ourselves, along with what we wish to happen to us.Our opinion of ourselves, whether good or bad, isalways suspicious. Let us allow God to speak out about us, He who knows the hearts of all. Justification -true justification - comes from God. It is He who straightens from the heartand, once the inside is clean, the outside will be just as clean. Andif He is the one to justify (to make upright),"Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect"?Rom.8:33. Let us allow God to justifyor even to condemn because even when He is condemning His intention is to save.

  303. "Truly, I say to you that a rich man will enter into the kingdom of Heavenwith great difficulty", Mat.19:23. When it comes to the Kingdomof Heaven, everyone believes that it is life after death. But nothing canbe further from the truth. The Kingdom comes from Heaven and is the same asHeaven's, but it happens here on earth - it starts here, just aseternal life does start here. Moreover, if it doesnot happen now, it will never happen. The Kingdom of God or Kingdomof Heaven is whereGod reigns without any resistance from whom He reigns. Incidentally, withoutresistance is to say little: it happens that one wants to be guided,desires deeply to be reignedand becomes fully and voluntarily active in that reign. This Kingdomoperates from within."The kingdom of God is within you", Lk.17:21. So,we need to know that being reigned by God is something for some, even though it is destined forall. It is a tremendous privilege to go so far as to be truly reigned by God from within, tothe point that we long to be His alone. And it is in this kingdom that few enter for many and varied reasons. Few enter this Kingdom.

  304. "But in vain they worship Me", Mat.15:9.It is possible to worship the Living God, the real One, in vain. Godis not bought off by worshipping Him.

  305. A friend of mine passed away. He knew the truth better than many, preached,helped the missionaries, and yet, committed suicide. These are things Idon't understand. How is it possible for someone to reach this pointknowing that he will never leave the hell he knows exists? Then, I beganto think about suicide and it was not long before my thoughts led me tothink about spiritual suicide because the other one I cannot explain. How manypeople look at each other's wife, the pretty girl on the street, theirneighbour's car or house without realizing they are committing spiritualsuicide? At the end of my thoughts I concluded that it is so easy to commitsuicide because most suicides are not that obvious. It is true that we commitsuicide by imagining sin and by looking at the things of the world, its movies andnovels, its intrigues and gossip. It is a pity that many do not realize theseriousness of sin or that the act of loving the world is suicidal. "If anyone loves the world, the loveof the Father is not in him", 1John 2:15.

  306. "Woe to those wise in their own eyes, and bright in their own sight!"Is.5:21. We can also say without being wrong: "Woeto those who are believers in their own eyes, and it is not God who bears witness about them"!

  307. "Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me", John 14:6. We cannot ignore oroverlook the fact thatJesus said this to already formed disciples, although many use this verse forpeople who belong to other religions and beliefs. The word "way" means theway or the means by which we should be saved from our sins; "Truth" means more than just truth. It means reality,truth - something that needs to become real. We cannot separatereality of experience from truth. When things do not work or donot come to fruition, Jesus is not being the truth to us; the same can besaid when He does not become abundant, real, true and exclusive life for us.There is a danger that, as we acknowledge or hear the truth, we will try to practiceit withoutthe means of Jesus and without the power of grace - which we must always hopefor. Those means are "the way". "Hope to the end for the grace", 1Pet.1:13. If not achieved through thepower of grace, all is in vain and possibly idolatrous. And if grace does notmake it real, that is, if the power of God is not at work, we cannot seek othermeans to accomplish what God has refused to do - or has not yet done. And if God does, italso means that we ourselves can be very active and involved in His workings.

  308. "Hope to the end for the grace(that was to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ)", 1Pet.1:13. There is no greater source ofdiscouragement than that frustration of failing to do or toaccomplish. Learning to depend,to live, and to enjoy the power of grace is essential to avoidgiving up the good way. When we cease to dependon the power of the flesh - in whatever form  it may appear - we come to a crossroad, for tocease to depend on the flesh is not yet to live by grace. Inactivity is not andwillnever be living by grace or by the power of God. "For the weaponsof our warfare are not fleshly, but mighty through God to thepulling down of strongholds", 2Cor.10:4. And it is precisely at this crossroad where one must lay down theweapons of the flesh and learn to yield, take up and use the weapons of light and grace.This is where manygive up, turn to other doctrines and explanations, or even perish. "Letus cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour oflight",Rom.13:12. We cannot standstill when rejecting the weapons and works of the flesh. We must learn to recognize, usewell,and handle all weapons of light and grace with full success withdiscernment. If we are unable to do so,discouragement and frustration will be at our doorstep.

  309. "Let such who love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified", Ps.70:4. Few assume or acknowledge thefact that our salvation magnifies God. God does not get bigger than Healready is by saving us, but His fame and name must become equal to what He is.

  310. "Let them be ashamed and turned pale, those who seek after my soul", Ps.70:2. We must not forget that anypersecution, evil or injustice on the part of the devil is aimed oris exclusively aimed at stealing someone's soul. He does this both throughdeceit and through the harm he causes. Never allow your soul to be strickenby sin, because the devil is trying to hunt you down and he mightfind the occasion for it in your sinning. Sin separates from God andthat is the occasion the devil is looking for with eagerness.Besides, the kind of shame the Psalmist is asking here lies in thefact that nothing is found in him which may destroy his soul.

  311. "Let not those who wait for You, O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed because of me; Let notthose who seek You be confounded because of me, O God of Israel", Ps.69:6. It is necessary to understandhow much damage any scandal can cause to the work, glory of God andthe souls that belong to the Lord. We know that, sometimes, it is impossibleto prevent someone from being scandalized by our living with God or any of ourheavenly attitudes.It is good, therefore, to know that there are 'scandals' that glorify God and scandalize people;and there are other scandals that scandalize people and God; andthat there are scandals that glorify people and scandalize God andangels. Besides, we don't existto please people. We exist to be pleasant to God continually. And ifwe don't please people and please God, there will always besomething that scandalizes someone. However, we mustbear in mind that both the devil and the world seek something plausible and truein our lives and conducts to scandalize or smear filth to the name of God,or to denigrate the true Gospel with some sort of aversion to it.For this reason, we must always walk with God, and with our whole life in the light- night and day. Thehidden person is always hyper-aware of himself, always covering his heart because hewas born into a world where the culture is hiding and covering theaction, motive and the heart.Therefore, for God's name's sake, we must walk clean in bright light, where thatlight allows nothing to be hidden, covered, or invisible. We read, however, that Davidwent much further: "I restored what I did not steal"; "Because forYour sake I have borne reproach", Ps.69:4,7. Those who are truly innocent do not resent each other whenthey are falsely accused, for they know that they are always being judged by God everymoment by His light, walking in it the way He walks in it, and as Hewalks with us.

  312. When something absorbs us and attracts us by subduing (robbing) our attention andconcentration from our duty to be with God's Word in prayer, we mayincur in the danger of mentally forcing ourselves to concentrate whileour hearts are absent and far away from what we pretend to do or tobe. It is true - and it will alwaysbe true - that our whole heart must be involved in anything we do forGod or with God. God works from the heart to the mind and not fromthe mind to the heart. Therefore, we need to keep in mind that we must beable to have or obtain a heart available for this very important taskof placing ourselves under the purging, admonition, exhortation, teaching,and instruction of God's Word. Our heart (and not just our mind) must be presentin such a way "that when he comes and knocks we may open to himimmediately", Lk.12:36

  313. "The destruction of transgressors and of sinners shall be together, and thosewho forsake the Lord shall be consumed", Is.1:28. There is a 'madness' ordisease among most believers who say that they can transgress and walk with theLord simultaneously. From this verse we can acknowledge that the way oftransgression is the reverse (opposite) of walking with the Lord.

  314. Whenever we perform a task or do something, any motive behind that work becomes clear.It is easier to hide the work than the reason behind it. What motivates any action alwaystranspires and will always be in the foreground and any work is evaluatedaccording to what motivates it and according to what our motives are. Even inthe eyes of the world works are valued and evaluated that way. If you performthings for the glory of God, it shall transpire and when you wish tosave yourself for the sake of self only, it will also show.

  315. "Hear his now, O foolish people, without understanding, who have eyes and see not,and who have ears and hear not", Jer.5:21. If someone has ears it is because he can hear; and ifhe has eyes it is because he can see. Therefore, being busy with otherthings, being consumed and concentrated on other matters andabsorbing tasks, you will surelynot hear as you should and will not see as you should. "Take heedhow you hear"! Lk.8:18. There are many things that can suffocate and even exterminate the seedfromour hearts. The wrong sadness, the wrong kind of joy, anger, desires, other beliefs, religiosity,being otherwise, the wrong mood - whether it be good or bad mood - earthly and hopeless affairs and so many other things can make those who have ears not hear, and those who have eyes not see the end (and the reason) of things.

  316. "They have lied about the Lord, And said, "It is not He. Neither willevil come upon us, Nor shall we see sword or famine", Jer.5:12. There are many ways todeny the Lord. Peter denied Jesus for fear of dying and being tortured; thePharisees denied Christ because they would not read the signs of the times;and, here, we see that someone can deny Jesus when He knocks and is not recognized,"It is not Him"! Certainly it is also possible to be denying Jesus when a strangerknocks on the door and we say, "It's Him." To accept strangers in His name is to denyHim, just as it is to deny Him whenever it is He who is knocking and weassume it is not Him. "You yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding,that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately", Lk.12:36.

  317. "Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret — it only causes harm", Ps.37:8. It is not only fury and angerthat must be wiped out of our lives. Laziness, sloppiness,negligence, impatience,dissatisfaction, and many other things we can consider as the rootsand embryos for all types of anger must be brought to extermination by thepower of Christ's cross. Anger does not come from nothing. it has asource in the depths of the human heart, reasons that are often hidden tothe spiritual eye, being hidden in all secrecy and in secret places.Secret sins or secret sinfulness breed other obvious sins. It is, therefore, necessary todeal with both the source of anger as with anger itself, which cancustomize anyone in the long run. To deal onlyagainst anger is healing something very superficially. We should know that angerdoes not come from nowhere. It has roots, causes and reasons whichare easily turned into rightsfor those who feed or restrain their anger. Anger is a camouflaged defence of rights that have neverbeen handed over to Christ. When we give ourselves to Christ truly, we deliver any and allrights that we may think we have in this world and hereafter. Thereare no longer rights underthe cross of Christ. To deal only against anger is to ignore its causes and origins,smothering it and keeping it within what we consider their reasonableboundaries.Are all kinds of anger bad? No, not all anger is bad. We mustknow that there is a holy wrath, which must remain untouchable. Not evenholiness is without its causes, roots and originsin the love for the glory of God. And holy wrath has its origins inthe love for God and His glory. It was that kind of love and zeal that led Jesus to take awhip to drive negotiators away from His house of prayer. This type of angermust remain untouched. One 'good' thing about anger is that the reasons forit arealways transparent. However, an angry person is always very slow to recognizeits sinfulness because anger is a defence of the rights we think wehave. But,outsiders see the motives easily, and to them what motivates it isquite clear. It is quite easy for a lazy man to be angry when askedto do something, even though he will blame others for his anger andnot his own lazy habit and heart. It is not easy to hidefrom othersthe reasons why one is angry. For that same reason, holy wrath does not need to be explainedand does not have to redeem itself with apologies. To ask forforgiveness, in this case, would be to be sinningand transgressing.

  318. There is a direct link between people's (open-eyed) dreams and dissatisfaction andanxiety. And many still speak of "God's dreams" as if God dreamed oris restless!Dreamers are disturbed people dissatisfied with God and with what they already have.A dreamer will never cease to be a dreamer unless he repents of it.Even when he has achieved everythinghe has dreamed about he will keep on dreaming because he has created the habit ofdaydreaming. The culture or habit will live on with him.

  319. Any thing that can take hold of man, his senses, his temperance or hisstillness is a hindrance to true wisdom. In fact, it creates aninsurmountable barrier to the entry of true wisdom and makes foolishnessremain in one's heart and life. These include anger, lust, worry, dreamsand dissatisfaction, and everything that consumes and takes possession ofthe soul. "Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, For anger restsin the bosom of fools", Ecl.7:9. Anger consumes the senses of any person and takesall the tools that wisdom needs to teach, rebuke, admonish and settle in theheart, such as imagination, insight, quietness and so many other things necessaryto it. So, when we ask God for wisdom, we are indirectly asking for aquiet heart, a clear conscience under any circumstances. It is notpossible to make one wise in God's true ways without anticipating orsimultaneously meeting all the necessary requirements for thiswisdom to be established in a permanent and eternal way."Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works aredone in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, donot boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly,sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full ofmercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit ofrighteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace", James 3:13-18. "For thus says the Lordto the men of Judah and Jerusalem: Break up your fallow ground, And do not sow among thorns",Jer.4:3.

  320. "The priests did not say, 'Where is the Lord?' And those who handle the law did not know Me", Jer.2:8. Most believers are afraid to ask this question:"Where is the Lord"? They prefer to state that God is there, with them or in their circumstances.Anything else is taken as lack of faith. What they consider to be faith is an aberrationof truth (or, should I say, an abomination), becausethey do not have God as real and neither for real. God, being real, manifests Himself in such a way that one needs notconfuse His reality with fiction. When God reveals Himself in a place (or in a person) no one willever be mistaken about it, and the words and statements about that reality become superfluous and unnecessary.

  321. Time and again, in the Bible, we stumble over the word "abomination"linked to some situation without understanding it very well. I believe this word refers tobelievers and not just to the world at large. When a truth-knowingbeliever, preacher, singer, or other in church does not have aheavenly personal life that is consistent with the true Gospel, that personbecomes an abomination. In the world we have unbelievers and in the church wefind abominable people.

  322. Every thing that can generate trust and faith in God can also generate distrustand lack of faith. "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning thefiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thinghappened to you", 1Pet.4:12. We cannot think thatit is a strange thing to be tested whenever we are found in goodterms with Jesus. And the testing of faith can purify it to to pointof having it unfeigned and without hypocrisy. However, if we are not right with Godor if we consider such testing a strange thing, we cannot say thesame thing.

  323. "He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly", 2Cor.9:6. This truth is not applicable only in the material sphere.It also applies to the preacher who sows the word. Everything will dependon what you sow, how much you sow and on the quality of your seed.It is so sad to see how manypastors and preachers choose to preach continually on rocky soils, that is,tobelievers who hear the word for years on a row with so many people in the streets who need to hearitonly once to be truly converted. Clean and healthy believers learn from God by practicing, notjust by hearing the word. He who practices learns more, and he who has more will be giveneven more.Wisdom is gained from God, and the one who practices will receive more because Godgives to the faithful who ask him. Let us always remember, however, that theexemplary life of any Christian is the best invitation card togenuine salvation and not their words.

  324. "Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the fleshof the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you", John 6:53.It is necessary to have this life in ourselves, that is, to obtain a life thatdominates us. But this life does not predominate in us in parallel with another formof life, that is, there is either one or the other. Many speak of dying to theworld and the world dying to them. Eating from the flesh of Christ means dyingfor the world. However, many want to eat of His flesh unworthily."But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread anddrink of the cup",1Cor.11:28. No one enters into a reality of being truly, literally dead to the world and the worldto him if he does not undergo a true and complete cleansing of each of his known sins.All known sins must be acknowledged, confessed by name and put aside. To pretend that we are dead to sinwhen we are not means we have been denied the access to that realityand, consequently, means we are trying to eat this supper unworthily. "And to him who ordershis conduct aright I will show the salvation of God",Ps.50:23.

  325. "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers", 2Cor.6:14.The word "yoked" needs to be taken into account and understood within its context. We can help,communicate the true Gospel, but we can never be caught in unequal yokes. Unequal yokes are not only thosethat imprison you through marriage, but can be unequal yokes through friendships, between family,friends, father and mother, at work, or through any other complicity. We must understand that once inChrist, inequality emerges clearly where everything is worldly,dishonest and unholy.

  326. The biggest fights I've ever gone through are God's fights within my heart withmy heart; only now haveI realized that. When I was struggling with God, it was God struggling with my heart,my motives, against my kind of power and own knowledge.

  327. "Hear, all you people; listen, O earth, and its fullness; And let the Lord be witness against you (...)All this is because of the transgression of Jacob, and for the sins of the house of Israel", Mic.1:2,5. I know a song thatgoes more or less like this, "O Jerusalem, the sins of your people still darkens the sun"- speaking of the darkness thatoccurred in broad daylight when Christ was crucified. It seems strange that thewhole earth should suffer and be judged because of the sins of Israel. But, it isa fact because their sins couldn't have saved the world as theirholiness would. The world was supposed to be saved through Israel, just as the world issupposed to be saved by the lives of believers today. And Paul calls the leaders whocrucified Christ as "princes of this world" and not just as princesof Israel.And today we see that the testimonies and lives of believers lead the world togreater destruction and darkness. O Christians, the whole earth will be judgedbecause of your sins! Your sins do not allow true Light to shinebrightly. Your testimonies are defiled and the earth despises the trueGospel because of the false gospels. Today's Christianity is a stain throughoutthe universe rather than a huge source of freeing, saving light. Andif the earth will be judged because of these sins, imagine thejudgment that will fall on today's believers! "For the time has come for the judgment to begin from the house of God", 1Pet.4:17.

  328. "And they shall walk up and down in His name, says the Lord", Zac.10:12.There are people who cannot walk in the name of God. They stumble and stumbleunder the name of God because they use His name in vain. They areable to walk onlyin their own name - even if they use God's name (in vain). The day must come forevery believer where the cornerstone does not cause them to stumble and doubt butare lifted up through Him.

  329. "They comfort in vain (comfort through, with, by vanity); therefore they wandered like a flock", Zac.10:2. Often, people needsomething to be able to live on as they always live. Sometimes, they needto be comforted; sometimes encouraged;and, sometimes, corrected. But he who walks with God must be able to discernwhat kind of comfort, encouragement, or rebuke comes to him. If anything thatmakes you go on is not the Comforter's consolation, but is something human andcarnal - something that is carnal imitation of what comes fromheaven - we have already become human-dependent. God can speak and comfort through someone, but we need to get thisconfirmation from within. False ones receive glory, comfort, and exhortation fromeach other, so they go their way as if they were sheep in a flock - but they are not.

  330. "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision", Titus 1:10. It seems as if Paulis talking about different people with different flaws orimperfections. But, in fact, itis the same persons with different behaviours, and whosebehaviours cooperate with eachother. These flaws are inseparable. Any unordered person talks a lot; consequently,such become vain; and the pressuring need to settle downand promote themselves as a way to feel secure is the inevitable consequencethat follows. Lets look at it in parts: a disordered life means someone who has notput,or has stopped putting, or has not kept his life in the light and ordered before God and,therefore, before his own eyes. "I have declared my ways (...) I thought on myways (...) all my ways are before thee (...); You are acquainted with all my ways", Ps.119:26,59,168; Ps.139:3. "To him who orders his conduct aright I willshow the salvation of God",Ps.50:23. Disordered people (in this sense)become talkative and those who speak a lot hear very little - they are alwaysbusy speaking and who is busy with one thing cannot do something else.Such become talking bubblers because they are unordered and speak abouta little of everything - evenabout what they never understood. As a result, such become vain people. When we speakof a vain person it means that he sings hymns, preaches, studies the Scriptures,but all in vain. This means that nothing he does - however much he does -means anything. It doesn't bring any true profit to real life andsuch arefooled with religiosity. That is why Paul mentions those of circumcisionalong with many others withany other kind of religiosity. They cannot help but become misleadand misleading. One of themost appealing and most common ways to feel assured is to gather disciples and listeners,as if it were the people and their opinions that give security and not the conviction andcertainty generated from within by the Spirit of God. Everything thatassures a deceived man isa form of idolatry. Just as money and greed breeds a false security (whichis a form of idolatry), there are other thingsthat grant such false security in people, things such as theopinion of others, any sort of success and praise from others whichis sought for the purpose of self assurance, among many otherthings. 

  331. Abstention from any sin, addiction or lust, from the heart and thought, filling thevoid with the practice of truth, breaking any evil practice oraddiction, also from the heart and thought, eliminates the sin of any life that has been filled with Holy Spirit. Those who walk and live filled with the Holy Spirit (as long as it is not only fiction and belief of illusion, lies or mere desirethat it is so) are said to "abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul", 1Pet.2:11. That's the secret. Those who abstain and are indeed filled with the Spirit will be cleansed - truly cleansed - to the point of not even remembering the sin that bound and consumed them. This sin can be anything from anger to prostitution, from impatience to hatred and murder.

  332. "...By His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life", Titus 3:7. The heritage of whichthe whole New Testament speaks about is a heritage of a nature, thatis, of the nature of Christ, which we inherit when certainconditions are met. This inheritance begins here and now on earth,just like eternal life. Eternal life is an inner life, constant,permanent and without ups and downs. And it is according to theliving and real hope that eternal life within us gives us the assuranceof this inheritance - provided it is found in the promised abundance. We will not inherit later because Christ has already died (and is risen).If you have died, the time of to grant your inheritance is now. Now is the time to receive the inheritanceand not later because Christ has died. We receive His nature here and now. Do you have this idea,notion or doctrine as towhat the heritage of the saints really is? Do you have this inheritancein you? Did you get to it by now?

  333. "...Who suppose that godliness is a means of gain", 1Tim.6:5. Gain is godliness itself. Those who earn godliness havegained all there is to gain. God may add other things, but nothing He addscan be be considered as gain because it is not. All current doctrines of prosperity - withor without signs of prosperity - are a fallacy. Whoever feels fulfilled and satisfied withattained godliness and the holiness that comes by the grace andpower of the Spirit, is a prosperous person. "Godlinesswith contentment is great gain", 1Tim.6:6. Even "the acknowledgment of the truthis according to godliness", Titus 1:1.

  334. "...Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, butaccording to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began", 2Tim.1:9. Many people preach that weare saved by grace. So far we are in agreement. However, in many it is nonetheless apreaching rather than a true and enormous realization of its reality. Thepoint is that most who preach that we are saved by grace do not manifest theseworks completed by grace - if they ever truly began. Their preaching servesto become fruitless, stagnant and without the true action of grace becoming manifestand conclusive. Let them show that they are saved by grace rather than just preachingabout grace.This grace needs to be attained, intensely desired by someone who wants to learn tobe aliveand to live in another way and by having another way of touchingtrue life and his true existence ahead. Grace is sought and found. "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace,that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need", Heb.4:16.

  335. When Pharaoh sent Jacob's sons back to fetch their father and their families,he said, "Do not be concerned about your goods, for the best of allthe land of Egypt is yours", Gen.45:20. Now if Joseph's brethren should not be concernedabout their possessions in Canaan because they would receive the bestof Egypt, imagine the evil done by all who cling to the things of the earthwhen professing heaven and trust in God. Remember Lot's wife. She looked back,and stayed stone dead where she looked at.

  336. "(Joseph's brothers) could not speak peaceably to him", Gen.37:4. Can you talk peacefully to all people? Speaking peacefully meansthat you have peace of heart and not that others are at peace with you.

  337. "Dwell in this land, and I will be with you and bless you (...) and your descendants", Gen.26:3.We know that by believing in Jesus, we automatically become descendants of Isaac and Abraham."Here I am and the children God has given me", Heb.2:13. Therefore, all that has been said tothe fathers of faith is also said to us now. There is only one thing we must understand better:"Being pilgrims on this earth." "These all (...) confessed that theywere strangers and pilgrims on the earth", Heb.11:13. Do you feel foreign in this land? Do you live as a foreigner here? Do you sojourn on this earth or take possessionof it, taking and loving that which is earthly? All who "take possession of this and that" cannot be consideredpilgrims on earth. Your "blessings" are illusions because you use God's name in vain. Pilgrimsdo not take possessionof anything, just as Abraham never took possession of the promised land because it was God who wouldgrant it, just as He promised to do. "I have raised my hand to the Lord, God Most Highthat I will take nothing, from a thread to a sandal strap, and that I will not take anything that is yours", Gen.14:23.

  338. "Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord", Gen.3:8. They did not hide from theLord - they avoided His presence. In fact, they did not cease to wantGod, but only not to be enlightened and convicted, being condemned byconscience which is alight. They hid, that is, they stopped walking in the light and beingtransparent. Deep down, they began to hide what shames and condemns. And theway to do it is to prevent the conscience from being enlightened by thepresence of God, which is light and which reveals what the light condemns aswell as what it approves.There are things that are not condemned by living in darkness andbecome acceptable, butbecome condemnable in the light by the light. And being condemnable by the light, they mustbe condemnable by the mind of one who walks in that light and has stopped walking indarkness. The mind of darkness must be transformed in one thatdelights walking in thelight. And these condemnable things should not only become reprehensible, but rejected or evenpre-rejected. "But we have renounced the hidden things of shame,not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but bymanifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's consciencein the sight (presence) of God", 2Cor.4:2.

  339. "...Because you did not know the time of your visitation", Lk.19:44. We must know that there is a time of visitationfor all beings here on earth. One day God knocks at our door. But we must take into accountthe reality of this day of visitation and reach out to the promise,whatever it may be. If this does not happen, it may happen that the Stonewhich is rejected,neglected, forgotten or despised is, after all, the main corner stone.

  340. "The wisdom of God also said, 'I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute'", Lk.11:49. Jesus defines prophecy as wisdom. Anykind of prophecy that is not wisdom or that does not come from wisdom is futile. Itmay never arise from emotion, bitterness, illusion or any other form of human feeling. Thewisdom of God is not felt emotionally, but surprises us in a waywhich brings forth fruit.

  341. "And (the seeds) which fell among thorns are the ones who, when they have heard, goforth and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of life, and do not bear to maturity", Lk.8:14. It is important to take noticethat each one is the main cause for the lack of true fruit in hisown life. Thedevil is not the one to blame, nor circumstances, but, self - it isself and only self who is to blame. And there is more: the love or desire for wealth, worries and occupationswith the world or the pleasures of earthly life have the power tochoke thepower and effect of the word of God - of every/any word of God. The devil does nothave that power, hell can not achieve what the things of the world in the heartcan achieve, that is, to nullify the word of God, which is powerful, creational and re-creational.With one word God made heaven and earth and with a worldly concern or occupation thepower of that word is brought to nought or suffocated. Secondly, it is not necessary for oneto be rich to breed a love for wealth, for even the poorest may hide their secret lovefor riches; it is not necessary for anyone to go to a worldly dance to have a tastefor the music of the world, for the heart may be desiring it or even maintaining secret hopes about what it has never attained - that is whatpeople call "dreams". Thesedreams are also thorns that choke the Word of God - any word comingfrom God. To say that only the rich have a love forwealth or that any poor person does not love money is to be lacking in truth. Sin thatresists in the heart can exist or co-exist with the Gospel in anyonemaking such a one a smoking flax or a bruised reed, whether rich or poor.And that is what suffocates the fruit in the heart. To say that one who abstainsfrom sexual transgressions is freed from its concupiscence merely because he abstains,fighting secretly against desire, is to be far from the truth, for when Christ sets free, He trulyfrees even from these kinds of inner sin and they cease to suffocate the word; and the Spirit makesthe whole inner being available to the true service of God and the Word. It is a promise andany promise from God is a duty. It is good that evil and temptation never find the desireor propensity to sin in us. "The prince of the world cometh, and he hath nothing in me,(he findethnothing in me)", John 14:30. If he finds nothing in us we should not be afraid of the approachof the evil one or his confrontation. Every form of legalism in aperson is a fear of sin associated with aheart that hides (conceals) its desire towards the sin which he is legal about, imposing on others whathe denies to recognize that he does, has or would dou if he could.

  342. Finding our way today is like going through weeds and thorny bushes. If we arenot guided, we will not be able to find thedirection towards our destination and we will never know how to go - even if we know wherewe should end.

  343. Why did Jesus not want the demons to tell who He was? I can't explain. But,I believe it isn't good when someone speaks well of me and that person does notwalk in the ways of God and I walk; and also when one who walks in the ways of Godthinks or speaks ill of me when I walk in the same ways; and, also,when I do not walk in the ways of God and am well spoken of. We need to be extremelycareful with people who claim to be identified with us and who are not in the true senseof the word. The true gospel should not be proclaimed by anyone who does not experienceit in the promised fullness.

  344. The confession of each sin by name was and will be the initial part of the wholeprocess of salvation. If we want to be truly saved from any of oursins and fully delivered from them, we must begin with John theBaptist. This is just the beginning. Everything else becomespossible from there. The life of fullness will be within the reachof those who have made a thorough cleansing of every ancient andpresent sin; and, as the Scriptures say, manyother things begin to take shape: "Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low":(Humility will start taking shape and will not be feigned); and the crooked shall be straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth: (anabundant lifewithout ups and downs, constant and permanent, will be within the reach of a true heart that seeksit; theone who searchers will find and prayer will no longer be just to seek and seekwithout finding); and all flesh will see the salvation of God(we shall be truly saved from our sins and delivered from them)", Lk.3:5,6.But, be assured that noone will end up in all this unless he has not been through John the Baptistat first.

  345. "Or the things that I purpose, do I purpose them according to the flesh, so that with me there should be yes, yes, and no, no?", 2Cor.1:17. There are two things herethat can happen: either to deliberate according to the flesh and try to act inthe Spirit; or deliberate according to the Spirit and try to walk accordingto the flesh. When we strive according to God and through His power,our feeling can follow everythingwe do, but those feelings are not the motivation for what we do oraccomplish. If feeling accompanies, we fulfil better God's law because God's lawsays that we love Him with all we are -including the way we feel. But, when feeling is the motivation rather than becoming a mereally which accompanies whatever we do, we are carnal. Spiritual people act in such a way that they appear to actcarnally, and it is for this reason that "likenesses of believers"are hardly distinguishable from true ones. Paul explains it thisway: "... as if we walked according to the flesh. For though walking about in flesh,we do not war according to flesh", 2Cor.10:2,3.

  346. "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me", Gal.2:20. We are a responsibleparty tocarry our cross to die. We are not to be managers of the life of Christ, that is,our duty is to hand to death our rights, our things, our ideas and allow Christ tolive in us as we live too. Our task is to surrender ourselves to the cross to be crucified foreverand not only to carry the cross all the time.Christ will live His own life in us.

  347. "Abide in me, and I in you", John 15:4.We cannot compromise what God gives us because of a bad, deficient or partialinterpretation of what he wants to convey to us. We must analyze separatelywhat it means to be in God and what it means that God abides in us. These are twodifferentstatements and not one. It is necessary for God to be in us as much as it isnecessary for us to abide in Him. One may believe that God is there becauseoneremains in prayer (often in unanswered praying) or because one assiduously studies the Biblewith or without understanding. But it is necessary for God to grantHis personaltestimony about the person and the heart so that what we believe maybe confirmed by God and not onlyby us.People who have a superficial, partial, religious, shallow relationship with God -even if there is one - will not understand this reasoning. But whoever has a relationshipin the promised measure - a deep, exclusive, permanent relationshipwith Him - will immediately sense as soon asthere is something that can cause God to abstain from this fellowship. I remember aman of God, Andrew Murray, who was known as "He who walks with God". One day, walking downthe street, he fell on his knees as if something serious had happened to him. A police officerran to him and asked him if there was something wrong with him. Andrew Murray replied that he hadjust lost his fellowship withGod at that moment. He did not wait to get home to pray, he did not go to someone's housefor counselling. He simply fell on his knees in the middle of the street. We need to knowwhen something makes God abstain from communing with us, even though we are striving as always.

  348. "Thou fool, this night your soul shall be required of you, then whose shall be those things which you have prepared?"Lk.12:20. Here, Jesus talks about the madnessof a rich man. But, what could we say about the beauty of a beautiful woman? "Foolishwoman,why do you want to look beautiful spending so much of your time in frontof the mirror to beg for the approval of all other fools? Your soul will berequired of you this night and whathave you been preparing for?" Or, what will be said about stubbornness of a wrong man?

  349. To understand legalism one must take into account several things. It can accomplish carnalthings in a carnal way andit can't accomplish what is spiritual in a spiritual way, it is,through graceful means. However, it believes itsachievements are achieved by grace, are acceptable and recommendable.Legalism is to jump over the wall to avoid the means - it is to tryto achieve the ends without going through the means.

  350. Many people do not truly seek the truth - they seek to be secured and to feel secure and convinced. They seek feelings of security andnot truth; they seek not truth. It is a fatal mistake for many. That is why the doctrine of the certainty ofsalvation has proliferated so much and deceived many.

  351. I believe that the heart and wisdom seldom walk together. It is a difficultcombination, a very rare one. But, if they manage to walk together (handin hand) they become an indestructible weapon.

  352. "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide underthe shadow of the Almighty", Ps.91:1. To dwell in the hidingplace of the Most High is not to visit the Most High from time totime. It is to live with Him in His habitation permanently anduninterruptedly. "Abide in Me and Me in You". Either we live with/inHim permanently in His territory or we will not find rest, much lessunder His shadow. In the original, the word "to dwell" means toremain as when you get married and move away to live permanently ina homely manner, it means to be and to feel at home with much easein another living (dwelling) place. It is to find an abode inanother home, to be under another shadow. In the shadow of theomnipotent one is a place of intense light, even if it is in theshade. This light makes no shadow, makes everything transparent andvisible. Consequently, only those who have a cleansed conscience andwhose hearts have no intention of hiding, concealing or disguisingwhatsoever is found there. No one will find rest under the shadowof the Almighty God unless he has a truly peaceful, clean, refreshedconscience and feels at home continually coexisting with holiness.We must feel at home dwelling with God wherever it may be. "Who mayascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holyplace? He who has clean hands and a pure heart", Ps.24:3,4.

  353. "Iwill say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him Iwill trust'", Ps.91:2. There are those whospeak without saying anything and those who say something without expressinganything. You have to be in His presence, under this fire, under Hisintense light which makes everything alight and clear, before youcan utter what is stated by the Psalmist in this verse. In thislight - and only under it - it will be known whether God is a refugeor a judge; whether He is your strength or the cause of instabilityand self-condemnation; if we can and should trust Him or if weshould deeply mourn. We can not say anything about what God truly meansto us before we truly find ourselves in this real presence, beforeit is real and as intense as was his presence at Pentecost. Onlythen can you know what God truly means to you. True revival is toanticipate the day of judgment. The only difference between a real, true revival and the Day of Judgment is that in the Last Day itwill not be possible to save anyone anymore. In the rest they aresimilar. Think well before praying for a revival. Review the costsand analyze the price well, because nothing will be the same fromthat day on when the Holy Spirit descends upon a nation, a church ora single individual. It is and will always be under thesecircumstances that you will know what God really means to you,whether He is your God or your Judge, your refuge and if the truthyou embrace is God's and if it is in the shadow of thattruth that you find shelter, a dwelling place and feel at homehaving found it.

  354. "Surely, He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from theperilous pestilence", Ps.91:3. The snare of the fowlerhas much to do with sin, temptation, provocation, and all that cancall upon a soul to contamination and to the point of being excludedfrom the shadow of the Almighty (Is.59:1,2).The pernicious plague or pestilence and the fowler have something incommon: they are cunning, subtle, they specialize in deception andin taking hold on those who come too close to the limit of whatmight be a temptation to their flesh, soul or spirit. Not every kindof temptation is a temptation for everyone. Some are more vulnerableto certain situations or are more tempted by certain things thanothers. You should find out what can be a temptation to theindividual that you are in God - if you are indeed in God. This isyour personal fowler's snare. Do not go near it and avoid reachingthat limit, or that border. Sin will not respect this line and maydraw or lure you to his side in the form of invitation, deception,godly appearance or by frightening you. Escape from what your limitsare, and not just from sin, which may not be the limits of otherpeople. Also, avoid judging people by taking your limits intoaccount or to judge yourself having other's limits or limitations inmind. Find your own limits and limitations and avoid getting tooclose to them. And remember that those limits shall change accordingto the changing of your mind and heart, which occurs byfellowshipping with the Lord and His values. Anyway, in the timebeing  and if you can help it, be as far away from your actuallimits as possible. Ifyou can't - because of the will of God - surrender your whole self tothe Lord in those moments. Help others get away from theirboundaries as well - and not from yours.

  355. "He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shalltake refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler", Ps.91:4. There are many truths.There is truth about many facts, but the truth that sets you free isnot truth about things or about the realities of this world. Anytruth is and will always be good, but only one kind of truth isliberating: that which penetrates the soul about the sinner and theSaviour. Another feature of this truth is that it becomes real,flows, is overwhelming and simple. If it has not been turned real,and it is true, it does not save. No one can separate truthfrom its corresponding practical reality. If it is not real, it isnot true for that person. Truth that truly saves is the one thatflows from within the person. But it must flow like impetuous streams ofliving water. The other truths are external and, however true theymay be, they never penetrate beyond thought and knowledge of wisdom.The one that flows is the one that saves. For this reason, theScriptures speak of His truth, differentiating it from the othertruths. That is the one which "shall be your shield and buckler".

  356. "You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow thatflies by day. Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor ofthe destruction that lays waste at noonday", Ps.91:5,6. Night terror has alot to do with darkness. Everything that is nocturnal is associatedwith darkness. This terror, in the original, means terrifying terroror scaring fright. These terrors or fears are not always made up ofreal dangers or real terrors. What moves most people are the thingsthey imagine. Reality is often far removed from people'sminds. So, what frightens is not only what is real, but whatlives in the person's mind and imagination, especially, in the formof fears. The person is more frightened by what he imagines than bywhat he sees, unless what he sees provokes the imagination. As arule, when reality is combined with the imaginations, everythingbecomes more dramatized and the imagination is and will always begreater and more frightening than reality. So, instead of pretendingto believe or trust, we must mark the imaginations and have themseparated from realities to face and ponder on all realities in asober and realistic way. Is the danger real? If it is real, is itgreater than God? Is the danger death? Is eternal life real andovercomes death? This is what will make us stop being afraid ofnight terrors. By day and in the light, we see all things as theyare and in the imagination we see them as they are not. "You shallnot fear arrows that fly by day". The arrow that flies by day has,as a rule, a tip of fire and flame - it puts on fire everythingwhere it hits. They are incendiary arrows. Those who wish to betruly saved from all their sins are afraid of being struck by thesearrows which alarms their inner system. But, if it is true that faith extinguishes these arrows, weshould look better at which side we focus on: whether to the frightor to the solution. "... The shield of faith, wherewith ye shall beable to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked,"Ef.6:16. Most sincere believerswith real faith (one who is the fruit of a true relationship betweenheart and God and is not mere effort to believe), try to divertthe darts instead of deepening the faith, making it real, effectiveand true, which is not feigned, strained or forced faith. Should alady in the wind hold her skirt or the wind? In the same way, peoplewho dread the arrows that fly by day focus more on the arrows thanon communion with God and on the unconditional surrender to Him -which is the only way to produce this faith that is true, real andis fruit brought about only from this communion and fellowship. Onlyby communing with God does it come into existence and is maintained.It is not faith that brings fellowship with God - it is communionwith Him that produces this true and real faith.

  357. "A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But itshall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and seethe reward of the wicked",Ps.91:7,8. Many look at this versethinking and believing that those who persecute them and those upon whomthey wishto take revenge will fall. But it's not that. The destruction willcome upon all, but those who dwell in God will escape it and willjust look to see it. That they cannot avoid. Destruction willnot come upon people because of those who take refuge in God. It is not avengeance - it is a foretold destruction for the extermination of evil andsin which will be seen. We could be equally destroyed if truth were notour dwelling place andif the truth were not our way of living. We will see the revenge of Godconsummated and not our revenge by God for our sake. In our salvation therewill be no room for any form of selfishness. Human revenge is selfishnessasking for satisfaction. The reward of the wicked is given becauseof ungodliness and not to satisfy our desires of selfish revenge. And if I escapethis eternal reward of destruction, it is because I have repented andhave beentransformed timely. It will be like escaping from an airplane crash: I am glad tohave escaped, but I am not happy that others have perished. The others didnot perish because of me. I'll just see that happen. On this day, I will have tobe strong and rejoice in the Lord for the sake of God's will.

  358. "Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, yourdwelling place", Ps.91:9. There are affirmations coming fromthe mouth andwhich do not come from visible facts. And there areaffirmations of belief, which many people claim to be faith and havenever become reality. There arealso those statements from those who have tasted what they say (but havenot yet experienced it in a daily basis to be fed exclusively by it). I believe none of these situationsis the casein this verse. It is one thing to smell and taste good food and another tobe fed by it permanently, where the pleasure of eating no longer counts,but, the strength and energy it provides. Besides, there are realities soobvious that they go far beyond what can be expressed, explained or described. Theysaid of Solomon, "that they did not tell me half their greatness, and thatyou surpassed the fame I heard"; suppose one receives the fullness ofGod and has to describe what he receives and happens to him. I believethis is the case in this verse. Reality went so far beyond the expectationsthat the Psalmist had to find words like "dwelling" or "refuge" to try todescribe what was happening to him. His cup was overflowing. It is necessary thatone lives and experiences this fullness in the first person in order to understandwhat the psalmist is talking about here. It is something impossible to deny, impossible to describe in words,something that leaves no doubt and is overwhelming, overflows beyond words andimagination. Those who have not found this and yet seek after itwill also talk about it and even agree with these words. Yet, itdoesn't mean that they have found it and neither that they are lost.There is searching and there is finding. However, remind yourselfconstantly that even after having found it, it is not the end of theroad. You shall need to come to a point where you can live with itin such a way as if you have never lived any other way before. Youmight experience some new problem conciliating your whole self withthe new life of God, which renews itself daily. Remember, also, thatreconciliation with it is not and will never be only to adapt to it."We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God", 2Cor.5:20. This was said to newborn Christians.

  359. "No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near yourdwelling", Ps.91:10. The evil spoken of here is eternal evil, for thePsalmist has his eyes turned to the eternal. He sees eternity clearly. Thesmall earthly setbacks can never separate any person from this overwhelmingreality. A man of God, John Sung, said that those who hunt lions do not careabout flies or mosquitoes. Did the snake come into your tent? Its poison willhave no ill effect upon you. Does provocation or temptation knock atyour door? Yourreality is different and you only have to deal with it. Are tomorrow'sperspectives frightening and filled with concerns? God takes care of today and tomorrow will be today.

  360. "For He shall give His angels charge over You, to keep You in all Yourways", Ps.91:11. Angels areactive participants in the Kingdom of God. God does not need them tosupport humans, just as He does not need us to expand the trueGospel. But, by eternal decree He established that each should havehis active participation in His Kingdom. Each has his own functionand responsibility. However, the responsibility is not just toperform each one only that which is appropriate or God's will forhim. It's not just that.The will of God must be sought, found, and, along with the means ofgrace, must be attained, treasured and executed. The will of God is notperformed without having seized the means to do so; and these meansare not applied without knowing where they should be applied and forwhat purpose. Grace is an active power and needs to be sought in atimely manner (and not on the moment of the event as the foolishvirgins wished to do), having in view a proper and pure notion ofGod's will that has been revealed and made clear. Each one must seek Godwith the intention of knowing what is this will for his life. It'slike fetching a lost map that needs to be found - something fewachieve. However, a map by itself takes no one anywhere. Havingfound it, one needs to, either immediately or in advance and withoutdelay, reach the means of grace so that this will of God can beperformed here on earth the same way and by the same meanseverything is executed in heaven. "On earth as it is done heaven".Having found these means and having reconciled the heart with boththe will and the means, with God's time and form, then, obediencemust already be a spontaneous readiness as if nothing else coulddraw our attention from doing. And this only happens if the personin question has not become weary and exhausted in the pursuit of thewill and the means. "For My name's sake you have laboured and havenot fainted", Rev.2:3. In this sense, theangels will also be active participants in the Kingdom of God andhelp those whom God is saving in this world. Therefore, any lack orfailure of an angel can create a loss for the person and for theKingdom of God globally. Since we are the beneficiaries of the workof the angels, it becomes clear why they will be judged by us, thatis, why we will be the cause for their judgment for good or for bad.This is how we will judge the angels or why we will be the cause of their judgment. Our shortcomings in this sensewill speak against them if we are faithful in everything and oursupply will testify in their behalf. "Do you not know that we shalljudge angels" 1Cor.6:3.

  361. "They shall bear You up in their hands, lest You dash your foot against astone", Ps.91:12. Angels areobedient to God. We do not know how they are tempted or whether theyare tempted, although we are fully aware that a third of them havebeen tempted along with Satan and fell. Therefore, being obedientbeings, we are assured that they will hold us in their hands.However, we must not ignore that this is a way of expressing andaffirming that God will sustain us and that He sustains us. Thereare many ways of saying the same thing.

  362. "You shall tread on the lion and adder; the young lion and the jackal youshall trample underfoot", Ps.91:13. Here he speaks not only of our abilitiesafter having been transformed into ultra-obedient beings, but alsoof our responsibilities. No one treads on a serpent having ormaintaining his fears and conceptions about serpents; no one willdare against the roar of a lion without facing the lion as well asanything he has ever imagined about lions and the dangers theymight represent. However, whatever a lion or serpent represents is nolonger true for those who truly find themselves in God. It isnecessary that everything becomes truly new and that everything thathas become new is assumed as a new reality where the old reality hasnothing more to say, has no longer anything to do or how to causefear, although fears are mostly caused by what people think orbelieve rather than reality. Even if some fears are caused by realthings, one must be able to acknowledge that the reality is now another andis no longer as it has not been previously.A transformed being must become one who is able to transform hismind and who renounces all his previous imaginations knowing thatthe reality is quite different now. The truly reborn person must besomeone who can change - who can work with God on changing his mind,his mentality, his initiative, his instincts, his ways of reacting and acting, andeverything that can still connect him to his old and ancient lifeand to his previous ties. Nothing works out as before. "Do not beconformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of yourmind", Rom.12:2.

  363. "Because He has set His love on Me, therefore I will deliver Him; I will setHim on high, because He has known My name", Ps.91:14. Although this verse is a prophecy aboutChrist, it is true of anyone who reaches the means of grace within aheart full of readiness towards accomplishing the will of God which is specific to thelife of those who discovered or found it through much cost. We alsosee here that all that was said about the angels was, at bottom, away of saying that God was behind everything. It was God whosustained, who would make our foot never stumble among many otherthings. But, for this to happen it is necessary to fulfil certainconditions and certain requirements that can never stop beingcurrent, daily life issues and can never stop being updated being anexclusive and updated daily reality. "Therefore, brothers, rather be diligent to makeyour calling and election sure, for if you do these things, youshall never fall", 2Pet.1:10.

  364. "He shall call on Me, and I will answer Him; I will be with Him in trouble; Iwill deliver Him, and honour Him", Ps.91:15. The secret of life isGod being with us no matter where. It can be in trouble. In theoriginal, this word "trouble" means much more than what weunderstand in our language. It means being disturbed by a rival ofGod, like an outsider who is a rival or a competitor in a marriage.We must not forget that trust in God needs to be tested by a strongcompetitor and it is in anguish and trouble that people either cryout to God or complain against Him. By crying out to Him, we arefavouring Him; by complaining, we are against Him. Calling on the true partner especially when anappealing and compelling rival manifests itself is something thatbrings us closer to God and more dedicated to our genuine, truepartner and friend. To complain about the 'lack of attention' wouldbe to move away from him to near the rival. Secondly, there areverses in the Bible that tell us of such closeness between us andGod that it may happen that he answers us even before we cry out andHe hears us as we are still speaking. No one attends this way unlesshe is very close to our thinking and heart knowing or experiencingour reality even before we call on him or cry out to him. "And itwill be, before they call I will answer; and while they are stillspeaking, I will hear", Is.65:24. Seek and find thiscloseness. It exists. But, in it, there is no room for rivals - not eventhe slightest attention or consideration for any rival. Trouble is arival of God and it shall always be there to call our attention.

  365. "With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation", Ps.91:16. Salvation must be shown, that is, it must beexperienced and not just believed. Being saved is experiencing areal life, being free from sin and living above temptations. Arethere temptations? Yes, of course. But one thing is to havetemptation finding ground or a foothold in the heart and anotherthing is to find nothing for it to ignite, proliferate or burn. Inorder to have fire burning, matter for combustion must be found. Thetemptation is the flame, but in order to have its fire going there must beother things as well. Fire dies if there are no elements to burn on.Are fire and flame there? Yes, of course they exist, but by notfinding what to burn from, it is extinguished naturally. "The rulerof this world comes, and he has nothing in Me", John 14:30. It is in this waythat we experience ourselves as being saved from our sins and savedfrom ourselves. This is how we will be TRULY free from anything andeverything. This is how salvation is shown to self. It must be shownand made visible. May it be so, Lord. Amen.

  366. For many, death is still a mystery. But, let me clarify a little moreabout it. What causes death is not disease; it's not a snake bite;it's not a lost bullet. True death is the one where someone dies forGod living like a zombie here on earth. This is the true salary thatany sin brings about to anyone. This death is the true and onlysalary for sin. Whoever has this death is dead even though he lives.And whoever has true life, lives even if he dies.

  367. "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I willraise him up at the last day", John 6:44. There being a lastday means there is a walk until that day. Coming to Christ andreaching the end of the path still with Him means much more thanbeing brought to a starting point. When one is brought to Christ,one has come to a point to be taken to the goal. And that goal is asincere and flowing fellowship with Christ, which is not that easyto obtain. One is not left at thestarting point. To come to Christ or to God is much more thanraising a hand in a church and making a decision for Him. Comparedto what it really means to come to Him, making that decision isclose to nothing. Bringing a person to Christ is bringing him tostart a walk of heaven to heaven,which for some is longer or for others is somewhat shorter. "That I mayknow Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship ofHis sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I mayattain to the resurrection from the dead", Phil.3:10,11.

  368. When God uses a problem, tribulation, or even temptation to exterminatean attitude, to reduce it to nothing from the heart or to modify itin holiness,we must be able to detect the goal which God intends to achieve. Wemust search and find out what He is aiming at (or at least trustHim accordingly), instead of seeking for away to escape whatever has come upon us. If we do not detect Hisaim, we can be led to concentrate our forces, actions andperspectives to the moment the storm passes away. We will want thestorm to end and not that we be transformed and corrected, and that this correction bedeep and that it be an eternal and permanent transformation to whichwe must adapt immediately. When we think that what we are to achieveis the end of the storm, we will return to the way we have alwaysbeen as soon as the storm passes and we will fall into the sameold temptations which always affected us before. If this happens and theHoly Spirit has not yet been grieved away, everything will repeatitself all over again because what God intended to achieve throughtribulations has not been achieved. But, if we believe that God isthe one who places us under those circumstances by which we gothrough, we must always have His aim in mind and perspective so thatwe may become co-workers of Christ in the same direction through thesame means and ways and, thus, shall we be able to redeem time andeven to shorten it - perhaps even avoid further tribulations becauseof the consummated obedience and cooperation towards the same goalthat God intends to achieve. If we do not do that, we will have gonethrough trials in vain, and both we and God will have wasted ourtime.

  369. All it takes to have people misunderstand each other or not get alongwith each other is to be different at heart. They may say the samething, but the difference between hearts is and will always be aninsurmountable abyss. The animosity between love and enmity in the heartwill always be there. A person of an impatient heart and one who hasa patient heart will never get along even if they say the samething. Unless they are feigning, one is and will always be the enemyof the other. "The flesh is enmity against God" and God against theflesh, Rom.8:7. "Can two walk together unless they areagreed?"Amos 3:3. If the yoke isunequal, there will never be true understanding, though there may bea feigned, painful and forced understanding or acceptance. People donot understand each other by speaking one with the other only - theyget along by what they are or by what they become from the inside.That is why we get families apart and divided once one becomes holyand God's. We should never try to unite what can never be a unity. Onecannot separate what God has put together and one cannot puttogether what God has separated. Light and darkness are foreverseparated through an eternal decree. "And what partnership does lighthave with darkness?", 2Cor.6:14. Since God hasseparated light from darkness as His first act of creation, unitingthem is impossible. Trying to do that is an enormous futility. It isa useless transgression.

  370. "Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated untothe gospel of God", Rom.1:1. "Servant of JesusChrist". When an apostle ceases to be a servant, he will cease to bean apostle. The same can be said of any member of the church, inwhatever function he may find himself. When we stand before God, we must knowthat there is no longer an apostle, but a servant - a servant beforehis God. Before God, ends the statute, all rights cease,unconditional obedience begins and, there, God is everything and weare His simple servants. And this can not happen by pretending, byforce or by  trying to work it out at the moment like the five foolish virgins did.We must be enabled to do right away and, if not, we have not foundthe way at all. And if we stand continuallybefore God, as Elijah claimed to be, we will continually beservants. "God, before whom I am ...". This he said before a king,not bothering to stand before his king, but before God. What wouldyou think or do if you were faced with the president of yourcountry?

  371. Inability is the main cause of frustration. It causes frustration because wecan not do when we try and because we shall always desire moreintensely what we can not accomplish. Now, inability has its good things andis a crossroad for all those who are frustrated if what frustratesthem is the incapacity for loving their neighbour as themselves orif it isto get any other heavenly virtuosity. It teaches us to accept and tolove the grace of God all the more, which enables us to theuttermost. Any frustrated person who feels frustrated because heearnestly desires the bread of heaven (paying full attention to his motives),by his crying out he can be made one who affirms that "I can do allthings through him who strengthens me", even if that can be saidonly in the long run. Frustration can lead us to give up or tosurrender to Christ. It all depends on whether we really have believed Himor not. No feigned, forced, unnatural faith, or faith in anydoctrine will ever get us to that point. It will eventually give up andits end will always be ultimate and everlasting frustration.

  372. Imagine a war field. There, some coward soldier is afraid to face the enemyof his soul. It is true that the enemy can kill him. But it is alsotrue that he can defeat that enemy. No one wins a battle - much lessa war - without facing or confronting his enemy face to face. So itworks in our battle against sin. Anyone who does not confront the sin of his heart,having it as a mortal enemy, orthe sin outside of him, running away from reality, is onlyanticipating his own defeat. And by anticipating defeat refusingor hesitating to face the enemy in the eyes, he shall eitherbefriend the enemy or give up the fight by surrendering to sin. Thisis the fate of all such who give in to the fear of being confrontedby their own temptations and fears. Such will never be more thanconquerors and will never taste that victory that only Christ cangrant. We must face our enemies eyes in the eyes. If we fear to facesin and temptation we do not yet know the Saviour as He is. Suchbecome more than defeated and never more than conquerors, eventhough they have a power so active at hand such as grace, which isthe power of God in a life of fullness and wholeness, they shall bedefeated.

  373. "But, as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons ofGod, even to them that believe on his name", John 1:12. Receiving Jesus is not and will never be whatpeople say it is by raising their hands in the church as a sign ofcommitment. We cannot confuse a change of ideas with a change ofheart. For someone to receive Him, He must be present and must bereal. Jesus needs to manifest Himself as He is, representing all Hisvalues in a liquid way (in a real way), assuming all that His true name encloses andholds firm forever. When Jesus presents Himself in this way and Heis there for real, surely "many of his disciples turn back and nolonger walk with him," John 6:66. 'Accepting' someone whodoes not introduce himself as He really is or is not present, is to accept achristof our own mind and imagination. Accepting a christ of our head means accepting thatsort christ we desire him to be and him to serve. Surely, that is afalse Christ - and a false christian has a false christ. If thereare false christs, surely, there are false christians as well.

  374. "Professing to be wise, they became fools", Rom.1:22.There is no fool who finds himself foolish, just as there is no wiseman who thinks he is wise. You should suspect everyonewho believes himself to be wise or wiser - even when he does not say so - and much moresuch who claims to be wise. True wisdom affects the person's conductand does not elevate the ego. It destroys the ego completely.

  375. "He who speaks of himself seeks his own glory", John 7:18. This is the naked truth. However, there aremany more ways to seek own glory which Jesus did not mention in thisverse and mentioned in the rest of Scriptures (He is the WordHimself). For example, someone who interrupts another person when heis speaking can be seeking what he wants and does not love hisneighbour as himself - much less his opinion; someone who presses for his own views seekshis own glory; one who, through his false or untrue wisdom, humbleor not, seeks to impress, manipulate, twist, ignore what is right,may be seeking his own glory even without speaking of himself,putting himself under the spotlights. But, the error does not consistin speaking of ourselves, for Jesus spoke much of himself; the errordoes not reside in putting the point of view of the truth withoutfear, for Jesus did it all the time; it is not to stand firm underthe spotlight of people's scrutiny, for Jesus and the apostlesalways did that by walking in the light, being fully, continually andunconditionally transparent. The error resides in the content of the message, inthe essence of it and, mainly, in the reason for which we conductourselves to do what we do or through the way we express ourselves.Can I speak of myself in an effort to constantly seek the glory ofGod as the ultimate goal? Jesus did that. Can I press my points without wishing toimpress and never turn my attention to myself and reveal Christthrough everything I say, express or intend to achieve? Jesus didthat. When Jesusspeaks of "speaking of himself," he means that someone sayssomething that carries the seed of glory for self. The message andits final intention is the glory of the person himself, or of anotherperson who is admired, but, not of God.

  376. Sometimes, someone whopersists and insists in being led by God may seem stubborn seekingthe truth which others consider to be own truth or not the truth.Such a life finds the truth and protects itself from other people. Iremember Evan Roberts (during the mighty Welsh Revival) sayingsomething like this: "Here, at my table, tears in my eyes! Why? Ihave just been opening my heart to my Master and said that I am theonly worker in His field, doing my best, while others working forthe same Master leave His work to come to hinder me. I asked myMaster to protect me". There are virtues that, outwardly, appear tobe defects and imperfections. Jesus expelled people violently fromthe temple of God, full of virtuosity. Does that seem right andcorrect to you? This still intrigues many people today. Paul refusedto take Mark with him and got a great argument with Barnabas aboutit to the point of separation. However, Barnabas was no longerspoken of in the book of Acts, and Paul's work continued to thrivepowerfully - something that would not happen had Paul sinned, or donewrong. We cannot and may not be guided by the similarities orappearances of things. Persistence and perseverance may look likestubbornness; waiting on God may seem indifference andirresponsibility; working tirelessly for God being guided by Him mayseem like hyperactivity that does not keep the commandment of rest;to isolate ourselves from everything in order to be with God alonefor a time may seem to seek our own way, and even the Scriptures attest to that(Prov.18:1); and so on. All thatis virtuous has its malignant likeness and no matter which side weturn to, this always occurs and there will always be acounter-likeness of any virtue. Any virtue has itscounter-similarity. For this reason, the sword of God has two edgesand cuts from both sides. Blessed are all those who do not letthemselves be carried away by appearances - not even by their ownappearance. However, it must be taken into account that he whoprotects himself from others has someone else to be protected from:himself. We must know how to protect ourselves from others as muchas we protect our own hearts from ourselves by being guided by Godin a real and uncontested way. Always remember that there is also alikeness of being led by God, likenesses of grace, and likenesses ofHis ways and those always seem right, but, end up in death. Beprotected from yourself as much as you protect yourself from othercarnal (and spiritual) beings. All are equally dangerous.

  377. Anyone who studies, having become acquainted with some matter, detacheshimself from some repeated study he already knows. That is, hisconcentration levels drop, motivation is not the same anymore, and thedistraction dilemma strikes in strength because he is alreadysufficiently familiar with those issues he has studied. That is whyperfection is harder than learning from scratch what we do not know.The same can be true of all students of the Bible, with the slightdifference that they are able to get enthusiastic to teach others,preparing something with unacceptable motives for someone in theKingdom. However, we must take into account that knowing and beingfamiliar with everything in the Bible is not what is required of us.Much more is required from us than that or something very differentfrom that. The Word needs not only be known, but needs to becomepractical because it has become our very nature. The explanation ofthe Word must be a kind of confession/profession of what is already happening with uswithout a doubt; it must be a description of what is already happening in the inner man andfor which we would not find an explanation. As nothing depends onus, we can not think that we can do it by having taken knowledge ofit. However, the reverse of it is true: by doing, we shall know. "If any man willdo the will of God ... he shall know", John7:17. If we believe that we will do if we know, webelieve that it depends on our abilities and it is no longer God whooperates both willingness and doing. The truth is that he whopractices and lives (experiences in practical living), will know andcreates the conditions to be fully acquainted with the truth.

  378. Jesus said that the seeker finds. But we read between the lines that itdoes not mean to seek anything and rather the Kingdom of God to bereigned by God here and now. If we do not seek the Kingdom to bereigned and rather try to find what we need materially, we run the risk of findingwhat we will not want at the end of a lifetime.

  379. Concepts create prejudices. Moreover, a concept of God does not make Godreal. A concept of God creates a form of idolatry. One must meet Himas He is, seeing Him as He presents Himself. "Little children, keepyourselves from idols", 1John 5:21.Isn't it strange that John says such a thing to his children in thefaith?

  380. "He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry", 1Tim.1:12. Few have the notion that only those who becomefaithful and have it proven through their lives that they indeedexperience the gospel in its promised fullness can be placed in theministry. There are those who place themselves in the ministry andthe lack of fruit or the increase of wrong fruit shows howmuch they are on their own. Faithful in the little will be faithfulin much. "And if you have not been faithful in what is anotherman's, who will give you what is your own?", Lk.16:12.

  381. "We know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully", 1Tim.1:8. There is a hugedifference between using the law legitimately and being legalistic.In fact, they are two things in opposite fields. Legalism hammers others with what it does not live and does not do itself. "Forthey bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men'sshoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of theirfingers",Mat.23:4. But a preacher wholives the life of God and experiences life in the promised fullnessmust make proper use of the law knowing that the law is a servantthat leads to Christ. The exclusive benefit of it is to lead to Christ. The sword of the law brings conviction tothose who need it and this conviction leads to Christ. "The law wasour tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified byfaith",Gal.3:24. Do not allow the fear oflegalism to lead you to avoid making a good use of the law, for thereis a legitimate way to use it to lead to Christ. Bringing someone toChrist without such a person being convicted of sin is a fraud andcreates a fraudulent believer. One cannot make a fraudulent use ofthe gospel, for the true gospel comes after the law, that is, afterthe practical and legitimate application of the law which convictsof all and any sin.

  382. "For in that He died, He died to sin once; but in that He lives, He livesto God; (...) knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Himin order that the body of sin might be destroyed, that from now onwe should not serve sin. For he who died has been justified fromsin. if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live withHim", Rom.6:10,6-8. This is truerevival, being truly, literally alive through a resurrected life and forever dead to sin. The two prominent characteristics of Christbecome all too evident in all those who are, have been and will bebaptized with the Holy Spirit. "And when the Comforter has come, whomI will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceedsfrom the Father, He shall testify of Me",John 15:26. And this does nothappen in effort, it is not a mere belief, but, it is a reality soevident that no one has the capacity to deny it - not even tohimself. The baptism with the Holy Spirit manifests itself by thefruit which it generates - not by the gifts. And this kind of deathto sin and the kind of life that lives only for God through Him inall its splendour and power are the chief fruit and unique andoutstanding proof of the true Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The personwho experiences this characteristic of Christ by having Christliving in him confesses that Christ came in the flesh. Such a personlives his normal, everyday, spontaneous life manifesting this deathto sin and to the world. He is as dead to sin as a corpse would beto anything in this world. This type of death is factual, literal,true as eternal life is when manifested in a person and in all hispersonal experience. However, we must be reminded that we haveexperienced another kind of life in the past, which is engraved inour minds, and now that we experience the constant and eternal life- if we experience it truly - we must live as if we had never knownwhat has truly passed. "Likewise count (consider) yourselves also to be trulydead to sin, but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord",Rom.6:11

  383. Perhaps you owe your present prosperity to the fierce trials you haveundergone during your lifetime; who knows if it your health is dueto the hunger you have suffered since many have become what theyeat; who knows if you have learned to love truly because you havebeen rejected all your life; who knows if you love your childrendearly because your parents were brutal and violent; perhaps youreally want to give your friends the best because you had receivedno help from old friendships. All things can work for the good ofthose who truly love God. Maybe it's time to stop complaining and tostart thanking the Lord for everything that is happening to youunder His providence.

  384. "Ifyour eye is sound, yourwhole body shall be full of light", Mat.6:22. There are those whohave good eyes, but, look at evil things, which they cannot avoid,and are not affected by them; and there are those who have evil eyesand look at good things, and that does not affect them either.

  385. There are those who transgress having a heart of love and transgressagainst their nature for lack of culture, lack of knowledge or bybeing inattentive; this transgression can be forgiven very easilybecause it is easy to leave those sins. "Whoever confesses andleaves them shall have mercy", Prov.28:13.And there are those who fulfil having a selfish heart, that is, aheart contrary to love and they fulfil contrary to their naturehaving their own benefit in mind. Fulfilling this way will not beaccepted and, like Cain, they shall be rejected in the long run.These are what the Bible says are the tares among the wheat. All of what lovedoes naturally is of its nature; those who are not love try to do itfor the sake of 'sympathy', admiration or for the peace ofcoexistence and mutual understanding, but do it for their ownconvenience. Love does not need rules for coexisting, or laws forbehaviour because it behaves in fair, righteous and correct waysnaturally. It does not know how to live or act any other way. Lovelives from its fountain, and the law is for those who aretransgressors from the heart and, for that reason, must refrainthemselves constantly so that the evil of the heart does not get alose hand and does not manifest itself. It is the transgressor whoneeds to use reins to refrain himself. However, even when he refrainshimself he still remains a transgressor at heart.

  386. "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things",1John 2:20.These are strong words, which many leaders and pastors reject atfirst in their practical ministries because they wish to have fullcontrol over the flock and over the Spirit. They do not like to hear them.All preaching must become a confirmation of what is alreadyhappening within the hearer. Even many who hear reject therealization that they know everything, that is, that the word isrevealed and manifested from within and, if not, it is to no avail.Whoever has the true anointing, an anointing which is not justbelieved or is not mere pretending, should pay close attention towhat is going on inside him in the form of movements of the HolySpirit.

  387. "For if they were of us, they would have continued with us", 1John 2:19. It is very important to pay close attentionto all the words of Scripture and their true meaning and range, forthe greatest secrets and greatest treasures are the most hidden andmost rare.Christ talks a lot about "abiding in Him"; Paul speaks of "abidingin the faith"; and John speaks of "abiding with us". "Upon whom youshall see the Spirit descending, and remaining uponHim" John 1:33. The fruit is notto receive the Holy Spirit, the Gospel, but to abide in Him and theSpirit in us. The Spirit does not abide in many of those who havereceived Him. The Spirit left Saul at a disobedient stage of hislife and reign. Being Holy, the Spirit remains in vessels with equalcharacteristics. And every characteristic is something of characterand not just something coming out of effort, assimilation orimitation.

  388. "Even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the lasthour", 1John 2:18. Another translation says "many have madethemselves to be antichrists". The word "antichrist" can beinterpreted in many ways. But a fact stands out in allinterpretations: whatever the interpretation is, it speaks ofsomeone who is against Christ, whether consciously or unconsciously.I believe in the interpretation that says that an "antichrist" issomeone who resembles Christ, that is, someone who has somesimilarity with Christ, carries some property of God or associationto His name that causes him to be found in the sheep fold, whetherhe has jumped over the wall into it or has become polluted afterhaving entered. "Friend, how did you come in here not having awedding garment?",Mat.22:12. There is somethingelse in these words that make everything a little scary: "Many havebecome antichrists". They were not born antichrists, they were notforced to be against Christ, but they became antichrists bythemselves. They became antichrists by their own hands. "They wentout from us, but they were not of us", 1John 2:19.

  389. "AndI wept very much, because no one was found worthy to open and to readthe book, nor to look at it", Rev.5:4. There aren't many people like that anymore. Isee many using the fact that they are not saints as an excuse topersevere in their own lives their own way. This does not cause themmuch sadness to the point of crying. For John it was a huge sourceof sadness and deep sorrow that there was no one worthy to open thebook and read it. He cried very much because he was not worthyenough to do something God willed to do.

  390. "Until now you have asked nothing in My name", John 16:24. It is strange to see Jesus saying this to theApostles who had participated and performed many miracles untilthen. They did it in the name of God, which is to say, in the nameof Jesus. But, it is not strange if we think that Jesus was going toleave them and that the Apostles would stay in His place, doingthings in His stead and name. They would henceforth be the faithfulrepresentatives of Jesus, both in His way of life, conduct, works,motives and type of power and weapons of light by which they wouldbattle for the sake of practical truth. So much so that thedisciples would be the very image of Jesus here on earth, for theywould be there in His name. And they represented Jesus so well thatHe - who does not lie and does not pretend to please people - wasnever ashamed of them and fully identified Himself with thedisciples, for he asked Saul (Paul) "Why do you persecute Me?" Hisidentification with the disciples of that time was such that Jesushimself felt persecuted whenever His faithful representatives werepersecuted or hill treated. "Therefore God is not ashamed to becalled their God, for He has prepared a city for them", Heb.11:16. Are you a faithfulrepresentative of Jesus at this point? Is your life the same asJesus'? Do you represent Him faithfully?

  391. We read many times and in many places of Scripture about walking in thelight or living in the light. That means walking in totaltransparency and with nothing to hide. But, we know that it is onething to walk in the light and another is to enter into the light orto put our exposed hearts in the visibility for the first time oreven occasionally. Many of those who begin this walk hold the ideathat they really need to put their whole past and present life intothe light, and from there, they can live hidden andcamouflaged again. Living in the light is not an isolated act forbeginners or those who have sinned, but, it is a way of life fromthen on. We must walk and live continuously in the light from thenon, being fully transparent and visible. "And no one lighting a lampcovers it with a vessel or puts it under a couch", Lk.8:16.

  392. Practice is the main evidence of truth. If it does not work, it's a lie. Apreacher who preaches the truth and does not experience it in personis a liar even though he preaches the truth without any blemish andwithout any shadow of a lie. Whoever prays does not show that Godexists and that He is good, but he whose prayers are answeredattests to that; Those who preach about grace and do not show forthanything, or those who debate doctrine, but never manifest thepower of grace in its full power and splendour in daily life areliars because they do not demonstrate that everything is by thepower of grace and never by another alternative power; he who only speaksof the Holy Spirit is not the one who experiences true revival, butonly he who is dominated, fully guided, being joyfully obedientto Jesus; a victor is not one who motivates others and excites theneedy and emotive fools with words of victory, but it is he whomanifests in all his personal and practical life that his own sinsno longer have strength and mastery over his life, and is able tolive as if sin does not exist because it ceased to exist in hislife. The truth spoken is only demonstrated by making it practicaland demonstrative truth. For this reason we hear the Scripturesspeak about the manifestation of truth. "Life was manifested, and wehave seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal lifewhich was with the Father and was manifested to us", 1John 1:2. Practical truth is the crux of the matter andnever the truth spoken or debated in the form of doctrine.

  393. When one is deceived by a false prophet, preacher or circumstance, hecloses his ears to hear anyone else. Doubt is set on everyone andanyone. Jehoshaphat probably went to war with Ahab for this reasonafter hearing a prophet from God, for there were many false prophetsalso prophesying and he did not discern the voice of truth, (2Chron.18:28).

  394. "And (...) Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe;yet in his disease he did not seek the Lord, but the physicians", 2Cron.16:12. There is adifference between disease coming as punishment or reprimand andillness for other reasons. When illness comes as rebuke andpunishment, to seek the doctors is to mock God.

  395. "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against theflesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not dothe things that you want", Gal.5:17. When the flesh in the life of a believer whohas found full and real life is not dead or, at least, not taken asreally dead if it is dead, and if it is not believed that it is dead(when it is) and it is granted some power or credit, there willalways be this struggle, which will prevent anyone from doing whathe wants. We can not be involved in two things at the same time.Allow me to explain. We are either involved in the fight betweengood and evil or flesh and Spirit (which cannot and should not beavoided before entering full rest) or we become free to do what wewant. A person who is involved in a struggle can not be available todo what needs to be done by being involved in something else foranother reason. By engaging in this struggle, he does not need tofall into sin or be overcome to fail to do God's will, for byengaging in the struggle he cannot be engaged in doing and executingthe whole will of God with perfection. "Do not obey your flesh andits desires"; "Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil withgood", Rom.13:14; 12:21. We will neverovercome evil in us by striving against it, but by doing everythingthat is right without giving it any importance. Surrendering toJesus is the only way to overcome this struggle to be available todo what we want to do, if what we want to do is the will of God.

  396. "'Lo, these many years I have served you, neither did I transgress yourcommandment at any time. And yet you never gave me a kid so that Imight make merry with my friends'. (...) 'Son, you are always withme'...", Lk.15:29,31. Here, in this parable, the case of the sonsis emphasized, both of the prodigal son and the other. But, there isthe side of the father that we should look at and take regard. Thefather had never received a party because he existed, and they hadnever given him a party for giving everything to his children or foranother good reason. This is because the father "is always with us".How often do we do this to God? Jesus stated that he would always bewith us - even at the end of time. How many of us celebrate this andmanifest joy for His presence? It is very easy to get accustomed toHis presence and to be swallowed up and absorbed in our affairs andforget or ignore God. Elijah, Elisha, and Abraham never forgot thepresence of God and never ignored it, not even before a king. "God,in whose presence I am". We see in the life of Elisha (Gen.24:40;48:15)and in the life of Abraham (2Kings3:14;5:16). We can understand why there were so manyreligious festivals in Jerusalem. The people could not and shouldnot forget God, always celebrating Him for everything and fornothing. "The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations thatforget God", Ps.9:17.

  397. "When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it,then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in hisheart", Mat.13:19. By this we realisehow important it is for the Gospel to be fully understood,perceptible and conclusive before it can be accepted. Many preachersdo not make themselves understood whenever they speak the truth.Others, still, are refused by the way they express themselves, speakor explain. You can do it in an arrogant or flattering way, or bypleasing people, or as if you are talking to children giving theimpression that you stand out above them all and, whenever you do so, youleave in the air the smell of hypocrisy and arrogance. It is thatway that hypocrites are created and all sincere ones driven away.

  398. "Whoever believes will not act hastily", Is.28:16.Why should we try to hasten things, anticipate days and decisions ifthe possibility exists to have everything in its own time and in itsown way?

  399. "Go to the lost sheep", Mat.10:6. Alost sheep is someone lost to God, someone who does not know or doesnot find the way back to God and, as we read inIs.53, is someone who necessarily walks his own way forlack of valid walking options. If the sheep is lost, it willhardly know the way back home. It is a characteristic of sheep,unlike goats. She's lost. Then a good shepherd searches for it untilhe finds it. It knows the shepherd - not the way. The shepherd mustbe the way himself. To these we must go. And the worst is when, in additionto being lost, the person is blind to the truth. A lost blind hasbigger problems than a simple lost one.

  400. "Whenever you fast, don't be gloomy like the hypocrites. For they put on sadfaces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they havetheir full reward!", Mat.6:16. There are many ways toappear to men that we fast, pray, preach, and speak of/to God.Praying to be heard by people for the enjoyment of praise is thework of a hypocrite. The same goes for preaching, singing and manyother things we do in the name of God, that is, by using His blessedname in vain.

  401. "For the Lord will restore the excellence of Jacob Like the excellence ofIsrael", Nahum 2:2a. It is good to notethat sometimes God refers to Israel as Jacob and to others as Israel.In this specific verse we get a different idea from the usual one.Let's see. Israel was Jacob before he had fought with God andovercome, and when he had conquered, his name was changed intoIsrael. Firstly, Jacob did not fight against God, but with God. Itis something we should highlight. Secondly, we get the idea that thepeople regressed and began to be called Jacob again and, for thatreason, it became necessary to return them to the glory of beingIsrael and they should know it. It was necessary for them to be restored, as a people, tothe parameters of striving with God in order to overcome again "forthe plunderers (sins) have plundered them, and have destroyed theirvine branches", Nahum 2:2b.

  402. "Ask of Me and I will give...", Ps.2:8.Jesus said something that makes us think - if we are trulyattentive: "Until now you have asked nothing in My name", John 16:24. He was speaking todisciples who had done and witnessed many miracles, who cast outdevils, who broke up the multiplying bread with their own hands -among other things we do not even know about. But Jesus claimed that they had never asked anything in His name. Surely they had asked(and received), but not in His name. The true proof that we arewithin the will of God is when we ask in His name and receive andnot only that we ask and receive. In His name means in His stead, asHis representative, for His interests, for His glory and for HisKingdom. To ask and to receive has never been proof that God is withus, for there were condemned demons that have asked andreceived. God gives both to good ones and to evil ones.

  403. The aim of true prayer is to approach our heart to the person of God to knowHim and to experience Him as He is - and never as we think He is,which is a form of idolatry. God will, however, act as if he doesnot know our needs to bring us to present ourselves before Him in areal way and in intimacy. But we must never forget that this onlyhappens with the clear intention of knowing Him as He is. And forGod to "know" us as we are, we must ardently desire to know Him as aperson and not just as a giver of the things we want. For God toapproach us, knowing us, we must present ourselves before Him toknow Him and for no other reason.

  404. There are people who, instead of coming to help, come to show off; insteadof being a help, they are a complication in the form of competitionwith those whom they try to help.

  405. "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk indarkness, but have the light of life", John 8:12. There is yet anothervery enlightening verse in this regard: "The life was the light ofmen", John 1:4. Many seek lightfor their ways, forgetting that the light - the only light - thatGod gives is that which comes through the kind of inner life that wehave received from Him, which makes us compare one thing to anotherand receiving the confirmation of the Holy Spirit upon it,1Cor.2:13. Whoever receives thislife has this light and whoever hasn't this light has not receivedthis life - even if he states or believes that he has received it.

  406. Most Christians today are concerned about what they do (even though it isimportant). However, the true Gospel transforms what one is and notonly what one does. We must pay more attention to this, for what wedo must emerge from what we have become, otherwise we will make thatthe thief does not steal, and yet continues a thief at heart; orthat the liar does not lie, but remains a liar inside.

  407. "Noone can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit", 1Cor.12:3. I have not yet seenanyone give a sober and accurate explanation of this verse. Firstly,we have some passages in the Bible where demons claim that Jesus isChrist and Lord (Mat.8:29); andwe have yet another passage where devils claim that Paul was aservant of God Most High, (Acts 16:17).Now, we must know what it means to confess that Jesus is Lord in theterms in which Paul expresses it here. Jesus must be the real Lordof the life of those who confess this. That is, these must not bemere words, but, a realization on the ground and in the livingof day to day life. Those who make their own decisions - even ifthey consult God about it - do not have Jesus as Lord; whoever isnot or can not be fully obedient to God in all things does not haveJesus as Lord; only those who follow and are instructed, guided andcan be truly transformed by the Holy Spirit, co-working with God inthat direction, have Jesus as Lord. These are some of those who cantruly affirm that Jesus is, in fact, their Lord. And this is foundand affirmed as established in their practical life - and neveraccording to mere belief that it is so. I know that many suffer fromthe fear that God is not with them. But we must be truthful about itif we are ever to reach the truth.

  408. "Forwe are labourers together with God (co-workers of God)", 1Cor.3:9. A co-worker of God canonly be someone with whom God walks continually and in reality. Thatis, the presence of God must be real, true, and never just assumedthat God is present. It is not conceivable to have a co-worker ofGod when His presence is only believed or assumed to be true. Thereare no fictitious co-workers of God, working from a distance awayfrom theLord.

  409. "I do not receive testimony from man", John 5:34.All human testimony is given or stimulated by affinities,preferences, and personal opinions. It is not given according to thetruth. The same can be said of the glory that men give and attribute- even to God. Everything depends on what they receive from Him anddoes not depend on what God is, being full of glory. "I do notreceive honour from men", John 5:41. "How can you believe,who receive honour from one another, and do not seek the honour thatcomes from the only God?"John 5:44.

  410. I do not exist to solve my own problems. I exist to fulfil my missiontowards God and to put people before Whom can solve their spiritualproblems.

  411. He who swears, promises, or makes a vow only does so because he is weak,has no ability or willingness to fulfil and for this reason he makeshis vows. Who does or has the ability to perform, does it without asecond thought. Vows are evil temptations to make the weaktransgress by not fulfilling. "But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one", Mat.5:37. Now, we must understandthe provenance of behaviour, its origin. The problem with vows isthat there transpires the idea that the person is not atheart what he vows to be or to do. That is, his behaviour does notcome from the heart and comes, rather, from the vows he makes; forthis reason he vows, it is, because he is not from inside what hetries to be. Therefore, we can assume that it is much easier to forma hypocrite through vows than to create a saint. The true Gospeltransforms people from the inside out so that they can do and benaturally what they are transformed into from the inside and thathas no evil origin. Vows might work for some people who have alreadybeen changed from inside and need to change old habits to adaptor to adopt new ways which are conformed with the inner change thathas taken place.

  412. Sin will take you farther than you wished to go, holds you longer thanyou thought it would, you will do more harm than planned and insteadof pleasure will bring you gall, bitterness, sadness, discomfort,instability and insatiability. Everyone who abandons sin, beingsaved from all his sins by Christ - and not by self - will see atotal regression in all these consequences of sin. Each sinless daywill make it easier to stop sinning, and every day sinning will makeit harder to stay clean and in Christ. It is up to you to decidewhether tomorrow will be an easier day towards the goal of totalholiness and towards full surrender or a harder and more difficult one.

  413. It is not sleep that gives us true rest, but a soul cleansed of its sinsby the blood of Jesus; food does not kill true hunger, but, itis achieved through the Word of God; the same can be said of truethirst that only the water of life can satisfy. We could also talkabout true love, real money, true wealth and so many other thingsthat humans pursue with all their might, and, after they haveachieved it they find out they have nothing but the habit of lookingfor it all the time, even after they have found it. Scripture saysthat one shall desire again and again because it is not livingwater. "Whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again", John 4:13.

  414. "Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the fullknowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord", 2Pet.1:2. It is very easy tointerpret Scripture on own terms and ways without the notion of itstrue meaning. Imagine yourself in the presence of God in the waythat Ananias and Sapphira were, Peter, John and others. If in thispresence peace is multiplied and not conviction or condemnation, ifin this kind of presence we receive grace or more grace, it isbecause we are truly cleansed before God. Otherwise, this peace willnot be multiplied and there will rather be friction and tribulationwithout size within the soul. "The sinners in Zion are afraid;Fearfulness has seized the hypocrites: "Who among us shall dwellwith the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlastingburnings?" He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, He whodespises the gain of oppressions, Who gestures with his hands,refusing bribes, Who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, Andshuts his eyes from seeing evil: He will dwell on high; His place ofdefence will be the fortress of rocks; Bread will be given him, Hiswater will be sure",Is.33:14-16.

  415. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that at theproper time he may exalt you", 1Pet.5:6. The problem with manypeople is that they do not accept, or they easily forget, or ignorea certain undisputed fact: it is in God's time (and never one's own)that one is exalted having been humbled under the powerful hand ofGod beforehand. And the longer the time and the intensity of the humiliation,the greater is the work that lies ahead awaiting us, and the greaterthe responsibility after humiliation, that is, depending on whetherit took long because one has been resisting or submitting to Godunconditionally. There is a direct link between preparation and thework that lies ahead. However, many never reach thispost-humiliation stage because they either do not humble themselvesor want things in their own time and own terms. That is one reason why many do notuse the time and opportunity to cleanse themselves but rather try tohasten things, since only he who "cleanses himself from thesethings, will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for theMaster, prepared for every good work (that lies ahead)", 2Tim.2:21, and not he who hastens things. We should useall our circumstances to cleanse ourselves by humbling ourselvesbefore God.

  416. "Shepherd God's flock that is among you (...) not greedily but eagerly, as Goddesires", 1Pet.5:2. Greed is notmanifested only by desiring the money of the sheep or theirpossessions. It is also manifested by the greed for souls along withthe power over them, of glorying with the size of the flock or theirobedience and submission. All of this is evil greed and no oneshould be moved by any of those motives, or similar and parallelmotivations.

  417. "The righteous is scarcely saved", 1Pet.4:18.Many preach more than salvation. They preach prosperity, thefulfilment of the desires of their own carnality and so many otherthings. But we must take into account that the just is "only saved"and is scarcely saved from all those things.

  418. "Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their soulsin well-doing, as to a faithful Creator",1Pet.4:19. Doing good underthese circumstances does not mean paying back with good in exchangeor doing good as a form of revenge to show self, but it means tocontinue to do and to be as if nothing is happening. It means notchanging our course whether circumstances change or not. Tosurrender the soul under these circumstances means just that. Itdoes not mean handing over circumstances to be changed ortransformed to please us, but it means holding the soul in Jesus andnot only the body or the flesh. When the wind raises the skirt of alady, she does not try to hold the wind, but rather the skirt ordress.

  419. "No longer to live in the lusts of men, but in the will of God the remainingtime in the flesh", 1Pet.4:2. To live according tothe will of God means more than trying to do only those things thatGod wants. It means to do all things - the things of always or ofeveryday life - in another way, using other means, having orobtaining other motives, and shifting the target of own glory orglorification for things achieved in a perfect way. It is not justwalking other ways, but it is mainly the way we walk in all ourways. The way things are done stand high above what is done. Thingsneed to be done here on earth the way they would be done in heaven. "Onearth as it done in heaven". Everything has to do with how we walkand not just where we walk. Changing our course is only a small partof doing the will of God. The main part is the way we walk in allour ways, what power we use, what motives we depend upon and whom weplease, whether it is people, ourselves or God. "Each one as hereceived a gift, ministering it to yourselves as good stewards ofthe manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let it be as the wordsof God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as of the ability whichGod gives, so that God may be glorified in all things through JesusChrist, to whom is the glory, and the might forever and ever. Amen!"1Pet. 4:10,11.

  420. "These are the true words of God", Rev.19:9. This can only mean that there are words thatcome with the label of being God's words an they are not. Sometimes,we wonder why God sent Elijah to the widow of Zarephath and not toothers. We see that she was someone who never let herself beimpressed by a miracle and who, although not rejecting themultiplication of oil and flour, was not impressed by Elijah,for it took her some time to be convinced that Elijah was reallyGod's man. It was necessary for her son to die and to be resurrectedto convince her while the oil and flower was being multiplied daily,since only God is capable of resurrecting from the dead. "Now bythis I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lordin your mouth is the truth",1kings 17:24.

  421. "First, say: 'Peace to this house'. And if a son of peace is (not) there(...) your peace (...) will return to you", Lk.10:5,6. We read the same inMat.10:13, but with a slightdifference. There it is said: "Let your peace return to you". Itseems that in one place it says that peace will come back by itselfand that in the other the disciples have some power to make itreturn to them. But it is not quite like that. The disciples have noauthority to bring this peace back - only to assume it has backfired. It comes back by itself and itis up to the disciples to accept it so, and to let it return tothem. They may never be without peace, not even when they arerejected. They have the ability not to insist when they and theGospel are rejected. One of the characteristics of the Gospel thathas power, of the one which is true, is to mark forever and to leavea heart troubled within whoever rejects it. Such people shall neverforget about the true gospel. It is the powerless gospel thatinsists and persists in being accepted and taken in, because it cannot leave its mark on the hearts of people otherwise and it doesn't allowpeace to return to them and to leave a heart in turmoil and to belike a troubled sea which has no peace - which is God's will,Is.57:20,21.

  422. "Turn, O backsliding sons, says the Lord; (...) and I will bring you toZion. And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who shallfeed you with knowledge and understanding", Jer.3:14,15. It is true that all true revivals begin withthe conversion of leaders and Christians. It does not depend on theplace, the circumstances, and not even persecutions or the strengthof sin. It all depends on whether believers actually are truly converted to theLord or walk their own way, which they call God's ways.

  423. "Receive with meekness the implanted word", James1:21. It is extremely important to receive the word withmeekness as it confronts to cleanse. "You are clean through the Wordwhich I have spoken to you", John 15:3. I had an elderlyrelative who did not like to bath. One day he had to go to thedoctor and my father forced him to take a bath so that he could betaken to hospital. Two men grabbed him and bathed him. He almostdied. He had freak attacks, heart acceleration, wounded pride andeverything you could imagine. He did not receive cleansing withmeekness. Many believers are like that when they are confronted withthe Word and hardly receive it with meekness because they feelconfronted.

  424. There are people who say they get tired of doing what is right, ofpracticing or reading the word, and never get tired of doing otherthings that give them pleasure. Therefore, it is concluded that onlythe one who has pleasure/delight in what he is able to do does not 'tire'out. Let us imagine someone who can say with all sincerity somethinglike this: "I will delight myself in Your statutes"; "Yourtestimonies also are my delight"; "And I will delight myself in Yourcommandments, Which I love"; "Unless Your law had been my delight, Iwould then have perished in my affliction"; "Trouble and anguishhave overtaken me, Yet Your commandments are my delights"; "I longfor Your salvation, O Lord, And Your law is my delight";Ps.119:16;24;47;92;143;174."Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Norstands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in Hislaw he meditates day and night", Ps.1:1,2. I do not believe sucha person can ever get tired of reading and studying the Word whilepracticing it.

  425. "Be doers of the word", James 1:22.When we put a target or objective before us, we not only see the endat a distance with the full intention of never losing sight of it,but we also seek the means, we think of the ways to achieve it, andall the legal mechanisms to be able to reach what we purposed. Allof our heart must be available, all means must be within our reach,anything that can prevent these means from being achieved issummarily analyzed and extinguished and only after that can we speakof all our commitment, dedication, confidence and motivationoperating towards that target. Becoming a practitioner of the Wordis something that works the same way. There are means of grace thatwe must reach beforehand (Heb.4:12);Our whole heart must be available (ready and prepared,Lk.1:17) for such an effect and, also, ready for themany and varied consequent effects brought upon us by becomingsincere and delightful practitioners of the word. It is not enoughto want to be a doer of the Word, for we must love the means anddedicate ourselves to the continuous search for what is able to turn us to be practical in the Wordand to be the very word that we received.

  426. "Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires andenticed", James 1:13,14. There are thosewho do not blame God for their temptations. Yet, they blamecircumstances, people, the weather and so many other things whichGod controls. It is true that God's providence is responsible forthe circumstances that can improve and transform us. But, it is onething when a trial has the ability to transform or sanctify, andsomething else when it is given the ability to make one fall andstumble. We must know that, before us stand death and life, and thatwe should be able to choose life. When we sin, circumstances are notto be blamed, and neither people around. The main cause oftransgression and falling into sin is nothing more and nothing lessthan the kind of heart we have in us. Changing places does notchange the heart and, when changing places or circumstances, theheart we have will go on with us. Temptation is temptation onlybecause of the heart we possess and nothing more. "Each one istempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed".

  427. "My brothers count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that thetesting of your faith produces patience", James 1:2,3. One needs to knowthat if we do not have this enjoyment being tried by varioustemptations, being/becoming real in God and never outside Him, impatiencewill be produced and never patience or endurance. The joy or sadness during thesemoments will tell us where our treasure is, for whoever seeks thetreasure of holiness and understands the ways that lead to it willhave joy being tried and whoever seeks another kind of treasure willhave sorrow and doubts when put under trials by the providence ofGod. "But let patience (steadfastness) have its perfect work, thatyou may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing", James 1:4. How can patience haveits perfect work? If we really know that trials come to us from Godor if we are really found in Him, we will conclude that these trialsintend to achieve something inside or outside us to turn us pleasantto God. Therefore, we must not prevent or pray against those thingsthat we know come to us as trials of faith. Rather, we must know howto cooperate in the same direction by striving and cooperating withthe same intention to achieve the same end. Instead of trying tochange circumstances, we must apply our efforts and attentionsfaithfully to achieve what God intends by cooperating with Godwithin trialsfor the same purpose. That is just one way of redeeming the time.Thus, patience not only will have its perfect work, but, will haveour total cooperation without any sort of feigning. We can not belacking in this kind of wisdom, praying to God in faith andpatience. And for this to happen, there must be total availabilityof heart to that end, never allowing our heart to deal with thethorns at the surface that suffocate this wisdom trying to divertfrom us the circumstances and situations that are mere trialsinstituted by God for our eventual and ultimate benefit. "Blessed isthe man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood thetest he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised tothose who love him", James 1:12.

  428. "Hewho loves abundance shall not be satisfied with increase", Ecc.5:10. Paul says - and quite rightly so, havingwisdom backing it up - that "having food and clothing, with these weshall be content",1Tim.6:8. Anyone who is contentwith being in Christ, whether in poverty or wealth, will neverchange. But everyone who loves abundance will always run after moneyand comfort even after he has reached it. We must, however,distinguish between loving abundance and having abundance. There aremany poor people who love abundance, even if they do not have it."He who loves money will not be satisfied with money", Ecc.5:10.

  429. "Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nortake away from it", Dt.12:32. It is and will alwaysbe very easy to diminish in what God commands, says or reveals,whether it be through negligence, forgetfulness, unfaithfulness,lack of fruit and consequent frustrations and discouragement, or anyother reason. But there is a law in the spiritual nature to which noone escapes: anyone who is able to diminish on what God says has allthe capacity to add own desires to it as well. One thing leads tothe other.

  430. A long walk always begins with a step, it advances with one step - even ifit is only the following one; and always ends with a step - even if it isthe last one. And if it is the last one, it must be given as thefirst one has been given.

  431. "And Achan answered Joshua and said, "Indeed I have sinned against theLord God of Israel",Jos.7:20. There are detailedconfessions of sin that come too late and are to no avail. Such aconfession may be rejected for many reasons. That is what happenedto Achan. "Why have you troubled us? The Lord will trouble you thisday",Jos.7:25.

  432. It is possible that one is trying to do something for the Lord and it beconsidered a form of idolatry because he doesn't know or recogniseGod. "Though you detain Me, I will not eatyour food. But if you offer a burnt offering, you must offer it tothe Lord. (For Manoah did not know He was the Angel of the Lord)", Judges 13:16. It is: we may bein the presence of God doing things the old way without realisingit.

  433. It being true that the devil tempts the children of God, that is, those whoare truly clean of heart, to serve other gods and other things, thereverse is also true. The devil tempts the wicked to serve the trueGod and to serve Him - or try to serve Him - with an impure heartand by fraudulent means. The Gospel is discredited and slain in bothways. They are deceived who do not believe that the devil does nottempt the wicked with the Bible and with the church. He places theunrighteous to serve in the temple of God.

  434. "Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in myaffliction", Ps.119:92. It is good that nothingelse but the word of God can make us rejoice or grieve. Everyone whohas other joys or who seeks them will perish, certainly.

  435. "You established the earth, and it abides", Ps.119:90. Establish me as well, Lord, and I shall alsoabide. Do not allow me to establish myself or I shall not abide -not for long, anyway.

  436. "Their land is full of silver and gold (...) it is also full of idols", Is.2:7,8. When the heart doesnot change permanently and unless it is established in thattransformation that has taken place, and having taken hold of grace with all one has, that is,if it is not transformed so that it is able to live the new life asif it has never lived any other life before, it happens that a mereabundance or the simple providence of God will be transformed intoidols of various kinds. A land full of gold together with a heartthat has not been truly established after a genuine transformationwill indeed take the provisions of gold and make idols of it, for,having attained what it wishes, the heart becomes idle. But, thisnever happens when the target is Jesus, when the exclusive desire isto know Him as He really is, even if the gold multiplies or even ifmisery or poverty is experienced in an extreme way.

  437. "They feed on the sin of my people", Hos.4:8.We know that false preachers use the desires and sins of the peoplewho listen to them to take advantage of them. Only those who aregreedy give ears to a greedy preacher; only a perverted girl offersherself to a perverted preacher. The wicked feed themselves and takeadvantage on the wicked. False preachers subsist only because thereare false believers who follow them and their teachings. "And itshall be like people, like priest", Hos.4:9.

  438. "Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget yourchildren", Hos.4:6. It is good tounderstand the Word for what it says without going over it lightly.Here, it does not say that God will forget those who forget aboutHim, but who forgets His law. There are many who remember God, singand preach, but "forget" to fulfil all the requirements andcommandments of God in practical life. Their children shall beforgotten by God too.

  439. I shouldn't become a leader if I am not led. A good leader is and shall alwaysbe a good follower. "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me", John 12:26.

  440. "If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me", John 13:8. Jesus spoke here of washing the feet of thosewho, generally, are all clean. And he spoke to Peter too. Petercould stay out of the Kingdom and have no part in Jesus if his feetwere not washed by Jesus. They should not only be washed, but washed by Jesus - something that is quite different, although itdoes not look like that. I am sure that Jesus spoke in a figurativesense, for no matter how stinky or dirty Peter's feet were, thatwould not prevent him from entering heaven - unless they were dirtyby negligence and loathing. For any carnal man it is an honour to bebetter by merit, to be cleansed by his own strength and abilities.Every man likes to show forth work, to glow in appearance, especiallyif it is able to generate approval and applauses. And so, he triesto work out his own merits with God - especially with Him or beforeHim. This is one of the reasons why he does not let himself becleansed and prefers to clean himself. Many desire to be forgiven,but, also to finish in the flesh that which was begun in the Spirit.These will never get a share in Christ. "If it is not I who washyour feet, even though you are clean in the whole...". "You alsoought to wash one another's feet", John13:14. And it will always be much more humiliating to manto be corrected by another human being, someone equal to him, formany esteem the opinion of men above everything else. And if it is amere man who corrects another man, he feels inferior than the onewho corrected him. It only shows that such a person does not yetbelieve that the least will always greater and that those who acceptcorrection with joy and gratitude may be greater than the one whocorrects.

  441. Advices are given to those who want to know how to do or what to do, or wishto do better. It is not given to the obstinate. The obstinate needthe teaching of the rod and not advice. They reject advice.

  442. "...Full of grace and truth"; "And great grace was upon them all", John 1:14; Act.4:33. There are many other words and ways todescribe the baptism with the Holy Spirit. To be full of grace or ofGod's power are two of them. Grace is synonymous of power. One needsto grow in grace in proportion to the growth of spiritual stature.You can not jump over the wall into the sheepfold to "grow" ingrace. To grow in grace, it is needed to become more familiar withJesus himself, and growth will be natural and proportional to growthin stature. Have you ever imagined someone growing physically andnot growing in muscle strength? Now, you can imagine what happens toall those who grow in stature and knowledge, but decrease inintimacy with Jesus and humility.

  443. Being or wanting to be the bride of Christ, any reckless look to theworld is adultery. However, there are many people who say theycannot live without the world and still welcome it as a lover.Others marry the world and want God only as the lover or themistress. Then, they saythey are not adulterers. "Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you notknow that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Thereforewhoever desires to be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Doyou think that the Scripture says in vain, The spirit that dwells inus yearns to envy?", James 4:4,5.

  444. It is good to correct those who err, but it is good for the corrected one - ifhe corrects himself - and not for those who correct. But correctionis a gift of applied and sober wisdom. Isn't there "appliedmathematics" at University? There must also be Applied Wisdom inpractical life. Through this wisdom we must learn that there isdifference between correcting someone whose foundations and basesare correct and needs to correct a phase or some detail in theright path; and those whose bases and initial foundations are wrongor corrupted right from the beginning. I cannot straighten a phaseof a road that has been born crooked or someone who goes in thewrong direction, because it will be better for him to be crookedenough to find solid reasons to go back to the beginning and startall over again. You have to know how to correct or whom to correctand in what way. It is not worth trying to adjust the details of awrong way, as it is not good to restart any "person who has beenwashed and does not need to wash, except for his feet, but in therest is entirely clean", John 13:10. You cannot rebuild awhole car when it has only some defective part and you can neitherfix a part of it when it is only a lot of metal welded together. Youcannot correct someone who has never gripped his heart and all hissins right from the beginning and has, consequently, set his hopeson a false doctrine and false assumptions and expectations.

  445. "Blessed are they who hear the Word of God and keep it", Lk.11:28. No one keeps a word hehas never heard. But someone who does not keep what he has heardwill not hear from God again. You may believe that you hear fromHim, but you believe lies.

  446. The will is an important part of any rational being. The Bible says a lotwhen it speaks of goodwill. And when it comes to the will of God inman, there is an involvement of the will of any man with it, whoeverhe may be. Either man's goodwill exists in relation to what is theexpressed will of God for him; or there is only willingness (but notgoodwill); or there is bad will on his part, making him angry, upsetand impatient performing it; or there is unwillingness; or there isindifference. I believe that indifference is the lowest degree ofman's lowliness. It is easier to convert a rebel than an indifferentperson who is able to deal only with his personal, daily and material life.

  447. "Theway of the ungodly shall perish", Ps.1:6.The way of the ungodly way is, in itself, undermined from birth andhas the characteristics that make itself perish without anyone'sintervention. That sort of path perishes by itself. It has theinherent conditions/assets in it to perish. God has His nature - He is anature. Within this nature, there grows, is born and develops onlythat which is proper of that nature. Wickedness perishes for thatreason. It does not develop in an environment created by God.Everything that exists needs an adequate and compatible nature todevelop itself. If it has it not, it will never develop and shallperish. This is what happens to wickedness and why it perishes.Wickedness does not need any intervention to perish, for it perishesby itself in a natural way. With the intervention of God it onlyperishes faster and without it, it perishes in its time and form.Holiness, in turn, subsists because it lives under the eternalnature of God. But, there is something else: "The Lord knows the wayof the righteous", that is, He participates in it in an active andliving way. Therefore, there are many reasons why we should remaineternally under the blessing of God.

  448. When we try to raise numbers and bring people to our churches by pleasingthem, that is, by pleasing and flattering them, besides being seenas hypocrites by God and by Heaven, we become idolaters. Becausepeople do not have the Spirit and they say they have, they try to reachout to sinners by illicit and deceitful means, arrangingsubstitutes for God's power, bringing into the churches alternativepowers which attract people due to the absence of the real power of God. What didJohn have when he spoke the truth saying that the people who came tohim were thieves, vipers and hypocrites, and yet no one would denyto come to him to repent and to be baptized? People would come tohim by the power of God and not by being pleased by John's discourseor flatteries.

  449. Whoever fears to lose for God's sake is idolatrous, for that sort of fear isthere instead of the fear of God. If avarice is idolatry because itmakes one feel secure in the insecurity of falsehood, imagine whatkind of sin it will be to fear something other than God! He whofears to lose does not fear God - he demands from Him to be helped,but not through grace.

  450. Every man or woman manifests his own heart through what he thinks ofothers. When Peter spoke about Paul, I came to know more about Peterthan about Paul.

  451. "Repentance that leads to acknowledging of the truth", 2Tim.2:25. There is a sort of 'repentance' that does notlead to an unique and proper acquaintance with the truth. We musthave that in mind. And the acknowledgment of truth must be apersonal experience and not mere intellectual knowledge.

  452. "Pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lordout of a pure heart",2Tim.2:22. We need to understandthis verse. Many try to follow faith, peace, justice and even theLord. However, not even with tears and supplications do they reachthat goal, unless they are able to embark on the path of a pureheart beforehand. Therefore, we can not pray, seek, ask and pleadalone or even with those who do not do so with a pure heart if we decide to seek. We can not believe that we will receive without theheart having been purified and freed from all guilt and sin. We canseek the right things, but if we do so without the heart beingpurified in anticipation, we will never find it.

  453. "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take uphis cross daily, and follow Me", Lk.9:23. All the words of Jesusapply to circumstances and situations. There are words forbeginners, for the weak, for the strong, for moments of prosperityand for less good times. We cannot apply words to ourselves that donot apply to our present moment or circumstances. When Jesus tellspeople to deny themselves, He speaks to specific people andsituations. There are people whose desires, whose circumstances andwhose ways of operating and doing come from God already. Knowing how todistinguish between times and situations, these people can not denywhatever is holy in them andshould rather be faithful stewards of the work, grace andcapabilities they receive from God. They must know what to deny, howto deny whatever may prevent them to walk that way, withoutdistracting themselves by resisting evil - or by denying what isgood. One may plead to be washed all over when one needs only tohave his feet washed. One must know how tohandle the word of God wisely.

  454. Whoever does less and less, being lazy, slothful or unfaithful, shall also be bad indoing whatever he still does. That is, what you still do will becomeincreasingly incomplete, poorly done and dispatched quickly. Andthat which you must do and can not be avoided, will bringimpatience, moodiness and irritability that will affect those whoare close and around. This is the price paid by those who can not ordo not want to be faithful in all things.

  455. "Rejoice with the wife of your youth; And always be enraptured with her love.For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, andbe embraced in the arms of a seductress?", Prov.5:18-20. We know that life is compared to water inScripture. Water flows to where it is channelled. A strange womancan attract, but, in an opposite direction, against nature andagainst the natural course of a married life. We know that the loveof the wife or husband has valid directions and flows to theopposite side of a stranger's. The good way prevents sin as theattraction of the stranger is made impossible by it. It is unlikelythat a person will be drawn to both at the same time, that is,towards the love of the stranger and the love of the wife or husbandat the same time. One is either attracted to one or to the other,but not to both. I do not believe it possible to be drawn by both atthe same time, unless one treats his wife as a stranger or dealswith her as he would deal with a prostitute or a cast out. The person who is able to mixthe two does not love his wife - he loves perversity.

  456. Many fight for a better future as if nothing behind them counts. It isgood to know that our future began the day we were born. If it begantwisted or has been twisted along the way, it must be corrected andacknowledged in confession. Whatever has been twisted in the pastmust be corrected or we shall be misguided and deviated from thepath that is able to lead home. Acknowledging, confessing andcorrecting in such a way that we abandon error may appeal to themercy of God to reconstruct or even multiply whatever locusts mayhave eaten. If our past is not corrected, the whole of our future iscompromised and eternal failure shall not be avoided. 

  457. "Let not mercy and truth forsake you", Prov.3:3. Kindness or mercy is not only to be benign,but it is a way life. This kindness cannot be allowed to be defiled andmust remain pure. It keeps itself segregated so as not tocontaminate itself, not mixing, mainly, with what is similar oropposite to it. Therefore, if I mingle with what is contrary or whattries toresemble kindness, it departs from me and it will be withdrawn.This is how I am forsaken by kindness or mercy because it issomething that is bestowed in my heart.

  458. There are, surely, many things that offend God which people do not realize. And many others are never catalogued as offenses, such as lackof faith or even false humility. I realized, once again, thatwhenever it is said, believed, affirmed or thought to be toodifficult to abandon an error, sin or anything that isuseless or destructive, God is offended. Such hearts speak as if Goddoes not exist or as if He is weaker than the flesh. "And this isthe victory that has overcome the world: our faith", 1John 5:4. "Is it because thereis no God in Israel that you are sending to inquire of Baal-Zebub,the god of Ekron?", 2Kings 1:6.

  459. The word "iniquity" has brought many doubts about its meaning. This word hasmuch to do with the approval, exaltation, and acceptance of evil. Itis like moralizing error and accepting it in some way, or, at least,let it alone without reprimanding it. A wicked heart is a heart thatdoes just that or lives with it. "...Knowing the righteous judgmentof God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death,not only do the same but also approve of those whopractice them", Rom.1:32. Iniquity is a twistedand depraved morality.

  460. The main problem with evil does not consist in the fact that it takes theforeground or invades the front stage, but especially in showingitself as good or attractive. The problem for the soul becomesserious when evil is well seen and disguised enough to be acceptedas good. "Do not judge!", people say. We must take great precautions with all those who show offor impose themselves. Many believe to have rights over others whenthey are popular. Any person who wants to show off does so onlybecause he/she secretly knows and assumes that he/she does not beargood fruit. In the background, what speaks of the real state ofheart and of the genuine spiritual health is the genuineness of thefruit. If good fruit is absent, anyone will pretend and show off.The desire to show off reveals that there is a lack of goodnesswithin which craves to be camouflaged, covered up, made up for andhidden. No one has to show off but he who, at heart, knows he is notup to requirements of God. The more you fail or the more you believeyou fall short, the greater the debt towards showing off. You shallfeel a need or craving to show off to convince yourself byconvincing others about you. In fact, showing off is an idolatrousconcupiscence, because it gives confidence to self. Thisconcupiscence is a way of covering up and of disguising. I believeit is not just a way to cover up, but it is a formula to feelassured and to cover up what is clearly visible from heaven. And,whatever makes people confident is a form of idolatry. That is whycovetousness is idolatry,Col.3:5.

  461. "MyKingdom is not of this world", John 18:36.All those who wish to prosper in this world and in that whichperishes should consider more carefully this statement of Jesus. Ifthe kingdom of God were of this world, all believers would be rich,protected and materially prosperous. But, it doesn't work that way.Contrary to what is believed and generally accepted, all those whoare materially prosperous should know how hard they have to do inner work notto lose anything eternal because of materialism. However, there aremany 'servants' of Christ who would fight with much more vigour anddetermination were His kingdom of this world. "If my kingdombelonged to this world, my servants would fight (...). But for nowmy kingdom is not from here", John 18:36b.How many would rejoice were the Kingdom of God of this world!Shameful! Sad!

  462. "Theworld has hated them, for they do not belong to the world, just as I donot belong to the world", John 17:14.It does not take much for the world to hate us if we live for Godwith all sincerity and truthfulness. Just by not belonging to theworld makes it hate you because the world is possessive andobsessive against rejection. Not belonging to it is enough reason tobe hated, despised, ignored or even mistreated by them. The worldacts and reacts according to its likings. If it likes you, it shalltreat you well; if not, it shall mistreat you. It shall never beindifferent. However,such hatred, torture and ill-treatment have never been and willnever be a reason for Jesus to lead the faithful out of this world.The only reason that drives people out of this world is the will ofGod. "I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, butthat You should keep them from the evil one", John 17:15.

  463. "I in them, as you are in me, that they may be completely one", John 17:23. This union, if true andunfeigned or not forced, means a lot. People of an equal heart arein agreement and become a natural union. There are forced unions,thought out and rehearsed unions among people who, in fact, are indisagreement at the level of their heart. But it is not about these unions thatJesus speaks out here. The union of which Jesus speaks of is aunanimity that exists only in people of equal heart, with identicalmotives and motivations (and never just alike), with equal power,with common means (of grace and power), with common purposes andhaving experienced the same changes or on the way to it. They arethe same in everything. Any forced bond or one which is carnallyachieved is superficial and does not last long - even if it lastsuntil death. Nothing superficial resists the test of fire.

  464. "Those whom You have given Me, they are Yours", John 17:9. How many seize the souls of those whom Godgives to be saved from their sins? If they are saved from thedevil's claws, why would preachers work to have people under theirclaws and not have them exclusivelyunder the holy yoke of God? They are not the property of thepreacher, church, or institution. Not even our own children are ourproperty. Preachers bind people to their doctrines, bind them totheir purposes and churches, and depend on their tithes. All this isavarice, not just of money, but of souls. "Blessed are you who sowbeside all waters, who send free the feet of the ox and the ass",Is.32:20.

  465. "When that One comes, He will convict the world concerning sin becausethey do not believe on Me; and concerning righteousness because I goto My Father and you see Me no more", John 16:8-10. There are wordsdifficult to understand because there are many desires and interestsin those who say they believe in God. Those who do not believe areconvinced/convicted of sin for the simple reason that it isfaith that makes us overcome any sin. "And this is the victory thatovercomes the world, our faith", 1John 5:4. By not believing theway they should, they shall have many sins to be convicted ofbecause it is faith that is able to exterminate those sins. If theydo not believe, they do not overcome sin and that is why they shallbe convicted of sin by not believing. They will be shown their sin because they didnot exterminate it through faith. It is also noteworthy that we areonly convinced of righteousness seeing Jesus physically no more,that is, "blessed are they who have not seen and have believed"John 20:29.

  466. The doctrines of prosperity, along with all other false doctrines and theirteachings, are very heavy on people for many reasons. On the onehand, it is very difficult to abandon them. People fear to err and,abandoning a doctrine of prosperity makes them believe that theyenter into a lack of faith which will lead them to some materialneed, making them feel vulnerable. We need to demystify thosedoctrines to eradicate completely the mentality that they leavebehind, because selfishness always fears to lose. Those doctrinesappeal to selfishness and to the fears of the flesh. This happens toall who have strayed from the truth. From experience, I have seenCatholics very afraid to destroy images they once venerated, even ifthese images do not move, do not speak and will never cease to beinert things; Satanists fear to leave their world afraid of beingkilled by the devil; etc. This same fear prevails in the so-calledevangelicals who abandon false doctrines. They fear to lose insteadof fearing God, and the only thing that they might lose is falsehoodand what they gain might be real life.

  467. "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,redeeming the time, because the days are evil", Eph.5:15,16. The matter of redeeming the time has much tobe understood. It is not only a matter of waking up from sleepiness,but also of not wasting time unnecessarily with occupations that addnothing to eternity and, also, to be found clean in order to be ableto perform God's will through grace. The sooner the better.

  468. I don't need to confront the world to be persecuted by it. I do not have todo anything to be confronted by the world, for the world willpersecute me, whatever I say or do. "They hated Me without a cause", John 15:25. If the world lovesme, I do not love God. If I realize that I do not love God byrealizing that the world loves me, I must not confront the world toprove otherwise. I must rather and only find the means of grace tolove Jesus by fulfilling all He has commanded and told us.

  469. "I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him,the same brings forth much fruit; for without Me you can donothing", John 15:5. This verse does notliterally apply to everyone. There are those who accomplish muchwithout God, but not for God. The disciples came to a point or aspiritualstate where it was no longer possible for them to do anythingwithout God, that is, nothing would be fruitful were they not foundin Jesus and Jesus in them. It is excellently wonderful to get tothat point. "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the Words ofeternal life", John 6:68. Then, it is not just aquestion of being fruitful by God's blessing, but that the fruit isable to remain forever and ever. If the fruit does not remain, thatsort of fruitfulness is worth nothing. "I have chosen you andordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit, andthat your fruit should remain",John 15:16.

  470. I, often, hear people say something like this: "I want to go back to what Ihad, to the communion I had with God and with pure brothers. Imiss them very much". These people may even return to an apparentChristian life, but they will hardly come back to God in a real waysince they do not return because they are sorry for their sins andbecause of their intense desire to obtain forgiveness to glorifyGod. The desire to return is the seeking of the pleasure of peace.Having wrong motives and carnal motivation will not reach God untilsuch a person changes his motives and, consequently, reaches themeans of grace that lead to genuine and effective repentance. Itmay, eventually lead to it, but until it happens their Christianlife will be apparent and deceiving.

  471. Many prayers are not heard because what the person asks for, says orexpresses does not correspond to the true meaning of what God givesto it, even when the same words are used. For example, one may askto walk in the light not knowing that it means walking and living inan exposed and transparent way. This is one of the reasons whyprayers are not answered. "For which of you, intending to build atower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he mayhave enough to finish it?" Lk.14:28.

  472. The one who hides and the one who wants to show off have one and the samesin. They both stopped walking in the light. One hides by hiding andthe other wants to hide through his appearance, that is, shows offin the frontline something that he is not, probably to hide someother reality which his own heart and conscience refuses toacknowledge, make known or accept.

  473. "If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them", John 13:17. If this is true inthe matter of washing the feet of the disciples, how much more onother occasions and other things! We must have the notion that whatJesus said applies to every area of ​​our entire existence. Doinghas much to do with being able to do and by being empowered by God.There are skilled, untrained and disabled people trying to do God'swill, but not the way it is done in heaven. And there are severalstages of doing: one is the decision to begin; another is to finishwhat you started; and the other is the ability to do as it is donein heaven - even theimpossible; and, most important, to remain faithful and fresh withinthe very first love after all is accomplished. For many reasons,many people do not stand up to start. They do not get to the pointof getting up to do what they need to do, either because they findit insignificant, or they find it impossible and difficult. Theworst phase is the initial indecision phase. After any importanttask has begun, God's pleasure and strength will motivate those whodo. In this initial phase, problems and thorns can arise that shouldbe ignored or banned (whatever works best for you), because there isno virtue that will not be contradicted by tribulations, temptationsand distractions whose function is only to get us out of focus.Despite all worship, flattery and persecution, Jesus never allowedhis focus to be clouded, which was the cross in Jerusalem. He neverallowed any deviation from that focus even when listening to all. Sowe should be and do if we "know these things".

  474. "The sheep hear His voice, and He calls his own sheep by name and leads themout", John 10:3. It is very temptingto keep the sheep isolated and closed in the sheepfold to avoid thembeing confronted with the cruel and sinful realities outside,through which they might be strengthened in truth and motivationtowards goodness.Evil has the propensity and faculty to put truthful people all themore against it. It strengthens truthful people against evil. Thosewho are not completely truthful go astray. "They went out from us,but they were not of us; for if they were of us, they would havecontinued with us. But they went out so that it might be revealedthat they were not all of us", 1John 2:19. It is good to notethat Jesus takes the sheep out and leads them from then on. They arenot alone for He goes ahead of them. Yet, they must go out. Hearts need to be confronted sothat they may manifest what they are truly made of. Nothing good comes outof any kind of protectionism. Protectionism keeps people for thesake of self and own satisfaction and not for the sake of the Lord. "For theremust also be heresies among you, that the approved ones may berevealed among you", 1Cor.11:19. This is the only wayto separate the sheep from the goats naturally. "Blessed are you whosow beside all waters, who send out free the feet of the ox and theass", Is.32:20.

  475. "Truly, truly, I say to you, He who does not enter into the sheepfold by thedoor, but going up by another way, that one is a thief and arobber", John 10:1. In this case, Jesusis talking about entering the sheepfold. But, there are ways toavoid the door in many and diverse situations besides the sheepfold.For example, we may try to reach someone's heart with subtletyrather than by truth and by being truthful. People shall respond orcorrespond by having the same spirit; or we can use fraudulent and dubiousmethods in business and employment, trying to reach profit or wealthby jumping over the wall of honesty and sincerity; we can try toreform practical life without changing the heart; etc. There are many ways tojump over the wall into an intended goal. A robber will always act in thesame way in all situations of his life. What he does with one thing,he will do with the other. He is a thief and a robber and that iswhy he jumps over any wall.

  476. "The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him"John 8:29. Many people complainthat they are distant from God or even abandoned by Him. One reasonis to want God to do what pleases them instead of them always doingwhat pleases God. And that does not mean that they do from time totime what pleases God, but, always and only. I do not know why theystill wonder why they feel alone and far from God when they do notdo God's will.

  477. "If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whetherit is from God",John 7:17. The things of Godwork. Not only do they work out, but they result in something pure,holy, and heavenly. However, one has proof of truthfulness of theword only when life becomes practical. The results of a practicallife prove the truth and the truthfulness of doctrine. If it works towardsGod and brings forth heavenly fruit, it's true.

  478. "From this time many of His disciples went back into the things behind,and walked no more with Him. Then Jesus said to the Twelve, Do youalso wish to go away?"John 6:66,67. It is interestingto note that one of those who remained to the end was JudasIscariot. False ones are perseverant. Jesus, however, was neverdeceived by his perseverance and maintained full lucidity andsincerity about the truth. "Did I not choose you the twelve? And oneof you is a devil", John 6:70.

  479. "How can you believe, you who receive honour from one another and do notseek the honour that comes from God only?", John 5:44. No one can considerhimself to be a disciple of God pleasing people or trying to pleaseGod in a way which people are pleased. "Will you lift up His person,or contend for God? Is it good that He should search you out? Or asone man mocks another, do you mock Him? He will surely blame you, ifyou secretly lift up persons", Job 13:8-10. God is pleased withother things, with another life that does not pretend to love, respector to exercise any other virtue.

  480. "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who strengthened me, because He counted mefaithful, putting me into the ministry", 1Tim.1:12. To have a ministryblessed by God it is not only necessary to be called. We must becomefaithful - we must be made faithful. Those who do not becomefaithful can even have a ministry, but they will be like those whojump over the wall into the sheepfold, trying to reach through humanmeans what can be achieved only through God alone. These ministries becomespiritually poor and it is through them that the mistakes ofdoctrine and misconception about true life that have destroyed thechurches see their way in. Churches are no longer spiritual temples.

  481. When the Pharisees confronted Jesus about whether He was the Christ, theygot no response from Him. We do not see Jesus giving answers toconfrontation. However, we see Jesus saying to the Samaritan woman:"I am (the Christ), the One speaking to you", John 4:26. The confrontation does not want revelation,but,rather dispute. The Samaritan woman sought the truth, sought arevelation to the heart, whether she knew what she was looking foror not. The Pharisees sought to refute and nullify the revelationbrought about within themselves and in others. Confrontation seeksdispute as the means to reject and true search wants to find.Jesus does not respond directly to those who want to reject throughconfrontation; but, to whoever seeks Him truly, He gives even thoseanswers that one can not verbalize, or when one does not understandwhat is going on in the heart in order to formalize the questionsand get the answers and explanations of what one is seeking fromwithin.

  482. "You knew that I reaped where I did not sow, and gathered where I did notscatter", Mat.25:26. Many people feelcheated, resentful or even hurt when Jesus does not address thempersonally or does not call them personally and directly and sendsothers to do so. But, we know how Jesus reaps where he does not sowand that an indirect call is worth as much or even more than onegiven personally. Jesus did not call Peter personally. Hisbrother Andrew went to fetch him. Yet, He said: "Have I not chosenyou?", John 6:70. Philip foundNathanael bringing him to Jesus. Few were those whom Jesus calledpersonally. And they all became apostles. All those who have beencalled by others were welcomed by Jesus as if they had been calledin a personal and intimate way. Jesus reaps where he does not sow.

  483. We must know that what hinders the future from happening is the past and itsfailures that have never been corrected. Everything we did yesterdaytogether with what we have done recently will have a deep influenceon our today and on our tomorrows, one way or another, because it is part ofthe future that began before. Our future began the day we wereborn. If it began twisted, it must be corrected by having itacknowledged in confession. In this respect, there is no seed thatdoes not germinate. No one can sow thorns and harvest wheat, and noone can sow wheat and expect to harvest thorns. If we do not wish toharvest thorns having sown them before, we must, first, dig outthose seeds and bring them out to daylight to eliminate them.

  484. Perfect people are those who do the best they know, the best they can andhave the simple ability to perform while being one with God, beingthemselves before God and people while performing. If they donot depend on effort to do or to be who they are in God,depending on Him alone, they are perfect. When they areincapacitated it is because they do not walk with God and try toaccomplish through self-sufficient means in a independent way. Theseare and will always be imperfect.

  485. For there to be unity between sincere people, few things are necessary:the disposition or state of mind be the same in them andthat they have the same opinion, purpose and use the same means toreach them. "That you be perfectly joined together in the same mindand in the same judgment", 1Cor.1:10. It is no use forpeople to try to agree by ignoring their differences of heart, because theyrun the risk of being hypocritical. We can not live or commune in afalse unity. If we want to be a true union, the transformation hasto take place at a deeper level in the same way in all those thatunite. Let us never seek a superficial unity because there is abetter one, for, besides notobtaining the blessing of God, a superficial unity will, eventually, end in disaster.It might start well, but shall reach an undesired end.

  486. "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against theflesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not dothe things that you wish", Gal.5:17. There are many forms of greed. Greed is notonly to covet what others have, but, it is a craving for anythingthat you have or that you do not have. In fact, covetousness is aform of idolatry that tries to fill the soul with the emptinessfound in everything besides God Himself. It is true that nothing can fill the soul like living water. Even when you get those thingsyou still live on in its greedy emptiness. So, because it doesn't fill, greedonly serves to hinder doings, it is, "so that you do not do thethings that you wish", that is, assuming that someone wants to dowhat is right. Greed creates confusion, hindrances, losses of time,busybodies entangled with empty stuff, and becomes a mere hindranceto any achievement because it keeps you busy with nothing. The ability of covetousness is only to beable to be against the Spirit, that is, its function is to beagainst the Spirit by creating confusion, spiritual inactivity,inertia, discouragement and spiritual unfitness. Its function is not to fill,but, to prevent us from being filled (with the Spirit), hindering oreven preventing our doings by whatever means it finds at hand.Sometimes, sowing thorns in good earth is an option if it cannotprevent good seed from being sown or if it can not prevent the earthfrom being good; or sowing snares in the midst of wheat if the goodearth has no thorns. In each phase, the lusts of the flesh have astrategy and an exclusive target, which is to make it impossible foryou to do what is right if that is what you wish to do. Its functionis to be against the Spirit and nothing else. Keep this in mindwhenever you covet anything, whether it be clothes, shoes, money,luxury cars, women or men, or any other empty stuff that exists inthis present world. Its only aim is "that you do not do the thingsthat you wish", making a busybody out of you. It just shows howimportant are our doings and works of faith, that greed's onlyfunction is to hinder them.

  487. "Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in theear, preach on the housetops", Mat.10:27. To say something infull light is much more than to speak in a way to be heard. Theperson who proclaims in the light is someone who is familiar withit, that is, he lives in it and is not someone who only shouts out aboutit. In the original "in the light" means to be at ease in that lightto speak, to feel at home in it and to speak from it that way.Whoever speaks in the light must already be solid in it, secured andstable. Anyone who feels watched, noticed, appreciated, depreciated,ashamed or even targeted by being in the light and for beingtransparent is not yet a stable person living in that light.

  488. I do not believe that doctrines or belief in them is a crucial factor inthe destiny of people. However, I believe there are doctrines thatcondemn the souls of many. Any kind of attachment to a teaching ordoctrine that excuses, minimizes, prolongs, or passes over theguilt, danger, or seriousness of any sin, whether large or small, isworse than suicide, for it kills the soul and the spirit forever.There are doctrines that are on the side of the flesh and othersthat are on the side of the Spirit in the struggle for holiness. Seein which side you find yourself by the type of doctrines you chooseand appreciate. "Take heed that the light which is in you is notdarkness", Lk.11:35.

  489. "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot behidden", Mat.5:14. God separated lightfrom darkness as His first act in creation. To be light means to betransparent in our practical life. Moreover, this verse tells usthat we are built on a hill. "Who may ascend into the hill of theLord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands anda pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworndeceitfully", Ps.24:3,4. Aside from walking in the light - not hidinganything for whatever reason - we should be on the holy mountain andremain holy there. Only the pure and spotless in all aspects of allpractical life will be able to remain there; otherwise, the lightcan be turned into darkness. To the clean on the holy hill it issaid that it will be impossible for them to be hidden.

  490. All the involvements lead to developments, and when they begin, younever know how they will end. "Do not lay hands on anyone hastily,nor share in other people's sins; keep yourself pure", 1Tim.5:22. We do not need topractice the sins of others with them in order to be sharingparticipants in those sins. It is enough to be involved in the wrongway with the people whose sins are obvious, endorsing their ways bythe way we live and commune with them. This involvement will bereceived as supporting their sinful ways. All you need for them tobelieve you support their ways is to support them. We can and mustmaintain our equidistance safely without creating stumbling blocksfor anyone. If we remain pure, we can become a safe way for othersto come out of their sins. If we get involved, we will be barringthe way out of their sins.

  491. "For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you evenweeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ", Phil.3:18. These do not professto be enemies of Christ. They only walk as such. What is an enemy ofthe Cross of Christ? The Cross, in its true essence, means death tosin and to the world. We know that the opposite of true love isselfishness. Therefore, there are those who preach in a way thatestablishes the flesh and everything that is appropriate to itscarnal life, its survival, maintenance and its own purposes. Theypreach Christ, but in the end they seek what is earthly and fleshlyand want Christ to do so for them as well. For such, the Cross doesnot represent the death of the flesh as the true essence of it, butrather its survival and 'good' use. They became enemies of the Crosspreaching a cross of their lost and earthly mind. "Whose end isdestruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in theirshame—who set their mind on earthly things",Phil.3:19.

  492. "...He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief...."Rom.4:20. It is one thing to doubt the appearance oftruth or to doubt a lie; another thing is to doubt the truth or Godby having an unbelieving heart, which feels more comfortableplacing itself alongside with lies and doubts - something that wouldbe to doubtthrough unbelief. The state of the heartdetermines the conduct and thoughts of each person. If the heart isunbelieving and unstable it will doubt what is true, stable andeternal. Sort seeks sort. Therefore, it doubts through unbelief. Butno stable, trusting, truth-loving heart, which turns instinctivelyand spontaneously to God and to the truth and the reality of it, will ever surrender itself toany resemblance of truth sponsored by lies and deceit. This is notto doubt through unbelief, but rather to doubt because we arebelieving friends of the truth. Nevertheless, doubting and beingunstable go hand in hand, whether we doubt lies or truth. We need totake a stand against lies and be firm and be "established in thepresent truth", 2Pet.1:12.To be unbelieving towards a lie is faith. If it was not so, the goodsheep would not flee from the voice of the wolf.

  493. "Though you know them and are established in the present truth", 2Pet.1:12. Many are content withknowing and gaining knowledge of the whole truth. But we can not actas if we could fulfil without the power of grace. You have to beconfirmed in the truth. And who confirms is God - not your testimonyor whatever you say or believe about yourself. Let God testify aboutyou.

  494. "For if these things are in you and abound (...) you shall never fall", 2Pet.1:8-10. It is not only necessary that these thingsthat Peter mentions (and things that he does not mention) are foundin us. They need to increase and find the inner circumstances andavailability of heart to be able to increase daily. From what weread here, the person in whom the virtues and virtuosity of God donot increase is barren.

  495. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom ofheaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven",Mat.7:21. In order to have, tobe or to do God's will, we need to be in right standing with Him andthat nothing is found in any of us that stands between us and Him,or us and anyone else, which displeases God. It is not bydeciding to do the will of God that we will be able to do or toenter it. You have to find grace to do all the way God wants it tobe done, it is, on earth the way it is done in heaven. Being at thepoint of obtaining grace, we will be able to achieve it and reachout to the means and ability to do it. If there is anything annoyingour fellowship with God or with our neighbour, surely we will notattain grace to do all the will of God. We can have grace to cleanourselves - if that is not too late. After being fully cleansed willwe be able to do the will of God. That's what it's all about whenPaul says, "Be ready for every good work", Titus 3:1. Moreover, not everygood work is accepted by God. Cain was never accepted by God,although he had the initiative to offer to God, perhaps, feelingthankful for what God had given him.

  496. "And great was its fall", Mat.7:27.In what sense is shall the fall be great? In fact, thehigher the expectations, the greater the disappointment and thegreater the effect it has on the soul. It is precisely this thatmakes the fall great. The person with few expectations from God doesnot have a great fall. It's a scary idea, though. We should havegreater expectations from God which should be fulfilled in alldetails. How many believers will be disappointed to the point thattheir fall shall be great?

  497. "Judge not, that you be not judged", Mat.7:1.Judging others can occur for several reasons as well as being awaste of time and an excuse for someone never to judge his own heartand actions under the true light of God. (If we judge ourselves we shall not be judged). Onereason is that the person who judges has the same sins he judges inothers. At least he has the same aptitude or propensity for the samesins he sees in others. That is why he judges them. But there arepeople who judge because they are bitter at the moment they judge oreven by being of a bitter nature. Many of these people say thingsthey do not even see in others. They speak out the first thing that comesto mind. One way or another, their destiny is traced and they mustbe saved from a bad heart and from judging, for they will be judgedin the same measure and for the same sins which they judge othersfor.

  498. "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself", Lk.9:23. Sluggards need to deny themselves to get aconstructive attitude, a lively initiative, continual readiness andalertness to the movements of the Spirit of God. But it is not onlythe lazy ones that should deny themselves. The hyperactive, who isunable to wait on God and who does not rest in God has greatdifficulty getting out of the front line to make room for truth andthe active operation of grace. He must also know how to deny himself.Everyone has his way to anger God and the flesh can operate in manyand varied ways. It is up to you to put yourself under the scrutinyof God's lightto know what to do and how to be enabled to do all the willof God.

  499. "It is written: Be holy, for I am holy", 1Pet.1:16. This verse and the truth it contains has twosenses, which in union form the whole of its true meaning. We canunderstand that it says that we should know that, as God is holy, wehave a responsibility to be as holy as He if we wish to deal withHim in a real way. On the other hand, there is also another meaning: Godbeing holy, our holiness will be a consequence of continuallywalking in His presence. "Walk in My presence and be perfect", Gen.17:1. Besides the commandment and warning, thereis also the consequence as a gift. However, we should give moreattention to the commandment because it is the part that fits uswithout ever trying to be holy without Him being present in us. The restbelongs to God and His providence.

  500. "Mercy triumphs over judgment", James 2:13. The language of theBible is not the same as the language of any man. A harmfulunderstanding about what mercy is all about can lead to amisinterpretation of this verse and, also, of the Gospel itself. Howdoes mercy triumph over judgment? The judgment of God will alwayshappen. That is, sin will never be accepted or overlooked injudgment. Therefore, this mercy is not and will never be a form ofacceptance of transgression. We cannot accept own sin - never. Thatwould be to divert mercy from its real purpose, which is toexterminate sin from the face of the earth. To accept any sin, toexcuse it, to understand it or to minimize its guilt, is to deny oreven to despise the very purpose of mercy. There is a differencebetween accepting any sin and taking advantage of the means of mercyand grace to annihilate all sin by its roots while there is time.The mercy of God gives us the chance to extinguish sin, even underintense temptation, through those means He makes available to us.

  501. Many sin and do not feel guilty about it; others sin and becomeinconsolable. But when I sin, I feel more guilty for being far fromGod, because, being away from Him, or even semi-estranged, leads meto sin or to be more vulnerable to temptations. We are to remain inGod, being cleansed of everything since we will not enter into Hispresence without being clean - how much less abide in Him. It istrue that if my devotional and my approach to God are deficient Ican't even imagine the possibility of living without sin or throughfaith. Therefore, even though I feel inconsolable for havingtransgressed, I must feel greater guilt for not being close to Godthan for having sinned. It is always good to tackle the problem byits roots and not just try to avoid the consequences. "Walk beforeMe and be blameless", Gen.17:1. That has an order: tobe blameless comes after, as a consequence. And if there wereconflictions and persecutions from the world before, by being inGod, one might have fewer conflicts with the same world and with thesame people having turned away from Him and that might be a falsecomfort and serve us as a deceptive encouragement; if, before, itwas unthinkable to see, hear, or speak about things of the world orto speak of spiritual truths the way the world speaks about them,any separation from God will work just the opposite. It shall bevery easy to be blasphemous and unpleasant towards the Lord. We musttake good care of our souls by remaining in God, whatever the cost.Only by remaining in Him and He in us can we take good care of ourown soul and to make good use of all means of grace within ourreach. Only by remaining in Jesus will we have access to all thesemeans of grace and, also, to be able to use them soberly and toremain in them through Jesus, and to abide in Jesus through them.  

  502. "For he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.Let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from theLord", James 1:6,7. It is not onlywhat he asks for that such a person will fail to receivefrom God because of the lack of faith. He loses what he asks for, and also other things that comefrom the Lord - not just the one he asks for. This happens not onlybecause of the lack of faith, but because he is a wavering, fickleminded and uncertain person who cannot lodge eternal, constantthings. Eternal life is a constant, permanent life, without ups anddowns. This life is lodged in a constant person who is not carriedfrom side to side by any wind of doctrine or circumstance. "Can twowalk together, except they be agreed?"Amos 3:3. "A double minded manis unstablein all his ways", James 1:8. If he is inconstant in all his other ways aswell, then he will receive nothing - both what he asks for and whathe does not ask for. He shall receive nothing from God. Nothing willbe added to him when the main issue (constancy) is not providedbefore God.

  503. Many hearted people, honest about their spiritual life and theirobedience, often have a problem about when to act and when to expectand leave it in God's hands. Sometimes they feel guilty if they act,and also if they do not act. Now, it is obvious that by beingattentive in the waiting and the expectation in God, moments willcome that things begin to happen. Therefore, we must actaccordingly. For example, Jesus knew that his time had come and thatthe sheep would not or could not be taken with Him so that theScriptures might be fulfilled. Therefore, He did not restrainhimself by asking them to let the disciples go when he was arrested."You seek Me, let these go their way", John 18:8. What he did or triedto do was in unison with the Scriptures, with the timing and withthe providence of God. He did not do it before and did not neglectthe opportunity when the right moment arrived.

  504. "And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may beglorified in the Son", John 14:13. There are certainconditions for this to happen as it is written. In the first place,it only happens when the Father is truly glorified and the heart ofthe one who prays is attentive to that glory of the Father and thedeepest motive is only to glorify him. Secondly, we should prayabout that which we have full assurance concerning what God willhear and answer, and that it is what He wants - and only those whopray in Spirit can do that. It is by the Spirit that we can, notonly discern what God wants, but it is the only way to achieve it."Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit...", Eph.6:18; "Praying in the Holy Spirit...",Jude 1:20. There is another issue: the target of prayermay never be hindered by anything which may prevent the prayer to beanswered or heard by God: "Praying always with all prayer andsupplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with allperseverance and supplication for all the saints", Eph.6:18; "Do not lay hands onanyone hastily, nor share in other people's sins; keep yourselfpure", 1Tim.5:22. It is not only theone who prays that should be clean, but depending on the prayer thatis made, the other person can not have anything that may hinder thatprayer. There is yet another important issue. If there are holypeople with whom one can not cohabit, or with whom one does not tendto be be tuned with, it is necessary to be able to pray for thosewith the same heart and love and not only for those who are closerto us because all are equally loved by God. We are pursuing andtrying to achieve what God most desires and not only that which isclose to our heart. As long as they have come to God, we should beable to pray for them with the same perseverance and supplicationbecause we seek everything that is dear to God. It is He who shouldcome out glorified by our prayers and not our preferences.

  505. "And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and ofrighteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believein Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me nomore; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged", John 16:9-11. People are convinced of sin only if theyhave sin. Now, faith exterminates sin. So, by not believing as youought, sin remains and you will be convicted of it for salvation'ssake. "For if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in yoursins", John 8:24. That is one point, itis, that is the main reason why people are convicted of sin if theydo not believe. The second point: It is interesting to see that weare convinced of righteousness in the coming of the Holy Spirit.That is, the person has not been righteous and has no experience ofbeing truly just. To think or believe that you are righteous and tobe truly righteous are quite different things, for any sinner alwaysbelieves himself to be just and every saint always assumes to be asinner. And there is more: it was necessary for Jesus to leave ourcarnal environment for all this to happen. The faith of the apostlesbefore Pentecost was a faith of sight and carnal approach. It wasnecessary to stop being that way. And the shock of Jesus' deathworked in them in that direction. With the coming of the Holy Spirittheir faith has become a true faith from the heart and it became theessence of a clean and blessed heart. "Blessed are the clean of heart, forthey shall see God", Mat.5:8.And it is also interesting to note that the devil has already beentried and is, yet, still around. It is necessary that the Judgmentbe first exercised over sin itself so that some of those who acceptthe power to live without it can be saved (from it).     

  506. "But now, they have no excuse for their sin", John15:22. The favourite speech of any sinner is to excusesin and, especially, his own sin. He likes to excuse and to'understand' sin, which means accepting, living for and living withit. But with Jesus at the door, there is no longer an excuse for sinsince "He saves His people from their sins", Mat.1:21.

  507. "And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from thebeginning", John 15:27. It is very easy tomisunderstand or even not understand this verse. "Ye shall bearwitness" is in a future form. That is, something would happen in thenear future that would lead all disciples to a real experience ofwitnessing, revealing, manifesting, and testifying to what isheavenly. And this would happen because they remained with Christfrom the beginning without ever having abandoned him during Histrials and harsh moments of persecution. The word "to bear witness"or testify comes from "testing," that is, testing, experiencing, andliving the experience in person. Today, witnessing is understooddifferently. Today you witness from what you hear or heard about, whatyou believe and not what you see for real and experience from Godpersonally.

  508. Today's churches stimulate the creation of antichrists: they createsimilarities of believers through their doctrines. That is thedanger of learning doctrine without having eternal (constant andpermanent) life within. It stimulates imitators of truth. Each seedbrings forth that which is its own. A false believer is anantichrist. An antichrist is not only the one who opposes Christ andthe truth, but it is he who resembles Christ or a Christian andwhose personal living and testimony works against God. The most effective and activeenmity is and will always be the one which resembles love. That iswhy creating similarities of what is in heaven is so dangerous andso damnable.

  509. He who walked in darkness his whole life learned to live hidden andcreated habits of a life related to his walking in darkness. Theblind not only fail to see, but have created habits of orientationandperception in daily life which are not compatible with the ways ofthe people who see well. Therefore, entering into a world of light,everything must become new and the new habits and a new conduct mustbe assimilated, and the old must be exterminated and forgotten. Onemay no longer walk guided by sounds and touches. Those who learnedto live in spiritual darkness learned to hide, to cover up, todisguise, to minimize guilt or to talk it off. The most hidden thingof any person is his innermost self. When the person ceases to coverhimself up or ceases to talk for/about it, his exposed innerself becomes visible because he becomes transparent. The innermostof any sinner is the most hidden thing in this world - or so hethinks. The truthful person does not hide anything. This is the sameas having truth from within: it is being whom you really are andnever assuming any other kind of posture. "Behold, You desire truthin the inward parts", Ps.51:6.

  510. No one is able to love whoever he has not seen or has not come to know. Inthe same way, he cannot hate whoever he has not seen or known. Onlythose who have true knowledge of good and evil can hate or loveeither of them. One cannot both love and hate at the same time. And becausepeople are in living enmity against God ever since, it means God isknown to them. "What may be known of God is manifest in them, forGod has shown it to them", Rom.1:19.

  511. What most people seek is to have God guide them without having to leavedarkness. They wish to be guided under darkness and not under light.They do not wish to deny the life of darkness and much less leaveit. They reject it when they are led to light or, should I say, whenled out of darkness. And whoever is not spiritual sees no need to beguided when all is lighted. The carnal man sees the need to beguided under darkness and the spiritual are guided under the light,even when everything is clear and visible.

  512. "And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to openthe scroll, or to look at it. So I wept much, because no one wasfound worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it", Rev.5:3,4. John saw extraordinary things as probably noone ever saw. However, nothing of that impressed him to the point ofnot experiencing the immense sadness for not being able to open thescroll and not being found worthy to do so. Many would say that itshould be so, that is, no one should have this privilege and honourother than God. This kind of humility is false and their doctrine isone of excusing their own sins. John wanted the supreme and theutmost, it is, to be able to fulfil the will of God, and that is whyhe was so loved by Jesus. That's why he had been so special to Him. Hewas extremely sad that he could not open the books, and that therewas no one who could do so. He cried because no one was found whocould do the will of God.

  513. Whoever becomes proud when beautiful and whoever becomes sad by being uglyhave one and the same sin. The sin is there if you think highly ofyourself or if you wish you could think highly of yourself. If youdesire another woman you commit adultery. In the same you, if youdesire to think highly of yourself, you are guilty of pride.

  514. "And the Spirit is He who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth.If we receive the witness of men, the witness of Godis greater", 1 John 5:6,9. Well, here it is. While acknowledging thatJohn is speaking to people who have attained the life of fullness,especially, those who can keep the testimony of God above all othertestimonies, this is true to anyone. Believers who misbehave do notaccept the testimony of God because it speaks against them. Fromthere they become an easy target to men's opinions. Being vulnerableto the opinion of men is a form of slavery. Such people are not setfree and the Son has not set them free. The same can be said of anyworldly and wicked person. There are people who are vulnerable topublic opinion, and because they are vulnerable to it, they get adistorted notion of holiness. They uphold a sort of holiness that isacceptable to carnal people and is capable of pleasing them. So,they try to reconcile their walk with this awkward view or insight. And it isto be expected that nothing works out as it should. This is whathappens to those who, in addition to admitting the testimony of men,have this testimony in equal or greater esteem than the testimony ofGod. Let us bear in mind that the only true testimony is and willalways be the one that God gives. "The Spirit Himself bears witnesswith our spirit that we are the children of God", Rom.8:16. If it is I or anyother carnal who testifies about me, my testimony is either false,falsified o merely resembles falsity. We do not need to reject people to reject theirtestimonies, whether those testimonies are about us or anythingelse; and we do not have to accept their testimonies to make iteasier for them to enter the narrow gate that is Christ. Ouracceptance is not what makes people enter the narrow door and ourrejection is not what causes them to reject God. The reasons forthat lie deep in the kind of heart they have or do not have.

  515. When your faith is weak, most of your sins will be like strong parasiteswhich do not die. "And this is the victory that overcomes the world,our faith", 1John 5:4.

  516. "Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walksin darkness does not know where he is going", John 12:35. The secret of aChristian life consists in walking or not walking. "Walkin the light" and the same word is used in relation to darkness: "hewho walks in darkness does not know where he isgoing". That is, those who do not stand still in darkness won't knowwhere they are going. And whoever does not walk having light isgoing nowhere as well. Now, if we have no light and are faced withdarkness on our way or life, we should not walk. If we walk, we'llnever know where we're going. We must stop to reach light beforetaking any further step. "Be still, and know that I am God", Ps.46:10. Having attained thislight (or if it has reached us), we must learn one more thing,having the need of it in high esteem and as an unquestionable andnonnegotiable duty: to walk through the power of grace and not totrust in any carnal capacity or means. The flesh knowshow to walk (in darkness). That sort of walk cannot be applied underthe light. The flesh has its capabilities and knows how to walk, butits deeds do not serve the kingdom of heaven, and its service is notaccepted in the genuine temple of God. You are or should be thetemple of God where the flesh should not be allowed to serve usingthe capabilities it has - much less to reign there. One can not walk inthe light the way one would walk in darkness, using the same methodsand the same kind of power. A sinner has always walked or tried towalk. But, he does so under darkness and under the cover ofignorance. He knows how to walk in darkness and he does not know howto stand still while in them. There is no sinner who stands stilland does not walk while in darkness. "But the wicked are like thetroubled sea, which cannot rest, and its waters cast up mire anddirt",Is.57:20. With the shining oflight, he is frightened and stagnates because he does not know thewalk of light. He might try to walk the walk of darkness in hisprecarious light. However, he must learn to walk in the light andstart walking again, taking his first steps out of darkness andpenetrating ever deep into the intense light of Christ - somethinghe never did before or never knew before. But he, also, has tounlearn the walk of darkness. "If anyonewalks in the day, he does not stumble because he sees the light ofthe world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles becausethere is no light in him", John 11:9,10.There are two things we must learn: to walk in the light and tostand still in darkness instead of panicking.

  517. Usually, people wish to be guided under darkness as they walk in darkness.Also, once they have light they see no need to be guided and led.Under the light, they wish to have it their way and to use carnalmeans to walk on. They do not see the need of being guided underlight. They trust in themselves. This is how carnal means are usedin the Temple of God. Also, to be guided under darkness means, tosuch, that they do not forsake darkness where they enjoy the falseprosperity of sin. They want God to lead them along all carnalityand selfishness.

  518. "But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, forwhatever makes manifest is light", Eph.5:13. It is not the lightthat condemns those who practise bad works and sins. The light doesnot condemn, but reveals and makes visible what is condemnable.Light condemns sin and transgression, and sin is not the sinner andtransgression is not the transgressor. Thevisibility of sins, which shows them as they are, is whatexterminates sin from the heart, that is, reveals how they arereprehensible and detestable and are, consequently, condemned todeath. Moreover, all sins are condemned to death because of thevisibility of it and it is not light's fault that they exist. Before lightwas there, those sins already existed. However, they were invisibleand not taken into account. Mortal condemnation to sin is an effectof the light and not an action of it.

  519. Usually, all of us, when talking about truth, say that we must speak thetruth. And so should it be. However, the Scriptures speak of"practicing the truth", 1John 1:6. Truth is a practicalliving (transparency), it is, we being truth itself in a genuine way. Whoeverpractices the truth also speaks the truth. But it doesn't mean thateveryone who speaks the truth always practices the truth.

  520. "Because of the Pharisees they did not confess, lest they should be put outof the synagogue; for they loved the glory of men more than theglory of God", John 12:42,43.  We canunderstand two things from these words: that the Synagogue was theglory of man or the place of man; and that to love more the glory ofman might not hinder us to lie to ourselves by assuming that wecontinue to be believers while concerned about the opinion, approvalor even disapproval of any man. Let's not deceive ourselves in anyway and neither by any means. "How can you believe, you who receivehonour from one another and do not seek the honour that comes fromGod only?",John 5:44.

  521. "Andhe who sees Me sees Him who sent Me", John12:45. The people whom Jesus addressed came to him. But,Jesus claimed that they did not see Him in the Father and neitherthe Father in Him. Many people have an image of Christ, an idea ofwhat He is or should be (according to them), and when the true Jesusdoes not correspond to that image, He is taken as false. In fact,when Jesus ceases to be a mere image, He is promptly rejected. He isdifferent when He is not an image or an imagination. That way, the way is opened for thefalse ones to be accepted as true ones. All people have constructeda certain image of God. They have gone astray and deviated from thetrue and genuine One. There is no one who has never obtained orcreated an image and God in his mind and imagination. "I have comeas a Light into the world", John 12:46. Now the light reveals,manifests and exposes all that is never visible in darkness, whethergood or bad. There are no sinful people in this world who like to beexposed and transparent and there are those who hate it. And Christcame precisely "that whosoever believeth on me should not abide indarkness". Ponder it well before you ask to be in the presence ofChrist and to walk in that light. Perhaps you don't know it means tobe fully transparent and visible from all sides. Many prayers arenot heard because what the person asks for, says or expresses inprayer does not correspond to the true meaning of it. Many pray forlight and are rejected because of that. "For which ofyou, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and countthe cost, whether he may have enough to finish it"Lk.14:28.

  522. "Ifanyone serves Me, let him follow Me", John 12:26.Many sincere people believe that serving Jesus is the pinnacle oftheir calling. However, by these words we can understand that thereare those who serve Jesus and do not follow him. Even if such peopleare honoured by the Father in some way for serving Jesus, the dangerof not following Him exists because of serving. Martha served Himand did not get to the best part. "If anyone serves Me, let himfollow Me; and where I am, there also My servant shall be. If anyoneserves Me, the Father will honour him". Following Him leads toserving, but, serving may not end up in following Him.

  523. "When Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by forceto make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himselfalone", John 6:15. All who want to forceJesus to be their king deceive themselves in many ways. Jesus isalready king. But he is not king over the flesh and does notwant to rule over it. He rules and leads against it. Those who wish tomake him king by force forget that He is already king and that, infact, they must submit to Him and not he to them. They are peoplewho desire to exalt him over the flesh because he does not reignover it. They should rather submit to the King of kings who isalready king over all that is spiritual. Whoever wants to make himking by force does not want to submit to the Spirit and to thespiritual. Many want Jesus to become king of their world, of pride andflesh and do not wish to submit to the spiritual world of humilitywhere Jesus already reigns - forever and ever. "Tell the daughter ofZion, Behold, your King comes to you, meek, and sitting on an ass,even a colt the foal of an ass", Mat.21:5.

  524. The aim or goal of a good doctrine is to bring the person to a good end.Doctrine is not and will never be an end in itself, but aninstrument, a mechanism or the means to bring someone to a good harbour. Eachdoctrine has its functionality and works to achieve a certain goal. Truedoctrine is not the goal, but a mechanism and a way. It is the meansand not an end. From the moment the goal is achieved, doctrinebecomes obsolete and impractical. It's like a spaceship that, afterhaving been launched the rocket the boosts it is no longer useful because it hasfulfilled its mission. What's more, people who launch it do not siton the rocket and do not try to keep it. If they sat on it, they would die alongwith it. Now,whenever doctrine is put as a target, as a destiny or as a finalgoal, it becomes a threat and no longer an instrument. "Therefore,leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, letus go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation ofrepentance from dead works and of faith toward God. of the doctrineof baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, andof eternal judgment And this we will do if God permits", Heb.6:1-3.

  525. "And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says,'The old is better' ", Lk.5:39. This is one of thereasons why people who are already believers are hardly converted.If someone already considers himself as 'converted' why would he wantto convert himself or stretch out to God's means to do so? He whodrinks from false doctrine or from a true doctrine that does notbear fruit (because of past sins which have never been brought tothe light) can take a long time to drink true living water directlyfrom the living fountain. It is easier to bring a person out of theworld into the living waters than one who is already a believer,pastor, or theologian.

  526. "But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Himyou do not believe", John 5:38. Sometimes people try,but they cannot do what they understand. It's a sign of not gettingit right to have the Word to stay in us. To remain or abide in thatWord means to be able to make it our practical life in an exclusive,spontaneous and imperial way. Now, if anything separates any personfrom God, it is obvious that a dependence on God is impossible andso is the access to grace and all the means to fulfil. And withoutHim nothing (heavenly) will be achieved. Being in communion with Him- who is eternal life itself - we can believe that the daily breadwill bear fruit and remain a possible and an accessible reality toany of us. If we do not combine the knowledge of the word with thelife that gives it its practical outcome and power, it is all invain, because we will say one thing and do another. This means thatthe word does not remain in us and is only floating in ourimagination and desires, remaining far from our practical life. TheWord is not just what we understand of it. Jesus must become theWord Himself for us, for He is also the Word. The Word is His realpresence. Without His presence, everything we know or try to do willnever make a meaningful sense to any of us.

  527. "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to thelight, lest his deeds should be exposed", John 3:20. All things have theireffects and consequences. Have you ever seen someone who cannotstand being reproved and who strikes back at everything and nothing?It is a sign that he does not walk in the light and even abhors it,that is, he is contrary to being exposed. His practical life revealswhat he truly is and shows whether he lives in darkness or exposedin/to the light.

  528. "Toreceive the instruction of wisdom...", Prov.1:3.Many do not know the role of understanding in the whole context ofthe Christian life. In the first place, we must have true, eternal,constant and abundant life within us. Understanding will be theservant of this life, will be an instructor of the steps that thislife requires from all of us - it shall never be the master of thesteps. It will never replace life, which is the origin of theChristian walk. It will be a mere instructor and servant. True lifewill be the light of men. "In Him was life, and the life was thelight of men",John 1:4. He who does not haveit walks in darkness no matter how wise he is; and his understanding will be a servantof darkness. That is where 'wisdom' wants to instruct life, wants tobe master over it and becomes own mindedness.

  529. "Thefoolish person will speak foolishness, and his heart will work iniquity: topractice ungodliness, to utter error against the Lord", Is.32:6. There is a differencebetween the fool practicing iniquity; and saying that those whopractice lawlessness are foolish or insane. One means that someonemay practice iniquity because he is foolish; the other means thatone becomes foolish by sinning. According to the interpretation ofthis portion of Scripture, those who practice iniquity are the truefools. Also, when it is affirmed that the fool "utters error againstthe Lord", it does not mean that he speaks against God, but, that hecommits errors that operate against God. He speaks of God - and caneven speak very well of Him. However, it is his mistakes, life andbeliefs that work against God in practical terms.

  530. True faith and a full surrender to God always go hand in hand. It is, infact, a full surrender in the true sense of the word that we aretalking about - a total, unconditional, unquestionable andirrevocable surrender. Faith is obedience that surrenders to theWord of God. Many believe that faith is a way to achieve things,when in fact, it can be a giving up of certain things - or of allthings. The weapons of the flesh, the solutions, ideas, desires,aspirations and common thoughts of the mortals are given up in orderto be able to set the pace with a reality hitherto unknown in itspractical form and of unquestionably superior, different and eternal value.When God sent Assyria to destroy Israel, we see how He worked in thehearts of people to get the message across to the Israelites thatthey should surrender to the Assyrians in order to save their lives.It would be an act of faith, a step in the dark and in the rightdirection by believing that it was God speaking. But, this step into 'darkness' was ahuge step in the light of God. Some, however, decided to flee toEgypt and to Ethiopia, seeking refuge and carnal support there. Theyfeared the Assyrians much because of the atrocities they werecapable of. Most of the leaders and scholars of Israel neveraccepted such a solution, they being descendants of Abraham, who had God the Almighty as a friend. For them, the act of faith would be toovercome the Assyrians. To surrender would be something against theflow of their aspirations and beliefs. It would be somethingunthinkable. For them faith was not obedience to what God had said,but it would be the formula to get what they wanted. They were thefalse prosperity preachers of that time. For this reason, too, theycrucified Christ, because they expected another type of Messiah, onewho would not be despised and ignored by the enemy, and whosefriends would not turn their faces on Him,Is.53:3. Don't you often turnyour face to the will of God, despising what is granted to youthrough His providence? Faith is a total, active and joyfulsurrender to the expressed will of God, even working with enthusiasmfor it whatever it may be. Whatever His will is, faith works in thatdirection, cooperating and even striving for it. "Though the figtree shall not blossom, neither shall there be fruit in the vine:the produce of the olive tree shall lie, and the fields yield nofood: the flock shall be plucked up, and there shall be no cows inthe pasture: yet shall I rejoice in the Lord, Of my salvation",Hab.3:17,18. What counts issalvation - even if it is a final salvation. What counts is that we attainthat purity of God, from God by being saved from each of our manysins. And it is impossible to be saved from any sin without a totalsurrender and an unconditional and sincere reconciliation with God and His will.

  531. "Honour the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of allyour increase", Prov.3:9. Honouring God com withall our possessions means much more than giving to God and to theneedy. The worst part comes with what remains after we have given.Many stumble through what they keep for themselves doing with itwhatever is not pleasing to God. We need to be honouring God witheverything we have and are.

