'Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God.'—Psalm 87:3
'And the name of the city from that day shall be, THE LORD IS THERE.'—Ezekiel 48:35
London: Printed in the year 1665
Reader, it will require the utmost effort of your powers of faith in perfectly well authenticated history to believe an almost incredible fact, but which certainly took place in England, under the reformed church in 1665. It is, however, true, that a number of eminently pious, loyal, sober, industrious citizens were immured, by the forms of law, within the walls of a small prison on Bedford Bridge, over the river Ouse, for refusing to attend the parish church or join in the service prescribed by Acts of Parliament, according to the Book of Common Prayer. The Ruler of the universe deigned to approve their conduct, and to visit these prisoners with his peculiar approbation. He made their prison a Bethel, the house of God, and the very gate of heaven—thus richly blessing their souls for refusing to render unto man the things that are God's.
On the Lord's day they were in the habit of uniting in Divine worship. Their prison chamber had received no prelatic consecration, but God was in their midst to bless them. It happened one morning that it came to the turn of a poor itinerant tinker, of extraordinary ability, to address his fellow-prisoners—he had neither written nor even prepared a sermon, and felt, for a time, at a loss for a text or subject. At length, while turning over the sacred pages, his eye was directed to the description of the Holy City—New Jerusalem, which in the latter day will gloriously descend from heaven. His soul was enlarged and enlightened with the dazzling splendour of that sacred city—his heart, which had felt 'empty, spiritless, and barren,' was baptized into his subject—'with a few groans, he carried his meditations to the Lord Jesus for a blessing, which he did forthwith grant according to his grace, and then the preacher did set before his brethren the spiritual meat, and they did all eat and were well refreshed. While distributing the truth, it did so increase in his hand, that of the fragments he gathered up a basket full, and furnished this heavenly treatise.' Such, in substance, is the author's interesting account of the circumstances under which he wrote this book. He adds, with humility, that the men of this world would laugh, in conceit, that one so low, contemptible, and inconsiderable should busy himself with so hard and knotty a subject, but humbly hopes, that though but a babe in Christ, these truths were revealed to him. To the real followers of the lowly Jesus, the poor carpenter's son, 'who had not where to lay his head'—of whom the Jews said, 'How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?' (John 7:15)—despised by princes, prelates, scribes, and Pharisees—to such, the poverty, the occupation, and the want of book-learning of our author needs no apology. It is all-sufficient to know that he was mighty in the Scriptures, and deeply taught of the Holy Spirit. These are the only sources of information relative to the New Jerusalem; and in this treatise the author has richly developed the treasures of the Bible in reference to this solemn subject. To the same prison discipline to which we are indebted for the Pilgrim's Progress, we owe this, and other of the labours of that eminent servant of Christ, John Bunyan. Little did the poor tyrants who sent him to jail think that, in such a place, he would have this blessed vision of the heavenly city, or that his severe sufferings would materially aid in destroying their wicked craft.
The subject is one of pure revelation. The philosopher—the theologian—the philologist—the historian, and the antiquarian, are utterly unable to grapple with that which is here so admirably handled by a poor unlettered prisoner for Christ, who, from the inexhaustible storehouse of God's Word, brings forth things new and old to comfort the pilgrim, whether in a prison or a palace, and to enliven his prospects on his way to this celestial city. The New Jerusalem is a sublime object, and we are bound humbly to adore that majestic mercy which has condescended to give us such a glimpse of the glory which, in its unbounded extent, passeth all the powers of our earth-bound souls to conceive.
It is a city whose builder and maker is God—perfect as his infinite wisdom—strong as his omnipotence—eternal as his existence. Who by searching can find out the perfections of the Almighty—they can only be traced by his revealed will, and with our poor powers, even then but faintly. No man ever possessed a more intimate knowledge of the Bible, nor greater aptitude in quoting it than Bunyan: he must have meditated in it day and night; and in this treatise his biblical treasures are wisely used. He begins with the foundation of the walls, and shows that they are based upon the truths taught to the twelve tribes, and by the twelve apostles of the Lamb. All these truths are perfectly handed down to us in holy Writ, alike immutable and unalterable. Cursed are they that add to that book, either by tradition or by the imposition of creeds, rites, and ceremonies, and not less cursed are they that take from it. These solid foundations support walls and gates through which nothing can enter that defileth. It is a pattern to the church on earth, into which none should be admitted but saints, known from their conversation as living epistles. 'Not common stuff, not raked out of the dunghills and muck heaps of this world, and from among the toys of antichrist, but spiritual, heavenly and glorious precious stones.' This city has but one street, showing the perfect unity among all its inhabitants, and it is only under the personal reign of Christ that uniformity can exist. The divisions among Christians arise, as Bunyan justly concludes, from 'antichristian rubbish, darkness, and trumpery.' The cause of all the confusion is the lust of man for domination over conscience, the government of which is the sole prerogative of God, and this is strengthened by the hope of passing through time in idleness, luxury, and honour, under the false pretence of apostolic descent transmitted through ceremonies worse than childish. In our Lord's days there was union among his disciples, as there must be under his personal reign in the New Jerusalem. But in the times of the apostles the disciples were divided—one was of Paul—another of Apollos, and others of Cephas. The Holy Ghost issued laws to regulate the church in their disputes—not an act of uniformity, but an injunction to the exercise of mutual forbearance, 'Who art thou that judges another man's servant.' 'Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind' (Rom 14:4,5).
After viewing the spiritual unity of the inhabitants of this wonderful city, we are introduced to its temple. How vast the edifice, to contain the millions on millions of worshippers—every inhabitant being present in the general assembly and church of the first-born! Utterly beneath our notice are the most magnificent temples raised by human ingenuity and vanity, when compared with that of the Holy City. Its foundation, the immutability of God—its extent, his divine immensity—its walls, the omnipotence of Jehovah—its treasury, the unsearchable riches of Christ—its worshippers, the countless myriads of the nations of those that are saved—its duration, ETERNITY. It is the inheritance of the Son of God, Jehovah Jesus, and is worthy of HIS inconceivable majesty. In all the multitude not one hypocrite will be found—not one sleeping worshipper—no wandering thought—no fear of sin or of Satan and his persecuting agents—death itself will be dead and swallowed up in life and immortality—all are pure—clothed in white robes—the palm of victory in their hands—singing the glorious anthems of heaven. O my soul! who are they that are thus unspeakably blessed? Shall I be a citizen of that city? God has told us who they are—not those who have been cherished by the state—clothed with honour, who have eaten the bread of idleness. No. 'These are they which came out of great tribulation' (Rev 7:14). From all kindreds, nations, sects, and parties—they who obeyed God and not man in all matters of faith and holiness—those who submitted to the Saviour, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. How vile is that sectarian spirit which in cold blood consigns all but its own sect to eternal misery. How strange the calculation of that Jewish Rabbi,[1] who, dooming to miserable and eternal slavery all but his own little party, gives to every Jew two thousand eight hundred souls to be tormented and tyrannically used as slaves. The bitter sectarian who thus judges that all not of his own party shall be destroyed, will do well to listen to the voice of truth, 'With what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged.' All these absurd and wicked feelings are fast wearing away before the advancing spirit of Christianity. When the leaven of Divine truth shall have spread over the whole earth, antichrist will finally fall—then shall this New Jerusalem descend from heaven, and become the glory of the earth. How distant soever that period may seem, it is irresistibly hastening on. Since Bunyan's days, persecution has hid its ugly head—North America, which was then a land of darkness, is now widely covered with gospel blessings—slavery is coming to an end—India, the islands of the Pacific, and the vast territories of Australia, are yielding their increase. A few more centuries of progression, increasing in its ratio as time draws to a close, will hasten on the coming of our Lord.
The growth in grace of every Christian goes on thus gradually. Bunyan draws a beautiful picture of this from Ezekiel 47:3-12. It is so slow as scarcely to be perceptible, and one proof of its growth in our hearts is a doubt as to whether we are progressing at all. The more the light of heaven breaks in upon us, the more clearly it displays our sinful follies. According to the prophet, the waters rise higher and higher, but so slowly as to elude observation, until we find that they have risen from the ancles to the knees, and at length they rise and leave no standing for the feet—the earth recedes with time, and the soul enters upon the ocean of eternal grace and glory. The time is coming when we shall no longer worship in temples made with hands, neither in the mountains of Samaria, nor in the temples of Jerusalem, or Rome, or London. 'The cloud-capt towers—the gorgeous palaces—the solemn temples—yea, the great globe itself, shall dissolve, and, like the baseless fabric of a vision, leave not a wreck behind.' Or in language far more solemn and striking, because they are the unerring words of truth, 'The heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be burned up.' Then shall the Holy City—the New Jerusalem—descend from heaven, and all the ransomed of the Lord shall find in it a glorious and everlasting habitation.
Bunyan published this Book in a very small 8vo of 294 pages. It was never reprinted separately from his other works, and even in them it suffered from serious omissions and errors. It is now accurately printed from his original edition. The copy in Dr. Williams' Library, Redcross Street, is remarkably fine and clean, a present, most probably, in the first instance, from the author, having an inscription on the fly leaf, apparently in Bunyan's autograph, 'This for my good and dearly beloved frend mistris Backcraft.' It has a false title, bearing the imprint of 'London, Printed for Francis Smith, at the Elephant and Castle without Temple Barr, 1669.' The editor's copy, soiled and tattered, cost him twenty shillings, a striking proof of its rarity. This has the original title, with the real date, 1665, but without a printer's or publisher's name—from which it may be inferred that no one dared to patronize the labours of the poor prisoner—a circumstance tending to make the book more prized by the lovers of Christian liberty. The four dedications are singular, and truly Bunyanish.
Friend,—Though the men of this world, at the sight of this book, will not only deride, but laugh in conceit, to consider that one so low, contemptible, and inconsiderable as I, should busy myself in such sort, as to meddle with the exposition of so hard and knotty a Scripture as here they find the subject matter of this little book; yet do thou remember that 'God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are' (1 Cor 1:27,28). Consider also, that even of old it hath been his pleasure to 'hide these things from the wise and prudent, and to reveal them unto babes' (Matt 11:25, 21:15,16). I tell you that the operation of the Word and Spirit of God, without depending upon that idol,[2] so much adored, is sufficient of itself to search out 'all things, even the deep things of God' (1 Cor 2:10).
