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Charles G. Finney

(29/08/1792 - 16/8/1875)



1. Definition -- A pastor is a shepherd of God's flock.

2. Authority for the office, Eph. 4:13.

3. Difference between pastors and evangelists.

(1) Evangelists bring good news, pioneers in the gospel.

(2) Evangelists win souls to Christ, and gather a flock.

(3) Pastors feed, lead, superintend, and watch over it.

4. Of what Pastoral Theology treats.

(1) Theology treats of God, his attributes and relations.

(2) Pastoral theology treats of all that concerns the flock.

(3) It embraces the whole field of pastoral relation and duty.

(4) By consequence, the reciprocal duties of pastor and flock.

5. How the office and relation is constituted.

(1) He is chosen and called to the office by the church.

(2) If he accepts, the office and relation are constituted.

(3) Also, the reciprocal duties of pastor and flock.

(4) Installation not essential.

(5) Expedient to secure fellowship and prevent ignorance and heresy.

6. Essential qualifications for a useful pastor.

(1) Sound, earnest piety; aggressive; steady; consistent; special anointing for the work; ripe Christian experience; not a novice, for how can such lead the flock?

(2) Constant growth in grace and in the knowledge of Christ.

(3) A constant disciple of Christ, and a pupil of the Holy Ghost.

(4) A special divine call to the work of pastor (1872).

7. What is satisfactory evidence of a divine call to this work?

(1) All men and women should have and obey a divine call.

(2) If they do not, they are not servants of God.

(3) If in this they are not conscientious, they will not amount to much.

(4) Yearning for the salvation of souls.

(5) Intense interest in the flock of Christ.

(6) Not inconsistent with providential circumstances.

(7) Or with other manifest calls of providence.

(8) Or with other manifest duties and relations.

(9) Natural possibility to fulfill its obligations.

(10) That is, health, physical and mental ability.

(11) Favoring providential circumstances.

(12) Natural gifts: Love of study; logical mind; gift of language; aptness to teach; sound education, or the means of obtaining one.

(13) Weanedness from worldly-mindedness.

(14) Strong and steady inclination to devote the life to this special work.

(15) Willingness to endure its trials and privations.

(16) The spirit and temper of Christ in this respect.

(17) Readiness to accept all its incidentals.

(18) Satisfactory inward apprehension of the will of God in regard to the path of duty.

(19) Trial of gifts that shall prove that God is with you in laboring for souls.

(20) It is generally agreed, that these are essential to satisfactory evidence of a divine call.

(21) In the same way, all persons are to have their special call evinced.

(22) In extending a call, the church certify their belief that the candidate is called of God.

(23) That having experience of his usefulness, etc.

(24) A divine call to any course of life, cannot safely be resisted or trifled with.

(25) This is true in all the callings and relations of life.

(26) If Christ calls to this work, he will be with and bless.

(27) Strong worldly inducements often overrule a divine call.

(28) Unbelief in regard to success often discourages.

(29) Counter inclinations often prevail.

(30) Stripes sure to follow, or be given up to the world.

8. Other important qualifications of a good pastor.

(1) Sound common sense.

(2) Wisdom.

(3) Prudence.

(4) Self-control.

(5) Moral courage.

(6) Good manners.

(7) Well-governed temper.

(8) Physical comeliness -- not deformed bodily.

(9) Not given to money-making.

(10) Self-denying.

(11) Temperate.

(12) Sympathetic.

(13) Transparent.

(14) Approachable.

(15) Attributes of a leader.

(16) Good habits in all respects, see future lecture.

(17) Firmness, but not obstinacy.

(18) Discretion.

(19) Not given to strong prejudices.

(20) Love of peace.

(21) Naturally kind and genial.

(22) A reformer.

(23) Natural affability and frankness that will encourage frankness and transparency in his flock.

(24) Ability to keep a secret, and faithfulness in this respect.


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