  532. "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths", Prov.3:6. There are manymisinterpretations of this verse. Many think it is the supposedlyevangelical language where people need to affirm with their mouththings which they do not experience. They affirm believing they willcome to experience by affirming beforehand. But, the word of faithis one of confirming rather than of affirming. It is life whichbrings faith to existence and not the other way round. To say thatit is faith that brings life is howfalsehood starts working. For someone to acknowledge, he must haveknown first. One can acknowledge only as far as he has come to knowor experience for real. There are people who know God truly in allthe ways of their inner and outer life. But, as grace works by manand uses what he is because God wills it so, it may seem that theworks that result in something come from man. Therefore, it becomesdifficult for one to acknowledge God in what he himself does andattains. Through observation and humility, however, it is very easyto prove it is the Lord at work, and to see and recognize Godoperating when it is He who is truly operating. It may not be Him,but when it is He, it must be acknowledged. This was one of thegreat struggles Jesus had: to have the disciples come to that pointthrough a sincere heart. "Now, (and notbefore), they have known that all things which You have given Me arefrom You and have known surely that I came forth from You; and theyhave believed that You sent Me",John 17:7,8. The disciples knewhim, but Jesus' great struggle was to get them acknowledge fromtheir heart that Jesus was what he was and that he came from wherehe came without having them pretending to believe. "Now the end ofthe commandment is (...) faith unfeigned", 1Tim.1:5; 2Tim.2:5. I know that there are bubblers wholive far from God and attribute to God all that happens to them.They do so as people who suppose things. "Life wasmanifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to youthat eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested tous. That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which wehave seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our handshave handled, concerning the Word of life (...) And trulyour fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ", 1John 1:1-3. But this verse doesnot refer to those, but, to those who truly know God and whose wayshave their foundations truly grounded in the hands, providence andworkings of God through a voluntary and total surrender, where thereis an exchange of arms and a change of sides in the war field as ifone has exchanged army in a true war scenario. In fact, the personwho surrenders to God is not only a surrendered deserter, butbecomes a person who swops sides and picks up the weaponry of lightto confront what he has previously stood for. He is more than atraitor to sin and to the flesh to become more than a conqueror overit. It is this person who begins to deal with God in a real way,experiencing the presence of God in all he experiences, who canacknowledge Him in all his ways. These are the ones who must becareful to acknowledge God in all their ways because it is a factand an undeniable truth. This recognition becomes also necessarywhen we are being corrected, just as happens when we are being used.Those who are corrected may not realize that it is God who iscorrecting them and may find themselves resisting God withoutrealizing it. "My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,nor detest His correction (...) take firm hold of instruction, donot let go; Keep her, for she is your life", Prov.3:11; 4:13. In those thatare used, temptation can arise to feel powerful and accomplished,being a small step away from downfall and pride because of somethingwhich God has finally accomplished. For this reason, the verse thatfollows concludes: "Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear theLord...",Prov.3:7. Acknowledging Him mayrefer to many other situations as well, where people are persecutedand hide their Christianity for fear something carnally worse willhappen to them. Nevertheless, the principle of being truthful abouttruth that one experiences remains valid: it must be true. One mustbe truthful about truth and about what is real. "They went out fromus, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they wouldhave continued with us; but they went out that they might be mademanifest, that none of them were of us", 1John 2:19.

  533. "Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts", Ps.51:6. The truth of God can not be from the mouthonly, in books and reading, in study or be travelling only from mouth to mouthto soothe ears, but it must find permanent lodging in the inmostbeing of any man - of all men. The inmost part of any person is themost protected and closed place of the earth. Seldom do we findanyone who likes to reveal his inner self and have it permanentlyexposed for all to see because the intuition to preserve and hide itfrom the eyes of all strangers is quite strong after Adam hassinned. And God is usually a stranger to man. That is, the truthabout self is hardly exposed by self and rarely anyone else hasaccess to it. Therefore, when the truth of God ceases to be astranger to start reigning from where things are most protected byself being the most secretive place that exists within the wholecreature, man transforms himself and enters into the grace of God.God loves truth from within. Truth from in the outside ismeaningless. Truth from within means He communes with those who aretruthful from within. Now, in order to have truth find its way intothe heart of the creature, the inmost being must become true andtruthful. The truth finds a place only to settle down in peace whereit can not be bothered or contradicted. Truth needs a real place tostay. "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?", Amos 3:3. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, Andrenew a steadfast spirit within me", Ps.51:10.

  534. "Those who rejoice in My highness (majesty)", Is.13:3. There is more in these words than what thenormal or moral believer can understand. They understand less than theyshould because they assume they already know what they do not knowand do not look to a God to whom belongs all that power that manywish to have for themselves by themselves. Let's look at this stepby step. God is majestic and to Him belongs all dominion. However,this does not mean that men no longer hold on to what does notbelong to them and which belongs to God. They may, also, believethat what they can do comes from themselves and not from God, or, atleast, they act that way. "For his God instructs him to do right;his God teaches him", Is.28:26.There are still thieves and deceivers who steal from God some of Hisglory. Man prefers to control his own ways, being in control of hisown reins, destiny and actions. For the carnal who becomes abeliever, the moment of surrendering this dominion to God - providedit is a willing, permanent and heartfelt surrender - can become amoment of great sadness, of carnal uncertainty and of a fiercestruggle. But the truly spiritual man rejoices with this majestybeing fully God's for a change in all its practical forms. Those areable to rejoice with Him being majestic and Him detaining all power.

  535. Anyone who feels guilty before God always gets that feeling he is lackingon faith after having been truly forgiven, and the boldness toapproach God with the intention or the certainty of being attendedstarts limping. I believe it is a carnal and non-spiritual feeling,which endures after forgiveness has truly been granted. However, we can notserve the flesh in this way. Now, let's see the reverse of that,that is, someone who feels clean and has that boldness and certaintythat he will be heard because he is clean. It is true that if we donot cleanse ourselves from all sins we will not be heard aboutanything other than attaining that cleansing. But, we cannot baseour trust upon a heart of a Pharisee, which is also carnal, to trustin our spotlessness. Trusting in it is not and will never be thesame as trusting in Jesus with all our heart. We must find agenuine way to have the two things fully reconciled in our hearts:to be clean and to trust Jesus.

  536. "Bring no more vain sacrifice", Is.1:13.We need to become aware of those times when the offerings, tithes,prayers, and all that is said to be worship today are carried out invain. That is, when those things do not achieve the desired effects.Under such circumstances, it will always be better to be still andquiet by not offering (to avoid provoking God to anger) or, then, toseek to cleanse oneself of all that can contaminates any kind ofoffer. "While it remained, was it not your own? And after it wassold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived thisthing in your heart?", Act.5:4. God does not corrupthimself by accepting offerings from hypocritical hearts and fromstained consciences. If He did not accept Cain's offer, He may notaccept anything from any of us. It doesn't mean Cain did not offer -it just means God did not accept it. Men will always prefer to give ofwhat they have above giving themselves up to God, having, first,acknowledged and confessed their sins by name so that they canbecome living sacrifices. A living sacrifice is not a deadsacrifice, having been killed off by any sin. There are two ways ofworshiping in vain, that is, without achieving the fruits that Godrequires, and these fruits only come through the power and blessingof God, through a real communion/fellowship with Him. One of thoseways is to be in sin trying to please God withofferings and sacrifices - which brings out the anger of God againsta person, against a group of people and even against a whole nation."The calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, eventhe solemn meeting", Is.1:13.The other way is funded by past experiences of fruitlessness. Let meexplain. One cleanses himself of all his sins, but since he hasnever truly believed that those sins hindered prayer and preventedhim from being accepted and attended to by God, the accumulation ofprevious fruitless experiences leads to a lack of assurance and,consequently, to a vain kindling of God's fire on the altar andcause the watchman to leave the post of an awaiting and of living hope.He does not wait on God with the desired expectation and does nottake his requests seriously in faith when they seem to be delayed orbecause he finds himself caught up with the memories of previousfruitless experiences when he was still in sin and had prayed invain. To each it is given according to his faith. "Who is even amongyou who will shut the doors, and you not kindle fire on My altar invain!"Mal.1:10. "I will stand on mywatch and set myself on the tower, and will watch to see what Hewill say to me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved",Hab.2:1.

  537. There are provocations and temptations that stimulate rebellion. However,there is a false humility that appears to be obedience and is not.And if it is not obedience, it is rebellion - even though it appearsto be obedience. And if that is true, there is a false rebellion,that is, a rebellion that is not rebellious against God. Rememberthat any holy man is a traitor to sin and to the world. The worldand the worldly shall always be greatly disappointed in a true saint. However, whatGod regards as rebellion is a sin as serious as witchcraft oridolatry,1Sam.15:22. Now there are manyforms of rebellion and obstinacy. The most common is the one thatdoes not wait on (expect from) God or does not wait patiently withHim. Waiting with impatience is not waiting patiently. Saul couldnot wait for Samuel until the last minute, although Samuel had toldhim once and a year before: "And you shall go down before me toGilgal. And, behold, I will come down to you to offer burntofferings and to sacrifice peace offerings. You shall stay sevendays until I come to you and make known to you what you shall do", 1Sam.10:8. He waited seven days, but gave up waiting atthe end of the last day. God told him that this sin was rebellionand that it was the same as witchcraft or idolatry,1Sam.15:22,23. He survived the high sea and died havingthe beach at sight. And for this reason the kingdom was taken fromhim and given to David. Therefore, the worries and concerns thatinduce to take over the reins of any of our circumstances intoown hands is one of the many provocations and enticements torebellion. If God speaks about something, we should wait; if wesurrender something leaving it in His faithful hands, we must wait.And the hope should not be empty, because the expectation and thetrue certainty of hope are part of the virtue of waiting on God. Andthe higher the expectation, the easier it is to wait to the end.

  538. "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it; Unlessthe Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain", Ps.127:1. Sometimes it seems that this verse excuses whoworks without achieving success. But, it is the responsibility ofthose who work to walk with God, find him in their prayers and findthe power of grace to perform only through it, that is, throughgrace exclusively. The flesh has its capabilities. Finding God whilebuilding is a huge responsibility - far above becoming a privilege.Let no one dare to build without Him or without being in anoutstanding good relationship with Him, having put all his existencein order before God or he shall build without God and, consequently,in vain. "Him who orders his conduct (ways) aright I will show thesalvation of God", Ps.50:23.

  539. "I am a debtor...", Rom.1:14. I knowsomeone who owed and whose heart was mourning day and night forbeing in debt. The day he was able to pay one of the debts in full,he felt a great relief and inexplicable lightness in his heart. Itwas as if a huge weight had left him. Thinking about it, this versecame to my heart: "I am a debtor". Then I imagined what I owe toGod, all the vast work I have not finished yet, and wondered aboutit. How heavy is my debt. If a debtor feels tired, he is notexonerated from his duties and neither excused from his debts; Ifyou do not have assets and any means to pay you still owe; If someonelacks grace to fulfil his obligations, he still owes and needs tofind that grace. A debtor only ceases to owe when he fulfils all hisduties and demands upon him, or when he dies or when his debtsare forgiven. The enormous weight of a debt should never beoverlooked and neither underestimated. It is an eternal burden. Andall debts have a deadline to be settled in full.

  540. "And he did evil in the sight of the Lord; he did not depart all his daysfrom the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who had made Israelsin", 2 Kings 15:18. The sins ofJeroboam were two idols in Samaria that were made to prevent theSamaritans from going to worship in Jerusalem. Now this is mentionedabout a King of Samaria (Menahem) who slaughtered people, openedpregnant women in the middle, and was responsible for manyhorrendous crimes. One such crime was the conspiracy that led him tokill the existing king, while kings in Israel should be appointed byGod and not by the force of the sword and bloodshed. Despite allthese horrendous crimes, we see the Scriptures condemn him because"all his days he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam". The sin ofidolatry is so terrible that it overlaps all others and is mentionedabove all other horrendous sins. Moreover, it leads to other crimes,being the root cause of many other ugly sins. I believe idolatryleads to those sins. This man, Menahem, would be condemned for theother crimes he committed, surely. However, Scripture highlights thecrime of idolatry above all other horrible crimes he has committed.The enormity of guilt and condemnation of the sin of idolatry shouldnot be overlooked. It stands out above all other sins and crimes.Remember this as long as you keep an idol in your heart. An idol inthe heart brings with it other crimes. There is no idolatrousideology that has not committed other crimes and sins as a directconsequence of being idolatrous. "As they did not like to retain Godin their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to dothose things which are not fitting", Rom.1:28.

  541. Unstable and hesitating people commit a few crucial mistakes or sins. Theyfeel bossy, command too much and feel outraged when they are notheard or listened to. They do so because they want to be stable byjumping over the wall into peace and self-imposed assurance.However, that contributes to a greater instability inthem because they keep their sins, and no sin (confessed or notconfessed) can ever enter through the door. The lack of real confidence causes them to be bossy and toseek fraudulent means to feel secure in themselves or sure about themselves. Theother mistake is that they ask a lot about what they should do,especially to those who do not know or are like them, because suchpeople are not truly a threat to their self-confidence. Sort seekssort and encourages who is alike. An unstable person is one who iscapable of trusting self only, mostly and preferably. And, often andfor inexplicable reasons, they avoid asking who knows. Normally, ahesitating person is wrong and holding on to an opinion of someonewho really knows is a too great a trial for the self-confidence heseeks/pretends to have. He seeks self-confidence and not to be right.Self-confidence and trust in God are on opposed sides, they aremortal, incompatible enemies. Therefore, there will always be conflicting heartissues between these people and between them and eternal beings because constantbeings make certain decisions that lead to the extermination of self-confidence."For we (...) have no confidence in the flesh", Phil.3:3.And that is seen or taken as a threat by those who are unstable.Unstable people are often bossy and want to remain unstable to bebossy or wish to be bossy to carry on being unstable drawing theattention of others upon them. They seek the attention and applauseof others- However, onerarely sees an unstable person soliciting an opinion from adetermined and reliable spirit because that is not the kind ofattention they are after. The unstable always conclude thatthe stable (eternal and constant) ones are stubborn people who donot listen to others (in this case, do not listen to them becausethe eternals' attitude destroys self-confidence).

  542. Faith consists in believing that God exists and also that He is good,Heb.11:6. The commandments thatGod gives rarely explain the reasons why He commands.Now, when God commands, we can see Him as one who places manyrestrictions or, on the other hand, as one who has excellent reasons behind Hiscommandments. However, His commandments mean only to feed the newperson born of God if that new person remains/abides in Him. Thosecommandments are food for the saints and that's why they are notheavy. If God does not explain the reasons, it has a lot todo with promoting intelligent obedience, because it is up to thosewho obey to be put under the test of fire knowing that if Godcommands, he has an excellent, wise and wonderful reason to do so.The same applies when God gives or takes away. God does not explainHis reasons because it must promote faith and full trust in awonderful being within those who are obedient from the heart andhave eternal life within and share in it. Onlythose who obey will see what reasons God has for putting us undercommandments that He does not explain and which, often times, onlybecome clear after having reached an obedient heart.

  543. Anyone who is wrong about something and thinks he is right will become moreand more self-convinced each step he takes against God or each dayaway from Him, unless such a person comes back to God having beencalled to reconciled with the light. Even if you fight back and defend yourself, the wake-up callwill prevent you from entering a cycle of error with no way back,which is also slippery and, apparently and in many cases, without thorns. It lures youfurther and further into error.

  544. All that is exalted works against God and against self because it does notreach God. If it does not reach God, it does not reach life becauseGod is life. Let us use an example. In the old days, people coveredthemselves with sackcloth and ashes to humiliate or humblethemselves. Even the proud and idolatrous king Ahab humbled himselfthat way and was accepted, 1Kings 21:29.It was not easy for a proud man to appear humbled in ashes anddressed with sackcloth, specially among Baals. The appearance is and will always be thechief expression of pride and vanity. It is just too obvious that itmight be through the appearance that the humbling starts. However,as the years went by, sackcloth and ashes became a source of pride,as well, because the people were religious. Just as the Phariseesprayed in the corners to be seen by men from all sides, manypracticed the "sackcloth and ash" to be seen and appreciated. Fromthat moment on, the dressing up of sackcloth and ash no longer hadthe desired effect on the person's soul. It had become yet anotherdisplay of pride. Consequently, it no longer attracted the attentionof God to respond to prayers made in that state. The state of thehart was still pride and did not correspond with the appearance. Theeffect of humiliation ceased to be produced and the "sackcloth andash" began to work against God and against the soul. Today, we cansay the same about many prayers that are made to show that one knowshow to pray or that one has privileges before God above others. Thisway of praying works against God and against blessing. Many even cryand shout in prayer to show off - not to be heard. It will not bedifficult to conclude why the churches have become so spirituallypoor. The only question is whether churches pray this way becausethey are spiritually poor or if they became poor because they praythat way.

  545. "Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil", Prov.3:7. We can not be anythingin our own eyes because we aren't anything. We can not be pastors in our eyes when we arepastors, for we would cease to be sheep of Jesus; We can not be holyand consummate in our own eyes, for we would cease to look at us aspersons saved from our sins, who live in a world where sin prevailsand seeks the sleepy, inattentive and those who do not watch andpray. I do not quite know how this works, but according to theScriptures, "It will be health to your flesh, and strength to yourbones", Prov.3:8. However, nothingshould deter any of us to become as holy as God is. Let's justbelong to Jesus. And I can never feel sad that I am no more than thenothingness that I am. That may mean that Jesus is all. This canhappen even when great works of God are executed under the will ofGod. Even so, there is no proof, then, that I am more than nothing."So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you arecommanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants. We have done what wasour duty to do'",Lk.17:10.

  546. "Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established", Prov.16:3. I believe this verseis addressed to all those whose heart belong fully to the Lord in acontinuous way. Unless one is fully committed to the Lord at heartlevel I cannot entrust my works to the Lord and much less expectthat my wild, untamed thoughts can be guided and, eventually,established. Unless I have entrusted my whole heart to Him so thatHe may be able to direct my thoughts it is to no avail committing myworks to Him. Entrusting the works to God without having entrustedmy whole being to Him, at first, is synonymous of falsehood and, intruth, I cannot possibly have entrusted my works to God in the termsof this promise, especially when these works are performed by me inthe power of God for the sake of God. All promises have particularand peculiar conditions to be fulfilled.

  547. This present life is or was worth it because during it we came to knowJesus. Because of it, death will be more precious because we shallsee Him face to face.

  548. There is a truth that must cause us great fear: the eyes of God travelthroughout the universe without ceasing and nothing is hidden fromHim, not even in the depths of the remotest part of this vastuniverse. This is terrifying, especially for those who live hidingsins and do not expose them by walking in the light willingly. But,it is a great consolation for anyone who ardently wants to put allsins in the light. If nothing goes unnoticed to God, we can be surethat none of our righteousness, acts, availability of heart andpurity will pass unnoticed to Him either.

  549. The point of all prayer is never the moment we pray, but the moment Godanswers. The essence of all prayer is its answer. Without an answerprayer is worthless. Many prayers are answered as we pray. Thatanswer is clear and we come to know that God has answered us. "Andif we knowthat he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that wehave the petitions that we desired of him", 1John 5:15. This perception ofthe answer is real, clear and spiritually perceptible. It is just asreal as the perception that He is hearing us while we pray. Theperception that He is hearing us is not the answer yet. No prayer shouldstop before the answer is granted, even if the answer is a "no.""No" is also an answer. "My grace is sufficient for you",2Cor.12:9. On the other hand,there are prayers to which God gives confirmation of the answer sometime after it has been made although the perception of being heardis there. This is what happened to Solomon. "And the Lord said untohim, I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication, which thou didstpray before me",1Kings 9:3. We do not know howlong after prayer God told him that. But He did.

  550. I believe that all people think about God one way or another. And those who donot think of Him, have thought or will still think, whether here onearth or during eternity. However, whenever one thinks of God hereon earth, either doubts or certainties arise. No one remainsindifferent. Everything will depend on one's closeness to God andthe reality of His presence. The certainty of all things, especiallythose not seen, depends only on the intimacy one has with God. Fromthis intimacy faith is born as fruit. Any other kind of faith isfalse. In case there is no intimacy with God or when there issomething bothering it in some way, the fruit will be doubt and notfaith.

  551. "Now, the Lord my God has given me rest on every side; there is neitheradversary nor evil occurrence. And behold, I propose to build ahouse for the name of the Lord my God", 1Kings.5:4,5. Many ask things ofGod for which they are not prepared, risking their lives by usingwhat God gives to their own delights and lusts. Solomon, havingreceived so much from God, remembered Him to build a temple for Him.Many would rather build a temple for themselves. It is very good andbeautiful to see that one's focus remains steadfast in the Lord, knowing that he hasbecome nothing more and nothing less than a steward after havingreceived all that he has received from God. It is no wonder thatanother experienced king rejoiced so much about Solomon in thisregard. "So it was, when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, that herejoiced greatly and said, Blessed be the Lord this day, for He hasgiven David a wise son over this great people!" 1Kings.5:7.

  552. Adversity of heart can easily be turned into a permanent opposing mood. Anopposing mood may be turned into a common feature of personalitywhich is inclined to oppose whatever comes its way, whether good orbad. Such a person holds on to a contradicting mood and to aconflicting personality as a security illusion, as a safe haven by protecting himselffrom nothing. He feels safe to hold on to it and extracts pleasurefrom doing so. Everything is to be opposed and contradicted to grantself a false feeling of protection. It also happens that such aperson believes everyone else is against him because he is an angryspirit. This is the main reason why people oppose Jesus. "Why do theheathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of theearth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, againstthe Lord, and against his anointed", Ps.2:1,2. "Behold, this child is set for the fall andrising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spokenagainst (contradicted)", Lk.2:34.And there is only one way to stop an own contradicting spirit: bysubmitting to God to obey what is right by repenting of each ofyour past and present sins, so that your own heart and consciencemay have a chance to cease to be an arena of confrontation and war.Those who continually struggle against conviction or againstconscience are conflicting people, whether they acknowledge it ornot. And it is not easy to deal with such people while we are inGod. "All of them (are) as thorns thrust away, because they cannotbe taken with hands. But the man that shall touch them must befenced with iron and the staff of a spear",2Sam.23:7.8. Let there be mercy!However, it should be noted that the disgusted are accepted andacceptable among their own kind, just as thieves or alcoholicsaccept and trust their own sort. Species always seek the comfort andcompany among their own kind.

  553. "All my salvation (is in Him) (...) Will He not make it increase?", 2Sam.23:5. Sometimes there arewords and affirmations in the Bible that can pass us by for variousreasons. One of those reasons is that the wording is beautiful andbecomes an appealing setup that we do not understand very well; theyare word constructions that rhyme and appeal to us. This verse is onesuch situation. David speaks of "all mysalvation". That may mean a few things. It means that partial'salvation' is possible, that is, one may believe to be saved whenGod has only freed him from certain sins or from certain means usedby sin. A smoker, for example, has a great struggle against hisaddiction and when he overcomes it, he ends up believing he is fullysaved because the fight has been ferocious against something thatdominated him mercilessly. The enormity of that struggle made himdespise other sins, which were left unattended and of which he hasnot been saved yet. The joy of victory over vice will put all othersins in the background, unattended or will make them look lessimportant to the point of being despised and be underestimated. Anysin kills. You do not need to be hit by an atomic bomb to die. Asmall bullet kills just as easily. It is necessary that salvation becomplete and total, being saved from everything. Never trust apartial salvation, even if it is your own. On the other hand, Davidaffirms that this total and complete salvation "is in Him", eventhough the English translation doesn't put it that way, as othertranslations do. Whenever we begin to see sin as a too serious athreat to go unattended, the temptation to save ourselves emergesfrom darkness to keep us from being fully saved by Jesus and Hispower. We should always know that He is the only Saviour and thereis no other. Any other saviour or salving methodology is Hiscompetitor and not His helper. By trying to save ourselves, oursalvation will not be in Him. "And blessed is your advice, andblessed are you who have kept me (...) from delivering myself withmy own hand", 1Sam.25:33,26.

  554. Any stage of growth is a critical time, especially because of the counterinfluences of people with whom any kind of relationship ismaintained, or because of any kind of circumstances we may face. Wemust choose and select what we must see, hear, speak about and withwhat sort of people we may or may not get along.

  555. Is it possible for God to abandon me? Yes, this is possible as it is alsopossible that He will never abandon me. And if one day He forsakesme, it will be for a good reason and a good cause, for God can notdo evil. Even abandoning me will be right and He will be doing whatis proper and good for His Kingdom.

  556. "In His wrath He shall confound (distress) them", Ps.2:5. We read in many places in Scripture and in variedsituations that men will be confused in God and distressed. We alsoread that many of those who are confused are those who callthemselves by the name of God: the believers. They shall be all themore distressed and feel troubled because they are believers. Andwhy be confounded? Every person confused in this aspect is and willalways be someone who believes or expects one thing from the Lord,and something very different or even opposite happens. And that isprecisely what will happen: one expects one thing from God and theopposite happens to him. Many of those who wait for heaven willreceive hell; those who make jokes about heavenly things (in theirconfidence) will see God laughing at them and not at the joke,instead of reaching out to them; those who hope to attain mercy onlyat the end of their lives, having rejected it along their earthlytime that they might be saved from all their sins in time, will besurprised by the wrath and rejection of God. Let us not deceiveourselves about the Lord. He has never changed and will neverchange.

  557. There are things that work out or take its time to work out and otherthings that do not work out so well. But, what counts is the trueinner testimony from God about it, for there must be a testimony ofGod that must prevail above all apparent failures orsuccesses. And whenever anything that God has announced takes sometime to come to fruition - if it was really God who spoke and if theperson abides in Him - the inner testimony will prevail. In'believing' people who do not have this testimony or who can nothave it because they are separated from God (by sin) and are foundapart from Him in the true sense of the Word, a deceiving substitutefor this testimony will, then, prevail as a similarity. Thissubstitute is a mixture of stubbornness with a perverse andcompulsive feeling worked by self for the sake of self in the nameof God, thinking highly of self and taking its position before Godfor granted, which is, sometimes, instigated and sponsored bydemons. Usually, such people are turned into people who believe theyknow everything, who think they can do and accomplish everything,and who insist that they should be heard in everything and alwaysfeel offended if they are not taken into account or heard. Any suchperson becomes an imposter, it is, someone who imposes everything hethinks or believes. And any imposter or imposer is an opponent toGod and to good sense. We must never forget that there is always acarnal substitute or similitude for every virtuosity or virtue from/ofGod, for we have been created for these virtues. Being empty ofthem, the organic of the creature will try to fill it up (or fulfilit) with some similarity or image of what is on earth or heaven. Andthe likeness of anything on earth or heaven is a form of idolatry.It is for this reason that stubbornness is idolatry (1Sam.15:23),for it tries to fill the soul with substitutes. That is also whycarnal people are very deceived about holiness or sanctification. Soas not to displease people, they try to please them by holding it upas love. And it's not love - it's a substitute. That is why carnal'sanctification' is repressive and the true one replaces sinfulcustoms completely, exterminating old habits by filling the soulwith true, practical virtues of love. The flesh breaks the vessel inpieces if it carries some dirty water, to prevent it from beingfilled again; true sanctification, however, cleanses the vesselfully and fills it again with true, pure and living water.Stubbornness is replaced by obedience to the testimony; belief isreplaced by true faith that is born from a real relationship withGod; true hope replaces self-deception which expects in vain; andthus, every vessel is transformed rather than repressed or broken.Covering the heart of the vessel to prevent it to be filled withdirty water is also to cover it not to be filled with living water.Everyone who imposes, opposes the true work of God and creates anopposing spirit within rather than a good disposition towards God."And he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, toturn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedientto the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared(with a good mood and contentment) for the Lord", Lk.1:17. "Blessed are you who sowbeside all waters, who send free the feet of the ox and the ass",Is.32:20.

  558. "I took you from the sheepfold, from following the sheep, to be ruler overMy people, over Israel",2Sam.7:8. It is good to takeinto account what Jesus said: "Whoever is faithful in the leastshall be faithful in much", Lk.16:10. Now, David wasfaithful as a shepherd - probably, unlike his brothers. Beingfaithful in that and depending on God fully for the sake of the sheep and his father's possessions, he could be placed as headof the people of God because of the heart that he had within him andwould depend on God as king as well.Joseph was faithful in everything during his stay in prison andduring his time as a slave of Potiphar, maintaining a continuous andhealthy communion with God to the point of being able to seek and tohear accurately and diligently the voice of God under a heavy yokeabout the dreams of other prisoners. Very few can do that under aheavy yoke. He kept that fellowship and communion with God, too,after he had become king of Egypt. Nothing had changed for him. Onlythe place where he had that intimate communion with God changed -not him and neither the fellowship with God. These are the men whomGod seeks. No one will feel satisfied by changing from place toplace if he is not satisfied with God in the most uncomfortableplace in the world. "My son, fear thou the Lord and the king: andmeddle not with them that are given to change", Prov.24:21. The heart that the person has in anuncomfortable place will go on with him anywhere. No one will befaithful in wealth (or towards abundant life) if he is notpermanently faithful with his time, thoughts, discipline, sleep andin his few resources under poverty. No one will be faithful inmarriage if he is not faithful before marrying. And then, we canfollow the same reasoning in all other areas of our life. We must befaithful at heart and from our own nature. God seeks only a faithfulheart. That is what He seeks. The rest is with Him. "The Lord hassought for Himself a man after His own heart, and has commanded himto be commander over His people, because you have not kept what theLord commanded you", 1Sam.13:14. "For the eyes of theLord run to and fro in all the whole earth to show Himself strong onbehalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him", 2Cron.16:9.

  559. "Go, do all that is in your heart, for the Lord is with you", 2Sam.7:3. A prophet who walks withGod speaking this way knows what he is saying. When a person is withGod and God with him, as was David's case, he must do what is in hishand to do. This is what the prophet assumed as truth at that timebefore he had to go back on his word because of a more accurate wordfrom God, which He had spoken after Nathan had left David. Andpraise God for such prophets who are humble enough to be correctedand who correct themselves.

  560. "And he shall be like a tree (...) that bringeth forth his fruit in hisseason...", Ps.1:3. We all know that thereis such a thing as God's time. No one can deny that. However, herewe read that there are trees that bear fruit in their proper seasonbecause they are planted along streams of living water. Therefore,we can assume that there are trees whose fruit is out of season oreven inexistent because they depend very much on the weather andcircumstances. There are people who strive only under troubles andadverse circumstances, whose fruit we see only when they feelpressured to turn to God, that is, to turn to the occasional rains.They do this because they are not permanently planted by the streamsof pure, living water. Only under adverse circumstances can theyshow forth some fruit. They are not planted near streams of livingwater, that is to say that their pleasure is not, in fact, drawnexclusively from the Word of the Lord and they have not enough timeto meditate on it unless they are compelled to do so by their needsand circumstances. They are not the same under well-being andadversities, poverty and riches, hunger and abundance. They changeaccording to circumstances. They do no abide in Jesus all the time."If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask whatyou desire, and it shall be done for you", John 15:7. "I know how to be abased,and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I havelearned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and tosuffer need", Phil.4:12. Onemust be in the position where one remains in God, being permanentlygrounded in Him. "If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out asa branch and is withered", John 15:6.

  561. In case I had the privilege in my life of preaching every day of the week, Iwould certainly make a point of preaching about hell at least once aweek.

  562. If I ever have the privilege of attaining a work of the dimension ofPentecost, I know that even my mistakes will be praised andmagnified by many, and that much of what I have done perfectly willbe severely criticized by many others. I do not know which of theparties would be the most wrong, because both contribute to the lie.Those who praise errors (instead of recognizing them with a spiritof meekness, understanding and forgiveness in the heart) grant areason to the opponents of God to disapprove everything they say aboutit.

  563. "The Lord shall repay the evildoer according to his wickedness", 2Sam.3:39. If this is true thatGod will repay the wrongdoer according to his wickedness, it is alsotrue that he will repay well-doing according to the true, existinggoodness in the heart. That is, it will not be the good deed thatwill determine the repayment of what man has done, but the truegoodness that exists within the person while the act is accomplishedor done. Many do good to others with dubious motives and withouttrue inner goodness. They will be rewarded according to what existswithin their heart and not according to the size of the deed. Thefoolish person can be called generous, and the greedy miser can besaid to be bountiful, Is.32:5. A small deed coming from aheart of great kindness will be rewarded according to that kindnessand not according to the size of the deed. It shall be rewardedabove an enormous act with a small kindness of the heart. "Truly Isay to you that this poor widow has put in more than all", Lk.21:3. The same principle isapplied to transgression and sin. A heart full of kindness andholiness which falls in some occasional transgression, thetransgression being something that did not come from an evil heart,will not receive the same treatment as a transgression coming from awicked heart. "He shall reprove with equity for the meek of theearth", Is.11:4. If an evil man manages to obey somecommandment having an evil heart, he shall be judged according tothe heart that he has and not according the his hypocritical obedience. Even the sort ofrepentance of both is not the same and doesn't work out the sameway. The one needs to be forgiven and changed - without change thereis no forgiveness; while the good heart needs only to findforgiveness and to hold on to what he has or had. "Take not Thy HolySpirit from me; He who is bathed has no need except to wash hisfeet, but is clean every whit", John 13:10; Ps.51:11.

  564. "For I know that the Lord is great", Ps.135:5.I hear many people praising God and singing to Him and I have alwaysfound that there is a lack of truth in their songs of praise, a lackof reality that they try to compensate by pulling on to feelingsthey do not have and would like to have. In fact, few see it ashypocrisy or as an abominable vomit which they pull out by force.Anyone who does not experience in practical life the greatness ofGod should rethink the way he sings to see if, by chance, what hesings is a realization of truth and if it is a reality in his life.The Psalmist says he knows that God is great. He does not suspectthat God is great, does not believe only, but knows He is great frompersonal experience. He experiences God being great. And only thosewho know God this way have the ability to truly recognize andacknowledge that He is great. Are all the songs that are heardacceptable to God, and are the hearts true in what they sing?Perhaps, they sing only of what they have heard or go along with themelody.

  565. A woman who does not submit to her husband or a man who submits to his wifebecomes one of the biggest stumbling blocks and biggest miscarriagesof the planet. A wife who does not submit can not be a man even ifshe she tries hard and, at the same time, she is not being a woman.She leaves her post and space void to try to occupy a space whereshe does not belong and which she cannot fill. The same happens witha man who submits to his wife.

  566. "Admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, tobe discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their ownhusbands,that the word of God may not be blasphemed",Titus 2:5. This is something wemust take into account: every woman who does not submit to herhusband contributes to the blasphemous' sins of others, and that theWord of God be ill-seen and undesirable. I have heard people say ofwomen who are not up to the true gospel of God: "If that is how youserve God, I do not want anything to do with your God!"

  567. "My enemies have forgotten Your words", Ps.119:139. The human way entertains this romantic ideathat if we become pleasant to God we will be pleasant to everyone.It is pure romanticism, especially when we have found genuine lifefrom God. It should be noted that the Bible states that therighteous will be persecuted for being righteous - and not for anyother reason whatsoever. The Psalmist says that his enemies arethose who have forgotten the Words of God. This is not because thePsalmist has enmity within him or that he is the enemy, but becauseenmity exists or comes into being in those who have forgotten theWord. The Word of God, when loved and revered, has the ability totransform for good those who cling to it from the heart. On theother hand, forgetting the Word, despising it, ignoring it, orabandoning it has the ability to make anyone evil, bitter and fullof enmity. Hence, all those who have forgotten the Word of God havebecome enemies of the Psalmist who cherishes and loves every word ofHis Lord in its fullness. They have been driven to opposite poles."Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come tobring peace but a sword", Mat.10:34.

  568. Error is and shall always be more insisting and more persistent than anythingthat isright because it has no peace. "But the wicked are like thetroubled sea, which cannot rest, and its waters cast up mire anddirt. There is no peace, says my God, to the wicked",Is.57:21.

  569. There is always a straight way to be found among crooked ways andcircumstances, especially when God leads. In the midst of confusion(which should never affect any of those who are truly led by God) wemust follow the way that God puts before us without allowing anything oranyone to interrupt it in that way.

  570. "Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek Your statutes", Ps.119:155. There is a huge waveof believers who seek all from God but the ability to fulfil truthfrom their hearts. They seek prosperity, peace and happiness, allthat any demon would gladly have from God too. The devil would also liketo be happy. The devil himself would be very happy to get all thatChristians demand to have from the Lord. In this respect, I see nodifference between this type of believer and the devil. They aresaid to be saved because they attend church, sing well, while theydo everything with wrong motives, that is, they wish to bribe Godwith their worshipping by wanting an Almighty God on their side, andtheir service to God to be instrumental to their own happiness. Butif the statutes of God are not sought above all things that existand are not sought for the sake of the statutes themselves, I do notthink it is easy to truly save such a person. I do not believe in abeliever who does not seek to fulfil from the heart and who does notseek to find the means to be able to fulfil by grace - and not byany other means. It takes a heart transformed by God - and nottransformed by self - to be able to fulfil through the power ofgrace exclusively. Whoever does not seek this as an end in itself ordoes not find it,cannot consider himself saved. Saved from what? We are saved fromour sins and freed from our ability to sin - and from the capacityto try to save ourselves (for the sake of self). To find such aheart along with all the means to achieve it is not the same asseeking salvation as a means to gain access to other ends. Not eveneternal happiness should be our purpose after all, although it is anunavoidable consequence resulting from genuine salvation. Ourpurpose is to find all the means to be able to obey and to fulfil.If not, we will remain ungodly whether we believe we are believers,pastors or not. Let us never forget that even Saul believed that Godwould be on his side against David. "And Saul was told that Davidhad gone to Keilah. So Saul said, 'God has delivered him intomy hand, for he has shut himself in by entering a town thathas gates and bars'", 1Sam.23:7. It seemed only verylogical to the demon-possessed Saul that God would deliver theanointed David into his hands to kill him. That's how deep intodeceit one can get!

  571. In addition to the deception itself, the doctrines of prosperity aim at thedemotivation of many and succeed in putting many hearts against God,especially the hearts of those who believe in this type of doctrine.An irrefutable fact is that God uses many of the circumstances ofearthly life (if not all circumstances) to achieve all His purposesinside and outside the hearts of people. "From His dwelling place Helooks on all the people of the earth. He forms their hearts", Ps.33:15. Now, whenever we cannot see God, His blessings and all His work apart from earthlyprosperity, we will be confronted with certain realities that willmake us believe that God does not love us, or that He does not existor that He leads us to look for a needle in the haystack trying tofind the reason for not being prosperous. The true promisedprosperity in the essence of the Word is to be rich in understandingand, above all, in true life. The rest depends on the will of Godand what He can add unto us without putting our eternity at risk.Let's us never desire a morsel of dirty bread above eternity, forthat is what this world's prosperity is if compared to eternity.

  572. Your law is truth", Ps.119:142. Manytalk about the Law of God as an attorney would speak about the lawsin this present world. However, it is to be understood that thedefinition of the Law of God is not to be compared with the onewhich man gives to it in the sense of this world. Whoever is true ofheart and walks in the Truth abides by the Law of God. The Law ofGod is truth and only truthful people are able to walk in it. "Cantwo walk together unless they agree?", Amos3:3.

  573. "I have restrained my feet from every evil way, That I may keep Your word", Ps.119:101. It is true that hewho observes the Word deflects his own feet from all evil ways. Butwe can not confuse maintenance with the required conditions andprinciples to start or even restart a serious walk with God and adeep work in the heart ofman. To be able to observe the Word, it is also demanded that thefeet are diverted from all appearance of evil before grace isreceived to attend to the true needs of man's heart. It is a decision andan act of man's heart. Grace, being an active power, will not befound otherwise, except for the confirmation of the purpose ofkeeping one's feet and heart from evil. Grace is the power fromhigh. The power from high is an unmistakable manifestation of thepower of grace.

  574. "And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts", Ps.119:45. Walking in freedomhas more to it than to overcome or to overcome sin. It means that wewalk in holiness in a natural way, as if we have never walked orlived any other way before. It means that sin becomes absurd and,also, whoever walks that way will never be wise in his own eyes,neither holy in is own eyes because such a person doesn't discussthe matter of his own holiness since it is as natural to him as isbreathing. No one discusses his breathing unless he is very sick.And no one discusses his own holiness unless he is unholy.

  575. Anyone who deceives himself shall always think that others are deceivinghim. Because he feels deceived, he must have someone to blame. Bynot allowing the possibility of it being self-deception, he shallblame someone else. "All the ways of a man are clean in his owneyes", Prov.16:2.

  576. "The deceit (of those who err from thy statutes) is falsehood", Ps.119:118. Let us understandthis verse better. "The deceit (of those who deviate from Yourstatutes) is falsehood". Many people deceive themselves and say theyare being deceived by others. But, deception grows only on a sort ofground which is proper for it to grow upon. There is a kind ofdeception that occurs because of the falsehood that exists at heartlevel, and which the person does not recognize as such because it issomething of the heart. As the eye of man looks ahead and doesn'tsee itself and the hand cannot grab itself, in the same way, theheart doesn't recognize itself and needs the external hand of graceto do so. When you go astray and stay astray (and even sing God'ssongs in a foreign land), it does not happen by casual mistake, butit is because of the falsehood of the heart. The heart is thetraitor. This is the main cause for backsliding - not temptation.(Remaining on the way under temptation may also mean that manremains in the way to be changed and does not always mean that heremains there because is already changed. It doesn't mean, either,that a backslider doesn't preach the truth; or that he doesn't carryon singing God's songs; or that he doesn't look holy from outside).Temptation might be the enticing means, but is not the main reasonfor backsliding. "They went out from us, but they were not of us;for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued withus: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that theywere not all of us", 1John 2:19. The person does not goastray because he is tempted, but because he is false towards God ata heart level. We know that anyone thinks too well of himself andtrusts himself more than God or His word, which states that theheart is deceitful above all things. Consequently, man doesn'tbelieve that his own heart can be deceitful to the point ofabandoning God. He has conceived an own world from which he tries tolive on and draw assumptions from. That might be why man is capableof singing and of preaching being far away from the Lord. As a rule,too, he never looks at his own heart as an opponent of God, but,believes rather that God is a friend to his heart. If the heartnourished friendship for God and not enmity against Him, it wouldnot need to be changed along the way. For this reason, when a manfeels deceived in his own ways, he seeks out other guilty partiesand assumes to be innocent or to be wronged. Sometimes, he evenblames God for the mistakes of his own ways. Misconceptions arisefrom the deceit of one's own heart, from duplicity hidden from one'sown eyes, or from sins of the heart that prevent from walking withGod in a real way - whether those sins are secret, covered up,forgotten or simply ignored. By not walking with God in a real way,man seeks alternatives to affirm himself, including the one ofstanding on a false belief that he already walks with God. It is inthis respect that "deceit is falsehood" or that existing falsehoodis at work in a concealed way, and is, in fact, the main cause forbacksliding or for destruction.

  577. Many believe that it is through effort that we are fulfilling thecommandments of God when in fact the commandment must be somethingof the heart. And when something is from the heart, it is natural,simple and often almost unconscious. The effort is called toexercise the commandments of the heart only when there areinterferences and setbacks such as persecution, distraction, fatigueand other things that can affect us to the point of not being ableto live from what we really are or have become in Jesus. Sentimentaleffort is not a demonstration or revelation of the heart and can beproof that we do not have what we strive to feel, to do or to showforth. Because it is not from the heart, one tries to force what heis not or what he does not have in him to be.

  578. "Let my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes, That I may notbe ashamed", Ps.119:80. (The word "ashamed"can also be translated as "confused". Shame, in biblical terms, isthe same as confusion deriving from being let down by God. It meansone expects something and gets another or gets nothing). It ispossible for someone to try to keep God's commandments or even totry to keep them because of the attacks of conscience that hesuffers, or because of fear of condemnation, or even for anothergreater reason. Yet not all those who strive to fulfil have attaineda righteous heart in what they strive to accomplish. It is desirablethat the commandments of God be a living expression of the heart ofthose who fulfil them, and never something contrary to their heart.That sort of contrariety would be like someone who married and didnot give up the heart of a bachelor or who persists in thinking likea bachelor while trying to live a married life. We must know thatour whole conduct must reveal the true content of our whole heart,that is, the commandments must be the full expression of a trulytransformed heart. Our whole heart must be printed out and visibleon our faces during our normal conduct. When that does not happen wewill be like Saul who prophesies by the Spirit of God and shootsmurderous spears in practical life by the spirit of the devil. Theheart becomes a traitor to the commandments because it is notblameless; and this is what leads toconfusion. One hears voices that pressure him to obey and, at thesame time, might hear one little voice that should be obeyed to thedetriment of the others, and yet, is overwhelmed by the others. Itwill be that way that someone gets confused, because the heart isnot right inside. We need to walk with God without a divided heart,and instead of trying to keep all the commandments with that kind of(confused, divided)heart, we'd better pray for a new heart. But, it becomes verydifficult for someone to ask for a new heart when he believes thathe already has it. Our heart must be in unison with everysingularity of the will ofGod and with each one of all His commandments. If not, we willcertainly be confused (denied) along the way. "I love Your Commandments abovegold; yea, even fine gold (...) Consider how I lovethy precepts: quicken me, O Lord, according to thy lovingkindness(...) My soul has kept your testimonies; and I lovethem exceedingly",Ps.119:127,159,167.

  579. Both goodness and evil must be able to produce in us the fruit ofrighteousness, that is, they have the capacity to make righteouspeople more righteous.

  580. "I have remembered thy name, O Lord, in the night (...) This I had, becauseI kept thy precepts", Ps.119:55,56.Many speak of grace and how it works, but very few truly understandwhat the real power of grace means in a practical life. It is apower and if it is not power it is not grace. If the Psalmist saysthat he could remember the name of God by keeping his commandments,we can and should draw many conclusions from it, which are mostlyopposing many nowadays doctrines regarding the grace of God. Inorder to remember God - which we do by having grace active in us -we must walk with Him and if we do not walk with Him, we will forgetHim or, at least, we will not remember Him in all our ways. It is not difficult toremember someone who touches us continually, who inhabits us andwho makes Himself felt by His presence. It is true that he who walkswith God keeps all his commandments and that he who keeps hiscommandments for the sake of God and His love walks with Him.However, we must never forget that grace (power and favour) is implored andreceived. "I entreated thy favour with my whole heart (...) Ithought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies", Ps.119:58,59.

  581. "Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, And I shall keep it to the end", Ps.119:33. There are certainconditions and certain things that must happen in order to be ableto keep the commandments of God to the end and, getting there, beingable to say without lying: "I have fought the good fight, I havefinished the race, I have kept the faith", 2Tim.4:7. One of thoseconditions is to be taught by God in a personal way and not merelyby men. "It is written in the Prophets, "And they shall all betaught of God". "They", means those who are God's and not any other."Therefore, everyone who hears and learns from the Father comes toMe", John 6:45. No one comes to Godlearning from a man, unless God uses Himself what man teaches,having received from God himself. Even so, we must be taught by Godpersonally and individually forgetting the man who helps or helpedus in whatever way.

  582. "I have declared my ways, and You answered me", Ps.119:26. The Bible states that if we confess each ofour many sins by name we will be promptly forgiven, assuming thatwhoever confesses them does so intending to leave them as well. Thishas many similarities with describing to God all our ways. However,let us bear in mind that it is necessary for God to hear usconcerning sin and describing them to Him. For God to hear, it isnecessary to describe all our ways in detail without coveringanything to anyone or concerning our deeds to anyone and, also, that our description isperfect and in accordance to the truth, that is, it should not bewhat we think of ourselves, but, what is really true. We mustdescribe what God sees in the way He sees it. Otherwise, we mightnot be heard about this description, let alone be forgiven.

  583. "Your testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors", Ps.119:24. We know that allcarnal people seek pleasure and delight through what they do, thinkor desire. Others seek to have enjoyment through the testimonies ofGod and in the Word. It is always better to find pleasure in theWord, for it means that you do not seek it in what opposes God andyou. But pleasure in itself does not add anything to the practicallife of heaven, it is, to eternal life which starts here and now,for the commandment must become life and inner virtue, and pleasurecan, at best, become an incentive to achieve that sort of life, butcan never be made an end in itself. The motivation must be to liveand that for God, and not to have pleasure. That is why no oneshould be satisfied with finding pleasure in the testimonies ofJesus, for these testimonies are given to be profound counsellorsfrom the deepest of the soul of the person and not mere pleasures.

  584. "And Saul took the kingdom over Israel and fought against all his enemieson every side", 1Sam.14:47. It seems all beganto evolve in the right direction after Saul took over the throne,taking it from God. I have heard many sincere believers say thatsince they have become believers things have ceased to function asthey thought it would. With a carnal king, however, carnal peoplefelt at home, successfully directed. But, God is spiritual andwhen the people lack real spirituality, it becomes clear why "theword of the Lord is rare and there is no widespread revelation" toguide them,1Sam.3:1. God cannot guide themthrough carnal ways, as they demand. Therefore, they must be guidedby other means. In men of the flesh, things work by the power of theflesh; in the spiritual man, things work out only by an active powerof grace. Now, when men wait on God and continue to be carnal, it isobvious that they will not hear nor receive from Him. And for thingsto work out with them, they must either become active spiritual menin the true sense of the word or they must turn back to the power ofthe world again, otherwise they will remain stagnant - or deceived.Our options must not be between whether things work out or not, butif they are accomplished through graceful means or not. The fleshcan brag about many accomplishments. Things must be able to work outhere on earth the way they work out in heaven, it is, "on earth asit is done in heaven".

  585. "...That that I may be avenged on mine enemies", 1Sam.14:24. These were Saul's wordsabout the Philistines. For him, they were no longer God's enemies,but his own. Now when the enemies become our enemies and we nolonger have them as the enemies of God - being enemies of God. So, itwill happen that we will fight by the power of anger. Such wrathdoes not come from God and can't work the righteousness of God (James1:20). What must move us is the power of God and ofgrace, which is often imitated by the power of the flesh. It beingimitated, the will of God shall be limited or simply nullified. Ourzeal must never be anger, hatred, impatience or anything else thatcauses us to move for the sake of what is right (and ceases to beright because of sin in the heart, and because the motives by whichwe execute have become personal and carnal). If we fight, let'sfight for God - with God. Otherwise we will have carnal ideas thatwill hinder us in our ways and in many ways, just as Saul's curseharmed people by not allowing them to feed themselves during a hardbattle (1Sam.14:29), weakeningthe people who should be strengthened instead. And this is how anevil path will seem good to our eyes and the wrong one will seem tobe the right one. Let's have sin as the enemy of God and not merelyas our enemy. God's enemies are our enemies. However, it doesn'tmean that our enemies are always God's enemies.

  586. "Revive me in Your way", Ps.119:37. Itis quite possible to try entering into the ways of God without beingvivified or revived in them. That is, the paths are followed on thebasis of laws and precepts and never through the life and a firefrom a heart kindled by the love of God in all the power of grace.We need not only to walk in the ways of God, but to be quickened(revived) inthem.

  587. "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord", Ps.119:1. There is more in thisblessedness than the real reward (present or final) for those whosucceed in being righteous before God and all men. It has much to dowith the previous state of grace in which all those who are able towalk with God without interruption can be found. If they are notblessed beforehand, they will not be able to walk all the ways ofGod. It is through the power of grace that we can walk and standupright in all the ways of Jesus. "Deal bountifully with thyservant, that I may live, and keep thy word"; "...Grant me thy lawgraciously", Ps.119:17;29. You have to be aliveto keep grace flowing through obedience. Without these things no onewill be able to be blessed to the point of having a happy ending. Wemust seek grace and find it without delay.

  588. "I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, as much as in all riches", Ps.119:14. Sincerity in such anaffirmation is there when the person has been really materiallyrich and his practical life reveals or proves that what he says istrue. Having the poor saying this, not being rich, might not passfrom a good intention of principles which is very hard to prove byhis practical life. However, there is a way to have it tested in thelife of the poor. Just look at how dissatisfied or satisfied he isfound in his situation of material poverty and if only Jesussatisfies him under such circumstances. If he lives satisfied withthat sort of providence coming from God, he can certainly becomesomeone who rejoices with God's testimonies more than in riches. Think of Joseph who came out of slavery and went froma dungeon to a palace from which he ruled the world and did notchange a bit.

  589. When I am assaulted byaggression and evil, I have the option in my hand to get angry and annoyed or not, and to keep my course intact, thatis, to continue to do just what I was doing as if nothing hadhappened. "Princes also sat and spoke against me; but Your servantthought on Your Precepts", Ps.119:23.It is not possible to get involved with evil and be at peace withGod at the same time, and, to become aggressive because of evil, issimilar to getting involved in/with sin. That is a sure way of beingovercome by it, Rom.12:21. Being a son of Jesus,I should never be bothered or concerned with evil - not even bybeing resentful against any part of it. To resent is to getinvolved. However, I can not obtain this wisdom of practical life aslong as I please or displease people, for aggression can bring aboutboth one thing and the other and, sometimes, simultaneously. And inboth situations I will be involving my heart in the sins of othersand will have a great share in them, 1Tim.5:22.

  590. "With my lips I have declared all the judgments of Your mouth", Ps.119:13. Here is a goodexample of being imitators of Christ. We do not read that "with mylips I will declare all judgments" but "all the judgments of Yourmouth". What God says, we say; what God thinks, we think - we do notsay; what God does, we do - we do not say. "Truly, truly, I say toyou, The Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Fatherdo. For whatever things He does, these also the Son does likewise",John 5:19. But it is necessary to see Christ and toobtain full communion with Him so that we can do what He does as Hedoes by having a full perception of His doings and by which power Hedoes. How will we be imitators of whom we do not see?

  591. "And you will see an enemy in My dwelling place, in all the good whichGod does for Israel",1Sam.2:32. For many of thosewhose faith is based on believing in doctrines, it is an unacceptabletruth that the good that God has determined to do can be be turnedinto evil without equal. Our living with God should lead us to agood teaching and to be able to live in that through the grace ofGod - and through that only. "He said, I have sworn in My wrath thatthey should not enter into My rest although the works were finishedfrom the foundation of the world",Heb.4:3. It must be borne inmind that God can and should get angry. However, who will bear thewrath of the Lord?

  592. "My mouth is enlarged over my enemies because I rejoice in Yoursalvation", 1Sam.2:1. One must understandthe difference between words and between certain expressions linkedto certain words. "Because I rejoice" is not the same as "thereforeI rejoice". We can not rejoice in salvation because God has given usother things. We may rejoice in other things because God has givenus salvation - if that salvation is real. Had God not given ussalvation from all sins all other things would or could becomesinful stumbling blocks. Our true joy must consist in the real factthat we have been delivered from sin, that we have been saved fromall our sins and all the loves of this world. This kind of joy inthis kind of salvation means that from then on the world saddens usand we do not miss it anymore, and we feel misplaced in it. Theworld raped us and salvation makes us virgins again. Our true joydoes not consist in the fall of our enemies, but must consist in thefact that we are saved from all our sins.

  593. "Speak these things, exhort (...) Let no one despise you", Tit.2:15. It is important that noone who has the gift of exhortation should be limited or set off bythe contempt of others. This contempt may arise for many reasons, orPaul would not warn Titus about it. Excluding the fact that aprophet is never recognized and respected in his own environment,yet there are other ways to lose the respect of others and to winthe contempt of many. A stumbling block can lead to the contempt ofothers, especially when such stumbling blocks which do not originate in apure and clean gospel (for the true Gospel is a stumbling block. TheCorner Stone was and is a stumbling block for many dissolute andirreconcilable ones. This kind of contempt, however, is not whatPaul speaks about here). Each one must search his own life so thatthe only cause for contempt may be a pure Gospel. To be despised asJesus was by refusing to leave the Cross to do the will of theFather is divine. But to be despised for speaking about Jesus whileliving a worldly life is diabolical. Let each onesearch his life under the true light of the Holy Spirit.

  594. "You will die in your sin. Where I go you cannot come", John 8:21. If we can not affordto die with something that does not allow us to enter heaven, wecertainly can not live with it either before we die. Eternal lifebegins here and we it is here we receive the life of Jesus from Him.Now, if sin prevents us from enjoying this eternal life after death,it certainly prevents us from living from it here on earth. Ifsomething prevents us from entering eternity at peace with God,surely that same thing will keep us from living in peace with Himright now. Everything that prevents death from becoming eternallife, prevents us from walking with Jesus now, and He with us. Itwill not only cost us eternity, but will prevent communion withJesus, His approval, walking with God and all that it entails.

  595. "And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon such who have notheard", Mic.5:15. I have seen manypeople complain that they do not hear God. It is true that many hearand do not understand what they hear or don't take it at heart forsome reason. But there are those who really can not hear the voiceof God, much less distinguish it from other voices. This verse ofScripture is a serious warning for all. God will take revenge onwhom does not take notice when He speaks, certainly. Knowing thatwhoever can hear is sheep, it means that all who do not hear havenot become sheep. Hence the revenge on those who do not hear.

  596. "And He shall stand and feed His flock In the strength of the Lord", Mic.5:4. Many believe to beshepherds or to belong to the ones who are pastured in a herd. TheBible speaks of those leaders who shepherd themselves and cause theflock to fatten them. They feed on the flock and their resources.Because of it, many feel pastured and assume it is God who feedsthem. To feel that way is very easy and desirable. Let usremember that we will only be fed by God if we are able to do so byHis strength. If it is self or own force that tries to walk on God'sways and which makes us 'stand', then the person commits an enormouscrime. Self-piety or an own walk can never been taken as beingpastured by God. And when there are leaders that shepherdthemselves, there will be a flock that feeds them and which ispastured by fleshly means, surely. Remember that you must stand, yes, but through thestrength of the Lord. If you can't stand that way, you are notstanding at all.

  597. "Therefore, at that time certain Chaldeans came forward and accused the Jews", Dan.3:8. The Chaldeans,especially the most prominent ones, began to hate all the Jewsbecause of the piety, ascension, faithfulness, and integrity ofDaniel and his friends. It can be assumed beyond a shadow of a doubtthat the cause of this hatred which, eventually, had spread againstall Jews started off by looking at people like Daniel. The world never forgivesthe integrity of a saint because worldliness can not reach out to any ofthe blessedness thatintegrity achieves in the long run. "And all who desire to livegodly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution",2Tim.3:12.

  598. When it is all over, God will turn his back forever on all those who havenot been saved. It is a terrifying prospect of never again beremembered by God. Here on earth even the vilest sinner holdson a hope that one day he can be remembered by God. After the earthpasses away, there will be no more such hopes, let alone thepossibility of being remembered by Him.

  599. "Andto her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright,for the fine linen is therighteous acts of the saints",Rev.19:8.We know that many figures, stories and parables in the Biblerepresent unmistakable truths. Here, we hear about the clean (white)linen with which the bride is dressed. White (cleanness) representsholiness and purity and the linen represent the acts and the livesof people.  Besides, it shines and is bright. Jesus is marryingthe purity and the holiness that we are. Once married, the twobecome one and Jesus Himself shines out of it. In other words, Jesusis forever associated with the purity of the saints and theirdoings, that is, the linen does not represent only the bride's ownclothing, purity and holiness anymore, but His choice as well. He,so to say, dresses Himself up with what we are as well since itshines off His name. Will Jesus be able to put on your currentrighteousness? Would He dress Himself up with your garments? Neverforget that Jesus, in the eyes of this world, is dressed with therighteousness you have, practice or reveal without feigning. Allthat is forced is hypocrisy. And Jesus will never dress Himself upwith hypocrisy. However, in the eyes of the world, you representHim. From their point of view, He is dressed with you. "For the nameof God is blasphemed among the nations because of you", Rom.2:24. Here on earth you willcontinue to carry His name on your shoulders and the testimony ofJesus depends largely on what you live without feigning and not onwhat you are able to say or preach. That's what the name of Jesus isdressed with. It shines off the name of Jesus. Therefore, "Leteveryone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity", 2Tim.2:19.

  600. "For all nations shall come and worship before You, For Your judgmentshave been manifested", Rev.15:4. I believe most Biblescholars never understood the Bible. In fact, they do not take theBible seriously. At the very best, they do not understand it the wayit should be understood. They are lost in their own thoughts andcease to be open to true instruction and true teaching of the truewisdom of truth through the true Holy Spirit. Whenever they read theBible they are not open to the teachings of the Holy Spirit and,consequently, follow their own thoughts and interpretations aboutit. And own interpretation depends a lot on own experiences ofthings. Then, they feel pleased with their 'biblical' thoughts,something that serves as an incentive to follow on as alwaysand even to improve the imitation of true knowledge. That way, theyavoid the enormous impact that the Word of God can bring aboutwithin the soul. When God's judgments are manifested in the truesense of the Word, people prostrate themselves before God. Let meexplain. When something is manifested within the person's soul, theimpact is as great as what happened to those whose hearts have beencut as a result of Pentecost. And even when there is no reason (no sin)to be cut in the heart, as was the case of the disciples who werealready prepared for the coming of Jesus (the Holy Spirit), yet theimpact on them has a lasting and eternal effect of abiding in Godand God in them. It is in this waythat we desire that the Word of God and all his judgments bemanifested. Nothing else can be considered as a manifestations ofthe judgments of God. Real revival resembles Judgment Day in manyways. And it is real.

  601. The desire to change and to be transformed is what makes God work insideand outside the one who wants to change. When God sees that thedesire exists in fact, He attends to that prayer and to the requestof anyone who asks for the power of grace to be changed. The will tochange will then be transformed into a will to remain changed afterit has happened.

  602. I believe from personal experience that it is necessary to havetrials and tribulations along the way to be cleansed and pruned ofmany things. However, there are various kinds of tribulations andtrials. There are trials that pass quickly and there are long-termones. Long-term ones can become strenuous, even if they are not ofthe difficult kind. Long-term trials are absolutely necessary for aspiritual exercise which aims at achieving constancy byexterminating intermittences in the spiritual life to make itstable. According to the Bible, we need to stand and remain so andnot only to stand up all the time. If there are still areas whereyou still resist God by believing that you are doing the right thingunaware that the 'right' thing that you pursue is counteractingagainst God's workings within, a long-lasting trial will eitherexterminate all false hopes or will exterminate you. One way toresist God is to persist in believing that God will give what Hewants to exterminate from our most remote hopes, or that He will dothat which He won't do.

  603. Part of my work is to encourage everyone on the way of God or in thebeginning stages of entering it, as well as it id to discourage allthose who do not walk in the ways of God or start thinking ofabandoning, in some way or degree, the ways where God leads.Encouragement to anyone who is leaving God or God's ways issynonymous of working against life itself. Let's never be guilty ofit.

  604. "Those who wait on the Lord shall inherit the earth", Ps.37:9. Waiting on the Lord ismuch more than a waiting of time and for time to pass by until thetime of God has come. It is true that there is such a thing as God'stime, as there is time for a child in gestation to be born. But, thetruth is that what determines the birth of a baby is that it isfully formed and ready to be born. However, many wait in vain, forthere is no gestation in the spirit for what they wait for. Waitingon God has much to do with true expectations worked by God in us andwith certainties. It's not just about letting time pass by. If thereis no concrete thing operated by the Holy Spirit within the person,if hope is without foundation, all waiting is in vain and willbecome an unparalleled disappointment. Besides, time is given withthe sole purpose of having someone - anyone - fully prepared toreceive. God labours within man to prepare him for what is coming tohim and to have him faithful and ready from then on. Imagine a ladywaiting for a baby. She knows what she is carrying inside her and noone can tell her she is not carrying a baby. People may try toconvince her otherwise, but they will never be able to make herbelieve otherwise if she is in her perfect mind. And she also knowsthat if all goes well with the pregnancy and with her, in due timeher baby shall be born. Besides, her mind changes along the way andshe is made ready and mature to nurse a child after that time ofwaiting. The responsibility of nursing grows in the meantime andbecomes a pleasure. This is how expectation works within the personin whom God manifests himself about something. That is what it isall about when we speak of waiting in the Lord, or speak of hope and of hopethat does not deceive. That is how hope works out when it is fruitborn from the Spirit. "My expectation is from Him", Ps.62:5. "Christ in you, hope ofglory", Col.1:27. There are manywho insist on a kind of hope which is not sure about anything andwhich is not worked by Christ. And there are many who hope withouthaving Christ for real in them.

  605. It may happen that a person does not know the reason why God sendstribulation or why he allows anguish. However, this should notprevent the joy of heaven to take hold of the soul if all our waysare truly given to God. And if they are not yet surrendered to Himin all honesty and total trust in His providence, they are still intime to do so. "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall intovarious trials, knowing that the testing of your faith producespatience", James 1:3. By what weread or can interpret from this part of James, the refusal to havejoy under these circumstances has much to do with the lack of truewisdom. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God and it willbe given to him",James 1:5. Asking for this kindof wisdom if we do not have it - or if we do not know how to applyit - is an act of faithfulness from us, that is, it is a logicalstep to take and the only desirable and practical thing to do.

  606. "Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks thetruth in his heart", Ps.15:1,2. This is a rarecombination. There are 'sincere' people in unrighteousness becausethe world appreciates the bad and the immoral. Just by having wrongreasons or motives to do good one becomes bad and immoral.Therefore, those who practice righteousness from the heart tend tobe quiet about it and to become less transparent because they arenot appreciated by the world - which is to say that they become lesssincere and more feigned. Thus, the combination of sincerity, thepractice of justice/righteousness, and speaking the truth from theheart while remaining in that righteousness is rare and a difficultcombination tofind. However, this conjugation of virtues is a non-negotiablecondition to remain in Christ and Christ in you, that is, to remainon the holy mountain of Zion.

  607. "With our tongue we will prevail; Our lips are our own; Who is lord overus?"Ps.12:4. We must understand orgrasp the enormity of the sin of those who do not control theirspeaking or of those who use their tongue to try to prevail. Weshould not use arguments or many words to try to prevail. It up isto God to grant us any kind of victory. Even this kind of victorybelongs to God. Trying to prevail by the power of the tongue is toresist God. It is up to Him to have the final argument and it is Hewho has it.

  608. "They speak idly everyone with his neighbour; With flattering lips and adouble heart they speak", Ps.12:2. As a rule, people whoflatter believe that flattering is love. Anyone who flatters,encourages falsely, attempts to give a hope which God withdraws fromthe heart or does not give, is working falsehood. Few flatterershave the ability to realize that they are double hearted, that is,they seek their own interests by flattering others. These seekfriendship, position among people or praise in return.

  609. "And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, Lord,have not forsaken those who seek You", Ps.9:10. Knowing that God neverforsakes anyone who seeks Him, did you seek Him today? Did you findHim?

  610. "Then, He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress (confuse) them inHis deep displeasure", Ps.2:5. Many will be confused orbe innerly distressed for many reasons. Some because they do notbelieve and underestimate the truth of a real God - and He is real;others because they believe to be believers having been rejected by God;others, still, because they believe themselves to be right, seriousor wise, but not so in God's eyes. All these things may be avoidedby having God become real in time in a real way, that is, soon enough to avoidbeing confused and to make Him king of all their existence in a realand practical way. "I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion", Ps.2:6.

  611. When God takes away my job, my livelihood, my income or anything elsebecause I have moved away from Him, I should not seek Him because ofwhat has been taken away from me, but rather to find Him. Things happenedto make me come back to God and not to seek what has been takenfrom me. I must turn to Him for the same reasons that He hasforsaken me. That must be the motive to turn to Him, otherwise Iwill be like a baby who is not in the right position to be born."The pangs of childbirth come for him, but he is an unwise son, forat the right time he does not present himself at the opening of thewomb", Hos.13:13.

  612. God has no obligation to help us - He has the love, the power and themercy to help us in everything and anything we might need.

  613. "According to their pasture, so were they filled; they were filled, and theirheart was exalted: therefore have they forgotten me", Hos.13:6. The motives in prayerand in any form of approach to God must be the right ones and whichare according tothe righteous perspectives of God. Motives prevent answers to manyprayers. Motives grant many answers to many prayers too. But even if God answers a prayer with wrong motives, assoon as the person receives that which led him to approach God, hewill forget about Him as soon as the gift is of a permanent kindlike marriage. The person with wrong motives does not wantGod - he wants something that God can give. Having received it, hewill act as if he no longer needs the Lord. "For your destruction, OIsrael, you are against me, against your helper", Hos.13:9.

  614. There are people who are not satisfied because things are not well withthem and they desire what is good in the eyes of God; and there arepeople who are not satisfied because things are running according toGod's will and they desire evil. Your deepest desire is godly orfleshly?

  615. "Whoredom and wine and new wine take away the heart (understanding)", Hos.4:11. Any kind of incontinence takes away the heart and dissolves or nullifies all understandingand godly wisdom. This is true of any kind of incontinence, be itwine, jealousy, a loose tongue, fornication, criticism, or any other form ofincontinence. Some types of incontinence may occur within marriageas well. 

  616. Faith is that kind of trust in Jesus which is never intermittent. Buttrusting in Jesus is not trusting in our faith, because trusting inour faith is synonymous of trusting in ourselves. And many rely soheavily on the faith they have that they do not realize that theyare no longer trusting Jesus.

  617. "Take heed to yourself (...) for in doing (...) you will save bothyourself and those who hear you", 1Tim.4:16.It is good that we keep this in mind: the salvation of the hearerdepends largely on whether the preacher does and practices with allsuccess all the things he is able to teach. It is not by studyingand elaborating proper sermons that we achieve the salvation ofothers, but by living exemplarily and from the heart the whole life of God. Our wholeexistence must be in full accordance with the full dimension ofGod's promise. Otherwise, we have not yet entered into the rest thathas been promised to us.

  618. "Pray without ceasing", 1Thes.5:17. IfI were to translate this verse, I would say: "Pray without givingup". But, translated that way, it would still be a little short ofthe whole that it intends to convey. It can mean "pray incessantly" oreven "pray without omission". You must know how to put thesemeanings together in one word or, should I say, in one practice.Praying incessantly can and should be possible. But, it may lead tovain repetitions or requests for things to which God has alreadyanswered - something that can be considered as lack of faith; or even befound praying for the sake of mere praying, heartless and incited bythe duty to pray always, and any prayer without heart cannot beconsidered as prayer; it may also mean that one shouldn't walkaround with an heavy heart without turning to God. Then, looking at"pray without omission", we would have to see and review the causesthat lead people to miss the opportunity to fecundate any prayerthat exists in the heart, that is, to head or direct to the Lord anykind of weight that the Spirit has initiated in the heart the momentit starts burdening; then, there are also those daily prayers thatcan become monotonous by the absence of heart when praying and,because of it, we do not pray because of the lack of willingness tochange the heart. Since the heart is absent, anyone can bedistracted and omit prayer, whether it be thanksgiving or seekingGod's blessing on something we do or eat. Many chose to cease topray instead of seeking a heart change. Then, there is "pray withoutgiving up" and we soon think of the Canaanite woman and the one whodisturbed the Judge in the middle of the night in search ofrighteousness. If it seems that God does not want to attend for somereason - as happened to the blind men outside Jericho - we must knowthat by insisting without giving up and shouting louder as the blindmen did when tempted by the discouragement of others and by theapparent denial of Jesus which felt like contempt to them, can leadto a sure answer. "Woman, great is thy faith!". God will not onlyattend prayer as He might solve that which prevents Him to attendimmediately. However, we must get to a point in our spiritual lifewhere we can say, like Jesus, without lying to ourselves: "I knowthat You hear Me", John 11:42. We must reach thatpoint in our lives where we simply know it and experience it. "And it will be, before they call I will answer;and while they are still speaking, I will hear", Is.65:24.

  619. It is very easy to deceive a deceived or deceiving person, just as it isrelatively easy to direct or even redirect a person in whose heartthere is no deception. The ways of life depend a lot on the kind ofheart we have - or on the sort of heart we get. There is a reasonwhy God changes our heart first. It is necessary to know thateverything depends on the heart that one can have or obtain. Theexact measure of revelation of truth or the manifestation of deceitis directly related to the kind of heart we have or obtain. Let usnever deceive ourselves concerning this issue. If it is true thatGod gives "His Spirit to those who obey Him", it is also true thatHe leaves the disobedient to themselves to be guided by any wind ofdoctrine or sin. "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of itare the issues of life", Prv.4:3. "See to it, mybrothers, that no evil, unbelieving heart is found in any of you",Heb.3:12.

  620. Curiosity can be a virtue in many situations. It can be a gift and, like allgifts, it can easily be turned into a stumbling block.

  621. There are many long, continuous e extenuating sermons that have nointention of saving people from their sins, but, intend only tohave the churches packed and full of people. The intention is toshow forth numbers and not holiness and dedication to God and Hiswork.

  622. There are sins that are not exterminated and extinguished because there issome refusal to expose all its roots in the light. Cutting thebranches of a tree will not kill it and pruning may even make abetter tree out of it. But, by having the roots plucked out of theearth and exposed in the sun, we create the circumstances not toworry about its poison and indigestible fruits anymore, along withits venomous and doomed shadow. For example, there are sins that arethe offspring of other sins. Envy and jealousy make one speak evilof anyone; may create irritability and certain kinds of impatienceagainst people; it creates arrogance and calls for glory (boasting)to oneself; causes some kind of verbal and physical aggression;jealousy and envy consume the person, consume his time, his thoughtsand guide his normal behaviour, which, in turn, can be considered asbecoming unfaithful in what one could be doing instead. This is anexample of a sin's ramifications. There are many more. Therefore,by exposing and killing that kind of sins by its roots, manyother sins and their ramifications as well because theyare deprived of their roots. An inferiority complex may lead one towant to show off, to seek carnal love, to have ulterior motivesin what he does; it can encourage pride and self-defence againstghost sins and illusions; and all of that is condemned from the momentthe person exposes the inferiority complex as sin and as the root ofa sin to be extinguished. Heresies are born, for example, because onedoes not walk with God. They are exterminated by solving the root ofthe problem. Illegitimate sex, pornography and its associated sinsare liable to full extermination by knowing and acknowledging thetruth about the illusion that exists around it. Everything aroundsinful sexuality is an illusion about things that true sex is notable to grant or to fulfil. It is all illusion around it and wheneverything is exposed as illusion it shall be easier to extinguish.Besides, by loving God and by knowing it works against God, even ifit were not mere illusions and lies, the acknowledgment of the truthabout it will revert and convert the soul. Moreover, all sins andtheir origins obtain their life from carnality, which, being trulyextinct and annihilated by/in the cross and being replaced by the newlife and of resurrection, will liberate the new being to be totallyfree in Christ. That is, to be free of these things to be able tolive for God in all freedom.

  623. It is not by insisting against error that it shall be exterminated - it isby practicing righteousness exclusively. By living from God, that which is pastis decomposed to serve as manure for the new life. One only learnsby living and practicing the true life through Christ, using graceas the power - as the exclusive power. Holiness can't be fullyaccomplished by marching against error or by rising up against thosewho harm us. Give no more attention or opportunity to the old lifeif you have indeed found the new one.

  624. Everything that begins in God must be end in Him and nothing that is begunin Him may ever end without Him. One cannot dare to end in the fleshwhatever has been started through the Spirit of God. God must neverbe abandoned halfway when it is He who introduces us or induces usinto something much desired or longed for. We must be careful enoughto abide in God. Certainly, we will be put to the test in this area.

  625. "Faithful in Christ Jesus..." Eph.1:1. Itis important to note how often Paul (and the Scriptures) emphasizethis term of being in Jesus and that all the virtues must becomefunctional in Him. It is not only through Him, but in Him. For thisto happen two things are necessary: to be at peace with Him and tobecome functional through a new life, in a new state. It is easy fora sinner to remain with relative peace far from God, that is, tohave the sort of peace that the world gives; just as it is for asaint to be in full peace with God in the presence of God.The saint will feel bad away from God, just as the sinner near Him.God does not change to adapt to someone. God is and will always bethe same. It is, therefore, necessary that the person begins to feelat home being in Jesus and it is necessary that experiencing Him isreal. But then, one must be able to be faithful, to be virtuous, tobe cooperative and to live all virtues in a practical way throughHim, with Him. These are two different things. Nothing else shouldwork like it used to work before God became real and His presenceunmistakable. "You shall not do according to all that we do heretoday, each doing whatever is right in his own eyes", Dt.12:8.

  626. "If we suffer with Him, we may also be glorified with Him", Rom.8:17. There is no spiritualbenefit to be drawn from going through tribulations alone, that is,by not suffering with Christ in what we suffer. We must suffer withHim if we wish to be glorified with Him and to suffer in such thingsHe would suffer for. If we suffer without Him, we will want to beglorified without Him, that is, we shall want the glory for ourselves. There are two ways to suffer without Him: Weeither suffer in those things He would never suffer for; or we wishto try to accomplish heavenly things through a fleshly power and ownmeans and ways which glorify man only.

  627. The celerity, promptness, irreverence and readiness with which we come out of oursins is directly related to the intensity (and the sincerity) of thedesire to leave them for good. The intensity of the struggle is alsodirectly related to that desire: the greater the desire to get outof sin and the more sincere, the more intense, the faster and themore effective the struggle shall be. And shall surely be conquerorswith Him.

  628. In several places, the Scriptures allude to the works of the flesh,both directly and indirectly. I believe, however, that it is a greatmistake to associate the works of the flesh only to that which isevil, such as avarice, prostitution, wrath, and so on. These worksand the power of the flesh are extended and understood far beyondthat since they shall try to do good and to be acceptable to avoidbeing extinguished from the soul. That is, they not only try to dowhat is right through wrong and an unacceptable powers to God, butprevent the grace of God from being free to actexclusively and to achieve by itself. It should not beconsidered acceptable or even reasonable to have the devil workingwithin the temple of God - not even by doing what is "right" or"good". Grace is the alternative power that works with theendorsement and the blessing of Jesus. But, it must operate truly ina unique and exclusive way. The power of grace never works togetherwith the power of the flesh. It operates against it. Therefore, itis to be assumed that the works of the flesh are, also, those 'good'works practiced by the arm of man or to glorify any man.

  629. "Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they see not, andhearing they hear not; nor do they understand", Mat.13:13. We see that God alsosaid that He spoke with Moses face to face because he was faithfulin all his house. There really is a serious and an undeniablerelationship between faithfulness and hearing things from God moreclearly and to the point. Those who are faithful in all things and "arestrong and have good courage" - whatever circumstances they mayencounter - to be faithful enough to God in every detail and do notneed baits to be moved towards what they do not understand. Humansare very fond of mysteries and are easily drawn to unveil what theydo not understand, or understand halfway, or, as Jesus said,understand without understanding. The fact that they do notunderstand what they 'understand' encourages them to pursue what canturn them faithful. And by understanding what they do not understandencourages them to pursue it as, on the other hand, the by notunderstanding it would promote and establish a degree ofdiscouragement and a lack of willingness to go after it. That is thewisdom of God working hard for salvation. And it can also be saidthat there are those who receive what they do not receive; who hearwhat they do not hear; who touch what they do not touch; etc. Mosesbecame faithful, but lived moments when that which was fulfilled wasnot fulfilling, that is, miracles happened, but Israel did not leaveEgypt towards freedom. In the end, as we become faithful ineverything afterwards, we must know that things change, becomedifferent in shape, and that we need other mechanisms and otherprocedures to keep ourselves in a line of conduct that is pleasingto God. Things work differently after we are faithful. We shallunderstand what we understand. The way it is worked changes with uswhen we become faithful in everything. We should expect a differencein shape and in the way God works with us as we progress towardsbeing faithful in all things.

  630. "When the army goes forth against your enemies (...) If there is among youany man who is not clean because of an accident at night, then heshall go outside the camp. He shall not come inside the camp", Dt.23:9,10. It is good to knowand to remember that God never changes. He hasn't changed sincethen. Even today, we have to be clean if we want to be successfulagainst evil, against sin and to have the Gospel of truth victoriousaround us. We should be found with the same initial power that hasbeen bestowed during Pentecost. There is no more such power becausethere are many impurities within the army which craves for realrevival. Real revival starts with us if it is to be spread around in ourcommunities.

  631. We read in many places of Scripture that any of the concerts that God madewith us can be invalidated. Any concert is an agreement between twoor more parties. Whenever one party enters into disagreement anddoesn't fulfil the sublime conditions that the concert is attachedto, the whole concert is brought to nought.

  632. There are people who, when it is time to harvest, they decide to sow. Whenthey see the harvest, they begin to believe and sow. I've seen alot of people like that. When it is time to go to the service, theybegin to prepare, take a bath and dress. The closer the church is totheir house, the later they get to the service. If we do that withanything, we shall do the same with everything. We need to know howto prepare ourselves in time because it is what faithfulness is allabout; we should cultivate a habit of being prepared inanticipation. The foolish virgins - although they were virgins andwere clean - went out looking for oil in despair the momentthey should be using it. They did not prepare. Many seek gracethe moment of need; and it should be found beforehand and in timesof great abundance. "Therefore let us come boldly to the throne ofgrace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time ofneed", Heb.4:16. Only prepared oneswill remain firm after a bad day or after a relentless trial orpitiless ordeal. The bad day will come, surely. No doubt about that. No one can avoid it.And those who have prepared will undergo as it as they would passany good day. "Therefore take to yourselves the whole armour of God,that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having doneall, to stand", Eph.6:13. The secret, however,is not to anticipate the evil day which shall come without a doubt.The secret of assured victory is to find rest in the bosom of God intime, that is, while grace can still be found. Didn't Joseph preparefor the seven years of slim cows? Well, it is up to us to believethat a bad day is heading towards us and to prepare. It has beenannounced in anticipation. Let's be prepared in anticipation.

  633. The Law penalizes every transgressor. But the primary intention of the Lawis not to protect the injured party - although this is one of thepurposes it holds clear. Its main purpose is to rid society of whatdefiles. And it is achieved in several ways. Its sanctions serve aswarnings to anyone who can transgress; and its work is toexterminate evil and any bad example from the face of the earth.

  634. "Because Moses told the words of the people unto the Lord", Ex.19:9. It seems that God hasappeared to Israel in favour of Moses because he had reported thewords of the people to God. Here we see the intimacy that Moses hadwith God and his humility. We know that God knows all, sees all anddoesn't need anyone to tell Him what is going on or what has beensaid behind closed doors - or behind the clouds. "Your Father knowswhat things you have need of, before you ask Him", Mat.6:8. We see the sameattitude in Elijah who answered God when he was asked twice what was hedoing there, in the mountain of God. And Elijah answered twice usingprecisely the same words in both answers. It also shows that hiswords were thoroughly thought about and measured meticulously.

  635. "Theheart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked", Jer,17:9. We need to take thisinto account. It is not easy to get a perfect heart. But with theactive power of grace everything is possible - as long as it isactive grace. Let's see how far the heart can deceive. Many do not dare tomurmur against God. But they murmur against people - and evenagainst who leads them on the paths of God. The Israelites murmuredagainst Moses and Aaron. They did this thinking that they wouldavoid being accused of murmuring against God. They did not dare toblame the Lord blatantly and, therefore, blamed Moses and Aaron.Moses had to alert them to that and failed to convince them. "Yourmurmurings are not against us, but rather against the Lord", Ex.16:8. A hardened mind hardly changes its way ofthinking and of believing.

  636. "A little leaven leavens all the lump", Gal.5:9.We need to know that we are dough or lump and need also to know howto live with it, assuming that as a fact whenever we think ofputting ourselves under certain situations. Without leaven, thedough does not leaven. When unfermented, the whole dough is good.When we do not fool around with whatever leavens, we shall remainsimple, sincere, honest, most pure, that is, if we have beenpurified indeed beforehand and sanctified in full. Now, if we walkcultivating leaven, we will be leavened and it will become difficultto avoid transgressing. Jealousy is dough already leavened;prolonged anger is leavened dough; jealousy, promiscuity, charmingattitudes towards sin and pleasing it is dough bubbling infermentation; fear, the kind of sadness that is sin and many otherthings that are signs that there is or was leaven mixed with the dough.All leavened dough has ceased to be good and cannot be preservedanymore. It is no longer pure. We're talking about what criminologywould qualify as a premeditated crime, and it is so even if therewas only some sort of consent towards it. It starts fermenting theinclination towards sin, which shall surely shape and form the mind,making it hard to resist afterwards because the mind is not able toresist itself. If it has been shaped, it is itself. No doctor canperform a surgery on himself. It is only able to deviate itsthoughts towards something else and resisting itself createsconfusion and strengthens the inclination to sin. That's why weshould not tempt God by messing around with what leavens. It's not thedough that is dangerous: it is what can leaven it. Do not blame thedough that you are made of and do not excuse yourself with the factof having been made of flesh, entertaining foolish ideas. Avoidsituations, things, movies and everything else that can leaven yourmind, heart, eyes and which may shape you way of thinking. Even theway you think shall be changed or affected on the long run, it willbecome like a culture. You are and will always be the result of whatyou learn, see, enjoy and eat. There is a saying that says, "we areshaped by what we eat". In the spiritual sense, that saying couldnot be truer. Remember that you are dough and will always be. Do notrefuse to be dough - something impossible to achieve - only becauseit can be leavened: refuse yeast and avoid any situation that canleaven the kind of dough that you are. "You shall put away leavenout of your houses (...) no leaven shall be found in your houses(...) nor shall there be leaven seen with you in all your borders", Ex.12:15; 13:7.

  637. When God called Moses, initially, there was already an attitude in himthat refused to go and obey. He had a contradicting spirit in hisheart from the beginning of the commandment or a reason never toreturn to Egypt again. He did not cultivate willingness to obey God,much less in regard of going back to Egypt. Probably, he felt deceived anddisappointed in God for having to flee from Egypt and thatantagonism prevailed during all the years that he managed to remainfar away from Pharaoh's claws. I think there is some truth in thatassumption, if not a lot. There was a resisting spirit within Moses,perhaps fed by resentment, which he would not acknowledge openly,and which grew and became solidified along the years in the desert.That spirit manifested itself only when being put before obedienceto God. Outside that situation, it was hibernating and dormant. Forsome reasons, he always looked for an argument, arranged an excuseor annoyance on his way instead of saying openly that he was not inthe disposition to obey God. Given up to obstinacy and opposition,he was neither available to take to heart everything that God wouldsay as He would say it, and took in His words only partially. Ifwillingness was his culture and the will of God his great love anddisposition of heart, he would most easily hearken to all the wordsof God and would pay attention to all of them, devouring them one byone. However, on the first setback before Pharaoh, Moses complainedto God, saying: "Lord, why have You brought trouble on this people?Why is it You have sent me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak inYour name, he has done evil to this people; neither have Youdelivered Your people at all", Ex.5:22,23. He complainedbecause, in his heart, some of all the words of God were not takenin andhe did not take them all into account to recall them all at a time ofneed. God had said as a warning the day Moses was called: "However,I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no, not evenby a mighty hand",Ex.3:19. Moses could not recallthose words because his mind was upset and hadn't been submissivefrom the beginning. His stubborn heart filled with antagonism didnot allow him to take all the words into account when he most neededto remember them. At the first setback, he used the state of hisheart to rebel and to argue against God who had sent him. It can beseen clearly that he had a badly healed wound and obeyed God with athwarted attitude right from the beginning. We thank God that Moseswas not killed in the desert; ("And it came to pass on the way, atthe encampment, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him", Ex.4:24); and that he changed with time, becoming a manof great meekness and unparalleled readiness towards God and Hiswill. True conversion means precisely that, it is, that he becamethe precise opposite of what he had been, it is, an eye for an eyeand tooth for tooth in a reverse sense. "Now the man Moses was veryhumble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth", Num.12:3.

  638. "Let the Lord look on you and judge, because you have made us abhorrentin the sight of Pharaoh and in the sight of his servants, to put asword in their hand to kill us",Ex.5:21. The people put theblame on Moses and not on Pharaoh. Moses felt guilty as well andwent out complaining before God who had sent him. This accusation ofthe people against Moses as well as the one of Moses against God wasmissing the target. It also showed a lack of willingness to proceedwith the will of God. Many people feel guilty about many things formany reasons. Others carry the guilt and blame that result fromobedience. "If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you areblessed, because the Spirit of God and of glory rests on you",1Pet.4:14. Elijah was consideredguilty for the lack of rain in Israel; Jesus was considered guiltyfor the constant uproar among the people; Moses was buffeted by themouth of the people as the guilty one for the things that werehappening to them. And it was only obedience's 'fault'. Evil doesnot like to be disturbed and constantly seeks someone to blame whenit is disturbed and is awakened from its dormant state of rebellionagainst truth. Is truth guilty for being truthful and upright? Or isit evil to be truthful? Imagine someone living in a dark roomwithout being able to see what is going on under the cover ofdarkness and someone turns on the light. Once the light is on, thecockroaches run to hide, and dirt and spider webs become visible.Until then, there was no awareness of the existence of thosepestilent things. But with light, it all became visible. Must thelight be blamed for the existence of those things? We must be able to carry the loads and the burdeningweights of the oracles of God as the natural consequences ofobedience. No one enters a war without hurting the opponent. No onepicks up the weapons of light without affecting darkness around. Weshould not feel guilty at all for walking in the light and forcausing such things to happen. It is not our fault. Unless we feelinnocent and hold truth innocent, we shall be tempted tocomplain against people and against God.

  639. "For, if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare forbattle?"1Cor.14:8. Without wanting totake this text out of its context, I wish to apply it in anothersense: the voice of God. Many hear the voice of God and are not surethat it is God speaking. You may already have heard wrong voices,which leads to doubt the right one and to be unsure about what youhear. But, you should be sure about God's voice in order to have itfully executed and to keep it alive in your memory until the end."So the Lord became angry with Solomon (...) who had appeared to himtwice",1Kings 11:9. When God speaks tous and, for some reason, we do not remain in line with what He hadsaid before, we will surely be criminals. A huge crime has beencommitted. Whoever doesn't hear well should be able to hear better.The reasons that lead someone to despise the voice of God arevarious, such as negligence; forgetfulness; the occupation withthings that are not priorities, but which are taken as a priorities;stubbornness and obstinacy; and also when one does not take thevoice seriously because of not having believed, which leads to haveHis voice as an uncertain sound. The fact that the sound isuncertain may also have to do with the heart that is unstable. Ifsomething sounds uncertain or if we listen to our uncertain heartabove keeping the commandment of God as top priority, we will notonly be unstable and offensive towards God, but we will do greatharm to our own souls by becoming hesitant, sometimes doing andsometimes not doing the will of God, opting for our own will orsomeone else's. And only those who perform all the will of Godbecome firm and steadfast to the end. "He who does the will of Godabides forever", 1 John 2:17. If such remainforever, it is because they have become constant and persistentalong the way. They have not only learned the way of persistence andendurance, but, have been assured by God himself along the way bybeing on the right track, continually in the proper mood and disposition, using the proper means of power along the way.

  640. "Ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God (...) But Ahaz said, 'Iwill not ask, nor will I test the Lord!'", Is.7:11,12. The fact thatsomeone refuses to tempt the Lord by asking for a sign does notnecessarily mean that unbelief doesn't exist in the heart or that itwon't persist in there by having refused that sign. Refusing the signis not the same thing as settling down the heart, trusting andbelieving fully in the Lord, which can happen with or without thesign. By receiving the sign neither means that the heart will becomeconfident and secure from then on. Maybe, it will trust momentarily.However, it is necessary to change the heart not to return to thevomit of own an mindedness - which is a direct result of unbelief -because when the consciousness of the sign has passed, the heart canagain be as it was before. One thing is to be convinced briefly. Itis quite another thing to be transformed to the point of being ableto believe permanently. "He whocan believe...", Mk.9:23.

  641. Sometimes, we do not look back, but are afraid to move on. If we are stagnatedin our walk dreading the next step in the same way that we fearlooking back, we should approach God rather than turn further awayfrom Him, because all moving away from Him means entering into fearto start wavering between two or more thoughts and, consequently, gettinginto the world of sin. There is no mid way: by not getting into oneworld, one enters the other - or remains in the other. Whoever fearsto walk on and to move on - although he does not look back -transgresses in the same way that anyone does by looking back. Hecommits the same sin and both are guilty of the same offense. Thesesins are one and the same, just like Pharaoh's dreams and like thesin of the man who buried his talent to keep it intact. If you do notlook back, but neither go on, you are acting and are not serious inyour obedience and much less in your trust in Jesus. However, wemust be sure that we are going out mandated by God and not by an ownmind. "So Jacob went on his journey and came to the land of thepeople of the East", Gen.29:1. In his mind, he wasleaving the place of obedience where he thought God was to move onand wanted him to be.

  642. In most situations, mitigating, attenuating and softening things and itsconsequences becomes a form of camouflaging or, should I say, ofcovering the eyes from reality. We must have the capacity of lookingeverything straight in the eyes and to attend to the reality whichis according to God's perspective. We must be honest,straightforward and head-on in God, in all simplicity and kindness.Whatever we cover today will make a comeback tomorrow with greaterpower and with greater loss for the soul.

  643. "For when you were the slaves of sin, you were free from righteousness", Rom.6:20. Servant of sin, freefrom righteousness; servant of righteousness, free from all sin.Whom do you serve in your daily life?

  644. Jacob made his way to Haran, to Laban. He stayed there for about twentyyears. Then, God told him to return to the house of his fatherIsaac. And so he did. Concerning the path toward Haran, he wasguided by God without realizing it (seeing he was running from hisbrother Esau); and the way back was taken in obedience to a commandof God. He was sent back by God. To be led by God is not necessaryto receive audible commands. Jacob received no commandment from Godinitially to go to Haran because it was providence that led himthere. Although I do not believe that Jacob had been filled with theSpirit at this stage of his life, he was guided by God withoutrealizing it. But, to be truly guided by Jesus and be aware of it, one needs only to befully surrendered to God, depending entirely and exclusively on Him.Nothing else and no one else is God to depend on in the least ofthings. "For who has despised the day of small things?", Zac.4:10. An absolute surrender and a life full of theHoly Spirit creates all the conditions for our own thoughts,actions, paths and certain decisions to come from God - oftenwithout realizing it. "We have the mind of Christ", 2Cor.2:16. These are thechildren of God: those who are guided by Him. I do not think anyother can be accredited as children of God, not even whenconsidering themselves as such, or by making a profession of faithand by self-accrediting themselves as Christians. An own testimonyis never valid. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, theyare the sons of God", Rom.8:14.

  645. Often, we linger to accept certain realities and deflect the truth inanother way, hitting another target and, perhaps, using a half-truthto do so. When you create this habit of deflecting the aim of aspoken truth by trying to deceive yourself about reality, the habitwill remain forever - even in a reverse situation. Let me explain.Let us look at Jacob's dream where he saw angels ascending anddescending from heaven in a ladder. Jacob found himself confrontedwith the reality of God when he saw Him at the top of the ladder.God in a real way was a strange experience to him. Then, God said tohim: "Behold, I am with you", Gen.28:15.But Jacob said to himself: "Surely, the Lord is in this place",Gen.28:16. He made a half-truth for himself. He bent anddeflected the truth in another direction. God was with him and notso much in the place. God told him one thing and he assumed another.By what had he been driven to do so? There was no possibility forhim to deny the reality of God anymore, but he managed to exchangethe reality for a half-lie by saying that God was in a place. Hecould not accept the fact that God had said that He was with him.Reality was too hard for him to accept. Do you know the expression,"too good to be true"? He did not own that sort of freedom to assumethat God was with him. Something hindered him to do so.However, he could not deny that God was there. There was no denyingof the reality of God. Until then God had been a mere belief andunreality to him. He deflected the truth when he saw God as real.Belief seldom accepts the reality format of what it believes,especially in its practical form. Belief wants to keep everything as belief. While it remains unrealistic and far away, it does notcreate havoc and inner conflict. In its practical form, however, reality isquite different from belief. Reality frightens and confuses beliefand remote hopes. Whoever believes in a Jesus of his own mind or ina far away Jesus is startled when He presents Himself as real and inthe present sense. "I was sought (...) and I said, 'Here I am'", Is.65:1. People are able to takein an unreal God, but it is difficult to reconcile themselves with areal One. Unreality is always quarrelsome and unkind towardsreality. Belief and reality are different things and are lived andevidenced (experienced) distinctly, even when they speak of the sameperson and use the same words. Their practical ways are quitedifferent. I believe that Jacob's desire that God would be with himwas so great that he had some difficulty in taking in God's words asfacts when He had been revealed to him as real and present. Perhaps,he had been living with a remote hope that God existed, but so farhad not experienced God as real, so personal and so close by. Andwhen confronted with the reality of God's existence, he had greatdifficulty in assuming it as it has been submitted to him. Andthat's how one creates a habit of flexing or deflecting facts that, in most cases,remain for years and years as a habit until one day someone becomesaware of it and tries to eliminate it at great cost, much grumblingand continuous effort. All personality habits and ways of thinkingare very difficult to deal with. It is like exterminating a culture,a way of being. This habit feeds itself on anything, wherever youare and whatever the truth is. Suppose, contrary to what happened toJacob, God is not with the person. Then, the habit shall grab whatis not real and it will want God to be with him and will not saythat God is in place anymore, but rather with him because that's theunreality. Such people will rather say God is with them instead ofremoving and confessing all that is separating God from them andthem from God. These deflect the truth in a reverse way driven bythe habit of flexing the truth and by shunning off reality fromtheir consciousness and dealings. May we never sustain this habit ofdeflecting the truth and of lying to ourselves. Let's get fullyreconciled with truth and reality to take it in as it is presentedto us. Only then shall we be able to be saved. And the vow thatJacob made was motivated by disbelief in reality. "If God will bewith me ...". God had already said that He was with him. The vowalso deflected God to the future and God was at the present. He wasthere, with Jacob. God was there and was not accepted. "He came toHis own, and His own did not receive Him", John 1:11. There are manyresolutions and many vows inspired by disbelief, unbelief or evendiscouragement, which, obviously, do not come from faith. Faith isfounded upon sure facts - it is the capability of assuming areality, it is to accept a situation when it is for real. If nottrue, belief will take and accept it; and if it is real, it willreject it and will try to deny it. That kind of faith is acting andit is not real living. Another issue: If the reality of God is nottaken as the beginning of all, it will be seen as the end, that is,as the end-purpose. Soon, we will find ourselves working without Godbecause we are working to have Him and for something we already haveand we will not be able to use what we have for other purposes suchas sanctification and other important things for our walk, for oursincerity and security. We will be unfaithful and shall be remissivein our duties. "We beg you, therefore, on behalf of Christ, be yereconciled to God", 2Cor.5:20. If God is become truein our hearts, we must be promptly reconciled with that reality, andthat without pretence or feigning - provided it is reality and notbelief or forced 'faith' erupting from falsity still found in theheart. It is far better to tell ourselves that God is not with uswhen He is not than to say otherwise. Saying otherwise is not faith- it can't be faith. God can and must be real for us and in us.Then, we must also assume that the real presence of God is but thebeginning of the way and not the end of it and neither theend-purpose, because "being reconciled, we shall be saved by hislife",Rom.5:10. We will be saved fromour sins by the presence of God, and not saved of any other thingthat we do not even know what it is. We should be able to remain inreality because our imagination is rich in attempts to escape intounreality.

  646. It is necessary to create all the conditions to have free access to Godand to have the fellowship with Him untouched and uninterrupted bywhat Jesus said to be thorns that can choke the good seeds - or petsins that extinguishes life from the soul. God mustbecome the priority above all priorities in all aspects at all timesand under any circumstances. If I am with him in communion,secretly, in my room, and an earthquake shakes my ground, it shouldnot be able to disturb me or distract me in anyway from what isheavenly essential. For many, it is very easy to be interrupted evenby a phone call. This attitude of being with God without being ableto be interrupted must be a way of life, a natural attitude towardsGod, a feature of a personality and of a pure heart. It should notbe just something achieved through resolutions and efforts becausethe effort in this respect shows only that we are not truly with Godand only wish to be, or that we have great difficulty in being alonewith him exclusively having Him above all priorities. It must besomething of our own nature, it has to become something of ourpurest and simplest instinct. And for that to happen, firstly, thiscommunion must be real. That is, Jesus must be present for real. Ineed to be truly found in His presence. This presence should neverbe fictitious or unreal and imaginary. We must not live in a lie.

  647. All doctrinal disputes arise from the inner uncertainty of those whodiscusses them, who make a fuss over them and fight for them. It isnot the doctrine that leads to God and rather God that leads to atrue doctrine and teaching. When Paul speaks about the "sounddoctrine", it may seem that we must defend it or fight for it. But,the truth is that the sound doctrine results from a true and realrelationship with Jesus and we must intercede for the relationshipwith Jesus above the doctrine itself, which gives way to the sounddoctrine. What must be privileged is a sound communion with God,being cleansed from a bad conscience and abolishing everything thatcan harm, disturb, kill or complicate this fellowship with Him.Sound doctrine will arise naturally in the eyes of those who areable to walk with God and who need to know about them. Their eyesare opened by abandoning sin and by turning to God. There is no needto discuss the doctrine and to confront people with it. Just getsomeone to get a pure, real and solid communion with God by havingabandoned and abhorred any fictional, false and unreal fellowshipwith Him by having deleted all sins from the condemnation list and,also, by being filled with God in His fullness. Many are communingwith themselves when they say they are with God. And whenever wefind sound doctrine, we must never fall into the temptation ofdepending on it, fighting for it or even interceding for it. Itdoesn't lead to God. God leads to it. Let us keep our efforts tomake real communion with Jesus possible, without hypocrisy, true andpure. We must keep ourselves in God and not spend our time andenergy to remain in the doctrine. We remain in it by remaining inGod. If we begin to fight for the teaching and the doctrine we shallmost assuredly obtain an idolatrous spirit because we rely onsomething that is not God - even if it comes from God. Thiscommunion with God must be real. It does not occur by means ofresolutions, but rather via reality after having fully cleansed oursouls from all filth and from past and present transgressions.

  648. In fact, in this world it is easier for humans to believe lies than truth,although the lie is more difficult to understand or even to explain. Even Eve easily believed what the serpent told her atthe expense of what God had said. It is more difficult for arational, serious mind to believe that a fish decided to leave thesea, evolving later and turning itself into a monkey and then man,than to believe that God created each species in its proper placeand time. Evolution does not make sense, it does not mean to makesense and yet people choose to believe it. If evolution were true,nobody would believe it. And that's why few believe in God becauseHe is the truth. For some reason it is necessary to admonish andurge anyone to believe in the truth. But no one needs to beadmonished to believe the lie. Normally, it is believed naturally.

  649. Many speak with anger and sadness against false preachers who steal inchurches and assault the pockets of those who give their tithes andofferings. And it is regrettable that there are so many falseprophets and preachers spreading false and contradictory doctrines.However, the blame should be split between the false preachers andthose who support them by offering and giving them what they ask ordemand by using promises and threats. And it doesn't matter howlittle they give. The giver is as guilty as the one who doeseverything to extort and take what is not his to possess. We cannotignore that those who give are the ones who maintain and keep thosewho use their offerings for own benefit and to spread further allkinds of false doctrines, which mean only to enrich themselveseven more. Those who give are the main accomplices of falsenessbecause they contribute to spread falsehood faster than the truth isspread. Today, it is not the chaff that is found between the wheat,but rather the wheat that is found in very small amounts among theweeds. And let us not forget that the wheat will be plucked byfalsity from among the weeds, unlike the weeds from among wheat.Without these doctrines, false ones will never be made rich at theexpense of tithes and offerings; and if there is no one to give them,they will become poor and shall quickly fall into disgrace becauseGod will not support them.

  650. Every time God sets Himself against anyone, against a people, against acongregation or even against a family, He is trying to correct themand to seek their repentance. When they do not repent and do notcome to God, whether they have been with God before or not, the Lordshall carry on punishing them for the sake of those who repent. Manydo not listen to reprimands (by nature, by own-mindedness, by prideor shame) and do not believe in those corrections - much less willthey believe that those come from God. They assume unconsciouslythat a God of love cannot correct them, admonish, punish, deny oreven destroy them. The amount of love for self drives them tobelieve God loves them the way they do carnally, even to the point ofaccepting their hearts' purposes and ways. They begin to believethat those things that are happening to them might be mere trials orsomething they cannot understand at that moment. With that, they arenot inclined to correct themselves or their paths and feel ratherencouraged to carry on as always. It is in this environment thatdreams may emerge, along with a lot of own desires, false faith anddeceitful hopes about those desires, and that numerous prayers areoffered which do not receive answers. And it also means that wherefalse hopes begin to emerge - or false prophecies - disappointmentsshall come along one after the other. However, that may also lead toinsistences before God while on erring paths (which is taken asperseverance while, in truth, it is taken by God as an abomination)assuming that God cannot be the opponent and that a loving Godcannot deny them. That is how far love for self can take annon-repenting heart. The uttermost point of an abomination isreached when one is able to believe that God accepts sin orsinfulness or that He is able to delight in whom holds on to sindespite it all. God is seldom taken as the enemy - and He can be theenemy! God is enmity against the flesh and may we also believe thatthe flesh means only to be enmity against God. It means businessagainst God and any alliance with it means the destruction of goodvalues in exchange for bad ones. Many false prophets arose inJeremiah's time, Isaiah's and all the other prophets who spoke thetruth against Israel. I believe false ones arose mainly because theprophets of God spoke against Israel and they found themselvesbeing squeezed to abandon false faith and false hopes. Falseprophecies were mere resisting reactions to truth. The people, andmainly their leaders, did not accept that anyone could speak againstIsrael, much less saying that they came in the name of God withpunishments, destruction and reprimands seeing that God loved themand chose them to be special. However, it is worth taking noticethat a false prophet who speaks contrary to God, that is, who talksabout prosperity or does something in that line of conduct while Godis or will be working the opposite, that false one being moved by afalse faith in whom many will believe for the same reasons that afalse prophet is moved, it will happen that the prophet along withanyone who believes him shall receive the opposite of what is beingprophesied or preached. That's the rule. If he promises heaven, heshall receive hell. "Therefore thus says the Lord concerning theprophets who prophesy in My name, whom I did not send, and who say,'Sword and famine shall not be in this land'—'By sword and faminethose prophets shall be consumed!"Jer.14:15. That is why manyprosperity preachers need to steal and to rob the pockets of foolishpeople, crying out for their tithes to enrich themselves. God won'tmake them rich. Foolish ones are foolish enough to give it to themand, thus, help to spread falsity even further in a smoother way.God does not give them and they try to steal it by seizing what isnot theirs to receive. They shall soon fall into disgrace and shame- it's just a matter of time until that happens. The one who begsfor tithes and offerings will be put to shame along with all thosewho are foolish enough to give them what they beg for. Both partiesare equally guilty and shall be put to equal shame. God is notmocked and whoever does not subject himself to Him and to Hisreproofs will be forced to be ashamed forever.

  651. Many talk about revival and even pray for their leaders and churches tobe converted or even to find genuine revival. If you are one ofthose, have this in mind: genuine revival starts with you. Do notshovel that responsibility away by any means - not even by prayingfor others - because it must start with those who desire after itwholeheartedly. When you desire it, you are the one who need it. Andif you find it, surely, something around you will also happen.

  652. When we are struck by God because of rebellion or any other deviationfrom the truth, we need to be able to believe that we are being hitby Him. We must be able to get the perception that it is God who isopposing, correcting or even encourage us. If we are able to believe that when it is indeed so, itmay mean salvation to us. No other conclusion should be drawn fromany reprimand coming from God, however severe it may seem. Any otherconclusion would mean rebellion and not faith. If one begins tobelieve that those are mere trials or that it is from the devil -that in a practical perspective it means the devil is stronger thanGod in one's life - one shall hardly know the truth and, by notknowing it, shall never be made free. Blessed are those "who canbelieve" and that can be brave enough to face that as a reality - ifthey are being consumed by God indeed. Any other conclusion will beseen as not wanting to turn to God to make right and to straighten awalk. "You have stricken them, but they have not grieved; You havedestroyed them, but they have refused to receive correction; theyhave made their faces harder than rock; they have refused toreturn", Jer.5:3. Let there be peoplecourageous enough to dare to believe!

  653. "Inher month they will find her", Jer.2:24.In nature, female animals come into heat and are found by males.They leave signs everywhere in order to be found. Sometimes, themales are far from them and still find them. So it happens withthose who are prone to sin: they shall be found by it. Heat to sincalls for transgression. If there is provision for sin in your heartor mind, you can be sure that sin will find you, will impregnate allyour conduct, and will contaminate you; and God shall not be able towalk with you. Make no provision for sin and do not dare to believeit is impossible to stop sinning. If you do believe so, you aremaking provision for sin. Even if there is only indifference towardssin in you, it shall draw near your heart to manipulate it. Youshall be found by it for sure. And if you are caught up by sin, makesure you also realize that you shall also be found by the judgmentof God. You may not want one thing and believe you shall avoid theother. You either hate sin or be in heat for it. "The ruler of this world comes, and he has(finds) nothing in Me", John 14:30.

  654. It is common to have a righteous and justified person feeling guilty about this and that due to false accusations from the enemies of God,including the devil himself. It is also common to have guilty onesjustify themselves continually and to stand up against anyaccusation of conscience. Beware when someone is his ownjustification.

  655. Disappointment in God can have many causes and origins, but we may never doubtGod's character because there is no reason to do so. Firstly, aperson may be disappointed when believing God promised him somethingand the belief, prophecy or revelation was false or forged byfleshly harassments. Consequently, expectations end in frustrationand disappointments because God did not promise what one expects. Ifnot promised, it shall never be fulfilled. Usually, people wait andwait and nothing happens when they are found under suchcircumstances - something that is different from a true hope in God.It is not possible to get tired waiting when God has indeed promisedand all such expectations are fulfilled before one less expects.Secondly, the person, having to receive a promise of God, must prepareto receive it. It is like getting ready to bring a child into theworld and all that it implies. If God promised, it is because theperson is not ready to receive and circumstances are not ripe. If itonly depends on the person's preparation, God promises to bringsomeone to prepare for it and be found spotless at the point ofbeing able to remain faithful after having received. Were everythingready and prepared, God would not promise - he would instantlygrant. If the person is already prepared to receive and ready, Godgives instead of promising.

  656. When God promises us something personal - and God really promised itwithout any shadow of doubt - we must use our time to prepare toreceive and also to be able to live in a new reality without wantingto look back. We must become fit in and become able to live in it as if wehave never lived any other way before. This preparation is vital andprior to receiving. Many turn back afterwards because they havenever prepared to receive from the moment God has promised. Maybe,they were slow to believe. Mark how many times Jesus used the word"prepare" or "be prepared". No one should seek oil upon the momentof the groom's arrival and no one begins to prepare for a wedding onthe appointed day to marry. "Let us, therefore, come boldly unto thethrone of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help(us) in time of need", Heb.4:16. However, even when weare fully prepared, we must learn to trust God after we havereceived and to keep expecting from Him only. We cannot rely on ourpreparation and rather fully on God who is able to use thatpreparation. That is one of the conditions to stand firm. "Whereforetake unto you the whole armour of God, that (...) having done all,you may be able to stand", Eph.6:13.

  657. There is fellowship with God and there is, also, communion with the Word being inHim and being blessed by it. Many confuse the two, taking communionwith God for communion with the Word and vice versa. Communion withGod establishes us and can establish the Word within us; the Wordwithout God is dead; the established Word must be able to straightenour ways (if we are found in God while walking in/with Him as well) for thefellowship with Jesus to be firmer, more solid, so that everythingin us can depend solely on Him. The point about it is to reach alife that depends, waits and puts all its trust on Him and Himalone. And that must become a way of life, a spontaneous, normal,natural way to live as if we have never known any other way before.Jesus refuses to walk with us in the ways of sin or to bless theso-called "good ways" that do not come from Him. If we are not foundin God when reading and studying the Word, Jesus will be a stumblingblock to us and not our salvation - and so shall be the Word. Asound and pure communion with the Word of God, where God Himself isalso present in a real way to bless it, to teach it His way and toapply it, creates real faith and causes it to grow; this kind ofreal faith which is transformed into a walk, in turn, isstrengthened, solidified and maintained for the sake of a realcommunion with God and abolishes any sort of false communion andwrong reading or studying of the Word. Let no one be alarmed whenhis kind of communion becomes most pleasing to God and becomes agreater dislike to the flesh both of self as well as to the flesh ofother Christians and outsiders. Real faith can easily gain enemiesfrom fleshly people. However, we see many children of Jesusremaining truthful and firm without having access to the Word foryears (being persecuted because of their faith in Jesus where theBible is prohibited); and we see many people reading the Bible everyday being distant from the ways of God and from a true fellowshipwith Him.

  658. Do you remember Paul on the road to Damascus? Many believe he was convertedwhen the strong light crossed his way and stopped him from wanderingfar from God. I do not think so. He had been given the opportunityto repent of all his sins and to turn to God when Jesus confrontedhim with that light. However, I believe he was genuinely convertedonly when Ananias laid hands on him and he had received the HolyGhost, having previously prayed and fasted for three days and,perhaps, confessed every former sin one by one, which prepared himto receive Jesus that way. We must realize that conversion andrepentance, though inseparable, can't be the same thing. We must,also, be aware that, in both, there are two components: the partthat is up to the person and the share that is up to God. "So itwas, when he had turned (...) that God gave him another heart", 1Sam.10:9. These are differentworks and they both need to happen. One needs to turn before God canchange the heart. Repentance has to do with past transgressions andthe conversion has to do with the essence of the person, whichcauses one either to sin or to be holy, and which is transformedinto a new person "when one had turned". Repentance and conversion,together, form what we know as justification. The person is maderighteous and just. No one is converted before having received whatthe apostles received at Pentecost. That's what Jesus made known toPeter beforehand. "(Peter) and when thou art converted, strengthenthy brethren", Lk.22:32. The sign of a baptismwith the Holy Spirit is true conversion. We may differ in differentpoints and in doctrinal views, but what really matters here is whathappens as a fact in practical terms. The practical part is whatcounts. Either before or later, one way or another, this baptismwith the Spirit must occur. This event may come with signs andwonders, or may come without them. It is not signs and wonders thatprove that this baptism has taken place, but rather thetransformation that has taken place within the person. That's whythe Spirit of God is called "Holy." For some reason it is called theHoly Spirit. Peter has been converted at Pentecost. However, he hadwalked with Jesus for three years before that happened. Probably,even before walking with Jesus and being called by Him, he hadsought God and providence has guided him. But, the Peter who walkedwith Jesus and who was afraid enough to deny God three times wastransformed into someone who was able to sleep soundly knowing thathe was a few hours from being slaughtered,Act.12:6. Paul, the killer, wastransformed into someone who distributed life for free and was ableto be moved by the love of God - which he formerly denied - insteadof being moved by his own kind of love and glory. "It is appropriatethat I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come toyou", John 16:7. Where am I gettingat? I wish that everyone understands that we cannot abandon peoplewho have repented as if they had already achieved everything theyneed for a life of fullness. Do not abandon an embryo. Even afterhaving found that abundant, eternal and constant life no one shouldbe left to his own without having learned to be guided by Jesus andto stick by it. Such a clean person needs to have his feet and stepscleansed as well. No one will go unpunished abandoning such. We musttake everyone who finds that abundant life to learn to keep it andlearn how to obey and by which means and ways. "... Teaching them toobserve all things ...", Mat.28:20. Even if, for thatpurpose, it becomes necessary to offer entreaties and incessant,insistent prayers, everyone should find way to enter this abundantlife and be filled with the Holy Spirit. "If ye then, being evil,know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shallyour heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?"Lk.11:13. We cannot deny thefact that Jesus says here that it is those who already consider Himas Father who must ask and do anything to receive His Spirit. 

  659. "...That you have (...) not remembered Me, nor taken it to your heart? Is itnot because I have held My peace from of old that you do not fearMe?" Is.57:11. Well, there is a bigproblem in the heart if God is silent. Not that God is found alwaystalking, but He who guides is able to have us reminded when ourmemory fails us as disciples. To remember God and all that He hadsaid is extremely important, especially when His words arepersonally directed to a specific heart for a specific purpose, andwhoever does not remember may incur in great guilt. We should beable to remember everything the way it was said in the context thatGod expressed it. We know that memory works well and flows when weare free and at peace. Peace of mind and a good memory are inseparableallies. It is true that memory becomes degraded if it is not keptactive, and that it improves with activity and dedication. If youare dedicated to Jesus with great love, certainly, you will remembermore easily all that He had directed you in a personal way. And tobe reminded of God does not take a lot of memory, unless we aresowing among thorns, which have the power to choke every good word.Thorns can affect us in such a way that not even the devil can withall his power and persistence. Sowing among thorns, whatever thosethorns are, is more dangerous and works greater mischief than beingtormented by the devil.

  660. Suspicion is a cruel instrument of a carnal mind. It may be unfounded or basedupon something. However founded, it is cruel both to those whosuspect as well as to the person under suspicion. Even when it isgrounded, it is always cruel and cannot be made a weapon of loveeven if founded. It may be false or founded and,yet, it is still suspicion. Although it may be justified, it is nota revelation from God. Distrust and suspicion are not certainties,and if we, indeed, wish to help others and to be made useful, we canonly do it with the certainty of a diagnosis obtained from God. Ifwe obtain an accurate and reliable revelation, then, we must actaccordingly in God for God's purposes, to avoid being accused ofnegligence. God never uses suspicion to reveal. God manifests to theperson and does not create suspicions. Being warned is not to besuspicious. To listen to the revelation is not being suspicious andis, rather, being obedient to God. If we still have a spirit that issuspicious, we should go to God to annihilate our suspicions and toexterminate that spirit for good, which is the source of all kindsof suspicion, and intercede before Him to grant us a spirit thathears Jesus and is able to follow Him faithfully in all obedience.Suspicion takes the place of guidance from God. If you do not trustsomeone, it should be because God said so by having received arevelation from Him. And not relying on someone is not the samething as being suspicious. And if people are unreliable it shouldnot affect us in any way having our full trust solidly grounded onGod. Being in God, it doesn't matter whether a person is reliable ornot since we have given ourselves wholly to Jesus and not to people.And if we do not trust them, we can not act spitefully just becauseGod has revealed the evil hidden in the heart of someone. We mustnear the person in accordance with the revealed truth - if thetruth has indeed been revealed - and abandon mistrust acting in fullaccordance with the love of God for the sake of the salvation ofthose who are still captive to evil. Distrust or suspicion is a toolof Satan and certainty (truth) is the weapon that God uses. We must learn,also, to act in accordance with the truth, because if we pleasepeople, God might never reveal anything again that needs to bepushed into the light. God reveals for a specific reason and thatgoal has to be reached in full. 

  661. "Come without money and without price", Is.55:1.It is interesting to see that, although it is free, we need to buy.Nobody buys without giving anything in exchange. Buying is to buy.When we buy the water of life, but without money and without price,we must understand that we buy it with our life, we give an old lifein exchange, that is, the oldlife perishes in exchange for a new one. It is with our old life webuy it, giving it over to have it exchanged for living water. Forthis reason, we read in the same text the following: "Let the wickedforsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let himreturn to the Lord", Is.55:7. Although you can buy without money and forfree, it will cost all you own and have, along with all that youare. Jesus gives you a life and you cannot have it keeping the oldone and the old way of living. It is a life for a life.

  662. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good", Rom.12:21. Anyone can get to apoint where he gives up and allows evil to overcome - not becauseevil is strong, but because of having given up. One fights hard,gets tired and gives up, perhaps, by using the wrong powers, or bypersevering for the wrong reasons, or because there is some otherreason that leads him to stop doing good to get into directconfrontation with evil. No one should neglect his own living andgodly ways to find himself in a battle against evil using the samemethodology which evil may, also, use. Let no one think that he canextinguish a fire by blowing against it. Sometimes, you haveincorrect expectations about Jesus, whose sole mission is to savefrom sin. You may, also, have left the way for some other reason. Infact, there is something wrong in your heart or with your way offighting if you no longer remain on the side of goodness to grantevil free way to its victory, or, shall I say, to your own defeat.To let evil overcome, you must have allowed your own defeat. To bebeaten is to surrender to evil - even if it is done to fight againstevil itself; it is to surrender to it and not just to let evilmaster you. Evil doesn't overcome evil. Evil entices evil even more.You cannot become bad to fight evil. And the one who surrenders toevil, will practice it sooner or later in whatever degree, evenagainst his own will. For evil to overcome, it is necessary thatwhoever is on the good side allows it to overcome. To be defeated byevil is, firstly, to lose your life to it; secondly, to be unable toreach all the will of God. You must know that anyone who is on theside of goodness and love is only beaten by having allowed himselfto be beaten. "Be not overcome by evil". It is a commandment - notan advice.

  663. Many preach the Gospel, become teachers of Scripture or theologians andfind a doctrine that seems more credible to them. Others, on theother hand, find another doctrine that is more suitable or appropriate tothem. Without realizing it, sooner or later, they begin to preachthe doctrine and not the Gospel. We had great men of God indifferent doctrinal poles in their thinking, but they were widelyused by the Lord to preach the Gospel.Whitefield and Wesley differed greatly. Many believed they wereopposed and not that they complemented each other. However, nobodycan deny that they were greatly blessed by God in His holy work ofpreaching the Gospel, each in his proper place and time. What theydid and what they lived was far above any doctrinal point of view,and the strength and power of the Gospel was evident through theirlives. "It is good that the heart be established with grace", Heb.13:9, and not by doctrinalversions. "We forbade him because he does not follow with us. ButJesus said to him, "Do not forbid him, for he who is not against usis on our side", Lk.9:49,50. Is the North Poleand the South Pole opposing each other? Don't they sustain the earthtogether, each in its proper place? Not all who consider themselveson opposite sides are really opposed to the cause as long as bothpreach the true Gospel and do not go out preaching their preferreddoctrines. However, it is extremely important that what they believeis not contrary to the Gospel in all its fullness, holiness andmeans of salvation. Let us remember, too, that were each pole tryingto attract to it the inhabitants of the earth, people would not findanything different in their inner life going to one side or theother. Both poles are cold and create ice and keep it icy, which canbe melted only by the heat of real life.

  664. Many can not discern between wisdom and knowledge. Although it is veryeasy to distinguish between them, it is never easy to explain. Forexample, as I read today from someone's writing, knowledge isknowing that tomato is a fruit and wisdom is to know that it shouldnot be mixed in a salad of fruit, but, rather with lettuce and onionto make a vegetable salad, that is, it is used with vegetables andnot with fruit. We have a lot of knowledge, but we must be ready toexpress it and be prepared to live it out in a practical way."Prepare the way of the Lord". Wisdom is the practical way of ourwhole existence if we are found in the ways of God.

  665. It is through communion with God that things go on well - even thoughthrough unthinkable means and ways - and that our heart is assured.When things do not happen that way, there is some question relatedto that communion with God which should be promptly resolved or thatmight still be in the stage of being sorted out. Not everything canbe taken as trials, as most people think and believe they are. Jobwas tried, but you cannot assume that everyone is being tried ortested - many are separated from God and that might be why spiritual things donot happen smoothly. Now, if someone is alienated from the power ofgraceresulting from a real communion with Jesus, the arm of the flesh,its own way of thinking and doing along with an own strength will beknocking on the door to become alternatives to His unlimited power.When Job was being tried without knowing whether he was alienatedfrom God or not, he refused determinately to solve anything his ownway or through his own strength. He even refused the fleshly helpand comfort of all his fleshly friends. He refused to be encouragedby them. It is carnality that urges and challenges to stop waitingon the Lord to separate even further from Him, doing the wrong thingor trying to do the right thing the wrong way, extemporaneously,without connection to the Spirit or via the wrong power and by owndecision-making. What the devil wants most is to be able to serve inthe Temple. He does not want a fallen creature to abandon the Templeof God. That creature serves his purposes best in there. The fleshlyassure themselves there as well and feel comfortable serving in thetemple, that is, they feel less condemned while there when, in fact,their guilt and judgment shall be greater serving or attempting toserve in God's Temple being impure. So, if the person is on the pathof being saved from all his sins, everything that is carnallyperformed is unable to work it out. Everything becomes difficult,treacherous and discouraging with performances ending indisappointment after disappointment and strong hopes continuallybeing denied brutally. Things are rejected, upset the heart and aredenied by God. It is God who resists the proud and the unfaithfuland not the devil. We need to take that into consideration. It isnecessary for the person to quit his day to day life, his ownthoughts and accusations, to try to settle his heart on God toresolve the issues that prevent the flow of power of/from Jesus and ofHis operations. It is He who works to will and to do when we belongto Him truly. But, we should be His truly and be found in Himunconditionally. The things of God flow in those without hindrance,but never flow having stumbling blocks in His way. "Take thestumbling block out of the way of My people", Is.57:14. If there is somestumbling block, the former stutterer starts stuttering again,founded doubts settle in all over again and many begin to believethat it is only trials that are taking place when, in fact, it isGod resisting and opposing the sinner or the backslider to make himreconsider all his ways - and not just some of his ways - eventhough they must be considered one by one.

  666. God has helped many people through others. There are servants of Godwho, when used to help others, impress the needy ones who arehelped. They might, also, create a dependence on such which might not behealthy. Remember that any carnal mind has always had a tenaciousinclination to be idolatrous. But, sometimes there is something else that happens in manywho remain arrogant: after having been helped, they do not rememberwhere it all began and some go as far as despising those who hadbeen used to help them out in the ways of God. These, after having beenserved, come to trust in themselves more and better. This is justanother trend towards idolatry. Then, thesimplicity of the servant that God used contrasts greatly with thecomplicated mind of who wasn't able to stand before God and, therefore, could only be helped by way of athird-party's faith. Let's face it: God helps anyone who approachesHim with all his heart and with that heart being pure (purified) andsincere in the truth and reality of Jesus. If God used someone to help, it isbecause it has become necessary to do so. There was something wrongwith that person's communion with God and there was something rightwith whom God used to help. It is necessary that the two combine andmeet, because a blind man should never be guided by another blindman; and those who come to see well need only to be guided by God and needHis full blessing along the way, waiting fully on Him withoutdespising any servant of God. But, all those who had been wrong willsuffer temptations to return to the old mind and to their previousway and that after having been helped. And if these temptations arenot resisted and regarded as abominable things, a door opens todespise those who, in their simplicity of heart, had been used toplace the lost feet on the proper track. Despising the person usedby God will be the same as despising the Lord Jesus Himself. It'sgood for us to remember where we came from, that is, where it allbegan. Sometimes it is not remembered. But, there is still anothererring path. If God used someone else and his faith to help thosewho are slaves of an unbelieving, wavering mind or are found indesperation, we understand that there was a mind that did not relyon Jesus by itself, that is, in full and on its own. His strengthwas small. And if anyone is in Jesus and was not helped, he did notuse his status to be helped. The person was helped by athird-party's faith for one reason or another. The aim of God, whenusing third parties, is not just to help someone, but is mainly togive birth to an own faith capable of leaning on Jesus by himselftoo, in a real way, without falling into the temptation of despisinganyone who live from an "equal faith". "For who makes you differfrom another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now ifyou did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had notreceived it? You are already full! You are already rich! You havereigned as kings without us—and indeed I could wish you did reign,that we also might reign with you!"1Cor.4:7-8. If faith in Jesusdoes not emerge through someone's help, everything that has beenaccomplished is in vain. Then, one of two things might happen:either the person swells up and despises those who have real faith,by whose faith he had been helped initially; or a dependencymentality is conceived that depends in an unhealthy way on the manor woman who did help. These seem to be two different sins, but infact, it is the same unbelieving mind that manifests itself indifferent ways. This mind, moved by spiritual poverty, falls eitherto one side or the other. However, it remains the same disease evenif the symptoms manifest themselves in different forms. Thediagnosis is the same for both.

  667. Evil can't be good. It can never be reformed, retouched or bettered - itmust be annihilated. I hear many people say, "I am trying to bebetter". The destiny of self is destruction and annihilation. Inother words, you cannot accept selfishness, encourage it, try to change itand neither encourage anyone while found under its claws.

  668. Anger, wrath and aggression discourage both those who practice it as wellas those who are affected by it, directly or indirectly. It happensto all who wish to prevail in the ways of God and all Hisrighteousness. Anger and discouragement go hand in hand most of thetime.

  669. "And He will destroy (...) the veil that is spread over all nations", Is.25:7. Another translationalso says that it is a veil behind which people hide. The veil keepspeople in a darkness caused by their own transgressions. Their sinskeep them hardened in darkness. They do not dare to move beyond thatveil for fear to have their inner being revealed. But, here is themiracle: "Whenever one is converted (by turning to the Lord), the veilshall be taken away",2Cor.3:16. After that, everyonewill be able to see beyond that veil. But, before being converted,no sinner can see with good eyes anything beyond his own sins andpleasures. This veil hides the beauty of holiness from the eyes, sothat he can never wish to get to it. The sinner sees no point inholiness. However, from what we read in this verse from Isaiah, theveil is also appreciated and used for sinners to hide behind thedarkness brought about by their sins, to camouflage them or evenexcuse transgressions and justify them so that their enjoyment of alife of illusion can be continued and maintained. Self-justificationhas the ability to encourage those who sin to carry on loving to sinand to have no reason to discard it.

  670. "You also also made a reservoir between the two walls For the water of the oldpool. But you did not look to its Maker, nor did you have respectfor Him who fashioned it long ago",Is.22:11. Let's see if I canexplain what should be understood by these words. We know that thereservoir was made at the command of the leaders of Judah. But, herewe read that it was God that had formed it many ages before. Ithadn't yet been built and God had already fashioned it in His mindand will. And it was only a reservoir of water for Jerusalem. Thecomplaint of God is that those who built it never looked up to Godwho had formed it long ago. Still, it was built and accomplished forthe sake of Jerusalem and David. The fact that the people involvedin its construction had never recognized God in his work did notstop its construction. However, I believe that those who built itwere certainly lost to the Kingdom. "In all your ways acknowledgeHim, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your owneyes", Prov.3:6,7.

  671. In fact, what will determine the quality of my day and also the state of mymind during the whole day, the capacity and willingness to tackleall problems with peace and determination and to be able to receiveevery blessing with thankfulness, is the quality of my time with Godearly in the morning and never the amount of time I spend with Himin the closet. The amount of time also counts - it must be enough -but the resolutions and the light that transform the heart that Ireceive and work out with Him, and that in addition to being cleanand getting the ability to keep my heart clean and spotless throughHim, is what will determine the quality and the usefulness ofmy whole day and of everything else I do. The blessedness of my dayis measured by God's acceptance of anything I do and never by theamount of service. There is no virtue in service which is notaccepted by God. That is what we must learn from Cain's rejection.

  672. There is no one who won't be guided within the boundaries of the will ofGod being clean and blameless before Him and in prayer. No one willbe weak if spotless before God - not even when feeling weak,deployed or weakened. The weakness of the person starts when thereis something separating him from God. This does not mean, inany way, that the flesh needs to be strengthened or made strong. Theflesh is dead and annihilated in those who are strong before God.That is why they are strong in practical terms. Above seekingacceptance in God, we should rather seek to be beyond reproach inthe ways of Jesus. Within the parameters of these conditions, we canand must approach Jesus with our requests and prayers and He will,surely, be listening attentively. If we seek fruit, let us have thecourage to be unsatisfied with half-fruits. 

  673. There are huge dangers when certain things we hear, either promises orcommandments, are not fulfilled. Sometimes it is a delayed promisewhich is still to be fulfilled. But, often, those who hear do notpresent themselves before God to be transformed and shaped to thesize and responsibility of the promise. Many do not make a promise asubject of serious prayer as did Isaac when acknowledging that hiswife was not conceiving children, the promise being that hisdescendants would fill the earth. In fact, there are many and variedreasons why promises are not fulfilled and some why promises areeither delayed or simply seem delayed because our notion of thetiming of God is somewhat different from God's intention. "Though ittarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will nottarry",Hab.2:3. A promise that does notbecome subject of prayer, will certainly not be fulfilled. And whensomething is not fulfilled, the human mind will want to be alwayslistening to it being promised over and over to try to take heartand to fight off the evidences of failure in a way that should notbe done. And that's where false voices begin to emerge, whetherthese voices are of demonic origin or from self. But, it may happenthat God's voice echoes in between the chaos of the mind and it isnot believed or will not be remembered for long because such achaotic situation happens only to an unbelieving mind which is notsteadfast. And an unbelieving mind seeks signs and voices and notGod. It willremember to seek voices and signs and not remember what has beentold. Although disappointments can be fought off and laid down, theyalways leave marks and the disappointed person might not be able orwilling to take it seriously again when it is God speaking. And whodoes not take God seriously and can't take to heart all He says ordoes, shall not receive from Him.

  674. "Theenvy of Ephraim shall depart (...) Ephraim shall not envy Judah, AndJudah shall not harass Ephraim",Is.11:13. The envy of Ephraimarose, probably, because Judah had been separated for God (becauseof Solomon's sins) and instead of Ephraim repenting of their sins sothat God could approach them too, they rather followed the path ofenvy and aggression. Judah, on its turn, tried to respond withharassment and vengeance. It is very difficult to live with envy andjealousy around, especially if it is found at home or in the church.But, whenever it happens, the one that envies will feel despised andtrodden down when things are done correctly. The other option is tobe dominated as the envied one. Evil is within whoever envies. Andsuch own always a flickering personality and are incapable ofleading, much less dominating. For this reason, you should nevercomply to any circumstance where envy and jealousy are dominatingand you can never give in to any of their claims. However, you can'tfoment it further by reacting as Judah did or you shall be addinganger to jealousy and envy. You cannot allow your heart and ways tochange for the worst because of it - not even a little bit. Theenvious one is always manifested as a pushy person in these claimsand the envied one will always have a tendency to give in,especially if such is humble and simple of heart. However, we knowthat envy is bad for the one who envies and, if we give in or letgo, we might not be loving his soul. We must know that God haspromised that "the lion shall eat straw with the ox". The ox atestraw before already and it was the lion who was transformed. We donot read that the ox was changed to eat meat with the aggressivelion. It is not the ox that has to change, and, in the same way, wecan say that is not the envied one that needs to change anything forthe sake of peace with jealousy and envy. You should never changeyour holy conduct in any way for any reason whatsoever. The sameprinciple can be applied to many other personality sins and alikecrimes.

  675. "Truly, You are God, who hide Yourself", Is.45:15. The ideal Christianlife is the one where God never hides Himself. He hides Himself onlyfor specific reasons. In the case of Israel, God was hidden becauseof Israel's sins. He did that instead of bluntly abandoning Israelto its fate. Hiding was the alternative that He worked out insteadof abandoning them. It was enough for the unbelievers and theunfaithful to feel abandoned. Many use verses like this to excuseand justify the absence of God in their lives and in theirministries. Never forget that God is only able to hide Himself forcertain specific reasons and because of love. In the absence ofthese reasons, He certainly never hides Himself. "And truly, ourfellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ",1 John 1:3. And we believe thatthe commandment of Jesus about this issue is clear enough: communionwith Him should be real, continuous, unhindered, permanent andconstant. "Abide in Me, and I in you", John15:4. This is the commandment. It must be the saddestthing to see a Christian having a life where God is always hidingHimself. I cannot conceive something more sad than that.

  676. Many like to do evil. These are, consequently, heartily opposed togoodness and confront it. Many others do good and evil is setagainst them and they are confronted by it. Do not feel guilty ifthat happens to you; and don't dare to think of changing becauseevil confronts you in case you are found in your innocence. Rejoiceif, by being righteous, you are chased by evil. If you are notpersecuted by evil, something is very wrong in your life.

  677. Many complain that they have never experienced the help or the power ofGod. However, they never reached the point of needing God'sintervention in their lives. Many ask for own strength and notGod's. They avoid reaching that point where their own strength endsand they do not work until they can no more. God always works whenwe are with him, and we experience Him especially when we livebeyond our own capabilities - or without them - even though that isnot a fast rule. To gather with Him doesn't always mean we cannotgather alone if we wish to do so. Many times, we need to deny togather without Him because we are fully capable to gather alone,which is synonymous of scattering. "And blessed is your advice, and blessed are you who have kept me(..) from delivering myself with my own hand", 1Sam.25:33.

  678. Be extremely careful with revenge. Have a good look into it andconsider all your other options if you want to take revenge and,also, how you react when someone else is to unload revenge upon you.Revenge makes us worse people than what we really are; moreadulterers than many are; more evil than we are. Vengeance causes to gobeyond all boundaries of common sense. And when someone takesrevenge upon you, think that the person is acting above what hereally is; and that he or she might be a less evil person than what he appearsto be by taking revenge. Revenge makes anyone go beyond hiswickedest limit. Usually, after revenge, many start looking likenormal people again.

  679. "Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us? Then I said, Here am I! Sendme", Is.6:8. We exist to do God'swill and not our own. A fact hit me concerning Isaiah. He had beensent to the people that they would be hardened. We want to be sentto people to have them repent and be converted. However, our success in the workis to achieve all that God intends. Beyond that, nothing can beconsidered as success. I know that what I say will serve for many asan excuse or justification for their inabilities and failures, butthere are facts that we should be able to point out. Elijah had norevival among the people; nevertheless, he fulfilled all the will of Godand achieved all that was intended for him. The fact that his peoplenever got converted didn't stop him from reaching all the will ofGod for his personal life and did not stop him from living a lifefree of error and sin. His holiness and dedication to God had neverbeen questioned - not even during his worst trials.

  680. It is good that, right from the beginning, people learn to examine theirhearts and put them under the light of Jesus and keep them therefrom then on up to eternity. But, the heart must examined accordingto truth, by it and according to the reality of it; secondly, one must be delivered/surrendered to the same truthto be transformed by it - and not try to accomplish it on our own.However, there prevails this fancy idea within the doctrines that weshould always try to please God as one would please people, that is,always recognizing that we are sinners even when one doesn't feellike a guilty sinner. Now, it is true that we are sinners; it isalso true that, once having been forgiven, one should live accordingto that truth and be able to recognize it as a truthful fact. Wemust live up to date. Forgiveness comes with conversion andconversion comes with the confession and forsaking of sin. We shouldbe able to live in full compliance with what is true about ourselvesand God. Whenever God comes in, in a real way, nothing remains thesame anymore and one should be able to recognize the truths/realities about itas we are transformed and restored to health.

  681. "He shall judge between the nations (...) They shall beat their swordsinto ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shallnot lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn waranymore", Is.2:4. This is brought aboutthrough the Judgment of God. There are several forms of judgment andmany ways to judge. Also, there are the reasons and the type ofpower (or lack thereof) and the moral authority with which judgmentis made. According to what the Scriptures teach us, there is a kindof judgment that God loves and one that God abhors. We know that allgood doctors need to have accurate diagnosis if they wish to cureillness. There is no medical healing without an accurate and correctdiagnosis. The same principle can be applied to the judgment ofthose who want to heal the soul of any man and have it saved: no oneaccomplishes it by passing over committed sins or concealed,disguised or hidden ones. Sin is the cause of mischief andperdition. No one is ever forgiven without putting his own sins inthe light to have them judged to death; and without confessing themas heinous crimes there won't be dead sins; and without sinfulnessbeing dead and abandoned, there is no forgiveness. Now, the judgment of God is according to truthand love. The motives are to save or to save what remains condemningwhat is no good. It is love that moves that way. I always believedthat a real revival works like the day of judgment, where sins arejudged and manifested. We must never try to escape the judgment thatsaves. From the final judgment of God (at the end) no one is everable to escape. However, many are able to throw out the Judgment oflove which saves and to "cast away His cords" from them. Let's remember thatthose who stoned Steven had been cut to the heart in the same waythat the others have been who asked what they should do to be makepeace with God.

  682. According to Scripture, oppression, bribery and corruption are inseparable.Where there is one, there are certainly the others as well or, atleast, circumstances are created for the others to co-exist. It'sjust a matter of searching it out if you want to prove that as afact.

  683. Wisdom, when it comes from God, remains true to the end. As a rule, peoplewho grow in wisdom have that silly idea that what they have beenshown previously loses its importance when freshly given wisdom isachieved,or that previously granted wisdom looses its relevance as they getwiser. Were it so, it would not be "growing in it", but, rathersubstituting it. There is no greater wrong thinking than that. Wemust keep, remember and give great regard to all instruction thatcame from God previously. Its validity does not end and it remainsforever. Wisdom never nullifies wisdom, because it would be drivingitself out to divide his kingdom. 

  684. "If a wise man contends with a foolish man, whether he rages or laughs,there is no rest", Prov.29:9. We must know what the Bible defines as a fool. A fool is not just someone whomakes silly jokes and foolish things. There are many fools of manykinds. There are people who believe in inert or wrong things veryseriously and theBible says they are fools. Others become fools because they do notbelieve in real and truthful things, let alone in Jesus. What theBible says here is that to argue with such people will take usnowhere and will, also, take all our future rest from us. The onlyway to talk with them or the only argument that you should ever tryonce or twice is trying to show the fool that he is foolish. If hebelieves that, everything else can come to a good end because he hasbelieved truth and the conviction of sin can work miracles.

  685. "In the sin of an evil man there is a snare", Prov.29:6. We should understand this verse as sayingthat, besides the transgressions there is also a snare in sin. Wemust know that transgression makes the sinner and the sinner createstransgression. A heart is changed when sin is committed. Adam's eyeswere opened to sin after he had transgressed the commandment of God.But by what the Bible says here, it is not just transgression thatis brought about - which is, in itself, very serious already. Inaddition to the transgression, ties are launched to futuretemptations, and future sins are guaranteed by each presenttransgression. Also, transgressions and temptations for those aroundare launched and spread as nets. All offenders become, also,stumbling blocks and there will be snares for others thrown out aswell, both in the present and in the future. Any sort oftransgression causes it to happen that way. Take care of your life,hold your crown secure by staying away from those who transgress.And if the wrongdoer is you, repent immediately to avoid stumblingin the future and to avoid being a stumbling block for those aroundyou, and you might not be cast into the abyss with a millstone tiedup on you back.

  686. "When a wicked man rules, the people groan", Prov.29:2. This is an inescapablefact. And it is worth having in mind that it is the Bible that saysthis. However, those who sigh and groan hardly recognize the sourceof their problems because they always admire, uphold and make a stand forthose who lead them. Who admires and respects the wickedness of thewicked, is wicked himself. Were he not wicked he would, instead,feel a deep sorrow against wickedness and not against own,consequent heaviness only. Consequently, there is nothing to be doneuntil one becomes righteous and leaves all ungodliness behind,whether we are speaking of leaders or followers. It is God whopunishes and denies who leads wickedly and those who choose such astheir leaders.

  687. "When the wicked (...) perish, the righteous increase", Prov.28:28. This is something weall need to keep in mind always: when you abandon your sins fullythrough the truth and by the Lord Jesus, circumstances are createdfor righteous people to be multiplied around you. Don't forget it,not ever. The main cause for the absence of genuine revivals or themain cause for the spreading of falsified ones is the sins ofChristians. Perhaps, it is the only cause for the absence of genuinerevivals.

  688. There are many reasons why one shouldn'tspeak of anyone with anyone. Sometimes, we should even avoidspeaking well of someone with others. Evil exists in speaking ofothers and it also creates the bad habit of speaking of others andof paying attention to what they do. Speaking of others can become ahabit. It is best to talk with those of whom we speak, keeping therules of God's true love as we speak to them. But, there is anotherside to this question: to pay attention when someone speaks ofothers. If you listen to them, it makes you an accomplice. There are many hidden and seriousdangers to those who listen to such talk. If you hear lies oraltered truths, suspicions may arise where mercy and love shouldprevail. By listening, we are able to think well of evil ones or illof others without ground for such thoughts. If we wish to be useful,we must know how to evaluate according to correctness, exemption,love and fairness. "He shall not judge by the sight, nor decide bythe hearing of His ears",Is.11:3. Instead, listeningabout people can cause to prefer some above others by giving an earto those who are still able to speak of other people's lives - andthat is sin. "If you have respect to persons (show partiality), youcommit sin and are convicted by the Law as transgressors", James 2:9.

  689. "A man who flatters his neighbour spreads a net for his feet", Prov.29:5. Nobody likes to befound guilty of any crime, not even when having committed it. Hereis a serious crime which few consider as grievous and as abominableas it really is: flattering others. Flattering others is aninexcusable crime for the disastrous consequences it brings with it.This word "flatter" means, at least in the original Hebrew, muchmore than flattering with words. It means giving preference tosomeone above another for personal or dubious reasons; having regardfor anyone above the other, whether it is temporary in the case ofstrangers or permanently in the case of close friends and family;flattering in order to promote an approach to the flattered one;highlighting someone for hidden reasons other than the promotion ofthe glory of God, etc. There are many more ways to commit thisserious crime against one's soul. How many serious girls havemarried a person not appointed by God because of some flowers giventothem by flatterers? By flattering them, the wrong person has spreadthe net of a wrong marriage for their feet.

  690. It is up to God to forgive and to be merciful. It honourable to Him, likeanything He does and accomplishes. And it is up to me to berelentless against any own sins, assuming I have them - when I havethem. It is up to me never to minimize them, nor to excuse them inany way, and to have them immediately pushed into the light forimmediate extermination. That goes together with receiving andperceiving the mercy of God. You can never separate one from theother.

  691. Sincerity is a inseparable partner of purity, that is, whoever is sincere ofheart and walks in the light with nothing hidden, twisted orcamouflaged can be honest because he does not have anything to beashamed of. Many tend to maintain the old habit of hiding, whichmust be dealt with and done away for good. And, also, whoever walksin the light denies power to sin, slams the door to temptation andis able to keep his own heart clean and spotless before God andpeople. It is crucial, safe and vital from both virtues to beinseparable. One works with/for the other. As a rule, insincerityand lack of spiritual honesty is linked to whom has something tohide - or to anyone whose way is still hiding. And whoever keeps anysin hidden, also strengthens and keeps its power along with ownguilt. "Come and let us walk in the light of God", Is.2:5.

  692. "Do not boast (presume) about tomorrow, for you do not know what a daymay bring forth", Prov.27:1. This is a lesson forall kinds of people. Pessimists and all prophets of misfortune thinkthat the next day shall always be worse than the day before; and theoptimistic try to believe otherwise. While there is some differencebetween them, we must know that the line that separates them is veryslim, because the optimistic is only trying not to be pessimisticand any pessimistic does not express himself optimistically only bystubbornness or to seek attention from people around and who can notsave. Assuming anything about tomorrow is sin for any, unless Godhas revealed what shall be. Tomorrow is up to God to decide and it'sup to me to depend on Christ and not on tomorrow. I can be confidentin God whenever my ways are pleasant to Him. But, that is notoptimism because it is a certainty. Anything that is not a certaintycan never be taken as faith. Optimism is not faith - it is a carnalthing. Optimism doesn't move God. In fact, I believe it puts Himoff. Sometimes, optimism is a lazy way of postponing or of avoidingmaking sure.

  693. Many interpret spiritual good sense as unbelief. It is one thing tosay: "Lord, if You can do it, help me". It is another thing to say,"Lord, if you will, you can help me". "And behold, a leper came andworshiped Him, saying, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make meclean. Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I amwilling; be cleansed". Immediately, his leprosy was cleansed",Mat.8:2,3. This man would havenever been cured if such language were unbelief talking. By saying"if you want" he assumed that Jesus could. He was submissive toJesus and the will of God.

  694. "The glory of man is to pass over transgression", Prov.19:11. This does not mean that any man who becamerighteous, that is, that has been justified inwardly, accepts sin.It means only that he lives without getting involved or withoutbeing influenced by the sins around. He does not react toprovocation; does not lose his divine target when he needs to gothrough ways with evil traps, provocations and persecutions, andpasses over these transgressions without being bothered by them onhis way in order to keep his crown and target safe. In fact, heholds, ensures and maintains that no one steals his crown from him.He passes over transgressions as you would jump over a muddy puddlein a rainy day. This is and will always be glory to man. This is howhe shall be glorified.

  695. "Every man is a friend to one who gives gifts", Prov.19:6. This is a true statement of most man onearth. But, this system does not work with God. "Bring no more vainsacrifice; incense is an abomination to Me; the new moon andSabbath, the going to meeting; I cannot endure evil and theassembly! (...) And when you spread out your hands, I will hide Myeyes from you; yea, when you make many prayers, I will not hear(...) Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil ofyour doings from before My eyes",Is.1:13-18. Remember that Godcould not accept Cain's presents and gifts. God might not acceptyours as well. In that same spirit - as God's - the righteous mustlive always, whose life and ways should never change because of agift.

  696. "The way of a guilty man is perverse", Prov.21:8.Here, it is is not distinguished between evil ways and those whocould be considered decent. Any way of anyone who still carries hisguilt is evil in God's eyes and is a burden to himself and tohumanity around. And they are wicked in the sight of God becausethey are truly wicked. God only sees the truth about something.

  697. "Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, And apply your heart to myknowledge; For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you",Prov.22:17,18. Anothertranslation says that "it is soft to keep them within you". That maymean, also, that in case a man does not have a heart which isstrong, willing and diligent in applying the word, wisdom and goodwords of salvation will be a torment to his mind and there will be astrong, annoyed inclination to deflect it from him.

  698. The Bible says that "the mouth of an immoral woman is a deep pit; He who isabhorred by the Lord will fall there",Prov.22:14. It is worth noticingthat it is the wrath of God burning when God hands someone over tohis own sins. Many are under the wrath of God by being delivered tosin, but do not realize it and do not understand it so because theybelieve that the wrath of God is manifested when they become sick,are depleted or persecuted. There is no greater false belief. Justread Ps.73 to have a more accurate ideaabout the wrath of God and how it is manifested or accomplished insomeone's life. The most common way for the wrath of God to bemanifested is to be unable or to be unwilling to get rid of sin. Itmeans grace is absent. That is the wrath of God at work. "I findmore bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, andher hands like bands. Whoever pleases God shall escape from her, butthe sinner shall be taken by her", Ecl.7:26.

  699. Every person who listens without interrupting creates circumstances wherehe also can speak without being interrupted. Habit creates habit.Whoever interrupts his speaking neighbour for no godly reason cannotsay he loves his neighbour as himself. If he says so, he is lying.

  700. "Laziness casts one into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger", Prov.19:15. It is known as afact that most lazy people have a serious commitment with sleep andset no fixed limit to the amount of time to stay in bed ordaydreaming. But the most interesting part of this truth is that itis also stated that the lazy one has a deceitful soul, whichcontinuously deceives him. In fact, all lazy ones have a covenantwith death and hardly undo that concert. "He who is careless of hisways will die", Prov.19:16.

  701. "The poor man uses entreaties, but the rich answers roughly", Prov.18:23. Either poor or rich,they are still persons of the same kind. All those who are poor andspeak with entreaties to the rich, would respond harshly were theyrich; and all the rich who respond harshly would entreat were theypoor. It is good to plead for our soul and to be saved from our sinsforever, whether we are rich or poor.

  702. "Contentions are like the bars of a castle", Prov.18:19. We all know thatthose bars do not break by themselves. If you have argued withsomeone, go back and reconcile yourself quickly. Things will neverget sorted out by themselves, at least not in God's eyes. "Agreewith your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him"."When you go with your adversary to the magistrate, make everyeffort along the way to settle with him, lest he drag you to thejudge, the judge deliver you to the officer, and the officer throwyou into prison. I tell you, you shall not depart from there tillyou have paid the very last mite",Mat.5:25; Lk.12:58,59.

  703. "He who is slothful in his work is a brother to him who is a greatdestroyer", Prov.18:9. The lazy, thecareless, the distracted, the dreamy and many more alike are wastersand destroyers. They are all gems of the same eggs. They act withoutresponsibility and react badly to any reminder of their sins. Itmust be so difficult for such to change habits and ways as it is forthe rich to leave their riches for the sake of the Kingdom of God.Opportunities are wasted when they pass them by, and they do notlisten the voice of conscience and live as if they owe nothing toanyone in this world. And, whoever is not a debtor to the worldaround shall live as if the whole world owes him something - oreverything. Their whole existence is a serious and continuous riskand waste, both for themselves and for those around them.

  704. Obedience is crucial for any who wishes to live an abundant life in Christ.Without this obedience there is no abundant life. We owe obedienceto the truth (which implies disobeying lies and rejecting them); wemust obtain a tender, obedient spirit toward those who express thetruth and practice it faithfully; and we must be obedient to Godunconditionally. There is conditional obedience to people and thereis unconditional obedience to God. Unconditional obedience to Jesusand the Holy Spirit's leading is always an non-negotiable must. 

  705. "Reprobate to every good work (...) To the pure all things are pure. But tothose who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure", Titus 1:16,15. This means thatgood works will be acceptable only if he who practises them is pure.That is, for the work to be considered good, a person must beapproved by God. The problem does not lie in the work, but in theperson. Beautiful labels and advertisements do not make theinstitution. Every good work can be either approved or rejected - itall depends on whom does them and what motivates them. Even if theworks of infidels look good, they never bring what is good and neverreach a good end. "In the gain of the wicked there is trouble", Prov.15:6. Cain offered to Godand was not accepted. There was nothing wrong with the offer. It wasrejected because Cain was evil and not because the offer was evil."The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord; The wayof the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord; The thoughts of thewicked are an abomination to the Lord; He that turneth away his earfrom hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination", Prov.15:8,9,26; 28:9. And herewe do not see it being distinguished between good and bad thoughtsor between good and bad prayers. They are all abominable, eithergood or bad as long as the person is wicked.

  706. There might not be a more aggressive person in word (and, sometimes, indeed) and more self-defensive than a lazy one when confronted withhis laziness. The sluggard's life and ways are full of thorns and hehas no perception of it. Those thorns make him nasty. He hardlyknows why his path is thorny. "The way of the lazy man is like ahedge of thorns", Prov.15:19.

  707. "The thoughts of the righteous are right; the counsels of the wicked are deceit", Prov.12:5. This does not meanthat the wicked always carries the intention to deceive with him,although that might happen. In fact, many times the counsel of thewicked seems sincere, convincing and appealing. What this versemeans is that the wicked lives deceiving and cheating himself. "Theydo not know what they do". His advice comes from a heart in a wrongstate and will never come from God. The advice of any person awayfrom God is deceit itself - even when he is sincere. "The plowing ofthe wicked is sin", Prov.21:4.

  708. "Better is one despised, and having a servant, than he honouring himselfand lacks bread", Prov.12:9. This thought, thisidea can be transported to many areas of ordinary life. As a rule,the negligent ones exercise themselves more and harder to seem/lookfaithful than to be faithful, that is, they try to show one thingdifferent from truth and from their reality (and when they try do be faithfulthey will still try hard to be seen). They try to seem virtuousbecause they lack virtue. Prostitutes like to show how seriousthey are as woman; thieves seek to be taken as honest and are easilyoffended with the truth about themselves; and so on. "You have aharlot's forehead, yet, you refuse its shame",Jer.3:3. Those who do not tidyup the house, do so only when they are to receive visits; those whodo not care for themselves and are slothful, shape up very well forany public event; and those who sin are the ones who 'work' harderin today's churches. They honour themselves with emptiness. "Theyprofess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable", Titus 1:16. They honourthemselves and lack the bread of life in them.

  709. "The righteousness of the perfect shall make his way right", Prov.11:5. Many are concerned to promote themselvesand that their paths are seen and appreciated, even if it is donewith the intention to honour to God. Others try to make what is bentto seem straight by winning over the hearts in order to changeothers' minds and views about themselves. However, other people'sopinions can't change our things for the better or for worse - noteven our own opinions can change them for better or worse. Unless asincere and public acknowledgment of sins and mistakes is availableto be given from the heart, all talking will be in vain. We mustabandon all means to promote oneself knowing that, by walkinguprightly, all our ways will be manifest, no matter what happens andwhen it happens. Even the crooked eyes will eventually acknowledgethat the righteous is in right standing with God and people. Even iftheir mouths say otherwise, their hearts acknowledge the facts insecret. It is just a matter of time until the righteous is seen asrighteous. No one should seek recognition, but rather to be able towalk in all sincerity before God and people, finding righteousnessin order to become righteous and that alone. Abhor self-promotionand visibility. Let God reward you in His time. If God rewards sinsaccordingly, He shall surely reward righteousness sooner and quickerthan He rewards sin.

  710. "The wise in heart will receive the commandments; but a babbling fool shallfall",Prov.10:8. By a babbling fool wemay also understand that we are talking about those whocounter-attack or contradict instead of accepting the commandments. Whenconvicted, they try to defend themselves by pointing out the sins ofothers - especially of those whom they believe are responsible fortheir conviction - when they should, instead, admit to their ownsins and mistakes. These try to divert what they consideraccusations by accusing others. There are, also, those who talk somuch that they cannot hear anything else. That is, one either speaks orhears and a babbling fool has no way to hear and understand becausehe is always busy talking. One cannot get to the point where oneaccepts the commandments if there is no disposition or availabilityto hear and to listen carefully without being eager to talk and tosay something back, even if it is only for the sake of adding to theconversation.

  711. "Violence covers the mouth of the wicked", Prov.10:6.Many believe that violence can only be of the physical kind. But theviolent man uses his own mouth to show what he truly is. Allviolence comes from a violent being. There is the being and there isthe act. These are two different things all together. Therefore,even when there is no visible violent act, the violent being doesnot cease to be violent. He is still violent even when a violent actis not consummated. It is normal that any sinner has tendencies tohypocrisy and to cover up what he is. So, there remains thepossibility that any violent being hides what he is at heart andthat people around do not realize that he is violent. However, evenif there is no visible violence, any such will be condemned forbeing violent because God judges the hearts and judges all worksunder the light of the hearts. There is the act and there is theheart that leads to the act. If the act is not materialized, it doesnot mean that the heart cannot judged. "The Lord weighs the hearts", Prov.21:2. The mouths revealmany hearts. The mouth is, usually, the visible tip of the icebergthat is mostly hidden under deep waters.

  712. "The fruit of the wicked tend to sin", Prov.10:16.Another translation says, "The productions of the wicked tend tosin". There are wicked ones who, by their appearances, seem holy.Whatever the wicked one does, whether well regarded or takennegatively by others, always lead to sin. But, if a man isrighteous, it is not so: whatever such do, whether regarded with anegative look or well seen, always lead to life and a truereconciliation with God and people around. Never fear to be fair,truthful, kind and righteous. Rather fear to be hypocritical and youshall bring life to all who are to die in their sins.