The occasion of my first meddling with this matter was as followeth:—Upon a certain first-day, I being together with my brethren in our prison chamber, they expected that, according to our custom, something should be spoken out of the Word for our mutual edification; but at that time I felt myself, it being my turn to speak, so empty, spiritless, and barren, that I thought I should not have been able to speak among them so much as five words of truth with life and evidence; but at last it so fell out that providentially I cast mine eye upon the eleventh verse of the one and twentieth chapter of this prophecy; upon which, when I had considered a while, methought I perceived something of that jasper in whose light you there find this holy city is said to come or descend; wherefore having got in my eye some dim glimmerings thereof, and finding also in my heart a desire to see farther thereinto, I with a few groans did carry my meditations to the Lord Jesus for a blessing, which he did forthwith grant according to his grace; and helping me to set before my brethren, we did all eat, and were well refreshed; and behold also, that while I was in the distributing of it, it so increased in my hand, that of the fragments that we left, after we had well dined, I gathered up this basketful. Methought the more I cast mine eye upon the whole discourse, the more I saw lie in it. Wherefore setting myself to a more narrow search, through frequent prayer to God, what first with doing, and then with undoing, and after that with doing again, I thus did finish it.
But yet, notwithstanding all my labour and travel in this matter, I do not, neither can I expect that every godly heart should in every thing see the truth and excellency of what is here discoursed; neither would I have them imagine that I have so thoroughly viewed this holy city, but that much more than I do here crush out is yet left in the cluster. Alas! I shall only say thus, I have crushed out a little juice to sweeten their lips withal, not doubting but in a little time more large measures of the excellency of this city, and of its sweetness and glory, will by others be opened and unfolded; yea, if not by the servants of the Lord Jesus, yet by the Lord himself, who will have this city builded and set in its own place.
But, I say, for this discourse, if any of the saints that read herein think they find nought at all but words, as many times it falleth out even in their reading the Scriptures of God themselves, I beg, I say, of such, that they read charitably, judge modestly, and also that they would take heed of concluding that because they for the present see nothing in this or that passage, that therefore there is nothing in it: possibly from that which thou mayest cast away as an empty bone, others may pick both good and wholesome bits, yea, and also out of that suck much nourishing marrow. You find by experience, that that very bit that will not down with one, may yet not only down, but be healthful and nourishing to another. Babes are more for milk than strong meat, though meat will well digest with those that are of riper years. Wherefore that which thy weakness will not suffer thee to feed on, leave; and go to the milk and nourishment that in other places thou shalt find.
My second word is to my wise and learned reader.
Sir,—I suppose, in your reading of this discourse, you will be apt to blame me for two things: First, Because I have not so beautified my matter with acuteness of language as you could wish or desire. Secondly, Because also I have not given you, either in the line or in the margent, a cloud of sentences from the learned fathers, that have, according to their wisdom, possibly, handled these matters long before me.
To the first I say, the matter indeed is excellent and high; but for my part I am weak and low; it also deserveth a more full and profound discourse than my small pats will help me to make upon the matter. But yet seeing the Lord looketh not at the outward appearance, but on the heart, neither regardeth high-swelling words of vanity, but pure and naked truth; and seeing also that a widow's mite being all, even heart as well as substance, is counted more, and better, than to cast in little out of much, and that little too perhaps the worst, I hope my little, being all, my farthing, seeing I have no more, may be accepted and counted for a great deal in the Lord's treasury. Besides, Sir, words easy to be understood do often hit the mark, when high and learned ones do only pierce the air. He also that speaks to the weakest, may make the learned understand him; when he that striveth to be high, is not only for the most part understood but of a sort, but also many times is neither understood by them nor by himself.
Secondly, The reason why you find me empty of the language of the learned, I mean their sentences and words which others use, is because I have them not, nor have not read them: had it not been for the Bible, I had not only not thus done it, but not at all.
Lastly. I do find in most such a spirit of whoredom and idolatry concerning the learning of this world, and wisdom of the flesh, and God's glory so much stained and diminished thereby; that had I all their aid and assistance at command, I durst not make use of ought thereof, and that for fear lest that grace, and these gifts that the Lord hath given me, should be attributed to their wits, rather than the light of the Word and Spirit of God: Wherefore 'I will not take' of them 'from a thread even to a shoe-latchet, - lest they should say, We have made Abram rich' (Gen 14:23).
Sir, What you find suiting with the Scriptures take, though it should not suit with authors; but that which you find against the Scriptures, slight, though it should be confirmed by multitudes of them. Yea, further, where you find the Scriptures and your authors jump,[3] yet believe it for the sake of Scripture's authority. I honour the godly as Christians, but I prefer the Bible before them; and having that still with me, I count myself far better furnished than if I had without it all the libraries of the two universities. Besides, I am for drinking water out of my own cistern;[4] what God makes mine by the evidence of his Word and Spirit, that I dare make bold with. Wherefore seeing, though I am without their learned lines, yet well furnished with the words of God, I mean the Bible, I have contented myself with what I there have found, and having set it before your eyes,
I pray read and take, Sir, what you like best;
And that which you like not, leave for the rest.
My third word is to the captious and wrangling reader.
Friend,—However thou camest by this book, I will assure thee thou wast least in my thoughts when I writ it; I tell thee, I intended this book as little for thee as the goldsmith intendeth his jewels and rings for the snout of a sow. Wherefore put on reason, and lay aside thy frenzy; be sober, or lay by the book (Matt 7:6).
My fourth word is to the lady of kingdoms, the well-favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, and the abominations of the earth.
Mistress,—I suppose I have nothing here that will either please your wanton eye or go down with your voluptuous palate. Here is bread indeed, as also milk and meat; but here is neither paint to adorn thy wrinkled face, nor crutch to uphold or undershore thy shaking, tottering, staggering kingdom of Rome; but rather a certain presage of thy sudden and fearful final downfall, and of the exaltation of that holy matron, whose chastity thou dost abhor, because by it she reproveth and condemneth thy lewd and stubborn life. Wherefore, lady, smell thou mayest of this, but taste thou wilt not: I know that both thy wanton eye, with all thy mincing brats that are intoxicated with thy cup and enchanted with thy fornications, will, at the sight of so homely and plain a dish as this, cry, Foh! snuff, put the branch to the nose,[5] and say, Contemptible! (Mal 1:12,13; Eze 8:17). 'But wisdom is justified of all her children' (Matt 11:19). 'The virgin the daughter of Zion hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorn; Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee' (Isa 37:22), yea, her God hath smitten his hands at thy dishonest gain and freaks (Eze 22:7-11, &c.). 'Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all ye that love her; rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her; that ye may suck and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations, that ye may milk out and be delighted with the abundance of her glory' (Isa 66:10,11).
1. Solomon Jarchi. See Allen's Modern Judaism, p. 275.
2. By 'idol' is here meant human wisdom and school learning, which the men of this world adore, and laugh in conceit at the attempt of one who did not possess it to expound the mysteries of the Revelations—forgetting that they can only be spiritually discerned.—Ed.
3. Where the Bible and uninspired authors agree, believe the truth simply for the Bible's sake. How properly jealous was Bunyan as to the supremacy of God's authority.—Ed.
4. See Isaiah 36:16. The fountain of living waters, and not the broken cisterns alluded to in Jeremiah 2:13.—Ed.
5. Commentators differ as to the meaning of 'put the branch to the nose,' Ezekiel 8:17, but all agree it was some well known mode of expressing contempt for God and his worship.—Ed.
The Holy City; or, The New Jerusalem
by John Bunyan
Revelation 21:10-27; 22:1-4
'And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that
great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of
God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone,
clear as crystal:
And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve
angels and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the
children of Israel. On the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three
gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and
in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And he that talked with me had a
golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof and the wall thereof. And the city
lieth four-square, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city
with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs: the length and the breadth and the height of it
are equal.
And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according
to the measure of a man, that is of the angel. And the building of the wall of it was of jasper, and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. And the foundations of
the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first
foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth,
an emerald; The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth,
beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the
twelfth, an amethyst.
And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, every several gate was of one pearl;
and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. And I saw
no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb, are the temple of it. And the
city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it: for the glory of God did
lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are
saved, shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and
honour into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all day by day: for there shall
be no night there. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. And
there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book
of life.
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the
throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the
river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of
the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall
be in it; and his servants shall serve him. And they shall see his face, and his name shall
be in their foreheads'.
In my dealing with this mystery, I shall not meddle where I see nothing, neither shall
I hide from you that which at present I conceive to be wrapt up therein; only you must not
from me look for much enlargement, though I shall endeavour to speak as much in few words,
as my understanding and capacity will enable me, through the help of Christ.
In this description of this holy city, you have these five general heads:
FIRST, The vision of this city in general. SECOND, A discovery of its defence,
entrances, and fashion, in particular. THIRD, A relation of the glory of each. FOURTH, A
discovery of its inhabitants, their quality and numerousness. FIFTH, A relation of its
maintenance, by which it continueth in life, ease, peace, tranquility, and sweetness for
ever. To all which I shall speak something in their proper places, and shall open them
before you.
But before I begin with any of them, I must speak a word or two concerning John's
qualification, whereby he was enabled to behold and take a view of this city; which
qualification he relateth in these words following:
Verse 10. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed
me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.
The angel being to show this holy man this great and glorious vision, he first, by
qualifying of him, puts him into a suitable capacity to behold and take the view thereof;
'He carried me away in the spirit.' When he saith, He carried me away in the Spirit, he
means he was taken up into the Spirit, his soul was greatly spiritualized. Whence take
notice, that an ordinary frame of spirit is not able to comprehend, nor yet to apprehend
extraordinary things. Much of the Spirit discerneth much of God's matters; but little of
the Spirit discerneth but little of them: 'I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual,
but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ; I have fed you with milk, and not
with meat; for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able'
(1 Cor 3:2).
'And he carried me away in the spirit,' &c. Thus it was with the saints of old,
when God had either special work for them to do, or great things for them to see. Whence
note again, that when God calls a man to this or that work for him, he first fits him with
a suitable spirit. Ezekiel saith, when God bid him stand upon his feet, that the Spirit
entered into him, and set him upon his feet (Eze 2:1,2).
'And he carried me away,' &c. Mark, And he carried me [away] &c. As a man must
have much of the Spirit that sees much of God, and his goodly matters; so he must be also
carried away with it; he must by it be taken off from things carnal and earthly, and taken
up into the glory of things that are spiritual and heavenly. The Spirit loveth to do what
it doth in private; that man to whom God intendeth to reveal great things, he takes him
aside from the lumber and cumber of this world, and carrieth him away in the solace and
contemplation of the things of another world; 'And when they were alone, he expounded all
things to his disciples' (Mark 4:34). Mark, and when they were ALONE; according to that of
the prophet, 'Whom shall he teach knowledge, and whom shall he make to understand
doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts'
(Isa 28:9). Whence observe also, he is the man that is like to know most of God, that is
oftenest in private with him (Luke 2:25-38). He that obeyeth when God saith, Come up
hither, he shall see the bride, the Lamb's wife. For 'through desire a man having
separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom' (Pro 18:1).
'And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain.' Thus having showed
his frame, and inward disposition of spirit, he now comes to tell us also of the place or
stage on which he was set; to the end that now being fitted by illumination, he might not
be hindered of his vision by ought that might intercept. He carried me away in the Spirit
to a great and high mountain. Thus did God of old also; for when he showed to Moses the
patterns of the heavenly things, he must ascend to the Mount Sinai (Exo 19:3). He must
into the mount also, when he hath the view of the Holy Land, and of that goodly mountain
Lebanon (Deu 32:49). Whence we may learn that the things of God are far from man, as he is
natural; and also that there are very great things between us and the sight of them: none
can see them but such as are carried away in the Spirit and set on high.
Wherefore Christ is called the Mountain of the Lord's house, or that on which the house
of God is placed; he is also called the Rock of ages, and the Rock that is higher than we.
'The hill of God is' an high hill, as Bashan; 'an high hill, as the hill of Bashan'
(Psa 68:15). This is the hill from whence the prophet Ezekiel had the vision of this city
(Eze 40:2); 'And upon this rock [saith Christ] I will build my church, and the gates of
hell shall not prevail against it' (Matt 16:18).
[FIRST. The Vision of the Holy City in General.]
'And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that
great city, the holy Jerusalem.' Having thus told us how, and with what he was qualified,
he next makes relation of what he saw, which was that great city, the holy Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, in the language of the Scripture, is to be acknowledged for the church and
spouse of the Lord Jesus; and is to be considered either generally or more particularly.
Now as she is to be taken generally, so she is to be understood as being 'the whole family
in heaven and earth,' (Eph 3:15); and as she is thus looked upon, so she is not considered
with respect to this or that state and condition of the church here in the world, but
simply as she is the church: therefore it is said, when at any time any are converted from
Satan to God, that they 'are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God,
the heavenly Jerusalem; and to an innumerable company of angels; to the general assembly
and church of the first-born which are written in heaven; to God the judge of all, and to
the spirits of just men made perfect; and to Jesus, - and to the blood of sprinkling' (Heb
But again, as Jerusalem is thus generally to be understood, so also she is to be
considered more particularly: 1. Either as she relates to her first and purest state; or,
2. As she relates to her declined and captivated state; or, 3. With reference to her being
recovered again from her apostatized and captivated condition. Thus it was with Jerusalem
in the letter; which threefold state of this city shall be most exactly answered by our
gospel Jerusalem, by our New Testament church. Her first state was in the days of Christ
and his apostles, and answereth to Jerusalem in the days of Solomon; her second state is
in the days of antichrist, and answereth to the carrying away of the Jews from their city
into Babylon; and her third state is this in the text, and answereth to their return from
captivity, and rebuilding their city and walls again: all which will be fully manifest in
this discourse following.
[This city is the gospel church returning out of antichristian captivity.]
Besides, that this holy city that here you read of is the church, the gospel church,
returning out of her long and antichristian captivity; consider,
First, She is here called a city, the very name that our primitive church went
under (Eph 2:19); which name she loseth all the while of her apostatizing and captivity
under antichrist; for observe, I say, all the while she is under the scourge of the
dragon, beast, and the woman in scarlet, &c. (Rev 13), she goeth under the name of a
woman, a woman in travail, a woman flying before the dragon, a woman flying into the
wilderness, there to continue in an afflicted and tempted condition, and to be glad of
wilderness nourishment, until the time of her enemies were come to an end (Rev 12).
Now the reason why she lost the title of city at her going into captivity is, because
then she lost her situation and strength; she followed others than Christ, wherefore he
suffered her enemies to scale her walls, to break down her battlements; he suffered, as
you see here, the great red dragon, and beast with seven heads and ten horns, to get into
her vineyard, who made most fearful work both with her and all her friends; her gates also
were now either broken down or shut up, so that none could, according to her laws and
statutes, enter into her; her charter also, even the Bible itself, was most grossly abused
and corrupted, yea, sometimes burned and destroyed almost utterly; wherefore the Spirit of
God doth take away from her the title of city, and leaveth her to be termed a wandering
woman, as aforesaid. 'The court which is without the temple [saith the angel] leave out,
and measure it not, for it is given unto the Gentiles; and the holy city shall they tread
under foot forty and two months' (Rev 11:2). 'The holy city shall they tread under
foot'; that is, all the city constitutions, her forts and strength, her laws and
privileges for a long time, shall be laid aside and slighted, shall become a hissing, a
taunt, and a byword among the nations. And truly thus it was in the letter, in the
destruction of Jerusalem by the king of Babylon and his wicked instruments, by whose hands
the city was broken up, the walls pulled down, the gates burned, the houses rifled, the
virgins ravished, and the children laid dead in the top of every street (2 Chron 36:17-21;
Jer 52; Lam 1; 2; 3; 4). Now was Zion become a ploughed field, and Jerusalem turned to
heaps; a place of briars and thorns, and of wasteness and desolation (Micah 3:12; Isa
Second, The phrase also that is joined with this of city doth much concern the
point; she is here called 'the new and holy city,' which words are explained by these,
'prepared as a bride and adorned for her husband.' The meaning is, that she is now got
into her form, fashion, order, and privileges again; she is now ready, adorned, prepared,
and put into her primitive state; mark, though she was in her state of affliction called a
woman, yet she was not then either called a city or a woman adorned; but rather a woman
robbed and spoiled, rent and torn among the briars and thorns of the wilderness (Isa 5:6;
42:22; 32:13,14). Wherefore this city is nothing else but the church returned out of
captivity from under the reign of antichrist, as is yet farther manifest, because,
Third. We find no city to answer that which was built after the Jews' return
from captivity but this; for this, and only this, is the city that you find in this
prophecy that is nominated as the antitype of that second of the Jews; wherefore John hath
no relation of her while towards the doom of antichrist, and no description of her in
particular until antichrist is utterly overthrown; as all may see that wisely read (Rev
[Why the church is called a city.]
'And showed me that great city.' The Holy Ghost is pleased at this time to give the
church the name of a city, rather than any other name, rather than the name of spouse,
woman, temple, and the like--though he giveth us her under the name of a woman also, to
help us to understand what he means; but, I say, the name of a city is now the name in
special, under which the church must go, and that for special reasons.
First. To show us how great and numerous a people will then be in the church;
the church may be a woman, a temple, a spouse, when she is but few, a handful, but two or
three; but to be a city, and that in her glory, it bespeaks great store of members,
inhabitants, and citizens; especially when she goeth under the name of a great city, as
here she does. He 'showed me that great city.'
Second. She goeth rather under the name of a city, than temple or spouse, to
show us also how plentifully the nations and kingdoms of men shall at that day traffic
with her, and in her, for her goodly merchandize of grace and life; to show us, I say,
what wonderful custom the church of God at this day shall have among all sorts of people,
for her heavenly treasures. It is said of Tyrus and Babylon, that their merchandize went
unto all the world, and men from all quarters under heaven came to trade and to deal with
them for their wares (Eze 27; Rev 18:2,3). Why thus it will be in the latter day with the
church of God; the nations shall come from far, from Tarshish, Pul, Lud, Tubal, Javan, and
the isles afar off. They shall come, saith God, out of all nations upon horses and mules,
and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem. 'And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to
worship before me, saith the Lord' (Isa 66:19-23). Alas, the church at that day when she
is a woman only, or a temple either, may be without that beauty, treasure, amiableness,
and affecting glory that she will be endowed with when she is a prosperous city. His
marvellous kindness is seen 'in a strong city' (Psa 31:21). In cities, you know, are the
treasures, beauty, and glory of kingdoms; and it is thither men go that are desirous to
solace themselves therewith. 'Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined' (Psa
Third. It is called a city, rather than a woman or temple, to show us how
strongly and securely it will keep its inhabitants at that day. 'In that day shall this
song be sung, - We have a strong city, salvation will God appoint for walls
and bulwarks' (Isa 26:1). And verily if the cities of the Gentiles, and the strength of
their bars, and gates, and walls did so shake the hearts, yea, the very faith of the
children of God themselves, how secure and safe will the inhabitants of this city be, even
the inhabitants of that city which God himself will build,' &c. (Deu 9:1,2; Num
Fourth. But lastly, and more especially, the church is called here a city,
chiefly to show us that now she shall be undermost no longer. Babylon reigned, and so
shall Jerusalem at that day. 'And thou, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the
daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion, the kingdom shall come
to the daughter of Jerusalem' (Micah 4:8). Now shall she, when she is built and complete,
have a complete conquest and victory over all her enemies; she shall reign over them; the
law shall go forth of her that rules them, and the governors of all the world at that day
shall be Jerusalem men. 'And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall
possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of
Jerusalem which is in Sepharad shall possess the cities of the south. And saviours
shall come up on mount Zion, to judge the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the
Lord's' (Obad 20,21).
* The note upon this passage in the Genevan or
Puritan version, with which Bunyan was familiar, is, 'God will raise up in his church such
as shall rule and govern for the defence of the same, and instruction of his enemies,
under Messiah, whom the prophet calleth here the Lord and Head of this kingdom.'--Ed.
'For the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. - And he
shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off, and they shall beat
their swords into plough-shares, and their spears into pruning-hooks: nation shall not
lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more' (Micah 4:1-3).
There brake he 'the ships of Tarshish with an east wind. As we have heard, so have we seen
in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God; God will establish it for ever'
(Psa 48:1-8). For observe it, Christ hath not only obtained the kingdom of heaven for
those that are his, when this world is ended, but hath also, as a reward for his
sufferings, the whole world given into his hand; wherefore, as all the kings, and princes,
and powers of this world have had their time to reign, and have glory in this world in the
face of all, so Christ will have his time at this day, to show who is 'the only Potentate
- and Lord of lords' (1 Tim 6:15). At which day he will not only set up his kingdom in the
midst of their kingdoms, as he doth now, but will set it up even upon the top of their
kingdoms; at which day there will not be a nation in the world but must bend to Jerusalem
or perish (Isa 60:12). For 'the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom
under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose
kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him' (Dan
7:27). 'And his dominion shall be from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends
of the earth' (Zech 9:10). O holiness, how shall it shine in kings and nations, when God
doth this!
[This city descends out of heaven from God.]
'He showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.'