  713. "Love covers all sins", Prov.10:12.We must understand the Scriptures properly, that is, understand itwith the precision and the perception that only holiness says what it means. Many understand that thisverse means that love covers up existing transgressions when, infact, love does precisely the opposite - it exposes. Love pushes everything intothe light without condemnation to the sinner who yields to thatlight. The sin along with the sinfulness at the roots of it, however, is condemned to death. Love does not glossover sin and doesn't overshadow it to cover it while it stillexists. Sin is generally condemnable, but it is the sinner who isexposed to the death of Christ by being in the light where all isvisible. If the sinner ceases to exist, he can't be condemnedanymore. No law can condemn the dead because they aredead. If the sinner dies with Christ - if he is really dead to sinand the world - he shall be as dead to sin asa corpse is to this present world. That is how Light annihilates thepossibility of transgressing because, by putting the hearts and thetransgressions fully in light, it creates the ability to have anysin fully and successfully exterminated by creating a saint, that is,by converting a sinner into a saint. Therefore, the sinner dies andceases to exist. What this verse means to bring under our attentionand belief is the fact that by loving with God's love, one can'tsin. This verse of Scripture is talking about the transgressions ofoneself and not of others. Transgression is caused by pure, activeselfishness that seeks satisfaction in whatever way possible,whether disguised or not.Therefore, the person who is indeed converted from selfishness tothe love of God and by it - and not to the love of self - isforgiven because of having been transformed and converted. "Beconverted so that your sins may be blotted out", Act.3:19. So, love coverstransgressions in that sense and sins will no longer be rememberedby way of conversion that comes through/with repentance which leadsto transformation. Sins arecovered that way. "He he who turns back the sinner from the error ofhis way shall (...) hide (cover) a multitude of sins", James 5:20. "Hatred (in self) stirs up fights, but love(in self) covers all (own) sins".

  714. Sometimes, I find myself amazed about certain theologies and certain statementsof people who say they are dedicated to the Gospel. Many of theirtheologies are mere ideologies. Several pastors say without shame ordoubt that the person in Christ will be truly holy only after death.These overlook many portions of Scripture, like this one: "For thegrace of God is manifested (...) teaching us that having deniedungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live discreetly,righteously and godly,in this present world",Titus 2:11,12. There areabundant texts saying the very same thing. I can't understand how isit possible to overlook such things in Scriptures by reading themall with a honest heart from beginning to end. It simply amazes me.They prefer to take their stand upon doctrine above siding up withtruth. It seems to me they keep trying to make believe that holinessis something from another world, that it is difficult or impossiblefor anyone to be honest, to strive for the truth and owncorrectness, or that it is impossible to be faithful, etc. I haveheard many pastors saying that to many people and that right from the startof their Christian life, it is, as soon as they start off and arestill in deep love with sin. Theirviews tend to cut to death any motivation or attempt to be holyright from the start. Isn't it something from the devil? Who elsewould deviate the eyes of someone from a path of holiness right fromthe beginning? Tell me, is it that hard to tell the truth and to betruthful? Is it that hard to be honest in your work? Is itimpossible to stop lying or to steal? You see, holiness is somethingsimple, something for this world now and ever. Many condemnthemselves through what they teach and believe.

  715. "Let him ask (...) doubting nothing (...) (for such a man) is adouble-minded man, not dependable in all his ways", James 1:6,8. Let's say that,through this text, we understand that the person who doubts God whocan do anything is extremely inconstant and not dependable of heart.People believe and act according to what they are inside - if theyare unstable, they shall have God and people as unstable too.Not even he himself should depend on his own heart when it comes torighteousness. He is, at least, unstable in relation to God andGod's ways. And, when a person is unstable in this aspect of hislife, he will be so in all his ways. The Scriptures say: "He isunstable in all his ways" and not only in theways related to God. We can not twist Scripture for thesake of doctrine. What we may actually understand by this text isthat the flickering person who finds it hard to trust God isunstable in all the ways of God and, perhaps, not only in them. He, mostprobably, does not become unstable in the ways of the world of sin.Inconstant in a way means he might be constant in the oppositepolar. If inconstant in sin - if you have fallen into any temptationinadvertently - it means you can become constant in God's ways.Being unstable in God, you might be constant in sin if you fall intoany trap of the devil or of the flesh. That is why many "go from us"(as John out it)and are able to remain false and breeding falsity continuouslywithout shame.

  716. Partiality is hypocrisy. There are those who place themselves alongside withtheir own believing that means they are loving them. However, reallove is always impartial. Partiality never seeks the truth. Whoeveris not truthful is false and breeds partiality. And no one needs thelove of falsity.

  717. Sound teaching and correction is desirable for those who want to learn theways of God.For those who do not wish to learn or be corrected, good teachingbecomes a form of insult. "The fruit of righteousness is sown inpeace for those that make peace", James 3:18. But for those whoare not peaceful in practical terms, it can't ever be sown in peace.There are those who nurture a romantic idea of righteousness andjustice, which dream about it and do it not in God and neither experienceit or its reality. And there are those who do and accomplish. Those who are notable to practice feel confronted by any good teaching when, in fact,teaching has another spirit, that is, one of love and meekness. "Thewisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality andwithout hypocrisy" James 3:17.The fact that true wisdom is impartial and, therefore, does notplease people, is taken as a form of confrontation by those whoavoid being taught by meekness. One of the characteristics of thosewho want to learn is the lack of desire in them to be pleased.However, when foolish ones are not pleased, confrontation arises.Meekness is often seen as aggression by heart-devils. Theconfrontation between meekness and hardness or rebellion isinevitable. That is why there is and will always be an active enmitybetween the fleshly and the spiritual, whatever the occasion may beor in whosever it might be found. It is the oldest of allconfrontations. It exists ever since the devil fell. "Correction isgrievous to him who forsakes the way", Prov.15:10.

  718. Any person who buys for the sake of buying, talks for the sake oftalking, spends for the sake of spending, or does anything for nospecific reason, certainly lives just for the sake of living. Thatis, he has no direction, does not have a reason to live, does notlive for a cause and has no real aim in life. And if he has, he isnot fulfilling it. His existence is a burden to creation and bringsno contribution to God's aim. He may even have other ideals orthoughts, but in practical terms, he lives only for the sake ofliving, reads the Bible for the sake of reading and not to obtainreal life, prays religiously and takes no cares to be in good termswith God. Such doesn't do anything to glorify God and doesn't workhard to get, have or maintain a real communion and fellowship withGod in person.

  719. Many prayers are made pressured by the duty of praying. It is not totallywrong because praying is a duty. However, many pray to show God orothers they are praying and have little intention to get realanswers. Duty-praying is a stumbling block for many because ithinders the heart to express itself fully and faithfully before God.That way, assurance can't be given by the Spirit who helps tointercede. And, without that kind of faith there shall be no answer.

  720. When people praise God, they seldom believe that they are pleasing him withflattering words of praise, as if God were carnal and needed to bepraised to be moved towards us. In fact, true worship that arisesfrom the knowledge of the truth about all things shows that theperson not only approves good things, but that he nurtures greatappreciation for them and for whoever is responsible for them. Whatpleases God most during praise is that the person has eyes, heartand love for the things that matter to the point of God beingpraised for them. God does not need our praise for anything - much less toapproach us. However, the fact that we are able to appreciate whatreally matters to the point of having praise erupt spontaneouslygives great joy to God. That is why God abhors all kinds of false orfake praise because it is trying to flatter the Lord into somethinginstead of having great appreciation and, perhaps, amazement forwhat He does. Nobody bribes God through praise. The motives that leadto praise is of utmost importance and it, therefore, determineswhether we will be accepted or rejected as some kind of Cain.

  721. When Jesus says that not a single hair of mine will perish, did he havein mind my hair or me? We need to know it is not the hair He takescare of, but us in the whole. Let's understand Scripture for what itsays and take it in next time we get scared off or discouraged byanything.

  722. The genetics of each determines his height, shape and, they say, his bodyhealth. But, what does a good genetics avail to anyone without theproper food, without the necessary care, without the simplediscipline of a disciplined life? Now, there it is. In this same waydoes the new person in Christ exist. We need to know that it doesn'tamount tojust to be born again: we need to keep ourselves in Christ, we mustexterminate and deny every sin, knowing how to do it in order toaccomplish it effectively and to be or to remain complete in theLord. We need more solid food each day and need to care for andmaintain our healthy body and soul in Christ.

  723. "...So that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, fromthe blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son ofBerachiah, whom you killed between the temple and the altar", Mat.23:35. The sense of justiceof God is very different from ours. On that generation would fallthe guilt of the blood of the righteous spilled during all times - fromthe blood of Abel to the last prophet of the Old Testament!(However, it is interesting to see that Jesus doesn't claim uponjustice to bring their guilt up to His own blood being spilled). Whohas the heart, the appetite for the same type of sins incur in thesame penalty, even if those sins have not been committed physicallyfor lack of occasion or for another reason. Who has the heart to sinor the capability to transgress, carries the guilt.

  724. "But, I say to you that every idle word, whatever men may speak, theyshall give account of it in the day of judgment", Mat.12:36. By "idle word",especially in this verse, we understand any word that does notcorrespond to the truth or reality of the heart. It is in that sensethat Jesus speaks of those who speak good things being bad. Whatthey say doesn't match up with what they are and, consequently, withwhat they do or even with the way theywish to say it. Therefore, every word that does not correspond, oneway or another, to the reality of the heart will be seen as idle.Idleness is the root of any kind of idolatry. Itis not only necessary that each word corresponds to the heart,whether it is felt or not, but that it also corresponds to the truthlived and experienced within the heart of anyone who pronounces it."For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words youshall be condemned",Mat.12:37.

  725. "But, if you had known what this is, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice",you would not have condemned those who are not guilty", Mat.12:7. Could it be that allthose who desire to sacrifice to try to bribe God into something arethe ones who most easily condemn innocent ones?

  726. "But, everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, willbe like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the raindescended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on thathouse; and it fell. And great was its fall", Mat.7:26. Many are content tohear the Word, either by radio or in the services. In fact, hearingthe Word is not the end of the trail. Here, Jesus speaks of thosewho hear and, even so, may end badly - very badly, or even worse offthan everyone else. The fool is notthe one who doesn't hear, but him who hears. We must bear this inmind, for those who do not miss a service, who do not lose a sermonon the radio and appear to be extremely zealous may be the onesJesus considered foolish because they dedicate themselves only tohear and are not extremely dedicated to fulfil the main requirementsof truth, which is a walk and a kind of life. They may not be thatzealous to find the means to do on earth as things are done in heaven.

  727. Truth, to mean something to any recipient, must become a revelation of theSpirit that marks the soul of that recipient with its strength.Imagine someone who does not read, did not hear, and suddenly,something is revealed to him with such meaning that can change ortransform his entire conduct and life. Now, imagine someone reading and, atthe same time, obtaining the revelation of it with an equal impact.In fact, this kind of manifestation of the Word can be received alsowhile studying the Word in depth. What matters is that it becomes amanifestation or revelation which marks the soul and the whole beingof the person, something that can turn every instinct into obedienceand compliance with Christ, it being not only immediate andspontaneous, but lasting. If there is no such revelation in thismanner, the truth will not get the expected results. Truth will,then, continue to maintain its meaning, but shall mean nothing tothe person who hears it.

  728. "Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you", Mat.5:44. When we pray, we do itto be heard. We can not pray with the intention of working againstbad feelings caused by persecution and ill-treatment. It is criminaland selfish to pray merely to counteract against my feelings ofannoyance and revenge and that those are overcome that way. We prayto be heard. Sins are overcome through the power of God andobedience. Many believe that we should pray for our enemies in orderto avoid hating them. Instead, when prayers are made, we must breedthe desire that people may come to love and be saved fromthemselves. This means that I can be praying for others because ofmy sins and own temptations. But, motives always determine whetherwe shall be heard or not. I can and must be perfect as the Father isin this aspect as well, wishing as he the true salvation of thosewho mistreat and run against the truth. If a person is bad, then, itis because he is not saved. If you are lost, you offend God andcannot bring Him any glory. Before each prayer, find out firstwhether it has become a habit or ritual, as when you pray beforeeating and drinking. We should always examine our hearts to discoverif we really want to be heard and if we indeed desire our prayers tobe heard. Perhaps, when we pray, we have something else in mind,something distinct from our words of prayer, indicating that we havea double heart like all those who are not sincere in their devotion.If we are to be heard, we must then thoroughly and wisely analyzeour motives to find out if we really have fulfilled all theconditions for our prayers and desires to be met and to be heard byGod.

  729. "Whoever, therefore, breaks one of the least of these commandments, andteaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; butwhoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in thekingdom of heaven",Mat.5:19. This is one of thoseverses that many misunderstand, which can easily be twisted up. Thismeans that whoever teaches men properly being himself in a bad innerstate of life, shall carry the proper consequences. Here, Jesus doesnot speak of those who teach the wrong things and rather that teachproper things which they themselves do not practise or experience.That is, these words are addressed to those who do not comply withcertain things which they preach correctly and those who teach whatone ought to teach and whose lives are not ordered according to it.What they teach doesn't become visible in their lives - it doesn'tmatch with their practical living. These are called small in thekingdom of heaven. The Pharisees taught the right things. However,they did not fulfil the righteousness of God. The word could notimpact their lives. The Sadducees taught the wrong things and alsodid not meet the proper requirements of truth. Jesus did not speakof the Sadducees here, but of the Pharisees, who taught the rightthings, when he said, "For I say to you, that unless yourrighteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes andPharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven", Mat.5:20. Jesus is speaking ofthose who teach the right things lacking the life they talk about.It would certainly create a mentality which consisted only of emptywords, a kind of life to which people would get accustomed to. Itwould teach people to teach and not teach to live - or live toteach. The commandment is clear: "Teach to keep thecommandments...", Mat.28:20.People would rather assimilate a life which doesn't acceptexperiencing the truth they know. That sort of life is easilyassimilated because known truth is appealing to the soul. Thepreaching of truth can create either hypocrites or saints. This being said, and knowing that the Kingdom of God has come toearth with Jesus and during Pentecost, one can consider genuinerevival as the reigning of God. Now, let's take this a step further:when a church or pastor doesn't experience what Pentecost is allabout, he is small or even insignificant in the Kingdom of God. Thismay mean that the living or the life lived by the church or by thepastor is directly responsible for the lack of real revival and,perhaps, for the propagation of a false life. One of the main reasonswhy many do not experience genuine revival is that the life of thoseinvolved in preaching is hypocritical. They feign the gospel andturn it fake and useless. It is like putting sand in a bulletinstead of gunpowder. Even if it is a bullet, it won't work.

  730. "Then, Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted bythe devil", Mat.4:1. Here is something thatmany do not like: to be lead to be tempted and tried. Everyone wantsto be led by the Spirit, some even beg for it. However, most live ina romantic idea that God will guide them to what they themselveswant for their personal lives or even for their carnal desires. But,as soon as the Spirit begins to guide truly, one loses total controlof the course we will take. It is not for us to decide anythinganymore and our decisions (unless made in God) are to no avail. WhenGod truly guides, we are not only guided, but the target to achieveis also Him. And as there was no food in the desert - even if Moseshad received it from God in the desert - Jesus had to fast for fortydays and nights.

  731. "...He conceives troubles...", Ps.7:14.This may mean that most of the problems of a day-to-day life of anyperson following his own way (not being in God) are mereconsequences of his own walk. God shouldn't be blamed for it. Thosewho expect from God being righteous fly as high as the healthiesteagles, while others conceive and give birth to problems after problemsbecause a problem always leads to another problem. A problem nevercomes alone and one demon may bring seven others with him.

  732. "Hemade a pit and dug it out, and has fallen into the ditch which he made", Ps.7:15. Many dig to drink watersupposing to find it pure and do not know they are digging out theirown death. This thought of digging deep has its meaning. Fools aredriven by desires and not by the reality of faith or through thereality of God. They are not consistent with the reality ofspiritual facts. In fact, they do not want to be consistent. Bybecoming consistent, they shall cease to dig deep into the world.Worldliness and inconsistency are inseparable partners. So, theypursue and insist on their ways believing and tryingGod with their fake faith, being inconsistent and believing to beperseverant. That's how the pit is made deeper. Personal desireslead inconstant people to dig more and more because nothing theywant is materialized. So, they carry on digging and digging insteadof putting their lives and their ways in order with God. And whatseems to be perseverance to them is, in fact, stubbornnessinstigated by the despair brought by an inconstant heart in all itsways. People can easily be driven by unbelief as much as pure onesare driven by true faith and by genuine believing. Inconstant peopleare perseverant people, either in the wrong direction or driven bythe wrong motives and with a bad faith.

  733. When a righteous man wastes his time with distractions or deviatingthoughts which decrease the quality of his daily fellowship with Godand His word, he shall hardly spend the rest of his day in a blessed manner andhe shall hardly pass his day without succumbing or giving in undersome sort of temptation. Sin lies at the door awaiting the least prepared.Sin is like a lion in the jungle: it seeks the weakest of the herdto feed on. We must, therefore, be extremely careful with thesedistractions, with diversions of thoughts, the lack of attention,false voices that tempt us during the time set apart to be alonewith God. To give in to them is an offense to the soul and a greatdisrespect to God. I believe that if a person listens to thosevoices and distractions knowing that they are the strangers'manoeuvres, he shall hardly recognize the voice of God during hisday too, distinguishing it from other voices. By giving too much credit to thewrong voices one gets a natural tendency to doubt the right one too.

  734. "...Be instructed...", Ps.2:10. Inanother translation, we read something like this: "Allow yourselvesto be instructed". As a rule, those who are not instructed become'disinstructed'. Instruction either grows or it decreases in theopposite direction. What theyknow gets worn out, adapted to circumstances, boring, withoutinterest on the long run. Their good knowledge and whatever bestinstruction they might have gets lost, little by little, or ceasesto be able to influence their conduct - which amounts to the samething. It's wonderful when we find someone who wishes to beinstructed and allows instruction to change his ways. It is up toanyone to make a point and to breed an attitude of allowinginstruction to change the heart and find lodging in there. Thecarnal man does not allow himself to be instructed, but easilyallows the opposite or the reverse of it. The spiritual man allowsinstruction in and searches his heart deeply under the light oftruth and of God. He resents being 'disinstructed' and doesn't allowit to happen consciously. That is why, he is often accused of notwanting to hear as the carnal man does. The carnal man is praisedfor being carried away by the mouths of those whose roots are inthis world and resent to be instructed too.

  735. "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivulets of water that bringsforth its fruit in its seasons", Ps.1:3.The promise is not only to bear fruit, but to bear it in its properseasons, it is, in its proper time and occasion. Bearing some sortsof fruit out of its proper time can be a curse. Everything that iswell planned has its seasons. Each step must be taken in its owntime to ensure that the final result is good. Our way must be a stepby step plan (of God) being fulfilled in its seasons. Everything must haveits own timing to be well done. "For the Lord knows the way of therighteous", verse 5. If everything has itsown time in our lives, we must be extremely joyful. If we are surewe are according to the timing of God, it means God is working itall out. "It is not so with the ungodly", verse 4.

  736. It is only normal that the existing deceit in the heart and desires ofpeople become their own enemy. But, what is in self should be theeasiest thing to solve because its transformation does not depend onthe decisions of others, does not depend on the circumstances anddoes not even depend on God's providence anymore because God hasalready provided the solution through Christ. Change is within ourreach, especially when grace is available on the spot and as soon asone takes the solemn decision to be transformed through Christ anddirects all future steps to that solemn goal.

  737. Deception and deceit has been spreading like cancer in the paths and thelives of all those who refuse to be transformed into another personthrough Christ to be in full agreement with Him in the inner man. The person whoclaims to be a believer supposedly believes everything that comes inthe Bible. And that person believes to be safe believing it.However, who does not believe in Scripture and is not transformed isnot as guilty as the one that believes and refuses to be transformedby the power of Jesus. The believer's guilt is greater than thedisbeliever's regarding the refusal or the inner resistance to betransformed. The believer refuses to be transformed throughstubbornness, while the unbeliever does so through ignorance.

  738. When something comes from God, to give up on it is as bad or as criminalas insisting on what does not come from Him.

  739. "And, as many as were ordained to eternal life, believed", Act.13:48. Before I state anythingabout this verse, let it be understood that I solemnly believe inthe true doctrine of predestination and believe, also, that it isthe most widespread doctrine in Scripture. However, I don't believethis specific verse of the Bible falls under the category of thatdoctrine. There are words that, by being misunderstood, can createconfusion. Sometimes words are misunderstood because our doctrine,idea or longings and desires are keen to manipulate ourinterpretations and even our beliefs. We believe as we wish it to betrue. And, sometimes, there are words that, when translated, do notproduce the same meaning as the original. In this verse we find oneof those cases. According to Strong's, the word "ordained" as shownin this verse means "to be arranged in orderly manner, to be in thedisposition to receive". When it is spoken here of those who wereordained to eternal life, it means that they had been prepared toreceive it at that specific time. It means their paths and heartshad been prepared (ordained, put in the right disposition) for such an event. Some would beprepared later. Others, perhaps, would never reach the point ofbeing prepared to receive such a life. These would be useful only toprepare the saints even more by persecuting them. Nothing is wastedin the Kingdom of God and even manure can be used to make goodplants grow healthily. John the Baptist prepared the people toreceive Christ, bringing repentance to them and by bringing them toconfess and abandon every known sin by name. It could create adisposition in the hearts to receive Christ as He is. It was said ofhim that, "he would go before Him (...) to make ready a people (fullof readiness) prepared for the Lord", Lk.1:17. Christ, on His turn,prepared the people - and especially the disciples - to receive theHoly Spirit (it is, eternal, constant, abundant life). And the HolySpirit prepares people for a life in heaven. What we shall beprepared for after that we do not know. However, all stages are,also, ordering steps and preparations for the following ones. Wecannot receive the ultimate one without going through previousstages ordained by God. "To him that ordereth his way, I will showthe salvation of God" Ps.50:23. It has to do with theordering (putting in the proper order) of paths and hearts. There is always a priorpreparation of the person, whether such are aware of it being doneor not. There is a solemn preparation for a revival of the size ofthat which occurred in Paul's time. So, those who were alreadyordered, whose paths had been prepared, were saved. They did notmiss on a single one of them. All the others could be preparedthrough what would happen to the ones prepared beforehand, orperhaps, be hardened by it. As Paul said, "To preach the gospel tothose beyond you". For this reason, it becomes so important thatthose who labour in harvest times should never be foundalienated from the leadership of God. There are plans made by God,which must be accomplished to lead somewhere and He knows the wayand where. He is the way. We know that the lame man healed by Peterand John in the temple gate in Jerusalem had never been healed inprevious years, not even when Christ went in and out of the Temple.He had been put there for years every day. Surely, he was there whenChrist went in and out of the Temple. There should be nothing moreimportant than to be pricked to follow Jesus in His times. He makeseverything beautiful in His time by sticking to His timings. All isplanned, prepared and ordered. We must be ready and prepared to live that way,it is, to live orderly and according to plan.

  740. Talking about Joseph, Scriptures say that God gave him "grace and wisdombefore Pharaoh", Act.7:10. If wethink it out carefully, we see that it is understood that theinterpretation of dreams and the true gift of prophecy which hepossessed was wisdom. He could not interpret unless a dream had beengiven and unless it came from God. There are dreams that do not comefrom God. Hence, there is prophetic wisdom, that is, we know thingsby manifestations from God. Wisdom is something that is or becomesknown and can be further thought out, remembered or even reasonedout - perhaps, for years ahead. We must be able to build upon itwithout incurring in the crime of adding anything unto it. We knowit because God has revealed it, we can sort things out because ithas been revealed, and once revealed or manifested, the knowledgeconcerning future or present things is wisdom. But, if it comes fromGod, it cannot be own wisdom or handled as such.

  741. Many are led by the force of circumstances to imitate or to try toimitate, in their apparent lives and forced behaviours, those whowalk in the Spirit and prayer, who live facing each situation beingguided by Jesus in everything and in every way. But the life of animitator does not work out. What results is to walk in the Spiritourselves, in Jesus, by being personally guided by Him. We cannotwish to be like others and we should rather follow their examples ofbeing ourselves before God and people.

  742. Never try to obtain perfection without realizing or recognizing yourimperfections and without making them known and visible. Put thosein the light first. The way to perfection cannot be found apart fromdealing with the imperfections of the heart, which are mostly hiddenor, at least, thought to be hidden. Do not run after holinesswithout admitting all your sins publicly. If you do, your sins shalllive on and on and, perhaps, forever.

  743. "And you know that he was manifested to take away our sins (...) Everyone whoabides in Him does not sin", 1John 3:5,6. Many people desiredeeply that Jesus is manifested to them and that He is found bythem. However, the reason or the condition to manifest Himself isthat someone wishes ardently to be without sin forever, changing theheart to the point where one becomes truthfully new and deeplytransformed starting from within. The reason why Jesus is not manifested is surely this:people want Jesus to appear and manifest Himself in favour of thosethings which their hearts select as desires. They do not want Him tobe manifested to take their sins away forever. Their sins are likepets from which they do not wish to depart. By not wanting to bewithout sin or to recognize sins as sins, Christ cannot bemanifested. Christ manifests Himself to exterminate sin or sinningfrom the soul. He can make it impossible to sin again. "For thispurpose, the Son of God was revealed, that He might undo the worksof the Devil",1John 3:8. That is the mainpurpose why He manifests Himself. Did you ever realize that youhave, within you, works of the devil which need to be undone?

  744. "We are are now God's children, but what we will be like has not beenrevealed yet. We know that when Christ is revealed we will be likehim, because we will see him as he is. And everyone who has thishope based on him keeps himself pure, just as he is pure",1John 3:2,3. This is for realand, in fact, occurs this way. Having the hope of heaven, the personpurifies himself. If this hope becomes real and is not just amirage, the tendency is to seek purity from the Lord and by Himinstead of looking at the sins of others or trying to fix them forthem,intruding in their lives as thieves. But, when a person embraces a doctrine ofan earthly hope that things on earth are accomplished, it becomesvisible and clear that such people rarely have an inclination topurify themselves and, if they do, they have the wrong reasons.Perhaps, they don't wish to lose an earthly gift and that might bethe main reason why they avoid impurity. It is an impure hearttrying to avoid impure actions. Having the wrong reasons, there willbe wrong forces operating in the heart, certainly. That shall keepthe person going and becoming more and more resilient in the wrongpath or with the wrong motivations.

  745. When God gives us something we consider too great or to wonderful for us,or too hard for our capabilities, we have the ability of becomingproud by achieving those doings. Lack of faith is almost always theentrance to pride if the things of God are achieved one way oranother. Therefore, we should be able to live with the great thingsof God as something very normal in a being with/in God. Such thingshappen easily by living and coexisting with Him continuously andconsciously. Elijahwas not surprised when he learned that would be taken alive toheaven that day.

  746. The greatest dangers are not persecutions and criticisms. The greatestdanger comes in the form of praise and pleasant words. Beware ofloving to be praised and to be pleased.

  747. There are signs that tell us we are getting discouraged. Sometimesdiscouragement is subtle and many people realize it only when theyare already far gone into it or collapse in desperation. Forexample, when the person begins to change a good conduct or changeshealthy habits just for the sake of changing, that is, for noapparent reason, he may be entering a cycle of despondency anddissatisfaction with something. There are things unresolved in yourlife if you do that, which leave you adrift. If you are spiritualand suddenly something starts to become too strong, too heavy or toodoubtful to endure or to resist; when you easily fall intotemptation or relapse to fleshly things or attempt to do spiritualthings in carnal way; when you stop walking in the Spirit; when youbegin to see many errors in others and your own weaknesses areconcealed and own sins are excused, not spotted or acknowledged; when youfight against the stream instead of walking with God; make sure thatit is not discouragement in sight and beware. There is no reason andno excuse to get discouraged. Real discouragement emerges byfighting God off. God might be the one preventing us tosucceed because without Him, we may never accomplish anything.

  748. Every one believes, one way or another, that God controls things or, atleast, nurtures some secret hope that He is indeed in control ofeverything. So, if something goes wrong or different from what isexpected, the tendency to doubt and the temptation to question it ishuge. When in right standing with God, tribulations and persecutionsare great trials for all those who truly believe that God controlsall things. They are true tests to trust, and the sort of faith thatsurvives such tests is, indeed, genuine faith. It is purified gold.

  749. "...If you do good and are not afraid (startled) with any terror", 1Pet.3:6. To fear no terror meansnot being afraid of the consequences of any of our actions becauseit is God who justifies. But, whoever is not transformed to thepoint of "doing good", has many reasons to fear any surprisingterror - especially from God.

  750. Faith has its rewards. It has its challenges and its rewards. It is notalways that faith gives what is expected and it does not always giveonly what is expected. Usually, it grants above what faithful onesask for. Many don't even receive what they ask. The man who washelped through the roof to reach Jesus was rewarded with more thanwhat he wished. At first, he was not given physical healing andJesus rather granted him the forgiveness of his sins because he andhis helpers had believed Jesus was able to heal. Such faith shouldbe rewarded with something greater than physical healing. I believethat his physical healing was attributed to him because of thedispute against the truth about Jesus' power to forgive sins as afact, especially because that fact had been disputed by believingunbelievers. His faith was able to make righteous and whole inforgiveness. "By faith Noah, being warned (...) prepared an ark(...) and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith",Heb.11:7. That is, Noah receivedjustice (righteousness), which means the ability to be right withGod who sees everything as it is. God does not pretend to seesomething different from what He sees. He sees things as they are.It means, Noah was indeed righteous. The reward was to be righteousfrom a certain point on.

  751. Scripture states that we find God by seeking him with our whole heart.However, there is great difficulty in finding Him and we see manypeople crying out and lots of prayers being made in that direction.Yet, everything remains pretty much the same. Wherein, then, residesthe difficulty of finding Him? Wherein lies that difficulty? It iscertainly not ascribed to the distance. He's very close by and thereis no problem to his ear. He listens very well. Doesn't He see us?There is nothing hidden from him - not even in the deepest darkness.So, what is it that makes it so difficult to find Him in a realmanner? Many lie when they say that they have found God. We'retalking about truly finding Him, it is, in a real way. Thedifficulty resides in people's sins. Some seek Him with no intentionto abandon their sins and without desiring to find a permanentsolution for sin within them and that once and for all. Some othersselect the sins they wish to give up. Others seekto be blessed by keeping their sins. If someone truly seeks Him forthe right reasons and with full intention of abandoning all his ownsins, he shall surely find Him! (Is.59:1,2).

  752. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out ofthe mouth of the Lord shall man live", Dt.8:3. This means that it doesn't matter what sort ofword it is that comes from the mouth of God, but by whom it is spoken. A good word from the devil orfrom men does not make alive and a strong or undesired word from Goddoes not kill. Man shall live by any kind of word spoken by God,whether good or bad word for us.

  753. Why does religion accuse truthful ones to be false? For the same reasonwhy blind people think other people are the blind ones.

  754. "Every commandment which I command you today you must be careful toobserve",Dt.8:1. It is good to see thereason why we need to keep the commandments of God in our hearts: itis to be able to do/exercise them. We do not learn the commandments to beable to hammer them into people's minds and conducts. These commandsshould be preserved in the heart. However, they must be preservedwithin the soul to be met and accomplished faithfully. Save allcommandments to the heart, but remember that to remember them allthe time is not walking according to them - even thoughremembering them is a great help. Many are content to have thecommandments saved in the heart and to be reminded of themconstantly. That is how many only condemn themselves. We should nottake to heart only, defend and fight for the commandments and ourdoctrines (if those come from God and truth) in order never toforget to do, experience and be enabled to fulfil them. They must bestored in the heart to be kept. We should not be contentwith knowing them - even if we know them all. We should be turnedinto the commandment itself.

  755. Paul says: "Lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, Imyself should be a castaway", 1Cor.9:27.If this could happen to Paul, it can happen to any of us. Havingthese words in mind, we may assume that there is a huge possibilityfor any person to enter the world of wisdom and become so involvedin it and, yet, to overlook the fact of having to live according to whathe knows, interceding relentlessly to find the necessary grace to beable to ensure his own conduct. Being wise is to live it out and notto know about it. Let us remember that to stop preaching to othersbecause we do not live according to what we preach or teach ismorally correct and honest. However, to stop preaching does notprevent our own condemnation because to stop teaching others doesnot transform us to the point of obtaining the necessary heavenlyconduct. Usually, the problem is not in the word we preach, but inthe preacher himself. Paul preached the truth. However, he had inmind that even preaching the truth, he could be disqualified and seethe clouds filled with blessing being blown away without havingdropped their blessings because he had not been able to live what hepreached. Our preaching should be an exposition of our personalexperience and not the result of learning, general knowledge orstudy.

  756. Many  parentssay: "Today's children no longer respect their elders". It seemsthatthey assume that rebellious attitudes are caused by the times welive and not by the homes we live. If these times caught upwith your children, it might be because it caught up with you aswell. Parents should think that children are what they have learnedto be and that they have become what surrounds them at home. If theylove us as parents, they shall also love what we are and shallbecome much like us. The Germans say that an orange never falls toofar away from its own tree. The adults of today no longer teachchildren according to standards of respect, fear and love. Theythemselves do not respect children who are told to respect them;adults are not moved by the needs of the elderly; do not comply withthe laws of society; etc. Today, it is believed that the child willlearn on its own and the world assaults our homes with filth andendless evils. Children left to themselves do not have theexperience and knowledge to choose and to know what to reject andwhat they should not learn. It is up to adults to have that wisdomfor/with them, choosing correctly for the child with love, kindness andgood expositions of truth about it. Remember that your child is yourneighbour - your nearest neighbour.

  757. Hypocrisy might be defined in many ways. However, malice can not be mistakenas not being hypocrisy. Many do not realize or, perhaps, choose nottorealize that they have become hypocrites before God. Hypocrisy inthe eyes of God is to come to Him with a subject different from whatmatters to bring to God to us. If life goes wrongto someone because of his sins and he comes to God to solve theproblems or consequences of sin instead of solving his dreadful sinsby the roots, he is hypocriticaleven if he does not know or does not admit that the cause of hisproblems are his own sins. If anyone cries tears before Him in thatstate, butdoes not fix his living, does not change his bad attitudes at home,doesn't discipline his life, house or household, never returned whathe stole, does not ask for forgiveness for the lies he committed inword or deed, it is obvious that it will be considered a hypocritebefore the altar even if his tears and feelings are deeply felt.Deep feeling does not define sincerity or hypocrisy before God.Feeling has nothing to do with sincerity. Feeling, at the most, go hand in handwith expression and with being expressive.

  758. "Now, the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart", 1Tim.1:5. Many seek to love and beturned into loving persons in order to be blessed, seen or evenrewarded. Some even seek to love in order to be loved. For them, theend of the commandment is not love, that is, that one can be enabledto love anyone through a clean heart without any secondary motives.For such, 'love' is the vehicle or the means to achieve what theywant when, in fact, all things must and can contribute to achieve atrue heart-love as the end of everything. The purpose of every thingwe have or possess is to achieve this purpose: love out of a pureheart.

  759. We all know that the opposite of love is sin and that sin amounts toselfishness. The opposite of the law of love is selfishness. Hatredis just another form of emotional selfishness. The opposite of loveis much more than simple hatred or lack of sentimental love, forevery form of selfishness breaks the law of love. Carnal love breaksthe law of love. However, there is a fact beyond dispute: when wewant things that are excellent and heavenly, we desire them forourselves - although we wish the same for others too. Therefore,we conclude that people may desire after excellent and heavenlythings for themselves without breaking the law of love because itbrings glory to the Lord. We are even told that "whosoever hath thishope purifies himself as He is pure", 1John3:3. This means doing everything to be pure longing forprecious things. This is pure obedience through a changed heart.

  760. "Voice of one crying in the wilderness (...) make His paths straight",Mat.3:3. We see a few remarkablethings in this verse. First, it is a voice in the wilderness. Thismeans a lot. It means that John spoke alone or at least started offin loneliness. Truth was a desert and no one lived there; only thefields of sin and lies flourished. The lands of lies were notdeserted. Secondly, there were many things to straighten out. Thesethings should be straight before the arrival of Christ and Hisappearing to the people. This voice was meant to have peoplepreparing (repairing) the way of the Lord for His coming. Finally,there were evil paths that shouldn't be straightened, but destroyed- only the ways of God should be straightened, repaired andprepared, just as Elijah repaired the altar of the Lord. This meansmuch more than it seems. The paths, the doctrines, the means,mechanisms, motives, aims and many other things were twisted andbent. The Devil's ways were to be simply destroyed and discarded andthe ways of the Lord straightened. Can you understand these things?

  761. "Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart", Mat.11:29. Learning has a certainrelation with wanting to learn because learning is laborious - it isworks. However, there are things in teachers that can disturblearners. A professor full himself often causes an aversion on thepart of the learner. Another of many problems is the lack ofpatience in those who already know and try to teach as if thestudent is at the same level as he who teaches. Under-estimation,pre-estimation and miss-estimation can be a problem. So, peopleearn a certain aversion to learning because of the way, attitudesand ways of those who teach. In this world, everyone has a bad imageof those who teach, because those who teach are arrogant and harsh whenthey teach. Their way of teaching is mundane because their heartsbelong to the world. So, Jesus had to assure us that He is otherwiseand teaches in a different manner, into a different world andthrough another attitude. He is meek and lowly in heart, and if whatdisgusts most in learning is the arrogance and rigidity of those whoteach, we believe, then, that nothing in Christ will prevent us fromlearning from Him - as long as He is real and is no longer afictional Jesus. It all depends, henceforth, on us wanting to learnor not. If Jesus is still an image or a mirage, we will, too, and ofcourse, have an image of how He might be when He teaches thatresembles much of what we've come to know from this world. "Littlechildren, keep yourselves from idols (images)",1 John 5:21.

  762. It is not necessary to teach wrong things to have error propagateitself and to disseminate its seeds all around. The only thing ittakes is not to teach the right things the proper way or by not living outwith the proper attitude whatever we teach. Many talk about truth as if it is a lie.The only thing that is needed to have the law of God condemn us isto neglect the proper teaching about how to be able to keep God'scommandments - and that includes living as an example. We learn tobe and not to know.

  763. "He that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive aprophet's reward; and he that receives a righteous man in the nameof a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward", Mat.10::41. If this is true, then, if one receives arighteous man as a hypocrite, one shall surely receive anhypocrite's reward; and by receiving a truthful man as a liar, oneshall receive a liar's reward because one has a liar's heart. Only aliar's heart can be opposed to a truthful man and shall surelyreceive its corresponding reward.

  764. "But, those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from theheart; and they defile the man",Mat.15:18. This fact raises manyquestions and issues. Imagine that nothing comes out of the mouthfor some reason when the heart is evil. This is possible to happen.It doesn't make man good. If a person doesn't say a word byresisting the impulses of the evil heart for a good reason, he might want to do whatis right. But, it doesn't change his heart and only avoidstransgression. But it can happen, too, that the person be silent bymalice, wishing to bring about a greater evil. In this case, thesilence defiles man and that kind of silence is also transgression.Man shall be judged by the heart he has.

  765. There is a widespread misunderstanding which, quite often, paralyzespeople's souls. That is the deception which causes to believe thatif someone knows the commandments everything is accomplished. But,it is necessary to assault the heavens to be able to fulfil all thecommandments in the same way and by the same means they arefulfilled in heaven. These means are closed to carnal men. To attainto the way to accomplish is what enables us to fulfil them all,without exception. The pride of man makes him believe that he can door accomplish whatever he already knows about. But fulfilment is farfrom knowledge and the important thing is to be fully able to donaturally, that is, spontaneously from the heart. There are thosewho perform without knowing, Mat.25:35-39,because they have found grace and are made able to accomplish as itis accomplished in heaven.It means knowledge didn't play a role in the fulfilment of thecommandments. The heart needs to be transformed to that point and tothe point, too, to be able to receive grace for the exclusivepurpose of being able to fulfil spontaneously and heartily. "And bythis we know that we have known Him, if we keep His commandments",1John 2:3. A heart that stillstruggles to fulfil the law of love is still divided. Effort is tobe exercised on those works which require effort and not to be whatwe should be. The person who strives to be, changes his appearanceand not his essence. There is far more beyond knowing the truthinstead of believing lies and resemblances of truth. We need to knowthat. "I have not written to you because you do not know the truth,but because you know it", 1John 2:21.

  766. "And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelvedisciples, he departed thence to teach and to preach in theircities", Mat.11:1. It is knownthat as soon as we set out in obedience - "hating father, mother andchildren" - God blesses our families and all those we left behind.He Himself shall preach in our cities.But, if the person looks back penalizing those who could becomechildren of God through his work, that is penalizing the futurefamily of God, his own family shall suffer similar penalties. Ourdearest ones will be the first to benefit by our obedience and thefirst to be penalized for our disobedience or our going back -unless God has other individual plans for any of them in particular.

  767. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", Phil.4:13. This verse of the Bibleis often badly understood, and is used amiss or even misused. Its true meaning is rarely understood. Allow me to explain. By God'seternal decree, sin weakens the heart towards holiness. It is God's will that any sinbrings weakness and death into any man.The true strength of man lies in his holiness, provided it is acquired by walking closeto God and by the force/power of grace. What the Bible calls weakness, is akind of weakness inbecoming holy, because, being separated from God, no one will be able to reachthe holy mountain. This weakness is none other than a lack of aptitude and alack of willingness towards God. In fact, a lack of strength comingfrom God enables any man to be sinfuland wicked. Sometimes, the most sincere observers of the law are those who wish tobecome saints without attaining it through grace exclusively, that is, so that they can becomesaints only through the power of grace - to get it the way it isdone in heaven. They try other ways and other sacrificial means. For this reason,the law has become too weak to save man, because we can fulfil God's law by graceonly.Without that grace becoming real, fluent and true, no one reaches God because the bloodof goats and bulls are not able to take sin from the heart of man - and no other sacrificewill cleanse man. And, to be clean, is to stand at the door toreceive powerful means. Paul claims that the law became weak to save becausefrom sin. This lack ofstrength or power is God's will for all men who live in sin. It is an eternal decree, whichwill never be changed. Even so, many try to change this decree by holding on to their sins andcrying out for an airy entry into heaven. God's strength is a type of strength or power thatenables every man to become a saint, that is, to become a child of God. "But as many as receivedhim, to them gave he power to become the sounds of God", John 1:12. However, there are many whodistort this truth by calling for strength and grace for purposes that are not those of grace,that is, they are not exclusively for the heart to become holy. The type of strength that thesedeceivers (or deceived ones) seek is one that enables them to live as always. They want strength without leaving theirsins. In fact, that would be an annulment of God's eternal decree. They also ask for strength to enablethem to do things for themselves, through a carnal force, which is the main opponent/resemblance of grace. Theywant God to work against Himself and on their behalf. They ask forown strength and not God's strength.They do not want grace for the purposes for which grace is freely available. Rather, they look for a wayto enable them to do things by the power of the flesh. "You are wearied in the length of your way; Yet you didnot say, 'There is no hope.' You have found the life of your own hand...", Is.57:10. Whenever Paul speaks ofweakness, he speaks of the carnal inability to purify himself or to become a saint. "For when we werestill without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly",Rom.5:6. We must remember that thislack of strength or power that is spoken of extensively in the Bible is a real power infavour of sin andthe flesh. If not, Christ would not have died to undo the works of the flesh. This weaknesstowards holinessis a great power towards sin. A weakling for holiness has a lot of skill and a lot of power infavour of sin. This weakness is a power that turns away from God.This happens by decree and will of God. God wants it that way sincehe cut off the access of sin to the tree of life. Whenever someonesays, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", hemust see in what context this is said. These are probably wanting tobelieve a lie so that they can continue as usual, that is, in theiriniquities. They like to believe that God will strengthen them intheir carnal and sinful life. God's power makes holy and that is whythat power is associated with the Holy Spirit. God does not giveanimal and carnal power, nor does he give the power of grace so thatone can live on in the flesh. This own power is only given by theflesh, whose strength is weakness towards God. It is in the weaknessof the flesh that we become strong and it is in the strength of theflesh that we become spiritually weak. Whenever someone is left tohimself, he sins more and sins more easily and with less modesty.Their struggle for rights is nothing more and nothing less than aninner struggle against their own conscience. And we cannotstrengthen ourselves against the truth in conscience. Even thesympathies of those who are strong in the flesh are a search foracceptance by others and not a search for holiness, which wasrejected because it depends on the arm and strength of the flesh.

  768. "For they do not know to do right...", Amos 3:10.It is common for people to feel excused or justified when they donot know how to do or can not do something. In fact, this theory of"who does not know cannot to be blamed" is a falsehood. By havingGod so close by - if He is indeed with us - we learn and we are enabledto carry out anything through Him. If we do not walk with Him, weshould walk; and if we walk with Him, we should know. Not knowing isno excuse - it may be a sure cause for condemnation. "I can do all thingsthrough Christ who strengthens me", Phil.4:13. "Learn from Me, for Iam gentle",Mat.11:29. If ignorance was nota crime, God would not say: "They do not know to do right (...) Anadversary shall be all around the land; He shall sap your strengthfrom you...".

  769. Despair is dangerous because it causes people to despise what they want mostand to put down what they would like to see exalted.

  770. "But (He) will arise against (...) the help of them that work iniquity", Is.31:2. You have to know thatthere are people against whom God rises. These people are afflictedwith various things. They, therefore, seek help and those who helpthem do not always understand that their help is against God, that it isopposition to God to provide that sort of help. Thus, they areclashing against God and are not aware of it under the pretence oflove. And God rises againstthose who help. He will be against the help of those who practicelawlessness. The only aid that may be awarded to them is one thatleads them to repent of their sins. So, never put yourself in such adramatic position inadvertently. It is human to want to help, but wemust follow God and not oppose Him inadvertently. "When the Lordstretches out His hand, both he who helps will fall, and he who ishelped will fall down; They all will perish together", Is.31:3.

  771. When someone is talking about stumbling or stumbling blocks, what's thefirst thing that comes up to your mind? We know that stumblingblocks cause to sin. But, keep in mind that it is not only sinfulness thatcan cause someone to stumble. Jesus may be the main stumbling blockfor many. When you walk along with Jesus, sin is or may be thestumbling block; but if your walk with Him is crooked, wrong orwrongly motivated, God will be the stumbling block to you. "And he shall befor a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock ofoffence to both the houses of Israel (...) And many among them shallstumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken", Is.8:14,15.

  772. If you wish to measure the amount of love people have towards worldlinessand sin, see that even under the threat of an eternal suffering in ahell of fire inside a lifeless abyss people do not let it go andthey rather choose to disbelieve truth and facts to be able to carryon with their sinning.

  773. Wherever there are still open wounds and sadness, one must try to find outwhether the inner soreness is in a process of healing or if it is ina process of deterioration. It is one thing to have a wound healing.It is another to have a wound that is getting worse and worse by theday when it is not healing. Even though both are wounds, they arequite different situations.

  774. We see, sometimes, that receiving grace or seizing it comes to us as acommandment. That is, to receive grace and to reach a state whichenables to have God's knowledge guide our lives right through is amoral duty - it is a commandment of God. When theologians talk aboutgrace, they create the impression that it comes as inactivity ormakes a person passive when, in fact, it is a strength and a veryactive power in man, which makes man very active through the rightpowers in the proper directions for the proper purposes. However, one also needs to have theproper heart if all of that is to take place. The biggest problem to grace is the alternative powersof the flesh, which may want to switch from grace to itoccasionally, or even replace it entirely and be mistaken for graceat work. Grace operates on such who can become operative through it.Not all can achieve that state of heart and fulfil all requirementsto have it work hard on and through the heart. Many speak as ifanyone who receives grace becomes inoperative and passive. It may betrue in those who can not be educated through it in God's ways; insuch who do not receive it; and in those on whom grace does not workas they believe it does, seeing that grace manifests itself only inthe ways of God and through a heart fully and unconditionallycommitted to Him. Grace abstains from working to have man's will ordesires fulfilled. That is why many become passive expecting graceor talking about it. They talk about it and, in practice, they neverreceive it. Soon, those who try out the things of the flesh becomeidle expecting grace to operate under such circumstances. Grace isan active power, it is a river that can not be stopped, which willflood with life everyone around in whom it finds a proper lodging.Paul tells us to take hold of grace; Jesus was growing on it; and wesee in Prov.3:3,4 that undercertain conditions, man needs to work or keep the work in order toreceive it, find it or even grow in it, or through it. Grace is afree gift, but is not distributed in vain. It is not vanity. Weread, also, that the eyes of the Lord turn the earth upside down tofind someone whose heart is perfect towards Him. This means that Godchooses who meets certain conditions or meets certain requirementsto give him certain gifts of grace. "Let not mercy and truth forsakethee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thineheart: So shalt thou find favour (grace) and goodunderstanding...", Prov.3:3,4.

  775. God answers all the prayers of the righteous. If a "yes" can beconsidered an answer, we must believe that a "no" is also an answer.When people do not get any response from God, they must make surethey are fulfilling all the conditions that lead to God answeringus. We must see if we really believe, or whether we are separatedfrom God by any sin either against a person, God or against self.God answers one way or another. All that really matters is toreceive concrete answers, clear guidance or sure hope which is notself-designed nor self-indulged about the subject, even if theresponse is contrary to what we would expect to receive. We mustinsist and persevere until we get answers. Unless that is so, it issinful to carry on that way.

  776. "I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple unto that which isevil", Rom.16:19. All who do evil makeplans and think hard about how to achieve their purposes anddevices. They want to be wise in evil and, therefore, dedicate muchof their time making plans and designing schemes. Now, we are toldto do or are required to do so in relation to well-doing. Let's bewise in doing well. The meaning of being "simple" is not to thinkabout it, not having the initiative and not being prepared to beevil. The person who does not think things out is simple. This kindof innocence is a crime if applied to well-doing and faithfulnessand is a virtue when applied to falsehood and evil-doing.

  777. It is not only the preoccupations and concerns that have the power to holdsomeone far away from the practice of the word of God, killing thesoul through suffocations and strangulations. The many 'good'occupations - whether they are happy ones or sad ones - arealso able to have similar effects.

  778. The fight to be different or to be distinguished has ceased in me. With that Ibecame different and I feel different and at peace with myself andGod. To wish to be an example doesn't make me an example.

  779. Man's  chiefproblem is that he does not stand or support the idea that he is theone who needs to change. So, he assumes that reconciliation isanother's task towards him and God, when in fact, his share ofresponsibility is the only real work at hand. By changing, he helpsothers to change as well. We should know that personaltransformation is a moral duty, which needs to be accomplished by usand not only by others. "Lord, what about this man? Jesus saidto him: (...) what is that to you? You follow Me", John 21:21,22. But, keep always in mind that we should notbe transformed into what others require of us, but in what Godtransforms to, which is in accordance with the standards He requiresof us and is accomplished through His power. When people want us tochange, they actually want us to change to fit them and not to besolely faithful to God. The kind of transformation that God works israrely pleasant to people.

  780. "Only the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no housebuilt unto the name of the Lord until those days", 1 Kings 3:2. If there isn't aplace where a truthful preacher has a chance to explain according tothe Lord and live his heart out, or a place where truth is held uphigh, there is no reference for the practice, or knowledge, oracknowledgement of truth and people will carry on sacrificing to theLord (or to some other god in the name of God) in the high places. Truth needs to besettled down and established before it can mean anything to sinnersall over the world. If it isn't, people will always seek high placesto sacrifice and high things to serve with. They will despise lowlyand truthful things. "For who hath despised the day of smallthings?", Zec.4:10.

  781. "Now, a certain man of the servants of Saul was there that day, detainedbefore the Lord", 1Sam.21:7. Many people are"detained before the Lord". They can't miss a service, they sing andpraise with all their strength and wish to appear in the service ofGod and to make themselves felt. They fulfil all rituals and don'tmiss a prayer meeting. They keep themselves "detained before theLord". However, none of their many prayers are answered and theirworks are proof of their dead religiosity. That kind of religiosityconvinces only self and is disdained and refused by God. Just likeDoeg, the servant of Saul, they don't really commune with God andneither God with them while in the Temple. Doeg did the wrong thingafter Saul's complaints against his servants. Once outside theTemple, he did not do what God would expect from him. We can easilysee that he had been detained before himself for the sake of selfand never before God. He used own strength and own fire to fight forown desires inside the Temple of the Lord. He couldn't execute thewill of God and, instead, ended up killing God's priests believinghe was doing a good thing. "But an hour is coming that everyone who kills you will think that he bears God service", John 16:2.

  782. Faith  resultsfrom a genuine relationship with Jesus. If this is true, unbeliefresults from a non-existent, false, self-assumed or broken relationship with God. We areable to believe in whom we know because we come to know Him and Hispower. Thus, the unbelieving person feels an overwhelming need tofeel supported by God and men. And if he has that urge to feelsupported, it is because he is not being supported or he wouldn'thave that urge. Such happenings lead to fake things and to trybelieving carnally, wanting to see signs by receiving blessings andother things. Calling out for blessings, nowadays, is synonymous oflooking for signs to believe. All these people want is to feel loved and supportedby God. This is one of reasons why God does not give them signs and,therefore, refuses to feed unbelief and the deceptive illusions anddemands of the heart.

  783. "...Because his sons made themselves vile, and he (Eli) restrained (rebuked)them not",1Sam.3:13. We see that Elicaught the attention of his sons about their sins, but, did not keepthem from sinning against Godand man. "And he (Eli) said unto them, Why do ye such things? for Ihear of your evil dealings by all this people. Nay, my sons; for itis no good report that I hear: ye make the Lord's people totransgress. If one man sin against another, the judge shall judgehim: but if a man sin against the Lord, who shall intreat for him?Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto the voice of their father,because the Lord would slay them", 1Sam.2:23-25. Therefore, we caneasily conclude that reproving has a different meaning for God thanwhat we give to it on many occasions. Humanly speaking, Eli rebukedhis sons, but, in the eyes of God, his sons had never beenreprimanded. In his case, reprimanding them could mean excludingthem entirely from the house of God and even from their father'slineage. Speaking against them and drawing their attention upontheir sins was not rebuking. As Eli's sons were not excluded, thewhole household and his offspring was judged to the point of neverbeing able to serve the Lord again. It is sad to see that Eli placedhimself in a dramatic position because of his own sons. He was a manwhose word did not fall to the ground easily and we see that some things hehad said were fulfilled (in the case of Hannah). Still, the wrath ofGod hovered over him and over his offspring. God did this for thesake of His people - people like Hannah. It would have been betterfor Eli to feel that God was not with him. He would have had theopportunity to reconcile himself with God. But, in a way, the factthat his words did not fall to the ground gave Eli a falseconfidence until the day he stopped caring about it.

  784. Whoever is confused with voices or can't distinguish between voices, it is,whoever is enticed by the devil and believes it is God speaking,shall surely believe the devil is speaking when it is God speaking.We need to be made real sheep instead of trying to discern betweenvoices or trying hard to be sheep. Sheep hear their Shepherd and run away from the wolf'ssounds and voices. The main secret is to be transformed into realsheep. Sheep hear and know.

  785. "Though thou detain me, I will not eat of thy bread: and if thou wilt offera burnt offering, thou must offer it unto the Lord",Judges 13:16. Manoah desired tosacrifice without really knowing it was the angel of the Lord. Thismeans he would offer to God without knowing it was God. This sort ofoffering is idolatrous. We may be bowing down to a Jesus of our ownminds while standing before the real One. We may have an imaginaryJesus in our minds while dealing with the real one. Or we may wantto serve the real One the way we would serve the Jesus of our minds.There are many ways of being guilty of the sin of idolatry. "Littlechildren, keep youselves from idols (from idolatry),1John 5:21.

  786. "But the angel of the Lord did no more appear to Manoah and to his wifeagain. Then Manoah knew that he was the angel of the Lord", Judges 13:21. It is interesting tonotice that Manoah knew that it was the Lord who appeared to himbecause He never appeared to him again. False ones wish that Godappears all the time and they even insist on such doctrines,inducing influencing people to do what they should not do or in a way theyshould not do.

  787. Many argue that they are grounded on God's promises even when the realityshows otherwise, I mean, even when promises are not being fulfilled.Things do not work out with them and they use that situation to hopeevenmore and to believe even harder. There are some similarities betweentrials and being denied by God. People easily forget that one wholives for the promises in expectancy is the one who is able toremain fully holy all the time through a real fellowship with God. To be expectant is like expecting ababy: a pregnant woman knows that she is carrying a baby within her and that itis a baby and not fat growing inside her. She is fully aware of thebaby inside her and cannot deny it and her hopes grow as fast and assure as her belly does. Most Christians, however, have imaginaryhopes and 'live' by them. Their 'hopes' grow even when they areaware of the fact that their bellies are not expanding.

  788. Holiness is a promise and should be the ardent desire of all those who do notentertain the idea that it should be or that it can be used as anexchange asset to make God meet some desires of the flesh. When itis rated or taken as an exchange for something, faith vanishes after theexchange has taken place as well as when no exchange is accomplished.Everything that is offered to be exchanged for something shall bereplaced by what it is exchanged for. If I take some property toexchange it for a car or a truck, I lose my property when I gain thecar or the truck. I cannot keep it after the exchange has takenplace. That is what happens to faith or holiness which is put forthto receive something because of it.

  789. We know that Israel did not destroy all the nations that God had sentthem to destroy, and those which were destroyed have not beendestroyed to the uttermost. Several reasons led to that. It wasn'tbecause they did not want to destroy them. I believe that manywanted to, but could not. "But they (Judah) could not drive out theinhabitants of the lowland, because they had chariots of iron"Judges 1:19. It is not enough towant to do God's will. We must be in the state to be able to carryit out through His power, it is, through the power of grace. Those who wanted to do it lacked power tobe able to bring God's will to utter fulfilment. They were not inright standing with God and they did not seek God's way and,therefore, lacked that initial power to expel all sin from theirland. "Wait (rely) entirely in God's grace," said Peter. We must beable to do so. (It doesn't mean that they had been in right standingwith God before, but, after having entered the Promised Land, eachone added to that state a seeking of own things by trying to live anown life for a change - something they were not able to do in the desert). Forthings to work out by grace and in order to get them worksuccessfully that way, it is required that we are able to maintain avery close walk with God, having God's desires burning in the heartcontinually through Him and having that as the only known way of life and notjust an occasional happening prompted when necessity is pressing. Weachieve that state of heart by being close to God and not by forceor by decision-making.If we have not that kind of walk with Him, the bigger expectationswill be in vain - if it is possible at all that anyone can exercisereal hope without being in right standing with Jesus.  

  790. "Take good heed unto yourselves, therefore, that ye love the Lord yourGod", Jos.23:11. Allow me to humblytranslate this: "Take good heed unto yourselves so that you can bemade able to love the Lord your God". Unless our heart is availableto the Lord to work on it and to be attracted (drawn) to Him, weshall not be able to love Him the way it is required. If ourconscience is not cleansed, we shall not be near God and,consequently, shall never be worked on by His Spirit to be drawn untoHim to love Him unconditionally. We cannot love an unknown personand, if we do, we love an image (of our minds) and not the person."Little children, keep yourselves from idols", 1 John 5:21.

  791. It is very common for people to exchange eternal things for what perishes.There are even really useful things that will perish or pass away,such as science, prophecy and other important things. "But whetherthere are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues,they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away", 1 Cor.13:8. It is very easy tobecome dependent or addicted to what we are capable of doing, todepend on what we know or to what is manifested, or to the things we canachieve personally or visualize. Science is good, but obedience isbetter because through it we have full access to what God knows;prophecy is good, but the walk with Christ is better and, unlikeprophecy which will cease, Christ shall never be taken from us if wewalk with Him truly and truthfully. Furthermore, Christ brings withhim his reward. If we seek and find Christ as He is, if we find Himtruly and if it is no longer a Christ of our minds or of our hopesliving in our illusions, the rewards come surely with Him. Byseeking the rewards we might never find Him truly; but, by finding Him,we shall be rewarded accordingly. Also, it isnot at all guaranteed that, seeking and finding only the rewardbeforehand, it shall ever bring Christ along. On the contrary, Godsaid "if you do not set your hearts (...) I will curse yourblessings", Mal.2:2.

  792. "The roads to Zion mourn because no one comes to the set feasts. All hergates are desolate; Her priests sigh, Her virgins are afflicted, andshe is in bitterness", Lam.1:4. It is worthy of notice thatChrist has been afflicted and never became bitter. Bitterness comesin during afflictions that are caused by sinning or that come overunclean people. It is born when the soul is not in full synchronywith God, in fellowship with Him or when it works against God. It is a final blow on a truerelationship with God. Bitterness is preferred above a genuinereconciliation with God. If the soul is found in full synchrony withGod, no affliction makes bitter because God takes full care of thesoul.

  793. "We don't trust in the flesh", Phil.3:3.A fleshly trust or confidence is something that assures us orconvinces and gives assurance, either emotional or of some otherkind. Now, a false assurance or confidence is misleading. Misleadingor not, it causes you to trust when you should question it and causeto be suspicious of whatever else you could or should trust.Confidences can become forms of stubbornness and obstinacy. There isexaggerated and emotional confidences and there is stubbornness thatis turned into false confidence. None of this is faith, but is thevery mind cheating you by playing dubious games with itself for own,uncertain motives. (However, we must not confuse the fact that truefaith is determined and persistent and that the world takes it forstubbornness). The flesh does not cause to trust it for no reason.It pursues a fleshly heart or fights to keep it. The confidenceof/in the flesh keeps it alive and active. But the worst thing thatmay happen is that a person with a false confidence does not seekalternative paths and is faithful to own thinking, and own beliefsor hopes, which are always preferred as assurances or 'certainties'.It is satisfied with own stuff. False confidences, contrary tofaith, do not create theneed of making sure about something or to obtain certainty fromtruth or from realities of God. True faith is a certainty in thetruth and not abouttruth. It is not a mere confidence. The confidence of faith comes froma certain, undeniable and heavenly fact which is sustained andprovisioned for by the very presence of God.

  794. There is deadly danger after every victory. After a victory over any trial,the temptation to become negligent in the relationship with God isenormous and subtle. A day of victory should be seen just as anotherday. We are not done yet. And even if we were done, we should remainwith the Lord for the Lord's sake. Let us not rejoice and be carriedaway because demons are subject to us. If the person is dedicated toGod only in order to be able to achieve something important, even ifit is something heavenly, it means that, in fact, he is notconsecrated to God but to the purpose he is aiming at. Havingachieved that purpose he may cease to be as devoted to God by notfeeling the need to be so. But, our need must be Jesus, not what Hecan add or bring along by relating Himself to us. The person whobecomes slack in his relationship with God after having achievedsome promise or victory in Jesus was, actually, never dedicated toGod for His sake, but dedicated to Him for own sake. We must know that our life is ofutmost importance to God. We must save it for His sake. If we wantto save it, we must do so for Him and His sake and not for our own.If our life is still important to us, we are not saved. "If anyonecomes to me and does not hate (...) his own life, he can not be mydisciple", Lk.14:26. There is another fact thatI want to emphasize: the one who becomes slack in his relationshipwith God after a tasty and important victory is the one who, duringany trial, was easily discouraged, unmotivated, stranded in his ownthoughts of despair, and felt adrift and abandoned by the Lordhaving Him close by.

  795. Concerning us, God must not only have the last word, but the only word as well.He shall always have the last word, but we should be found in such away that His words are also the only ones. No one should murmuralong the way and should never expect anything else but the mercy ofJesus.

  796. Deplorable is the state of the person who is delivered to himself. Any personin this state is dominated by desires that he can not control. He isdelivered to paths which he can not chose, prevent or control, noteven under the threat of death, poverty, illness or misfortune. Anda person given over to himself is not just the one whom God hasabandoned, but one that has abandoned God - or any of his ways,which amounts to the same thing.

  797. "Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, andcertain other women with them, came to the tomb",Lk.24:1. It is so common to findpeople going through many pains and hardships in search of a deadChrist! They sacrifice more to find a dead one than a living one.They sacrifice and wake up very early to do that. If you have setyour heart to find a dead Christ, you will find it very hard tointeract and live with the living one. They are quite different. Andthere is only a Living one who is dead to the world and the world toHim. Entertain no hopes for worldly things if you seek the LivingOne.

  798. Negligence does not occur only when laziness has the upper hand. It occurs whenwe get to do what is not primary and what is primary remains undone;or when we do God's work in a worldly manner, however zealously itis done, and little pain is taken to carry out through grace to dothings with the help of the Spirit because we can do it our way. Tobe able to do things in the way they are done in heaven - it is,through grace - requires full surrender to the Lord and His ways ofdoing things. We must be faithful to the point of finding grace in areal way beforehand in order to be able to carry fully out in a wayit should be performed and which is able to accomplish what pleasesGod. Unless things are accomplished through grace it won't bepleasing to God - even if they are accomplished somehow. It ispossible to do things in the power of the flesh. The flesh's mainaim is to work in the Temple of God and be accepted instead of beingdead. It will rather be a slave than dead. Whoever does not seekgrace and the power through which things must be performed ordoesn't seek any other necessary virtue or means in God to be ableto perform the way it should performed, is negligent. There is nodoubt about that. What else can we think of someone who seeks theends without finding the means or without going through themeans? There is condemnation hovering over the heads of all thosewho jump over the wall to avoid going through the means.

  799. Everyone who is not found doing what he should be doing, either because oflaziness, lack of time or any for other reason, ends up doing whathe should not do or ends up performing in a way it should not beperformed. That is a law in the spiritual realm and no one can avoidit being so.

  800. To be more than conquerors, especially to end our journey still as aconqueror, does not mean having to present works, progress ormiracles achieved by faith. It means having finished still abidingin Christ, being found in Him at the end of everything - if thatrelationship is real. "I know your works and your labour and yourpatience, and how you cannot bear those who are evil. And you triedthose pretending to be apostles, and are not, and have found themliars. And you have borne, and have patience, and for My name's sakeyou have laboured and have not fainted. But I have against you thatyou left your first love. Repent ... ", Rev.2:2-4. That true, royal, intimate relationship thatfew know of or experience for real should be as fresh at the end ofa life course as if nothing else had happened during a difficultduring it - or even at the end of an easy life. Whatever happeneddoes not count unless our relationship with God is kept in such away that surpasses everything else. The love must be equal orfresher and more simple than it was in the beginning of our journey- if our start was real and true at all. "...That I may know Him andthe power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings,being conformed to His death", Phil.3:9,10. "If a man abidesnot in me, he is cast out", John 15:6.

  801. "It is written, 'My house is a house of prayer', but you have made it a denof thieves", Lk.19:46. It intrigued me thatJesus could call people who traded in the Temple as "thieves". Hedoesn't use misplaced words. To be a thief, one must steal what doesnot belong to him. Now, people sold what was theirs as far as Ibelieve. They only used the temple for that purpose. The Mosaic Lawprovided for the possibility of people having to sell their tithesand offerings at home to buy what to sacrifice with that money inthe city of worship, if it would be difficult for them to transportto Jerusalem that which was to be offered to the Lord or enjoyed intheir feasts. What was not legitimate for them was to create dealersin the Temple. Why? It is common in this world to have copyrightsand image rights, which can be used only by those who hold thoserights. Those rights must benefit their rightful owners. In order tobe classified as thieves and robbers it would be needed to use therights or the resources they did not own to sell and buy. We cannottake advantage of God, or of circumstances, or of any person tonegotiate or become rich. And if we can not do that with God, we canneither do that with people. We cannot take advantage ofweaknesses, wishes, desires or the obligations of others to favourus. We can not take advantage of anyone and under nocircumstances. And it should be noted that whoever bought alsobecame a thief and a robber by complicity. Whoever bought in thetemple was an accomplice of those who sold in there and alsocontributed to this sin that offends God greatly.

  802. "Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles meI will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me", Lk.18:4,5. The original word in the Greek for "weary Me"means to make tired out to the point of being defeated, as in afight where, after being tired, a final blow is applied. There aretwo possibilities: either the person who asks is defeated and tiredout, or the judge to whom the request is made is 'won' over andmeets the request. Certainly, one of these two things will happenand there is no grey zone between those or any alternative to it. There is no midwayto go aboutit. Let us remember that this is "a parable that men always ought topray and not lose heart",Lk.18:1. And the rule or itsteaching is for everyone with no exception. All are bound to itsteaching, whether you are a Paul or a lost one beaten at theroadside of holiness.

  803. In this world, when strikes are promoted, it is required to guaranteeminimum services. I believe that is a common law in most countries.This means that those who are on strike do the least. They workupset or unhappy about something if they work at all. Remember thatwhenever you give your minimum in God's work and when any work isnot completed or is left undone - you are on strike towards Him. Many strikersalso disturb those who carry on working as they should.

  804. When we walk to please people and to have them like us, we also walk todisplease some others because people are not always heading in thesame direction. It is said by the world that we can't pleaseeveryone. God says we cannot please anyone. In an environment wherepeople are pleased, we usually tend to talk too much, say thingswhich need not be said and are conditioned by many other thingswhich we find difficult to control because our main intention is tobe polite and not loving.

  805. The mind is quite fertile in imagining. The devil often uses it and enticesit in many ways. One of the ways is to cause people to visualizewhatever they are not allowed to have or whatever God shall notgrant them. The sensation of lack or of loss keeps desires alive.

  806. What would you think of someone who grabs a hammer and often smashes hisown nail to cry out? And what would you think or what would yourreaction be if you didn't know what caused the cry and the pain? Iknow a lot of people with that attitude in them. They sin, offendand debate against truth and, afterwards, seek a shoulder to cry on.If they do not find that shoulder, they feel victimized, despisedand rejected by others. They smash their own hearts and lives withsinning andstill hope to find all sorts of happiness along their useless andempty lives.

  807. One day, I went to buy bread and the employee that attended me gave memore change than she should have given. I realized her mistake onlywhen I got home. I returned to the place to try to correct theerror. The lady was corrected and was happy about it. She thanked meheartily. I just do not understand the reason why people feel sooffended when they are corrected in God's ways, something which willhave them gain more valuable things than a mere monetary change. To bein synchrony with the truth is more valuable than all gold thisearth can offer. It is much more valuable to have eternal life thanany coin this earthly life makes available to anyone. We should beextremely happy whenever someone comes to correct any errors in oursteps, in our attitudes or even in our way of thinking. Shouldn't webe grateful and satisfied with the altruism of someone who goes outof his way to have our steps assured in the proper way for the rightmotives?

  808. "If a man loves Me, he will keep My Word", John14:23. There is a lot to be said about this statementJesus made so clear. How can one try to keep His words without firstloving Him with all his heart? And how can anyone claim to loveJesus when he cannot keep His words alive to walk heartily andjoyfully according to them? Loving Jesus comes first. Many try to 'keep' it to avoid beingcondemned or to become an example to their children. Translatingthis to truth, it means that they attempt to keep the Word becausethey love themselves. And they fail to keep it bwcause they don'treally love Jesus. No one is able tomeet God's demands unless he loves Jesus above life itself. "He whodoes not love Me does not keep My Words", John 14:24. In other words, hecan't keep them.

  809. Teaching and educating are not the same thing and do not always go together.Teaching is to extract from knowledge and experience to distributeit; educating is to offer from what we really are - if we are. Bothneed to leave the impression that whoever hears and learns must notstick to learning and must still find God and grace to become and tokeep being. If we are something in God, we must be open, availableand walk in the light so that nothing can be hidden behind our actions.Our actions should manifest and reveal in all truth all we reallyare in utter simplicity of heart. This is the teacher who knows howto educate. Knowledge teaches and serves as an ally to education,but knowledge is a servant and not a master. Life is the master andthe master is life itself when it is lived and exteriorized in allsimplicity and sincerity of heart. It is true that children learn alot from the examples of their fathers, but, they apprehend morewhat their parents are than from what they do.

  810. Those who truly walk with Jesus with a true heart, hear God. If you hearthe wrong voice, it is because you still hear the voice of desiresand own-willingness. The heart that is still tempted by the fleshand its desires may be forced to hear the voice of deception, which,often, impersonates and imitates God and talks as if it is Himtalking, especially because people wish it to be God speaking thatway.

  811. "Now is the judgment of this world. Now shall the prince of this world becast out", John 12:31. Interestingly,for the world, it was Jesus who was being tried and thrown out. But,with this act, it was the devil who was expelled and judged. Thereis nothing to fear if you, in truth, live in Christ and are judgednow. You should notfear to be judged by the world and to be expelled from theirsynagogues. That works in your favour and should be a cause of joy -to real joy. It will mean something to the world sooner or later.

  812. People are very quick to judge the right way and to stand up against itbecause it opposes them silently. When that right track is believedby some wrong people whose walk is strange to truth, they feel evenmore justified to oppose it. "The name of God is blasphemed amongthe nations because of you", Rom.2:24. If they already judgewho walks according to truth, imagine how many stones shall theythrow at truth because of those who go astray and say they carry onbelieving in the Gospel. The main aim of worldliness is to stone thetruth of the gospel. However, no one in the world is quick tojudge his own ways. In fact, they are quick to cover them up andkeep them secret. Had they been able or willing to judge own ways,they would be close to the salvation of Jesus. "For if we wouldjudge ourselves, we would not be judged",1Cor.11:31.

  813. "Others said, 'These are not the words of one who has a demon. Can a demonopen the eyes of the blind?'" John 10:21. Thereare people who are led to believe in the words of Jesus because theyhave witnessed miracles. This means that, in fact, they do notbelieve or did not believe in the Word itself and are led to believein it by external means. On the other hand, there are people - likethe Samaritan woman and those whom she has called out to see theChrist - who believed because of the very word itself. "And manymore believed because of His own word. Then they saidto the woman, 'Now we believe, not because of what you said, for weourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ,the Saviour of the world'",John 4:41,42.

  814. "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy", John 10:10. This means thatwhoever destroys, mutilates or steals is of the devil. If youdestroy an own marriage, life or somebody else's you are a thiefworking for the devil to rob people's lives from them.

  815. If we pray to spend time in prayer, we are not praying for things tobe solved or sorted out nor to find concrete answers for concreteissues. It's true it is not all about asking when we pray, but wemust be able to receive some guidance and direction whenever wepray, or praying is sin.

  816. If I do not change under the circumstances where I am found now, I shallnever change when those circumstances have changed for the better.It is not circumstances that have the power to change us - theyserve only to show us what we truly are. Better circumstances arenot able to transform us. Good circumstances are able to cover upwhat we really are secretly and bad ones have the power to unmaskour true self or to get it waking up from the deep sleep ofhibernation.

  817. Whoever sins, not only arranges excuses for his sins, but finds always faultin others, blames others for own transgressions and easily accusesthem of any obvious defect that can be spotted in them. The constantsearch for mistakes in others and the gossip about them are proofthat own sins are being concealed or disguised. Such people shallsurely die in their sins and shall be lost while covering them up,that is, while finding guilty ones, blaming them for own mistakes orfinding excuses or even explanations for own sins. To excuse ownsins is a way to cover them up. Everyone who conceals any of hissins shall never find mercy - neither now nor later (Prov.28:13).Make no mistake about it.

  818. "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, 'We see.'Therefore your sin remains", John 9:41. This reminded me ofthe words of Jesus that underline the huge danger of dying in ownsins, that is, that our sins are found with us when we die. Jesustakes away sin, both in its origin as well as in the inevitableconsequences of guilt and its cyclical power, which increasesevery time any sin is committed because it weakens man and ruinsthat kind of faith that is able to save from it to impose a falsefaith which considers self as saved while holding on to sin. Becausewe are saved from sin, it is quite an idea to believe that we aresaved holding on to sin! It isonly true faith that is able to overcome the world and toexterminate the sins of those who believe in Him. Sin brings forthdeath and ruin. Jesus in man overcomes that kind of death byannihilating sin from its power and roots. When sin remains, death remains too.Whoever falls in the trap of sin, shall sin more and shallaccentuate the trend of blindness, that is, shall get more excusesor abnormal ideas, becoming to blame others of own sins rather than to be able to recognize andto acknowledge them in self, that is, to recognize in order to seek and findsalvation from those sins. Jesus saves from sin. Whoever does notacknowledge all his sins; or conceals them stating that he sees andis not blind; or claims to have Christ while in sin; or remains inhis sins or his sins remain in him for any other reason, is not saved from them. How can anyone be saved from something he doesnot recognize or acknowledge? And if he does not acknowledge them,he shall surely be deprived of the blessed vision that it is Christwho frees from sin in an unthinkable way. "So I told you that youwill die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am, you will diein your sins", John 8:24. If wedo not allow or do not reach out to Christ to save us from all sins,we shall surely die in them. Sin also remains and gets a strongergrip when we say we are believers, saved ones or make some similarhypocritical statement while in sin. If we stay in sin, from whathave we been saved?

  819. "Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs,but because you ate of the loaves and were filled", John 6:26. The Jews and thosewho will not believe always seek a sign to have a reason to believe.In fact, anyone who would like to prove himself right always seeksto see a sign which he believes will not happen. The search for asign is a defying attitude and is, in fact, wickedness at work. Itis a wicked response to truth bothering within and to life trying tofind a way in. Some even challenge Godwith this defying attitude as if He won't be able to perform - whichwould prove them to be right by not believing. The prospect ofpeople about God is evil. From the perspective of God it is faiththat should produce the sign; and from men's point of view the signshould be good enough to produce faith in Him. Faith in any other orin any other thing is easy to produce without a sign. All menperverted the principles of truth, their prospects are controversialand their hearts became rebellious. Their starting principle is tobe always otherwise and to be in a state of constant disagreementwith God. The heart of man is controversy itself. Its nature is tooppose whatever comes its way against selfishness. However, we seeJesus say that there is something even worse than seeking a sign tobelieve: it is to seek Jesus only to be able to eat. This ruins allclaims of those who hold on to the doctrines of prosperity. Thismeans that people 'believe' to eat. This kind of opportunism or ofopportunistic faith is falsity and comes from a heart haunted byfalsehood. We can conclude, then, that God gives a differentemphasis and meaning to believing than what sinners are willing togive to it. Jesus said that to believe and to have life go hand inhand. So, to believe is to live - it is the ability to live inaccordance with the law of God and in full agreement with what Hereally is once He becomes reality and not a mere belief. Any man canlive with a belief. Few, however, can live when He is present forreal. "The upright shall dwell in Your presence", Ps.140:13.

  820. "I do not receive honour from men", John 5:41.The word "receive" is often used in this portion of Scripture and,also, in the Gospel of John. When Jesus says that He does notreceive honour from men, it could mean two tings and only one ofthem is what Jesus wishes to convey. It could mean He doesn'treceive it because men do not glorify Him - which is half true. Menindeed, and unlike all nature, do not give glory to God. But it canalso mean that Jesus does not receive it even if it is given to Him.He may not accept it in any form and He doesn't depend on it. Herefuses to receive it and to depend on it to receive man.

  821. "I do not receive honour from men", John 5:41.The best evidences that someone still receives honour from men are:the the promptness with which he rejects good advice; how offendedhe feels with accusations; and how much he still defends himselfbefore others.

  822. Most wars - wars between individuals, family members or even betweencountries - get its strength from dirty and aggressive consciences.Any person with a dirty conscience learns to be aggressive,retaliates to defend himself and lives from deception. When theconscience is stained, it accuses. That charge breeds an aggressivereaction from the accused person who resists coming to the light tohave everything clear and fully transparent by acknowledging hissins. This reaction can, in turn, become unmanageable and filledwith justifications - something which is able to stain conscienceeven further. The most obvious sign of a stained conscience is theaggressiveness with which someone protects own ground and tries todefend/protect himself. Sometimes, the person is found in a state ofcontinuous self-defence, which defends self even before having beencharged with anything. That person guesses what is coming his way.This defence can be carried out with anger or with a smile. Anyaccused person reacts that way if he doesn't have a heart thatfulfils God's law. The person who is right with God and is found atpeace when his conscience is illuminated by genuine light neverreacts against aggression. Responding to aggression is a vice oraddiction picked up by someone who has or had a stained conscience.If you had a dirty conscience before and no longer have it becauseyou washed it in the blood of Jesus, but you still react toaccusations and aggressions, the addiction remained. You are ingreat need to deal with that, too, after being cleansed from allsins without having missed on a single one of them. Nobody needs an oldhabit to live out the new life. The worst aggression that may exist isthat of your conscience - it is, at least, something that peopleconsider an aggression. People who are not used to have peace ofconscience react in a bad, ill-tempered, unhappy way only to escape this type ofaggression. No one can ever escape the aggressions of conscience andit angers sinners more and makes them more aggressive. And angermakes people unaware of what they are - it makes them, at least,careless and causes them not to care about it. Don't try to evadethe pricks of conscience by accusing others or by masking yourselfwith a good look or a look of innocence. No masked person is what the mask says heis. All who walk around with a dirty conscience always react thesame way because of everything and because of nothing. They live ina continual state of alert and warfare, and react even before theyare accused of anything. They harm to prevent the aggression theyimagine is coming their way.

  823. "He was the burning and shining lamp", John5:35. There are lamps that burn and do not shine. Weshould burn and be light. We shouldn't burn to throw only smoke andno flame or no light. The smoke can hinder light when the lampburns.

  824. "He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sentHim", John 5:23. This is true in everyway. Every person who does not honour or is unable to honour whomthe Father has sent to him - whoever the sent one is, whether it isa child or a grown up - does not honour the Father, not even if heclaims to honour Him. And whoever can't honour any kind of person,is unable to honour God.

  825. When we find the way, we should consider a few things and have them inmind. The path is right, pure and untouchable. The person who entersit started off, initially, as a wrong kind of person. So, we have someone withthe wrong heart heading towards the proper way. Will there beconflicts? Of course, since there is no wrong person in this worldwho does not believe to be right. The path can not become wrong orconsider itself wrong hypocritically to adapt to evil and to agreewith it since only those who are in agreement can walk together.Soon, there will be conflicts and only a persistent patience on thepart of the truth - without compromising itself - can achieve thetotal transformation of the one who is wrong. Quite often, theholders of truth are accused of being stubborn due to theirunchanging persistence in the way of truth.

  826. "He implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the pointof death. Then Jesus said to him, 'Unless you people see signs andwonders, you will by no means believe'",John 4:47,48. It's not easy todiscern that someone seeks a sign when he has a dying child andnears Jesus for help. But, Jesus saw it. It's sad, too, to know thateven with a child at a death bed people seek a sign instead ofhoping to find healing in Christ.

  827. God may call us for His works or we can offer ourselves to it. However,we must all learn to wait upon Him for the proper time to be sentout.

  828. There is hatred and indifference. Some say that indifference is worse thanhatred. Some also say that indifference does not take revenge anddoesn't punish. Regarding God, indifference is hatred against Him inhibernation. It is concealed hatred. It is pure, dormant enmityasleep. There is no one in this world indifferent to God. Those whohave not visited him in prison for being involved and busy withtheir own lives are, were or will be punished with the same sentenceof those who put Jesus and his friends in prison to mistreat themmercilessly. It is true that hell was prepared for the devil and hisangels. But all those who hate Jesus or are indifferent to Him andto His loved ones will suffer the same eternal damnation.

  829. Responsibilities and increased duties should lead us to a greater and more sincereapproach or proximity to God so that He can perform the doing andthe willing in us.Our prime responsibility is to seek and find grace, which is thepower  by which God performs things. We must also change our habits withthe increasing of responsibilities sothat we can adapt with joy to a new reality with God. Each increase ofresponsibility should achieve these results in us. Keeping the sameroutine, the same habit of life and the same courses of action arenot compatible with an increase of holy responsibilities. Get ready forpractical, radical changes and transformations if God delivered His talentsto you as a servant - or if you need to make up for those who haveburied theirs and have not been faithful.

  830. Life is an opportunity for schooling and we are all students. However,there are some that are more determined to learn and more and betterdedicated and equipped to truth than others.

  831. Purification, either of the spirit or of the flesh, is not necessarily to abandonwhat we consider carnal or sinful. (There is filthiness of thespirit and of the flesh). It is, rather, to sanctify it all back toGod again, getting to do things through Him, for Him and with Him.All things that are lawful unto us are necessary for a life ofharmony and peace. But, sin stretched out its hand to touch what isor was holy. Therefore, purification or sanctification is notnecessarily to reject always, but do with God for God - it is to rededicateto God in a way pleasing to Him what sin and the flesh have stolenaway to use for selfish purposes.

  832. Many wonder how was it possible that David's son started, afterwards,hating the virgin sister that he loved so much. Before he had forced her,he loved her to death. However, after he had possessed her, he hatedand despised her just as much. This happens quite often to many ofthose who have pre-marital sex: after they get it done, they startdespising the person they have been using or misusing. I know manycouples who became frigid after getting married because they havedone, before marriage, what is meant to be done only after gettingmarried. Pre-marital sex leads, quite often, to frigidity oncerelationships become lawful or after sex becomes a duty. It isappealing only while it is unlawful or prohibited. However, that is not the onlycause for frigidity.

  833. Many believe that the fear of the Lord is the passport that enables toenter the kingdom of righteousness and purity. However, we know ofone man who feared the Lord and, frightened, hid his talent in theearth; and he delivered the talent intact and well keep to the Lord.Fear, alone, does not mean anything if mixed with negligence,self-interest or any other carnal drive. Fear must lead us to findgrace along with all the means to get to the point to bearfruit, to fulfil, to be faithful and to do God's will. Forsakingevil is not doing good yet; to stop stealing is not giving from whatwe have; to stop killing is not distributing life yet; to stop lyingis not telling the truth. "We do not wish to be unclothed, but to beclothed, so that the mortal might be swallowed up by the life", 2Cor.5:4.

  834. When those servants received each their talents, we do not see the Lordexplaining to them how they should use them. Each servant used themas he thought best. Some looked for grace to do and some hid theirtalents.

  835. "But, if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My Lord delays Hiscoming..."Mat.24:48. There are severalthings that go unnoticed in many verses of the Bible. This verse isone of those. The question is: does the servant become evil by sayingwhat he says, or does he say what he says because he is evil? Hereis my opinion: who speaks against God is already separated from Himby other things or through other offenses. Then, having become awicked servant, he says what he says. Who knows if those extendedtrials come only to help reveal what he truly is and what sort ofservant he has become. Let's not forget that he was a servant. All servants tend to believe they arefaithful and pure. Becoming a servant is enough for them. They donot care what kind of servant they become. Many serve without havingbeen purified; others serve to cover up their sins; and others cleanthemselves to serve, but refuse to remain cleansed. The secret is to wait/expect, keeping holinesswhile waiting and never become stained, sinful or impatient alongthe way.

  836. Frankness is a commendable virtue. But, it is a virtue that cannot standalone, that is, cannot live unaccompanied by truth. Truth is love.Imagine an honest person who believes a lie - he will be frankwithout realizing he is holding the fruit of the serpent; or someonewho believes error honestly without recognizing it and taking theerror as sure sign of life. Frankness is commendable, it shallalways will be. But, we must know that it must be associated withtruth, goodness, kindness and the love of God. If not, that kind ofopenness becomes a weapon of destruction and a source of seriousproblems.

  837. The person that seeks the truth with all his heart will never end misled ordeceived. In fact, it is truth that seeks such people and truthshall never miss them. Truth seeks a true heart where to lodgeitself and to feel at home, and a heart where it can accommodateitself comfortably. No one will remain deceived being a trueheart seeking the truth in order to absorb it, and with theintention to practice it without hesitation. Truth mixed withhesitation is a source of trouble - it is an offense to heaven.

  838. "Be reconciled to God", 2Cor.5:20.Doesn't it sound strange to tell firm believers to be reconciledwith God? One might ask whether they are not reconciled to Himalready. If Paul was found saying that in nowadays' churches, manywould, certainly, be offended and scandalized. But, the reality isthat there is much more to be said about reconciliation with Godthan what it is preached or believed today. Reconciliation with Godimplies that we are in unison with Him, through Him and for the samereasons He upholds, being able to use the same power and having fullaccess to it all the time. It's not only to accept His will, butaccepting to become His will and to become someone who can perform it the same way, withthe same joy and through the same power it is used in heaven. "Hereon earth as in heaven".

  839. Many of the sins that people commit being believers occur when they areexposed to temptations that could be avoided. One can visit oldfriends who drank with him; many are exposing themselves totemptation when they could avoid nudity and pornography; they couldprevent disbelief by seeking to know that God is faithful and byseeking the real reasons or causes for any trial and thus avoidbeing exposed to useless doubts and questions - it is through thetruth that we are made to stand; one could avoid own ways preferringreconciliation with God at all times; etc.

  840. The biggest problem in the world among those who are deceived is not theinability to see error, but to reject it in favour of the rightthings. To be able to see error or to refuse evil is not the end ofthe course. "We do not wish to be unclothed, but to be clothed, sothat the mortal might be swallowed up by the life", 2Cor.5:4. Deceived people oftenreject things with bitterness and never with confidence and love forthe better - if theyreject it at all. When they reject it, they might do so inappearance to accept those sins in secret. The basis of theirrejection is never a trust in the truth, but a drive of anger andjealousy. However, the vast majority ends up reconciled with erroragain and accept it due to the insistence of falsity and of false onesupon them and their souls. Falsity never stops and does not hesitateto use its vast number of heresies over and over again until peoplefind themselves living with it as if it is the normal way to live.

  841. One day, even the married ones and children will be placed alonebefore God. We need to keep that in mind with joy. However, we mustuse what we still have to exercise loyalty, faithfulness, love andall the other virtues that enrich a heart, a life and a world. Wheneverything else has passed and we are put before God, we will befaithful, virtuous and full of Jesus. We shall be what we havelearned to be and what we have become. It is what it is all about inthis life. Everything is exercised around this important issue. Allwe have, possess and do now is given with the sole purpose thatthere be, one day when everything is over, a people which God canchoose.

  842. "For the extortioner is brought to nought, destruction ceaseth, theoppressors are consumed out of the land"Is.16:4. Any violent man orsinner has his end announced a long time ago. His end can occur bygetting him converted. He can cease to be bad or he shall bedestroyed. Either way mean his end. Most sinners have already goneto judgment. They can't be found anymore. If you are not fullyconverted yet, be assured that your end is near and it has beenannounced.

  843. If money is a source of problems and trials, the lack of it also brings itssort of ordeals. Thus, only a right and pure heart is able to keepthe good way both in time of plenty and in times of want and lack ofmeans. And if we speak about the lack of money, we can also speakabout the absence of opportunities to use well what we have or aboutthe absence of ideal circumstances to exercise faithfulness. We mustbe faithful at heart and not depend on circumstances to show off. Ifthe rich go astray more easily, the poor also have their thornytribulations which keeps them from seeing the truth or even topractice it when they have found it. The thorns that choke the Wordcan be found both in good and in bad ground.

  844. We all have already said something, one time or another, about God'stime. "Oh, it's because it was not the right time!" But, we musttake into consideration some things about God's time. The firstthing is that there is, in fact, such a thing as God's time. Thisfact is undeniable. We must take this into consideration when wepray, when we hope, watch or ask for something in prayer. But, wetalk about the time of God in the sense that it is He who determinesthings to happen. That time depends not only on the clock andcalendar, but also on the circumstances, the state in which theperson is found and some other things. Because it is God whodetermines what and when shall happen, many good or desirable thingsmay never happen when we are found in a bad spiritual state. It isnot only the clock and the season that influence the times of God.Many still go on hoping to receive when God's time has alreadypassed. However, they still carry on hoping because they have notreceived for some other reason. Others do precisely the opposite:they force to anticipate what is yet to come.

  845. Many insist on believing they have or we detain rights that must beprotected and assisted by all others. But, before God, we have onlyprivileges that we do not deserve. There are rights between peopleand people, which must be respected. God speaks of "the rights ofthe poor of my people". However, these rights are those of othersbefore us and not ours before them. We must safeguard these rightsthat people detain before us by God's will and providence. The onesperishing have the right to receive the spiritual food from which weeat; the poor have a right upon our salary and possessions; etc.

  846. If I am intolerant towards evil people, I am also able to be intoleranttowards anyone else. Everything I do, I do because it's what I am.The world believes that our attitudes depend on what people do to usand with whom we deal. But the truth says it depends on what we areand not what others are or do. It is good to feel bad around eviland the scornful. However, we cannot say that it is because ofthese scoffers that we feel bad. We feel bad among the scornfulbecause of the transformation that occurred in us. And evil onesfeel bad on the table of righteousness because of what they are. Itis never righteousness' fault. And if it is not righteousness'fault, then it isn't evil that causes discomfort and nausea to therighteous, but it is mainly because of the heart that the righteoushas received.

  847. "My son if thou be surety for thy friend, thou art snared"Prov.6:1. We cannot answer forthe lives of anyone. We shall answer for our ways and duties beforeGod. If we have done all to have the best spiritual food served indue time, we cannot answer for anyone's life - not even for our ownchildren's or wife's. Each shall answer for his own life.

  848. "...That he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the powerof disaster", Hab.2:9. Many fall into the trapof wanting to be rich or healthy so that their nests may be set onhigh and supposedly safe from evil happenings. But, we are safe fromevil only by delivering our ways to the Lord, whether rich or poor,healthy or sick. No one dies if God does not want it to happen and noone lives if God does not cause to live. Let us give ourselves overto Him and be at rest there.

  849. "Put away from thee a deceitful mouth, and perverse lips put far fromthee", Prov.4:24. Many do not believeor do not wish to believe that the way we talk is the best portraitof our heart. It is not only the subject that shows us what is inus, as Jesus said, but how we express it shows what we are made of.Our form of speech became a habit and a culture. This causes aproblem to many because they attempt to change the way they talk,that is, the habit, without changing the heart. In fact, many avoidchanging their heart. It would work like drying up a floor wherethere is a constant dripping. It is like drying up a place that willbe wet all over again. Before drying it up, one should fix thedripping. Also, we should never underestimate the seriousness of thewarning that commands us to do away with the deceit of an own mouthand lips. Many underestimate this kind of sin. Any sin is veryserious when looked at from the side of God. The sins of the mouthare also responsible for crucifying Christ, and those are sins fromwhich God saves us as well. The same can be said of sins of the eyesand of all our senses. What we like to see feeds the lusts of theheart we have. What we most like to hear reveals what the heartcraves for and which illusions it keeps within to hold on to. If weput ourselves to the test by giving freedom to our senses, then,shall we get a more accurate perception of the real state of ourhearts. One needs a mirror to be able to see oneself.

  850. "Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thylife",Prov.4:13. Nobody likes to becorrected; however, most wish to be seen as correct. How doessomeone become correct without being corrected? Everyone wants toreach out to the ends without going through the means. For thatpurpose, many brag about themselves to achieve some unlawfulrecognition. Here, we are told to love instruction and to desire itdeeply. To allow "patience to have its perfect work", we should getto the point where we cooperate fully and gladly with instructionand listen to correction not only without resentment, but, withgreat joy, showing forth joyful thankfulness while being corrected by God. We are instructed because we areloved and we love because we are able to be instructed. Carnal love has as a standard to be accepted in anycondition. Spiritual love corrects having a good end in mind. It isvery easy to believe that we are corrected or punished because weare despised, unloved or abandoned. A carnal mind makes suchassumptions very easily. If we resent correction in a least way, weare till carnal and ungodly and shall remain so be resenting it. We seem to hold correction as a weight whenit should be an easy, desired yoke to bear. Correction should be ajoy knowing that, if it is the Lord who corrects us, we shall,certainly, come to fruition. If you can find out what is the targetof correction and which is the end that corrective instruction wantsto achieve, eagerly cooperate with it and show God that you are onewith Him in what He does and seeks to achieve.

  851. "Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men",Prov.4:14. There are many waysand reasons to opt for a bad way. When God denies something tosomeone as a rebuke, that someone may choose to do things anotherway instead of listening to the rod of reproof; or when the delayseems to endure for too long, one might go astray and deviate from theproper way believing to be doing the right thing. Abraham went intothe slave woman because the waiting seemed to be a dead end to him.Nowadays, the seed of Ishmael persecutes the Holy Seed andChristians to this very day. There is a number of reasons forsomeone to go astray into an evil way and most of those reasons donot seem to be bad at all and neither the ways we put ourselvesinto. Some ways of death seem right to the eyes sometimes. Let's becareful about that.

  852. Whenever things go wrong or do not result in God's ways, people look foralternatives to make it work rather than seek the reason forfailure. God may have a reason to deny the person in front of menand angels and it is that reason that we must seek and solve in away satisfactory to God, instead of trying alternative ways toachieve the things that have been denied by God. All alternativepaths will be considered as means of idolatry and as opposingGod. We should pay more attention to the rebuke of God instead oftrying to ignore the warnings by recurring to means ormechanisms to resolve whatever God has jammed. We cannot abandon thepath of wisdom and salvation by ignoring a warning of correctioncoming from the Lord. "My son, despise not the chastening of theLord", Prov.3:11.

  853. Someone may start a way insinuating that he already masters it. Thiscan happen for various reasons. One of the explanations is that aray of light in the darkness causes such an impression that it canbe believed that the whole sun has been discovered. And whoeverbelieves to have discovered the sun or live as if he had discoveredit, does not evolve and can finish his way believing to be a masterwithout ever having learned better or more. But, the opposite canalso happen: one may end being a master believing that he is not.The humiliation suffered to destroy all his arrogance during theyears he is instructed might induce him to believe that he cannot beuseful to the Lord in God's hands.

  854. Many people know that if you ask God for wisdom, He gives it withoutreproach. That is what James says in the Bible. And many also knowthat it is true from experience. However, we must know thatScriptures also say that, "He gives sound wisdom to the upright",Prov.2:7. If faith is acondition to find that kind of wisdom, we must not forget that thereare other conditions that also must be met for that wisdom to bereceived or conditions that must be met through it when and if it isreceived. Righteousness, purity, confidence in the truth, therejection of lies and of false wisdom, the absence of double motivesand sincerity of heart must be taken into account, in addition tomany other things. But one thing is certain: those who receive it,have God's approval or they would not receive it. Bear also in mindthat true wisdom is experimental life and not mental knowledge which one getsthrough study. Studying is good so that there may be words toexplain what we experience. But, do not confuse personal experiencewith study and neither wisdom with learning from books. They are notthe same thing and are worlds apart.

  855. It is good to know many things. But, it is essential and necessary to takeone thing at a time and come to fruition with it. Bringingeverything to the end can not be seen as incompatible with knowingmuch. However, if we know too much and we do not take everything toa good end, if things are not fully accomplished, all knowledge willserve to condemn us and not serve as a precious help on the way.Wisdom is supposed to be an aid to an end on the way. This is true both inthis life and in the spiritual life. We must deal with each subject,with each sin, with every virtue, with each truth until we get to asuccessful conclusion of every thing that is delivered to us to befaithful to it, with it, because of it or through it. "My food is(...) to finish His work", John 4:34.

  856. Many talk about watching. But I believe that few know what it reallymeans. Watching is to be aware and wide awake expecting something.But, to what shall we be attentive? It is true that the devil comesto steal and destroy. But, is it true that he only enters the housewhich is not on guard against him? Or does he enter the house of anyof those over whom he has power regardless if they are watching ornot? I leave that question in the air, because the devil isshameless and daring as well. He is able to face an opponent orvictim head-on. He isn't always subtle. Looking deep into Scripture,however, I see Jesus expressing His views on watching in anothersense as well. Jesus describes Himself as "the thief that comes inthe night at an hour when no one expects". "Blessed are thoseservants, whom the Lord, when He cometh, shall find watching!"Lk.12:36. Our real vigilance is a state of expectation."And if He shall come in the second watch or come in the third watchand find them so, blessed are those servants. Therefore, be ye alsoready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when ye thinknot", Lk.12:38. I could guardagainst the devil if the power to save myself was in my hand. But,as it is Jesus who saves me from any of my sins, I must always beawaiting the salvation from Him when I am found in trouble. For thiscause will I keep watch. "I will stand upon my watch, and set meupon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, andwhat I shall answer when I am reproved", Hab.2:1. He may arrive at anytime and I cannot be found sleeping. I must be ready to receive thissalvation willingly and joyfully, without having a sense of losswhen Jesus takes any sin fully away from my world. I should notallow my house to be undermined by any other sin before He arrivesjust because my heart says, "My Lord delays his coming" - if Hedelays indeed. I must be found in a good state of heart by the timeHe comes. There will be no opportunity to clean up after He comes,unless to be cleansed is the reason for my watching and waitingfervently. I shall be treated as a thief caught in the act if I amfound in a state that God disapproves when He comes. This is whyreal revival must be preceded by a thorough cleansing or it will beour judgment day when it happens.

  857. "...Because I called, and (...) I stretched out my hand, and no one paidattention...", Prov.1:24. How often do peoplelabel themselves with innocence when, for some reason, they do notpay attention? "Oh, sorry! I was not paying attention! Can yourepeat it?" And no one is offended and all repeat what they were sayingwhen no one was paying attention to them. Everyone thinks it normal.But if someone is busy with other things, if you are distracted, tooconcentrated when it is God speaking, not paying attention is a veryserious crime. Use extreme caution, too, with your mood, because abad mood works out a refusal to hear what others have to say. Thereis nothing of more importance or priority than the words of God,especially when those words are so scarce. Use extreme cautionbecause God can speak or express Himself at anytime. Stay tuned andkeep that possibility open. "And you yourselves be like men who waitfor their lord so that, when he comes and knocks,they may open to him immediately", Lk.12:36. Whenever you arefocussing on anything or are emotionally moved by something, keepopen the possibility that God may intrude to say something. He willwant to be heard immediately, no matter what is happening to you.For God, it is not normal that someone does not pay attention whenHe speaks. "But whoever listens to Me shall dwell safely, and shallbe quiet from fear of evil",Prov.1:33.

  858. "Rejoice in the Lord, O righteous ones; praise is becoming for the upright", Ps.33:1. Why is praise becomingfor the upright in heart? Because righteousness itself depends onthe Lord. Without Jesus, righteousness would not be possible.Therefore, praise should exist simply because there isrighteousness. Righteousness alone is by itself a matter of praise -it is enough reason to praise God for.

  859. Every thing people have, God has given; every thing people do not have,God has taken away. And it is true of everyone, righteous orunrighteous.

  860. There is no difference between one who claims to be an atheist and he whobelieves in God and acts in his practical life as if God does notexist. "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God!'".However, God also speaks of all those who "acted corruptly; theyhave done abominable works, there is no one who does good. The Lordlooked down from Heaven on the sons of men, to see if there were anywho understood and sought God. All have gone aside, together theyare filthy", Ps.14:1,2. If anatheist says there is no God to be able to walk in his own ways orthe way he understands as a way, or if someone chooses to go astraysaying that God exists, both act as if God does not exist. Both areunbelievers and strange to the faith in Jesus. God takes intoaccount how you live above the faith you express. Atheist or not,the carnal desire is to live in sin and in own ways. Some prefer tobelieve that God exists and that He will suffer them or even fulfiltheir carnal desires; others prefer to believe that He does notexist to live carnally and as they like. The flesh does not wantlaw. I believe that there are more atheists among those who claimthat God exists than anywhere else, because "all have gone astray"and live their practical lives in darkness as if God does not exist.Believing in God is a false comfort to their consciences and not a savingpower. They wish to bribe God by saying He exists and by believingthe way devils believe.

  861. When there are false witnesses or false rumours, one should be able todistinguish between those who are intentionally false in order tocrush and destroy righteous ones; and those rumours or falsehoodsthat originate in ignorance. However, we should not get anyillusions: both are equally destructive. Never be a witness againstyour neighbour, not even in ignorance; instead, try to save thosewho are about to be stoned by words. Keep your mouth shut or keep itexclusively able and ready to express the salvation of Jesus, whosaves both 'good' and bad ones from their gross sins.

  862. It is thought that those who hate us or simply do not support us improvetheir attitudes toward us when we perfect ourselves. Many try tobecome perfect in order to be well accepted among those who rejectthem. Their motives are not upright. But, the truth says that theopposite occurs: those who hate or oppose do not stand the fact thatholy ones become holier. In fact, they wish to see errors in themall the more instead of successes and perfections. They seek their downfall andimperfections to have something to destroy by talk about. Perfection increasesthe anger and bitterness of those who hate God.Remember that you must give an account of your life to God and notto those who hate you and abhor righteousness. Pray for them insecret, having a heart full of mercy, bleeding with supplications,and do not try to do it to be accepted by them. If you do, God willsee you as a hypocrite who pretends to be accepted and not that Hisenemies be saved. They are His enemies in first hand.

  863. Those who seek the Lord only when they have problems for the sake of thoseproblems will cease to seek Him when their problems are sorted outand solved. We must seek and find God for His sake and not onlybecause of the problems we have, and must be able to rejoice in thefact that we have Jesus and not the solution to problems. It is truethat someone can start off wrong or have the wrong reasons in thebeginning and end well, that is, you can begin to seek God becauseof the problems you have and end with Jesus for what He is. But thesooner the heart changes its motives, the better for everyone's sakein every way.

  864. "Therefore, the prudent will keep silent at that time, for it is an evil time", Amos 5:13. To keep silent duringbad times is prudence at its best. We may be taken to evil thinkingand evil believing about God - let us keep our thoughts silent andpure, especially if we cannot think on anything to praise God for,yet; we may be tempted to take the wrong direction or to make hastydecisions to avoid what God is intending for us; we may decidewithout God and without contemplating Him; our words may come outharshly and unfair; our complaints may call upon uncertainty andunbelief and it may carry us into the reign of the devil anddarkness. It is good to know at all times that there is great wisdomin keeping quiet every time we should not say or do anything.

  865. The way I speak can determine a course of a life. It is never good to be astumbling block with words. If I have the right words at an impropertime, or if I utter them in a wrong way or with a wrong attitude; orif I have the wrong words and speak in a good manner to enticepeople; I might be the stumbling block of a life. It won't be goodfor me and neither for those who hear me.

  866. I don't need to ignore bad things around to prevent being affected by them.I need to know they are out there, expecting me to lose my guard. Ican't be taken by surprise if I know they are around trying tostrike my soul. However, if my mind is found in Christ and theexpectations are of Him and are alive and genuine, evil cannot touchthe core of my soul even when I look it into the eyes. I shall beabsorbed by the Lord and shall not be entangled by the thoughts ofevil. God will grant what is good to be involved with and to keep mebusy.

  867. "He brought us forth by the word of truth (...) So then, my belovedbrethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow towrath", James 1:18,19. It is good toknow that we are born again and brought forth by hearing, it is,through the word. The importance of hearing and listening isoutstanding. It means our life and eternity depend on it. "Take heed,therefore, how ye hear", Lk.8:18. If we do not hearproperly and with the heart, wecan't be regenerated. Whoever speaks a lot, can't hear - let's beslow to speak. We can't listen and speak at the same time; whoeveris hasty, impatient or angry has his mind busy with other stuff andcan't hear - let's be slow to wrath. However, we should distinguishbetween those who hear as they should and those who listen only tobe able to figure out how to reply.

  868. The way of God is a life and not a theory or a doctrine. Whoever doesn'tlive according to what he preaches (if he preaches the truth) shouldnever mention doctrine or teaching to avoid being condemned further.It would be far better for him not to have known what it is allabout.

  869. "Where there is no vision (prophecy), the people perish", Prov.29:18. Think of a personwithout direction, a sheep without guidance, a life without law orsomeone who does not know what to do knowing how to do. A person does not becomeonlydisorientated, but idle. Any idle person still thinks and can rarelycontrol thoughts, worries or any other mind issue. In fact, only anidle person can give full freedom to his thoughts. Without Christ,anyone imprisoned for his faith becomes uncontrolled. He shall notbe able to bridle his own thoughts. If someone is in a prison cellwithout anything to do and a lot to think about, he has a goodopportunity to sanctify his mind because thoughts arise at rampant,uncontrolled and loose.

  870. If God does not do what we want, the tendency is to doubt Him and Hislove for us. There is an appeal to doubt when we are still of theresisting sort. When someone is put to the test, as a rule, he willnot get what he wants, or will not receive in the form he expectedto receive, or in a timing he would wish to receive. There is asaying that true friends are manifested only when we have no money.Sometimes, Jesus is presented to us "as a root out of a dry ground:He hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see Him, there isno beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected ofmen; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as itwere our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not",Is.53:2,3. Do not be surprisedif Jesus presents Himself to you in such a way. If He does, it willbe revealed if you are truly His friend or not.

  871. Who is the person that, being tried, understands everything that ishappening to him? Job understood that he was being tried. However,he understood only that far. He did not understand the reasons andthe means used to try him. He only concluded that he was being triedand no more than that. This is, perhaps, one of the reasons whyJames advises us to ask for wisdom if we need it under trials.Wisdom is, also, prudence in the words we utter; taking control ofthe thoughts we have or allow to take hold of our mind; not takinghasty conclusions and much less unjustified ones. "Let him sit alonein silence when it is laid on him; let him put his mouth in the dust- there may yet be hope; let him give his cheek to the one whostrikes, and let him be filled with insults. For the Lord will notcast off forever", Lam.3:28-31.

  872. "The testing of your faith produces patience", James 1:3.As faith is the result of a relationship and a child of a genuinefellowship with Jesus, we must consider that for it to be testedsuccessfully and to be able to end up producing patience, thefellowship with the Lord must be maintained at any cost at alltimes. It is not an issue of keeping the faith but rather of keepingthe fellowship with the Lord in the absence of selfishness, personalreasons and interests, and all that it entails. Without Jesus in areal way and without depending exclusively on the true aid of theHoly Spirit (provided it is real) we and our faith will not pass thetest and it shall not have its perfect work. It is necessary to passthe testing. If we are not able to pass this testing, it willproduce impatience rather than patience. Patience is also the result(fruit) of fellowshipping with Jesus. If this is true, impatience isthe direct result of the lack of this fellowship, or of a kind offellowship where selfishness and personal interests are actively andcontinually harassing the Lord. If a sincere communion with Jesus isnot maintained during trials, we will not pass the test and unbeliefshall be tried and not faith. Not passing the testing can only endup in impatience, complaints, ugly and harsh words along with badthoughts towards God and people around.

  873. Every one of us experiences moments of complex situations through ourlives. A preacher must learn to preach the Word, but he must alsowatch over his personal life. He must live twice as much as hepreaches. Only then can he consider himself a preacher of the trueword of God. For this reason there are times when we read the Wordjust to take care of our own hearts and souls, and there are othertimes we use to outline a sermon or a bible study that mustattend to what people need and, also, correspond to what we live and practice already. "... Lest, when Ihave preached to others, I myself should become disqualified", 1Cor.9:27. However, the whole ofall sermons must be soaked with encouraging and charging intuitionthat takes any listener to be a doer of the Word and not a merehearer. "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only,deceiving yourselves", James 1:22.

  874. Faith that heals sickness is not always able to save the soul. "And one ofthem, when he saw that he was healed, turned back and glorified Godwith a loud voice. And he fell down on his face at His feet,thanking Him. And he was a Samaritan. And answering, Jesus said,Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were none foundwho returned to give glory to God except this foreigner? And He saidto him, Rise and go; your faith has cured you", Lk.17:15-19. To nine, theirfaith cured them of leprosy; but, to the one, it also saved hissoul.

  875. "It is impossible (inevitable) but that offenses will come (...) Take heedto yourselves", Lk.17:1-3. It is common sensethat everyone must take good care of what belongs to him, whether itis a house, car, children or marriage. No one will do it for him.The offenses to which Jesus is referring here are serious threats.This is not only a serious warning to those responsible for thestumbling blocks - it is also a warning to those who stumble. Thatis why Jesus says, "Take heed to yourselves". It is impossible toavoid offenses coming from every corner when we live for God in fullsynchrony with His ways and power. Let's feel warned. These offensesmay come from where we least expect. They may come from a spouse, amother, a child, a father or any loved one or even any trusted one."For from now on, there shall be five in one house divided, threeagainst two, and two against three", Lk.12:52. Let's thank God for womenand men who have married a saint and let's pray for those whomarried a serpent.

  876. When you are unhappy in a certain place, you shall never be happy in anyother place. A change of place or circumstances won't change yoursoul. The problem resides in the heart and not where you have beenplaced by God. The place is the excuse and not the reason for yourcomplaints. It is the excuse not to fix your heart with the Lord andpeople around. Give thanks to God that He provides places andcircumstances where the worst of you comes out and is made visible.Use those situations to judge yourself better, in the light, and youmight not be judged in the last day about it. And if it is true thata certain place is able to bring the worst out of you, it is alsotrue that it can bring out the best that has been planted within youheart and has never had the chance to be revealed or manifested.However, goodness must be exclusive of the heart where it resides."Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a grain of wheat fall intothe earth and die, it abideth by itself alone; but if it die, itbeareth much fruit",John 12:24. Evil must be deadand goodness must reign in an exclusive way.

  877. From the first times that I started reading my Bible, everyone says, "weneed to know the Scriptures". I even found people that memorizedScriptures. I have heard of someone memorizing the whole Bible forfear that communism would, one day, deprive him of it. Jesus saidthat the Pharisees knew the Scriptures. They did not live the Wordout, though. They did not live it out, experience it or taste Jesusas the Word itself. I don't think it is wrong to have the verses ofthe Bible memorized, but, I also believe that if Scripture means alot to my heart and understanding, I shall know it by heart anyway,or perhaps, in a better way than to have it merely memorized.

  878. If I am correct doctrinally and am found in right standing with God anduse my time to confront or attack wrong doctrines or evil, thereshall be no time left for me to preach the true gospel. It is afruitless course of life we take by trying to devastate falsities ofany kind, especially because they tend to die by themselves.Besides, if I do so, my works and preaching shall be fruitlessbecause I have been spending my time involved with strange fire,have put the gospel aside and my intentions have not been pleasantto God. Let's keep weeds away from our own hearts and garden and havein mind that weeds shall grow in every careless or neglected gardenno matter what we do. The reward for a wrong heart shall always be awrong course of life or track. And, if I attack evil, I am doingwhat evil seeks from me. It seeks confrontation. Evilseeks that I stir it more by confronting it. I cannot be foundfertilizing its soil for it. The best way to annihilate orcounterwork a wrong path or way is to be found in God always doingthe right thing the right way through the proper power, working atthe proper garden. If I am not found doing just that, even if I amright doctrinally, I shall have no true fruit to put forth because Ihave been too busy with a sideway and not with the true gospel ofJesus. My right doctrines cannot bear fruit because I have not beenbusy with the gospel. My works and lack of fruit will not convincewrongdoers to change because I have been charging against them andhave not been working for the truth and with its changing power. Andin case they listen to my words and I cannot put forth any truefruit myself due to the course of life I have been taking, it willharm truth greatly. The only way is to be right and do right andnever to charge against a wrong course unless I am fitly led to doso. "As I hear, I judge: and my judgment is righteous; because Iseek not mine own will, but the will of him that sent me", John 5:30.

  879. Everyone who gossips about people or mentions things behind their backs canbe frontal and direct towards those he talks against only by beingrude, cruel and unhelpful. Only a devilish heart can talk againstother people behind their backs. And that same heart is able to talkin a rude and harsh manner to those same people, who he would prefernever to confront. People seek attention at the cost of theannihilation of others when they talk against them. They have anurge to be against people, whether they do so behind their backs orconfront them plainly and harshly.

  880. All sorts of impatience work much like thorns deep in an important muscle: itnot only hurts, but incapacitates the body part which it serves. Andwhen a body part suffers, the whole body is limped because we haveonly one of each body part to serve the body in the whole. Impatience is a hindrancewhich causes to stumble and deceives all those who believe it to be aquickening way of rushing things. It prevents perfection, itprevents completion of what is right, and it will always be like apebble in a long-distance athlete's shoe. 

  881. Spiritual authority is a vast mixture of many virtues and of personalcharacteristics. However, all of them are based upon a foundation ofhumility. As the foundations stand for a house or building, so doeshumility stand for authority. A proud man might be, at the most, anautocrat. He doesn't have a solid foundation. Nevertheless, thefoundation is not the house. But, the house is nothing without asolid foundation.

  882. "Therefore, I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she lovedmuch. But to whom little is forgiven, he loves little", Lk.7:47. This truth is not referring to those who havesinned little, but only to such who have been forgiven little. If itwere about those who sinned little and have been forgiven all theirlittle sinning, then, it would be a contradiction to say they lovelittle. Let me explain. The opposite of sin is love. So, if peoplesin little, it is because they love much and that is why they sinlittle. Those who sin little have abundant love and have littleselfishness in them, since love is the opposite of sin. This verseof Scripture means only that, for some reason, people have beenforgiven little because they might have not been sincere about theconfession and abandonment of theirsins; or they ignored them or miscalculated the greatness of theirguilt; or, perhaps, they are blind to their sinning; or simplyrefuse to confess them by being ashamed or to proud to be fullyexposed in the light. Then, they shall be forgiven little or evennothing. This doesn't mean either that whoever loves much does sonot because of having been forgiven. Abundant forgiveness bringsthankfulness about and not love. Instead, one is forgiven by lovingmuch because, by loving, it shows one has been converted fromselfishness to love. And conversion is a central condition toreceive forgiveness. No one can ever separate confession fromconversion. No one shall ever be forgiven by missing out on one ofthe two. Nevertheless, confession must lead to or end up in genuineconversion.

  883. Hearing and obeying God is a life and death issue. Whoever doesn't listen toHim will get lost along the way and shall go to and fro according tothe direction the wind takes. Doubts, emerging bad imaginations anddeviating or distracting thoughts is the heritage of all those whodo not hear God. To hear God one needs to have a heart that isaccording to God. They must be alike. Only sheep hear Him, theShepherd. And it doesn't help forcing our ears to hear if we are notfully reconciled with God. Hearing God is very simple and all ittakes to hear Him is to be sheep.

  884. If God is speaking to your heart, take care not to interrupt Him witharguing, with thriving bad thoughts or counter proposals because allof that shall be seen as resisting God. "Do not resist the Spirit ofGod".

  885. "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?"John 21:15. The thing that isasking to stand out here is that John was loved by Jesus (perhapsmore than others were) and that Peter loved Jesus more than othersdid or were capable of loving. Jesus loved John more, and Peterloved Jesus more. Then, it is interesting to see that Jesusappointed as leader the one that loved Him most and not the one Heloved more. The one that loved Jesus more than others was asked orappointed to care for the ones Jesus loved and to be their overseer.Jesus does not appoint according to His preferences, but accordingto the inner heart and personal constitution of a future faithful servant.

  886. The relationship we must have is not with the Holy Spirit, but throughthe Holy Spirit. It must be a relationship with the Father and withJesus. We must know Jesus and have theHoly Spirit assisting us in that.

  887. "He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me",John 14:21. No one is able to keepa commandment that he doesn't have in him. The commandment that iskept is the one that has taken hold of the heart and turns to bepart of the being who keeps it. "I will put My Law in their inwardparts, and write it in their hearts",Jer.31:33. The heart must becomethe commandment itself. Then - and only then - must it or can it bekept. Transformation has taken place. After that, it is a duty toseek and to find real grace and its means of power to be able to maintainand keep it in a way satisfactory to God. If we have the car, wemust find the proper means to run it. We cannot push it around, keepit in a garage oruse own means to make it move. And to find both (it is, the heartand the grace to have it run) one must remain is such fellowship andcommunion with Jesus that it becomes our only way to exist. Atransformed heart can do nothing unless it remains in God. WithoutHim or the commandment no one shall ever have the commandments, orbe able to keep them if one has them already inside or burned in bythe fire of God.

  888. "I go away, and you shall seek Me and shall die in your sins", John 8:21. This is sad indeed.Jesus said once that whoever comes to Him shall never be rejected.But, here we read that people shall seek Him and, even so, shalleventually die in their sins. It is possible to reach a point of noreturn in a sinful life, or, should I rather say, a point of no wayout for our sins. Let's fear.

  889. "He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her", John 8:7. It is interesting tosee that the only one who had no sin and could cast the first stonedid not throw that stone at the woman. "Neither do I give judgment.Go, and sin no more",John 8:11. But, Jesus"threw" at her was, perhaps, something harder: "Go, sin no more".

  890. The discourse of Jesus in John 6 was hard andunacceptable to many who were listening with an open heart. However,Jesus did not detain Himself from making it even harder. "Then Jesussaid to the Twelve, 'Do you also wish to go away?'" John 6:67. Thank God the twelveremained with Him or Jesus would not be able to say to them, later,that "You have been (you have remained) with Me from the beginning"John 15:27. But, there is somethingwe must have in mind: one of the twelve who remained with Him was adevil. Not all who stay with Him to the last moments is heavenly andnot all who remain stays to represent the values and the virtues ofGod to man.

  891. When a thorough confession of all sins (by name) is not accompanied bythe abandonment of those sins which are confessed, even if thatmeans a great loss to anyone, the near future or the near end shallbe worse off than it was before sins have been confessed.

  892. One of the faculties of the flesh is to become able to believe infantasies and lies, to fight for them and live as if they are goalswhich must be reached at any cost. And when people do not repentfrom their many fantasies by coming to the faith, they shall easilydeviate from the way and start believing their powerful Lord mustfulfil the desires of their evil heart and their own expectations.The flesh does not have as a goal or as a 'dream' to do God's willand to have it fulfilled here on earth right now. The will of God isto know Christ as He is - which is eternal Life itself - and to havethe people around just as saved.

  893. Many believe faith is an end in itself and not the means to an end. Theypreach as if it suffices to come to the faith in Christ. But, faithis the means which shall attain the end God wills for us by addingperseverance, expectation and holy endurance to it. "Add to yourfaith...", 2Pet.1:5. Why wouldone need to add to it if it were an end and not the means?

  894. "My God shall cast them away because they did not listen to Him. Andthey shall be wanderers among the nations",Hos.9:17. To become wanderersamong the nations, these days, may mean to have nothing to do and tohave too much time to think the problems over and over without beingable to solve them; may mean to breed hopes which are neverfulfilled and to keep breeding them over and over again withoutrealizing those hopes keep repeating themselves without beingfulfilled; etc. If you are going through such a situation, perhapsyou may consider to repent from all your sins and come back to God.However, do not expect to be rewarded by going back to Him. Expectonly to be saved from your sins and to have you true inner liferestored.

  895. The great majority of the so-called gifts we see at work in churchestoday are self-attributed. They cannot be regarded as gifts, but asown-mindedness. Somewhere people started believing it is God's dutyto listen to them and to so-called words of faith to fulfil them attheir command. According to their practical views, they decide andGod must act accordingly. Their decisions are law. However, Ibelieve that anything that is self-attributed ceases to be a gift tobecome deceitfulness and selfishness at work.

  896. "Because of the greatness of your iniquity and the great hatred...", Hos.9:7. Many people came to askme how could they get rid of hatred and grudges. The answer shouldbe easy and simple. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. It is truethat hatred becomes a habit or a way of the heart, a routine of themind. The machine to hate is there, ready to work, and any fuelshall ignite it. The source of hatred resides in the kind of heart. It flashes all around and shoots at random.Sometime, somewhere it all started to be that way and you could nothelp it any longer, but being nasty. But, before it became an'unconsciously' autocratic and anarchistic habit, it had an origin.By sorting out the origin of it, we may, by the grace of God, dealwith the ways that have been turned into habits afterwards.Justification leads to sanctification. Hatred is not the opposite oflove - selfishness is. Hatred is just one of the many manifestationsof selfishness. If we are found separated from God in some way orbecause of something, selfishness is what awaits us to take over theheart. If we cannot live for God or use His means to do so, we shalllive for the sake of self and make use of carnal means becausespiritual means are cancelled. Then, hatred may become great anduncontrollable. Being away from God will lead to grudges againstpeople and God, surely. Soon it will become unbearable, especiallyif one has already tasted eternal life before. It goes from iniquityto great hatred.

  897. "...All that eat thereof shall be polluted: for their bread is for theirsoul and shall not come into the house of the Lord", Hos.9:4. What if we talk aboutthe house we desire, the car, the marriage, or any other thing whichserve only to satisfy appetites and not to honour God and Hisservice? Does your house serve God? Have you tried but it doesn'twork? Is your marriage a living example of peace and heavenlyharmony at least from your side of responsibility? Whatever serves only for bread for the soul is polluted. Itis not acceptable for the service of God and shall never enter theTemple of the Lord. But, this verse may also mean somethingdifferent: it may mean that because it is polluted, it shall serveas food to selfishness only, which is the centre point of all sin.It means that if something is sinful or stained by wrong motives orsin, it shall serve only to pollute man further and to fill up themeasure of his greed. Because it is polluted it is cursed and shallnot enter the Temple of God to serve Him. Not even when peoplededicate it to God can it be acceptable. It shall, consequently,serve to turn man more and more selfish and more against God.

  898. Someone who walks around with a stained conscience and is, consequently,blind shall always see his own faults and sins on others and judgethem according to the convictions or the perceptions about sin hehas. In fact, when judging others, he is judging himself and he isnot aware of it. But, that is not all. Usually, he attributes tohimself the virtues or good things he is able to spot in others. Ownsins are seen in others, and others' virtues are claimed for self. Ifyou ever wish to know what sins you need to confess and bring to thelight, and what sins you should be saved from, make a list of thefaults you see in others. It shall be a credible hint or guide foryour own salvation. And if you wish to know what other people havethat is good and virtuous, make a list of the good things youbelieve you are when others are around.

  899. "They have set up kings, but not by Me; they have made rulers, and I knewit not", Hos.8:4. God could also say thesame things about many issues and about many Christians: "They chosetheir husband or wife and did not consult Me"; "They decided this orthat and did not enquire from Me" "They travelled and I was nottheir leading motive"; "They chose their pastor and it was not I whodecided"; etc.

  900. "Israel hath cast off the thing that is good: the enemy shall pursue him", Hos.8:3. When we speak of theenemy pursuing us, we easily think of problems, disappointments,sickness or troubles. However, we must realize that most of whatshall happen consists of temptations and sinful downfalls. Byabandoning God, we are handed over to ourselves, to temptations andto our own deceitful hearts. The devil will play around with us as acat does with a mouse. The persecutions will be mostly inner onesbacked up by discouragements and disappointments in God, anger,unbelief, resentments of all sorts and hardness against repenting.That is mainly how the enemy pursues those who left God, to pushthem further and further away from Him.

  901. A firm, direct, cutting, righteous, precise and truthful preachingwill obtain genuine results only if accompanied by its correspondingmanifestation to the soul of the hearer by God. It must be pressed to thesoul and spirit of man directly and personally by the Spirit of God,which is holy. If the Holy Spirit, for some reason, doesn't manifestand press truthful words to the heart of the hearer, the resultswill be disastrous. It is the full responsibility of those whopreach to be always right with God and to depend on Him to have theWork bear its proper fruit. We cannot depend on the preaching, buton God. If God doesn't accompany the preaching, the hearers shall beantagonized and put off. Why could John the Baptist say to hishearers, looking into their eyes, that they were vipers andopportunist snakes and still, they would come again and again tolisten to him and to repent by confessing their sins before him? Weconfess sins only before whom we trust. And why do many leave theirchurches for much less than that? It is required of the preacherswho preach as they ought to be the Gospel themselves, and to be aliving proof of God's power and holiness. They must make surenothing separates them from God and there must be no outstandingissue that they must fix with God or people - whoever those peopleare, either enemy or friend, family or stranger, child or grown up.But, in case they take notice that their gospel and their preachingis antagonizing people, they may never fall into the temptation ofchanging their right ways to accept a more popular way of preaching.They might do it instead of resolving all issues that stand betweenthem and God and which stain their relationship with God. Ratherhumble yourself before God and carry on preaching as you ought andmay God bless you richly.

  902. God created joy and made it available to those who belong to Him. Thosethat belong to Him can enjoy it any time for any reason and underany circumstances. This kind of joy does not depend on the greatnessof the motive, but only if we have it by being right with God and ifour conscience is clean and accessible to the Holy Spirit. If we arein right standing with God, having confessed and abandoned everyknow sin (having been cleansed through His blood), this joy isalways there and needs no known secondary reason to manifest itselfat any time. We simply have this joy in us. It dominates us and wecannot miss out on it or help it up - it simply exists and anythingcan cause us to be joyful. Our laughter is there not because of whatwe laugh about but because of the joy that is there. Circumstancesare unable to influence or change it - not for the better andneither for the worse.

  903. Many believe it is enough to distinguish between evil and good and to beable to discern between them. However, the Bible says expressly thatthere are two things which must be mastered: one must know how toreject evil and how to submit one's soul to the goodness of God tobe able to become like Him. One must know to accept goodness and toreject evil. These are two different things altogether. Both must bemastered and accomplished independently through the means of graceand not by any other means. No one can do it for somebody else andone thing does not lead automatically to the other, even thoughthese two virtues are inseparable. We must, also, take into accountthe fact that many people say evil is good and that good is evil,that sweet is sour and sour is sweet.

  904. "Iwaited patiently for the Lord", Ps.40:1.It is interesting to know that David did not say that he waitedimpatiently for the Lord. For some people it may even sound as avirtue to wait impatiently for/from Him. David waited with patience andnot in despair. It is important to wait on the Lord, howeverdifficult or troublesome it may be. However, I believe that waitingwith patience is more rewarding for the soul. I don't know if anywho say that he waited for the Lord, but impatiently, shall alsosay, later on, that "He inclined unto me, and heard my cry". Ihonestly don't know. Perhaps, such a person might still be rewardedin the same way for having waited, but I cannot say for sure.

  905. Before asking what God wants to accomplish through your life, you shouldask if He has your life in His hands to do with it as He wants whenHe wants. Your life must be His unconditionally and withouthindrances. Only after that is accomplished or being accomplishedshould you ask what He wants to do through it or around it. Thetestimony must be alive first - it must be a living one beforeanything else can happen.

  906. "And they do not say within their hearts that I remember all their evil.Now their own doings have hemmed them in; they are before My face", Hos.7:2. There are many ways tohave God recall our sins again, even those that have been forgivenbefore. All it takes to have God remember old sins again is to gobecome fit to commit them again. God must remember forgiven sins tocondemn backsliders because the fact that they had been forgivenbefore must speak against them. "For he in whom these things are notpresent is blind and cannot see afar off and has forgotten that hewas purged from his sins in the past",2Pet.1:9. If conversion makesGod forget all committed sins, backsliding will make God rememberthem all again.

  907. "And I sought for a man among them who should wall up a wall for the land,and stand in the break before me, that I should not destroy it. ButI did not find one", Ez.22:30. To "stand in thebreak", as God says, one needs not only to pray and to intercede,but, one needs to be or become someone whom God hears in prayer.There is a lot more in intercession than one thinks of at firstimpressions. We must intercede for God before people and for peoplebefore God.

  908. "...All of them moaning, every one in his iniquity", Ez.7:16. This may not mean that those who moan areaware that their heaviness is resulting from their sins. It onlymeans it is because of their sins, but not that they are aware of itas a fact beyond dispute. It means only that their own sins areresponsible for what they become. In case they knew their sins didbring that heaviness upon them, why would the Lord find Himself inneed of sending the prophets day in and day out to convince them orcall upon them to repent? They never believed the prophets that Godsent to warn them. They even killed some. "The way of the wicked isas darkness: They know not at what they stumble",Prov.4:19.

  909. If man complains, let him complain about his own sins. It is sad thatpeople do not listen to what the Bible says. Everybody easily andpromptly complains against other people's sins and never againsttheir own. They rather feel sorry for themselves and angry againstothers. It is true other people have sins; however, let themcomplain against them themselves. Allow them that duty andprivilege. How different would this world be did everyone complainagainst his own sins! God would easily forgive them and help themout of corruption and people would get along with each other. "Letus test and examine our ways, and return to the Lord", Lam.3:40.

  910. It is not possible to find communion or understanding between a wrongheart and a right one. A wrong man gets along with another wrongman, and the rightful person with such who are as right as he is.Those who gossip get along with people that gossip and will neverget along or understand those who refuse to talk against others orrefuse to listen to such talk. One of the reasons why people maythink all goes well between those who are wrong is the fact thatthey are alike and get along, and not that they are right. The fleshcannot deny itself, but only what is spiritual and upright; thespirit denies the flesh when it comes to God and is made alive. Theidea that people are right when they have lots of supporters is alie from hell. Another lie is to say that upright ones do not havesupporters and are not loved or appreciated. The other lie is tobelieve that we shall or should have peace with everyone while theworld does not allow any upright person to live in peace.

  911. "...The iniquity shall be sought for, and it shall not be found; (...) for Iwill pardon...",Jer.50:20. We read this samestatement in many places in Scripture: Sin shall be sought, butnever found because it has been forgiven or blotted out. Now, inorder to be forgiven by God, one must be truly converted, being ableto abandon all those sins which have been confessed in all itssordid details. To be able to abandon sin permanently andeffectively, one must be able to seek and find grace from God forthat purpose; a temporary abandonment of sin shall not work andshall not bring pardon. There must be genuine conversion beforeforgiveness can take place. Therefore, if sins shall not be foundwhen sought, it means people are converted fully and changedpermanently.

  912. I don't know why it happens, but a great majority of people feel guilty orashamed when other people sin in front of them as if they areparticipants of it. Sometimes, they even fear the consequences ofother's sins. I think it happens because either their conscience isnot at ease or they are not solidified in truth. They cannot easilyhold on to facts as they are. And the first sign of uneasiness is tojudge and attack instead of standing upright and solidly in God. They might not be able to believetheir innocence or they might not be innocent in some aspects oftheir lives. Sometimes, they even feel guilt being innocent. Others, onthe other hand, see only the sins of other people and overlook theirown. When they hear a sermon that they understand or that touchesthem, they usually say, "So and so should be listening to this". Isthere a greater sadness than the one where people do not see theirown sins and, consequently, see the reflection of own sins onothers?

  913. It is possible to show impatience having the heart already changed becauseof temptation - if temptation happens or if it has a smart grip onthe actions of a changed man. It is also possible to show forthpatience and calmness without having been changed by God. We shouldnot be virtuous in appearance only.

  914. Anyone who talks of another, speaks against himself. He shall be condemnedby his own words and sins. It is not others who are condemned byyour cutting, accusing words or remarks, but you only. You aredrinking the poison which you hope others will die from.

  915. "I looked and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness", Jer.4:26. Some times, we blame Godfor the failures of His words and works on earth. However, we seethat the desert that now prevails is, was or could be fertile soilin a land He created with the purpose of becoming productive andfertile. After sin has stepped in, the need to plough and work on itwas created. It needs to be prepared beforehand and, afterwards, theneeded rains fall from heaven. "Break up your fallow ground, and donot sow among thorns", Jer.4:3. "I looked on the earth,and, lo, it was without form and void; and the heavens, and they hadno light", Jer.4:23. It is sad to mark thatGod uses, here, the same expression that was used before the earthhad been created: "And the earth was without form and empty. Anddarkness was on the face of the deep",Gen.1:2. The conditions of theearth, as it is found now, seem to be the same as when the earth wasin need of the first intervention of God. At least, it is so in theeyes of the Lord. "Though you dress with crimson, though you put onornaments of gold, though you make your eyes large with paint, youshall make yourself beautiful in vain", Jer.4:30. There are many who work hard on appearancesthinking they are doing a good thing and little do they know thatthey are working on covering up the world's defects and deflectionsby using means which only change its appearance. But, God sees theheart and not the make-up. The heart is not changed by the way wetalk, but the talk is changed by the way the heart is. We need toplough deep into our hearts and break through the fallow ground ofappearance. We should not plant among thorns or in shallow ground.Our hearts must be able to guarantee growth and to retain the watersfrom heaven faithfully. We cannot hinder God's works by working hard onappearances as if we are working holiness.

  916. Grudges or intolerance against people is a sin that never walks alone. Angerlies, quite often, about many things - it is never objective aboutissues; it has answers even before it hears the questions; it hasvain imaginations and conceptions only to be able to justify itself;it is always defending itself, even before it is attacked or evenwhen it is not being attacked - and God said we should under nocircumstances defend ourselves or take revenge, not even whenattacks are real. I could, perhaps, mention more sins resulting fromintolerance and grudges. However, I shall leave it to you, to yourconscience and to the capacity you have to enquire all from GodHimself to keep whatis good.

  917. There is a law in nature which no one shall ever be able to change: if Iam able to be unpleasant to others for personal reasons, I am stillof the kind that search to please people, however occasionally. Andif I still please people, I am still able to be unpleasant to them.No one can ever separate pleasing people from being unpleasant.

  918. No one may trust anyone who speaks of other people, for variousreasons. Firstly, whoever speaks of others behind their backs isseeking something for himself, like attention, affection, or supportagainst others, or something else, and is not objective about whathe says. Such people accuse to find something they guess they mightget in return, especially if the hearer has the same mind or isfeeling as bitter. There is always some sort of complicity involvedin backbiting or gossiping. People who gossip are dishonest at heartand are not honest people, not even towards themselves.

  919. We all know we always reap whatever we sow one way or another, one dayor another. However, many believe they shall reap only thingsproportional to the seeds that they sow or plant. They seldombelieve that little seeds can turn into big happenings. Even a giantstarts off as a very small embryo. "And when you sow, you do not sowthe body that is going to be, but a bare grain (it may be of wheat,or of some of the rest)", 1Cor.15:37.

  920. If it is indeed true that the "woman is the glory of man" (1Cor.11:7),then, it is also true that she can become his main source ofdishonour, friction and weariness. "A woman of virtue is a crown toher husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in hisbones", Prov.12:4. Whatever ishonourable to someone can become the opposite by moving away fromGod. The things and plans of God work out only near Him and by Him.Let's remain in Him.

  921. Any form of idolatry is intimately linked or associated with the fleshlydesires of some practices of evil that God and conscience don'tapprove. The idol is unable to reprove or chastise and is able togrant some religious comfort to the sinner who is in need ofconsolation due to the aggression of conscience and the sword of the Law of Godagainst him. The biggest danger to the soul of man is to believethat God upholds his lifestyle. Such a lie is able to createterrorists. People choose the kind of gods that suits them best. "Wemay not be lusters after evil, even as those indeed lusted. Neitherbe idolaters, even as some of them, as it has been written, "Thepeople sat down to eat and drink, and stood up to play", 1Cor.10:6,7. Lusts and idolatryhave always been associated and found together. Religiosity and evilare twins. They can't live apart and work quite hard together./p>

  922. Any person inclined to enter, accept or believe an erroneous doctrine has the wrong heart in him. Consequently, the main problem to solve in such a person is not of the doctrine kind or teaching, but of heart. The (wrong) doctrine becomes the barrier or the protecting wall around the heart, though. It must be destroyed fully one time or another, one way or another. However, the real problem lies in the heart and the acceptance of the wrong thing is held on to because of convenience and not because of it being truthful. A wrong doctrine is the main protection of a wrong heart. It is the wrong heart's main defence and surrounds it to protect it from war. It suits people's sins to have a wrong doctrine and to have war face the wall instead of confronting the heart. By sorting out the heart before God in all truthfulness, wrong doctrines tend to perish by themselves because the heart ceases to be in need of them to protect itself.

  923. Paul (and wisdom) say we must not sit in a table filled with meat sacrificed to idols in order not to have weak brothers stumble because of us. They may be scandalized by our actions or attitudes. However, that is a completely different thing from when Jesus entered a Pharisee's house and allowed a (ex)prostitute, who was also a woman, to touch Him. It was a scandalizing stumbling block for the Pharisees and, perhaps, for some of His disciples. We must never exclude this type of action from Jesus as wisdom at work as well.

  924. Whoever cannot love bad people or indecent ones, won't, surely, love good ones for the proper motives. Such shall love good ones because they treat them nicely and it only proves how much such people love themselves.

  925. We don't rest from God but with God.

  926. Separation or segregation from evildoers may not mean holiness to those who separate themselves. It can help to be holy, especially in the beginning stages of the Christian experience, and as long as that experience is real. But, if we do not preserve or maintain our fellowship with and closeness to the Lord, separation from sin is unable to keep us. We must trust the Lord and not our separation from sin.

  927. There are those who don't know what they do, as Jesus also said and confirmed. However, there are also those who don't know what they say, hear, see and watch.

  928. A question question for today's preachers, many of which use and dominate today's pulpits unceasingly: Do you wish to have truth prevail or that you be the preacher?

  929. It startles my heart to see how weak or useless is the faith of many. It is troublesome and worrying. Doubts storm in at the slightest accusation or persecution; concerns and doubtful thoughts at the slightest lack of food or clothing. The most insignificant trial is enough to have the heart troubled and concerned to the point of wishing to change their way or move back into worldliness and its ways of accomplishing or getting things. It is easy to mark that their foundations are not strong or that they are inexistent. They cannot maintain their joy in trouble and persecution. To be persecuted may mean we are on the proper track and we are advised to keep that in mind. God might not be against us. "...And not being terrified in anything by those who oppose, which (...) truly is a proof of salvation to you, and this from God", Phil.1:28.

  930. "And no hair of your head shall in no way perish", Lk.21:18. It seems strange that someone who is being killed and tortured for his faith should believe that not even a hair of his head is perishing. It makes sense, though, if our eyes are set in heavenly things and look at the word of Jesus by having heaven in mind. "It is the Spirit that gives life. The flesh does not profit, nothing! The Words which I speak to you are spirit and are life", John 6:63.

  931. "Then , put into your hearts not to premeditate to make a defence", Luk.21:14. There are two ways in which we must understand this verse from Scripture: the existing or dying selfishness to save self as if it must live; and the lack of confidence in God who leads faithfully and as if He is non-existing or if He shouldn't save from selfishness. Whenever someone attempts to save himself through his own efforts, he must think on what he is doing. It is not a good thing that which he is trying to do. "And blessed are you in that you have kept me (...) from delivering myself with my own hand", 1Sam.25:33.

  932. Everyone that attempts to save himself from anything whatsoever, is trying to do something he shall never be able to do.

  933. When Jesus says assuredly that the cares of this world suffocate the word of God, He doesn't necessarily mean that it hinders our understanding or remembering it, even though it can also be the case. In fact, what He means is that it shall surely become a stumbling block to the practice of the word we understand correctly. It is a word that has fallen in good ground. One cannot serve two masters at once and to serve is to be practical about it. It is impossible to have anyone fully available for a practical life in Christ for which grace must be asked for and found in time (beforehand), if the worries of this world are still affecting our mind and spirit.

  934. What would you think of someone who throws seeds of weeds around in his field expecting to harvest corn that is good to eat and that only? What a 'faith'! How can someone sow thorns and get good corn from a field? What would you think of someone who throws any numbers in a calculator having a certain result in mind beforehand? Who imagines the result first? Our end result is a consequence of the numbers we put into a machine. So is our life: we shall harvest precisely what we have sown. Unless we clean our fields of old seeds and old plants that bear alike bad seed, which we have been using in our lives, we shall bear no other fruit than the one the seeds are supposed to put forth.

  935. What determines if there is revival or not is not the amount of praying but the amount of prayers that are heard by God and attended to.

  936. Christ never said that He would win the world over (as the devil tempted Him to do) but rather that He overcame the world. By overcoming it, it is assumed that the world is an enemy and not an ally or friend. We overcome enemies and not friends. Many wish to please the world to the point of winning it over to their side. Imagine a team that, on the field, instead of playing the important game, rather uses its time to convince the other team to let go and play on their side. It shall lose the game, surely! Our adversary doesn't play the game of life to lose, but to hit us with death. To become an ally of an enemy is the worst kind of treason and the worst manner of surrender in warfare.

  937. What God wants more than anything else is to have people around whom He can't deny.

  938. Anyone unable to teach himself shall never be able to teach others as he should. Teaching others is more difficult than to teach oneself because, in order to teach anyone effectively, one must be already living what he teaches. Yet, people choose always the hard part. The high point of hypocrisy is to teach whatever we don't do ourselves. Such a sin is quite a bad.

  939. We don't see Jesus repeating the Sermon of the Mountain. Yet, His disciples never forgot it. What did the Lord have that His disciples and hearers recalled with precision everything He said and taught? Do you have what Jesus had, at least when you are taught? "Ask those who heard me what I have said to them. Behold, they know what I said", John 18:21.

  940. Many people fear reality. It happens because they have been denied by God all their life long. They have been excluded from life and learned the many habits of unbelief. They prefer fantasy and illusion, which, in practical terms, disappoints more, but doesn't disappoint them. Unbelievers are able to trust lies and shadows of truth. To find realities is, for them, to set out in search of disappointment. Therefore, unbelief rejects reality and angers heaven to the uttermost because it chooses the easy way out which leads to death.

  941. "Until now, you have asked nothing in My name; ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full", John 16:24. This word of Jesus may seem very strange. The disciples had asked many things till then, including to sit at His right and left hand. They had, also, performed many miracles. How is it that they till then they had never asked anything in Jesus' name?

  942. It is only expected that we shall go nowhere by listening to the right things without being able to listen to God. Knowledge on its own will never become true, genuine life that way.

  943. It is possible to be "in Christ" and not breed fruit. If it weren't so Jesus wouldn't have said, "Every branch in Me that doesn't bear fruit is cut off and burned", John 15. We must be careful because we might be believers and mean nothing to heaven.

  944. "...So that your joy may be full", John 15:11. Joy shall never be full unless we have true joy substantiated alone by being in the Lord. If we can be in the Lord and still be joyful and at peace in Him, if we have nothing else to take joy from, our joy is genuine. Few people are able to be at peace in the Holy presence of God - if it is genuine - and to be content only with Him and His will.

  945. Every time someone's sin is revealed to him, it is expected that such a person repents from it and work on being converted or changed through the power of God which is sought for that purpose exclusively. But, it doesn't work out that way all the time. Many times, the opposite is achieved. When the person is convicted, he hardens himself. When Jesus mentioned Judas his sin, Satan got into him; when Stephen showed the Pharisees their sins, they stoned him to death and cried out, even though they have been cut to the heart as happened to those who have been converted by Peter's words.

  946. Some times, Jesus seems to arrive late at happenings, as in the case of Lazarus where He got there four days after he had died. However, it doesn't matter how late Jesus arrives at a scene. He is never too late. Even if He is late, He is not late. "If it tarries, wait for it; it will not tarry", Hab.2:3. To wait for it is a commandment. It cannot be taken lightly. To heaven, there is no acceptable reason to despair or to give up. Expectation must always be kept ablaze and alive because "it will not tarry".

  947. Whoever can't trust is suspicious of other people. You cannot unlink one thing from the other. However, mistrust can also be a firm foundation, depending whom you trust or mistrust. "Yet, they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers", John 10:5. To trust the Lord means you avoid the devil fully. It means you don't trust the devil and worldliness. To stop giving good credit to the devil means faith in the Lord if we are found in Him. If you are capable of trusting the Lord, you cannot possibly trust the flesh, worldliness or any devilish thing.

  948. It is a common thing that people will rather not listen to men who speak the words of God faithfully. Those who reject shall attribute such words to anyone but God. However, whenever something goes wrong with those who reject, the person that spoke is blamed as if he or she is responsible for whatever has gone wrong. It was so with King Ahab, who blamed Elijah for the mischief of Israel. "Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that (...) I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word", 1 Kings 18:36.

  949. Faith is to trust in whom we cannot believe or to believe in whom we cannot trust in order to make it possible for us to abandon all the things we do not wish to let go.

  950. Unbelief may think it shall receive. It it weren't so, James would have never said, "Don't let such man think that he will receive anything from the Lord", James 1:7. It is quite remarkable to see how many unbelievers assume they shall receive.

  951. If it is true that "the Lord is near those who call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth", why are so many people calling on God and nothing remarkable is happening? Why is everything around still crooked and wrong?

  952. Discipline is a good thing for whoever has it or has a heart filled with good things, which need to be directed properly. However, if someone has never become used to discipline, the struggle is great under it. But, let's know that discipline is not all there is to it. Discipline must be an instrument of the heart and it shouldn't replace the heart. Discipline which is not used with a heart is like a rod without love.

  953. To wait in the Lord is vital for many things. To wait on Him or for Him means that we abstain from any other means to achieve those things we are commanded to wait for or to expect from the Lord; it means to let go on own means and own strength, especially when we have them; it means the right kind of trust in the Lord only (and that kind of faith is able to save); it means rest from own means, the absence of love for fleshly means, conclusions and power; it means to be unable to trust in the flesh; in fact, expectation or hope are many things in one. However, let's be careful because it doesn't always mean we are trusting or expecting from the Lord when we deny the flesh. Paul said we might even give our own body as a sacrifice without being bound by the bonds of the love of God.

  954. Many times we ask ourselves how can people go astray from what they have learned from the Lord and from godly teachers. There are people who build the right things on the wrong foundations or build amiss on the right ones. It is understandable that they go astray. But, there are those who leave the proper way which they walked on properly. What shall we say of such? How can we explain that? There are real revivals that last only for a short time. If we learn directly from the Lord, revivals shall be established if we remain in Him. "I have not departed from thy judgments because thou hast taught me", Ps.119:102

  955. "...Those who remember you in your ways..."Is.64:5. The important part is to be able to remember the Lord in the ways and to gain that sort of lifestyle, much more than to remember the ways themselves. The ways teach us to know the Lord. God uses them to cause us to know Him more as He is. God remembers the ways as we remember Him because He is a God who "works for those who wait on Him", Is.64:4. We cannot assume that God shall work for those who are unable to wait on Him, from Him or to stick by Him.

  956. "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart", Ps.97:11. It is interesting to notice the fact that many call on God for light without a willingness to become righteous and a desire to have gladness in the heart without being upright from the heart. That is one of the reasons the world learned to complain.

  957. In the same way that I expect anything bad coming from the world in any measure (because the world has no limitations or boundaries for conscience), I also expect anything good in utmost measures from my good Lord - far above what I can ask or pray for.

  958. There are moments when the power of silence reaches far more than the best, chosen words. Our life, when lived in wisdom, must be a wonderful, synchronized combination between words and silences. Our motives must be purely to honour God. The goals of words and silences must never be in conflict with each other. Every time we reach out to achieve the purposes of God for His sake (and not for ours), it doesn't really matter if such is achieved through words or through silences. But, there are those who keep silent for fear just as there are those who keep from talking because they are courageous. And there are those who talk a lot, as they say, to reach souls but mean only to show off. And there are such who keep silent under the excuse of being wise while they can talk a lot about many other issues that do not matter for the world to come.

  959. I have come across many complaints from many people who say they cannot hear God or that, when they hear something, things do not work out as they have heard or understood it. However, experience tells us that every time I am doing something for God's sake using the means of God and not my own, I am being led in a secure way. You must seek and find the will of God as well as all the means to carry it out. Do not be content only to know what God's will is. Reach out to the means to be able to carry it out. Those who perform the will of God are the ones who shall be applauded by heaven, and not those who knew what it was. You must be able to execute it through the true fire of God and never use a false igniting to have the fire going in your soul. Rather despair than use a false fire on God's altar. Take care to be or to become a sheep-like child of God who, instead of trying to discern between voices, they are familiar with God's. Sheep hear Him - goats and wolfs don't.

  960. Whoever knows how and when to learn shall know when and how to teach; if you are unable to learn, you can't teach. If you cannot listen, you cannot speak as you ought; if you don't discern what and when to listen, you won't speak what and when you ought; if you cannot understand properly, you cannot explain properly either; if you can't face death with a smile, you never knew God the way you should have known Him or, perhaps, you are simply denying Him.

  961. God can be offended under many circumstances and for a multitude of reasons. Some times, those reasons may seem good reasons in the eyes of man and, yet, they are offensive or become offensive to heaven. People may offend God under hunger when hunger is the trial; an unmarried person may demand to get married and trouble God about it instead of asking for it or of expecting it from Him; somebody in loneliness may complain having God close by. We should never offend God because of being found in the wilderness, Ps.78:17,40. We must know how to wait on God under any circumstances. Desires may cause hearts to complain or cause people to do their own thing the way they wish it to be done at the timing they think is best.

  962. God is always good. Even when we are rejected by Him, He is being good.

  963. It is so important to take note that when we lack time for certain things because we have been busy and blessed with the word of God, He blesses whatever we believe suffered a lack of our attention. We shall find out that God is indeed a "God who works for those who wait on Him". However, the reverse of this might not be true, it is, if we neglect our spiritual duties to be able to attend so-called worldly duties, the Word can't be blessed. The word shall not be blessed and neither "the other things" if we have it the other way round.

  964. "Give strength to God...", Ps.68:34. How can we give strength to an Almighty God? It is not God who needs strength or to be strengthened, much less by us. We are the ones who need Him. As I understand it, because we are a fortress which defends itself continually and for obvious reasons, we need to hand the fortress over to the Lord. We need to lay down those self-righteous rights we detain for ourselves, which we use by defending ourselves from anything.

  965. Faith comes by hearing, undoubtedly. We not only need to believe it, but can experience it as truthful. However, it doesn't mean we need to establish faith relating it to the thing we need to trust God for. Faith can be a gift, but it is part of the fruit of the Spirit as well. In fact, real faith is fruit of a real relationship with God. We have it by communing and relating our hearts fully to God by contemplating Him as He is. No one will ever be able to believe concerning a certain point or object which God performs unless the main work in the heart is already accomplished. If the main work has not been performed inside beforehand, faith shall not be working in its details and it won't help forcing our hearts to believe if it is so.

  966. "Oh bless our God, O peoples, and make the voice of His praise to be heard; who holds our soul in life, and does not allow our feet to slide", Ps.66:8,9. When Scripture says that God does not allow our feet to slide, it means two things. It means that He does not allow it to happen because He holds and assures the saints in the way of all truth. "He is able to keep you without stumbling", Jud.1:24. In another sense, it also may mean that He does not allow us to feel unable to stand upright and truthful all the time. We are disallowed to stumble. We may never think of stumbling as an inevitability. Besides removing the power of the enemy from the heart, He restricts us to walk only upright in truthfulness.

  967. "The righteous shall be glad in the Lord and shall trust in Him", Ps.64:10. This means that before anyone can trust in God, one must become righteous. One must inherit the righteousness of God and have it abounding in the heart to be able to trust Him. Sort communes with sort. Not everyone can believe. Many simply can't. The unrighteous shall never be able to trust a righteous God and Lord. They would rather believe in an unrighteous one. "If you can believe..." Mar.9:23. People cannot believe unless they have cleansed their hearts and life in the blood of the Lamb. One thing leads to the other. Any bad conscience cause faith to shipwreck and failure to the soul. It is undoubtedly so.

  968. When people sin, they react each in his own way. Some react with sorrow and repentance; others with aggressiveness, anger and impatience because they cannot stand accusation; some hide with shame; and many others react in many other ways. I don't know how you react to it. But, there is something we must know: there is a huge difference between sinning and being tempted. There is also difference between an unexpected burning arrow thrown at us and a temptation for which we are responsible by putting ourselves in a situation where we are easily tempted. For now, let's talk only about sinning and being tempted. If we ever confuse the two, we cannot react the way we should under each of them. We cannot afford to react towards guilt the way we should react towards temptation. That would mean we would defend ourselves. And we cannot deal with temptation the way we deal with committed sin and guilt, walking around as if we are either guilty or responsible for the devil's behaviour. The way to deal with guilt requires of us that we are indeed guilty and the way we react against temptation depends a lot on whether we are guilty of something else we have not brought to the light before and opens a door to the devil and his arrows. It is not good to misjudge our situation because we do not deal against temptation the way we clean up our souls from guilt and sin. When we are tempted, we are not guilty of sinning. We may not walk as if we are or we would miss the whole point. The worst of all is the fact that whoever looks to temptation as sinning, shall decidedly deal against committed sins as if it were mere temptations. When we sin, we lay down our defensive weapons to plead for mercy in a way that we find it. We expose our hearts fully and confess openly our sins before whoever hears it. We also plead people to forgive us in case the sins offended them in some way. We do that instead of hiding in shame. However, when we are tempted, we rise our shields and weapons of light (and not other weaponry like hiding or fear) and remain close to the Lord who teaches to use them effectively. It requires surrender, a learning and abiding spirit and experience in the ways of the Lord. There is no shortcut to it. We cannot extinguish a fire by using matches and can not set aflame up the fires of God with a fire extinguisher. Reacting the wrong way towards sin and temptation can lead us into catastrophic situations. We must know how to deal with sin and how to deal with temptation either separately or together. Even when both happen at the same time, they need to be differentiated carefully. Even though there are common things to them, like the surrender to God, we may never act the way we do against guilt whenever we are being tempted. If we do, even if we surrender, we shall near God with settled ideas of how we shall deal against it or how God should deal with it. It might be catastrophic for a soul if we err either in the medication or in the diagnosis of the real state of our heart. That means we miss the point and the truth about it. Once one lands up in such a situation, it happens, usually, that God is not put away from a life all together and an alternative life or 'faith' is held on to. People start believing in a convenient way and fight for their ideas. This is what Paul calls "a faith that has shipwrecked" (1Tim.1:19). And those that have shipwrecked give a lot of problems to the real work of God. The lack of spiritual honesty and sincerity of heart will take hold of people and they shall conceive doctrines and leaders that are able to sooth them in some way. Most nowadays doctrines have been conceived to fit dishonest Christians in them.

  969. "Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults", Ps.19:12. Sins or faults are hidden in proportion to the quality of light I enjoy and of the communion I hold with the Lord, as well as my willingness to fix it the right way, it is, through the Lord and by exercising faith in Him (which is often a fearful way to deal with it by those who fear the consequences of sin). Unless God decides that time is not ripe enough to reveal what shall surely be revealed one day, it all depends on the sincerity, exclusivity and the intensity of the communion we have and keep with the Lord of light. If something is hidden, it means light is absent or hasn't reached it yet. Light, pure and real light, shows all. The less sincere the fellowship with God, the more faults shall remain hidden.

  970. There is a serious problem in people, which they are not always fully aware of: there is a way that seems right and ends in a very bad manner. It happens all the time with those who do not walk with God the way they ought. It is very rare to have a sinner recognise or admit that whatever he has done is wrong or wrongly performed. His ways, his manner of thinking and of believing will always oblige him to believe whatever he does is right. It is proven as a fact that if he is unable to trust his own ways in some degree, he feels insecure and uncomfortable. If we come to know God as He is, however, we must be able to live on without trusting our own ways and thinking, especially if we realize that our walking is not exclusively biblical or fully inspired by the Lord. In fact, we shall not only need to deny trusting own ways, but need to mistrust them fully spontaneously.

  971. "As we have heard, so have we seen", Ps.48:8. I don't know how much of this word can be served to unmask hypocrisy during praise. There are people who praise God to bribe Him and not to praise Him for something they know have been or have seen being performed. They praise Him and, yet, they have never come across His greatness and works for real. They imagine God in their own lives and believe that is what faith is all about. If faith can be false or shipwrecked, so can praise. God shall never accept false words of praise. If things are not working out in their lives they should repent and not praise. When people praise God for something He has not performed for them, through them or in them, they will suffice at that and not search for better or higher things of heaven. We must abstain from bribing God with words of praise. Praise must be truthful or it shall condemn us for many reasons and in many ways.

  972. If doubting God is sin even before we know anything about Him, imagine how great a sin it is to do so when we hear the word distinctively and directly from His mouth, it is, "having received the promises"! "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief", Rom.4:20. You may stagger because of other things, but never "through unbelief"! It is lawful to doubt when we are being deceived, but never to doubt God under any circumstances - not even when you are being deceived. The Lord doesn't deceive. If doubting is not brought about by unbelief, it is not sin. Truth causes us to doubt lies sharply. We cannot believe lies and, to come out of them all, we must be able to doubt them at first to withstand them firmly.

  973. The chronically unsure fear security. They abhor having to feel secure, avoid assurance and are always found in direct opposition to genuine faith because it is firm. They easily accept a false and imaginary faith, though. Let me explain. People trust themselves a great deal. Even those who are very unstable always lean towards what they know of themselves to take refuge in there. Whatever they have become is their hiding place. Outside of it they feel like a fish in dry land. They aren't in dry land when secured, but they feel so. Being unsure offers them the feeling they seek to have. Consequently, they cannot be solidified in Jesus because they do never deny themselves to be secure in an unknown but real way. The old person must be dead - as dead as a decomposing corpse is to this world. If that is not a fact beyond questioning, people will only believe they are secure - and they aren't. Unless they are dead for real to themselves, they shall always converge to what they are and shall be attracted to it because that is where they feel at home. And every home is "sweet home". People seek comfort and not reality. And at home is what they have learned to be and the way they feel. This kind of sentimental refuge is to them as a mother is to a little, unsure child - however mean that mother may be.

  974. The great majority of nowadays' believers speak of/about God as any daydreamer would speak about the beautiful spouse that lives only in his/her own wild dreams and who is always absent and inexistent. Every time David said that God was with him, it was for real - He was indeed with him, so much so that he said his heart or soul was refreshed! God was so visible that it stirred up the enemies of God against him and those enemies were, also and in fact, the only enemies of David. What would you think of someone who always says convincingly (emotively self-convinced) that his beautiful wife is with him all the time and he is always seen alone and complaining of loneliness? That is what the world thinks sees of Christians and Christianity today because Christianity talks a lot about a God who is absent. Let's live otherwise. Unless our life is our message, let's stop preaching around and the world will be hopefully better off. At least, they shall nurture a better hope (in Christianity) instead of looking to other religious abominations to settle down. I have myself come into places of worship where people say God was there and they even sang so. I saw God absent and far from their words and hopes. They sing because they like the songs and not because it describes the reality of what is going on. Where God is present, no Ananiah or Sapphira will remain there for long. Today, we see many an Ananiah and many a Sapphira singing in church and even taking over the leadership. However, Scripture says "the ungodly and the sinners shall not stand in the congregation of the righteous", Ps.1:5. What we see most nowadays is the ungodly standing around in places of worship and in the services being 'happy' there, while righteous people feel awkward in the same place. The godly do not stay in the congregation of the unrighteous.

  975. Praise doesn't buy God off. It doesn't bribe Him into something. No one can ever pass that idea without being condemned for serious crimes. God is never bribed, much less with praise. True praise to God is sincere and erupts from genuine, visible and truthful conclusions. It always happens whenever anyone comes face to face with Jesus. "My praise comes from You", Ps.22:25. Praise doesn't bring blessing, but blessing brings praise about. Besides, true praise is the direct opposite of pride. True praise is humility at work. When sincere, man wants praise for himself, not for anyone else.

  976. Pride is the opposite of sincerity. Whenever people are not sincere, they cease to be humble. True humility is to be ourselves when we are in God. Hiding, manipulating, covering or adding to true self is what pride is all about.

  977. "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting (refreshing) the soul...", Ps.19:7. It is good to know this is true. The main reason why people deflect from the true way and become bitter and disappointed in it is because they do not spend enough quality time with the Word of the Lord. To despise the word of God or to be disrespectful to the point of not to keeping it is enough to turn people bitterly against God and against people. They wish to add any kind of numbers to the sum and, even so, get the result they plan. They do not think of the numbers they add, but on the end result. One cannot plant thorns to enjoy cornflakes.

  978. We must be able to distinguish or to discern between the winters and the summers of our lives. They exist. Let us never doubt about it as a fact. It is a duty to distinguish between them. If we do so, we shall be able to know when are separated from God and when we are only being tried and are not separated from Him. Trials are not punishments. They can be corrections, but not punishments. The "good" stuff that we find while separated from God can deceive us as much as the bad things that happen while we are found in Him. They can give us the wrong perceptions. We must stick to the testimony of God within us. We mustn't be like Saul who blamed God and everybody else for not being able to hear the Lord anymore. We must be able to believe the truth about our true state and work accordingly.

  979. "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: you hold my lot", Ps.16:5. I have come to know many people who affirm they have been trying to live for the Lord and do His will without success. They cannot reach the point of holy satisfaction. It puzzled me quite a lot. They could never say: "You hold my lot". Let's see what kind of people can be served by God in His will. They are those who can say beforehand: "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup; I have no good apart from You". And those lines and boundaries are beautiful to such people. They want no more than that. Their lot is assuredly God's responsibility and pleasure. All others shall remain confused and mistaken by deluding themselves continually.

  980. "Lord , who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, (...) and speaketh the truth in his heart", Ps.15:1,2. Normally, we hear of those who are truthful towards other people. Here, we hear of those who speak the truth to themselves in their hearts. The way of truth is for all - even for ourselves or towards ourselves.

  981. "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God!' They acted corruptly; they have done abominable works, there is none who does good", Ps.14:1. I can't see any difference between those who say they don't believe in God and those who believe in Him and sin on or those who sin and believe they shall never be condemned. Both live as if God doesn't exist.

  982. "The wicked walk on every side when vileness is praised by the sons of men", Ps.12:8. What do we see happening in the world today? Singers are profane and immoral... and praised; corruption is the goal; dishonest people are the ones who are running for elections and win them; actors who show evil and nudeness are praised and desired most; homosexuals gain ground in the media everywhere and are commonly accepted as normal ones, etc. When that happens, wickedness is spread and exalted everywhere and good people won't be found. "Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases! For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men", Ps.12:1. Think of it next time you are found praising an evil singer or idol. If a father is able to exalt a worldly singer, surely the world will settle down in his house most easily and the results won't be good.

  983. "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Ps.11:3. All buildings must have strong foundations. The bigger the building, the stronger the foundations must be made. It cannot work out in other way concerning heavenly towers of light, heavenly houses or households. We must all know we cannot build where foundations have not been laid securely beforehand. If we do, the fall will impress us deeply. There is no miracle to avoid that happening. Even if God makes a miracle, it shall be the miracles of putting foundations and not of holding the building together without them.

  984. "The wicked has said in his heart, 'I shall not be moved; I shall never be in adversity'", Ps.10:6Every attitude of the wicked is similar to the attitudes of true faith. In fact, many Christians who walk disorderly and are not in right standing with God have the same kind of talk. They believe the good Lord shall bless them and no evil will ever reach them. They need to believe that to carry on being evil. They talk about God in their pride.

  985. Trust conquers hearts and doubts obtain more followers and addicted fans. Also, people love to be found near those who are able to trust in the truth before God and be associated with them because, many times, they don't wish to believe themselves. Insecurity and its associated feelings seem to be a fortress to all those who are not found rooted in the Lord. They feel strongly "at home" by mistrusting. Yet, they seek the company of the strong.

  986. Many believe we must suffer like Job to be able to groan before the Lord. But, I believe all it takes to groan that way for the right things is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be one with Him.

  987. Trust is a deliberate decision which is taken in sobriety. It is a sober decision. Sometimes, it is a sober resolution if taken against emotion. It is taken after having pondered carefully, "comparing spiritual things with spiritual". Once truth is pondered soberly and carefully, the decision is taken. It needs to be taken immediately or it shall be rotten the next day, as happens always with the manna of God. We cannot base trust on what we feel. Perhaps, it is advisable to trust on what we feel by touch when we touch Jesus. Touching is not feelings. We may feel the touch and that has nothing to do with feelings of emotion. My fingertips don't have feelings, but I can feel something when I touch it. The devil waits for the moment that God speaks to a thirsty soul to 'lead' it astray into wrong assumptions or self-minded conclusions about what man desires for himself. He knows man follows his own heart greedily or preferably. Feeling is the playground of the devil and we lose nothing by never trusting it. In fact, we gain eternity and spiritual stability by trusting the Lord only and denying it. Not only the heart can play tricks within us, but the mind also. Besides, trusting in what we are feeling is to trust self. Feeling is self and not God. To trust in another besides God is idolatry. "You cannot make a hair white or black", Mat.5:36. It is not wrong to feel as long as you know it is you. You can not honour feelings as you should honour God.

  988. Many adventure themselves into what they call faith and launch their heads against an unbreakable wall to break their necks through future doubts. They adventure themselves into what they desire, trusting God will uphold them in that. In other words, their heart is not circumcised and they dare to trust something else will happen besides their conversion. Adventure will end in doubt. They tempt God by demanding Him to uphold their uncircumcised desires. And when God doesn't uphold their adventuring, they become angry and irritable against people and God. Faith has nothing to do with adventure. Faith is exercised when Jesus sends out or speaks - not when desires and feelings send out or command loud. You may ask: "Is it wrong to desire what is good?" I would say, no. However, it is wrong to 'obey' in pursue of it before God has spoken His heart out about it. It was right to cleanse the Holy Land of awful sinners. However, David never went out before inquiring from God. I must put every holy and pure desire before God and, as Habakkuk said, wait "in my tower and watch to see what he will say unto me". To decide for God is a calamity and to demand from Him is worse than extortion. It is sin to expect a blessing from God upon something which has not been undersigned by Him. It is equivalent to putting God as disciple and us as Lord. Is there a greater mischief for the soul than that one, or a greater sin?

  989. "Blessed is the man (...) who doesn't stand in the way of sinners", Ps.1:1. Allow me to translate this. "Blessed is the man that does not stop, lose time by looking at and ponder the way of sinners because he has found the bounty of God". Here where I live, some car accidents happen in highways. It is interesting to notice that the traffic jam is as bad on the other side of the highway where cars move in the opposite direction. People slow down and even stop to watch the mischief of others on the other side of the road. This is what I believe this verse is conveying to us. When we stop to criticize, "study the depths of Satan" or even to take some delight in the way of sinners, we might not be as blessed as we believe we are. We have the Law of God to hold our full attention captive night and day, non-stop around the clock.

  990. Some times people say I seem angry and defying when I preach. I have been giving some thought to it. I haven't come to final conclusions yet, although I already decided I cannot exchange sincerity for anything else. I will still be instructed by God and shall, perhaps, change. But, my heart is also troubled when I think of changing. And an emerging thought came to my mind these days, even though not all has been said about it: the sin of a preacher is when he doesn't live according to what he preaches - if he preaches truth. The way he preaches may be bettered by God or not. However, to sin is to preach lies or to preach truth when we ourselves are not living according to it. Such preachers are assassins and shall answer before God for the souls they killed with truth or half-truths and lies. They shall also answer for their own souls and what they have done for or against it.

  991. Be extremely careful when you think something is too good to be true. Because you believe it is too good to be true, you can fall into the trap of unbelief just as when everything is too bad around you. Bad things evoke thoughts which create a bad, unbelieving heart. There is nothing to good to be true since God is extremely good, even beyond our comprehension. There is nothing too good to be true. We may expect anything from God.

  992. Every word produces something, it has consequences, whether it produces them in those who pronounce it, or in them that hear it, or both. Whoever speaks shall always give a full account to God of all his words. It wouldn't be so if words were not producers. Those who hear shall also be held responsible for whatever they have heard. The way we hear is also something we shall be held accountable for. "Take heed how you hear", Lk.8:18. When words are directed to us in a flattering manner, we must repulse them because they are lying words. If words in the mouth of people come from God, we must take heed to hold them in great honour and never forget about them. And every person who is able to believe false prophecies must know he must be converted to God, because he doesn't yet have the capability to run away from a stranger's voice. He is attracted to them because sort seeks sort. Sheep do run away from a stranger and those who don't must know they do not belong to the sheepfold. I must also be able to distinguish between words directed to me and those meant for other people. Words can make alive or kill. Words shall make me holy or unholy, whether I speak or listen to them. It all depends on the state of my heart and whether I already have a sheep's heart or not.

  993. "Overcome evil with good", Rom.12:21This does not necessarily mean we need to pay back with good on the spot. We can do so for our own sakes, I mean, if a bad situation causes evil to erupt in us and we opt towards a contrary way instead. However, I believe this verse stretches far beyond that. It means we must be able to carry on with our lives as usual and unhindered if we indeed live for the Lord and for His sake to the full. Nothing should be able to trouble us. "Hold on to what you have so that no one takes your victor's crown", Rev.3:11. If the wind blows you dress up, hold the dress and not the wind. This verse doesn't induce us to answer back, but rather to keep the way whatever happens. Evil has as a hidden goal to stop our course, to discourage us on the way or even to make us to abort truth in the beginning stages or later on. Its aim is mainly never to allow a good way to end well, or to allow it to start off in the promised degree.

  994. Running away from a voice which pretends to imitate God's voice is not sin. Many people fear to run away from a commanding voice as if it is sin to do so. To doubt the wrong voice is holiness and to believe or obey it is sin. Doubting can be holiness and believing can be sin. It all depends whom we believe and whom do we doubt.

  995. Many people decide to "sin no more" because they fear hell and are afraid of being damned forever. They get a fright and decide so. Sometimes, they make such a decision to avoid being condemned by mother, father, friends or family. However, unless you stop sinning because you hate sin and love God, any such decision against sin won't last for long.

  996. If we, indeed, live by the words of the mouth of God, it becomes necessary that every word spoken by us comes from Him without a shadow of a doubt. If we want people to live for real, we must speak those words God has spoken for them. But, if we speak outdated, misplaced words that did come from the Lord once upon a time for a certain purpose or meant for a certain time, people won't live. The same shall happen in case we revert to others a word which God spoke for us or towards us.

  997. An adversary is not the person we hate, but someone who hates us. Some so-called Christians ask God for revenge because they cannot be at peace with someone. That means that anyone may ask God to take measures against the righteous in case the righteous is the one hated or despised. However, God doesn't please people and won't displease them either for the sake of somebody's wishes of revenge. Our adversaries must be those who hate the truth and Jesus, whom we love with the love of God for the sake of the Lord. If God can, indeed, change the heart and save someone, why would He hear any prayer that asks for the destruction of any such man or woman?

  998. A life of sin is the consequence of having attained a sinful heart. When people commit sin, they shall turn and gain a sinful heart unless they repent on the spot. Homosexuals are what they are because they left God and have been left to themselves. They exchanged God for something else and receive fitting wages of death upon themselves. Any uncontrollable sinful way or attitude is what people get by not seeking forgiveness from the Lord immediately. Even when those people who claim to be believers, their works show they despise God and repentance.

  999. A lie can cross the whole world while truth is still preparing itself. The good part of it is that lies seldom live for too long without being caught. That is why the devil uses one lie after the other to keep people busy, for he knows one lie is always short lived. The amount of people that believe or trust lies shows how many liars there are because only a liar can believe a lie. It is a God given curse that people rather believe lies. Truth shall always outlive everything. It shall remain forever, no matter what happens or how ingeniously it is attacked or distorted. Truth goes out to live forever while lies start off to die.

  1000. There should be such intimacy between man and God that one could delight in His presence and suffer outside it. Also, one's senses concerning what God does and thinks can be such that one is completely aware of what is happening in God's mind and heart. That is what it means to stand before God. When Abraham prayed for the righteous that could be found in Sodom and Gomorrah, he instantly knew when God put an end to the conversation after he had asked if God would spare were there ten righteous people. "And the Lord went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham", Gen.18:33. It was God who left the conversation at ten. But, the fact remains: Abraham knew when it happened. He sensed it fully "and went his own way".

  1001. There are millions of wrong paths and only one right one that is found everywhere. Usually, people mistrust the right way because it is not wrong. If, however, they can trust it, they do so because they have either been converted or because they treat it the way wrong paths are handled in daily life.

  1002. When our words are from God and truth carries power, we do not need to repeat, emphasize or use any other means to be heard and for those words to be remembered.

  1003. Now , an issue to think about to all those who are still tempted to distinguish between sins. Many still consider certain sins more harmful or more deadly than others. If I take the smallest calibre gun and shoot to the head, it shall kill, surely. The same will happen if I use a canon or a missile. Will anyone be more dead by being shot by a missile than when killed by a bullet? The size of the weapon doesn't really count when it comes to killing. So with sin: its size or moral importance to the society doesn't kill less or more. It kills regardless of the size of the condemnation it causes to erupt.

  1004. People who have not a real relationship with Jesus, especially those who do not know or experience him in a real way (Job 42:5), need to grab on something exciting, intriguing or motivating to "keep the faith". This is why many are so actively concerned about end times, and such like doctrines. Should they have a genuine and close relationship to the Lord Himself, they would need nothing else to comfort, encourage or even motivate them. This is why many seek signs, tongues and whatever else. And every time God refuses to grant what people insist on is what the devils uses to impersonate or even to try to imitate with a great deal of deceit inside the church to create a great deal of havoc and destruction. It is mainly from such situations that false prophesying and tongues emerge. It has always been like that.

  1005. If Paul talks about a "good hope", (2 Thes.2:16), then, surely there must be a hope which is deceiving and bad. If there is a way that seems right in the eyes of man and the end of it is death, then there is a hope which seems good also and ends up in disappointment or even death, certainly. We can also mark certain verses that speak about "good courage", and so on. Let's be ware: not all hope is a good hope. Many things are not what they seem to be and, consequently, not all that seems good in the eyes of man is good and not all that seems bad in the eyes of man is bad. "And the matter was very displeasing in Abraham's sight (...) But God said to Abraham, 'Do not let it be displeasing in your sight'..." Gen.21:11,12.

  1006. When we read about the Living God and that people turned from "idols to the Living God", it implies more than modern protestants cause people to believe. That means that God is avtive and living among people. He is not alive there far away only, but among people. Every one experiences Him, whether it is for them or against them.

  1007. Some times, when people uphold us, we won't know if they do that out of politeness or duty, or if they do it because they have realized God is using us in some way. What we say must be a true expression of our perception of truth.

  1008. "Let love be without dissimulation", Rom.12:9. This means love should never be feigned or forced down upon the heart, but rather that the heart should be able to overwhelm our whole expressive being. Instead of forcing the heart to love, one should remember that God can pour down His love in us to love as we should. "Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good". To stay away from evil with the heart's consent and desire and, consequently, to become able to cling to what is good as an alternative to evil opens the way to have our prayer answered in case we are asking to be filled with that love which is poured from heaven into our hearts."He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me", John 14:21. Staying away from evil is a part of love - of real love.

  1009. "Be of the same mind one toward another. (...) Be not wise in your own conceits", Rom.12:16. Being of the same mind means moving together as one man, doing the same thing the same way with the same joy and heart, lifting up the same Lord with equal sincerity. Being wise in one's own conceit hinders all of that. No one can be of the same mind with another if there is still any remains of self conceit, whether that conceit causes to feel inferior or superior to another. When we are nothing, we cannot feel less nor more than anyone else.

  1010. Scripture says that if two or three agree in prayer, it shall be done to them. This means that the Holy Spirit is free to work in those hearts according to God's will in what we can and should pray for. This is to be well understood before one prays. Many agree for many other reasons. Some agree because they have the same heart, culture or even the same sort of desires and attitudes, which have not been worked by God. That cannot be the same as agreeing because God has shaped up the heart and the desires of man in Him.

  1011. "But if you, through the Spirit, mortify the deeds of the body, you shall live", Rom.8:13. Many words in this chapter of Romans are so meaningful one cannot express the fullness of it. One can talk about many things here. The flesh is not to mortified only, but it needs to be exterminated through the Spirit and not by any other means. If tried any other way, it can't result in holiness. If one has the Spirit of God indeed, how is it to be achieved? Surely, one cannot be found fighting the flesh all the time. Paul says the flesh has to be considered dead if the Spirit reigns, as dead as a corpse is to this world. If considered dead because it is dead indeed, one can be fully involved with real life, entrusting our whole being to the ways of that life. If temptations come, one should be found holding on to that life instead of being busy fighting sin or temptation. "Hold fast to that which you have...", Rev.3:11. The more I think about this, the more I am convinced that the cracks of the whole matter is to be filled with the Spirit of God. You shall find Him if you search for Him with your whole heart. Only finding Him in His fullness shall things work out as Scripture says.

  1012. If I judge the Law, I am not busy fulfilling the Law. That is what the Bible says. This means I am not able to do do two things and the same time. When I am not fulfilling the Law of God, I am breaking it. There is no such thing as indifference towards the Law of God: one either breaks it or fulfils it.

  1013. Every time someone falls into the trap of feigning humility or by pretending to be humble without destroying the haughtiness of his own evil heart for real, the door to real humility is closed up for him, along with the door to the true knowledge of God which is granted to the humble. An alternative way blocks the way the the genuine one. False humility is pride and is the opposite of walking in the light.

  1014. The fact that wisdom remains with backsliders should be held in mind by all those who slide away from God. Salomon said that his wisdom stayed with him when he got drunk and did what shouldn't be done. Many comfort themselves with lies after backsliding, telling themselves that they are still with God because they remain wise, can preach and counsel. The wisdom that remains with backsliders is there to condemn them sooner or later and it shall be used by the devil, surely.

  1015. Paul talks, in Rom.7, about the man that doesn't do the good things he wishes, and practises sin instead, which he doesn't desire. He is talking about someone under the law. Let's mark out some things in these statements: most people desire after sin and many do so willingly. Paul, here, talks about a man whose main desire is to be holy or God's. He is not talking about a man whose desire and purpose is sin. He talks about someone who approves the law of God in his heart and desires intensely to fulfil it. Secondly, he says that such a man tries to become pleasant to God by the works of the law even though the law is good. Such a man hasn't tasted grace yet as a means to achieve the good purposes of his heart. Thirdly and against many preachers' beliefs, he says that such people who experience such a struggle under the law are bound to a body of death. It is not a body of life. It means, they shall not live under such a struggle. It is bad news for all people who hope in eternity by experiencing such a struggle by sinning on. Christ needs to free us of such a body of death. "O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Rom.7:24,25.

  1016. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", Phil.4:13. This is, perhaps, one of the verses of the Bible which is most frequently misused, misunderstood and most wrongly applied. Let me explain. By the will of God, sin weakens a heart and it takes strength away, especially if the man is spiritual. It is by a heavenly decree that it happens, which no one can change. But, this strength is of the kind that enables to become or to remain holy. The strength in man lies in his holiness brought by a close walk with God. The lack of strength of an unholy heart is of the kind that it cannot become or remain holy. The strength we are talking about here is of the kind that enables people to become and to be holy and the lack of it enables to be unholy. It means that the weakness is not discouragement but rather an incapacity to be holy. Usually, honest people under the law are the ones who wish to be holy and they find they can't because they do not reach out to grace exclusively. That is how the law is weakened by sin, as Paul puts it. It is too weak to make holy because the blood of rams and bulls cannot take sin away from the heart. Now, there is a lack of strength brought by sin which is the will of God for man. No one can change that: it is God's will that sin weakens people. It is an eternal, unchangeable decree. However, many try to change that by calling out for strength from the Lord for other purposes, but not exclusively for the heart to become holy. The kind of strength these misled people look for is of the sort that could strengthen their sinful life for them and which would encourage them to be able to solve the problems sin brings about due to the eternal decrees of God. They want God to work against Himself and against His decrees. Besides, they ask for strength so that they can solve their own problems by themselves and without God. People love to be able to do all things themselves. That way, they can have it their own way. They wish after that power. They do not wish for the strength of grace for the purpose grace is available for - they look for a way to be able to do it themselves. Paul talks about the weakness or lack of strength to become holy and claims that the law is weakened by sin. "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly", Rom.5:6. Let us be reminded of the fact that this kind of lack of strength is very strong towards sin. If it wasn't so, Christ who not need to die for the ungodly. This means that weakness to become holy is a powerful strength to be or to remain unholy. In other words, this lack of strength which is an outstanding power towards sin, keeps people away from God. That sort of weakness is the will of God for all who remain in a sinful state. It is a heavenly, eternal decree which people often try to change by misusing the verse that says, "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me". They mean that they can do all things, but not through Christ in them, working for them for the sake and purpose Christ died for. They want to believe a lie. The strength of God makes holiness possible and available. God does not grant animal strength for those who remain in sin and wish to keep it that way by finding strength and encouragement to carry on as always. It is sin that strengthens them in that direction. You cannot overcome by sin because a heavenly decree says so. Once people are handed over to themselves, they sin more and more easily. It means they have less and less strength or less willingness to be holy. Some come to a point where they don't even waste a thought on becoming holy. Even their politeness is hypocritical because it asks for acceptance and not for holiness.

  1017. Homosexuals (according to the Bible), are people that have been given over to themselves and it was God who handed them over. They claim for rights they don't have, try to live a kind of life they can't experience and try to force other people to accept them as normal people, even though they try to have an unpractical life. Because they cannot find what they look for since they are handed over to themselves, they fight hard to have more and better rights than any other human being and they try hard to stand out above others. And the governments of this world are putting them above others by granting them rights which are taken away from others. They take rights from normal people to grant them to depraved ones.

  1018. If we indeed walk with God, and it happens that there is no way or solution for something that is God's will, then I am sure that the outcome is about to happen.

  1019. "You hate to be taught...", Ps.50:17. We must be careful with ourselves when we resent being taught. It might be the upper part of an iceberg of unwillingness sticking out.

  1020. We have certain laws in nature - even in the spiritual nature - that cannot be avoided. They shall stick with us for as long as earth and heaven exist. For example, a liar listens to a lie and believes it; or liars get along with liars and truthful people hear the truth. There is always a natural resistance to truth in the heart of any liar, and it doesn't matter what kind of truth it is. Even if it is a truth concerning himself, one that the liar knows to be a fact, he shall resist it. His way is to resist. Even before hearing it, he shall be found in a resisting mood. Now, there are many people that believe and spread what they believe. Some say Jesus was not born of a virgin; others say Jesus is not God or cannot save from sin; some believe Jesus is not the same today and He doesn't do the things He has always done anymore; these are all lies that people easily and promptly believe. If we apply the laws I have mentioned, it means that every person that believes such things are liars. They believe lies easily. If they are able to believe lies, it means they are liars.

  1021. Any person that doesn't eat as he should, will feel less and less hunger. We know that children who become sick lose their appetite and will, consequently have less and less appetite unless they are forced to eat at least something. This means that a good kind of appetite that is not satisfied, that is despised or neglected will diminish as time passes by. It seems to be a sort of law in nature that good hunger lessens if it is not satisfied completely. This we can see happening, also, in the reading and living of the Word of God, in genuine prayer, in good works and, in fact, in all fruit of the Spirit. If a good thing is despised or neglected, the heart shall slowly move away from hungering after it and shall start hungering for something else.

  1022. We all know that Jesus is the way. It means much more than we can think of. He is the way in many ways and for all thinkable situations. This also means there are a lot of alternative ways, but He is the only one. If it wasn't so, He would not have stressed the fact that He is the way - the only way to come to the Father. All other ways are deceitful and deceiving. And, from my experience, a parallel way is thousand times more dangerous than a way that opposes you directly. A parallel way is more dangerous than an opposing one, even though all parallel ways mean to be an opposing obstacle to the real Ways of God.

  1023. Sometimes , we have this ultimate idea that all commandments have a moral principle behind them and that by being able to keep them, we are holy. In fact, it is true that the Lord aims at our holiness and so should we. However, we read in the Word of God that there are many things God commands so that we "may remember the Lord". That means, perhaps, those commandments do not have morality as the prime goal, but a love towards God and His means. We may become morally correct, respectful and have no vices without knowing the Lord. We do not remember the Lord in our ways. Those ways are our ways and not the Lord's. It is very important to remember the Lord all the way, and to know how to do and think through grace, remembering that God's way is not our own and that His means are different. He has some other means by which we move on and live. "You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness, who remembers You in Your ways", Is.64:5. "And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way (...) And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power", Dt.8:2,18.

  1024. If you have plenty success in the work of the Lord, even if your work carries a great blessing, remind yourself constantly that however great your work is the need remains immeasurably greater.

  1025. If the Lord is first and above all in your life, everything you do or think about becomes very important. All of it rests in the blessing you find or, should I say, in the blessing that finds you. However, if the Lord is there and He is not first in your life, whatever you do is a waste of time. Then and also, Bible feeding will be, for you, as picking up crumbles from the floor which fall from the Lord's Table.

  1026. "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes", Gen.18:26. This explains why many cities and many countries in the world are spared from disaster or destruction.

  1027. There is a certain kind of language in the Bible which disgusts some people because they prefer to understand things in it their way. That is the main problem with beliefs and superstitions: it must believe according the way it wishes to believe and to understand with pleasure what they wish to understand. I may say, for example that cars have been made so that people may go from one place to another. And it is a common, true affirmation. However, that affirmation may have a lot of parallel interpretations. It could mean cars have not been built to crash people to death, but to turn life easier. And, even so, many people die by getting the car of their preferences. It is easy to conclude a lot of things from my affirmation. But, do people apply the same rule of understanding to alike language in the Bible? We read: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved", John 3:16,17.Let us pay close attention to what we may conclude from these verses. Can't we conclude that many people get lost or could go lost because Jesus died for us and especially because of it? "That whoever believes should not perish...". Could it mean it mean that people could perish even or because He has died in the Cross at Calvary? Is this verse a warning as much as it is a blessing? If so, then, we can grasp in an easier way what it means that "He is a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient", 1Pet.2:7,8.

  1028. Our best is not always reached through effort. Our best is reached, sometimes, by making use of holy creativity, solid imagination, spontaneous readiness and lightness of spirit. Effort is useful under certain circumstances, but is an error under other situations. In fact, there are things that become imperfect because of effort. To lift a rock, I need effort and strength, but not to deal with fragile things or fragile and weak people. If I go about fragile things applying strength and effort, I err grossly.

  1029. Many times, when talking of goodness and doing it, we start believing that the only issue is centred around doing and that it is easy to will and difficult to do. "But now also finish the doing of it, so that even as there was the eagerness in the willing, so also the finishing, giving out of what you have", 2Cor.8:11. But, what shall we say about the reverse of it? Have you thought about doing without willingness under the light of God?" And herein I give my judgment: for this is expedient for you (...) not only to do, but also to will", 2Cor.8:10.

  1030. The Bible talks, many times, about the rod. According to the Word of God, God uses the rod; fathers and mothers should use it with all readiness and wisdom; and the oppressors also use the rod. "... The rod of his oppressor ..." Is.9:4. We should not disregard, delay or hate the use of the rod just because oppression also uses it. When we look at the world and the way people deal with each other, we realize that they continually accuse and attack one another verbally and physically. Mutual accusations is one of the weapons of the world. In fact, it is one of their rods. However, corrections through the rod are used by God and by holy fathers in God. Conscience also uses the rod, both a bad and a good conscience. The bad conscience uses it against others when it feels attacked and affected; a good conscience uses the rod when it is illuminated by God, that is, makes use of it to correct itself and to get itself cleansed by the blood of Jesus. We must lose the habit of using the rod as oppressors use it, who change good motives into bad ones and exchange the good means God established for bad ones, by using threats, which should be denied and abandoned forever. "And you, forbearing threatening..." Eph.6:9. Could it be that the use of threats might be one of the reasons why we have unclean lips and we live among a people of unclean lips (Is.6)? 

  1031. Even when God hides His face from us, we still need to wait on Him. We should despise the idea of looking for alternatives when we are waiting for God, especially if He is hiding His face from us. "And I will wait upon the Lord, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him", Is.8:17.

  1032. There is big difference between covering and concealing. Eve concealed her shame by trying to hide her sins. But, the seraphims covered their faces and feet in the presence of God. Seraphims covered their feet because of the humility of their hearts and that cannot be seen as refusing to walk in the light. It is true that he who conceals does not walk in the light, but that was not what was happening with the seraphims. However, Eve hid from the light when she covered herself up.

  1033. "And He looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry", Is.5:7. Either there is righteousness in the heart or a cry; either people are righteous and pure or they are oppressed. There is no midway: they either shine with joy and peace resulting from righteousness or they they shall complain against oppression and lovelessness.

  1034. It is extremely important to know that holiness is a pre-condition to achieve God's works. It is so for several reasons. However, we do not achieve things because we are holy. One of the reasons holiness must be there is that when entering the path of holiness, one finds direction because holiness of heart is the very work of God. Everything we receive must operate in favour of holiness. Therefore, if we seek holiness because of other things, we are not seeking things to operate towards holiness but rather that holiness operates towards things. It is an obstacle to have a mind that thinks that way - it is an upside down way to reason about the whole issue. We can not dare to believe that the works of God are resumed by achieving the "other things", and that we achieve them by becoming saints. Holiness can never be the means towards whatever we wish to have or to do. Holiness in an end in itself and not the means. If you have not entered holiness, you haven't tasted the works of God yet. So, whenever certain things are not achieved due to lack of the works of holiness, we cannot believe that they are not achieved because of the lack of holiness. We do not achieve them because we are found in the wrong track. Trying to achieve other things and settling our hopes fully on them, whether that is done through works or without them, is the path of error. The right way is to seek and find the right kind of holiness which comes through Jesus who is the way (the means) and never through any other legalistic means. It is necessary to find holiness immediately, but never because of other things. When the lack of holiness hinders certain achievements, it means we are on the wrong course and it cannot be ascribed only to the lack of works. The reason is because we do not seek holiness as the main thing and those things we seek must be prepared to achieve that kind of holiness which is achieved through Christ. Now, when we seek things away from holiness or through it, we are entering the paths of error. Consequently, we will not achieve those things we are looking for and will neither find true holiness in/through Christ.

  1035. If, in Salomon's time, it was silver which had no value due to the abundance of gold, I hope and pray that during my ministry gold loses its value due to the abundance of life and heavenly treasures.

  1036. If it is true that "David went on and became great because the Lord God of hosts was with him", (2Sam.5:10), that means many decrease and become insignificant because the Lord is against them for some reason.

  1037. It is good to have good doctrine. However, what is doctrine good for if I do not catch up with the life of the doctrine? I need to get the life of the doctrine and not merely the doctrine of life.

  1038. Some times, we ask many things without being able to specify what we are asking for. I acknowledge that it is not always possible to specify our own needs, especially if we have become spiritual and we are seeking God's will for our lives. We do not always know what we need to pray for. But, when we ask for "everything we need", our mind starts to play games with us. If we ask for everything we need, we automatically assume we have nothing of the whole yet or that, whatever we have, is not good or enough. And, how many times do we need only some detail of the whole because we have already received the rest? The whole does not work out when it lacks some detail. This is something we need to have in mind when we ask for those things we don't know what they are. We have to be open minded to the point of accepting the fact that we already have something of the whole we are asking for when it is indeed so. We cannot always dump away or despise all we have when we are asking for "everything we need". We cannot despise a detail when it causes the whole to work out.

  1039. The strength of the flesh and its alternative ways will be as useful to a man filled with God as the armour of Saul would be for David before Goliath. It would only hinder and would not be helpful. If we wish to be dressed up with some kind of clothes, we need to get rid of the ones we are wearing. To be clothed with God, one needs to get rid of the flesh and, to be carnal, one needs to be without the Lord. Any carnal man is on his own.

  1040. There are many people who wish to be great, especially before man. That spirit has found lodging among God's people. There are many who prefer to be great in church rather than do or to be God's will. It is unthinkable how many efforts are spend to achieve that sort of greatness that does not count before heaven. Jesus talked about becoming the least to be great. And there is another source of greatness: "Whoever does My commandments and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven", Mat.5:19. The real secret of greatness resides in being fulfilling and not on teaching others alone. Whoever fulfils is great in the sight of God if he teaches how to fulfil as well.

  1041. The man who loves wisdom asks for forgiveness a thousand times when he has forgotten about something important which God revealed to him. He feels like those who lost a pearl of unthinkable value, regrets deeply having lost it and seeks hard to find it again.

  1042. "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently on Him", Ps.37:7. To wait on God is and shall always be an option put before the will of man. While we are waiting, many things will appear before us as valid options to stop waiting on God. If God has promised, He will meet our need soon. Impatience may cause someone to take an alternative way which is not waiting on God. It is like not waiting for God's bus and we take another because it arrived first. It is a way to show we do not really trust our Lord and Saviour. Besides, another bus takes always another route and ends up somewhere else.

  1043. Throughout Scripture we read how God supports, helps and keeps the righteous because he is righteous before God. We cannot deny it as a fact. However, that does not mean we must become righteous in order to be helped by God. God is not bought off and never will be. What this means is quite different. God has a truth to defend. If God would help the wicked, he would be settled in wickedness by being supporting and the Lord would be working for wickedness. To help the wicked is to help wickedness, because the source of the wickedness is the wicked.

  1044. We can not afford to cleanse our souls to achieve certain things God refuses to grant because we are not found spotless before Him. It is true that certain things are not reached because we are not found as God wishes us to be. But, we can never clean up our souls to achieve those things. We clean our hearts and our lives to the full with the sole purpose of being clean for God's sake. God will grant righteousness to those who want to be righteous and we should not dare to expect something more than righteousness when we are resolute and determined to become clean. God is not a negotiator and will not talk to those who sit down to negotiate with Him.

  1045. Whoever puts forth conditions to do something he should do, he is the same person who is capable of threatening if things do not go according to what he wants. "...Stop your threatening...", Eph.6:9.

  1046. Logic tells us that those who stay in bed awake are sick. However, there are many people who stay in bed in the morning wide awake and are not sick.

  1047. "Now , therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints", Eph.2:19. If you are a fellow citizen with holy people, it surely means you are holy or that you became holy. There is no such thing as an unholy fellow citizen with the saints.

  1048. Time plays in our favour when we wait on God. There are people who wait in vain - even if they wait on God - because they are not right with God and their lives are not found spotless and up to date in relation to all their past and present sins. It may be the case, too, that they have not been faithful to something they have received and for which they have been waiting faithfully before. Consequently, they are waiting in vain - if they are waiting at all - because of not having been faithful, or because they have not corrected themselves in time to receive grace again. Faithfulness does not end with the waiting, but must persist after having received. However, for those who have obtained a fellowship and a real intimacy with Jesus, time goes on in their favour. Everything works for the good of those who truly hope in God, for their hope does not deceive them, will never disappoint them, is not based on pretentious assumptions and is not made up by wishful thinking nor is it fake.

  1049. When we say that we are doing something for God because He did much for us, we must think on what we are saying and what intentions cause us to say such a thing. If we are speaking as if we are giving something in return to God, we can be sure that it has very little value in heavenly terms. What has value before God is the voluntary work which emerges from a will that has been made free to do as God does, full of love and without conditions or pre-conditions to do something good. Whoever puts forth conditions to do something he should do, he is the same person who is capable of threatening if things do not go according to what he wants. Doing to pay back is doing conditionally. If we give because God gave us, we can be considered as grateful opportunists. But, there is another thing that is very true when we say we do something because God has done things for us first. Jesus fulfilled a work on the Cross that must still be carried out in the hearts. The work of the Cross is still being done today. It goes on in time and it still changes man. When this inner work is completed satisfactorily (in the eyes of God), we can love voluntarily because His love has been poured and can be continuously poured on us to love through it. So, we are able to do because He did first. The misinterpretation of this fact is what leads people to understand that God should be repaid because He did something first. When God is 'repaid', it means that the person is carnal and tries to give back by own strength and through sacrifice. Possibly, this does not come from faith and is not operated by grace. Everything that is not of faith is sin and all that is not substantiated, operated and completed by grace is false fire inappropriately placed on the altar of God.

  1050. Intimacy with God is not determined by the work we do, nor by the gifts we have to exercise faithfully, nor by the virtues and power that God shows in our work for Him. Intimacy with God should and can exist without any particular reason besides belonging to Him. It is true all the works that we do need the blessing of God and must be carried out through Him. However, each one of us must take care of his own life as if nothing else needs to be done for God, and as if the only real work in life is to be or to become close to God in all holiness and in all senses. The real work of the Cross is to make us belong to God. Miracles, power, powerful preaching don't have the power to make the worker get closely related to Jesus. Being closer to Jesus and work are two different things. Far beyond what is being done for the Lord or people, anyone should present himself before God without a thing to give, but only himself. The task of our life is to be God's and to belong to him unconditionally. The rest, that is, everything else we do is important for others so that they can also get closely related to God themselves. The work we do does not benefit us in anything besides the privilege and pleasure of doing something important for the Kingdom. We must take care of our lives along with the work we do, so that we shouldn't be found gaining the world and lose our soul. "Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers", 1Tim.4:16.

  1051. Any false prophet seldom believes that he is false. In fact, I don't believe there is one false prophet who believes he is false, even though I may be wrong about that. They are, usually, deceived people. The false ones usually speak with greater conviction than those who walk close to God because they do not fear to be wrong.

  1052. When God chooses someone, He does so having His will in mind. Consequently, that which is good for the Lord means goodness to those He chooses.

  1053. "But , unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath", Rom.2:8. If there is such a thing as obedience to sin, the disobedience to that sin can easily be considered as a virtue of unspeakable value. We need to be disobedient to sin without remorse. Remorse of that sort could mean looking back to it and be made offensive to truth and to the Lord.

  1054. We should never forget that the Word should be life and not a mere study we need to master. To learn or master the Word is to become living. It is not to learn how to recite it or to add to knowledge.

  1055. Some lie to hide and some tell the truth to hide too.

  1056. It is far better to give no hope to someone than to give a false hope. Therefore, rather strive to obtain real hope, the one which never fails and never deceives, Rom.5:5.

  1057. "You have said, 'It is vain to serve God. What is the profit of our keeping his charge or of walking as in mourning before the Lord of hosts? And now we call the arrogant blessed. Evildoers not only prosper but they put God to the test and they escape'", Mal.3:14,15. Whenever one has an earthly mind and whenever one considers earthly things as the greater or as the desirable blessing, such a person sees a curse in anything that is lacking. If this was true, the terrorists and murderers would not be on earth. And while people believe that the ultimate blessing is an earthly one, God can hardly pursue the enemies of the Gospel and the bad ones to convert them.

  1058. It is not always true that working for God is to preach the Gospel. There are people who work to see the fruits of their works. Now, while the work is done merely because of the fruit it brings, it is not done for the sake of Jesus. Then, people do not acknowledge that work is important to God because it is too important to them. And working for Jesus' sake grants and brings more fruit from work than any other kind of work. Probably, the person who works hard for the fruits will not see the fruits of his labour - not even if there comes fruit from it in a far future. It might also happen that he shall not see the fruit of work for a time only, in order to be sanctified and fully dedicated to Jesus rather than to work. Only the wise and the selfless can understand, grasp and embrace this truth.

  1059. There are certain truths that are as a garment of wool that has not yet been completed: many seek the end of it to continue the work, while others seek it to pull and destroy what has been done.

  1060. Legalism destroys in many ways. One way: it puts people against the preaching of the law. In fact, the preaching and dissemination of law is fundamental to achieve the death of the sinner. "For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me", Rom.7:11.

  1061. If wisdom is something easy for me to obtain, then it must be because it is difficult for others; if money is easy to get, then it must be because it is difficult for many who need it and whom I must help; if knowledge is within the reach of my hand, it is because it is difficult for others who will survive through what I find. Nothing is given to us by chance. Everything we own and receive is meant for all. It is more of a responsibility than a gift. May God continue to bless us even more, then.

  1062. "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord, or who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully". Have you ever wondered what it means to be clean of hands? Today I am thinking about it. It must be the way we do things, and the dedication to perfection in whatever we do. "He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation", Ps.24:3-5. Many want to get other things, but God promises righteousness, that is, He promises to make fairly clean. Is that what you expected to receive from God by cleaning your hands and by purifying all your heart? Or do you expect to receive something else in return? If so, your aim is not to be spotless in order to please God, but to bribe Him.

  1063. "Depart from evil, and do good; and you shall dwell for evermore", Ps.37:27. The Catholic idea that doing good is to help people and to help the homeless is widely spread - even among non Catholics. But, doing good is to fulfil the law of God in all its aspects and not only to help our neighbour. Because the churches have been denying God all these centuries, the idea was settled that doing good to people is the way to avoid feeling guilty and to avoid denying God and His works. Good works have become a camouflage which, in fact, does not hide much because it is a lie trying to cover up another lie.

  1064. Wisdom is to experience what one learns, is the active part of everything that happens to us and not merely the knowledge about it. Wisdom is a personified way of someone walking in the ways of God, it is the agility of behaviour and words about what happens on the inside and on the outside. It is the shortest way to an objective.

  1065. The problem with wisdom is that those who obtain it are always seeking to know more and better. Let me explain. When we want to sort out something, the target is to solve it through the wisdom and power of God. The target is not the wisdom itself, because wisdom is a tool and not the goal to achieve. People, as a rule, despise what they already know when they hear it again as if what is ??known had lost its importance because they already know it. Do you despise your child simply because you already know him or her? What we know, we must remember and not forget or neglect. "He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you" John 14:26. "I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it" 1 John 2:21. How many things are confirmed by remembering what God has taught us? Peter said: "I remembered what the Lord said", Act.11:16. In fact, we shall be able to remember with great agility only those things that have been able to transform us and those things that were able to make us new, I mean, those which are able to keep us new as well.

  1066. According to the Bible, Balaam was a prophet (2Pet.2:16). However, who can believe he is in heaven now?

  1067. All pains and sores pass away, but, we don't. "He who does the will of God remains forever", 1 John 2:17.

  1068. "You are the ones who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God", Lk.16:15. Now, someone who loves to justify, or feels flattered when justified before men when they approve or applaud this kind of justification, has as a target to be seen or to remain under the spotlight. Such think it is the spotlight that makes them look good and not what they are. So, when someone wants to please others or get close to them, he needs only to justify his neighbour. This nears who flatters to him who is flattered. Then, if it is true that one can be justified before men, it is also true that what men will think of people is very important to hypocrisy. The opinion of other men is crucially important to any carnal man. Any carnal man is a hypocrite. When this truth is viewed under this light, all those who flatter and justify others seek a closeness to others by also setting a snare to their feet. It is a double crime we are speaking of here. If someone depends on self-justification, death to God lies at his door. To justify someone is a contribution to the deceit living in that heart."A man who flatters his neighbour spreads a net for his feet", Prov.29:5.

  1069. Joy is like thanking: there needs to be something that happened to make us rejoice. Today, there are many fools who try to cheer themselves up without being truly experiencing Jesus. They are hypocrites without real joy. Just as we can not be thankful without having received anything from anyone, the same should be said about how joy works in the heart.

  1070. "How great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You; You have worked for those who trust in You before the sons of men!" Ps.31:19. Trusting in the presence of men does not always mean we must say that we are trusting. Imagine us being surrounded by evil men who want to take our life. Shall we trust or will we convince them that we trust as long as we are found in their presence?

  1071. "My sins have taken hold on me, so that I am not able to look up", Ps.40:12. Men of God, when they sin at some point, cannot not look up. Today, it seems that there are no values ??of truth, and deception took over everything, because we see millions of people trapped in their sins, looking up as if God were to answer and to meet what they want and ask for. There is no longer any shame in dishonouring God and no fear in using His name in vain.

  1072. Where there are false prophecies, or words which use the name of God in vain, or sentences of comfort that something is not from God, or condemnation which doesn't have it origin in the conviction of the Spirit, or any other situation where people try to speak for God deceitfully, we must keep several things in mind: the deceived believe with great conviction in what they say, and the force applied to their beliefs prevent them from being convinced otherwise; and, secondly, there is no good in ending prophecies altogether where false prophecies are found, and there is no point entering a opposing path to prophecies by saying there is no such thing as prophecies anymore. The only way to overcome error is to do things the right way and it will only happen when people are found in good terms with Jesus and stop using God's name in vain. And it is good that things begin to happen the right way as soon as possible, lest God turns His back on us in a definite way.

  1073. What would the love of God be good for in or for an anointed (to guide or help others) if there is no love for those who will be guided or helped by it? We must not think that just because we are not designed to achieve certain things in a certain way, we are not as loved as those who are able to guide and help. Remember that the aim of the gifts of others is you and people like you and me. People do not have gifts for themselves. It means God loves those He is aiming at with bestowing gifts and his great love on those who lead the church. Choosing those would mean nothing unless they were to be a blessing to many others.

  1074. The hardest thing I experienced working for the living Gospel is to try to convince someone who has not experienced the real Gospel and believes he has. It is not easy to instruct someone to seek what he believes he has already found.

  1075. "...To humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not", Dt.8:2. There are errors that are costly. One of them is committed when we are being tested. When we are being tested, we doubt this and that and even put the power and goodness of God in doubt. Sometimes, we neglect our work to remain obsessed with some concerns and accusations against God. However, we must have this in mind: the degree of loyalty or faithfulness that we present under intense trials is proportional to the degree of loyalty or faithfulness we shall reveal when everything is going well and when we have already received. Joseph was as faithful to God after he had been turned king of Egypt as he had been inside Pharaoh's muddy dungeons. Nobody may believe he shall be more loyal, more dedicated or more loving when trials come to an end. Faithfulness shall be the same as when one is being tried relentlessly to the limit.

  1076. To ensure hunger for obedience, for discipline, for loyalty or any other fundamental virtue ensures much more than what we can imagine. These virtues when exercised under the pressure of duty do not last for long, even if the is part of our life and of obedience. Duty without hunger for duty will not seek to be fed for a long time and, even though it seeks, it will not eat when it finds because it doesn't feel hungry. Doing without the hunger to do shall eventually cause to love God less and less and will soon lead to rebellion.

  1077. "You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess", Deut.5:33.There are several crimes when we do not follow God in all He shows, and some possible consequences. God is God and there is no better guide. By not following Him all the way would amount to suicide, and is a huge lack of respect towards God. The enormity of this sin has a lot to do with the greatness of God. Another crime being committed by not obeying God is the infamous negligence of this huge privilege of being able to follow the surest and most correct way with all the assurances and promises of a bright future. Therefore, disobedience not only triggers a series of curses upon man, but, also deviates him from the only way that can be blessed.

  1078. "...Oh Lord , heal me; for my bones are vexed. My soul is also sore vexed", Ps.6:2,3. This means that even if the bones are troubled, the soul might not be disturbed along with it. One thing does not imply the other. But, we can reach a point where the soul is also disturbed and vexed.

  1079. There is a lot of piracy around the truth. The pirates of truth created walls, barricades and barriers around what is truthful and real. If we want to get to the truth, we have to march confidently over organized trincheirs, jump hurdles and suffer ambushes from all those who claim to be preachers.

  1080. As as rule, whoever doesn't want to do something which needs to be done, sends people around to do it for him. The good leaders lead by doing themselves.

  1081. There are and there will always be examples among God's people. But of one thing I am sure: all those who have some man of God as spotlight needs necessarily to get to the level of the example that is given to them (by God). I'm not saying that they need to do the same kind of work, but we have to achieve the same fidelity, the same kind of heart and the same level of moral and spiritual truthfulness that has been graciously placed before our eyes. Who does not achieve the same life given to him by the example, will be failing before God. There are examples stronger and more salient than others. But one example that is given to the flock is the minimum required of the same flock.

  1082. False prophecy is rebellion. Whenever people prophesy falsely, they say just the opposite of what God would say or, perhaps, in an opposite mood or spirit. And they do it in the name of God. The prophets and those who are inclined to hear these prophecies own a kind of rebellion much worse than witchcraft. "Because Shemaiah has prophesied to you, and I did not send him, and he caused you to trust in a lie, (...) I will punish Shemaiah the Nehelamite and his seed. He shall not have a man to dwell among this people; nor shall he behold the good which I shall do for My people, says the Lord, because he has taught rebellion against the Lord", Jer.29:32.

  1083. Don't use the Bible to flatter anyone, don't use God's words in vain; Do not hide behind the Bible or with it, but expose yourself; do not be led by preconceived ideas or misconceptions. If you flatter anyone you are using God's word in vain, at least, you are misusing it. And you also hide behind a kind of love which does not love your neighbour and create many misconceptions which would never come into existence by any other sort of means. You must, also, be extremely careful to guard yourself against any tongue which flatters you. Soon, it shall criticize you as well. Whoever pleases people also displeases them and those you praise you are also capable of saying things against you. It all depends in what kind of mood the person that talks finds himself. Whoever flatters shall also be able to engage in gossiping.

  1084. It is not good for people to be saved through wrath. Let me explain. We are saved from our sins and indirectly from the coming wrath. Thus, where there is a genuine conversion, there is genuine forgiveness, that is, there is this natural impossibility to sin. When the person does not want to give up all sins, that means he doesn't want to be saved from them as well. Soon, through the wrath of God the conditions to stop sinning begin to emerge here and there. The grip of anger and the pressure it exerts on the hearts lead many to stop sinning and it is not the desire to stop sinning. What happens after anger ceases and after God stops reprimanding? The possibility to return to some sins is huge, because the person ceased from sin to divert the anger of God. The goal was not to stop sinning but rather to quench the wrath of God. When the anger ceases, sinning may start all over again. Soon, those who truly begin to abhor sin - regardless of having been reprimanded or not - are the ones who shall remain pure in heart. Therefore, it is highly advisable that the person reminds himself continually of the wrath of God until he is really converted. However, it is necessary that the person gets to experience the ways of love (which leads to abhor sin) and gets a heart that hates sin with a natural instinct. Anger will cease as soon as people have returned to their original state of creation. "Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause Your anger toward us to cease", Ps.85:4. The prayer is not for God to stop being angry, but to convert people and, as a consequence, anger against sinners will cease. There is a chronological order in the words of this prayer that we should not underestimate. First, we return to our original state, and then anger ceases. But, once anger ceases, we should remember that to obey by fear is not perfection yet.

  1085. Clocks which are not working show the right time twice a day. However, it does not mean they should be approved twice a day. In the same way, people who are false or live through a false gospel might be occasionally right. However, that should not be an appeal to our hearts to listen to them or to give them some credit since their hearts are wrong. Falsehood uses the truth to lie about/through it.

  1086. "...According to His good will", Phil.2:13. There are many words in the Bible which are easily misinterpreted due to the meaning our normal languages automatically link to them. This expression "good will" is one of them. We could, also, talk about "good courage" or any other expression where the word "good" is attached. When the angels announced the good will of God to the shepherds in Bethlehem, they were not merely talking about a willingness towards man as if God's attitude has suddenly changed. In fact, they were saying that God's will is good, whether people approve it or not. They were describing the will and not a disposition change in God. It is a will which God will look at and and say: "And He saw that it was good". The will of God is good and can easily be accepted with great joy, it is, with the kind of joy with which angels announced it. God's will has always been good. However, in the Old Testament times it was mostly revealed as a prophecy of a future event, even though it has been experience by many in their personal Pentecost. Have you undergone through a personal Pentecost?

  1087. "And he , trembling and astonished, said, 'Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?' And the Lord said unto him, 'Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do'", Act.9:6. It is interesting to notice that when we are confronted by the Lord, He doesn't always change our direction, but only our ways and heart. Jesus didn't change the direction Paul was going. He did not redirect Paul back to Jerusalem or anywhere else. He was told to enter the same city he had planned to enter to kill. Jesus didn't change his direction, but only his life and heart. By having the person changed, everything changes. Even if circumstances, town, country or place don't change, everything changes. Occasionally, God might change our circumstances for some other ones, but it seldom works like that. Righteousness must be fulfilled in the place where we are found - right there where we are confronted with Him and His reality.

  1088. "Stephen , full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people", Act.6:8. It is not only by faith that the things of God are performed. Faith is not the only thing responsible for wonders and miracles. One must still live in the centre of the power and of the will of God. It is the power of God. If faith is a gift of God, so is the power. That power cannot be given to people who do not experience an extreme humility. Man may never feel greater than others or have a tendency to be proud. He is just like others. It is the power of God at work and not man's. It means, it is God at work. Faith is in the heart of man, but, the power works outside him when greater works are performed.

  1089. "And some fell among thorns. And the thorns sprung up and choked them", Mat.13:7. There is always a serious problem once thorns grow: they choke whatever might be good or fruitful. However, if they are able to grow, it means the ground is proper for them. Never allow yourself to breed illusions: wherever or whenever the cares of this world grow, they shall outgrow the confidence in the Lord because thorns grow much quicker. They shall choke the hope in the Lord, something which not even the devil is able to achieve directly, which is to choke the very words of God. The cares of this life is more powerful than the devil in that sense.

  1090. "But , I say to you that every idle word, whatever men may speak, they shall give account of it in the day of judgment", Mat.12:36. What can be seen as an idle word? An idle word might also be a word which we speak because we don't wish to feel awkward being quiet before people. We simply speak for the sake of speaking and not for the sake of contents.

  1091. "How can you, being evil, speak good things?" Mat.12:34. That was an old question we should have always in mind. However, there is a newer one: "How can you do evil having been transformed?" Today's gospels put pressure on people against full holiness. Let's take heed against those gospels. They are not godly.

  1092. Jesus sent His Disciples without silver or gold. We read they couldn't even take as much as an empty bag with them. We may understand, in some way, that not all are called to live that way. Some are called to provide for those. We cannot be called to live that way by the arrogance of our hearts. However, all should be able to trust in the Lord: some for the provisions they need and some others for the provisions others might need from them. We must go obeying God. We cannot afford going disobeying Him being sent by arrogance and own mindedness. Disobedience is arrogance - it is stubbornness. Remember what happened to the Sceva brothers who tried to expel demons as Paul did (Act.19:13-16).

  1093. Many believe that the Kingdom of God will be after they die. There is no idea more wrong and more deceiving than that one. The Kingdom of God has come to earth and it is here where it begins - in us. Unless we start living in it now, there is no chance we will experience it after death. Concerning the Reign of God which starts right here, we read: "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven", Mat.5:19. There are so many preachers who complain about not having revival and about their lukewarm congregations. They don't seem to be very effective in preaching the Gospel the way they ought. They work harder, exhort harder and become exuberant preachers to stir up dead people into some sort of life which is not eternal life, as if dead people can be stirred to anything. They should, perhaps, read this piece of Scripture to understand it better. Perhaps they are either small or even insignificant in the Kingdom of God because they break the least of the commandments of the Lord and their example is followed by their congregations. It is no wonder there are so many deceivers today and perhaps we might find here a reason why so many cheap gospels are proliferating around us more and more and with greater speed.

  1094. Whoever is not able to live up to criticism will surely fall with the praise from men. 

  1095. To blaspheme is to use God's name in vain, to make unrighteous references to it when one is joking or praying in vain. We should be more on our guard when we use God's name, because the commandment is still a very serious one: do not use the name of the Lord your God in vain.

  1096. It is far better to die unmarried and in right standing with God than to marry having been driven into marriage by sin instead of being led by God. "Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season", Heb.11:25. This verse uses the word "choosing". It means it is our choice. You need to take that option: rather unmarried than married driven by sin. God will not choose it for you. Left and right are before you. If you keep delaying that definite decision it shall affect your future life accordingly, even if you take the choice path later on in life. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?", 2Cor.6:14. It is so obvious that such a decision shouldn't even be a matter of much thought because you must choose between light and darkness. That is what it is all about. You must choose speedily. Choose whom you shall serve. "They feared the Lord, and also served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence", 2 Kings 17:33. Do you fear God and still guide yourself according to the rules of novels and romances? Has the world's ways and views still the last say in your life? Does it still influence your decisions? Will your feelings know better than God and can they decide better?

  1097. You might be in bad terms with God or God with you and be unaware of it. It is also possible to be in good terms with God while you believe God is against you for what has been happening to you recently. However, many of those who are not that right with God usually say things like this: "If God shows me, I will leave this altogether. When He shows me, I will make the decision. God is not speaking to me about it!" We should read in between the words when people say things such as those. In most cases, God is already speaking or has already spoken and people are not hearing that well. And if God is not speaking, He should be. I am sure God will fulfil His duties all the time. Are you in a state to hear properly? You are a sheep already? Sheep hear gladly and easily. But, only sheep do so. Perhaps you are not searching to have and to keep a sheep's heart. Now you are saying God will speak or will say something about it when your own heart is far from being able to hear Lord. Only sheep can hear Him.

  1098. The enthusiasm of faith, the joy of receiving or of knowing one shall receive is a natural consequence of believing in the Lord and of trusting Him for something. However, we must know that enthusiasm may come from a lot of sources. Someone may become enthusiastic and joyful because of the sign itself; these are the unbelieving ones who consider themselves believing. Another situation that occurs frequently is when someone receives something he waited for a long time or something he desired deeply. Being emotionally or personally involved in the issue causes joy to burst forth. And there are those who honour God and are touched by a deep joy once they realize God's will is being accomplished by an answer to prayer. Those, usually, are peaceful beings, quietly happy and their joy is so great they have no words or gestures capable of expressing the kind of joy they experience. That is why they are always found quiet and peaceful. They are believing beings indeed.

  1099. Patience that is not associated with an intense desire to accomplish or reach the things Jesus has promised and to have them accomplished and received the way they are promised cannot be seen as patience at all. The desires of the heart must be kept alive and lively to have patience actively engaged in reaching God's will.

  1100. It is unquestionably true that there will never be a genuine, overflowing revival without holiness. If there are no holy vessels, there shall be no revival. If there is, that revival is false. However, we can never believe the reverse of that, it is, that if there is holiness there shall be an overall, spreading revival. We know Jacob cleansed himself and his people and there was one of the first revivals of the fear of God in the peoples surrounding him. But, Elijah and Elisha were continuously holy and there has never been a revival in Israel. Things are not as linear as many might wish them to be.

  1101. Today , someone from Cuba wrote to me and there was said: were I as righteous as an angel, I should still lay down my righteousness to be dressed up with Christ. "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ", Rom.13:14. I will not comment any further on that.

  1102. Many times, people who go through many kinds of tribulation comfort themselves with words such as: "Did it not happen, I could have been dead or something worse could have happened to me". However, I believe this is a misleading thought. Even though God is solemnly sovereign to use tribulations to deviate anyone from a greater trouble, one may never forget that God does not need any artificial means to do it. In fact, tribulation has only one goal in mind: to prune into full, unconditional obedience. Obedience is the great issue at stake when we are tried by anything. Many fail in that by rather believing something else.

  1103. Transparency is the greatest tool towards holiness. In some cases, transparency is holiness itself. Walking in the light is the assurance of holiness, especially if we walk in the light the way Christ does.

  1104. An error or sin is never alone. One sin always brings another with it. Solomon sacrificed in the high places, even though He sacrificed to God. Perhaps, this is one of the key reasons why many strange woman got into his life, it is, between him and the Lord. It is true one sin may be committed without having other sins as the cause or the call to it. However, if there is one single sin which is not properly cleansed and fully dealt with, it shall surely call other sins into its fellowship.

  1105. Here is a truth: if I am indeed led by the Lord, if I am His child indeed, if I am not mistaken about it, any kind of tears I shed concerning myself are tears shed in vain. I should rather keep my tears for those who, far and near, are lost around me.

  1106. When we are found in a way which seems right and which is not God's will for us - however noble that way may seem - and if we believe it to be God's will for us, we shall seek to hear voices of convenience which only confirm what we believe. It is needless to say we shall despise every other contradictory voice. This is a way which leads to disappointment and false endings. We shall be easily deceived by the voices of our own heart which shall, also, be lit by the fires of hell. We shall mistake our own hearts' voice for God's voice. It is very difficult to correct someone who believes he is right. However, it is not that difficult to wrongly convince someone who is indeed right. If the flesh has the upper hand, things will go smoothly towards a fleshly way. We should become sheep. Sheep hear God's voice because they are sheep and not merely because they are eager to hear. Unless we are sheep indeed, we shall easily disregard God's voice because it is contrary to what we wish to hear. This is why a way which seems right is able to lead to death.

  1107. "The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted", Ps.12:8. Sometimes, people ask themselves why there are so many robbers and assassins in certain countries around the world. In many countries, these bad people swerve around freely while honest people live closed behind the iron bars of their own homes taunted by fears of being robbed. According to the Bible, that happens because those who lead those countries have not the proper motives in leading them. They seek their own things and not God's will or the benefit of the people they lead.

  1108. I read this today: fear knocked at the door; faith went to see who was there. No body was there.

  1109. I do not need to believe lies to believe what is possible with God.

  1110. If I am a faithful person and no one trusts me, if people around do not expect me to fulfil and they keep reminding me of my duties, I will surely be offended or feel wronged. Even unfaithful people feel injured when they are not trusted. Having that in mind, think of how great a sin it is not to trust God and not to take Him for what He is.

  1111. When someone is being 'treated' by God through trials and is not corrected in the midst of those difficulties or reprimands, he will not become any better when things start going well again. Changing circumstances for the better shall not cause the heart to become better if the person has not submitted to God or to all His requirements under correcting trials. Imagine that a marriage faces certain difficulties and poverty, which intend to unite the couple and to teach them to understand each other through those trials. If they do not unite under difficulties and trials in case that was the reason for trials - the disunity will worsen as soon as the circumstances start to change for the better. The disunity and disagreements will be of a worse degree. We cannot feed the vain hope that things will improve in the heart if circumstances change for the better, it is , if the heart has not changed when being tried. That will not happen. It is a law of nature and is applicable and extensible to all other possible human situations. If someone steals, being poor, he shall steal after becoming rich and will become even more dishonest; if someone lies under pressure, he shall will be a greater liar when the pressure is lifted off; etc. We need to change now, before circumstances change, regardless of what problems we may face now. The circumstances have nothing to do with the condition of the heart. They are separate things altogether and must be dealt with separately. "And that servant who knew his lord's will and did not prepare, nor did according to His will, shall be beaten with many stripes", Lk.12:47.

  1112. If the greatest honour to man is to be freed from himself and to be saved from himself and from his own sins - and if that is what honours God most - that means that the biggest disgrace is to be delivered to oneself and to be left in those most wanted sins. "And even as they did not think fit to have God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do the things not right", Rom.1:28.

  1113. "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him", Ps.37:7. Many can only be 'in the Lord' by not resting in Him and by not waiting in Him. If they 'rest' that way, they are not in the Lord, and if you are in the Lord, they cannot rest. It is necessary to achieve a quiet being while in Him and He in us, without being fake. These never get tired because they expect Him truly and continuously.

  1114. "As for us , our eyes failed waiting for our vain help: in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us.", Lam.4:17. How many seek after those things that can not save them from anything! There are things we need which not even gold can buy. Many look up to pastors and evangelists who cannot save.

  1115. All half-truths always become great lies one way or another. There is no half-truth which will not become a big lie sooner or later - if it is not dealt with in time.

  1116. If you know that people are inspired by actions and deeds, try doing instead of talking. Obey the commandments of Jesus and talk less.

  1117. Work well done and finished does not tire as much a part of that work done either perfectly or in a imperfect way. Doing something half way is more fatiguing, takes longer and calls us back to it more often than doing it well, either in the long run or straight away.

  1118. Debating against life is to fight in favour of death. God is life and our consciences the barometer. If God is against us, we must hear His reasons and understand them in the way He understands them before exalting ourselves against Him.

  1119. God can guide and lead someone without being noticed. He can guide without us realizing it. But, that does not edify obedience or build the kind of heart that God desires for all of us even though it is effective for other things.

  1120. Unbelief openly opposes the idea of a real God. A real Jesus scares the unbelieving sinner. That's what defines unbelief. Unbelief marvels with His reality, rejects or fears a real Jesus. However, it believes in an inactive Jesus and search such a Jesus eagerly.

  1121. Often , prayers, intercessions and fastings of many are driven by wants and desires of their own and not by a search of God's will and that things are materialized as God's will.

  1122. Distraction is, as a rule, a fight between at least two thoughts that demand the person's attention. Attention is to be placed on one issue while thoughts are many. That is where distraction comes in. Under these circumstances, instead of being struggling with various thoughts, we should stop and decide which of them will we give priority.

  1123. The Apostles used the words "this present age" to describe something that would be difficult to describe as "this life". Life in this world is not life and, therefore, they had some difficulty in using the word life to speak of what is happening here. So, they started using the words "this century" or "this age" because it won't last for long.

  1124. Roses have many similarities to those who carry the fragrance of the Gospel of Christ around. Grace grows among thorns, but its perfume and beauty are not affected by them in the least. The petals and the fragrance do not become bad because of the thorns. The thorns do not poke the flower but only those who try to destroy it.

  1125. Have you ever seen a child who does not know how to write well and tries to write his name on paper? When such a child learns to write his name on a sheet of paper, it always starts with big letters just to find out that the name will not fit on the sheet. Then, the letters are gradually reduced to fit in. Would it not be better to start with small letters? In fact, this is precisely what many do with spiritual things. The way some talk about certain true things when they come to Christ, in the beginning, is so disproportionate that, in the end, it does not fit in the sheet of their own lives. It could fit if the letters were of the right size. Does the size of the letters really matter to describe great things? Will big letters describe great things better or would it make any difference in the greatness of a great thing? If I write "universe" in small letters, will the size of the universe be affected in any way?

  1126. My rest is to be with God. I do not rest from God, but with God.

  1127. Abraham saw the womb of Sara becoming stale and dry in front of his own eyes in the course of the years. This aging was constant and daily. But the promise of God kept reviving itself and living in his heart. While Sarah's womb was drying up, the fire of the promise was growing in him. He could not deny any of them. No one could hinder it either. Each passing day, the contrast increased. And it all ended well. So does our God work. We should be suspicious only if things are not working that way. But, if the workings of God are in line with what happened to all men of God, we should not be concerned. It is a standard. The stories of the Bible are clear and confirming if we are led and taken by the Lord. If these 'contradictory' things happen to us, we should take heart because we are within the program and within the standard of God. There is nothing better to have it confirmed that God is indeed with us.

  1128. I do not exist to make friends or to have friends, even though I have them. I exist to give children to God and to edify them as such. Even if they all become my brothers and sisters, I do not exist for that purpose and am not not working to gain such results. It is all about the Lord Jesus.

  1129. I experienced life in a real way. Then, I made faithful drawings of what it stands for. Now, some try to achieve the design and not the life and the design comes with the Life. Some learn to draw and not to live. Why is it so? They also try to paint from my picture because I painted what is real and good. All I wanted was to picture true life so that people would want to abandon fake Christianity and go for the real one. Now, many serve an image and not the real thing. I had only in mind to make it easier to understand and that some could see the difference between real life and the false gospels that are proliferating around. The fact is that those who live by images and examples and do not consider having, sharing and experiencing real life for themselves have only an own witness to share and God doesn't testify about them. "They are their own witnesses", Is.44:9.

  1130. Learning is to learn by living or learn by experiencing genuine, abundant life. The Bible speaks of some who are always learning and never coming to the knowledge of true life. Moreover, it is not necessary to know or explain everything that happens in us when we live and experience the eternal life that God has given us to live by now and always.

  1131. How can we distinguish between the leadings of the Holy Spirit and the impulse of emotion? Emotion is always a consequence of something. It comes from man. The voice of God is the source. Therefore, simply distinguish between origins and results, and then see what is the origin of what you feel and seek to live by the origin instead of seeking the consequence or outcome to build your hopes upon.

  1132. "...Do not be conformed to the former lusts in your ignorance", 1Ped.1:14. It is necessary to look at this verse a few times. Only then can we understand its true meaning. It speaks of former lusts. That is, they no longer exist or are no longer lusts. There are good things that people are able to lust for and having denied the lusting for it, they might be able to keep those good things and enjoy them in another manner. But, if there are no lusts anymore - not even in the form of temptation - how can someone still be conformed to them? It sounds like a contradiction, but, we know that it is not. Paul also writes to the faithful in Rome not to comply with the lusts of this world, Rom.12:1,2. He was not speaking of their own lusts, but of the world's lusts around them. He spoke to people who were already believers and whose lusts might have been, also, "former lusts". Therefore, we may conclude that to be conformed to lusts might not have anything to do with personal temptations, but, with acceptance of sin around. That is, we can be indifferent, conniving, ignorant or approving lust and allow it to have 'peace' in the way it operates. Paul talks about those who "have pleasure in those that do" wrong things (Rom.1:32).This may mean a lot against all those who delight in wrong movies and novels. For example: our words and ways of speaking may give the impression that what they call romance is not a form of adultery; or that dishonesty is just 'business' and that it is not necessary to estimate our neighbour as ourselves, seeking merely to gain from them, etc.. There are many ways to be conformed to the lusts of this world in deeds, acts with words or without them. Even the meaning of our words should be revised if we are to live without becoming disagreeable or offensive to God.

  1133. "For they have worked falsehood. Therefore, the thief comes in, the troop of robbers plunders outside", Hos.7:1. There are certain laws in nature from which no one escapes. The same happens with spiritual laws. The thief enters where falsehood is practiced. Although there are exceptions to the rule because of other things that God may want to achieve, we must bear in mind that even today those who kill by the sword, die by the sword; he who speaks of others, shall hear rumours about himself as well and be affected by it; he that practices falsehood will be stolen; etc. "And they do not say within their hearts that I remember all their evil", Hos.7:2. It might be a way of God remembering certain sins.

  1134. "For your goodness is like a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away", Hos.6:4. How many things in your life come and go? How many good attitudes do not remain for long? There are many people whose good intentions last until the first trial. It happens that the Bible calls those as unstable and divided of heart. When will their attitudes and decisions become heavenly and stay forever?

  1135. "For your people are as those who strive with the priest", Hos.4:4. There are those who quarrel with the husband, father, mother and even against the authorities of their country or of another country. This can never be considered a minor flaw or sin, but, rather as a grievous transgression. Whoever cannot agree with someone for whatever reason, does not need to respond unmannerly. And it might not always be necessary to answer when it is God who answers for us. However, sometimes God answers through us and we need to do it as God would.

  1136. "It obvious that you are a letter from Christ", 2Cor.3:3. The fact that it is evident that someone is a letter from Christ doesn't mean he shall be generally accepted as such. Anyone will be manifest as a letter of Christ because of having fixed his doings and life with Jesus and with all people concerning all former and present sins, abandoning them forever and pursuing the life that God alone can give after having done away with sin. If it is God who gives that life, the proof that the person is in right standing with God is having received that sort of life. Soon, such a person is able to express another kind of life and not just another profession of faith or a manipulated conduct. That life speaks loud and clear and shall intrigue all who previously knew the person before the change had taken place. However, not everyone will like what is visible, though the transformation might impress deeply and shall never be forgotten. Now, being a letter from Christ, that is, if it is truly a letter of Christ, does not necessarily mean it shall be generally accepted as such, since it is possible to be rejected as such. Normally, the last ones to admit the transformation - if it is admitted at all - is the household of that person and his church. Most people are not easily aware of what goes on into their close relatives because they believe they already know them too well.

  1137. Every form of hope is legitimate. By that I mean that I can always expect something from God. But, to avoid disappointment, I must distinguish between a hope that is based on a word of God addressed to me (whether it is in accordance with what I had expected and hoped for or not); also, a hope that certain conditions aggregated to it; and a kind of hope that is only mine and about which God has not yet declared His desire. Those things I may wish that God would give can cause hope and it may be kept as such. However, I must bear in mind that God still has to express Himself about it. And until that happens, there will be a 'legitimate' hope which may disappoint if maintained as a certainty. We need to accept a "no" with the same joy as we would accept a positive answer from God about what we expect. A "no" from the Lord is good news. It means He is guiding and is around, caring for us. Only legitimate hopes, which are based upon a word spoken by God, do not deceive/disappoint and do not cause anyone to roam about aimlessly without being safe and without being reassured on a regular basis about it.

  1138. "Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth", 1Cor.13:6. This joy in the truth is a kind of relief from a weight. Injustice, i.e., the existence of iniquity, is a burden to the righteous heart. It is not a threat to the righteous, but to the unrighteous that has never been changed. Yet, it is burdensome to the righteous. It is a weight to any righteous heart.

  1139. Those who are accustomed to exercise a kind of 'faith' which is based on own hopes, own desires or own conclusions (that did not come from God and were not brought by His Spirit to the spirit of man), will certainly have great difficulty in believing otherwise, i.e. when God pronounces a word or speaks to the heart. This is because the two sorts of heart operate distinctly and antagonistically. To be able to believe when God has not spoken beforehand is not faith. And if this is true, we can say that the one who can believe when and where God speaks, cannot believe when it is the heart that is speaking instead of God. To doubt it can not be considered as unbelief. However, there is a huge possibility that people are trapped between these two things who become stagnant and hesitant.

  1140. "Be not overcome of evil", Rom.12:21. If evil is ever able to affect our peace and to cause us to respond in an unkind way, we have already been defeated by it.

  1141. If we do not have any evil in the heart drowning real faith, faith will prevent all evil in there. Nothing is irrelevant in this earth. Anything means something all the time.

  1142. The same way that faith knows that God will settle all his accounts with the wicked, in the same way we know that He will draw near to the righteous to reward everything to them because of the existing righteousness in their hearts. Believing in one of these things without being able to believe the other can not be regarded as faith.

  1143. "The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in any of his thoughts", Ps.10:4. This does not mean that everyone who doesn't seek God says that God does not exist. It means only that they act as if God did not exist, living without being guided, without being ruled by God and His Spirit and acting without the fear of the Lord. It also means that whoever does not seek God for guidance and to be reigned by Him is wicked - even if the 'search' after God is there for other purposes.

  1144. Faith may require of us to believe in absurd and impossible things, like a virgin having a child without knowing a man. But, even if it is required such a thing of us, the word given to us demanding such believing behaviour of heart is not given in a ridiculous and detached way. The Word that we believe should be backed up by the substance and strength of the One who promises it. In the case of Mary and the husband of Elizabeth, the angel Gabriel appeared to them. The bigger ordeal fell upon Joseph who received divine information through a simple dream. Anyone can doubt a dream. But it is not easy to doubt an angel that stands night and day before God and who, when he appears, doesn't need to tell his name or who he is.

  1145. "...And Moses spoke so to the sons of Israel. But they did not listen to Moses because of anguish of spirit and because of the cruel bondage", Ex.6:9. How hard is it to tell the truth to someone who does not want to believe or that is not able (willing) to believe! Then, imagine how much harder it will be to explain or tell a truth to the unbelieving who, at the same time, has no hope or avoids being deceived and disappointed by hopes. There is no greater pain for the heart than a hope which doesn't end in fulfilment. Here we find two disabled virtues which are very important for the normal life of any man: true faith and true hope. And if we add to that the fact that a word is addressed to a hard heart that does not love and do not want to love, we have many serious problems to solve which, in many cases, are impossible to solve. We may be glad, however, that everything is possible with God! "Now abideth faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love", 1 Cor.13:13. "Love covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things", 1Cor.13:7.

  1146. All sins have a judgment on them. Although its sentence might not be as immediate as happened in the case of Ananias and Sapphira, it will always reach out to all guilty ones who have not been entirely washed in the blood of the Lamb. And even those who are clean can never get rid of certain consequences of the many sins they have committed. Imagine a girl who became pregnant before marriage. She shall never be a virgin again and the baby will never be returned and must be created as a child of God after His forgiveness has been granted.

  1147. God acts differently with people. He deals in a certain way with those He sees will be faithful and in another way with those liable to stagger between various thoughts. That being true, God cleanses the clean ones more through trials and situations where their faith is put to proof. Those who are not faithful are challenged with situations that will provoke them to believe. One is the dealing of a God with a Jacob who needs a wrestling with Him, and another is His dealing with an Israel that has already wrestled with God and has already overcome. The unbelievers are challenged with signs and other things that can provoke them to believe, but are not tested because they have no faith to be tested. Only faith can be tried. Those who already believe are tried to be more clean.

  1148. "I know that this great storm has come on you for my sake", Jonas 1:12. How many times the evil things that happen to people around have us as the cause? And many believers are seldom capable of assuming and recognizing their guilt and their share in the problems around them. Have you been disobedient to the Lord lately? Remember that disobedience to God will not affect you only. Some others might also suffer because of you.

  1149. "For , in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted", Heb.2:18. Let's turn this verse the other way round. Are you in a disposition to be tempted and helped in these things Jesus was tempted with? Or do you look for other sort of help? Figure out in what things Jesus was tempted and determine whether those are the things you seek to be helped with.

  1150. "Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows", Heb.1:9. Two things about this. Many envy the joy of certain people who walk with Jesus continuously. They want the fruit or the outcome, but avoid sowing and planting. True joy results from the fact that a person loves righteousness and hates wickedness. But we must have something in mind: it is not necessarily the iniquity of others that is hateful, but one's own. This verse talks about personal holiness, righteousness or wickedness, and not other's. Justice (righteousness) inhabiting someone makes that person righteous. This justice (righteousness) must be nurtured, cared for, loved and cherished. And it is the possibility of an own iniquity that must be hated, interrupted, abolished and despised. Doing this with the iniquity of others is proof of cowardice and truth-deflection.

  1151. "But , put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and have no care in the lusts of the flesh", Rom.13:14. Here are two things to be noticed by all those who want to stop sinning. One is to put on the Lord Jesus, it is, to be fully coated with Him. And it needs to be real. The second thing is not to give any leeway, allowance or thought to the possibility of sinning. As a rule, people only do one of these things and they stagger along the way. They either only engage in a fierce war against sin, or excuse themselves and put the blame on God while seeking sin and visiting, looking, thinking or fearing the things of darkness.

  1152. Any continuous and uninterrupted tribulation, even if it of a mere light kind, is more difficult to bear than many occasional tribulations that come and go, that is, begin and end. A drop of water that drips every second throughout the night disturbs more people than a bang that lasts for a moment only.

  1153. "Persevere in prayer", Rom.12:12. The word 'persevere' is different from 'insisting' in many senses. The main characteristic of someone who is able to persevere is that such a person has a well defined and definite target which he knows he is going to reach. At least, he knows it is within the reach of God. But, I never saw anyone managing to be persistent in the prayer for much time by depending, in daily life, on own strength, or by flirting own ideas and having own schemes to get to what he intends. Whoever does not hand over everything to Christ - even those daily things of daily business - will not be able to persevere to the point of obtaining a concrete answer to any prayer. There must not be the least dependence on anything or any other power besides the power of Christ to do something. If anyone claims to have the power of God while some other power or some other means are flirted with at work or even while in holiday and rest, such a person is a liar.

  1154. "Be patient in tribulation", Rom.12:12. This patience referred to here is not only patience with the tribulation itself, but it is an overall patience during times of tribulation. This patience must reign faithfully during our everyday life and towards anything else besides the tribulation itself as well. However, we must be able enough to distinguish between tribulation of a clean heart and those conflicts of mind which occur due to the lack of spiritual hygiene and steadfastness.

  1155. Grace needs to be received. When God delivers it out to us, it that does not mean we are receiving it, but, only that it is being offered. And to receive grace, though it is good, is still not to depend on her. And to be able to depend on grace and having learned to do so should be understood as being able to depend wholly and exclusively on it for everything. Grace is put before man; then, it must be received willingly and cheerfully and there is nothing better to cause joy than finding after an intense search for it which ends in finding it for real; if it is not welcomed with a smile and joy at this point, it will be an insult to God. And when it is accepted, it is necessary to exercise willingly a kind of dependence which is whole, exclusive and complete. "Let patience have it perfect work", James 1:4. Though one thing takes to other one, one thing is not the other thing. They are different things altogether. If one doesn't depend wholly and exclusively on it, one cannot be living under grace.

  1156. "As to diligence, do not be slothful", Rom.12:11. We need to understand God's Word properly to never give it a meaning that it has not. This care or diligence Paul mentions here is one of taking care and of doing all things with all readiness, i.e. taking diligent care of all house duties, of all the duties of a mother, of work, of reading the Bible, of praying, of needs of people and of everything else which needs to be cared for. By being enthusiastic in everything, we will not be slow in anything. But, be careful lest you are hypocritically enthusiastic. Do not leave your heart behind when you are doing everything for the sake of God. Why would you offend the truth of the Gospel and be a shame to the Children of the Great King? Doing His things or doing anything for Him should be seen as the greatest privilege anyone could ever think of.

  1157. "Communicating with the needs of the saints", Rom.12:13. I have seen many people giving leftovers to God and for God's work. I also saw a few ones giving to God of the little they put aside for themselves. But, hardly ever have I seen someone who tries to inquire about the real needs of someone who asks nothing and tells no one anything about his own needs. The true saint does not communicate with others about his own needs. According to Paul, it is those that can help who must communicate with these needs and be informed about them one way or another. Today, only those who ask in the services receive provisions. And they should be preaching the Gospel of truth instead. The honest and sincere ones will preach the Gospel from a pure heart without thinking of own interests or personal needs. No one hears them complaining or mentioning any need when they pass the message faithfully. In fact, one will find that any true servant of the Gospel will not even think on any personal needs while the greater needs of truth lie before him. It is as if a servant of Christ has a lot to say about his Lord and about truth and the time is too short to speak about anything else. Everything else becomes irrelevant when we face the true Gospel.

  1158. We know the parable of the ten virgins, of whom five were foolish. And they were foolish because they did not prepare and did not prevent for the possibility of a long wait. However, there is something in this parable which can be easily missed. The struggle of the virgins was to remain awake. As usual, the person fights against something which is not the main problem. The true problem was not even the waiting, the lack of sleep and the fatigue, but, the lack of oil that has not been provided for when they were not tired and were still confident. When the moment of truth and reality came they all realized that the real need was the oil which is to be provided before the time.

  1159. Anyone can be firm or, as Paul says, steadfast. However, few are secure or secured in God. Let me explain. There is no firmness in someone who is not firm at heart. To be firm in God, one needs to have firmness inside or to be able to react firmly in a natural way with God, in God and for the Lord. A person who changes constantly and swifts from moment to moment, or even from year to year, will not be firm because such does not exercise firmness as a way of life or never got used to exercising steadfastness. A person who had been firm in sin has his own kind of firmness. Soon, that capacity can be based on God because of having exercised steadfastness before, in case such a person is fully reconciled to God and to His ways. Being steadfast in sin is an aberration. But, firmness in God is a virtue. However, it must be an eye for eye of what we were able to be for the world, only that now we are so for God and towards Him. And anyone who was changeable, uneasy or unstable in his previous life of sin, when approaching God must learn to exercise steadfastness until it becomes his nature or his natural way of life. Only steadfast will manage to be firm in God. One cannot expect to be able to exercise steadfastness without gaining a steadfast heart and mind in God when ceasing to trust oneself to trust God only, which, in the world before, could be seen as stubbornness. Stubbornness is a sort of steadfastness which does not cooperate with anyone, much less with God. Steadfastness works with the Lord and keeps gathering with Him right through.

  1160. Without grace, people cannot enter God's ways and they walk in own ways in this world under the patience of God. The person without God has the capacity to choose his own ways, but, has no option to enter the narrow door and neither of remaining in the narrow way without being moved by the power of grace and being resolved to do things in a way that doesn't deny grace afterwards. The Bible is clear about the fact of each one having the capacity to follow his own ways by himself. Grace enables us to stop following own ways and to remain belonging to Jesus right through.

  1161. When it is laws, standards, decisions or stimuli that are opposing or rising against any sin or against any shadow of sin, we cannot rest assured that such sin will be exterminated from the heart. It is a good principles to have certain reasons, standards or even measures to prevent transgression. But, applying those standards or rules hardly extinguishes the fires of sin from the heart, even though if all those measures and standards are praiseworthy and appreciable. Nevertheless, none of those annihilate, reveal, expose, extinguish or erase the sin from the heart. There is no law that accomplishes purity of the heart as grace does when actively engaged in transformation and forgiveness. Any moral beginning may avoid the act of transgression, but, does not do away with the fountain of sin.

  1162. "For circumcision truly profits if you keep the Law, but if you are a transgressor of the Law, circumcision becomes uncircumcision", Rom.2:25. Many talk about being elected and predestined in the way the Jews talked about circumcision. Suppose we change some words in this verse and say something like this: "Election truly profits if you keep the Law, but if you are a transgressor of the Law, election becomes destitution". How wrong or how right would this statement be?

  1163. We recall how God told Joshua "only have good courage and be strong". If we compare translations, the idea that we get is that of "having a good and motivated spirit" and that this is put forth as the only condition to what God has promised Joshua. Now, there is a truth about this which we may never ignore. This truth is the fact that no one can be without any sort of spirit for a long time. Any lack of motivation doesn't last for long. However, if good encouragement is not there, a bad one will. If one cannot be rightly motivated, a bad kind of strength will take over. It shall happen to anyone. There is no way anyone will remain for a long time without any kind of spirit. If a good spirit is not sought a bad one will surely seek to take over.

  1164. "Elisha said: Yes, I know. Keep quiet", 2Kings 2:3. It is interesting to notice that the true prophets of God will not always speak and they shall not always reveal what they know. They will rather act according to what they know and will tell people who also know to keep quiet. This is indeed interesting. Most so-called prophets speak to much and to quick and they seldom remember what they have said or thought the day before. They would never be quiet about something, especially if they knew it would come to pass. They would easily grab the occasion to shine and to stand out. It is so easy to sell the soul to evil and call upon others to applaud by having found truth.

  1165. It is very easy to speak for God or about His deeds while being in opposition to Him. "Behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of Egypt", 1 Kings 12:28. Who brought the people out of Egypt? However, half-lies and half-truths have their sort of power to deceive. This sort of lies and truths can 'paste' or attribute the deeds of God to false prophets, false prophecies and even false powers; and they can, also, attribute to God the wrong deeds.

  1166. Before , in the time of the apostles, all good teachings and doctrines were ways of life. It was always a profession of life. People would speak about what they experienced. Today, it has become a profession of faith and not of true life. Those who preach (right or wrong) are content to strive to be able to believe the doctrines they consider right. For this reason, so many make a point of having certain confessions, discussions and professions of faith they consider right and for which they war assiduously. I wish they had a confession or profession of life and not of faith and that their life would express the truth of the Lord clearly! Instead of speaking about grace, they should reveal grace in practical ways and in their own lives without acting it out.

  1167. It is not only the true children of God who speak the truth. I believe even the devil speaks the truth on most occasions and uses it as a lie. The striking difference between the children of God and those who are not children of Him cannot be detected by what they say or teach, but by what they are. The children of God are the truth itself. "The good seed are the Children of the Kingdom", Mt.13:38. The others only speak of the truth and are unable to be truth itself. Therefore, it shouldn't be enough to be a convincing preacher who preaches very well and who has the capacity to influence the listener's eyes and ears towards the truth, because such a person can talk about the truth without being truth himself, being unable to live all he teaches. The normal way is to live more than we can preach about. The cup overflows and if it overflows, it must be because it is full. I don't understand how many 'overflow' without having been filled.

  1168. Where we are able to hope (wait) to the end for all good things from God, the results are always superior than the expectations of the waiting time and higher in contrast to the 'delay' which has been endured to the end. This fact, however, can only be properly understood and fully accepted by those whose time of probation has passed and can hurt anyone who is still going through his waiting time of trial, expectation and probation.

  1169. It would be good if people cared more about what they are above worrying about what they do. It is true that a normal person, someone who is not conditioned by laws of performance, will act according to what he or she really is. The works of people who are not conditioned by laws of conduct, shame or an other will make manifest what the person really is inside. However, there are people who are so conditioned (especially in religious, academic or even evangelical circles) that they manage to avoid showing what they are or are capable of being. It is possible to conceal one's own heart even from self. Let there be light where no one is aware of facts and possibilities! That is why the doctrines that say people keep sinning after knowing Christ as He is, brings such disastrous results and they are worthy of all the shame they are able to bring upon the Cross of Christ. These are doctrines that excuse those who do not see their way out of sin to enter an inner transformation or those who don't really desire to be deeply changed and are changed superficially. Usually, many apologize and ask for forgiveness in order to remain as they are. We can also understand why prostitutes and thieves come up in front into the Kingdom of Heaven. It is because they do not have words to apologize or to explain away any of their heinous deeds. They can only focus on changing what they are, and look for the change that grace can make possible. The others will always have the morbid, tiring and exhausting tendency to cover up what they are, mutilating their thoughts and actions to appear good and Christian-like without having changed.

  1170. The will of God is to be done. We may be doing the will of God without realizing it, as we can refuse to carry it out knowing what it is. Someone who does not realize that he is doing the will of God, exercising it fully, will be doubly blessed. This reveals that he has a heart as God's. On the other hand, knowing what God's will is does not guarantee that the person will do it or even that he shall become what God is. Only those who gain a heart according to God will be able to carry out His will the way He wants it to be done, as it is done in heaven. "Can two walk together unless they are agreed?" Amos 3:3.

  1171. There is something wrong with those people who praise God superficially and 'magnify' His name by saying that He does great things when He has not done them. Falsehood can never be praise to God. However, when we are able to magnify the Lord's name, it must be because of undeniable facts. "And David spoke to the Lord the words of this song on the day that the Lord delivered him from the hands of all his enemies and the hand of Saul", 2Sam.22:1. David was not pretending, nor was he a liar in his approach to God or people. He really praised the Lord for what he had really done, and not because David wanted to praise Him for things which had never been confirmed. The unbelieving mind doesn't mind 'praising' God superficially because it doesn't really expect great things to happen - it only says it does.

  1172. Only a faithful man can believe a faithful promise from a God who fulfils. An unfaithful one will rather believe an unfaithful promise.

  1173. If it is a serious crime to have someone's blood in our hands, imagine how much worse is the crime of having the guilt of a soul's damnation in our hands!

  1174. "And Saul said, 'Because I saw that the people were scattered from me, and you did not come in the days appointed, and the Philistines gathered themselves at Michmash, and I said, the Philistines will come down now on me to Gilgal, and I have not made supplication to the Lord. And I forced myself and offered a burnt offering'", 1Sam.13:11,12. Here, we see the first signs of idolatrous reactions to fear and unbelief in Saul. Idolatry does not consist only on whom it is offered, but, what sort of power we attribute to offering. There is no power in sacrificing. There is power in God and He is never bought off or bribed into something. This is why I believe that most seasons of prayer and fasting are totally wrong and twisted or, at least, wrongly motivated. Fasting must be an act of obedience of the soul. If we attribute any power to prayer, we are not convinced it is God who holds all the power. Prayer has no power - God has. Now, it is very important to deal securely against sin and to react immediately and instinctively against it by moving towards God to be fully and unconditionally saved from any of it. If we do not do that, the heart we have will carry on being as he has always been. It will cause to stumble in future occasions. We see Saul trusting in sacrificing above obedience and trust in God and His providence. Later (1Sam.1:22,23), we can see clearly how he still believed in sacrificing and offering above obeying. He didn't deal according to the first convictions in the beginning. He dealt lightly against sin in the heart. That heart made him stumble over and over again in future times. Unless we react promptly and immediately against any odour of sin with grace and with spiritual intelligence and effectiveness that comes with it, we shall be caught up in it over and over again. And our salary shall surely be death.

  1175. To thank is not the same thing as being thankful. No doubt, we can reveal our thankfulness by saying thanks, but, saying thanks does not always mean we are thankful. To say thanks to someone is good, it is educated manners. But, we need to be thankful to be approved by God. And when someone says thanks, it doesn't necessarily mean such a person has thankfulness in him. And if someone is unable to express his thankfulness, it doesn't mean he is not thankful.

  1176. "And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the Lord, and also with men", 1Sam.2:26. The same thing is said about Jesus, that He grew in favour towards God and men. However, we must realize and accept the fact that many bad things are occurring today because of popularity. There are people that reach many hearts for God because they are themselves pure and holy in their motivation and work. However, during my lifetime, I have seen people becoming greedy after the success has been reached. It is not every person that remains the same after success has been attained, as Joseph remained after becoming king of Egypt. The sudden change from slave to king in one day's time did not change Joseph. Only circumstances changed and not him. I have seen people bringing the world into the church after having reached many for God by holy means. Then, one may ask: why does such a person change his ways since holiness and purity brought all of that? Why change now? One cannot understand it. But, it happens more often than we realize. If being as Christ brought many to the Cross, why does one bring in the world and other things into the church or into the ministry after many have come to relate themselves with the Lord of holiness? We are called to be holy and not to be popular and successful. We might not realize how hungry for truth and holiness many people are. Once they see truth working out in practical terms, they come by the hundreds or even by the thousands. They come and magnify God, honouring Him with their living. This is what is meant by becoming graceful or in favour towards men. But, those who minister become easily greedy and start to launch other means to increase their success or achieve more and more in a so called quicker way and it works out the other way round. I have seen it happening many times. And because people are hungry for truth, once the ministers or the congregations change their ways of purity, only the bad ones will remain in the congregation and they might even increase in numbers. It is there, in that congregation, that many sins will become manifest, just as the Bible said it would happen.

  1177. The Word of God is like a cake: we bake it wholly to eat it in pieces afterwards. We cannot eat the whole of it at once in one bite. We cut it to pieces to be able to eat. But, before we can do that, it must become a whole. We must have the word of God in its whole before we can enjoy the detailed pieces of it. We must have a global knowledge of His Word, of practical living, experience and real life before we are able to enjoy the broken pieces of it.

  1178. "The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces", 2Sam.2:10. To become an adversary of God is to go against Him. In other words, when God, a man of God or an enlightened conscience speaks out and it is not taken to heart or is rejected, one is made an adversary of God. Those are the people who shall be broken to pieces.

  1179. "Talk no more so very proudly", 1Sam.2:3. One translations says, "Do not multiply words of pride". It is very easy to speak like the world does. What we talk about is not the matter here, but the way we talk about anything. Words multiply easily. One word becomes a sentence and a sentence becomes a conversation very quickly. These conversations become a way and build up a style or a spirit (a culture). The spirit that starts a conversation or a worldly talk will easily take hold of entire communities. They shall talk very proudly, even when they talk about God. We must exterminate it from our lives. "Remove arrogance out of your mouth. The wicked shall be silenced in darkness", 1Sam.2:3,9. "Withhold Your servant from arrogant sins; do not let them rule over me; then I shall be upright, and I shall be innocent from great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing before You", Ps.19:13,14.

  1180. The only thing that can cause a heart to fail is sin. Only sin can be responsible for a heart failure. Even if people can excuse themselves with many things, only sin can cause a heart to drift apart and to be caught up in discouragement, which, on its turn, tries to blackmail God into pitying those who are refusing to bring sin to the light. "My sins have taken hold on me (...) and my heart fails me", Ps.40:12.

  1181. If a family does not pray together, it won't stay together. They will drift apart and fall into dissensions, indifferences of many kinds and many other pits of hell. Prayer is what cements the walls of a home together to keep it from falling apart.

  1182. When there is a deficiency in discipline in a home, family or an individual, we should consider it as a extremely serious problem. The lack of discipline can be compared to a building where one of the pillars is missing. In that case, it shall fall to one side, to the side where discipline is missing. In other words, pastors must be careful when they do not have a working schedule; children must have to time to love their duties and perform them; etc. We must be extremely vigilant against this spirit that does only what it wants when it wants. True discipline is one of the pillars of the Christian life.

  1183. We often hear the word "joy", especially in the Bible. However, its meaning is very important and can be quite different from what we are used to. The true meaning of this word is like when two people who belong together have been separated for a long, long time are reunited again. It doesn't matter why they have been separated, whether they became incompatible or were merely separated. They experience inexpressible joy when they reunite because they belong together and were apart. That is what we should be experiencing every day of our existence in the Lord. This is why the Bible talks about having joy in the Lord and not outside of Him. If we manage to be fully united to the Lord while experiencing His fullness (if that fullness is not a burden to conscience or to daily living), we shall come back to where we belong by creation. We shall, then, be able to experience that sort of joy that the Bible talks about.

  1184. I need to be on my guard against the way people talk to me as much as the things they say. What they say and the way they say it are two different temptations which achieve different answers or even sinful answers and reactions. I may say the right thing in a bad tone because I was spoken or neared in a bad tone or way. "Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips", Is.6:5. I cannot follow the way it is opened up before me as a fish would be enticed or lured by the the bait in a hook - even if the bait is real food.

  1185. Jesus talks about those to whom He spoke in parables because they would hear truth without understanding it. Paul also mentioned people who are "ever learning and never able to come to the full knowledge of the truth", 2Tim.3:7. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says that one comes to know by doing. We may easily assume, then, that all those who can't come to the knowledge of truth, even if they learn much and believe they are learned people, are people who don't do God's will or are hindered to do it through those sins they refuse to bring to the light. Whatever the reason is that hinders people from a genuine, heartily practice of the words of God and His will, the fact remains that they shall not know, as a consequence, whether they are really listening to God or not and whether what they do is from God or acceptable to Him. That doubt shall always be within them. There are, also, people who try doing certain things they need not to do in order to refuse doing those things thy must do. They get a substitute for the will of God in the name of God. They won't come to the knowledge of truth either.

  1186. Every trial or temptation comes with the intention to kill and to create havoc. The intention of God when He allows them, is to make alive and to clean even more. We can say it is a battle between life and death, and so it is indeed. The trial or temptation may turn the heart either bitter and angry or one can use those circumstances to clean further, to make perfect and to do away with the spots of the soul. The option stands always at the door of whoever is tried. One must choose either to live or die. No one can take an indifferent stand when tried and that is what many do. However, we must make sure all trials are really trials and not merely consequences of some sin which is driving the soul into the domain of fierce vengeance of dark powers.

  1187. "But , He must first be rejected by this generation", Lk.17:25. I believe many have read this portion of Scripture without paying it the attention it demands. Why was it necessary that Christ be rejected? Let us think. "This generation" is a hypocritical one. It believes in God, talks well of Him and, at the same time, lives in sin. It doesn't know God and yet speaks as if it knows Him intimately. That is one of the reasons it must reject Christ. It must appear as evil as it is. It has already rejected Christ, but, lives as if it is accepting Him. It cannot be kept under the cloak of falsity and praise to God. It is necessary that it rejects Christ.

  1188. Some times, we have more serious problems than the ones we can imagine or think of. For example, let us imagine we have some practical problems we need to solve and, at the same time, we also have some sins which hinders God to sort them out in our lives. The first thing we might think of is to confess and do away with those sins because of the problems we may have. We fix our lives with God because of the problems and not because it is the right and the only thing to do. Sin is a huge problem in itself. Those motives might hinder God's work as well. We cannot near God having secondary intentions in mind. In fact, these problems might even be the main reason why we near Him with our sins. "Jesus answered them and said, Truly, truly, I say to you, You seek Me not because you saw the miracles, but because you ate the loaves and were filled", John 6:26. We must know that to be separated from God by any kind of sin is a serious problem on its own. It is the problem. We cannot wish to solve it with the intention to solve other problems. We cannot love this life to the point of of sorting out our sins for the sake of it. That is an idolatrous thought.

  1189. "So likewise you, when you shall have done all the things commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants, for we have done what we ought to do", Lk.17:10. Today, we see all kinds of preachers and ministers. However, very few are 'unprofitable' servants. In fact, many wish to have God serve them and their ideas. I am not able to see anyone singing and selling music and still living with the belief or conviction to be an unworthy servant. No such person believes he is worthless, especially if popularity shows otherwise and 'proves' he is a gifted 'artist'.

  1190. "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. You have received freely, freely give", Mat.10:8. We should pay closer attention to these commandments. This commandment, it seems, has not been given to one individual, but to groups of individuals. This could mean that a group of people will perform God's works together. In their midst may exist various people with different gifts. Nevertheless, it must be the group's work, having all the others backing up the one who has the gift in use, whatever it may be. Then, everyone shall know that it is not the person and neither the group that heals, but God. God's works will become works of obedience and won't be a decision of any person in particular. God has determined beforehand which works must be performed. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them", Eph.2:10. We won't be able to carry out God's works unless we all have a tuned ear and a willing heart which shall obey as God leads and be able to move as one man.

  1191. The cares (concerns and worries) of this world do not only choke the words of God which we need to recall and remember on appropriate occasions and during the course of our duties and days, but it may also cause the heart to be in a fighting mood against God occasionally. This kills the soul in two ways: it neglects, refuses, despises or forgets those words which bring life; and it 'fights' against the One who gives life to those words and, in fact, to anyone. He is the only one who can accomplish whatever He says. The concerns for this life choke the word and, also, fight against the One who opens, reveals and blesses the way we need to take and follow by paying attention only to that word which has been spoken or directed to anyone.

  1192. Every person that works hard and well only under supervision, even if it is under the supervision of the law and even if the work is well done, is considered lazy and unfaithful, especially if without that supervision the work is not done so well.

  1193. Many ask themselves why the church, today, is the place where most sins are committed and, in fact, most of the grievous ones. It seems to be a mystery, but, only to those who do not take every word of the Bible seriously. The Bible says that those who do not hear and who despise correction and instruction will fall into many sins inside the Congregation. If anyone despises exhortations, listens more readily to doctrines which are taking over these days - doctrines such as the ones about prosperity, about once saved always saved and others which allow sin to be acceptable and to look less grievous - the Bible says that such a person's evil will appear "in the midst of the congregation and assembly", Prov.5:14. It is there where sinning will emerge. No one can avoid it happening that way. The previous verses tell you shouldn't live in a way of which you shall say, one day: "How I have hated instruction, and my heart despised correction. I have not obeyed the voice, nor bowed down my ears", Prov.5:12,13.

  1194. The wisdom of which the Bible talks about can only be despised or treasured. No one will stay indifferent to it. "She is a tree of life to those who lay hold upon her; and happy is everyone who keeps her", Prov.3:18. To forget later on, or not to take it seriously enough, to ignore it, or not being able of thinking on it according to the line of thought it intends to lead into is to despise the whole of it. That is why the Bible often talks about those "in whom these things are found", and why Jesus laid the emphasis on "those who abide in Me and My words in them". Any word coming from God or the Bible that is not able to remain in man has surely been despised or looked upon with contempt. "He who is careless of his ways will die", Prov.19:16.

  1195. "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths", Prov.3:6. I could say a lot about this verse. The word "acknowledge" derives from knowing. Before one is able to acknowledge, one has to know and to be known of God. Our ways must be experienced by Him and they must contain the Lord in them before we are able to acknowledge Him in them. We can acknowledge only when it is true. Many acknowledge Him out of their mouth but not out of truth. To acknowledge is the responsibility of all those who have really experienced the Lord fulfilling in their ways.

  1196. Many feel bad or discouraged when a commandment or word goes against what they think or wish to do. It happens when they have something else in mind, reacting to it as if it is a word of death. Immediately after that, they start blaming themselves or God. Some even find in it a reason to turn back to the world. Excuses, mere excuses! And if they do, it is because they wanted that to happen and turn an excuse into a reason. They quickly forget that every word that comes from the Lord is a word of life and not of death. These people are unable to rejoice when exhorted, seeing that the Lord exhorts those whom He loves. If He wasn't interested in their lives or if He wasn't paying attention to it, He wouldn't have exhorted them. We should never dare to offend God by taking His words as words of death. Maybe, that is why the Lord leaves many people to themselves. Isn't it what they want? God is a real gentleman and will respect the choice people make.

  1197. Why is it that when someone is under trials, whether they are heavy or not, the first thing that is thought of is of being abandoned by God? Why isn't the mind inclined to suspect that it is being tried? To think one is abandoned is backed up by self justification. Job became aware of the fact that he was being tried by afflictions of many kinds and few people in this world have undergone the kind of trials he has been through. The feeling of abandonment in a Christian is directly related to some sort of self justification or self-preservation.

  1198. In the Bible it is confirmed and said that the "righteous shall live by faith". But, we also read, "Keep My commandments and live", Prov.4:4. We cannot deny the fact that both things come in the Bible and that the Bible does not contradict itself. So, there must be something we might miss here. The theologians make it look as if doing and faith are opposed. They ascribe doing to the Old Testament. But, Jesus said, in the New Testament, "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfil. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled", Mat,5:17,18. We must understand that doing and believing work together and are not opposed. We still live by fulfilling and we fulfil through faith. Faith enables us to fulfil faithfully from the deepest points of our hearts.

  1199. We read , in the Bible, that all those who really come to the Lord, from the smallest to the greatest, shall be taught of God. In case you don't know, this is one of the conditions to be able to stay true and faithful to the Lord right through. We find many people who are taught and who even teach well from Scripture. But, unfortunately, most of them have not been taught by God Himself. This is why they and their 'converts' soon fall away from the ways of God, in which they have never been taught by God. They cannot stand because they have never made a point of being taught by the Lord. "I do not turn aside from your rules, for You have taught me", Ps.119:102. We shouldn't desire only to be taught, but, to be taught by God Himself. This implies that we have and maintain a close relationship with Him and that is what maintains the soul in all holiness. Now you know why so many called genuine Christians fall away and backslide: they are not taught by God. "I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths", Prov.4:11.

  1200. "The proud have wronged me with falsehood; as for me, I will meditate on your precepts", Ps.119:78. It does us good to find such people as this psalmist. He did not use his time to think on the evil that has been committed against him or to question it, but rather to meditate on the law of God. "For I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, yet I have not forgotten your statutes", v.83. He did not question the reason for being like a wineskin in the smoke. He simply used his time and mind to remember God's statutes. Are you like that? If you aren't, you won't grow spiritually. "I hold my life in my hand continually, but I do not forget your law", v.109.

  1201. Every time we are tried in the faith by certain circumstances or things, we must know that it feels like a trial only because of the kind of heart we may still have in us. Trials do not feel like trials because of what is happening, but because of the heart we still have. The intensity or degree of the trial can only be ascribed to the condition that the heart is found. It cannot be blamed upon circumstances or sufferings.

  1202. Many people are confounded or confused in the ways of the Lord. They do not hear properly or do not wish to hear properly. There are, certainly, explanations for that. The Bible doesn't leave anything untouched. But, I cannot see the reason why those who are confused persist in the error of their lives. Some go to the point of striving to believe their error is the right way and something else must have gone wrong. That is bad and the confusion is accepted as the normal way of life. That is how deceitful man's heart can be: it can start believing in the confusion it refuses to explain. Let us look at it this way: God's word is straight, to the point and truthful. It has many other attributes, but, let's stick to these for now. God's word has no other intention but to save from sin and to change the heart. To live with a truthful word one needs to have or to get a truthful heart. Sort seeks sort and only alike things are able to match and to walk together, Amos 3:3. The living are together with those who live and the dead are with the dead ones. It is a lot of work to obtain such a heart. Besides, the heart must always fit into the new realities of a new, incoming life. Alike things seek to meet and to get along. They call upon each other. Now, if we put a bad heart in touch with a good word and the person who has that heart tries to stick by that word, it so happens that the heart tries to fulfil to avoid a change. To adapt is not to change. And everything must become new. That is where confusion starts or takes over. "Let my heart be sound (sincere and wholehearted and blameless) in Your statutes, that I may not be put to shame (confusion)", Ps.119:80. We need to work with the Lord to obtain a new heart or the pure word of God will become a stumbling block and a source of confusion. We cannot put life and death to work together without having injuring consequences.

  1203. Sin is something which can be committed. After it has been committed, it calls for more sin or even for other sins. Sin calls upon sin. And having sin calling upon sin, soon it shall become a way of life, a lifestyle. Sinning becomes a habit, a way of life. Transgression and violating an own conscience is taken for granted and the feeling of impunity starts taking over, reorganizing the mind against the reality of a present or future judgment and against the certainty of the wrath of God. The habit of not believing that sin brings wrath settles in to deceive till the Judgment Day shows it otherwise. Some people are judged before Judgement Day and shall be judged again on that day. The mind will get used to believe and to rely on impunity when it has enjoyed sinning for a long time. Darkness causes to believe in the impunity of the guilty. Once we are free from sin by the work of God in the inner soul, there are certain habits, beliefs and patterns which must be worked against through God's word and which must be actively changed. We need to be renewed in our minds as well, especially after having tasted the heavenly life for the first time. We enter that sort of life with an old mind and it must be changed. Our whole life calls upon sanctification and change. After one is made just (justification), the whole of the mind, thoughts and all we are or have learned to be, need to transformed fully (sanctification). "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect", Rom.12:2. This will amount to the same thing as changing from the heart a culture or a nationality. Has everything indeed become new in you? Has eternal life already taken over all you are, think and believe? Has it redirected you and reinstructed all you are?

  1204. One thing is to wish to be humble or, at least, to look humble; another thing is to be really humble and take the position of a servant as if there is no other way to live. In the position of a servant, the Lord is exalted by the servant who makes a point of revealing His Lord as exalted because He is indeed exalted. Humility does not lie about things. There are humble people, so to say, who are able to look inferior than others or, at least, in the same level as others. But, it does not mean the Lord stands out as exalted in their lives, since their humility is not an exaltation of the true Lord and Saviour. There are various combinations of attitudes and ways to which we must pay full attention. For example, we may be able to exalt the Lord without words just as we may be exalting self using words which exalt the Lord. One can exalt the Lord in sermons, words and songs without having taken the place of a real servant. One can do all that without humility. And such shall also be opposed by God. "God resists the proud", James 4:6; 1Pet.5:5.

  1205. "Why should you be stricken again? You will revolt more and more", Is.1:5. The love for the world, besides being sticky, is terrible. In fact, it is disastrous. How shall we ever understand that people will defend it to remain in it at the cost of their own lives? Sinners will rather rebel and be punished and, by that, blackmail God into what they would have Him do for them: accept sin. "From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it, but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores", v6.

  1206. "Looking for these things, be diligent, spotless, and without blemish, to be found by Him in peace"2Pet.3:14. It is not only demanded that we be spotless and without blemish: we need to be naturally and consistently in peace of mind having nothing but godliness, nothing of the world, its means and resources and none of its ways. We must be found in peace in the presence of God and to remain so in Him. Looking back is enough reason to be cursed on the spot if, when He comes, we are found longing for what should be left altogether. We must be found in complete joy and peace living a spotless life. It must be our joy. In the same way, our good hope and taking courage must be sincere and real in such a heart, v.1. Have you ever seen people with long faces simply because they cannot enjoy the things of this world, even when they have left them behind?

  1207. To be able to rely on the providence of God is to be able to be satisfied with today.

  1208. "...Confirmed in the present truth", 1Ped.1:12. Peter did not make a mistake using these words. He talks about a present truth. By that, we assume their is a future reality or truth we must look out to. "Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be", 1John 3:.2. The word "truth" in the way the Bible wants it to be understood and commonly accepted is a present reality and not merely a word which talks about something that is truthful. Truth is experienced. Unless truth becomes real and living, it cannot be truth. Under this context, Peter talks about the "present truth". It means there is something better, more glorifying than the fullest abundant life one may or can ever experience on this earth, which is, by itself, far above what any human can conceive or imagine for himself here on earth. He might be able to imagine it for others like Peter and Paul, but seldom for himself. But, this "present truth" must not only be real: it must be confirmed and established by God Himself. We must live in it and through it in such a way as if we have never lived any other way before. That is what it means to be confirmed in it.

  1209. "By faith, also, Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged Him who had promised to be faithful", Heb.11:11. Sarah laughed when she overheard God saying she would bear a child in her old age. It seemed she was unbelieving or that she had an unbelieving moment by laughing. However, this verse states clearly that "she judged Him who had promised to be faithful". It can be confirmed that Scripture does not contradict itself. However, it is easy to ask why did she laugh being a woman of faith? Was it unbelief at work? Perhaps, Paul is not referring to a moment of temptation of an unexpected surprise which might have taken her out of her normal mind. Even Abraham had his mind made up concerning Ishmael, Gen.17:18. Perhaps Paul is talking about her whole life of faithfulness to the Lord and to Abraham who lived with this 'strange' idea or ideal of being blessed by God, believing even against hope. She had had God in a very high light for many, many years - during her whole life! She was not unbelieving - she had been tempted to disbelieve the word she overheard and which had always been a dream for her, which a woman in her time and under her circumstances always had. Besides, she had exercised faith after Abraham was reprimanded because of her laughing. How else could she have had a child unless she believed to the point of relating herself physically to Abraham again? We all know there are certain things old people don't do anymore. She must have decided to do it again to conceive Isaac.

  1210. "Abraham , by faith, lived in the land of promise as a stranger", Heb.11:9. Abraham had a promise and lived for many years where God had put him to live. In fact, the world is God's and everything that is in it and He could give it to anyone He wanted. However, Abraham lived in that land as a stranger. He did not live in it as if he owned it. He could have done so legitimately. But, he didn't. He even made a vow that he would never take as much as a shoe string for himself or by himself. Only God would do so. Didn't David refuse to kill Saul who had been an enemy of God and of Israel? Why did he refuse to kill him? Wasn't it because God had promised David the throne of Israel? This is a death blow to all those doctrines who say we must take hold of this and that. Appropriation is not the same thing as receiving. And the Bible talks about receiving the promises by taking hold of eternal life, it is, of Christ. Abraham's heart was not in this world - it was set on God and on Him alone. "For he looked for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God", v.10.

  1211. Every deed starts in the heart. Take good care of it instead of concentrating only on your actions and acts. The more you take care of the heart, the the easier it shall be to control, change or make your actions perfect. The other way round, it is, trying to control your heart through your actions is the way of hypocrites and conduct-manipulators. "Above all things that must be kept, keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life", Prov.4:23.

  1212. "Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord", 2Ped.1:2. Many talk about the peace and the grace they have received. But, the only kind of peace and grace that is worth something is that kind which is kept in the presence of God, it is, when God is a reality. If I can live in full peace and feel at home having God present in a real, Pentecostal way, then my peace is of the kind that God gives. Jesus won't change for a moment, not even to adapt Himself to man or to man's circumstances or beliefs. According to Peter, real peace must not only be there when God is there (as He had made Himself present in Pentecost), but, it must go beyond that: it must be able to be multiplied under such circumstances. This can mean that our peace and comfort needs to experience a multiplication and an increase as we get to know and experience God in a real way by getting closer and closer to Him in motives, in reality and in truth. Can you live in peace and be at rest experiencing the fires of God? Can you face all He reveals by approaching you? He is light. He shall reveal all. Only by being able to live with that sort of light and going as far as accepting it with joy can grace and peace be multiplied. Multiplying it any other way, under other circumstances or through any other means is the way of error and it shall never be real peace or real joy and grace. "Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?", Is.33:14.

  1213. Once , while talking to a certain man, the Lord revealed to me that His wrath was hanging over him. I was caught by surprised. I instinctively put some distance between the two of us and made sure he wouldn't wish to be my friend. This man had a good job, a prospering lifestyle, an apparently happy family along with many other things. He died shortly after that and his death was a terrible one. Yesterday, as I was thinking on it, I realized that the so called prosperity people preach so much about is no prosperity at all. This man had it all and he was under the curse of God. Let no one believe that God is with him only because he has some degree of material prosperity to rely upon. And if this is true, let no one think God has left him under any kind of trial or under poverty. God does not leave His own for a single moment. Let's stop believing lies by looking at things as they appear to be. God might not be with the rich and might not be against the poor - it all depends if someone holds on to sin or not.

  1214. In many aspects, evil operates and works more intelligently and using more intuition. In practical life, we must exceed evil in the means to be holy and become practical in our faith. Evil knows that to overcome good, sin must be practiced and committed. We must know that, to overcome evil, we must do good, Rom.12:21. Many take it for granted that God is with them even if they sin in some way. "...Let us do bad things that good may come? Their condemnation is just", Rom.3:8. In fact, their condemnation shall be doubly just: they believe they can do evil and stand because God will accept them. It is a double sin. To believe that God accepts evil is the opposite of faith because faith is to believe that He is good. "He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is good...", Heb.11:6. If God would accept evil, He wouldn't be good anymore. Those who are able to believe that God accepts their evil are not in the faith anymore - if they ever were!

  1215. "We know that whatever things the Law says, it says to those who are under the Law; so that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may be under judgment before God", Rom.3:16. There are people who believe God made the world condemnable so that He could be exalted in glory. But, there is a lot in this statement that is misunderstood. Let me try to explain briefly. The world is evil and does not look condemnable to all yet. The world is sin and is, was and shall always be condemnable for its evil before God. However, it doesn't look condemnable in the eyes of the people who live in it because they are still in love with it. In fact, it must look as condemnable as it is evil. God works to make it look as it is. For example, today when we think of the devil or hear about him, there is a clear image of evil attached to him. His fame (name) is evil. The devil is synonymous of evil. No one links the devil to any kind of goodness anymore. He has to work under disguise, without letting anyone know it is he who is at work. Maybe, in former ages, the name of the devil did not sound as evil as it sounds today. Nowadays, anyone thinking of him knows what he stands for. He is condemned and also sounds condemned. Even his name and fame talk about it and confirm it. Now, the world is not seen - yet - as condemned and as evil as the devil already is. The devil is seen as an enemy, but not the world - at least not yet. It is not looked upon as a bad thing yet, even if it is condemnable. The world must be judged by what it did at the Cross. It killed the Creator of the world. It showed just how bad it is. It can't lie before truth anymore. It is still able to lie to people. However, the day will come when people will also look at the world as evil and condemnable or condemned - just as the devil has his fame go before him nowadays. The fame of the world will be like the fame the devil. The world must be condemnable in our own eyes as well, just as it is in fact and in reality. It is already under the judgement of God and we must believe it and look at the world as condemned or, should I say, as evil and condemnable. We must look at it for what it stands for.

  1216. If it is the love for sin that hardens the heart, than hatred towards it makes the heart soft and meek. Do you wish to be meek? Hate sin and the more and better you are able to hate it, the more meek you shall be.

  1217. When the Bible talks about "the lie", it gives a more extensive definition to it than the one we do. To God, a lie is, also, truth that does not work out. If your faith doesn't work out in practical life and if it does not bear fruit, then, it is a lie - even if is based upon the name of Jesus.

  1218. Passive faith (or unbelief) is always the proof of the lack of dignity of the soul of the man who thinks highly of himself, and does things only to be seen (otherwise, he won't do them). Such a man believes unconsciously to be better and wiser than God and does not realize it. He carries a stone in the place of his heart and believes it is a piece of gold.

  1219. We often talk and hear about faith without deeds or even about faith with deeds. Under that light, we must know that being able to wait legitimately on the Lord is a deed of faith.

  1220. There is a serious problem awaiting those who make continuous use of jokes and meaningless attitudes to be friends with others: they often refuse to think seriously about more serious subjects. Besides, many of them do not see the point of going back on their actions and words to ask for forgiveness for comments and remarks which are loveless when analysed under the light of God and of love. By being frivolous, there are many offenses which are never regarded as such and which need restitution. Few will go back on their actions and words to ask for forgiveness because "it was a joke".

  1221. Humbling ourselves beforehand and in time is a precious pearl which God can bless richly and multiply easily. However, there is nothing like humbling ourselves during moments of exaltation and blessedness. Nothing can be compared to such a capability.

  1222. Let's imagine that Moses didn't go to see why the bush was burning without being consumed. Or, let's imagine he ran away from the vision out of fear thinking it was a spell or something. If he had done that, he could have missed God's will for his life. His whole existence would have lost all its meaning and he would have roamed around with a meaningless lookout about the rest of his life and, perhaps, so would millions of people (Israel) because of him. Sometimes, people come to me and say they can't hear God's voice about His will for their lives and that they don't know why they exist. And we, who counsel people, sometimes wonder why it happens too. We even pray about it and there is no voice and no vision to guide us. It can, also, bother our hearts if we don't stay at God's side to uphold Him before anyone.

  1223. There must be moments when we must read a lot of God's word to understand it. However, reading a lot is not always synonymous of practicing a lot. Practical things are done one at a time and carried to the end. Only what is done to the end is considered as doing the word of God. To read with understanding from the Spirit is good and special, especially for future occasions. God can use, in the future, the word that is stored up in the soul and in the heart. Seldom does God use a word stored only in the mind - only if it has reached the heart. "The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance", John 14:26. That is the only goal of the stored words of God: to feed in proper moments of need - or of great need. That is not the same thing as reading a lot and learning a lot to stand out and to feel above others in any kind of wisdom or perception. If we read to stand out or only to know about it, we read in vain.

  1224. In order to be helped, corrected and established in a real and practical way and to have God cooperate with us in such interventions in the soul, we must have an exact diagnosis of what is disturbing our peace - if it is disturbing at all. If anyone still has some respect, fear or love for his own evil, or if such a person exaggerates about or above the real view of it to produce some false humility which is a lie before God and people, one shall not be helped by God at all. We can only be helped according to truth and must be fully identified with what truth reveals, without adding or taking away from it. Our perception and reaction must be in accordance with the view (vision). "Write the vision, and make it plain", Hab.2:2. We cannot write more than the vision and neither less. May God help us.

  1225. One of the ways to love the world and to let it become imperceptible to our consciences, is to allow it to become familiar and usual. To allow it around us is what the Bible mentions as being "friends of the world". It shouldn't feel at home near any of us and neither any of us near it.

  1226. To have a good way look like a good way, sometimes, the contrast of a bad way is of great help. Therefore, never become discouraged or dismayed when you ask God to straighten your ways and you become, instead, more and more aware of how bad your ways are, Ps.5:8b.

  1227. "I am he man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath", Lam.3:1. It doesn't really matter why we go through a stage or place where God's wrath is felt or experienced. Whether it is because of our own sins or only because of other's sins, all is well after sin is fully purged and taken away - even when wrath was used as the means to do so.

  1228. "You shall not add to the Word which I command you, neither shall you take away from it", Deut.4:2. When it is the Lord who gives us a word, it might look like an insignificant thing because temptation will be at work against it and against us from the moment we receive that word. It might, also, seem wrongly written or badly explained when we review it (if we have written it down, as we should). It happened to me, quite often, that people listened to something I preached about which seemed to me as something that wasn't so good or so significant and they rejoiced about it and even came to me thanking for "the word they just needed to hear and prayed about". In my mind, it often seemed to be close to a useless word. We must stop the idea that we must always say or understand "wise things" when God is willing to grant only the appropriate life or understanding of something practical and simple. Therefore, when something comes from the Lord, let us despise the temptation to add, to change or to take away from what God has given us. Let us handle it as it is given, hand it over as God gave it. Let's rather be obedient instead of wishing to shine. It is possible to wish to change a word that seems insignificant by adding unto what God has given or said, just as it is possible to take away from it because we believe it shall hurt people. Such people, usually, say "we must be wise". And it means to take awayfrom the word of God. Sometimes, we believe it is not the proper time to speak out what God has granted us and we even choose another subject to preach about. In fact, we are being foolish enough to reject the words of God. We should not take away or change it in any way - not even the meaning of it.

  1229. "Oh Israel , listen to the statutes and the judgments which I teach you to observe, that you may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers is giving you", Deut.4:1. Can you see the sequence of facts and happenings in these words? First, there is "observe". By observing, it is made possible to enter the Land; "by going in", it is possible to conquer. Obviously, after having conquered it, it is made possible to live in it. However, Israel did not keep the motives pure after entering. Maybe, that is the reason this verse does not add "and live in it" as the following step after having possessed it, even though other Bible passages do. Anyway, no one can conquer a land from far away. One must be in it. In other words, one can only conquer the soul from the grips of sin to hand it over to the Lord by entering the land which is possessed by sin, it is, where sin fights back and resists terribly through temptations and accusations. There is no other way to conquer it but only by entering it with courage and full faith in the Lord, holding high up all the weapons of light.

  1230. After entering to possess the Promised Land, comes a serious problem: the reason why such a land had to be possessed. Everything must be done for the Lord's sake after the possession of it, just as it has been before taking possession of it - even when we are directly and gladly benefitted by any achievement. We must keep the motives always updated, and the motivations, after we have received, must remain pure. Unless we are able to do all for the Lord and keep doing so, nothing of what we do has any value in itself. If we do not strive to conquer for the Lord, we might not even enter it. But, if we have conquered it because we have done it for the Lord and for His sake, we shall only remain in it by keeping doing all for the same motives and for the sake of the Lord.

  1231. We easily realize that Joshua couldn't have done better than he did, even though the people of Israel could have. After a extremely obedient Moses, who had very pure motives in leading God's people, Joshua had a hard challenge ahead of him because all humans cannot easily accept someone unless such a person outstands the other. For the disobedient people of Israel, it wouldn't do being like Moses: Joshua would need to stand out more. That is the way of the flesh. It reasons that way.

  1232. We only know those truths which have become practical to us. The rest is never real knowledge, even if some consider it as such.

  1233. It is very important for us to be always in a state where we can have answers to any prayer at any time, whatever the circumstances we may find ourselves in. Otherwise, we may incur the danger to find ourselves in a life and death situation, pray for help and not be heard by the Lord because there is some sin separating us from God. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to be ready and found in Him all the time.

  1234. "For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, lest his deeds should be exposed", John 3:20. This means that everyone who feels exposed and annoyed when exhorted, corrected or counselled does not yet love light the way he should love it. Light reveals all and if one still needs to make use of force to expose sin or anything else, then light doesn't feel welcome. Therefore, it is left over to man to expose it himself and to make an effort to start loving light. Let's get to the point where we love light in such a way that we shall be able to rejoice in case anything bad in us is revealed.

  1235. There is nothing like the Word of God to make a man humble when it is fully understood and put into practice without hesitations, without own conditions and without interruptions of any kind.

  1236. Many wish to teach others to gain a place of authority among the brothers. Only a few wish to serve God and to become a servant of the Word of God. "I exhort the elders who are among you (...) Feed the flock of God among you, taking the oversight, not by compulsion, but willingly; nor for base gain, but readily", 1Ped.5:2,3. To teach the Word of God to stand out is to do something "for base gain".

  1237. One of the many problems we can come across by not waiting in the Lord is the fact that we might not be found where we should be once the Lord comes with whatever we have been waiting for. Because we have not waited, we are simply gone from our post and have not prepared to be able to receive it. "I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will look forth to see what he will speak with me", Hab.2:1.

  1238. Prayer doesn't find answers by force, but by fulfilments and by abiding to the conditions God made eternal and non-negotiable. Yet, we need to seek with a whole heart.

  1239. If we read the Bible, we will come across many truths about the weak and the strong. However, we become aware of the fact that the Lord says that the weak will never fall (when found in Him) and that the strong will never stand without Him. So, what good is it to wish to be strong, rich and powerful?

  1240. The first thing to know when we seek a life of prayer which brings forth fruit, is that one must start to pray. To know about prayer is not praying yet. The first step is to start to pray.

  1241. Never forget that to read the Bible is not the ultimate goal. People, usually, think that to be religious is pleasing enough to God and by spending much time reading their Bible with devotion is the whole of their religious duty. It is a good thing to read the Bible and to understand it - the more, the better. But, remind yourself constantly that the Word of God is a mixture of powerful means and not of powerful goals. The Word has to lead us to a real Christ. Reading the Bible has no virtue in itself unless it leads us to the Lord to have and to maintain a continual, uninterrupted fellowship with Him. If the Word you hear doesn't lead you to the Lord and to be His intimate friend in a real way, once you know the Bible very well, your times of devotion will become vain repetitions and not times of wonderful, unexpected fellowship with the Lord of Lords. Don't stumble by holding truth in your hands or mind alone.

  1242. Joy is not something you decide to have, even if it is a commandment. Joy depends on the honesty of your heart when you are looking to Jesus. The lack of joy often gets settled by living in the normal carnal trend, especially when Jesus is at work, either in your life or in someone else's. The opposite of stealing is to give; of lying, is telling the truth; of dishonesty, is to do to people what you would wish to be done to you; of joy, is to be carnal.

  1243. "And He said: It is written, "My house shall be called the house of prayer"; but you have made it a den of thieves", Mat.21:13. The Lord condemns as a thief anyone who uses the temple or the pulpit to negotiate.

  1244. The Lord gives, but not according to merit. God gives according to need and His goodness. That is mainly what we understand from the parable where the master hired the workers at different stages and all received the same wages. Those who have been hired later had the same needs as the others. Working less did not diminish their needs and having worked more did not multiply the needs of those who worked more hours.

  1245. "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord", James 1:6,7. Here is my point: does this verse also mean that if one is wavering and unbelieving about one thing he shall not receive any other thing as well?

  1246. Why is the truth about the real estate of any sinner taken as an offense to self? Why would that truth hurt him? If truth helas the soul, why be offended? Isn't it because the sinner wishes to think higher things of himself? Isn't it because he wishes to think better things of himself?

  1247. "For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith", Rom.12:3. The problems people face or will have by thinking highly of themselves are many. We can only mention some of them. One of the dangers or problems it can bring in the future is the disappointment which makes someone avoid thinking soberly of himself. Allow me to explain. Whenever people think highly of themselves - especially in the ministry - God resists them along in whatever they say or do. "God resists the proud", James 4:6; 1Pet.5:5. Whatever they say or do shall be resisted and not blessed. They will surely be disappointed in God and will start doubting Him for two main reasons: God resists them; and they can't make use of the confidence that made them think highly. Consequently, once they become humble and blessed, there will always be a temptation either to doubt as God leads, or to think highly of self again so they can 'trustfully' walk on. There is a kind of trust that is unbelief. It shall be easy, then, to fall into the trap of disobedience and unfaithfulness. The temptation to be unfaithful will be right at hand. Besides, all those who think highly of themselves will always strive to do what is not meant for them to do and to neglect whatever is meant for them because they are not able to do more than one thing at the same time. It will create a pattern of thinking and of going through life which can cause many to stumble. Soon, if they are enabled to carry out some of the things God has for them, they will also be easy preys of temptations to do other things or other's things. They will easily neglect the duty that is at hand to do what is not meant for them. They shall always try to intervene in someone else's affairs for some reason. That is how the mind learned to be and to react. Sins of omission will, consequently, lie at the doorstep if the mind is not renewed after one has ceased to think highly of self. Next time you act or react to anything prompted by the highly thoughts you have or breed about yourself, think of the dangers and of the consequences you are incurring.

  1248. Many believe that to speak of judgment is unkind. However, we read that "The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment", Ps.37:30. Further, it says it speaks that way because "The law of his God is in his heart", v.31. It is unthinkable to talk about any law without being reminded of its sanctions. Any law has its blessings for fulfilment and its curses for breaking it. Even the supreme law of love has it. That is why it is called a law. In other words, it is impossible to uphold the law of God in the heart without thinking of judgement. Judgement is part of that law. And the tongue shall speak only from what fills the heart.

  1249. You can desire to have new things and new experiences every day. However, it will never make you grow spiritually. What causes you to grow as a person is to build upon what you have received. You can choose to do things better and to improve the essence of the heart through the power of grace or to search for new experiences.

  1250. "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil", Prov.3:7. There is a definite connection between being wise in one's own eyes and the aptitude, ability or capability of practicing evil. This means that being able to use carnal weapons and own wisdom will surely lead to death and ruin. We may say the same thing, among many other own things, of being strong in own strength or being convinced by one's own heart instead of being convinced by God.

  1251. If we are indeed dead and crucified with Christ for this world, we are made just (righteous). It means we are justified with Christ. When that happens, there shouldn't be bad or good moments in our lives anymore - there is only Christ in us.

  1252. I am often accused of lifting the standards of God very high up beyond the reach of people or humans. Even if it is true that the standard is high, I become more aware, each day, that God might have them even be higher than I put them forth. May God help us.

  1253. "Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God (...) lest when you have eaten and are full and have built good houses and lived in them (...) then your heart might be lifted up and forget the Lord your God", Dt.8:11-14. This is not easy to explain. However, the truth is that whenever someone is able to forget the Lord or spiritual duties, it means the heart has already lifted itself up in some way. Any person who is able to forget the Lord has still some pride lifting the heart against true, inner life. Such a person is not as humble as it seems to be. By being able to forget a great God or by neglecting any spiritual duty is proof that pride is still there or that it has crept in again. Anyone capable of forgetting the Lord is capable of anything imaginable or unimaginable. Forgetting about God makes any person the worst of creatures in the universe. However, very few people believe it to be such a serious crime. It is possibly one of the greatest sins there is.

  1254. God has promised His bread on each day and not during the day before. He has already given the manna on the day it should be used and we believe He hasn't changed to this day. It shall still be done the same way. That is the way things are done in heaven. Let's hope we are able to do things on earth the way they are done in heaven.

  1255. Lack of faith is disobedience, Heb.4:2,6,11.

  1256. "If I worship you because of the fear of hell, send me to hell; if I worship you having paradise in mind, exclude me from it altogether; but, if I worship you because of you, Lord, do not hide your face from me". (Rabia, 800 DC)". I believe I couldn't say it better. I subscribe it. This is my prayer too. Amen.

  1257. In many places in Scripture, we read that God is long-suffering. This means, He takes a while before He reveals His wrath. In other translations, it is said: "He takes long to manifest wrath or anger". In other words, we must be very careful when believing God approves many things our conscience is troubled by simply because we are not punished yet. This does not mean God is approving it, but that He is only taking a while before revealing His full wrath. Make sure you are right with God before you misinterpret the fact that God is not doing anything against you yet. Take the fact into account that He is long-suffering and that it might be working against you.

  1258. "...accounted to him as righteousness", Gen.15:6. This word, "accounted" is the possible English translation. It doesn't express the full meaning of it. This word means: "To plait or interpenetrate; to fabricate". In fact, it means to "input" in a strong sense, to work deep within. We have the word "amputation", which may well be the precise opposite of this word. To amputate is to take a member of the body away from it. To input means to put it back where it is supposed to be. This said, let me go on with this thought of my mind. When God created us, we had this righteousness in us. We were made righteous. Sin amputated righteousness from us. "There is no righteous one". Now, when this righteousness is put back into its place, the English translation only says, "accounted" or "ascribed". The true meaning is that it is put back within again. We must take it into account from then on. In other words, this kind of righteousness is put back into man, where it belongs and from where it should have never been amputated. This happens because one believes in the Lord. This doesn't mean that a branch is put back into the tree, but, that the whole structure of the tree is make sound again and the tree lives on instead of being cut off. Now that it has been justified, it is, made just, it can produce good fruit again and be sanctified. If this righteousness is not put back into man, he shall only suffer from self-righteousness because he shall keep trying to be righteous and only self-righteousness can be fabricated by the efforts of any man without God. This is how important it is to be justified by the Lord. We must be made just (righteous) again.

  1259. Whenever a sound heart is talking about "feeling the presence of God", it means a feeling of touch and not of emotion. Feelings of emotion prove only that a person has a heart and never that God is present. "Our hands have touched the Word of Life", 1 John 1:1.

  1260. Every troubled person is troublesome. A troubled living works out like a descending snow ball - it gets bigger by the day. Disturbed people often disturb those who wish to help them.

  1261. All good works are normal things to normal beings created according to the image of God. There is nothing more to it beyond its normality. Good works cannot save anyone. However, without them, anyone is condemned.

  1262. Conscience is a wonder. It is a mysterious wonderwork. According to the the Bible, it is able to defend and to accuse. However, most people, when referring to conscience, only have in mind its keen ability to accuse. Many fear their own conscience. According to the Bible, it is also able to defend, Rom.2:15. In order to have it functioning in all perfection, it has to be left alone in all freedom to perform. It mustn't be pressured, influenced or hindered, unless it is wisdom and the word of God instructing it. It must be free to express itself according to all truth. It can only function in freedom having Christ lighting it, instructing it and reviving it. Under those circumstances, whenever conscience is not left alone to talk, decide, hinder or support, it becomes confused, confusing, disturbed and disturbing. It is like wishing to see our face on the surface of the water and someone splashes on it. It doesn't mean the face is not there, but only the vision of it is distorted. It is also true that conscience is not only hindered in its ability to accuse aright or wrong, but, also in its capability to defend and to stand firm supporting truth or supported by truth and the wisdom of God. How many people loose some of their peace of mind because they feel like accusing themselves all the time when conscience is trying to defend them? We see that whoever does not grasp the accusations of conscience is also unable to listen to it when it is defending or assuring aright. It can defend or accuse amiss as well and that might be one of the reasons why people prefer to have it accusing all the time. They feel they are on the safe side by having it accusing. But, it is an illusion. It is a limp conscience the one which only accuses. It is, therefore, very important to leave conscience alone in the light of God and to listen to it carefully instead of being its instructor. If we create a pattern of hindering it, we shall easily become confused and abased. Soon, we shall take our own way to follow it, Is.53:6. The only guide and helper to our conscience should be God's word when it is fully lighted.

  1263. We have plenty of proof that, in fact, there is such a thing as a false faith in Jesus as there is the true faith in the Lord. A false faith has a strength of its own backing it up and from which deceit takes an advantage. We can never underestimate the strength or the capability of deceit. Deceit is very keen. It is even able to deceive those who know they are being deceived. It is not very hard to deceive anyone who has a deceitful heart. To deceive a deceitful heart is to grant the heart what that heart desires behind the scenes, to grant it the sort of comfort it desires and where it feels at home.

  1264. Life separates from sin and sin separates from life. Any sin is death itself and life works holiness. There is noting more opposed and more differentiated than sin and life.

  1265. We know it very well that all great things are mixtures of many details. Some of those details are bigger than others and some are smaller. However, all of them have the same importance in the whole since each detail has its role in holding the whole together. Whether they are bigger or smaller, they have the same importance. Obedience is one of those great or greater things that can happen to us. Light about all details make it possible for us to be diligent both in minor or bigger details. And more light shall be given as we walk on in full obedience. Obedience brings in more light and more light bring more and better obedience. We must know that all details of our obedience are important. They are the jewels of that crown we shall receive and in which we are working for. We must know that our crown is obedience. No obedience, no crown. And each jewel must be placed in the whole or the crown shall be defective and, possibly, unaccepted.

  1266. "And it happened when the time was come that he should be received up, He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem", Lk.9:51. We know there was still some time before Jesus would be crucified. However, He started showing that steadfast desire to show up in Jerusalem from very early. His main mission was kept in mind all the time and His mind was exercising steadfastness beforehand. We must, also, be exercised from early on so that we will be a prepared people when the time comes for us to faithful and obedient unto death. We must start exercising steadfastness from the first moment. However, let us do it having God's will in mind and before our eyes. To be steadfast in something else is evil.

  1267. I wouldn't advise a compulsive or an impulsive obedience to anyone. However, we may never consider an immediate obedience as impulsive. When something is impulsive, we may say it is superficial. It doesn't come from deep and doesn't last for long. It is like a baby trying to run when he can scarcely walk. It won't run for long till he falls down. True obedience requires from all of us that everything is fully understood before it can be obeyed in the next moment without any hesitation or doubt. Whoever knows how to run doesn't need to think much to start running. His response is immediate and ready. Let those who can run do it well and let those who can't do more than walk, do it well too. Let's do our best, whether we have received one talent or ten of them.

  1268. Many believe it is necessary to solve some personal problems before we may think of spiritual things or spiritual problems, such as sin in the heart or lack of communion with the Lord. When it happens, we may be assured that the problems that hinder our wholeheartedness in the Lord might go without solution until the Lord is fully satisfied with our spiritual dedication and progress. We need to take a stand to choose life and to concentrate on celestial things. By doing so, we are choosing between heaven and earth. So, instead of solving those problems - which He can most easily do also - the Lord chooses the ground to make it the "valley of great decisions". We need to choose what we shall pay attention and dedication to. The war has just started and the Holy War has taken off in the "valley of great decisions".

  1269. The disagreement with your own heart is called confusion. One can disagree with self for two main reasons: the heart has goodness in it and evil makes an approach to lodge in there; or the heart is evil and goodness and the Lord make a move to live in there by dislodging evil forever. One may never forget that the gospel creates confusion among people for that reason. That can be taken and assumed as fruit.

  1270. When our heart does not easily approve what is good, it becomes a good candidate to evil things and evil misleading. And the longer it takes to come to the point of approving goodness, the longer the torture shall be in the heart and in the soul. Also, the longer it takes, the more persistent and nasty shall evil be as a candidate.

  1271. Obedience s the key that opens that door which cannot be shut.

  1272. "Take heed how you hear", Lk.8:18. The first step towards a false faith is to neglect to take heed how you hear.

  1273. The Lord Jesus is the centre of the world.

  1274. The future belongs to the day it shall happen. Today was yesterday's future and tomorrow shall be today's future. Let's keep the future where it belongs and take care of today. The rest will arrive soon and will, also, become past.

  1275. If what we ask amounts to the illusion and fiction of the religious ways of any religion, we shall receive only according to the way we ask. Our life shall be fiction and illusion which passes away soon. If we are able to ask for Jesus and to see Him the way He is, we shall receive Him the way He is. If we ask for the Jesus we have in mind, we shall receive accordingly - it is, we shall receive nothing because that Jesus doesn't exist. If we ask reality in an illusionary way, we shall have lots of illusion to keep us busy with. If you wish to know what you shall receive, look to the way you ask. The way gives you a close hint of what you shall receive. If you ask for a real Lord through a real heart, that is whom you shall be able to find. If the Lord you are trying to meet is not the real one, you shall have the unreal one with the same name.

  1276. The heart that is not prepared to take the worst from the hands of the Lord is never prepared to take or to receive the best from Him either. For the righteous, whatever comes from the Lord is able to work out eternal goodness and peace of mind, even if it is achieved only in the long run. Both 'bad' and good which comes from the good hands of the Lord has very good intentions behind it, however bad the intentions of evil are, driving it. Evil cannot harm beyond recovery whenever we remain in the Lord. Te aim must not be to remain unharmed or untouched, but rather to remain in the Lord. Let's not be protective of self.

  1277. The way to do something is more important to learn than to do any proposed thing. The way leads to the work, but, seldom does the work lead to the way it is carried out. I believe it is far more important to learn the way things are done in heaven than to try to do those things themselves. To learn with or from the Lord how to do through His means is far more important. "Your will be done here on earth as it is done in heaven". We know God's will is important, but we see clearly Jesus teaching to pray for the way above praying for the will itself. The way brings the will along. We need to learn to live with the same kind of power heaven lives from, depend on the same kind of power it depends upon, reject the same kind of power heaven rejects. Motives must be the same, the goal must match, the kind of power must be the same and we must learn how to handle it all the way these are handled and used in heaven. Any sinner has in his ways a last resource of survival. Unless our ways die, we will never be dead as sinners. The last remains of sinful hope is to try to carry out God's things through the strength of the arm of the flesh, to trust having money around, to mistrust when we are poor or in trouble, to bless when we are blessed and to rejoice only when the world would have reasons to rejoice. The flesh cannot serve in the temple of God. It will be whipped out of there. You are that temple. We cannot dare to rely on lies or lying attitudes any longer. Let us be exceedingly glad whenever we cannot do things our own way anymore, especially when God is around and we can feel Him in the air we breathe.

  1278. Every person who is not in full tune with the Lord will wish to have own things done by the Lord or the Lord's things done his way. We cannot avoid it being so. It simply works out that way. No tree can avoid bearing its own kind of fruit. And that sort of fruit shows that the tree is not tuned with the Lord. Only the fruit can show with certainty what kind of tree it is we are thinking or talking about.

  1279. I cannot justify the wicked before the Lord, not even when the wicked one is me or someone I love dearly. If I do, besides offending God greatly, it also shows that I am able to judge him and be angered, jealous, bothered or even hindered by his ways. If the wicked makes me stumble, then my heart is not what it should be. It is the heart that must be fixed and made stable while in the Lord. Let us remove the stumbling blocks from there and not the wicked from his table so we could sit around it. If the Lord commanded Moses to turn gold into ashes because it had belonged to sin before, let us not desire to preserve any of it for personal purposes. Let us rather go without gold than with the stench of any sin sticking to it. Gold is not always pure.

  1280. It is enough to be suspicious of any known lie. Suspicion is sin. However, certainties are not sin. To be suspicious of any lie is very little compared to the true virtue of faith. It must be impossible for any true believer to believe any kind of lie or to fall into any of its traps. Besides, Jesus said that sheep "will not follow a stranger, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers", John 10:5. We all know that liars are good with words and can become very convincing sometimes. In fact, they have greater abilities to lie than truthful people often have to tell the truth. If suspicion is sin, how can any lie be turned obvious and clear to make way for certainties approved by God? We know it is not good to talk about suspicions or suspects. Well, the fact is that the Bible says that the wicked shall not be able to stand in the congregation of the righteous, Ps.1:5. Has your congregation been criticized lately because the wicked left it? Be glad, for it is a good thing which is happening to your congregation.. "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us", 1 John 2:19. It works like this: it must be made impossible for a lie to stand in the field of good corn. It must feel a need to leave from there. And it shall happen only when the righteous become "even more righteous". We won't need to be against lies if lies are against us. In other words, if any sort of lie or illusion still has some hold on us, or some enhancement for our eyes, some beauty or goodness in our views, whatever its appearances are, then lies won't easily feel uncomfortable enough to leave and to speak out their views against us. Remember that the power of any lie is to please people and when people do not feel pleased, they will feel like going away from you in a resentful way. The consequences of not pleasing who seeks to be pleased and seen acts like a revenge of some kind. If the world still seems fascinating to you, which is the same as believing a lie, you must stop and put your heart honestly in the light to find out whether the world has really anything everlasting to offer you or not. Make sure about it. If you seem unable to do that, I am sure it is impossible to have true faith fully settled in your heart as well, I mean, genuine certainties. Then, you must remember what James said about double heartedness and what its causes are. Faith is not unstable in its views because it has investigated everything truthfully to be make sure about things. And we need to be truthful about all or we cannot expect truth to feel at home in us. Unless we are truthful, how can we feel at home sitting around truth's table? We need not only to know how to express truth, but we need to be truthful ourselves as well. If so, then expression is easy. However, to be able to explain truth does not make us truthful, but being truthful makes its expression and explanation quite easy.

  1281. No one puts on effort to be himself in the Lord - only not be himself. In other words, no one puts on effort to be humble, but only to be proud.

  1282. Why do you cry and feel sad because you are unable to think positively about things? Do you really need positive thinking while Christ is there to think about and to be reminded of? Why should you still try to have any good thoughts about self? "Isn't there a God in Israel?" 2 Kings 1:3. Why would you still wish to trust self? When will you dare to entrust yourself to the full cares of the Lord Jesus alone? For how long more will you keep delaying it?

  1283. Unbelief is an incapacity. It can be a crippled capacity. In makes it impossible to trust truth or reality. Don't we often see people ducking away from reality and from facts saying facts are hard to swallow? Don't people feel happy fantasizing? That is why there are those who can believe and those who can't. Christ mentioned the fact that there are those who "can believe", Mark.9:29. Consequently, faith is an unique ability or a capability to trust and believe truth and to express itself according to it; and unbelief is the ability to rather trust a lie. Faith is not just believing - it is believing the truth. Unbelief believes a lie.

  1284. The lack of faith has many causes and many origins. But, all of them can be called sin. It also has many grievous consequences. And where there is lack of faith, there shall always be a great deal of self-confidence and trust in the arm of the flesh. If there isn't self-confidence, there shall be an idolatrous search after it as 'the thing'. Self-confidence is idolatry just as covetousness is, or, shall I say, the trust in money. Man needs to trust to feel confident and he will rely mostly on himself or something like him when he is unable to trust the Lord. Trust in the Lord is a capability and it is a disability for a lie or for unbelief. You cannot separate lies from unbelief and neither truth from genuine faith.

  1285. To start and end any issue in prayer demands from us that we become upset or resentful against repetitions of prayer. We need a kind of discipline which refuses to repeat things before the Lord as if He is deaf. "Let man examine himself" instead of falling into the temptation of vain repetitions which offend God greatly. Prayers without answers shouldn't be repeated until the key to its answer is found, gained or obtained. Any person who seeks answers and isn't satisfied with merely having his 'religious duties' fulfilled, will seldom fall into this trap of vain praying. Repetitions are offenses to God and man repeats himself because he refuses or neglects to cleanse his life of all things which makes God turn His face away from him. Doesn't God see all things? If He sees all things, why wouldn't He be able to hear all things? In the same way that he sees the tiniest thing in any corner of this vast Universe, we can assume the He can hear the tiniest sound anywhere as well. Those who yell and are noisy like to have themselves heard by all and do not take prayer seriously. They seek to be seen like the Pharisees who used to pray in the corners of the streets to impress others - and themselves. They sound as real warriors, but, I take them as unbelieving, pitiful creatures who wish to impress themselves as well. Some think they will be heard by the repetitions they make and others by the amount of noise they make. Others think that prayers are the means to impress others and that they will be answered by having as many as possible impressed by them or by their ways and by showing off. Why would people still act as if they are the ones responsible for opening doors or to show forth answers? And if the doors open up for real, why do they act proudly as if they were the ones who opened them? Most Christians, today, are good actors or actresses. They know just what to do and to feel in their deceit. Man easily finds a way to boast of anything he thinks of.

  1286. Remember to have manners when you pray. Do not try to open a door which is not for you to open. Have manners. You knock - God opens. Do not presume the answer and to not wait on a presumed answer as if taking it seriously through a false smile in your face and by a hypocritical attitude. If you start distributing promises or possible tips about what you "have not seen" as if you have seen it, you are a false prophet. "Let no man beguile you of your reward in a appearance of humility (...) intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind", Col.2:18. Do mot promise anything God has not clearly answered you about - even if He has promised. We still need to inherit the promises. The promise is something and the inheritance of it is something else.

  1287. Any prayer that gets an immediate answer or any other kind of answer is a challenge only to the one who prays and not to the One who answers. A prayer shall never be a challenge to the Lord. Is it still to you? Are you still surprised when God answers? And do you take that sort of surprise as praise? Have you ceased to pray, giving up before the time and before the answer? If you have, aren't you assuming that God is not faithful or aren't you taking God for a liar?

  1288. Have you ever seen any presuming person, it is, someone who solemnly believes his own understanding of everything to be reliable and worthy of admiration? And how many times have you heard people assuming things about others? "You can stand on my word! Such and such is a trustworthy person and will do it!" People easily become surety for others and pawn their own word. I believe only pride or the remains of it can speak for another person. To become sureties for others is a presumptuous attitude. No one can say for sure if anyone will fulfil what is thought of him and, besides, no one knows if that person shall live until the next day. I believe only false humility can give such honour in such a way before people. Pleasing people cannot be humility and it cannot be love. We must know, we do not need to praise others to love them. John loved those people he called "generation of vipers". "My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger, Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and plead with thy friend. Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids. Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler", Prov.6:1-5.

  1289. We all know that we can, must and may have a heart according to God's. That is not news to us even though there aren't many people with such a heart. We must get a heart which delights in what the Lord delights. However, there is a small detail we are not often aware of: we must not only delight in what He delights, but must also delight in it the way He does. Have you ever seen the Lord yelling and making a big fuss when He achieves something? Have you ever seen Him wavering before a small thing, wondering if He, being so great, should carry it out?

  1290. Many say, believe or assume God does not harm anyone and that all bad things which may happen to anyone have its origin in the devil. The truth is that even the bad that the devil performs is allowed by the Lord's providence. All those who can believe that God or His providence makes room for evil doings also believe that in the end all shall work out for the general good of the Kingdom of our blessed Lord. All those who can't believe that, will not only suffer under the yoke of evil, but will, also, suffer from bitterness, misunderstandings about the Lord and His doings, doubts, despair, hatred, a murmuring heart and many other things. Because of some of those things they will not feel like stretching their arm and heart towards the Lord. Whoever is capable to trust the Lord under any yoke of trials, shall "be strong and of good courage". People who cannot trust the Lord under heavy yokes often justify themselves and go from bad to worse. They believe their venom can blackmail God into something they believe they have the right for.

  1291. Ignorance has a lot of stairs. Let's use them to get off it instead of going up and up on it. There is nothing we will find in ignorance besides more ignorance and presumption. Ignorance invites people often to take the stairs up. It appeals to people and makes evil sound good. It sounds wise, but, it is hypocritical, foolish and will pretend to be good or even do good.

  1292. "Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit", John 1:33. It is interesting to mark the fact that God chose a dove to symbolize the descending of His Spirit upon Jesus. Allow me to explain. The Bible talks about the descending of the Spirit quite often. However, there is something else that the Bible talks about as well to which few people pay full attention. It talks about those upon whom the Spirit remains - just as it was mentioned about Jesus. In other words, we cannot say that those "who have not the Spirit" (Judas 1:19) never received Him. If the Spirit doesn't remain on the person He has descended upon, such a person "does not have the Spirit". We all know what a dove is like. It is something which can fly away or remain. Isn't it interesting to know that any person can be without the Spirit by making it "fly" away and become sensual again? That is the sign that made sense to John. Jesus had always been full of the Holy Spirit. In other words, coming down upon Jesus was a sign to John and not to Jesus.