In these words we are to inquire into three things. First. What he here should mean
by heaven. Second. What it is for this city to descend out of it. Third. And
why she is said to descend out of it from God.
First. For the word heaven, in Scripture it is variously to be
understood, but generally either materially or metaphorically; now not materially here,
but metaphorically; and so is generally, if not always, taken in this book.
Now that it is not to be taken for the material heavens where Christ in person is,
consider, that the descending of this city is not the coming of glorified saints with
their Lord; because that even after the descending, yea and building of this city, there
shall be sinners converted to God; but at the coming of the Lord Jesus from heaven with
his saints, the door shall be shut; that is, the door of grace, against all unbelievers
(Luke 13:25; Matt 25:10).
Therefore heaven here is to be taken metaphorically, for the church; which, as I said
before, is frequently so taken in this prophecy, as also in many others of the holy
scriptures (Rev 11:15; 12:1-3,7,8,10,13; 13:6; 19:1,14; Jer 51:48; Matt 25:1, &c.).
And observe it, though the church of Christ under the tyranny of antichrist, loseth the
title of a standing city, yet in the worst of times she loseth not the title of heaven.
She is heaven when the great red dragon is in her, and heaven when the third part of her
stars are cast unto the earth; she is heaven also when the beast doth open his throat
against her, to blaspheme her God, his tabernacle, and those that dwell in her.
Second. Now, then, to show you what we are to understand by this, that she is
said to descend out of heaven; for indeed to speak properly, Jerusalem is always in
the Scriptures set in the highest ground, and men are said to descend, when they go down
from her, but to ascend, or go up when they are going thitherwards (Eze 3:1; Neh 12:1;
Matt 20:17,18; Luke 19:28; 10:30). But yet though this be true, there must also be
something significant in this word descending; wherefore when he saith, he saw this city
to descend out of heaven, he would have us understand,
1. That though the church under antichrist be never so low, yet out of her loins shall
they come that yet shall be a reigning city (Heb 7:6,13,14). Generation is a descending
from the loins of our friends; he therefore speaks of the generation of the church.
Wherefore the meaning is, That out of the church that is now in captivity, there shall
come a complete city, so exact in all things, according to the laws and liberties,
privileges and riches of a city, that she shall lie level with the great charter of
heaven. Thus it was in the type, the city after the captivity was builded, even by those
that once were in captivity, especially by their seed and offspring (Isa 45); and thus it
shall be in our New Testament New Jerusalem; 'They that shall be of thee,' saith
the prophet, that is, of the church of affliction, they 'shall build the old waste places;
thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The
repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in' (Isa 58:12); and again, they
that sometimes had ashes for gladness, and the spirit of heaviness instead of the garment
of praise, 'they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations,
and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations; for your
shame ye shall have double, and for confusion they shall rejoice in their
portion,' &c. (Isa 61:3,4,7). Thus therefore by descending we may understand that the
church's generation shall be this holy city, and shall build up themselves the tower of
the flock (Micah 4:8).
2. When he saith, This holy city descended out of heaven, he would have us understand
also what a blessing and happiness this city at her rebuilding will be to the whole world.
Never were kind and seasonable showers more profitable to the tender new-mown grass than
will this city at this day be, to the inhabitants of the world; they will come as a
blessing from heaven upon them. As the prophet saith, 'The remnant of Jacob shall be in
the midst of many people, as a dew from the Lord; as the showers upon the grass, that
tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men' (Micah 5:7). O the grace, the light
and glory that will strike with spangling beams from this city, as from a sun, into the
farthest parts of the world! 'Thus saith the Lord, as the new wine is found in the
cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not, for a blessing is in it: so will I
do for my servants' sake, that I may not destroy them all: I will bring forth a seed out
of Jacob, and out of Judah an inheritor of my' holy 'mountains: and mine elect shall
inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there. And Sharon [where the sweet roses grew,
(Cant 2:1)], shall be a fold for flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to
lie down in, for my people that have sought me' (Isa 65:8-10). 'In that day shall Israel
be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land'
(Isa 19:24). 'And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen,
O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing.
Fear not, but let your hands be strong' (Zech 8:13). 'As the dew of Hermon that
descended upon the mountains of Zion, for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore' (Psa 133:3).
Third. And now for the third particular, namely, What it is to descend out of
heaven from God.
1. To descend out of heaven, that is, out of the church in captivity, 'from God,' is
this: The church is the place in which God doth beget all those that are the children of
him; wherefore in that they are said to descend out of heaven 'from God,' it is as if he
had said, the children of the church are heaven-born, begotten of God, and brought forth
in the church of Christ. For 'Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all' (Gal
4:26). 'The Lord shall count when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there' (Psa 87:5,6).
2. When he saith he saw this Jerusalem come out of heaven from God, he means that those
of the church in captivity that shall build this city, they shall be a people peculiarly
fitted and qualified for this work of God. It was not all the children of Israel that had
their hand in building Jerusalem after the captivity of old; 'their nobles put not their
necks to the work of the Lord' (Neh 3:5). Also there were many of Judah that were sworn to
Tobiah, the arch-opposer of the building of the city, because of some kindred and relation
that then was between them and him (Neh 6:17-19). And as it was then, so we do expect it
will be now; some will be even at the beginning of this work, in Babylon, at that time
also some will be cowardly and fearful, yea, and even men hired to hinder the work (Neh
6:10-12). Wherefore I say, those of the church that at that day builded the city, they
were men of a particular and peculiar spirit, which also will so be at the building of New
Jerusalem. They whose light breaks forth as the morning, they that are mighty for a spirit
of prayer, they that take away the yoke, and speaking vanity, and that draw out their soul
to the hungry; they that the Lord shall guide continually, that shall have fat bones, and
that shall be as a watered garden, whose waters fail not, &c. (Isa 58:8-14). Of them
shall they be that build the old wastes, and that raise up the foundations of many
generations, &c. It was thus in all ages, in every work of God, some of his
people, some of his saints in special in all ages, have been used to promote, and
advance, and perfect the work of their generations.
3. This city descends or comes out of heaven from God, that is, by his special working
and bringing to pass; it was God that gave them the pattern even when they were in
Babylon; it was God that put it into their hearts while there, to pray for deliverance; it
was God that put it into the hearts of the kings of the Medes and Persians to give them
liberty to return and build; and it was God that quailed the hearts of those that by
opposing did endeavour to hinder the bringing the work to perfection ; yea, it was God
that did indeed bring the work to perfection; wherefore she may well be said to descend
'out of heaven from God': as he also saith himself by the prophet, I will cause the
captivity of Judah, and the captivity of Israel to return, and I will build them as at the
first (Ezra 4:1-4; 7:27; Neh 2:8-18; 4:15; 6:15,16; Jer 33:7; 32:44; Eze 36:33-37;
37:11-15; Amos 9:11).
Lastly, When he saith he saw her descend from God out of heaven, he may refer to her
glory, which at her declining departed from her, and ascended to God, as the sap returns
into the root at the fall of the leaf; which glory doth again at her return descend, or
come into the church, and branches of the same, as the sap doth arise at the spring of the
year, for indeed the church's beauty is from heaven, and it either goeth up thither from
her, or else comes from thence to her, according to the natures of both fall and spring
(Cant 2).
Thus you see what this heaven is, and what it is for this city to descend out of it;
also what it is for this city to descend out of it from God.
[This city has the glory of God.]
Ver. 11. 'Having the glory of God.' These last words do put the whole matter out of
doubt, and do most clearly show unto us that the descending of this city is the perfect
return of the church out of captivity; the church, when she began at first to go into
captivity, her glory began to depart from her; and now she is returning again, she
receiveth therewith her former glory, 'having the glory of God.' Thus it was in the type,
when Jerusalem went into captivity under the King of Babylon, which was a figure of the
captivity of our New Testament church under Antichrist, it is said that then the glory of
God departed from them, and went, by degrees, first out of the temple to the threshold of
the house, and from thence with the cherubims of glory, for that time, quite away from the
city (Eze 10:4-18; 11:22,23 &c.).
Again, As the glory of God departed from this city at her going into captivity, so when
she returned again, she had also then returned to her the glory of God; whereupon this
very prophet that saw the glory of God go from her at her going into captivity, did see
it, the very same; and that according as it departed, so return at her deliverance. 'He
brought me to the gate,' saith he--that is, when by a vision he saw all the frame and
patterns of the city and temple, in the state in which it was to be after the captivity.
'He brought me to the gate - that looketh toward the east, and behold the glory of the God
of Israel came from the way of the east'--the very same way that it went when it was
departed from the city (Eze 11:23). 'His voice was like a noise of many waters, and
the earth shined with is glory. It was according to the appearance of the vision
which I saw, even according to the vision which I saw when I came to destroy the
city, and the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar; and I fell upon
my face, and the glory of the Lord came into the house by the way of the gate whose
prospect is toward the east; so the Spirit took me up, and brought me into the
inner court, and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house' (Eze 43:1-5).
Thus you see it was in the destruction and restoration of the Jews' Jerusalem, by which
God doth plainly show us how things will be in our gospel church; she was to decline and
lose her glory, she was to be trampled--as she was a city--for a long time under the feet
of the unconverted and wicked world. Again, she was after this to be builded, and to be
put into her former glory; at which time she was to have her glory, her former glory, even
the glory of God, returned to her again. 'He showed me,' saith John, 'that great city, the
holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God.' As he saith
by the prophet, 'I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies, my house shall be built in it'
(Zech 1:16). And again, 'I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of
Jerusalem' (Zech 8:3).
'Having the glory of God.' There is the grace of God, and the glory of that grace;
there is the power of God, and the glory of that power; and there is the majesty of God,
and the glory of that majesty (Eph 1:6; 2 Thess 1:9; Isa 2:19).
It is true God doth not leave his people in some sense, even in the worst of times, and
in their most forlorn condition (John 14:18), as he showeth by his being with them in
their sad state in Egypt and Babylon, and other of their states of calamity (Dan 3:25). As
he saith, 'Although I have cast them far off among the heathen, and although I have
scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them a little sanctuary in the
countries where they shall come' (Eze 2:16). God is with his church, even in her greatest
adversity, both to limit, bound, measure, and to point out to her quantity and quality,
her beginning and duration of distress and temptation (Isa 27:7-9; Rev 2:10). But yet I
say the glory of God, in the notion of Ezekiel and John, when they speak of the
restoration of this city, that is not always upon his people, though always they are
beloved and counted for his peculiar treasure. She may then have his grace, but not at the
same time the glory of his grace; his power, but not the glory of his power; she may also
have his majesty, but not the glory thereof; God may be with his church, even then when
the glory is departed from Israel.