  1293. Eternity is a big today. This is why we desperately need to learn how to live the day we find ourselves in now as living beings. If we do not live out of the border of today, we shall never mix the things of this day with tomorrow's and become confused beings. Are you a confusing preacher or a confused person?

  1294. No one is able to kill a living being. But, a dead being must never consider itself living. A living being cannot die because death cannot reach out to him. Unless living beings sin in some way, they shall never die.

  1295. Accusations are gossiping thoughts which mix truths with lies making both of them look like half truths. I mean that a whole truth starts looking like a half truth and the lie also looks like a half truth. At the end, they create an attitude, which, by insistence, create a pattern of mind and personality that becomes a difficult stream to straighten up. Later on, truth finds it difficult to persuade an accusing mind or to break through to cause it to listen. Accusations is gossiping in the mind. And when it speaks, it often talks about others too or, at least, talks about others with the same spirit - whether it says good or bad things about them. You cannot separate gossiping from a self-accusing mind. They are always found together.

  1296. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good", Rom.12:21. To overcome evil is not to laugh at it, but to exterminate it within self. Evil grants us many opportunities to exercise goodness instead.

  1297. The Bible says that even a fool looks wise when he is quiet enough. If that is true, then we can say that even the wisest person will look like a fool when he speaks more than he ought to speak or speaks in a way which he shouldn't speak.

  1298. By rule , the person who judges and condemns some sins in others is not someone who takes care of his own life. His own sins and heart are close to abandonment. At least, the temptation to neglect it exists. Such a person is not someone who "takes the seed to sow in his field", as Jesus said he should do. He shall rather try do sow in someone else's field what he receives and sees and won't save himself from anything. Though he wishes to be saved, he deflects truth away to someone else's fields.

  1299. Have you ever seen someone who reacts violently or aggressively to an own error when it is pointed out or when it has come under his attention? Don't such people usually throw back the accusations to the one by whom they think is accusing them? Anyone who accuses back or judges back is someone who, somehow, felt accused by something. That is why he reacts that way. Well, when someone judges, it is because there is some kind of accusation in him. If the conscience accuses, people react by judging. The basic principle is the same: one feels accused and throws back the judgement. This is the whole truth behind bad judging. People easily judge when they see their own sins in others. They react by judging because they feel accused. They react badly when that happens. That is a poisonous spirit reacting to some kind of accusation. It is the bad spirit of self-defence rising to sting back because it feels accused by his own conscience. That is why he judges. He judges because the image self has about itself has been disturbed or affected and must be protected and preserved by any means. It must either look holy or others must look bad. Therefore, judging is a poisonous reaction to the accusations of an own conscience.

  1300. Every person who is not fulfilling his or her marital duties towards husband or wife when they can easily be fulfilled has an adulterous heart and doesn't know about it or doesn't admit it. Even if adultery is not committed, the heart is adulterous.

  1301. Grace is an active power and not a passive waiting room. It is not a passive 'hope'. Grace really works! We must get hold of it and grow in it and with it.

  1302. "...In the faith that is in Jesus Christ...", 1Tim.3:13,1;14. This means there is another faith outside Jesus Christ. Many, when separated from the Lord, are taken in, comforted and held in error by a false faith which is quite deceitful and they are not even aware of it.

  1303. When I was a child I learned to live on my own and I struggled through life without a father or mother. It was me and the world, me and darkness and the world's muddy streams. I have learned a way to 'stand' and to overcome which I must let go now because I have a Father now. I can't rely on the strength of my fleshly arm anymore. And my arm of flesh became strong indeed. I must lay it down, along with my weapons and surrender, but not to this world. I will surrender to the Victor. I must be able to do it fully and unconditionally, however strong the old habits of survival are. I must not be afraid to let my flesh down because I am taken in into grace's care and power. I feel it, I know it.

  1304. A person , to change, must desire to change and not merely to be understood and accepted. Therefore, every time a person tries to explain himself, tries hard to be accepted and believed or tries something else which is not a willingness to change, nothing will happen. And to try to help people through a gospel of acceptance is evil. If you really wish to change and that for real, then, you must stop trying to get into the sheepfold by climbing over the wall. You must enter through the gates of grace with a willing heart to do as shown, by the power which is given, having only a real change of heart in mind all the time. You must be able "to remember the Lord in His ways", Is.64:5.

  1305. There aren't many differences between rich men and poor men concerning entering the kingdom of God. Let me explain. Poor people are worried people, taken captive by the concerns and ways to make a living. Their day is a busy one and they seldom rest to look for peace of conscience - which is not the same as the peace of the world that grants satisfaction in a fleshly level. They believe in the same god rich people do believe in. Their thoughts are often as consumed as the rich people's thoughts. They have as many thorns as rich people have and they hardly looks up to the Lord wholeheartedly. The only difference between rich people and poor people is that poor people cannot trust poverty, they cannot hope upon what poverty grants. They extract no hope from their practical life. Poverty has no promises, nothing to offer besides bitterness. Yet, they hope to be able, one day, to trust riches. Rich people can still trust riches and be deceived by its promises. However, poor people put their hope upon the same god as rich ones, if there is still hope left in them at all and if Mamon has not disappointed them beyond any possibility of trust. Rich people serve Mamom and poor people hope upon him.

  1306. When we lay hands upon people, one of two things can happen: the person shall partake of what we have and are, or we shall partake on the sins of those we lay hands upon. Paul warns us against laying hands upon people in haste.

  1307. "No one can say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit", 1Cor.12:3. Now, as to be able to say honestly that Jesus is Lord, we have much, but very much to understand, especially in this present day where superficial doctrines are abundant. The person who has a Lord is a person who is truly dominated in the very sense of the word, guided, truly reigned and whose whole life, decisions, abilities and everything he has no longer belong to him and are no longer for his own benefit. There is no other master any more, nothing else that dominates his life or influences his decisions; his children do not belong to him; and, in fact, everything that he has or that he is, is no longer his. Everything is used and mastered only to glorify the Lord, everything belongs to God and everything that is done is fully accomplished for Him through Him. At the time of the apostles it was easier to understand the word "Lord", for there was still slavery around. The slave was owned by a master, whether he was thwarted and upset in that position or not. The difference in terms of Jesus as Lord is, however, enormous. This Lord we seek as such, to be our master, that is, whoever seeks and finds Jesus to take possession of his whole existence, including his past, (there are those who seek it and do not find it) come to live in that position within a kingdom that has Jesus as a true Master. This kingdom is sought and deeply desired. There, nothing else counts. However, it is one thing to be a thwarted, upset slave, who seeks his own freedom and the ability to take all his decisions or that the decisions of his Lord favour him; another thing is to seek to be accepted as such a slave in a cheerful way, willingly and full of power, repudiating even the slightest idea of an own freedom. Now, no one is able to achieve (in a real way) that point, or to get that place and that privileged position within that Kingdom, being truly accepted and approved for it (after an exhaustive screening), except by the Holy Spirit. It is mainly for that purpose that we should seek to be filled with the Spirit.

  1308. "Noone can say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit",1Cor.12:3. Now, as to be able to say honestly that Jesus is Lord, we have much, but very much to understand - especially in this present day where superficial doctrines are abundant. The person who has a Lord is a person who is truly dominated in the very sense of the word, guided, truly reigned and whose whole life, decisions, abilities and everything he has no longer belong to him and are no longer for his own benefit. There is no other master any more, nothing else that dominates his life or influences his decisions; his children do not belong to him; and, in fact, everything that he has or that he is, is no longer his. Everything is used and mastered only to glorify the Lord - everything belongs to God and everything that is done is fully accomplished for Him through Him. At the time of the apostles it was easier to understand the word "Lord", for there was still slavery around. The slave was owned by a master, whether he was thwarted and upset in that position or not. The difference in terms of Jesus as Lord is, however, enormous. This Lord we seek as such, to be our master, that is, whoever seeks and finds Jesus to take possession of his whole existence, including his past, (there are those who seek it and do not find it) come to live in that position within a kingdom that has Jesus as a true Master. This kingdom is sought and deeply desired. There, nothing else counts. However, it is one thing to be a thwarted, upset slave, who seeks his own freedom and the ability to take all his decisions or that the decisions of his Lord favour him; another thing is to seek to be accepted as such a slave in a cheerful way, willingly and full of power, repudiating even the slightest idea of an own ​​freedom. Now, no one is able to achieve (in a real way) that point, or to get that place and that privileged position within that Kingdom, being truly accepted and approved for it (after an exhaustive screening), except by the Holy Spirit. It is mainly for that purpose that we should seek to be filled with the Spirit.

  1309. Unfortunately, most of my work is to un-twist Scripture that has been twisted. I find it very hard to preach only the Good News (Gospel) because most of my preaching and time is completely absorbed by making straight what has been twisted and crooked from Scripture. "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints", Jud.3.

  1310. "And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved", Act.2:47. There are many misinterpreted verses in the Bible because of the many doctrines that emerged from past centuries of deceit and search. This is one of them. Many believe this verse is referring to predestination, to God's decisions of the past concerning today. But, it can't be. I am not saying anything against predestination. I am only saying this verse might not be referring to it. This verse is referring to the near future of any new believer in Christ. Do you recall the words of Paul to the prison keeper? "Believe and you shall be saved". As such, you also find more verses in Acts alone which put the verb in a future sense to all believers (Acts 2:21, 11:14, 15:11). All these verses refer to the near future of any new believer and it is not pointing to eternity, as some wrongly suppose. Those who surrender and believe can and may confess their sins and be pardoned; those who are pardoned can, then, be made free of any sin because the way is open to them - and it doesn't matter how huge and ugly that sin is. That is what salvation is all about. This means people can be saved from their sins after believing, by believing by and surrendering fully to the Lord. Now, referring to this verse: this means those who believed would or, rather, should be saved from their sins by believing - after believing. God added to the church daily all those who would/should be saved from their sins, all imaginable and unimaginable sins. This refers to the near future of new believers and not to the far past of predestination.

  1311. Everyone puts himself forth as an example. However, only a few are indeed examples. And, of those who are indeed examples, only a few have the courage, the confidence and the daring attitude to put themselves forth as real examples in humility. Because they are too aware of what Jesus saved them from, they are unaware of how exemplary their lives really are.

  1312. When do I need to persevere in prayer? Have I received what God has promised and which is according to His will? If not, it is time to persevere and not to give up. That is what praying without ceasing means: pray without giving up.

  1313. "No one can receive anything unless it has been given to him from heaven", John 3:27. Why do people still live as if all depends on them and not on the Lord, their obedience and His grace?

  1314. The Bible never expresses itself against "works", but only against "the works of the Law" - circumcision, sacrifices to obtain God's grace, etc. Whatever people consider as works today is not what the Bible considers as such. In those times, people instinctively thought of works in another light than we do today. It was mainly understood as the works of the Law and not as the works prompted by a normal Christian love.

  1315. "We have different gifts based on the grace that was given to us. So if your gift is prophecy, use your gift in proportion to your faith...", Rom.12:6. The things you say, are they shown to you by God or do you speak and give opinions according to your own wishes or to look wise before others?

  1316. Have you ever seen people who exist to contradict? Perhaps you are one of those who say no to yes and yes to no. When someone says left, you say right; and would that person say right, you would say left. It is a common habit all over the world. It has always been. The favourite habit is to be in the opposition side. Scripture says, however, that a contradicting heart is a rebellious heart. When John was sent to prepare the way of the Lord, it is said that he came to "to make ready a people prepared for the Lord". This is the precise opposite of a people with a contradicting heart. Are you prepared for the Lord? "All day long I have stretched forth My hands to a disobeying and gainsaying people", Rom.10:21.

  1317. Usually , people have this idea that a stumbling block to others' lives is the way they talk or what makes people angry or upset. Are we not allowed to talk frankly? The fact is that a stumbling block is something in our lives which contradicts the gospel. If people are angry against the truth or against the sincerity of the heart that speaks the truth out of love for the Lord, that is fruit and not a stumbling block.

  1318. If you make jokes about God or about God's things, you shall soon be a joke yourself and you shall be laughed at "I also will laugh at your calamity", Prov.1:26.

  1319. "...And they kept Your word", John 17:6.Many times I asked myself, even during moments of struggling prayer, what is needed to have converts keep the word to the end. And I have been looking for a distant solution and all the while the answer is so close and so clear. "Keeping the word". The first condition is that it must be the words of God indeed and not a word extracted from the capabilities of reasoning and from our knowledge. Knowledge is a treasure from which we get old and new things, but not all knowledge is applicable to certain moments. Specific words must come from the Lord at specific times. That is one of the conditions which must be fulfilled: the words must be the words of God. The second condition we can easily come across in this chapter of John is that people must recognize and realize it is the word of God and not of man. How much praise do you give to the preacher? If it is the word of God, why should the preacher be exalted for it? "Now they have known that all things, whatever You have given Me, are from You. For I have given to them the Words which You gave Me, and they have received them and have known surely that I came out from You", John 17:7. Jesus struggled to have people believe what He had or said came from God. These are two of the few conditions that must be fulfilled so that disciples can be able to keep the word to the end.

  1320. It takes a living one to see another living one. Dead people seek dead people and commune with them; and the living ones see each other and commune because they have much in common. "You see Me because I live, you shall live also", John 14:19. Living people see Jesus because He is alive.

  1321. What does it avail us if we consult God in everything and we don't receive answers in everything? The answer is what we should seek and not the religious habit of praying and praying at all times about everything. It is good to receive answers about everything we pray if we pray about everything. "And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son", John 14:13.

  1322. "The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit", 1Cor.7:34. This statement is true only in a few cases. There are unmarried people whose mind does not serve the Lord because it is always pleading Him to get them married. Their minds is absorbed by marriage even if they are not married. They are distracted by the thoughts of a possible future marriage. Remember that the aim is "that you may serve the Lord without distraction", (v.35).

  1323. Faith reaches out to the will of God - not to our own will. Real faith turns it possible for us to achieve the means to carry out God's will for our lives and to work towards the lives of others.

  1324. "Your boasting is not good", 1Cor.5:6. Paul mentions this referring to sin in the church and to the fact that people are not removed from the church having sinned. He calls it pride. Let me explain: he says that people who are not able to remove sin or sinful people from their midst are people who boast and are proud. This is a strange statement because most people would say precisely the opposite. They would say proud people - those who think a lot about themselves - will be unloving enough to expel sinners from their midst. People see 'acceptance' as love. But, Paul says it is pride. It means it is too humbling for them to get rid of sin. Now, Paul commands the whole church to be cleansed because they did not expel sin from their midst. They should clean themselves from pride as well. It seems strange that by cleaning others' sin they would clean themselves.

  1325. Many preach so that they themselves might not land in hell. They preach out of fear and not out of love. Others preach to save other people from their sins. To which of these categories do you belong? "For I myself was wishing to be accursed from Christ for my brothers", Rom.9:3.

  1326. Doctrine is something to be followed by those who teach. Those who learn follow Life.

  1327. Self justification has deep roots and is never found apart from accusations against others. In fact, it often accuses God. If these accusations do not appear at first, be sure they will soon be visible. It is just a question of time until they come up.

  1328. When things do not work out the way God said they would, or if they do not work according to expectations, why does man, at first, blame God instead of himself? Why does any sinner first think God is on the wrong and not he himself? Would man seek the missing link in his heart, he would receive beyond expectations!

  1329. We know there is a huge difference between doing things and doing them through Christ Jesus. Those who try to do the right things without grace and by themselves will sooner or later give up or despair at some point. They shall take the easier route of the enemy sooner or later. That is the same as giving up, or even worse. Whoever fails has as a first thought giving up. The second thought shall be of doing the opposite of the true way of life. However, we cannot consider it as the opposite way, since doing things without grace can never be the opposite of sin, but of the gospel. The opposite of the Gospel is sin. Now, listen to me. There is an alternative way which makes more sense: try it in another way. Try doing all through the Lord Jesus. If you feel like giving up, you must know you are only giving up on own ways or because of them. Maybe the Lord has never been your Shepherd, as you think He has been.

  1330. "...Power , according to the Spirit of sanctification", Rom.1:4. The real working power of God in a place or person is never separated from the genuine holiness of that place or that person.

  1331. The amount of praise you give or feel like giving to man is the amount of praise you would like for yourself. You won't solve this problem by stopping to praise man, though. And when no man listens to you you will be tempted to be bitter and disappointed. Bitterness happens because pleasing man is still in the heart and you are going against it. However, man will understand it as having something against them. Now, you will solve it truly only by getting a good look into truth: was it God who did or who does something? Was it really God, or was it man? "At evening you shall know that the Lord has brought you out of the land of Egypt", Ex.16:6. Do you really know it was the Lord? Make sure and, then, be sincere about the praise you give. And if man deserves the praise, give it to him. However, if God does, give to Him what belongs to Him.

  1332. To allow the Lord to have His way with us to the uttermost and to guide our lives fully is a decision as important as the one when we at first turned to Him. And to decide to turn to Him and believe in Him was, perhaps, the most important decision we have ever made.

  1333. There is a truth no one can run away from: if we know how to wait on the Lord and we wait unhindered, then time runs fast and His timing might even take us by surprise. But, for those who are impatient with God, especially when they have had a word from Him, time passes very slowly and waiting (which is a fundamental issue in any true child of the Lord) becomes so hard! However, those who can wait having a stained conscience might be waiting in vain. And those who are clean will receive even what they have missed before, and even what has been eaten by the locusts for some reason.

  1334. Is there still any doubt that God treats us according to our ways? He does not deal with us according to what we believe, but according to our ways and lives. "So they returned and said: 'Just as the Lord of hosts determined to do to us, according to our ways and according to our deeds, So He has dealt with us", Zec1:6. The promise may take long, either for good or bad, but it shall surely come. We all know we shall reap what we sow. Has anyone ever reaped something different from what he has sown? Can we sow thistles and thorns and expect to reap good fruit? Or sow good fruit and reap thorns and thistles?

  1335. Have you ever tried to make Jesus king over your life by force? Have you ever wondered why such a thing is condemnable? Usually, people try to make Jesus king by force because they want Him to rule over flesh and blood. In fact, He needs to be forced to rule over such a thing, and because He doesn't, many are disappointed in Him. Jesus, however, doesn't need to be forced to rule over spiritual or heavenly things. People who want Jesus to rule by force are aware of the fact that they can't have or do certain things by any other means. Therefore, they try to make Him King by force because they know or suspect all power is in His hands - including the power they wish would be working together with the flesh in their favour. The idea of knowing (or guessing) that Jesus has plenty of power, mixed with the wish to have all working together for self, makes people force Jesus to be king and ruler over their selfish lives and wishes. These people are called Christians today. They think that is what Jesus came for: to achieve their goals for them. And Jesus came to make us achieve His goals for Him and to have it done His way because there is peace in doing so. Therefore, there are these two sides in the heart of man: if you are forcing Jesus to be king, it also means you are not working on your repentance and conversion from sin to holiness. In fact, it shows you are trying to strengthen the strongholds and hideouts of sin and nearing Jesus for the power to do so. These are the two sides of this truth and fact. If you find yourself trying to force Jesus to be king - Him who is already a King - it means you must stop and repent because the flesh is ruling in you.

  1336. I know there is a huge association or relationship between faith and faithfulness. One does not exist without the other unless it is a false faith.

  1337. It is good if we can translate thoughts into words, then words into teaching and teaching into life - or life into teaching. Whoever does not do that, does not grow - such people grow old and cold!

  1338. One of the reasons why God does not work as He can, is that He can't find the environment, heart conditions and all other virtues in people such as faithfulness or truthfulness. "You ask and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it upon your lusts", James 4:3. We must work hard on the conditions which will bring God down to work for His Kingdom and for it alone. Otherwise, He can't come. Would He come without the conditions being met, He would be strengthening His enemy, the flesh. "Prepare the way of Jehovah, make straight a highway in the desert for our God", Is.40:3.

  1339. Sinners who have never been truly converted have the habit of being impatient against other people's sins and patient towards their own. They even seek attention towards their own sinfulness or try to ignore their own sins by highlighting others's. But, when Christ changes our lives it all changes and we start becoming impatient against our own sins and patient towards others' sins who fight them.

  1340. Isn't it strange that, just after the Red Sea had been opened in front of people, Moses had to tell people, "At evening you shall know that the Lord has brought you out of the land of Egypt"? Ex.16:6. Didn't they know it or didn't they accept it was the Lord's doing? Would they believe had Moses told them it was another god who did it? I believe they still thought it was Moses who did it! How many times do we mention the person when a prayer has been heard and say, "such and such a person prayed and I was healed"? Shouldn't we rather know or say that it was God who healed? Let's never forget that the mouth speaks they way the heart feels.

  1341. When we expect things (wait on the Lord for things) which God has never promised, we shall have two kinds of problems: we will be unable to see or to be aware of what God is giving because our eyes are set on something else; and we shall not be receiving what we expect because God loves us to the point of not giving outside His will and, also, loves His name and honour. But, either way create the ground where the devil can establish despair and faithlessness and, consequently, unfaithfulness. faithlessness and unfaithfulness are always found together. They are inseparable. The cure is a change of heart or motives because wrong motives is as good as wanting our own thing.

  1342. "The Lord tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates", Ps.11:5. The first part of the verse means that we are being loved when we are put to the test. This also means that the wicked is not tested. If this is true, why do righteous people so easily believe lies when they go through tests and when they see the wicked prospering?

  1343. "The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts", Ps.10:4. This does not necessarily mean that the wicked says there is no God - he just acts as if the Lord does not exist. In fact, the Lord does not exist in his thoughts and in his practical life. The wicked never takes God into account when he sins and neither when he does some good. We must know we need to be dependent on God for all we are and do and the wicked does not practise good through grace. We should be able to do good through grace and not merely do good. This is why the wicked sins even when he does some good.

  1344. "For the wicked boasts (...) He blesses the greedy", Ps.10:3. This is a truthful consideration. And how truthful it is indeed! The wicked is never indifferent to the riches of the greedy. But, there are other truths we can think of about this. If we turn these words around, it says that those who praise or bless the greedy are wicked. Do you do that? Another truth is that whoever criticises the greedy for having riches, however he got it, is also wicked. One must be able to resist the temptation and to trust Jesus, for He is our sufficiency and anyone else's. "You shall keep them, O Lord, You shall preserve them from this generation forever", Ps.12:7.

  1345. The aim of the Judgement of God in the final day and before that is the extermination of all sin and even of the remembrance of it. The final aim is not punishment, but extermination of evil from the face of creation.

  1346. Every person who is not spontaneous in/with/towards the truth has created many complexes and instabilities in the heart along his lifetime. And everyone who is spontaneous in darkness has lost all sense of dignity and shame. A saint doesn't walk if he finds himself under a cloud of sudden darkness. He freezes and keeps still awaiting for the Lord; and he walks under light. The wicked does the opposite of this: he walks under darkness and stagnates when light hits him in a real way.

  1347. It is the disobedient fathers who have disobedient children. However, this is not a totally reliable rule. Obedient Samuel did not have obedient sons. I believe he was an exception only. Nevertheless, if you wish to have obedient, holy and kind children be that way yourself and find proportional grace to be so from the heart. Children will mostly become what you have become and not necessarily what you have taught them to be. Teach yourself and your children will be taught.

  1348. We are either children of heaven or children of the country where we have been born. We cannot possibly be both. We must be careful about this idea of nationalism. We belong to heaven and not to earth. Besides, any heavenly citizen is a faithful child of God. And that faithfulness will overflow to the normal life on this earth. Citizens of heaven are good citizens anywhere - even in a country where they were not born. A real citizen of heaven will be a foreign anywhere away from heaven.

  1349. Be sure of this: if someone considers certain sins less grievous than others, then you must know there are some sins, also, which such a person does not consider sin. Make sure you deal with that before you pray for such people. Do not become part of deceit by praying with him, and keep yourself pure. "Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people's sins; keep yourself pure", 1Tim.5:22.

  1350. It is true that fear is not perfect love. However, there is no perfect love on this earth which has not been fear of the Lord at first.

  1351. "Also the children of Israel secretly did against the Lord their God things that were not right", 2Kings 17:9. When people do things in secret, it means it is wrong and it also means they know it is wrong. However, because people do many wrong things, they do a lot in secret. This creates a pattern in them and an attitude to do things permanently in secret. Many times, it creates another pattern of trying it the wrong way first, because secret doing and wrong doing are associated. I knew a man who would try lying first, even when truth would clearly benefit him more; and he would tell the truth only when there was no other way out for him. The truth about this is: when those patterns are set, people will either do the right things in secret because a pattern of secret doing has been established; or they will try to do the wrong things in the open. That happens because evil is what they approve and feel comfortable with. That is why many are still ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus. And we can never measure the amount of evil that can come from this sinful life. We may not afford to do the right things in secret, because what we do attracts people's attention and many learn it.

  1352. If Salomon's words in a dream counted to God, how much more will our words count when we are awake. Let's be careful when we talk. God hears all.

  1353. A testimony can be considered as such only when it testifies about God and His reality. Many people testify, but not about God. They testify, mainly, about themselves. They talk about how they accepted Jesus and what they suffered, but seldom can we trace a reality of God or God's doings in their testimony.

  1354. To this world, it is an offence if we don't do something for ourselves or through our means. "Mocking, (they) said, He saved others; himself he cannot save", Mk.15:31.

  1355. Perfection is not an easy subject for many people. However, I believe most people are confused about it. They easily define perfection as they would have it and not as God would. It would be good for all of us to define correctly and according to the Bible what real perfection is all about. However, the first firm step towards perfection is: actions must match with the heart and vice-versa.

  1356. There is something I always believed and which makes more sense to me as I live on. It must be easier for us, creatures of God, to live a holy life than to live in sin. With that I don't only mean that it is lighter for the soul, and more reviving for the heart, but it is far better and easier in all aspects. I mean that it is easier to have access to it as well. Think with me: if you are dumped into water, is it easier for you to try to remain dry or to be wet? I believe it is not that easy to be dry inside water and neither to remain wet outside of it. Now, God is everywhere and, according to the Bible, we live in Him, even though the soul of many is dry and He does not live in everyone, Act.17:28. Sin is not everywhere - at least not in the sense that God is. Sin is in the heart. This is why it seems stronger and it looks as if it is everywhere because where man goes, sin goes along. Sin is a parasite of nature which clings to man as he goes. People in the world fight hard to remain dry from God and to be ruled by a hard master: sin. God is everywhere. If we can change man's heart, we can change the world. Therefore, it should be easier to live a holy life than a life of sin after the heart has been changed.

  1357. Jesus did not die when He was crucified. He even said He would be in paradise with the man who died on the cross beside Him. How could He be dead and in heaven at the same time? From Paul, we hear He died to this world and to sin, Rom.6:10. That is the kind of death He died and the only one He works in those He reigns. Whatever He is dead for, will be clearly manifested in those He lives. The kind of death He experiences, we shall be able to experience as well.

  1358. Usually , people do things taking their feelings into account in order not to betray them, while we are called not to betray our enlightened consciences instead. I know a woman who loves her own family dearly and does not like her husband's. When it comes to share expenses with her family, she makes a point of it that they get above what she thinks is right. She says it is because of conscience. But, whenever it comes to share expenses or anything else with her in-laws, she wants to give only the minimum possible and seeks a way to lawfully reduce her obligations towards them. In both cases, she does not wish to betray her own feelings. Conscience has not the upper hand in her conduct as she thinks it does, and she does not deny herself in both circumstances. She cannot abhor her feelings towards her own and cannot love those she believes are outsiders of her heart affairs. She believes she is being faithful to conscience. However, she is only being faithful to the way she feels.

  1359. In the Bible, we come across something that called my attention. It is often said that God curses blessings. "I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already", Mal.2:2. In other words, the blessing comes to show the faithfulness of God and, afterwards, the locusts and the maggots eat it up. God does this to all those who are called by His name and say they belong to Him when their ways do not show the godliness and faithfulness towards the Lord. If this is true, if God can curse a blessing He has granted, there is another side to it: God can bless some curses. God blessed the curse that astonished Job; He blessed the persecution against David inflicted by Saul. And we could find many more such examples all over the Bible.

  1360. A sinful person is always searching for own righteousness to lean upon and to justify himself. A saint seeks own sins with the Lord and His light to cleanse his heart.

  1361. For God, there is no such thing as human rights, but only God's rights. Unless we deny all possible and imaginable rights in favour of the Lord, we shall stand in denial before Him. Deny yourself and leave all the rights to your life in the Lord's hands. Hand them over to Him. We have no rights. Holiness is not politics.

  1362. Once people give room for the reality of salvation and for the Word of God to live inside them (so that it won't be dead there), people enter into a phase of pre-conversion. The only thing people need to do is to make room for the possibility of a real Jesus and deny the dead one they keep on to and hold in their minds. Conversion starts as soon as a word made alive is put into practice in a most natural way.

  1363. We are all familiar with the words of Jesus which say, "Seek and you shall find". However, Jesus also said in the gospels that, "You shall seek Me and you shall not find", John 7:34. It is because we did not or do not come to where He is. "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully", Ps.24:3,4. Those who are not clean will seek and not find.

  1364. Revival is to convert Christians. It starts through the genuine conversion of Christians.

  1365. Today someone talked to me about feeling suffocated by responsibilities. She talked about how her husband left her because he argued the responsibilities of marriage suffocated him and he wished to be single. Little does he know his irresponsible way is the burden of his whole being. One is suffocated by irresponsibilities and not by responsibilities. "His commandments are not burdensome", 1 John 5:3; "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light", Mat.11:30. How sad that people have such strange ideas and excuses to be able to live a careless, burdensome, irresponsible and promiscuous life.

  1366. It is believed that the love of money applies only when it is to be used on or for self. However, we see many people loving money and stealing from the poor to sustain their gospel and their false doctrines. One can love money to have it and it doesn't matter where it is applied or spent. The love of money is settled in the heart and not where it is applied. "The greedy shall not be called generous...", Is.32:5. This means the greedy can seem generous and righteous - even to himself. If people use their money for other purposes than their houses, it does not mean they do not love money, and that they do not feel safe by having it or that they do not feel powerful having and using it. And when servants of the living God buy a car by the will of God and spend something on themselves, it can't mean they love money and feel comfortable by having it to spend on themselves. They belong to the will of God. God takes care of them as well.

  1367. Have you ever given a serious thought to the words of Jesus when He said people will rather jump over the wall to avoid going in through the door? There are many circumstances where it happens. Let's think a little about it. For example, pleasing people means the use of an alternative way to 'love'. Because people refuse to love for real, they enter into being pleasant to camouflage their lack of real love. This is why I firmly believe that everyone capable of pleasing people has the capacity in the heart to be unpleasant and inconvenient. And we will find many other subways which people will rather take to avoid the true virtues or the reality of the true essence of love, faith, godliness, prayer among many others. People will rather try hard to believe than to make sure about the Lord and His truthfulness - and faith is to make sure or to be sure; they will rather pretend and be polite than find love in the Lord to be able to love from the heart. And we all know it is harder work to jump over a wall than to get in through a door. However, people prefer the hard way.

  1368. We often complain about the absence of fruit or, especially, of immediate fruit. Today, I was struck by the fact that Jesus says the things of the Kingdom of God must be leavened before they can become useful, Mat.13:33.

  1369. The Word of God says (and we can easily confirm its truthfulness on daily life) that the wrath or anger of man does not work the righteousness of God. Now, if this is indeed so, we can also state that the wrath of God does not work the justice of man. In other words, let us not hope God will avenge or take revenge on behalf of man.

  1370. When the sun shines on us, our skin tells about it; when we face cold weather, our skin tells about it too; and when the light of God shines on us, our whole being tells everyone around what has been happening to us as well. But, I have seen many people talking about what they only imagine or about what they think is happening to them without foundation.

  1371. To add or to take away from God's word is just another way of not fulfilling it. "You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you", Deut.4:2. Haven't you heard of how deceitful the heart of man is? It makes a new commandment by changing it or by 'interpreting' God's word its way so that it won't have to obey it as it is. It soothes and quietens the conscience to obey some commandment - especially if it is a changed one. We must know it is the Word which must change the heart and not the other way round. If we read God's Word and do not reject it, we shall either be changed or change the Word to suit us. The heart entices a change in the Word and the Word has an appeal upon the heart to change. It is the eternal war between the Word and the heart of man. It has always been like that.

  1372. We can speak of an immediate glory which God receives and glory in the long term. For example, when our prayers are answered on the spot, God is glorified by it. However, when it happens that way, it means God has already been glorified through our total sanctification or commitment to the truth. And when we become holy (and to some people it takes a while before they are like Christ), then God is spoken good of because of the purity everyone sees in His children's lives. Now, I believe that not all instant or immediate glory to God is always a sign of salvation to the person through whom God is glorified. We know how Pharaoh glorified God through his condemnation. It was good for God, but not good for Pharaoh. Blessed are those who are glorified in the glory of God. "...Heirs with Christ (...) that we may also be glorified together", Rom.8:17.

  1373. One of the main conditions to be "slow to speak and slow to anger" is to be spontaneously humble and without those barriers which delete our good sense. If we please people or go out to please ourselves or anything else, we have a barrier which hinders good sense. And we know all inspired talk or holy conversation is filled up with good sense.

  1374. When the Bible talks about the arrogant, it means specially those who do not, will not or cannot depend on God. The arrogant stands in contrast with those who can wait on God and expect all from Him. "You ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that'. As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil", James 4:15. This means dependence on God is the opposite of arrogance.

  1375. We so easily talk about the abundant life God grants. And it is good that we talk about it because there is such an abundant life that there will be no more need. However, we must have in mind we have come from a life of dryness and of great need - of great inner need. In other words, we have adopted and conceived habits of our own which fit in a way sinners conceived to manage to live in a decaying spiritual poverty. We have adapted our ways to a life of poverty. If we change the wine, then we must make sure we also change the wineskins. We cannot live an abundant life as if there is still a need. Abundance means there is no need anymore. And if we do not experience a life of abundance, it doesn't mean there isn't such a thing as an abundant life. The woman at the well knew from the words of Jesus she would never again need to fetch water as she became used to do. It means Jesus made it clear to her that there is more to His words than we are able to believe or live with. There is more which will never end in which we must remain as if we have never lived any other way before.

  1376. "If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth", Jer:15:19. Oh Blessed promise! However, this does not mean we shall automatically be as God's mouth when we utter only precious things and stop uttering worthless ones. No, there is more which needs to happen after those conditions are met. God has still to speak and be our mouth. He needs to take hold of the whole of us because our best is not close to the preciousness of the words of God which are easily fulfilled. We must know that the words of God will become ours and not that our words will become His.

  1377. Just as there are people who talk out of "the deceit of their own minds" (Jer.14:14), so can people speak having "the mind of Christ". However, even when we have the mind of Christ, we must discern whether God has spoken to us or through us. We must be able to recognize facts and be able to say, "I have no command from the Lord, but I give my judgment as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy", 1Cor.7:25.

  1378. There are people who become proud against truth simply because it was God who spoke. What I mean is, if God speaks, these people resist instinctively because it was the Lord speaking. Just the smell of the Lord causes in them a sort of nausea. "Be not proud, for the LORD has spoken", Jer.13:15. Why else would God warn beforehand against pride when He speaks?

  1379. It is obvious the prosperity doctrines around the world, today, will create a lot of dishonest preachers and Christians. The main reason is the lack of blessing upon what they preach and believe. God will not bless lies. Consequently, they will need to fill up their main needs with money which they take from people through dishonesty. They create debts through their filthy words and need to make up for it in some other dishonest way. I mean, they need to show that what they say works, even though it works through own measures.

  1380. When Christians sin, they not only get the curse of a wandering heart, but they are put into many sorts of problems which they are unable to solve. They also get the desert in which a wandering, dry heart has to dwell. They get a dry heart and a dry desert in which to dwell. It is a double curse they get as a reward for sinning and for keeping themselves far from God.

  1381. There is no other way to be a useful instrument in the hands of God but by being cleansed of all types of sin. "Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work", 2Tim.2:21. And when I say no other way I really mean nothing else. There is no Bible instruction, no degree - in fact, nothing else - that will ever make someone an instrument in the hands of God. One can become any kind of instrument, even one that preaches the Bible correctly. However, it is altogether a different thing to be a clean instrument in the hands of God.

  1382. Many children are never corrected because many fathers have the wrong motivation when they correct them. Parents punish their children when angry or impatient, but little do they realize they should use a rod only to save them from the wrath of God and from sin. Can you see, now, why many Christian's children have become little devils? It is because we need grace which can be bestowed only on proper motives and on living truth. Others, on the other hand, stop using the rod on them because they see it is useless, even if the Bible says the rod works. By not doing it, they are conformed with the ways of this world and make believe that what the Bible says does not work out and does not bear fruit. They make God a liar because they have the wrong motives. Besides, they cannot genuinely believe their own children are going to hell. That is one of the reasons parents become slack in taking care of those gifts God has entrusted to them to take care of and to prepare for eternity. Did you think God gave you a child for your own sake? No, it wasn't. It was for eternity's sake.

  1383. Here is an interesting thought. "...If God, perhaps, will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth", 2Tim.2:25. Let me explain. I have heard many Christians, pastors and theologians pray something like this many times: "Lord, let these people come to the knowledge of truth so that they may repent". Now, here, Paul puts it the other way round: let people repent so they may, perhaps, come to know the truth. It just shows how much Christianity has drifted away from truth, because this goes against all modern theology. It says, too, that people who repent do not know the truth yet. "Nevertheless, when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away", 2Cor.3:16. They shall know it if they continue in the way, and, by knowing it, they shall be made free of themselves. And people who repent also will "come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil" - only those who have repented already. In other words, after repentance there is a lot of work to do and before repentance there is nothing one can do.

  1384. Those who trust people or self cannot trust Christ and all those who lean on people become independent from God.

  1385. Nothing good comes out of disobedience and nothing bad comes out of obedience to God.

  1386. Jesus never talked to people to give the impression that coming to Him is the end of the way. In fact, He emphasized that coming to Him is the beginning of the way into which He shall lead further. He often talked about finishing what He has started. It all starts by coming to Jesus. That is why He is the way and not the end.

  1387. "Deliver me from all my transgressions; make me not the reproach of the fool", Ps.39:8. The believer shall always be an offense to the fool. However, this verse says more in another light. It says that a believer who is not free of sin shall be the reproach of the fool. He shall be stamped on because he is salt without savour. This means an unclean believer shall be a few degrees below a fool. Actually, such believers are worse than fools. Even Jesus talked about people who believe and shall be laughed at because they do not find grace to end what they started.

  1388. Any worried or worrying person does things or wants things because of troubled self and, consequently, for the sake of self. Worrying demands satisfaction. It demands to be pleased and appeased. It asks to be able to spend on own lusts, I mean, to spend on a worrying mood. Only those who do not worry can do things for the sake of others and for the glory of God. Worry is a totalitarian master.

  1389. Usually , when we read about being heirs of Christ, for some reason, we think about having a place in heaven or some inheritance outside or ahead of us. But, when the Bible talks about it, it is referring directly to the nature of Christ. Our inheritance is the very nature of Christ within ourselves. That is the Promise, or, should I rather say, that is our Promised Land. And that is promised for us to look for with all our hearts.

  1390. Revival is to be able to fulfil the Law of God. Many people think revival are miracles and signs, but, genuine revival is to change people in such a way that they are turned into the very Law of God. It shall be written in their hearts and what is in the hearts is clearly seen outside. Never expect more than that as the only goal of any genuine revival. Everything else must contribute to the goal only.

  1391. There are many ways through which God's promises are fulfilled or not fulfilled. If they are not fulfilled, it shall cause further mistrust and greater self-trust or self-justification, and very few realize it is something that works against a living God. It is not only lack of faith that can hinder what God has said to become true. If the motives are not aiming at God's glory things won't happen as God said. Another possibility is to have an expectation which is different from the true interpretation of any promise. Find out what the conditions are to the promise you created expectations about to see who is on the wrong and what is on the right. It is very easy for any sinner to blame God instead of self when things do not work out according to what God has said. And there are many reasons why any sinner can be blamed for, besides his lack of faith. "But does this mean that God cannot be trusted?", Rom.3:3.

  1392. Many people say there is nothing wrong with going to the cinema or to watch worldly filth and violence. They say and believe they do not practise those things themselves and are just taking pleasure and enjoying themselves. The Bible, however, talks against those who do wrong things as well as against those who "have pleasure in those practicing them", Rom.1:32.

  1393. Many people have problems like speaking too much. They say or believe they speak a lot and try hard not to do so. However, we should be reminded of the words of the Lord which say that what the mouths speaks starts in the heart along with its desires or loves. In other words, the first step towards quieting the mouth is to deal with the heart and to exterminate what causes it to speak so much. Then - and only then - may we apply the adjustments needed to change habits and patterns, whatever they are.

  1394. Didn't Judas betray Jesus with a kiss? Why do people think one cannot betray Jesus with reading the Bible or even praying? There is a lot of praying and of reading of the Bible which deceives self to carry on as hidden as always.

  1395. "Pray that you do not enter into temptation", Lk.22:40. What does it mean to enter into temptation? Does it mean we must avoid places or situations where there are temptations or hardships? No! It means we must not have our thoughts and mind running the way of temptation or thinking its way. We must be found thinking, believing and having reality and holiness under the circumstances we find ourselves in. The disciples were not taken from the place or circumstances of persecution when Jesus told them to pray not to enter into temptation. Avoiding places doesn't change the heart.

  1396. God made things in such a way that the lives of Christians should always be spoken about. We cannot avoid it. It is a kind of law of nature. In other words, whether we live properly or whether we are truly open letters written by the Lord, we shall be spoken of and commented by people everywhere. We shall either be a good testimony, a sweet smell of the gospel or we shall be worse than the heathens, depending from what we live.

  1397. Many believe that to have an own view of things is to have an idea that we do not read about in the Bible. How gross a mistake! To have an own view means that we read the Bible and interpret it in a way that suits someone. And if you view matches with God's, it is good that you know it does.

  1398. Jesus handed His spirit to the One who was smiting Him for the sake of the sins of the whole world. Would you do that? Would you, still, entrust your spirit to the One who was destroying or dilacerating your body?

  1399. God is not yet spreading vengeance. He is spreading salvation and transformation for His enemies. Is there any sweeter thing than that sort of vengeance which turns a killer into a saviour? "Vengeance will be sweet".

  1400. Mercy is to show forth the permanent way out of sin and never to breed a feeling of acceptance towards any sin. Because mercy has the way and walks on towards purity and holiness, it shall never accept sin. To accept sin is to pervert the reality of what mercy really is. There is no virtue which rejects sin more or, should I say, accepts sin less than mercy: mercy knows the way, it knows the way out of sin. How can mercy ever accept it as a factor which cannot be solved in the lives of those it tries to save from it?

  1401. Faith must be like the mustard seed and not like the mountain. People often have it the other way round so they can blame something for their failures. Having excuses for failures causes people to carry on as always, believing the same things and holding on to the same stuff that keeps them away from the Lord. If we do not take God's things as simple, plain and objective, we cannot fix errors when we fail. We shall blame the lack of faith, the timing of God or whatever excuse people may have conceived as an excusing doctrine instead of acknowledging it is not working. Were people able to acknowledge it is not working out with them, they would search for what hinders them to be backed up by the Lord.

  1402. Faith is often a mystery to many. Many try to convince themselves and to convict themselves of truth. And some try to do so by convincing others about what they say and wish to believe so as to cause themselves to believe better and more having the opinion of others as the power to believe. They use acceptance as motivation. But, it is not what faith is all about. Faith is to be of the truth. To have faith, truth must have already spoken to us and fully convinced us. To try it the reverse way is like trying to get the child before the embryo is created or conceived.

  1403. Wrath in man does not always originate in the devil or through temptation. Wrath can emerge in man because the Spirit might be convicting him by striving against him and man opposes it to be able to do something else. A greater power than man's, which hinders his ways, is always an annoyance to him. It annoys the spirit of man - even a dead one. Because the Spirit of God strives with man silently and does not give up, man becomes upset and, most of the time, he cannot figure out why he is upset. He is upset because he cannot feel free to do whatever he wants do do.

  1404. Prosperity doctrines are very hard doctrines. They are hard on people. Actually, they hinder people to get into heaven and even into the right perspective about the lovely doings and dealings of God. If someone has sin or faulty ways in his life and God would bless such a person materially for some exclusive believing reason, then, the prosperity doctrines would rise the thought that there is no need to fix what is wrong anymore since God has already blessed. Since the aim is prosperity, people won't care about holiness, especially if all goes well with them. On the other hand, would God deprive such people from some material thing to correct the heart, they would not be able to believe God loves them by depriving them from what they believe they will receive. It is a very hard doctrine that works against truth and stands in opposition to the love of God.

  1405. Many say people must have holiness and good fruit from the heart. I agree with that. One of the best ways to get that done that way is through examples. One cannot conceive how deep and how well any good example works. It works deep in people and a good example can often do more than a thousand words. Be holy and you shall have holy people around you desiring to be holy from the heart. On the other hand, there is no greater and no deeper hardness than the one which strives against fruitful examples. Be an example anyway, because you "make a tree either good or bad", just as Jesus said it must be done.

  1406. "...He who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God", John 3:18. Most people stumble over the gospel and entangle themselves in the things they believe by reading from the Word of God and still missing the point. This is one of the issues most Christians stumble all over the world: believing in Christ. Let me explain what it really means. We are saved by faith; we are saved by Jesus and there is no one who can be saved from sin unless it is through the power of Jesus. So, by not believing in Jesus, the person is already condemned because he shall not get out of his sins. "Behold the Lamb of God who takes sin away from the world". By not believing, people everywhere shall be surely condemned by their sins and by their sinfulness. By believing in Him, they shall be able to enter the narrow way and be purged and cleansed along the way. Do you believe that believing in Jesus will cause you to avoid entering and walking the narrow way of cleansing instead and that it will allow you to live on in any kind of sin?

  1407. "But that He be revealed to Israel, therefore I have come baptizing with water", John 1:31. This verse has a mighty meaning of which few people are aware. In the first place, we should know what it means that Christ is revealed to us. It means we really get to know Him, and to touch Him, to hear Him and to confide with Him. In order to do that, we must surely go through John the Baptist, so to speak. People came to him confessing their sins and receiving the baptism of repentance. This means that if we really wish to know Christ and experience Him the way He is, we must first bring all our sins to the light, one by one. There is no such thing as getting to know Christ without a thorough confession of all past and present sins. To start knowing Christ as He really is, one must go through John the Baptist.

  1408. There many attitudes which can induce people into error concerning what they prove or show. For example, carelessness may resemble confidence because both are not worried or concerned about certain important things. But, we all know confidence is never careless about what is important. It just knows in whom it trusts. Wrath may resemble zeal; glorying may resemble praise, and so forth. Let us be on our guard against the resemblances of things in heaven and earth. "Thou shalt not make any resemblance of what is in heaven or on earth".

  1409. We read in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man how the rich man in hell would be content with a single drop of water. This shows many things, but, it reveals mainly that judgment, rewards or punishment will always be an eye for an eye for what we have done. Lazarus would be content with a single crumb of bread before. Now, it was the rich man's turn to be content with a single drop of water. The other thing about this is that we all know that a drop of water would never satisfy the rich man's needs in hell. Most people there crave after the illusionary 'relief' of their burdens still. Illusion carries on with them in hell still. They lie to themselves by not wishing and searching for the real thing and for genuine satisfaction of their real needs. Instead, they keep the lie alive by looking for a drop of water when God's will and commandment are rivers of living water. Are you doing the same thing while here on earth? Are you asking for a drop of water or do you strive for the rivers of God?

  1410. "Therefore , be careful that the light in you isn't darkness", Lk.11:35. We know that when earthly light shines somewhere, one side is light and the other is taken by shade. There is shade only because there is light and because the sun shines. One side of the earth is lightened because it is turned to the sun and the other side is night because it is in the shade of earth. This is what Jesus must have been warning us about: there must never be any shady spots in us. We must seek such a position under light that no shady spots are found in us. We also read about heavenly light that shone upon Paul or even upon Jesus in the mount of transfiguration: it was light all around. It seems there was no shady spot under that light. "Now if your whole body is full of light...". This is the kind of light we should seek, to walk under it because there is a kind of exposition to light that brings darkness and shade on some spots of our hearts. Earthly light, man's doctrines and churchy ways give people a hiding place and a cause for them to hide many things beneath the "light" of religion. Be careful and on your guard against it. But, be also on your guard against sins which are hidden because you have confessed some other sins.

  1411. We must have heard a lot about Jonah and his doings a long time ago. But, according to Jesus, his disobedience has been used by God as a sign to help convert the city he went to. Jesus said that it was a sign to the Ninevites. It means his fame preceded him before he got into Nineve. People may have heard a lot about him before he got there.

  1412. "And in the synagogue there was a man who had a spirit of an unclean demon and cried out with a loud voice, saying (...) I know You, who You are, the Holy One of God", Lk.4:34. How many unclean demons walk around in our synagogues today? And how many of them manifest themselves 'praising' and 'exalting' God? Demons walk around in churches today and feel at home there. They even play their part in the services and many people are not aware of it. Many of those demons also refer to Christ and tell the truth about Him, just like it happened in that day when Jesus entered that synagogue! And any lying heart will easily listen to demons' lies and truths. Let those who can take this hearken and take heed.

  1413. Be careful never to ask or demand from the Lord that a stone be transformed into bread simply because you don't believe Him. Many Christians do that even when they are not aware of it. One would be surprised to know just how many revival Christians do that. And that is why the bread of Life is turned into stones to them. I often hear people say, "How is it possible that so and so hears such a pure gospel and senses the power of God and he is not genuinely converted?" This might well be one of the reasons.

  1414. "Behold , this child is set for the fall and rising of many", Lk.2:34. Right from the start we see that where Jesus appears, things are never the same again. They just can't be. Some will fall and some will rise. The tree is made either good or bad and no tree will be the same ever again. Even at the Cross we see one man being risen to heaven and the other one falling down into hell. No words need to be spoken for it to happen. It just happens. And when that does not happen, it means a false gospel is being presented. It means that if one holds on to sin forsaking grace, he shall fall; and if someone forsakes sin by Jesus, he shall be risen.

  1415. "And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger", Lk.2:12. Have you ever thought that a normal baby wrapped in swaddling cloths could be a sign to anyone? Let me explain. Angels appeared to half-asleep people and they sang as they do in heaven. Yet, that was not considered to be a sign. We find the angels commanding those shepherds back to earth. Even though the angels did not need much more to say or do after that appearance, yet, that something so 'insignificant' and earthly could be the sign is amazing. They abandoned their flocks and what they held very dear to them to look after to go after such a sign. This should teach us something, especially those of us who look for big things and become negligent towards the will of God thinking it is insignificant compared to what we hold dear. Modern preachers would not consider this as a sign.

  1416. We read how an angel appeared to Zacharias to tell him his prayer had been answered, Lk.1:13.I believe Zacharias did offered many prayers about the same issue or problem and the angel said it was a single prayer. The other thing I am sure about is that Zacharias had, at that stage, already given up praying for the child he wished to have. He was too old by then to pray for it and so was his wife. So, the angel was referring to a prayer offered a while before, which was still on fire before God. Have you ever thought your prayers could be forgotten if you have no sin hindering them? If you have thought that, repent.

  1417. "And instantly he saw again. And he followed Him, glorifying God. And seeing, all the people gave praise to God", Lk.18:43. How many people are able to do the works of God in such a way that all those who follow them glorify God for real and not them or their church? And can their works also cause such an impression on all those present to glorify God by giving real glory to Him from the heart? Jesus could receive glory for all His deeds, but, it was the Father who received it when He worked. And He did not tell people to act that way at all. Can you work in such a way that you do not need to repeat yourself again and again saying "all glory belongs to God" or any other known 'slogan' people often use? Do you find yourself always in the need to 'divert' the attention from yourself through words? Isn't there a better way where the deeds speak for themselves and where you free yourself from that responsibility of repeating yourself about it all the time? The fact is, everyone who keeps repeating that the glory belongs to the Lord gives the impression he is struggling to stop showing off or that he wants to give away the glory he owns or deserves. Only those to whom things 'belong' give it away to someone else. And, if people part glorifying the Lord it surely means it has never belonged to them or to you.

  1418. "...Stood and prayed thus with himself...", Lk.18:11. We easily miss the main point of these words. This means that one is merely praying to oneself, inspired by self and, sometimes, giving the answers to self to be able to carry on believing a lie. This must be a terrible state of mind where one finds oneself 'praying' with oneself thinking to be praying to the Lord! It could be so otherwise and so simple! Are there more foolish people than deceived believers?

  1419. Many , when mocked by others because of holiness, feel strangely uneasy and accused of something they can't really express. The accused or mocked one feels the pressure is upon him and feels as if he is on the wrong side. But, the fact is that the ones that mock, accuse or despise the words that speak deep, or despise the example that talks or the lives that shine, those are the ones upon whom the load of responsibility is or should be transferred. This is mainly why they respond by accusing and mocking. Make sure that you know the accused often accuses as a means to find his own false stability along with the peace that the world gives. When Jesus talked against the love towards Mammon, we read that, "The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things, and they ridiculed him", Lk.16:14. They did not ridicule him because He was wrong, but, because they wished to carry on loving money. Ridiculing the only Way was the means to deceive themselves about it. It is not Jesus who should feel bad about being accused or ridiculed. He didn't. He did not feel any guilt by speaking this way; He did not feel bad about the young rich man feeling sad and going away unconverted; He did not feel any remorse by leaving His home or hometown; He did not feel bad because Peter and the other apostles had to leave their families either. Beware, because accusations have the power to make the innocent feel guilty about what is right and, on the other hand, have the power to cause them to receive good exhortations of truth as false accusations. This is the other side of this truth.

  1420. You can always try to fulfil whatever you promised by remembering it and trying to do it. But, there are a few problems in such a way. One is that you might be thinking to use your own fleshly strength to do so since you are relying mainly on yourself. The other is that memory can fail people for many reasons. One of those reasons might be the occupations and cares which have the power to absorb our being completely. Now, if you have promised to be a faithful person or to produce any other good fruit, make sure you know that the only way to fulfil it without a doubt is to gain a heart and a being which shall be faithful even when you have forgotten about the promise you have made. Make sure you get a praying heart before you vow to pray every dawn; or that you live in the real presence of God before you promise to think of Him all the time; or that you get saved from the love of money before you promise to be faithful in your business; or that you are capable of fulfilling all conditions to pray effectively before you promise you shall work on having answers to all your prayers. We can mention many other examples, but God can show them to you if you ask Him.

  1421. It is true the Lord blesses according to the intentions of man as well. Good works with bad motives won't be blessed at all. The reward will be according to the works and the intentions of man are part of his works. "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works", Mat.16:27.

  1422. The believers of evolution are more fascinated about the idea of it than they are of believing it. People love to explore the unthinkable and muse themselves with the imagination of any non-existing thing or of any other kind of occupations which 'feed' their empty mind. Emptiness feeds emptiness. It keeps them busy since people far away from God have nothing to do and nothing important or lasting to think about.

  1423. There are many excuses or arguments that people use to be or to remain sinful. The unbeliever will say, "There is no God". And that is why he corrupts himself. It is just a way of assuring he will carry on in sin. The believer with whom God is will say, "God is not with me" and corrupts himself as well for the same reason. When God is with them and people are able to say God is not with them, it just means they wish after sin and not after the real Emanuel. On the other hand, the 'believer' with whom God is not pleased will say (and take for granted) God accepts his sin and looks over it. He will say "God is love and God is with me" and will take for granted God understands his sin and will forgive it even if it is not repented from. For him, God is not a God who purifies, but who accepts. People will always seek a reason to be sinful when the intention of the heart is not holiness and the desire of the heart is not the Lord of all holiness.

  1424. If you are capable of pleasing people instead of pleasing God, you also bear the capacity in you to displease them and, also, to commit all sins associated to pleasing and displeasing people, sins like jealousy, gossiping, bitterness, etc. Let me explain. Pleasing others is selfishness. It is not done because of others and whoever tries to please others, does it for the sake of self and not for the sake of others. It is not others' best interest that is chased after, but self's. It means that, when there is no return from others whom you please, no appreciation, self won't be satisfied with it and won't feel fulfilled. It will, then, seek revenge. In other words, only those who seek to please others have in them the ability to displease them and to be unpleasant.

  1425. Pessimism can be the opposite of hope. Pessimism comes from a bitter heart and it exists only because the heart is bitter or its ways and its carnal foundations are being contradicted in the deepest, unseen parts. Pessimism does not exist because it is true or because it speaks truth in some way. It exists only because the heart is bitter. Man believes in himself and the amount of pessimism, often, reveals the amount of trust in the flesh there still exists, (whether unseen or merely not acknowledged) and which is also practised. Because it is practised in daily life, the Spirit of God opposes it at the level of its foundations. Once the Sign which will be contradicted (Lk.2:34) starts to operate, man is made to realise from deep within he cannot trust self. For him, it means he cannot trust at all, especially if he is still carnal in some way. This is where pessimism steps in to dominate the tongue, the thoughts, the talk and the ways of those who are able to kindle trouble in the hearts of all around by contaminating them through many sins associated to bitterness, Heb.12:15. The most common contaminations which we shall see in such cases is jealousy (because they do not attain what they see in faithful people); bad thoughts in a general way; unfaithfulness (because of the lack of motivation brought by pessimism); the spreading of the smell of hopelessness and the lack of truthfulness about the Lord and His sovereign power to change things under any kind of circumstances and at all times. And because these people do not trust their God in their ways by not acknowledging Him in them from the heart, it shall seem as if their thoughts and beliefs about things are confirmed. But, the truth is God is not establishing their ways because they have become unable to trust Him and that is why it will seem that what they say and believe is true or becomes true. What they hear about God is never confirmed in practical living because they do not acknowledge Him in all their ways. Pessimism is a lie resembling truth. Pessimism has a way out which is called optimism. But, we all know that optimism is not faith. It is rather a carnal something.

  1426. Daydreaming , even if it is dreaming about the things of the Lord, has two main problems: if things do not happen according to what is dreamed and comes in another shape - even if it comes in a better shape - it can mean disappointment in a fleshly soul. The carnal soul does not reach out beyond what it sees, feels or believes. The other problem is that it makes people unfaithful, since they use up their time in a wrong way when they should be doing the right thing for the Lord at the right time. Hasn't the Lord given you something to be faithful to while you spend your time dreaming?

  1427. If we are holy through living for the Lord, by having a real fellowship with Him, we represent Him here on earth. This is what it means that we pray or do things in the name of the Lord. We are here in His stead, representing Him in His 'absence' or in His invisibility. Now, we read a prophecy in David's time, about Jesus, that says, "Ask of Me, and I shall give the nations for Your inheritance; and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession", Ps.2:8. Are you doing this in Jesus name, in His place? Are you pleading and asking this as a representative of the Lord Jesus?

  1428. Many believe they are in a position where they can demand many things from God even out of season, especially, if they believe to be fulfilling what God requires of them. The fact is that when we are planted near the waters of Life, we shall bear fruit in in the proper season and not in the season we want. The promise is that a tree which is planted near the waters shall bear fruit in its proper season, Ps.1:3. If it were possible for a tree to bring forth fruit out of season, it would be a bad tree. We read in Malachi that it is a curse to receive blessings before its proper time. For example, if we pretend to bear the fruits of the Spirit before meeting up with Him in a real manner, the curse will be hypocrisy. And we may say the same thing about every good gift that may come from the Lord.

  1429. There shall always be a great difficulty to serve God and to be faithful to Him if the use of our memory is poor. How can we serve Him without remembering what the Lord has said here and there? Memory is also trained and educated. However, the biggest problem to memory are the thorns and the cares for this world. They cause people to become forgetful beings or unwilling when remembering what God has said to them.

  1430. There has always been some confusion between being wise and having knowledge. Knowledge is what we know and being wise is how we apply what we know. They are not the same thing. And there are people who have knowledge and are not wise and those who are wise and have little knowledge.

  1431. Have you ever apologized for things you shouldn't have been apologizing for? It means there are other things you should apologize for and you aren't. It just works like that. People are often tempted to cause an impression of humility on others which gives them the ideal hiding place for their sins. Besides pleasing others, those who apologize for things they shouldn't be apologizing for, must know they are keeping back something or trying to hide much. And we should all walk in the light instead of trying to use the ways of light to hide. "O house of Jacob, come and let us walk In the light of the Lord", Is.2:5.

  1432. The more I am blessed with the wisdom and the words of God, the more I realize that Godly things are in ruins in this present age. It is not a fully erected Temple anymore and it is not a beautiful palace which attracts dry people to it. I just wonder where are the engineers and the workers to raise it in its full splendour again.

  1433. We all must know that the long term or permanent changes or decisions we make are the ones that count before God. It doesn't mean that the short term decisions are not taken into account for us, even for judgment purposes. It just means that what counts is how we end, even if the way we start is bad and even if we know everybody must start somewhere to end up well. Didn't Judas Iscariot start up well to end badly? Let me speak more about this. Suppose you find yourself sinning in some way and you promptly decide to do away with that sin. Then, you cut the act quickly off and, because of it, you leave the heart untouched or unchanged. It means the heart has not been given the chance to change along. You have dealt with it in haste and the roots of sin remained. Sooner or later there shall be temptations or sinning in that area because the heart has not been dealt with and because of the hasty dealing against something which has roots. Haste is, often, superficiality. Have you ever dealt with sin as something that has no roots and seem to lie superficially at the surface? If you do that, sin will come back or, if it doesn't come back, despair will, because the heart has not been changed along. When you deal with sin, deal with it in a long (eternal) term, instead of dealing with it as those who haste to have it quickly covered up and forgotten. Sin doesn't die by forgetting about it. We need to expose it and not to cover it up by ignoring it. It is exposure which is able to kill sin just as, supposedly, sunlight killed vampires.

  1434. When we bless others, we must be careful not to do so because we feel somewhat superior to the person we bless. Usually, a blessing is pronounced by someone who is close or closer to God. But, in order for the blessing to take place with full effect, and it to mean something more than empty words, there must be no feeling of superiority in the one who pronounces it and neither a feeling of inferiority in the one who receives it.

  1435. We need, quite often, the authority of God, especially when we preach the gospel or speak out the words of the Lord. One of the holes through which authority often leaks out is a life which has not matched itself up with the knowledge of God it experiences and with the Truth it has been taken by. If we live less than we know of God, authority will fade away for two reasons: one is that God will not reveal Himself as our friend because He cannot afford to back up whatever we say or do - he will no grant a false testimony about/through us; and the other is that people, by seeing clearly that we live less than we preach, will be inclined to despise us or our words. The other hole from where authority leaks out is when we try to match up with God's Life and principles through own means and strength or, we could say, without grace in the heart. When it is our heart which is forced to equal the principles, we should know it is not the same as having the principles match up with our hearts. Do you remember what God said about David, that he had a heart according to God? Then we must add principles to our life, because a good heart without principles shall become slack. Unfortunately, people want a God according to their heart and not a heart according to God.

  1436. People often don't take their own words seriously. That is why many say things before God and do not fulfil them or simply forget about them. The fact is that a request is recorded in the Bible made by Solomon in his sleep, in a dream. If words in our sleep or in our dreams can count before God, how much more what we say awake! Do we take the words we speak before God and people seriously? Do they count for us as they do for God? Do we know God means business with us and will never play games? "Guard your steps when you go to the house of God, and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools. For they do not know that they are doing evil", Ecl.5:1.

  1437. In Israel , in David's time, it was believed that to lie down with a virgin was a foolish thing. "And as for you, you shall be as one of the fools in Israel", 2Sam.13:13. But, as time went on, this world started to work hard and patiently on causing the impression upon people that it wasn't so bad a deed at all. Now, it is not even considered a crime anymore. Eventually, it started to be assumed it is a good thing to commit sins and that sin is not an act of a fool. Now, in worldly ways, secular thinking, movies and minds, we find this perverse idea or ideal so established that people assume it without giving a second thought about it. It is common and natural to sin. The idea that people cannot live on without sin has taken hold of the whole world and, worst of all, of church people's minds. Time must come when Christians start assuming again that sin is foolishness because it is indeed foolishness. We should assume truth again.

  1438. "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore, choose life, so that both you and your seed may live", Deut.30:19. We see there is life and death before us. Yet, God says "choose life". Let me explain. Dead people cannot choose death because they are already dead. They have chosen already. Sin makes them dead. The only thing they can choose is to be revived and to have life in them again. This is why God says "choose life" since they cannot choose death anymore. Life is the only thing people are able to choose since sin has made them literally dead.

  1439. "And every one that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bring forth more fruit", John 15:2. Here are two interesting thoughts to which we do not always pay attention. One is that God prunes only those who bring forth fruit. Those who don't bring forth fruit are not pruned. The other thought that struck me today again is that God prunes the heart so there can be fruit outside. He doesn't prune circumstances so there can be fruit, but everyone found in Him. So, we cannot expect God to change circumstances for our delight, but rather to use them according to our inner needs.

  1440. We all have things we are right about and things we are wrong about. But, man is always a surprising creature. The thing is, man must believe he is right about everything or else he will fail to trust and to be confident. It is because he is the one in whom he trusts most. Man's own strength and his confidence in himself is very valuable to him. He will feel lost without it. Now, those things man is right about give him the confidence to carry on in a wrong track as if he is right about all. The fact that he is indeed right about certain things makes him unconsciously believe he is right about everything else or, at least, makes him put forth and hold on an attitude that he cannot be wrong. Man without confidence in himself feels desperate and he doesn't want it to be that way. The flesh demands that he must believe in himself all the time and to argue as if he is always be right. Believing in yourself is a worldly, carnal weapon man is fond of.

  1441. We know the story of Saul and how he failed to be fully obedient to the Lord's command concerning Amalek and his people, 1Sam.15. It was difficult for him to carry out the right thing to the full. He could be faithful in most things, but not in all things. But, it was not so when he did the wrong thing. It was easy for him to be faithful to evil. We read how he killed all the priests of God in one town and killed all that breathed in there, 1Sam.22:18,19. Faithfulness is one of those things we have been created with when God made us according to His image. It is part of us since creation along with many other things. Now, if we are not able to be fully obedient to the Lord, we must know we shall be able to be fully obedient to something else, even to the wrong thing. No one can hinder that happening that way, because it is a law of creation. We have been created as faithful beings. We shall always be faithful to something, whether it is the wrong thing or the Lord. "If you fear the LORD and serve Him and obey His voice, and do not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then both you and the king who reigns over you will continue following the Lord your God", 1Sam.12:14. Didn't Paul mention the fact that people in sin have their members fully yielded to it and to the world? They are, so to say, completely faithful to sin. And James also speaks out stating there are half-hearted people in the courts of God because they love sin and have not fully repented of it all.

  1442. Sometimes, God needs to speak through a dream or during people's sleep because they are too busy to hear Him when they are not asleep. There might be other reasons why God speaks to us during our sleep, though. God can try someone to see whether he or she will yield to sleep or to His voice and to obedience.

  1443. Those who do not please people, have no conscience of it. If people have conscience of pleasing others, that is when they start pleasing them. That happens when they become conscious of it. Sometimes, they even become unpleasant because only those who please people are able to be unpleasant. Consciousness of that sin makes people react some way or another.

  1444. The peace of God is not like the world's. It doesn't work the same way, it doesn't come at any cost and it doesn't produce the same results and it is not the same results that produce it. I mean that God will not change or adapt for the sake of our peace. If His presence is real and not imaginary, we must be changed beings and not adapted beings to have peace in His presence, I mean, if we wish to feel at home in Him. There is no such thing as peace in the presence of God unless we have indeed been changed and transformed by Him. God did not come to make us feel comfortable, but to change us. Once changed, we shall have peace in Him. If we have not been changed, His presence will be torture to us. This is one of the reasons many abandon the faith and create a similarity (likeness) of faith. "You shall not make for yourself any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath", Ex.20:4.

  1445. There are many people who are concerned about hearing the voice of God. To a certain extent, it is good that they are concerned about such things. But, I believe we should be concerned about becoming sheep, since Jesus said it is sheep who hear Him. Instead of being concerned about the voice, let's become sheep and do all to that end. Besides, there is something better for people who are filled with the Spirit of God and live by Him: they can feel or sense how God feels about certain things because they live close enough to Him. "My soul follows close after You", Ps.53:8. That could be a greater intimacy than hearing His voice only. However, "can two and two walk together unless they are alike?" Amos 3:3.

  1446. Many put certain sins in a different category than others. Let me explain. Some have prostitution or pride as a big sin and gossiping as a minor one, even if they consider it sin. And there are, also, sins which those people do not consider sin at all or, at least, not as dangerous a sin. For example, people may consider that love for an own country, its culture or anything about it or its pride is a good thing. That is what the tribe of Benjamin thought when the rest of Israel asked them to deliver those evil men who raped and killed a Levite's woman. Instead of delivering them, the whole tribe of Benjamin gathered as one man to defend evil doers because they belonged to their tribe, Judges 20:13,14. We should be very careful and guard ourselves against what people call nationality. Our identity is, quite often, something which stands between us and God and many people are not aware of the fact that it keeps them from having answers to their prayers because they can't see that as lifting or downgrading ourselves before our fellow men - and both are pride. In heaven, all people are alike and our hearts should aim to live as it is lived there. "If, then, you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God", Col.3:1.

  1447. After Moses, God gave Joshua as a leader to Israel. However, God gave no leader after Joshua. It can mean a lot of things, but, the most significant one is that people would now depend on God completely after the way these leaders have depended on God. In the new land we must depend on God and in times of abundance dependence on God is crucial. They had their chance now "not to do according to all that we do here today, each doing whatever is right in his own eyes", Deut.12:8,9.

  1448. How many people have committed great mistakes, or even changed the course of their lives by not enquiring from God? And how many did the same by not waiting for a clear answer or until God spoke if they enquired? There will always be a next difficulty if the flesh is kept alive: if one is not too busy, too confident or too proud to enquire from God, one might not be ready to wait for an answer or to pray in such a way that the answer comes.

  1449. We are often encouraged by testimonies of other people. And it is so good that the workings of God are able to encourage us, since it enrages many around the world. Yet, we must know we need to have an own story to tell and we must be encouraged by the presence of God. His presence should be such a reality to us all that the Lord Himself would be able to take us, encourage us and bear us in His own holy hands. He should be able to be our encouragement at all times.

  1450. It is true that lukewarm people are responsible for many a spiritual crime. Many people are not born again because of them, since backsliders do not enter the door of salvation and block the way to others because they gather in front of the narrow door to block it for others. But, these lukewarm people have another power: they can determine some of the ways or attitudes on warm people. Let me explain. Remember Isaiah who called out and said he had unclean lips and lived among people of unclean lips? Isaiah was warm, yet, he learned the ways of lukewarm Israel, especially the way they spoke. He acted and spoke like them. Now, if warm people act as the lukewarm ones, they become the main stumbling blocks to these half hearted people because they do not look different from them. Even though they are warm, lukewarm people can exercise a power which brings a conduct out of them to make them act like hypocrites. That comforts and establishes hypocrisy - even if warm ones are not hypocrites or even if they do not have the intention to act like them. This makes warm people the main stumbling block to lukewarm ones, just as lukewarm ones are to cold hearts.

  1451. Here is an interesting sequence: "Behold! I have set before you today life and good, and death and evil", Deut.30:15. It is good that goodness does not come before life and we can see that evil doesn't come before death either. Goodness follows life and bad things follow the spiritual death on people. The Kingdom of God and His righteousness is to be found first, along with its Life and its living powers.

  1452. We often talk about the glory of God and many people say, "all the glory to God", while keeping that glory secretly for themselves. There are many reasons why people seek what is not theirs. Some people seek or steal glory only to seek attention because they feel lonesome or put aside. They want to feel acceptable and work hard on it. Loneliness can make people steal. However, loneliness is solved by having God with us for real and not by seeking glory. His presence is able to deal against that sort of glory seeking, even though there are other sorts. Others seek glory to be self-assuring or assured. Maybe it is their 'faith' that has a need to be 'accepted'. They lack confidence in God. We should be able to make a sound diagnosis of the real reason why we seek glory for ourselves or why we talk too much, instead of pushing it aside by saying, "all glory is to God". That makes us sound like hypocrites. We need to come to the point where God can afford to exalt us for the sake of His Kingdom and name. By then, we should be able to live and feel comfortable with His glory because our hearts know all belongs to God indeed, and people see clearly that as true. Let's deal with whatever hinders it to happen or God will never be glorified through us. "You have today said that the Lord is your God (...) and that you will listen to His voice. And the Lord has taken you today to be His peculiar people, as He has promised you, and to make you high above all nations which He has made, in praise and in name and in honour, and that you may be a holy people to the Lord your God", Deut.26:17-19. Does your life speak by itself of the glory of God, even without words? Does your life exalt God and all His doings even when you are not thinking of it or are not aware of it? We cannot do two things at the same time: we cannot exalt self (which makes us self aware), and exalt God at the same time. Choose today whom you want to serve.

  1453. According to the Law of God, a kind of negligence which leads to someone's accident or crime is sin. Anyone who is negligent and causes someone to suffer, besides being guilty of negligence, is also responsible for or guilty of whatever happens to his neighbour; and if negligence makes someone else's crime easier, the negligent person is a co-criminal.

  1454. The Lord told Israel that they should bring an offering according to a previous blessing of God, Deut.16:17. This means the offering would speak out loud and clear and everyone around would clearly see how bountiful God's blessing has been. This goes against the doctrines of the so called prosperity preachers who say people must give first in order to receive back from the Lord. The offering must be according to the blessing of God and it is not the blessing of God which must be according to the offering. They have it all wrong.

  1455. When the Lord talks about freedom or liberty, He means us to be free from ourselves and from sin. The worst slave holder is self because it holds self captive. It means the slave and the slave holder love what they do. Therefore, once we are taken into our heritage of freedom, we cannot do things according to an own vision or own opinion because it would mean self shall be in charge again. God has also intended to free us from that - especially from that. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God", Rom.8:14. The main complain God holds against sinners is that they have wandered "each into his own ways". "You shall not do according to all that we do here today, each doing whatever is right in his own eyes. For you have not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance which the Lord your God gives you", Deut.12:8,9.

  1456. "You may not eat the life with the flesh", Deut.12:22. We know how the Lord threw man out of Paradise and cut off his access to the Tree of Life so that sin or the flesh wouldn't eat of it and live forever. God had already separated light from darkness as His first act of creation and, after sin had entered the world, He also separated the flesh from Life as to confirm He doesn't want anything to do with sin or sinfulness that looks godly. And here we come with this symbolical commandment concerning blood (life) and the flesh: they cannot be eaten together. People should either be cold or hot. Everyone who eats from the flesh and from life at the same time shall be lukewarm and shall make God sick to the point of nausea or of vomiting. How is it with you? Are you trying to put Life and sin together by eating from both? You may never eat from the bread of life unless you decide to let the world down along with all sin and its fleshly moods or ways.

  1457. We read in Deut.2 that God says He has thrown out giants from certain places so the children of Esau and the Moabites could live there. I am sure they never admitted that it had been God doing it for them, by destroying extremely sinful nations. They must either have become proud or praised others gods for these achievements. Either way can be taken as forms of idolatry. Whether you praise yourself, your own wisdom or strength or praise other gods so you can look humble, you shall always be guilty of ugly idolatry. You can also be guilty of that sin by blaming God of those bad things that happen to you or to anyone else. It is just another way of exalting yourself and diminishing the Lord. "You shall have no other gods before Me", the Lord said. Don't be the one you praise for anything that happened.

  1458. Many are always in a hurry to get to work in time or to get to any other early business. Perhaps they are in a hurry because they weren't in a hurray to get out of bed.

  1459. A complicated mind is nothing less than a mind pressured by distractions and affairs, whether good or bad ones. These distractions press present duties and responsibilities aside and start a war inside the soul of man. By exterminating desires which are not according to God or by dealing diligently with those desires which are Godly but not appropriate for the moment, one will enter into the simplicity of Christ and shall start to enjoy Him to live from His life to the full.

  1460. Half-heartedness in the things of God or double heartedness are liars. The principle behind double heartedness is deceit. It tells people they belong to God since they are not cold. It causes them to put a foot in the grounds of God or of truth while they use the other foot to walk in the world. They limp. One foot in the temple comforts them and gives them an unacceptable equilibrium. Only God can see they are not warm since they may have become fools and too foolish to see. Half-hearted people know they are not cold and, therefore, it becomes hard for them to see they are not warm. They won't be able to realize they are not warm since they don't feel cold. Double heartedness keeps them near the courts of the Lord and grants them a feeling of comfort and of hope in the backslidings which they refuse to acknowledge as ways of death. Another truth concerning double heartedness is that it is a great offense to God since it lives for the devil right in the face of God. These people are not cold enough to go and live for the flesh entirely, or for the devil somewhere else and far away from the courts of God. They bring unholy things into the Holy of Holies and rub it in the face of God to force Him to take it in, absorb it and accept it from their hand. They believe a God of love would do just that. In case they would go far away and become cold, they would be, at least, truthful about many things. That's why cold people are better off since they show forth a degree of inner truthfulness within them. Didn't the Lord praise the unjust steward for the wisdom of being, at least, truthful about his whole situation and because of having made the correct diagnosis of his true standings before God?(Luk.16:8).

  1461. Many excuses are put forth by people who are not ready or don't feel ready for something yet. Ignorance causes people to say they can't do something because they are unable to do it. Capability comes through devotion and preparation comes from the Lord before or during the work we must be prepared for. It takes years of faithfulness in smaller things until we become naturally faithful enough to be entrusted with the greater things of God. If people are not ready or prepared to do something, it should serve as an accusation to them rather than an excuse. Jesus did not look over any lack of readiness or any lack of preparation, just as He will never ignore ignorance. Lack of wisdom accuses people of not having walked with the Lord of wisdom long enough and lack of readiness confirms people have not been faithful in former smaller things and have not been seeking the Lord during periods of trials, however insignificant they may have seemed to them then. They have not remained in/with the Lord to the end of their trying season. Can the Lord say of you, "You remained with Me since the beginning"? John 15:27, Luk.22:28.

  1462. By reading the story of Korah again and the two hundred and fifty men who died with him, I was amazed at what God said. He said that the censers were holy because they were brought before the Lord, Num.16:37. It just amazes me because people were rejected and the censers accepted. We read in the Bible, many times, that the right order of things is that man be accepted first; and we also read how often God said, "Him will I accept". It is people who should be accepted and not the censers. God said about Job: "Him will I hear (accept)", Job 42:8. Isn't it amazing? Sometimes, God can hear a man whose prayer is not uttered because it is man who is accepted. The right order of things is that God accepts the man before accepting his prayer or any other thing brought before Him. Are we acceptable sacrifices to the Lord? Can we be accepted? We know there are a few people who are rejected and whose prayers are accepted because of the glory of God or even because (for the sake) of the people they pray for; yet, they themselves are rejected. "Many will say to Me in that day, Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name, and through Your name throw out demons, and through Your name do many wonderful works? And then I will say to them I never knew you! Depart from Me, those working lawlessness!", Mat.7:22-23. And this piece of Scripture is not talking only about those false prophets who say they do some wonders or pretend they do them to deceive people.

  1463. It is strange that sinners who rebel against God or His ways always try to serve the same God they rejected in a way of their own. It was so with Korah and will still be so in many churches: people will always try to serve on their own and or their own might to live from self-righteousness and to keep it alive for the sake of fleshly stability or fleshly trust. We should know that when we reject the way God established, or if we reject the people He put there to lead, we reject God. It is not possible to serve God the way we wish to serve Him. Let us remember that Jesus says "The way it is done in heaven" and puts it above the will of God itself. God does not want the devil or the flesh to serve in His Temple. Serving the Lord in an own way or through "the arm of the flesh" stabilizes a false faith and tranquilizes a dirty conscience. It takes conscience out of conviction. You wouldn't want it that way, would you? Beware, since any person (including yourself) who lack true righteousness in some way will surely hold on to some indulgence or foolishness which tries to turn to God or serve Him in a rebelling way or in a way God considers rebellion. (Rebellion is self-righteousness or self-righteousness is rebellion. Beware of any form of it!). Unless such people hold on to some sort of strange 'righteousness' they will feel at loss and, besides, conscience must be lied to so it may be stilled by force or by double heartedness. Double heartedness is the food of rebellion because it allows people to feel they still swerve around God, His words and His Temple. Religion takes the place of God in their lives to 'fill' the void for them. Religion is stubbornness. It is not possible to serve God with the spirit of mammon, serve the devil inside the Temple of God, or even serve God in the temple of the devil. It just doesn't work out at all. And one of these will happen as long you have or hold on to some kind of self-righteousness - however small it is. Self-righteousness and a false faith are rebellious attitudes and not nice pets. Be careful, therefore, with your own or your church's doctrine which tries to impose itself above the commandment of the Lord; of own inspiration which carries the heart captive into some wrong track; some heart feeling which plays the role of God; some self-justification which is not Christ defending your case against false accusations; self-congratulation which is not the praise of God. Rebellion is self-righteousness and self-righteousness is rebellion. We cannot use the weapons of darkness to turn to the Lord. Double-heartedness is the main food of rebellion and self-righteousness. Double-heartedness comes to feel safe in the Temple of God often. This is why so many people in the world of sin are religious - and some are fanatically religious!

  1464. True prayer has many secrets and the reason they are seldom discovered and practised is that they are very simple secrets. Complicated things seem to have a greater hold on people's minds, conducts, and, especially, on the wholeness of the mind. Discipline is one of these secrets. However, very few people can be disciplined and spontaneous at the same time, burning in holy desire as they pray in an orderly way. We all know how true prayer needs genuine fire. And when there is no genuine fire, people establish some sort of strange fire to make up for the loss of the participation of the Spirit in their prayer life. It is common to see discipline robbing people from their wholeheartedness in the Spirit when it should rather be able to increase it. Another problem is that few people can separate one problem or request from another. They are too eager to solve all at once and seem to be unable to deal through with one problem until God's answer opens way to the next one. The answer is the key of any prayer. Without answers, any prayer can be turned into some sort of idolatrous way. And when they are able to deal with one single issue wholeheartedly at a time to the end, they don't seem to be able to let it stand to walk afresh into a new talk with the Lord. For example, if they talk to God about themselves or about personal spiritual needs wholeheartedly, they seem to lose sight of others spiritual needs after they have done so because they have reached an answer to their prayer; and if they wholeheartedly pray to solve others' needs, they seem to neglect their own important ones after the answer has been granted. I could mention a few more of these secrets and problems in prayer, but, it seems there is always some dispute which robs people from the genuine spirit of simple prayer.

  1465. We see God commanding Aaron to sacrifice an animal before entering the presence of the Lord. But, it seems to me Moses did not need to do so. He entered the presence of God without the need of sacrifice. Maybe it is because he was always in the presence of God, inside and outside the Tabernacle.

  1466. "Do not drink wine nor strong drink (...) for a distinction between the holy and unholy, and between the unclean and clean", Lev.10:9,10. Even when people are not addicted to wine anymore or any other sinful practice, even if it is only for the sake of an example, even if it is only for the sake of others, one should not touch certain things, even when they might be holy things unto us already. "...So that you may teach...", Lev.10:11. No one can teach without being a practical example.

  1467. Sometimes we wonder why God has put in His Law, the one given to Moses, that people should not eat certain kind of animals, birds or reptiles. Then we read: "To make a difference between the unclean and the clean", Lev.11:47. We should all know that to distinguish between the clean and the unclean has always been a great issue to the Lord or He wouldn't make that an object of promise through the coming of Christ, Mal.3:18. We can easily conclude from these laws that the peoples living in the Promised Land prior to the Israelites had some religious link to all those prohibited things or God would never have intervened through prohibitions such as these. Israel should set an example and be excluded from falling into those religious traps and beliefs, just as we do nowadays with wine or any other thing people link to sin or to the 'enjoyment' of this present world. There are many reasons why Peter could eat from the birds and animals coming from heaven on the sheet he saw. There was nothing impure about them. People defiled those things through beliefs and idolatries. Besides, the work Christ came to do within man established another inner law, a personal one we desire after ourselves; also, most of those beliefs had already vanished from the earth by the time Peter was here. Nowadays' beliefs 'do not eat' many things out of religiosity and by concepts about God which miss the mark. Times have changed and so have beliefs and religions. Our external ways should reveal we belong to the Lord and not to laws. Once they cease to show just that and that we do it for the Lord's sake, then they become useless, obsolete and empty commands.

  1468. Many talk about the crowns they will get in heaven forgetting that the crown is a "crown of holiness", as Lev.8:9 says. Have you ever realized that it is a crown holiness? Holiness is the crown. Does it fit in your head? Do you desire that sort of crown? Do you look out to bear such a crown? After the Lord, holiness may well be the most precious gift there is for us.

  1469. Talking a lot and repeating oneself over and over concerning what one believes or about what has happened to us in the past might be a hidden sign of lack of surety or even of security. Beware, because we preach the truth only to save others and not to assure ourselves before people whose breath is in their nostrils.

  1470. It is indeed true man shall not live by bread alone. But, in the same way, we may confirm that man shall not rest by sleep alone, nor quench thirst only by drinking. The needs of the body are not the only things man should think about. They are not even to be compared to the spiritual needs. There is more and better needs which man should care for to be satisfied and whole. The fact is that many people eat and drink to sin and it makes them more hungry for true food. In the same way, we may be assured that much sleep takes true rest away from any of us. Beware and never try to make up for your spiritual needs by overdoing concerning physical food, rest or drink.

  1471. We all know what adultery is all about. If all of us would stay away even from touching our promised partner before marriage, I am sure adultery would also be made impossible through a principle which drives our behaviour along with God's blessing. It is a good thing to be pure and one can only continue in purity if pure already, since we all reap what we are able to sow. No one may expect to reap something different than what he sows.

  1472. "No offering which you bring to the Lord shall be made with leaven, for you shall burn no leaven nor any honey in any offering to the LORD made by fire", Lev.2:11. Many people have some fermenting stuff in their heart which they stubbornly ignore in order to be able to pray to God about certain other things they consider more important to them. If they do not ignore it, they would not be able to pray. And here we read it is unacceptable to offer anything to the Lord with leaven. It is better to deal with the leaven first and exterminate it from the heart before we pray. Ignoring it won't work. Others try to be nice while they pray and they are not the same people when they pray as they usually are. They put honey in their offerings. They put on a heart they do not have. And God says "you shall put no honey in a burnt offering". It is better to let a prayer stand until we can be ourselves and the heart we have may express itself and be revealed while we pray.

  1473. The Lord made Aaron high priest and so his sons after him. The Lord is able to work on people for a certain purpose even before they are born. This is why He can appoint priests in a successive way even before they are born. The blessing of the Lord is capable of creating responsible people through succession. We can see the same thing being promised to David and his sons succeeding him to lead God's people. Did you know your life can become important for your descendants up to a thousand generations ahead? (Ex.20:6)

  1474. Real wisdom and real words, to be heard, do not need noise or anything else pressing it through. Wisdom catches the attention of any heart inclined to it and is best listened to and understood in quietness. "The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools", Ec.9:17.

  1475. The best way to keep someone quiet who talks too much, is to give him something to think about. Much talking is often synonymous of an empty or a striving mind. And thinking about something is often the cure for both. It is very difficult to do two things at once and very few people can talk and think at the same time. "Because much talk comes from dreams and things of no purpose", Ec.5:7. Grant such a person a "purpose" or "thing" to think about and you shall have some quietness coming along.

  1476. The main secret towards obedience is not authority, good commandments or even wrath against disobedience. The secret for obedience is the attainment of an obedient heart which can see itself portrayed in those good commandments it is able to receive directly from God.

  1477. "They have turned aside quickly out of the way", Ex.32:8. It is interesting to see what God means or understands by the word "quickly". God was talking about forty days in the desert where people were breathing sand, were thirsty and away from the comfort of any home - and much more. (There is another context in which God applies the word "quickly" Mat.5:25. It just shows when things must be quick, people have it slow and those same people can't wait when God is delaying certain things for a reason). For the people, forty days were to many days and for God it was not so long. It was too quick. God says that people "quickly" went astray. They couldn't wait. This stupidity cost them their lives and another forty days by which they had to be proved all over again because Moses had to go to the mountain again. We delay important things whenever we believe God is taking too long with some others or with purifying trials. " ...The sons of men (become) snared in an evil time", Eccl.9:12.

  1478. There is always that doubt concerning the next generation, especially when revivals or the greater works are experienced and lived close by. Will the next generations know that God is real and powerful? The truth about this is that people do not take God as real and powerful by seeing miracles and good or wondrous deeds, but, rather by experiencing God's presence - as long as it is for real. His presence talks by itself. It is His presence which will convince and impress them deeply that He is indeed Lord over all that exists. No preaching will achieve what His presence achieves. "And I will dwell among the children of Israel... And they shall know that I am the Lord and their God", Ex.29:45-46. Let people only work hard on those conditions which will assure the presence of God and Him to feel at home among them and they shall know that He is God indeed.

  1479. God said to Moses: "You shall take offerings from every man that gives it willingly with his heart", Ex.25:2. We cannot afford to believe that the modern ways of extorting money from people in churches are able to encourage free giving and much less voluntary offerings. In fact, people are moved by own interests when deceived by these robbers who use the gospel as their assaulting weapon. Any person who gives voluntarily to such a preacher has some selfish interest or some kind of sinful ignorance which drives him to give. People who give to extorting preachers are greedy themselves in some way. They try to deceive God through their giving and try to talk Him into blessing them as if God is not good enough to freely bless them. I do not believe that sort of giving can ever be considered free offerings at all. In fact, that kind of giving is the precise opposite of free giving. Preachers who extort do not only steal from people but extort them from their good senses as well because they start thinking they can fool God.

  1480. A good rule or law is not always the best option for a living standard or for an exhortation. Wisdom teaches us to apply things which can cause works and fruits to emerge. Only if there is no wiser or better thing to do, should the rule be applied even if it is only for the sake of protection of the truth's point of view.

  1481. The worst thing that can ever happen to the heart of man is it to believe God approves some evil it is seized by or used to. There is no more slippery ground than the one where people start believing God approves some kind of evil they prefer, love, nourish or keep alive. "Blessed is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves", Rom.14:22.

  1482. What can be worst to man than when God says, "I will not again pass by them any more"? Amos 7:8.

  1483. A person does not necessarily need to understand before becoming born again and, most probably, not even after. "The Spirit breathes where He desires, and you hear His voice, but you do not know from where He comes, and where He goes; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit", John 3:8. But, as soon as the new birth takes place anyone will understand something wonderful happened for which there are no words or explanations. There shall always be a proof of the truth and of the truthfulness (reality) of God inside man when God has touched him. "He who has received His testimony bears witness that God is true", John 3:33.

  1484. There are many diverging and some converging ideas about Jesus. I believe from the bottom of my heart that the more Jesus becomes real to us or reveals Himself as He is, the more diverging ideas will spring out of men's hearts. People will be converging around a false Jesus and diverging around a real, truthful and operating one. It just works that way since people are not used to reality concerning God. They will, however, subside doubts and fears before an illusionary God. Besides, a real God confronts people who are sinful and encourages or stands by (in a real way) all those who strive undivided towards holiness. This, alone, will cause inner conflicts on its own already. The more so when people around do not want to change and, yet, want to keep believing in an existing God Whom they do not wish to be real among them to disturb their ways. These will surely say believing in God is to believe in His existence and not to entrust our whole being to Him to be exchanged for a real new one. People who do not wish to change and still want to keep a belief in God will converge either immediately or on the long run concerning their ideal of a false Jesus. Even when in disagreement, they shall seek a way to converge and to get along. These will, also and surely, converge as one person against the true sons of the Lord.

  1485. It is often said that Jesus wants our all. But, it could be be said with all certainty that for Him it is either all or nothing. It is better to be cold if one is not warm.

  1486. "...For the ruler of this world comes, and he has nothing in Me", John 14:30. When the devil comes to us, the best weaponry against him is if do not have anything in us or any attitude that belongs to him. Let him be ashamed and have reasons to flee from us when we resist him. How shall the world ever know that we indeed love the Father unless the devil himself comes to prove it by himself?

  1487. Synchrony between the right time and the right thing is, usually, the best way to remember important things or, should I say, not to forget about them if we do not forget God in all our ways.

  1488. When we pray, we should be inspired by God's faithfulness and mercy above being worried and presumptuous. By worrying or by being presumptuous, we act like those who wanted to make Jesus King by force thinking of what self could benefit from Him as King. We should never allow ourselves to be taken by ways which confuse us concerning God's will. By being presumptuous or by worrying, we can't easily know what God's will really is concerning the thing we pray about. In other words, we forsake the way of faith and, possibly, the way of life as well. We should know that worrying or presuming will surely take us to pray about things God does not will or things He wills and we would want it done in some way or in a time God does not approve.

  1489. "From this time many of His disciples went back into the things behind, and walked no more with Him", John 6:66To which thing are you tempted to go back to? To a past sign to find assurance through it? Whether it is something of the world or something good which is behind, the moment you step back you have ceased to walk through/with Jesus.

  1490. Jesus cannot be made King by force, John 6:15He will simply slip away to hide Himself discretely. Anyone who uses force to cause Jesus to be king over his life, has something which he does not wish to give up. Such a person is avoiding the ways of God in dealing with the heart and with confession of all sins by name to be saved from them all. There are things which we need to give up for the sake of Jesus and there are things which we only believe we must give up and which please self only. By forcing Jesus to be king over one's life, one is as good as neglecting those simple truths and things which will cause Him to come near or into the heart. Cleansing one's heart will surely cause Jesus to come near to fill the void. "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, double-minded ones", James 4:8. People who force Jesus to be their king are, generally, refusing to be saved on God's terms and are working out an own salvation. To make Him king by force means one is trying to jump over the wall into the sheepfold. Making noise and creating heavy emotional backgrounds which will cause people to have a strange faith or to kindle a strange fire can also be seen as trying to make Him king on men's terms.

  1491. Many say that if God spoke to them openly they would believe Him or would believe in His existence. But, the Bible says that if one cannot believe the written words of God, one shall neither be able to believe in God had He spoken or had a dead person been resurrected (John 5:47; Luke16:29-31) Did people not believe it was thunder or an angel when God spoke from heaven? (John 12:29). Unbelievers will always be inclined to shovel off truth and reality.

  1492. No one is able to bar a holy revival, but, only by staining it from the inside. Only the used instruments of that revival are capable of stopping it. If they sin or take wrong ways to carry out God's will, then they will surely have that revival killed away.

  1493. The Bible talks about "walking in the Light" instead of talking about "entering the Light". It means Light is in the word already. We must only walk in it revealing all and being fully transparent. "He was the true Light; He enlightens every man coming into the world. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men", John 1:9,4.

  1494. All worrying is and shall always be very painful thorns whether the person still feels their pain and enjoys it or not.

  1495. Whoever does not know what God's will is for his life has only one problem: he wishes God to do what he himself wishes to accomplish. If it were not so, he would surely know what God's will would be.

  1496. The doctrines of greedy preachers who love money protect them and support them. However, truth does not. They preach about prosperity in a way that causes people to give them what they own. For these preachers, preaching is an investment and not obedience. They act as if Jesus is an ignorant and blind Lord who ignores sin. And we must know that anyone who gives them money is as greedy as the person who receives it. Sort seeks sort. Species seek the same species to live together. By showing off their riches, these preachers apparently live what they preach about. But, truth will eventually condemn them.

  1497. In the older times, Paul would say about Satan, "For we are not ignorant of his devices", 2 Cor.2:11. However, in case people were honest and truthful nowadays, they would say something like this: "We ignore his devices and became quite ignorant about him".

  1498. If you are one of those people who do not easily believe the devil has a definite plan or strategy to have your whole life ruined, you are ignoring truth. The devil has that plan to destroy you. Do not close your eyes to any of His plans or devices to ignore them and make sure you remain close to the Lord all the time.

  1499. The sort of wisdom that comes from God is malleable and like clay in the hands of the potter when learning; and it is firm and sure when it is teaching and carried around.

  1500. We should all know that it is very difficult to stop a holy revival where its leaders stand close to the Lord answering to Him for every moment of their lives. However, the devil will try many evils to discredit it before people. One of the ways is to create fake revivals or, as we call it, counter 'revivals'. People from outside will avoid becoming alive because of what they see in these counter 'revivals', which they associate to the real ones.

  1501. There are many ways to add to God's words. If you find yourself in any emotional state, whatever it may be, you must make sure you are not interpreting God's words and ways your own way. Anxiety, happiness or sadness, worrying or careless attitudes, along with any other way people may feel or think can cause them to interpret God's words according to their state of mind. They hear the state of mind and not God, applying His holy words to what they feel, think or wish to think.

  1502. We have this wrong idea that we need to speak about God or use His name to be able to use it in vain. It is true we can use God's name in vain by speaking. However, it is a huge mistake to believe that is the only way to use His name in vain. "...Lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain", Prov.30:9. Here, we hear the writer say he can use the name of God in vain by stealing even without saying a word. How? If you are a child of God and are able to trust Him, it should be obvious any act of stealing is an outrageous act against the name of God upon you. You have trusted in vain. You have taken His Holy name in vain upon your heart. How many other ways can you think of one can use God's name in vain?

  1503. We should never try to divert or avoid the confrontations between good and evil. It is not possible to avoid any of them. It is like a law in nature that evil will always confront goodness and that goodness will work against evil. "An unjust man is a hateful thing to the just; and he who is upright in the way is hateful to the wicked", Prov.29:27. Righteous people often try to avoid this sort of confrontations because of the so-called wisdom they have been able to stand by. However, evil will never avoid such confrontations and will always try to establish itself through an aggressiveness which cannot be hindered. These are the two main reasons why evil gains so much ground. Righteous people should live their lives openly and fearlessly without taking evil into account. Goodness can only be established that way.

  1504. Fears can cause people to imagine things. It causes people to see mischief and danger where there is no danger or mischief. Fear makes people suspicious. We should be aware of the dangers of the mind and its consequent feelings. Don't greedy people dream a lot to bring some kind of relief to their greed? Fearing people, also, create their own lions. "The fear of man brings a snare", Prov.29:25.

  1505. "A child left to himself brings shame to his mother", Prov.29:15. It shouldn't be necessary to explain this truth. How many mothers and fathers leave their children decide things for themselves as if they have enough life experience to know what course of life they must take? How many mothers and fathers leave their children to their borrowed ideas or twisted ideals? How many children learn only what they feel like learning and do what they feel like doing? Should we leave a ship in a tempestuous high sea to find its own way to land?

  1506. One needs to be a liar to believe a lie; an illusion needs a deceived heart to find roots; and it takes a truthful heart to become aware of truth in the lips of anyone. Sort seeks sort. There is a natural attraction and common understanding between alike things and alike beings.

  1507. We should never give anything above indifference to foolishness. We cannot give any attention or heed to any of it. Even talking to it or answering it is foolish. "If a wise man contends with a foolish man, whether he rages or laughs, there will be no rest for him", Prov.29:9.

  1508. If a bad man does something good, he is still worse than any righteous man who is trapped into some undesired sin. And we know how serious righteous people's sins are! Imagine how serious it is to have a bad man pass for a good one! "He who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is a hateful thing", Prov.28:9.

  1509. "A man who flatters his neighbour spreads a net for his feet", Prov.29:5. How many people take this truth seriously? How many mistake flattering for friendliness? How many are aware that a flattering tongue is a murderer of souls?

  1510. "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool; but whoever walks wisely, he shall be delivered", Prov.28:26. This means that those people who walk according to their heart are not wise and they can never be wise as long as they are able to trust it.

  1511. Greed comes from the heart of man and not from need. Its origin is in the heart. This means that no one is greedy only by being rich and that no poor man is free of any of it. A rich king may, indeed, oppress people to become richer and to take hold of many things he doesn't need. However, any poor man who desires such a man's riches is as greedy as he is.

  1512. It is often said that promises make debts. I believe it is true to a certain point. However, we must acknowledge that the contents of any promise counts more than any other moral value we may associate to fulfilling it. I can never make a point of fulfilling the wrong thing, not even when I have promised to do it. Doesn't the Bible say we must deliver ourselves from the snares of our mouth? (Prov.6:1-5). We can go back on any promise. We should choose what to promise and see if there is any virtue in fulfilling it. Fulfilling the wrong kind of promises amounts to sin. Is it good to fulfil a vow made to the devil? Or to fulfil threats spoken in rage? Shouldn't we rather repent of such sins instead of fulfilling them because we promised them?

  1513. No one who is easily tempted to feel wise in his own eyes will receive wisdom from God. To such, real wisdom is not given. It can't be given. God shall not grant wisdom to anyone who uses it to glory against truth and for the sake of self.

  1514. Have you ever heard about the saying that the spell turns against the witchdoctor? One way or another, all evil will, eventually, eat up the head of the evildoer. How much more will evildoers suffer by that sort of evil which tries to lure or harm good people! "Whoever causes the righteous man to go astray in an evil way, he himself shall fall into his own pit; but the upright shall inherit good", Prov.28:10.

  1515. "Evil men do not understand judgment; but those who seek the Lord understand all things", Prov.28:5. Do you seek understanding and real wisdom? Seek the Lord in such a way that you find Him. Then, understanding will be added unto you. He is our wisdom.

  1516. There is no midway about this: "Those who forsake the law praise the wicked; but those who keep the law plead against them", Prov-28:4. Are you really aware of this truth? This assures us that whoever forsakes God and His laws from within the heart will end up approving, defending, agreeing, believing and even praising the wicked or his wickedness. There is no alternative way or alternative consequence awaiting such a foolish behaviour. On the other hand, by keeping the law of God from the heart, we may also be assured there will always be some sort of life and death confrontations between us and the wicked. There is no alternative way out either. It shall be so indeed, whether it is the wicked who starts the confrontations or whether we speak the truth due to duty and love.

  1517. To bless any lazy man in his sleep; to try to reason with a stubborn, angry man who believes he is always right; to wash with cold water someone who feels cold; or to sing songs of happiness to sad people who choose bitterness above life is always a waste of time. "He who blesses his friend early in the morning with a loud voice, it shall be counted a curse to him", Prov.27:14.

  1518. When any person finds real life in the Lord and is able to live it out in the full measure, that sort of living is an answer to all evil which easily and promptly manages to say goodness and God do not exist on earth. We should never forget that. "My son, be wise, and make My heart glad, so that I may answer him who shames Me", Prov.27:11. Do you live with the real Jesus? Do you live His real Life out? Have you found it? Or do you just believe you do?

  1519. "Wrath is cruel, and anger is overwhelming; but who is able to stand before envy?" Prov.27:4. Envy does not have a face. It seldom reveals itself. Therefore, it is very hard to pinpoint it. It is a very subtle and very hypocritical enemy. Envy is, often, a hidden enemy.

  1520. As a rule, when things are carried out only because conscience drives people to do them, those things are seldom carried out in all perfection. We know works exist for the sake of people and not people for the sake of works. Works and providence procedures are meant to perfect people's hearts up along with most ways of people. Therefore, if people are set up only for conscience's sake, there is a lot in them which still needs to be perfected. It may also mean that those works might need to be repeated over and over again until the full perfection of the heart is attained, something which is close to impossible.

  1521. "The curse without cause shall not come", Prov.26:2. How many people blame God for things sinners are to be blamed for? How many pregnant teenagers blame the curses and hardships they are mainly responsible for? Should God be blamed for Adam's sin in eating of the fruit of disobedience? Is it God's fault if His own creatures have wandered so far away from Him that they start despising Him or simply ignoring Him and His existence?

  1522. "He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a broken down city without a wall", Prov.25:28. Many associate this verse to a bad temper and alike sins. It is not bad to breed this association. The bad thing is to have this verse associated only to such sins. In fact, there are many other sins to which this verse can be applied - if not all sins. Let me explain. If you cannot control your eyes, mouth or ears; whenever you give in to temptation, whether it is to laziness or any other sort of sin; whenever you give in to sadness for less honourable reasons or for selfish reasons; those are also ways to lose control over your spirit and heart. We should never allow our hearts to slip into sin. Sin is deceit trying to look important, awesome or fearful.

  1523. We know many work hard in order to have things eased up and made available for many others. The farmer works hard so that everyone may have bread at home in an easy way; the pioneers of the gospel have suffered so we may have it all available in an easy way. However, many preach as if everyone else needs to go through the same hardships and difficulties they have experienced or still experience in order to learn and make wisdom available to others. We cannot force other people to go the way we may have gone, unless it is God's will for them as well. Let's not be deceived by strange feelings of bitterness and of plain ignorance. "And in this is the saying true, One sows and another reaps", John 4:35.

  1524. Many take advantage of the gospel and its preaching to shine and rob something from God, whether it is glory or money. They even sing, "Shine, Jesus, shine" so they can be seen, take advantage of situations and be applauded. Evil is deceitful indeed! "For men to search their own glory is not glory", Prov.25:27.

  1525. "A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring", Prov.25:26. There are a lot of ways to give in to or before wickedness: we can be ashamed of truth and of being honest and truthful before a wicked confrontation; we may become impatient and angry as if wickedness means something; we may give in to wickedness by losing our temper as if God is in favour of the wicked and easily neglects the righteous. In fact, there is a lot of ways to allow wickedness to achieve the purpose of its existence. "Do not allow yourselves to be deceived!"

  1526. "An angry countenance drives away a feigning tongue", Prov.25:23. This is one of the main reasons why the wrath of God is something people should be aware of and see. It can cause people to become truthful.

  1527. Isn't quietness and peace a fruit of the Spirit? Why should I accept a noisy service and craziness as a service to God?

  1528. The best thing you can do for someone - anyone - is to share what you are above sharing what you have. Give most of yourself along with your possessions.

  1529. Whoever buys what he cannot afford or spends in what he does not need, is sure to sell what he needs most to pay up for his greed. Only by selling what he has will he be able to pay for what is not needed. And, usually, people sell Christ out to do an own will.

  1530. We cannot expect to receive more from God than what we are given or surrendered to Him. The abundance of the Spirit in us shall always be proportional to our surrender to Him and to the existing death to ourselves - not to the death we suppose we have undergone.

  1531. "My son, give Me your heart, and let your eyes watch My ways", Prov.23:26. When the Bible tells us to give our hearts to God, it does not uphold or encourage those liars who go before the altar and say a sinner's prayer, or, should I say, a liar's prayer. In fact, giving our heart to Jesus means a lot more than that. It means that we accept His way to the end and exchange our ways for His for always; it means we shall, from then on, seek the influences of the Spirit of God and will always move towards the light to be lighted, move to where we can see well and beyond mistake, and where all become visible to all. It also means grace will become our ways instead of force and own-mindedness. There is a lot more we could add here, though.

  1532. "He who has a bountiful eye shall be blessed", Prov.22:9. Even Jesus said that the eye is the light of the body and that our eyes must be good. A good eye sees good things and a bad eye sees bad things. Sort seeks sort. It is indeed true that many things depend directly from the way we look at them. I am not a in favour of the so called positive thinking mode. I believe positive thinking, the way psychologists have it, is a great mistake since it means people should lie to themselves while they could believe in truth that saves instead and be above positive. I uphold the standpoint that we should look out for good things because God has created thousands of them. They are out there. Let our eye be good and we shall be blessed indeed.

  1533. Adults burn their fingers one time after the other, even after being warned. (This thought I got from somewhere - I can't remember where). They work on destroying their own lives one time after the other. Yet, they are the ones who beat children up for not walking the right way or for committing childlike mistakes due to their lack of life experience or lack of practical wisdom.

  1534. The only truth is this: the only singer that matters to me is myself. I will leave all others receive their praise from their hearers, as they usually do. Should we lie by saying we sing to the Lord and receive the applauses and praises ourselves? Shouldn't we know how to give to God what belongs to Him?

  1535. When some bandit or evil person does me wrong or even squeezes me into a corner, I will expect salvation from the Lord. But, never must I expect God to avenge the wrong that has been done to me or to pay me back for whatever I may have suffered or lost. "Do not say, I will repay evil; wait on the Lord, and He will save you",Prov.20:22.

  1536. Wisdom is life experience or a living experience and not consequences of much studying. Any kind of wisdom which does not come from personal experience amounts to hypocrisy and mockery of the soul towards God.

  1537. There are things in this world which will always be in opposed fields. As an example, we have sin and saving wisdom, or understanding and iniquity. These can simply never co-exist in the same heart at the same time.

  1538. Many become annoyed and wilful against others in a sort of wilful vindication or vengeance. They believe they hurt others by doing so. However, these hurt themselves only, believing, by it, they can kill others through the poison they drink themselves, as someone said. Sin hurts self only. "His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be held with the cords of his sin", Prov.5:22.

  1539. When we are still learning, if we are still in the learning stage, it is more important to do well than to do all. If we attempt to do all at this stage we will surely do all wrong. This is why Jesus taught us to pray to do the things of the earth the way everything is done in heaven instead of doing the things of heaven. The way is of much greater importance.

  1540. "...So you shouldn't ponder on the paths of life..." Prov.5:5,6One of the main weapons sin or the devil has against the soul of man is to cause him to avoid, neglect or dislike pondering and meditating on the paths of life. The main consequence of stumbling in sin will be a mind which is too busy, to annoyed, too distracted or too entangled to set aside some quality time to ponder on how to be saved from a bad pit, bad heart or from a bad way. Make sure you always find time to experience and understand the ways of life and to be able to ponder on them with easiness, willingness and with the intention to cause your feet and heart to follow it without delay through the Lord.

  1541. "...My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will", John 5:30. You must be assured that every time an own will influences or enhances a deed or word, all judgments will always be cruel, bad or evil, even when those judgements amount to pleasing people and praising them. However, if we indeed seek God's will and not our own, even a hard word will be love and loved by God and, eventually, accepted by people around us.

  1542. "Let your eyes look right on, and let your eyelids look straight before you", Prov.4:25. This verse says that either false people turn around and around the issues; or those who linger to do the right thing the right way become false. Never avoid being direct and simple, having a simple and unconscious meekness pointing out truth with truthfulness. Sometimes, people tend to receive or give according to what they like or dislike in a person; or they are influenced in their thoughts and opinions through circumstances around them or through the doctrines they uphold most. Are you honest and do you keep a sober look beholding heaven? Or do you live according to the way you feel under trials or feel about people around you? And when you need to hear something, do you tune you ears according to the feelings you think you must breed towards the ones speaking to you? If a false one would speak, would you listen because he seems nice? Or would you reject a holy word from a man who, according to your views, seems rude?

  1543. "The way of the wicked is as darkness; they know not at what they stumble", Prov.4:19. Just as the wicked may never know what they stumble at, many times, the ones who walk in holiness tend to forget or ignore what or who keeps them alive and holy because they get used to the holy life. Do you often recall what keeps you alive and pure? Or have you been tempted or even subdued by own righteousness lately? Have you become too used to walking with God, so much so that you ceased to take care of your own heart and life the way you ought? Forgetting what keeps you as you walking straight means you are clinging and depending on self-righteousness again. There must be, at least, some self-righteousness. Truth says there is.

  1544. It is a blessing when we have no way out and are solid in God's will and providence. An alternative way is just another way of giving up on God or on the way He intended for us in the beginning. And, many times, people wrongly take an alternative way as a gift from God. Did David kill Saul, or did he rather hold on to the purpose of waiting for God's timing and way to turn him king? What a curse it would be to kill Saul and despise God in the face of his own people! Would you kill Saul or would you rather prefer to remain in God waiting and sticking to His word and providence?

  1545. There are street signs in all roads, just as there are the words of God in a Christian's life. However, sometimes people stop to talk about the colour of the traffic sign, how beautiful or ugly it is, or that it could be put in another position and such sort of things. People do the same with God's words: they admire it and discuss a lot about it instead of obeying it. This is what the Bible describes as perverting or twisting the Scriptures.

  1546. Once God makes a promise, He does so because the circumstances or the conditions which assure the sustenance of the promise once it is fulfilled, are not yet met. This is mainly why He promises instead of granting right away. Therefore, we must work hard on all those things which will assure the conditions for the promise to remain and to live on and on to the end. Let me give you one or two examples. Let's suppose God promises you a child as He promised to sterile Sarah. Then, you must work on those things which will assure that the child will find a healthy spiritual environment to live for God, such as a holy home, a holy relationship between mother and father and all other things which a child born of God will live by. Another example: if God promises you a job or some financial nourishment or backup, make sure you start working right away at becoming free of all greed, concerns, worrying, day-dreaming or whatever else accompanies or sustains the love for money. All unfulfilled promises have things to be worked on. If you have any promise, start working straight away.

  1547. Never underestimate the words of any man who has been through trials and has overcome them. His words make sense to heaven and the flesh does not review itself in them anymore. Sin is not expressed through them any longer and the approval of God goes from great to unlimited, depending on how much of His good works still remains to be achieved in the heart and how perfect the dependence on Him is.

  1548. Thorns may or must be removed. It is possible to have them all out. No worrying or concern should remain if we are closer to the Lord than we are to ourselves.

  1549. Legalism is always proof of a withdrawal from God and a refusal to have our lives fixed on His terms or things done His way. There is always something one refuses to fix the way God would fix it when any kind of alternative way is taken - and that is where a legalistic life starts. Legalism is to jump over the wall into the sheepfold.

  1550. God promised that the descendants of Abraham would inherit the Promised Land. How much are you contributing to make children of faith? Are you adding descendants to that Land? Are you helping God fulfil the promise He has made? Is your whole heart committed to that solemn work?

  1551. Long trials work out, perhaps, against superficial needs better than any other kind of danger or hardship. Abraham waited twenty five years for his beloved son; Moses waited forty years to have his people saved from Egypt; David and Joseph waited thirteen years to see what God has promised them. Are you going to keep up the strain and wait on God faithfully until promises are fully fulfilled?

  1552. "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you", Gen.12:3. God would curse those who cursed Abraham mostly because he was a carrier of many a blessing to anyone who would cross his way. We cannot curse any kind of blessing without being cursed ourselves. And God had made him a blessing and not a curse.

  1553. There is some difference between people who are occasionally faithful and those who are occasionally unfaithful. One has a wrong nature or heart which tries to live the right way. The other one has the right kind of heart or nature which tries to live out in an unstable way, tempting God to see if it might work out or if he might escape with it because he is faithful. One is an unstable, double-hearted person trying to live in a stable way and the the other one is a stable person trying out an unstable way.

  1554. The strength of a gossiping tongue is curiosity. To be inquisitive is to be a faithful instigator of many sins to feed a bad tongue. And, many times, people talk about others to find out more about them, just as much as they find or search things out about others' lives to gossip more. "...But they even become gossips and keep busy through curiosity about other people's lives...",1 Tim.5:13.

  1555. Once God operates through some signs, whether they are considered great or small, there is something wrong with the useful doctrine which states that God does things when we are faithful or holy, even though it might be occasionally true. Let me explain. If it were true, miracles wouldn't be signs but rather rewards and there are both signs as well as rewards. Any sign should encourage us to become holy above measure. It cannot work the other way round, I mean, that faithfulness should entice us to seek signs. And, along with that, we should avoid creating a mind which believes the sign is the end of the road, the goal, and that after the sign or miracle has taken place, one may relax in unfaithfulness because the goal has already been attained. Avoid believing that sort of lie which tells you God is happy about your spiritual state or He wouldn't give you a sign. Do not put the cows following the plough. It won't work out. Rather, become an example to the faithful, 1 Tim.4:12.

  1556. Jesus promised to answer all our prayers. Therefore, if any prayer is not answered, surely there must be something wrong with either the prayer or the one who prays.

  1557. "...Having children in subjection with all modesty..." 1 Tim.3:4. If a modest person keeps children humble, it means children are humble towards a very humble person. How wonderful are such children! How precious are they!

  1558. To hand over to feelings our decisions, to listen to what we may feel to decide about things, is the same as taking a lot of money and throwing it up in the wind hoping it to be an investment.

  1559. People hear better someone they consider their equal. They feel the exhortation in a much deeper way when it comes from the mouth of a loving, trusted friend. So, if you are friends to someone, avoid pleasing that person and talk plainly instead. Make use of circumstances to show forth real love.

  1560. Things become responsibility only after they cease to be mere dreams.

  1561. The best way to love my neighbour as myself, it is, to serve my neighbour the way I serve or care for myself, is to become my neighbour and to take his place. That makes it much easier.

  1562. The great majority of people who turn back to the world or into sin, do so because their heart has never been changed. "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they were of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out so that it might be revealed that they were not all of us", 1 John 2:19. They may have changed some habits or even attitudes, but not the heart. To have the heart changed for real one needs to clean up instead of trying to change. To live a changed life is what demands perseverance and not to have it changed; a changed life comes after transformation. Transformation does not require force – it is worked out through cleaning the heart and thorough exposition of all things in the light.

  1563. Many implore God for His blessings just to despise them after they have received them. People who have an unsatisfied heart will be as unhappy as when they did not have whatever they desired to have. The point is: you should rather desire what you already have. There is a special reason why God disallows greed or covetousness all together. Did you stop desiring your husband or wife after marriage? Desire whatever you have already. "Be content with such things as you have", Heb.13:5.

  1564. Giving coins to someone who has holes in his pockets is the same as God giving something to people who do not have their lives straightened with Him, secured and cleaned up in all their aspects.

  1565. We live in the era of confusion of knowledge where people know nothing and, even so, believe they know all because they are still able to interpret things their own way. They tear Jesus' words apart to understand it the way it suits them. That is the main reason why people believe they know a lot. The wrong kind of knowledge is not meek. The other side of such hearts is that they can only trust themselves. If you boast in the knowledge you think you have, you cannot trust the Lord, but you are made to trust only yourself. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding", Prov.3:5. Genuine wisdom and trusting God go hand in hand. Trusting self and lack of wisdom also go hand in hand.

  1566. Everyone who glories in himself has the other side of him which assumes good things do not last for long or that goodness is something unusual or unseen in this present age and era. If man did not think that way, he wouldn't take the glory upon himself. "Why do you boast yourself? The mercy of God endures forever", Ps.52:1. The Psalmist has seen this point clearly.

  1567. Truth is never helpless. Speak to the point, in the shortest, wisest way possible and never fear the consequences. Then, trust God to cause truth and His words to bring forth fruit, even when hearers hate what they have heard from you.

  1568. "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has torment. He who fears has not been perfected in love", 1John 4:18. Many, when they find themselves in fear, believe they must do away with it because of this verse. In fact, by doing so, they are trying to climb over the wall into the sheepfold. Instead, they should do away with lovelessness, which, on its turn, will do away with fear naturally. This verse does not entice people to stop fearing, but rather exhorts them to love since it is love which drives fear away. Fear is selfishness. Those who do not love have many reasons to fear. Love does away with fear automatically and naturally, since conscience and peace of heart grants people the desire to face God without fear. If you do not love, you should fear. And if you try not to fear without exercising your own heart to love from deep within in all sincerity, you become a dishonest person. Do not try to get a false peace of mind and never try to get into the sheepfold unless you get in through the proper door.

  1569. Faith does not generate the occasion or the happening. It is the right moment, the proper timing which is able to generate faith. Outside the proper timing there is no faith at all - only stubbornness and arrogance.

  1570. If we heartily walk in the light in a natural way, if we are transparent people, we shall never choose before whom we will walk in the light. Walking in the light is a way of life, it is not an occasional happening. Walking in the light or being in the light cannot be a choice for certain moments only.

  1571. "O Lord, you have persuaded me, and I was persuaded", Jer.20:7. Jeremiah was easily persuaded by God. But, there are those whom God tries to persuade and they just aren't convinced or persuaded by Him at all. Usually, they insist upon their own feelings and thoughts and try to persuade God to their side instead. Trying to tell God what His will must be is as close to tempting God as can be.

  1572. "You are my praise", Jer.17:14. For many Jesus is problem and not a praise, especially if they cannot do whatever they wish to do.

  1573. The Word of God is not a science in the very sense of the word. The Word is more of a reality than of a science. It aims to experience the truth in a sound way. That is why it easily confounds the wise of this world.

  1574. Robbers often seek caverns or dens to hide away. Many Christians take God as a safe den and not as a Saviour who saves from sin. They sin and steal and run fast to hide in a den they call God. This is why they start believing they can or should sin after coming to Christ. "Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense to Baal, and walk after other gods whom you do not know; and then come and stand before Me in this house which is called by My name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?", Jer.7:9-10.

  1575. "They have denied the Lord by saying, It is not He", Jer.5:12. It is not needed to deny God openly through a statement against Him in His face. The only thing it takes to deny Him is to say that something He did is not from Him because it does not suit us to believe it. It can also happen by accepting something as His which is not worked by Him. Many say that the sin against the Holy Spirit is only to say the devil did something God did. Then we may ask: what is it to say that God did something which was the devil who did it?

  1576. By reading about sanctification there will be no doubts in us that it means we should become holy. By reading of justification or righteousness we assume it means us become just and righteous. And when God speaks about purification, we all know He means us to become pure. It would be a very strange sanctification where people are not made holy; and a justification where people are not made just and righteous; or a purification where people are not made pure.

  1577. "These have chosen their own ways (...) Therefore, I also will choose their delusions", Is.66:3,4. This is the danger of following our own ways and even more so when we say those ways are God's! We will not have a say in the outcome of our ways and cannot chose the consequences.

  1578. To love as we ought is seldom to love as we can. Duty is less than capability. Grace demands more than the law. Duty, morality, discipline answer to conscience, whether that conscience is alive or not. Capability is the use of our whole being and not of conscience only. Conscience is only a part of us. And if our being is full of eternal life from within, if it experiences eternal life in the promised measure, our capability increases remarkably. "The love of God which He poured into our hearts..." This relation between duty and capability can also be taken into other areas such as believing and solid trust; awaiting and expecting from God; expectation and genuine hope. Duty is the minimum requirements for a holy life if we are indeed made free in Christ Jesus and are able to move freely in Him. However, duty is not the full measure of the capability of a loving, trusting or hoping heart at all.

  1579. Whenever God does not show us anything, whenever He does not say no or yes, the best thing we can do is to be still and quiet. Unless we do so, we might be disappointed some time later by realizing God did not say what we supposed He said. It is especially in the occasions when God is quiet that the heart of man is liable to rely upon itself and its deceitfulness, to speak up for God and to assume it is doing God's will by doing its own. In fact, it tries hard to push God into an own will and deceives man into believing God wills it that way. We shouldn't force God to answer whatever has not started in Him. Man, usually, does that driven by impatience and a kind of fear that is worked up by the flesh. Man also feels pressured by circumstances or by people's opinions, by poverty or lust, by greed or even unbelief. Unbelief is a driving force. The heart always feels pressured one way or another when it has not learned to wait and to rely fully on the Lord. God is not responsible for the direction or the way man's own heart drives him. If man dares to follow an own direction or to do something in an own way, man can only answer for not having waited upon God the way he ought to and the amount of time he ought to have waited. The quality of waiting is also very important because it shows what we really think of God. When man does not wait on God and adventures himself into own ways believing God will bless them, those ways will soon end up in disappointment and grief against the Lord. Man must cease to point out to God what He must do and learn to wait fully on what He has promised to him personally.

  1580. Not even the wrath of God lasts forever. Why should man believe his own wrath will?

  1581. "Little children, guard yourselves from idols", 1John 5:21. The worst obstacle of any man or woman are the idols living in the mind, those which are kept alive by suppositions. Because they are dead things, man can only suppose through them. All idols serve the main idol living there: self. There is no idol or idolatry which does not either serve or suit self and, on the other hand, everything that serves self is idolatry.

  1582. The person who understands truth is not necessarily a converted one, even though many converted people may have a good knowledge of truth by experiencing it. However, just as there are many converted ones who cannot explain or express what has been happening in their hearts, there are also many who have a thorough knowledge of truth gained through studying and reading who never experienced truth for real.

  1583. To be able to obey faithfully and thoroughly one needs to hear well too. No obedience can be consistent and neither can it be considered as obedience when obeying at random or through guessing. That cannot be considered as obedience at all. If you don't hear, you cannot obey. Many teach obedience in a way that confuses new converts greatly, since obedience should be taught along with hearing and hearing with a sheep's heart. Only sheep hear. One must have ears to hear before one can be told to obey unconditionally.

  1584. It is very hard for a religious man to let religiosity stand because he thinks he has a lot to lose. People near God because of self-interest, believing in a Lord that can achieve all for them. The main reason why they pray or near God is self interest. And we all know God does not answer to selfishness. That is where religiosity is born since people are not moved by a supreme love towards Jesus. Prayers are offered and often repeated over and over again and there are no answers to them because of that. And, by ceasing to be dead and religious, people feel they will lose the expectations they have been working so hard for along the years and which have become the earnest subjects of their prayers. They often say they must keep believing and have faith concerning those things. In fact, they handle self interest as a non-negotiable right they seem to have built along the years of deadness. By becoming alive or, at least, by coming to the door of real salvation, people feel instantly religiosity and deadness is over for them. Along with it, all their self interest and rights are pointed out to die. They just see its death coming. Self interest is the main cause for dead religion, whatever that interest may be. We cannot near God for the things He is able to grant. Unless we come to Him to find Him, we shall not become living beings. "Jesus answered them and said, Truly, truly, I say to you, You seek Me not because you saw the miracles, but because you ate the loaves and were filled. Do not labour for the food that perishes, but for that food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you. For God the Father sealed Him", John 6:26-27. Jesus is food indeed and Him alone should we seek to find.

  1585. "You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people; You have covered all their sins", Ps.85:2. I couldn't grasp the full meaning of this verse till I prayed. What did it mean that all sins are covered? How are they covered? Then I understood. It simply means all sins are covered as soon as there is no possibility to fall back on them or as soon as there is no possibility to fall back into the already forgiven sin. God imposed a heavy punishment on Israel for their sins through the Assyrian army and there was no way they would go back to their former life after that. Their sins were, therefore, covered. This is what the Psalmist is trying to put across to us. Genuine conversion grants the gift of forgiveness. And every confession should be able to lead people to that sort of conversion or there will be no sins covered.

  1586. The important part is never to end above obstacles or above water, but rather to end the race in full peace with God and through God. This means our first love must at least stay the same if it has not grown.

  1587. The widow of Zarephath told Elijah after her son has been brought back from death: "Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the Word of the Lord in your mouth is truth", 1 Kings 17:24. This means a lot. She means the word of God in some people's mouth is a lie. Another thing we may learn from this is: she did not take it for granted Elijah was a man of God, not even after she saw the olive oil and meal multiplying daily. That was not enough to convince her. However, she had been humble enough to be obedient to a man's word about whom she had not been sure about. She baked the cake for Elijah first putting her son's life at risk. Her obedience had filled the void unbelief left in her. This kind of obedience opened the door for her to be assured about the mouth of Elijah later on and, consequently, about God's word. By obeying, she came across the knowledge and the confirmation of truth. She, now, became assured she was not being deceived by another bubbler or false miracle worker. There were many false prophets at the time. She had more than enough reasons to handle Elijah carefully and to keep him at a certain distance. But, her obedience caused her to make it to the end.

  1588. Many think they are special people because they know God and hear from Him. There is nothing special about that, even though the word of the Living God is scarcely dealt out these days. And, if someone's prayers obtain real answers and the evidence of the Life of Christ is clear in such, others will think of such as privileged ones. But, the more I live with the Lord, the more I believe there is nothing extraordinary about that either. In fact, such thoughts offend God greatly. Is it God's fault if people are not used to see Him around or to live in His presence? People should not have become so estranged to the Lord and the Lord to them. The unusual part of this whole matter is that people live far away from the One who should be nearest to them in a constant way. Living far from God as His creation is what is strange about all of this. "Be amazed, O heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid; be completely desolated, says the Lord. For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the Fountain of living waters, to hew out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water", Jer.2:12-13. The fact is that any genuine servant of God who is able to hear Him all the time - any time of the day or of the night - lives the normal way. Living so estranged from God that one starts believing that hearing Him is a special occurrence is offensive.

  1589. "And you shall eat it in any place, you and your households (...) And you shall bear no sin because of it", Núm.18:31,32. All offerings were meant to be eaten at the place God chose, the Temple. And it should be a feast to God. However, God opened an exception by allowing holy people to eat it anywhere. The only condition was that people who eat it should be holy. They should have no sin. Their feast, speaking of God out loud, should be a practical demonstration of how God really is. Our lives should reveal the reality and the truth about God anywhere we are found.

  1590. In the Law of God, the best is required for Him and whatever is left, is meant for us. However, today the best is given to us and whatever is left goes to God - if there is no one else to give it to.

  1591. There is only one way for me to be abandoned if I am holy and pleasant to Him: that God becomes too weak to help me out. And that is impossible to happen.

  1592. "A man can receive nothing unless it is given to him from Heaven", John 3:27. Tell me: just how many things did you refuse because you knew they did not come from heaven?

  1593. Sin is a product of proud acting. It is a worm trying to look like an irresistible ruler.

  1594. "...Not purposing according to the flesh, so that there should be yes and no...", 2Cor.1:17. It is clear, from this word, that changes of mind are, mainly, consequences of not consulting the Lord, of not purposing according to the Lord. "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps", Prov.16:9. This means God can change man's decisions upside down. We need to consult God and His will along with the way we should carry it out before we decide. It is also true that an unstable heart is unable to remain with the Lord or with whatever God says. An unstable heart swifts its decisions from no to yes even when God has indeed spoken or has been consulted.

  1595. Exhibitionism means there is some sort of deceit ruling the heart. To show off, or to impose things which do not work out any other way, creates dead religious beliefs. It is a deadly poison. Exhibitionism is the worst kind of deceit there is, since many people believe in it easily. It can make likenesses of things in heaven. It can imitate and impersonate a life of heaven. Whenever truth is unable to speak by itself through the power of God and through a personal experience of it, people will find in exhibitionism a way out to impose and to lie. Imposing truth upon others can be translated by the wise as something like this: "I do not live what I preach! I am not what I try to look like! I need the arm of the flesh and its strength to resemble the living. I need to show off or impose so people may believe I am a living being".

  1596. The interpreters of truth seldom live it out. Whoever finds truth and experiences it in an abundant way does not interpret it - he lives it out. Such people experience what they, quite often, are unable to explain. And, whenever they read Scriptures, they find those explanations they have been looking for to understand what has been going on in them.

  1597. Whoever knows little is often self-assured person unable to measure or to see what he or she does not know. Only wise people are able to evaluate or measure what they lack on knowledge. The wise are people who, quite often, say they know very little.

  1598. Any bad thought that does not become practice has more of temptation than of sin. On the other hand, any thought that is transformed into behaviour has more of sin than of temptation.

  1599. Many tasks at once delay perfection; many alarms confuse guards; many signs kill faith; many advices deviate from the counsel of God.

  1600. For anyone to understand inspired truth, he needs to be as inspired as the person who received it from the Lord.

  1601. Normally, running means running away from something. If our lives are ordered before God, running away may mean we are avoiding His work over us or in us. Transformation is hard, it is like entering into labour or having birth pains. Don't run away from it, rather face it.

  1602. Why would God put us before situations we find unable to solve, accept or perfect up? It is because we must come to the point where we acknowledge or realize there is grace to find, enough grace to accomplish it!

  1603. It is easy to see why so many people are so easily tempted by the devil, even though this cannot be applied to all. The Word says: "Israel has thrown off good; the enemy shall pursue him", Hos.8:3.

  1604. Laziness or the absence of it is put to the test mostly when people have nothing to do. When people have nothing to be busy with, the kind of heart they have reveals itself, especially in the area of promptness or laziness, patience or impatience. If you have nothing to do, do you still get out of bed early? Can we see you holding your Bible, reading and understanding it during easy going times? Do you rejoice by having some more time to spend alone with Jesus?

  1605. Have you ever seen anyone swimming upstream? "What a weariness", you would say. This is precisely what happens every time an unrighteous person tries to be righteous; or a selfish one tries to be loving for a time; or when a liar tries hard to speak the truth all the time. No one can easily practice righteousness unless he is turned righteous before. This is the main reason why so many people get tired on the Way. Our concentration must be on the way and not on being righteous anymore. Being righteous must not be a goal any longer, but rather a way of life by the time we are able to walk with God without interruption.

  1606. Let us talk about goals and targets. If you know how to use a bow and arrows and you wish to hit a certain target, do you adjust the arrow or the target? Do you put the arrow in the proper position to hit the target or do you adjust the goal? If you do not adjust targets and do not move them around to be lined up with the direction of your arrows, why, then, do you wish to change God's goals and will for you? Why do you try to adjust truth to your convenience and His objectives to your wishes? Why don't you rather adjust yourself to the best wishes of God?

  1607. God cannot motivate us unless our motives are His. And He cannot help us, unless His help is able to drive us towards Him.

  1608. To a twisted person straight things are twisted, justice is unrighteous and to sin is to have pleasure. Such a person has it all twisted.

  1609. There are those who extinguish the flames of God by having can remain invisible and untouched deep in the heart. By taking care of appearances they find a way to 'protect' the heart from salvation. Oh hypocrisy! The worst kind of it is the kind which we practice towards ourselves. "Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts; and in the hidden part You shall make me to know wisdom", Ps.51:6.

  1610. If the devil is the main source for any of my own sins, then my flesh isn't the one in need to be crucified with Christ.

  1611. Praise is usually a sort of emptiness when given to flesh and blood. Real honour is silent while being given or received. Do you tell people how much you receive as a salary? Why, then, would you want to proclaim how much honour or praise you receive?

  1612. We read that Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, became dumb for a time because he did not believe an angel's words. Many wish to hear Jesus speak to them. And Jesus is far greater than any angel. I believe some people do not know what they are asking for when they ask Jesus to talk to them. Just imagine what would happen in case Jesus spoke to you and you did not believe or obey Him! "The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren; unto Him ye shall hearken", Deut.18:15. "And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be destroyed from among the people", Act.3:23.

  1613. Every time we see someone living all his moments near the Living God, expressing His wisdom with easiness with perfected enthusiasm, we say: "Oh, I would love to be like that!" That is not what Jesus would expect to hear from someone who would love to be that way at all. To be as that person we shall need to be ourselves and listen to all his words carefully. Rather be willing to hearken to what such a faithful child of God has to say. Rather be willing to listen and to be yourself in the sight of God instead of wanting to be what someone else is.

  1614. I can distinguish between people, but not differentiate between them. I can assume people are not the same, but never should I dare to value some above the others under any circumstances for any reason nor in any practical way.

  1615. Those people nearest and the more intimate to us are the ones who grant us more freedom to be ourselves towards them. However, many use this opportunity and this sort of freedom to be mean and disrespecting. This should be the opportunity to care and respect even more and not the opposite. "Only do not use the liberty for an opening to the flesh, but by love serve one another", Gal.5:13.

  1616. It is good to attain to the depth of these words: "He acting unjustly, let him still act unjustly. And the filthy, let him be filthy still. And the righteous, let him be righteous still. And the holy, let him be holier still", Rev.22:11. In Daniel, we read something in that line of truth as well. We see through many examples that stand out for us in the Bible that all those who overcome some sort of trial are made ready for the next one and not ready to skip future trials. However, it doesn't work out that way with those who do not overcome a trial. (Let's have in mind that to overcome is not to solve a certain problem which came to try us, but rather to end with Christ and to be spotless after the trial and whatever happens to the problem). Job was pure in God's eyes (and not in people's eyes). However, he went through the unexpected because he was indeed pure. Joseph also went to prison after clinging to purity. We also read in Rev.2:8-11 about a church which was pure and to which Jesus had no wrong to point out. To that church He said: "Do not at all fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the Devil will cast some of you into prison, so that you may be tried. And you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful to death...". We do not see Jesus distributing trials to the churches which have fallen back in some way. Those were told to repent and to go back to the starting point. We do not see Jesus warning them that they would be tried. Trials are the privileges of a very few. Pure people are tied to become purer. Heaven still lies ahead of them. We may at least take two lessons from this: It means many people have an inner friction resulting from sin and they ascribe it easily to trials to avoid repenting. We know these people need to repent and are not being tried. They are, at the most, punished by their own ways. And, on the other hand, people who overcome because they have kept purity are easily tempted by the idea that they will finally relax because they have overcome. They feel they must have reached the end of their way and have become too hasty and too eager to collect their reward after trials. In fact, people who overcome are just ready for the next step of purification. We must have in mind that both classes of people can assume from own expectations, each in its own way, things which are not according to truth. Let pure ones never look back once they have taken up the plough into their hands; and do not allow stained ones to look forward unless they look backwards to find the spot where they have fallen. They need to fix whatever needs to be fixed first and before they can look forward, whatever it takes.

  1617. Idealists strain themselves for ideal situations and circumstances. They end up frustrated because there are no ideal situations. And even if there were, it wouldn't last for long because everything works much through cycles. Creation and nature has its own laws to abide by. "That which has been is now; and that which is to be has already been", Ecc.3:15.Harvests repeat themselves, rains come and go and come again. Everything starts all over again at its own season. Even a real Life with Christ starts afresh each day to be as it has never been before. Contrasting idealists, we see the real conquerors in Christ on the opposed side. They are able to achieve what idealists would easily call heroic acts, and, through that, idealists only reveal what they would rather not have come their way. Conquerors are people who find themselves content wherever they go and whatever they do. They look for things to transform through the acting of God and not for ideal circumstances. They know just too well how to gather with Christ and how to do so under any hardship. They also know their rest comes at the end. They never waste a circumstance - they use it fully up for the glorification of God. Conquerors expect to meet unchanged situations, unregenerate people and confrontations because of the truthfulness they carry with joy. Regeneration is their work and they work hard at it. They do not look for ideal things, but to obey the Lord and the truth. Idealists are not like that. They cannot be conquerors at all. They only trust under ideal circumstances and we all know this present world is not the ideal place - it shall never be. Idealists wish to inherit and not to work hard at their present inheritance. They squander whatever God has left to them to be faithful to. They want changed things and not to change things as they walk on, starting that change at themselves. They cannot stand the idea that today can be a harder day than yesterday. They rejoice according to what happens to them and not in the Lord. They often look back because they cannot endure - they do not wish to endure. There is only one way to find ideal situations and people: we are the ones ready to become ideal and fruitful. Often, unmarried people look for the ideal partner, forgetting they are the ones who need to become ideal. Bosses wish to have the ideal employees disregarding the fact that they are the ones in need to become or to be made ideal. The same must be said about employees who look for ideal bosses - they need to have or to attain to the ideal heart. For all conquerors, all situations are challenges upon their spirit and upon their spiritual enthusiasm. For idealists, such situations work out much like a torture. There are no people so different and so apart from each other than idealists and conquerors.

  1618. If depression is a mountain of sins which have not been cleansed, (and it is), then stress is the fight of conscience against or under them or the load of sin as you try to carry out something. You must cleanse all your sins one by one.

  1619. A deep desire towards the things God has for us is one of the conditions to receive all answers in prayer concerning those things. However, we must have in mind that any deep desire is often what leads to feign a living. Deep desires are often responsible for the creation of appearances which resemble what we deeply desire. For example: people who desire to be holy can easily slip into an apparent holiness because they cannot believe it is possible to be holier than what they are; someone who desires to be rich often acts as a rich person does and does not wish to be seen by others as poor; those who wish to be fluent and expressive will rather change their voice and try to be eloquent instead of gaining the genuine kind of wisdom God has to offer to all those who ask it from Him. We must always bear in mind that appearance is the greatest hindrance to real living, no matter how alike that appearance is. Appearance is a way to hide those things we believe we are unable to change or those things we do not wish to change at all. I often say that appearance is not transparency and only transparency is walking in the light. And walking in the light and being transparent is what changes us from deep within. Try to remember that next time you deeply desire something God wishes to grant you. Do not rely on the works of the flesh or on its strength to accomplish what only light and transparency (in the Lord) can accomplish for you.

  1620. Every behaviour which is not spontaneous, natural, determined and exclusive is hypocritical. Be yourself.

  1621. Usually, no one sees those people who please them as the hypocrites that they are. However, God sees all as it is. We should also see things under the light of God and as He sees them.

  1622. If you would love to walk on towards truth and you find you can't, especially if the truth you are aiming at is God's and not your own, then your feet must be entangled in something the world has to offer. Entangled feet or legs turn walking very difficult and hard. Do you find it hard to trust at certain difficult moments of your life? And do you become jealous of people who can easily trust the Lord as they walk on? Do you complain easily as God leads you on? (It could work out well if you would complain when He is not leading, but not when He leads). When you make a point of loving your neighbour as yourself, do you find it hard to serve and love them? Do you experience some degree of difficulty in hoping, waiting and expecting in the Lord? Are you expectant and happy waiting or do you see yourself as a victim? Whenever you wish to be truthful, do you often lie? Do you need to promise and decide to tell the truth? Or is your truthfulness spontaneous and obvious? Do you feel at home in the presence of God? I will explain why holiness is not so easy for you: you are entangled in worldly stuff and your feet cannot walk according to truth and according to your holy wishes. Your legs and feet do not follow your wishes because you are bound to the world or to some sin. This is the main reason why you stumble as you try to walk and why you are unable to fulfil all your vows. You deny the Lord when the world blinks at you and, consequently, the Lord denies you as you try to be truthful and to walk accordingly. Any smell of worldliness in you turns walking in the Lord hard and, sometimes, impossible.

  1623. Jesus stated that whoever does the things of God understands them. Understanding comes through practice and by experiencing the things of God. Practicing leads to understanding. "If anyone desires to do His will, he shall know...", John 7:17. Whoever does things the way they are done in heaven shall never be confused or lost. No living practicing Child of God shall ever be without spiritual understanding. Fulfilling is the only way to gain understanding directly from God. "O that my ways were fixed to keep Your precepts! Then I shall not be confused, when I have respect to all Your Commandments", Ps.l.119:5,6. The best way to misunderstand the things of God is to study them to preach to others and not to self, or simply to be religious and dead about them.

  1624. We don't practice sin so that we can see God all the time, Mat.5:8. "Blessed are they who keep His testimonies, and who seek Him with all the heart. They also do no iniquity; they walk in His ways", Ps.119:2,3. Sin and blindness, sin and not finding are always related. One thing leads to the other. Seeking God to find Him for real implies that we leave sin forever or we won't find Him at all. And we may as well take into consideration that sin is what God says sin is and not what man says it is. Usually, man sees as sin what is done against him and God says sin is what we do. Are you living enough to be able to see the difference?

  1625. The great majority of people to whom God gave promises personally end up forgetting what God said simply because they do not commit themselves completely to become wholly dependable on Him and on them through Him and do not heartily seek and wait upon their fulfilment and that only. They do not give their hearts over to what God said He would do for them or in them. They do not turn their vision and expectations wholly to the promise and end up forgetting because the painful businesses of daily and corrupted earthly living deviate their mind and attention. We may state the same thing concerning God's commandments: people simply forget about them in their daily life because they do not take heed to fulfil them. By not being committed, people create the occasion to be forgetful. This is what James means by "forgetful hearers". Practical negligence is always responsible for most kinds of forgetfulness.

  1626. Believing and having faith only when all is well with us is not faith. "Do not the heathen do the same?" Allow me to ask you: Does God change when things seem hard and when circumstances become dark and unbearable? Why do you bear them then? Don't! Do circumstances change God at all? Loving only those who love you cannot be considered love; believing only when all is well cannot be real faith; being patient only when we carry out those things we love cannot be considered patience; talking about Jesus only to those we appreciate more cannot be considered spreading the gospel; being happy and joyful only in our own environment cannot be considered happiness at all; being extravagant and liberal when we are full enough to give leftovers away cannot be considered loving. Any sort of heathen could do the same or even do somewhat better!

  1627. Many do not reach the rising of the sun because they cannot stand going through the night. Every soul that wishes to see the sun rise, must face darkness passing by; to reach the promised land, especially when we are coming from Egypt, we must go through the driest desert there is because we are not only going through dry sand, but, we are getting out of the only life we have known; be assured that there is no rest before all work is fully accomplished. I am sure many people do not reach the Morning Star because they kill themselves before it rises in their soul and they use bad thoughts against God to do so as they walk on.

  1628. God's desire is that we become living gardens which harbour the Tree of Life in the centre of it and harvest from it. Even if you are found in the desert, and most especially there, you should and can be a living garden. God demands of all of us that we be whatever seems impossible to earthly creatures. And heavenly minded people are no more earthly creatures. Then, it should be easy enough for all of us who are made holy. It is in the most impossible ground where we need to be fertile and abounding. That is what God requires of all of us. "Lord, I knew that you were a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter", Mat.25:24. Didn't God command that man shall have all dominion over the stronger elephants? Did God not say man will exercise dominion over the birds which fly so high up where man can't reach? Man must even have dominion over the fish and he doesn't have enough breath to enter the environment where fish feel at home. Seemingly, God demands impossible things from all of us. God demands that we be gardens where there is no water, no good soil and no shade from the heat or the cold. We should fear this Lord who demands that we have unfeigned joy where only the saddest things happen and who tells us to shine where everything is dark and evil. Can you be so close to God that you can live only out of Him, by Him and inside His reality? If so, it must be easy to be a garden in any kind of desert and under any sort of tempest.

  1629. Jesus said that what chokes His words and hinder its fulfilments are the cares of this world and not the power of the devil nor circumstances. The devil, or even circumstances, do not have that kind of power to choke God's word. I believe this illustration of thorns used by Jesus is a most appropriate one. Can you imagine having thorns bothering your skin and your side continually? What shall be left of your mind and heart to think on anything else besides the pain, the thorns and whatever concerns it? Can you think in a continuous way about anything else if you are tormented by thorns? Wouldn't your mind entertain itself only around accusations, pain, bitterness, worries and concerns? Everything you think or do takes nothing else into consideration but those thorns. It is fully consumed and deviated by pain and by painful thoughts. Isn't it? Unless your heart changes, your mind won't think of anything else. The only way to avoid this is to have your heart fully changed and heading towards heaven only. Then, you won't be able to think about anything else besides the joy and the fulfilments of heaven here on earth. It is the inner man which needs to change and not circumstances. Then, you won't forget important things because your mind is not distracted by painful thoughts or by bitterness; you won't easily neglect duties because you are not called to attend unimportant things; you won't lose time with things which lead nowhere. All of these (and much more) happen only because thorns call your attention continually back to it. You really wish to be useful to God? If so, have a full change in the inner man and allow your motives, ways to carry out things and mind be fully changed from deep within. There is nothing that God wishes to do more than to have a man changed that way. And I firmly believe that if you can change men's hearts, you can change the whole world. The concerns of earthly hearts are the main sources for the problems this world is facing today.

  1630. Thorns can be a big problem in any life. The only way to avoid being bothered by thorns is to have your heart fully changed instead of trying to change circumstances around you, even though God can change circumstances as well. However, we should not dare to neglect the heart work to try to change what God's providence promised to do itself. Unless circumstances are part of the Kingdom we are to seek, we should allow God to fulfil whatever He promised to fulfil through them.

  1631. Have you seen a star lately which came to lead you on the way? If, by any reason, you have lost it, then it is because you headed towards Jerusalem as soon as the star started leading towards Israel. "Oh, Israel! Let's go to Jerusalem!" That is where you started to think on your own and ceased to mind the star the way you should have minded it. No wonder you found the enemy of God in Jerusalem! You shouldn't seek in Jerusalem what can only be found in Bethlehem. Now, Ramah will weep its children again because you thought you knew where God would lead you.

  1632. Today I have confirmed something: an impatient person or a person with an ill tempered heart can never be right about something - not even when what that person says makes sense. Even if what he or she says is right, it ceased to be right and blessed the moment impatience stepped in.

  1633. If it is so easy to misinterpret or misunderstand those people we know and talk to, how easy, you think, is it to misunderstand God whom people do not know and scarcely hear?

  1634. When people have nothing to do (or think they have nothing to do) they usually stay in bed. It would be the same us saying: "Since I have no food, I will eat some poison to fill my stomach!"

  1635. The main secret of how to be heard by people is not to speak according to what the public opinion or the public desires demand from us to speak about. When we hear God and speak accordingly, even those who refuse to hear will hear and be bothered by what we have to say.

  1636. When a woman has birth pains she is ready to give birth. Spiritual mothers and fathers also have strong and unbearable birth pains. When we bring many spiritual children to the light, we may have these birth pains for a long, long time. And if there are no abortions, surely these pains will cease only after children are really born to God and made holy. People will surely be brought to the feet of the Cross one way or another through these pains. Can a baby hinder its own birth?

  1637. God said of man: "And let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creepers creeping on the earth". We all know man could not have the strength to exercise dominion over an elephant or over the huge animals that lived at that time. How would man exercise dominion over a fowl which flies up very high and very fast? We can only assume dominion is not exercised through force, but through God and wisdom. Man does not have the strength to dominate an elephant, can't fly to dominate a bird, does not have enough breath to dominate the fish under water. However, God determined that man indeed dominates over all of these. We know all is possible through God.

  1638. Whoever speaks much listens very little; whoever sends people around obeys very little; and whoever yells a lot at people says very little.

  1639. "And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace", James 3:18. This does not mean that the fruit of righteousness is not sown in adversity at all. It means it is sown in peace to those who seek peace. To those who do not seek peace, it shall be sown anyway. However, it shall not be sown in peace because they are not peaceful beings. Let's work hard to maintain our conscience clean and at peace in the presence of God who reveals all.

  1640. No joy is truthful, no hope secure, no future promising whenever we wander far from the Lord or abide in some sin. There is nothing with worth away from God and Life. It would be a happier and better thing for us to be afflicted and feel our sorrows, unhappiness and hopelessness away from God. To visit a mourning house would be a happier achievement. "Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, double-minded ones. Be afflicted, and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaviness", James 4:8-9. And, if this is true, it is also true that no sorrow, no hopelessness, no discouragement is ever truthful if we walk with the Lord in all holiness. They are all lies just as joys away from God are lies. All these sorrows will pass away, all discouragement and all lack of hope are sure lies if we are found in Him. All these will pass away and even the sun and the earth shall pass away. But, not so with those who have, experience and perform God's will! They will remain forever, 1 John 2:17.

  1641. Teach your own heart and you shall be enabled to teach others. That is morality. Teach others first and you shall not be able to teach your own heart. That is immorality!

  1642. Anyone who postpones things; or starts things and does not end them; or does something to avoid doing another; or does not teach his own heart to take to the end whatever is good, but also gives up on anything; or a person who does not exercise faithfulness to his immediate duty for any reason whatsoever; any such person creates a heart in himself which is a curse and will be always a curse in him. Habits which disable people to persevere with and through goodness are curses. A persevering man also makes sure he gives up any wrong thing in whatever stage it is found, whether it is close to its end or still in its beginnings. Persevering people are courageous enough to give up even on own dreams which seem easily attainable and affordable. Are you one of those?

  1643. Many people say, sometimes, they are lost as to what or where they should read in the Bible. There are many reasons why people feel lost in that area. However, I will mention only some of them. One reason is that they do not ask or enquire from God for their daily bread, or fail to ask for it in such a way that they will get answers. They do not take the matter seriously enough. The other is that they know more than they are living out. This second problem is a more serious one than we can imagine. It means people are outdated or out ruled. It is very dangerous to know more than we are able to put into practice since it should work the other way round. I mean, because of the communion with the Spirit, we should live more than we are able to explain, know or be aware of. If that is not happening, God cannot reveal where to read since people have not become faithful to what they already know. Consequently, they will study more in their own carnal way and gain knowledge which will condemn them one day. However, we could also mention that God may not reveal because it might be time to rest and become fit for what is ahead. We are at loss because we may have our seasons the other way round, I mean, we want to read when we should rest and rest when we should be up and reading. There are more reasons why God does not reveal where to read, though. Care to find out by asking knowledge from God.

  1644. It is not good to preach about faith to people who do not believe. Preach Jesus. The fact is that only those people who have already become spontaneous and sincere believers may ever benefit from definitions of what faith, love and hope is. In fact, such definitions may be mere confirmations of what has already been happening inside them. Everyone else must see and realize just how faithful God is, how He fulfils all He has spoken, etc. To define virtues to people who are not virtuous is to create hypocrites and never it shall create faithful believers.

  1645. "Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, I have given that to you, as I said to Moses", Jos.1:3. When you are really led by God in total, spontaneous and intelligent dependence on Him, whatever happens to you is given to you by God. The providence of God is very active with such people. All holy ones should be able to recognize such things as signs of God's will for them. They should be able to realize they are simply where they should be, especially if they are holy and completely dedicated to God. If they are able to be easily and spontaneously instructed by God, it simply cannot work out any other way because they are simply taken and led by the Lord. If you are holy and faithful I am sure you are where you should be right now. Let all doubts down and fill your mind with ways which can assume the place and the circumstances you may find yourself in today. Refuse to doubt the way John the Baptist doubted when he was imprisoned. Take the land of your mind because it is yours. Has your foot tread upon it? It is yours to take. Make the best of the moment and bring glory to God under such circumstances you may find yourself in today.

  1646. The opposite of life is not death only. According to truth, the opposite of life is sin and the opposite of death is holiness lived in the Spirit, as well.

  1647. We should know the degree of faithfulness we have during times of abundance shall always be proportional to the spontaneous faithfulness we show forth during the hardest times we may ever face during our lifetime and vice-versa. You cannot expect to be more faithful during the season of fat cows than you have been during the hardest moments of the hungry cows. If you, during those hard times, are spontaneously dedicated to God and to God's work, if you do not fail God during such times and there are no thorns found in your heart during the hardest time you have ever been through, if your heart is found fully in the Lord and there is no bitter thought during it, no resentment, no worrying, surely you are a man fit to have it all as well. You shall surely be faithful in happiness, in riches and during times of great joy and miracles. Do you remember how Job had been blessed after he went through an unconceivable time of hardships? Are you such a man? Joseph remained close to God and was able to interpret God's dreams with great precision on the spot during the harshest period of his life. To interpret those dreams in such a way amounts to having a very close relationship with God. What a relationship he had! That was also the man who remained faithful to God and to his work after he became the ruler of the greatest country of the time. All that mattered to Him was his relationship to God. The rest would be mere bricks which would help build that wall of relationship.

  1648. For God, there aren't things more difficult than others or easier things than others. There is nothing to Him more difficult or easier than anything else. All amounts to the same thing to Him.

  1649. The important thing is not to see many miracles during our lifetime. The important thing is to see all the miracles we were supposed to see. In other words, seeing many miracles does not mean we have seen all we should have seen; and seeing few miracles doesn't mean we haven't seen all those we were meant to see.

  1650. Asking the right things without the knowledge that God can answer our requests at any time amounts to complaining about what we believe we should have. And without that confidence it shall never cease to be more than complaints before a holy God because he shall not receive anything from the Lord. "For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord", James 1:7. Asking is not complaining. Complaining is asking without that sort of confidence that God can do and that what we have been asking is found within the range of His will and timing.

  1651. We submit ourselves to God to remain submitted and not so we will never need to submit again. 

  1652. No human will become holy and full of virtues through compulsion. Holiness is hard work and it is prepared, worked on, received and shared to make it experience. All virtues work out that way. Can you build a house in a moment of compulsion?

  1653. People, even when they see sinning is bad, still try to look away from guilt by smiling and by being polite and smooth towards or against it. Try being polite and smooth towards bees! That is the same as trying to hide something which will sting you to death whatever you do to it. And we know from the Bible that whoever entertains sin will not prosper, Prov.28:13.

  1654. Whoever still feels hopeful in sin has a false hope in a false Christ. False expectations are responsible for most of those lies sinners tell themselves to avoid repenting. And all those who feel hopeless when they sin are one small step away from taking refuge in Christ Jesus forever. Hopelessness is not always a bad thing for a starter.

  1655. Turning things real and assuming them as such is the ultimate end of the struggle to believe. God allows man to 'fight' with Him for that purpose: to have man convinced by granting him an assuring answer. Once that answer is out, man should be able to take it in, in such a way that he spontaneously believes it shall be as God has said. That fight is useful to convince man and not to have God convinced to grant our requests.

  1656. Living the kind of life God demands of all of us here on earth should be easiest for weak people who consider themselves only human. Let me explain. An own life is a direct competition to Eternal Life within. The weaker the man is, the easier it should be for him to live for and through Christ since holiness is experienced and lived through the Lord in people who died with Him. Therefore, the Lord in us is always in direct conflict with whatever makes man strong or self-sustained. People often excuse themselves by saying they are only human. In fact, being weak is a main reason to be holy through Christ and not an impediment. "Let the weak say, I am strong". Why should the weak say such a thing? Will you look for strength if you feel strong? Will you look for wisdom if you feel you are already wise? No man feeling capable will seek to be made capable of doing things through the Lord. It is obvious the best candidates to live a holy life are all such who feel weak and unable. They are halfway gone into the reign of Christ already. However, they should not be put down by this vain assumption that weak people should rather give up on the Lord or on His Life, since that is usually what they do. Those who give up still believe in themselves and usually wait on the Lord to strengthen self. I hope God's grace is enough for you as it had been for Paul and all others, and that you aren't reaching out to strengthen condemned flesh through God.

  1657. Jesus told us about the sower that went out sowing his seed and how often the seeds fall around in bad ground. It is amazing how things have changed nowadays! Today, bad people sow a gospel in bad ground and, sometimes, a seed falls in good ground. It works much the other way round nowadays.

  1658. Aren't there lost bullets that hit people all over the world? Every time you preach the gospel out of a sound and pure heart have in mind that the gospel may also work like lost bullets and hit people whom you never thought about. God works that way quite often.

  1659. If it is true that God takes care of our subconscious world to feed it daily and faithfully, it is also true that we become responsible for our conscious world. God will care for our deepest being.

  1660. I know one day men will praise me so they can duck away from the responsibility of fixing their lives. They will praise what I say to escape the aim of my words.

  1661. The only, only, just and righteous punishment for sin is eternal death, it is, a state of continual dying without being able to die. The Law of God demands an eye for an eye and the horrors of hell are just the precise 'eye for an eye' in time, in dimension and in greatness of what heaven would be for each condemned one. People have a righteous reward in eternal death for having rejected eternal life. However, many teachers and theologians assume too easily Jesus paid at the cross the price sin deserves. It is not true because, if it were true, Jesus would need to suffer an eternal penalty. Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Law of Moses and the Law of Moses required as far as what humans assume would be the penalty for transgression. For man, only earthly things count and to take man from earth sounds righteous enough to him because man does not see eternity and nor does he see the reach of transgression. The Law demanded an offering for transgression because it helped man assume forgiveness after ceasing from sin. What Jesus did is enough to save man and the aim is to save man and not to pay for transgression. Jesus saves from sin. Man's sins die through Jesus and it makes man acceptable to God. Jesus' blood mean purification and spotlessness to us all who come to Him. That sort of cleanness is what assures forgiveness for us, Prov.28:13, Is.59:20. He is able to make us free of sin and of ourselves indeed.

  1662. When someone steels from his neighbour everyone talks about it because it is bad and abnormal enough. However, if there is no stealing, no one talks about it because everyone assumes that is a normal conduct. People talk about others being mean to each other and, when neighbours get along, we have it as a normal behaviour and no one talks about it. Even sinners attest to the fact that a holy being or a holy living is the normal way to live. Holiness is what man accepts as a normal behaviour because that is what man has been created for.

  1663. "...Neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, says the Lord", Mal.3:11. Are you one of those who ask to have tomorrow's things right away? Did you know that receiving fruit before its proper time is a curse? Are you an impatient being? Do you neglect today's work by stressing your mind and heart with tomorrow's things? However, we must distinguish between not receiving today because there is some sin in us which annoys God and not being the right time for the right thing. There is fruit which must be there all year round and there is certain fruit for certain seasons. Just try to find out whether you are out of season or in season. Then, it shall be much easier for you to know why God is not giving now what you are pleading for now.

  1664. Many people's faith is a curse. Let me explain. To many, faith amounts to believing whatever suits them. It is true real faith is or should be as easy as breathing. However spontaneous, faith is a certainty of the right thing carried out through the right means. Faith is being sure and assured of some reality God has whispered into us beforehand or any other time. Faith is not believing - it is the ability to believe the right thing the right way and, sometimes, at the right time. Being assured never made people right about what they believe. However, being right about what they believe makes them assured and confident. That is what faith is all about. The proper assurance is faith. The wrong kind of assurance cannot be considered as faith at all. "Now faith is the assurance of things...", Heb.11:1. Faith is not the ability to believe, but the capability to believe truth - it cannot be mere believing. "If you can believe..." Marc.9:23.

  1665. Be extremely careful when you expect from the heart that God should come your way. Make sure you expect Him to deliver you from the right things or you shall be disappointed in Him as many have been already. The Jews were oppressed people and hungered for the coming of the Christ. However, there was a problem: Christ comes unto us to deliver us from ourselves and not from our problems. Whenever He comes, he solves the kind of heart we have and not our problems. Seldom does He solve our problems. The Israelis expected a Christ to deliver them the way Moses did a long time before. They did not expect the Christ to deliver them from themselves, from the force of hatred, from all fleshly things they had been so used to. To deliver them from that was to kill away the only source of hope they knew until then. They did not expect the Christ to do the right thing, but rather to perform their thing. "Behold, He comes, says the Lord of Hosts. But who can endure the day of His coming? (...) He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. And He shall purify the sons and purge them as gold and silver(...) And I will come near you to judgment. And I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those who do not fear Me", Mal.3:1-5. Do you really hunger after Christ? What do you expect Him to do when He comes? From what do you expect Him to rescue you? Make sure you won't be disappointed by His coming into your life in a real way. He came to save you from all your sins - not from your problems. "Why, when I came, was there no man; why, when I called, was there no one to answer?", Is.50:2. Many want God only because they see Him as powerful enough to do what they cannot do themselves concerning earthly things. Most even demand that it be done through a miracle. Do not be disappointed when He starts to do what He came for. There is another thing you should be careful about as well. Maybe the Lord takes you out of some of your problems for a reason only He knows about. Maybe He can't use those problems as instruments for holiness and He solves them for you. If it happens, now is time to avoid believing He came for your problems' sake since you see them solved. It is so easy to believe the wrong thing when He solves some problems for us! It might be one of the reasons why He does not solve most of our problems! The same principle must be held before our our minds in a continual way when it comes to holiness and to holy living. You cannot afford to believe you must become holy so God can perform certain things you wish to be carried out. You cannot afford to believe you must be kind so the Lord can be kind to you in return. Virtues are not the means to achieve certain ends - they are the ends themselves! The means are the miracles and the other things you usually seek to have from God. They are not the ends, but the means. You cannot become patient to be blessed since patience is the blessing itself. Virtues are the ends and not the means. Have you been committing the same mistakes the Jews committed a long time ago? What are the means in your life and what are the ends? Have you been changing the order of things lately? Whenever the right order of things is kept from the heart, we shall face any kind of problems with joy because we shall know those problems God allows in our lives mean to achieve some important ends for us. You should try looking at it the right way. It really works that way!

  1666. The difference between idolatry and truth is that idolatry is a god created by man after his own desires and conveniences, and truth creates or recreates man. Man has certain ideas or ideals based upon which he creates a god who he thinks will satisfy him. Through the truth we know man is the one who has been created. We have been created according to God's holy interests and image. We have been made to fulfil all His wishes and purposes. Man's god is man's creation and it is dumb, deaf, and, in case that god is human, it shall be unkind, full of himself and rude. However, man is quite stubborn about his gods and seldom gives up his way to worship the Living One instead. This means that all kinds of idolatry are born in man's heart and are kept by man's stubbornness. There is always some kind of convenience of/for man in idolatry. That is why I believe idolatry requires a lot of stubbornness to exist. On the other hand, God's creatures (truth's creatures) are never deaf or dumb as men's creations are. But, most are dumb towards God.

  1667. Dirty water is seldom dirty because of one component only. Usually, we say water is dirty without really knowing what it is dirty from. There is a mixture of things which darkens or poisons water. With people and the hearts of men the same can be said. It is usually a mixture of sins which is globally responsible for the overall and spontaneous behaviour of man on the long run. Behaviour is always a consequence of many things. This means that a sound behaviour from the heart is a mixture of virtues which are established in man. Globally, such a man behaves in a holy manner. There is seldom a virtue in a saint which stands out above others because man is holy in the whole or he won't be holy at all. The same can be said about unchanged sinners: we cannot afford to see a certain sin as the root of man's overall behaviour. Sinfulness is a mixture of many things man does by being away from God. Dirty lives have learned to live their way because they learned to live with no Shepherd. This is the main reason why sin must be abandoned globally and totally along with its environment and, then, learn a new way in a new pasture where there is a Shepherd. The main curse of sin is the birth of a bad heart which is responsible for a bad behaviour and conduct on the long, daily run.

  1668. Being reigned is not the same as being dominated. Demons dominate and possess a person. Having a King in us means we are softly led and the hard part of it is to be led in a way we would easily deny and not recognize as a way at all. The King we pledged to serve is soft and easy to hear. It is the heart of man which is hardened and expects hard ways. Man is hard to convince and is used to be driven the hard way. "Do not be like a mule...", Ps.32:9. God does not use hard, driving means to be King over us because He assumes we must be soft and tender towards Him ourselves. Having a King and a Master in me means I have someone who knows me better than I know myself, and who rules me according to my original image of Him. If that image is lost, I should work and do all I can to have it anew. I will answer for my life before Him because I have all in me since creation to be led through His tenderness and love, and have all available in Him right now to accomplish anything a great King usually desires.

  1669. There is a kind of life which works for the salvation of others and which strives to be divine. And there is a kind of life which saves others and which is divine by striving to save itself. One is earthly and the other is celestial. The life of God in saved ones manifests itself as the Life of heaven and not as a kind of life which looks like heaven's. A divine life does not struggle to be divine because it is divine. The life which struggles to be divine is not divine. It can't be and uses means that can't be divine. What really counts is the essence of holiness and not the mere appearance of it. Jesus came to us as One who had no appearance and had nothing in Him which we should desire, Is.53. Yet, He was and still is holy. It means He acts the same way still. "The kingdom of God is not coming with a visible display. For the kingdom of God is in you", Lk.17:21. That person who struggles to be divine has still certain earthly aspirations and dreams which are driven by fleshly motivations and uses earthly means to reach them. They will rather have those than work hard on a heart change through confession and prayer. God is not in debt to the flesh and none of His promises are meant to satisfy carnal people or carnal desires. Read the Bible the right way and you will immediately come to that conclusion yourself. If you, perhaps, find yourself still struggling to be holy and to be at peace in the presence of God, you must know you must change the kind of life you work through and you must, also, exchange the motives, the means and the goals in you for celestial ones. This is often a double problem and needs a double solution.

  1670. "No one calls for justice, nor does anyone plead out of truth", Is.59:4. In another translation this verse says that no one calls for justice out of a truthful heart. It does not mean people do not call for righteousness and justice. There are many who fight for causes of selfishness and sin with the whole heart using any means to win them, even the means of apparent truth. Are you one of them? Some use truthful means to defend a lying heart's causes. Some others are engaged in the causes of truth half heartedly using the weapons of darkness. Is your heart fully set in the causes of God the way it should be? Is godliness fully settled in you? Does God feel at home inside your heart? Does your heart feel at home in God? Do you feel at home with truth and do you feel at ease being fully transparent? Or does light annoy you often and makes you uncomfortable? Is your whole heart engaged in the manifestation of truth and righteousness to reveal itself fully through the light? What do you have in mind about righteousness? Do you still believe others are the ones who must be made righteous? The main ground and battle for truth is inside each fighter and not on the outside. "The kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his own field", Mat.13:31. God expects you to be righteous when He talks to you about righteousness. Do not easily assume those words He speaks are meant for a sermon or for someone else to hear them. They are meant for you. Do not try to carry out on the outside what must be fully accomplished inside. Do not let God say you trust yourself. Let it never be said of you! "They trust in vanity and speak lies. They conceive mischief and bring out iniquity (...) Their webs shall not become clothing, nor shall they cover themselves with their works...", Is.59:4,6. These people, who do that, experience some sort of typical problems, according to this piece of Scripture: 1. "They do not know the way of peace". This means they are constantly in a fighting mood and that there is a continual fight going on inside their hearts. 2."They have made crooked paths for themselves". This is something we should expect, because people do not wish to deny God openly, but only His ways. Their ways become self conceived and self-satisfying and demand the blessing from God. This really happens! This is a triple-sided coin. And it happens in such a way that people are seldom aware that they are doing the wrong thing. What a curse this must be! The way of a dishonest heart is a terrible curse! It is the curse itself. Can there be a greater curse than to make our own ways out and to plan and outline them by ourselves? This will give the impression we are righteous and are defending the right causes. But, God will deny them along with us. "I never knew you". I have always believed that appearance hinders transparency anywhere, anyhow and all the time. Make sure you work on truth; that you work it in yourself and avoid preaching to others to skip putting yourself in the light; and, whenever you do so, make sure you do so with a truthful heart.

  1671. God does not have time or respect for a bad temper or for a bad mood. And, usually, respect and attention is what anger or a bad spirit demands most. Just take some time to find the truthfulness of what I am saying here. On the other side, whenever my temper or mood changes, I must know God does not change along with it, because this is what a bad mood usually expects and believes so it can carry on being bad. The other side of any kind of bad mood is the assumption that it is not wrong in itself. Self-justification is the other side of a bad temper. And God works assuming my bad mood shouldn't even exist! He assumes it must be kicked out of me by me right away. And that is why He carries on with His work as always and He expects that sort of action from us as well! Make sure you work on it along with God because any bad mood usually works against whatever it should be doing. And the best way to deal against a bad mood is to stay side by side with God and work on what we should do as we would were we in our best mood or in heaven. Get hold of all heavenly virtues in the shortest time possible to you.

  1672. Many assume almost unconsciously that a difficult thing must be accomplished through grace and an easy thing should or can be carried out through self. Some won't even be aware of the way they perform easy things. That is a simple way to feed self and to keep it alive. The main secret of the gospel is to do all we do through grace, not because of what we do, but because of the way we do whatever we do. The flesh is fed and kept alive by using other means strange to grace. Things must be done here on earth exactly the same way anything would be done in heaven. The important part is how we do and not what we do. Therefore, you must be aware that, whenever people say they must pray a lot because they are facing something they consider very difficult to accomplish, the other side of them is assuming easy things do not need to be done through God or through a praying heart. Doing an easy thing through the arm of the flesh is like smoking only one cigarette more whenever you are trying to quit the whole of it. Doing easy things through the flesh amounts to feeding this strange monster, which is abnormal to creation and which rises up against God within us and against all His knowledge as well as against the knowledge and acknowledgment of Him in us, 2Cor.10:5.

  1673. So many question what they hear, having certain doubts about whether what they hear comes from God, the devil or the flesh. There is no easy way to solve this problem, though. The only way there is, is to enter into the Sanctuary and to get so near God that we shall, so to speak, see His lips moving and easily recognize His voice and realize who is speaking. You won't solve such doubting problems or moods unless you can make sure. And, to make sure, you must get near without your doubts. Are you moving that close to God? Make sure you know that people who hear God do so at the cost of getting near Him. It is not your ear which must be tuned only, but the whole of your heart and being. Alike beings get along and know each other. Jesus said that unless you become sheep you won't be able to hear Him. The main secret is not trying hard to hear, but rather becoming sheep from the heart. Sheep will hear.

  1674. We can only be saved from something or some place we are found in. We cannot be saved from hell because we are not in hell. The only people who could be saved from hell are those who find themselves already there. I cannot be saved from drowning unless I am found drowning in the water. I cannot be saved from drowning in dry land. Therefore, there is no such thing as being saved from hell. Even the Bible does not speak of us being saved from hell. But, it nevertheless talks about salvation. So, what are we to be saved from? We must be saved from sin and from ourselves. That is the kind of salvation the Bible talks about extensively. "You shall call Him JESUS; because He shall save His people from their sins", Mat.1.21. "You saved my soul from corruption".

  1675. When we have extensive knowledge of truth and we are not right with God (whether we realize it or not), God's promises can, even so, seem real to us. It seems the devil doesn't do anything to cause us to doubt such promises at all, especially if we are not clean and spotless before God. If there is no opposition, there won't be doubts in a self-assured person unless God is working it. The way of error puts little or no hindrances in such a way. It will serve the devil best if you have mirages of water in dry land and become disappointed in God later on. People can look at the promises of God as they would entertain some hallucination. Such deceiving hallucinations are worked out by mixing the deep desire of reaching out to some kind of promise man would feel pleased with and the mirage of water in the deserted soul. "It shall even be as when a hungry one dreams, and behold, he eats, but he wakes and his soul is empty; or as when a thirsty man dreams, and behold, he drinks; but he awakes, and behold, he is faint and his soul is longing. So shall it be with the multitude of all the nations who fight against mount Zion (or fight against their conscience to convince it otherwise!)", Is.29:8. Any man dying of thirst in any sort of desert is always so sure he is seeing water afar off. But, that kind of assuredness won't quench his thirst at all. That is how the promises of God will become deceiving mirages to all those who are found in the desert of sin. God's promises can become deceiving mirages instead of real lakes of water. Those promises can kill or bring to life. They won't become indifferent, inactive words at all - they will either kill or bring to life. These promises can become mirages to thirsty souls who refuse to clean up or they can be turned into the real essence of the testimony of God in the heart, or even into a fragrance of truth. However, the inclination of all those who find out they have been seeing mirages from God lately is to start despising or even doubting the Words of God. They will rather do that than comply to the conditions those promises silently demand to be fulfilled in or even through us. God sealed those promises for the clean in the heart and there is nothing that can ever hinder such promises to be fulfilled in their own ground and under their conditions. Are you fulfilling all the conditions God's promises require to be fulfilled in due time? Do you walk and talk with God? Does He answer you for real, or do you talk alone during prayers? Are you pure from the heart? Is God able to gather with you without being ashamed? Do you do all things, even at work, through God or do you still lean on the arm of the flesh so now and then? Do not use the unfulfilment of God's promises as the main excuse to start living a fleshly life! Rather clean up and do not be so eager to cast away from you the cords of God's promises. "Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, double-minded ones", James 4:8. Maybe, you never realized that an uneasy conscience is the main cause for the shipwrecking of real faith and the main strength for a false and feigning one. If you are pure or on the verge of becoming pure and clean through faith, do not fear to believe the same promises dirty people have often been disappointed by. God's word is a stumbling block to such. Nevertheless, it is still God's word and it shall remain so. Make sure you believe that. However, God's word is surely a fountain of real life as well. "And the glowing sand (the mirage) shall become a pool", Is.35:7. And if we talk about God's promises, we may apply the same binding principle on many other crucial truths important to all of us, such as election and being chosen. We have been chosen to be holy. That is the main thing we have been chosen for. Are you holy? Or will you sell your birthright for the sake of some sin? Do you rather choose "to suffer with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of (some) sin"? Heb 11:25. "Therefore, brothers, rather be diligent to make your calling and election sure", 2Ped.1:10.

  1676. Be extremely careful when it is the devil or fleshly intuition who is promising things in the name of God and which things God would promise under certain conditions or circumstances. It is very dangerous in many ways. One of those dangers is that we can live towards something God has never promised to us personally and we will squander precious time expecting, doing or working for something which will eventually not work out for us. And, when those promises we believed came from God are not fulfilled because they were not directed to us, we shall easily doubt when it is God who is speaking for real leading us into something else. It shall happen because of the former experiences of failure and of unfulfilled promises, especially if we become honest people. If you wish to avoid that, do not allow the flesh to serve in the temple of God. You are that temple. Work it out in you and not outside of you. God can promise only when the flesh is not promising in His name anymore and He can fulfil only when the flesh is not trying to fulfil in His behalf by playing God for fear that it might not receive by waiting on the Lord. Do you remember how believing Abraham refused to conquer by himself the land God promised him? Or how David refused to kill Saul to reach out the the promised throne of Israel, using his own arm and the sword? Do not trust the arm of the flesh, not even when it does all things correctly, in a friendly way or even to fulfil a promised end.

  1677. Man was the only creature (as far as we know) that has been created according to God's image. However, man is the creature which is further from resembling God today than most creatures on earth. Man does not glorify God at all. Try something. Take your dog and close it in the boot of your car. And do the same to your wife. Who will yell at you and who will plead to come out? After an hour open it and see for yourself which one is angry at you and which is thankful. Later on, who is going to sleep in another room? I hope you do not do this, but it just shows how far man has wandered from his original heart and the holy image God has given him.

  1678. One of the reasons we shouldn't judge our neighbour is that there are things we do not understand as God does. Besides, there are many wrong things for us which might not be so wrong for our fellow pilgrims to follow. That is why the greatest struggle we might be in for is the struggle of coming out of our own doctrinal views and aptitudes. We must come out of them without stepping into error. We cannot step into error after coming out of ourselves. However, there are many right things we easily consider wrong and many wrong things we may consider right. May God grant us the vision of that door which leads us out of ourselves to escape for our lives!

  1679. "Not walking in craftiness..." 2Cor.4:2. This means not walking according to plan, but rather according to nature. We shouldn't be able to feign our own behaviour or attitudes at all. If we do, it means we are hiding something and hiding is walking in darkness. Rather jump out of feigning and reveal your whole heart.

  1680. Sins like jealousy, greed, gossiping, feigning and, to a certain measure, bitterness are character habits and not character roots. These are often habits the body of death left behind in new beings. You need, therefore, to make a point of implanting a strong and careful discipline upon yourself to be on the guard against feeding these character habits. These die only whenever you stop feeding them if you are indeed dead with Christ. Do not forget this part of discipline whenever you hand your whole being to the Lord. Bad humour or any such kind of selfishness must be kicked out of you and not merely resisted or withstood. If you do not do that, you shall surely return to a dead state of heart and spirit.

  1681. As soon as we obey, we shall understand all!

  1682. I found I cannot look into the same things for long periods so as to remember and understand them better. So, I felt the option is to see them in a clearer way because important things must be easily recalled. It makes a better and lasting impression to look upon it with more light and in a clearer, perceiving way. The clearer I see truth, the longer it shall remain fresh within me. Get closer to the Lord to have a better look and so that things will be clearer and more visible to you. That is one way to solve many of our forgetfulness in the long run. I have never forgotten any of those things which have been clearly revealed to my soul and expectations. After the vision has become clear, hold on to it to the end, whatever happens. Its fulfilment and implementation depends on what you do to it. Be obedient to the vision of the Lord. The revelations of the Lord are like jewels left in your hand to make you faithful in doing and performing certain important tasks of the holy will of God. First the heart becomes faithful and then willingness becomes important.

  1683. It is better for me when my life is right with God to think there might be something wrong with it, than to think my life is right and feel confident when my life is not in order before Him.

  1684. There are those who watch because of Jesus, I mean, because He is coming to them anytime from anywhere. However, there are some in a higher stage who watch with Jesus. Are you watching with Jesus?

  1685. When someone wants to enjoy the benefits of a Godly life but does not wish to know God Himself, it amounts to plucking off the fruit from a garden without the knowledge of its owner. Even humans call it theft. Our ultimate goal must be to know God and not only to enjoy the fruit.

  1686. It is easy to understand a child when it fears darkness. But, how can we understand an adult who hides from light and lives in darkness all the time?

  1687. God trusts only a heart which has the inborn habit of depending on Him all the time and to be faithful to the vision. God trusts a work in which He has fully shared His powerful grace or which He has carried out to the end.

  1688. The main war of God is not against people who are mean, but rather against the mean heart of people itself. However, anyone who holds on to sinfulness will end up destroyed along with sin; and whoever abandons sin shall surely enjoy the Redeemer. "And the Redeemer shall come to those who turn from transgression", Is.59:20.

  1689. Helping people is assisting them in what they want to do or something they find hard to carry out. Helping people is not assisting them in what they do not wish to do.

  1690. A deceitful heart is the most obvious, the most direct consequence of a separation from God. Our independence from the Lord results in such disasters which we shall never be able to avoid.

  1691. Every saved one comes out of Egypt. Have you already come out of the love of novels and any kind of worldliness? Only those who really came out of Egypt can consider themselves free people or saved ones.

  1692. "Above it stood the seraphs; each one had six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew", Is.6:2. It is interesting to see just how these seraphs flew around with their faces covered. They did not miss their way at all! We can assume they had covered their eyes as well. It could only mean they flew around being led and taken by the Spirit of God. Wouldn't you love to be led that way, even when your eyes were not covered?

  1693. Blaming whoever is guilty is not the same thing as saving the guilty. However, let's be aware that saving a guilty one without pointing out sin and guilt with harmonious precision is not possible at all. It is like a doctor analysing a disease thoroughly to give it a final death blow - not to the patient, but to the disease.

  1694. Only fairytales have endings. My story is real and so is my walking with Jesus. I will live forever. It shall not end.

  1695. Did you know that searching and finding the wisdom of God applies a death blow to all sorts of pride? "But the wisdom that is from above is first truly pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy", James 3:17. Many refer to poor people as "humble people". Through that assumption we are tempted to believe that rich people are proud. And that is not what the Bible says because pride and humility lives in the heart of man and does not consist of external circumstances. It depends mainly on what man is like inside. There are many poor people whose pride runs over. And we also know how humble Job, Abraham and David had been, even though they were very rich. Have you ever felt a deep desire to be really humble and simple? Do not associate it with poverty at all, but rather to the wisdom of God and to a fully surrendered heart, whatever the circumstances are. To be humble is to be yourself in God before all. Try to live out, experience and enjoy the wisdom of God in all its fullness and you will have a deep kind of humility resulting from that!

  1696. A friend called my attention upon something that made me think a lot. He talked about the revolution brought by the washing of hands in hospitals, especially, after each patient is treated. We know that most infections have been reduced to very low numbers. Then he said: "If the washing of hands made such a difference in hospitals concerning contagious diseases, how much more would the washing of hearts decrease the infecting of souls of men by sin!"

  1697. When man desires something, he undoubtedly considers it a good thing because he desires it. Consequently, if there is any blessing coming from God which man cannot recognize as such, it will be a bad thing to him. If it is not what man wants, then it will not seem like a blessing.

  1698. Things become important only in the day they belong. Outside their proper day they can't become important and neither can they be seen as a duty. We need to maintain the overall vision which God blesses us with but, we should never confuse one day with the other and the work that belongs to each day with some other day's work in the past or even in the future.

  1699. Give your words to the dumb, your legs to the lame, your eyes to the blind, your money to whom is in need, your love to everyone. Never think of receiving back anything at all, not even applause. Do not lend your legs, eyes or your sleep to receive something back. Simply give it away. Haven't you given your whole self to Jesus? Are did you give yourself to yourself for the sake of self?

  1700. My life is a continual management of promises and my cooperation with God in them in all obedience.

  1701. Anyone becomes much richer by giving to the meek than by receiving from the proud.

  1702. Every time a family member gives himself to greed or to the love of money, fighting starts at home. "He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house", Prov.15:27. It happens because such people might choose money above buying food and other essentials; will prefer to steal from what should be given to God because we all know every rope breaks first where it has its weaker point; such a person will, also, try to dominate other's lives at home to satisfy his own greed. However, the worst part of it is that such sins always resemble good management of resources and the children at home learn those attitudes from fathers and mothers more than from anyone else. Children will the first to reflect the most obvious consequences of those attitudes at home. If this is the case with you, don't you think it is time to stop with it now? Will the outcome of any such sinning pay off in the long run?

  1703. I am so sure that I will have more hope and greater expectations at the door of death than anyone who doesn't know Jesus will ever have during any special moment of his whole living. I know all things God promised and talked about will be fulfilled then. Don't people get into a plane to go somewhere? The coffin will take me to heaven. What a marvellous thought! Are you prepared?

  1704. The person who hides, ignores, neglects or buries away whatever God granted him to be faithful to, creates a graveyard in his own heart. God will always call upon such a person to answer for the smell of death coming out of him.

  1705. The idea that "prayer changes things" is not as true as the one that says that God changes us and we change things. However, none of them is completely right. It is true that God transforms us every time we near Him in prayer with a truthful heart and a honest cry. Transformation is a direct consequence of nearing God. But, we know we near God for the sake of many of those things we seek solutions for. The truth is that those things are transformed by us in God and by God in us. And we are also transformed along, this being the main reason and aim of the need for prayer created by God. Such wisdom is simply too wonderful to explain. But, if we manage to near God for the sake of God alone, the transformation which occurs in us is purer, more lasting and more adequate to holy beings - even though it might not take place in a quicker way than most half transformations we see by nearing God to find something else and not Him alone.

  1706. The person who less accepts advices from others is the one who can easily refer to past experiences which he is not experiencing anymore. Every time someone's life is not up to date, all references such a person has, entice the heart to believe it knows all, knows better and has close to nothing to learn from anyone else. This is the kind of danger Jesus warned us about when He said, "If, therefore, the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" Mat.6:23.

  1707. When anything is robbing the peace of God from your heart in any way, one of two things is happening: you either have some hidden sin in your conscience which you refuse to put in the light and which you excuse off continually; or your relationship to Jesus is falsified, forced, forged and untrue. Would you like someone to near you in a forced way, trying to please you being present with an absent heart?

  1708. The worst enemy of love are those natural preferences we show towards people and which man easily assumes as being love. The worst enemy of sincerity and honesty is the appearance of honesty man often shows off with. The worst enemy of speaking the way we ought is eloquence. We could carry on and find many other worst enemies of all kinds of virtues.

  1709. Jesus never demanded that we accept Him the way people do it in church nowadays. That doctrine is not biblical. What Jesus demands from us is that we be fully surrendered to Him in all aspects of our lives and in all aspects of His will, both His will for us and His universal will for all. I mean that you cannot wish less for others than you are able to wish for yourself. That is the law and the prophets. In fact, the nowadays doctrines of accepting Jesus as they are put before people hinder that kind of surrender which God demands from all of us. I don't have any respect for such deluding doctrines which deceive people into believing they have peace "where there is no peace", Jer.6:14. It hinders dead people to become living beings.

  1710. I cannot set as a goal for myself to do many things or many things at once. My only goal must be to do the best of one thing at a time, the one I need to do right now or today. This kind of discipline and dedication to what belongs to today are the foundations for the days which are still to come. Eternity is an infinite today. Be faithful to what is at hand to do right now through the blessing of the Lord. That is how you become an eternal being.

  1711. God will surely dress me up with a garment of righteousness, just as Jacob gave a colourful garment to his son, Joseph. Jacob made it himself and so will God make mine. I will be righteous and pure and I will wear a colourful garment which will speak of God's love and mercy. My garment will be even more wonderful than the one Joseph had on him. Mine shall not be worn out and stained.

  1712. Kindness is not acceptance of evil. Never think that accepting evil is what goodness is all about. That can't be kindness because that is to make an alliance with evil. Goodness works against evil much like a cancer works against a body. It destroys evil from the inside. And no one will ever cooperate with his own death and no one will ever approve an own death. However, if you ever feel you are a bad, unkind person in any aspect of your whole being, you must walk towards Calvary. And we all know what happens there. Make a point of walking that way freely and willingly. There Christ shall kill you forever, so you shall rise a new being. The kind Life of God is what the Bible often mentions as being the seed which is able to save man from the inside. That kind of seed is corrosive in the heart of evil - it is not kind towards evil at all. That is why John says that the seed is able to preserve us and evil cannot stand against it in the long run. "Everyone who has been born of God does not commit sin, because His seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God", 1 John 3:9. That seed works as a cancer against any kind of evil - not as a healer.

  1713. If, by any reason, all my work burns down or is destroyed, I will feel like having lost a precious son. I would feel like Job felt when he lost all his family to death. May God preserve me from that!

  1714. "...Those who delight in the perversities of the wicked...", Prov.2:14. Have you ever wondered if watching worldly movies and novels is wrong for you? Well, here the Bible talks against all those people who use their time to watch with pleasure what evil does. Watching worldliness is a kind of lust (of the eyes). "My eyes will behold no evil thing". Paul talks about those who "have pleasure in others practicing evil", Rom.1:32.

  1715. If the Bible talks about the "prosperity of the fools", it means that fools are often rich and prosperous. And if that is true, it can't mean that God has left me when I am poor. When Job lost all, it never meant God was against him.

  1716. When I owe money to a bank and I ask for another loan from them, it simply means I wont get my loan. Banks do not lend more money to anyone who hasn't paid them back. If you owe anything to God or to people, how can you expect God to answer your requests? Will you have the confidence you need in prayer if you haven't been faithful to what God has given you in previous occasions? What do you still owe God? Your life or some of your money, perhaps? Have you given your whole life to God already? Can you trust God in all aspects of your whole living? It belongs to Him in the whole. If you still owe Him anything of it, I am sure you won't near Him with the confidence you need to have.

  1717. Greed takes away the life of anyone who befriends with it. You must choose between greed and being alive. Greed is soul sickness - it is a disarrangement. Unfortunately, people do not deal with sin the way they deal with some illness. If I have diarrhea I instinctively start figuring out what could be the cause of it or what bad thing could I possibly have eaten. But, when people are spiritually disarranged they don't do that. If you feel impatient and without peace, if you lost control over your heart and soul, if your heart is disarranged, why don't you try to figure out what the cause of it is?

  1718. "My son , if sinners entice you, do not consent", Prov.1:10. There are many forms of enticement and seduction into sin. The devil can entice directly or lure people into sin indirectly by promising something 'good' through it. For example, someone may hit or rob your child and you can react in a wrong way. And afterwards you realize all the devil wanted was to use a reason for you to fall into some sort of temptation. We should be careful about all sorts of strategies the devil is able to devise against any of us. "Put on the whole armour of God so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil... For we are not ignorant of his devices", Ef.6:11, 2Cor.2:11.

  1719. The deeper the well, the purer and the cleaner the water shall be at the surface. The deeper you immerge into God, the cleaner your life shall be from the outside. Do not try to look good only when you can change for real. "Walk with Me and be perfect!" This means the main issue is to walk with the Lord. Perfection will naturally follow.

  1720. Never fear to refuse hastening or speeding up the proper time of the Lord for certain things. People usually fear to be delaying things which they are impatient about. Do not fear to deal thoroughly with impatience because the man who refuses to hasten the time of God will also easily refuse to have the proper timing of the Lord postponed or delayed. One thing leads to the other. That is the way a normal heart works. To refuse to hasten the time of the Lord is not the same as postponing things at all. It only means we want the right things to happen in their proper time and place. Today belongs to today. In fact, by trying to quicken or hasten the right time for something, often delays it. It means we are busy trying to hasten things and, by doing so, we cannot be busy with the preparation those things require to be fulfilled and accomplished in us beforehand. You must rather choose to be "a prepared people for the Lord" instead of trying to skip or avoid cooperating with God by whatever means He uses to have you dead and fully crucified and, consequently, resurrected with Christ and prepared forever - prepared for eternity. It is eternal things you will receive now. So, here is this double truth: if you try to hasten things, you will surely delay them; if you refuse to hasten them and rather use your precious and short time for the sake of your own preparation, you will undoubtedly "redeem the time". And the other truth is: if you find yourself busy with hastening times (which means you are filled with impatience and mistrust towards God and His timing), you cannot be busy preparing yourself for when those things shall happen and neither can you be filled with God. We cannot do two things at once or serve two masters at the same time. And woe to the servant who is unprepared when the Lord comes with what He has promised!

  1721. "Music are organized sounds; philosophy are organized thoughts; science is organized knowledge"; melody is organized beauty. Holiness is an organized being. Get organized!

  1722. As a rule and by the laws of spirituality, every person who understands something is someone who already practices in some degree whatever he or she understands. That is a law of creation. Even Jesus said, "Whoever practices shall know". If you understand sin, it means you practice sin. If you cease to practice sin, you will gradually cease to understand it. The same principle can be applied to all aspects of our lives, whether it is our prayer life, cultural life, language or any other. If you understand English it is because you already practice it in some way, or you would not be able to understand it at all. Therefore, if you understand the ways of holiness, take courage and carry on living as God told you to. Do not be misled by accusations if you already understand and easily accept holiness. Find more of it in a practical way and you shall surely be given more and even better to understand. This is a rule which often causes people to waver to launch themselves into a life of faith and of undisputed trust in the Lord. People often do not understand it before they start practicing it. It is hard and too daring to hand our lives over to the unknown Lord of all. It will often seem too risky because we do not understand a thing about the practical consequences of what we are doing. But, let there be faith! Let there be more people who practice so they will gain good understanding. It will mean more people will have understanding or, at least, people will have more and better understanding. This is the main reason why the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. It means people who fear the Lord start practicing out of fear and will gain the consequent understanding through what they do, or by what they are and, most important, of who God really is in or through them. Understanding is the main consequence of proper practicing.

  1723. We may be very busy with the things of God without being busy with God Himself. We may, also, be busy with the things of God outwardly while our hearts are consumed by worldly affairs. But, we may also be busy with material affairs while our hearts deeply hunger after God and to be with Him only. However, every time you are busy with God Himself, make sure you heart is wholly there and is not divided by anything else but is wholly filled with the Lord's business. That is what it means to seek Him with your whole heart. It means the heart is not divided between Him and something else.

  1724. Joseph learned many things during the years he had been a slave. He also unlearned many things. I believe it is more important to unlearn than to learn, even though we do both during heavy trials such as these. However, I believe the most valuable lesson Joseph learned was to do all, and nothing but his best, without doing it for a reward. He aimed at the reward of God alone. That is why he could rule the whole of Egypt later on. He was "a prepared people for the Lord" and he used his time very well during slavery, it is, to prepare himself for the Lord.

  1725. All people who are led by a faith set ablaze by the Spirit of God always break some rules which are always valuable to society, to the religious circles they belong, to their cultural background and even to their communities. Tamar left her widow clothes and put on prostitute garments; Abraham sacrificed his own son and, being rich, sent the other away without anything but bread and water; David ate the bread which only priests were allowed to eat; David also used the ephod, something which some people were penalized for. We could mention thousands of examples more. This only proves that God is not bound to rules, whether good or bad, and much less to absurd rules. God seeks spontaneous, immediate obedience to Him and not to rules.

  1726. If we put all we are and have into taking hold of Life, we are surely helping Life to get a full hold of us. This is why Paul says, "Lay hold of Eternal Life". However, we must never forget that Life allows us to do so because it seeks to get hold on us in every aspect of our whole living. By doing so, we often hasten times because the aim of God is to have "a prepared people" for Him. Then, our spiritual clock will be set according to God's and our heart will beat according to His. However, if this is the case, I mean, if we put all we have into getting hold of that Life which, by having us doing so, also gets hold of us, we must have in mind that we are putting all effort into finding the life we imagine. I mean that we have an own idea of what that Life is, and that is an image of what is heaven. Therefore, when we seek to get hold of Life with all our might, we must add to our efforts an openness of mind which does not mystify or hinder the proper Life that Life God has for all of us. By having an own idea of eternal life here on earth, many have taken hold of nothing and walk as if they have something to hold on to. Our hearts must be open to change its vision about Life without losing on perseverance because of having a short or wrong idea of what Life really is. When it does not happen according to what we imagine, we might enter the way of error and the ground for fanaticism will be created. Fanatic behaviour is to take hold of nothing. Consequently, God will need to pull those weeds of fanaticism out of us later on and through much pain on our part and, also, through much effort from His part.

  1727. When I lack comprehension and understanding of God and of my ways in Him, it can be only ascribed to some sort of disobedience somewhere. Spiritual darkness or blindness is always the fruit of some kind of disobedience somewhere, whether it is a direct fruit of disobedience, or fruit in a second or third degree. Do you want light? Just obey the Lord and light will surely be there assuring you. And if you think for a while you might, also, become aware that all religious fanaticism comes from disobedience because people become their own light because they lack the real one. Let's look into it the other way round. If you have much light and enlightenment and your life seems to go nowhere, be assured that you are obedient to God or you wouldn't share in that light at all. Do not be worried and rather wait on the Lord patiently. You will see that soon your life will be a complete whole and it will, then, make sense to you and to many others. "If anyone desires to do His will, he shall know...", John 7:17.

  1728. The average person has the intuition that we have problems to learn something out of them. Even if it occasionally may be true, the truth is that God wants you to unlearn something through your problems as well. Problems hinder us to be what we have become away from God.

  1729. The reason why Jesus seems to be so strong-minded about all our relationships is that He knows that all relationships which do not have Him in the first place will inevitably end up against the rocks of sin and death. Are all your relationships based on that principle of having, honouring and holding on God first and above all? If not, you must assure yourself about how you will end, if it doesn't blow up in your face right now.

  1730. The generalized tendency of nowadays Christianity is to have people fully satisfied in a rut of wrong doings and wrong doctrines. All these doctrines are conceived to breed that sort of satisfaction in people who live in sin and to praise, talk about and commune with a Christ of their own minds. It works directly against the efforts of the Lord to get people out of that rut and have them believe and honour Him instead.

  1731. We who wish to be totally committed and faithful to the Lord don't talk much about personal experiences, but rather truths that rise from personal experiences.

  1732. "Do not cease to pray". It means, do not give up before God grants all the requests which mean a lot to Him and to His glory. Unanswered prayers just don't seem to bring unbelief into us. However, those of us who seek God's will to fund it believe more and better as our deepest heart and faith is stretched to be limit. Hope needs to be sound and above suspicion, just as faith and love. Hope is to expect from God. And by expecting that way, we reject all means by which we are tempted to accept an easy way out for or an alternative way of attaining to what we expect to receive from the Lord Himself. Didn't David refuse to kill Saul with his own hands because it was God who would make him king over Israel? Didn't he expect something better from God than being saved or established by own hands?

  1733. Every time a wife or husband insists or demands from the partner that all things they do should be discussed among them, it means the one who demands it does not wish to discuss what he or she does, but only what the other one does. If you complain against your partner on this issue be assured that you are the one who is unwilling to talk about what you do. If you discuss your stuff with your partner, however, so will you partner discuss with you what he or she needs to do. Remember that the Law and the Prophets are fulfilled whenever you do to others whatever you wish to be done to you. And an example is usually a teaching mode and soon the two will be doing the same thing because it seems to be the right thing to do.

  1734. We shouldn't only be motivated by the Lord but also have the same motives He has. God can't motivate us unless our motives are His.

  1735. No one is able to trust a man who is suspicious of everyone else or of everything else. Not even a dog can trust a man who is afraid of it. It is a law in nature. The suspicious man judges the lack of faithfulness he sees in others and we know what that means. It means that whoever sees such errors in others has those sins himself. This is why a suspicious man can't be a reliable person since he himself is spreading around an odour of unfaithfulness. This is the explanation and the reason why we can't trust a suspicious man.

  1736. Jesus received many blows and many agonizing stings a long time ago. No one stood by Him at the time. Today he receives the same blows in the person of His holy children. However, if each of His children would walk two or three miles every time they were told to walk one, they would be distributing the wonderful fragrance of their Lord and would be glorifying Him. It is always the glory of God which is at stake. His glory is what evil is aiming at. And God allows it to happen because it may bring Him greater glory just as it can do the opposite. God risks His glory by allowing these confrontations with evil. Sometimes He achieves outstanding results from us. If we walk more than the mile people demand from us, we receive the blow aimed at the Lord. Now we can receive all blows aimed at Him. It is time to do so.

  1737. The main reason why many don't know much about God's time for something to happen is that people easily become proud about what they know. Many are pleased with what they have and many are more so with what they know.

  1738. Our insistence in proving that we are right about something just shows we may not be right in some aspect of our lives, even when that aspect is not the one we claim to be right about.

  1739. Our insisting on providing for ourselves proves that we are refusing to wait on God's provision and on His perfect timing. It may also show that God is about to provide. The closer God's provision is, the more people are inclined to provide for themselves and to become impatient.

  1740. We should be able to smell truth out because the truth leaves its fragrance all around. Besides, we have all the means and capacities since creation to find and lodge truth as truth. This is why we won't have any excuse to miss out on truth.

  1741. God is not a hypocrite. He is good to bad ones just as He is good to good ones. He is what He is all the time. He does not depend on what we do to Him or to anyone else to be good to us, unless He chooses to exhort us through our circumstances because we are His Children. Children of the Lord experience the rod more than the average sinner does. However, humans are used to their sinfulness, which is to do good and be kind to all those who do them good and to be naturally inclined to be mean towards all the rest, even towards those who are passive and indifferent towards them. Now, because they are like that, they assume that is how God is. And when they think of God as good, they believe it means He will do some good towards them. They shall also naturally assume God does them good because they are right with Him. Were they not right with Him, it means (to them) that He would be mean towards them in this present life. They conclude that God would never be good to them unless they had been acceptable to Him. They have an unconscious and distorted vision of God and think He is as an average sinner and expect God to act like the average human being would act. "For I am the LORD, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed", Mal.3:6. Do not say you are right with God too quickly, especially not on account of what you receive in daily life. If God is good to you in some way, try to believe it happens because He is good towards anyone and not because it is all about you. Do not use the fact that God is good as an excuse not to fix your life right away. Do not easily assume everything is right between you and Him only because He has been good to you in some way. Remember that the Lord won't pull the weeds out of the corn field till Judgment Day. And if God is good, so should we be. "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax-collectors do the same?", Mat.5:46-48.

  1742. Every time water boils too quickly we assume there is too little water in the pot. And we may not be wrong about it. Whenever there is plenty water, it takes much longer to reach a boiling point, unless the water is already somewhat hot. We may state the same thing about faith and spiritual enthusiasm. Many boil in faith and enthusiasm too quickly and too easily. They haven't really thought deeply about many things and about the real character of the Lord. "Some (seeds) fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth. And they sprang up immediately, because they had no deepness of earth", Mat.13:5.

  1743. Be careful with those things to which God hasn't said no and about which He keeps quiet. If God hasn't said "no" or "yes", He can still say either of them. Don't make up your mind as to what God's answer will be, at least not before He can answer you for real. Maybe you are the one hindering a real answer. And if God keeps quiet, it means He can grant you your request as soon as you are "a ready people for the Lord" and as soon as God sees the disposition in you to remain faithful to Him after you receive. God may also delay a "no" for that same reason. Perhaps, He doesn't find in you the disposition to receive a "no" as an answer and to believe God has something better for you. You keep battling on and on with the same request only because your heart disposition isn't the best. Will you remain faithful to God if He says "no"? And if He grants you your request, will you?

  1744. If it would be possible, it would be much better for any of us to do the wrong thing the right way (through the Lord), than to do the right thing the wrong way. It is worse to use strange fire on the altar of God than to put there the wrong offering. That was the main reason why David refused to kill Saul when he could have done so because Saul was destined to die. David realized he could not become king the wrong way, by own hands. We should always refuse to save ourselves, to provide for ourselves and to do anything else for ourselves which God is about to do Himself.

  1745. When God speaks to the heart of man, it does not mean it is the heart speaking at all. God speaks to the heart and not through the heart. And whenever God speaks, the heart does not speak - it listens in stillness. However, whenever you answer God, make sure your heart also speaks. John Bunyan said: when you pray, it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.

  1746. Avoid any form of life that does not take into account the possibility of evil and sin. Avoid an unprepared life. The prepared life watches knowing it must live God's life without resisting evil. By taking into account evil is out there, it helps us not to pay attention to it when bad things happen because we expected them to withstand us in some way. It doesn't come as a surprise and we carry on living God's life as if nothing happened. A prepared life is not surprised by evil and, therefore, is prepared to carry on doing whatever God has left in its hands to be faithful right to the end.

  1747. Every cause of God is important, but God is more. The same principle is applied to us by the Lord: we are more important to Him than the work we do. "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?", Mat.16:26.

  1748. There is no time more confusing than when our goals or motives are being changed along with us. It is a time when we lose all. However, press on and soon the rest will be there. There is no alternative way. We must get through it and find our rest after those changes have taken place.

  1749. Whatever is limited is also limiting. Let me explain. Usually people come to God and are satisfied with very little from Him. They have never experienced peace and the little peace or a fragrance of real love they experience is already more than overwhelming to them. Consequently, they start limiting God to their experience because they can't figure out how great God is yet. Little is more than they expected and little is just too big for them. They hold on to a limited view of Him and of His power from then on. They are happy with a fountain when God wishes it to turn into a powerful river. The vision is limited and, consequently, it shall also be limiting the person in daily life because such people do not take into account that there is abundance in God for which they are not able to make provision for. Whatever we receive from the Lord needs to be multiplied and must become according to Him. "Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, according as His divine power...", 2Pet.1:2.

  1750. Every pure man who is in fellowship with Jesus is someone who will always allow God to convince him instead of convincing himself. That is mainly how he avoids being in error about many things. That way he also avoids pressuring God with his own will or with the will of any other man. Faith is to be fully persuaded and fully convinced by God and by His word.

  1751. The work of God is mainly what we are and not so much what we do for Him.

  1752. The best vision you may have is the vision of your heart under the Light of God because no one knows oneself but through Jesus, even though light and Jesus are the ones who change the heart; the best gift is the ability to fix our lives under that light; and the best revelation we will have as soon as our lives and hearts are spotless and clean.

  1753. Any unbeliever or faithless Christian has many sorts of difficult problems to solve. Here is an example. Whenever God says something it is supposed to happen as God said it would. However, the faithless man shall not see it happen even when God has said it. That will make the unbeliever or faithless Christian even more unbelieving since he does not see God's word being fulfilled. The right voice disappointed him. Next time he hears God again he might not take it as God speaking. Whatever God says may never be associated with unbelief and lack of faith or God will become a stumbling block.

  1754. The more I understand of the Bible, the more I am aware that theologians, Christians and preachers have abandoned the right way. The Biblical truth is thrown into a corner and piled up in the selves of hatred and threats of nowadays Christians, even if they do not admit it. These times are worse than those we read about when the priests found the Book of the Law thrown in dusty places somewhere in the temple of God, 2 Kings 22:8.

  1755. There is a wrong way to do the right thing and many try to do the wrong thing the right way. Let me give an example. You can try to do God's will through the arm of the flesh or you can plead to God for His power to carry out your own will. Beware because there are many ways to enter the way of error.

  1756. An ignorant person who does not make use of wisdom in his daily life is usually an unbelieving person who also trusts no one. He is always suspicious of everyone else's opinion. The reason for that is very simple: all ignorant people believe they know all because their lack of knowledge does not make them people who can evaluate what they do not know. And because they believe they know all, it so happens that anything they consider new to their knowledge or experience is enough to make them suspicious about it because they do not believe in something outside their range of experiences, expectations or knowledge.

  1757. Let's talk now to people who usually walk with God. Have you ever noticed that every time you step out of the way of the Lord or out of the relationship with Him (even if you are not aware you are doing that) temptations become stronger than ever? Have you given some thought to it? Why does it happen that way? I believe that is so because God leaves us at the mercy of the devil and sin since we have abandoned Him.

  1758. Timid people are proud people and the daring ones are humble and often receive from the Lord who "gives grace to the humble". There is a huge association between humility, daring and receiving. If the daring receive, they must be humble people or grace would not be distributed to them at all.

  1759. Ruth was a Moabite, a stranger to the people of God and to the ways of God. Yet, she was an example to the very people of God. Isn't it strange? We would think that she could be, at the most, a consolation or a joy to them by equalling them. However, she outstood them. Her virtues and dedication outstood the people of God. How shameful!

  1760. Samuel was dedicated to the Lord by his mother. However, that dedication wouldn't avail him anything unless the dedication became a personal issue and an intervention of his will. His mother's dedication of him meant only he could count on God's blessing from birth. He had still to dedicate his heart to God personally so that God could find a dedicated heart in him. If someone else dedicates us to God, it won't affect our own will at all. Slaves were forced to be slaves and they were seldom dedicated to their owners. No one owns our will and it needs to love the Lord freely and out of itself. Dedication and consecration is the dedication of the will of man to God.

  1761. John the Baptist was not only full of the Spirit, but he was famous and spoken about since birth. God prepared everything inside his heart as well as on the outside.

  1762. Both Elizabeth and Zachariah, the parents of John the Baptist, have been filled with the Spirit (Luk.1:41,67). Their son needed parents filled with the Spirit so they could raise him and instruct him in the true ways of the Lord through a personal example. It wouldn't be enough to be believers. We all need to be living beings to walk on living ways.They were believers who had never been filled with the Spirit of God, as happens to many today. "These are those (who have) not having the Spirit", Jude 1:19.

  1763. The public opinion seldom matches with the opinion of God. Do you remember how people wanted to name the baby as Zachariah whom God wanted to be named as John? (Luk.1:59-63).

  1764. Have you ever taken some time to think what things are the real hindrances to God's work in us and through us? Think of all the conditionals you put forward when God or your conscience say something. Whenever you are able to put forth a condition so you may do something for the Lord or by the Lord, you must know you are resisting the Spirit or your own conscience. You should rather cooperate with Him instead.

  1765. Paul and Barnabas had a huge argument in Antioch against the circumcision people who arrived there, Act.15:2. There was nothing strange about it, though. However, the strange part is the church sending Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem to enquire what the apostles had to say about it so that the matter could be settled. Paul and Barnabas were one of the interested parties. Even so, they were trusted to the point of being the ones commissioned for the job. When Paul came to Jerusalem it seems he did not mention anything about the matter and it came out into discussion by itself. Paul was indeed trustworthy and trusted the Lord would cause the matter to be on the table for discussion. I don't know about you, but this story calls my heart and attention towards many things. The church trusted Paul and Barnabas to the point of believing their opinion would not be used to influence the apostles in Jerusalem; they trusted in God so much that they knew the trust bestowed upon them by the church would not be in vain; and God worked according to their expectations. It seems Paul did not mention a word about what had taken them there, and yet, the answer they looked for had been granted as they expected.

  1766. The instinct to hide has started with Adam and Eve. Sin caused people to think of hiding first, even before they have sinned or done anything wrong. That sort of instinct has a life and a power of its own now. I have seen people hiding or excusing themselves even when they haven't done anything yet. Now, we have to deal with these new realities of lies which, at the time of Adam, were mere unknown consequences of sin. They are not mere consequences anymore. People need to learn to expose as well as to live with God. In fact, exposing must be the first thing they must learn to do. People need to know it is not possible to hide any sin from God and, eventually, from people, no matter how hard they try. Even if it were possible to hide, the desire to expose must be there. They must also know that hiding is useless and is a waste of energy. It is, also, a squandering of precious time. We cannot consider hiding or abstracting oneself from people as a part of personality at all. It isn't. It is a parasite clinging to personality. We cannot become new people by maintaining old habits of hiding and neither by remaining old and changing some expressing new habits to avoid a real conversion. All must become new in us, in and out. There is nothing which shouldn't be new in us.

  1767. It is very important to know that when we are found under great trials for the sake of God's will, we are always put before a double choice: we may seek God for the sake of our problems or we may decide to seek God for His sake. You must know every trial is an opportunity to decide whom you shall serve. What are your motives behind seeking God? If you indeed seek to find God for His sake alone, you need to know that your problem will also be surely solved one way or another, one day or another.

  1768. "Then, indeed, the churches (...) they were increased with the help of the Holy Spirit", Act.9:31. Let me tell you what this help of the Holy Spirit was. We easily say we have done something with the help of God and much of it is nothing but false humility. Remember when Peter preached and thousands were converted? That was the help of the Holy Spirit. Remember when Philip was taken from one placed to another? That was the help of the Holy Spirit. I am trying to make two points here. One is that people often say they did something or achieved something through the help of the Holy Spirit and any honest person can realize it has been done through the flesh or for fleshly purposes. The other point is that the apostles lived with these great things and described it simply as "the help of the Holy Spirit". They did not describe it any other way and nor did they entice people into emotional sign-seeking or sign-praising. Today these things would be considered great miracles and would create great havoc among people because few people, or no one, would consider it merely "the help of the Holy Spirit". Many would even consider it as the goal and not as the means or the help of God. Beware when people are easily flirted and proud, or emotionally active as if the real "help of the Holy Spirit" is something strange, unknown and unusual to them. Don't trust such people who say emotion is the help of the Holy Spirit and that the real help of God is a miracle.

  1769. Makesure your enemies persecute you because of the gospel and not because of you. If people persecute you, let it be because of the truth and not specifically because you might have wronged them in some way. Let's hope your conscience doesn't persecute you along with your enemies. "For what glory is it if you patiently endure while sinning and being buffeted? But if you suffer while doing good, and patiently endure, this is a grace from God", 1 Pet.2:20.

  1770. When God frees us from the persecution of our enemies and from the enemies of the gospel, it should feel sweet only because we know and realize God is with us. It is not the same as feeling happy against our enemies and revengeful. It is sweet to know God is with us since persecution creates in us many opportunities and situations to doubt Him.

  1771. Any small or weak man always thinks highly of himself. He feels always strong and powerful. The great man, on the other hand, feels small and insignificant or he wouldn't be great. And what makes any man great is not the way he feels, but his active nearness to Jesus and His powerful life. The more I grow towards Jesus at the cost of self, the stronger I will be. However, when man experiences his own death, he feels weak and is tempted to feel worthless and tempts God. We should know that the more we lose of ourselves, the greater we shall become in God's own eyes and it won't matter what people think about it. Let's look to find our way towards being small for real instead of looking for greatness. Let's find a type of smallness which can never be faked or apparent. Finding smallness for real is the kind of greatness that counts. Let's seek to be small and not great if we walk on the presence of God for real.

  1772. Pride or vanity is a feeling of inferiority trying to match up with others. Whoever feels unconsciously or ignorantly inferior to others is tempted to make up for the diminishing loss he feels or "experiences" towards others. Feeling proud or presumptuous is a way to make up for the lies people believe easily about themselves, others and society around them. We should know we are alike. It doesn't matter how much you strive to be better than others - you will always be like others. It is your mind which tricks you into thinking that you can be better than others.

  1773. God doesn't give because I am faithful. No. It is I who am in a state of faithfulness which makes it possible for me to receive from the Lord to be faithful by whatever I receive. God isn't good only when He gives - He is always good. It is receiving which is good to me. God is good, whether He gives or takes away.

  1774. It is surely true that God does not answer our prayers if our lives or consciences are stained with something, whether it is something we consider great or small. However, we cannot say God grants because we are clean. No. He hears us and we hear Him because we are clean and are found in His presence. Granting our request is something which comes after that. We are heard and spoken to because we are clean. But, being heard is not similar to being granted the request at all. We are heard because we are clean and granted because we have asked under such conditions. We cannot take for granted God will grant anything we want because we are clean. We have, however, the assurance He will hear us when we are clean. Being clean in the heart makes it possible for us to see God and ask Him in a way He shall ponder all our requests.

  1775. Any man ashamed of God is always someone who might never be ashamed of sin. This coin has two faces. But, if you happen to be ashamed of God and of sin, choose your way.

  1776. "In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, which was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans; In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem. And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes", Dan.9:1-3. The whole expression of honesty in prayer is so visible in Daniel on this occasion. He didn't care whether things promised had to be fulfilled by themselves, or expected to happen soon, as some hypocrites do. He went straight to God holding on to a promise and poured his whole heart and faith before God and was heard.  

  1777. "And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh" Jud.1:23. God has called us to hate the very garment of fleshly things - not to look away from it! How else will we pull people out of it if we do look back or away from it? Whoever looks away loves himself alone! He fears sin and not God, loves self and not people, preserves self from hell and not holiness within and without. Holiness looks straight in the eyes of any sin and is not affected by it. Self looks away from filth because it still loves it. Holiness looks into it because it fears it not, at least not anymore! His seed keeps him spotless. It hates sin. Dare to cut your hand off only when it is able to cause you to stumble. If not, however, use it to exterminate all kinds of sin within you. You cannot hate whatever you are not able to look at. What is the reaction in your heart when you look upon sin? Hatred or fear? Hatred against sin is a solemn protection against it. However, it is shameful when people hate other people's sins and not their own.

  1778. The contents of the heart must be made good first, just as creation was made good and acceptable to God. Once it has happened, the whole of it must be poured back unto God anyhow and anyway, using one effort or a thousand. The expression of the new nature is the acceptable sacrifice to God. But, expression without the heart can be learned from culture or from sticking around with Christians. Then, it is hypocrisy and not an expression of the new nature since there is no new nature.

  1779. People who pray are courageous, for they are never thrown down when their eyes are open enough to see things as they are. Negligent people run away from the sight of those horrors which are able to drive heroes to prayer. Did Ezekiel run away from the sight of bones filling a valley? (Ez.37). When God shows you disgrace, that is meant to drive you to pray for grace. He shows you the need as it is so you should provide for the solution.

  1780. You cannot expect God to hear the voice of your prayers if you do not hear His voice when you pray. If you are able to hear Him, it means He is listening to you as well. Then, how can you expect God to answer you praying if you do not obey what you know He has said as well?

  1781. Any real revival starts off only after all sins are fully dealt with and successfully and unconditionally confessed one by one and forsaken.

  1782. It cannot be regarded as sin to believe God is not with you when He is not and as long as you don't doubt the fact that He is not with you. Sin is, not believing in truth.

  1783. It is commonly argued that one should feel at home here or there. But I found I need to be at home to feel at home, I need to be loving to feel loving, I need to have joy to feel the joy, I need to indeed have the Lord to hear from Him and experience His presence for real to state He is there and with me.

  1784. Doubt turns the need of faith visible just as much as unbelief tells us there must be something worth believing in. But, unbelief tells us there is something wrong which must be fixed and confessed that is the very cause for unbelief.

  1785. What the Lord likes, I like; whatever He does not like, I put it in my heart to despise it utterly anywhere, anyhow, any time - even if I like it!

  1786. It takes a proud hearer to hear and listen to a proud prophet. There are false teachers because there are false listeners who wish to hear according to their own deceit. "...They will heap up teachers to themselves according to their own lusts, having itching ears", 2Tim.4:3.

  1787. The Lord Jesus was not born on Christmas day, yet He can be born in any heart. If we can celebrate Christmas and God Himself still blesses it, He not being born in that day, how greater a blessing will Jesus carry out in the heart where He has been born. We celebrate the fact that He has come to us and, for that purpose, any day will do. Let it be Christmas day, then.

  1788. All teachers who have a deep and sound relationship with God are never alike. One must show and teach different things to people according to their need and, above all, as one is able to put truth forth. Nevertheless, everyone deserves all credit for being a servant of God - as long as they are. Because needs are different, there must be different teachers as well.

  1789. Think for yourself: just how pleased and delighted are you when people speak and think well about you? Perhaps, you are your own idol and, if so, be sure there will always be people who please your idol along with you; and there will be as such that despise it. If you have no idol anymore, who cares who despises it or applauds it? Put the Living God in the throne of your heart.

  1790. If even Barnabas was deceived into error by a dissembling attitude, Gal 2:13, how much more shall a genuine, perfect life invite and lead into the right way!

  1791. To walk a most holy life will cause us to spare on time greatly, and people will easily realize what it is all about when we talk about God. But, to walk according to the course of this world, being a Christian, will not redeem on the time, will not save or sanctify whoever is searching for God - it might delay or even close the way forever.

  1792. My little doggie is afraid of thunder and it hides away and seeks comfort because of fear when clouds roar far away – it believes it is in danger. When I hold it, it feels safe only till the next noisy thunder disturbs its peace again. If I only could get into his little mind that clouds roar like that and especially that it has nothing to do with us down here and that they will not reach us since those are disputes between clouds and clouds. If I could do the same to sound Christians in search of a deeper Life with God and tell them about a certain roaring, bluffing, lying and blaspheming lion as well who wishes to attract their attention away from God!

  1793. Any teacher who does not teach how to be taught and to be fully led by God, is not worthy of his title nor of his reward!

  1794. It is an experienced man who needs exercising. People who do not have holiness installed in them, need to have it and experience it. It is like a computer program: you hear and learn about it, how and what to download; you download, install it and later use it and learn how to make the best of it to create and live on with it that way. Updates will be installed if one needs to do so. "And this will we do, if God permit", Heb 6:3. However, one who has that life needs to exercise himself in it right through. "Exercise yourself to godliness", Heb 6:3.

  1795. Whatever hinders man to reach God, will inevitably hinder God to reach out to man. Whatever makes man reach God, will turn God's face towards man.

  1796. Listen to no man who often fails to listen to God", someone said. I agree with that fully.

  1797. You should never have peace if God is not around you or in you. If God is far from you, if His absence is felt and it strikes you deeply, you should neither try to be at ease nor at rest. It is better to be reprimanded by God because of unbelief, then to be assured by the devil that you are a believer. The only peace which will seal our heavenly passport will be the one we may experience or have in the presence of God. If you feel uncomfortable in His real presence you are not in right standing with God. Seek to be there and believe because you have life and it causes you to believe the right way: "Whoever believes, has Eternal Life" already within him.

  1798. When you believe in your confidence instead of believing in Jesus Himself, you are already carnal and carnally minded, If, however, you indeed believe in Him, the world might change speedily around you. People easily relate themselves with trust and not with Jesus.

  1799. To delight in God, self must not be there to be delighted upon anymore or to be still seen as a delight

  1800. When one is not taught of God or not teaching to be taught of God, one is breaking the New Covenant, Jer.31:30-34

  1801. Anyone able who is able to discern falsity in a false apostle that is keen in preaching, is surely one who will spot a Paul in a crowd as Barnabas did.

  1802. When people wish after something strongly, it makes them want to believe God will or is speaking to them about that thing. But, God speaks when He does and not when we are wishing to hear Him speak about something. Beware of your own heart when you are looking for a real answer from God which He will grant: it is not God who is confusing you, but the answer your own heart wishes to have.

  1803. If the greatest blessing is to have God in His fullness, even when we have nothing (riches, health or worldly business), the greatest curse must be when we have it all on earth and are not aware of God or the need of Him because we lack nothing, want nothing and don't realize we are just too poor, Ps.73.

  1804. I didn’t know what to think when God tells us something to do or to pray for and it does not work out. It is like when Jesus told His disciples to go and prepare Him a place to stay somewhere in Samaria and it did not work out, Lk.9:51-53; or when, after having expelled some demons out of an oppressed person, He could not enter the cities He was intending to go to preach to, Lk.8:39.

  1805. Disobedience is sin, sometimes it is the very curse for mingling with sin – so it is to obey the wrong thing, which amounts to the same thing. People just cannot get an obedient heart and ear because they do not enter the narrow door. Sometimes disobedience is sin and, sometimes, sin it is the very curse of sin by obeying the wrong thing or the wrong voice.

  1806. Being bored is ground for impatience. Being bored can be caused by wishing to do the wrong thing as well. "For if these things are in you and abound, they make you to be neither idle nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ", 2 Pet.1:8. It can be doing the right thing the wrong way, it can be trying to do the wrong thing the right way. Being bored is sin or caused by sin - even when you are doing nothing.

  1807. To love as we should is seldom to love as we can. We can do more than duty and go beyond what is demanded from us.

  1808. It is a change of heart that God seeks from us. Hannah wanted a child for herself because she was scorned by others for being unable to have children. She kept the desire for a child burning within her and changed the heart of the request and promised to give the child to God. Instead of wanting it for her, she decided to give it to God. God says, "an eye for an eye" and by that we understand why Paul said, "for as you have yielded your members as slaves to uncleanness, and to lawless act unto lawless act, even so now yield your members as slaves to righteousness unto holiness", Rom.6:19. Do not change the request when you see your motives are wrong. Rather change the heart or you will not fulfil the Law of God. The gospel is a change of heart, an eye for an eye: whatever you would use or do for worldliness, now you use or do for God.

  1809. It is so strange that the word of a living God, who said "let there be light" and there is still light to this very day, can be made fruitless – not by the devil, not by opposition of any kind, but by breeding cares and desires for this world, through impatience and concerns about what we shall eat and dress tomorrow or even further ahead!

  1810. If you live well without those things that God takes away from you and stay undisturbed and close to Him all the way and almost unconsciously, you will live well with whatever He grants you as well. As you can see, it is very important to be satisfied in God and with God all the time. If you are satisfied with Him under heavy trials, you will surely satisfy your soul with living bread even when you are rich. We should be content to live in or by His abundant Life anyhow, anywhere.

  1811. After God has heard any prayer and you know it, the amount of prayers concerning the same request just shows how selfish you are about it all and why God needs to delay it to give you time to separate the chaff of selfishness from the wheat of holiness.

  1812. People under a heavy yoke, if they live with God close by and still complain about the yoke because they are more conscious of the yoke than of God and love, will surely either complain against God or deny Him once that yoke is removed. Once they find themselves free of trials they will not be faithful to God because they have not been faithful at all and have chosen to seek Him and have Him alone under the heaviness of trials and under temptations to remove the yoke and not to enjoy His presence. The Israelis who complained against Pharaoh are the ones who complained against God in the desert. They died in that desert by the curse of God because they complained against Him and His will. We read that "God knew them" under that yoke in Egypt where they complained, Ex.2:25. Unsatisfied people are always hungry to feed self - if they complain because they do not feed themselves under Pharaoh, they will also deny God in freedom. Were they faithful in Egypt, they would be faithful in the Promised Land or anywhere else, just as Joseph was.

  1813. If words are fire already, they need not be put on fire anymore. Many pastors put a lot of trust on the way they preach and scream. But, it is the words which need to have the fire of God, however simple they are. It is one thing to express our whole hearts and God's - it is another to try to gain some credit and consideration by the way we speak.

  1814. Jesus came to make us free to do and not to make bound to do. Beware of overdoing when God wants you to do. Freedom may, also, cause ex-slaves to be slothful because they don't know how to deal with something they never experienced before: freedom. Any bondage causes people not know how to do things out of a will that has been made free to become willing.

  1815. God is not merciful towards sin - He is merciful against all sinning and sin. The more God is against sin, the more merciful He is.

  1816. Presumption is there because we either do not see God or we have not God to see Him at all.

  1817. Everyone thinks to get into a door before it closes, go to a store while its doors are still open. Yet, many just do not search to find grace to use it in a future time of need. Only fools wait till they have to knock at a closed door which will not open again. There is a certain time to go to the store of Grace and there will be a time when even virgins will stay out.

  1818. It is not wrong to think mathematics when we do it with the Lord. It is not right to read or think about the Bible when one is doing it without God.

  1819. People, nowadays, are not rejecting God – they are mostly rejecting Christians.

  1820. "Behold the Lamb…" should always become the only words coming from people who wish to cause praise to erupt from everyone else. They should not say "Let's praise the Lord", but rather, "Behold the Lamb of God". They should direct people to the vision. Then praise will be natural and spontaneous.

  1821. Unbelief is the fruit of a sin somewhere, just as much as faith - genuine faith - is the fruit of a genuine fellowship with a HOLY Spirit. This is the main mystery of faith: "Having the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience", 1Tim.3:9. Are you unbelieving perhaps? Repent and go back to where you have fallen. "Holding faith and a good conscience, which some have put away and made shipwreck as to faith", 1Tim.1:19

  1822. Unbelief is fed by stubbornness and to be stubborn is to be unbelieving and to be unbelieving is to be stubborn. Hence, a believer is obedient from nature by being free from the world and bound to God as He is. To be bound to an imaginary God (as He is not), is to be bound to oneself and it is as good as being unbelieving.

  1823. Every temptation has the power to put you into sin just as it has the power to make you take a stand against it. All temptations have the means, as well, to put you into a useless battle which is already won inside you and it will stop you from redeeming the time – beware.

  1824. You can measure the success in the Christian life by the amount of obedience to God and to His words which are exercised willingly and faithfully - that kind of obedience that you are mostly unaware of.

  1825. If riches are not the things which lead us to Christ, surely, poverty is not what will be able to separate us from Him either. We may assume that any man who is selfishly worried during times of lack, is someone who will easily be tempted to neglect His Lord once his needs are fulfilled. Those are the reactions coming from the same heart put before different situations. If you pray to God because you are poor and find Him, make sure your heart changes before you become rich or blessed materially! We must look beyond being sustained by God and beyond receiving answers to prayers. We must, also, look beyond not being answered and fulfilled. Whoever seeks God because of poverty will cease to follow Him once He has become rich or well-off. Whoever is not faithful in the little he has because he uses his mind and time to worry, will never be faithful in greater things that God may grant. This same principle applies itself in all areas of our lives, including marriages or sickness. Make sure you change (or make sure you see the need to change) before rather than after God has blessed you in some unexpected way. Maybe, He is blessing to work out a need to change towards Him as a Person in you and you did not understand it that way.

  1826. We all know we need grace and graceful means to be able to live with God and for God. Many people become worked up by discussing things doctrinally about our need to meet God. How will you meet me by discussing how it is to meet me and how it feels? How will you know Him without meeting Him for real? How would you ever meet God without Him being fully present? Which discussion will ever bring Him down? And we know, to be saved we need nothing more than to come to know God as He is.

  1827. When we do things for ourselves God's way, it can't be selfish at all. Whenever we do things for others or supposedly for God our way, it is the fulfilment and the accomplishment of selfishness.

  1828. What tires man out is self and not work. Let self die and the yoke of Christ will be lighter than a feather, as natural and as light as nothing else can ever be.

  1829. God says we should ask "Where is the Lord" and not say "The Lord is here" unless what we say is true and real. People in charge of the things of God quite often tell others to believe God is there among them as make them feel safe far from God. "And they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me. The priests said not, Where is the Lord?" Jer.2:8True revival starts when we ask "where is the Lord", looking back to the way He has been with the twelve apostles - including Paul - just as Israel should be inquiring about the Lord that brought them out of Egypt and out of the slavery of sin.

  1830. Eve hid things behind leaves simply because she became aware of the things she tried to hide. She was hiding it from herself merely, not from God. But she believed she was hiding from God. In fact, She was hiding herself and not her deeds; she was hiding from and because of her own shame. Scripture says she was hiding and not merely hiding from God. It is like a child closing his eyes and believing he is hidden from everyone else. Hiding from God is like trying to hide things from ourselves. We cannot hide from God!

  1831. People fight for the opinion of others because they do not want to loose the opinion they may have about themselves. Own opinions make people hide themselves behind them. In truth, it is not the opinion of others that matters for them, but rather the opinion they breed and have concerning whatever they are or believe they are. They are afraid others' opinions will change their own. The opinion of others sustains them in thinking and believing highly of themselves. This is why no one can serve the Lord by pleasing people. One pleases oneself by pleasing others. Pleasing others keeps oneself in darkness about many important things - including about truth and the truth about ourselves.

  1832. Many people hide things for many reasons. Adam and Eve did hide, yes, simply because they were ashamed and felt lost - something they never experienced before and did not know how to handle. But, these days people hide through pride, because of stubbornness and due to that delight of showing to others they are not wrong, trying to win the prize which exists only in their minds. They cannot stand to loose a mere argument or be taken as bad. The fact is, people nowadays decline to reveal for more reasons than the ones Adam and Eve had and we should never comply to any of them nor take those as acceptable reasons, especially for us. The fact is that one that hides is a looser thinking and believing he is gaining something.

  1833. I believe a rich man who is holy in and through his money is able to achieve great things, even though he might go through greater hardships and temptations than a poor man who has only self-pity and pride to strive against. One can and may have a holy marriage or no marriage and also be holy. One should be found faithful in or through any gift coming from God, whether it is health or sickness, apostleship or computing - let us do all for the Lord, whatever it may be achieved for Him and through Him.

  1834. If you have a living encounter with Jesus, you either become like Him or like the devil. The disciples managed to live with Jesus and they turned to be like Him eventually and eternally, while the Pharisees became extremely bad by having Jesus too close. Jesus' living made trees either good or bad, Mat.12:33. Profound conviction may turn us into most holy beings or into people who stone any genuine Steven. No one will ever remain the same after a genuine, real, unmistakable encounter with Jesus or with truth. If that encounter is real, we will either end up as Judas or as Peter and John. Never again will we be the same. If you are praying for real revival, you should expect these things to happen this way because people will suffer real encounters with the Spirit of Jesus. Do not dare to believe all will be well after the way called "Holiness" is opened up in the desert where you live, Is.35:8. Things will be really different among bad people as well as among holy ones. You shall see holiness as you have never imagined it possible and you shall see evil as you have never seen it before. Make sure you aren't surprised when it happens. And, if bad ones are converted to the Lord, you should also know that, the worst people are, the better they may become because God is really at work. Never be dismayed nor stunned by the realities of the workings of God. The waters will open up and it will separate between a nation for God and another for hell. Before that, the difference was minimal or difficult to detect. Make sure you don't become numb when it happens. Do not offend God by being stunned when God is at work. Admiration is unbelief in disguise. Unbelief reacts that way when things happen. It admires because it refuses to change. If you prepare yourself for greater works now, you might not offend God through admiration and by acting surprised when He comes down.

  1835. Prayers with no answers or with no concluding outcome (a yes or a no), are not prayers at all. They might be a waste of time. Make sure you are right with God before you pray.

  1836. There are times we believe we are fine and we aren't; there are times we believe we are not fine, but we are well and only do not feel it that way; there are times we are not well feeling fine, and not well feeling bad too. Feeling well when we are well is a perfect feeling - so is feeling bad when we are in a bad state.

  1837. There are people who are afraid to do, since they fear to do things without God and there are people who overdo things because they feel they need to appease their consciences by doing. We may rest assured, either way, that there is no man as active and actively engaged in God's will as he who stands up to take his full rest in God continuously. Find your way into the rest of God, that kind of rest which still remains to be found by the people of God all over the world, Heb.4:9.

  1838. If we love ourselves, God's work might be done. However, it shall be done at our inconvenience. If, however, we love God's work and God above all, there is nothing to deny because all is denied and replaced for a better love already.

  1839. If God talks to us we will become either meeker or harder, depending on how we react to Him. One thing is certain: we shall never be the same again. If we hear and obey, we shall change for the better; if we hear and neglect His voice, or disobey it in some way, or obey it partially, we shall become harder, more impatient and more obstinate than we have ever been. No one can avoid it happening that way. Have you ever seen someone becoming more obstinate and yell more than ever? Has that person heard the gospel or has he heard God speak to him recently? The conclusion you may take is: that person has not been obedient. When God speaks to us we may either become like angels or like demons.

  1840. Each of Jesus' prayers has been heard by the Father. He has prayed that we be one with the Father and the Father with us, (John 17). Unless we become one with the Father now we will be very lonely people because of that prayer. If you refuse to be one with the Father through ignorance or unwillingness, the fact that you feel lonely proves that prayer has been heard. Now, the choice is yours: you either become one with the Father or remain lonely forever. You cannot stop feeling lonely by choosing or preferring the company of people instead of being one with the Father. Only He can fill the void.

  1841. "Through Your Commandments I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way", Ps.119:104. This does not mean obeying the commandments is understanding, but rather that it grants access to understanding. After obedience, understanding and knowledge is easy. "If anyone desires to do His will, he shall know...", John 7:17. However, my hope cannot be set on the fact that I fulfil all but rather that I know Jesus. He is the one who enables us to fulfil and to understand.

  1842. One of the reasons why people move away from God or draw away from obedience is that they are not instructed by Jesus personally. We may become learned people, church addicts or even theology students. However, none of that can be compared to the personal instruction Jesus promised us. He promised we would receive it individually and from Him personally. "I have not departed from Your judgments; for You have taught me", Ps.119:102. It is very difficult to depart from God when we are taught by Him personally. It is not necessary to stop going to church or to stop listening to the brothers to be taught by Jesus, unless my hopes are settled in them. Jesus can instruct us anywhere and anyhow. He is still the Teacher.

  1843. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him", John 3:17. People easily assume they may carry on sinning after they read verses like these. They say Jesus did not come to condemn them and saves from hell and not necessarily from sin. However, we cannot afford to misunderstand this piece of Scripture to suit the flesh. This verse intends to say that we should fix our lives before or when Jesus comes to us. "Behold, I am sending you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to their fathers, that I not come and strike the earth with utter destruction", Mal.4:5-6. Jesus did not come to condemn people. However, the greatest stumbling block in the Universe is Jesus Himself. We should fix our lives immediately, before or as soon as He comes to us. "And this is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil", John 3:19. We should prepare ourselves and our ways for the Lord.

  1844. We have the responsibility to reach the point where we can easily distinguish between the leading of God and the impulse of emotion; between good-sense and impulsivity; between doing with the heart and doing for the sake of the heart and its feelings; the sooner we reach that point the better it shall be for anyone of us. We shall avoid being misled by the devil and by ourselves. We shall avoid being misled some other way when God speaks and when He doesn't speak. We cannot reject being led on account of the possibility of being misled; and we cannot refuse to make the best use of good sense only because emotions are part of us. The voice of the Shepherd must become so familiar to us that we should know it better than our own. We need to become eternal, constant beings to distinguish between God and us.

  1845. God gave a staff to many pastors and preachers so they can use it to lead the flock and not to lean on it. The same must be said about offerings and tithes. The leaders should know that the aim of those offerings are the people in the congregations and not the welfare of pastors and leaders only. Do you lean on your staff or do you use it for God's glory?

  1846. When we are tried and tempted, we should never believe that it would be enough not to fail. Avoiding a fall is good, but it might not be good enough. We still need to reveal the Life of our Lord in a continuous way. Not becoming angry is not the same as living in all patience and readiness of the Life God gave us; not stealing is not the same as giving out of a pure heart; not lying is not the same thing as telling the truth. Our aim should always be to live the Lord's life out to the full and not merely avoid missing the mark. Not sinning is very little for eternal beings which share in the eternal life God grants in this present age. We should rule through the new life and not merely avoid being ruled by sin. We should not expect to be without opposition or enemies before we can live through God. "Rule in the midst of your enemies", Ps.110:2.

  1847. You cannot expect God to bless you in those things He does not approve and neither may you ever think God won't bless the person He approves in whatever He approves. Unfortunately, people start praying to God holding in the heart those desires which God can't bless. They pray and God doesn't answer. Once they clean up their motives and their lives, they go to God remembering the previous sinful experiences of unanswered prayers. We must assume everything has changed after we have really changed.

  1848. Another unfortunate thing that usually happens to humans is that evil people seldom have evil appearances. They are not used and neither inclined to reveal their hearts and minds. Once we come to the Lord and all becomes new, we have nothing to hide anymore. We shouldn't be afraid to reveal all in the sincerity of our hearts. "He who practices truth comes to the Light so that his works may be revealed, that they exist, having been worked in God", John 3:21. Truth must be practised and not merely believed. In practical terms, we should be able to assume truth as truth, lies as lies and evil as evil. None of it should be hidden or helped to be hidden. We cannot afford to be divided between two thoughts anymore, 1 Kings 18:21. If Baal saves, let's live for him or like him; if only Jesus saves, let's live for Him alone or as He does. We shouldn't be wavering between sin and God anymore. Let's take a stand. If sinning is good for people, why should they hide it? And if God is good to them, why hide Him from people?

  1849. To doubt is to disbelieve in a camouflaged way. Perhaps it is a feigning way to believe lies. However, we cannot afford to believe at any cost or for the sake of believing alone. We need to know we believe the truth. We need to experience the truth so we can exterminate doubts from its roots contrasting it to truth sincerely. We need to experience truth to extinguish any kind of trust in any lies or illusions.

  1850. Who is there that forgets to drink water? Only those who hate water or those who are not thirsty. And who is there that resents drinking water? Isn't it a sick person or someone who loves to drink something else? Think of it next time you force yourself to read your Bible and to drink from the water of life.

  1851. "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart", Ps.97:11. Many wish to have light to become righteous. However, we read here light is sown for those who are righteous. "If anyone desires to do His will, he shall know ...", John 7:17. We shouldn't forget, as well, that joy is for the upright in heart and not the other way round. I mean, many wish to have joy and not uprightness. Their aim is joy and not the salvation from their sins.

  1852. Fear is a kind of excessive confidence in the flesh. Every time people suspect the flesh will not avail them in any way, they fear because they have nothing to trust.

  1853. "I have found David, My servant; with My holy oil I have anointed him. My hand shall be always with him... If his children forsake My Law, and do not walk in My judgments; if they profane My Precepts, and do not keep My Commandments; then I will visit their wickedness with the rod, and their sin with stripes", Ps.89:20,30. God can let the people go their way when they forsake Him. However, part of His covenant is that He will rather punish rather than let go of them. We should be happy and rejoice every time God reprimands us about something. To visit us with stripes is the fulfilment of His covenant with us.

  1854. Sin is an illusion. If it were not, it would get along with truth. (Let's assume truth and reality cannot be separated). Because sin hates truth, we may assume it is based on illusion. If it is by knowing the truth that we are made free of sin, it means sin is an untruth or a lie. Truth is reality and that's where the enmity of sin against it is born. Reality and illusion just don't match. And if sin is an illusion, then truth can't mislead people. It is simply not possible. You may trust it. Make sure, therefore, that the truth you hold on to works and saves - make sure it is practical and real. It must become practical and firm or it can't be truth at all. Let it never be an illusion of truth or it shall kill.

  1855. Every time the providence or the operation of God grants us something, every single gift He gives to cover our needs means only to reach the heart we have and to assure us of His goodness. It is wrong to believe God does things only to satisfy us or our needs. He aims further and deeper than that.

  1856. Many times we fear that something bad might happen to truth since so many people despise it, change it and trample on it. It is sad and unfortunate what they do. However, try to picture a piece of gold out there in the streets. People will trample on it, dust will cover it, but nothing will be able to change that gold into something cheaper or worthless. Its value will remain and speak for itself. That's how truth works. Trampling on it will never change it. However, we cannot say the same about the ones who despise truth themselves, for they shall change for the worse. Truth won't change, but they will. Those who trample on truth shall experience in themselves what any enemy of God and of truth experiences in the long run. Their own hearts shall testify against them and shall speak on behalf of truth.

  1857. All of us should learn to do all things from the right motives. All it takes is to start doing anything for the right motives. Start doing until you can do it the right way. Even when God ordered Israel to destroy cows and everything the nations owned, He only had Israel's motives in mind. The spoil should never be what motivated Israel to destroy the nations. "I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil; my lust shall be satisfied upon them, I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them", Ex.15:9. However, every time Israel's motives against the enemies of God had been right and righteous, God allowed them to take home of the abundance of the spoil and divide it among themselves. David, however, would dedicate to God every piece of gold and silver taken from the nations.

  1858. "Yea , God shall wound the head of His enemies, and the hairy crown of him who walks on in his guilt", Ps.68:21. There is a natural enmity between the flesh and the Spirit of God. Sin is responsible for that sort of enmity and has a consequence of guilt and further transgression. It so happens because people walk in their guilt. That's the main reason sinful people along with sin are made enemies of God. They can't stand God if He appears to them in a real way or the way He is. Walking in sin and hiding or holding on to our guilt to feel bitter and justified against truth and God, shall cause us to be mortally wounded sooner or later. We must do all we can to avoid it happening to us. The sequence of happenings should be reverted and we should walk all the way back to cause our hearts to love God spontaneously and naturally on the long run.

  1859. If people do not change, it isn't because their time has not come. It can't be. People do not change because they are not willing to change and ignorance takes over the reigns of their lives. Whenever the gospel knocks at our door, the time to change has come. Whoever does not change, then, is unwilling to come to God and rather yields to lies.

  1860. It is much better to finish one single task than try to carry out many things which we can't finish. It is far better to end one task in perfection than to do many and not perfect them. We should also have in mind that the last bit of any task is the most difficult part of it for many reasons. One of those reasons is that people love to celebrate before the time.

  1861. The evidence that I have been forgiven is the change in me which is visible to everyone around. The change in the person who pleads for forgiveness is, also, a sure sign of the presence of the mighty grace of God in the inner parts of the heart. There is such an association between forgiveness and transformation or repentance that can never be be separated or taken apart from each other.

  1862. Pray until you can pray. Ask till you can ask and receive. Be willing until you are willing. Talk till you can say things the right way with fewer words. Listen till you can hear the way you should hear and delight yourself in it. Obey till you can be obedient and willing. Do not wait until you become willing to do something - just start doing it right away! Don't wait till you feel like praying - pray till you can be heard and until God is heard.

  1863. "You have set up a banner for those who fear you, that they may flee to it from the bow", Ps.60:4. . It is interesting to know that God does not destroy the evil which chases those who fear God to annihilate them, but rather lifts up a banner where holy ones can run to be protected. God does not destroy liars for the sake of truth, at least not now. The truth needs to stand out before them. We shouldn't need to fear the bow of evil - we should only fear to be found outside the banner of God. "And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do", Lk.12:4. It is worth noticing that God calls it "a banner", where, we would say it is a refuge or something alike. A banner is a standard. We nay conclude that it might be the banner of truth, of holiness and righteousness. We run to holiness to be guarded. Let us be holy all the time.

  1864. If joy is to be real and existing, there must be a converging of motives, life and ways between man and God. There must be communion between them. Have you ever thought about what a converging of heart really is? Well, let's say there must be a incidence between man's spirit and God's before happiness, glory and joy can be real. This kind of match needs to happen. This is the kind of reconciliation we are talking about if we are to be fully reconciled with God. We converge towards the Lord, we start loving as He loves, do things the way He does them - in fact, we do them through Him so reconciled are we. Have you been that 'coincided' with God lately? Do you meet with God and with God's needs that easily? Are you that coincident? That's what cleanses people very easily. There is a synchrony, a real converging of minds, spirits and thoughts together with the way it should be done or carried out. And for that to happen, we must know God as He is - as He really is. Anyway, for that to happen, we must, at first, be a "prepared people for the Lord", Lk.1:17. The initiative must be on our side when the Lord is near because there is no better way to converge towards God. When He comes, we must already be willing and converging towards Him. Mercy hands the responsibility over to man so God may find man converging with/to Him. Man is the one who must become willing to change and not willing to change God. God has no need to change. He shall be there for man to stumble over Him as the rejected cornerstone if man wishes God to change, whether man acknowledges that it is what he is doing or not. It is man who must change. "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you", James 4:8.

  1865. There is this false joy which people try out by showing something in the outside which is not happening inside them. It is not wrong to reveal the true state of our spirit and heart, especially if we are indeed joyful. But, I believe it is far better to reveal the sadness of our hearts when we are sad, than to reveal a false joy and to lie to people around about us. It is true hypocrites look like truthful people. However, true joy can never be considered a falsity; and falsity cannot be considered joy since it is just too given and too used to lying.

  1866. A son was promised to Abraham and he just wouldn't be born; the promise of a huge nation rested heavy upon Isaac's shoulders and his wife was barren; Samuel anointed David to become king over Israel and it just wouldn't happen, at least not as David expected it to happen; we could also speak about Joseph, Jacob and even Noah whose ark took about a hundred years to be build. There is a pattern in all things God promises beforehand. It always seems as if they shall never be fulfilled. If you see this pattern gripping you, remember that what is happening is according to Scripture. And if it is, be assured things are happening to you according to the Bible's way. You need to be faithful to the end, until the promise becomes a reality. Its fulfilment is just a question of time if you remain truthful to God and faithful.

  1867. "According to Your name, O God, so is Your praise to the ends of the earth", Ps.48:10. This is a true statement. Let's try to figure out what it means, though. We should always remember that the genuine praise towards God shall always be according to the reality of the experience people have about Him, of His presence and of His goodness in real terms. It shall always be according to the name of the Lord and the reality of His genuine presence. Have you been using God's name in vain lately? Is He a great king around where you walk and talk? Or is it only your words that say He is? Is He great to you for real or is it just your words which say He is great? Does He manifest Himself to you and through you as He really is? God's praise will always be in accordance to what is revealed of Him. There is much praise going on which is not according to God's name, but is rather in accordance to what people love to sing and to the way they would like to have it.

  1868. "The second greatest revelation man must have from God is the revelation of God's plan and will for his life". This is what a friend of mine told me today. It made so much sense to me. Christ being revealed to man is the greatest revelation.

  1869. "Be strong , and He will make your heart stronger", Ps.31:24. Strengthening and strength comes mainly from the fact that I walk close to the Lord. He strengthens the heart in a real way, then. In other words, for one to be strong, one needs to take good care of that relationship and that it is spotless. To have and to keep that relationship, one needs to stay away from any kind of sin. To be strong, therefore, means that we stay clean and spotless all the time.

  1870. The best way to avoid having evil people settled down in a congregation is to preach in such a way that they will feel like going away if they do not have plans to get converted. And if they go away, they might come back converted. However, the main reason for having them go away is that God does not work if the leaders are stained with some sin which they refuse to put in the light. The less evil people there is among the members and leadership of any congregation, the better and the more God works. Let people be few and pure. They will be multiplied according to their seed.

  1871. Wouldn't it be wonderful? If I touch, God touches? And I could never believe I touched, but God? Wouldn't it be wonderful?

  1872. "Trust in the Lord, and do good; you shall dwell in the land, and you shall be fed on truth", Ps.37:3. "...You shall be fed on truth..." How meaningful! Have you been looking for truth lately? Are you fulfilling the conditions to find it? However, never dare to separate truth from reality or it will become just another fantasy. Truth has the means and the power, however, it needs to be turned real. Dare to fulfil and to have it that way always and your real food shall be truth which you need not search for to far.

  1873. Whoever knows how to wait (on God), surely knows how to receive and to be faithful to it. Every person you doesn't keep hope and expectancy awake and aflame, shall surely waste away whatever he receives - if he receives at all - or shall let greed hide it away somewhere.

  1874. Any holy man of God here on this earth of temptations is like a giant being attacked by ants: he just won't become an ant.

  1875. It is good when torture and persecution happen only for the sake of the fulfilment of prophecies. It means they do not happen for our correction anymore.

  1876. Having grudges is a very bad sin. However, feeling sorry when it it is not pure mercy is just as bad a sin.

  1877. Many believe prayer is talking and speaking to the Lord who reads the heart of men. If it were mere talking, what is this that David puts this way: "...Consider my meditation...Listen to the voice of my cry"; "For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping", Ps.5:1,2;6:8. These voices God hears so easily are not words but sighs. It is like recognising someone's voice from whom we would love to hear. We hear the person and not so much what he says. It would be like hearing a mere meditation in us.

  1878. No one can ever feel inferior to me near me without my consent and permission. However, I can't say the same thing about people feeling superior to me.

  1879. A complete, unconditional surrender which is also voluntarily is worth all we can ever desire or even more. It also serves as a proof of how faithful God is indeed. Our kind of surrender is what proves God to be right when people ask from us to descend from our crosses so they may believe.

  1880. "Let no one despise you", Titus 2:15. In order that no one despises me when I speak the very words of God as He would speak them Himself, I need to have a life inside, outside and in every aspect of my practical living where God can manifest Himself without being ashamed of doing so. In order that people may never come to despise me, God needs to be able to present Himself to people as He is wherever I am. "But, I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills. And I will not know the speech of those who are puffed up, but the power", 1Cor.4:19.

  1881. Whoever judges other people easily, surely loves appearances and unrealities. Judging is a kind of conspiracy to hide own sin - it is part of secret power against God and, especially, against walking in the light in a practical way. And appearances cause people to hide better. Appearance is never transparency and we need to be transparent and not apparent.

  1882. Meekness is not being tolerant towards sin at all. In fact, the less tolerant people are towards sin, the meeker they become. People have an idea that meekness is more or less tolerance towards sin. However, the more tolerant we are towards sin, the less meekness we shall experience. If you ever whish to share in the fruit of meekness, which comes from the Holy Spirit of God, you must have an intense hatred towards any kind of sin in you. Truth in the mouth of a genuinely meek person does not hurt, however sharp and accurate it is when it strikes - even when it strikes like lightening. Meekness mixed with truth is like the sharpness of a sword: it cuts deeper and better. Truth without meekness is like a blunt knife: it hurts more than it cuts. And meekness without truth is hypocrisy. We may not change truth because we are blunt, but should rather move closer to the Lord. Then shall truth mean something to people for they shall be cut deep in the heart.

  1883. Many use darkness and the dark places to walk in order to avoid being seen. But, God commands us to walk in the light and not merely to walk on. Walking in darkness is not walking as we should. "Walk while you have the Light, lest darkness come upon you. For he who walks in darkness does not know where he goes", John 12:35. It is good that we don't know how to walk when we are found under the darkness caused by any sin. "Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble because he sees the light of the world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles because there is no light in him", John 11:9,10.

  1884. If there is carnal love, surely there is also carnal faith; carnal hope; carnal meekness which is hardness; and we can think of many more carnal things, as many as there are virtues. Will God ever accept any carnal offer from us? Did He not kill Aaron's sons for putting strange fire on His altar, though it was fire? Why would we believe it shall work differently with anyone of us?

  1885. "Return unto me, and I will return unto you, says the Lorded of hosts. But you said, Wherein shall we return?", Mal.3:7. Is it possible that the words of God are not feared even when we do not have a clue of what God is trying to say? Shouldn't we fear only because of who He is? Why would we ever dare to waver, resist or question whatever God says because we don't grasp the reach of Hs words yet? Is His name not enough reason for us to listen and to listen carefully? Can't we believe Him only for the sake of who He is?

  1886. "I will be a swift witness against (...) those who do not fear Me...", Mal.3:5. To be a swift witness means, above all, being so efficient that the testimony of God remains for a long, long time with whom it struck. The effect of surprise plays a role here as well. To be swift by coming whenever no one expects causes a bigger impression than a thousand sermons on the subject. God comes to testify about Himself in a moment people do not expect Him to do so. But, for it to happen regularly to others, men of God need to be extremely holy and fully sanctified. "Because of them I sanctify Myself...", John 17:19.

  1887. Mutual trust between God and man will bring peace into man. It will also do away with any kind of wavering or double-heartedness. If we are honest concerning the kind of faith we have, we shall be able to trust God in the same degree that God can trust us. Trust must be mutual. We know that trust in God is directly related to the amount of trust God bestows upon us. Are you faithful? Or, perhaps, have you forgotten that genuine faith is both fruit of the Spirit and, also, a gift of the Spirit? God cannot trust you less or more than you are able to trust Him. Faith for miracles is a gift and honest people believe only according to what God has spoken. Faith for salvation is believing a word from God. Any other kind of faith is not faith at all.

  1888. Whoever applauds and encourages others is co-author of whatever they do, whether good or bad. And those who oppose good encouragement simply show how much they resent being good themselves. Also, whoever criticises evil and breeds a bitter heart just reveals how bad a person he is or, at least, how bad he wishes he could be.

  1889. There are trials and temptations which do not kill people at all. They are like the pit where Joseph was thrown: it had no water in it to drown him to death. Are you still in the presence of God? Then be sure that trials are like a pit without water and they won't kill you. Remember Job and how his trials never managed to kill him at all? "I have freed Your prisoners out of the pit in which is no water. Turn to the stronghold, prisoners of hope; even today I declare that I will return to you double", Zec.9:11-12.

  1890. Forgetting is a human asset. Forgetting can help a lot in many aspects of our faithfulness. Forgetting may be as good or as bad as remembering, depending what one remembers, what one forgets, and why. By forgetting temporarily or even eternally about certain things, we free some space and resources in us to be used or filled up by what we do, whether good or bad. We cannot do two things at once. Let's only try to forget when we need to and remember what needs to be remembered.

  1891. Conscience does not need to be forced to function the way it ought. In fact, it works much better when not forced. Whoever wants to cause conscience to believe something it already knows, also knows how to try to make it believe something different from what it knows to be right or wrong. People try to deceive conscience by talking it into something they wish to approve or disapprove. The law of God should remain untouched, and yet, many people try hard to look at it from some other angle which will not be harsh against transgression. To force conscience into something is to lose the much needed spontaneous spirit which is so important for the sake of truth inside. And to be anything less than spontaneous in the ways of truth might be the starting point towards the way error and hypocrisy.

  1892. The ways of the Lord, when real to us, are very beautiful and simply wonderful. Imaginations may cause us to think about the things of God as unreal. And the things of God shouldn't be anything but real. The ways of the Lord are practical ways. We can never talk about doing anything about them unless they are real. Imagination is good if it is an aid to thinking and describing reality. But, in as much as it can cause a sane spirit to see truth and reality as it is, it also can cause people who taught their hearts to lie to be mislead concerning the reality of God and of all His works. People tend to imagine what is good and great. That is what they do touching wonderful things. Are you a real person about those things humans cannot possibly imagine? Or are you scared away when the things of the Lord work out for real? Fantasies are stubbornness and stubbornness always cries out to be satisfied. It also teaches the mind to avoid being real about certain things it would rather have as unreal. When things turn real, people cannot imagine them anymore. Imagining can be a vice or an addiction. Are you real? Do you take God's things as real or not? Do they work out? Only those who take them as real shall see them as a duty and as a responsibility. No one can ever become responsible towards fantasies or towards unreal things, no matter how hard he tries because we simply know they are fantasies. Imagination is good if it is an aid to thinking and describing reality - and only that.

  1893. Any kind of secret love towards sin causes any heart to be judgmental against others because there is judging going on inside. It so works that a secret love wishes to remain secret and hidden. Judging others is an utility and an ability of a perverse mind because it helps to hide a bad conscience away by the judgments it makes outwardly. The mind believes it doesn't do what it judges. People easily assume and believe they are concealed behind judging. The mind of the judger tells him no one who judges is guilty of what he judges. But, Jesus says the opposite. He said one judges only because one has sins which use judging as the hiding formula. People judge those specific sins of which they are also guilty. Yet, people do need to have similar sins to be judgemental against others. Any sin will do. However, Jesus promised that whoever judges shall be convicted of the same kind of sins he is able to see in others. And many of those who are driven into a corner concerning their own sins often turn judgements upon themselves. Accusations are, also, ways the mind has to excuse sins or, at least, to maintain the approval from others it seeks to have. However, as soon as the love of Jesus is poured into us abundantly, all kinds of judgments cease, even those which accuse self of something. Clean people are not accused and, consequently, become unable to accuse others as well. The secret is to be cleansed by God through admitting and confessing own sins.

  1894. Habits and ways man learns over the years are always a kind of hindrance to a spontaneous good conduct, especially when changes in circumstances linger to take place or take a while to occur as promised. If it is not yet the right time for things to happen according to God's will, people may gain habits and attitudes which are not appropriate for a (future) life with God. Just as happens with obesity, a bad tongue, bitterness, many sins may be a consequence of being bored and of feeling useless. We should be careful if we have long term promises concerning circumstances to be fulfilled. Things within us must be fulfilled anyway, whether circumstances change or not. "And take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts are weighed down with headaches and drinking and anxieties of this life; and that day should suddenly come on you", Lk.21:34. I cannot dare to believe I shall change after things have changed. I won't change after if I don't change now. The kind of heart I have now shall go on with me wherever I go if I don't change now. Let's be careful about getting bad roots outside the promises. Never allow your heart to become addicted to anything, however good it seems to be. Also, do not allow your mind to convince you it is not time to change yet. Change now and wait. To change now is a great part of real hope. To prepare is to hope. Doesn't a pregnant woman prepare everything for the coming of the child she is expecting? If you prepare, it shows, at least, you are not the one hindering the promises of God. "Though it lingers, wait for it; because it will surely come. It will not tarry",Hab.2:3.

  1895. Whenever you talk, you need to make sure your silence wouldn't be better or wouldn't achieve more on the long run. And whenever you keep quiet, make sure your words wouldn't be a better investment after all. Take the honour of God always into consideration. And whenever you need to say what God requires you to say, whether it is because He has given you a word to speak or because the written commandment demands it from you, especially then, do not dare to add apologetic words or attitudes to what you are saying. Neither add bitterness or any feeling to your words which may pervert the good things you were about to achieve by speaking. Those who talk and apologize for having said something and those who are harsh and bitter when talking, have one and the same heart.

  1896. Giving leftovers is never the same as giving from what we are needing. We shall be rewarded taking into account what we have left and not according to what we have given. What you keep back is what shall determine whether you shall be rewarded or not. Nevertheless, we shall be rewarded by having fully met the needs of whom we help. However, there are many who give what they lack just to feel sad or accomplished afterwards, and there are those who are scarcely aware of giving away what they could use for themselves. There will also be people who shall be rewarded having still a lot which they have been unable to give away because the abundance of God was too great. It won't change a thing concerning their reward because God can read the heart of man from afar. What counts is the heart that God sees.

  1897. "Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?" Mic.2:7. To do good to someone or to tell a person that which needs to be told doesn't always work a pleasant feeling in the person who receives it or in the person who gives. Feelings cannot measure what has been good, and neither judge whatever we may have done or not done. God can curse by giving blessings when man is not ready to receive them. And God can grant a lot of good things to His own enemies to uphold His name before their eyes in the day they shall be judged. Giving it to them will also cause them to be careless and unworried till the day they die to face judgment. That is a message Ps.73 teaches us clearly. The enemies of God don't always find a reason to repent under their circumstances.

  1898. Answers to all prayers, even if it is a 'no', means that we have a real relationship with God and that we have moved away from a fantasy-relationship. If I hear God, it means He hears me too.

  1899. If you ever learned something from God, you surely have heard His voice already. Maybe you weren't aware of that as a fact. Now, take it from there and learn how to distinguish His holy voice from other disputing voices which wish to have claims upon your heart and are not so holy.

  1900. Every reward from the Lord in this present age shall be according to the need of the man who serves faithfully and not according to the amount of work. Let everyone walk faithfully in the ways of the Lord and there shall be no lack and no surplus either. There is something wrong with anyone who receives less than the will of God; and there might also be coming something wrong with receiving more than needed.

  1901. Do not wait until you feel special or until you are special so you may believe you can change the corner of the world where you find yourself. Things just don't work that way at all. All it takes to change the whole world around is to have Christ as special to you personally. Hand yourself fully over to the Lord, surrender to His care and love. That is what makes you special anywhere, even to those who start to be against you because you have changed for the better. Neither wait until you change before giving yourself fully over to the Lord. How will you ever change without Him? Besides, Christ trusts and blesses a kind of transformation in which He has participated and for which He is responsible and for which He can answer.

  1902. Let there be said whatever people wish to say. However, always remember that there is an accuser only where there is someone who defends himself or is defended by someone. When anyone recognizes sin and acknowledges being guilty, surely, accusations shall cease. Confessing our sins also demolishes every accusation and it does not matter who accuses you. Just try to confess instead of protecting yourself and see for yourself what happens. The accuser shall be ashamed. The Saviour, however, shall rejoice over you. But, this does not mean that there needs to be a transgression so accusation may take place. All it takes is to have someone who does not acknowledge guilt. This is why the innocent are innocently accused, since they have no sin to admit or to acknowledge. They shall be accused continually.

  1903. Every time God doesn't give me something I desire deeply, it is because I am more important to Him than that which I want. God chooses often between us and what we should be doing for Him. The choice shall be clear then: He chooses us above anything else. The same works on this side of the field: if I have to choose between Christ and His work, I shall definitely choose Him. From the side of God, it works the same way: if Christ needs to choose between me and the work I may do for Him, He chooses me.

  1904. Many may ask: "Why does God tell us to seek Him if we have been chosen to be the gospel?" This is very easy to answer! First of all, whoever has been chosen to hear the gospel wasn't chosen for his own sake only: he has been chosen to save himself and to take the message further to people who may not have been as chosen as he was. If you, however, have been chosen and do not obey or hear the gospel the way you should, election will mean nothing to you. God shall choose another as He did by choosing David to replace Saul whom He rejected after having chosen him for the throne of Israel. You will just add unto your condemnation by trusting on your election and not on Jesus. Secondly, we know how things work with people who do not have a real relationship with God: they don't want to have it at all. They shall need to be willing, to desire and to have it with their whole heart the way it is offered. This said, let me ask: which better way is there to cause someone to want or to wish deeply after something he does not desire to have at all? Isn't it by handing the initiative over unto his hands? By having the initiative, unwilling people confront their own kind of (un)willingness directly and with greater success. Seeking salvation works against the lack of willingness and makes people willing towards what they did not desire before. They convert rebellion into willingness by seeking as if it all depended on them. To hand the initiative over unto man is the wisest way to make him willing.

  1905. Our faith is as real as the one we have under pressure, temptation and trials. No one has more faith elsewhere or any other way than the one he experiences and shares under intense trials. Trusting according to circumstances is not trusting at all. Trust must be based wholly on the faculties of God and on the kind of person He is and not in anything else. If we trust only in times of fat cows, does it mean that God changed when those cows became slim, greedy and hungry? If God does not change along with the cows or circumstances, could it mean my faith is only circumstantial if I am unable to trust Him under trials? Or could it mean I look at circumstances and not to the Lord as He is? God remains the same under any circumstances. Faith is trust in a person and is not dependable on anything else.

  1906. Dying with Christ means me getting out of view and getting into stage at the same time. It sounds like a paradox, but it isn't. If I die with Christ I have no need to be concealed and hidden. Dead people do not have the power to hide. Then, by being that dead, Christ shall surely be seen as I walk, talk and eat. If I move, Christ reveals Himself and whatever I do, He shall be doing. Getting out of view means Christ is immediately seen when people look to where I sit, walk or say something. But, this needs to be a reality - it needs to be so indeed. And who can avoid that being so if I really died and rose with Him, I mean, if it indeed happened and it is not only a mere doctrine to which I hold on to through the power of force?

  1907. When the Lord said to the house of Israel, "look at Me and live", Amos 5:4, Israel was, then, under a very heavy curse of destruction which had no return. Many bad things were hanging over Israel, including wars, hunger and things we can't imagine. By saying "Look at Me and live" God did not mean to lift those curses in case people started living. No. He meant people would become alive under them. This promise meant that the material part of their world would cease anyway and the soul would be saved from wrath because people had been able to believe in God and to trust Him for their salvation under such heaviness and because of those curses. It happened that way with Daniel: he believed in the Lord while in captivity and not because the curse had been withdrawn or lifted up from him. But, unfortunately, many nurture grudges against people and God under heavy circumstances or trials. That's mainly why the Lord says: "So the understanding ones shall keep silent in that time; for it is an evil time", Amos 5:13. Daniel was hit hard by the hand of God, lost his country, his family and a lot more we do not know about. However, he became an intimate friend of the Lord and respected those to whom he belonged as a slave. It could not be said of Daniel that, "I have bereaved them of children, I have destroyed my people; they returned not from their ways". "Yet the people have not turned unto Him that smote them, neither have they sought the Lord of hosts", Jer.15:7; Is.9:13. Even if God does certain things for the sake of mere trials we are not able to understand, we should hold on to His love and loving hand and never breed grudges in us against Him or anyone else. Job said: "Though he slay me... I will maintain my own ways before Him", Job 13:15. And he meant it.

  1908. "Seek Me, and you shall live. But do not ... pass through Beer-Sheba", Amos 5:4,5. Many do a lot to linger or to make a longer turn on their way to the Lord to be saved from all sin. They consult this and that first, say goodbye to this sin and that one and are not straight forward and do not go directly to the Lord and away from sin - from all sins. They linger on the way out of sin. They go by Beer-Sheba first, consulting this man and that friend to delay the inevitable. Do you consult the things you are losing before going to the Lord? Do you look back to them? Why don't you just go to the Lord immediately and get it done? Are you still delaying, avoiding or postponing the unavoidable? You might never find the Lord if you do so. It means, you not live.

  1909. "Seek good and not evil, that you may live; and so Jehovah, the God of Hosts, shall be with you, as you have spoken",Amos 5:14. . Many people say God is with them and it can't be true. In fact, God is nowhere near them. We cannot make God be with us because He shall be with us out of His own free will if we comply to certain conditions that make it possible for Him to be with us. Then, we shall be found in God's presence for real. As soon as we are faithful to Him, loving, unfeigned, true and truthful, God shall surely near us and say, "Here I am".

  1910. To many, being unfeigned means becoming rude and cruel. many see it that way. But, being unfeigned is being truthful, genuine and speaking and hearing the truth without wavering and with no need to raise our voice above what distance requires as if truth hurts all the time. Truth never hurts a truthful person - even when it is truth about ourselves.

  1911. When people change their hearts, when they manage to get it right the way they should, they realize it is not because they may have changed place, job or circumstances that they have changed. Unless you change right where you are, changing circumstances won't work any change within you. Unless you change now it is not likely that you will change under different circumstances. Wherever you go, the heart you have now will go along and will still be with you.

  1912. Hypocrites always praise you, especially when they speak of you in front of you. They believe pleasing people is what love is all about. Moreover, whoever listens to them might wish to believe what they say. Consequently, hearers easily start to put on a mask which is in accordance to what is said about them. That's how an hypocrite creates another hypocrite.

  1913. There are so many promises in the Bible which God Himself has given. They shall all be fulfilled under the conditions they have been promised. Promises need to meet their respective conditions fully. If people do not comply to those conditions or if circumstances are not fulfilled and accomplished, promises made by the Living God will not become reality. When people do not fulfil the conditions to which promises are aimed, when promises have not the environment that will sustain them and, also, that will uphold the glory of God, people's lives and the lives of everyone around them shall suffer great losses and the blessings shall not take place. Faith is one of those conditions one must have in whatever measure. But, I believe promises are not the only things that create faith. If God pronounces a certain curse and people are able to believe it and not despise it (just as the second man who heard Joseph's interpretation did); if people do not hold grudges against God or people after a curse is pronounced to them; if they instead repent and give themselves to God and work for His glory; that kind of faith emerging from a word about a curse is also able to save and to reach the deepest part of the soul of man. "And the people of Nineveh believed God", Jon.3:5. Faith is to be able to believe whatever God has spoken. It is so important, therefore, that people really believe that whatever overtakes them comes from God. We have examples of this in Amos 4. Here, we may also say something about the two sides of the heart of man: whoever would be able to hold on to a grudge against God for a curse He has spoken, would surely feel proud and unfaithful were that a promise instead of a curse. That happens because anyone who holds any grudge against God or a curse coming from Him, thinks highly of himself and believes he has some rights or should be special before God.

  1914. Many believers become confused because they have so many issues they would like to discuss with God to find genuine and resolving answers to them. The confusions come, mainly, from the fact that there are too many issues and doubts at once in man's own imaginations. If man could just reduce and distribute his own thoughts and "maybe" answers, he would surely be able to think better and to use all his resources in a better way. You may ask: what should I reduce from my mind? There are a lot of things one can stop thinking about to use the resources in a better way so doubts and useless thoughts would never multiply. For example, you can stop reasoning about those sealed things God will never discuss with you; you can stop thinking about inquiring God to negotiate on those things God is inflexible about, things like holiness and truth, and comply to it on the spot and unconditionally; you may reduce vain imaginations, religious thoughts which always use a great amount of power from you by increasing feigning and lying to self and others about you - (religion is the best or greatest enemy of God and the best way to deceive yourself); you can stop breeding or cultivating false hopes about many things, since true hopes need to take the place that those false hopes fill up; you may reduce dreams and replace them for realities about the Lord for He is greater than you can ever imagine or conceive in your mind; in fact, you can do a lot more to reduce or even remove hindrances and stumbling blocks from your mind over which busy people stumble and hold on to so easily. Then, you can start by handling one issue at the time and finish it. It can be considered finished when God puts a full stop on it. Our mind and spirit works much like a hard disk of any computer: the less crap there is and the more the files are organized, the better it works and the faster it is able to function to solve real and important issues.

  1915. Any clean and spotless Christian will feel as bad in a worldly domain as any dirty Christian would feel near God or near a clean Christian.

  1916. If people, in this present world, feel encouraged and strengthened through false comforts or a kind of faith which believes amiss, can you imagine just how strong and how strengthened people could feel would their faith and heart be based on truth and on things which really matter if they only accept those as such? Every person who walks after the "lies which... lead them astray" (Amos 2:4) always feels encouraged over nothing and needs nothing more than lies to carry on as always. Such people seek vain reasons to be encouraged and to go on. This is why they hate those who are truthful and speak the truth. But, how may times those who have real reasons to remain steadfast on their journey give themselves over to discouragement and trivialities common to a passive mind which has given up thinking the right way? Christian, if you are indeed clean and spotless or at least know how to be made clean and spotless, if God is indeed so near your soul that you can believe Him, why would it be harder for you to "take good courage" and to carry on with whatever God left in your hands to be faithful to, than it is for worldly people who have not met the Lord at all? Just try to think about it for a moment. Take some time off just to see the reality of what God intents to do through/with you. He shall indeed accomplish it fully. It is just a question of time and, perhaps, of timing. "Be strong and of good courage", Jos.1:6. These words could mean a lot more than we can imagine about them.

  1917. It would be good if every child of God came to a point where the devil, to tempt them, would need to show his face and reveal himself. It would only mean there is no more flesh through which he is able to tempt them. If there is nothing more on earth that man considers worthy, if there is nothing more on earth the devil can tempt man through, then he shall need to show his face and come out of his hiding darkness to tempt. Direct confrontation is the only option left to him. It happened with Jesus at the end of His journey on earth. How victorious a stage is that?

  1918. We know depression is caused by a mountain of sins which have not been brought to the light by confessing them all one by one to the Lord and to people we have wronged. Doctors have many explanations for depression and so do psychologists. But, bring someone in that state of mind to the cross of the Lord with every single known sin, confessing them by name and being able to trust Jesus and His forgiveness, and you will see just how marvellous a change shall occur almost instantaneously. However, we must distinguish between frustration and depression. People who only occasionally walk with the Lord are often frustrated people in their ways because their sins hinder them and hinder the Lord to accomplish whatever is needed to be accomplished. Or, perhaps, they want to go a way which the Lord frustrates because He has another way for them - or another way to do things.

  1919. There are two ways by which we may assume God's things in proper time. One of them is, unquestionably, the providences of God. The other is the warmth, the inner assurance, the simple certainty which convinces or simply shows us it shall happen for sure. It is not our thing convincing us. For this, one needs to have or to be close to have the Spirit in the promised fullness. Faith, then, brings to life right there what we expect. This divine, living experience of knowing about something beyond doubt is what convinces us not only of God's will, but of when it shall take place. It is not us convincing God anymore, but God showing fully convincing us.

  1920. "The seed is rotten under their clods", Joel 1:17. Sin in man is like having rocks and clods heavy on the seeds or on the words of God. Those seeds just do not bring forth what they should. Do you know that your grudges, your pet sins, to much talking, quarrelling, a disputing spirit, complaining and many more sins are heavy upon the fragile seeds of the words of God inside your heart? These words are fragile inside any heart who does not pay attention to them or mixes them with the poison of sin or of self. That is the only reason why the strong words of God become fragile. Can you imagine? Can you conceive in your mind that the words that made the sun and the moon to exist (so powerful are they) are made useless and are rendered powerless in people's lives through sin?

  1921. It is a shame that when man lacks anything earth can give, he is left with no joy. It just shows where his hopes are really been settled. It also shows they did not have the important part in them or, at least, they did not have Him in the proper fullness. "The vine is dried up, and the fig tree droops, the pomegranate and the palm tree, and the apple tree; all the trees of the field are dried up, of men and joy has dried up from the sons", Joel 1:12. This is indeed sad to hear. Here is the contrast of that: "Though the fig tree shall not blossom, and fruit is not on the vines; the labour of the olive fails, and the fields yield no food. The flock is cut off from the fold, and no herd is in the stalls; yet I will rejoice in Jehovah, I will joy in the God of my salvation", Hab.3:17-18.

  1922. Believing we know better or know all when truth is trying to convince us about something we have turned into practice is an ancestral way of resisting the truth.

  1923. We may never be inclined to believe lies. Many people assume believing is what shall make the difference. Well, believing truth makes the difference because we do not take God for a liar. However, believing is not the same thing as believing truth. If something we believe in is not truthful and genuine, or God has not spoken it, then believing avails us nothing. In case you inhale a poisonous gas will it help you by believing it is oxygen? Will it prevent your death? Let us stop lying to ourselves about things because there is real truth which needs to be believed and some good evidence about many things which leads to salvation every day. And the only reason why we should believe beforehand something happens is because we have heard it directly from the mouth of God. We cannot pronounce a word of faith unless God has said something about it beforehand, one way or another. Faith is to believe God's word. Abraham believed after God spoke to him and not before. If God is indeed there to speak, to help, to confide, why would we ever wish to believe at random before God has said anything at all? Would a faith based upon a lie avail us anything? There is nothing impossible for the Lord. We may, also, consult God about certain things, but, to say it will happen before a clear answer to that prayer is given, is foolishness especially if there is a real possibility to receive a real answer from the Lord. Promising only because that is what man wishes to hear or what false prophets believe they must say is what makes them false. There is no real benefit in a faith grounded upon a lie. "I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran; I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied", Jer.23:21.

  1924. Many state they believe in God while they breed strange motives through their kind of faith. The only reason they believe is to strengthen self-confidence. And self-confidence is not faith at all - it is unbelief. In fact, it might be faith's greatest competitor. Faith which lives together with a dirty conscience is not fruit of the Spirit. The only motives such faith has is the maintenance of sin and the possibility of keeping hatching it. That kind of faith is an excuse to carry on sinning as always. It encourages people when they have many reasons to be discouraged from their ways.

  1925. God shall answer for His words just as we shall answer for ours. And God shall answer for the words we speak only when those are His words and we fulfil all conditions any holy man must fulfil to speak them out. "Let your speech be always with grace, having been seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one", Col.4:6. "Whoever speaks must speak God's words", 1 Pet.4:11.

  1926. If any person lies, I will not believe that person again, not even when he speaks the truth - unless I have a perception for truth. And when I keep lying to myself and to the Lord, shall I ever believe the words of the Bible I mention or memorized? If I am only pretending; if I promise things and do not fulfil them; if I make vows and do not keep them to the end; how shall I ever believe in the things that go on inside my own heart? It is important to realize we need to be a certain kind of people to be able to believe God's words inside us because it is in the heart that man hears from God mostly. God does not become a liar simply because I can't believe Him concerning a certain matter. And unless my heart is made one with the Spirit of truth, I will always be striving to believe truth and shall, also, be wavering on account of it. Nevertheless, Jesus commanded us to believe Him and not our hearts.

  1927. I believe it is demanded from all of us to end our race fresher and more restful than we have ever been. Usually, people are more tired after a race than before it. But, the godly race works the other way round. We have all reasons to end in a much better state of mind, of spirit and of heart than when we have started it. Unfortunately, those who are used to applaud who runs a race will not experience this miracle of being less tired (spiritually) at the end and will not know what it is to feel more comfortable at the last breath. And this race is not an easy one. In fact, it is much harder than any other race we may ever come to know. We run and do not get tired because we use more of God's strength and less of ours. Had we been using ours we would surely be tired out very quickly. Could you get tired if someone else worked hard in you or on your behalf? God does both. Now, are you prepared to race a difficult road where there is no competition and no need to be better than others but only to give your best to overcome? Will you run using none of your own strength? We read: "Whoever serves must serve with the strength that God supplies", 1 Pet.4:11. Usually, determination in this present world is linked to pride and to the strength of the flesh. How will you fare in this way using none of those and still be more determined and more willing towards the finishing line?

  1928. Man can imitate only what he is able to imagine. If we cease to breed vain imaginations, we shall also cease to pretend and if we all stop imagining the things of the Lord to have them for real instead, there would be much less hypocrites working in the fields filled with lost souls.

  1929. Whoever gives to others wins the favour of whom receives. Can you imagine how much more favour will the giver receive by giving away without any kind of selfish motivation concealed behind his giving?

  1930. There are many reasons for a heart to be divided concerning the things of God. When God leaves someone alone because some sin hasn't been fully confessed, or some sin has not been left and denied, and that person even so tries to live on as a Christian by sticking to the morals which the Law of God impresses upon the human mind, then it will happen that man shall conceive an alternative way of doing the things of God according and that shall be according to own justice. Strange fire is often used in the altar of God. Man's way shall resemble the right way and the curse shall be that it shall seem right to him. Under such a curse, man's strength is involved in whatever he does and God's will simply won't happen. The heart is divided because man knows evil and good. Did he know evil only or did he know good only, it would never be divided. Eve shouldn't have eaten from that tree. However, many can be blamed for not eating from the Tree of Life which shall make their hearts steadfast and real. Man is the only one to be blamed for having a divided heart in him. "Their heart is divided; now they shall be guilty (for it)", Hos.10:2. Touching, holding, nurturing, concealing or excusing any sin divides the heart.

  1931. Resisting God does not last for always, but obedience does.

  1932. It is good when we manage to hinder or avoid certain truthful prophecies against us. It shall be credited unto us as righteousness. For example, we read that, "They shall eat unclean things in Assyria", Hos.9:3. However, Daniel contradicted that prophecy since he refused to eat the king's food offered unto idols having been taken to Assyria. He did not eat unclean food, Dan.1:8. And was God angry because Daniel made a prophecy not come true? No, God was extremely happy because that true prophecy has not been fulfilled in him. "...You are greatly beloved", Dan.9:23. Have you been able to counterwork anything that God has spoken against you as a sinner? For example, God did say that when the demon comes back to an empty or clean house, that house shall be made seven times worse. Can you counterwork it? Can you instead seek to be filled with eternal life (abundant life) before you become seven times worse? If you can, just dare to have your heart full of the Spirit of God. God will be happy about you if those words (the very words of God) are not fulfilled with you.

  1933. Many try to 'mislead' God concerning themselves. In fact, they believe they are tricking God into something. They give to God so that they may receive back. But, we must know that the deed of giving to the Lord is never accomplished until the receiver receives and not until the giver gives. God did not receive Cain's offerings even though he offered them. There are things God just does not receive from us. There are prayers He does not accept; there are money offerings God does not receive; long Bible studies God does not bless. It so happens because God accepts only the one who gives and not the offering itself. "But the Lord accepteth them not", Hos.8:13God accepted Job and not merely Job's prayers. Because of Job, his prayers in behalf of his friends made the difference. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous one avails much", James 5:16. Unfortunately, there are people who are worse off than Cain because Cain was able to be aware of the fact that God did not accept him. Many Christians simply carry on praying and even praising God for nothing. He has not accepted from them and they still carry on as if nothing strange is happening. They simply can't see that they are rejected! People deceive themselves easily. "They shall not pour wine to the Lord, nor shall they be pleasing to Him. Their sacrifices shall be like the bread of sorrows to them; all who eat of them shall be defiled. For their bread is for their soul, it shall not come into the house of God", Hos.9:4. Are you sacrificing flesh or Spirit to the Lord?

  1934. "They have made themselves idols with their silver and their gold, so that they may be cut off", Hos.8:4. An idol is a fantasy. Many people do not consider themselves idolatrous anymore because they have become evangelical Christians. However, they still use their gold, silver or income to buy themselves fantasies of many kinds. They use their money and earnings (which the poor need badly) to buy themselves many things their idolatrous hearts demands from them. Just how many fantasies do you still think about to feed your mind? Don't you think it strange that John said to people who already parted from idols that they should have no idols in them? "Little children, guard yourselves from idols", it is, from fantasies,1 John 5:21.

  1935. A body without spirit, without life is a corpse. So, any church or any Christian without the Spirit of God is a corpse.

  1936. The power or the persuasion of any of our messages is or should be the genuine manifestation of God through them and not the amount of wisdom in them. God should be able to reveal Himself as we speak, whether we speak wisdom or not. Whatever we do should be filled with power.

  1937. Why is it so important to recognize and realize our own sins? There are many reasons, but let me highlight two of them. One good reason is that no one loves to be wrong or to be declared wrong. To realize our sins shall cause us to do something about it and we shall be blessed by doing something about it the right way and not like a mule who would carry out some duty. A mule does right things by force. If done the right way God shall be with us. And if God with us was the only reason for us to confess, it would be enough. But, there are many more reasons though. Another reason among the many others is that God's name shall not be blasphemed and spoken against so easily in the world. When Christians sin, whatever they say or do does not work out and the world takes notice of it. Bringing sins to the light shall surely hinder being spoken against God's name because the world shall say: "Christians are confessing and now we know why their words/works didn't worked out". They shall not say "God does not exist". If they say, however, God shall present Himself to them because Christians' words and works start to work out and to make sense again. However, the main reason why one needs to confess our sins is because it leads us to conversion and transformation. There must be conversion before forgiveness can take place and confession is a tool that takes us to it.

  1938. God does not become unfaithful when things do not happen when we expected them to happen. Mis-happenings do not change God if we lack the revelation concerning His timing. He does not change. He has never changed before and never will, surely.

  1939. For corruption to be there, there must be someone who pays bribes and someone that receives them. If one of these is lacking, the act of corruption is not accomplished, even though the bad heart exists. There must be fire and wood to breed a flame and these must come together. The man who pays bribes has the same sin and the same heart as the one who receives bribes.

  1940. The man or woman whose heart is corruptible has the same kind of heart as the one who corrupts. They are fully reconciled with each other and have hearts which get along. "Can two walk together unless they are agreed?", Amos 3:3. If there is a pastor or preacher who steals money from his hearers or church, there must be hearers who have the same kind of interest and greed in them as their preacher's or pastor's. Preachers who steal from the poor and the rich usually do so by promising a abounding return of the money they extort in the name of God. To say God will give people their money back is to lie to them. These preachers make good use of their hearers' greed, lust and lack of satisfaction to rob or extort them. Preachers who extort and those who are extorted have the same kind of heart and motivation or they would never combine. These preachers learn how to make the best use of people's sins and they promise things to settle and confirm those sins instead of saving people from them. It is not good to come to Christ to have our sins fed and fattened. Only corrupt people give to corrupt preachers. "They eat up the sin of My people, and they set their heart on their iniquity. And it has become, like people, like priest...", Hos.4:8,9.

  1941. Many complain about their children being disobedient rebels. They cannot figure out why their own children do not listen to reason. There are many motives why this happens, but I believe the main one is what God says in Hos.4:6: "Since you have forgotten the Law of your God, I will also forget your sons, even I". And because we know that for every curse there is a respective or corresponding blessing, we may assume the opposite of what is happening to rebel children is what God intended to work out in them through grace. I mean that for every rebel there is, there could or should be a most obedient child. It is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth of what should be. What can you expect shall your children be if you remain God's friend forever, whatever happens?

  1942. The Lord sees the man who sleeps with a prostitute in a worse moral state than the prostitute herself. "I will not punish your daughters when they fornicate, nor your wives when they commit adultery. For the men themselves go aside with harlots, and they sacrifice with temple prostitutes", Hos.4:14. "Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does it destroys his own soul", Prov.6:32.

  1943. Sanctification is not abandoning sin. It is consecrating to the Lord the members and the hearts which have already left sin behind. Then, the demons shall come and find the house, which they used to tempt, full of God. They shall not come in to settle down there. Sanctification is to fill the house and consecrate it to the new life: Jesus.

  1944. God trusts a salvation from sin in which He has fully participated and which He has worked on. Jesus saves from sin. If a sin is abandoned and Jesus was not the one who saved from it, I am sure that person did not stop sinning but only exchanged some sin for another or just healed himself very superficially.

  1945. Many times, lukewarm Christians are rejected by people and that does not happen only because people do not wish to hear their truth about God. It so happens because people do not wish to hear what they know are fantasies of the minds of worldly or lukewarm believers who are worse off than the coldish people of this world. People seek reality and not fiction. In case Christians experience real truth and live the reality of the promised abundant life of God, people shall listen to them with joy sooner or later, one way or another.

  1946. Jesus promised we will reap whatever we sow. However serious these words are, most Christians just do not take them in consideration or as seriously as they should. We should take the Word of God as a whole and one part as serious as the other. God simply means what He says. We should never love or lift some parts of the Word above others. This relationship between sowing and reaping is a most serious one. Many sow sin and later at night they pray that their fields should be blessed with a good crop; others pay bribes and pray God will bless it; others steal from God and expect God to be with them when sick, troubled and abandoned. In fact, they sow thorns and expect a bountiful harvest of blessings.

  1947. Bad people are often hypocrites who try to get along with others by trying to resemble what they are not inside. They manipulate feelings, smiles and whatever is able to cause a good impression or create a good opinion about them. They do so even when there is no need to do that. Whoever does it is a bad person. However, holy people get along by what they really are inside. It cannot work any other way with them. People get along by what they are, more than by what they say.

  1948. Screaming and noisy speaking is often the language of another kind of modern hypocrites in church. They are just as noisy in singing to God. And yelling at people means we cannot speak the truth or what we really wish to say without becoming angry and annoyed. We should be able to speak the truth in such a way that no yelling nor apologies should be traced in whatever we say. Many, when they speak the truth, do so in such a way that it seems they are not comfortable with themselves. They sound always apologetic and uneasy as if truth and the honour of God is uneasy to them as well. We cannot speak as if we do not mean what we say. Speaking the truth is good for all, even for those who speak. No one should need to yell using the truth. There is no need to do that if truths cuts de by itself.

  1949. If Paul had the kind of faith he had, if he exercised it as freely as he did, it was because he had the God he had. Unless God was trustworthy he would never believe God that way at all. He was sincere. Paul simply lived according to the reality of the Lord he served. I also believe Paul would never have such faith were he not fully honest in the views he had about God. God is the same today. We can trust Him the same way Paul did because He is the same. He shall never change.

  1950. "Be reconciled with God...". This is a profound word and we should be open enough to understand its fullest meaning. Do not go slightly over it believing you know what it means. God has His purposes, His ways of doing things, His exact timing both to promise and to fulfil everything He does. He uses the power of grace to accomplish. To be reconciled with God means we are one with the Lord in all of that. Are you so reconciled with God that His will is the deepest desire of your own heart? Are you so reconciled with God that it is no surprise for you when the Red Sea opens up right in front of you because you expected something to happen more or less that way?

  1951. God allows many unthinkable things to happen when Christians move away from Him. And if these ugly people still use God's name (in vain) we should expect much more to happen to them than we can ever think possible. One of these unthinkable things that will happen is that the enemies of God will prosper in many ways. "...And because of transgression... he cast the truth to the ground. And he prospered...", Dan.8:12. The enemies of God should not be able to prosper that way, especially when throwing truth to the ground. If an enemy of God casts truth down and plays around with it as a toy and even so prospers, Christians are the ones to blame. There is transgression among them. Such a thing coming from the enemies of truth is unthinkable and is a punishment to Christians' ways and lives. Remember what happened to Herod when he did not honour God? He threw the truth to the ground and was eaten by worms. It happened because Christians were sound and living in the apostles' time. It is a good thing if God is happy with Christians and the way they live in this present world. If He is not, they shall be overcome by the enemies of God. "Deliver me not over to the will of my enemies...", Ps.27:12. On the other hand, our enemies will be handed over into our hands to be fully converted to God if we live as saints live in heaven and if the will of God is done in us the way it is done there!

  1952. Daniel had his visions from God while in Babylon. He had them in the sanctuary of idolatry and harlotry. He did not have them in Jerusalem or in the Temple, even though it could happen. What counts is our relationship with God and not the place we are found. All that matters is whether our relationship with God is for real and if, through it, it is our only and natural way to live and to do things wherever we are. We sin or are holy because of what we are and never because of where we are.

  1953. Here is a terrible thought: we shall give account to the Lord for everything we are and do. Have we been faithful people? Will we be faithful people? Do we walk in the Light, exposing all from within for the sale of salvation?

  1954. Blind people use dark glasses. There are, also, those who use them because of sunlight. The only way one is able to distinguish between them, is by looking at the way they behave themselves because there are many blind people in church who may pass as those who see.

  1955. So we may easily watch and pray, we need to live today's things only today and tomorrow's things tomorrow only. This is one of the conditions we need to fulfil unconditionally in order to be able to watch while praying in the right way, in all perfection and bringing good results.

  1956. The biggest predators of this present life are those weak people who pass for strong ones, the unholy ones who seem to be holy and above everyone else. These learned the ways of life only to imitate them so that the wolf inside them survives and be hidden wearing sheep's adornments.

  1957. Every person who is able to live in sin and have an obstinate spirit is someone who is given over to his own ways, own nature and own thoughts. Then, the devil uses those things to degenerate the creature before the eyes of the Creator. Whatever the devil wishes to carry out through these people, he shall do because they are fenceless cities open to robbers. They are like a prey at the disposal of the hunter. "...Those at ease, who dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and there are no bars nor gates to them, in order to take a spoil, and to steal a prize", Ez.38:11,12. These people's lives have no walls and the devil comes in and out as he wishes. The worst thing that can ever happen to us is God handing us over to ourselves and to the ways of our hearts. There is no greater curse than that. "...God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do the things not right", Rom.1:28.

  1958. The people to be blamed for others' most hesitations towards important issues are those who understand the gospel, I mean, the so-called Christians. It is they who get wild and fussy about certain truths they should rather live out. They promise freedom to all others who may come to agree with them, yet, they show themselves bound to self and to many sorts of sins. In fact, they manage to convince those capable to agree with them and that cannot be said to be God's power convicting people at all. If someone is able to agree with you, he is surely like you or on the verge of becoming like you. You cannot always ascribe it to the convincing power of God. Religious habits and behaviours can never be considered as living truth from which we may live. We need to live freely and almost unconsciously in the truth or by the truth. To change habits, one needs to think a lot and to reason much. But, to change a life within takes something more than that. Nicodemus did not understand how it worked before he came to Jesus. This is why many people go to hell and limp between two or more thoughts when they should make an important decision once and for all against own sins. Most worldly people would be glad did they hear good news from the mouth of pure people. But, in the absence of them, a few are led astray to use God's name in vain and for no other purpose than carrying on sinning. "For you compass sea and the dry land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves", Mat.23:15.

  1959. It is possible to see when someone has been contemplating the Lord and if by reading his Bible he has seen the Lord for sure. Many read their Bible to search for arguments they themselves are not able to experience as real truth. They do so only to become able to argue and to reason with others. And to see just how much or how well a person has contemplated the Lord during that precious time of communion (or what should be a precious time), one needs only to see how much of the glory of God such a person's life or face glows after contemplation, at work and when being himself and himself only. It is not appearances that show how much or how well people have seen the Lord. But, when He becomes clear to the hidden man our whole life changes.

  1960. If we see Christ as He is, our inner being starts changing rapidly. The worst handicap, however, is that kind of life we thought and conceived in our minds as holy, especially before coming to Christ for real. Perhaps, Christ is leading you towards what He has as holiness for you and your mind does not allow you into it because you are heading towards your own idea of holiness or perfection. What you may have imagined concerning a life with God shall be your greatest stumbling block and your worst enemy when nearing Jesus for real. An alternative life is like having another wife which is not yours: one of the wives shall dump you sooner or later. Tell me: if the other woman is polite, beautiful and attractive is it enough reason for you to have her? Shouldn't you live only with the one God united you to, the legitimate one? A parallel life is like having a polite mistress. Having a parallel life is just another form of adultery. It does not allow you to live spontaneously in all goodness and love. Even your joys will be faked and false. Appearance has no life in itself even if true life appears on the outside as well. Be sure that you cannot have two wives without neglecting one of them. If you care for the other woman or for the other life, your own shall surely die away and your own being shall become a stranger to you. You cannot live from appearances. It is impossible. You can only die through appearance, by showing or by showing off what you aren't - or what you wish to be.

  1961. There are facts, occurrences, and laws in nature (both physical and spiritual) which we may never ignore for a moment. For example: there is a huge similarity between the way sicknesses work and the way sin works. There are viral sicknesses or fatal ones and there are those long term sicknesses which come into existence because people have long term bad habits in eating or are careless about eating properly and in due time. Sin works much the same way: there are sins which come through temptations (which we may take as viruses which come and go) and there are sins on the long term because we have not been eating properly or feeding on proper spiritual food. We know certain sicknesses are contagious and by sitting around where people sin easily and gladly, temptation shall try to lure us to swallow us up through smooth talk. That is also a fact. Sickness is transmitted one way or another. However, health is not transmitted from people to people as viruses are. Good health is worked upon. Spiritual health is a good, long term work which may never be neglected for a moment. Health is not as contagious as sicknesses are. You cannot transmit your health to a sick friend. In the same sense, holiness and purity cannot be transmitted from people to people - it needs to be worked upon with patience and without a moment of negligence. "Therefore, my beloved... work out your own salvation with fear and trembling", Php.2:12.

  1962. If you can't be alone and quiet, it shows you are still immature and childish. Only spiritual maturity is able to see God continually and as He is. "But you, when you pray, enter into your room. And shutting your door, pray to your Father in secret...", Mat.6:6.

  1963. The voice of God has very little in common with the way we feel. What we feel or the way we feel is our own thing. The more emotional we are, the more we hear ourselves. We need to know what God feels about certain matters and not what our feelings and preferences have to say about them. Unless you look away from the way you feel about things, you cannot be an obedient person. And if God feels the same way as you about certain things, it shall be harder for you to discern God's voice from yours. People should stop acting as if they are little gods which God must listen to all the time. Trusting your heart is the way towards foolishness and death. "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool", Prov.28:26. Can you live so near God that you can even sense the way He feels about something?

  1964. If it is true that whoever gains his own life loses it, it is also true that we might find ourselves loosing something or even all without realizing we are gaining life due to the sense of loss we experience. And we may also feel satisfied concerning our lives and be losing it in a real way; or we may be losing without realizing we are gaining. It is a shame that faithful people often feel unhappy when things do not work out the way they expected they would. You might be gaining life and despise it because it does not feel pleasant at that moment. Beware! Do no sadden the Spirit through unbelief and lacks of joy. Perhaps, the loss we sense is the answer to our prayers.

  1965. We do not fix our lives to be able to read the Bible, but rather read the Bible to fix our lives. The goal or objective is to have life and to be near the Lord all the time - as if we have never experienced any other kind of life before. But, many prepare themselves to read in such a way that it seems the only goal is to have their Bibles read. They exhaust themselves and find their souls in the same condition they have always been after having read a lot from God's word. Reading and studying which does not lead to an active inner transformation is worth nothing.

  1966. Arrogance is camouflaged weakness and whoever brags about things is trying to hide his own vulnerability. Humility is to be what we are without a second thought about it and pride is to hide our inner being.

  1967. Aversion or lack of disposition is a greater hindrance or stumbling block than disability or incapability. A disabled person has the option of being helped. But, resentment, aversion or anger often makes people refuse to follow the way they should. Think of it next time you hand your heart over to a grudge or anything that is able to deprive your heart and thoughts from serving God freely. You shall be worse off than a disabled person if your allow your heart to breed certain resisting habits. "All day long I have stretched forth My hands to a disobeying and gainsaying people", Rom.10:21.

  1968. Whenever a sinner insists and repeats things, whatever those things are, it just shows how impatient a person he is. But, when God repeats something, it reveals how patient He is. The more He repeats the greater is the manifestation of His patient character. Man's impatience is often the mirror of his resistance against the Spirit. And where there is smoke it means fire can be in a extinguishing mode or it can be in a alighting mode.

  1969. "For not he who commends himself is approved, but he whom the Lord commends", 2Cor.10:18. If this is true, then whoever criticizes himself shall neither be approved because of it, but only those whom the Lord convicts. Whoever commends himself is the person who can easily criticize himself also when self is not pleased. And the motives behind these two different and seemingly opposed behaviours are brought by one and the same kind of selfishness.

  1970. It is necessary to stay in the life we started to experience in the Lord. Receiving it is never enough. What does that mean? Many have the wrong motives in them when they come to the Lord. I am not talking about those. But, all those who have the right kind of motives, I mean, those who want a job to learn how to be lead by God; those who marry to glorify God through a married life and do no fall in the so-called trap of happiness; they are the ones who easily fall asleep and die away once they believe they have attained the life the Lord demands them to have in them in an abundant way. In fact, once you have that life abundantly, you are at the starting point and not at the end of your race. Why would a student finish his studies if it leads him to sleep late and to breed the idea there is nothing more he needs to do? Real life starts after we have attained life in the fullness that God promised. If you are now easily lead by the Lord, if you hear him joyfully and are able to obey Him unconditionally, than you are at the point where you can start living for the Lord. Do not dare to be amazed by receiving such a life. Live as if you have never known any other way to live before and start living your God out in the promised abundance.

  1971. The bad man shall always avenge or take revenge and his preferential target is whoever is righteous. His revengeful habits make him apt to destroy the innocent and the righteous whose walk is directly responsible for the accusations inside his own conscience. Evil has always personal reasons for taking revengeful measures against anyone. God, however, by taking revenge upon His enemies has salvation, love and tenderness in mind. However it is hard to believe that it is indeed true. God's Spirit does not remain with mankind mostly for that reason, simply because He is love. "My spirit shall not always strive with man, in his erring (...) The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them", Gen.6:3;13.

  1972. What we are as people is usually what drives to judge others. We look at things and judge them according to our feelings and not according to truth. Many even judge God's deeds according to what they feel at the moment things happen to them. "Yet you say, The way of the Lord is not fair. Hear now, O house of Israel: Is not My way fair? Are your ways not unfair?", Ez.18:25. Because our way is unfair, we think and believe God's ways are unfair. In case our ways were really fair, we would believe otherwise concerning God and His ways towards us. If you wish to stop judging, change your heart and your mouth and thought will be redirected. To change an own heart is the best way to stop seeing in others the evil we are.

  1973. When somebody lives as he ought before the Lord and has in him the capacity of keeping clean and continually near Him, sin will be a form of treason. You cannot consider yourself a better person than Jude has been or Peter when the cock crowed. "But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die", Ez.18:24. A righteous man who sins is a traitor. He denies and betrays the Lord. He should repent from high treason.

  1974. "And ... being planted, shall it prosper?", Ez.17:10. This is a good question for you to answer! Facts show that many people who have been spiritually nurtured and cared for do not prosper in the will of God. Are you one of these?

  1975. People shall drink once our cup runs over and not when it is being filled. Preach to yourself first and above all when God reveals Himself to you.

  1976. The understanding of God's word has more to do with the practicality of the word than with the knowledge of it. To know what it is all about is easy for anyone. We cannot separate understanding from obedience when it comes to God's word, because, according to it, they are one and the same thing. "If any man shall do (...) he shall know", John 7:17. Most of the time, God's words, when read and attained, are a confirmation of what is already happening inside us and for which we had no former explanation. By reading, we come to know what is already happening inside. We get the explanation of inexplicable and surprising things we never expected. Memorizing and studying God's word as a worldly student would do to pass exams is, quite often, a stumbling block to the kind of understanding God wishes us to breed and have of His words. It can become a parallel life. That kind of knowledge is like the mistress of a married man: it does everything the legal wife does. However, she is an immoral outsider. Memorizing is good only when it shall serve us in the near future by being reminded by the Holy Spirit when things start happening according to what we have studied and learned. Then, we shall believe because we shall say "Now I see with my own eyes". "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye has seen You", Job 42:5.

  1977. I always say it is not work which wears us down. What tires us most is what we are and not what we do.

  1978. Paul said he would forget what was behind to launch forward all he was to reach the goal set before him. He was referring to the great things God had done and achieved through him, mainly. He knew the past would not count if the present could not consume his full attention. However, sometimes God reminds us of our past sins so we will not feel at ease and so that our assurance and security don't become superficial and meaningless. Our security and assurance must be deep, practical, immediate, easy and simple. And in case it is not immediate, it might become of the wavering kind as time passes and as thoughts come and go along the waiting period.

  1979. Tears for holiness show we would like to be holy just as it might show we would like to work it out ourselves and we cry because we can't. Because we want to do it, we easily cry by facing the impossibility of being holy without Jesus. Let there be tears which cry out for the power of grace (grace is a power) instead of mourning and complaining because the power of the flesh cannot and will not cause the things of God to work out as they should. We may cry because we cannot do or we can cry out because we deeply want Jesus to do it for us in us.

  1980. Rejected people try harder and will do more to be accepted than any other person to jump over the wall into the sheepfold. Instead, they should reject and abolish whatever made God reject them.

  1981. It is a shame that there are people who are able to hear and understand things and, even so, refuse to hear and obey the way they ought. They easily cause the work of grace to fail. "Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house, who have eyes to see and see not. They have ears to hear and hear not, for they are a rebellious house", Ez.12:2. Once one ceases to be rebellious and gainsaying, one will have ears that hear properly.

  1982. To be able to hear God's voice clearly, there are a few things which must happen. One of them is that God must indeed speak. Many hear their own heart and feelings speaking to them and they say it was God speaking. The other thing which needs to happen is: the hearts of men must be subdued and must not overpower the wishes of God. Even when our own wishes are like God's, we must take only God into consideration. He is the Shepherd and not the sheep. He is not the disciple. He is not the one who should be listening to us, but hearing from us until He fulfils.

  1983. Whenever a person refuses to take hold of God (or that God takes full hold of him) and clings only to the hope and faith others have, such a person is holding back some secret sin or some pet sin which he simply refuses either to see as sin or to give up forever if he sees it as sin. You may count on it, because this is a true statement. Such a person does not leave the entrance to life, but does not go in either.

  1984. "...So that you might have peace in ME...", John 16:33. It is easy to have peace because there is also a false peace which the reality of God slays to pieces. But, if Jesus is real, it is possible to have peace in Him only if we are spotless and clean. It is not possible to have peace in Him unless we are spotless and content with the kind of life He gives. Dirty consciences have 'peace' outside Jesus (the kind of peace the world gives) and feel quite well there, however unsatisfied the heart may be. And what Jesus promises to all of us is peace while in Him. There is more behind His words than we might think of or believe. Allow Jesus to become real in you so you shall know what real peace means. It is not that easy to have peace while in Him.

  1985. There are many differences between faithful and unfaithful people, especially concerning faith and what they usually assume in a practical life. Usually, unfaithful people cling strongly to the hope and to the belief that God is conducting their lives. I have never seen an ex-believer assuming it shall not go well with him. But, deep in their hearts they cannot believe the lie they assume as truth. They are always wavering and unstable. Consequently, they do things their own way and carry on believing it was God doing it. Faithful people, on the other hand, believe deep in their hearts their lives shall indeed be conducted, fully blessed and guided by God. They cannot deny the kind of heart they have. However, many of them are unable to assume it openly, they who are the ones who have many reasons to assume practically that God shall guide their lives. It would be good that those people who really know it shall go well with their soul, that they assume it so in a practical way and that, in all simplicity, their life shall be guided indeed. They shall rest and not be wearied down, because they expect from the Lord. That's what waiting in God is all about. Waiting on God is expecting, like a woman is expecting a baby so real is what is within her.

  1986. "...That He might present it to Himself as the glorious church, without spot or wrinkle or any such things", Eph.5:26-27. To take wrinkles out of something we heat it up or fill it to maximum capacity. Let the church be on fire and fully filled with God and it shall not have wrinkles, no ugliness and no double standards.

  1987. Laws exist only because there are transgressors. It is the transgressor who brought the Law into existence. If people's hearts are naturally healthy and pure; if there were no sinners; if people felt naturally at home inside a holy, filled environment; if they knew no other kind of life; if they would do the right things and preserve them naturally; then, there would be no laws. "...We acknowledge that the law is not made for a righteous one, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane...", 1Tim.1:9-10. This is one of the reasons the righteous are not found under the law: it is because they are the law themselves.

  1988. "...I will repay you according to your ways and your abominations that are in your midst..." Ez.7:9. If we take all kinds of abominations from our midst, there is nothing God shall make us accountable for anymore. But, let these sins remain and God shall not spare us. If our abominations, sins and thoughts still persist in finding a place in our midst, it is clear that God will correct us. We may never expect anything else from a loving Father such as the Lord. The other option is to treat us as bastards and not as sons. "My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and He scourges every son whom He receives. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father does not chasten? Heb 12:8 But if you are without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then you are bastards and not sons", Heb.12:5-8. Be sure of this: if your sins, your bad thoughts or even any source or cause of sin is not completely wiped from your heart, house or church, you shall surely be punished until all is cleansed from the perspective of God's eyes. Do not dare to complain when that happens. Complain against your sins and not against God, who is trying to correct you. "Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?", Lam.3:39.

  1989. It is a common thing to say God is good when He has done something we appreciate. Unfortunately, people think God has changed when He sends some plagues against us. And God does not change. He is still good and shall be good throughout eternity, no matter what happens to us. Because people believe God shall give them only what is good due to selfishness and to a great love for self, once the Lord chastises, they blame God or the devil for it. Consequently, they do not repent and rather reprimand whatever is happening to them. They complain against the consequences and not against the causes. Some even use Jesus' name to do so. By knowing it is possible that the Lord sends plagues so people may repent and straighten their ways by submitting themselves to Him, we shall be wise if we acknowledge God is good all the time and always, whatever happens to us. We acknowledge truth that way. "And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands", Rev.9:20. We see God promises that one day people shall be wise enough to repent. "Then you shall know that I am Jehovah, when their dead shall be among their idols all around their altars", Ez.6:13. "I will do to them according to their way, and according to their judgments I will judge them; and they shall know that I am the Lord", Ez.7:27.

  1990. It is easy to men of fibre to be strong; to those who walk with God to believe; to those filled with the Spirit to be simple and wise. They shall be simple because they use no complicated stuff to do greater things. I challenge you to try to disbelieve seeing Christ clearly through a spotless heart! It is simply not possible to be unbelieving. Everything is easy to those whose heart burn with a fire they cannot avoid having in them. They know what they are talking about. They know why they are believing. "But seeing the boldness of Peter and John, and perceiving that they were unlearned and uneducated men, they marvelled. And they recognized them, that they had been with Jesus", Act.4:13. That kind of faith is the fruit of a real relationship.

  1991. Everysin and all demons are always unpredictable. It is up to me to be constant and one-minded in the Lord. I cannot predict where the next threat shall come from. But, there is one thing I can do: I can live a simple, holy life which does not change according to threat or according to what happens. In a windy day any wise woman holds her skirt and not the wind. Lets hold our lives near the Lord instead of trying to calm down the tempests around us.

  1992. God pronounced certain judgments and chastisements against Israel, Ez.5. Those who would not believe the words of the prophets would stay in the city under siege and die; those who believed it would happen but could not trust a God who would do such a thing to them, would flee and die. But, what would happen to any such who believed the curse was irreversible and God's words were worthy of being taken into consideration? We know Jeremiah was kept alive and was granted freedom. Some others, God would take out of Jerusalem and protect them along the way. "Come out of her, My people, that you may not be partakers of her sins, and that you may not receive of her plagues", Rev.18:4. There would be two reasons for such to leave town: they would not partake in its sins to learn them; and they would miss the plagues which were unavoidable. We should take this as a lesson: let's not learn the sins of today's preachers who rob the flock in exchange for promises of pleasure and prosperity. Let's leave such false preachers alone! Whoever stays in there shall voluntarily or involuntarily partake of their sins and plagues. These shall surely divide your loyalty between God, them and the devil. Also, to believe a curse is coming when God has shown it is saving faith. What matters is the you believe God.

  1993. The men from the East who came to find Jesus were man of word. They were honest and faithful to promises or they would not leave all to find Jesus. Let's take in mind that they left all before they found Jesus. They knew how to be faithful to whatever they thought was good. These faithful men promised Herod they would come back to tell him where and who the Saviour was. However, to that promise they did not remain true. They did not fulfil what they had promised to do and it was holiness to do so. They did not sin by breaking that word of promise. They were holy by not fulfilling a word they have given. They did not feel guilty about any of it either. They did not send a word of apology to Herod at all. It took two years for Herod to realize he has been deceived. "We must obey God rather than men", Act.5:29. What would you have done? Would you please God or a earthly king? Would you obey a dream and break your word?

  1994. "And He said to me, Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak to you...", Ez.2:1. This happened quite a few times with the Prophet Ezekiel. We wonder just how many times God needed to repeat the same words when He appeared to him until he could stand before the Lord on the spot. God does not like to repeat things. Especially if we are in sin, God deals against us harshly if He has to repeat the conviction over and over. But, in this case, it was Ezekiel's religiosity commanding him to bow down when God wished him up to speak to him or to listen carefully. God is not very fond of religion. In fact, I personally believe He hates it because it makes God unreal. We do not know how long it took Ezekiel to be ready and to stand before the Lord every time God appeared to him.

  1995. Ezekiel and many others saw the heavens open and saw many of the things that go on in there. None of those men of God have been particularly overwhelmed by the things and signs they saw because they were believers. But, as soon as they saw God, they feared and humbled themselves. They worshipped the real Lord as soon as they saw Him. It is good that the same happens to us. Many get so startled and impressed because they had a dream or that God spoke to them in some particular way that they talk of nothing else, think no further than the signs they have seen. And, once the Lord appears to them, they are to busy thinking about signs or to blind to see Him as He is.

  1996. The proof that we have been forgiven is the ability and the capacity to oppose what we have been and to do the opposite joyfully as if we have not known any other way of life before but the Lord's only.

  1997. There are many laws in nature which shall never change, at least while the sun and the moon exist. One of these laws is that species reproduce its own species. A dreamer reproduces dreams and shall remain a dreamer; evil reproduces evil; and goodness brings into life what is like it. Man is a mere consequence of what mankind has been. He thinks as he thinks because of the way he has been thinking and desiring. Man daydreams because he has been an unstable daydreamer. Until he repents he shall remain so and improving. But, the Lord is far too real to be only dreamed about. Unless we are able to grasp, accept and multiply realities and to see things as they really are, we have little chance to become truthful and, also, to feel comfortable near God. It is time that we start making sense and that we become real about all the things of God. A friend of mine said: "I have stopped lying to God". Hope you can say the same thing and stop lying to yourself as well. It is not God's fault that man sees Him as unreal and mystical. What will you be? A dreamer or a reality man? Joshua did not become overwhelmed by having the Jordan opened up to let the Israelites pass through it. Peter did not jump up and down and neither did he miss the point in his sermon when that lame man started to walk and to leap in joy. That was as normal to Peter as drinking a cup of water would be, Act.3:12. Admiration is the first stumbling block a genuine, unfeigned faith. Whoever wants signs is not looking to be real about things. Such people simply refuse to become real! May God have mercy on us!

  1998. If faith is the certainty of the things we do not usually see, daydreaming and being emotionally influenced can't be hope. These imitations of hope and faith always end up in disappointment. God, however, does not disappoint. "And hope does not make us ashamed",Rom.5:5. If we have real expectations in us burned by God into our perceiving eyes, the moment they become like dreams they lose the ground to be fulfilled. Daydreaming is the door that leads to uncertainty and doubt.

  1999. Our soul has ways to suffer which our body is not able to imagine. The soul can suffer much more than the body. Pain in the soul is very difficult to bear. This is why the joys of the Lord inside us are impossible to describe as well. Everything that happens inside our souls is far beyond explanation, if real.

  2000. Jesus became flesh like us and not only similar to us. He indeed became like us so we shall be like Him one day. And, because He became like us, we do not need to put up a face or a mood we do not have to reach out to Him. Let's simply be ourselves and be as truthful as we can be so we shall be heard by Him when we plead for renewal and salvation from all sins - if that's what you plead Him for, indeed!

  2001. When the Lord sends some plagues or evil against people so they might repent and get converted, many are too blind to see the reason behind what He does. In fact, many start to blame this and that, people and circumstances, the boss or the employee, the weather and many other things besides themselves. They should instead hit their chests with their fists. By blaming anything else besides ourselves, we take away the power of persuasion these things carry in them had we believed they came from the Lord. "And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands...", Rev.9:20,21. Many others have some other tactics: they convince themselves and others the servants of the Lord (by whom the words of repentance is sent out) are not God's servants at all. There is another problem, however, when people believe God sent evil against them: they seldom accept that as mercy and love, but rather as rejection and punishment. Punishment for sin is hell, not plagues. Plagues are corrective punishments. Therefore, they blame God. "Yet the people have not turned unto him that smote them, neither have they sought the Lord of hosts", Is.9:13. In the midst of the evil sent out by the Lord, there is the word: "Look at Me and live", Amos 5:4. "And men blasphemed God because of the plague ... for the plague was exceedingly great", Rev 16:21.Man in sin always defends and protects his own points of view. Under such circumstances, man seldom turns to the Lord to be converted and is eventually and consequently destroyed. "I have destroyed my people; they returned not from their ways", Jer.15:7. Those who turn to Him, are wise indeed.