The difference that is between her having his grace, power, and majesty, and the glory
of each, is manifest in these following particulars;--grace, power, and majesty, when they
are in the church in their own proper acts, only as we are considered saints before God,
so they're invisible, and that not only altogether to the world, but often to the very
children of God themselves; but now when the glory of these do rest upon the church,
according to Ezekiel and John; why then it will be visible and apparent to all beholders.
'When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall APPEAR in his glory' (Psa 102:16), as he
saith also in another place, 'The Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen
upon thee' (Isa 60:1-2).
Now, then, to speak a word or two, in particular to the glory of God, that at this day
will be found to settle upon this city.
First. Therefore, at her returning, she shall not only have his grace upon her, but
the very glory of his grace shall be seen upon her; the glory of pardoning grace shall
now shine in her own soul, and grace in the glory of it shall appear in all her doings.
Now shall both our inward and outward man be most famously adorned and beautified with
salvation; the golden pipes that are on the head of the golden candlestick, shall at this
day convey, with all freeness, the golden oil thereout, into our golden hearts and lamps
(Zech 4:2). Our wine shall be mixed with gall no longer, we shall now drink the pure blood
of the grape; the glory of pardoning and forgiving mercy shall so show itself at this day
in this city, and shall so visibly abide there in the eyes of all spectators, that all
shall be enflamed with it. 'For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's
sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the
salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. And the Gentiles shall see thy
righteousness, and all kings thy glory; and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the
mouth of the Lord shall name' (Isa 62:1,2). And again, 'The Lord hath made bare his holy
arm in the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation
of our God' (Isa 52:10; Psa 98:2). At that day, the prophet tells us, there shall be
holiness upon the very horses' bridles, and that the pots in the Lord's house shall be
like the bowls before the altar, and every pot in Jerusalem shall be holiness unto the
Lord (Zech 14:20,21). The meaning of all these places is, that in the day that the Lord
doth turn his church and people into the frame and fashion of a city, and when he shall
build them up to answer the first state of the church, there will such grace and plenty of
mercy be extended unto her, begetting such faith and holiness and grace in her soul, and
all her actions, that she shall convince all that are about her that she is the city, the
beloved city, the city that the Lord hath chosen; for after that he had said before, he
would return to Zion, and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem (Zech 8:3), he saith, moreover,
that Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts, the
holy mountain. 'And all the people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name
of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of thee' (Deu 28:10).
Second. As the glory of the grace of God will, at this day, be wonderfully
manifest in and over his city; so also at that day will be seen the glory of his power.
'O my people,' saith God, 'that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian; he shall
smite thee with a rock, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of
Egypt,' that is, shall persecute and afflict thee, as Pharaoh served thy friends of old;
but be not afraid, 'For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine
anger in their destruction: and the Lord of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him,
according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt' (Isa 7; 10:24-26). The sum
is, God will, at the day of his rebuilding the New Jerusalem, so visibly make bare his
arm, and be so exalted before all by his power towards his people, that no people shall
dare to oppose--or stand, if they do make the least attempt to hinder--the stability of
this city. 'I will surely [gather, or] assemble, O Jacob, all of thee,' saith God: 'I will
surely gather the remnant of Israel - as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of
the fold; they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men. The
breaker is come up before them, they have broken up [the antichristian siege that hath
been laid against them], they have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it, and
their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them' (Micah 2:12,13).
'Like as the lion and the young lion roaring on his prey, when a multitude of shepherds
are called forth against him, he will not be afraid of their voice, nor abase
himself for the noise of them: so shall the Lord of hosts come down to fight for Mount
Zion, and for the hill thereof' (Isa 31:4). 'The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, he
shall stir up jealousy like a man of war; he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail
against his enemies' (Isa 42:13). But 'not by might, nor yet by power,' that is, the power
and arm of flesh, but by the power of the Word and Spirit of God, which will prevail, and
must prevail, to quash and overturn all opposition (Zech 12:8; Zeph 3:8; Joel 3:16; Zech
Third. [The glory of his majesty.] When God hath thus appeared in the
glory of his grace, and the glory of his power, to deliver his chosen, then shall the
implacable enemies of God shrink and creep into holes like the locusts and frogs of the
hedges, at the appearance of the glory of the majesty of God. Now the high ones,
lofty ones, haughty ones, and the proud, shall see so evidently the hand of the Lord
towards his servants, and his indignation towards his enemies, that 'they shall go into
the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, - and into the tops of the ragged
rocks, for the fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to
shake terribly the earth' (Isa 2:19,21).
Where the presence of the Lord doth so appear upon a people, that those that are
spectators perceive and understand it, it must need work on those spectators one of these
two things;--either first a trembling and astonishment, and quailing of heart, as it doth
among the implacable enemies (Josh 2:8-13), or else a buckling and bending of heart, and
submission to his people and ways (Josh 9:22-25). As saith the prophet, 'The sons also of
them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee, and all they that despised thee
shall fall * down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee The city of the Lord,
the Zion of the Holy One of Israel' (Isa 60:14). As Moses said to the children of Israel,
'The Lord your God shall lay the fear of you, and the dread of you, upon all the land that
ye shall tread upon, as he hath said unto you' (Deu 11:25).
* From the Genevan or Puritan version.
At this day the footsteps of the Lord will be so apparent and visible in all his
actions and dispensations in and towards his people, this holy city, that all shall see,
as I have said, how gracious, loving, kind, and good the Lord is now towards his own
children; such glory, I say, will be over them, and upon them, that they all will shine
before the world; and such tender bowels in God towards them, that no sooner can an
adversary peep, or lift up his head against his servants, but his hand will be in the neck
of them; so that in short time he will have brought his church into that safety, and her
neighbours into that fear and submission, that they shall not again so much as dare to
hold up a hand against her, no, not for a thousand years (Rev 20:3). 'Thus saith the Lord,
Behold I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents, and have mercy on his
dwelling-places; and the city shall be builded on her own heap, and the palace shall
remain after the manner thereof. And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving, and the voice
of them that make merry; and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; and I will
also glorify them, and they shall not be small: Their children also shall be as aforetime,
and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress
them' (Jer 30:18-20).
[The light of this city.]
Having the glory of God. 'And her light was like unto a stone most precious,
even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.' Having thus told us of her glory, even of
'the glory of God,' how it at this day will rest upon this city, he now comes to touch a
second thing, to wit, 'her light,' and that in which she descends, and by which, as with
the light of the sun, she seeth before her, and behind her, and on every side. This
therefore is another branch of her duty; she in her descending hath 'the glory of God,'
and also 'the light of a stone most precious.'
Ezekiel tells us, that in the vision which he saw when he came to destroy the
city--which vision was the very same that he saw again at the restoring of it--he saith, I
say, that in this vision, among many other wonders, he saw a fire enfolding itself, and a
brightness about it, and that 'the fire also was bright, and that out of it went forth
lightning'; that 'the likeness of the firmament upon the - living creatures, was as
the colour of the terrible crystal'; that the throne also, upon which was placed the
likeness of a man, was like, or 'as the appearance of a sapphire-stone' (Eze
1:4,13,14,22,26). All which words, with the nature of their light and colour, the Holy
Ghost doth in the vision of John comprise, and placeth within the colour of the jasper and
the crystal-stone. And indeed, though the vision of John and Ezekiel, touching the end of
the matter, be but one and the same, yet they do very much vary and differ in terms and
manner of language; Ezekiel tells us that the man that he saw come to measure the city and
temple, had in his hand 'a line of flax' (40:3), which line John calls a golden reed;
Ezekiel tells us that the river came out of, or 'from under the threshold of the house'
(47:1); but John saith it came out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Ezekiel tells us
that on either side of this river grew ALL trees for food (v 12); John calls these ALL
trees but ONE tree, and tells us that it stood on both sides of this river. The like might
also be showed you in many other particulars; as here you see they differ as touching the
terms of the light and brightness that appears upon this city at her rebuilding, which the
Holy Ghost represents to John under the light and glory of the jasper and crystal-stone;
for indeed the end of Ezekiel's vision was to show us, that as when the glory of God
departed from the city, it signified that he would take away from them the light of his
Word, and their clearness of worship, suffering them to mourn for the loss of the one, and
to grope for the want of the other; so at his return again he would give them both their
former light of truth, and also the clearness of spirit to understand it, which also John
doth show us shall last for ever.
'...And her light was like unto a stone most precious...' This stone it is to
represent unto us the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose light and clearness this city comes out
of Babylon; for, as he saith, she hath the glory of God, that is, his visible hand of
grace, power, and majesty, to bring her forth; so she comes in the light of this precious
stone, which terms, I say, both the prophet Isaiah and the apostle Peter do apply to the
Lord Jesus, and none else; the one calling him 'a precious corner-stone,' the other
calling him the 'chief corner-stone, elect and precious' (Isa 28:16; 1 Peter 2:6). Now
then when he saith this city hath the light of this stone to descend in, he means that she
comes in the shining wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and influences of Christ, out of
her afflicted and captivated state; and observe it, she is rather said to descend in the
light of this stone, than in the light of God, though both be true, because it is the man
Christ, the stone which the builders rejected, 'in whom are hid all the treasures of
wisdom and knowledge,' of whose fulness we do all receive, and grace for grace; 'for it
pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell' (Col 2:3; John 1:16; Col
1:19. See also Acts 2:33 and Eph 4:10-13).
This showeth us, then, these two things--
First. That the time of the return of the saints to build the ruinous city is
near, yea, very near, when the light of the Lord Jesus begins to shine unto perfect day in
her. God will not bring forth his people out of Babylon, especially those that are to be
the chief in the building of this city, without their own judgments. 'They shall see eye
to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion' (Isa 52:8). As he saith also in another
place, 'The light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun
shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the
breach of his people, and health the stroke of their wound' (Isa 30:26). 'And the eyes of
them that see shall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear shall hearken. The heart
also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be
ready to speak plainly' (Isa 32:3,4). The Lord shall be now exalted, and be very high, for
he will fill Zion with judgment and righteousness, and wisdom and knowledge shall be the
stability of thy times (Isa 33:5,6). When Israel went out of Egypt, they wanted much of
this, they went out blindfolded, as it were, they went they knew not whither; wherefore
they went not in the glory of that which this city descendeth in; as Moses said, 'The Lord
hath not given you an heart to perceive, nor eyes to see, nor ears to hear, unto this day'
(Deu 29:4). But these shall see every step they take; they shall be like the beasts that
had eyes both before and behind: they shall see how far they are come out of Antichrist,
and shall see also how far yet they have to go, to the complete rebuilding and finishing
of this city.
Second. This showeth us how sweet and pleasant the way of this church will be at
this day before them. Light, knowledge, and judgment in God's matters doth not only give
men to see and behold all the things with which they are concerned, but the things
themselves being good, they do also by this means convey very great sweetness and
pleasantness into the hearts of those that have the knowledge of them. Every step, I say,
that now they take, it shall be as it were in honey and butter. 'The ransomed of the Lord
shall return, and come to Zion with songs, and everlasting joy [see v 2] upon their heads;
they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away' (Isa 35:10).
As he saith, 'Again I will build thee, and thou shalt be built; O virgin of Israel, thou
shalt again be adorned with tabrets, and shall go forth in the dances of them that make
merry.--For thus saith the Lord, Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief
of the nations: publish ye, praise ye, and say, O Lord, save thy people, the remnant of
Israel. Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the coasts
of the earth, and with them the blind and the lame, the woman with child, and her
that travaileth with child together; a great company shall return thither' (Jer 31:4,7,8).
By these words, the blind and the lame, the woman with child, and her that travaileth,
he would have us understand thus much--
1. That the way of God shall, by the illuminating grace of Christ, be made so pleasant,
so sweet, and so beautiful in the souls of all at that day, that even the blindest shall
not stumble therein, neither shall the lame refuse it for fear of hurt; yea, the blind,
the lame, the woman with child, and her that travaileth shall, though they be of all in
most evil case to travel, and go the journey, yet, at this day, by reason of the glorious
light and sweetness that now will possess them, even forget their impediments, and dance,
as after musical tabrets.
2. This city, upon the time of her rebuilding, shall have her blind men see, her halt
and lame made strong; she also that is with child, and her that travaileth, shall jointly
see the city-work that at this day will be on foot, and put into form and order, yet
before the end. 'Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee,' saith the Lord
to his people, 'and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out, and
I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame. At that
time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you, for I will make
you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity
before your eyes, saith the Lord' (Zeph 3:19,20).
'And her light was like unto a stone most precious.' In that he saith her light
is like unto 'A STONE MOST PRECIOUS,' he showeth us how welcome, and with what eagerness
of spirit this light will at this day be embraced by the Lord's people. 'Truly the light is sweet,' saith Solomon, 'and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun'
(Eccl 11:7). And if so, then how beautiful, desirable, and precious will that light be,
that is not only heavenly, and from Christ, but that will be universal among all saints,
to show them the same thing, and to direct them to and in the same work. The want of this
hath, to this day, been one great reason of that crossness of judgment and persuasion that
hath been found among the saints, and that hath caused that lingering and disputing about
the glorious state of the church in the latter days; some being for its excellency to
consist chiefly in outward glory; and others, swerving on the other side, conclude she
shall not have any of this: some conceiving that this city will not be built until the
Lord comes from heaven in person; others again concluding that when he comes, then there
shall be no longer tarrying here, but that all shall forthwith, even all the godly, be
taken up into heaven: with divers other opinions in these matters. And thus many 'run to
and fro,' but yet, God be thanked, knowledge does increase, though the vision will be
sealed, even to the time of the end (Dan 12:4). But now, I say, at the time of the end,
the Spirit shall be poured down upon us from on high (Isa 32:15); now 'they also that
erred in spirit shall come to understanding' (Isa 29;24); the city shall descend in the
light of a stone most precious. The sun will be risen upon the earth, when Lot goeth from
Sodom unto Zoar (Gen 19:23).
Now there shall be an oneness of judgment and understanding in the hearts of all
saints; they shall be now no more two, but one in the Lord's hand (Eze 37:19-21). Alas!
the saints are yet but as an army routed, and are apt sometimes through fear, and
sometimes through forgetfulness, to mistake the word of their captain-general, the Son of
God, and are also too prone to shoot and kill even their very right-hand man; but at that
day all such doing shall be laid aside, for the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall
cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Isa 11:9,13). Which knowledge shall then
strike through the heart and liver of all swerving and unsound opinions in Christ's
matters; for then shall every one of the Christians call upon the name of the Lord, and
that with one pure lip or language, 'to serve him with one consent' (Zeph 3:9). It is
darkness, and not light, that keepeth God's people from knowing one another, both in their
faith and language; and it is darkness that makes them stand at so great a distance both
in judgment and affections, as in these and other days they have done. But then, saith
God, 'I will plant in the wilderness,' that is, in the church that is now bewildered, 'the
cedar, the shittah tree, the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir
tree, the pine, and the box tree together; that they may see and know, and consider and
understand together, that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the holy One of Israel
hath created it' (Isa 41:19,20). And again, 'The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee,
the fir tree, and the pine tree, and the box together,' to beautify the house of my glory,
and to 'make the place of my feet glorious' (Isa 60:13).
Never was fair weather after foul--nor warm weather after cold--nor a sweet and
beautiful spring after a heavy, and nipping, and terrible winter, so comfortable, sweet,
desirable, and welcome to the poor birds and beasts of the field, as this day will be to
the church of God. Darkness! it was the plague of Egypt: it is an empty, forlorn,
desolate, solitary, and discomforting state; wherefore light, even the illuminating grace
of God, especially in the measure that it shall be communicated unto us at this day, it
must needs be precious. In light there is warmth and pleasure; it is by the light of the
sun that the whole universe appears unto us distinctly, and it is by the heat thereof that
everything groweth and flourisheth; all which will now be gloriously and spiritually
answered in this holy and new Jerusalem (2 Thess 2). O how clearly will all the spiders,
and dragons, and owls, and foul spirits of Antichrist at that day be discovered by the
light hereof! (Rev 18:1-4). Now also will all the pretty robins and little birds in the
Lord's field most sweetly send forth their pleasant notes, and all the flowers and herbs
of his garden spring. Then will it be said to the church by her Husband and Saviour, 'Rise
up, my love, my fair one, and come away; for lo, the winter is past the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; the fig tree putteth forth her green
figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell' (Cant 2:10-13).
You know how pleasant this is, even to be fulfilled in the letter of it, not only to birds
and beasts, but men; especially it is pleasant to such men that have for several years
been held in the chains of affliction. It must needs, therefore, be most pleasant and
desirable to the afflicted church of Christ, who hath lain now in the dungeon of
Antichrist for above a thousand years. But, Lord, how will this lady, when she gets her
liberty, and when she is returned to her own city, how will she then take pleasure in the
warm and spangling beams of thy shining grace! and solace herself with thee in the garden,
among the nuts and the pomegranates, among the lilies and flowers, and all the chief
spices (Cant 7:11-13).
'Even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.' These words are the metaphor by which the
Holy Ghost is pleased to illustrate the whole business. Indeed similitudes, if fitly spoke
and applied, do much set off and out * any point that either in the doctrines of faith or
manners, is handled in the churches. Wherefore, because he would illustrate, as well as
affirm, the glory of this Jerusalem to the life, therefore he concludes his general
description of this city with these comparisons:--I saw, saith he, the holy city, the
Lamb's wife; I saw her in her spangles, and in all her adorning, but verily she was most
excellent. She was shining as the jasper, and as pure and clear as crystal. The jasper, it
seems, is a very beautiful and costly stone, inasmuch as that, above all the precious
stones, is made use of by the Holy Ghost to show us the glory and shining virtues of the
Lord Jesus in this New Jerusalem; and yet, behold, the jasper is too short and slender to
do the business, there must another stone be added, even like a jasper stone, clear as
crystal. Yea, saith the Lord Jesus, her checks are like rows of jewels, and so are the
joints of her thighs; even like the jewels that are 'the work of the hands of a cunning
workman' (Cant 1:9,10; 7:1).
* 'Set out' render prominent, plain, or
The crystal is a stone so clear and spotless, that even her greatest adversaries, in
the midst of all their rage, are not able justly to charge her with the least mote or spot
imaginable; wherefore when he saith, that this city in her descending is even like the
jasper for light, and like the crystal for clearness; he would have us further learn, that
at the day of the descending of this Jerusalem, she shall be every way so accomplished
with innocency, sincerity, and clearness in all her actions, that none shall have from
her, or her ways, any just occasion given unto them to slight, contemn, or oppose her.
First, As she descends, she meddleth not with any man's matters but her own; she comes
all along by the King's highway; that is, alone by the rules that her Lord hath prescribed
for her in his testament. The governors of this world need not at all to fear a
disturbance from her, or a diminishing of ought they have. She will not meddle with their
fields nor vineyards, neither will she drink of the water of their wells: only let her go
by the King's highway, and she will not turn to the right hand or to the left, until she
hath passed all their borders (Num 20:18,19: 21:22). It is a false report then that the
governors of the nations have received against the city, this New Jerusalem, if they
believe, that according to the tale that is told them, she is and hath been of old a
rebellious city, and destructive to kings, and a diminisher of their revenues. I say,
these things are lying words, and forged even in the heart of 'Bishlam, Mithredath,
Tabeel, and the rest of their companions' (Eze 4:7). For verily this city, in her
descending, is clear from such things, even as clear as crystal. She is not for meddling
with anything that is theirs, from a thread even to a shoe-latchet. Her glory is spiritual
and heavenly, and she is satisfied with what is her own. *
* In Bunyan's days, a few fanatics from among the
Fifth Monarchy men conceived that the millennium had arrived, and that it was their duty
to take possession of the kingdom for Jesus. They were mad enough, like the late Mr.
Courtnay, to imagine that their bodies were invulnerable, and they marched out to seize
London. A few of the trained bands soon encountered them, some were shot and the rest were
punished, and this absurd attempt was at an end in a few hours. This gave the enemies of
true religion a pretext, which they eagerly seized, of charging these absurd notions upon
all who feared God, and a severe persecution followed. To deprecate and counteract these
reports, Bunyan is very explicit in noting the difference between a spiritual and a
temporal kingdom.--Ed.
It is true, the kings and nations of this world shall one day bring their glory and
honour to this city; but yet not by outward force or compulsion; none shall constrain them
but the love of Christ and the beauty of this city. 'The Gentiles shall come to thy light,
and kings to the brightness of thy rising' (Isa 60:3). The light and beauty of this city,
that only shall engage their hearts and overcome them. Indeed, if any shall, out of
mistrust or enmity against this city and her prosperity, bend themselves to disappoint the
designs of the eternal God concerning her building and glory, then they must take what
followeth. Her God in the midst of her is mighty, he will rest in his love, and rejoice
over her with singing, and will UNDO all that afflict her (Zeph 3:17-19). Wherefore,
'associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye
of far countries; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and
ye shall be broken in pieces. Take counsel together, and it shall come to naught; speak
the word and it shall not stand; for God is with us' (Isa 8:9,10).