  2002. The new nature outside a continual presence of the Lord would always be without peace and without rest. It would feel like a duck in the desert where there is no water. It would feel strangely misplaced, awkward and under a strong unrest. Its comfort would be missing from it. The Spirit is called the Comforter for a reason. "But ... sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I go, I will send Him unto you", John 16:6-7. This is so because the new nature searches Him to find Him. The same uneasiness and unrest would be easily spotted in a sinful nature in the presence of God. It would simply feel misplaced. The new nature finds rest and peace by finding itself in the presence of God and the old nature settles down and becomes 'joyful' by settling down away from the Lord. The new nature prays to find the Lord and the old nature also prays without any intention to find Him as He is.

  2003. There is one thing to remember when wishing to discern between things: never talk to fast, never think ahead, do not give hunches as to what you cannot see clearly yet. Discernment is to see what is already there. It is not inventing things. Discernment does not guess - it sees. Discernment is not taking sides. Discernment is truth cutting deep where it needs to cut and healing where it needs to heal.

  2004. It is not my faith which takes care of me, but Jesus. According to the Bible, I am the one who cares for my faith indirectly. Jesus takes care of me. I trust Him and not my faith. That's why I am safe and why I am able to have faith.

  2005. There are plenty fish in the water. But, there are people who can swim quite well even if they do not belong to that environment. However well they can swim, they can never say water is their element. We can say the same thing about being in God: there are people who can swim quite well in grace, but are not at home in the Lord. We need to be in our environment when in God. We cannot be strangers in the waters of life.

  2006. A victory obtained now explains there has been another victory before that one and on which the present one follows or is grounded. And the present victory surely guarantees the next one. And before all victories there has been the one at the Cross. Today's victorious life is part of a sequence of victories we have been granted. One victory follows another and without one, the other would not be possible. Dare to overcome and to look forward forgetting whatever has passed.

  2007. We read: "I shall give the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord", Zep.3:9We know that people who have gained clean lips shall surely and consequently be praising God. No one can avoid that happening. Purity leads to seeing the Lord and by seeing Him we shall marvel. It so happens because people start being honest within themselves and clear-minded. Consequently, they exalt the Lord and uphold Him by becoming honest in their views of Him. However, the reverse of this is not always true. One cannot assuredly say all people who are found praising God have clean lips. "And then will I clearly tell them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity", Mat.7:23.

  2008. Whenever someone is unstable in the ways of the Lord, I mean, when such a person is always hesitating between the way of the Lord and his own way of doing things due to the lack of confidence in God's measures; or due to a heavy trust on own abilities or capacities; or due to a secret hope that God will do those things his carnal heart and mind deeply desire; then God might finally hand that person over to himself and to his own ways, perhaps forever. Right there, that man or woman ceases to be hesitating to follow the normal course of this world without giving up being a believer. They become firm and decided people, stern and stubborn and, usually, say they have finally opened their eyes concerning many things. By this, they mean to say the servants of God who preached to them before had been deceiving them all along and had caused them inner troubles and uncertainties and that now they have come to certainties and to better conclusions on their own.

  2009. Accusations cover up sin and a covered sin is an active, strong alive sin. The solemn, clear exposition of all sins annihilates any kind of sin forever. Putting in the light condemns sin to death and saves the sinner, while accusations condemn the sinner and keep sin alive. Putting in the light is a death blow to any kind of accusations as well.

  2010. Idolatry is to live as if an idol is God just as it is living as if God is like an idol. Unless God is real in our lives, we shall be guilty of idolatry and religious lies. Evangelical Christians shall be condemned along with many others who worship idols because they treat God as unreal. They do not find Him. They only pray.

  2011. There is a lot of hypocrisy in many prayers. Many people ask God things like this: "Lord, how and when shall you do this or that?" In reality, all they wish to know is whether God shall do it or if the Lord shall carry out their fleshly desires for them.

  2012. Many times people wish to know what is still ahead in their future. But, by knowing Christ and by loving Him only and fully, we already know our future: Him. He is our future if we indeed love Him.

  2013. Whatever we are or do right now we shall certainly do or be afterwards. If we do not trust during a crisis, we shall not be as trusting and as faithful as we ought in times of abundance. Unless our heart changes now, it shall be a similarity of what it should be under any other circumstances. By having circumstances changed, unless the heart has changed along, we shall carry the same kind of heart into the next stage of our lives. The same heart follows inside the same person who changed job because of lacking satisfaction there; the person who moves to another house because of the neighbours; or the person who exchanges his wife or husband for another because of unhappiness in the marriage. It means wherever the person goes, he shall have the same troubles all over again. "Let your way of life be ... content with such things as you have", Heb.13:5. You cannot believe you shall change into a better or different person under different circumstances or in heaven after death unless you have changed on earth.

  2014. When the Bible talks about the devil, it says he does everything out of revenge as if someone else is guilty for the sins he has committed. When the Bible talks about God's revenge, it talks about a righteous way of establishing justice and holiness. God does so out of pure love, for the sake of all that is good, and the devil for all that is the opposite of good.

  2015. "If man does not turn (...) God has already fitted for him instruments of death", Ps.7:12,13. These weapons of death may be anything anytime. It may even be certain things man sees as good things. God may hand man over to sin and to slippery grounds so that man's way ends unexpectedly and abruptly. These weapons have already been set up long before man was born. Even before we are born, blessing and curses were already there. The law already existed. No one can avoid either being blessed or cursed according to the way one's life is conducted and lived under the eyes of God. Another issue about this, is that death within enters into man in a way man is not aware of. For example: if I inhale oxygen, I am aware of breathing but not of what oxygen does within me. When I sin, death works deep in me in a way I might mistake it for life. For this reason, many people see death as life and life as death. It is no wonder many sinners consider themselves as living beings after having sinned. This is one of the deadliest weapons man has to deal with: the deceit of death which any sinner shall easily misinterpret. "He dug a pit and bored it, and has fallen into the ditch which he made", Ps.7:15.

  2016. If we do not experience the things of God in a real way and we talk a lot about them, we are talking about what shall condemn us sooner or later. To what avail is it to me to talk about the greater things of the Lord if I do not know Him as I claim to know? What kind of praise shall such a lie be? Unless God's things are made real unto us, we are liars in one degree or another. We need to find Life as it is and not as we suppose it is. And unless we loose ours for the sake of God's, we shall loose it for nothing. Loosing our lives for some other motive is not good. Terrorists do that when they explode to blow themselves up.

  2017. When man praises man there is always a certain hidden motive behind words. Praise to man is usually stained with some kind of self interest which amounts to greedy. Anyone who praises man has some kind of interest behind it. Praising man is a lie. And, consequently, when people praise God, many just do so for the sake of words and the way they believe praise ought to be done. They praise God the way they would praise man, having some kind of interest behind their many words. Usually, they handle words as if they shall gain something in return by praising Him. Their praise is not sincere. Is your praise there because you have experienced real things from the Lord, or because you believe you shall be given something back by praising Him? The Psalmist praised God "according to His righteousness", (Ps.7:17) and not according to what he imagined of God. He praised God for real matters and things and his praise was according to them. We cannot regard such praise as words of interest but rather of real thankfulness and amazement. We cannot praise God as man would praise a girl, saying how beautiful she is so he may gain her attention for some dubious reason. Try never to praise God having something else in mind. Let your praise come out of a pure heart and because of real experiences of real Life from above. If not, keep quiet. Even fools are praised by being quiet. Before you seek to praise God, seek Him and you will have enough reasons to praise Him if you find Him indeed.

  2018. People in sin feel judged any way and any time. Whatever a holy person does in front them, it shall always be seen as an accusation. If a holy man talks, the reprobate feels judged; if he keeps quiet, the same shall feel excluded. Whatever a holy man does shall call the attention of the grudges of sin and it shall judge itself. It is self blaming self, yet, the holy man gets the blame for that judgment. Usually, holy people do not have much to talk about in the company of unholy ones because their hearts are different and the heart is where the mouth gets its words from. One is reigned by grudge and resentment and the other isn't. What shall the subject of conversation be? What shall they talk about? Unless someone changes, there shall not be much to talk about. But, it annoys people who do not want to change for the better.

  2019. It is good to desire the good works of God with our whole heart. "Faithful is this word: If anyone reaches out to overseership, he desires a good work", 1Tim.3:1. But, unless it is not desired exclusively, it seldom works out. Suppose someone desires after God's work and, at the same time, desires to build something earthly for some other reason or for own glory. It shall be impossible to conciliate both works inside the same heart. Both shall suffer and none of them shall be carried out or accomplished in a perfect way. This is what shall happen to whoever lives for sin and tries to live for God at the same time: he shall be limping between two ideas. He shall not live wholly in sin and neither live wholeheartedly for the Lord. It is not possible to live for these two masters at the same time, so distinct they are. There are a lot of things which just shall not work out together.

  2020. "There are many who say, 'Who will show us any good?'" Ps.4:6. I hope this shall never be without answer while I am around. My prayer to the Lord is that no one shall be able to say such a thing having me nearby.

  2021. We have the story of Lazarus and the rich man, Lk.16:19-31. We all know, however, that no one enters heaven by being poor and no one goes to hell by being rich. The rich man went to hell because he didn't know the Lord as he ought; and Lazarus for knowing Jesus the way he ought - he gave his heart to Jesus and not to bitterness. If this is true, we may conclude Lazarus knew God while on earth and the rich man did not. Assuming this as true, we easily see God did not make Lazarus rich and neither did the Lord hinder the rich man to become rich. The so-called doctrines of prosperity have two setbacks here which opposes them. It says we shall be given back by giving to the Lord. The rich man did not give to the Lord and became rich. And Lazarus knew the Lord in a perfect way and was sick and continued as a beggar. These prosperity doctrines have no biblical ground on which to stand. They are lies - many lies put together.

  2022. Any person who spends what he has just for the sake of buying or owning has two problems and not one. That person reveals through his spending behaviour how unsatisfied the heart is. If spending could fill the heart, no one would waste more money after having spent. The other problem such a person has, is the idolatrous covetousness which rules the heart. Every heart has two sides which should be taken into account. I am so sure someone who wastes money in vain shall save it in times he should spend. The day that person needs to spend it the right way he shall not do so because his covetous heart shall not allow the right thing to be done. Covetousness is idolatry because it causes people to be unsatisfied and to put their trust and hopefulness in a vain thing. Obviously, if you put your trust and hope in a vain thing, you displace your heart from what is not vain.

  2023. If we have put a request before God, if our prayers are always lighted and aflame before the altar of the Lord, and if those requests are important to the Kingdom, one of two things might happen: we may receive immediately; or it may take a while before it happens as promised and according to the answer. If it takes somewhat longer than what we expected it would, we may never drop our arms down nor our faith and holy expectations. The first temptation in the deep thoughts of man is to assume God shall not give only because it has been somewhat delayed. Maybe it has never been delayed, but is awaiting the right time to happen. Would it be easy for you to devote and consecrate to the Lord whatever you have received from Him? If it is not the right time, you may not despair and give up because God keeps it for some better occasion or heart you need to get. Take care not to start believing God shall not grant it. You should also bear in mind that receiving certain things does not always make it easier for us. The responsibility to be faithful is harder work than to be expectant, aflame and awaiting. It is easier to be hopeful and trusting, because people seldom realize that they need to be faithful through the same kind of faith which made them wait faithfully. Doing can be associated to the flesh and faithfulness is never fleshly. Doing must be of faith and through Jesus. It gathers with Him. Besides, people easily fall asleep when there is nothing more to be awake for or to wait for. They do not realize faithfulness in what they have received should keep them wide awake and alive. People used to be expecting need to change their mind once they have received. The future absence of expectation is not good, since it may easily tempt them away from living in grace and through its means alone in whatever has been received. Let's put in our hearts and burn our desire through the Spirit to be faithful after having received whatever we have been waiting for. After the joy of having given birth to a child, let's take care of that child. We do not receive to become happy people, but rather to be faithful people.

  2024. Someone who cannot wait on God and expect things only at their proper time, is surely someone who shall not be made faithful in what he receives. Would it be easy for you to devote and consecrate to the Lord now whatever you have received from Him?

  2025. There is no sin that affects only those who commit it. Sins are like earthquakes and affect many people far from its epicentre. If you are one of those people who still believe your sins shall not affect your friends, your children or any other person around, you are and have a deceiving heart. That's a kind of blindness which affects all such who refuse to look at facts as they really are, in order to see what they would rather wish to see. Many believe they have the freedom to err or some birth given right to sin. Even if the only thing that happens to you is the absence of light or the absence of blessing brought by sin, people around shall be poorer because of you. They shall not be blessed through you the way they should. People shall suffer because sin takes blessing away from your life. Anyway, you cannot believe divorce shall affect only those who break that holy covenant; or that stealing does not affect people who have been robbed or that the family of the robber shall not suffer; nor may you believe drugs and addictions will not affect people nearby. And, if all of this is true, then the opposite is surely a fact beyond question as well: there is no virtue, no holiness, no sin confessed openly which shall not mean something to all people around. Just try to do the right thing in a constant basis in front of people and be yourself all the time. You shall see just how much it means to people around you and even to people far beyond!

  2026. "Tell the daughter of Zion, Behold, your King comes to you, meek, and sitting on an ass, even a colt the foal of an ass", Mat.21:5. This verse meant a lot to me today. It was quite meaningful. It made me recall how stubborn I was in my previous lifestyle, being like a stubborn animal which exists to be loaded with heavinesses. Jesus is presently riding me to my New Jerusalem.

  2027. The life with God demands from us that it must be us and God alone. If all of us decided to deal with God exclusively all the time and in a continuous way, mankind would get along quite well, having the same kind of purposes, the same kind of loyalty, love and realities. It can't be you and your wife and God or you and your wife will never agree in the overall run; or you and your child and God. No, it must be you and God and your child and God! The Psalmist said, "Whom have I in Heaven? And besides You I desire none on earth" Ps.73:25. When he said that I am sure he was married and had children like any of us. Yet, he came to that wise conclusion.

  2028. If you do not bother, I am sure you are negligent. The widow who bothered the judge in the middle of the night was praised by Jesus, Lk.18:1-6. The man who bothered his friend in the middle of the night to have something for his visitors was spoken well by Jesus, Lk.11:5-8. If Jesus praised them, they had done something which deserves heaven's praise. These people did no hide their request as the man who hid his talent and was reproved by God.

  2029. No one needs to imagine God speaking to him. In fact, as long as people are driven to hear false voices (or false words) which their need drives them to hear, as long as need, worry, pride or anything else drives people to speak for God, He shall not speak at all. This is one of the problems unbelieving people need to sort out if they want to hear God's voice clearly.

  2030. "If we say we have not sinned, we deceive ourselves...", 1 John 1:8. Allow me to translate this verse for you: "If we say we have not sinned, we are the kind of person who is easily and usually self deceived". In other words, our mood, our heart is of the kind that deceives itself in many other things as well. It is very easy for a deceitful heart to hold on to illusion, lies or fantasies in all situations, especially about self. This is why a saint cannot say he is not holy either. "And if I should say I do not know Him, I would be a liar like you. But I know Him and I keep His Word", John 8:55.

  2031. Freedom is easy to define: it starts at the point where we have no more freedom to sin.

  2032. No sin may ever be considered a secret sin or a minor sin. I know there are sins we are not aware of, especially if we are far away from that kind of light that shines to show everything there is as clearly as it is. And there are sins that only the person who has committed them knows about. But, there are no such sins which affect only the the person who commits them. All sins affect everyone around, even those sins which are known only to those who committed them. There is no way to avoid others from being affected by any kind of sin. We are either a blessing or a curse to people around us. Even the so-called secret sins are dangerous for people around because it deprives them from the blessings we could have channelled to them. There is no mid way concerning this issue. The sins we commit at work affect our home and those committed at home affect our work and work place because sin causes us to be without God and without His blessing.

  2033. No one is changed by reading the Bible, but only through unconditional obedience to it. It works much like driving: no one is safe by reading and memorizing the street signs, but by obeying them.

  2034. Prepared or not, everything shall end for all of us sooner or later.

  2035. The sinner does not know over what he stumbles. In fact, he quite often upholds and defends whatever causes him to stumble. This means that he lives sin in such a natural and simple way that he is not aware of what is going on in his own life anymore. He cannot describe what is happening to him. Therefore, the knowledge of good and evil is not the ability do describe it thoroughly. On the other hand, we do not need to experience evil to gain its knowledge since we already know it. We need to live goodness out the same way, as if there is no evil around. It should be an eye for an eye of the previous life. "For as you have yielded your members as slaves to uncleanness, and to lawless act unto lawless act, even so now yield yourselves to God, as one alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God", Rom.6:13. Many people fall into error because they believe they must go deep into what sin is all about. "But to you I say, and to ... as many as do not have this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak...", Rev.2:24.

  2036. "And they went after the vain thing, and became vain", 2 Kings 17:15. People become vain even when they believe otherwise concerning themselves. They are without real strength, without the ability and power to mean something to anyone around simply because they live in illusion or some sort of sin. They seldom realize they become vain in themselves by touching any vain thing. Be extremely careful and on your guard against futilities and vanities. Everything depends directly from the presence of real grace. By touching vain things God shall surely remove it away from you.

  2037. God became angry against Israel and destroyed them because they "had feared other gods and walked in the statutes of the nations", 2 Kings 17:7,8. It is a serious matter to fear demons and idols, to be afraid of them just as it dangerous to walk in the ways of the nations. Take care not to walk in the worldly ways of your nation, the one you have been born into. Walk according to God and the heavenly nation.

  2038. To hear and to be obedient is important to be able to hear again. What we may have heard is much more important to us than what we have not heard yet. Let's stop being concerned about what we have not heard yet and use our resources to be fully obedient firstly to what we have already heard. "If anyone desires to do His will, he shall know...", John 7:17.

  2039. If I am able to hear God as He speaks to me, it means He is able to hear me when I pray. One cannot separate one from the other. If I cannot hear Him easily, He is not listening to me that willingly either. The degree of difficulty in hearing each other is proportional to the distance my soul is from the Lord and how far away it is deviated from His presence. The further I move away from Him, the harder it shall be both to hear Him and to be heard in prayer. No wonder people scream and yell so much in nowadays' churches all over the world. The greater the noise, the greater the distance between them and the Lord. "...Walk in My presence...", Gen.17:1. Being in His presence makes things much easier concerning hearing and being heard.

  2040. Everyonehas his brain fully protected by bone. Above that bone there is the skin and hair which gives man his appearance. Without the bone our brain would be unprotected and we would be under serious risks of dying anytime. A person who has been transformed inside and is not fully sanctified, having some of his members or ways still old, incurs into the same danger of dying anytime spiritually. Whoever is not sanctified, has no protection over his justified heart. Unless people are fully sanctified they shall not reach everlasting life at all. The devil will make sure to harm them and hit the new creature with a deadly blow. He shall find a way to harm it seriously, since the spirit of man is unsanctified and unprotected as would our brain under the skin. People care a lot about appearance and care less about real protection. The devil hates new people that much and he shall never leave them unhurt. The only way one shall ever be able to see the Lord is to be fully sanctified in all aspects of our lives. Unless we are, there is some weak spot where the devil will hit with a deadly blow, sooner or later. Have no illusions concerning that. "Follow holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord", Heb.12:14.

  2041. I am fully dedicated to the Lord Jesus: I don't want to belong to anyone else nor to anything else. Under this dedication, I am sure to carry God's name around as I walk, talk or work. Whatever I do, the Lord's name shall rest on me all the time. Therefore, if the Lord would not fulfil His word concerning me, I would surely be like a nameless child and no one would associate the Lord to me or me to the Lord. Every normal child has his family name. People would say of me "the so called son of so and so has failed". They would depreciate the Lord along with me. And they would associate God's name to me when talking about my failures. This is one of the reasons I believe God shall fulfil all He promised concerning me anywhere, anytime. I am not expecting in vain. His name shall be seen as it is and shall be glorified. "The Lord has helped us thus far", 1 Sam.7:12.

  2042. Selfishness is the embryo of all sin. Unless something is selfish it cannot be sin. The opposite of love is not hatred, but selfishness. Hatred is one of the many types of selfishness there is. There must be some portion of self if something is to be considered a transgression of the Law of Love. Maybe God does not do the things He wishes to do because we would want to use it for ourselves in some way. Let's remember how Hannah got her boy by dedicating it fully to the Lord. She had many reasons to have that boy for herself but she got it only after she gave up her personal motives. She did not give up the child, but selfishness. Now we know there was a dispute for the child between her and God. We are glad she did not give up on the child when she had been convicted of selfishness. Maybe we are the ones hindering God to do those things we prize most.

  2043. If small or great works amount to the same thing to the Lord, if feeding an ant or opening the Red Sea demands the same effort from Him, why do I need a greater faith to do greater things through Him? What is the great mystery of it all? I am sure it has nothing to do with God, but rather with us. The problem is within man. We are the ones who differentiate between works and works, or wish certain things more than others. If some things are dearer to us than others, we might consider them greater and better works. Our selfish or unselfish involvement in something is what causes the inner fight between believing or unbelief, along with the troubles our hearts may labour against.

  2044. Many people fear it so much to be exposed and lighted that they hide instinctively. They fear to admit something God sees when they hide. Why is it so? I believe it is especially before God people would wish to look their best. Just as someone has trouble admitting unfaithfulness to the wife, fiancé or husband, so do people fear to admit they have sinned against God. We easily deceive ourselves, and our hearts drive us to hide where God can see us anyway. Will you admit all your sins by name, one by one without omitting a single one of them to be fully saved from each one of them? Unless you do, you surely deceive yourself and allow your heart to deceive you easily. You have a kind of heart which deceives itself generally. Now we can easily understand why the Bible says we are the kind of people who deceive the own heart when hiding sin. "If we say that we have no sin, we (are of the kind of people who) deceive ourselves", 1 John 1:8.

  2045. Self salvation is a serious crime. In fact, it is a suicidal crime. What would you think of a doctor who decided to carry out a surgery on himself? What do you believe would happen to him? Even if he could carry it out, imagine what kind of fears he would breed by being too selfishly involved in what he was doing. Can you imagine just how much he would blame himself by failing in some way? We cannot believe there would come something good out of it. It would be an abusive trust in own capacities and a distrust in others' abilities. "For being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God", Rom 10:3. We cannot associate selfishness to salvation in any degree. I believe the main reason why people do not come near to be saved indeed is what they imagine shall be the outcome of self-saving efforts. Many run away from getting saved because of what they imagine salvation is. They turn their backs on salvation because of the idea they have concerning it. But, is that person less suicidal than the one who tries to operate on himself? What difference is there between those who turn their backs to such a wonderful salvation and those who try to save themselves? Let's hand our lives over to Jesus and trust what we consider most precious - our lives - into His hands. It should, also, hinder us to save ourselves. "And blessed is your advice, and blessed are you who have kept me from... delivering myself with my own hand", 1Sam.25:33.

  2046. Unbelief demands repetitions of undefined prayers quite often. That is why people repeat prayers so much instead of looking for one definite answer to a specific prayer. Without that answer, prayer is worth nothing and never deals with whatever hinders it to be heard by God.

  2047. Unbelief believes its way. It has its own way of believing things. The sinner does not like to be seen as a sinner, the unbeliever does all he can to be seen as a believer. He does not want to be seen as an unbeliever, not even by himself. He fears to admit to be unbelieving and will rather make efforts to be seen as a believer. In order to be able to look at real things in a distorted way, the sinner conceives a special way to look at the things of God and maintains them as unreal and disordered. Many people conceive a Lord of their own. That's why people, often, defend themselves by saying "we have our faith!". They indeed have bred a faith of their own which suits their ignorant deceitfulness and which does not give them much trouble - at least not as much as loosing their own lives in the fellowship with God.

  2048. A fully sanctified person has a strong vaccine against (own) sin protecting him right through in all aspects of his life. That person is someone who ceased to please people to please God exclusively. No genuinely sanctified person runs away from sin since sin cannot not touch him. Immunity is just one of the many assets and fruits of grace which breeds along each day of a sanctified life. Such a person does not fear to crash the serpents head under his foot only because it has the most deadly venom in its fangs. "The king of Israel is in your midst; you shall not fear evil any more", Zep.3:15. However, it does not work out that way with an unsanctified life.

  2049. Reading the Bible without light or in our own strength is sin and working in a corn field or in computers with or through God is holiness. If we do not desire to die forever, we should consider the possibility of doing all with and through God and to be found gathering with Him. Whatever God does not approve us doing, we shall do alone. And whatever He approves, He shall reject it if done on our own. "The one who is not with Me is against Me, and the one who does not gather with Me scatters", Mat.12:30.

  2050. Paul was someone who, many times, walked around with old clothes, hungry and despised by people. And God was glorified in his circumstances. "We are made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now", 1Cor.4:13. We do not see Paul being applauded and neither do we see the disciples thinking that applauding Paul was glorifying God. If it is true that people of the same kind walk together and agree among themselves, we may only conclude that those who applaud their singers or teachers and they who, by turn, receive secretly the applause given them, have the same kind of heart, it is, a heart which deceives itself by believing that's what glorifying God is all about. "Can two walk together unless they are agreed?", Amos 3:3.

  2051. Grace reaches where no man can reach and exposes to death anything wrong and to life. No doctor gets into the sickness to leave it as it is. We neither see any doctor carrying out a surgery on himself. It would never be an easy thing to do, however we may look at it. Even being a doctor, he shall need to hand his life over to someone else's care and trust. And Jesus does more inside us than a surgery. He changes our whole life inside. This is why we need to entrust our lives to Jesus to be transformed according to His image. He is the Saviour and you should cease to try being your own saviour for a change.

  2052. The main obstacle in any sinner's way is his way of doing things; his own strength which he knows so well to the point of using it to his comfort; and his own goals which he tries hard to have God comply with. I have seen people doing what they would never do normally, simply because they wish to be otherwise and keep control over what they are able to do. They must be the ones doing something. They must be the ones able to use own means and own strength, and, if anyone else tries to do as he would, he shall surely do some other way for the sake of being in command. They rather prefer to suffer losses than to have something done in a way they do not have the control of. It is hard living a sinner's life. You can take man's goal away, but, he feels dead only when you take his means, his capacity to do and his strength. This is mainly why doing through grace and graceful means are a dead blow to the the flesh. As long as man is willing to use own means and own strength without denying self fully, the flesh is kept alive. This means man dies when it is God working in us to will and to do.

  2053. Faithfulness is not an emotion or a disposition of the heart for certain days: it is a nature which walks on its own, among friends, among enemies, when without trials or even under heavy trials during which it feels God is absent as happened to Job. It does not deepen its roots through encouragements; it is not sustained by praise; does not die or change through enmity or criticism; doesn't become better through compensations or prizes; does not become worse by receiving nothing back; it does nothing for any other motive besides being perfect and finishing what it started to do. It is indifferent to gifts and to compensations. It lives as it is. If faithfulness does not exist by being only faithful, just being itself and for no special reason at all, it cannot be considered faithfulness at all. It is hypocrisy. Will your heart's faithfulness pass the test of the eyes of God?

  2054. It is not easy to explain what the life inside a palace is like to somebody who knows only how to live in the drain of sin, just as it not easy to explain to a blind man a life in the light. They need to experience it by themselves.

  2055. I am so sure that anyone of us can live a life of genuine and real fellowship with the Lord that we shall be living inside great works and many miracles as if it is the most normal life to live; and, in the absence of any of those signs, we shall not even be aware of it being so or think it strange if we indeed live and experience the abundant life. Christ and His will is what fills us. But, to be able to live that way, we shall need to get used both to the King being around us fulltime and to the lifestyle inside a palace. We need to live that way as if we have never experienced any other kind of life before. The first thing which is demanded of us to be able to live that way, is a spotless heart. There must not be a single stain anywhere in our lives - not even the smell of it! Secondly, we need to dress up our whole being with heavenly clothes and ways, His power. We cannot live as if those clothes do not fit us or as if they are not appropriate for us. There must not be an excuse not to ware them all the time. Thirdly, we must live in that life as if we have never lived any other way before. Do you think you can live that way? If you believe you can through Jesus, then seek to find it as a gold prospector would search after pure and abundant gold. The truth is you have no other option but finding it so. Unless you do, you shall die. Do not entertain the idea one minute longer that it is an impossible life for you to live. You need to know Christ that way for Him to be eternal life in you. That's what eternal life is all about. "And this is eternal Life: that they know You... and the Christ...", John 17:3. Unless you have that sort of relationship, I don't believe that you are enjoying eternal life.

  2056. Sex is not a biological need, but rather a capacity of a human being. The doctrines of this world are the ones which uphold it constantly as a physical need before the eyes of men.

  2057. God revealed to the prophets and to Elisha that Elijah would be taken to heaven alive. By looking at it as a mere Bible story we do not see anything unusual about it. But, the simplicity with which the prophets talked about it before it happened is amazing. They simply knew it would happen as they had been shown. They had never seen someone taken to heaven before. They had no previous experience of something like that. Nevertheless, they easily took it for granted it would happen as they had been shown. God showed and they believed without exception. We cannot wonder as to the reason why they were real prophets. The words of Peter would never apply to them: "Men, Israelites, why do you marvel at this?", Act.3:12. They were unable to marvel at the things of God.

  2058. It would be a good thing if no proud person could resemble humility in any way, nor that a humble man resembles pride in some way. People value and appreciate appearances quite a lot. They do so because they seek to please one another and not God. They stumble because of what they see. And we are preaching to people who do not please God yet by relying on appearances. How many times did sheep follow a wolf which had an appearance or some resemblance with sheep because the sheep's main attitude and disposition is to follow? And, just how many times did sheep refuse to follow a holy man because he forgot to be transparent and clear about what his heart is like inside? Walking in the light and being transparent and plain about everything we do or are is important for everyone - even for unholy people! We cannot afford to live by being constrained and held back by old fears of being exposed, since we shall never be accused if we walk in the light. "Whatever is in the light, is light", Paul said. We have nothing to hide anymore if we are in Christ. Let's lay down old ways and all old concealing weapons of darkness which we so promptly and so instinctively use. Walking in the light, being transparent in a natural way, walking in such a way that people see what we think or believe even if we do not say a single word should be a common way to live. Let's not fear living that way because "everything has been made new". Let's not walk as if we are still old and dirty. Humility is to live as we are inside - it is to be what we are. We should even be happy to show what we have been before, so strong is the truth of having been forgiven.

  2059. Discontentment may exist for many motives and reasons. But, the main reason is the kind of heart we have within us. The origin of it, especially when we walk with the Lord and are led by Him, is a consequence of the kind of heart we have. Labour does not tire us down, but the person we are does. We cannot swim upstream (against the spirit) for too long without getting too tired to carry on.

  2060. Feelings must be the ones following us and not the other way round. Once we follow what we feel, these feelings shall be turned into stubbornnesses which, if followed and obeyed, shall take the peace of a heart away very easily. But, if feelings are not followed and, even so, refuse to follow us, they are likewise stubborn. The mule also refuses to move when it can't go its own way. Can you imagine someone doing something for the Lord without being fully involved in it? What makes God happy, should be able to make us feel happy as well.

  2061. It is good to think. But, it is even better to subject all our thoughts to Christ along with their origin. We can and may dedicate all we are to the Lord. Errant thoughts and imaginations can easily distract us from our goal or work. So shall thoughts and knowledge left in standby remain unsolved and unsettled. Everyone who has the mind of Christ in Him should take the effort never go about without dealing with errant thoughts or anything unsettled or unclear in his mind - as long as it is the Lord who enlightens us right through. Errant thoughts may me the main cause for many distractions without a real purpose. If they remain unsolved and unsettled, they will disturb again and again. However, they may turn into non-finalized right thoughts as well.

  2062. Many, when asking for strength from the Lord, assume their fleshly strength should be renewed and not substituted by a heavenly one. God wants man's strength dead and not renewed. Why else should the "weak say 'I am strong'"? If God ever renews our strength, He shall renew the heavenly one and not our own. He renews His strength in us and not the flesh's. He wants the flesh's dead and not strengthened. Are you prepared for that?

  2063. If it is possible for bad people to adopt and join in the ways of God in some shape or form, (just as the prophets of Baal might have adopted the evening sacrifice from the Law of Moses, 1 Kings 18:29); it is also possible that lukewarm Christians adopt and stick to the things of the world and of the devil. That's why many fall down in churches and say they have been baptized in the Spirit; others say it is fellowship to go to the movies together; and others make business out of the word of God and call it a blessing.

  2064. It is strange that people do anything do destroy their lives and, yet, do nothing to have it fully saved. In fact, they rise up against anything that intends to save them.

  2065. For many, trusting God from the heart is just too daring. For many others, it is obsessive madness, even when they do not dare to say what they are thinking of. For some others, it is a step into that kind of darkness which causes them to waver and offend God so much. Since most people are not that daring to step into God, the world is poorer by the day. However, I must say that any true, unhesitating step of genuine faith is never a step in the dark. It just can't be. A step of genuine faith is a step into the light, where all is visible and clear.

  2066. No spiritual man will know how to act or react by fleshly means. On the other hand, for a fleshly man to trust God and to walk in the Spirit is like living at risk. Such a man will not know how to live only through Godly means and will rather have a wavering life by mixing flesh with spirit.

  2067. When man cannot count on the strength he is used to (his own), whenever he cannot depend upon his own fleshly resources anymore, he shall not believe it is possible for him to be an active and daring person. However, we cannot say the same things about a genuinely spiritual man. A spiritual man believes on the spot he shall not be able to move on or act using fleshly strength and he moves quickly when grace is granted. And, let's add that a spiritual man believes what is truthful only.

  2068. Every man who wavers does strange things and, when he does the right things, he shall do them with an unwilling and contradictory mood.

  2069. Losing our lives does never mean we shall not rise again in a new kind of life which is outstandingly practical and daring. If we wish to avoid collapsing in some way after the great effort of getting to the starting point of full holiness, we need to live a practical life and learn in a practical way how to use the new weapons and the means of light and let the old stand. We used to hide before, now we need to put all in the light and live normally where all is visible and shown clearly. We need to accept the fact that the old way of life is gone and get used to the idea of having to live a new life Christ's way right through and exclusively so. Even the motives we had towards life need to be changed for always. Be careful never to leave your spotless house empty. Seven demons are on the watch to come and live there where one has left.

  2070. When we struggle against an old nature in us, we absorb this idea that once the struggle is over we shall be consecrated ones and shall have arrived at the end of our way. And, the more fierce the struggle is, the greater shall be the temptation (brought along by the rest we experience) to believe there is nothing more beyond that victory. It is like when one has quit smoking and starts thinking there is nothing else to deal with because that was a great struggle. The truth about it is, however, that once the new nature is attained, we shall be able to live a new life which is there to absorb us totally into it forever. After victory, real life begins. Nothing ends there, except the old life. It is true that every step is important to finish a long walk. But, a step is not the whole of it. Gaining victory here and there are mere steps we have given successfully towards a wonderful ending. We should, also, take notice that because people easily believe a step is the whole of the walk, once they stumble in one step they start believing they have failed the whole of the way. One bad step may endanger the whole of the way, but it is never the whole of it. The way we think leads to beliefs, and a belief may easily be turned into stubbornness and stupidity. If we stumble, we may easily rise and walk on steadfastly. Maybe, after stumbling we become even more careful and more daring. To know we do not conquer to become idle, is to be one step ahead in exposing lies of that kind. We shall not become idle after conquering anything we need to conquer. And, let's believe that the harder the fight, the easier we shall fall into that trap. By becoming conquerors, we arrive at the starting point and not at the finishing line. Becoming holy is just the starting point. It all starts there. Let's remember that all the way through. Have you ever seen a good college student believe he shall do nothing more after the final exams are over or after one difficult subject is dealt with successfully? Shall we die at the beach or at the harbour after conquering the tempest at sea? What have we conquered it for? Shall we live in an old place the old way after the struggle of getting a new house?

  2071. It is easier and less tiring to be perfect than to be sinful. Error tires us more and there is no one who shall not experience tiredness by erring his way. However, be extremely careful and on your guard against that kind of 'perfection' which is heavy, forced, 'impossible' and unnatural. It is not the perfection from God.

  2072. Inactivity and confusion in spiritual people is there only when they cannot wait on the Lord and are unable to expect from Him the right way at the right time calmly. Perhaps they are not clean before God. Anyone who knows how to await and expect from God is never idle in knowing God and in cooperating with Him. God works real hard, and so shall we by gathering with Him and through Him. Let's wait on Him so that we shall not become idle or inactive.

  2073. "The Word of God in your mouth is truth", 1 Kings 17:24. What the widow also meant through this is that there are some people in whose mouth God's words are lies. Not that the word of God is a lie, but that the mouths that speak are liars. There were many false people in Elijah's time who used God's name and words in vain, misapplied or as a lie. And this widow was careful in not believing any sort of man. She put Elijah to the proof in silence. She waited for something to happen before she decided upon any conclusions. She saw Elijah's life was corresponding to his words. The truth is that not even the multiplication of the meal and the olive oil had convinced her. We may assume there were also some false miracles going on at the time. Are the words of God truth in your mouth? Usually, it isn't in those mouths whose hearts still limp between two thoughts.

  2074. One of the characteristics of someone who indeed waits on the Lord is the natural expectancy which abounds in the heart, I mean, the kind which is there without being forced into existence. Such a person shall promptly react at the right time to do those things he has been expecting to come. However, all those who do not have vivid, living, natural expectations as they wait on the Lord shall not react as they should once the time of fulfilment has come. Expectant people have enough oil in them to wake up at the right time. But, I am sure expectant people will not move unless the right time has come because they know what to receive and what to wait for. I am also sure that people who have false expectations or no expectations at all shall move at wrong times and their timings will be sporadic and shall never hit the target. Their timings shall always be uncertain like the foam of the waves of the sea. Every wave produces some foam which soon disappears. Everyone who is indeed expectant while waiting on the Lord, shall doubt when it is the wrong time or when something is not ripe enough to happen. It is like fruit: the farmer knows when it is the right time to harvest it. But, people who say they wait on the Lord but expect nothing from Him shall never be quiet and trusting. Restlessness is the salary of that kind of 'faith' and hope which does not really believe every time it says it trusted Christ in some way. The words they say could have been truthful in their mouth, but they aren't.

  2075. "Therefore, without faith it is impossible to please God", Heb.11:6. This does not mean faith pleases God, but rather that through faith we can reach, achieve and do what is pleasant to the Lord within us.

  2076. Many of the things Jesus tells us are confidential. Some are not. Many others, on the other hand, need to fructify and need to be multiplied through wisdom, dedication and perseverance in all simplicity. If we tell abroad what is meant to be between us and the Lord or if we hold back what the Lord told us to proclaim from our roofs, we shall be held as unfaithful and unworthy servants. We are not doing things as the Lord told us we should do them. "And why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?", Lk 6:46. We could change this verse somewhat and it would be made sharper and would be likewise truthful. We could say "And why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not do AS I say?"

  2077. Whoever does not seek the things of the Lord according to the rules of heaven, I mean on earth as it is done in heaven, does not expect to receive the way it comes to him - if it comes. That's why such people do not distinguish between truth and lies, illusion and reality, force and faith. The Pharisees killed Jesus for that same reason. They did not expect the Messiah to come to them as He did, even if Scripture said there would be nothing desirable for us in Him.

  2078. We cannot serve two days at the same time, nor two masters or two different moments. Trying to live two days at a time is suicidal. Today is not tomorrow and tomorrow is not today. To mix one day with the other is the natural way of all those who fear things, even if the Lord is near. It is a fleshly way to try to live a spiritual life.

  2079. We cannot plan to fabricate our ammunitions once we arrive at the battle field. When the war starts we need to have everything ready and right. We cannot think we shall learn to live or to stick to God when things go bad or wrong. We need to walk with God whatever the circumstances are right now. When worse troubles or problems arrive, walking and living with God must already be our only and possible instinct. Our heart must be one with the Lord right now, or it shall not be with Him under heavy trials and burdens and neither under great joys and times of unthinkable rest.

  2080. Every person needs to have, enjoy, obey, live by and experience own rivers of life. We cannot live and admire others' rivers of life. We need to drink from our own water, as long as it is pure and holy. Just as we cannot have another's wife and only our own, we need to drink and live from our own rivers of life. If we have this idea that we must drink from our brother's or preacher's rivers, we shall also cultivate the idea from hell that other people have the duty to drink from ours since we are right with God. One kind of mentality leads to the other. No one can avoid it happening that way. If I learn only how to teach others, when or how shall I be fully saved? If we are not capable to present someone to Christ to drink from Him personally, we are worthless and false. Are you of the kind of person who believes we must teach others by using God's words sent to us? "It is right for the labouring farmer to partake first of the fruits", 2Tim.2:6. People shall drink once our cup runs over and not when it is being filled for us.

  2081. Our strength and courage in the Lord come unto us through the deliverance of our souls from all sin and spiritual dirt. That shall cause us to be near God, to feel near God without force and without any self-convincing on our part exercised upon our hearts. We shall be made strong in our inner man naturally. "...That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man", Ef.3:16.

  2082. If the only thing you know is how to walk in the flesh, by denying it you shall be inactive and dormant. You need to learn how to live and to stick by the practical life God grants and burns into us with simplicity. Care to fill the temple, the house and the workplace with the power of grace which demons and sin have left behind empty and desolate.

  2083. No one will ever be able to "be strong and very courageous" by not having or not experiencing God's strength; or by not believing it is possible to have God on our side during the struggle of our life for Him; or by doubting about the kind of living strength in him. One of the causes for inactivity is trying to hold on to the wrong kind of strength because we are doubting about the proper and only one. We are afraid to use the proper one. By maintaining the flesh at work in the temple of the Lord, we shall have God out of our lives. A temple where the flesh is at work (because the flesh serves to survive and does not live to serve) shall soon be made the house and the place of sluggards and of trading. This is why many make a business out of the church nowadays. If you try to lit a strange fire in the altar of God, even today, you shall be as condemned as the chosen sons of Aaron have been. The fruit which comes out of it shall testify against you soon. There is no way for you to escape slipping into hell, not even by believing you have been placed above the sons of Aaron by living in the New Testament era. The sons of Aaron are some of the few chosen to experience heaven here on earth and, even so, will burn in hell forever. Lev.10:1,2.

  2084. It is one thing when God says we shall do something through Him and it is another when He says He shall do it Himself. He said to Joshua he would do certain important things. "...You shall divide for an inheritance to this people, the land which I swore to their fathers, to give it to them", Jos.1:6. God swore and Joshua would have to show through his doings God was faithful. But, there are cases when God Himself does the things He promises. That was the case with Abraham and Isaac. God told them He would grant it to them. We can and need to be able to participate of both willingly and joyfully. Are you able to distinguish between those situations? If you are, take good courage and move on.

  2085. Do not try to imagine God and how He is if you can experience Him for real. Only that way will you be really made holy and living and your faith shall be unfeigned and simple. "But the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart and a good conscience, and faith unfeigned", 1 Tim.1:5.

  2086. "Men, why do you marvel at this?" Act.3:12. Admiration and delirious praising is surely an offence to God. It just shows how far people have moved away from His reality. It is not God's fault if we are not used to His wonders anymore. We are not that used to live having Him around or surrounding us. "Why do you marvel at this?"

  2087. Forced trust is not trust at all. In the first trial it shall turn into disobedience, bitterns or even fear to obey. It turns into disobedience because genuine obedience comes through faith and not from unfeigned faith; faith has got to be according to truth and reality if obedience is to be there as naturally as God wishes it to be; it turns into bitterness because any hypocritical kind of faith does not receive from the Lord and shall be easily offended and disappointed; it is turned into fear because it finds itself without a sure leading source of and, consequently, without a course of life and any unsure person does not trust to the point of obeying anymore. Fear to obey is synonymous to falling back into the trap of trusting fleshly resources all over again. Whoever fears to obey God, finds relief by yielding to the flesh.

  2088. We have some choices to make once we start to deal with truths. We need to consolidate truth by having it turned into reality in and for us, as well as elsewhere; or we can move on with it without making sure truth is able to become real and, also, able to change for real. If truth is not fulfilled, people shall be hypocritical by saying God is faithful, even if what they say is true. Are you afraid that God's things work out for real? Why do you fear and avoid to have it that way? We may have the privilege to experience God being faithful instead of only reading and believing He is. Are you preparing your heart and lifestyle to become real and to be daring when it comes to God's things? If the things of God do not work out in a real way in your life, at least you know there is something wrong with it (not with God). Then you can fix it so God's presence can fill you and your day. "o him who orders his conduct aright I will show the salvation of God", Ps.50:23.

  2089. Any holy person in whom God's love has been poured in the promised abundance, would love even in hell. This kind of love is poured into us so we shall be able to love and not so we shall be loved. Can we expect that from you, that you love that unconditionally?

  2090. The Holy Spirit is light. And light is granted to whoever obeys. It shall be given more to such. Whoever is not of the obedient kind and has not a nature in him which reacts almost instinctively to the Lord and to logical, plain and simple truth, shall not have enough light to see the way ahead of him. That's why we read, "...The Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him", Act.5:32. Light shows what exists. If a disobedient man says he has the Spirit, he is surely lying. It is just not possible to have Him through or while in disobedience.

  2091. God wants that every person becomes truthful and honest in such a way that it is turns impossible for any of us to be more sincere and more simple. Simplicity and truth are inseparable allies and are always found together. We also know that hearing truth, loving to hear truth and being truthful are not the same thing. Liars also like to listen to some truthful things. God wishes us to be truthful and real about the truth we hear. Reality and truth are one. The Lord is not competing with us when it comes to truth and to being truthful. God becomes a friend to any who becomes truthful and sincere. God competes with lies and not with truth. Let's be always truthful and without fearing that we are competing with God by becoming that truthful. That's where He shall be able to lead us. That's where He shall lead us anywhere. It is the flesh that leads the flesh. The Spirit leads whatever is spiritual and heavenly. Let's know Him as He is. Let's put aside all imaginations about God so we might come to genuine, living and real conclusions about truth and reality by living it out to the full.

  2092. The word of God starts to make sense to all of us simultaneously with a thorough cleansing of our hearts by confessing every known stain and sin to people and to God. It shall become simple and understandable then. As soon as our lives are put in the light by us, as soon as we press on to agree to fix whatever light shows or reveals, the word of God opens up to our minds and souls. The word of the Lord shall be a refreshment as soon as we become clean and spotless. Then, shall it be easy to believe whatever God says as well. And the wind shall blow to take us where we do not see and we shall not, even so, feel unsafe or wrong. God's word and a clean heart is the best combination there is against any sort of ignorance. Ignorance shall not survive under that kind of combination. Nothing shall remain as it was before, not anymore.

  2093. Whoever talks to people with a crying voice all the time, it being the usual way of talking, is surely someone who easily commands people around as well. The same person has these two sides. The other side of the life of anyone who seeks attention from others is to send people around and to be bossy over them.

  2094. "Therefore, judge nothing before the time", 1Cor.4:5. It is very easy to judge our trials before the time. We need only to look deep into ourselves to see whether everything in there is spotless and white. We need not set our minds on the outcome or on the results of our trials and difficulties. Let us never judge anything whatsoever before the time. Let's wait for the final results which is God who shall say something about. Let's keep our hearts clean in all expectation. To wait on the Lord means we are expecting something from Him sooner or later.

  2095. "For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged", 1Cor.11:31. This does not necessarily mean we shall miss God's judgement if we judge ourselves in the light of God right now. This means that we shall not be condemned since we have already been judged, and have condemned sin to death beforehand through Christ. We shall go through God's judgment now and shall be able to say as Daniel: "Before Him purity was found in me". What Paul wishes to say here is a double truth. He means, also, people shall not be able to judge us if we are the ones who judge ourselves in anticipation and before they do it. It shall close their lion's mouth and they shall not judge us because we shall take the words away from their mouths by judging ourselves before Him in front of them. That is why many innocent people are easily accused falsely: they cannot accuse themselves of anything because they are innocent. They cannot lie to satisfy bad accusers.

  2096. Those people who wish to be seen as examples by others forget, many times, they need only to report back to the Lord with their lives. There is nothing man can do to any of us with eternal consequences. On the other hand, those who answer before God daily and only, forget, quite often, their lives are very meaningful to all people around them. If they really answer for their own lives before God continually, they must have some knowledge of the fact that "no one lives for himself". Any life fully consecrated to God means a lot to people around, whether it is people in darkness or in the light and fully exposed. Blessing is the natural consequence of answering daily for our lives before the Lord. Let us, therefore, never show one thing and live another, whether you show less or more than you are. Let's be ourselves before the Lord and before all man. "Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts", Ps.51:6. To be a real living sermon, a real blessing to anyone, we shall only need to live our lives as we are and to have it visible and fully exposed in the light. "A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden", Mat.5:14

  2097. Why would I ever wish to have something which had not been given me by God? Why would I have it for? I can't see what the use of it shall be. Even life without God is an useless waste. And if this is indeed true, we should take real care of whatever gifts we receive from the Lord. We need to consecrate them back to the Lord forever, without a chance to have them return from total consecration. We must consecrate all to the Lord, again, in order not to go astray by sinning through the gifts we have received from Him.

  2098. We are either totally surrendered to God or we are not surrendered at all. A partial surrender causes the important things of our lives to be either postponed, delayed, forsaken or taken away from us forever. Any half-surrendered heart shall always be wavering and balancing between uncertainties, lies and uncircumstantial things. "Do not let that man think that he shall receive anything from the Lord", James 1:7.

  2099. For someone to know what is going inside his deep heart when Jesus takes hold of it or before, one needs to walk and to listen to Jesus. To know ourselves and to know the new creature we have become in Jesus, we need Jesus. Knowing truth as naked as it is, might save us to the uttermost. We need Jesus to know ourselves as much as we need Him to know Him. The truth of it is that we have many preconceived ideas about ourselves and about God which do not correspond to the truth. And we need to know the truth as it is. And everything we see in ourselves which does not look like Jesus, shall surely be transformed into His likeness if we walk firmly in the light with Him. Experimental knowledge of God and the experience of His genuine presence will make us free of all prejudices and of all those heart-ghosts we are reluctant to face before God. It is especially before God that we are afraid to admit certain things and He shall be the first one we will try to deceive. But believing while in Him or before Him will surely expel those lying ideas which tell us it is not possible to be fully saved from sin and from ourselves. We shall return to the original image we have been created with, if we truly and really walk in the light.

  2100. For David, it would be a very bad sin to kill innocent people or to be unfair. But, it seems it was also a very bad transgression to him to be delivered or saved by his own hands! "And blessed is your advice, and blessed are you who have kept me from coming to shed blood today, and from delivering myself with my own hand!", 1Sam.25:33. Saving oneself is like a doctor performing an operation on himself! Will it work out? Won't he be too self-aware to do it?

  2101. Days are not always the same nor of the same kind. They do not always serve the same purposes either. There are some days different from other days. From some, we may extract a lot. From others, we enjoy less blessings or perform less. It depends on how much we can take and just how much God wants us to do and conquer. The goal of some days is not always work done. Even though sometimes it is, there are, however, days in which we (or God) need to accomplish some change within us through what we are doing. Therefore, the goal of a working day is not always the work itself, but the change. To achieve that change God may even hinder work to be accomplished.

  2102. One of the great obstacles people face by wishing to hear God's voice clearly, is the temptation to speak for God. Unbelief assumes God does not speak even if that assumption is undefined and concealed. Unbelief believes its way. And to continue as 'believers', people think they must always have something to hear if God doesn't speak. Indirectly, they believe God is unable to say something about an issue, or even to perform and they seek to help God out. And that's how the temptation to say something for God arises and overpowers people. People speak up to avoid being or feeling ridiculed. If God does not answer prayer by Himself, it is not worth believing in Him! The other problem people often face concerning God, is the fact that He doesn't often repeat Himself. Unbelief demands repetitions of many true things. That is why people repeat prayers so much instead of seeking one definite answer.

  2103. "Though you were little in your own sight, did you not become the head of the tribes of Israel?" 1 Sam.15:17. Whatever we may believe we are does not hinder God from doing something through, to or for us at all. It won't haste God if we think highly of ourselves, nor will God be delayed whenever we are belittled in our own eyes. God is not counting on our ability to perform His will. He wishes us to partake of His performances. He takes into account His own power, timing and ways. He trusts nothing else. Whatever we believe concerning ourselves may cause us to stumble one way or another, temporarily or even forever. But, what we believe concerning ourselves cannot be seen as a fundamental issue for God to decide to perform. It isn't the issue, unless we are proud and highly conceived in our own sight. People need to know and to yield to the fact that they must be perfected along the way while God performs. I am sure God will not cause us to conquer the world if it would cause us to loose our lives to hell. But, for God to increase His ways, or the quality of His work and to increase the work itself, is not dependable on how highly or how lowly we see ourselves, but on how great we see (experience) God and, also, on the willingness to change and be perfected along the way and as things continue prospering in our hands.

  2104. The person who enjoys immunity against criticism should know that such an immunity is also an immunity against applause and praise. Criticism and pleasing man comes from the same source and affects the same kind of people. Whoever is able to criticize has the power to cause someone to stumble through applauses and praise. The dangers which criticism exercise over us are of the same proportion as those coming from praise or from a flattering tongue. We need to take heed against both. Let's seek God's praise or God's opinion about ourselves concerning sin, wrongdoing or right doing. By doing so, we shall be immune to praise and to criticism. God does not criticize: He convicts. God does not criticize: He tells the truth. God does not flatter - He tells the truth. He upholds and strengthens the truth by telling and showing everything we need to know about ourselves and our work if it is also His work.

  2105. Any person who has the need to speak the right way or at the right time, needs to know that the primary condition to speak well is to listen well. "Therefore be careful how you hear", Lk.8:18. We can never be faithful to something we have not been able to hear nor should we dare to be unfaithful to what we have heard.

  2106. When Jesus became sin, He was not sympathizing with us - He was identifying Himself with us so we would become like Him once again.

  2107. Faith is like the eye that sees: it sees everything all in front of it, yet, it does not see itself or anything else around it or counteracting it.

  2108. No one of all those who experienced a living through God should ever believe they cannot do or accomplish certain things because they are not able to use their own strength anymore. To think so is a huge crime. In fact, there are more reasons to believe we shall be able to carry all things out to the end by forsaking our own strength than by holding on to some of it. Leaving the strength of the flesh behind should make us joyful, hard working and not sad or discouraged. We can accomplish better through the Lord.

  2109. Whoever hands over his weapons to God, shall win the battle. Remember that our own weapons always fight against God, even if it does so under His name. The flesh is enmity against God and it cannot be, do or perform other wise. Surrendering is synonymous of becoming fruitful. Do not allow the flesh to work in the Temple that you are, not even in any attempt to overcome whatever it 'needs' to overcome. To overcome is to surrender it, to hand over those fleshly weapons once and for all to God along with any right we believe we have. Are you surrendered?

  2110. Faith can't be someone convincing himself about some supposed word he believes comes from God - even if these words come in the Bible! Faith is being able to believe God the moment He speaks - not after and not before. When people can't believe God when He is speaking, they shall surely make some effort to believe Him when He is not saying anything. Such faith shall never bring any good fruit to the Kingdom. Believing God is not the same thing as believing what we wish concerning God.

  2111. "For we are not as many, hawking the Word of God; but in all sincerity of heart, as of God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God", 2Cor.2:17. "We speak in Christ...": this means we have the mind of Christ, we are His image and person. "...In the sight of God...": We speak in the very presence of God also, when speaking as Christ. This presence is genuinely felt (sensed and enjoyed) and not only supposed. God needs to be present for real. "...As of God...": we speak only those words God has given us without adding to it or taking away from any of it. "We speak in sincerity...": what happens in us is real, it is not mere suppositions or fiction. If only one of these ingredients is lacking, we shall be guilty of hawking the Word of God. We cannot speak as we wish (unless we wish as God); nor speak before or after the right time; nor without having God present. God shall also be our witness if we hear from Him. He must be in the audience as much as He is found within the speaker - and must be speaking and revealing as well.

  2112. Many are concerned about their tenth and tithes and many other things they may have promised to God. But, God wants the giver above what he may give Him. The truth about it all is that, many times, people give things to avoid giving themselves as living sacrifices. By giving some of what they have, they rest assured in a false security which eases the strain of their minds and consciences without having given themselves along with all they are and have. However, one day "the fool shall no more be called noble, nor the miser be said to be bountiful", Is.32:5.

  2113. If those annoying people or things which come to kill your flesh come to you, will you step out and say "Whom do you seek"? "Then Jesus, knowing all things that were coming upon Him, went out and said to them, Whom do you seek?", John 18:4. Will you "go out" too and allow/cause your flesh to die?

  2114. Faithfulness is not a mere emotional disposition: it is a kind of nature people have which walks alone or accompanied without knowing what the difference is.

  2115. The eyes of God are revealing eyes. They already see all, even to the infinite. In other words, when we read in the Bible about the eyes of God, it is prompting us to see what God sees, or as God sees it. It does not mean God shall look at something He is not already seeing. We need to see what God sees deep in ourselves the way He sees it.

  2116. "...Inheritance among all those who are sanctified...", Act.20:32. There is no inheritance for people who are not sanctified. Do you know what sanctification is all about? When we have no more the heart which craves for things and which causes us to stumble in some way, we are made just, it is, we become justified. Sanctification is to learn how to live in a practical way according to the new heart and to teach all our members and thoughts to live with and through a new kind of overflowing life which feeds the new heart - if we have received both, indeed. Sanctification is, also, becoming able to use all holy things we would forsake before and live through it now for the sake of God alone by having it fully sanctified and dedicated to Him, just as we had dedicated our members to sin in the previous life style. In other words, whatever you did for the sake of ambition, or for the sake of bitterness, or for any other personal reason whatsoever, you shall need to be able and to be fit enough to do it for the Lord and for the Lord's sake alone. Hannah gave her son to God above denying to have a son (by seeing how selfish she had been concerning the issue), or above accepting the fact that she was barren. After she had received that son, maybe she cared for the little boy even better because he belonged to God since she fulfilled her promise. She not only gave her son to God, but cared for him even better because the boy was God's. Are you fully sanctified? All you are and have is ruled and administrated by God Himself? Even your tongue? The whole of your salary? Or are you happy by having the tenth of it administrated by others? Do you really have "inheritance among the sanctified"?

  2117. The Jews could not mingle with any sinful nation so they would never learn anything about any of the nations' many sins. There was no other reason why they should not mingle with the nations. It was not because of the nations, but because of the kind of heart Israel had. Their heart would always be treacherous and easily deceived when facing their idolatrous sins. The reason and the problem was in Israel and not in the nations - it was an inner problem and not an outward one. They were the reason why they could not or should not mingle with the nations. But, for some selfish reason they started to believe they could not mingle with them because they were made superior to them. It is a good spiritual exercise to stay away from the places where sin lingers and is settled. But, let us never be satisfied by being able to stay away from sin and by denying ourselves the enjoyment of any of it. Let's rather take advantage of the opportunity and work hard to change our hearts and ways from the beginning to become able to fully enjoy a new life inside God even when facing sin. There is no real virtue in staying away from sin if we still have a sinful heart. Staying away from sin will hinder transgression, but, does not annihilate the transgressor. Whenever we stay away from any sin, let it be only because we are fully settled and at home somewhere else where the ways and the places of sin are not even desired or thought about anymore.

  2118. The devil is a perversion of his original creation as a being. Nowadays he doesn't know what kind of a creature he is anymore. He has been made a worshipper and not to be worshipped, just as a woman is not a man. Trying to be different from what we are as creation is a distortion of our nature proportional to homosexualism. We simply aren't what we pretend to be.

  2119. They say idols or Roman Catholic saints want certain kind of prayers offered to them. It is not quite like that. Actually, it is the prayer that wishes to have certain idols and saints it prays to. Let me explain. Idolatry is a creation of people's minds. People have certain ideas or even ideals and create an image or religion which corresponds to what they are seeking to have. It is the kind of prayer and wish which has its respective saint and not the saint that has that prayer. All religions are conceived by the people's minds who serve it. That's why genuine Christianity can never be a religion, because it is a way planned by God to save mankind from all kinds of sin.

  2120. Many times, people question themselves why God allows man to do as he wishes to do when he decides to do something. It seems, sometimes, nothing happens to man when he is free to be his own boss. The reason is very simple. It is necessary that man becomes voluntarily subject to God and that the power man uses is God's instead of man's, and that he does so seeking God with the whole of his heart and having God's present and future purposes always in mind instead of his own. Someone forced to be submitted is not really submitted until he himself is fully and voluntarily God's. People forced into submission shall live with God as those slaves who had mean bosses over them - at least that idea will prevail in them. They were never really subject to them. The only slave I know that could have used his power to stop being a slave, was Joseph under Potiphar. He could come and go as he wished to do. But, he chose to be a slave and to be subject to God's will, even though he could have run away having been forced into slavery. He was faithful to all the things which had never been his own and when they had never been done having his own well being in view. The heart he gained as a slave, he took with him throughout his future life. He was subject to God as a king, just as he had been as a slave.

  2121. Whoever is not opposing something is in some kind of agreement with it. I may be consenting the world into my life, or opposing it. There is no middle way about it. The same can be said of the Life of God. It will depend which I consent more until I consent it in an exclusive way.

  2122. When gifts are distributed or imparted by the laying of hands, God shall comply to it when the hands are holy and have the authority given by God to do so. We see that Philip did not have the authority to lay hands on people for the filling of the Spirit, even if he had authority to do many other outstanding miracles. John and Peter had to come all the way from Jerusalem to fill in for Philip's converts through the laying on of their authorized hands. Act.8. Paul also had the same kind of authority because he was an outstanding apostle. However, in some special cases and in the absence (or lack) of specials vessels, God may use anyone's hands to anoint a special person. Not the hands, but the vessel or the future vessel on whom hands are laid is important to God. Ananias was no apostle and laid hands on Paul so he should receive the Spirit. Paul had the authority to receive it that way even if we cannot assuredly say Ananias had more than an occasional or temporary authority to do what he did the way he did it. Only those people who are able to pray for the outpouring of the Spirit and receive answers may have the authority to lay hands on others to have them receive the Spirit.

  2123. Worldly people have their kind of uncared garden. Pure people also have a garden which they constantly care for. People in the world have no habit to care for their garden because they are not concerned about what grows in there. Consequently, they have never learned to take time to care for it. Holy people, however, need to work hard and in due time on their gardens because weeds and other things grow in there to destroy its beauty. Therefore, once people get converted and cease to be worldly, they must know they have a need to change their lack of good habits and ways of life along with their hearts - they shall need to start to take care of their gardens from then on. That's something they have never done before because they did not care what grew in there.

  2124. Simplicity is the main secret to see better. Complicated people have a confused outlook, see badly and stumble over things very easily. There are people who are simple towards evil as there are those simple in well-doing. But, simplicity in well-doing shall not coexist with the simplicity in being evil. If people are complicated in well-doing, they shall be simple in evil-doing. The other way round is also a law of nature.

  2125. Let's distinguish between a step and a walk. A complete walk is a combination of many kinds of steps. When we stumble, we do so as we step and not on the whole of the way, even though it might occasionally affect the whole in some way. By stumbling we may easily stand up again and move on by restarting our way from where it stopped. "For a just one falls seven times, and rises up again", Prov.24:16. A bad way is also composed by many steps where people in it may fall into their senses occasionally and rise from it to carry on being evil. The narrow way is composed of many steps and so is the broad way towards hell and sin. Evil people, however, walk a way which is in itself fallen and it does not matter how many times they fall and rise on it because they are fallen in the whole. Their way leads nowhere. It won't take them where they expect to get. "For their trouble shall rise suddenly, and who knows the ruin of them?" Prov.24:16,22.

  2126. Spiritual slowness or stagnancy occurs when people do not know when or how to wait on God just as when they do not know when or how to walk with Him through Him as the Israelites did in the desert. The fact is that people who know how to wait on the flesh and to expect from it shall never know what it is to expect from God. If you are expectant that something shall come from the right you cannot be expecting it from the left. You cannot do two things at the same time. God and the flesh are on opposed sides. The same principle is applied to walking through God when people know only to walk in the flesh and to use its strength only. That is what causes most kinds of spiritual inactivity and slowness: people just don't know how to walk in the Spirit! They are not used to it. Once they enter into Life, they need to learn a new way because they know only how to walk in the flesh.

  2127. "Fellow By being marvelled and bewildered every time God does something, we offend God. It just shows we are not used to have God as a normal companion or that we were not expecting what God did. Whoever marvels this way is not right with God. "Then Simon believed also, and being baptized, he continued with Philip. And seeing miracles and mighty works happening, he was amazed. But Peter said to him... your heart is not right in the sight of God", Act.8:13,20,21. God should not be blamed because we are only used to live far away from His realities! Be careful with people who are able to praise God's works and to be amazed about them when they happen. They might not be praising God Himself, but only His works. We praise God and not works. They easily exchange the created thing for the Creator. Miracles should be natural things to all of us. They should be as natural as drinking a cup of water when we are thirsty. Living that way is what glorifies God. "Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?", Is.33:14. Are you used to live with God?

  2128. "Peter , seeing this, said to the people: 'Fellow Israelites, why are you wondering about this, and why are you staring at us as if by our own power or godliness we made him walk?'" Act.3:12. It is true the lame man did not start to walk through Peter's holiness. However, Peter was holy. This only means that once people are holy and fully devoted to God's glory, God shall do anything through them, for them or for others around them. It was Jesus who made that man to walk. Peter was holy. By being holy, God was given the freedom to do as He would. He does things according to His will and not according to our holiness. But, unless we are holy, He shall not do according to what He is willing to do.

  2129. The presence of God is the most uncomfortable experience one can ever go through as long as one clings to any form of sin in any way. When God comes down the way He did at Pentecost, the veil between darkness and light shall be rent and He shall separate light from darkness in front of us all over again. Therefore, once people repent and give up all sin, they shall experience such lightness and such refreshing times that they may jump up and down just as the lame man did when Peter commanded him to stand up and walk. Under deep conviction of sin, they were feeling very uncomfortable and, because of the presence of God, they felt proportionally refreshed by repenting. "Therefore, repent and convert so that your sins may be blotted out, so times of refreshing shall come through the presence of the Lord", Act.3:19. This kind of refreshment is experienced as soon as the condemnation on sin ceases to hang over our souls.

  2130. "Be strong and have good courage..." It is possible to have a kind of courage which is not good. God did not say we must have courage, but rather that we have a good kind of courage. A bad temper or strength often does more and is more active than a good one. Few terrorists give up their ideals or ideas and they often encourage themselves to do even worse things or, shall I say, do even better. Richard Wurmbrand said: "Because sin does such awful things, I promised myself to live fully out God's love with all I am and have!" He pledged to do the opposite the same way, with the same devotion and strength. That's the kind of reaction persecution brought out of him. How does it work with you?

  2131. If we despise the day we are living right now by trying to solve tomorrow's things through the new life we are enjoying, we shall surely be defeated when the right time comes for those things we are guilty of trying to solve beforehand. Unmarried people should not desire to live as married ones, just as married people should never try to live an independent life as they used to do before their marriage. We need to live today's issues fully out and be faithful to what is at hand to do. That shall prepare us for what has not come yet. Each day has its own bread available. As we do or are today before having all we desire, so shall we do and be when we have received it all. Unless we change, what we are or do now, we shall be doing then, after having received. Despising the day we are living right now shall surely lead us to despise the day we shall be living tomorrow. It is a habit we gain to neglect the day we are living.

  2132. There are things and attitudes in us which mount up to very strange behaviours. As an example, let's use a child trying to do grownup things because he has the promise of what he shall be; or a clean man trying to speed up the times of God concerning certain things because he is clean and which God has promised to carry out Himself. Abraham refused to take as much as a shoe string from the land God promised to grant him in the future. Even when he had the whole land in his hand after freeing Loth and the other prisoners, he handed everything over to the peoples of the land. He had sworn before the Lord his hand would not play God. After that, God had to near his soul to assure he had done the right thing after such self-denial, Gen.14:22-15:1. There is a difference between when God says He shall do something and when He says we shall carry it out under His blessing. He said to Joshua: "...You shall cause this people to inherit the land which I swore unto their fathers to give them", Jos.1:6. It is another thing, however, when God promises that He shall do it Himself. "Only be strong and of good courage". To be strong, we need to be busy with those things which shall strengthen us. We find strength easily by having our souls spotless because the Lord shall dwell in us under such circumstances and He shall be our strength personally. We shall have the strength of the Lord Himself because He dwells in us.

  2133. Sometimes despair comes by not accepting something different from what we would expect or not accepting it the way it is given us by God.

  2134. God may allow us to doubt a lie only. But, doubting a lie is still not taking a firm stand against it. Doubting a lie cause people to waver just as doubting truth does. You should not be able to doubt the fact that a lie is indeed a lie once you know what it is.

  2135. It is so important to know how or when to pray just as it is important never to forget what we have prayed about - even if it is only for the purpose of learning why prayers have not been answered or why they have been answered. Forgetting what we may have successfully prayed about may hinder us from becoming perfect intercessors. However, we must never forget that answers to all prayers is one of the most important promises of the New Testament. Let's get there where all our prayers can be answered speedily.

  2136. Jesus promised that we would have answers to all prayers. This is a double edged sword. We must either receive all answers or pray only as far as we know God shall answer what we pray for. The way we pray is also important to receive plain answers. If an answer is not reached to a prayer, it might have been a useless prayer.

  2137. "For, if these things are in you and abound, they make you to be neither idle nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ", 2Pet.1:8. It is in knowing the Lord that we shall not be idle or unfruitful and not in anything else.

  2138. There is this mentality that we cannot live exclusively for the purposes of God and His purity. Everyone who preaches the wrong gospel, or preaches the right gospel the wrong way, says it is impossible to live that way. These talk from a personal experience's point of view and not according to Scripture. Some even believe we rob God of His glory to live that holy. Because people believe it is not possible, they shall surely take it for granted that it is just too normal to live in sin and outside God's will. One kind of mentality leads to the other, or, maybe, it is the same mentality that thinks both ways. But, we need to know we can and may offer all things and all we are for the exclusive purpose of experiencing the purity of God in us day and night. We are "called to be saints" because God "chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy", 1 Cor.1:2; Eph.1:4. We owe nothing to the world. "Even so, reckon ye also yourselves to be dead unto sin... Let not sin, therefore, reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey the lusts thereof. Neither present your members unto sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves unto God, as alive from/among the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God", Rom.6:11-14. To believe we cannot live as Jesus did on earth is one of the ways to present ourselves or our members unto sin and to have it available for it.

  2139. If the kind of death we experience is not of same kind of death Christ experienced when He died, we shall surely never experience the same kind of resurrection Christ has conquered. Christ died to sin and to the world. That's the kind of death He died. He is dead to sin and to the world. "For the death that he died, he died unto sin", Rom.6:10. "For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection", Rom.6:5.

  2140. Many, through the force of doctrine, put faith in opposition to holiness. They say holiness is to work out our salvation through works and that to have faith is to skip holiness. The truth is that holiness is attained and perfected through faith. Holiness tells us we are believing the right way and for the right purposes. "...For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith", 1 John 5:4.

  2141. There is no way to say how many kinds of hypocrisies there are. The reason is very simple. Hypocrisy is an imitation of virtue and for every goodness there is, there are a few imitations of it. There is no end to virtues and, for every virtue, we may find a few imitations.

  2142. If, by being sinful, people would be able to glorify God, they would never be condemned for sin. Shall we be condemned for bringing glory to God? We know that the salary of sin is death, whoever the person is who sins. Therefore, no one may ever consider himself happy about the idea of considering himself still a sinner, unless it is for truth's sake. Many wish to carry on sinning to find mercy, forgetting mercy takes away and saves from sin. Mercy is an active power. They believe they rob God of His glory by being holy as if holy people were in direct competition with God for what belongs to Him, it is, His glory. People misunderstand the verse which says "No one is holy, but God". It doesn't say, "no one must be holy but God"! This verse is describing a very sad fact and not what it must be. Truth cries out that way, expressing facts with statements like those. It means it could be otherwise. The truth is that sin competes directly with God for His glory and not holiness. It is not demanding that only God be holy, as some may assume. Holy people have nothing to compete among themselves - much less with God! But, as soon as you step into sin, you start competing with God for His glory in you. You are exchanging Him for something else and it so happens that you are His creation. The holier people are, the less they compete with God and the more they do what Gods wishes them to do. The more sinful, the more they are against God and His glory. We have been created according to His image. What is so wrong with being as holy as He is then? Our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God. If being able to say we are sinners exalts God, then, we cannot be condemned for it. "For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory, why would I still be judged as a sinner?", Rom.3:7. Justice does not condemn anyone who brings glory to God. Stop believing you need to be or to say you are sinful so that God may have all the glory. "You have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet you say, 'In what have we wearied Him?' When you say, 'Every evildoer is good in the eyes of the Lord, and He delights in them; or, Where is the God of justice?'", Mal.2:17.

  2143. There are many relationships where one of the partners does not correspond to the other. When we speak about human relationships we can easily spot whether it is an unilateral relationship or not. People and their actions are always visible, however hypocritical they may be about it. But God is invisible. Therefore, if the relationship between man and God is from man's side only, it shall be very hard to prove it is unilateral because we hear and see only one of the partners testifying about that relationship. People confess God before men easily. It is another thing when God confesses people to the angels or even before people, as Jesus mentioned Paul to Ananias, Act.9:15,16. "Demetrius has good report by all, and by the Truth itself", 3 John 1:12. God advised us to seek after the fruit to have some assurances about the kind of relationship people have with Him. Smart hypocrites can arrange some ways to put forth some kind of 'fruit' which resembles the genuine one. It is, therefore, up to every person to decide that his own life must bear the fruit of God for God. You must be the one demanding to have genuine fruit in your own life. You need to change yourself and not try to change God. It is only false relationships which work hard to change the partner. It is you who need to change, even when your partner has the same needs you have or a greater need to change than you have.

  2144. To measure distances we use miles or kilometres; to measure water we use litres or gallons; to measure temperature we use Celsius or Fahrenheit. The desire to give up under the yoke of God measures the amount of love one still has for himself, which is kept secret or unrecognized. A person walking the right way is worked on by God day and night. And God has only one goal in mind for that person: personal holiness. To be holy, self needs to die. Giving up is a way to protect self and to hold it untouched. If, therefore, man wishes to give up within trials and difficulties, surely, he is blackmailing God for not giving man his way back to him. But, in man's mind, he is not giving up heaven - only the way God does things in him or for him. When workers plan a strike, they are not giving up their jobs. Yet, they refuse to work. They are not against their jobs, but against their boss or their boss' ideas or ideals. Giving up on the way of God is the same criteria, it is trying to force God into something man rather wants, so that the rope around the neck of self can be somewhat eased up. If someone works against God while wishing to have Him, he shall surely try giving up as a last resource to resist and to blackmail the Lord. Giving up is a form of resistance. "Do not resist the Spirit". It is a weapon pointed at God to protect self from dying in a definite way. Are you defending the life God wishes to crucify and kill once and for all? Or will you work normally under His yoke and will? Giving up just shows how much self-love you still keep secret and to which (or through which) you may be blinded. It shows how much you still love your own life or, perhaps, your own ways 'of getting to heaven'. God shall always refuse to feed the demands of the flesh for your sake. Be careful when you have a genuine relationship with God. Discouragement is very subtle and very selfish.

  2145. "For they changed the truth of God into a lie, and they worshiped and served the created thing more than the Creator", Rom.1:25. Are you, perhaps, serving someone more than you are serving God? Are you serving something more than Him? You mother, father, television, or anything else? Whenever you do not serve God through what you have and through what you are, you shall be guilty of changing truth into a lie. If your marriage does not serve God, if your salary, job, work place is not something God is served with, you are a spiritual liar. Let me assure you that if that is the case with you, the fruit of it shall be visible in your life even before you die. To live in darkness will be the salary of that sin. The most amazing thing, however, is that people who live in darkness always believe they belong to the light. If it were not so, these people would soon seek a way out of darkness. Because they seek a way to remain as they are and even fight for it, it shows they believe the wrong things concerning themselves.

  2146. There is a kind of theft which is never accomplished and for which we shall, even so, be condemned. The theft is to take tomorrow out of God's hands. This awful deed shall bring a double condemnation upon people if they do not repent from it. Besides, by taking tomorrow out of God's hands, people neglect the day which is called 'today' because it is impossible to serve two days at the same time. You shall either let tomorrow stand or neglect the day which is called today.

  2147. We shall never be of any use to this world as long as we are like it. And, if the world needs help, it is because there is something wrong with it. If the world, therefore, is not right, why should I wish to be like it? "... Do not be conformed with this world...", Rom.12:2.

  2148. There is a worse kind of slavery than all the others: when we are our own slaves! When we own ourselves, anything the boss wants from the slave, he will do for him - at any cost. Do you really understand what the words of Paul mean concerning crucifixion? It is no self-crucifixion: it is a deadlier one. "I have been crucified with Christ, and I live; yet no longer I, but Christ lives in me", Gal.2:20. Once you die, make sure a double death takes place because it is not only the slave who needs to die. The slave owner must die as well.

  2149. Prejudices or self-conceit is a fruit of a sort of selfishness people easily use to keep many kinds of wars going on inside and outside their hearts.

  2150. Because people believe that to be loved is what love is all about, every time things do not work out as they expected it would, they believe the devil is opposing them in some way and that he is their main source of enmity. Actually, all those people who believe God pours love into them for them, are their own enemies. God pours love into us with which we shall learn to love others and God. If God's love poured into you had the purpose to please you, it would be feeding your greatest enemy: selfishness. There is no one in this world who can harm you as much as self. "And do not fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul", Mat.10:28. Sin makes God destroy the soul, and self (selfishness) is the root of all sin. If the devil had been be the main source of my sins, Jesus would crucify him and not the flesh with Him.

  2151. Sinful people often cry because they realize sin has caused them to lose something. But, they cry because of the loss and never because they may have sinned. They are sad about the loss they face, but have no shame for the sin which brought the loss upon them. "The perverse knows no shame", Zep.3:5. "Therefore the showers have been withheld, and there has been no latter rain; and you had a harlot's forehead, yet you refused to be ashamed", Jer.3:3.

  2152. We do not become holy to be able to receive things or to lose things. We may receive things or may be taken from things so we shall become holy. The only purpose God has for us who are born again, is complete holiness. "...Called to be saints...", 1 Cor.1:2. God "chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy", Eph.1:4. This should be your only purpose as well. What is on the top of your ladder? Which is your goal? Blessings or holiness? Is holiness at the top of the ladder you are climbing, or are the things of this earth there? Do you use your goals to reach holiness, or holiness to try to bribe God with it? One of these must be what you use to achieve the other. Many people say they must be holy so God shall not deny them certain blessings. Their goal is not holiness, but their wishful blessings. It must be the other way round. " ...Indeed to those who with patience in good work are seeking for glory, and honour, and incorruptibility, everlasting life", Rom.2:7.

  2153. Many people become unsure in their living with God simply because there are things which do not happen the way they expected them to happen. They ask God for many things and receive very few of them. It brings some spiritual confusion in their hearts. Some even say God has left them and seize the opportunity to wander away into sin. Some others even ask for heavenly things which they know will not work out. It is because they wish it to happen or to be done their way and not as things are done in heaven. You cannot expect that heavenly things should be run or worked out earth's way, but rather that earthly things should be done the way things are done in heaven, it is, "on earth as it is done in heaven". The flesh cannot promote itself into the office of God. Besides, God promised to take us so that we become holy and not for any other reason at all. If you find that you are holier each day, assure yourself you are on the right track. There is nothing else which assures us more. And shall be Christ with us, for He is our holiness.

  2154. There are trials by which our faith is tried, surely. But, whoever is in some sort of sin while on the way shall surely be denied by God and might find hardships because of a shipwrecking faith or a stumbling, wavering walk. Such people may easily be deceived to the point of believing they are merely being tried for some purpose. Genuine faith has the final reward as an answer, but, it also has an inner testimony which assures us while we walk. Make sure your faith is rewarded after every trial, whatever that reward may be. Every tried life has a happy ending, and that is not so with a wavering walk which shall sink further and further into harassments, thorns and troubles.

  2155. Many of the works of God are dependent on sound faith to carry them out. But, God shall never do something to make faith stronger, but rather make faith stronger to do something. Faith is never made stronger through signs and wonders. Faith is an inner issue, it is a personality matter, it is a fruit of a relationship. It depends directly from the kind of fellowship we have with God. Signs do not make better believers, which only a real relationship with God does.

  2156. When our faith is tried, we must never fall into the temptation to test our feelings to see whether they are truthful or not. We should make sure God is truthful. Faith is to be able to believe God and not our feelings.

  2157. We must not believe God gives us things because He loves us. God may also take things away from us because He loves us. God gives as much and as easily as He takes from those He loves.

  2158. The faithful think on the quality of their work above the amount of it. Therefore, in the long run, much of what they do remains and need not to be repeated or corrected again. Hasty people, however, shall come back over and over again to do one more time what they did not do well and thought to have accomplished and finished. Faithful people also have the goal of perfection clearly designed in them. One thing perfectly done is worth more than a hundred half done. We shall be rewarded for whatever we have taken to the end. Walking slowly because of perfection is far better than haste which does things half way or in a bad manner because, unlike faithful ones, hasty people will come back again to do the same things all over again. And, we need to have in mind that the productivity of all faithful people shall increase because perfection becomes a second nature to them and soon they do not need to spend as much time concentrating on being perfect as before. Perfection will be their way. Habits and established ways shall lead the steps of any holy, faithful man or woman further. We cannot say the same about hasty people. They shall always have different kinds of problems to face because they are unstable and without pattern and, therefore, shall be unable to create ways and habits besides those of being hasty, impatient, and unhappy about everything they do. And, because faithful people seldom need to go back to repeat previous work all over again, they shall be quicker on the long run than any hasty man. They are always going forward, and not backwards to redo things.

  2159. God does not bless in exchange for faithfulness, as many believe it is the case. It is man who has this commercial mind in him. It is true that God often makes use of the kind of mind man has to convert him. However, it does not mean God is a negotiator. The truth about all this is that blessing is found where God is. His blessing is with Him, it is found where He is. If, therefore, we come to God, we shall come to where things are naturally blessed and are a blessing. Even when blessing is not promised beforehand, after conversion, man shall surely find it. "His reward is with Him", Is.40:10. No one can skip being blessed near God.

  2160. "When I desire, I shall punish them", Hos.10:10. Sinners, in a general way, never feel bad in their sinful environment, (Ps.73:4-7). However, God cares to bother, as far as possible, those who can still be converted. All others might feel unhindered on their way towards hell, walking and talking as if nothing bad will ever happen to them. But, they shall feel that way only until God decides the day has come to bind their hands and feet to throw them in outer darkness. That day shall surely come like an unexpected thief in the night. Sinful people shall always believe righteousness is unfair when it is applied on them by force or demanded from them.

  2161. Suicide is an act of extreme selfishness of someone who refuses to acknowledge there is a way out by recognizing own sins concerning a certain matter. Such a person will rather hurt other people and shut the door to the solution forever. Most suicides are acts of revenge which people want to make sure are made irreversible. Suicide is a proud kind of extreme selfishness, no matter how understanding we may be towards a suicidal person, nor how valid the reasons are the person kills himself for. People simply refuse to accept there is a solution to the problem in a way difficult for the flesh to accept. Usually, the kind of solution is the very problem to the person who wishes to kill himself, for such has something against it in some way. Usually, there is a certain grudge against the solution itself. They simply refuse to accept there is a way to solve their problem. They want to make sure the solution shall never tempt them again to reconsider. It is a refusal to accept the solution as it is. Often, people also take the problem out of proportion or cause it to be out of proportion. Usually, suicidal people's problems are extremely exaggerated and made bigger than they really are. People who kill themselves need to know there is a huge amount of pride behind each act of suicide as well, whether such pride is visible or not, and whether such a suicidal act is a spiritual one or a physical one. There are spiritual suicides too, even when people do not harm themselves physically. By knowing this, one might be able to help such people even better.

  2162. There was a father who had a neighbour. This neighbour was his mortal enemy. The child became a good friend of the father's neighbour. It would come back to the father's house to eat when it was hungry. The strength the father gave to the child, the life, the food, it used to become a strong ally of the enemy of the father. Do you know such a person? Everyone who lives in sin and loves it is that kind of person! "Though I have bound and strengthened their arms, yet they think evil against Me. They return, but not to the Most High. They are like a deceitful bow...", Hos.7:15,16. Will you still be friends with sin? Will you come back to your Father occasionally for the sake of food and strength only, but, not for His sake? "Israel ... brings out fruit unto himself", Hos.10:1.

  2163. Every time you forsake a sin forever, make sure you forsake the places, the people, and everything else linked in any way to that sin. Change your whole life once and for all and cut on future temptations. "Ephraim mixed himself among the peoples; Ephraim is a cake not turned", Hos.7:8. "Blessed is the man who has not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, and has not stood in the way of sinners, and has not sat in the seat of the scornful", Ps.1:1.

  2164. The most honest sinners (if there is an honest sinner at all), do not call on God because their conscience does not allow them to do so. They lack courage and willingness to let sin stand because they know God shall never accept sin. The less honest ones either carry on sinning while calling on the name of God in vain, or start to say God does not exist. Atheism is just one more religion of convenience. All those who say God does not exist are not honest people at all. Anyway, anyone who repents and starts to be honest with himself needs to give attention to the fact that dishonesty is an overall and generalized sin. I mean that, if you start becoming honest concerning the existence of God, you need to make sure you become honest towards people in all senses. You need, therefore, to realize you surely are dishonest in all aspects of your whole life as well if you say God does not exist. Because you did not agree you were not being honest concerning the existence of God, you shall, surely, neither admit you have been dishonest towards people, work and many other practical issues of your daily life. You need to give special attention to the extensions and ramifications of that kind of sin under the fear of God. If, however, your way does not become narrow from both these sides (from the side of God and from the side of your daily life), be assured that it shall be made broad again. If you do not become honest in one aspect, the other dishonesties will come back again. To lack on honesty is to state that a lie is truth or that truth might be a lie. This sin is like smoking and drinking: unless you leave both, one will bring the other one back sooner or later. Sins that walk together, need to die together. If that does not happen that way, one sin shall be responsible for the temptation of the other. "...And if you do not do well, sin crouches at your door", Gen.4:7. This is the truth concerning all sins which come from the same egg. Either you leave them all, or they all shall all be back again, joining forces to become seven times worse.

  2165. Jesus said our outside shall be continually clean when we make sure the inside is spotless. On the other hand, cleaning the outside never assures that the inside becomes equally clean. In fact, it hinders, delays inner cleansing or makes people blind towards the covered filth within. Therefore, all those who spend their time cleaning their inside the way they should do it, it is, by putting sin in the light one by one, lose all concerns and worries worldly Christians and people have concerning appearances. Appearance is the concern of the flesh. Whoever is not holy has those kind of worries to make up for, something which forgiveness is easily capable of accomplishing from within the heart.

  2166. Appearances convince people and convince self of any kind of lie. In fact, it blinds self more than it blinds other people. People around can spot hypocrisy faster than self is ever able to see it in itself.

  2167. The most important part of truth is that I become truthful. Truth seeks, above all, that people become truthful. As soon as I become truthful about myself and towards myself, God and people around, I become humble because humility is to be known for what I really am. But, in the initial process of becoming truthful my sins shall surely be exposed and lighted up. Under the light of God, sin is contemptible and ugly - it becomes known for what it really is. Then, one of two things may happen: either I change to become acceptable because being truthful constrains me to change through shame and regret; or, I cease to be truthful to conceal and hide ugly sin away all over again. Light causes both options to become clear to us. God's words are not there to please us, but to cause us to change or to chose between life and death. This is why truth comes to make us free. But, to be made free, we must be truthful in ourselves. Whatever happens, never cease to be truthful.

  2168. Repenting genuinely does not bring us moments of accusation and anguish, but rather moments of relief. Anguish remains because we are refusing or delaying repentance. As soon as we repent, relief comes to stay. It may also happen that we are trying to constrain God into something and search for sin where there is no more sin so we may please God into something He does not see fit to grant us at the moment or through those means. And, many times discomfort comes because we wish that God would not see something we want to hide.

  2169. As I write things down according to what happens inside me due to the nearness of God to my soul, I realized that there are days it seems I have done very little. Yet, in those days, I have often done few things which are wise, however small they are. Today, a thought came into my mind that I need a good seed to sow around and not a good tree and, a good seed, however small, is important and takes time to be worked on and waited upon. Trees are not sown and are bigger than seeds. When faithful people do little, the quality of what they do increases remarkably in due time as long as they are faithful in little. A small good seed shall be responsible for much fruit which shall, on its turn, bear alike seed in it to assure its continuity in the future. Let's assure the quality of the seed, even if the seed is smaller to put forth than a group of trees. One good seed is a future plantation if it is properly cared for. Do not despise little things which multiply easily on the long run. "For who has despised the day of small things?", Zec.4:10. Even sin is multiplied through little seeds. Often, small fiery darts are responsible for great fires that spread, Eph.6:16.

  2170. God remains the same, whether we are well or not. The way we feel does not determine how God really is. The way we feel explains how we feel or what we are and not God's character. By finding God as good because things go well with us, shows we do not really know Him the way we should. We are talking about what is happening to us and not about God. The heart that says "God is good" when things go well, might not praise Him during bad times for what He is. Let your heart never be hypocritical concerning His character. God is always good. Find Him and you shall make sure about that.

  2171. When God speaks, the way He uses to say something to you is a minor factor. If He speaks softly or if His words seem harsh to you, you should take the Lord into account behind the words instead of becoming aware of the way you think He speaks. The one who speaks is the important part here. You shall be responsible for the way you catalogue or define God's words. God is always the same whether you like what He says or not. The way you feel about things, or the way you are is what makes you feel God is either harsh or soft. Even if God says, quite often, different things, He does not say them differently - He always speaks the same way, with the same authority. Be careful not to attribute to God the things you feel or the way you feel about them - whether He speaks against or according to your heart and expectations.

  2172. Jesus would never trusts the doctrine of "accepting Jesus as your Saviour!" That doctrine deceives people and allows them to take a lie as a truth. It, also, causes others to follow these so-called Christians. Together, they flock together to cut off the entrance to all those who would wish to enter into the narrow door in a real way. That doctrine has many loopholes in it: it mentions a Saviour, but not what He saves from; it tells people to accept what people idealize and not what God has for them. Unless people clearly see what they are accepting and who, it is a vain doctrine.

  2173. It is good that we remain with both our feet firm on solid ground. If we are the kind of people who are easily sober, we must, then, become able to take God into account and still remain sober. However, Jesus said, "On earth as it is done in heaven". We must, therefore, have both our feet firmly set on a heavenly life as we would have them on an earthly one. We need to take God into consideration all the time. We need to know and assume that, whatever God still holds for us, is far better than what we shall ever imagine. Are you sure it is true? Won't you make sure about it first, before trying to believe on and on? Do not try to convince yourself of something you are not sure about. You must still come to the point where you live according to what you have made sure about.

  2174. "My people seek advice from their wooden idols, and their rod declares it to them. For the spirit of harlotry has caused them to go astray, and they have gone lusting away from under their God", Hos.4:12. When someone has desires which demand fulfilment at any cost, these desires talk as if they were God responding. The rod talks to such a person according to the heart he has. However, the worst part of it is when the devil comes in to fulfil what that rod has said! The devil joined with such a deceitful heart is a very bad combination. On the other hand, on the soil of holiness, there must, also, be a combination of a holy heart and God. This kind of combination works out very well too. It allows God to speak according to our hearts because the hearts have changed to become like God's. We must sow with God, then. Idolatry is the religion of convenience and every religion is brought to life by the wishes of the flesh. It wishes its own kind of god, to be and act a certain way.

  2175. "...Do not let Judah become guilty. And do not come to Gilgal, nor go up to Beth-Aven, nor swear, 'As Jehovah lives' anymore...", Hos.4:15. Adultery is accomplished when someone gives himself over to whom he does not belong or takes someone in who doesn't belong to him or her. The worst part of sin, therefore, is when sinners say they belong to God and, even so, worship other things which allow them to live a practical life for themselves. Idolatry allows you to live for yourself. If idolaters would say they did not belong to God, if they dared to assume truth, surely, their sin would be less grievous. And, by assuming the truth about himself, the sinner turns to God more easily too. The sinner fears the thought of having God against him. Sinners have an urge to say they belong to God because they wish to carry on sinning. It makes them stay in sin - it encourages them in their sinful ways. It is good for them, therefore, that they realize God is against them. If you love them, do not hold from them the truth. They must hear it in such a way they will believe it.

  2176. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you", Hos.4:6. This assures us of another truth if we put it the other way round: if we do not reject the wise things of God and His knowledge, we shall be taken into His bosom. True knowledge of God is the one which sees God as He is, knows Him for what He really is, understands what He says for what He really means and assumes a life which is according to what we see in Him and receive from Him. The knowledge of God is not to know God in a way we would wish Him to be. It is to know Him as He really is.

  2177. "And it shall be at that day, says the Lord, you shall call Me, My Husband, and shall no more call Me, My Baal", Hos.2:16. The most dangerous part of idolatry is when it mixes godly things with itself. The same might be said of witchcraft or any other sinful practice. There are two ways to commit this kind of awful sin: godly things or names may be taken to the temple of the devil saying an idol is Jesus so the devilish temple will seem acceptable to most sinners; or, devilish things may be brought to the temple of God, calling God "My Baal" to make it possible to believe it is acceptable to God and, sometimes, even demanded by God that it be done that way. Man's heart is so deceitful he even deceives himself. Man's conscience is quietened and somewhat appeased when he salts his sin with godly things. Idolaters easily use God's name in vain for that reason. They can name an image after Jesus; or they may may ascribe certain godly things to the devil, as the Pharisees did. Either way allows the sinner to carry on sinning. That's all he wants. "I will cut off ... those bowing, swearing to Jehovah, also swearing by Malcham", Zep.1:4,5.

  2178. Just where did Job's friends err so much? They said the right things and even had the right assumptions. Yet, they missed the point concerning Job. They easily read from the signs that Job had sinned, even if they did not see him sinning. They shouldn't have stated he did not care for the orphans without having seen that kind of sin in him. They should not ascribe to sin the suffering they saw in their friend. In other words, they did not see Job sinning, yet they accused him of the sins they could imagine proportional to the amount of suffering he was going through. If this is true, the opposite may also happen. Suppose someone in sin goes to church, praises God and his apparent life does not show God is against him. Job's friends' mentality would easily see that man as a saint. We may never judge by appearances. And judging is accusing or acquitting. "The foolish person will no longer be called generous, Nor the miser said to be bountiful", Is.32:5.

  2179. "For what is the hope of the godless, when God cuts away his soul?" Job 27:8. God shall come to cut everyone's soul. We read how, in the end, there shall be a harvest and how God and the angels shall cut everyone off the earth. Surely, whoever has not yet been taken, shall still be cut off. What counts is what remains in man after he has been cut off. Job had been cut off from all things, and he still had his hope in God. What is there in you that shall remain after you have been cut off? There are people, the prosperity preachers, who teach people to stain those hopes related to God with earthly things. In other words, if God cuts them off, there shall be nothing left in them to be hopeful about. Earth shall end soon and even the heavens shall be gone. Even angels may not set their hopes on heaven or on anything else besides the Lord Jesus Himself because there shall be a new heaven. What would remain with you were your children, all your possessions and even your health taken away from you as happened to Job?

  2180. There is the idea that it pleases God that we consider ourselves sinners. The way people speak and look at it, though, is that it is bad to be holy and that, if you are holy, you annoy God and rob Him of the glory He wishes to have for Himself only. I cannot see how it is possible that such a satanic thought has entered into the church and feels so comfortable there. The fact is that holy people do not compete among themselves. How much less with God! Isn't it God who calls upon us to be like Christ and to be here in His name, in His stead? Another fact is that competition starts between us and God as soon as we step into sin and not into holiness. The dispute is between holiness and ungodliness. Unholy people are in direct competition with God for His glory and, the more they sin, the more they rob God of His glory in them. They are the ones created with His image stamped in them. Holy people establish God's glory for Him. How is it with you? "Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!", Num 11:29. And His Spirit is holy. The holier people are, the less they compete with God. The only reason why God demands that we consider ourselves sinners, is for truth's sake. God demands truthfulness from anyone. It is a need of man that he becomes conscious of the facts of sin because he needs to be saved from what he does not yet recognize as bad in him and good in God. God demands from sinners to say they are sinners just as he demands that holy people become known as holy ones. But, just as people may consider themselves holy being sinful, holy people may not realize they are a holy, enlightened city upon a hill. Also, people may say they are sinful just for the sake of words or doctrine, and not because they really realize the truthfulness of what they are saying. Did Job say he had sinned? Would he lie only to satisfy the views of his friends?

  2181. God cannot fulfil any of His works through anyone who gives up on the way. And, if you give up, you shall not know if God would really be able to fulfil them. In other words, all your doubts will be confirmed by giving up. And, if something has come to satisfy your doubting mind (since unsure people feel well and comforted by lacking assurance), it shall bring into you a false peace of accomplishment which shall surely annoy God.

  2182. Jesus comes into our lives to set us free from our heaviness and from many other things that are disturbing to our souls. However, He says we must come to Him so He may unload us. This is remarkable. Suppose a heavy, fat man is trying to climb a steep mountain. Will he complain about his weight or about the mountain being difficult? Sinners always blame the way and not their heavy load. Christ comes to make us light and not to turn the way easy. Make sure you start wishing to change instead of wishing to change the way.

  2183. Job's friends talked easily and accused promptly because they were not going through bad times. And, because they had not been going through hardships and trials, Job's disgrace became even more clearly contrasted to them. However, Job kept his hope during bad times of emptiness. In other words, we could see he spoke out of his heart when talking about God and that his hope was genuine. Concerning Job's friends, we cannot say for sure they were speaking from personal experience. Their words had not been tried through the fire of suffering and did not have the meaning they should have in them. All we know is that three of the four of them have not been approved under the focus of God's eye. It is easy for a fat man to promise he shall have a diet just after he has eaten. We must see if he says that when hunger is driving him crazy. Only then may we assume he means what he says. It is easy to believe during times of abundance and to be unbelieving when things are bad. But, did God change when the cows were slim and greedy? Wasn't it only the times that changed? God remains the same, whether we are well or not; and whether times are abundant or not. We need to stop cultivating this idea that God is good because things go so well with us. Because God is good, people perish in hell as well.

  2184. Only those who stick to sin can 'believe' they shall find rest by dying. Unbelievers believe a lie easily. No saint needs to die to find his rest. In fact, any holy man's desire is to be found with Christ, whether it be through life or through death. When someone wishes to die to find rest, sin is disturbing that tired soul in some way and deceiving it with vain hopes. Because the "wicked have no rest", they become suicidal in their hope to find some easiness for the soul. That's why Job refused to look at death as a way-out. He went on as far as saying that it would mean he loved sin if wished to die. "If I wait for the grave as my home, that is because I have made my bed in the darkness", Job 17:13.

  2185. Many say God does all things, even when they do not work together with Him. Even if God might use dung for the sake of His own garden, we cannot say that dung is a flower. It even smells differently! The new nature is worth something only when it sows and reaps in intimate fellowship and obedient cooperation with God. Let no sinner ever believe that, whatever he does, can be ascribed to God!

  2186. When it is God who leads indeed, it doesn't mean He will always say everything we wish to hear nor that He shall explain all He says. Quite often, there is no time to do that. Besides, He leads, works out the doing inside and we follow. And, by guiding us continually, does not mean He will be speaking all the time either. To lead is more than to give instructions, commandments, and explanations. To lead is take the hand of the disciple and to walk on; it is also to form the person He leads along. The best Leader is the one which forms the disciple whom He leads instead of giving orders and commandments, which will make the disciple form himself. In other words, the sheep fits into what the Shepherd is with precision. We need to be turned into sheep. Because the Shepherd does not change, the one who is to be led must change to make such an intimate communion possible. Then, the disciple will eventually learn not to change what he has been granted to become nor the ways God uses effectively to change him.

  2187. We may live God's powerful life without needing to define it. However, error is more and more daring and it came into the church and defines truth very well to counteract better each day with a maybe-life. It, therefore, becomes more and more necessary to define Eternal Life within us to be able to compare reality with feigning and hypocrisy. But, we need to define it to know how to distinguish Life from supposed life and never to try to imitate it in any way whatsoever. To imitate it is to become hypocritical. To define Life within to imitate it or to work on it, or even to try to work it out by self is as good as being false. The need to define truth better and better is for the sake of discernment - not for the sake of living it out. To try to imitate life because we lack it or lack on it, is to try to jump over the wall into the sheepfold and to refuse to acknowledge we may find real life by going in through the gate of spotlessness. Whoever defines life and imitates it to get into the sheepfold to avoid going through the pains of conversion, shall surely be bound hands and feet to be thrown into outer darkness along with the hypocrites. Even if such is an ignorant-honest person trying to light a strange fire in God's altar, he shall be thrown out into the same condemnation as any common hypocrite. Ignorance is never acceptable near the Lord of wisdom, who is able to grant wisdom freely to all. Therefore, defining truth may help to protect people from getting into suicidal errors just as it may create an opportunity to conceive hypocrisy and cause people to imitate what they may and must receive at the door of salvation (salvation from sin). The definition of truth stands towards truth as the skin stands towards its fruit - we do not eat it. We eat truth after peeling it off from its definition. Unfortunately, most preachers feed their flocks with the skin of the fruit and throw away what is best and the only thing to feed them with.

  2188. Job talked openly before God through an open and honest heart. However, his friends thought that kind of language lacked on reverence and on the fear of God. "Yea, you do away with fear, and take away reverence before God", Job 15:4. We know, now, that Job talked to the Lord the way anyone should be able to talk to Him - to be heard. He did not use flattering words towards God as many use towards people. "Will you lift up His person, or contend for God? Or as one man talks to another, will you mock Him?", Job 13:8-10What God desires is truth in our inner being. Never try to flatter God as Job's friends thought it should be done or as people often do towards people to get their attentionate response, whatever that response may be.

  2189. All whispers of God are great commandments. Make sure you are obedient to all of them and go through with them to the end. Let your love never be weak while carrying on. Our love is as great as our obedience. Let it not be of the kind, though, that comes and goes. "For your love is like a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goes away", Hos.6:4.

  2190. Each idolater carries his god around, (Job 12:6b), and tells it what it must do for him in exchange for some sacrifices. It is the idolater who commands his god and not the other way round. Each idol is a god of the minds of those who worship it. Idolatry is the religion of convenience. No idol punishes sin. Jesus, however, is never carried around. He walks by Himself, works by Himself and talks to us in a real way. He even walked on water alone with no help.

  2191. Job's friends knew just too well how to preach truth to others. In fact, the things they preached to Job were mostly accurate, even if wrongly applied to Job. What counts is the person which preaches, above his words and accurateness. That's why God told them He would listen to Job and not to them - God would listen to the person and not to words. "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous", 1Pet.3:12. God hears people and not words, He hears kinds of people and not kinds of prayers. God said He would hear Job. He did not say He would hear Job's prayers, but him. "We know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him", John 9:31.

  2192. When the Lord leads someone into anything, what counts most is the kind of people we are or are to become through what He says and leads. The issue is important, but not as important as the person which needs to lodge it in the heart. Therefore, no issue is too important or less important to cause God to talk to us in an outstanding way. God leads according to His will for the sake of creating or recreating the person He leads, especially, to create someone with the disposition for His will from deep within the inner being. It is extremely important that each person learns to be led by God personally or such shall never be made a child of God. Only those who are indeed led by God can be made children who bear the image of the kind of Father that God really is, Rom.8:14. All issues are of secondary importance, however important they are. The people to whom things are commanded or given to be obedient (and not the issues), are the main goal of all words of God. Everything must contribute to the utmost eternal well-being of the person whom God commands.

  2193. The mood or the state of mind/heart of people easily confuses their outlook about anything, including the future. A happy person easily believes everything shall go well with him, while a person in sorrow easily believes the opposite. Therefore, we must look at things apart from or beyond our mood. We must not confuse things through the way we feel at a certain point of our lives, whether it is happiness or sadness. "What provokes you that you answer?", Job 16:3. There was an officer who was hungry, needy and was bitter at heart and, because of it, he refused to believe the words of Elisha concerning the incoming of food and provisions. He died when those words had been fulfilled, 2 Kings 7:19. Never allow your heart or views to cause you to believe things differently from what God has said they would be.

  2194. The spiritual progress of anyone is directly related to and dependent upon the heart's constancy - constant growth, constant obedience, constant faithfulness. If the heart is steadfast and persevering, it shall grow speedily. By being constant, people grow, and, by growing, they find rest. Any kind of growth needs hard work, and, whoever works hard deserves his rest fully.

  2195. Chronically unsure and unstable people feel comforted by feeling unsure and unstable. They are simply too used to live that way to be able to live without it. They can live only with it. They won't know what to do without it. Uncertainty is found at the way of error, and, to feel unsure and well, people walk and seek for error - even when they talk against it. They are fond to feel unsure. But, let's not confuse emotional instability with real insecurity. There are many people sure of themselves as they walk the path of death. "In the thought of him that is at ease there is contempt for misfortune", Job 12:5. On the other hand, there are many who are found walking towards life feeling afraid and uncertain. In other words, if those who are sure of themselves despise disgrace, many who walk upright despise grace because they would rather depend on the arm of the flesh and its strength. If, however, those who walk towards death fear, they can easily be saved from wrath; and if those who walk towards life do not fear anything besides the Lord, they shall be greatly rewarded with heaven and with "the days of heaven upon the earth". To fear while in sin is the same kind of holiness as feeling secured under the grace of holiness. And those who feel secure under wrath have the same heart as those who feel insecure and unsafe under real grace. They are not different in the whole.

  2196. Every unbeliever believes lies easily and much more his own. He believes in them as if they were truths because he believes in himself. An unbeliever is good at lying and at cheating himself out of truth.

  2197. "Should I weep in the fifth month, separating myself, as I have done these so many years? (...) When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and in the seventh month, even these seventy years, did ye at all fast unto me, even to me?", Zec.7:3,5. God cares very little if fasting and praying is scheduled or is part of our religious activities or not. The only thing that really matters is if He is indeed found when we either pray or fast. You may fast under schedule or any other way. It doesn't really matter that much as long as all your prayers receive real answers. And answers to prayer do not depend upon when you pray, or how long, or how sacrificial fasting is. Any prayer without an answer to it, is no prayer at all. And neither is the prayer to which people assure themselves and others God will answer. What matters in prayer is the holiness of the request and whether it is offered up for the cause of God and for His sake.

  2198. Many, to defend themselves from accusations better, say to others: "Oh, this is not so bad!" They are the ones who become assured through public opinion and try hard to exercise some kind of influence over that opinion of others to be self-assured. Some others say, to themselves, that "it is not so bad" because they do not depend that much upon the opinion of others to feel secured - they will rather ignore facts in an irrational way. All these people, urged by their desire to feel safe and assured while walking towards death, go as far as sinning to make a point and to prove there is nothing wrong with sinning. Their hearts deceives them into it and do anything to excuse (cover up) sin. To cover up sin is to ignore, excuse, hide or cover up the facts as lighted through the word of God and through God Himself.

  2199. God uses many people to help us, to whom we look up to. The people God uses are not over us through their wisdom or intellect. They are overseers because they are holier. Any illiterate person is surely able to help a scientist when he is a new convert, just as a holy scientist will help any illiterate young convert. Your obedience towards anyone God puts over you is equal to your obedience to Christ. You cannot say you obey Christ more than you are able to obey such an overseer. Your growth, also, depends on the obedience you are able to apply freely to all that comes from God. It, also, depends on how much you obey a man of God, even when that man of God is still a child physically. You must be able to see the One behind the man when it is the case.

  2200. Pride exists because whoever has it makes an idea of himself which is not true. Therefore, humility is to be yourself under the rule and manifestation of God. Truthfulness from within (under those circumstances) is what humility is all about.

  2201. Unbelief says quite often: "I am a believer!" It says so to avoid a change or death blow!

  2202. "...And gave them into their hands... so that they might do with them as they would", Neh.9:24. Today, the enemies of our lives possess our hearts and are called sins. It is interesting to notice that God gave the enemies into the hands of Israel so they would do to them as they wished to do. If they wished to destroy them, they would be obedient and would have the moral authority and the freedom to do so. If they wished not to destroy their enemies according to the commandment, they were free not to do so. The decision of what to do with their enemies was handed over to them. The same still happens today: you can do with your sins whatever you wish when coming to Christ. Your sins will be handed over to you to do with them as you wish. Will you chose to annihilate them? "if by the Spirit you continually put to death the activities of the body, you will live", Rom.8:13.

  2203. Impartiality is to stand for God's things, through God and for the Lord. We do not stand for our own things, nor for anyone else's. That's what being impartial is all about.

  2204. Where obedience is hard, disobedience isn't. Where obedience is easy, disobedience is a difficult issue.

  2205. Whoever keeps blaming himself after having found forgiveness, is not seeking forgiveness but attention.

  2206. To please people, is to do those things people want us to do. To please God is to do what He wants us to do.

  2207. "And they who exercise authority on them are called benefactors...", Lk.22:25. Let truth be said: people look at this world and at the way things are done here to see things only the way they wish to see them. They see things as they would rather have them. Bad things are seen as good, good things as evil. They believe blind people are the ones who see and those who see are the ones who are blind. Jesus says here that those who exercise authority over people are considered benefactors. Heaven works the other way round. "But you shall not be so: but the greater among you, let him be as the lesser, and he who governs, as one who serves", Lk.22:26. The day will come when the admirer will be seen as the hypocrite that he is, and the one who pleases people as the imposter and liar that he is. May God bring that day soon. "The fool shall no more be called noble, nor the miser said to be bountiful", Is.32:4-5.

  2208. Jesus doesn't always hinder sin because it is an imperial need that sin be exposed and made fully visible. Not even among holy ones will Jesus prevent sin to be fully exposed and seen. In fact, it is especially among holy ones that the ugliness of sin shall become clearer. The risk or damage of having a bad example among us is not as dangerous as hidden sin.

  2209. "And , Satan entered into Judas...", Lk.22:3. We do not see Judas possessed and thrown in the floor after the devil took full possession of his heart. He simply went on being himself to betray Jesus. He was not possessed or demonized. He was fully aware of all his actions. The same might be said about Ananiah and Saphira. They just lied before the Lord. And Peter asked them: "why did the devil fill your heart?"Act.5:3. They were not possessed and, yet, the devil filled their heart. They only became devils themselves.

  2210. The only kind of impatience God will praise is the kind which longs to be with God right away if something is separating us from Him. Even so, do not jump over the wall, but rather cleanse that sin away to go in through the gate by cleansing your heart.

  2211. If it is true that "there is a way which seems right to a man, but the end of it is the ways of death", Prov.14:12, surely it must be also true that there is a way which seems crooked and wrong to man which leads to Life.

  2212. The most profound faculty of man is his will. It is not sin, even though man sins easily. It is in the will of man that God works His own will. After that self-protected and sealed area of the inner being of man is reached and bent by the Lord, the doing of God's will works out marvellously as a responsible consequence.

  2213. It is good that we live what we preach and teach. No doubt about that. But, there is something else which is even better than that: teaching what you live. Living what you preach is not the same as preaching from what you live - if you experience eternal life indeed.

  2214. Darkness is not merely being ignorant about something. Darkness is to hide, to put something away where no one can see it. That's what darkness is all about. Usually, people who walk in darkness are not that ignorant about things at all. Most of them know just too well what and how to hide when they wish to put something out of sight! Darkness is hiding. If you have anything which deviates the attention from what Christ is presently showing you or trying to bring under your attention, beware, because that's walking in darkness - it is hiding. By emphasising something else, joking it away, or show your good deeds and talk about them while Christ is showing your sins out, or while your conscience is stained by something else, you are surely walking in darkness or doing something which is close enough to it. Excusing, hiding, minimizing what Christ shows through His light, is to walk in darkness. Darkness is not ignorance, even though darkness may cause you to ignore things.

  2215. Once Christ and His light show you all you are or claim to be, do not be afraid. The filth of sin might scare you away from Him just as happened to those people who lost their pigs to the demons. Do not dare to run away from that light that shows all and shows things precisely as they are. There is only one thing you should do: follow Him and do as He does. If He reveals, you reveal. If He puts a finger on a sin, make sure you put your finger on that sin too and not on some other He has already forgiven or someone else's sin which resembles the one He just showed you. That's what following Him is all about. Follow Him from the first moment of conviction. He will lead the rest of the way. Do not hide when He exposes, nor bring things up which He has already blotted them out and which He is not concerned about any longer.

  2216. Anyone having been forgiven for sure cannot honestly say forgiveness hasn't happened. It is impossible to go through the forgiveness of our sins without experiencing lightness happening in our soul. You may forget or despise the experience later, but it is, nevertheless, something which will leave its mark on you forever. However, the opposite of it is not always true. I mean that there are those who claim to have been forgiven and the Lord did not touch their soul to cleanse them. Yet, they believe they have been forgiven. These people prefer to lie to themselves because they know not what it is to be forgiven. To say you have been forgiven might not be what you experience inside. But, if you are indeed forgiven, you cannot deny it, not even when you wish to doubt it.

  2217. A fanatic person is someone who wants to reach the ends without going through the process or the means. I mean, he wants to look holy without going through the means and the narrow door to be made holy. He is someone who jumps over the wall into the sheepfold and does not want to enter through the gate, John 10:1. No wonder he is fanatical.

  2218. Fear is an obsession. It is a kind of a serious stubbornness.

  2219. If hiding was the first reaction in man because of sin, then, exposing must be the first step towards holiness.

  2220. If all sin dies being exposed and brought to the light, why are upright preachers accused of judging people simply because they reveal sin during their sermons, or mention them by name? They are not judging - they are saving people!

  2221. "Cursed be the man who does the work of the Lord deceitfully", Jer.48:10. Doing the works of God in an neglecting manner, with wrong motives or through the wrong kind of power, is as good as doing something to be rewarded. Whoever is concentrating on the reward cannot hold his eyes continuously on what he is doing. There is a huge association between doing things deceitfully and doing things for personal reasons, whatever those reasons are.

  2222. God separated light from darkness as His first act in creation. Only after that did He create the world. The world you are as a person will work much the same way. Only after you have separated darkness from light in your own heart, will God be able to build a new creature out of you. In the evangelical world, today, everything is mixed up. You need to separate darkness from whatever is a real light of God. You might be surprised with what God will do next! And it won't take long either! Earth took only six days to be made! The truth is: darkness is not a danger when it separated from light. But, if it is mixed up with light, then it is very dangerous and deceitful. Have you separated light from darkness in your heart? Is your life truly separated from worldliness and the appearance of any kind of sin?

  2223. Many are hasty with their words, saying things God did not say yet. Some others, on the other hand and because God has said nothing yet, hand themselves over to discouragement. If God has not yet said either 'yes' or 'no', you should avoid being hasty with your thinking because He might still say either of them. Do not speak on God's behalf simply because you either lack faith or wish to run over the time of God. Did God say 'no'? Did He say 'yes'? You cannot assume God has said 'yes' or 'no' unless He has indeed spoken. Do not dare to speak for God out of time.

  2224. Whatever you feel the truth is must not be taken into consideration unless it is really the truth. If you wish to measure the truthfulness of whatever you feel, just measure the amount of bad feelings, anger and bad spirit through which you defend your standpoints, views and feelings. Usually, truth speaks by itself and seldom needs the force of the flesh to be better explained. Even if what you say is true, you should conquer your heart for God first and above all. Only then will truth abide in you and will it remain clear after you have expressed or received something to put, keep or hold close to your heart. You are the one who needs to reconcile yourself to truth and not truth to you.

  2225. Let's imagine you are a woman, married and concerned about the things of God at home. Now you are reading your Bible. Then you read in 1 Peter 3:7 something like this: "Likewise, husbands, live giving honour to the wife as to the weaker vessel, the female, as truly being co-heirs together of the grace of life". You are the wife and you read this portion which talks to husbands. What should your first reaction be towards it? You should say: "Well, this is not for me! My part is to submit to my husband. This has nothing to do with me!"/p>

  2226. In case you hear the gospel in a pure way (something quite rare nowadays), it will never leave your mind again, no matter how you handle it. The more you fight against it, the more you stir it. You cannot avoid it becoming part of your thoughts for the rest of your life. There is something you should know about it too, in case you do not reject it: it will either change your life or your life will change it to fit into your sinful or wishful thinking. If the gospel does not change you, you will live on with a changed gospel, with a truth of your own which fits your own thinking and wishes. It is not possible to keep both (you and the gospel) unchanged, remaining the same. Either your life remains as it is and you change the gospel for you peace's sake; or the gospel remains intact and you change. How will it be with you? Will you change your life? Will you try to change the gospel? Or will you accept a 'gospel' which better fits your sinful wishes and desires?

  2227. Truth must obtain the consent of the heart to express itself by itself without the interference of the flesh of the man who finds it in the Lord. To be truthful is not to be right about something, but to be truth itself. One must be truth. Truth does not argue about anything, does not express itself that well in the heat of arguments. It expresses itself best on its own and being itself and feeling at home in the heart of whom found it. Truth must be so at home in us that we cannot discern between us and it, between truth and truthfulness. Truth is what it is and, whoever wants to hear it or speak it, must hear or speak it its way and as it is. Let's add love, patience and all other virtues without changing it a bit. Let truth remain truth right through.

  2228. The lack of faith is closely related to the lack truth inside. Faith is the ability and the capability to believe truth. Unbelief is the opposite of it. Unbelief is the ability and the capability to believe lies. Christ talks about it by saying "Whoever can believe...", Mar.9:29. The thing which unbelief cannot believe or remain believing it, is truth about God. We can't change God, therefore, we must change the heart.

  2229. It is enough to hear the noise of one's own heart. Why would I add to it noisy music and bad preachers moved by uneasiness and unquiet hearts?

  2230. Each man has more reasons and more faculties to be on the right than to be on the wrong. Even so, man errs all the time. Are you able to explain what's happening in such a way that I will understand it? The more I live, the more I am convinced that man has it all to do it the right way.

  2231. To help save someone from his own sins is one of the less selfish acts one may find on this earth. Whoever preaches the gospel and saves people gains nothing from it directly by doing it properly. Saving to the full is badly needed, though. God wins a soul to Him and the saved one gains his own life. This is why God will reward all faithful servants, because they did no get their rewards on earth. A faithful servant gives freely whatever he received freely.

  2232. There is hatred, malice, bad feelings, grudges and many other sins which compete along with God's love for the possession of the heart of man. But, what most people ignore, is that there are things which likewise compete with the genuineness of God's love to gain expression through the lives and hearts of people. Those things are earthly love; carnal ways of motherly and fatherly love on earth; having a nice and polite expression to cover up an empty spirit; applauses; forced faith and strange love on the altar of God (the heart of man), along with many other things people cannot reprimand or think of as bad things. Parallel love, parallel politeness, parallel imitations of all virtues, of all gifts and of all fruits the Spirit is able to breed in man is a worse problem to solve in churches than open, gross sins. There is a parallel way to read your Bible, a parallel way to pray without the fire of God, a parallel way to give your tenth to the church and much more. All those things the flesh can do without any problem and for as long as it is kept alive through serving in the temple, even as a slave. The flesh must be dead and not enslaved. We must read our Bibles to change our hearts and lives and not to have a religious time; we need to pray to have answers and not to sacrifice a time talking alone and pretending God is listening; we must give our tenth so that the genuine Kingdom of God fills the earth one day and not so that false ones spread a false gospel, drive own planes and own houses. We need to take special care against so-called virtues and sacrifices which work directly against God's Kingdom. Take care against appearances of holiness. Remember that you will be as guilty as those who spread a false gospel whenever you contribute with your money to help false prophets and fake preachers. All apparent holiness is as deadly as any other sin - or even worse.

  2233. Whoever is able to despair waiting on God, is surely someone who can easily be taken into false joys of false fulfilments and wrong expectations of whatever God has promised to him. Remember that the devil will try to fulfil in a false way many things God has promised you, and will carry you into situations where you will despair even more because of some false 'fulfilments' of the word, or at least, some attempts of false fulfilment to bring you to despair. The devil does that when he realizes he cannot avoid or hinder the fulfilment of God's words. "If you cannot overcome them, join them!", says the devil. Never give up on God, whatever happens.

  2234. When speaking to an unbeliever or to a chronically sinful man, remember that the arguments and questions which are most difficult for him to answer, are his own, especially those he doesn't dare to ask. Find what questions he avoids asking himself, what fears he has concerning eternal things and you might be halfway into converting him. There are many things he avoids talking about, many issues he hides from his own conscious world. And, while doing so, remember to win a soul for Christ and not for the sake of an argument. Don't stop after arguments are won and finish your work faithfully for the sake of the Lord.

  2235. The words of a truthful man to be fulfilled, sooner or later, it is needful that the man keeps them in his heart and maintains what he said, sticking to those words to the end whatever happens in between. He may not add or take away from whatever God has told or shown him through fear or forgetfulness rising from lack of practicing experience. That will annoy most of those who oppose him, however, and will look like stubbornness to them. But, in the end, the word will confirm itself and shall, also, show that the man has never been stubborn at all, but obedient to God.

  2236. Prophecies and manifestations, either inner ones or outward ones, will seldom be truthful when the man who speaks is not clean before God and men. It is the Holy Spirit who guides any man into the words of God. And the Holy Spirit is holy. Whoever is not likewise holy is risking his life and ways by speaking in the name of God. The wrath of God will hang over his head ready to fall on him; and, by speaking in the name of God, that man risks not only his own life, but compromises his ways because the devil will surely try to imitate and to impersonate God through him. The devil will use those things God would use were that man holy. I mean that, the senses of that man, the head and the knowledge he has, the heart and whatever else, will be used by the devil as if it were God using them. And people will see evil claiming to be God and will reject it or become devilish themselves. And, if the devil is, somehow, able to use some kind of truth to convince even more, surely, that man is put in such slippery grounds that he will fall and not be able to stand up to his feet again. However, being clean is but one of the main conditions for a prophecy to be true. There are others though: God needs to indeed have spoken (it has got to be God for real); the person who has ears to hear needs to be able to believe God with simplicity; and, if he has an ear which hears promptly, that person needs to discern the false words coming either from the devil or from his own heart and wishes, and needs to disbelieve and discard them with the same simplicity with which he would believe God speaking. There are more conditions though. Find them out by risking to multiply the talents God has entrusted into your hands. Learn more through obeying and by walking in the light, by being transparent and by breaking the fallow ground of your own heart - not only others' hearts.

  2237. Being transparent before God is synonymous of being clean, even though it is not the same thing. The fact is that Christ changes and cleanses such people. But, take care: being transparent and being transparent before God are not the same things. You may be transparent and not be in His sight; or, you may be in His presence without being transparent before Him. Both will hinder or even avoid your change. None of these can guarantee your spontaneous and immediate cleansing by itself.

  2238. Prophets become false for many reasons. Many wish deeply that whatever they desire would be fulfilled; many others apply in a wrong way the knowledge and the truth they may feel they should apply upon themselves; and there are those who truly believe that God fulfils whatever they say as if God had the duty to fulfil the words He has not spoken. Anyway, all false assumptions or false prophecies have its origin in pride or in unsettled, unsurrendered and disturbed hearts. But, should we stop saying God's words faithfully because we see there are so many false ones already? Shouldn't we rather do it better than ever to contrast falsity with truthfulness all the more and all the better? Do not be afraid to say, "Thus says the Lord", when He has told you something. Do not fear simply because there are so many who say that by listening to their hearts and without having listened to God.

  2239. A Lie is like stepping on ground which will give in and cause the person to fall into an abyss from which it will be very difficult to come out. It is not good to be trusting and presumptuous if we are in some sort of sin which causes us to trust in ourselves in any degree whatsoever.

  2240. Sex, to be what or as God intended it to be, needs to be without guilt and without the need to use force to still down the works of your conscience. This is why you need to do it only when God approves it and only when He is blessing it the way He intended it to be.

  2241. People have never had a king over them. This is why they gained the habit of ruling themselves according to what they feel and by claiming for them all rights upon themselves. In the absence of a King, they learned to be stubborn people who refuse to give up the rights upon all they are and have. They refuse out of fear to lose or wish to gain out of lust, which is the same thing. When a real King enters the scene, a dispute over the kingdom within starts. Now, you need to decide who will reign over you: either God or you. Saul was put before that same option, also, to either hand over his kingdom to David or keep it. Had he handed it over to David, he would have saved his life. He would have done God's will. The option he took, however, was disastrous. He should have handed over his rights and longings to the will of God. When God knocks at your door, when He enters, He is asking for the rights over all you are. Your reign is over. Hand it over to Him willingly. Don't be like Saul.

  2242. There are many who say they are believers and are not because they wish they could be believers without paying the full price of walking through God. In the same way, there are those who claim to be atheists and are not atheists, but only wish they could deny the existence of God.

  2243. The size of any man may be measured by how easy or by how hard it is for him to be discouraged and, also, how easy it is to feel encouraged towards the right way and to move on without delay.

  2244. If we do not understand something someone said as well as we should, or if what we heard is not what we expected to hear, then it is easy to believe the person is not right in what he said. This is how we act and react towards God as well when we hear things which God said and which are not according to what we would like to hear. How many times did you try to twist the Scriptures to get a different understanding from the one God intended to give you? How many times did God speak to you and you said it was the devil or that you were hearing voices because you did not like what you heard? And, if so, just how many times did the devil speak to you and you said it was God because you liked what you heard? "And they will turn away their ears from the truth and will be turned to myths", 2Tim.4:4.

  2245. When we find ourselves in trouble, when our lives are endangered because we are far away from God, we must not look for Him to save our earthly lives, to give us the job we need, or the food we lack. We need to find God for God's sake. We must ask for our needs after we have God with us. God may have sent some problems to our daily life, or even some plagues. Do not ask God to divert those problems and plagues away from you, but rather seek to repent and to find God. You need to seek and find a clean, spotless life from Him exclusively, no matter what may become of you after you have found it. If you are in sin and God sends you something to show He is against you, do not seek to find God to solve those problems or issues. Seek repentance, seek to find Him and to find His grace. If you do not seek to repent exclusively, your prayer will be taken, by the Lord, as hypocritical. That's why God does not hear most prayers Christians send up to Him, not even those prayers during times when they experience no problems. "And men were scorched with great heat (...) and they repented not to give him glory", Rev.16:9.

  2246. Searching for gold is hard work. The people enslaved in the so-called gold fever go from river to river, from mountain to mountain, seldom giving up on their earthly dreams. Not even danger or hunger is able to convince them to stay away from their lonely, roaming life. They are able to keep searching for many decades until they find what they have been looking for. It seems they live a useless life until they find their gold, which they consider their reward. They even sell all they have to finance their search. They need to find a good portion of it only once. It seems they are people who do not like to work or to have a real job and genuine responsibilities. This is what people think of all those who seek treasures. That's also what happens to those who seek God's Kingdom to find it. It always seems peoples' lives are a waste when they look for God to find Him in a real way. "...If you seek as silver, and search as for hidden treasures, then you shall understand the fear of God and find the knowledge of God", Prov.2:4-5.

  2247. Sometimes what really counts is that it was God who said something. The issue He talked about may be belittled in our eyes or even seem insignificant and useless. But, take care, not because of the issue, but because of the greatness of who spoke. The important part is He who spoke and that's the reason you need to obey.

  2248. If we escalate a mountain we concentrate on the little stones on which we may slip, or anything able to cause us to stumble. We do no worry about those big rocks or the big mountain so much, but on the small stones and obstacles which may cause us to slip. This is how we climb any mountain. The small obstacles are usually what cause the biggest falls. "Catch us the little foxes that spoil the vines", Son.2:15.

  2249. The carnal man does not know what the Spirit is. Living in the Spirit is an unknown kind of life to him because he never experienced it. However, spiritual people know what the works of the flesh are from a previous experience. The only ones who are fully aware of the difference between flesh and spirit are those who walk in the Spirit as a continual and only way of life. This means that the carnal man does not know what the Spirit life is. Consequently, he does not know what the flesh is either. This explains why many fleshly people justify themselves by saying they are not that sinful, that they pray and read their Bibles and refuse to be genuinely converted by using such arguments against (their) repentance. They believe they are converted due to the absence of truth and the absence of the genuineness of Life in them. That's why it is so hard to preach to fleshly Christians and even harder to convince them! They will say you are judging or misjudging them. Do not feel guilty about them. They are merely using arguments to justify themselves and to find reasons to remain as they are. You are not judging them. You are helping them and they love sin. That's why they react as they do.

  2250. We need to walk in the light (I mean, to really walk exposing everything), looking into our hearts and expose it as fully and as detailed as we can. But, unfortunately, many are entangled and deceived by what they should do properly. It is very easy to forget that we assimilate the ways and the things of Christ by looking at Him. We indeed need to judge ourselves according to truth under lighted truth because, if we do so now, we won't be judged in the last day, Paul said. But, we also need to know we assimilate only what we look at and experience for oneself, it is, we are changed by assimilating what we see and realize from the Lord Himself. Looking the wrong way into our hearts will surely cause us to assimilate whatever we see there or whatever we imagine is there. Therefore, there is a right way to contrast our hearts with the light of Christ to accept what Christ is and be made free from what we are. Then, we will assimilated Christ whom we clearly see and shall live by Him. Anyway, you cannot change anything inside unless you look at what is holy and beautiful. Even if the change can be tried out through ways, it shall be a fake and hypocritical change because we are changed only by beholding glory clearly and become aware of it (2 Cor.3:18). "Look at me and live", God said. He really meant what He said. It is important to search our hearts with the intention of exposing it fully, but do not be entangled by what you expose. You need to be impartial towards your heart, even if you deeply search it out. If you become entangled in it, you might start accusing yourself because you deeply wish you would rather be something else; or you shall justify yourself for the same reason, covering up what you do not wish to acknowledge. But, if you don't do either of these, dare to assimilate the Light which helps you to see what you see. We live by looking at Christ because, by looking at Him, by having a real perception of how/what He really is, we are changed and quickened into something which is acceptable to God. Our acceptance does not take place because we look at Christ, but rather because we are changed by Him as we look at Him. It is the change that takes place by looking at Christ that counts since Christ trusts only a change He has accomplished. Looking at Him causes us to assimilate His nature and to be turned into His likeness through what we are able to perceive and experience in a continuous way, since real changes are absorbed and take their time. Then will we be accepted by Him as children of God.

  2251. It is not enough to be willing to go to heaven: we need to wish to get there through Christ, the despised and rejected one. Besides, you need to forsake earth as well for the sake of such a One. Forsaking earth and its treasures is an independent act from going to heaven. By leaving earth behind, we forsake its ways of doing things; its way to love and to care; its dreams and its longings. You need, also, to assimilate the way things are done in heaven. Jesus taught us to pray that things be done here the way they are done there.

  2252. The supposed good things witchcraft and occult practices grant, are worth nothing because they are carried out without God - or, should I say, are carried out against God. The evil and all the plagues God casts upon earth work out a blessing eventually because they are done in God, by God.

  2253. Faith is not always about things we do not see and lies are not always visible things either.

  2254. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He said they should pray, "Deliver us from evil". This does not necessarily mean other people's evil doings, but, our own. To free us from evil means that we be freed from sin and from ourselves so that we sin no more. That's what it implies directly. We cannot be set free from other people's sins, but only from our own. It is mainly from this kind of evil that we should be fully delivered.

  2255. No one can worry about something without presuming. A worried person imagines and conceives troubles, fears and deliverances which are not real. Such a person might even pray about problems which do not exist and imagine victories that are not real. He may even try to "have faith" to solve unreal problems, things that did not happen yet or might never happen. Real faith is a gift of the Spirit and if there is faith in unreal problems, it is as false as those problems are. People who presume about the day or the thing that has not yet come, can sin in many ways. They can "trust" God by having faith set upon vain things; or, they can start an useless battle against non-existing unbelief. These are just a few of the things that can happen to you by presuming about tomorrow, about the day or the things which did not come to happen yet. This is why the Bible clearly warns us not to presume anything about tomorrow.

  2256. "Forget not the words of My mouth", Prov.4:5. We must never allow things do divert or consume our attention in such a way that we easily forget what the Lord has said or says. Do not let your mind be so busy that the words the Lord has taught you or has spoken to you seem far away or seem to be fading away. Do everything in your power to keep the words of God alive and to avoid things that easily cause you to forget about them at crucial moments of your life!

  2257. "Hear , ye children, the instruction of a father", Prov.4:1. Jesus is a Father, He is the Father. We must take heed to what He says first and above all. We need discipline to do certain things. But, let not discipline carry you in a way that there is no room left for God to speak, to show and reveal or even to show otherwise. God might want us to do differently or to read somewhere else different from our normal program. He might occasionally change it. And, if He changes our program, style, habits or plan forever, even so, rather care to listen to Him.

  2258. "Let not your heart be troubled", John 14:1. We should never allow our hearts to be troubled. Jesus demands, asks and commands that this should never happen. Let's be sober and firm concerning this kind of sinning. No one needs to be troubled facing a problem having Jesus close by. No one needs to turn his face from a serious problem to feel at peace or not to offend Jesus because He is nearby. That would be a false kind of peace. Jesus did not tell us to ignore facts, to overlook problems or to be negligent so our hearts won't be troubled. Jesus said, "let not your heart be troubled"; He did not say, "look away from the problem". After having told the disciples not to allow their hearts to be troubled, Jesus had them look at Him suffering at the cross. We can, we may, we must face all and not be troubled.

  2259. We all know that we are saved by faith. In fact, all saints do everything by believing and trusting the Lord. If this is true, then, much is at stake by not believing and by not trusting the Lord. Worrying or fearing is, therefore, one of the most serious sins there is with most serious consequences. And, because of it, it is also true that faith will be the virtue which shall suffer more attempts to be imitated and worked on by the flesh because the flesh wishes to be saved instead of dying on the cross.

  2260. There are those who exaggerate in blaming themselves and their sins. They are either unbelieving or just seeking the attention of others. There are, on the other hand, those who blame very little of the things they do. These usually feel sorry for what they lose and not for sinning.

  2261. An answer from the Lord, even when it happens before the materialization of whatever we ask Him, puts an end to repetitions of any prayer. When you pray, do you talk to the Lord to have real answers or do you pray to fulfil a need and to have your religious time and obligations fulfilled? Because man does not know how to talk to an invisible, genuine God (he knows only to talk visible or non-existing gods and idols which do not answer), there is a need to pray inside every man, an urge put there by God towards the right thing and towards the right way to do it (as it is done in heaven). But, if one prays to satisfy that need alone (even if it was put there by God), he is selfish and selfishness is the base of all sin. One must go beyond the need to pray, one must talk to God having solid ground and genuine issues to talk about which need to find real answers. And God's issues are real issues. The craving to pray might be the door to the house of prayer, the urge might be the entrance to a real relationship with God. Nevertheless, the heart of every prayer is its answer. Staying at the door, blocks the door and hinders the entrance of whom would like to touch God. Praying for an answer is not the same as praying to fulfil an emotional need - even if it is a need. Are you sure God can answer?

  2262. A sin in a saint, an occasional lie in an honest man, a sudden temptation to be lazy for one day in a man who usually works hard, or a black stain in a white cloth is so visible that it is seldom forgotten. This is why David's sins are so spoken about. If you are a holy man, do not dare to sin because, even if you have been instrumental in thousands of miracles, the thing people will recall and easily talk about shall be that sin because it will stand out just as a black stain stands out in a snow white garment. The contrast makes people recall it easily.

  2263. "I listened and heard, but they did not speak right", Jer.8:6. It is a shame that people pray, are listened to, but receive not what they pray for.

  2264. God makes bricks using the ashes of all your past sins and errors. Just carry on if you have indeed been cleansed from all of them. Then, care to grant God the time needed for Him to build something useful out of those bricks.

  2265. There are a few guarantees which are demanded from us by God before we start off with our spiritual lives, if they are to be of the genuine kind. One of them is that we deal with God as a Father. The other one is that we have a disposition to do things to the end so as to become a child according to His image through the way we follow. God needs to have those assurances before blessing you through most promises of the Bible. "You shall call Me, My Father, and shall not turn away from Me", Jer.3:19.

  2266. The sinner wishes to sin and not be seen as a sinner; a thief wishes to be seen as a trustworthy man; a prostitute does all to be seen as beautiful and harmless; the liar wants to be taken as truthful. The Bible puts it this way: "And you had a harlot's forehead, you refused to be ashamed", Jer.3:3.

  2267. To overcome is to remain in Christ to the end of any trial, journey or temptation. If we have a difficult task to accomplish, a trial to overcome, what counts is if we end still being in Christ, communing with Him after everything has passed and not if the problem we have been through is solved. There are problems we do not solve because our task is only to remain in Him. We can do all things perfectly, or we may be imperfect in doing what we were supposed to do besides (or along) overcoming the trial. But, at the end, whoever has been perfect in doing has the same trial as the one who did things rather imperfectly: they struggle in prayer to remain in Christ. The one may be tempted by pride or by self-sufficiency because he has done everything the way he ought to do. Self-sufficiency is to depart from Christ. That person should know that, "when you have done all the things commanded, you say, We are unprofitable servants, for we have just done what we ought to do", Lk.17:10. There is still much ahead, either through a good or difficult way, to be done through the same grace one started off with in the beginning. On the other hand, the one who did things not so perfectly will have the same difficulty nearing Christ after all has ended because he is ashamed and feeling guilty because he did not accomplish certain material stuff. Everyone would rather prefer to be tempted by those things which tempt perfect ones. But, what counts for both is: will they be in Christ at the end, will they still be found in Him after all is over? Ending in Christ is what all is about. Whoever ends in Christ is a conqueror. Christ may put us through things we cannot accomplish because He knows all we must do is to end up in Him. In Him we shall do impossible things. Impossibilities make us stay in Christ. But, shall you also do what is possible and easy through Him? Make sure you know that to conquer is to remain in Him even when you can't overcome death or sickness.

  2268. Reading your Bible, like singing and praying, is still not living for God. To live with God is a requirement if we ever wish to live for God or to do anything for Him. We need to gather with Him or we shall scatter instead. To be fit and enabled to live and to experience it naturally, to practise through grace whatever we understood from it, is what living for God is all about. Reading the Bible should only confirm what is already happening inside the heart. What we read from it must be a confirmation of what Jesus is doing in us. He is the Word and should be within us.

  2269. "Come to terms quickly with your opponent while you are on the way to court...", Mat.5:25. There are very few times Jesus used the word "quickly". This is one of them. In fact, there are places in the Bible we read that to haste is to sin. But not here! This is indeed an urgent matter. Take care to fix your life with people around you quickly. Do not dare to postpone what Jesus said must be done quickly.

  2270. When the Bible says, "Return to your rest, O my soul", Ps.116:7, it does not mean that you should return to emotional stability. It means that you must find the Lord for real. Finding the Lord that way is not a mere feeling, even though it affects the way we feel. If you have indeed found the Lord and your feelings are still troubled and mixed, do not fear because you are safe. On the other hand, if you feel well and have not found the Lord in a real way, be troubled.

  2271. Imagine that someone gives you a precise description of truth or about Jesus. Or imagine that you are the one giving it. Now imagine experiencing truth and Jesus for real. How big a difference is there between those two things? To which one of these two groups do you belong or would you rather belong?

  2272. If debts are the reason for worries, paying in advance should take concerns away from people. Fulfilling your duties in anticipation is to avoid being in debt right from the start. It also deals and avoids bad feelings and worrying before they start, even though it is not the same as trusting Jesus during any sort of trouble.

  2273. The Israelites wished to take hold of the Promised Land and God wished the same for them. They wanted the same things God wanted for them. That is good when it happens that way. But, there was still another common thing between God and them: they wished that it would be God, His arm, giving them God's will. That is the wish of every genuine saint and that's what pleases God most for many reasons. But, we see that, for them, that was not enough. It did not work out for them, not even having those important things in common with God. Could you find out what things would have made the difference in their lives? What should they have added to it? I believe one of the few things that made the will of God collapse for them was the fact that they wanted God to do things for them and their sake, while God wanted it to be done for Him and His sake.

  2274. Imagine those lame men to whom was said "stand up and walk!" What would you think of them if they stood up, but did not walk? Or if they tried to walk without standing up? Wouldn't it be strange? Why then, would we fulfil only half of whatever God says? What benefits would you obtain from obeying partially or not in the order it was ordained?

  2275. People marvelled when Jesus calmed the storm. The sea was calm in a very short time and they said: "What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?", Mat.8:27. But, Jesus also marvelled about them concerning their believing. He marvelled because they marvelled: "Why are you afraid, little-faiths?". Jesus lived in one kind of world and people in another one. One just could not grasp or conceive the other. They marvelled each about the other.

  2276. There are those who feel guilty about specific sins and there are those who have an urge to find something in them to feel guilty about. Those who feel guilty about specific sins are repenting people. Those who search things to feel guilty about are either impatient about something else or seek to have merit to rely upon before God, which is not seeking mercy. Maybe they are seeking attention. They might seek to feel guilty to hasten God to grant them something they desire badly.

  2277. There is a worse kind of loneliness than not being married: it is being married to the wrong person; and there is difference between marrying the wrong person before meeting God and marrying the wrong person after having met God for real.

  2278. Impatience is the worst enemy of the best God can grant us.

  2279. You are what you think and not what you think you are. Remember that when you come before God to confess your sins as well. Those motives and those concealed embryos which takes you to think as you think or to do as you do is what shows you what you are. What you do is not what you are, but, what takes you to do as you do.

  2280. A good race is a set of many firm steps. A good wall are many bricks which have been put together one by one. Any spotless, clean soul owes its purity to the fact that sin has been dealt with one by one. A life lived with God is living each day at its own time. If anything is done that way, it will become perfection, it shall be turned into something indestructible. Every firm step is part of a long walk. Everything that is perfect has been accomplished step by step, day by day, moment by moment. Why would you wish to change it now that you have found God?

  2281. Being persecuted because we are clean or are still cleansing our lives, is not the same as being persecuted because we are becoming dirty, preaching the wrong gospel, stealing or talking against people.

  2282. John was tempted from inside and from the outside to think highly of himself. The devil also instigated and manipulated the people's minds simultaneously to help achieve this by having them doubt whether he was the Christ or not. They were expecting a Christ, so it was easy for the devil to tempt them using their hopes. That was supposed to either affect John's mind or to turn it into bitterness. But, he resisted and talked about the light being in the light himself. Many times, the only thing the devil seeks is a little discouragement from which he can work on. One sort of temptation may cause people to fall in some other sin. John could not, should not afford to feel bad about being considered the Christ because the people had a real problem in their minds concerning his identity. He patiently showed them he was not the Christ. He did that for their sakes. He also knew Christ would show up soon. Never give up hope because of lies. You cannot decide for the devil which temptations he must use. However, you can look at those temptations and realize they are mere temptations over which you have no control, but full power through the truth. Ignore them and carry on living as you know best. Christ will come soon, He will show up like He did to John and people will believe in Christ all the more because of you.

  2283. Philip and many others, questioned truths about Christ because they knew the Scriptures. Because they knew Scriptures, they would easily say: "Can there be any good thing come out of Nazareth?", John 1:46. Be extremely careful because you may easily oppose Christ by knowing the Scriptures too well. Don't think highly of yourself. Christ did many things that do need to come in Scriptures, but not everything about Christ is written or fully explained. We need the Holy Spirit in the promised fullness to know the meaning of much that is written.

  2284. "And out of His fullness we all have received, and grace for grace", John 1:16. By reading that we receive grace upon grace, we can only conclude that one grace needs the previous one to be fully fulfilled. And the previous one needs to be fully obeyed in a most natural way before it we can receive grace for the next stage. A mathematics student needs to master today's work before tomorrow's can be apprehended, fully understood and well applied. In the same way, today's grace is only built upon yesterday's once it is fully fulfilled and well mastered in a practical way. Have that in mind when you ask God for more grace. And it is not only a matter of understanding well, but rather of becoming what grace manifests and leads into.

  2285. "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men", John 1:4. Many wish after a sign to lead them on, a voice or something unusual and extraordinary to show them the way. But, the Bible says it is the life which enters into a man that will be light to him. If you have only a little glimpse of that life in you (even if it is not overflowing as promised or as it is supposed to be) and you are honest enough concerning that, you will have light for your way proportional to the amount of the obedience to it. Sometimes that light is opposed to the wishes of our hearts, sometimes it is not. But, if it opposes you, it does not mean it is against you, but rather that it is trying hard to help you out of yourself even against your own ill will. If someone opposes or neglects that light for some reason, because of confusion, misinterpretation or whatever reason there may be, Life won't change and things shall remain as they are. Rather dare to follow it to the end even if it is hard work to weigh in the heart one thing against the other. If you were expecting light in some other specific way, you might refuse the real one because it came to you as life which you need to live and stick by. Allow Life to feel at home inside you, but not as a guest. Hand your rights over to that Life, especially when it is overflowing. Let it not be said of you, "And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it. He came to His own, and His own received Him not", John 1:5,11.

  2286. When I am ill-treated or misjudged, there are those things people and human minds require I should do, and there is what the word of God says I should be or do. There is an appeal upon me to feel bad or to show forth a false kind of joy, or to become revengeful or to defend myself from almost all things through some kind of unacceptable motivation. But, on the other hand, there is this appeal coming out of the words of God and from the example Jesus set there for us to follow unconditionally, which is to be the opposite of what the human world normally require or would do. We pray that the appeal of the word of God has a stronger hold upon you and that it is able to work so mightily that you are able to use all your inner resources to do those things Jesus put in your hands before He "went away". Be not distracted from such things for no reason at all. Carry on doing as you have always been doing the way you would be doing if nothing bothered you at all. If you were perfect in doing before the occasion, make sure you carry on doing the same things the same way. "Blessed is that servant when his lord comes and finds him so doing", Lk.12:43. The same principle might be applied during sickness, bad times (Eph.6:13), bothering phone calls, noise or whatever else might be a trial to you.

  2287. Every person who is able to live from worldliness and to be a "Christian" at the same time (Zep.1:5), those who live with one feet in the world and the other in Christian values, are usually people who believe God does not do them either good or bad, (Zep.1:12). They cannot believe God can do them good and do it themselves; and they cannot believe God will harm them and that's why they sin on. They even have doctrines to uphold believing they will never get lost through sinning. Worldly Christians live in a world of fantasy where things will never happen as they suppose. Soon, everything will end and those things which shall happen will surprise them. Living in worldliness is to ignore the rope around your neck or to believe it is an ornament and, at the same time, to believe the ground under you will never give in or move away. All worldly Christians are already hanging prematurely on their sins and they are not aware of it because they do not wish to be aware of it. They are already dead and when the floor under them sinks in, they will be twice dead.

  2288. Each piece of bread belongs to its day. Eat today's bread today. Do not put it aside by trying to eat tomorrow's bread now. In your day only one bread fits in and tomorrow's is not prepared yet. Prefer to eat today's bread above anything else. If you keep it for tomorrow, it will become improper to eat and it will be hardened by then. If, however, you try to eat yesterday's bread now because you have been negligent yesterday and wish to make up for it, even if you have the time to do so, remember today has its own bread. You can handle only one thing at a time. Therefore, if your hand is busy or filled with yesterday's anything, it just can't be available to hold the keys for today's works.

  2289. We may have been throwing our nets to one side and to the other the whole night. Soon (if we are faithful believers) we might start believing we are doing the wrong thing because it has not resulted in anything. We may suppose we are outside God's will because our will is not being fulfilled. And here comes Jesus in the morning, right when we started believing that throwing our nets is the thing we should not have been doing. And there Jesus says, "Throw your net to the other side!" It is the same as saying, "Throw your discouragement to the other side". It is not easy to be obedient then. But, Jesus needs that net to be thrown once more, not for the sake of fishing, but for our own. Would you throw that net again? Would it be easy for you to throw it even if you were not sure who was telling you to do so? What would you have done? Would you throw out your discouragement to the sea?

  2290. When Jesus said to Peter to throw his net once more to the other side of the boat after a night of hard, useless work, we may ask why couldn't they pull a single fish out of the water all night long. Maybe the answer is in the fact that Jesus decided to show up only in the morning and would grant them as much fish as if they had been successful in every throw the whole night.

  2291. We see how Peter threw himself at the feet of Jesus after having worked all night with no success and after the miracle of the fish, Lk.5:8. Then, Jesus told him to do something unthinkable for the current prosperity preachers. He said: "Leave your nets right there and follow Me where I shall send you". What was that miracle for, then? For many, meeting Jesus that way, would mean prosperity and abundant fishing in the future and that He would go out fishing with them from then on! What an asset for the flesh He could have been! Just imagine how a poor fisherman would become rich in no time having Jesus around, satisfying greed and flesh. However, we see that the miracle was supposed to take Peter out of his old life and not to enhance it a little more! Let's make sure we do not misinterpret God's deeds or words towards us. If Jesus provides in some extraordinary way, it does not mean we will become rich at all. Jesus shows up to outroot your life from its grounds and not to strengthen its roots there.

  2292. We read how the Messiah chose His disciples one by one and told them what to do and where they should go. After reading that, we conclude Jesus must call us and sent us out the same way. We believe it always works out that way, even if it does many times. But, tell me: why did those kings from the orient have such a hard time finding the saviour? Why did they set out on their own? "Faithful is the Word: If anyone reaches out to overseership, he desires a good work", 1 Tim.3:1.

  2293. It is before God we need to admit our sins and our misdeeds. We need to do so before the person to whom we would rather show forth our best action, our best deed, our brightest thought. But it does not work out that way.

  2294. One may stop lying without stopping to be a liar and may speak the truth without being truthful from the heart.

  2295. God uses confession of sins to show people they are sinners in essence and to change them from the inside out. Confession of every sin to people and to God, one by one, besides being an act of justice, is a way to lead light inside the origin of sin so it may be exposed and exterminated by Light and not by force.

  2296. The world believes it loses its life by admitting it has wronged someone and if it agrees it has sinned. But, by doing so, people will gain their lives from Jesus. It really works.

  2297. "In the Law it is written, "By other tongues and other lips I will speak to this people, and even so they will not hear Me, says the Lord", 1Cor.14:21. The Jews, the believers of that time, were the ones who were there to bring all people to God. Because of their disobedience in many issues it did not work out that way. Now, here it happens that those people whom they should have brought to God, are the ones who speak to them about the wonders and the glories of the Lord. That would be a sign to them, it is, a sign to show them God is displeased enough with them to use other means besides them to save the world. It was hard for them to believe God was not with them anymore. They could not face the idea of being left alone. They could not bear to believe such a thing. They reacted violently towards anyone who dared to say such a thing. Can you see why Jesus said to Paul, "It is hard for you to kick against the pricks"? Act.26:14. It was really hard for him. Nowadays, it is theologians and preachers who have a hard time believing God is against them.

  2298. Do you know what the dimension of God's love is for you? Did you know you can experience and see it for yourself by becoming real?

  2299. Because things never happened to us, when they happen, we doubt them. This kind of doubt is sin.

  2300. What would happen to someone fighting to breathe near scientists who were involved in a discussion about the composition or the quality of the air? The man is just trying to breathe so he may not die! Can you imagine such a scene? They don't open a window because they are not agreeing on some points about the air they breathe. No matter how strange it sounds, we know that's precisely what theologians are doing today. There are so many dying and all they do is discuss, agree or disagree. But, the worst part of it all is, if anyone opens a window for that spiritual patient, theologians will reprimand such a person on the spot because it doesn't fit in their discussions. They do not agree with those who open windows of fresh air while they discuss.

  2301. The sad reality today is that, the monster which was supposed to die with Christ stopped serving prostitution, stopped drinking and stealing and came to serve in the Temple of God. The monster remained and came to serve in the Temple. It didn't die. It feels it must survive. It seeks a way to survive, a way not to die at the cross and he has found one way out by preaching and belonging to the church. Many, also, carry their cross day in and day out, but Christ carried it for one day to die once and for all. Then He said: "It is finished". Many do not wish to finish it at all and carry it everywhere they go so they don't finish it once and for all. Carrying it avoids them dying at Calvary. By carrying it, they feel they are still alive.

  2302. If wisdom does not come from above, it will not rise up enough to be blessed.

  2303. When God comes down either the sin or the sinner dies. I cannot understand it when people say they have met with God and carry on as always in some of their sins.

  2304. Without God, without the reality of His presence, (as Elijah said, "God in whose presence I am!"), there is no beauty that is too beautiful, no holiness that is too holy, no miracle which will be considered as such, not even when someone is healed from a serious illness. There, in Him, anything great wonderful, miraculous is simply normal.

  2305. Jesus came to saves us from our own sins - not from other people's sins. When someone hurts you, try to remember that because it is then that anger, disappointment or something like that might rise in you. Then, as far as it concerns you, remember that Jesus came to deal with what emerges from your heart and not with the people who hurt you in some way.

  2306. I can appear at the Judgment of God, in that final day, with cancer, sickness, without a leg, without an eye or the hand I have cut off to avoid sinning. None of that will condemn me at all. God did not say the salary of sickness is death. There is only one thing you should not bring along to that Judgment: sin. Are you aware that the Day of the Lord might be today or even tomorrow? Are you ready, are you clean? Have you given back what you have stolen? Has Jesus' blood reached your soul, all your sins, one by one? Are you done with sinning? Are you found spotless and clean?

  2307. If my aim is to preach the gospel, then it is not to be blessed personally for it or just because I've done it. If I work for a factory, I may either aim at the salary or at doing my work with perfection. If my heart is involved in what I do alone, once the work is well done and fulfilled, my heart becomes light, feels accomplished and joyful. "For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward; but if against my will, I am entrusted with a stewardship", 1Cor.9:17. A salary is not a reward.

  2308. "You are bought with a price, do not be the slaves of men", 1Cor.7:23.There are many ways to stop being slaves of men or an employee of whoever. But, the best one is to do the work of a slave, but for God, and as best as you can. If you do man's work for God, you are not a slave of man anymore. You were bought with a price, therefore, do it for God.

  2309. If you don't use well whatever you have now, you will not use well those things you will have in the future.

  2310. Only practical things can make the difference in our lives. Reality and immediate, sound obedience are important keys towards having a genuine faith that really works and is fruitful.

  2311. What is the best way to think God cannot do something for you? Isn't it by thinking you can? The reason why we worry so much is because we believe we can do it. Worry is not only a mistrust towards God - it is a deep hunger to be able to trust yourself more and to be able to benefit from what you can do on your own. You need to work on two things if you wish to stop worrying: on trusting God unconditionally; and on dying by crucifying the strength of the flesh forever and in such a way that you become unable to trust any bit of it. These are two different things, two different tasks or works. You cannot work on one of these alone. Crucify the flesh and do not allow it to rise from its death again. Many, also, do not stop worrying because they still trust other people about important things. Their hope is either totally or partially set on the arm of man. And it doesn't matter if it is their own arm or someone else's. "Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the Lord", Jer.17:5.

  2312. Do not separate yourself from sheep with the pretext to listen to God - separate from goats! And don't separate yourself from God to hear sheep or goats, or you will become a goat.

  2313. The spirit of the world believes it must understand what it must do as if it can do all things. The strength of man is all there is to rely upon, just as Peter believed because of the two blades he held (Lk.22:36,38). But, that spirit, when touched by God, knows it must understand what it has received, receives or will receive. "But we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit from God, so that we might know the things that are freely given to us by God", 1Cor.2:12. It is up to you to decide whether you will follow the world's pattern by trying to understand apart from God, or become a normal graceful being who understands fully whatever he receives from the Lord without desiring any bit of independence from Him.

  2314. It is better to be a Living man, alone, despised, forgotten, but near God, than to have company, being loved, remembered and cried for, being dead in spirit. "A living dog is better than a dead lion", Ec.9:4.

  2315. We read: "And the pride of man shall be bowed down, and the loftiness of men shall be made low; and Jehovah alone shall be exalted in that day. And the idols shall completely vanish", Is.2:17-18. We can easily see that, as soon as the pride of man is done away with, idols will vanish and disappear. The world's problem has always been the heart of man and nothing else. If we can change it, we can change the world.

  2316. To fix something, to straighten it, is not to bend it to the other side. If you find yourself outside the road, do not start to believe you must be on the other side of it. No, you must be on the road and not on either side of it.

  2317. Everyone wants do discuss something. I believe every bad discussion does not have the main point in mind, does not take it into consideration, but rather means to divert attentions from it. There is no difference of mind between such discussing parties, but an obvious similarity of own-mindedness. There is a huge difference between proving a point and tasting truth by oneself. And love wants people to taste truth and not to accept a point of view of it. Do you know that people who taste truth by themselves will always see truth as something of their own? Even if it is you who helped them to see truth as it is, once they taste it, they will not believe it is your point of view, but theirs. Love does not care if you are right. Love wants people to know truth in such a personal way that they are made free, and that they make it their own by the way they come to know it.