What work did he make with Og the king of Bashan, and with Sihon, king of the Amorites,
for refusing to let his people go peaceably by them, when they were going to their own
inheritance (Num 21:22-35). God is harmless, gentle, and pitiful; but woe be to that
people that shall oppose or gainsay him. He is gentle, yet a lion; he is loth to hurt, yet
he will not be crossed; 'Fury is not in me,' saith he; yet if you set the briars
and thorns against him, He 'will go through them, and burn them together' (Isa
27:4). Jerusalem also, this beloved city, it will be beautiful and profitable to them that
love her; but a cup of trembling, and a burthensome stone to all that burden themselves
with her; 'all that burthen themselves with it, shall be cut in pieces, though all the
people of the earth be gathered together against her' (Zech 12:2,3).
Again, she will be clear as crystal in the observation of all her turns and stops, in
her journeying from Egypt to Canaan, from Babylon to this Jerusalem state. She will, I
say, observe both time and order, and will go only as her God doth go before her; now one
step in this truth, and then another in that, according to the dispensation of God, and
the light of day she lives in. As the cloud goes, so will she; and when the cloud stays,
so will she (Rev 14:4; Exo 40:36-38). She comes in perfect rank and file, 'terrible as an
army with banners' (Cant 6:10). No Balaam can enchant her; she comes 'out of the
wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all spices *
of the merchants' (Cant 3:6). Still 'leaning upon her beloved' (Cant 8:5). The return of
Zion from under the tyranny of her afflictors, and her recovery to her primitive purity,
is no headstrong brain-sick rashness of her own, but the gracious and merciful hand and
goodness of God unto her, therefrom to give her deliverance. 'For thus saith the Lord,
That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon [that is, the time of the reign of
Antichrist, and his tyranny over his church] I will visit you, and perform my good word
toward you, in causing you to return to this place' (Jer 29:10). 'Therefore they shall
come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord,
for [spiritual] wheat, and for wine, and for oil, and for the young of the flock and of
the herd; and their soul shall be as a watered garden; and they shall not sorrow any more
at all' (Isa 57:11; Jer 31:12).
* 'Spices' is from the Genevan version; our
authorized text has 'powders.'--Ed.
[SECOND. A Discovery of its Defence, Entrances, and Fashion in Particular.]
Verse 12. 'And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates
twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes
of the children of Israel.' These words do give us to understand, that this holy city is
now built, and in all her parts complete, they give us also to understand the manner of
her strength, &c.
'And had a wall.' Having thus, I say, given us a description of this city in general,
he now descends to her strength and frame in particular: her frame and strength, I say, as
she is a city compact together: as also of her splendour and beauty.
And observe it, that of all the particulars that you read of, touching the fence,
fashion, or frame of this city, and of all her glory, the firs thing that he presenteth to
our view is her safety and security; she 'had a wall.' A wall, you know, is for the
safety, security, defence, and preservation of a place, city, or town; therefore it is
much to the purpose that in the first place after this general description, he should fall
upon a discovery of her security and fortification; for what of all this glory and
goodness, if there be no way to defend and preserve it in its high and glorious state? If
a man had in his possession even mountains of pearl and golden mines, yet if he had not
wherewith to secure and preserve them to himself, from those that with all their might
endeavour to get them from him, he might not only quickly lose his treasure, and become a
beggar, but also through the very fear of losing them, even lose the comfort of them,
while yet in his possession. To speak nothing of the angels that fell, and of the glory
that they then did lose. I may instance to you the state of Adam in his excellency; Adam,
you know, was once so rich and wealthy, that he had the garden of Eden, the paradise of
pleasure, yea, and also the whole world to boot, for his inheritance; but mark, in all his
glory, he was without a wall; wherefore presently, even at the very first assault of the
adversary, he was not only worsted as touching his person and standing, but even stripped
of all his treasure, his paradise taken from him, and he in a manner left so poor, that
forthwith he was glad of an apron of fig-leaves to cover his nakedness, and to hide his
shame form the face of the sun (Gen 3:7). Wherefore, I say, John speaks to the purpose in
saying she had a wall; a wall for defence and safety, for security and preservation. Now
then she shall lie no longer like blasted bones in an open field or valley; that was her
portion in the days of her affliction (Eze 37:1,2).
[ The wall of the city.]
'And had a wall.' It is said of old Jerusalem, that she had a wall and a wall, two
walls for her defence and safety (Jer 39:4; Jer 52:7); which two, in my judgment, did hold
forth these two things. The one, their eternal preservation and security from the wrath of
God, through the benefits of Christ; and the other, that special protection and safeguard
that the church hath always had from and by the special providence of her God in the midst
of her enemies, Wherefore one of these is called by the proper name of salvation, which
salvation I take in special to signify our fortification and safety from the wrath of God,
and the curse and power of the law and sin (Isa 26:1; Acts 4:12). The other is called, A
wall of fire round about her; and alludeth to the vision that the prophet's servant was
made to see for his comfort, when he was put in fear, by reason of the great company of
the enemies that were bending their force against the life of his master (Eze 2:5; 2 Kings
But now in those days, though there were for the defence of the city those two walls,
yet they stood a little distance each from other, and had a ditch between them, which was
to signify that though then they had the wall of salvation about them, with reference to
their eternal state, yet the wall of God's providence and special protection was not yet
so nearly joined thereto but that they might, for their foolishness, have that broken
down, and they suffered to fall into the ditch that was between them both (Isa 22:10-12).
And so he saith by the prophet, 'I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard [that is,
to this city for the wickedness thereof], I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall
be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down' (Isa
5:5-7). Which hedge and wall could not be that of eternal salvation, for that stood sure,
though they should be scattered among the nations 'as wheat is sifted in a sieve'
(Amos 9:9). It must therefore be the wall of her special preservation in her outward peace
and happiness, which wall was often in those days broken down, and they made havoc of, of
all that dwelt about them.
But now touching the safety of New Jerusalem, the city of which I here discourse, she
is seen in the vision by John to have but one only wall; to signify that at this day the
wall of her eternal salvation, and of God's special providence to protect and defend her,
in her present visible and gospel glory, shall be so effectually joined together, that now
they shall be no more two, that is, at a distance, with a ditch between, but one sound and
enclosing wall; to show us that now the state of this Jerusalem, even touching her outward
glory, peace, and tranquility, will be so stable, invincible, and lasting, that unless
that part of the wall which is eternal salvation, can be broken down, the glory of this
city shall never be vailed more. Wherefore the prophet, when he speaks with reference to
the happy state and condition of this city, he saith, 'Violence shall no more be heard in
thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls
salvation, and thy gates praise' (Isa 60:18); as he saith also in another place, 'Thine
eye shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that shall not be taken
down, not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, neither shall any of the cords
thereof be broken' (Isa 33:20). The walls are now conjoined, both joined into one; the
Father hath delivered up the great red dragon into the hand of Christ, who hath shut him
up and sealed him down, even down for a thousand years (Rev 20:1-3). Wherefore from the
Lord shall there be 'upon every dwelling-place of Mount Zion, and upon her assemblies a
cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for upon all her glory shall be a defence' (Isa 4:5). And 'in that day shall this song be sung: We have a
strong city, salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks' (Isa
26:1,2). The same in effect hath our prophet John, saying 'I saw the holy city, the New
Jerusalem,' descending out of heaven from God, 'prepared as a bride adorned for her
husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, - The tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them: - and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow, nor crying; neither shall there be any more pain; for the former
things are passed away' (Rev 21:1-4).
'And had a wall great and high.' These words, great and high, are added for
illustration, to set out the matter to the height; and indeed the glory of a wall lieth in
this, that it is great and high; the walls of the Canaanites were terrible upon this
account, and did even sink the hearts of those that beheld them (Deu 1:28). Wherefore this
city shall be most certainly in safety, she hath a wall about her, a great wall: a wall
about her, an high wall. It is great for compass, it incloseth every saint; it is great
for thickness, it is compacted of all the grace and goodness of God, both spiritual and
temporal; and for height, if you count from the utmost side to the utmost, then it is
higher than heaven, who can storm it? (Heb 7:26) and for depth, it is lower than hell, who
can undermine it? (Job 11:8).
Great mercies, high mercies, great preservation, and a high arm to defend, shall
continually at this day encamp this city: God himself will be a continual life-guard to
this city; 'I will encamp,' saith he, 'about mine house, because of the army, because of
him that passeth by, and because of him that returneth; and no oppressor shall pass
through them any more; for now have I seen with mine eyes' (Zech 9:8).
[The gates of the city.]
'And had twelve gates.' Having thus showed us her wall, he now comes to her gates; it
had gates, it had twelve gates. By gates in this place we are to understand the way of
entrance; gates, you know, are for coming in, and for going out (Jer 17:19,20); and do in
this place signify two things. First, An entrance into communion with the God and Saviour
of this city. Secondly, Entrance into communion with the inhabitants and privileges of
this city; in both which the gates do signify Christ: for as no man can come to the
knowledge and enjoyment of the God, and glorious Saviour, but by and through the Lord
Christ; so no man can come into true and spiritual communion with these inhabitants, but
by him also: 'I am the way,' saith he, 'and the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto
the Father but by me': and again, 'I am the door, by me if any man enter in, he shall be
saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture' (John 10:1-9; 14:6).
'And had twelve gates.' In that he saith twelve gates, he alludeth to the city of
Jerusalem that was of old, which had just so many (Neh 3: 12:37-29); and are on purpose
put into the number of twelve, to answer to the whole number of the elect of God, which
are comprehended within the number of the twelve tribes, whether they are natural Jews or
Gentiles; for as all the godly Jews are the seed of Abraham after the flesh, though to
godly, because they are the children of the flesh of Abraham; so all the godly Gentiles
are the children of Abraham after the spirit, though not by that means made the children
of the flesh of Abraham. They both meet then in the spirit and faith of the gospel, as God
saith to the Jews, 'when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover to
the Lord,' that is, become godly, and receive the faith of Christ, let all his males be
circumcised, and then let them come near, and keep it, &c. (Exo 12:48). For they that
are of faith, are the children of faithful Abraham, who is called the very father of us
all (Gal 3:7; Rom 4:16). Thus you see all the godly come under the title of the children
of Abraham, and of the Jews; and so under the denomination also of being persons belonging
to the tribes, the twelve tribes, who answer to those twelve gates. Wherefore the Psalmist
minding this, speaking indefinitely of all the godly, under the name of the tribes of
Israel; saying, 'Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded
as a city that is compact together, whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto
the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord' (Psa 122:2-4).
But again, though I am certain that all the Gentiles that are at any time converted,
are reckoned within the compass of some of the tribes of Israel, to which the gates of
this city may truly be said to answer; yet the gates are here in a special manner called
by the name of twelve, to answer to the happy return and restoration of those poor
distressed creatures the twelve tribes of the Jews that are scattered abroad, and that
are, and for a long time have been to our astonishment and their shame, as vagabonds and
stragglers among the nations (Hosea 9:17), there to continue 'many days, without a king,
and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an ephod' (Hosea 3:4). That is,
without the true God, the true Saviour, and the true word and ordinances; after which,
saith the same prophet, they shall even in the latter days, that is, when this city is
builded, return and seek the Lord their God, and David their king, and shall then 'fear
the Lord and his goodness' (Hosea 3:5). This the apostle also affirmeth, when he telleth
the believing Gentiles that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of
the Gentiles be come in: which Israel in this place cannot by any means be taken for the
Gentiles that are converted, for this Israel must be rejected until the bulk of the elect
Gentiles be converted; besides he calleth this Israel by the name of Israel, even while
unconverted; but the converted Gentiles still Gentiles, even when converted: he calls this
Israel the natural branches, but the Gentiles wild branches; and tells us further, that
when they are converted, they shall be grafted into their own olive tree; but when the
Gentiles are converted, they must be cut off of their own stock and tree: read Romans 11
throughout. Wherefore, I say, the gates are called twelve, to answer these poor creatures,
who at this day shall be awakened, and enlightened, and converted to the faith of Jesus.
These gates in another place are called a way, and these Jews, the kings of the east; and
it is there said also, that at present this way doth want preparing; which is as much as
to say this city wants setting up, and the gates want setting in their proper places.
Wherefore, saith John, the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates,
that is, destroyed the strength and force of the Roman antichrist--for the river Euphrates
was the fence of literal Babylon, the type of our spiritual one--which force and fence,
when it is destroyed or dried up, then the way of the kings of the east will be prepared,
or made ready for their journey to this Jerusalem (Rev 16:12). Of this the prophets are
full, crying, 'Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stumbling block out of
the way of my people' (Isa 57:14). And again, 'Go through, go through the gates, prepare
ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the high way; gather out the stones, lift up a
standard for the people. Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say
ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold thy salvation cometh; behold his reward is with
him, and his work before him. And they shall call them, The holy people, the redeemed of
the Lord: and thou shalt be called, Sought out; A city not forsaken' (Isa 62:10-12). All
which doth most especially relate to the conversion of the Jews in the latter day, who in
great abundance shall, when all things are made ready, come flocking in to the Son of God,
and find favour, as in the days of old.
[The angels at the gates, what they are.]
'And at the gates twelve angels.' By angels in this place, we are to understand the
messengers and ministers of the Lord Jesus, by whom the mystery of eternal life and
felicity is held forth and discovered before the sons of men; and thus this word angel is
frequently taken in this prophecy (Rev 1:20; 2:1,8,12,18; 3:1,7; 14:6).
'And at the gates twelve angels'--
In these words, then, there are two things to be considered. First. Why they
should be called twelve. And, Second. Why they are said to stand at the twelve
gates of this new and holy city.
First. They are called twelve, to signify two things. 1. The truth of their
doctrine. And, 2. The sufficiency of their doctrine and ministry for the converting of the
twelve tribes to the faith of Christ, and privileges of this city.
1. For the truth of their doctrine: for by twelve here he would have us to understand
that he hath his eye upon the twelve apostles, or upon the doctrine of the twelve, the
apostolical doctrine. As if he should say, This city, the New Jerusalem, shall be every
way accomplished with beauty and glory; she shall have a wall for her security, and twelve
gates to answer the twelve tribes; yea, and also at these gates the twelve apostles, in
their own pure, primitive, and unspotted doctrine. The Romish beasts have corrupted this
doctrine by treading it down with their feet, and have muddied this water with their own
dirt and filthiness (Eze 34:17,18). *
* Referring to the attempts made in Bunyan's days
to introduce Popery. It is admirably shown in the Pilgrim's Progress, p. 193--'This
is the spring that Christian drank of; then it was clear and good, but now it is dirty
with the feet of some that are not desirous that pilgrims here should quench their
But at this day, this shall be recovered from under the feet of these beasts, and
cleansed also from their dirt, and be again in the same glory, splendour, and purity, as
in the primitive times. It is said that when Israel was passed out of Egypt, beyond the
sea, they presently came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, &c., and that they
encamped by the waters (Exo 15:27). Which twelve wells did figure forth the doctrine of
the twelve apostles, out of which the church, at her return from captivity, shall draw and
drink, as out of the wells of salvation. Now shall the wells of our father Abraham, which
the Philistines have for a great while stopped; now, I say, shall they again be opened by
our Isaac, his son; and shall be also called after their own names (Gen 26:18). This is
generally held forth by the prophets, that yet again the church shall be fed upon the
mountains of Israel, and that they 'shall lie down in a good fold, and a fat pasture';
yea, 'I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God' (Eze
2. As by these twelve we are to understand the truth and purity of the doctrine of the
twelve, so again, by this word twelve, we are to understand the sufficiency of that
doctrine and ministry to bring in the twelve tribes to the privileges of this city. Mark,
for the twelve tribes there are twelve gates, for every tribe a gate; and at the twelve
gates, twelve angels, at every gate an angel. 'O Judah,' saith God, 'he hath set an
harvest for thee, when I returned the captivity of thy people' (Hosea 6:11). And so for
the rest of the tribes; before Ephraim and Benjamin, and Manasseh, he will stir up his
strength to save them (Psa 80:2). 'I will hiss for them,' saith God, 'and gather them, for
I have redeemed them; and they shall increase as they have increased: and I will sow them
among the people, and they shall remember me in far countries, and they shall live with
their children, and return again; I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt,
and gather them out of Assyria, and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon,
and place shall not be found for them' (Zech 10:8-10).
[Second.] But to come to the second question, that is, Why these twelve angels
are said to stand at the gate? which may be for divers reasons.
1. To show us that the doctrine of the twelve is the doctrine that letteth in at these
gates, and that also that shutteth out. 'Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted,'
saith Christ, 'and whosesoever sins yet retain, they are retained' (John
20:23; Matt 18:18). And hence it is that the true ministers, in their right
administration, are called porters; because as porters stand at the gate, and there open
to, or shut upon, those that make an attempt to enter in (Mark 13:34); so the ministers of
Christ, by the doctrine of the twelve, do both open to and shut the gates against the
person that will be attempting to enter in at the gates of this city (2 Chron 23:19).
2. But again, they are said to stand at the gates for the encouraging and persuading of
the tempted and doubting Jews, who at the beginning of their return will be much afflicted
under the sight and sense of their own wretchedness. Alas! were it not for some to stand
at the gates of this city for instruction, and the encouragement of those that will at
that day in earnest be looking after life, they might labour as in other things for very,
very vanity; and might also be so grievously beat out of heart and spirit, that they might
die in despair. But now to prevent this for those that are in the way to Zion with watery
eyes, and wetted cheeks, here stand the angels, continually sounding with their golden
gospel-trumpets, 'Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with
praise; be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good, and
his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endureth' for ever, even 'to all
generations' (Psa 100:4,5). As he saith again, 'And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the
land of Assyria, and the outcast in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the Lord in the
holy mount at Jerusalem' (Isa 27:13).
[The names written on the gates.]
'And at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel.' Thus it was in the vision of the prophet,
when he was taking a view of the pattern of this city: 'And the gates of the city,' saith
the angel to him, 'shall be after the names of the tribes of Israel' (Eze 48:31).
Which saying John doth here expound, saying, the names of the twelve tribes of the
children of Israel were writ or set upon them.
This being thus, it cleareth to you what I said but now, to wit, that the gates are
called twelve, to answer the twelve tribes, for their names are written thereon. This must
therefore, without all doubt, be a very great encouragement to this despised people; I say
great encouragement, that notwithstanding all their rebellion, blasphemy, and contempt of
the glorious gospel, their names should be yet found recorded and engraved upon the very
gates of New Jerusalem. Thus then shall the Jews be comforted in the latter days; and
truly they will have but need hereof; for doubtless, at their return, when they are
thoroughly sensible of the murder they have committed, not only upon the bodies of the
prophets and apostles, but of the Son of God himself, I say this must needs, together with
the remembrance of the rest of their villainous actions, exceedingly afflict and distress
their bleeding souls. For 'the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of
Judah together, going and weeping; they shall go and seek the Lord their God. They shall
ask the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward' (Jer 50:4,5). Mark, 'going and
weeping'; there will not be a step that these poor people will take in the day of their
returning, but will be watered with the tears of repentance and contrition, under the
consideration of the wickedness that, in the days of their rebellion, they have committed
against the Lord of glory. As he saith also by another prophet, 'I will pour upon the
house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of
supplications; and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn
for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for
him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. In that day shall there be a great
mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadad-rimmon in the valley of Megiddon, and the
land shall mourn' (Zech 12:10-12).
Wherefore, I say, they both have and also will have need of twelve gates, and on them
the names of their twelve tribes, with an angel at each, to encourage them to enter this
holy and goodly city; and to tell them that yet he counts them his friends in whose house
he received the wounds in his hands (Zech 13:6).
But again, As by the names of the twelve tribes written on the gates, we may see what
encouragement the Jews will have, at their return, to enter in at them; so we may also
understand that by the names of the twelve tribes here written, God would have us to
perceive how all must be qualified that from among the Gentiles at this day do enter in at
these gates; namely, those, and those only, that be cut out of their own wild olive tree,
and transplanted among the children of Israel, into their good olive tree. Such as are
Jews inwardly, the Israel of God, according to the new creature, they shall enter, for the
holy Gentiles also, by virtue of their conversion, are styled the children of Abraham,
Jews, the chosen generation, the peculiar people, the holy nation; and so are spiritually,
though not naturally by carnal generation, of the twelve tribes whose names are written
upon the gates of the city (Gal 3:7; Rom 2:28; 1 Peter 2:9,10). 'And it shall come to
pass,' saith the prophet, 'that in what tribe the stranger,' that is, the Gentile
'sojourneth, there shall ye give him his inheritance, saith the Lord God' (Eze
47:23). Thus the Jews and Gentiles shall meet together in the spirit of the gospel, and so
both become a righteous nation; to both which the gates of this city shall stand