  2318. Some people say we were born with Adam's sin. Some others say we are born with God's image in us and not Adam's. And they discuss about it. Who is right? Even if I know who is right, I wouldn't dare to say what I believe to be the truth since these people, who apparently differ, are in agreement without being aware of it. Let's face two facts: the one who says we have Adam's sin, in fact, does not care if it is really so – the only thing he cares about is to prove what suits him, which is to have an excuse to carry on sinning. In fact, he does not wish to stop sinning and find in that statement a reason to carry on sinning after believing. These forget that Christ can even turn a stone into a child of Abraham – how much easier it would be for Him to challenge any original sin and let the old become new! Anything is possible for those who can believe. On the other hand, those who state that the image of God is still in us at birth, use that argument to prove we can live a holy life. We may come to believe, by the way they put things, that we can be holy or can carry on being holy because we were created so and not because of Christ' doings and accomplishments within. The devil fell the day he separated himself from God. In fact, holy or not at birth, no one is anything without Christ. If, by stating we carry God's image in us at birth, we use that argument to prove we can live a holy life, we are stating we do not need Christ to do so. Even having that image in us still, it won't last without Christ. Now, tell me: which of these deny Christ more? Aren't they alike in denying Christ through different arguments?

  2319. Here we have Cain and Abel. Cain was the pioneer of sacrifices. He started them. Abel was the imitator and was accepted by God. The pioneer had been rejected. We come to the conclusion, here, that Cain sacrificed because he desired the favour of God at any cost, but not at the cost of changing. In fact, he acted like an idiot. We may say that it was Cain who tried to have Abel's life by imitation or by trying hard. Maybe, by trying an alternative way. He did not want to please God, but rather to be accepted as he was. Gifts are often a cover up. Sometimes, gifts are the consequences of the inner beings we are. Anyway, evil tried to imitate goodness to avoid a change. This kind of imitation did not work with God. But, the kind of imitation Abel did, worked out and was accepted by God. He was accepted, because he was acceptable. Sacrifices is not what pleases God; but, Abel was pleasant to God and his sacrifice was acceptable as well. Can you see what is it that makes the difference in the sight of God? It is not what we do that counts, but what we are while doing. Can you afford to be? When God sent Job's friends to have Job pray for them, God said "him will I hear" - he did not say "his prayers will I hear". God hears the man, not the prayer.

  2320. Whoever wishes after the joy of the Lord and not after the Lord of the joy, is not a reliable, trustworthy person at all. He is not a straight forward person. Such a person can't possibly be an honest one. He will never be joyful.

  2321. Everyone who states God heard him when He has not done so, will surely doubt any real answer from God when He has spoken or answered for real. Such a person is used to believing lies only. Anyone who easily believes lies will have a hard time believing truthful, reliable and trustworthy happenings, answers and issues.

  2322. If we are soft and meek towards sin and worldliness, we will surely experience hardness towards God and God's works showing ourselves in favour of God being dead; or we will be against God's things openly. No one will ever be able to avoid experiencing it that way. But, on the other hand, if we are meek and lowly towards God and the things of God by nature (and if He is a reality and not a mere assumption or belief), then we will experience an hardness against any kind of worldliness in whatever shape it may appear to us – even when it carries a Holy Bible under its arm. No one is ever able to avoid that either.

  2323. The devil, to hinder man from doing what he ought to do, can only use what man is. He, therefore, will always try to cause man to stumble, to sin or become unstable in his relationship with God and cause man to think vain things or to have distracting thoughts. There is no way the devil can get to man, unless it is through man's sinning.

  2324. People cannot believe by receiving materially from God, but can receive because they believe. Can you afford to experience the difference between those inside you?

  2325. Holiness attracts those people who reject it. You should, therefore, be evermore holy. Never feel hurt if someone rejects you because you are holy, since you cannot see what is going on deep inside the soul who is rejecting you. You never know why you are being rejected. Maybe, it is the person's last efforts to avoid accepting what he or she longs for. Do not be discouraged or sad, do not try to be holy because of people – just be holy. Simply follow your way with Jesus, be on your way towards heaven, steadfast and assured in your steps. On this way we grow when we do not look back, when we forget yesterday's victory or defeat and hold on to the Lord with a natural, strong spiritual grip based on the power of grace. The truth is: in the end, we will see what kind of heart we may have above what we have done. Even dead people will give an account of what they are or of what they have been turned into. If, by chance, someone rejects you because of your ways, do not give up on them. Do not make the sum, the balance, of your works and deeds before the time – wait till the last day and God will do it for you. Whatever happens, remember that holiness attracts all those who reject it because people were created for it like a duck has been created for water. Unholy people miss what is lacking in them although they do not know what it is they lack or do not recognize it at first. Carry on being holy. Soon, someone will knock at your door to enquire about the hope they have seen which shines and glitters so visibly from your face. It will be a great light shining in their darkness. At the end, even those who crucified Jesus understood and recognized Him. Just be spotless. You can do it! You can through Jesus, and because of Him.

  2326. If we have a clear perception that we are being heard by God in prayer, if that happens, it does not mean we already have what we are asking for or enquiring after. It just means we are being listened to carefully and are being examined by God from deep within. When God says yes or no, you will have another perception of the answer as clear as the one you had of being heard. To go to an interview for a job, does not mean you got the job - it means you have got the attention of the person you need to talk to. All depends on what the person who is interviewing you says as a final word. Expect an answer from the Lord before you assume God answered your prayer. Unholy people, unbelieving people, are the ones who run away with the fact that God is listening to them. Whoever wishes to prevail in prayer, must stay on until the answer is given. This is what John means to tell us by saying: "...We know He hears us… and we (will also) know that we have the petitions we desired from Him", 1John 5:14-15.

  2327. If you appreciate what people say or think about you above what God says, all those people whose opinion you highly esteem will soon despise your own opinions. It might happen right away or eventually. If, on the other hand, you only care about what God says and thinks, people whose opinions you do not take in as valid (because God has said something else) will always breed a secret admiration for what you think and believe even when they feel hurt by you. They will always wonder what would you think about something they doubt about. No one can avoid that happening. The secret to be listened to by people is to take great care and heed about what God says. But, take care, since God may speak occasionally through people as well.

  2328. Eternal life starts right here, on earth. But, it needs to be real. Whoever does not have the testimony of Life inside him for real, will never get to heaven. "…Christ in you, the hope of glory", Col.1:27; "...a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed", 1 Ped.5:1; "... The days of heaven upon the earth", Deut.11:21; "...Life that now is", 1 Tim.4:8; "And this is life eternal, that they might know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent", John 17:3.

  2329. Praying for people who hurt or criticize us in any way (if you have in mind God's own glory about the issue), will always annihilate criticism from your heart and your views about those people will be salvation and not condemnation. "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you", Mat.5:44. There are many reasons why Jesus says this, even beyond the real salvation of those who oppose and hate you. Jesus might want to save you too by saving them through your prayers.

  2330. There are only two reasons why the light of a man of God becomes dim and weak to any person: either Jesus has revealed Himself personally to that person and the man of God is now seen as a kind of 'non-human' however blessed man that he is, John 5:35; or that person has become hard and fell in love with worldly things again and, consequently, started to despise the man of God openly in order to find a reason (or an excuse) to love the world by condemning light.

  2331. When it is people's opinions which determine the strength and the subjects of your preaching, the gospel you preach will lose its genuine power and those people, whose opinions had been important to you, will be left in or thrown into deep darkness sooner or later. If, however, the gospel and what Jesus says are what you focus upon, people's opinions will always sound like lies to you. But then, your life will be their light and their hope. You need to chose which of those matters to you.

  2332. Every piece of pride or arrogance is built upon a lie, even if that lie is not directly linked to that pride. Pride is the consequence of sin - of any sin - as well as an origin for many other kinds of sinning.

  2333. Forgiveness starts as soon as sin is denied and abandoned, and its process is concluded after detailed confession leads to stop thinking about sin unless thankfulness brings it up in detail again.

  2334. To anticipate things might be as wrong as postponing them. To do things at the right time the right way is the cure for both, since something undone or badly done will demand your attention again and again. And to do the right way is to do through God and not merely do things. Unless God builds with us, we break down.

  2335. If you ask something important for God from God and you do not receive it, be sure that God might also be asking something from you which He is not receiving.

  2336. Your strength is proportional to your surrender to God. It also depends on the kind of surrender, since it might even be a full surrender which does not last for long. No one can expect to be stronger than what he is submitted and surrendered to God in an eternal way.

  2337. God says: "I cannot stand sin", Is.1:13. People say "I cannot stand living without my sin". When will they get along? Surely, God will not change His mind.

  2338. Jesus says: "For he who walks in darkness does not know where he goes", John 12:35. This, surely, does not mean people do not walk in darkness, nor that people do not believe they know where they are going. They think they know where they are going. "They know not what they do", yet, they do as if they know; and neither do they know what they think, yet they talk about it with confidence as if they know all. Is there a greater curse than this? Just think of it: people trust as long as they walk in darkness and lose faith as soon as light shines. If they find out they are wrong - even if it wrong only in their opinion - they doubt because they cannot trust self. Have you ever thought just how confused a blind man must feel when he starts to see? He learned to count steps, touch walls and be guided by sounds. None of that will serve anymore from the moment his eyes open up and light shines in (at least not the way it used to). Just get used to light as long as it shines, try to walk in it, through it and by it. Now here is the two-sidedness of this: people who walk in darkness believe they know where they are going and when light shines in they start believing they don't know where they are going. They do not know how to walk through the light. This happens because they have other things in mind, other goals and dark ways and means to carry out things. That is what happens when blind people see light: the way they used to do things, the only way they know how to deal with things is suddenly unfit and outdated. Let's see the reverse of this: people who walk in the light know where they are going because they are sons of the light and when they are found in dark places they seem to believe they do not know where they are going, even when the Lord is leading and holding their hand. We can walk through dark places having our own hearts full of light. Light confuses sinners as much as darkness confuses the sons of light.

  2339. "While you have the Light, believe in the Light so that you may become sons of Light", John 12:36a. This means we will be lights by the time darkness arrives and Jesus, so to say, leaves us on our own. If we do not accept, assume, live it out fully now while Jesus is still pointing it out to us and instructing us, soon, when darkness comes and when we are supposed to be lights ourselves, things just won't work out as well as they should or as they could. Soon we will be on our own. This is a serious warning for you to use light while you have it with you. Soon you shall be "on your own", and you must have become light by then. Jesus does that quite often and He will hide Himself so you can get that unique chance to be light yourself. If you have not become light by then, darkness shall take over your soul. and was hidden from them", John 12:36b.

  2340. "Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth and has long patience for it, until he receives the early and the latter rain",Jam.5:7. . Many people make use of this verse to feel encouraged concerning material things, seeing they are believers and regard themselves worthy of a right God has never granted anyone in this world. The Bible talks here about a patient farmer concerning the coming of the Lord. This man is awaiting, expecting with patience for God to come, as if he is expecting joyfully for the day the Lord will come to destroy this world. This is not the same as being patient towards a good material crop in the hope that the Lord will not be coming, or at least not yet so that the material crop might be enjoyed here on earth. "But, if we hope for that which we do not see, then we wait for it with patience",Rom.8:25; "For our citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we are looking for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ", Phil.3:20; "But, according to His promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, looking for these things, be diligent, spotless, and without blemish, to be found by Him in peace", 2 Ped.3:13.

  2341. Truth forced down upon someone, will soon become unstable inside him or her, just like food given by force to a sick person might be vomited out. Faith is to be sure that truth is truthful. If truth is taken in as the reality that it is, the heart of man will stabilize. If you are honest and your heart is clean and there is no reason to doubt, no sin in the conscience, faith is as easy as breathing. Just dare to die with Christ and experience a living faith which will hold on to the end. All doubtful attacks against the reality of your faith will only be like manure which fertilizes the garden many envy as if they cannot have it for themselves! Just dare to be real - with God!

  2342. To start well and end up in a bad way, is a shameful thing, since everyone expected that person to do well. To start in a bad way and end well is excellent, since the expectations pointed out that such a person would have a dreadful end. Look at what happened to Judas Iscariot and there you will have an example of how one can end without Christ having started with Him. And look at the man at the cross who started off so bad, yet he ended so well. Never misjudge people who start well, nor judge those who did not start off that well. What counts is the way we end.

  2343. Man feels guilty because he has sinned; he has his heart hardened because he has sinned; and carries on sinning because he has sinned. He stops sinning because he puts all sins in the light of God and confesses up to its sordid details; softens his heart because he gives back to people and asks for forgiveness; and he stops feeling guilty because he is made whiter than snow. This really happens. Take it or leave it. It is up to you.

  2344. It would be good if we could treat small sins like we treat huge, shameful sins and that we could handle and talk about huge sins like we do with "small" sins that we overcome easily in the power of God. In fact, all of them have the same power to kill and are killed the same way. Any sin is like a bullet of the same size, pointed at the same heart, destroy the same way and dishonour the same Lord. And from all sins we are saved by the same Lord the same way. It doesn't matter if you are hit by a small bullet or a huge missile. Both kill the same way.

  2345. God does not have anything to say to a frivolous, superficial man or woman. Such people are capable of becoming serious people on non-important matters only. That's is why they are frivolous towards important matters. We may never take it for granted that a frivolous and superficial person is never serious about something. Of course such a person will become serious whenever the matter is frivolous and not important! Frivolous people are superficial and mocking towards important and serious matters only.

  2346. Depression is a mountain of sins which people refuse to leave or to confess with the intention to abandon them for good. And it does not matter if those sins are of the kind which people, quite often, consider to be small sins. Depression just shows us that sin is no small thing and that it is no pet to play with, no matter how small they seem to be. To die, one doesn't need to be attacked by a lion. A small bacteria is enough to kill anyone. Be careful and be on you guard against so-called "small sins". All of them can make you depressed.

  2347. If a life does not shine, it makes a shadow. We make either part of light, or part of darkness. Decide on which side you want to be. There is no midway.

  2348. An uneasy, unquiet person is an unsure, unstable one. We may now decide whether we want to force ourselves to be quiet to look stable, or if we want to become stable for real so we will be quiet and still inside and outside. "Keep your heart with all diligence... Ponder the path of your feet, and all your ways will be established", Prov.4:23,26. Heal the inside first and do not treat symptoms alone.

  2349. God speaks to you through the Bible. Take time to read it and to listen to Him.

  2350. Read your Bible to gain wisdom; believe it to be right; live it to be alive for real; practice it the right way, through the right power to be holy.

  2351. Those who walk with God, through God, depend completely on Him. But, sometimes and in that dependence, there are moments when it seems we are not receiving what God has promised. If it happens that way, it is a dreadful happening, especially if that dependence is real. If you depend on God fully and grace seems to be delayed, taken away or cancelled, you will feel very poor and abandoned. "Looking diligently lest any fail of the grace of God", Heb.12:15. Do not fail to find grace, especially when you depend on it fully. Find it anyway, anyhow, anywhere! Do not wait to deserve it, to buy it or to stumble over it. If you look for it, you will surely find it.

  2352. The voices which confuse us most are the echoes which entice us to discern the voice which has already spoken. Even if it were the voice of God, listening to an echo of it is not listening anymore. Something has gone wrong the moment God spoke to you. Just remember that an echo is not the real voice anymore - it is a sound bouncing back to accuse you. In the same way, many problems and many victories are merely echoes because they are gone and past. Why depending on those past victories and why stumbling over a memory of something Christ has already dealt with? Do not be misled or turned aside by echoes. Look straight forward and listen straight forward too. We are heading to heaven and not towards sounds that we cannot discern.

  2353. Humility is to be what we are anywhere, anyhow and always. If someone despises you or hurts you and you are the normal being you have always been before the Lord; or if you remain that person when people praise you or uphold you before men; and if you remain as you have always been and before God, without force and without a second thought about it, then you are very near to be a humble man. Take care to stay close to God.

  2354. God made a covenant with Abraham and he circumcised all his offspring and male servants. He also circumcised Ishmael even though he did not make part of that covenant. We can see clearly that circumcising Ishmael did no change God's mind concerning him and his descendants. You can baptize people, force them to come to services, but unless they are in the covenant of holiness, it just won't work out for them.

  2355. When things are a deep desire of the heart, they usually do not need to be turned into vows. The holy willingness of man will remain with him for as long as he stays holy. Nothing can change a desire of the heart of a holy man. But, a vow might fade away, be forgotten, be forsaken or even be broken. However, there is nothing that will ever hinder a deep, holy desire. And if you make a vow having a deep desire within, it is not bad to make that vow. But, I am sure it is not the vow that causes you to be or to do as you have vowed. Man's good-willingness will not be hindered by pain, will surmount difficulties of any kind, shall overcome any hardship and hold on to the end if it is blessed by God. We cannot say the same about vows.

  2356. To do things which please me naturally, is not the same as doing things unnaturally to intentionally please me hypocritically. We may say that it works the same way towards God: doing things which please Him in a natural way because of the Life that we really are, is not the same as trying hard to do things in which our hearts are not set. We may either change our lives from deep within, or carry on being hypocritical trying to be whatever we are not. "For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away", Job 32:22.

  2357. Not knowing what God's will is for us or not knowing what or when to do something, is directly linked to the lack of disposition to do it or to the unwillingness to be totally surrendered to God at all times. Seek to be surrendered above seeking to know. As soon as you become available to God's workings, He will add the knowledge of His will to your conscientiousness. "...That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God", Rom.12:2. There is one reason why we are to seek God's will: it carries us to seek God's face also to be able to do it the right way. While we are praying, we are becoming subdued to God and it may work out a full submission before we know what God's will is for us or before receiving the grace to perform it. We get hold of the power and the way to do too. In this sense, praying is like preparing for a journey and is a way to decide on what power we will perform it. Every time you seek God's face about something, bring to mind that you are being brought into a position where you are turned available to God under any circumstances. You might be creating an inner predisposition. Your heart needs to be a ready heart. "And he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord", Lk.1:17. It is not only you who need to know something: God, also, needs to know to whom you will be surrendered to in the long term and if He will reign in your heart from then on as well. He must prove that you are not unwilling to perform it His way. To seek His face will teach us what it is to be surrendered to Him all the time.

  2358. It is possible to receive grace from God and still lose our lives, even though all those who are saved from their sins have, also, received that grace. The difference is that they used it responsively and responsibly. This is why Paul says, "But working together, we also call on you not to receive the grace of God in vain", 2Cor.6:1.We may receive it in vain, then. To become God's children we need grace, it is true, but we need to be active in what we have received. "Therefore come out from among them and be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing. And I will receive you and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty", 2Cor.6:18. "Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory", 2Tim.2:10.

  2359. If we are tempted, we must concentrate on staying close to the new life we have become above becoming entangled in resisting, denying and in refuting the thoughts of temptation. Stay calm and hold on to the new life. If a lady's is suddenly bothered by the wind, should she try to hold the wind or to hold her dress? "Hold fast to that which you have, so that no one may take your crown", Rev.3:11.

  2360. "But the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true and no lie, and as He has taught you, abide in Him", 1John 2:27. When we need someone to teach us the important things of God, it means the anointing does not rest on us, it is, it comes and goes because we are unstable. The constant (eternal) life is not found/settled in us yet. Or, we still are taught by people because we are too proud and too hard to listen to others and God rather uses other people to bring us to His teachings. Either way, we need to fix something in our hearts when we are taught or teachable only by man. But, if we have God, His anointing, even if it is people who teach us, it is still the anointing of God which will seal it in our hearts.

  2361. Many want to go to heaven without having learned to live a holy life on earth. That would be the same as wishing to have the end of something without having gone through the whole process of it. There is no way to reach the ends when we do not go through the means. We need to learn to live the way life is lived in heaven beforehand. If you are not holy now, how will you ever know how to live in heaven soon?

  2362. Christ makes us free to love and not free to be loved. We are made free from ourselves to serve God. We were our own slaves when we loved ourselves. "That He would grant to us, that we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve (Him) without fear", Lk.1:74. We were our own enemy.

  2363. There are groups of friends which get along and understand each other. That's why they walk together. "Can two walk together unless they are agreed?", Amos 3:3. But there are those people who are more than friends: they are so united that it is just impossible to have them apart. There are also sins which cling to each other, those which do not live without each other. We can mention drinking and smoking as an example. If someone stops smoking but does not forsake drinking and expel it out of his mind as well, smoking will come back again. Another example is working and resting: you cannot separate one from the other. If you want to be a faithful worker, you need to have a sound sleep and to rest the right way at the right time. You cannot afford to exchange time meant for sleep with time meant for work. All those who know how and when to rest, just know how and when to work or when to work hard. Other examples of unity is laziness and much occupation; worrying and stubbornness; much talking and disobedience (because whoever talks much listens little). To disobedience we may add misfortune, discouragement, lack of simplicity in whatever we do, lack of motivation, blindness, bitterness and many other consequences disobedience brings along.

  2364. A gift from God (of whatever kind) is like a violin: we need to learn how to use and to master it until it is done spontaneously in a perfect way. Most spiritual gifts in a church today are like instruments being used by those who do not know how to play them and claim to be teachers of them. They are just sounds without connection and that is what noise is all about. To make music one needs not only to master the instrument, but needs discipline, concentration, full surrender to God and a love towards what we are doing to do it well. If we have a different approach towards the gifts of the Spirit, the devil will soon be the one distributing gifts in the name of God and most people will believe in them. However, it takes a liar to believe a liar.

  2365. People who are drowning do not go to the lifeguards asking for help. Someone seriously injured in an accident does not go to the hospital seeking for help. Helpers and lifeguards are called by duty and go to them where they are.

  2366. Despair does not change anyone for the better, just as worrying does not add any of those things people are worried about. Lack of faith does not change us for the better either, even when we moan and groan under its heaviness. Why not believe then? Is unbelief ever a better option? Believing is much easier and has steadfast rewards. Anyway, there is Someone who is able to change unbelief into faith and despair into hope if the conscience is clean and if the life is kept spotless by a nearness to the Lord, through a life of heaven and not any other way. Beware of alternative ways which look holy. There is the way of heaven that should be applied on earth. Don't do anything in an earthly way using earthly means and power. It is a sin to do so, having God's power so close by. Let it be done on earth the way it is done in heaven.

  2367. In the world of sin there are two kinds of people who fight a lot: those who hate each other and those who love each other (according to their standards). Those who are in love are in a position to fight all the time because of jealousy, especially if they have a relationship in which the Lord is unwanted. Or, when that relationship was started by God and is not lived through God or for God's sake. We may state the same about relationships between brothers, fathers and sons, daughters and mothers among many others. All will depend whether God's needs, God's will and God's means are taken into consideration as we live on, or our own.

  2368. Desiring the same things which God desires, wanting what God wants, is still not enough guarantee God's will shall be accomplished for you or through you. We still need to know how to do it the way it is done in heaven. A clear example of this is Israel. God wished to grant them the promised land and they desired it too and desired that it would be God granting them the land. But, it did not work out that way for them at all. When a couple desires to have a baby, is the baby already conceived? Is it born by desiring it? Does the baby already obey God after being born? Is it ever enough to have the right desires?

  2369. Many ask when will the world end. I just don't care. I know the night is far gone and the sun will rise out of darkness soon. I don't know when the sun will rise, but I know it will, Heb.13:12. If I care to know it wont be hasted, nor will it be delayed. I should rather be doing whatever the Lord left in my hands to do, because He said (before going way): "Blessed is that servant when his Lord comes and finds him so doing", Lk.12:43. Let Him not find you looking into the skies when He comes - however deep you try to look into it!

  2370. We may judge the outside and measure people and people's duties by what God demands from us. We are not judging things according to what God wants for them or from them. God's will for us is seldom the same as God's will for someone else. It is true that there are common things for all of us such as holiness, but never help someone having as counsellor the will of God for you. Do not judge someone who does not preach as well as you do because he might be exercising to the full the two talents he has received, while, maybe, you are just using three talents (more than the two of your brother) but it is still less than the five God entrusted to you. Maybe, even using more talents than your brother does or using them better, you might not be halfway as faithful as he is. In judgment day, all judging will be according to God's will for each one of us.

  2371. Everyone who is able to finish something is surely someone who started to do it at some point. But, not all people end those things they started. It is better to end well than to start well. Just have that in mind every time you start something, Lk.14:25-35.

  2372. Whoever has a heart to finish all works God trusted into his hands, has a heart to give up the old life. Whoever has a heart to carry on with his own works, thoughts and manners still has a heart to give up on God's things.

  2373. One of the ways to make sure we will never look back is to pull out of the heart whatever we already left behind. Do not dare to leave a single root in your heart of whatever you have left behind. We should remove anger from the heart in the whole if we did already ask for forgiveness from our enemies; we should take away the sinful desires if we have asked forgiveness from a sex partner with whom we sinned in previous times; we should erase the desire to have things now that we have abandoned all for the Lord or if we have given back whatever we may have stolen from someone; we should run after real answers from God now that we have given up lying to ourselves by being religious. That's just one way to assure, in the future, nothing happens which will cause someone to say of any of us, "but threw Him away and turned back again to Egyptin their hearts", Act.7:39.

  2374. If we are inside a ship, going where God wishes us to go, we must not think we can change our direction by feeling seasick. Changing your direction will not take you away from the sea anyway, and you will still be sick and lose God's will along because you changed your heart's desire. If you jump out of the ship, you will surely drown too, no matter how good a swimmer you are. So, you are inside that ship, standing still, doing nothing, remember that you are standing still, but not the ship - it is going somewhere. Soon it will reach the piece of land God has in mind for you.

  2375. No one will take notice of a stain in a dirty cloth. However, if a stain is found in a clean, spotless, heavenly garment, everyone will look at the stain and not at the beauty of the rest of the garment. The same effect will be in people's minds when a clean soul sins or when a sinner repents. If a holy man has many holy deeds, it might not be noticed. However, if one bad deed is found among all good deeds, he shall be spoken about. The same might happen when a sinner has many sins. Any holy man's sin is as visible as a holy deed in any sinner. The sinner will be well spoken about for one good deed and the holy man for his one sin. If you are a holy man, do not sin because the news of it will reach places you never thought existed. But, if you are a sinner, repent, because your testimony will go unthinkably far beyond your borders.

  2376. Just as the instruments which measure earthquakes are important, so is our inner peace within our hearts. If you heart has real peace with God, any sin in it will cause a major trembling in your soul. However, many people got so used to sinning and to their lack of peace that they don't feel any shaking when they sin. If you are not aware of an earthquake, or if you do not care about it, won't it kill the same way? Sin will still kill you if you do not hear the noise or the lack of peace inside you. Beware.

  2377. Every time something happens which we expected to happen, it does not necessarily mean it is God's will. Just because it happened, you cannot take hasty conclusions about it in the light of God's will. Many people assume that, because it happened, it was God's will. But, we read that people have a certain power in their hands to accomplish things even against God's will. "Woe to those who plot wickedness and prepare evil on their beds! When the morning is light they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand", Mic.2:1. If you, however, are able to do things the way they would be done in heaven, you will surely assure that you will only be doing God's will. Find the means by which things are done and carried out in heaven. "Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven". Then, it shall be impossible to miss on God's good will.

  2378. A jealous woman feels bad when her husband treats her harshly. But, she will feel worse if her husband says nothing, mentions nothing or does not even fight with her. A quiet partner will cause more suspicion to his jealous partner than a noisy, fighting one.

  2379. We do not have much time to prepare for eternity. Time to prepare is so short and eternity is so long! Why do people waste all they have for the sake of something so short? We must invest in heaven.

  2380. It is possible to know a way without taking notice of it; we may know truth without being aware of it; we may find without having the knowledge of having found. If it were not possible, Thomas would never have asked who the way was and Jesus would not try to assure the disciples that "You know where I am going, and you know the way", John 14:4. And if this is true, surely, you may also believe to be on the way by backsliding or believe that you have found having nothing heavenly in you.

  2381. "If I do not wash you, you will have no part with Me", John 13:8. If Peter would loose heaven, all his inheritance through something so simple, so insignificant in men's eyes, why would we still believe our eternity is assured doing worse things than not letting the Lord wash our feet?

  2382. "The Devil now having put into the heart of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon to betray Him...", John 13:2. The devil kept trying to put things into Judas' heart until he finally got it done. He fights till he gets what he wants. It is up to us to fight till we reject all because the devil will not cease to try us. Be sure to take one step more than the devil. Do not wait to resist - rather be ahead of him. Let him be the one resisting you. "No one will be able to resist you..."

  2383. Jesus said: "And if any one hears My Words and does not believe, I do not judge him", John 12:47. This means that those words we speak through Jesus might bear fruit before judgment day. This means that, it is in the end things will be judged and not now. Therefore, do not judge now if you are rejected. You never know what power and what effects your words will eventually produce in human hearts, even after you are gone from their sight and may have forgotten about them.

  2384. "For he who walks in darkness does not know where he goes", John 12:35. . This is what Jesus says. It may mean that someone walking in darkness must put all in the light first. After that, he will know where to go, where to move, what to do, when to do. "While you have the Light, believe in the Light so that you may become sons of Light", John 12:36a. While we are struggling through dark places and unsettled, unknown issues, we need to believe Light and all it says or be quiet when It has said nothing. "For thou art my lamp, O LORD: and the LORD will lighten my darkness", 2Sam. 22:29. If you do that, you will learn the ways of being light yourself. I mean by this that you walk upright and straight forward and will not mislead anyone. If you seek to walk, you have it all to become light. Soon Jesus will 'leave you on your own' so you may experience being light yourself instead of being enlightened. Are you prepared for that day? "Jesus spoke these things, and departed, and did hide himself from them", John 12:36b.

  2385. Jesus said: "If any man serve Me, let him follow Me",John 12:26. He did not say, "whoever wants to follow Me, let him serve Me". Do not reject serving Christ, though, but never believe serving is following Him. Following is following and serving is serving. Following is going where He goes (or where He went). He went to die, so will you die to sin and to this world too and, by then, you must have died to sin. Serving is doing what He did as He did, I mean, the way it would be done in heaven.

  2386. Our souls and our hearts become purified by confessing all sins by name and abandoning them as we confess them one by one. But, we may never forget that we will stay true, clean and spotless by obeying truth. Confessing sins by name, one by one, dissolving them and annihilate their power by pushing them into the light is, in fact, obedience to the truth. That will enable us to obey further leaving all sins. Confessing is the first obedience and is the step towards further obedience. One obedience enables and opens the way to the other. Peter also put it this way: "You have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit...", 1Pet.1:22. "Now you are clean through the Word which I have spoken to you", John 15:3. Obedience purifies too. One step of obedience opens the possibility to obey further because we do the things of God by grace and never alone. Disobedience closes that door to receive further grace, besides being sin and bringing sin back into us again. By not being obedient to a truthful revelation, a demand or a reproof given by the Lord, we might enter into deviating paths because we will not stand still. But, even if we walk on, the moment of disobedience was the end of our true way. Only by going back to it and obey will open that way for us again. Rev. 2:5.

  2387. Those who do not know they need to depend fully on the grace they might receive, will neither seek for it, even though to seek it is not enough since one needs to find it too. Eventually, they will either give up on God or will blaspheme the Way through words and actions. They will surely despair. Becoming an unbeliever or as an unbeliever is what it will cost us when we do not abide in that grace actively. Those who depend and live by grace and grace alone will reach even the impossible. "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace...", 1Pet.1:13.

  2388. Whoever asks for forgiveness of the same sin over and over again is not asking for forgiveness, but rather for permission to sin again. Such a person wishes to benefit from the gift of forgiveness so now and then to be assured, that he may carry on sinning all the time. But, there is no definite wish in him to stop sinning nor to give up on sin's benefits or temporary pleasures. If a person does not stop sinning, it would be better for such a person to decide to ask for forgiveness only after ceasing from sin for good. He will be better of that way.

  2389. The fool never thinks he is a fool, not even when he knows he is foolish. That's why he does not like to hear he is foolish, since it reminds him of it and he knows it is true. The wise man never believes he is wise.

  2390. We should not think that the important part is that the person accepts Christ. It is of greater importance that Christ accepts us and not the other way round. This is why the doctrine of 'accepting Christ' nowadays is so far from truth. We must be "acceptable and well-pleasing to God".

  2391. Whoever takes temptation as sin, may take sin as a mere temptation. If you take temptations as sin, the devil easily deceives you because you cannot discern one thing from another. He will, therefore, cause you to sin and easily deceive you to believe it was a mere temptation because of the way you are and think.

  2392. Many times we are tempted because we are holy and not because we love to sin. Many sinners do not need to be tempted anymore - they sin by themselves. I mean that being tempted does not mean you are unholy and that the absence of temptation does not mean we are holy and live close to God.

  2393. Sin is madness, and that is why only fools are able to enjoy it. To sin is to be insane.

  2394. When someone does not know what to do about something, such a person will surely be tempted to be impatient. He will, also, be tempted to use dishonest means to show of and make believe that he knows what he never learned in a practical way. He might jump over the wall to reach wisdom instead of waiting to get in through the door.

  2395. Whoever pulls out the tares from the midst the wheat is likely to pull the wheat out of the tares too. By pulling out the wheat we shall have a nominal church. And that is what is happening in these last days. Churches expel true Christians from their midst.

  2396. Part of our way towards the Lord, the initial part of it, takes place around discussions about the issue of ceasing to sin. That is why many come to the Lord thinking that the goal is to stop sinning. However, it is not a goal - it is the beginning of our way. It is not the goal. A second part of our lives, is to stop loving sin and to stop dreaming about it constantly. And, along with it, the third part of it is to live out the new life as if we have never lived any other way before. That is what growing in grace is all about. Consequently, the absence of sin demands from us a consolidation of living habits through the new life (and not through fraudulent means like habits only) which the Lord Himself takes care of inside all who have already ceased from sin. We read that "the Redeemer will come to those who turn away from transgression", Is.59:20Everything must work together to make the Bride of Christ spotless. And, by seeing God and truth for real, we will progressively be transformed into His likeness again (as it has been when we have been created in Adam), through assimilation and contemplation. If it is true that we are changed by contemplating God (2Cor.3:18), it is also true that we must face God and truth in a real way here on earth all the time. And it is true that we must turn away from sinning and cleanse our hearts before we may see or contemplate God as He is. "Blessed are the clean of heart! For they shall see God", Mat.5:8.

  2397. A worried person is presumptuous. There is no worry that does not presume about something. And many love to worry because they love to presume and to have own ideas. Worrying is a love affair - people just can't live without it!

  2398. When God says "Do not touch evil", He simply means that you live your life as if sin does not exist. When something does not exist, one does not fight it, one does not conceive it, no one thinks about it, and, when it is really dead, one thinks of it only as a dead and powerless thing. If we are indeed isolated from evil that way, and we add to it a genuine, real living relationship with Christ through which we walk towards heaven, we will gradually become aware that sin is an illusion and that Christ is the only reality. Unless He is real unto us, our faith is in vain. And, unless sin is seen as the illusionary lie that it is, our faith will be in vain on the long run. If He is real, soon it shall become impossible for us to sin. At least, it will be more difficult to sin, harder to give up on God and easier to remain holy each day that we remain close to the Lord. Let evil be the one which tries to imagine our holy ways, let them think about us and about Christ, even against their own will. Do not let them live as if truth, God and you do not exist if you are holy.

  2399. Doubt is either a habit, a way of living or it is a confirmation of being lost. False faith is either a false way to look at truth or lies, and real faith is a confirmation of truth and of the reality we already see or do not see. Do not pretend to believe truth if you can believe for real by experiencing it.

  2400. Those who believe, when close to Christ, do not believe for no reason. Those who doubt, doubt for a reason either. There are causes to doubt realities or coming realities and there are reasons why we are able to believe real things and truth. And there are reasons why we are able to doubt unreal things and to doubt truth and reality. Faith is an outcome, a fruit of the closeness of God to the soul.

  2401. I am sure that the most intelligent people are those who know that God knows better. He indeed knows better. They cannot go wrong trusting God if He is intimately related to them.

  2402. Did you know that fruit before the time is a curse, Mal.3:11? Any man who does not love the times, the dispositions and the timing of God is surely someone who will waste away everything that falls into his hand. One must learn to be faithful to God before receiving anything whatsoever or such a person will be greedy and selfish. If God wants to curse someone and still uphold His faithfulness before man, He simply sends his fruits before the time when man is unprepared to be faithful through it. Beware of that desire to wish to have all right away if it is not the right time. Do so when it is the right time. Beware, also, to postpone things if now is the right time for them.

  2403. One of the differences between good and evil is as follows: evil needs to be pulled by us like donkeys pull a chariot. Evil is heavy, it is heaviness. Truth and holiness, on the other hand, attract us, leads us and takes us. It is not easy to change our ways to that point, to move on without using animal force to walk, without doing out of stubbornness, to be leading the way by following. "I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love; and I was to them as those who take off the yoke on their jaws, and I gently give food", Hos.11:4. Evil demands that we be turned into mules to be able to sin. Jesus teaches us to be otherwise. "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you. Be not like the horse, or like the mule, who have no understanding, whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle", Ps.32:8-9. "However, it shall not be so among you...", Mat.20:26.

  2404. No one may presume about tomorrow, not for evil nor for goodness' sake. There are people who get very excited about tomorrow, about things over which they have no control; and there are those prophets of evil who expect the worse all the time. None of these give glory to God that way.

  2405. There are those kinds of temptations we suffer because we are with God and there are those we undergo by being away from the Lord. We may say the same thing about the absence of temptations. The devil does not tempt many fallen ones to fall since they are already fallen, just as God will not work to rise risen ones because they have already risen. Only when the devil intervenes in a holy life (either because we or the Lord allow him to do so), only then may we suffer under heaviness because of the incompatibility of the different kinds of life which which dispute the heart. The same will happen when God intervenes in a sinful life: the heaviness of conviction will surely weigh upon anyone's heart.

  2406. Farmers know how to wait for a crop, they know how to discern the time to sow from the time to reap. They become concerned about the lack of fruit only if there is no fruit in harvest time. They are concerned about the soil in the sowing season. They do not change times with times and their minds do not mix the seasons. But, spiritual farmers seldom discern between the time to sow and the time to harvest. Many pull the fruit out of the trees when they are not ripe. Others leave a ripe fruit on the tree because they might have pulled one that was not ripe in times before and are now afraid to take the fruit. Discernment is not only to discern between spirits. We should be able to discern between many other things and learn to be patient too. "Therefore, be patient, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth and has long patience for it, until he receives the early and the latter rain", James 5:7.

  2407. God is never indifferent or inactive: He either resists the proud or gives grace to the humble, 1Pet.5:5.

  2408. This world is indeed strange. Today, both faith and unbelief reject miracles and both accept them, because there are false and genuine miracles.

  2409. The Pharisees believed there was life after death and the Sadducees believed there was nothing to expect after death. Pharisees were right about it, they had the right doctrines about the issue. Yet, they crucified Jesus. We may, also, be right about many truths and about many other things, and still miss the whole point. Take care to treat Jesus well above having the right doctrines and the right church. Trust Him instead. "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled in but a little time. Blessed are all who put their trust in Him", Ps.2:12.

  2410. Jesus said: "Each day has enough trouble of its own", Mat.6:34. But, we may add something to it: "Each day has enough goodness of its own". People get so excited about good things that they completely neglect today's work.

  2411. People under intense slavery, many times, believe only because they need to let their minds escape from hard times. They believe because they need to believe and not because they take truth as truth or that something shall indeed be fulfilled. We may believe that truth is truth and, yet, it won't become reality to us. We need to be real and believe whatever is truthful. If God is indeed with us, it should be easy to do so. The fullness of the Spirit does wonders under such circumstances.

  2412. The Jews had a firm hope that the Messiah would come. But, when He came, they did not realize it was Him. They, consequently, rejected Him. "He came to His own, and His own received Him not", John 1:11. As you see, it is possible to have the right kind of hope and reject the fulfilment of it. Is your mind according to God's? If it is not, surely, hope's fulfilment may come as a disappointment to you.

  2413. A sinner always believes he is good feeling unholy, and a holy man always believes he is an unworthy sinner feeling holy.

  2414. Helping people is not always doing something good for them. Sometimes, not helping them is to allow them to be able to do something for themselves. Sometimes, not helping might be a greater help than helping. This is why God does not help you to give you time to kick evil out of yourself.

  2415. The best way to stop lying, is not to keep quiet: it is to speak the truth. The opposite of stealing is giving and not restraining from stealing alone. Doing the opposite of sin from the heart is what holiness is all about.

  2416. Any weak foundation produces a weak faith. If it is true that the best way not to lie is to tell the truth (instead of keeping quiet), a genuine faith demands from us that we make sure about truth, not to refute it, but to become fully convinced during the process of confronting it. It is a weak faith or a false one that demands from us that we do not confront whatever we believe in. Liars are afraid to be confronted with truth. God is not. We should neither be afraid of investigating or examining all faithfully, just as God commanded.

  2417. There is no future for a castle built in the sand. There is no real hope for daydreaming. Any kind of lying to self will lead to death, just as any other sin.

  2418. It is difficult to imagine someone being a Christian only in some aspects of his life. There is no way one can live half holy, or speak half right or to curse by half only. People who believe that such a thing is possible and live accordingly are strange beings who do not belong to the holy world and neither do they wish belong to the other. They are miscarriages and are close to being cursed forever.

  2419. Joy at the right time is like food at the right time. People are joyful when they sing in church and some even take time to show out a joy they have not been given. Anyway, hear what Jesus says when is it the right time to rejoice: "Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for your reward in Heaven is great. For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you", Mat.5:11-12.There is nothing wrong with being joyful at church or among brothers if that is the joy God gives. But, we need to know that the right time to be joyful is when you are having a hard time because of being righteous. Maybe, in church you should be praying for the lost ones who persecute your brothers. The right time to be joyful in the Lord is during hard times. But, the best is to always experience joy in the Lord.

  2420. We do not need to be physically removed from the midst of sinners to be isolated from them. Jesus was among prostitutes and they even touched Him. Yet, He remained holy. Holiness is a heart matter, not a place matter.

  2421. If we are on the verge of becoming bitter, or of slipping into despair because of an unanswered prayer or a delayed answer to it, instead of making hasty conclusions about God or concerning what is happening, instead of talking too fast, we should rather near God to listen. Do not talk alone as if God is listening. Talk to Him.

  2422. The secret of authority is personal holiness. Whoever has a life like God's, will be listened to. Next time people refuse to listen to you or to understand what you say, dare to inquire from the Lord why it happens. Maybe you are the one who need to repent and listen.

  2423. Whoever joins in and sits among people who are wrong to please them or 'not to hurt them', needs to learn how to live in freedom. Whoever judges them to find a reason not to join them, needs to learn it too.

  2424. A victim knows only to be a victim or to victimize.

  2425. It is better to light one candle which remains alight to the end, than to light up many which will fade away and eventually be extinguished. It is not easy to tell which of the candles you light will be giving light to the end though. Anyway, try to be that one, even if no one else burns for God anymore.

  2426. Many believe that those who fight their own sins are worthy of praise and that they are examples worth following. In fact, if you fight a dirty man, you will become dirty yourself. Try upholding the example of all those who put all in the light and who exterminate sin through the light and through walking in the light, those who do no use own strength to do it but light. "Do not resist evil", Paul said.

  2427. If my aptitudes, goals, moral abilities and values are not what will make the difference in the long run with Christ, then, my lack on anything shouldn't hinder me to near Christ at all. Do not wait to be worthy to come to Christ or to pray.

  2428. Where the Spirit leads, those who are led easily agree among themselves. But, this does not mean that where all agree God is among them. People may agree because they have the same evil heart or because they have the same culture or desires. Holiness and the presence of God is often revealed or proven when people disagree. If God indeed leads you, many people will disagree with you because most people are not under His name even if they say they are. Then, do not fear disagreements - God is leading.

  2429. When the devil speaks to us as God would, when he tries to imitate or impersonate the Holy Spirit, we should wait and never be intimidated to seek a confirmation from the Lord. Usually, the devil will warn us sternly that is sin to lack on faith if we try to confirm things. Just ignore the advice because it is better to be reprimanded by God for unbelief than to be praised by the devil for having a great 'faith'. But, here is a rule of life: whoever easily believes a lie, will most easily doubt a truth, no matter how simple and how clear it is. On the other hand, whoever easily believes truth, will surely easily doubt when a liar says something. The degree of difficulty you may experience believing a truth will be proportional to how easy it is for you to believe a lie. If it is difficult for you to believe a lie, surely you will easily believe truth.

  2430. God prefers the final perfection above an occasional one.

  2431. Whoever hits the same nail over and over is not a good carpenter. If you play the same recital time and time again you cannot be a good musician. If you confess the same sin over and over you cannot be holy.

  2432. How can we expect that something born out of hell will not become devilish and uncontrollable?

  2433. "He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward. And he who receives a just one in the name of a just one will receive a just one's reward", Mat.10:41. Receiving a saint as a saint means that you see what the saint carries in him. Receiving a saint in the quality of a saint means the same to a sinful man receiving his sinful visitor. And the reward is not because you give a cup of water but because of what you have inside you, which makes you give to someone as a genuine servant of God.

  2434. We will be free from sin only in the measure that we are free to move in Christ. I mean by this that, as long as it is hard for you to remain in Christ it shall be as hard to stay away from sin. If you find it difficult to stay away from temptation or to remain pure when tempted, it shows just how hard it is for you to stay close to the Lord. The other side of this coin is: you are mouldable by the world only as far as the measure of your hardness towards Christ. If you are soft towards Christ, you will experience a hardness and a repulse towards the world. No one can avoid that happening either way.

  2435. "They always err in their heart, and they have not known My ways", Heb.3:10. It is of extreme importance to take notice of the sequence of these words. We do not read that people "err the way and have a bad heart" - we read that they err in their heart and consequently know not the way. It is shameful to people that they always want to change their knowledge about God first and to put on an outward appearance to please people and themselves when they look into their imaginary mirrors. It is the heart and its inner ways and mechanisms which need to be changed first. If we change our hearts in a real way, everything else is liable to change along with it. If man's heart changes, the whole world changes along.

  2436. God did not send Noah do save his family or to condemn the world, even if he did both, Heb.11:7. He was called to obey God and he did so. His aim was obedience to God and not the salvation of his family, nor the condemnation of the world. When Christ sends us out, we go out in obedience towards the Lord, and not to save nor to condemn. We are called to be obedient when Christ commands us to preach the gospel. We are not merely preaching the gospel, but obeying the Lord.

  2437. People who are afraid and remain so, are stubborn people - they are not weak people at all.

  2438. If you hesitate between Christ and sin, between Christ and the world, you are hesitating between life and death. It is clear what that choice should be. Just don't feel bad, then, if anyone thinks or believes you are a fool when hesitating between such important issues. When you are the one who hesitate, a holy man will see you as foolish. If you do not hesitate, unholy people will see you as foolish.

  2439. If you build a ship and you keep it in a harbour, surely it feels safe there - but it is not fulfilling its mission. Feeling safe and cared for is not fulfilment at all. A ship is made to set out to high sea, to face tempests and do its job away from the port. It comes occasionally to the port for many reasons, including to be repaired and fixed, to be filled or refilled and cared for. But, to feel cared for is not the reason why it comes to the port. Whatever we may believe about ships, we know they belong to the fearful sea. It has to challenge fears, waves, tempests, winds, icebergs, bad sailors and bad or good captains who fulfil their duty.

  2440. The most difficult part of our lives is that part when we need to wait upon God. It is easy to obey when there is a hard way ahead of us - it is harder to obey when there is some waiting to do. To keep hope in shape and sharp under such circumstances, shows what kind of things your heart really has within it. It will be hard for us to wait to the end if we are misinformed or uninformed about God and God's ways. To keep hope shining is something you cannot fake or pretend. There, one needs to be real! "The earnest expectation waits...", Rom.8:19. I pray our expectations are earnest, strong, solid and living.

  2441. When your time to die has come, we hope death is all there is left for you to overcome by then.

  2442. To be that own-minded as to keep our hearts in a condemnable state of lack of peace is a suicidal attitude. And many people try hard not to be more restless when things are not quiet within. But, if we are able to keep quiet before God even when death threatens us in any way, God will deal with whatever caused restlessness within us.

  2443. All of us know that those wounds brought about by God heal the soul if we take care to hear God and to remain close to Him during those trials. The wounds of God either heal right away or in the long term. But, they always heal. If the wounds of God heal the soul, the kisses and hugs of the world either kill us right away or in the long term as well. For these two reasons there are not many healthy, spiritual people around.

  2444. There is only one way to be hindered by the devil (in those things which are the will of God to carry out): if we tarry away from the real presence of God. And there is only one way to be apart from God: by sinning. If other people sin, or if the devil works hard against me, it just doesn't have any effect upon my personal life unless I have sinned.

  2445. Let's suppose we have sinned and we want to look over it so we may believe we may skip an apology to someone. And, by refusing to go back upon our sins to review our ways, we may say we have no sin or that we have been forgiven when we haven't. To ignore we have sinned is what it is all about when John says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us", 1John 1:8. People usually use this verse as an excuse to carry on sinning and not to stop sinning by acknowledging sinfulness is there and needs to be brought to the light by confessing and exposing it. Putting in the light kills sin forever and not denial. Whoever wishes to stop sinning needs only to bring sin and self to the light. Then, the way out will be clearly seen and embraced.

  2446. To think of God's things as marvellous things is normal to any powerless being. But, be careful never to think of such things as abnormal things, or even too great things. Never be perplexed when God does great things, because you might despise small things done by God. The heart which marvels with great things easily despises small, important things. Change your heart and walk on the ground where the Red Sea has been removed from and have your mind set on heavenly things instead of looking back on any miracle because you thought God would not do it when He did it.

  2447. People , usually, yell to be heard because the ones they call upon are far away. But, to have a heart which yells and makes noises so other people may hear it when we, supposedly, praise God, only makes sense if God is too far away to hear us or if we want people who yell also to hear us instead of God. God is either absent or, if He is present, we despise and ignore Him by preferring people above Him. That's what all the noise and all the fuss is about.

  2448. Every person who refuses to change from within gladly tries harder to change from without to cover up whatever is left undone inside. An outward change is just another way of covering up sin. Such people easily become actors of what could be true. They are not living people. Acting grants them a hiding manner and a disguise which is responsible for a greater appetite for acting. People who work hard to be polite and smooth show how much they refuse to change. If we, however, change from deep within, we  will gladly put into action whatever we have become and all will be done in simplicity and humility, since to be humble is to be as we are inside.

  2449. No one should cease to pray, I mean, no one should give up upon anything before the answer is granted. The answer may be given through assurance from the Spirit blown into our hearts before it happens, or the real, practical answer of whatever we have put before God takes place before our eyes. Even when we are found in some sin, we should never give up on anything which is the will of God. In the process of praying for something, God will reveal why He is not answering. If one, then, ceases to pray by giving up on something because he has no answer, he might loose his life too, along with the answer to that prayer. By not giving up, God may heal the sin by bringing it to the light and also grant the request. Besides, His presence, when we pray, is able to transform us. In fact, we have many reasons why we should never give up praying to the end, until the answer is granted. Do not give up on praying for something, I mean, "Do not cease to pray" because God will answer if you fulfil the requirements before gain the heart which shall remain faithful after the answer is fully granted.

  2450. I believe there is no better time for a hypocrite to be formed than during the time of prayer. It is there where most people talk alone and state they are talking to God. A saint is made during times of real prayer too because God is present.

  2451. Whatever the devil ruins, God can still mould into whatever He wants. It will just depend upon whether we stay in Him or not. The time it may take, however, doesn't really matter. But, it can happen straight away.

  2452. The truth about some people who are always late, is that they are usually in a hurry. They leave things undone or half done because they hurry and it will demand their attention again and cause them to hurry again. I believe they are late because they are always in a hurry. Hasty people are always behind schedule because they don't do things as they should do them. A work half done or done in a hurry is something which will call our attention back to it again and again. Patient, faithful people are the ones who do things well enough never to be in a hurry. Something well done will not use up the time meant for something else, because it is done. People in a haste seem to be efficient people, but they are not. Prov.19:2;21:5.

  2453. Faith needs to be a practical living, not a definition. When I am bound or in trouble, no definition of faith will help me out. Love needs to be real before it can be preached. And trust comes from love. Unfortunately, all people do today is to define the Trinity, define love, define gifts and whatever else there is to be defined. But, I believe that once pastors and ministers can live and experience openly a little of what they define and preach about, people will get converted by the thousands. That's where discussions about doctrine will end and, perhaps, where a new life will start. And the reason why discussions will end is because they will start to experience the real thing.

  2454. Because Christ is Life, obedience is life too. It can't be a strain or a forced attitude, but a life. The strength we use might be of the kind which works into us the way to stick to that life - but force is not life, since life is spontaneous. For a living person, disobedience is force and obedience is living.

  2455. Many times we are not able to see God with us because he has gone ahead of us to prepare our way. God said "I will be with you", but He also said "I will go before you..." Is.45:2. Jesus said to His disciples, "I am leaving you, but I am gone to prepare a place for you... I will be with you always..."

  2456. If any person has the ability and the heart to look right in the eye of any Goliath, if he is simple and truthful doing so, I am sure such a person will never neglect a smaller enemy or despise it for what it is. Such a person is given over to obedience and never to the size of enemies. Obedience to God and faith in Him is what matters to such and never the size or the words of an enemy - whether it is a small or a huge one.

  2457. If someone who is able to wait on God by being expectant renews his strength (Is.40:31), how much more someone who is capable of expecting something from God right away, at the moment he is talking to God. If the heart is not lying, such people will be renewed on the spot. To wait on God is to expect from God. And that kind of expectation does not deceive us. "And hope does not make us ashamed, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us", Rom 5:5.

  2458. Resentfulness is what we hold back against other people; self-accusations is what we hold against ourselves. If being resentful against people is unholy, so is accusing yourself having Jesus nearby and so close to cleanse you. I believe people who keep accusing themselves are people who are refusing to change. It is so easy to stop accusing yourself - just change! If you hold on to accusations as a kind of guarantee you shall be forgiven, you are seeking attention or praise and not forgiveness.

  2459. The best way there is, is to know, to hold, to have Christ for real and to see and to cherish Him as He really is. I will never remain unless I know Him that way. And Christ will never be as He is within me and by me if I hold anything back from Him still, if I do not surrender any part of my life unto Him - whether it is a piece of old life or of new adapted life. If there is but one part of the old life in me still, if there is but one little thought or imagination from the world still left behind, or if I cherish a portion of new life instead of Him, Christ cannot have His fullness shown and displayed in me because a piece of own life is still hanging around and filling the space in my heart which He must fill. Choose today: either keep Life or an own life. To cherish a piece of old cloth is the same as cherishing a piece of new cloth. Selfishness is in the heart and does not depend on the object it is settled upon. When Christ asks from you to deny your father and mother, He is simply asking you to stop being selfish about them forever.

  2460. God does not change and everything He says will not change. But, we may change. If we, then, do not keep up with God's renewals within because we change, we will easily step into error, since whoever does not hold on to truth, will most surely be able to hold a lie in his hand.

  2461. Any blind man feels safe by knowing his way by heart. If a man with vision knows his way by heart in the same way, it may be either a help for him or a hindrance; he does not walk by knowing his way by heart in a manner that a blind man does. So, if your eyes are indeed open spiritually, never allow it your mind to act as a blind man would. Most church people are blind ones who have memorized and studied a way so well that they are easily self-deceived by not being aware of the need to see for real. Just don't act as they do if your eyes have indeed been opened by the Lord Jesus.

  2462. In the same way people may have a false hope which drives them on and on (one which deceives in the end or even before), people who live close to God and are going through many kinds of trials all the time may come to believe they are not going anywhere. There is no place in hell for a holy man, let's believe that! Lets us never believe our upright living close to God is in vain, for it is not. People in sin live on as if they are not losing anything. Let us not live as if we are not winning by being that close to Jesus all the time! Also, let not the prosperity of any sinner either confuse you or encourage you towards sinning because they might prosper temporarily.

  2463. If Satan has fallen from heaven, why would I still believe I shouldn't get out of sin? And, if he fell out of grace being so special to God, why would I still believe I can sin on without falling out myself?

  2464. Anything small done through the Lord is always a motive and a source of enormous joy. Anything big done without the Lord, is an useless emptiness. The bigger the work done without God, the bigger the emptiness of it. We all can and, consequently, should experience the fullness of Christ in whatever we do. Richer or poorer, older or younger, all of us should be that close to the Lord.

  2465. There are those who say that they have a great difficulty getting to sleep and these may have a consequent difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. But, I believe it works the other way round: because they stay long in bed in the morning, they have difficulty sleeping at night.

  2466. Whoever neglects something, is surely someone who works hard to deceive himself. If a person merely suspects he needs to do something and doesn't do it, he is in sin - in some other sin as well. He does not only sin, but might have a need to sweep out of him an attitude which leads him to be that way. Disobedience is the practical outcome of an inner disposition of stubbornness. We may work hard to obey, but let's work harder to be of the obedient kind so we do not need to work hard to obey once the time comes to do so. Any person who has an obedient heart in him, will have as a first reaction a willingness to obey rather than to disobey. Let's change from within and our seed will keep us away from sinning.

  2467. When we carried out something which did not work out, we may rest assured we have at least learned and experienced the way of faithfulness. We may not have accomplished what we intended, but we have done something: we have learned a bit of what it means to be faithful to the end. That's the least one can say.

  2468. Many believe there is a huge difference between a saint and a sinner and that an abyss separates a holy man from an unholy one. In all truth, there isn't a big difference between them at all. There is only one thing which causes the difference to be so contrasting: Christ who lives within the holy man.

  2469. The thing that differentiates a holy man from a sinner, separates them as well. There are differences which do not separate people at all, but rather unite them. We can easily think of a man and a woman in the will of God, so different and so united. But, sinners cannot get involved with holy people for many reasons, the most important one being the fact that their lives are not in agreement. Anyway, we cannot say that it is always a holy man who does not sit with foolish people who give their lives easily over to sin. It is not true. In fact, when any holy man lives his life out openly and stands for his Lord as sinners stand for their sinning, I am sure a sinner will be the one refusing to stick around and sit at the same table where a holy man takes his seat. The best way never to sit around with the scornful, is to be holy all the time, including when we are in front of them. They will go away and leave their seat for Christ and He will stick around with us!

  2470. When anyone in this wide world hurts us in any way, I am absolutely sure God comes to rescue us from the way we feel above rescuing us from such people who may hurt us. But, let us not believe that a bad conduct of whoever hurts us is acceptable just for the sake of not feeling hurt. I mean, do not say wrong people are right so that you can feel good about them. Rather "pray for your enemies".

  2471. There is only one reason we may change our minds about something good: the thing we were doing was not perfect yet. We may come to grow, we may get a better mind (but not necessarily a different mind) about things. In a nutshell, we are being perfected and everything we do and think will grow as we grow.

  2472. Jesus was and is holy. If we walk with Him, we will be holy too. God said to Abraham, "Walk thou before Me and be holy". We should mark that God did not say "Be holy and walk with Me", but rather the other way round. There is no excuse for us not being holy, since we can and may walk with Jesus as the disciples did. He said: "Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire", Mat.7:19. We should concentrate all our energies and thoughts on walking with God and not merely on being perfect. Perfection is a natural consequence of walking with the Lord. Intimacy with Him which is real shall naturally lead to fruitfulness.

  2473. All those things which stick together when God has not put them together, remain that way because some sin is binding them or holding them together. People may stick together because they agree in sinning, because they are in agreement. Were their sins opposed, they would go apart.

  2474. Someone who has not the courage or the faith to take the right steps, measures or to assume the right way, will surely need very little encouragement to take the wrong way or to do the wrong thing.

  2475. Mistrust is a huge amount of self-confidence, just as being unstable and unsure is stubbornness - even if it is only stubbornness which refuses to make sure about things, you do not trust as much as you trust yourself!

  2476. "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, each one to his own way", Is.53:6. We do not se the Bible saying someone has gone astray by going into someone else's path. We read that everyone goes astray by going his own way. And, we see Jesus stating that the good seed is planted in one's own field, Mat.13:24. The key to good living is to preach to oneself. Be always the first hearer of what you preach, especially if you preach the truth.

  2477. Conviction may bring repentance or stubbornness, resistance or penitence. We read of all those people who got converted through the initial preaching of Peter, and it is written that they were "cut in the heart". But, by reading on, we come across those who stoned Steven and may overlook a few words there because our hearts concentrate on Steven and we are stirred up by him. It is written that they stoned him because they were "cut in the hearts". The same conviction worked a different kind of reaction on them. It is not right to believe that a conviction of sin brought about by the Holy Spirit always ends up in repentance. That same conviction is responsible for many a problem which we should be willing to face. It stirs up God's enemies in many ways as well. They will either repent or stone you. But, God must do that to be righteous towards all. All get the same chance to be saved. Most people do not like it. Many of those who do not like it, repent - some simply don't. Trees become either good or bad and things won't ever be the same again for any of them.

  2478. A coward is someone bound to stubbornness. He is never weak - he has a strong mind to which he is obedient to. And, a bunch of cowards usually stick together. "For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered". Mat 24:28 ; They walk together because "they are agreed", Amos 3:3

  2479. If you hide , you cannot have the right motives doing so - it is not possible! If you isolate yourself, you must have some dirt you believe you cannot afford to show - even if it is not true. "He that separates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound wisdom", Prov.18:1.

  2480. Authority is brought by the example we put forth unconsciously. A carnal strong mind is a sign of weakness and that is a corrupted kind of authority which will not last for long.

  2481. Whoever wishes to separate what God has put together, has a mind to put together whatever God would not put together. Anyone putting together what God has not put together, has a double sin: he will miss whatever God has in His mind for him, and will annoy God by his stubborn decision to carry out his own will. Only those who do God's will shall be approved. And, to do it, you must still learn how, when and to whom and by which means, since it must be done here on earth as it is done in heaven - the same way.

  2482. I was the reason why Jesus left heaven and came down. He is the reason I will go up to heaven. As the eye without moisture, the eye without sight, water without humidity, so would heaven be without Jesus.

  2483. All who walk with God through God have the information, the means and the power to save many from destruction.

  2484. It is not possible to follow Christ ahead of Him. But, you cannot stay behind for fear to be ahead of Him either.

  2485. We are Bethlehem, the place where Christ is born.

  2486. Everyone who brags about those things he does not experience personally, or those he experiences in part, is surely trying hard to hide those things they cannot brag about. Bragging is hiding and concealing the truth about something. When you speak about something you do not experience or live personally, you experience and live something. which you do not talk about.

  2487. Even if God can change the worst curse into an everlasting blessing, it does not mean that everything a human sees as bad is a curse or a bad thing happening. Many failures are successes in God's eyes and, after God has revealed it to be so, we should be able to regard them as such as well. Sometimes, bad things are, also, the beginning of blessings or the warning of curses. Many good things are the beginnings of curses and something to take heed to for the sake of repentance. Remember all these things before expressing any opinion about them and before God next time.

  2488. God may use anything or any circumstance to reveal His will or Himself to us. Circumstances do not determine what God will tell us. God can talk to us about preaching to someone when we are suffering. Or God can talk to us about suffering when we are preaching. Things do not count, but Christ alone determines what to do. Only Christ matters along with what His will is, either His will for us or for others. There is only one thing that matters: to be found in Him all the time. There should be no power too small or too great able to deter us from being in Him permanently. No one should say he has no power to go to God, nor say there are too powerful things hindering him to come. Let no weak person say he can't come to Christ - he may say he won't, if he is honest though.

  2489. Whenever you are able to gather without God, you do so only because you may have certain ambitions, fears or whatever else that drives you to "haste with your feet". If you do not trust God, you trust yourself - it can't be any other way. It doesn't matter how much a person fears - he fears only because he still trusts self deeply. Fears only feed the flesh and keeps it living by dictating a conduct.  Faith is, therefore, partly stopping to trust yourself and ceasing to give ears to your own heart at some point.

  2490. Truth without God is what religion is all about. Lies, because they are without God, amount to same thing. And because there are many kinds of truths and lies, there will always be many kinds of religions around to try to confuse us.

  2491. Accusing yourself is always a way of diverting from a conversion operated by God. It might be a way of deviating from a change that must still take place - just as accusing others places the attention upon others and takes the eye away from your own sins. Accusing oneself is, most of the time, a way of covering up sins, and "whoever covers his sins shall not prosper", Prov.28:13. Take hold of yourself and tell yourself at once that accusations will not change you, but shall rather hinder a real change in you. Whoever pities himself, is looking back already.

  2492. Sacrifice means (many times) that we are trying to live out whatever we are not able to be in ourselves and without sacrifice. If we change from the inside, the only thing which will be seen as sacrifice by us, are the physical hardships - and that alone if we get tired at all, since there is still the possibility we will not get tired through the expectation and hope in the Lord. Whoever feels that holiness is still a sacrifice to him should change his heart rather quickly, instead of trying to change his looks and outward appearance alone.

  2493. To be as you are, is not the same as thinking you are something. One is a humble man, the other is an actor. People have pretended for years and lost track of what they really are - they are no more in a state to know what the difference is either. Humility is to be as we are, just as God is what He is.

  2494. To change religion is to change doubts. But, to find Christ face to face is, some times, to change certainties because people believe their lies quite strongly.

  2495. God may promise to curse (and He does) and repent to have done so because people may have repented from sins and evil; God may promise to build and bless and eventually do otherwise because people ceased to be responsible and fully obedient to the New Nature because they took it for granted God would bless them and they did not take it to heart to love God and carried on loving themselves. Either way, God does not only break a promise He would fulfil at any cost, but He does, some times, the precise opposite of whatever He has promised to do. Let’s know this God as He is, the One who did not curse Nineveh after promising destruction to them; and let's know this Lord who cursed Israel after having promised them to be their God and glory forever, Jer.18:7-10. People are not destroyed because God has cursed, but because they have sinned and hardened themselves and that curse takes place because of it: "So says Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I will bring on this city and on all its towns all the evil that I have spoken against it, because they have hardened their necks so that they might not hear My Words", Jer.19:15. The promises of God are seeds too, they take place because the heart is softened by them and holds up to a sure, future, conditional happening. Whatever God says are seeds and not grown plants. Were God to curse for sure, or to bless for sure, He would never tell people about it beforehand - He would just do it. Because He says and speaks beforehand, He is aiming at the harvest His words can bring back unto Him. As long as we believe any words from God and act accordingly, we have a real chance to be fine. If God pronounces a curse and I take it as God's word, it is faith. And faith saves.

  2496. It is so strange that people, after having handed their lives over to God, ask for a change of circumstances under every trial and not for a change of heart. Every trial and temptation is a good opportunity for any clean person to have his heart and ways settled down or changed for good. Fire moulds iron and trials mould the heart for the better if we live in the Spirit of God. Let's refuse to become dirty when we are tried above measure in any way, just as Job did. And let's remember that a big trial which lasts only for a short time has less chances to deviate us from the way than a small one which lasts and lasts.

  2497. Whoever is in a state of heart which convinces himself of having what he does not have (especially in God), will most easily believe he does not have what he already has if he is found in God for real. We do not need to feign to turn real whatever comes from God. We just need to believe things are real whenever they are real.

  2498. What would become of a man who is totally dependant on God and is not able or fit to receive from Him? How bad for the soul shall it be and for the testimony of God! If asks and does not receive, he is either not with God and in His will; or something separates him from the Lord.

  2499. Bad men want to be seen as good because they are convinced, recharged and encouraged by the opinion others may breed about them. Sinners try good works to cover, to impress, to gain, to save or to get saved, and above all, through good works they have the best way to hide their former or nowadays sins together with the desire to be able to sin in the future. Good works is a way of escaping salvation from sin and to get acquainted with a false salvation by resisting God's. It doesn't impress Him at all. Good works is a kind of resistance against God. Have God in you and you won't even think or believe anything concerning your works because your life will be as natural as God's, and will stick to the same things He does naturally in such a way that you won't even think of it being or becoming a good deed or work at all. It is for a specific reason those who visited the Lord in prison and saw Him naked did not know they did it.

  2500. "They are all grievous revolters, walking in slanders", Jer.6:28. This does not mean that revolters are slanders, but that slanders are revolters - they do slander because they have become revolters. And gossip and slander is not only to tell lies about people - it is surely to tell the truth about them too when it is not done for God's sake through God alone.

  2501. Any kind of bitterness is a devilish arena or on the verge of becoming so. Bitterness is slander against God, some kinds more slanderous than others. It is also a root to many other sins which easily instigate and captivate others to sin after the same spirit. Bitterness tells us to resign on the way of God, to give up, to despair, to give in to selfishness. That's why I solemnly believe that people who want to give up are resisting God and are not merely becoming weak. Bitterness also uses the Bible quite well. Beware of it, not only in others because it can draw you nigh and attract your distracted soul and mind, but mostly beware of it in you. Take care of it while it is still a root. And when you find you are being drawn to bitterness, be careful enough not to stay in the company of anyone with a same frame of mind or in the same state of heart. It shall be dangerous for both.

  2502. Anyone who is not right with God and works hard to save others has a selfish interest in whatever he does. Maybe the devil himself is enticing such a person to "save" others, because that's the starting point to discredit the works and the words of God before the world. Doubts and an unstable spirit carries people to "save" others because others' opinions about them assure them of something they whish to believe concerning themselves, whether that which they want to believe is truthful or not. Even if it is true, that is not the right way or means to use to believe and to be assured. To believe truthful things by unlawful methods and ways is like winning a race through fraud and bad means. To preach the gospel of salvation instead of becoming saved and becoming salvation itself has been turned into a way of doing thins nowadays. Beware of false preachers who preach the truth. Hear them, but live far from them and from their ways. Not all who say "Lord, Lord" are from God.

  2503. Any timid person is a proud person. Any timid man resembles a humble man and vice-versa. That's why many humble people are taken as being proud of something. Care to distinguish between all of them if you are either timid or humble, a judge or a judged one.

  2504. Every time we are forcing Christ to accept something and Christ is too silent and doesn't answer, we may be sure there is something else Christ would gladly discuss with us, which we are not willing to take to the table of discussion, especially to discuss it with Him. Because people are not obeying somewhere else, they cling to something they become morbid and bitter about if it is discussed. Many people have non-negotiable issues. The thing Christ would talk and discuss with us is not even considered an issue of discussion by many. That's why many people fast and pray: because they are disobedient.

  2505. Any kind of confusion which is bad is never brought about because we know little about something, or because we lack something. The fact is, people become either confused or agnostic because there is something which separates them from God. If we really live with God through God, why would something more important or less important ever trouble us? It is sin which is directly responsible for confusion. Every time someone confused comes to you, let such confess sins by name instead of teaching him the way he should go. It is a blind man who needs to be taken by the hand. Instead of trying to lead the blind, cause him to see his way. "... Our confusion covers us; for we have sinned against Jehovah our God", Jer.3:25

  2506. There is a simple rule of life: if you are too great for a small task, you will become proud during a great task. In other words, you are too small for a great task. Whoever lives with God for God in prison (like Joseph did), will surely govern Egypt by God for God too.

  2507. God won't harvest from thorns, especially if the soil is good. Therefore, instead of complaining that God does not accept fruit from your hand (like Cain did), do away with worldly occupations and cares, concerns and anxious thoughts. Would you pluck corn from the midst of thorns if you were a successful owner of a field?

  2508. Any bird will fly lacking one or two feathers. We will live for God as long as we have Life in us - real Life. No one can take real Life away from holy men and women even when they are stripped of something.

  2509. Admirers are hypocrites. Depending on what the admiration is about, people usually have or breed a deep self interest through admiration. Admiring Paul, Peter or any other servant of God is a license people believe reasonable enough not to live the way they wish to live. By admiring, they believe to have found the permission to skip the responsibility to live as God requires them to do. When, however, the man they admire is a false prophet of some kind, they admire such a fellow because they also desire to have what he has. It might be riches, power or just a plain smooth speech.

  2510. Homosexuals , just like other sinners, are a roaming boat which firmly believes it has a track or an certainty in its way. It is like a dry leave left on the ground and goes to where the wind blows. Its direction depends on the direction the wind blows. They are people who are handed over to themselves, to their ways and thoughts without anyone to hinder them besides other sinners who are their competitors or enviers. They belong to a destroyed life which moves further and further away from God believing to be guiders. They also believe they are withstood by people when their conscience is the one resisting them. They believe they have a goal and a way and only hell or Christ will show them otherwise. 

  2511. For any of us to believe in the resurrection, we must be resurrected ourselves. We need to have come out of the grave, out of the death of sin which deceives the heart, out of the lack of motivation, grief and out of the pain of having been called to one side by a man of God because God sent him to admonish us. Only a resurrected man believes in genuine resurrection. To have it is quite different than to believe it exists or that it is possible.

  2512. Many try to stay clean and above sin by judging it off and by becoming judgemental over it. But, they try only to tell they do not desire whatever they really still are able to fall down for.

  2513. Trials which last for a long time, even if they are small, are more dangerous than any big trial that last only for a short time. Let's make sure we come out victoriously at the end of any kind of trial. To be victorious means that we end every trial with Christ and not that we solve the problems which exercise a heaviness upon a heart. As long as heaviness has an effect on us, we are in need of that trial. To end with the Lord is what victory is all about. To remain with Him is what God looks for in us and it doesn't matter what happens to the trials at all. To overcome is to end with Christ in His fullness.

  2514. Whenever a prayer is not heard by God, people easily give up on everything else and not only on the subject they are praying about. It could mean they try getting the answers through unlawful means or by blackmailing God and not through faith. People give up many things because one of them has not worked out. Quite often, a selfish prayer leads people to give up because such prayers are not answered. They seldom have in mind that many other prayers have been answered. But, because we are sinners and we are real, we need to know that, even if all prayers, according to promise, need to get answers, the lack of answers should motivate us more to near the Lord with a sincere heart and not less. The thoughts of God are higher than ours and we must know what these thoughts are. It should never have the power to discourage us in any way at all. Find all faults in your own heart or prayers and do not try to blackmail God by giving up. Find out what is separating you from the Lord so that He doesn't hear you. The promise is that each of our prayers should get real answers, John 15:7.

  2515. There are lazy people who get worked up because they are lazy. They try doing something else to avoid doing what they ought to be doing. They are busy bodies because their heart is lazy. And laziness is a kind of stubbornness. However, because they are busy bodies they give the impression they are not lazy at all. On the other hand, there are those who do what they must do in time and the way it ought to be done. These people are seldom busy bodies because they have enough time to rest and to be at ease since all their work has been perfectly carried out and does not call their attention over and over again. These people will, sometimes, give the impression they are lazy because of having chosen the best part as Mary did. Never allow appearances to mislead you in any way. 

  2516. Temptations make our limitations known to us all, showing where and what we must cannot do. Difficulties make us aware of how we should stand clean in the Lord to overcome (it does not show the difficulty alone), since we would not know about it would it all be easy for us through grace. That's why we live for God, for He does all and He also does anything. It is a good thing that we know our limitations as soon as possible, just as it is a good thing that we be tempted, since through temptation we are all the more aware of how we shall conquer or how we shall loose the power of God by trespassing. Temptations are not to be overcome by strength, but by being holy and by remaining close to God. To be aware of our limitations should be inspiring and not despairing for us, since there starts the narrow way of victory and of the greater things no one in this world has ever been able to perform on his own.

  2517. It is not always so that bad things happen for the good of us, just as good things do not always mean our best final welfare and interest. Bad things may be bad or good, just as good things may be bad or good for us - it just depends if God is in them with us or not. There are good things that make people unaware of the judgement that's coming upon them, Ps.73; and there are bad things that take away the awareness of final blessing upon the faithful. Whatever state you may find yourself in, just stay close to God - and let it be real and not merely worked up - and be assured that whoever is close to Him now will surely be close to Him anytime anywhere later. Eternity is what is happening now as well.

  2518. Anxiety or laziness are dangerous sins as bad as adultery or murder. There are no small sins. However, these sins which we consider small and insignificant have the power to cling on us with greater persistence because no one considers them as bad sins. It is easy to consider murder, adultery or stealing as sin. But, few people consider anxiety as sin and some even consider it a good thing to worry. Remember that the same Lord who said, "Do not commit adultery", also said, "Do not be anxious about anything". And it is a word of a living God we do not obey when we are anxious about anything.

  2519. No one will ever know life unless it is through Jesus Christ. But, I believe no one will ever truly know himself unless it is through the Lord as well.

  2520. Walking close to God means we can walk anywhere any time inside God's will and that no danger is ever able to do us eternal wrong. Walking with God prevents us from listening and from minding the bluffing words of the roaring lion around us. Many lions could not kill Daniel because he was with God. There is no real danger in danger when God is with us for real. Let His sweet presence calm you down and assure your heart wherever you are.

  2521. Premarital sex is adultery. It is an distortion of sex as God intended it to be. It misses the whole the point.

  2522. God will never allow us any kind of arrogance, not even against the devil.

  2523. The first instinct, the first reaction Eve and Adam had after sinning was to hide. Therefore, by coming to Christ and to full restoration, the very first thing we must do is to expose, to bring into the light and let it remain lighted as we move on faithfully. We must do the opposite of hiding to start off or to find the way back to God.

  2524. The greatest danger for a boat is the water to which it owes its own existence. If there were no water, there would be no boats or ships. If there were no sin, there would be no salvation either. But, the water is fatal to the boat if it is found inside it in any way. As long as that water remains outside, the boat won't sink. The same with sin: as long as it stays outside the heart neither us or faith will shipwreck. 

  2525. The blood of Jesus can clean us of any sin, but it can never clean us of an excuse or self-justification.

  2526. The devil is indifferent to whether people know that something is sin or not and he does not avoid stressing the fact to people that they are sinning. Knowing what sin is did not cause people to avoid sinning at all. It is good to have the proper knowledge touching sin. However, it is not the main power that works against it. In fact, the main power towards sin is the knowledge of it. What helps us quite well is to know the Saviour better than we know ourselves. Knowing Him is what saves us from sin and from any accusations and it doesn't matter how severe the accusations are. 

  2527. I would rather wish to know it is God who is destroying me than to see it is the devil who is doing so. Whenever the devil destroys me, it also means I am abandoned by the Lord. If God is the one hitting me, I shall have hope. On the other hand, it is also very good to know God is the one who is giving me all I receive. I would not receive anything from the hands of Satan, not even a fortune.

  2528. There is no virtue in denying ourselves if we don't either grab Life or are unable to live on with or through Jesus. Christ said "Whoever denies his own life for My sake" and not "whoever denies life".  Denying our lives for any other reason besides belonging fully to Christ is an emptiness without measure. We should be fully aware of that for we can deny our life as terrorists do.

  2529. You should often choose between Christ and your problems. Either have Christ or your thoughts bound to problems or to your problems' solutions.


  2531. There is a small difference between being real and being truthful. However, when Christ says, "I am the truth", He means He is both. Christ is truthful. He is truly the way. However, if He is not real He can't be a Saviour to us, even if He is indeed the only Saviour there is. He must be real to us. Does Christ trust you enough to be made real to you? "But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all", John 2:24.

  2532. Loving to teach is not the same as loving the person that is taught. We can love to teach and love whom we teach. However, let's remember we will strive to gain wisdom if we really love those who need to be instructed in the ways of truth. If we do teach because we love teaching, it means we are doing it for the sake of ourselves. And selfishness is all sin is about. The opposite of holiness is selfishness. And, if we love people enough to save them, let's remember that only wise ones are really able to save others. "He who saves souls is wise", Prov.11:30. We aren't able to save people for real unless we are wise and loving. Loving to teach is a side walk, but it can't be the road we must travel.

  2533. Those arguments upon which we insist more because we believe we are right about something, are the very things which more easily reveal how wrong or wrong minded we are. Most people desire to be right and fight as if they are right. It is the desire to be right which drives them and not truth. People feel unstable and unsure when they are not right and they hate to feel that way. They feel they must trust in themselves a lot. By insisting, it shows they are wrong or they wouldn't fight their way through by arguing. Arguing convinces man and man breathes through his nostrils. Winning an argument from man is life for sin and is as good as nothing.

  2534. Every time things become dark around any of us, we must have in mind we should slow down and be patient instead of hasting out of darkness. We must talk less, reason less, listen better and more, and worry less about what is still ahead of us by avoiding to listen to an own wish's voice, which the devil entices also. Only then may we avoid stumbling over something in the dark or even over some sin. Let's remember that the way hasn't changed because of darkness. The way is still the same. If we put the light off in our room, the room won't change - only our view of it. Soon our sun will rise and it will be daylight again and all will become instantly clearer to us. Let's learn to wait for the sunrise rather than be anxious about anything whatsoever.

  2535. If we strive to find the love of God believing that love is shed in our hearts so we may be loved, we won't find it at all. That love is put in us so we will strive to love others as ourselves through it. We already love ourselves. Therefore, we don't need to receive love to be loved. The more we figure out how to love others the way God loves them, the more abundantly that love will be poured into us. We cannot think of love as homosexuals think about sex. Homosexuals are perverted people and have wrong ideas about sex. And people who seek to be loved have perverted ideas or ideals about love in the same sense. 

  2536. Many people have much to say or to feel against people who highjack plains - but few emerge to oppose and correct people who highjack truth. We should recall that the Bible says that people are gone astray by "going each his own way". They have hijacked their ways. You can and may go your own way praying to God and reading the Bible still, just as much as you may walk an own way by becoming devilish in all your actions. What really matters is that you don't walk your own way, whether that way seems righteous or not. Truth which is not made real by the workings of God is no truth at all and it becomes an own way.

  2537. In this world people treat their children as dolls and their dolls as they should be treating their children; people deal with falsity the way they should deal with truth, and deal with truth the way they deal with falsity; reality in Christ or in Christianity today is seen as a falsity and a wrong kind of religion since it is no more a religion - it has become real. Religion is created as soon as things about God cease to be real and when God is not found in them and man believes things about God the way he wishes to believe them. But, the worst part of it all is that the course this world has taken finds it offensive that we have God as real. Reality in God changes the world's course or, at least, its way to look at things. The world knows how to fight religion off them, but they find it hard to deal with the reality of God. Faith is not regarded as faith anymore unless it is worked up and stimulated unnaturally. Real faith is to believe whatever is truthful and real, whether it is visible or not.

  2538. Whoever does not yield unto a rebuke or praise from a righteous God, thinks himself righteous even if it is done in the secrecy of the heart - there where his own eye does not reach to see what he is like. God does not praise to please people - He does so to state facts about them. People confuse or mistake praise with flattering and that is mainly why they try to flatter God instead of stating true facts about Him during praise.

  2539. To let go on most things which may have a certain hold upon us, is seldom the same as saying such men are free of those things they let go somehow. The very root to that sin is in the inner man. We find that when people give up on sin from within, it shows outside. But, we also know people can let sin down without having a heart change and it shows outside too, I mean that we can see the craving is still there. People also let friends down sometimes and anyone can do just that to a loved sin. A liar may be quiet without lying, just as a truthful man often may often keep quiet while his duty is to speak the truth. And we can spot them out as different people.

  2540. There are virgins who are not pure, and there are pure ones who are not virgins - it just depends when did Jesus touch that life. But thank God there are virgins who are pure too. That's why Paul says: "...To present you to Christ as a pure virgin..." and not only as a virgin, 2Cor.11:2. Many Christian associations try hard to keep their young people as virgins, but we may ask if they remain virgin for the sake of Christ and because they love Him to the uttermost. It is not enough to be a virgin because a prostitute who came to love Christ is better off than a virgin that is not pure.

  2541. Sin is like a ladder: we go down the first step, then the second and later we find out it is much easier and more appealing to go down than up. And because we are upon the same ladder (whether we go down or up), we might think and believe it is ok to sin on. However, we are going down instead of up to heaven.

  2542. Any virtue that is not natural and spontaneous to people is not constant and can't be trusted. Whatever does not come from the heart is not in the heart. If we are not spontaneous as changed beings we might also have wrong motives in the heart. That is why God offers us a new heart and, along with it, offers Himself before teaching us our ways. 

  2543. People who are extreme, always have a problem in such things they go against or for. Someone who forces himself to give whatever he may have or possess is always someone who has great difficulty in giving; we might state the same of such people who may have great difficulty in receiving, since refusing to have Jesus washing our feet might be pride and not humility. All people to whom anything is not natural and unconsciously done, are unstable, divided people. And it is a shame that modern Christianity makes and creates a pattern that people must become aware of the nature they should have so God may accept them, deciding their own nature and steering it around instead of being ruled by God. Any unnatural person is unstable and lives in a doubting mess.

  2544. We need to stop desiring other's things, even when others are only imaginary people. We should never breed a kind of heart which is not fully satisfied with God.

  2545. Why do I fear the Landowner when he comes to till the grounds of my heart? Doesn't He know what He is doing?

  2546. Uncertainty installed itself in the heart and looked for a way to to keep itself uncertain and fearing.

  2547. Just as a chronically sick man has a sense of need to feel his pain for whatever reasons he seldom is able to acknowledge and recognize; just as a blind man has a way to feel misplaced after gaining his sight since he has learned to guide himself through touching around and through sounds; just as a worrying man or woman feels the need to worry more and harder to be heard in prayer or to be able to add unto whatever is lacking; in that same sense uncertainty feels safe by being itself, it is, by being uncertain and wavering; the sinner feels an urge to recall his sins to feel worthy of grace by feeling unworthy in an unnatural way; a saint feels he needs put on a holy face on or a holy feeling to be in touch with God all the time. But, the fact remains that the grace of God surpasses all human efforts and becomes simple to attain - it is something easier than all that. We should be able to mention to all holy people that they should have in mind that "not even life.... separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus...".

  2548. God never asked us to have a great heart, but to love fully with the one He grants us, if He has granted it to us already. Whether that heart is big or small, we should be able to love God with the whole of it.

  2549. There is only a small difference between Judgment Day and revival: people repent in revival and they don't in Judgment Day. The rest is alike: sins are revealed and manifest to all, sin is done away with, the wrath of God and His tenderness will be plain to all then. Revival is the end of many and the beginning of some – so is judgment day. "The sinners in Zion are afraid; terror has surprised profane ones. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly; he who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands free from holding bribes, who stops his ear from hearing of blood, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil", Is.33:14-15.

  2550. Laziness is a plain form of stubbornness. It keeps looking for something to hold on to so it can be stubborn. It can read the Bible so it shall not do something else, just as it can be doing something else so it may not read the Bible.

  2551. If you are mad at someone, it is not because that person has been bad against you – it is because of the heart you have or the state it is found. When I fear, it can be ascribed to the kind of heart I have and not to the giant I face; maybe God is absent from my life. If I am impatient it is not caused by the delay of someone or of something, even when it is delayed, but it is because of the heart which mixes tomorrow with today and yesterday easily. All kinds of sins come out of the heart of man and not so much because of what is done unto it, against it, or even for it. We should believe Jesus when He says that, “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings out good things; and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings out evil things”, Mat.12:35. It all comes from there. Everything depends on the kind of heart we may have or how it is found.

  2552. Those who refuse to get out of their boats for fear to drown won't experience walking on water either. Remember always that walking on water demands the first step from you and not from God.

  2553. Whenever we feel bitter and angry against people or against God, let's remember we become bitter because we have a kind of heart which is bitter. It is not others' fault if we become angry, but our heart's. We have the kind of heart which becomes angry. We are the ones responsible for the way we handle things when they come to us.

  2554. If you have lost the plan of God for your life, it means you have lost God and not only the plan. No one can lose the plan of God without losing God. By finding Him again, you will get into His plan for your life - even if you are finding it for the first time.

  2555. When you pray, remember that the Lord hears who prays and not the prayer itself. It is not the prayer that makes the difference, but the person who prays. "Him shall I accept...", Job 42:8. God heard Moses and not necessarily Moses’ prayer, just as He heard Elijah, Ezekiel or anyone else – whatever they prayed about. “For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous”, Ps.1:6.

  2556. Those who make lots of noises and yell when they pray, seem to be praying to a distant God. I yell when I wish to communicate with someone who is far away from me. This is why I believe noisy people will simply condemn themselves by persisting to believe they are believers since they are carry on proving they live far from God.

  2557. We do not read the word of God only for the information and knowledge we may obtain from it, but rather because of the transformation it may work in us. I read this somewhere and I confirmed that this is a true statement.

  2558. If you were a doctor who discovered the cure for cancer or aids, wouldn't you do all to spread the news and help people? How much more must you do if you find the cure for sin! Jesus indeed saves from sin and makes us free for real. Have you experienced that in a personal way already?

  2559. Sinners blame others for their own faults and mistakes. After having done that, they still think they are the most honest and most truthful people. Ahab blamed Elijah for the lack of rain for which Ahab's sins were responsible, (1 Kings 18) and he believed that lie for years, or maybe to the day of his death; Saul believed David was to blame for every bad thing happening to him; the Pharisees believed Jesus was the trouble of Israel and not their hypocrisy and their dissociation from God. If you live a truthful life of abundance make sure you are prepared to be blamed for the things your accusers do and cause. And those accusers may take their beliefs to extremes as they did by killing Jesus. Are you prepared to die innocently without accusing back to defend yourself? You can't avoid any of this by living truthfully for the Lord by the Lord.

  2560. My dream was to be God's friend. Now that He has been friendly and graceful to me I only want me to be a friend to Him.

  2561. If you experience a storm or a tornado, you more easily believe there was a flood in Noah’s time; when you get burned and taste the rage of fire, it is easier to believe hell awaits you after death in case you die in your sins; if you get married under God’s blessing and it is real along with His presence in and with you, it is all the easier to believe there is a heaven by doing God’s will; if you get rid of one huge sin, the Goliath of your life, it accomplishes more towards your faith and victory than all other sins which may still be clinging on you and demanding attention. It is when we beat Goliath that we easily believe there is such a thing as holiness available to anyone. However, don't dare to disregard, regard amiss or discredit any of all little things since they can become the very door to the greatest accomplishments one has ever heard. Try to remember what Jesus said concerning being faithful in little things.

  2562. "Keeping a grudge against someone is like drinking poison and hoping someone else dies". This is what a man of God said and I fully agree with it.

  2563. Many people rub the eye to see better and hurt it to become conscious of it to show God or themselves they have an eye. But, they should be using their eyes and never hurt them by forcing it to see in darkness. Only someone in darkness has to be made aware of his eye. People in the light are aware of what they see.

  2564. Any prophet who is precise and accurate in everything he sees, whether it is in the past or in the future, ahead or behind, good or bad, a blessing or a curse, is surely dead to the desire to be right about something, along with the desire to know about things because of fearful expectations, or even because of curiosity of the kind that does not take God's interests into account. To be accurate, he has died for the applause of people, angels and even his own. The accurateness of any genuine prophet of the Lord reveals the kind of death that person has experienced and how much he is like Christ in his kind of death and resurrection. 

  2565. When it takes force to obey what is right and good, I am sure it is easy to obey sin. If it were not so, obeying God would be easy. And when it is easy to obey the Lord, it is very difficult to obey sin.

  2566. Fear is stubbornness and a fearful man is compulsive, persistent and obstinate.

  2567. There are people who fear to be actively engaged in duty for fear to be doing things in the power of the flesh. I have seen them. However, there is no person more active in the will of God than the one who waits and receives from the Lord. The man who rests in the Lord continually is often the best and most active disciple. He is free to be used by the Lord all the time.

  2568. Loneliness is present in us for many reasons, but we may assume two important, unseen ones: God is with us and we are not holy; God is not with us and we try to be holy.

  2569. There is a certain monster which feeds upon others and upon whatever they can give him. People are nice to receive nice attitudes back from others; people give to receive back something (even if it is the approval from self and for self); people are in company of others not to feel alone because of the absence of God or caused by the presence of God in the absence of godliness within and without. (The presence of God creates a great sense of loneliness in ungodly or lukewarm hearts. Such people feel better in the absence of God). This monster is able to feed on the goodness of men and God, it is able to nurture thoughts which please self and praise self by being nice since it wants only to receive back. It seeks the company of others and it says it fulfils the law of God by pleasing people. This monster should be stopped, since it feeds on the crumbs falling from the Table of God and strengthens itself to breed some alike, ugly monsters. 

  2570. Any lukewarm Christian has a harder life to live than a worldly man in a worldly domain (but not on holy ground) because he is trying hard to serve two demanding and opposing masters at the same time. A worldly man has a lighter inner life than any lukewarm Christian because he tries to serve one master only.

  2571. The enthusiasm of the first day at school does wonders in the souls of children. They just love it. Even parents and uncles reveal a great deal of happiness and enthusiasm about it. However, we all know that it seldom lasts to the end of the student life. The parents, the family and the child need to keep that enthusiasm to the end. The first love must be maintained. We need determination, discipline and love for what we do and, if we do it for the Lord, it should be easy to keep the enthusiasm pure and alight if we indeed love Him with the whole of our hearts. The same thing can we say about the life God grants us. The first time we experience the fullness of God's Spirit is a delightful day. However, we need to keep the delight right through and always without feigning it. Every day ahead must be as the first one or even better. This is what John says about it: "Therefore, what you heard from the beginning, let it abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning remains in you, you will abide in both the Son and in the Father", 1John 2:24. And Christ also mentions a bad example: "And you have borne, and have patience, and for My name's sake you have laboured and have not fainted. But I have against you that you left your first love", Rev.2:3-4.

  2572. Many fear they won't make it to the end of their long journey or that they won't simply end this earthly carrier still fresh and loving the Lord with all they have in a pure way. The chances that we reach the end of our way holding the first love, or even a better one, depend directly from the fact that we depend on the Lord and love Him unconditionally and that we learned to live only today out to the full. Eternity is best understood when only today fills our minds with the blessing of the Lord. 

  2573. Massive Light creates a vision of the darkness and shades around us and we should never blame light for it. Light causes us to see what darkness is all about.

  2574. If it is true that there is a time for everything under the sun, we may rest assured that today is the right time for something special which, in the past, was something out of time and which we should not touch then. Let's touch it today and do the right thing without wondering if it is the right time to do it or not.

  2575. For any person whose mind thinks the other way round or whose inclination is to be otherwise, it is wrong to think the right way. For people who love to see things crooked, the straight way does not make sense. Straight things can't be good for a crooked person; for an abnormal man, normal things are strange and unacceptable; for hatred, love is evil and lies because hatred can't believe anyone can love anyone; for those who please people, pleasing God is a crime; for grudges, the peace of heart is madness; and, for the sinner, spotlessness and purity is the most crazy thing one can think of or work for. People believe things according to personal views and never according to truth. It is no wonder that the main message Jesus wishes to put across to this crazy world is that people believe in the truth! Isn't it strange? The most easy thing for us should be to believe the truth and it isn't.

  2576. Because the doctrines of prosperity are so widely spread today and even though these doctrines are not that new at all, every person is starting to think of faith as a way to achieve most for fleshly purposes and to put God to work for the flesh and for human purposes. People always believe what suits them must be the will of God and their 'faith' is quickened because they think of it as God's will. Even though everything we do must end up in a perfect way, we need to have in mind that work and labour are the instruments here and not God. When God blesses work it means it must be used to learn the ways of God and, most especially, to learn how to deal with the Lord. By doing all things through the Lord we learn to know God as He is and how He does things. God is not there for the sake of work, but work is there for the sake of God.

  2577. The heart which is easily quietened in the presence of God is the sort of heart that will be troubled in His absence. The opposite of it is also true: every heart which is at ease in the absence of God will be troubled with His presence.

  2578. Far from God people believe and hope to have everything they shall lose. Near God those same people believe they shall lose what they can surely receive. This is why lack of faith is so offensive.

  2579. There is a direct link between living today while it is today and to be found faithful to the end of our road. The more we live today to the full, the easier it shall be to remain faithful to the end. Whoever lives away from his duties, is not faithful and the kind of heart that is conceived and created while doing that will live on with the person who has it. Consequently, no such person may ever believe he or she will be faithful to the end if daily faithfulness is not at work now. This said, we must know that whoever walks with God and maintains His pace will never be ahead or behind Him. Faithful people have a firm, unwavering and accurate walk. If we know how to walk with the Lord and follow Him all the time, we must also know to consecrate all to Him as we do things successfully. The more and the easier it is for us to consecrate or concentrate all in Him, the more liberty He shall grant us to do whatever He inspires us to do.

  2580. If you are in sin, be sure to believe God will not hear you on any issue besides that sin – that’s faith. Once you have clean hands, make sure you are able to believe God the opposite, it is, believe as He promises to grant and that He shall hear you about any issue.

  2581. It is not always true that a calm person (non-active one) is a patient one. In fact, many impatient people react towards impatience by being bored, inactive and by having a calm appearance on the outside. Neither is working hard synonymous of impatience. God sees the heart, not the outward appearance.

  2582. If a close friend and brother does not come out to help you, or if an enemy offends you in some way, the temptation to think bad about someone is one and the same. Beware of bad thoughts!

  2583. Hasty people are the ones who are usually late or get behind schedule very easily. Such people have the means to be late or behind schedule because they are hasty and do things in a way which will keep calling their attention back to it; and they will always make haste because they feel they are behind and late. So, if you ever find yourself late or behind schedule, try to do the things you can do in a perfect way as if you are in time and up to date. That will help you to be in time or in schedule later on. "In your patience possess your souls".

  2584. To be able to hear God means I am in a state where God can hear me as well. If I hear Him, it means He hears me and vice-versa. Do you hear God? Does He really hear you?

  2585. Daniel put in his heart he would not defile himself and stayed true to his resolution. However, we don't read that he made any sort of vow at all. It was a resolution of the heart. Paul also said to the Corinthians, "For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified". He had determined it in His heart and it was not a vow of any kind at all. He fulfilled that purpose of the heart. On the other hand, Jacob made solemn vows and also fulfilled most of them. We know Paul also made some vows to better maintain his course. God does not ask us to vow anything nor does He say we should not vow. All God wants from us is to be obedient to truth one way or another.

  2586. God grants life so we may obey Him. The deceived, however, believe we must obey to have life and many others believe, since they already have life, they do not need to fulfil and obey anymore. But, the error is of the same kind because had they not life they would try to obey. They believe the same thing even though they seem different.

  2587. The Bible does not only tell us there is a way which is wrong and leads us to death. It says, "there is a way that seems right which leads to death", Prov.16:25; 14:12.

  2588. People easily believe in lies as if they were truths and reject truths as if they were lies. For as long as the heart of man is given to illusion and unrealities, it shall always react that way towards lies and truths. The heart which does not believe in truth, will believe lies. There is no such thing as not believing anything.

  2589. I can't consider as a blessing all the money preachers ask from their congregation or hearers. It can't be. Not even when someone complains about financial difficulties which moves people's hearts. It is not the same as asking God for whatever things we need and without asking anyone else or mentioning it to them. Besides, we have been called to preach the gospel and not to look for blessings from mortal men.

  2590. We should get involved with God in our lives. His presence should be a reality and not a belief or a wishful assumption. We should take care of our own lives just as a woman would care to hold to her dress rather than be found complaining or fighting the wind when it blows her clothes up. It is shameful that sinners hold on to sin to fight it off them when it blows upon them, tempting them, rather than holding on to Jesus with both hands. "But that which you have, hold fast unto it till I come", Rev.2:25.

  2591. Does the Serpent still get you to sin easily? Is the devil a difficult enemy to you? That's because God might not be an easy friend to you yet. If it is easy and natural to have God as a friend, it shall be easy to defeat the devil. And it shall be difficult to sin.

  2592. To disbelieve lies, is faith. Just dare to be unbelieving towards lies and truth will be easily absorbed and believed by the kind of heart you have.

  2593. Just as much as we need to talk to convince people of truth through God, there are times wee need to be quiet to achieve those same results. 

  2594. An idea of God may become an image in our minds. To live according to that image inside, to respect and serve an idea of God is idolatry. If God is real in us, He is not with us and it does not matter what we say about Him or what we believe. “Little children, guard yourselves from idols”, 1John 5:21. Isn't it strange that John should tell his own children who have come out of idols and idol worship to stay away from idols? God must be real to us and not an imagination, however precise that image may be.

  2595. You may have goodness described in good words without having goodness itself, or your words may seem ruff and abrupt, yet they may carry all goodness in them from deep within. Being defined as rude and unkind doesn't mean you are unkind. Usually, when people wish to hear some flattering words and they don't hear them from you, they have that as unkind. People see as kind those words they wish to hear. 

  2596. Instead of ceasing to pray (giving up) because God is not hearing you, cease from sin and God will answer you quickly enough.

  2597. If the devil uses the stuff in man to make him self-willed, it means salvation is to be fully submitted unto God and not only fully made free from the devil. Self is the domain of sin in man, not the devil. The devil stands to sin as the wind stands towards burning wood - nothing more. The devil blows upon man so he may burn in desire and all kinds of sin. 

  2598. Whenever money is short or people lack certain essential things, they stand up against God and annoy Him with complaints. But, as soon as they have everything they want they start serving some other gods and many personal interests or material gods. Let me ask you something: next time you lack something, why won't you complain against the gods you serve? Ask Mammon next time you need if you are going to deny God after He has provided!

  2599. We think that to resist God is to be devilish and bad in the way we talk and behave. However, most instances of resistance against God are those where people try to imitate God or impersonate godly virtues. We shouldn't look loving - we should be loving. Let's breed sincerity above all else.

  2600. Every time life traps you and you fall on your knees, remain as you are and pray. You are already in the position you should be found. Thank God problems have put you the way you ought to be before problems came.

  2601. Every tree is yesterday's seed. Never despise a small and insignificant seed.

  2602. Wrinkles do not hurt anyone. I believe the women who fight wrinkles off them are involved in the wrong fight. Sin hurts - not wrinkles.

  2603. Your disappointment might be God's appointment. Never complain against Him. On the other hand, your appointment might be God's disappointment. We need to be synchronized with God to love the things He loves.

  2604. If we talk a lot it shall be very difficult to listen and discern when others say - or even what God has to say. It doesn't mean He would say anything to someone who talks too much, but in case He did, discernment and listening would be very difficult. Remember it whenever your heart refuses to be still before God.

  2605. Old age is like a life's savings. We draw from what we have been saving and building right through our lives. How rich are you in the things of God? 

  2606. So God may talk to you in a way you can understand, you must work on having a heart like His and His interests. You must become able to understand God and His ways because He will never change - not even for your sake.

  2607. An independent spirit is always a spirit that seeks the attention of others. Isolating yourself is usually a way to blackmail people into giving you some attention you believe you deserve. Whoever ceases to seek other people's attention usually ceases to be independent as well. 

  2608. God crucifies without pity every person He wishes to grant a resurrection without measure.

  2609. If the devil uses only what man is to cause him to stumble or fall, we may assume that to save man is to save him from himself and to submit him to the Lord unconditionally. The reign and sphere of sin is in man and not outside him. The devil inspires man to sin or tempt him, depending on whether man loves sin or not. When man loves sin, the devil inspires him; if man hates sin he tempts. It is man who reigns over his own sin and not the devil, (Gen.4:7).

  2610. The Bible does not say there is a way which will seem wrong to the eyes of man and end up in death – it will seem right and feel right to follow, Prov.16:25; 14:12. Yet, it is the wrong way.

  2611. People will believe a lie is a truth and a truth is a lie easily whenever their heart is not sound. Unbelieving people believe lies most easily - you may put it to the test. It all depends n the sort of heart you have.

  2612. I cannot regard it as blessing when people say God has provided while they ask for money in church. If and when God leads, it may be regarded as a blessing, yes, but, people easily regard silver and gold as the full blessing of a present God and it is not - it can never be. Sometimes it is proof of His absence.

  2613. A rich man is to be tested by his riches, just as any poor man will be tested by his or others' poverty. 

  2614. Coldness of heart makes sin sleep and hibernate like a bear does during winter time and that’s why unholy people believe the best things about themselves. And heat, by coming, makes laziness wonder why it is not sleeping anymore. The fire of God annoys people easily.

  2615. There are those who live fighting defeat off them and there are those who live sticking to a New Life and Living all the way. There are such who believe they will manage to live by striking the new life too.

  2616. The way of sin has no way out for any of us. Besides, it keeps us so blind we wouldn't see the way out were there any.

  2617. Sin is like bees: if you mess against them you mess with them. If you play with them, you mess with them too. If you are presumptuous for or against sin, you mess with it; if you bribe sin, tease it, accept it, you mess with it. Whatever you do to sin, it has only one way to deal back with you and that is to sting you - and there are some people deadly allergic to a sting of a bee. The Bible says, “Resist not evil…” and it says, “Sin not” as well.

  2618. The things of God are not magical - they are for real, however great and wonderful they are. Look at them as reality so that you won't harm your soul by offending God.

  2619. Most people go to church today in order not to fix their lives with God. They abhor feeling the need to fix it. Going to church became synonymous of a mockery to God. People go there to feel Christian-like and not to be Christians anymore.

  2620. Every kind of false suggestion in the form of inner voices means only there are certain things we would love to hear. A false voice or suggestion needs to find a false heart to be heard.

  2621. Not pleasing people hurts self only. It is a selfish thing. If you are pleasing people you are deluding yourself. You are pleasing yourself. Remember that whoever is able to please people has also the means in him to displease them, especially when pleasing them is not rewarded. 

  2622. One's life may be full and not be fulfilling; one's heart may be filled and, yet, might not be distributing the Bread of Life to those around us.

  2623. If you are faithful under law and obligations, you are faithful to whatever you do as the rich young man had been. If you are able to fulfil under freedom, you are faithful to whatever you are in and through God. That's why you are made free: to do under freedom whatever you couldn't do before under the grip of sin. And sin calls for law. Were there no transgressors, there would be no law. "The law is not intended for righteous people but for lawbreakers and rebels", 1Tim.1:9. "Why, then, was the law given? It was added because of transgressions", Gal.3:19.

  2624. Whoever pleases people and consequently does not please God, is an unpleasant, self-seeking person. Such people can be easily manipulated by people who are against God. Those who please people are the ones who become unpleasant.

  2625. If you have the power to look back to something, something is holding you there which calls you back - that's why you look back. It has a hold on your heart which you need to break away from.

  2626. Insecurity only feels safe feeling insecure; unbelief feels good by unbelieving; fear feels well by fearing; anger feels fulfilled pointing to rage, including revenge; impatience feels better by being impatient. Let's beware of feeling well and at 'peace' about something, because not all peace is the peace of heaven. There is a kind of peace the world is able to grant.

  2627. What a blessed tempest is the one which is able to drive us to the Lord Jesus. If the bees of accusations cause you to seek refuge in the Lord, thank God for them. And if those bees scare you to the point of refusing to open the door which separates you from them, it is a good thing. How blessed is the whit's end that makes you seek a new start in the Lord. How blessed it must be when a bad tongue makes you promise before God you shall not speak evil again. 

  2628. Wherever I go, I must know I am in a rescue mission and that people are drowning in sin.

  2629. Everything that does not start with the approval and the blessing of God will always end without the consent and the approval of the one who started it. We are able to start many things without the approval of God. Even if I firmly believe that many start with the Lord and end alone, it is true that many things are started without God. Those shall be the things that disappoint whoever started them. Also, some people have a bad start and end well because they have found the Lord along their way. Judas ended in a very bad way having started with the Lord; and the man at the cross ended up in heaven having started with in a very bad way.

  2630. Every person who keeps himself clean and spotless from the world will always end up in heaven with the Lord going through many doubts and pains along the way. And every man who allows things to stain his life or conscience will undoubtedly end up without his first love, even if he has found many certainties along the way. God will spit him out of His pure mouth. It happens because faith is fruit of a relationship and is not something born with self. If that relationship is struck by sin, faith will shipwreck, (1Tim.1:9).

  2631. If you fear to get into God's will, you also fear to get out of your own will. You have a double problem to sort out with God.

  2632. If tiredness assaults us near a Living God, it means we are not drinking from the Fountain as regularly, or as exclusively, or as properly as we should. The New Life does not tire us out.

  2633. A weak person is not the one who is sick. The weak man is the one who lives in sin. 

  2634. The diploma I wish to receive is this: "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful over a few things", Mat.25:21. The rest doesn't really matter to me.  (I received this from someone a long time ago).

  2635. Appearance is not transparency because it covers up. We need to walk in the light - not in appearance.

  2636. John states that the "Spirit is the truth" (1 John 5:7) and not merely that the Spirit is truthful; He is the truth itself abiding in us and living in us whatever we should be living. "...In ourselves we have the testimony...", 1 John 5:10. It is a good thing that you really have it before you testify about truth. If you talk about truth without having Him (who is the truth) abiding in you, you shall cause people to see God as an illusion or as a liar. They will see you as a liar and you shall criticise them because you don't see yourself lying. You are too blind and too hard to see that. Let's seek to have Him for real.

  2637. If faith comes by the hearing, then, unbelief comes by disobeying and by not having heard or not having heard as we should have.

  2638. When you see other people's faults or sins easily, you should know you know those things by experience and not only by sight. Somehow, you are guilty of them or have been before. Whenever you find yourself taking notice of every sin your neighbour has, be sure that is what you should cleanse your heart from. Choose to clean your life and do not use other's faults to cover up yours or just to minimize them to feel upgraded in some way.

  2639. It is impossible to take advantage of the good will of any holy man because such a man walks the second mile while you will only ask him to walk one.

  2640. Fear does not protect - it threatens. Be careful when you fear evil easily. It can cause you to get out of a safe hiding place.

  2641. Whoever wishes to apply what he learns form the Lord upon others is surely not converted yet, or, at least, not as converted as he should be. And it doesn't really matter what he believes about himself.

  2642. In the parable of the sower Jesus solemnly said that what could and would turn the word of the living God fruitless is not man's power or persecution, nor the devil's. The only things capable of turning it fruitless are the cares of this world. If my life is right with God, opposition, persecution, hunger, thirst, war and lovelessness cannot make God's word become fruitless. Any kind of persecution will only turn it even more ablaze. The flame will only become bigger, stronger and better. Only the cares of this present world are capable of extinguishing the flame of God in us. Not even the devil can achieve what worries do achieve.

  2643. Above obtaining a martyr's crown, I would rather receive a heart like Jesus'.

  2644. "Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him" (Mathew Henry).

  2645. We cannot cross the line of the cares of God. When God won't take care, simply don't go. And when God is taking care of you in any situation, simply go. Never hesitate, however difficult it seems.

  2646. Satan uses only what man is to make him what he has never been as creation.


  2648. Whenever the Bible is difficult for us to understand and, also, to be made practical every moment of our existence, the person who reads it is the only one to blame for it. Either the Light does not reach man because of some sin separating man from God; or the person would rather understand it some other way or understand something else from what is read. If any man does not understand mathematics, is it mathematics' fault? This is why we read this way: "...And hard to be explained since you have become dull of hearing", Heb.5:11.

  2649. There is no being on this earth who is not in a terminal state. However, instead of letting people feel sorry for us because of the fact that we are dying beings, we should pay attention to these words of Jesus at once: "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children", Lk.23:28. Can your heart truly express itself that way under the same circumstances Jesus was?

  2650. To be plain and truthful is always a blow on self and not so much on other people. To be straight forward hurts only sin and self. Others always benefit from it one way or another, sooner or later. However, speaking the truth without inner truthfulness never has the same effect and neither carries the same blessing as speaking the truth in honesty and while being truthful in the inner man. "Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?", Mic.2:7.

  2651. To pray without ceasing, is to pray until you have an answer. To carry on after that, is to be a deaf, unbelieving hypocrite. To stop before that is negligence. To pray without ceasing, is to pray without giving up before God answers. 

  2652. Fear to lose turns us into selfish beings just as the fear not to win or not to overcome through Jesus does.

  2653. Spiritual rottenness starts the moment we cease to grow spiritually in God and in truthfulness.

  2654. Religion stands to God as homosexuality stands to relationships.

  2655. If your communion with God is real, truthful and your cup runs over with simplicity, every defect turns into an effect and into a repercussion which solemnly assures you that God is real. If you have an unconditional, real and surrendered relationship to the Lord, every opportunity to err shall be turned into a unique way to carry out the right thing the right way. The error shows you the opposite and the way out. Simply try it out and put my words to the test.

  2656. Repentance is also to change your opinion about your sin, about your living and to be open to see all things the way God sees them, it is, the way they really are.

  2657. Allow Jesus to play your instrument, especially that one you have a high esteem for, it is, your heart and life. Let Him be the one to blow on it softly and do not think that there must be tempests to have you run towards heaven. "And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the service of righteousness shall be quietness and hope forever", Is.32:17. "To whom He said, This is the rest; cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing. Yet they were not willing to hear... he who believes shall not hurry",Is.28:12,16.

  2658. If people break houses and rob treasures everywhere, please do not hinder any such who is assaulting people's hearts to grant them freedom of self and salvation of sin.

  2659. On the long run of this Life every disciplined person who is full of the Lord will always end his way fresher and less tired than he has started it. 

  2660. There is nothing in this wide world you can possess which is able to satisfy your heart in any way. The only One who can fill the emptiness of your heart until it runs over is the Lord Jesus in the absence of these substitutes in your heart. He must be real in you.

  2661. Because Jesus' world and atmosphere is invisible we need to use parables, stories and similarities to understand it better, especially when we do not make part of it yet. "The kingdom of God is not coming with a visible display... the Kingdom of God is inside you", Lk.17:20,21. However, religious fantasy and dead churches use the same allegorical speech to impress people and bind to deliver them to hell. The religious inaptitude often searches ways from the Bible to maintain itself till that day. Unreal religious living cannot ever be considered as life. However, because we often talk about Jesus in a allegoric way or through parables, it does not mean He is not real; and, by applying truthful ways to religious fantasy can't turn it into reality either.

  2662. To sort out how it feels to climb a mountain is not the same as climbing it; to know about love and how it works is not the same as loving instinctively and spontaneously from nature. That kind of love and practical living is possible only when Christ is real unto us. I cannot allow imagination to deceive me into believing I already do something by thinking about it. The more so since it is very simple to live in Christ: it must only be real! When it is real it is very easy.

  2663. Ignorance must be a huge sin. How can it not be? We have such a wise Lord so near us whose solemn New Testament is to teach every person in this world! Ignorance must be a mixture of many sins indeed.

  2664. No one wishes to get old, but almost everyone wants time to pass quickly by.

  2665. Instead of giving up on any person, give that person up to God.

  2666. “My deep desire , oh Lord, is that my Children become fit and able to transmit and teach properly what they live out and practice, above practicing what they teach. Amen.”

  2667. Some evangelical leaders who are scarcely or seldom led by God (because they lack a genuine relationship with God which they refuse to fix), breed in them and around them this selfish lust to have all flow in the kind of harmony their minds conceive and think on. They usually compromise certain heavenly values for the sake of whatever they believe peace is. Let us remember that there is no friction in a machine which is not working. Dead people do not fight. Any cemetery seems peaceful. Most evangelical leaders seek to have a cemetery where they can walk around and not a real church. Dead people do not have differences among themselves. It is no wonder such leaders bear so little genuine fruit and the fruit they bear is so weak and carries such a bad smell that the rest of the world easily rejects to eat from it. 

  2668. Whoever does not feign insubordination by assuming it openly before God, will neither be able to feign submission to Him when he is submitted for real, especially when God has already finished His work in that heart and soul. And every person who feigns to be submissive holding on to a stubborn heart has a greater difficulty to be converted for real to the Lord.

  2669. Humanity does not accept God only because He is not evil and does not commune with sin. If God desired everything that is done in a bar or in a disco, most people, with the exception of pure ones, would love Him.

  2670. No man needs to be found dreaming about great things to be able to carry them out. The only thing that man needs for real is to see God as He is and be sober about Him while all greater works are carried out in due time right in front of his eyes. The greatness of man is never taken into account when God's greater works are carried out. It is not man's greatness which carries them out

  2671. A true servant of God is not aware that he is a servant: he is aware of the Lord.

  2672. Jesus simply waits in full silence until the whole of the will of man is fully surrendered for real. It must be that will surrendering itself and not someone else surrendering it.

  2673. Full surrender to Christ can't be the surrendering of external issues and problems only. It must be the surrender of self to the kind of death of Christ (He died to the world and to sin). The will of man is what must be surrendered. After that is fully and really accomplished, we also may cry out as the Lord did, "It is finished!" Whatever comes after that to us is what is being added unto us by having found the Kingdom where God reigns the way He wants to.

  2674. The worst crises of any man are usually identity crisis because he is able to trust only in himself. By realizing how powerless he is, man has all to become critical. But, once we start walking the ways of God that sort of crises cease because we start to trust the Lord exclusively and in an unfeigned way.

  2675. Those people who sow sin during the day usually pray at night that their seeds don't bring forth fruit. They always pray that their harvest should be poor while their heart expects the opposite. The only thing they are trying to do is to avoid the curse of sin and not sin itself.

  2676. A lost one is that person who knows how it feels to have a sick heart; the sick man is the one who becomes aware of what health really is; the child of God does not have the awareness of God's will as someone who lost the way; the child of God is better aware of what is not God's will. Temptation is temptation only to those to whom a sinful life is not their usual life.

  2677. God said: “How has the faithful city become a harlot”, Is.1:21. How ugly is it if God says such a thing about us. I pray that He will one day be able to say of me: “How has the harlot become a faithful city!” Then He might say, “Well done faithful servant…” "But only they were hearing that he who then persecuted us, now preaches the faith which he once ravaged. And they glorified God in me", Gal.1:23,24.

  2678. People talk about grace without experiencing its workings in the heart and soul for real. It is easy to talk about grace, especially because people seem to associate it to permission to sin. It must soak our soul and being from the inside out and remove our whole being from any kind of sin. That shall be the only way for it to be fully effective in us. Most people state they are saved by grace while they never experience it in any way. Paul tells us to know the grace of God in truth, it is, in a real way, Col.1:6.

  2679. To be sent out by the Lord, one needs to be prepared by Him; to be prepared by Him, we need to be prepared for Him; to be prepared for him we need to see Him; to see Him we need to have a clean heart.

  2680. If perfection was something impossible to reach, if it were not one of the easiest things to attain in a close relationship with God, then Daniel would be an alien. "But they could find no occasion or fault, because he was faithful. Neither was there any error or fault found in him", Dan.6:4. "Walk before Me and be perfect", Gen.17:1.

  2681. It is prudence near God which has the power to make someone wise. But, let the wise be careful never to feel saddened about the fact that he is the one who is mainly responsible to make a fool look foolish. Besides, the fool will always claim to be wise, even against clear evidence. He will also see his faults stamped in the wise man's behaviour and life, and talk about it out of anger. The fool loves to be famous and seen as wise at the expenses of the wise. To be seen as wise and good the fool often proves the wise is the bad and foolish one.

  2682. All those who did not submit themselves to the slavery of Pharaoh in Egypt did not submit themselves to God in the desert. Rebellion resides in the heart and does not depend on circumstances. 

  2683. Love is great and wonderful because small beings as me are able to experience it and be filled till the cup runs over.

  2684. Saving someone for real is like changing the course of a river. No wonder it has to be done through faith! However, the Bible says, "Believe and you shall be saved", and not, "Believe and you are saved". To believe now to be saved after we can believe, is Biblical; the other doctrine that says we are already saved because we have believed was born in hell.

  2685. Whenever the devil tempts you in some way or whenever people hurt you even to the point of death, do not fight back and let trials and people talk alone. Any lion which roars inside a cage won't bite you unless you put your hand inside that cage. if you argue back or complain you are putting your hand in the cage of the problems which God is trying to free your heart from.

  2686. Laziness is stubbornness. And God considers stubbornness as idolatry or even as witchcraft, 1Sam.15:22,23. Never think of laziness as a small sin. There are no small sins.

  2687. God may live in us without using whatever we are; He can live in us using what we are as well; He also can use what we are without living in us; God can use what He is by living in us just as He may use what He is without living in any of us. God is God.

  2688. Usually the people who can harm us most are those who feel sorry for us, especially when God is trying us in some way. Compassion weakens the heart of the man whom it feels sorry for. The person who best understands and upholds you is that one who knows God and has in mind He has His way to deal with us - not the person who knows you best. If someone knows you very well, he must be careful enough to listen to God above all. The person who can best help you is the one who looks into God's will when you are suffering, whether that will is to relieve you or not.

  2689. A man who gives honour to man, is one who receives honour from man; one who gives honour to God, is one who receives honour from God alone. Man does not give honour to whom God honours.

  2690. Why are people so bold before they become Christians and after they are converted they become wavering and faithless? Why do they face any type of trouble for the flesh's sake and complain so much after they have come to God? Don't they know Christ said, "In this world you shall have tribulation, but I have overcome the world"? "I am with you always..."

  2691. Any who is euphoric about God and His deeds either has an unbelieving heart or did not expect God to act. Expectation is hope. Usually these people try to make up for their errors by becoming euphoric. They seem to believe it makes God happy to be euphoric and it doesn't. It just proves they were unbelieving or lacking in hope and expectation.

  2692. People say they know the truth after having memorized some verses from the Bible. However, the truth cannot be memorized. In fact, most of the time we find it very hard to express truth in words. The truth is still inside the verses people memorize. There is nothing wrong to memorize them, though. What is wrong is to believe that is how one is to know truth. However, as long as the Bible does not become a living experience, we are lost people thinking to be on the right track. We cannot separate truth from its reality inside us. 

  2693. We always seek perfection in human beings or, at least, in someone. This shows our heart has lost the perfect one and seeks Him. The person our heart is able to love greatly and above all is perfect. We have been born far from God and we have this heart which keeps seeking the perfect being to love. We do so because we still look for the perfect being capable of satisfying and of providing the kind of love able to fill and satisfy our hearts. Now we know why we are taught to love God above all and with all our hearts. God created our hearts with a craving for Him, the perfect Being we will be satisfied with forever.

  2694. When we obey God on something, we guarantee the success of whatever we do. We do not assure the success of something different from what we are doing. Many people try to trade or do business with God. They say: "I will obey God in this and God will bless me in that!" It just doesn't work that way. Whatever we call the process God calls the objective or the goal.

  2695. Man does not fight what God wants as much as he fights off him the way God does things. God's way cripples "the arm of the flesh". It is a difficult thing for man to be mutilated and have his power feeling incapacitated and useless.

  2696. Every time obedience is not natural (however hard it is), disobedience is not the only sin – sin is to obey also!

  2697. People get near God only after they have given up being religious and feigning.

  2698. Whenever we do not accept realities as such, we shall only have illusion as the way out for us. It means we will remain hungry and sick in the heart.

  2699. When people get to know God's will for them, they try it and charge at it their way. When they do not find it, they wish God to do their own will God's way. Both ways mean self will still be reigning. Man's problem is a double one: he either seeks to do his will through God's power; or he seeks to do God's will through his own power. He seldom thinks of the third option: doing God's will His way and through His power.

  2700. When someone feels guilty at random, not necessarily about a specific or a specified sin, it can never serve as real conviction of sin. Isaiah felt convicted and mentioned the localization of his main sins: in his tongue, Is.6:5-7. Guilt without truthfulness, guilt through illusion, can be taken as accusations serving distractions from real issues, but never as real sin and truth about things brought forth. Someone convicted but not knowing of what, is always hiding some other sins. 

  2701. Rain is not sent so there may be clouds - even if Christians act that way towards their Christian life; clouds are sent so there may be rain. Clouds are there to be emptied of themselves and of whatever they are. Rain does not come so clouds may be filled up at all. It comes to empty the clouds and heat, humidity and providence will be able to fill them all over again for the same purpose day in and day out.

  2702. Isn't your body more important than your clothes? Aren't your eyes more important than your glasses? Isn't Jesus more important than heaven? 

  2703. The pure person is the person who is best protected against any kind of danger.

  2704. There are those who simulate the presence of God without being in it and there are such who pretend about it having it; there are those who believe to be far away from God being near Him, and there are those so far away from Him still claiming and believing they are His; there are religious people so far away from God as hell is from heaven and there are sinners near God because they beat in their chests. In fact, in this world one finds a bit of everything. Yet, I believe the people who are most confused about a real God are those who claim to have Him.

  2705. The main problem with people in bad shape is not that they do not have hope - it is mainly that they want their own kind of hope and reject the only one there is

  2706. Worrying about life is common to anyone who seeks rest through riches. We see that it was the rich fool who said, "Soul, take your rest, eat drink and be merry", Lk.12:19. The man who seeks rest in riches is an anxious and worrying person.

  2707. If anyone applauds me when I err it can't mean I am right. If someone upholds my sinning, it does not mean I am saved. On the other hand, if someone condemns me in my rectitude, it can never mean I am wrong. I can't be condemned when the Lord upholds.

  2708. If I am thirsty and I am found either in the desert or on the sea full of water, I will die of thirst. Sea water is not drinking water, even if it is water. If I am thirsty for Christ and look for Him in the world or if I drink from a lukewarm church, I will die of thirst. We won't find living water in there at all.

  2709. Faith which is not the proof of truth, faith which does not turn truth into reality is not faith at all. "Now faith is the evidence of things not seen", Heb.11:1.

  2710. When God speaks and we yield not to Him easily, it is because our hearts are not yet of the kind sheep have. Jesus said, “Sheep will hear my voice”. Instead of debating about the voice, then, debate with your heart to become sheep like, for the problem is not with that voice, but with the heart. If you are sheep, you will be able to hear. Instead of trying to hear, try to become sheep like.

  2711. Praying for people in sin will always work against our own sinful criticising. Resentment dies away when we pray for people who may have sinned against God, us or anyone else. It will stop us from criticizing and from bitterness. "If anyone sees his brother sin a sin not to death, he shall ask, and He shall give him life",1John 5:16.

  2712. Being chosen God never turns us into special beings, but makes us ready to go after those who are much special to Him and were not chosen the way you were, for whom He died also.

  2713. In the silences of those times we find ourselves expecting the Lord or from the Lord, while we wait on Him in expectation, many wavering or impatient ones start listening to themselves. They forget they are the very ones they should avoid listening to. It is against themselves, against their own opinions and own feelings they should take heed and be warned. The greatest noise is the one we find inside us. Noises outside hurt no one. Outside noises can never hinder us from hearing God - inner ones can.

  2714. The last part of any trial of anyone who has an unconditional, unfeigned and fruitful relationship with God is the most difficult part, however short it may be. Imagine someone taking his cross uphill towards Calvary to die there. To die is harder to think of or to bear than to drag that cross all the way up. Usually, the last bit of every trial kills the person or the part of the person which that trial is aiming at. If that last part of trials did not mean to kill the flesh for real an to give it its final blow, it means God missed the point in trying us. God would not leave His enemy at the door of death and let it live again. We need to die for real with Christ. The parallel love (or what we consider as love for family, friends or anyone else) must die. When we are facing the hardest part of any trial, let us remember that it must be close to the end or it wouldn't be so hard at all. Let us also remember that to die is the main reason why we have handed our lives to Jesus for. It is possible to flee death and turn our backs at the last moment of every trial. Let's keep the pace to the end. Why would we come thus far if we are giving up at all? "...For He has torn, and He will heal us; He has stricken, and He will bind us up. After two days He will bring us to life; in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight. Then we shall know, if we follow on to know the Lord. His going out is prepared as the morning; and He shall come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain to the earth"Hos.6:1-3.

  2715. If we are found walking through the night, let's remember that darkness clearly proves there must be daylight. Let's not fear and let's walk on. However, I know that the darker it is, the sooner the sun will come up. After this world is over, God shall takes us in and love us closer than ever. "Do not at all fear what you are about to suffer (...) And he who overcomes and keeps My works to the end (...) will not be hurt by the second death", Rev.2:10,26,11.

  2716. Do not spare whoever loves but not according to the Lord, not even that one is you. 

  2717. Click HERE to read some thoughts on "THE HEART OF MAN HAS TWO SIDES".

  2718. Click HERE to read some "THOUGHTS ON FAITH".

  2719. A blind man can walk on a memorized way. He just needs to learn the way and be taken by the hand. I often hear people praying to be taken by the hand to be kept on the way. Then, I wonder if that is not a blind man would ask. I also believe many Christians complain about others being in their way because they don't see and stumble over them easily. Christianity today is a blind man who tries to walk.

  2720. We should be on our guard against sin or any other piece of coldness within as the Titanic should have been watchful against icebergs.

  2721. It is much easier and less burdensome to live without sin than to live in sin.

  2722. Repentance is something which can cause us to near and to enter the gates of Life. However, every sin has a cause and has its origin, has its power and its impulse, has its way and aim. Those should also be dealt with in a parallel way. Why would I repent of adultery if sex still fills my mind? Why would I repent of murder if I still hold on to grudges? Why do I confess and repent from stealing if ambitions still fill my heart? Every sin we repent of should be dealt with from its roots and consequences. Repentance without conversion avails us nothing.

  2723. All of us just know how hard it is, sometimes, to achieve certain goals in this world. When we apply for a job, we need to go through the difficulty of an interview to be selected; if we wish to become doctors, we need to study a lot and to be examined; we need also need to become practical in all the difficult things we learn; if we wish to marry we shall need to pass the nervous experience of being in the centre of the attention of all who attend our marriage; when we want to become engineers or architects we need to go through those difficult examinations for which we have been preparing ourselves for many years. Now, allow me to ask you who consider yourself believers: why should you believe that you do not need to go through worse things to become a faithful man of God? Why, do you believe, should the doctrine of Christ become easy and immediate to you? The Christian heart needs to be formed while all the things of this present world need only to be studied and learned. Forming a heart to improve what we have been made is a harder task than to learn something. We must know we must go through John the Baptist before we can see Christ. John's words are a hard test to many. Will you submit yourself to such examination?

  2724. The general belief is that when someone is filled with the Spirit he ceases to have problems. It is also generally accepted that such people need to read less from the Bible and have less of its true understanding. However, there is no one in this wide world who needs more of God's word than he that is filled with the Spirit. And a filled man needs many problems around him to burn into him all words of God so his heart will become the Word itself.

  2725. There is a huge difference between being reproved by God and being rejected by the Lord. When God reprimands us it means He is still with us. When He rejects us, He means to show us He is against us. "If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons", Heb.12:7. Chastening means he treats us as sons. "I will stand on my watch and set myself on the tower, and will watch to see what He will say to me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved",Hab.2:1.

  2726. The best way to stop being stubborn and quarrelsome is to be right and in right standing with God. If we are right, we have nothing to discuss about. God will also cause our light to shine very far and very right. The person who is right needs very few arguments to convince anyone else. We shouldn't compete with truth - we should be truth and be truthful about it.

  2727. People say faith needs no proof and proof of it is fleshly. I cannot agree with that, for faith has a great and distinct proof from within, however invisible.

  2728. Whoever talks about his neighbour is also someone who doesn't want, or doesn't know how, or refuses to exhort or reprimand his neighbour the right way or in the shortest manner. This is why we find gossiping, lovelessness and lack of exhortation linked in the Bible. "You shall not go as a slanderer among your people; you shall not stand against the blood of your neighbour. I am the Lord. You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall always rebuke your neighbour, and not allow sin on him". Lev.19:16,17. People will rather gossip about someone else's sins than save them from all sin. Gossiping is a weapon of of a coward unloving man or woman.

  2729. There was a man who believed God could turn a stone into a son of Abraham. There was another who believed God would touch an old, dry womb which never conceived before and bring an heir from there; Jesus walked on water and it was never strange to Him to do so; I can and must walk on troubles with a lighted heart. I guess I can trust Him, just as much a stone would after having become a son of Abraham.

  2730. Giving up is not a kind of weakness as some suppose, but rather a high degree of resistance against God. Resisting Him means our death and not His. There is no greater cause of tiredness than to try to serve sin inside the Temple of God. It easily causes people to give up on God - on whom they have already given up by serving sin and do not realize it. "But you are profaning it when you say, The table of the Lord, it is polluted; and its fruit, His food, is to be despised. You also said, Behold, what a weariness it is! And you have puffed at it, says the Lord of Hosts. And you bring plunder, and the lame, and the sick, and you bring the food offering. Should I accept it from your hand, says the Lord?", Mal.1:12-13.

  2731. Above Scripture there is God, but it is Scripture which tells us about Him, how to get to Him, how to stay with Him. Yet, there are those who read Scripture more than saints do, and they simply don't know God.

  2732. Half of what Catholics do is not Biblical the other half is for themselves; half of whatever evangelical churches do is solemnly Biblical, but they do most of the things to please themselves backed up by the way they use or understand the Bible.

  2733. Nowhere do we see Jesus belonging to the Synagogues because we don't see the Synagogues belonging to Jesus.

  2734. God's will is that we live in heaven before we die.

  2735. When the Bible says “The burden of the Lord”, it is there so we may be enticed to find His rest or our rest in Him - not ours by disobeying and by ignoring the burden, whether the burden is prayer or simply obedience. We cannot afford to cease to pray before our rest is fully restored - even if it takes years.

  2736. If you grant God no rest whatsoever about holy things and about such things He solemnly cares about, it means you will never rest about them yourself. Did the widow rest by going to the judge to bother him all night? "And give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth", Is.62:7.

  2737. Adultery destroys homes, gives birth to bad temper, kills people, schemes evil, plans to kill, knows how not to be ashamed when it should, twists things and says bitter is sweet. It says sin is love, perverts a community, has no morals, despises loved ones, kills a own life within, banishes God from within it by believing God is still in it, conceives suicide, blinds the eye that sees, pronounces lovely words in the name of sin; opens a way to abortion, murder and divorce; lies even to itself; is always hiding from God and people; is hypocritical, it feigns, is double hearted and hateful; pleases people so it may be taken as loveable and adorable and so it may achieve whatever it stains. I believe there is no end to the guilt of any adulterous heart. But, the greatest evil attached to it, is that it leaves God and does not feel lost at all. And it brings a child into the world outside marriage: premarital sex will always be a child of adultery. (Premarital sex is adultery). If God is against any who destroys his own body, just how will He be against such who destroy a whole home?

  2738. Being chosen to hear means not we are chosen to come into heaven, but rather to come into Christ – our heaven here and hereafter. We are chosen to hear, we are chosen to become holy, chosen to a holy calling – it is a calling, not an assumption. If anyone does not turn himself into a holy vessel having all at his reach to be so, such will be a dishonouring vessel forever. We read: “… as He chose us in Him … that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love”, Eph 1:4. That is what we are chosen for. And we also read: “… being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His own will, for us to be to the praise of His glory, who previously had trusted in Christ”, Eph 1:11,12. The “praise of His glory” we read here, is right here on earth: let there be no mistake concerning that! It means "the Life that now is..." 1Tim.4:8. If you don't come to experience it for real, you have been chosen for nothing and your guilt is greater.

  2739. When someone asks from God, he is always put before a double reason never to receive from God: the looking after signs because of a lack of faith or because of a lack of reality in unseen things; or because of the selfishness of receiving from God (whether it is a calling to pride, greed, mere relief from strain when receiving or any other). Nevertheless, there is no sound reason for any sinner, or any unbelieving creature, or even a selfish inquirer to near God through a request. However, it is possible to reach God if we believe He can hear us however we are found. In the process of knocking at His door at midnight or at any other inconvenient time or way, (and if we do not give up before He attends or hears us), we might be changed. When God nears us, changes of heart occur because there is faith in Him. The word “pray without ceasing” means just that: that you and I will not give up (never cease) for whatever reasons one may think. There is the reality of a fluid nature of God which removes sin if we near Him (if there is sin), extinguishes it along with unbelief and exchanges selfishness smoothly for a real Godly nature, along with the change motives from deep within. There is no man that will stay unbelieving nearing a real God - as long as He is real or we wait and do not cease to call until He is real; there is no sin that will not be put to death by being enlightened, especially if we endure the pain of looking into our own sin and resist the temptation to try to be good instead, or even give up because of nearing a living, changing and updating God. The request might serve as the mobile to change us. He is the Saviour from all sin and He will never throw out by condemning whoever comes to Him. I, therefore, believe firmly that no sinner should even come as far as thinking to stay away from Him as soon as he realizes he is no good or is unbelieving. In fact, realizing that should encourage anyone even more to near Him. Let’s be glad there are requests to be made still which will cause us to enter the sanctifying Sanctuary of a Living, changing and updating graceful God. All requests are pretexts for God to change us. Let’s never stop praying then. God will be glorified if we are changed to the point where we are made to bear that kind of fruit for Him which we, at first, would want for us. One has to come to the point where all requests are granted, either because our mind is changed according to God’s by having the mind of Christ fully established in us, coming to the point where we are answered and given even before we whisper any request, Is.65:24. Perseverance is the key to be turned spotless and believing. My brother and sister, never cease to pray for whatever reason, never give up on God, nor become foolish enough to believe God will grant if you do not near Him to be changed during the time you spent nearing Him or if you cease and give up along the way. Prayer is like entering heaven: if we endure to the end we will receive our crown; but, it will be the Crown of God and not ours, nor will it be put on the heads of anyone else besides Him. God is gracious: near Him always, with or even without sin. Even for spotless people there will be a lasting blessing if they do not cease to pray, and remain near a Living God. Be faithful, open the heaviness of your heart before God and get going to receive your double crown. It is a double crown because you receive a change of heart along with your request. God be with you.

  2740. The Christian world has been learning to teach and not learning to learn from God. The whole of the New Testament is that we are taught personally in the inner man by God Himself. A learning spirit differs from a teaching spirit, just as a spirit which learns to walk will differ from those who merely learn to know. One who learns to know seeks to teach others so he can hide his unfaithfulness; and the one who learns to walk is the only example worth beholding, for such people have in them a learning spirit which is worth following; such have a great Teacher and you should rather learn from them, even if it means learning from a child. It is obvious that a learning spirit is the easiest prey to a teaching one and shall learn to teach and not to walk. Therefore, the reason why obedient people hear the voice of a shepherd and run away from all other voices is that they are able to obey Him. Sheep follow examples, just as wolves follow those who are do not walk the way of God as He would. And the greatest feature in a learning spirit is that it shall not listen to you unless you are like it. That is why many preachers please people. They wish to have their churches full by pleasing others.

  2741. A believer that does not see God, is like a blind man in the sun who cannot see anything through its light. That man feels the heat of the sun, but is blind to se through its light. However, most people consider themselves believers when they do not see God in His presence. It should be a greater proof that they are blind and not a consolation.

  2742. If you take a shower, it is because you feel dirty and are not ashamed to say how you feel because all will think it strange when someone does not wash himself. And many are not ashamed to realize and to tell others they need a shower. If this is true, why would people refuse to acknowledge they need to wash their conscience and soul in the blood of the Lord, confessing each sin by its name?

  2743. Take heed what conscience tells you, for it might be the only honest opinion about yourself there is. Whatever it thinks of you and your ways is seldom far from truth. It is not so with what other people think and believe about you. What they think is a problem they have, what conscience tells you might be a problem you have. Nevertheless, there are those who care more about other people's opinions (even honest ones), than what conscience is crying to tell. Even if conscience is not clear enough, it is the only opinion you can say that tries really hard to be accurate by instinct.

  2744. When we are touched by God, we often distinguish between what kind of touch it is. Well, if it is God who is touching, it means a blessing, whether it is through pain or through gain. Mind you, if you are holy, and it is God who is touching you, you should rejoice and have hope, for it is not sin that touches you or its consequences.

  2745. If we judge because we have sins, we cannot think to save anyone but ourselves. We are the ones upon whom we should put the focus of our eyes. By judging, all we are trying to do is to avoid feeling judged ourselves. If we are freed from bitterness, however, it means we are made free from sin. This is where the world, by looking at us, feels judged even when we haven't said a word to them at all. God loves this kind of judgment. “For I, the LORD, love judgment”, Is.61:8.

  2746. Most of Christians’ works are mere words of speech. The greater the speech today, the greater the Christian seems to be. It seems Christians are seldom representatives of themselves. They, quite often, put themselves forth as representatives of Christianity but never of themselves. These often talk a lot, arrange words, get to pulpits to preach what they learned but never put their own private lives forth. I have travelled some of the world already and I found hypocritical Christians everywhere – whatever they preach seldom matches what they live and experience personally. Maybe, it is because they would need to preach about error if they were to preach on what they live. If you cannot put forth your own living, don't be too quick to represent Christ, for He will judge you on those grounds. The essence of Christianity is a Life which is vivid and which one is seldom able to hide away. Christ should be visible and standing out all the time. All your words should be mere assumptions of what people clearly see living in you. Jesus said that by "their fruits you will know them". Seldom are words regarded as fruit unless you were Isaiah or another Jeremiah. Take good heed because it is by our words that we will be judged one day – those we may have said and those we didn’t speak as well. Does your walk show that God lives? Paul said “…lest proclaiming to others I myself might be rejected”, 1Cor.9:27. Make sure you live with God before you tell others to do so and God will bless you.

  2747. Never look up to the clouds to see Jesus coming - no, rather look into your heart, for "Christ in you is the (ONLY) hope of glory". When Christ talked about His coming, His intention was not to make people look up for the signs in the sky in order to find out when or how it shall happen, but rather that people be prepared and ready in themselves when all those things happen because they shall happen. "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?" Act 1:11 If your heart is spotless, you shall see God in your heart and later on as well, Mat.5:8.

  2748. Whenever someone deviates from truth and right, there is no other way out but lies or repentance. There is nothing left between truth and lies, not even a void, just as there is nothing besides life and death, nor between curse and a blessing. God said, “I put before you a curse and a blessing, life and death”. Nothing more. There is no twilight between darkness and light, even though illusion says there is.

  2749. Many thousands of people say God has to call them into ministry or anything else. Jesus says as well "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me",John 12:26. All you have to do is follow Him and not wait to be called as Paul had been. "Faithful is the saying, If a man seeketh the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work", 1Tim.3:1. Our ministry is to follow Him. Many enter the ministry because they desire to enter and put it before the Lord and God blesses their work.

  2750. All hypocrites are abortions of their own creation, dying even before they are born. Their only growth happens physically, for in all that matters they cannot grow - they are dead; they only grow into death, and anything they do whether good or bad, is just one more stain in an extremely dirty garment. There is no sin like hypocrisy. Jesus gave the impression it was something He deeply regretted looking at and hated to see in man. There is no sinner Jesus called a viper but hypocrites. Beware and don't feign to believe in Him - rather say you don't believe Him and, perhaps, your sincerity will attract grace to open eyes to see.

  2751. There are many Christians who seek to live before they die with Christ. All is done to spare self, to let it live in all liberty and they often say "Where is the God of justice?" when it does not happen that way. Remember how David, sometimes, put his enemies under slavery instead of killing them? The flesh will rather be enslaved than dead, even if it is often rebuked by the Word and obliged to act friendly to the Spirit or look spiritual by changing its countenance. It can try hard to live a 'gospel' where it doesn't die. Beware and desire deeply to carry the cross to death instead of carrying it permanently to avoid to dying. many even threaten to give up to blackmail God with their own lives, especially when they are the ones who asked God to lead their lives for them. To give up is to try to convince God to give in by force. "Unless God does this or that, I give up on Him!"  "Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, 'Wherein have we wearied him?'" Mal.2:17. To give up is to resist God. It is the ultimate resource to avoid the death of the cross, it is, to avoid a real death at the Cross.

  2752. If one is affected by the wind, why are there so many people seemingly affected and the wind is not blowing? Why are so many seemingly happy and there is no real joy in them? Why do people sing the wrong way since they can have and breed the right kind of song in the heart with real joy? Why do people seem to be lost when they find reality and feel found when they find illusion? Why does folly affect them and not a heavenly truth which lasts forever? Oh Lord, there is no explanation for human folly.

  2753. When there is someone better than you according to any standard, whether it be spiritually or physically, you loose nothing if it is indeed so; and if there you find someone worse off than yourself, you gain nothing by it either. Search the world and you will find no reason to be other than yourself before God and man. To be yourself, however, is less than what God requires from you, for God deeply desires that you walk as you are, that you live as you are and that only. Humility is to live from what you are as you are near a living and a changing God who often updates the being you become.

  2754. There are people who move away from preachers and churches to search out for the Lord, and to be able to find Him. They close their eyes to be able to see; they shut their ears to be able to hear God. And we say "amen" to that! However, we may ask: "Whose fault is it that lost sheep need to do that sometimes?" I would not like to be found in the same table as those faulty preachers when the Lord comes!

  2755. Confusion can be a great help in making sure about truthful issues. Don't let the devil lead you into despair through it, though. Accepting to stay in the storm is not good. Any storm turns a quite corner visible. If you are caught up within a storm of lies, a quiet truthful corner is what catches the eye better. In a dark place, it is a small ray of light that calls attention easily.

  2756. You should hate sin just as much as the devil hates God.

  2757. The devil does not hate God as much as he loves himself. And he hates God quite a lot!

  2758. Any child may laugh because you laugh, or cry just because you cry. Adults may laugh because of what you laugh and cry because of what you cry about. So, if your heart is pure and honest all the time and it reveals itself easily, you may laugh and cry with all people who are able to love as you do - children and adults alike. And because you are an adult with a childlike heart you will laugh and cry along with adults as well as with children. Humility is to be yourself under any circumstances.

  2759. I often felt guilty because I am not able to remember, on post occasions, some of the things which meant a lot to me. Seeing there are so many things God shows me and they are so precious, I thought it to be a duty to share with everyone around. But, I know today that, if I could trace how many times I breathe during a normal day, I could just as well be able to trace every single whisper God softly blew into my heart as a resurrecting blessing. The point is not the whisper, but the life it is able to work and which becomes a part of me from then on. I realized I should take my time and effort rather to do and to be fully obedient to that Life than to trace all whispers God has blessed me with. I realized, as well, that the Life it leaves behind is what I should share, which is mine to have and to deal out just as Christ dealt the fish out to the people. To such as are faithful to that life, it will be given more, for there is no end to the blessing. I try, now, not to share the whisper, but rather to turn it possible that people get whispered to as well - that's all that counts! I often thought to write down things and came to the same conclusion as John that, “the which if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that should be written”, John 21:25. I managed to write about what it left behind though. I seldom try to explain the whisper itself. I now rather try to do and live according to the Life which now is, and is brought into me through those whispers as well. I can't feel guilty anymore simply because I am not able to recall and share what God has shown me. But, what He has shown me quickened a kind of life which will stay with me forever. Memory is like a swift dove, though, which comes back to its Noah all the time. It is like love: it is there and it is trained by exercise. If it is trained, it shall always be available, fit and sound. It is naturally trained and lived out. If my heart cares for God, if my feet walk naturally towards Him and with Him, if my eyes look up instinctively, I can rest assured my memory will not fail nor betray me, for God is my life and He fails not (His memory capacity is infinite). I need Him, (He is the Life left in me) and need to recall as He reminds. I need to have Him and to walk with Him for His reward is with Him. "But ... Christ Jesus... was made unto us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord",1Cor.1:30-31. He is all we need to have. Indeed, all His rewards are with Him. This yoke is light to me now and with that I can live easily. I become wise, sanctified, justified and righteous, pure and spotless because of Him in me, for all of it is with Him. Jesus is the way now - all else I need is with Him. "And when all things have been subjected unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subjected to him that did subject all things unto him, that God may be all in all", 1Cor.15:28

  2760. It is good to remember that our brothers are faithful when they are indeed faithful people. It is good to reject any accusations against them and to pay any attention to any kind of accusations until we hear it from two or three faithful eye witnesses, 1Tim.5:19. A witness must be someone who has seen what he talks about and not only one who has heard about a story. We should always remember that the devil is also a witness, but not a faithful one. Before you make up your mind about the stories around any true servant of God, try to find out what God thinks about the man.

  2761. Recall often that the most precious being in the Universe “has no form nor majesty that we should seek Him, nor an appearance that we should desire Him, for He comes up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground”, Is.53:2. Just imagine a root in a dry ground! I would not believe it will be able to grow there at all. Because of that human perspective I may lose the most precious jewel in universe because I mistake it for an unworthy nothingness.

  2762. Wisdom is like a crop: you eat of it in due time, use, give away and put at the disposal of people during those times hunger will bring them to eat from what God has given you. The end of knowledge is that we come to obey God in due time. The whole of us has to be pulled into the captivity of obedience once and for all. “...Pulling down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought into the obedience of Christ”, 2Cor.10:5.

  2763. It is better to do the wrong thing by trying too hard to do the right thing, than to hide your talents and be reproved by God because you feared to fail. Better to hear from Him "Badly done faithful servant", than to hear "unfaithful servant". It is always better, though, to find grace to do well and be faithful.

  2764. God might show you something, not because you are on your knees, but because you have been on your knees; but, He may also show you things because He knows you will be found on your knees – so, if you have received already, go and find time to pray to the Lord. Do not move away from God because you have received. Do not disown the trust He has put on you. Go back to Him after you receive. He won't tell you to do so, but will wonder why you didn't come back. "Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were none found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?", Lk.17:17-18.

  2765. "Do not be conformed to this world", Rom.12:2, means that the world will neither be conformed to you. It won't happy about you. Are you prepared for it? Another possibility is, if you are not like the world and resemble it not in any way, people will possibly never take notice of it because they are looking for sympathy, smooth complicity to their ways and will never take notice of you because you aren't what they are looking for; but, if they take notice of your holiness and purity then God is convicting them somehow. Remember, then, that you are saved to be turned into a mirror so people's sins and worldliness can be contrasted and shown - can you live on with that? If they do not repent you shall be a target and not a help. Then, if they don't repent, they will make you their preferred victim. Will you not, even so, be conformed to this world? But, if they are not convicted by getting in touch with you and there is nothing wrong with you, in case they do not take notice of any of the differences, at least you glorify God. If you were like them somehow, they would have noticed. If you are worldly and read your Bible, they may even call upon God with you because they have a kind of assurance they shall not change.

  2766. The person who becomes discouraged when he has nothing and the one who is encouraged only when he has the things he desires are one and the same person.

  2767. Whoever doesn't stop wondering if God is with him when He is indeed, is someone who might easily believe God is with him when He is not.

  2768. A bad tongue is like an itching eye: people get pleasure by rubbing it, and yet, the more they rub it, the worse it becomes.

  2769. If you care about dead ones, your heart is not loving living ones. Do not seek to love dead ones. To look for living ones among the dead is wrong in itself already – imagine how wrong it is to love dead ones among the dead! No one who loves a dead one cares for the living – no matter what you say about it. If you love and miss them now, it is because you never loved them while they were alive. Now, you are able to love them because they do you no harm anymore, they do not make you impatient any longer, nor trouble you! You cannot love the dead and the living at the same time – one or the other. People who love dead ones, like Catholics or spiritists do, love no one but themselves. Those who love living ones, love God, people and not themselves. A bad conscience and mixed feelings drive you to love dead ones – not love.

  2770. Every human heart is always believing. If it is not believing towards truth, it is because it easily believes lies. Unbelief is to disbelieve truth and real invisible things in exchange for illusionary, visible things. Tell someone the truth and see how he reacts to it. If truth is hard to believe and they start saying, “I must believe it, I must!”, then you may be assured such a person will easily sit down to cry and sob his heart out watching a movie which is nothing else but fiction and consuming lies! That person doesn't say, "I must cry, I must cry!" He just cries!

  2771. Someone who talks a lot and says the wrong things is unmistakably one who is often quiet on the right issues. To say that such an one talks a lot, is to say the least because God is seldom taken into consideration by him. In the same manner, someone who has nothing to say concerning wrong ways of any mischief is always someone from whom wisdom flows out at other times. To state such are wise, is the least you can assuredly say about them – they are never offensive towards God during periods of quietness.

  2772. Anyone who sings about God for the sake of self, to gain praise, is not singing to praise God. If you are ashamed to sing for God, surely, you will do anything to gain the applause of men for yourself. If you are fully enabled to sing for God and only for Him, you will never fear to do it in front of a million people; you won't sing with less strength or with less heart when there is only a little boy listening to you because you are singing to God. It is the same to you, for you are singing unto God. If you keep quite during moments of real praise, surely, you will be able to sing a lot for the sake of self, even if you use God's songs to do so.

  2773. When we are enabled to pray for the right things, there is no possibility to have the wrong issues flooding our minds during our secret duties, much less having our hearts obsessed about them! But, if we are able to pray for the wrong things with our heart, there is no possibility to be aware of the right things. Sin brought the knowledge of good and evil into us. Someone who prays wrongly and is not aware of it is worse than a sinner, for he cannot differentiate between good and evil anymore! Everyone who is found praying for the wrong things, inevitably misses whatever could be coming to him from God. To say such a person is praying wrong and is not having his prayers fully answered is the least you can say, for such is also missing all he would receive by praying aright for the proper things; he is, therefore, loosing on both sides. But, if God grants the wrong requests at all, that is because God’s wrath is upon that man or woman, and He does not want such to be unhappy in wrongdoing so he or she may have a good chance to to be judged, Ps.73.

  2774. A religious man is like a coin which has two faces: on one side he wishes to show himself truthful, but on the other side he is a liar. To love God and to force the heart to love God is not the same thing. And to pose with an image of being in love with God is not loving God. Habits create patterns and emotional training may end up in hypocrisy; however, genuine Life creates a spontaneous being which will remain forever. Let your holiness be sober, visible, but, above all, let it become real from within, involving your whole being in a life springing from the roots of the fountain of Life itself.  "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life", Prov.4:23.

  2775. Stop criticizing sin and rather hate it and exterminate it from your own life.

  2776. Unbelief makes as if God does things. But, God does things – He moves as He wills, surely, but moves; and unbelief never sees God doing it because it is busy pretending.

  2777. All Martyrs , without exception, before having been executed, were torn to pieces to cause them to deny their faith and their Saviour. They were never put to death at once, but were tortured always to deny Jesus and to be rewarded with 'freedom' or many other things. Martyrs have always been forced to deny the Lord. That was always a point to the devil’s servants. They would not kill them if they denied the Lord. The devil would try to rob them of eternity first. Had these people, then, not denied God by torture, they would be killed. We may ask, today, how can a child of the Most High deny Him in exchange for discos, sex, money or even the so-called love of man and woman? Jesus is denied today for much less.

  2778. "And whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved; for salvation shall be in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, as the Lord has said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call", Joel 2:32. Sometimes, there is something mysterious about the Word of God. Because of that, we can miss on some precious things from it. We all love to be chosen for something. Everyone wishes to be that special one. However, we cannot deny that when we are called by God, a great responsibility is put upon our shoulders, and being chosen does not mean we are already guaranteed and saved. Many shall be called and few accepted. We read here in this portion of Scripture that there is a remnant whom God shall call to heaven. It could mean a remnant of the thousands who have also been called or chosen beforehand. We read in Lk.19:21,22 about a chosen one who has been rejected afterwards: "For I feared you, because you are a harsh man. You take up what you did not lay down, and you reap what you did not sow. And he said to him, I will judge you out of your own mouth, wicked servant! You knew that I was a harsh man, taking up what I had not laid down and reaping what I did not sow". We cannot deny that this wicked servant has been chosen to be faithful and it availed him nothing at all. Scripture also says, "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let the one hearing say, Come! And let the one who is thirsty come. And he willing, let him take of the Water of Life freely", Rev.22:17. If the Spirit chooses us for something, we must say "come" to all around who might have not been chosen the way we have been.




























  1. Every now and then you change your mind about things you wish to know God’s will about.

  2. You discuss all the Bible may say, and seek an easy way out for yourself continuously, carrying the idea that God either blesses it or must bless it. 

  3. You moan and confuse it with groanings of the Spirit

  4. Your life is the one which is right in your own eyes and you want people to think and believe it.

  5. You want to show everyone how right and how righteous your own standpoints are, adding “but I am a sinner as well, I am not judging at all”, so as to excuse what you are fear to be found doing.

  6. You discuss the gifts of the Spirit instead of using them naturally to the benefit of anyone. You are a discusser and not a doer.

  7. It is a catastrophic happening to you if you are wrong about something and when people see it as well and you become aware they know you are wrong. The opinion of others is what preserves you because it influences your own opinion about you.

  8. You will try to repent of the symptoms a lot and not of what brought the symptoms about. You will talk a lot about those symptoms in a hypocritical way, seeking attention as if it were repentance.

  9. You may wish to lead all the time and  be led hypothetically or hypocritically, pretending you are humble obedient.

  10. You excuse your own sins and temptations and say you must learn by them as if they were trials. You either accuse yourself by regret or do not underline your conscience’s point of view to avoid accusations of any kind – you doubt, therefore.

  11. You attribute your own sins (especially the symptoms and consequences of sin) to external causes; other people’s faults; to circumstances; but you cannot see you are dealing cheaply with your own life and not crediting honour to a mighty King’s words who testifies to the fact that you are a sinner.

  12. You choose rather to accuse others than to hear God (instead of putting your mind continuously along side with God against yourself).

  13. You are at loss and believe you may, can and must lead all the time

  14. You don’t seek God humbly and put Him always before a take it or leave it discussion because intercession is alike.

  15. You seek to be an example to others by force, easily forgetting that light shines by itself and no one can avoid it being light.

  16. You fast and pray a lot with no visible results.

  17. When God manages to tell you one thing for real, you don’t believe it easily and if the devil does speak as God you easily fall into it as a prey, for you breed in you a kind of spirit which believes lies. Jesus says: “Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice”, John 18:37.

  18. You preach a lot to others and forget to teach yourself constantly and intentionally.

  19. Any teacher who is not a learner sets a bad example, for to learn is what one should be teaching. Learning is the example we should give. You are that bad an example if your heart is away from God.

  20. You believe every “sacrifice” deserves a reward and you say to people you do not deserve a thing because you received not from God, excusing yourself all the time and pretending on still.

  21. You control your temper a lot, as well as some or all of your other appetites (but, your mind will have time for one appetite at a turn mostly). You should have it all dead and not merely controlled.

If you have one – just one – of these, you will soon find yourself in hellfire and won’t believe it happened to you as well. Time for you to repent again as if you never did.  


José Mateus